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贵州茅台:贵州茅台2021年年度报告(英文版) 下载公告

Stock Code: 600519 Stock Abbr.: Kweichow Moutai



Important StatementsThe Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors and the senior managementof the Company guarantee that the information presented in this report is free of any falserecords, misleading statements or material omissions, and shall bear individual and joint legalliabilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of its contents.

The situation of directors who did not attend the board meeting in person

Independent directorLu JinhaiPandemic preventionZhang Jingzhong

Baker Tilly China CPAs has issued a standard unqualified audit report for the Company.

Ding Xiongjun, responsible person for the Company, Jiang Yan, responsible person foraccounting work, and Cai Congying, responsible person for the Company’s financial affairs(Accounting Supervisor), have warranted that the financial statements in this report are true,accurate and complete.

The proposed profit distribution plan or the proposed plan of capitalization of capital reserves inthe reporting period approved by the resolution of the Board of DirectorsOn the basis of a total capital of 1,256,197,800 shares by the end of 2021, all shareholders will bedistributed a cash dividend of CNY 216.75 (before tax) for every 10 shares, with a total profitdistribution of CNY 27,228,087,315.00, and the remaining CNY 133,488,774,605.19 will be reservedfor future annual distribution. The above profit distribution proposal shall be submitted to the generalassembly of shareholders of the Company for deliberation and approval before implementation.

Risk disclosure statement for forward-looking statements

Forward-looking statements in this report concerning future plans or development strategies do notconstitute substantial promises to investors, due to the related uncertainty. Investors are advised to beaware of their own investment risks.

Existence of non-operational embezzlement of funds by controlling shareholders or theirassociated partiesNo

Existence of Financial Guarantees to External Parties in Violation of the Regulated DecisionProceduresNo

Over half of the directors’ failure to guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of theCompany’s disclosed annual reportNo

Significant risk statementsThe Company has elaborated the potential risks in the chapter of “The Company Discussion andAnalysis on its Future Development”. Investors are advised to pay their due attention.

Information StatementAll information and data cited in this Report are objective and authentic. Financial figures herein are recorded in CNY, unless otherwise specified. This Report is prepared in Chinese and English, respectively.In case of any ambiguity in the Chinese and English texts, the Chinese text shall prevail.


Section I Definitions ...... 5

Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Results ...... 5

Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis ...... 8

Section IV Corporate Governance ...... 23

Section V Environment and Social Responsibility ...... 41

Section VI Significant Events ...... 46

Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders ...... 59

Section VIII Preferred Shares ...... 63

Section IX Information about Bond ...... 63

Section X Financial Report ...... 64

Documents Available for ReferenceReferences include the accounting statements signed and stamped by the respective individuals in charge of the company, the company accounting work, and the accounting department (their accounting supervisor).
References include the audit report original signed and stamped by the certified public accountant and stamped by the accounting firm.
The originals of company documents and announcements that are publicly disclosed in China Securities Journal and Shanghai Securities News during the reporting period.

Section I Definitions

1. Definitions

Unless it is otherwise referred in the context, the terms in this report have the following meanings:

Terms and Definitions
CSRCrefers toChina Securities Regulatory Commission
SSErefers toShanghai Stock Exchange
Company, the companyrefers toKweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
Controlling shareholder, group companyrefers toChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.
Reporting periodrefers toFiscal Year of 2021
This report, the reportrefers toAnnual Report 2021

Section II Company Profile and Key Financial Results

1. Corporate Information of “the Company”

Name of the Company in Chinese贵州茅台酒股份有限公司
Abbr. of the Company name in Chinese (if any)贵州茅台
Name of the Company in EnglishKweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
Legal RepresentativeDing Xiongjun

2. Contact Information

3. Company profile

Registered addressMaotai Town, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province
Office addressMaotai Town, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province
Zip code of office address564501
Website addresshttp://www.moutaichina.com/
E-mail addressmtdm@moutaichina.com

4. Information disclosure and the place where the report is available

Media name and its website address where the report is disclosedChina Securities Journal and Shanghai Securities News
Website address of the stock exchange where the report is disclosedhttp://www.sse.com.cn/
Place where the report is availableThe office of the Board of Directors
Secretary of the boardRepresentative for securities affairs
NameJiang YanCai Congying
AddressMaotai Town, Renhuai City, Guizhou ProvinceMaotai Town, Renhuai City, Guizhou Province

5. Stock information

Stock information
Stock typeStock exchange where the shares are listedStock abbreviationStock codePrevious stock Abbreviation (if any)
A sharesShanghai Stock ExchangeKweichow Moutai600519

6. Other information

Appointed accounting firm (domestic)NameBaker Tilly China CPAs
Office addressBuilding 12, Foreign Language Culture and Creativity Park, 19 Chegongzhuang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Name of the signing accountantTong Wenguang, Liu Zonglei, Yang Shu

7. Last Years’ Key Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

7.1 Key accounting data

Unit: CNY

Key accounting date20212020Change (%)2019
Operating proceeds106,190,154,843.7694,915,380,916.7211.8885,429,573,467.25
Net profits attributable to shareholders of the Public Company52,460,144,378.1646,697,285,429.8112.3441,206,471,014.43
Net profits attributable to shareholders of the Public Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses52,581,102,656.2447,016,420,742.7311.8441,406,909,012.08
Net cash flows from operating activities64,028,676,147.3751,669,068,693.0323.9245,210,612,632.56
31 December 202131 December 2020Changes of the Same Period(%)31 December 2019
Net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company189,539,368,797.29161,322,735,087.5617.49136,010,349,875.11
Total assets255,168,195,159.90213,395,810,527.4619.58183,042,372,042.50
Share capital1,256,197,800.001,256,197,800.001,256,197,800.00

