2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
About This Report
Reporting Period
Reporting Scope
Information Source
This Report is the ?rst corporate social responsibility report issued by QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd. to itsstakeholders. The text information and performance data of the Report are mainly for the period from January 1,2021 to December 31, 2021. Some text information and performance data may involve previous years or re?ectpolicies and practices of 2022.
The Report discloses information on the performance of economic, social and environmental responsibilitiesby QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "QiaoYin"or "Company" or "we"/"us") as wellas its subsidiaries (branches). Relevant typical cases come from a?liates of the Company.
The information and data disclosed herein are sourced from internal official documents, rules and annualreports of QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd. The board of directors and all directors of the Company guaranteethat there are no false records, misrepresentations or major omissions in this Report, and will assume jointand several liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the content hereof. The ?nancial datain this Report is denominated in RMB. In the event of any discrepancy with the ?nancial report, such ?nancialreport shall prevail.
Reporting Form
Reporting Standards
This Report is available in electronic form for your reading. You may visit the Company's o?cial website (www.gzqiaoyin.com) to read the electronic version.
?●China National Standard: Guidance on Social Responsibility Reporting (GB/T 36001-2015)
?●Chinese Academy of Social Sciences: Guidelines for Compiling Chinese Corporate Social ResponsibilityReports (CASS-CSR4.0)?●United Nations: 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
?●International Organization for Standardization: ISO26000 Guidance on Social Responsibility (2010)
?●Global Sustainability Standards Board: Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI Standards)?●Shenzhen Stock Exchange: Guidelines for the Standardized Operation of Listed Companies on ShenzhenStock Exchange (As Revised in 2022)
Table ofContentsPursue Truth, SeekExcellence, MaintainRighteousness andMake InnovationAbout QiaoYin
SustainableDevelopment andRobust CorporateGovernance
StrengtheningMaterials andRevitalizing theEnterprise toGuard the Honor
of the Corps
Green LivingEnvironment toServe the Country
Pulling Together
to Seek the
New Voice oftheTimes
Smart Sanitation
to Build UpHardcoreSupport
Standards IndexFuture Prospect
Reader Feedback Form
Company Pro?le
Analysis of Substantive Issues
Data of QiaoYinDevelopment HistoryCorporate Culture
Stakeholders' Participation
QiaoYin's Honors in 2021
Operation and ComplianceManagement of the Three BoardsRisk ControlInvestor RelationsIntegrityLed by Party-Building
Gathering Talents for QiaoYinCaring for Talents and WorkingBetter TogetherEmpowering Talent Development
City StewardRural RevitalizationNo Waste and Low Carbon
Innovative Cooperation for MutualBene?tsHelping to Build the HarmoniousSociety
Smart Internet of Things
AI Big DataUnified Management throughOne Network
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2021 was the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", when theblueprint was launched for a new journey. As the first stockcompany in the urban management industry of China, Underthe background of the economic downturn, the increasingpressure on enterprises and the fierce competition in theindustry, QiaoYin still stands out in the fierce competitionin the industry, stays true to its mission, integrates its ownstrategies into national strategies, links its own destiny withthe national destiny, shoulders its responsibilities, focuses onthe core strategy of "comprehensive improvement of the livingenvironment", and builds high-quality development on thebasis of the harmonious development of corporate governance,society and environment. With the support of all its employeesand stakeholders, the Company is striving to achieve commonprosperity and development with the human society.
Improvements with honors in the industry. The Companycontinues to deepen the corporate mission of "beautifyingevery city we live in", so as to achieve the double victory ofstabilizing the foundation and opening a new chapter, and liveup to the high expectation and support of its shareholders andall walks of life. In 2021, the Company ranked ?rst in projects ofover RMB100 million as an environmental sanitation company,and became the first company in the industry with a totalcontract value of over RMB10 billion; the volume of its orders inhand exceeded RMB50 billion; it was awarded one of the "TopTen Influential Environmental Sanitation Companies" for fiveconsecutive years as well as the titles of "Emerging ChineseCarbon Company", "2021 ESG Enterprise with Most InvestmentValue" and "Top 100 High-Growth Enterprise in China", and wasan elected "Leading Private Company in Guangzhou".
Led by strategies with a business layout. The Company hasdeployed a three-in-one service network of "city steward,rural revitalization, and waste-free and low-carbon concept",keeping its leading advantages and excellent performance.As a "city steward", the Company has actively promotedurban ecological restoration and functional improvementprojects, coordinated urban planning, construction andmanagement, created a livable urban environment for thepeople, and actively developed "urban space integrationservices", "city with property management" and other novel
Focus on the "Comprehensive Improvement of the LivingEnvironment", and Boost the Implementation of "RuralRevitalization" and "No-Waste City"
urban governance concepts. The Company has formulated the"Rural Revitalization Strategy Leading Group" and "GuangdongQiaoYin Rural Environment Investment Co., Ltd.", to helpsome villages to win the title of "National Rural GovernanceDemonstration Village", integrate ecological beauty andfarmers' wealth e?ectively, and build a "hard core" to supportrural revitalization. In order to become a green "waste-freeand low-carbon" enterprise, the Company has invested in theconstruction of a circular economy system, broken throughthe technical bottleneck that restricts circular development,promoted the integration of resources in the whole chain, andbuilt industry-benchmarking projects.
Integration of service and supervision in digital technologyconstruction. The Company has fully implemented theinformation technology construction, coordinated the layoutof the industry-finance service platform, broken the "dataisland", Integration of "service + supervision" in systematicconstruction, and optimized management and decision-makingby digital means. It has also built a "QiaoYin Smart SanitationPlatform", providing digital, intelligent, planned, standardized,refined and normalized comprehensive environmentalsanitation service solutions through innovative technologyiterations.Shoulder social responsibilities and dare to take the lead.The Company has built a "hard-core team", attached greatimportance to talent cultivation and value realization, cared forveterans, the disabled and other groups that need to be takencare of, provided job opportunities and helped employeesin need. It has established the "Guangzhou QiaoYin CharityFoundation", adhered to the engagement in the good cause,fought against the pandemic, helped students in need, caredfor environmental sanitation workers, and conveyed love andcare with actions. It has also adhered to the developmentconcept of "co-construction, co-creation, joint research and sharing"by joining hands with partners to utilize complementaryadvantages, enhance industry competitiveness, and create atransparent win-win development platform.
Pursue Truth, Seek Excellence, MaintainRighteousness and Make Innovation
Chairman of QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd.
About QiaoYin
Company Pro?leAs China's ?rst A-share listed company in the environmental sanitation service and urban management sector, QiaoYin CityManagement Co., Ltd. is a leading service provider for comprehensive improvement of the living environment in China, and aleading enterprise in urban management services in China.Currently, the Company has a team of around 60,000 members, and has funded, constructed and operated over 300 urbanmanagement service projects in environmental protection and environmental sanitation in over 80 cities from 26 provinces(including autonomous regions and municipalities) across China. Its operating area, tonnage of household garbage removaland number of urban management service projects ranks ?rst in China. With 20 years of experience in professional operationand management, QiaoYin now has over 740 national first-class experts and over 170 national technical patents. It has builtan advanced intelligent environmental sanitation system, with over 7,000 units of special environmental sanitation equipmentand over 500 water cleaning vessels. It has been awarded over 2,000 honors by governments at all levels, and provides services
to over 40 cities applying for the title of cultivated and sanitary cities. QiaoYin is the editor-in-chief of national-level industrycore standards such as the Urban and Rural Road Environmental Sanitation Operation Regulations and the Household GarbageCollection and Transportation Operation Regulations. Guiding industry norms, it has participated in the formulation of 11national-level industry standards.
Board of Shareholders
Board of Directors
Board of Supervisors
Strategy CommitteeAudit Committee
Remunerationand Appraisal
Organization chart of the Company
QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd.
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Development History
?●Guangzhou Lin Ze LandscapingCo., Ltd. (predecessor of QiaoYin)was established
?●Its business was expandedto environmental protectiontecncal services, sewagecollection and transportationtreatment, municipalengineering, facilitymaintenance and other ?elds
?●It was restructured into"QiaoYin EnvironmentalProtection Technology Co.,Ltd."
?●The brand was upgradedthrough the positioningof a "service provider forcomprehensive improvementof the living environment"
?●It was renamed "GuangzhouQiaoYin EnvironmentalProtection Technology Co.,Ltd.", with its main businesschanged into environmentalsanitation
?●It won the bid for GuangzhouLikeng Comprehensive TreatmentPlant, China's largest single-scalekitchen waste treatment project
?●It won the title of "Top TenInfluential Enterprises in China'sEnvironmental Sanitation Industry"
?●It was included in the "RoadCleaning Area Ranking List ofChina's Environmental SanitationIndustry"
QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd.
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
?●It participated in the formulationof the Household GarbageCollection and TransportationOperation Regulations, the Urbanand Rural Road EnvironmentalSanitation Operation Regulationsand other national group corestandards as the editor-in-chief
?●It was successfully listed, becomingChina's ?rst A-share stock companyin the environmental sanitationindustry and the ?rst stock companyin the urban management industry?●It completed the issuance ofconvertible bonds of RMB420million"
It was renamed "QiaoYin CityManagement Co., Ltd.", with astrategic focus on "city steward"
?●It has helped over 40 citiesacross China to win the title of"National Sanitary City" and"National Civilized City"?●Guangdong QiaoYin RuralEnvironment Investment Co.,Ltd. was established?●Guangdong QiaoYin CarbonResources Management Co.,Ltd. was established?●It has won the title of "Top TenIn?uential Enterprises in China'sEnvironmental SanitationIndustry" for ?ve consecutiveyears
?●Participated in the formulation ofthe Technical Regulations on theOperation of Garbage Land?llsfor Household Garbage, theStandard for the Setup of KitchenWaste Collection, Ditrbution andTransfer Facilities, the TechnicalRegulations on Garden WasteCollection and Transportation andother group standards
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Corporate CultureData of QiaoYinQiaoYin's Honors in 2021
Government Department
Industrial Organization
?●The Company has been awarded the title of"Trustworthy Enterprise of Guangdong Province" for12 consecutive years?●The Company won the title of "National Product andService Quality Integrity Demonstration Enterprise","National Quality-Reliable Enterprise" and "NationalLeading Brand in Environmental SanitationManagement"?●An employee of the Company won the 2021"National Labor Medal"
?●The Company was selected as an "Emerging ChineseCarbon Company" by Sina Finance in the ?rst sessionof China's Carbon Companies?●The Company was selected as "2021 Annual ESGEnterprise with the Most Investment Value" byInternational Financial News?●The Company was awarded "2020 Investor RelationsManagement Award" of Golden Bull Award by ChinaSecurities Journal?●
Chairman LIU Shaoyun was awarded "ExcellentManagement Figure" of 2021 by Harvard BusinessReview
The Company was awarded the "Outstanding Enterprise
in Anti-Pandemic Work in 2021"
?●The Company was awarded the title of "Top 50
Chinese Environmental Enterprises" by the China
Environment Chamber of Commerce
The Company was awarded the title of "Top Ten
In?uential Environmental Sanitation Companies" by
China Solid Waste
?●The "Market-Oriented Procurement Project forthe Downtown Landscaping Management andMaintenance of Dianbai District" won the "ExcellentLandscaping Management and Maintenance ProjectDepartment" in Maoming City?●The "Government Procurement Service Project forHousehold Garbage Classification and TownshipEnvironmental Improvement of Jing'an County"was awarded the title of "Garbage ClassificationDemonstration Unit" of Yichun City?●The "PPP Project of Urban-Rural IntegratedEnvironmental Sanitation in Anfu County, JiangxiProvince" was awarded the title of "ExcellentEnvironmental Sanitation Enterprise" in Anfu County?●The "Environmental Sanitation Integration Projectof Chizhou City" was awarded the title of "QualityBenchmark" of Chizhou City
?●The "Environmental Sanitation Marketization ProjectTeam of Environmental Sanitation Administration,Cangzhou City" was awarded the "Most DedicatedUrban Beautician Group" of Cangzhou City
VisionTo build the world's leadingbrand of comprehensiveimprovement services for
the living environment
Beautifying everycity we live in
PurposeServe the society,serve our customers,and serve our employees
ValuesSeek excellence, bedown-to-earth, makeself-improvement, bepersistent, and achievea win-win situation
201920202021Service Fee for the First Year /RMB100 million
Consolidated Gross Margin /RMB100 million
Total Amount of Newly Signed Orders /RMB100 million
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Sustainability Management
Analysis of Substantive Issues
Substantive issues are those that fully re?ect the signi?cant impact of QiaoYin on corporate governance, economy, environmentand society in value creation. The Company identi?es and evaluates substantive issues accurately, and highlights those that havesigni?cant in?uence on the Company and its stakeholders, with the corresponding disclosure and response in the report.CorporateGovernance
?●Corporate governance
?●Sustainable management
?●Investor relations?●Risk control
?●Integrity?●Party-building governance
?●Brand service?●Technological innovation?●Responsible operation
?●Low-carbon andenvironment-friendly
?●Garbage classi?cation
?●Water resources stress?●Toxic emissions and waste?●Clean energy?●Green o?ce
?●Employees' rights andinterests?●Democratic management?●Compensations and benefits?●Training and development?●Employees' health andsafety
?●Care for employees
?●Supply chain management?●Industry cooperation
?●Rural revitalization
Public good
Stakeholders' ParticipationQiaoYin attaches great importance to the communication with stakeholders. As a group that interacts and shares a win-win situationwith the Company, the stakeholders' expectations and demands are important references for the sustainable development ofQiaoYin, and QiaoYin will collect information about the expectations and feedback of external stakeholders, such as its investors,customers, employees and suppliers as well as media and the government, via various channels on a regular basis.StakeholdersExpectations and Demands Communication and ResponseShareholders andinvestors
?●Return on investment?●Protection of rights and interests
?●Corporate transparency
?●General meetings of shareholders
?●Reports published on a regular basis
?●Improved pro?tability
?●Daily information disclosure
?●Visitor survey
?●Optimized risk managementGovernment
?●Legal operation?●Tax payment according to law?●More job opportunities?●Implementation of all policies?●High-quality development?●Ecological protection
?●Actively accepted supervision?●Information reporting?●Working meetings?●Government-enterprise cooperation?●Undertaking social responsibilities
?●Legitimate rights and interests?●Good benefits and developmentopportunities?●Healthy and safe working environment?●Democratic participation right
?●Career promotion mechanism
?●Guaranteed compensations andbene?ts
?●Health and safety managementsystem?●Equal communication and appealmechanism
?●High-quality service
?●Information security
?●Protection of rights and interests ofcustomers
?●Responsible operation
?●Customer satisfaction survey
?●Open and fair procurement
Win-win cooperation
Established supplier managementsystem
Performance of contracts andsupplier evaluations according tolaw
Support for public good
Creating more job opportunitiesfor the community
Engagement in charity
Promoted rural revitalization?●Shared development achievementsIndustry
?●Fair competition
?●Promoted industry progress
?●Industry cooperation
?●Facilitated daily communication
?●Engagement in project cooperation
?●Green operation
?●Energy conservation and emissionsreduction
?●Environmental pollution treatment
?●Improved resource and energye?ciency
?●Promoted green projects
?●Development of a circular economy
?●Technology iterations
?●Adherence to green operation
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Operation and Compliance Management of theThree BoardsThe Company strictly abides by requirements under the Company Law, Securities Law, Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies,Articles of Association and other relevant laws and regulations, and has established a sound and standardized corporate governancestructure, clarifying the decision-making and operation management system of the board of shareholders, board of directors, board ofsupervisors and managers, as well as their responsibilities, procedures and obligations in decision-making, supervision, execution andother aspects, which have thus formed a scienti?c assignment of tasks and e?ective counterbalance of the power body, decision-makingbody, supervisory body and management body, so as to e?ectively safeguard the interests of the Company's investors and stakeholders.
Information DisclosureQiaoYin has formulated the Information Disclosure Management Rules, the Inside Information and Insider RegistrationManagement Rules, the Related-Party Transaction Management Rules and other relevant rules. It has taken initiative to strengthenthe communication with Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Guangdong Securities Regulatory Commission, strictly abide by laws andregulations on listing supervision, enhance the transparency of the Company's operation, e?ectively perform the correspondinginformation disclosure obligation, and announce major events and operation status of the Company to all its investors in a timelyand fair manner, with true, accurate and complete contents, which can protect the right to know of the investors e?ectively.
Strengthen Information Disclosure WorkMake Voluntary Disclosures?●The Company assigns the Company'sinformation disclosure work to the secretaryof the board of directors, establishes andimproves its business rules and proceduresfor information disclosure work, andstandardizes the disclosure of variousperiodic reports and interim reports.
?●The Company has formulated theInformation Disclosure Management Rules,to ensure true, accurate, complete andtimely disclosure of corporate governanceand operation information, improve thetransparency of the Company's operation,and provide su?cient information supportfor investors' decision-making.
General Meetings Proposals Were Reviewed Thereat
Meetings of the Board of Supervisors
Meetings of the Board of Directors
Independent Directors
Employee Representative
Operation of the Three Boards
?●In accordance with the Company Law, Articles of Association and other relevant regulationsand requirements, the Company has formulated the Rules of Procedure for GeneralMeetings. All general meetings are convened and held in accordance with relevantprocedures and requirements. The Company has also adopted the accumulative votingsystem for general meetings and formulated the Detailed Rules on Accumulative VotingSystem for voting at important meetings, so as to ensure all shareholders have equal rightsand safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and shareholders. hasalso formulated the Detailed Rules on Accumulative Voting System for voting at importantmeetings, so as to ensure all shareholders have equal rights and safeguard the legitimaterights and interests of the Company and shareholders.
?●The Company has formulated the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Supervisors. A meetingof the Company's board of supervisors is convened and presided over by the person in chargeof the board of supervisors. The meeting procedures and notification time are executed asrequired, and all supervisors have attended all the past meetings. In daily work, the Company'ssupervisors work in a diligent and responsible manner, supervise and review the Company'sannual ?nancial statements, pro?t distribution plans and other issues, and supervise behaviorsof the Company's directors and executives and issue written opinions thereon.
?●The Company has formulated the Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors , the WorkingRules for Independent Directors and other rules,to elect directors strictly according to thedirector election procedures set forth in the Articles of Association. The board of directorsis able to think based on forward-looking strategies and execute strategies e?ciently. Theknowledge structure and professional ?elds of the members are in line with the Company'sdemand for strategic development, which can help the Company to get familiar with thekeynotes of national policies and the development direction of the industry, and fullysupports the Company's strategic decision-making and stable development. All directorswork conscientiously and perform their duties lawfully, and attend each board meeting toreview major issues and make decisions for the Company.Board of Directors
Board ofSupervisors
General Meeting
Proposals Were Reviewed Thereat
Proposals Were Reviewed Thereat
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Risk ControlInvestor Relations
QiaoYin attaches great importance to internal governance and control, and strictly prevents and controls the Company's corruptionrisks. It has successively formulated the Administrative Measures for Prohibiting Commercial Bribery and the AdministrativeMeasures for Anti-Corruption of QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd., and established a corruption prevention commitment mcanismand reporting mechanism. The Audit and Supervision Department is responsible for executing relevant mechanisms and exercisingits disciplinary inspection and supervision duties, and creates an internal anti-corruption reporting environment where informantsare provided with reporting channels and well protected from retaliation, from the reporting channels, protection of informants,post-handling measures and other perspectives. The Company has executed the corruption prevention commitment mechanismfor key sectors and key personnel. Relevant personnel are required to sign the Corruption Prevention Commitment and acceptsupervision records as required by the Company's anti-corruption supervision and management department.
In 2021, China entered the stage of normalized prevention and controlof the pandemic, and the long-term investor relationship managementof listed companies also faced a transformation test. In this context,QiaoYin has launched innovative videos for investors to check projectson line, which is of pioneering significance to the publicity for a listedcompany by allowing investors who care about the Company understandhow the Company's projects are operated during the pandemic as wellas features of the projects.
Since the listing, the Company has opened the WeChat applet of "QiaYinInvestor Relations", its o?cial website and the "Investment" column inits public account, and accurately refined highlights of the Companyand disseminated the value of the Company by pictures, short videosand other means.