7.2 Key financial indicators

Key financial indicators20212020Change (%)2019
Basic earnings per share (CNY/share)41.7637.1712.3432.80
Diluted earnings per share (CNY/share)41.7637.1712.3432.80
Basic earnings per share after non-recurring gains and losses (CNY/share)41.8637.4311.8432.96
Weighted average ROE (%)29.9031.41-1.5133.09
Weighted average ROE after non-recurring29.9731.63-1.6633.25

8. Differences in accounting data by domestic and overseas accounting standards

8.1 Differences in the net profits and net assets attributable to shareholders of the companydisclosed in the financial reports prepared under the international accounting standards andChina accounting standards

□Applicable √N/A

8.2 Differences in the net profits and net assets attributable to shareholders of the Companydisclosed in the financial reports prepared under the overseas accounting standards and Chinaaccounting standards

□Applicable √N/A

8.3 Explanations for above accounting data differences

□Applicable √N/A

9. Quarterly key financial data in 2021

Unit: CNY

gains and losses (%)

Operating proceeds27,270,884,813.1421,816,392,982.8725,554,926,006.5431,547,951,041.21
Net profits attributable to shareholders of the Company13,954,462,085.6110,699,523,465.9712,612,188,608.3915,193,970,218.19
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company after deducting non-recurring profit and loss13,969,463,370.7110,679,654,343.7212,707,913,515.4015,224,071,426.41
Net cash flows from operating activities-1,484,892,858.6623,204,363,591.6315,032,826,622.9527,276,378,791.45

Explanations for the differences between quarterly data and those disclosed in previous periodicalreports

□Applicable √N/A

10. Non-recurring Items and Their Gains/Losses

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

Non-recurring gains and lossesAmount in 2021Note (if applicable)Amount in 2020Amount in 2019
Gain or loss from disposal of non-current assets-11,920,829.77-100,113.92-510,515.56
Government grants accounted for, in the profit or loss for the current period (except for the government grants closely related to the business of the Company and continuously given at a fixed amount or quantity in accordance with certain standards)4,616,000.002,028,500.00
Gains and losses from changes in fair value arising from holding trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial-3,750,122.234,966,170.34-14,018,472.46
liabilities and derivative financial liabilities, as well as investment income from disposal of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other debt investments, except for the effective hedging business associated with the company’s regular business operations.
Other non-operational income and expenditure in addition to the items listed above.-210,928,052.99-438,037,777.35-258,459,086.43
Other items of gains and losses that fall into the category of non-recurring gains and losses61,031,069.26237,455.55
Less: Income tax impact-40,237,983.93-107,726,441.35-68,247,018.61
Minority shareholder equity impact (after tax)244,326.28-4,044,011.11-4,303,058.19

11. Items evaluated at fair values

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemOpening balanceClosing balanceChangeAmount of impact on current profit
Other non-current financial assets9,830,052.91-9,830,052.91-3,750,122.23

Section III Management’s Discussion and Analysis

1. Discussion and analysis of business situation

In 2021, Adhering to be guided by Xi Jinping’s Thought of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics fora New Era, the company comprehensively carried out the spirit of the important speech of PresidentXi’s inspection of Guizhou, fully implemented the strategic plan of the provincial party committeeand the provincial government, followed the requirements of “high-quality development, big-strideforward”, focused on “dual-doubling, dual-consolidating and dual-construction” target demanded bythe group company, and coordinated the work of epidemic prevention and control, production andoperation, reform and development in an integrated manner. In all, the Company has maderemarkable and excellent achievements, painted the picture of the era of “five lines” development,stepped onto the new path of development of a high quality and strong industry, and realized a grandstart in the “14th Five Year Plan” development.

2. Industry sector situation in the reporting period

See “Industry profile” and “Industry pattern and trend” in this report.

3. Business scope in the reporting period

The Company’s main business is the production and sales of Moutai and a series of liquors. Theleading product “Kweichow Moutai” is one of the three most famous distilled liquors in the world,

and is also a brand of Chinese Baijiu that embodies national geographical hallmark products, organicfoods and national intangible cultural heritages.The Company’s business model is: raw materials acquisition – merchandise production – sales. Theacquisition of raw materials is carried out according to the Company's production and sales plan; theproduction process of products is as follows: yeast making - Chinese Baijiu making – cellaring -blending - packaging; the sales model is as follows: the Company's products are sold through directsales and distributor channels. Direct sales channels refer to self-operated channels, while distributorchannels refer to social distributors, supermarkets, e-commerce and other channels.

4. Analysis of core competitiveness

√Applicable □N/A

The Company possesses “four core potentials”, i.e, unique territorial protection of product origin,irreplicable microbial colonies, unique brewing techniques inherited for generations over a thousandyears and long-term cellaring base of high-quality Chinese Baijiu resources. In addition, thecompany also owns famous brands, outstanding quality, long-standing culture and long history. Nosignificant changes in the core competitiveness of the Company has ever taken place during thereporting period.

5. Business operation briefing for the reporting period

Firstly, the new blueprint has been inspiring. The Company pursued high-quality development for theall situations, formulated the “14th Five Year Plan” development program, confirmed the“five-color-lines” development path, affirmed the “one base and one benchmark” target,comprehensively carried out top-level designs, built a new system of corporate governance, drew a“concentric circle” of dream building for thousands of people, and opened a new chapter of buildinga high-quality and strong industry.

Secondly, new achievements have accumulated into powerful potentials. The Company has beenadhering to the motto of “quality is the soul of lifeline”, and established the quality concept of fivecraftsmanships of the new era, built a “365 quality management system”, deeply delved into the “nineseries” of Moutai culture. Major projects such as packaging logistics park and Tongminba liquor basein Xishui County were orderly carried forward. Safety and environmental protection managementwere taken to a new level. The Moutai culture and sports center was brought into use. All these havebeen building a more solid foundation for a high-quality and strong industry.

Thirdly, the new business performance is remarkable. The Company has achieved a total operatingproceeds of CNY 109.46 billion, an increase of 11.71% year-on-year; the total profit is CNY 74.53billion, a year-on-year increase of 12.59%; the net profit attributable to the owner of the parentcompany is CNY 52.46 billion, with a year-on-year increase of 12.34%. All indicators havemaintained double-digit growth, and the comprehensive strength of the Company has once againreached a new level.