On the 2nd anniversary of its listing, the Company launched an event of"Reward for Shareholders' Suggestions", where the shareholders wereinvited to give suggestions on the Company's operation, which couldenhance the sense of belonging and sense of engagement of theshareholders.
The Company has proactively conducted regular onlineexchanges with foreign investors, for simultaneous valuetransfer to domestic and foreign markets, which has beenhighly recognized by a number of stock market commentatorsin Hong Kong.
In accordance with the Notice on Further Implementing Issues ConcerningCash Dividends of Listed Companies and other institutional documents,the Company has formulated a stable pro?ts distribution policy, taking themaintenance, realization and development of sharholders' rights and interestsas the starting point and objective of its operation and management.
The event was carried out both on line and o? line, with articles publishedthrough the WeChat official account, to implement the requirement ofthe Party committee of the Commission that the capital market shouldserve the people and that the investors' legitimate rights and interestsshould be protected.
QiaoYin has formulated the Investor Relations Management Rules, focusing on the protection of its shareholders and other stakeholders,improving investor relations management, continuously expanding communication channels with investors, regulating investor management,and conducting investor survey, institutional survey and other exchange activities. It has maintained e?cient communications with thecapital market through telephone, ?eld research, online interaction, reverse roadshow, China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News,STCN, Securities Daily, cninf and other means and channels.
Risk Control System
Legal Risk Prevention and Control
In order to achieve comprehensive risk prevention and control,QiaoYin has established a complete risk control system, and hascoordinated with other departments to launch risk managementrules of each department based on the risk system, so as toimplement the risk identi?cation, risk assessment, risk warningand risk treatment in each business part in an accurate, quick,comprehensive and e?ective manner, identify risks in the threemajor sectors of the Company, formulate a series of managementmeasures and rules, insist on risk pre-warning, and give fullplay to the features of risk control.In order to ensure that QiaoYin can reasonably digest the Company's riskmanagement concept, enhance its overall risk prevention awareness,and regulate its risk emergency response means, the Companyhas provided risk management training for its personnel on aregular basis, including the Corporate Procurement Risk Controland Cooperation with State-Owned Enterprise Platforms, theAd-Hoc Training for Case Analysis and Process Optimization andother topics.
QiaoYin has established a joint litigation treatment mechanism and a case registration management system to strengthen its legalrisk prevention and control. The Company will register and assign all cases it receives as soon as possible, and assign certain personelto take over the cases. The Legal Department will establish a joint team with relevant departments for communication about thecase in a timely manner at a "one case, one group" meeting, for a comprehensive analysis of the case. A standardized responseplan will be established for the acceptance, sorting, prosecution/response, feedback, closure and all the other processes of thecase, and archive all litigation materials for each case, for the reference and comparative treatment of similar cases.
Launched the first online clock-in videos of"Project Cloud Research"
Improved value output channels
Launched the "Reward for Shareholders' Suggestions"on the 2nd anniversary of its listing
Established an environment for thecommunication with foreign investors
Stable pro?ts distribution to shareholders
Participated in the event of "Shareholders Are Coming"organized by Guangdong Securities Regulatory Commissionand won the "Pacemaker Award"
In 2021, the Company communicated with nearly 100 institutions such as public offerings, private equity, capitalmanagement entities, securities companies and foreign investors.and also published
hot news through ChinaSecurities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, STCN, Securities Daily, Sina Finance, Tonghuashun, Quanjingwang andother ?nancial media, which were reproduced by
By the End of 2021
Risks in thethree major
Fund allocationrisks
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
The Company has granted its employees the right to report any violations againstthe rules. The reporting telephone or letter can be anonymous. As long as thecontent of the report is veri?ed as true, the Company will reward the informant.
The Company has an anti-corruption reporting mailbox as well as e-mail andhotline for informants, to ensure the availability of the reporting channels.
Upon the receipt of a report, the Company will keep strictly con?dential theinformant and the content of the report.After the reporting clue is accepted, the supervision department of the Companywill carry out a case investigation, and the interviewed employees or the relevantunit or departments should cooperate activelyAfter the investigation or inspection is completed, the supervision department of the Companywill issue an investigation report and handling opinions, and ?nally hand it over to theexecutive in charge for handling.
Led by Party-Building
In 2021, QiaoYin's Party branch actively responded to the call of the Party working committee of the district, cooperated with theCompany's executives to guide the work, closely focused on the Company's objectives, kept united and worked hard, forged ahead,and focused on the publicity and education for employees, given full play to the Party's role as a fortress, studied and implemenedthe spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's speeches thoroughly, carried out normalized learning and education, reinforced theconstruction of grass-roots Party organizations, combined learning theories with QiaoYin's major decisions, applied whathave been learned to practice, and created an atmosphere of "business-centered Party-building".
In May 2021, the Company launcheda series of lectures, including "PartyHistory Cloud Classroom" and "PartyHistory Education", to create an "online+ offline" full-coverage learning mode,setting o? a wave of Party history learingamongst Party members and cadres.The Company continues to hold historyknowledge contests, red battle fields,themed Party days and other events,keeps promoting Party history learning,urban management work, team buildingto create a new situation, and celebratesthe centennial of the Party with excellentachievements.
Party History Events
Themed event of "Walking into the Red Base and Inheriting the Revolutionary Spirit"
In July 2021, QiaoYin carried outthe event of "Care for Old PartyMembers", visited local old Partymembers, listened to their storiesof struggles, and sent love and carefrom the Party branch, to reinforcethe cohesion of the Party membersand cadres.
Care for Old Party Members
QiaoYin's events to celebrate the centennial of the Party in 2021
?●No bribery?●No commercial bribery?●
No illegal embezzlement or misappropriation of theCompany's properties
?●No illegal pro?t-making for relatives and friends?●
No disclosure of inside information or trade secrets?●Restricted part-time jobs and no operation of similarbusinesses
Integrity Principles
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
QiaoYin has always been adhering to the corporate mission of "beautifying every city we live in" and closely focusing on thecore of "comprehensive improvement of the living environment". It has released the development strategy of "city steward", andcomprehensively promoted four strategic initiatives, including "integration of urban and rural environmental sanitation, integrationof production and household pollution prevention and control, integration of management and maintenance of urban public facilities,and integration of planning, investment, construction and operation". A comprehensive urban and rural public environmentalmanagement service system has thus been formed.
City Steward
Quality ServiceWith the core goal of creating "quality demonstration", based on the principles of sincerity, profundity and excellence, QiaoYin hasestablished "four standardized management systems", built a green recycling industry chain, and built a number of high-qualityurban service benchmarks, to continuously meet the people's pursuit for a better life.
The Company has established the AdministrativeMeasures for the Appraisal of New EnvironmentalSanitation Projects, specifying the quality and effectrequired for a new project as well as the duties, tasksand work standards of each department. The Companyhas established new project entry quality evaluationstandards, covering 39 indicators, which will bemeasured based on the actual completion conditions,as well as the corresponding performance indicators.
The Company has established the Administrative Measuresfor the Evaluation System of Environmental SanitationProjects, for each functional department to strengthen themanagement at all levels, so as to promote the constructionof an overall evaluation management system, reflectthe operating status of each project in an objective andcomprehensive manner by operation statistics, evaluationranking, announced rewards and punishments, supervisionand recti?cation and other means, and eventually achieve ahigh-quality, e?cient, low-consumption, balanced, safe andcivilized evaluation system.
Evaluation SystemEntry System
The Company has established the Administrative Measures forProject Responsibility System, to further improve the qualityof the management of the project responsibility system,regulate relevant processes of the responsibility system,and clarify work requirements for the signing, monitoring,assessment, and exercise of rewards and punishmentsof the project responsibility system, to ensure goals ofthe responsibility system can be achieved. The originalmanagement contents of the responsibility system includethe veri?cation of the pro?t value of the responsibility system,settlement of costs and expenses, corruption problems in theresponsibility system, reward and punishment methods in theresponsibility system, evaluation of the safety managementcoe?cient of the project, etc.
SystemThe Company has established the Administrative Measuresfor Project Inspection to improve operating efficacy andreduce project operation risks. With project operationmanagement as the center, focusing on the Company's"seven major work priorities", the Company has conductedinspection on the public relations, receivable management,cost control, brand promotion, production safety, qualitymanagement, asset management and other aspects ofeach project.
Inspection System
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Business CoverageIt has invested, constructed and operated over 300 urban management service projects in over 80 cities from 26 provinces (includingautonomous regions and municipalities) across China, and its operating area, tonnage of household garbage removal and numberof urban management service projects ranks ?rst in China.
The Company's Business Develops Rapidly, withthe Largest Number of Service Projects in China80 cities from 26provinces across China
The business layout hasreached nationwide
Nearly 300
The services cover urbanmanagement projects
Over 40Provide services for applyingfor the title of cultivated andsanitary cities
This drawing is only a schematic diagram and does not represent a real map
City Steward – Benchmarking Project
The First Environmental Sanitation PPP Project in Guangzhou
Integrated Environmental Sanitation PPP Project with a Contract Value of RMB6.7 Billion
The waste treatment and environmental sanitation PPP Project in Guangzhou is the ?rst environmental sanitation PPP projectin Guangzhou, with a term of cooperation of 15 years and a total contract value of RMB1.33 billion. The services cover: spray dustremoval, inner-ring highway cleaning, cleaning of Pearl River waters, etc.
As the currently largest environmental sanitation integration PPP project in China, the environmental sanitation integration PPPproject in Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan Province was selected as a demonstration case of environmental sanitation integrationin 2019. The term of cooperation of the project is 20 years, with a total contract value of RMB6.7 billion.The services cover: road cleaning, garbage collection and transportation, public toilet operation, management and maintenance,landscaping management and maintenance, river wetland management and maintenance, landscape lighting operation managementand maintenance, automobile and boat equipment updating and maintenance, etc. in Guandu District, Kunming. Joining hands withGuandu District, the Company is committed to the vision of a beautiful home.
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Xiangtan Parking Lot BOT
Covering All Five Districts and Counties in Maoming
As QiaoYin's ?rst parking lot project, the urban parking lot and parking space franchise (BOT) project in Xiangtan, Hunan Provincehas a total project value of RMB7.9218 billion, which is another major extension of the "city steward" service.The services cover: the investment and ?nancing, construction, operation and management of above-ground and undergroundpublic parking lots, public three-dimensional parking lots, roads, sidewalks, green parks and other public parking spaces withinthe franchise scope. A number of parking lots are built in batches as planned, which can solve the problem of "di?cult parking anddisorderly parking" and regulate parking management as needed for parking in the downtown area of Xiangtan.
The environmental sanitation integration project has covered all the five districts and counties of Maoming City, focusingon the comprehensive improvement of the living environment, actively exploring and improving urban management, andcomprehensively improving the appearance and sanitation of the city. In January 2021, with the help of QiaoYin, Maoming passedthe technology evaluation for the title of National Sanitary City, o?cially becoming a "National Sanitary City", and was nominatedas a National Civilized City.The services cover: road cleaning, garbage collection and transportation, operation and management of household garbagetransfer facilities, garbage transportation, public toilet management and road railing cleaning, removal of "street ads", ditchgarbage cleaning and other sudden and temporary environmental sanitation service projects.
Working picture of environmental sanitation vehicles in Maoming
No Waste and Low Carbon
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Garbage Classi?cation"Promoting the reduction and recycling of household garbage" is a key concept in the Action Plan for Carbon Dioxide PeakingBefore 2030. By 2030, the classi?cation of urban household garbage will be fully covered, and the proportion of household garbagerecycling will be increased to 65%.In the field of garbage classification, QiaoYin resolutely follows the principle of "government leadership, market orientation,department cooperation, and public participation", dares to try, makes full use of Internet technology, actively explores theoperation mode of intelligent garbage classi?cation, and manages the front-end and mid-end collection and transportation ofgarbage and the terminal treatment of garbage in the entire chain. Based on the investigation of the classi?cation, collection andtransportation modes of garbage and the conditions of pilot areas, it has developed a smart garbage classi?cation managementplatform system, which relies on technologies of the Internet of Things and mobile Internet, and implemented effectivesupervision and planning of garbage classi?cation, collection and transportation, opening up an innovative way of urban andrural garbage treatment with QiaoYin's unique characteristics. Through the establishment of a garbage classi?cation informationsystem, the operation and management methods are continuously optimized through data collection and analysis, so that eachbag of garbage is traceable, with the participation and supervision by the whole people, to make the optimal garbage classi?cationservice available to residents.
The Company has successfully provided professional garbage classi?cation services for Guangzhou, Zhanjiang, Kunming, Chizhou,Yichun and other cities, and has successfully operated China's largest garbage classi?cation project in Jiangxi, which provides ane?ective way to realize garbage classi?cation recycling and resource recovery and help relieve the pressure of carbon neutrality.
Garbage Classi?cation Benchmarking Projects?●
Garbage classification pilot project of the downtownarea of Zhanjiang, Guangdong Province?●Full-coverage service project of garbage classi?cation inChancheng District, Foshan City?●Household garbage classification and township environmentalimprovement project in Jing'an County, Jiangxi?●Garbage classification operation service procurementproject in Yichun, Jiangxi Province
?●Household garbage classification service project inseven communities of the Urban Administration, FuqingCity?●Government procurement service project for householdgarbage classi?cation and collection of Xiaodian District?●Garbage classification pilot project of ZhanggongDistrict, GanzhouGarbage Classi?cation
In Foshan, in September 2021, QiaoYin and its wholly-owned subsidiary Guangdong QiaoYin Carbon Resources Management Co., Ltd. won thebid for the full-coverage service project of garbage classi?cation in Chancheng District, Foshan. The project covers 661 residential estates, 356natural villages and "3 25" select units excluding residential estates, 7 public institutions, and farms markets in the whole district.The project has realized the whole-chain management from garbage source classi?cation, mid-end transportation to terminal treatment.We dare to try, make full use of Internet technology, and actively explore the operation mode of intelligent garbage classi?cation, aimingto provide various towns (communities) and districts in Chancheng, Foshan with publicity, training, propaganda, education, supervision,inspection and other co-management services for garbage classi?cation, so as to increase the awareness, engagement and accuracy ofresidents about household garbage, improve the reduction, recycling and harmlessness of household garbage, and ?nally achieve fullcoverage of household garbage classi?cation in the whole district.
In Jing'an, QiaoYin's garbage classification project adopts the latest technologies such as intelligent weighing of classified garbage,over?ow alarm, intelligent face recognition, intelligent deodorization, smoke alarm and automatic ?re prevention, as well as the intelligentcloud platform for garbage classi?cation + WeChat applet + spot inspection management APP, realizing the whole life cycle managementand control from classi?ed garbage dropping, collection, transfer and transportation to garbage treatment. The Jing'an mode was praisedby name by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference.
QiaoYin's Garbage Classi?cation – Full-Coverage Project
Qiaoyin's Garbage Classi?cation - Smart Cloud Platform
QiaoYin's smart cloud platform for garbage classi?cation
Establish a garbage ledgerand check all relevantdata, so as to truly andcomprehensively re?ect thecurrent status of classi?cation
Basic informationmanagement
Carry out "four-color vehicle"comprehensive supervision,and integrate the managementand control of classi?edtransportation throughpositioning and tracking
Classi?ed transportation
Diversi?ed service modeson the mobile terminal +diversi?ed service contents, toenhance public engagement
Classified public management
service window
Provide data support forshort-term decision-makingand long-term planningof classi?cation work,and make classi?cationresults visible, controllable,analyzable and predictable
Classi?cation decision-
making center
Smart monitoring dataexchange, to build an e?cientand clean classi?cationtransfer station
Classi?ed transfer
All-type classi?cation terminalsupervision, full analysis ofthe waste treatment capacity,access monitoring, and safeand e?cient operation ofclassi?ed treatment
Classi?ed treatment
Adopt the "clocking-type"+ "bus-type" + "Didi-type"mode for collection, andcollect accurate informationabout classi?cation ;conduct vehicle-mountedclassi?cation and weighingmanagement, focus onclassi?cation quality, andgive directional guidance
Classi?ed collection
Track the publicity in ascienti?c and truthfulmanner, and quantify thepublicity e?ect accurately
Classi?cation publicity
Integrate residents,environment and supervision,to control garbageclassi?cation from the source,with the help of the AI functionof "cloud supervision"
Classi?eddropping control
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Kitchen waste treatment has always been a major problem in urban environmental protection construction. LikengComprehensive Treatment Plant, as China's currently largest environmental protection project for kitchen waste treatment,deals with di?culties in the sorting of kitchen waste, makes a series of technological innovations and practices in front-endseparation and biogas residue treatment, designs a small cycle of water, gas and residue within the plant and a large cycleoutside the plant based on a design concept of green, recycling, negative carbon and harmony, turns kitchen waste into cleanenergy, and contributes to the construction of a low-carbon city. As a livelihood project integrating environmental, social andeconomic bene?ts, the project has relieved the pressure of Guangzhou as a "garbage-besieged city", improved the garbagetreatment layout, and realized the bene?ts of "green power generation".
The Likeng project is the ?rst large-scale application of thermal hydrolysis technology in kitchen waste treatment. From trialoperation to commercial operation, the project company has made e?orts in three aspects, including uni?ed management,improved technology, and outer circulation. The project adopts a hybrid process of "pretreatment (large-size sorting + thermalhydrolysis + two-stage pulping) + wet anaerobic digestion + biogas slurry treatment system + comprehensive biogas powergeneration utilization system + anaerobic biogas residue and sludge treatment system". Meanwhile, it is equipped with anodor collection and treatment system, an automatic control and o?ce work system and other systems, to reduce pollutantsand reduce emissions to the standard. Besides, it uses biogas generated from organic matters for power generation. Thebiogas power generation system is operated in a manner of "self-generated and self-consumed, with the surplus connected tothe power grid". Compared to coal-?red units, biogas generating units takes shorter timer for start-up, with a wider operatingload range and better peak regulation performance.The project not only has carried out bene?cial explorations for the reduction, harmlessness and recycling of kitchen waste inGuangzhou, but is also of great signi?cance to the building of a clean and safe energy supply system for Guangzhou. As of theend of 2021, Likeng Comprehensive Treatment Plant had achieved a daily target production capacity of 750 tons of kitchenwaste, a total of more than 200,000 tons of household garbage, a daily production of 40,000 cubic meters of biogas, andan annual power generation volume of about 48 million kWh (which can meet the annual demand for electricity of 40,000households). It can also reduce around 47,900 tons of CO2 emissions per year.
Power Generation with Kitchen Waste – Likeng Comprehensive Treatment Plant
Garbage weighingand receiving system
Hygrothermalhydrolysis treatmentsystem
Solid-liquidseparation bypressing
O?-site solidincineration
Reuse ordischarge intothe pipelinenetwork inaccordance withthe standard
Sealing and negativepressure of thedeodorization systemSorting of largematerials
Sludge and biogas residuedewatering system
Transported to o?-siteincinerationPower generation
Map of Likeng Comprehensive Treatment Plant
Renewable Resources
Garbage power generation is a way to create renewable energy. It can supply clean energy, control environmental pollution andsolve climate changes at the same time. It is one of the e?ective actions to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality. QiaoYin follows theprinciple of harmless, reduced and recycled garbage treatment, adjusts its measures according to local conditions, develops andutilizes solid waste in a reasonable manner, realizes the utilization of renewable resources, produces green power, and e?ectivelyresponds to environmental problems and energy crises.Joined hands with scientific research institutions, to establish a solid and hazardous waste, to create a new ecology of smartenvironmental sanitation operation and management, and establish a professional R&D and operation team, including a kitchenwaste treatment team, a leachate treatment team, and a biogas power generation team. The center has continuously improved itsR&D capability, actively carried out the research on recycling technology, resource utilization technology, systematic technologyand other key technologies on the efficient recycling of resources, broken through the technical bottleneck that restricts thedevelopment of the circular economy, explored opportunities for cleaning, and realized power generation by waste incineration,maximize waste to treasure, optimize the energy supply structure, reduce carbon dioxide emissions, safeguard the ecologicalenvironment, and create more circular economic bene?ts. The Company has vigorously introduced top experts and senior talents inthe industry. At present, there are over 740 experts at the national ?rst-class level, and a total of 113 plans have been developed fortechnical operation and improvement.