5.1Main business analysis

A.Analysis of accounting item changes related to the income statement and the cash flowstatement

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount in the reporting periodAmount in the same reporting period of last yearYoY Change (%)
Operating proceeds106,190,154,843.7694,915,380,916.7211.88
Operating costs8,983,377,809.968,154,001,476.2810.17
Sales expenses2,737,369,434.782,547,745,650.957.44
General and administrative expenses8,450,274,065.036,789,844,289.3924.45
Financial expenses-934,523,406.02-234,610,582.44N/A
R&D expenses61,923,213.5950,398,036.3322.87
Net cash flows from operating activities64,028,676,147.3751,669,068,693.0323.92
Net cash flows from investment activities-5,562,445,704.34-1,805,227,155.72N/A
Net cash flows from financing activities-26,564,141,388.96-24,127,536,908.26N/A

Causes for the operating proceeds change: mainly due to the increase of sales and the productstructure change in the reporting period.

Causes for the operating expense change: majorly due to the sales increase, the production costincrease, and the product structure change in the reporting period.

Causes for the sales expense change: mainly due to the advertising and marketing expense increasesfor the the Moutai-flavor series liquor in the reporting period.

Causes for the general and administrative expense change: mainly due to employee compensationincrease and maintenance cost increase in the reporting period.

Causes for the financial expense change: mainly due to the increase of commercial bank interestincome increase in the reporting period.

Causes for the R&D expense change: majorly due to the increase of R&D project increases in thereporting period.

Causes for the Net cash flow change from operating activities: mainly due to the increase of cashreceived from sales of goods and rendering of services in the reporting period.

Causes for the Net cash flow change from investment activities: mainly due to the increase of cashpayment used to buy certificates of deposit in the reporting period.

Causes for Net cash flow change from financing activities: mainly caused by the increase of cashdividend distribution in the reporting period.

Detailed reasons for any significant changes to the business type, profit structure or profit sources ofthe Company in the reporting period.

□Applicable √N/A

B. Income and cost analysis

√Applicable □N/A

a. Main business grouped by business segment, by product, by geographical zoning and by salesmodel.

Unit: CNY

Main business grouped by business segment
Business segmentOperating proceedsOperating costsGross profit marginYoY Change of operating proceeds (%)YoY change of operating costs (%)YoY change of gross profit margin (%)
Main business grouped by product
ProductOperating proceedsOperating costsGross profit marginYoY Change of operating proceeds (%)YoY change of operating costs (%)YoY change of gross profit margin (%)
Other liquor12,594,778,226.243,313,079,971.7273.6926.0611.063.55
Main business grouped by geographical zoning
Geographical zongingOperating proceedsOperating costsGross profit marginYoY Change of operating proceeds (%)YoY change of operating costs (%)YoY change of gross profit margin (%)
Main business condition by sales model
Sales modelOperating proceedsOperating costsGross profit marginYoY Change of Operating proceeds (%)YoY change of operating costs (%)YoY change of gross profit margin (%)
Wholesale agency82,029,927,984.267,958,382,622.4890.300.556.06-0.50
Direct sales24,029,362,357.92932,607,888.2496.1281.4960.890.50

b. Analysis of production volume, sales volume and inventory

√Applicable □N/A

Main productUnitProduction volumeSales volumeInventoryYoY change of production volume (%)YoY change of sales volume (%)YoY change of inventory (%)

c. Execution situation of major acquisition contracts and major sales contracts

□Applicable √N/A

d. Coast Analysis Table

Unit: CNY

Condition by business segment
By business segmentMain breakdown items of costAmount in the reporting periodAs % of total cost (%)Amount in the same reporting period of previous yearAs % of total cost in previous year (%)YoY change (%)Description of reasons
Condition by product
By productMain breakdown items of costAmount in the reporting periodAs % of totalAmount in the same reportinginYoY change (%)Description of reasons
cost (%)period of previous yearprevious year (%)
LiquorDirect materials costs5,006,828,759.7456.324,426,309,798.9954.7613.12
Direct labor costs2,776,100,778.1731.222,626,407,879.9332.495.70
Manufacturing costs592,850,869.356.67553,108,867.796.847.19
Fuels and energies271,547,032.803.05244,593,638.553.0311.02
Transportation costs243,663,070.662.74232,951,232.982.884.60

e. Any share changes of subsidiaries merger scope changes in the reporting period

□Applicable √N/A

f. Information about significant changes or adjustments of the Company’s businesses, products orservices

□Applicable √N/A

g. Major customers and suppliers

(1)Major customers

The top five customers constitute a total proceeds of CNY 14,982.74 million, accounting for 14.13%of annual total proceeds, among which the proceeds by the affiliated parties totaled CNY 5,240.25million, accounting for 4.94% of the total annual proceeds.

(2)Major suppliers

The total acquisition cost paid to the five suppliers is CNY 2,917.35 million, accounting for 43.33%of annual total acquisition cost, among which the total to the affiliated parties is CNY 842.89 million,accounting for 12.52% of annual total acquisition cost.

C. Expenses

√Applicable □N/A

Financial expenses in the reporting period was CNY -934,523,406.02, comparing with that in the lastperiod of CNY -234,610,582.44, the cost reduction was mainly due to the increase of interest incomefrom commercial bank deposits.