In 2021, the investment in solid wastetreatment, smart sanitation and otherR&D projects reached a total ofRMB
A year-on-year growth of
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
QiaoYin's Lichuan Garbage Incineration Power Generation Project has realized the collaborative processing of waste and cleanpower supply. The project adopts energy-saving, environment-friendly, advanced and reliable units, to enhance productionefficiency, reduce labor intensity and improve the working environment. As long as the requirements for the productionprocess are met, the land occupied is as small as possible, the buildings are arranged as close to each other as possible,and the green land is reserved as large as possible. Meanwhile, the reuse of energy is reinforced to upgrade the green powerstructure.Currently, the project is at the preliminary stage of detailed survey and plant design, and the project, feasibility study, etc.have been o?cially approved. After the incineration line is completed, it will be able to process 255,000 tons of garbage peryear, and the average annual power generation under rated conditions will be 104 million kWh. Upon conversion into thestandard coal quantity, it can save 12,700 tons of standard coal per year (equivalent value). Upon the deduction of the powerconsumption required for the incineration project, 85 million kWh of electricity can be supplied to the power grid each year.
The Sewage Treatment Plant of Fushan Circular EconomyIndustrial Park funded and operated by QiaoYin is thecurrently largest single-scale landfill leachate treatmentplant project in China. With the large number of sourcesof sewage and the complex water quality, the projectincludes a high-concentration sewage, a low-concentrationsewage and a concentrate treatment system. Uponpurification, the landfill leachate will all be reused inthe park, to achieve "zero emission" of sewage in thepark, and achieve multi-win economic, environmentaland social bene?ts. It has thus played an important partin water pollution control, energy conservation andemission reduction in Guangzhou.The Company has pushed its refined management to ahigher level, actively undertaken social responsibilities,participated in the building of ecological civilization,and solved the ecological problem of water pollutionwith technological innovation. As of the end of 2021, thetreatment plant had treated around 3,000 tons of sewageper day, and around 950,000 tons per year.
Recycling – Lichuan Garbage Incineration Power Generation
Sewage Treatment Plant of Fushan Circular Economy Industrial Park, Luogang, Guangzhou
High-concentrationsewage: "UASB anaerobic +
external MBR + membrane
advanced treatment"
treatment process
"Membrane reduction+ advanced oxidation"treatment process
Low-concentrationsewage: "Biochemical+ membraneadvanced treatment"
treatment process
Zero EmissionQiaoYin has made great efforts to practice "zero emission", and has built a resource recycling industrial system and a wasterecycling system, including the secondary recycling and utilization of sewage. It has carried out comprehensive management andsupervision of sewage discharge and treatment and established a large-scale comprehensive treatment plant project, to realize therecycling of water resources, collect, treat and control sewage in the production process e?ectively, conduct daily maintenance andmanagement of relevant sewage treatment facilities, promote the realization of carbon dioxide peaking and carbon neutrality, andpromote the construction of ecological civilization.
Carbon Reduction TargetQiaoYin has actively reduced energy consumption by energy-saving and material-saving means, to achieve the purpose of reducingcarbon emissions indirectly. The Company has implemented the green and low-carbon strategy and assisted in ecologicalconstruction. It has compiled the "QiaoYin's Action Plan on Carbon Dioxide Peaking and Carbon Neutrality", strived to improve theutilization rate of energy resources, and contributed to the low-carbon economy by adopting the concept of green o?ce, promotinggarbage classi?cation, planting trees and purchasing new-energy vehicles with environmental sanitation properties.
Map of the Sewage Treatment Plant of Fushan Circular EconomyIndustrial Park, Luogang
QiaoYin has been actively advocating low-carbon travel, byencouraging its employees to take public transportation to workor commute with colleagues, and holding over 79% of its meetingson line. Besides, the Company has been vigorously promotingpaperless office. It has gradually established a complete setof electronic (OA and mailbox) and networked work modes toavoid ineffective printing, and has actively promoted electronicsignatures. In terms of the use of electrical appliances, it strictlyimplements the temperature control standard for air conditioners,and advocates that the room temperature in the office shouldbe not lower than 26 degrees in summer and not higher than 20degrees in winter. It also requires its employees to save electricityfor lighting by turning o? the power in time when it is not in useor when no one is in, so as to reduce power load and powerconsumption. With water conservation and all the other actions,the CO2 emission can be reduced, and resource recycling andsustainable development can be promoted.
QiaoYin has actively taken carbon neutrality actions, strivedto act as a "communicator" of ecological civilization and a"guardian" of our green home, and taken practical actions toparticipate in the green incremental action and afforestation.Since 2021, QiaoYin Charity Foundation has arranged fundsfor afforestation every year, to build the "QiaoYin CarbonNeutrality Base". In accordance with the landscaping principleof "increasing the area of landscaping, making landscapingwherever possible, upgrading and improving, and plantingtrees for landscaping", the Company has planted trees ofmultiple species and varieties, and carried out the reclamationof unoccupied land, afforestation and landscaping. Forinstance, the Company has organized various departments tovoluntarily plant trees in the public good forest of employeesin Guangzhou, to jointly build a hundred mu of cherry blossomwood, so as to further beautify our home and keep improvingthe living environment.
As a comprehensive improvement service provider for the livingenvironment, QiaoYin should set an example and contributeits due obligations and strengths to environmental protection.Since January 2018, its headquarters has continued to carry outgarbage classi?cation inspections in its o?ce areas. The "QiaoYinMode" garbage classification is guided by the general principleof "separating the dry from the wet, and putting away harmfulmaterials separately". Office cleaners check each garbage canevery day on a regular basis, and check garbage bags randomly.If any garbage is found dropped to the wrong can, it will be tracedaccording to the code on the garbage bag, for identifying the onewho drops it, which will be linked to the performance of the entiredepartment. Through the "QiaoYin Mode" of garbage classi?cation,we have continuously reduced the harm caused by garbage to ourwork and life, and have implemented the classi?cation, recyclingand harmless treatment of garbage, to turn harmful and wastematters into treasure.
QiaoYin has actively implemented the national policy ofpromoting and applying new energy, practiced green andlow-carbon actions in transportation, and purchased a largenumber of new-energy vehicles as environmental sanitationvehicles. With low noise, low energy consumption and zeroemission, such operator-friendly new-energy environmentalsanitation vehicles are equipped with a navigation andpositioning system, an intercom system and a real-time videomonitoring system, for the real-time reporting of operationquality and failure information, as well as the monitoringof the whole process of operation, which can significantlyimprove the e?ciency and quality of environmental sanitationmanagement. Besides, the vehicles are also equipped withenvironmental sanitation intelligent equipment, for the fullimplementation of a 4.0 service mode supported by big dataand the smart environmental sanitation cloud service, withmodern intelligent machinery as the main body, aiming atultra-cleanness. Being able to truly realize 100% mechanized,intelligent and re?ned environmental sanitation management,such mode is a powerful tool for the Company to improve thee?ect of air pollution control.
Green O?ce
Garbage Classi?cation
New Energy Applications
Zero Emission
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
According to the "No. 1 Central Document", the focus of the next step of rural work will be the promotion of rural revitalization in anall-round way. It is highlighted under the Five-year Action Plan for the Recti?cation and Improvement of Rural Living Environmentof the General O?ce of the CPC Central Committee and the General O?ce of the State Council that the e?ective governance andecological livability will be the focus of improving the rural living environment, which perfectly matches QiaoYin's core strategy of"comprehensive improvement of the living environment". QiaoYin adheres to national policies, thoroughly understands nationalstrategies, studies action paths, adheres to forward-looking thinking and overall planning, develops diversified businesses, andrealizes the coverage of the entire industry chain, to better promote sustainable development.The QiaoYin Mode Helps with the Development of Beautiful Rural AreasQiaoYin has grasped the strategic essence of "leading rural revitalization with ecological civilization", actively cooperated with thelocal government, participated in the comprehensive recti?cation of the rural living environment, improved living conditions, andstrengthened infrastructure construction. Based on the ?ve goals of the rural revitalization strategy, the Company has launchedthe "Refined Cultivation Plan", established QiaoYin Rural Environment Investment Co., Ltd., and actively participated in theservice for rural environment improvement projects, providing sources for activating rural resource elements, playing the roleas a bridge, ploughing the field of hope with innovation, protecting the ecological advantages of the countryside, supportingrural revitalization with sound ecology, and e?ectively integrating ecological beauty and farmers' wealth, to improve the overallappearance of villages as boosted by modernization.In March 2021, the Company formally established the "Leading Group for the Implementation of the Rural RevitalizationStrategy", to steadily advance and deepen the rural revitalization action. Starting from the "integration of urban and rural environmentalsanitation", the Company provides all-in-one solutions in environmental sanitation service areas from cities and counties (districts)to towns (communities), villages and households. Its rural business covers environmental sanitation cleaning and transfer,township sewage and rural medical institution waste water treatment, small-scale on-site garbage treatment, public toiletmanagement, park management and maintenance and other full-chain services. It also joins hands with competent localgovernment departments, comprehensively considers staffing, technology introduction, equipment procurement, factorallocation, financial investment, public services and other aspects, to provide "hard core" support for rural revitalization,and form an urban-rural integrated pattern.Rural Revitalization Advantages
Establish a comprehensive rural revitalization organization leadership mechanism through the establishment of a rural revitalization strategy leadinggroup and a rural environment investment company, and carry out the ?rst project of rural "organizational revitalization".Establish a full-cycle collection and transfer system in the entire rural environmental sanitation industry chain and a rural global digital managementplatform through the integrated environmental sanitation business, to equip and construct environmental sanitation facilities and devices in a scienti?cand reasonable manner, such as people, vehicles and transfer stations, and address the systematic management and modernization of rural governanceat the same time, to improve the e?ciency of rural governance services in an all-round manner.Participate in the compilation of the Quality Standard for Urban and Rural Road Sanitation, the Technical Regulations on Pretreatment of KitchenWaste in Townships and other national-level industry core standards, and thus lead industry norms and continuously promote the improvement ofthe rural living environment.
The Company attracts employment through projects, transforms resource introduction into resource creation, and solves the employment problem forlocal poor households. For instance, in the urban-rural integrated household garbage comprehensive treatment PPP project in Gushi County, it helpedwith poverty alleviation by recruiting poverty-stricken people to work in the project. Meanwhile, by seeking "broom" artists in rural areas, the Companyhas been creating job opportunities for villagers to work near home, and thus established a model for the development of the rural economy.
Establish a Sound Organizational Support MechanismEstablish a Scienti?c Comprehensive System for the Management of the Rural Environment
Establish a Sustainable Long-Term Mechanism
Provide Abundant Job Opportunities to Help with the Revitalization of the Industry
Rural Revitalization – Benchmarking ProjectThe total amount of rural revitalization projects operated by QiaoYin has exceeded RMB6 billion, mainly distributed in Jiangxi,Guangdong, Hebei and Hu'nan. With the launch of township and rural living environment improvement services in the market,there is still a large space for environmental sanitation and supporting services in the market of townships and rural areas. TheCompany has thus sunk to the "steward layout" in townships, for a broad space of growth.
?●An urban-rural integrated environmental sanitation integration project with a totalvalue of over RMB2.6 billion in Lixin County
?●A project of national rural waste classification and treatment demonstrationcounty – Household waste classification and township environmentalimprovement project of Jing'an County, Jiangxi Province?●
The largest environmental sanitation PPP project in Jiangxi Province – Urban-ruralintegrated environmental sanitation PPP project
?●A typical project of rural toilet improvement – marketization of rural environmentalsanitation in Tangxian County and a long-term management and protectionmechanism project for rural toilet renovation?●Park management and maintenance demonstration project – strip – pit mineecological park environmental sanitation and landscaping management andmaintenance service project
By the End of 2021
QiaoYin has actively served nearly
environmentalimprovement projects across China.Helped Wanggang Village in GushiCounty and Shenwan Village inNansha District to win the title"National Rural GovernanceDemonstration Village"
Rural Environmental Improvement Project
In 2021, the launching ceremony of therural household garbage recycling projectin Dali County was held. In response to thecall of the Shaanxi Provincial Governmentto "strive to be a vanguard of ecologicalcivilization construction" and the call ofthe Dali County Government for "strivingto win the title of a provincial-level high-techagricultural demonstration zone", accordingto the current situation of environmentalsanitation of Dali County, QiaoYin hasrealized the full collection, full transfer andfull coverage of rural household garbage,and taken the lead to build a garbagerecycling mode of "collected by the village,transferred by the town, and treated bythe county", which is unique to Dali, andis of great significance to the promotionof the construction of beautiful villages,improvement of the living environmentin rural areas, and furtherance of the ruralrevitalization work.
QiaoYin's Garbage Transfer Project in Dali
Launching ceremony of the rural household garbage recycling project of Dali County
Rural Revitalization
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Smart Internet of ThingsQiaoYin Smart Sanitation System realizes such functionsas vehicles, ships, garbage cans, personnel, rubbish transferstations, UAVs and public toilets through the "Internet ofThings". Characterized by comprehensive perception, reliabletransfer and smart processing, the system enables the controlcenter to manage and operate in a more refined and dynamicmanner, refines and meshes the operation area, reasonablyplans the operation route, operation personnel and operationquantity, and regularly supervises the implementation of dailyoperations. The Company also establishes an emergencymanagement guarantee mechanism, combines the sitemonitoring system, sanitation sensor equipment and safetymanagement, and establishes a perfect personnel managementand safety risk handling system, thus improving the overallinformatization capacity of the Company.
Internet of Things
Warning Center
Big Data
Project ManagementAsset ManagementHuman ResourceProcurement Management
Structure of Smart Sanitation System
QiaoYin SmartSanitation Platform
Page of Smart Sanitation System
Smart Sanitation System – Internet of Things Management
Life Cycle Management of VehiclesSmart Parking Big Data Visualization Platform
By the End of 2021The total number of networkingequipment of QiaoYin SmartSanitation has reached
with the online rate of runningequipment reaching
Uni?ed Management Through One NetworkFollowing the ideal of "uni?ed management through one network", QiaoYin Smart Sanitation System covers such businesses asintegrated sanitation services, smart city management construction, municipal administration management and maintenance,public toilet management and maintenance, landscaping conservation, water body maintenance, public property, urban parkingservices and engineering construction, thus integrating the external service capacities with internal businesses. By fully coveringthe customer management, supply chain management, operation management, procurement management, warehousemanagement and transportation management modules, the Company is rapidly informatized and provides backbonepersonnel for enterprises to help them capture market opportunities, rationally allocate enterprise resources and optimize thecombination of production factors, thereby improving the economic bene?ts and competitiveness of enterprises.
By establishing the "QiaoYin Smart Sanitation Platform",QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd. builds a managementand data analysis platform for national sanitation services,drives re-innovation and re-development with digitalization,promotes fine and efficient management and operationsystematically, empowers all links of environmental servicesand breaks down regional information barriers, thus reducingcosts and increasing bene?ts on the whole.Through the smart terminal platform, the "QiaoYin SmartSanitation Platform" realizes the real-time management of thepeople, objects and things involved in sanitation services atfull time and in all areas; through the instant warning, precisecommand, ?ne scheduling and overall control functions of theplatform, the Company helps enterprises carry out intelligentsupervision and scientific decision-making to improve theiroperation efficiency and quality and lay a solid technicalfoundation.
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
AI Big Data
In the Company's business development and decision-making,predictive and suggestive indicators are often needed. In thepast, this process was usually completed by professionaldata mining engineers due to professionalism. The QiaoYinSystem combining AI with big data analysis completes deepanalysis directly by drag and drop on the visual operationpage. It establishes data models with high-quality data,predicts and analyzes data and produces data reportsto seamlessly connect all functional modules, includingprocurement management, CRM management, smart projectmanagement, Internet of Things management, personnelmanagement and ?nancial management.
The working status of front-line operationpersonnel of the project, such as going onduty, getting o? duty, being late, leaving early,being on duty, being off duty, sitting on duty,negative working hours and working mileage, isintelligently managed by intelligent sanitationterminal.
Smart Management of Personnel
Qiaoyin garbage classi?cation smart cloud platform
Operation area monitoring alarm,the systemautomatically detects the absence of operationpersonnel, adjusts the operation area or otherabnormalities, and prompts users to con?rmand deal with them
The system automatically generates theweekly working schedule of each personnelaccording to the big data of commuter timewithin the past one month, and the administeronly needs to temporarily adjust the leave andtemporary shift of the personnel
Personnel Operation area Monitoring
Personnel Automatic Scheduling
The system automatically counts the dataon the attendance of personnel, inspectiontimes in the operation area, total operationmileage, operation hours, stay and leaveevery day, and then automatically calculatesthe performance score for the day
Personnel Precise Performance
The system makes data statistics accordingto supervision information and forms variousstatements to facilitate the managementdecision-making of supervisors. The scope ofstatistics includes the summary of personneloperation results, operation process, personnelattendance information and violations
Personnel Intelligent Appraisal
By the End of 2021
the Smart Sanitation System has been implemented in atotal in 26 provinces or cities nationwide,
projects covering all sanitation workers'operational services.
Smart Sanitation System – AI Module Big Data
Analysis of yearly, quarterly and monthly procurementdemands?●Analysis of yearly, quarterly and monthly collectionamount trend?●Comparative analysis of procurement types, regionsand amount of regions and projects?●
Comparative analysis of supplier services; and stockanalysis
?●Analysis of regional distribution in China
Analysis of regional distribution of all projects in China
?●Analysis of the operation type, operation area, personneland vehicles of the project?●Analysis of project operation progress on a yearly, quarterlyand monthly basis
?●Analysis of project operation quality on a yearly, quarterlyand monthly basis
Analysis of total number, types, distribution and sourceof customers?●
Analysis of trend of new customers on a yearly, quarterlyand monthly basis
?●Analysis of customer visit
Analysis of customer satisfaction and loss
?●Analysis of allocation of vehicle informatization
Analysis of allocation of personnel informatization
?●Analysis of allocation of ship informatization
?●Analysis of allocation of transfer station informatization?●Analysis of allocation of UAVs, unmanned vehiclesweeping, unmanned inspection and other AI
Big Data Analysis of Procurement
Big Data Analysis of Project
Big Data Analysis of Customer
Big Data Analysis of Informatization
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Gathering Talents for QiaoYinQiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd., adhering to the enterprisespirit of "one army, one school, one family", understands,respects and cares for employees' needs in the work and life, andprovides them with corresponding life and work security. TheCompany develops the Measures for Recruitment Management,specifying that regardless of race, color, age, sex, ethnicity ornationality, disability, pregnancy, religious belief and otherfactors, the Company will give priority to providing employmentopportunities for the poor, the extremely poor and the disabled;particularly, it will prioritize the work place of those enjoying theminimum living guarantee in the village projects.
In order to "attract, retain and motivate talents", QiaoYinCity Management Co., Ltd. adopts a fair and reasonablesalary and welfare management system and develops theMeasures for Salary Management, provides employees withcompetitive salaries in line with the market level in strictaccordance with the Labor Contract Law of the People'sRepublic of China and relevant labor laws and regulations,and continues to improve the salary system to effectivelyprotect the rights and interests of employees in accordancewith relevant national laws and regulations.The company formulates the Measures for PerformanceManagement and establishes a performance appraisal,incentive and restraint mechanism where salaries of seniormanagers are linked to the Company's annual objectives. Forsenior managers of the Company, the annual salary systemcombining the basic salary with year-end performanceappraisal is adopted, where the year-end performance isappraised by the performance management team accordingto the Company's annual business objectives and the
QiaoYin strives to create an atmosphere to make all employees feel at home through various ways and means, so that eachemployee can feel the warm care of family members.
The Company organizes abirthday party for employeeswho have a birthday in thesame month, and givesbirthday gifts to them, and themanagement draws a luckydog from these employees torealize the birthday wish.
At the Spring Festival, theCompany not only sendblessings to employeeswho persist in guarding thebeautiful city on the frontline, but also expresses itswarm greetings to familymembers who take care oftheir own families.
In the International WorkingWomen's Day, the Companysends blessings to femaleemployees, holds lecturesand o?ers a half-day holiday.