D.R&D expensesa. Statement of R&D expenses

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

R&D expenses in this period190,053,124.36
Total R&D expenses190,053,124.36
as(%)in operating proceeds0.18

Note: The R&D expenses in this period include the R&D expenses listed in the operating costs andthe compensation of scientific researchers.b. Statement of R&D employee

√Applicable □N/A

Number of R&D employees659
as (%) in the total number of the Company’s employees2.20
Educational background structure of R&D employees
Educational background structure typeNumber in each educational background structure
Master’s degree153
Junior college42
High school and below6
Age structure of R&D employee
Age structure typeNumber in each age structure
under 30 (excluding 30)134
30-40 (including 30 but excluding 40)371
40-50 (including 40 but excluding 50)113
50-60 (including 50 but excluding 60)34
over 607

c. Explanation

□Applicable√ N/A

d. Reasons for the significant changes in R&D employees and their impacts on the Company’s futuredevelopment

□Applicable√ N/A

E. Cash flows

√ Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount in this periodAmount in last periodChange (%)
Net increase customer and interbank deposits7,511,166,145.933,189,100,199.87135.53
Receipt of other cash related to business activities1,643,536,862.48221,421,226.63642.27
Net increase in loans and advances to customers484,244,272.002,978,755,728.00-83.74
Net increase in lending funds-400,000,000.00200,000,000.00N/A
Net increase in central and interbank deposits559,089,326.28-2,506,406,682.56N/A
Cash paid for interests, fees, and commissions163,462,728.48107,241,768.2652.42
Cash received from investment recoveries6,079,930.68314,906,521.48-98.07
Cash received from investment returns860,000.00N/A
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets2,463,474.29495,904.85396.76
Cash received from other investment relate activities9,983,452.636,675,319.0349.56
Cash paid to acquire or construct fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets3,408,784,532.012,089,769,498.7863.12
Cash paid for investments2,150,000,000.0020,000,000.0010,650.00
Cash paid for other investment related activities23,048,029.9317,535,402.3031.44
Net cash flow from investment activities-5,562,445,704.34-1,805,227,155.72N/A
Cash paid for other financing related activities88,121,549.5936,507,157.75141.38
Impact of fluctuation in exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents-2,026,542.60380,639.36N/A

(1) The net increase in customer and interbank deposits is mainly due to the Company’s holdingsubsidiary, Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd. gathered more funds from other membercompanies of the group company than the previous reporting period.

(2) The increase in the cash received from other business related activities, is mainly due to theinterest income increases from commercial bank deposits in the reporting period.

(3) The decrease in the net increase in loans and advances to customers, is mainly due to less loanincrease was issued by the Company’s holding subsidiary, Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd.to the member companies of the group company in the reporting period.

(4) The decrease in the net increase in lending funds, is mainly due to the due recovery of interbankloans by the Company’s holding subsidiary, Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd.

(5) The increase in the central and interbank deposits is mainly due to the maturity of the fixed termbank deposits deposited by the Company’s holding subsidiary, Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co.,Ltd. in the previous reporting period.

(6) The increase in the cash paid for interests, fees and commissions, is mainly due to the increase ofinterest payments by the Company’s holding subsidiary, Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd.in the reporting period.

(7) The decrease in the cash received from investment recoveries, is mainly due to the decrease in thecash received from disposal of non-current financial assets in this period.

(8) The increase in the cash received from investment returns, is mainly due to bond interests receiveby the Company’s holding subsidiary, Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd.

(9) The increase in the net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and otherlong-term assets, is majorly caused by the increase in the cash received from disposal of fixed assetsin this period.

(10) The increase in the cash received from other investing activities, is caused by the increase in theperformance bond for basic construction in this period.

(11) The increase in the cash paid to acquire and construct fixed assets, intangible assets and otherlong-term assets, is majorly caused by the increase in the land transferring fees in this period.

(12) The increase in the cash paid for investments, is majorly caused by the purchase of the certificateof deposit in this period.

(13) The increase in the cash paid for other investing activities, is caused by the increase in the returnof the performance bond for basic construction in this period.

(14) The decrease in the cash paid for other financing activities, is majorly caused by the increase inthe cash for purchasing certificate of deposit.

(15) The increase in the cash paid for other financing activities, is majorly caused by the adjustmentregarding the accounting affairs in leasing according to the new leasing principles.

(16) The decrease in the effect of fluctuation in exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents, is causedby the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Kweichow Moutai Paris Trading, whose financialstatement of overseas operation has been converted as the foreign currency translation differences inthe statement of recording currency.

5.2 Reasons for significant changes of profit caused by non-core business

□Applicable√ N/A

5.3 Analysis of assets and liabilities

√Applicable □N/A

A. Assets and liabilities

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount by the end of this periodAs % of total assets (%)Amount by the end of last periodAs % of total assets (%)Change in percentage (%)Explanation about any material change
Cash and cash equivalents51,810,243,607.1120.3036,091,090,060.9016.9143.55Majorly caused by the increase in commercial bank deposit
Notes receivables1,532,728,979.670.72N/A
Prepayment389,109,841.280.15898,436,259.150.42-56.69Mainly the intangible assets converted from the pre-paid real-estate funds.
Other current assets71,527,560.740.0326,736,855.910.01167.52Mainly the VAT credit increases
Debt investment170,468,623.710.0720,143,397.780.01746.28
Investment real estate property5,242,431.750.002N/AThe Company’s holding subsidiary, Moutai Custom Marketing (Guizhou) Co., Ltd., leased real estate properties.
Fixed assets17,472,173,182.856.8516,225,082,847.297.607.69
Right-to-use assets362,785,970.230.14N/AImpacted by the newly-implemented leasing regulations
Other non-current assets2,059,761,333.330.81N/APurchased of certificates of deposit
Other non-current financial assets9,830,052.910.005N/ADisposal of the equities of shareholding company, Kweichow Moutai Distillery
Deferred income tax assets2,237,206,443.840.881,123,225,086.370.5399.18Mainly caused by the increase of deferred tax assets due to the confirmation of internal transactions with unrealized profits.
Accounts payable2,009,832,495.560.791,342,267,668.120.6349.73Mainly due to the account payable increase for raw materials.
Taxes payable11,979,802,144.014.698,919,821,015.584.1834.31Mainly because the taxes realized in this period increased over the previous period.
Deposits from customers and inter-bank21,763,575,647.328.5314,241,859,949.776.6752.81Mainly because the Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd. absorbed more deposits from other member companies of the group company.
Non-current liabilities due within one year104,319,886.870.04N/AImpacted by the newly-implemented leasing regulations.
Leasing liabilities296,466,199.740.12N/AImpacted by the newly-implemented leasing regulations.
Deferred income tax liabilities1,457,513.230.001N/ADisposal of the equities of shareholding company, Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Foreign Investment Cooperation Management CO., Ltd.
Other comprehensive income-13,017,880.78-5,331,367.75N/AThe financial reports for the overseas operation of the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Kweichow Moutai Paris Trading Co., Ltd., were converted into its bookkeeping base currency.

Other explanation: According to the relevant provisions of the accounting standards for BusinessEnterprises No. 21 - leasing (CK [2018] No. 35) revised and issued by the Ministry of Finance in2018, the Company implemented the new leasing regulations from January 1, 2021, and theaccounting treatment of leasing business was listed in the items of right-to-use assets, lease liabilitiesand non-current liabilities due within one year.

B. Main assets overseas

□Applicable √N/A

C. Restricted assets rights as of the end of this reporting period

□Applicable √N/A

5.4 Analysis of operating information in the industry

√Applicable □N/A

Analysis of operating information in the liquor production industryA. Industry profile

√Applicable □N/A

According to the National Bureau of statistics, the total output of Chinese Baijiu productionenterprises in Chinese Baijiu above designated size has reached 7,156.30 million liters in 2021, aslight decrease of 0.59% compared with the same period last year. The sales revenue has reachedCNY 603.35 billion, a year-on-year increase of 18.6%; the total profit was CNY 170.19 billion, ayear-on-year increase of 32.95%.

B. Production CapacityCurrent capacity

√Applicable □N/A

Main FactoriesDesigned CapacityActual Capacity
Chinese Baijiu production workshop of Moutai42,742.5056,472.25
Series liquor production workshop31,660.0028,248.92

Notes: (1) In the design capacity of 31,660.00 tons of series base liquor, due to the production processcharacteristics of the series liquor, the design capacity of 6,400.00 tons of series base liquor wasplaced into operation in November 2021, and the actual capacity would be released in 2022. (2) Thecompany uses the weight unit to measure according to the usual practice. The units of measurementused for production, sales, inventory, and production capacity in this report are all in "tons".

Capacity under Construction

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY 10,000

Name of the Capacity under ConstructionPlanned investment amountAmount invested in this reporting periodAccumulated investment amount
30000 ton Moutai-flavored series liquor technical renovation project and its supporting facilities838,400.00205,273.00371,273.00

Production capacity calculation standards

√Applicable □N/A

In the above “existing capacity” table, the design capacity is calculated according to the productionprocess requirements, combined with the plant specifications and the number of cellars, and the actualcapacity is calculated according to the actual base liquor production yield in the reporting period.

C. Inventory at the end of the reporting period

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: Ton

Finished liquorSemi-finished liquor (including base liquor)

Note: The finished liquor is the Company’s packaged inventory stock (including Moutai-flavor seriesliquor).

Inventory Impairment Risk Warning

□Applicable √N/A

Product profile

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY 10,000

Product gradeProduction (ton)Change(%)Same PeriodSales (tons)Change(%)Same periodProduction/sales rate (%)Sales revenueChange(%)same periodMain representing brand
Other series liquor28,248.9213.3330,177.381.461,259,477.8226.06Moutai Wangzi liquor, Han Moutai-flavored liquor, Lai Mao liquor

Note: (1) In order to ensure the sustainable development of the Company, a certain amount of baseliquor needs to be retained every year. According to the production process, it takes Maotai liquor atleast 5 years of cellaring since its production before in can be released from the factory. (2) Moutai isa blend of base liquor of different years, different rounds and different concentrations. It is a perfectcombination of technology and art. Therefore, the base liquor of a certain year may appear as aproduct in the next several years. (3) The Company regards quality as its life, adheres to quality first,adheres to the spirit of craftsmanship, and adheres to the principle of “honoring the principles, abidingby the rules, sticking to the craftsmanship, cellaring enough liquor to age, and not selling youngliquor”. The production of Moutai is of natural solid-state fermentation, brewed with traditionalcraftsmanship, and therefore the production yield has certain volatility. (4) Based on the abovereasons, the production and sales rate of Moutai base liquor cannot be accurately calculated. Theproduct formation process of series liquor is similar to that of Moutai.

Product grading standards

√Applicable ?N/A

Graded by the quality of the product.

Changes in the product structure and business strategy

□Applicable √N/A

E. Raw material purchasea. purchase model

√Applicable ?N/A

Raw materials are mainly purchased from the market through centralized procurement accordingto the Company’s production and sales plan.

b. purchase amount

√Applicable ?N/A

Unit: CNY 10,000

Raw materials typePurchase amount in this periodPurchase amount in last periodas % in total purchase amount
Liquor brewing raw materials310,081.75295,279.4248.90
Packaging materials282,811.20239,037.1644.59
Workshop auxiliary materials6,042.044,690.690.95

F. Salesa. Sales model


The Company’s products are sold through direct selling and distributor channels. Direct saleschannels refer to self-operated channels, while wholesale agency channels refer to social distributors,supermarkets, e-commerce and other channels.

b. Sales channel


Unit: CNY 10,000

Channel typeSales amount in this periodSales amount in last periodSales volume in this period (ton)Sales volume in last period (ton)
Direct selling2,402,936.231,324,035.655,735.703,932.08
Wholesale agency8,202,992.808,158,164.2660,702.9960,123.80

c. Regional situation


Unit: CNY 10,000

Region NameSales revenue in this periodSales revenue in last periodas % in the total amountSales volume in this period (ton)Sales volume in last period (ton)as % in the total volume

Regional division standards?Applicable √N/A

d. Distributor Situation


Region NameNumber of distributors by the end of the reporting periodNumber increased in the reporting periodNumber decreased in the reporting period



The increase is mainly the distributors of Moutai-flavor series liquor, and the decrease is mainly thedistributors of Moutai liquor.