During the pandemic,the Company sendsantipandemic supplies andwarm greetings from theChairman to employees inhigh-risk areas
On January 29, 2021, in active response to the call of "staying in place for Lunar New Year" and in support of China'spandemic prevention and control work, QiaoYin issued the proposal of "Family Package" to all employees. The noticefull of infection included not only the initiative of strengthening daily pandemic prevention and control, sending ChineseNew Year's gifts to employees and other activities, but also the measures to send Lunar New Year's gifts to employees'family members staying in their hometown to make them feel the family a?ection. After the proposal was issued, projectcompanies across the country responded rapidly by holding the mobilization meeting for "staying in place for Lunar NewYear" to ensure the safety of employees, orderliness of enterprises and stability of the society. QiaoYin puts people ?rst.In response to the call of "staying in place for Lunar New Year", the Company not only issued a proposal and mobilizedemployees, but also provided material security such as salary, welfare and bonus. In addition, project managers indi?erent regions also took the lead to stay in place for Lunar New Year, and cared for employees staying in place for LunarNew Year to make them be at ease, rest assured and feel warm.
Heart-Warming New Year's Gifts
Employee Composition
The Company sends New Year's supplies to employees staying in place for Lunar New Year, which makes the New Yearmore humane.
completion of senior managers' annual work objectivesand then the year-end bonus is paid according to theperformance appraisal results. During the reporting period,the performance management team carried out the annualperformance appraisal on senior managers and strictlyimplemented the Company's management system.In order to better mobilize the employees' enthusiasm, theCompany has reviewed and approved the 2022 Stock OptionIncentive Plan (Draft) to further change external incentivesand restraints into self-incentives and self-restraints, thusmotivating the employees' enthusiasm and realizing a win-winsituation between the Company and employees. In addition,the Company has also formulated the Incentives for MarketDevelopment to stimulate employees to actively participatein, support and closely cooperate with market development,correct employees' attitude toward work, stimulate their workenthusiasm and improve retention of excellent employees andtheir loyalty to the Company through the positive e?ect of theincentive system, so as to ensure the smooth completion of theCompany's indicators.
The Company actively explores the democratic managementof enterprises. To carry forward employees' sense of beingmaster, the Company establishes the Measures for Managementof Supervision and Reporting to ensure employees' rights tobe the master of the Company, specifying that branches andsubsidiaries and projects should post reporting methods on thewall of the office place, and informants can report to the Auditand Supervision Department by phone, letter, interview andother channels; the Company advocates real-name reportingand keeps the personal information of the real-name informantsstrictly con?dential.
By AgeBy Function
Aged 46-55Aged above 55Aged 36-45Aged 25 and below
Aged 25-35
Sales personnelProduction personnelTechnical personnelAdministrative personnel
Financial personnel
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Empowering Talent DevelopmentIn order to fully, rationally and effectively manage and use human resources, QiaoYinCity Management Co., Ltd. formulates the Measures for Management of Rank System,specifying that employees' career development should follow the principle of promotingfrom low to high and level by level; the Company also encourages employees tospecialize in what they are good at. With the improvement of skills and performances, allemployees can have equal promotion opportunities in their own channels.QiaoYin has set up a comprehensive employee training system - QiaoYin University.With "meeting the strategic development of the organization" as the talent trainingobjective and "liberal education, professional teaching and combined with practice"as the training concept, QiaoYin University Hall is specially responsible for thetraining development of all employees, and forms a study and development systemthat "focuses on face-to-face teaching, combined with live broadcast andself-study" around the three plates of project, market and function. QiaoYinUniversity Hall has more than 100 in-house tutors and has developed more than120 courses. In addition, the University Hall also constantly updates and improvessoft and hard teaching facilities such as teaching computers, video software andcourse recording and editing facilities, and has completed the e-learning system bythe end of 2019, which is linked with the in-house HR system and was o?cially usedfor online systematic teaching in April 2020, including training organization, coursemanagement, tutor management, class hour management, online self-study andother aspects.
Training and development
In combination withface-to-face teaching,live broadcastingand online teaching,and realizing overallonline management ofcheck-in, examination,evaluation, class hours,class hours and otheraspects.Induction training, compulsorycourses for new employees
Front-line trainingof project entrance
Market trainingSpecialized training
Million Talents ProgramEDP Leadership SeriesSpecial skill training/seven key areas/goout for training, etc.Advanced training, monthlyinternal promotion training
Training System
By the End of 2021
QiaoYin completed a total of 232training sessions
Number of sessions
Caring for Talents and Working Better Together
Employee care is the core concept of "putting people first" and an important way for the healthy growth of employees and furthersustainable and healthy development of enterprises. Adhering to the safety policy of "safety first, prevention first, comprehensivegovernance", QiaoYin strengthens the awareness of safety protection in production and operation, improves employees' workingconditions, and protects employees' safety and health during the production, striving to achieve the management objective of "zerohuman casualty accident, zero work accident, and zero equipment accident".Keeping pace with the times, the Company initiatively takes the responsibility of caring for employees and takes practical actions tobuild a harmonious enterprise, thus contributing to building a harmonious society. In 2021, the Company held a variety of employeeactivities, cared for front-line employees, aided employees in need, and cared for female employees. It also held a post replacing activity,improved employees' skills by speech contests, skill competitions and other means, and helped them balance their families and life bySpring Festival blessings, birthday parties and other celebration means. aiming to create a good atmosphere in the Company, cultivate apositive employee attitude, care for employees and improve the cohesion of the enterprise team.
Since 2019, QiaoYin's post replacing activity has been held for three consecutive years. On each Sanitation Workers' Day, theCompany carries out activities in the selected project site, which cover multiple sites such as Shaoguan, Urumchi, Kunming
QiaoYin has formulated theMeasures for Management of SocialInsurance and Employment of theDisabled. In 2021, the Companyemployed nearly 500 people withdisabilities, and paid local socialinsurance expenditure in full foreligible employees (employeeswere exempt from their ownsocial insurance expenditure); inaddition, the Company also gavea living allowance of RMB 200 toeach employee per month, ofwhom those with Grade I or GradeII disability certificates could enjoytwo times of living allowance.
On the Spring Lantern Festivalon February 26, 2021, QiaoYinorganized such activities asguessing lantern riddles and eatingsweet dumplings to spend thewarm and wonderful momentswith all employees. In the Officeof Headquarters of QiaoYin, thedynamic "guessing lantern riddles"activity and colorful lanternshanging high showed a festive andwarm atmosphere; in addition,projects such as those in Kunmingand Yangxi organized the activityof eating sweet dumplings, wherea bowl of hot sweet dumplingsshowed the warmth and care ofthe Company.
Warm-Hearted Post Replacing Activity
Caring for theDisabled
Celebrating the Lantern Festival WithSweet Dumplings and Lantern Riddles
Post replacing activity
Celebration of the Lantern Festivalin QiaoYin
and Dalian. The Company hopes that sanitation workers canhave a rest in the festival by employees' active participationin the activities, and call on the society to pay attention to,respect and care for sanitation workers and promote theunderstanding and support of all sectors of the society for thecause of sanitation. On October 26, 2021, QiaoYin held thewarm-hearted post replacing activity in Nansha, Guangzhou,and more than 150 employees of the Company went to thefront line mainly for garbage collection, garbage sorting andother work. In addition, more than 350 love packages such asedible oil, rice and laundry beads were also sent to sanitationworkers on the activity site.
Has more thanin-house tutors
Has developed more than
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Innovative Cooperation for Mutual Bene?ts
Joint Research on Ecological Technology
Co-Creation of Industrial Cooperation
Co-Construction of Transparent Procurement
As a vice president unit of China Association of Urban Environmental Sanitation (CAUES),QiaoYin actively participates in and supports national standards, chiefly edits the HouseholdGarbage Collection and Transportation Operation Regulations and the Urban and Rural RoadEnvironmental Sanitation Operation Regulations, and coedits the Quality Standard for TransferCollection and Transportation of Household Garbage, the Quality Standard for Urban andRural Road Sanitation, the Facility Setting Standard for Distribution and Transfer of Food Waste,Technical Specification for Operation and Maintenance of Household Garbage Sanitary Landfill,the Technical Regulations on Garden Waste Collection and Transportation and other nationalgroup standards, leading the normal development of the national industry.QiaoYin attaches importance to technical research and development inputs and intellectualproperty protection, establishes core technological competitiveness, and standardizesintellectual property protection management, strengthens intellectual property protectionand prevents intellectual property loss of the Company. Moreover, the Company encouragesemployees to innovate the research and development, and improves the enterprise's corecompetitiveness taking the enterprise as the main body and being profession-oriented.QiaoYin established cooperative relationships with Huazhong University of Science andTechnology, Harbin Institute of Technology and other first-class universities to speed upthe development of environmental protection and sanitation technologies, promote the?ne, standard and modern development of sanitation services, and work together to solveproblems in industrial development.
In the 21st century, the world has entered a period of economic development dominated by the information industry. In orderto build a digital China, make cities smarter and promote the digital management of "one map" such as urban buildings, publicspace and underground pipe network and uni?ed management of city operation through one network, QiaoYin, as "the ?rst sharein China's city management industry" of A share, not only arranges the strategy of "city steward", but also actively cooperates withother industries to promote the implementation of smart city steward.
In order to strengthen the procurement management, improve the procure e?ciency and reduce the procurement cost of QiaoYin,QiaoYin revises the Measures for Procurement Management according to the national laws and regulations and the real situation ofthe Company, and develops the Procurement Department Guidelines for Bid Opening to further regulate the bidding procurementbehaviors. The Company establishes a classified and graded supplier management mechanism, and a supplier sourcing,certi?cation, selection, cooperation and evaluation mechanism and incentive and elimination system, realizing the closed-loopmanagement of suppliers; the Company also establishes a supplier information base for all suppliers it has cooperated with inthe past two years, and comprehensively evaluates and scores the performances of suppliers from various dimensions such asquality and services. The supplier evaluation results are used as important basic data for the Company in suppliers' quali?cationexamination, invitation, quota allocation, product testing, supplier grading, supplier evaluation and other work.
By the End of 2021
QiaoYin has accumulated morethan
software for operation and
management of sanitationand environmental protectionindustry and automatic controlsystem, providing advancedtechnical support for variousprojects.
Has successfully developed
In December 2020, the signing ceremony of the"Construction of QiaoYin Internship Base" betweenQiaoYin. and School of Environmental Science andEngineering, Guangzhou University was held inGuangzhou University, marking the o?cial launch of thecooperation between QiaoYin and Guangzhou University.According to the cooperation agreement, the school willarrange 1-2 batches of interns to work in QiaoYin everyyear. Talents are not only an important resource forenterprise development, but also an immeasurable asset.Through cooperation with Guangzhou University andother quality universities, QiaoYin will precisely introducetalents for training.
School-Enterprise Cooperation Between QiaoYin and Guangzhou University
In April 2021, QiaoYin signed an agreement on deep cooperation with Alibaba Cloud Computing Co. Ltd. in Guangzhou.Both parties worked together to build a comprehensive big data platform of smart city steward, promote innovationin the management and development mode and application capacity and service levels of new smart cities, andcomprehensively improve the living environment, and give full play to the advantages of both parties with smart citysteward as the core, helping the Company achieve a new cross-domain and multidimensional smart city comprehensiveservicer which "promotes the ?ne management and intelligent management of a city".
QiaoYin Signed a Framework Agreement on Deep Cooperation with Alibaba Cloud
Signing Ceremony of the "Construction of QiaoYinInternship Base" in Guangzhou University
Upplier Evaluation Results and Grading
Supplier evaluationresult: [0,60)
Blacklisted Suppliers
Supplier evaluationresult: [60,70)
Suppliers to be Improved
Supplier evaluationresult: [70,80)General suppliers
Supplier evaluationresult: [90,100)Strategic SuppliersSupplier evaluationresult: [80,90)Excellent Suppliers
The Company has adhered to the principle of honesty and transparent cooperation and signed the Agreement of TransparentCooperation with suppliers to prevent violations of rules and regulations from the source, promote the healthy and orderlydevelopment of economic activities of the Company and its business partners, and carry forward business integrity. A supplierdevelopment team is established to be responsible for supplier development and investigation, follow-up of suppliers' processmanagement and evaluation of suppliers, thus improving the overall bidding procurement e?ciency and reducing the integrity riskduring bidding procurement.The Company is committed to creating a responsible supply chain with upstream and downstream links. In the supplier selectionprocess, the Company takes into consideration the environmental protection, safety, health and other factors, and signs the Letterof Commitment on Environmental Protection with suppliers; it also required suppliers to submit quality management systemcerti?cation, environment management system certi?cation, construction enterprise quali?cation and other certi?cates.The Company has adhered to the objective of "reducing cost and increasing benefits". In 2021, the Company adopted differentprocurement methods such as procurement by invitation to bid and inquiry and negotiation, and controlled the quality of the frontend of procurement and subscription, thus e?ectively reducing and controlling the procurement cost.
Public BiddingCompetitive Negotiation/Consultation
Model SelectionProcurement Inquiry
Invited BiddingSingle SourceProcurement
In 2021
Equipment and other projectswas put out to tender successfully
The overall qualification rate ofprocurement quality was
Procurement Methods
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Helping to Build the Harmonious SocietyQiaoYin has been committed to carrying out social public welfare, ?ghting against the pandemic, supporting needy students andcaring for sanitation workers, making unremitting e?orts to build a beautiful China and a harmonious society. In order to promotethe healthy and sustainable development of public environmental and sanitary safety monitoring and controlling, the Companyput up to RMB20 million to establish the Guangzhou QiaoYin Charity Foundation, which is used to poverty alleviation and disasterrelief, pandemic prevention and control, public environmental health safety monitoring and controlling and other public welfareundertakings.Supporting the Countryside and Helping the WeakThe Company promotes work relief in the construction of rural infrastructure, attracting more people lifted out of poverty andlow-income people to ?nd jobs locally and nearby. In 2021, the Company o?ered paired assistance to Dong Village, Longping Town,Lianzhou City and other poor villages by providing jobs for nearly 200 veterans and 420 disabled persons to solve the employmentproblem of people in need.
QiaoYin has joined hands with Guangzhou City Management System to o?er paired assistance to the needy Dong Village, Longping Town,Lianzhou City, and held a donation ceremony. QiaoYin Environmental Protection has donated RMB350,000 for poverty alleviation. In addition,QiaoYin Environmental Protection has established a support group by giving full play to the advantages of funds, talents, technology,equipment and other aspects, actively participating in the assistance of needy villages. During the research and visit, the group had a friendlytalk with recipients to deeply understand their living conditions and di?culties, fully supported the poverty alleviation work of Guangzhou CityManagement System, and established a support mechanism with needy families to reduce their pressure and burden in life and to encouragethem to strengthen their con?dence and determination to get rid of poverty and become prosperous as soon as possible.
O?ering Paired Assistance to Needy Villages
Talents are the foundation of invigoratingthe country, and education is the roadto invigorate the country. The Companyhas funded students from poor familiesin many counties in Hunan Province tocomplete their studies for a long time.In addition, the Company has alsoestablished a beneficent foundation forneedy students and donated primaryschools, bookstores and so on.
Funding Needy Students
Donations for vulnerable children
Action on poverty alleviation and education aid
During the COVID-19 prevention and control, allemployees of the Company risked their life to ?ghtagainst the pandemic on the ?rst line, disinfect anddecontaminate cities, and ensure daily cleaning ofdomestic garbage and disinfection at least threetimes a day, taking practical actions to guardagainst the pandemic.
In May 2021, the Company donated nearly 60,000masks to Zhanqian Subdistrict, Xicun Subdistrict andDepartment of Health of Liwan District, hoping thatit could provide protection for front-line workers bydonating masks, and take practical actions to supportthe pandemic prevention and control in Guangzhou.
Voluntary anti-Pandemic ActivityDonation Activity for Liwan Pandemic
Fighting Against Pandemic and Providing Relief toBuild a Home TogetherThe COVID-19, which began at the beginning of the year, has spread around the world faster than anyone expected and continuestoday. During the repeated outbreak of the pandemic, to win the long war against the pandemic, QiaoYin contributed its e?orts byorganizing employees to ?ght the pandemic, helping emergency response and disaster relief by means of the mobile sanitation,holding environmental protection public welfare activities, and taking practical actions to contribute to the society and create abeautiful home.
Every year, the Company carries out the "Mile Cleaning Action",in which employees are organized to pick up waste on thestreet, and publicize and introduce garbage sorting and otherenvironmental protection knowledge. The Company hopesthat more people can be driven to pay attention to and loveenvironmental protection and get involved in environmentalprotection by holding a public welfare annual meetingto publicize an environmentally-friendly life. The event isnationwide, attracting all sectors, such as governments,enterprises and non-governmental organizations to participate.It thus becomes a large-scale outdoor public welfareenvironmental protection activity with great influence, socialvalue and development potential.
The Company creates a professional and efficientemergency sanitation team to actively assistgovernment departments in rescue and relief work.Facing typhoon, rainstorm, fire, snow disaster andother disaster accidents, QiaoYin sta? take the leadin joining the rescue and relief team and has madegreat contributions to protecting people's life andproperty safety.
Mile Cleaning ActionEmergency Sanitation Team
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Future ProspectStandards IndexThe Company is based on the present and looks forward to the future. The year 2022 is an important year for the implementationof the "14th Five Year Plan", and also an important period for China to fully build a modern socialist country and march toward thesecond centennial goal.QiaoYin will seize the opportunity to, around the Company's development strategy, strengthen the leading role of scienti?c andtechnological innovation. Under the strategic positioning of "city steward", comprehensively promote six strategies includingthe public environmental sanitation management, public facility maintenance, urban energy management, waste-free and low-carbon environment, urban circular economy and rural revitalization, to form a nationally leading urban and rural public livingenvironment management service system. Starting from promoting the ecological progress and helping build a beautiful China,and by practicing the concept of sustainable development and exploring a new path to achieve the carbon peaking and carbonneutrality goals, the Company continues to improve its service quality, adhere to matter of fact and excellence, integrity andinnovation, and actively integrate itself into the overall national development, to live up to the times and live up to the people,making contributions to the green hills, clear waters, blue sky and clean land of the motherland.
Table of Contents GRI StandardsCASS-4.0
About This ReportGRI 101P1
About QiaoYin
Company Pro?leGRI102P4.3
Development HistoryGRI102P4.2Corporate CultureGRI102P4.1Data of QiaoYinGRI201A2QiaoYin's Honors in 2021GRI201A3SustainabilityManagement
Analysis of Substantive IssuesGRI 102G2.1Stakeholders' ParticipationGRI 102G6.1、G6.2
SustainableDevelopment andRobust CorporateGovernance
Operation and ComplianceManagement of the ThreeBoards
GRI102、GRI103M1.1、M1.2、M1.4Investor RelationsGRI102M1.2Risk ControlGRI102M1.1、M1.8IntegrityGRI205、GRI206M1.3Led by Party-BuildingGRI102M1.2、M1.3
QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd.
2021 Corporate Social Responsibility Report
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QiaoYin City Management Co., Ltd.
Table of ContentsGRI StandardsCASS-4.0
Green LivingEnvironment to Servethe Country
City StewardGRI103、GRI201M2.14、M2.15、M2.18No Waste and Low Carbon
E1.3、E2.3、E2.7、E2.9、E2.18Rural RevitalizationGRI413
Smart Sanitation toBuild Up HardcoreSupport
Smart Internet of ThingsGRI103M2.1、M2.4Uni?ed Management ThroughOne Network
GRI103M2.5AI Big DataGRI103M2.5
StrengtheningMaterials andRevitalizing theEnterprise to Guardthe Honor of the Corps
Gathering Talents for QiaoYin
S2.1、S2.2S2.3、S2.4、S2.10Empowering TalentDevelopment
GRI404S2.14、S2.16Caring for Talents and WorkingBetter Together
Pulling Together toSeek the New Voice ofthe Times
Innovative Cooperation forMutual Bene?ts
M2.6、M2.7、M3.4、M3.5、M3.6Helping to Build the HarmoniousSociety
GRI413S4.1、S4.5Standards IndexA5Reader FeedbackForm
□ Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor□ Very good
□ Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor□ Very good
□ Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor□ Very good
□ Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor□ Very good
□ Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor□ Very good
□ Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor□ Very good
□ Good□ Fair□ Poor□ Very poor□ Very good