Management of distributors?Applicable √N/A

e. Online-sales situation?Applicable √N/A

Future online business strategy?Applicable √N/A

G. Analysis of the Company’s revenue and costa. disclose the composition of the company’s main business by different types


Unit: CNY

TypeOperating proceedsChange(%)Operating costsChange(%)Gross profit rate(%)Change(%)
By class of product
Other series liquor12,594,778,226.2426.063,313,079,971.7211.0673.693.55
by sales channel
Direct selling24,029,362,357.9281.49932,607,888.2460.8996.120.50
Wholesale agency82,029,927,984.260.557,958,382,622.486.0690.30-0.50
By regional segment

Fact Sheet?Applicable √N/A



Fact Sheet


See Statement of Cost, Analysis of main business, Section III Management Discussion and Analysis.

5.5Analysis of investment situation

Total investment?Applicable √N/A

A. Significant equity investment?Applicable √N/A

B. Important non-equity investment


Non raised fund projects (projects with total investment exceeding 10% of the Company’s audited netassets at the end of last year)

a. According to the resolution of the Company’s 2011 annual shareholders’ meeting, the Company hasplanned to invest CNY 3,583.16 million in the construction of Moutai-flavor series liquor makingtechnical transformation project and supporting facilities project. By the end of the reporting period, atotal of CNY 1,994.84 million had been invested.

b. According to the resolution of the Company’s first extraordinary general meeting in 2012, theCompany has planned to invest CNY 4,139.00 million in the construction of phase I of the Moutailiquor technical transformation project and supporting facilities project in Zhonghua Area. By the endof the reporting period, a total of CNY 4,281.51 million has been invested.

C. Financial assets measured at fair value?Applicable √N/A

5.6Analysis of major holding companies


Unit: CNY 10,000

Company nameIndustryRegistered capitalTotal assetsNet assetsOperating proceedsOperating profitNet profit
Kweichow Moutai Sales Co., Ltd.Liquor, beverages and tea wholesale1,000.007,651,886.935,678,012.959,061,083.736,405,840.184,803,918.40

5.7Structured entities controlled by the Company

?Applicable √N/A

6. Discussion and analysis of the Company’s future development

6.1Pattern and trend in the industry

√Applicable ?N/A

Pattern and trend. In 2021, the ever-changing situation and the century epidemic situation areintertwined, and the external environment becomes more complex, severe and uncertain. However,the fundamentals of China’s long-term economic improvement will not change. The total volume ofliquor production and sales has stabilized, and quality and efficiency have been steadily improved.The main trends are as follows: first, the industry will further improve quality and efficiency. In 2021,the Chinese Baijiu enterprises have completed their business income of CNY 603.35 billion, anincrease of 18.6% over the same period last year. The total profit was CNY 170.19 billion, ayear-on-year increase of 32.95%. The high-quality development of the industry has achievedremarkable results; second, the industrial concentration was further improved. The market share of theindustry will continue to concentrate on advantageous brands, advantageous production capacity andadvantageous production areas, and the structural growth pattern will exist for a long time; third, theconsumption structure was further upgraded. Under the background of common prosperity, disposableincome of residents continues to increase. The demand for Chinese Baijiu with high quality will drivethe development of high-quality and famous Chinese Baijiu.

Competitive advantage of the Company. First, the Company has “four core potentials” composed ofunique geographical protection of origin, non-replicable microbial colony, unique brewing technologyinherited for thousands of years and high-quality base liquor resources stored for a long time; Second,the company has large-scale product production and supporting capacity, strong management,technology and marketing team and craftsman team proficient in Chinese Baijiu making, startermaking, blending and tasting; Third, as a traditional pillar and characteristic advantage industry inGuizhou Province, local governments have successively introduced various policies to support thedevelopment of Chinese Baijiu industry. The external environment of Chinese Baijiu development hasbeen continuously improving, the market competitiveness is outstanding, and brand competitivenesshas been leading continuously.

6.2 Development strategy

√Applicable ?N/A

During the “14th Five Year Plan” period, the Company will take the overall situation withhigh-quality development, closely focus on the development goal of “dual-doubling,dual-consolidation and dual-construction” of the group company, unswervingly follow the “five linedevelopment path”, adhere to the principle that quality is the soul of life, build the two lifelines ofecology and safety, focus on the main business, deeply practice the “five-in-one marketing”, makedecisions according to the situation, take advantage of the situation, gather strength, and continuouslyimprove product quality, brand value, marketing ability, cultural content and management efficiencyto promote high-quality development and make great strides forward.

6.3 Business plan

√Applicable ?N/A

In the new year of 2022, the Company will strictly follow the decisions and arrangements of the CPCCentral Committee, the State Council, Guizhou Provincial Party Committee and the provincialgovernment, put every effort into the production and operation, reform and development, strive topromote the high-quality development of the company.

This year’s business objectives are as follows: first, the total operating proceeds will increase by about15% compared with the previous year; and the second is to complete the capital constructioninvestment of CNY 6.97 billion. The Board of Directors will focus on the annual targets and tasks,take overall consideration and go all out to do the following key tasks:

First, we will make every effort to ensure high-quality and stable production. Further practice theconcept of “quality is the soul of life”, establish the new era of quality concept, build and implementthe “365” quality management system, adhere to the traditional process, scientific innovation,continue to promote the modernization of Moutai quality management; constantly optimize theproduction process analysis and judgment system, pay close attention to production processimplementation and process management, strengthen scientific research and technology, build andimprove the whole industry chain and whole life cycle information platform, support Moutai qualityengineering with modern science and technology, and provide strong technical support for sustainablequality and stable production.

Second, we will continue to do a good job in marketing. We will strengthen market coordination,accelerate the optimization and upgrading of product mix, targeted product delivery, and increasemarket share. We will resolutely crack down on fake and shoddy goods, and maintain market orderand stability. Accelerate the application of new anti-counterfeiting technology to provide technicalguarantee for Moutai’s anti-counterfeiting rights protection. Constantly enrich the brand connotation,enhance the brand characteristics, promote the upgrading of consumption experience, and strive tobuild Moutai Cultural Experience Hall into a cultural display store, brand image store, drinkingexperience store and customer service store, so as to continuously provide consumers with higherquality services.

Third, we will continue to deepen reform and innovation. We will carry out a campaign to improvethe management of world-class enterprises, continue to improve modern enterprise systems, andsystematically improve their governance capacity and level. We will make every effort to reform themarketing system, optimize the distribution of the marketing network, and ensure that the fruits ofreform and development will benefit more consumers. We will promote the integrated development of“industry, university and research”, introduce professional and technical personnel, deepencooperation in scientific research projects, accelerate the transformation of innovation achievements,further enhance the independent innovation capacity of enterprises, and provide strong technical andintellectual support for high-quality development.

Fourth, we will promote project construction in an orderly manner. To manage the quality, cost andprogress of the whole life cycle projects, start the construction of packaging logistics park; acceleratethe construction of 30,000 tons of Moutai-flavor series liquor technical renovation project and 15liquor warehouses in Zhonghua area; strengthen the overall scheduling and supervision, accelerate theeffective disposal of historical “legacy projects”, and lay a solid foundation and enhance thesustainability for the sustainable and steady development of Moutai.

Fifth, we will adhere to the red line of safety and environmental protection. We will continue to carryout a three-year campaign to improve work safety, improve the work safety management mechanism,promote the construction of a safety risk control and hidden danger management system, implementsmart safety and smart fire protection, improve the professional level of safety management, andenhance the ability of prevention and rescue and relief. Adhere to the ecological priority, greendevelopment path, promoting “de-pollution” and “de-carbon” project, strive to build“Mountain-River-Forest-Soil-River-Microbe” life community and green low-carbon circulationindustry system, promote the construction of “xi ecological civilization thought practicedemonstration base” and build “Chinese Baijiu industry ecological benchmarking enterprise”, toprotect Moutai survival and development of natural ecological environment.

Sixth, to enhance the level of cultural development. Focusing on the nine aspects of Moutai culture,“people, culture, material, art, ceremony, festival, harmony, history and tool”, we willcomprehensively excavate, refine, build and enrich Moutai culture. We will plan and hold high-endinternational wine culture activities, hold traditional cultural activities such as the “Dragon BoatFestival” and “Moutai Festival”, launch the compilation of the Chinese Wine Culture Ceremony, andstrive to build a key national cultural project. Coordinate service management, standardize brandmonitoring and supervision, and strive to establish and improve the corporate culture system in linewith their own characteristics.Seventh, we will strengthen the construction of personnel teams. Focusing on the needs ofdevelopment, we will cultivate and introduce national and provincial high-level innovative talents,outstanding professional talents and operation and management talents in key areas. We will deepenthe “Eight-step craftsman” training system, set up the “Moutai Craftsman Day”, and cultivate a groupof post-90s skills through versatile craftsmen, including craftsmen, Moutai craftsmen, skillidentification, teachers, skill competitions, labor competitions, and “five small” activities. We willcontinue to increase staff training, smooth the channels for the evaluation and employment of jobtechnology and professional titles, strive to improve the working vision and professional level oftechnical personnel, establish a talent classification and evaluation system that fits the development ofMoutai, and strive to create a good environment to attract talents, love and use talents.

Eighth, we will continue to strengthen our responsibility. We will actively carry out social publicwelfare activities such as donating money for students and helping the poor, and continue to highlightthe image of Moutai charity brand. Continue to optimize the support methods, steadily improve thebase support standards, and effectively protect the fundamental interests of farmers; continue to helpDaozhen develop advantageous and characteristic industries, drive development by industry, continueto consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, help the economic andsocial development of the province, and make contributions to promoting common prosperity.

6.4Possible confronting risk

?Applicable√ N/AFirst, the risk of macroeconomic uncertainty; second, the epidemic impact on the consumptiondemand of Chinese Baijiu; and third, the risk of ecological environment protection; fourth, the risk ofintellectual property protection.


?Applicable √N/A

7. The Company’s failure to disclose the information and reasons in accordance with thestandards due to non-application of the standards or special reasons such as state secrets andtrade secrets?Applicable √N/A

Section IV Corporate Governance

1. Description of the related situation of corporate governance

√Applicable □N/A

In strict accordance with the Company Law, Securities Law, “Governance Standards of ListedCompanies” and other laws and regulations and the China Securities Regulatory Commission,Shanghai Stock Exchange, our company issued regulatory documents on corporate governance,combining the actual situation of the company, establish and improve the corporate governancestructure, actively promote the optimization of corporate governance structure, standardize thecompany operation. The company has formulated the relevant rules and regulations, and all the

systems have been effectively implemented. The company has revised and improved the articles ofAssociation, Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders, Rules of Procedure of theBoard of Directors and Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors, with clearer rights andresponsibilities. The general meeting of shareholders, the board of directors, the board of supervisorsand the managers of the company shall perform their own duties and standardize the operation, andthe information disclosure of the company should be true, accurate, complete, timely and fair. Theboard of directors consists of five special committees, including strategy, audit, risk management,nomination, salary and assessment, each of which carries out its work according to its duties. Theindependent directors expressed their independent opinions in accordance with the regulations andplayed a full role.

(1) Situation of the General Meeting of Shareholders. In accordance with the requirements of theArticles of Association and the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting of Shareholders of theCompany, the Company convene the general meeting of shareholders to ensure that all shareholders,especially minority shareholders, enjoy equal status and can fully exercise their rights, and employslegal counsel to issue legal opinions on the general meeting of shareholders. In 2021, the companyheld two general meetings of shareholders, deliberated and passed 15 motions, and all the resolutionswere carefully implemented.

(2) Situation of the Board of Directors. At present, the board of directors of the company is composedof 6 directors, among which 3 are independent directors and 1 is a staff director. The board ofdirectors should meet the requirements of laws and regulations. The board of directors of the companyhas five special committees: strategy, audit, risk management, nomination, salary and assessment.Each committee has a clear division of labor, clear rights and responsibilities, and effective operation.All the directors of the company can proceed from the interests of the company and all shareholders,perform their duties in good faith, loyalty, diligence, professional and due diligence, and earnestlysafeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company and all shareholders.

(3) Situation of the Board of Supervisors. At present, the board of Supervisors of the company iscomposed of 3 supervisors, one of whom is an employee supervisor. The composition of the board ofsupervisors meets the requirements of laws and regulations. The Board of Supervisors of theCompany shall be diligent and responsible, exercise the function of supervision and inspection in thespirit of responsibility to shareholders, supervise the company’s financial situation and operation,related transactions and the performance of duties of senior management personnel, and safeguard thelegitimate rights and interests of the Company and all shareholders.

(4) Situation of controlling shareholders and listed companies. The controlling shareholder shallexercise the rights of the investors and assume their obligations in strict accordance with therequirements of the Company Law. The company has independent business and independentoperation ability. The controlling shareholders and the listed company have achieved independentbusiness, personnel, assets, institutions and finance. The board of directors, board of supervisors andinternal institutions of the company all operate independently to ensure that the company’s majordecisions are independently made and implemented by the company.

(5) Company information disclosure. The Company discloses relevant information in strictaccordance with laws, regulations, the Articles of Association and the Information DisclosureManagement Measures of the Company truly, accurately, completely, timely and fairly, and ensuresthat all shareholders and other stakeholders can have equal access to the Company information.During the reporting period, the company disclosed 30 interim announcements and 4 periodic reports.

(6) Related party transactions. Related party transactions between the Company and its controllingshareholder China Kweichow Moutai (Group) Liquor Co., Ltd. and other related parties, these relatedtransactions are to ensure the normal production and operation and business, the specific contentthrough relevant agreement, and perform the legal procedures, follow the principle of openness,fairness and justice, there is no adverse effect on the company operation.

(7) Internal control and construction situation. During the reporting period, the company continued tocarry out internal control related work in accordance with the requirements of the Basic Standards forEnterprise Internal Control, continued to promote the internal control construction, evaluation, auditand other related work, ensure the realization of the company’s internal control objectives, and furtherimprove the level of corporate governance.

(8) The formulation and implementation of the registration and management system of insider. Inaccordance with the relevant provisions of the CSRC and the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Companyhas formulated the Registration and Management System for Company Insider. The company hasstrictly implemented relevant systems, registered and filed insider information in accordance with theregulations, further standardized the management of insider information, done a good job in theconfidentiality of insider information, safeguarded the principles of openness, fairness and justice ofinformation disclosure, and protected the legitimate rights and interests of the general investors.

Whether there are significant differences between corporate governance and laws, administrativeregulations and the CSRC regulations on the governance of listed companies; if there are any majordifferences, the reasons shall be explained

√Applicable □N/A

2. The specific measures taken by the controlling shareholders and actual controllers of thecompany to ensure the independence of the company's assets, personnel, finance, institutionsand business, as well as the solutions, work progress and follow-up work plans that affect theindependence of the company work progress and follow-up work plans that affect theindependence of the company

√Applicable □N/A

The situation of the controlling shareholders, actual controllers and other units under their controlengaged in the same or similar business as the company, as well as the impact of great changes in theindustry competition or competition on the Company, the solution measures taken, solution progressand subsequent solution plans

√Applicable □N/A

3. Introduction of shareholders’ Meeting

Session of the meetingDate of conveningQuery index of the designated website published in the resolutionDate of disclosure of the publication of the resolutionMeeting resolution
the annual general meeting in 20202021-06-09www.sse.com.cn2021-06-10For details, please refer to the Announcement of the Resolution of Kweichow Moutai Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2020 (Announcement No.: Lin 2021-013).
The first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 20212021-09-24www.sse.com.cn2021-09-25For details, please refer to the Announcement of the Resolution of the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No.: Lin 2021-026).

Preferred shareholders with restored voting rights request an extraordinary general meeting ofshareholders

√Applicable □N/A

Description of the shareholders’ general meeting

√Applicable □N/A

4. Situation of directors, supervisors and senior officers

4.1 Shareholding changes and remuneration of outgoing directors, supervisors and seniormanagers currently and during the reporting period

√Applicable □N/A

Unit:per share

Full NamePosition (note)GenderAgeStart Date of TermTermination date of termNumber of shares held at the beginning of the yearThe increase or decrease of shares within the yearCause of The increase or decrease of sharesTotal pre-tax remuneration obtained from the Company during the reporting period (ten thousand CNY)Whether to get paid from the related parties of the company
Ding XiongjunChairman and directormale47September 24, 2021Yes
Li Jingrendirectormale57November 28, 2018Yes
Acting general manager responsibilitiesJuly 2,2019
Lu Jinhaiindependent directormale51May 18, 20167No
Xu Dingboindependent directormale58September 20, 20167No
Zhang Jingzhongindependent directormale58September 20, 20167No
Fu Zhigangworker directormale43June 10,2020Yes
You YalinChairman and supervisor of the Board of Supervisorsmale52March 20, 202080.56No
Che xingyusupervisorMale54June 10,202063.76No
Liu ChenglongStaff supervisorMale44June 10,202066.06No
Zhong Zhengqiangvice-general managerMale50July 13, 2015116.44No
Tu Huabinvice-general managerMale46February 27, 202076.38No
Wang Xiaoweivice-general managerMale50February 27, 202076.17No
Jiang YanDeputy General Manager and Chief Financial OfficerFemale44November 15, 20214.18No
Secretary of the BoardJanuary 25, 2022
Gao WeidongChairman and directorMale49March 20, 2020September 24,2021Yes
Wang Yandirector;trusteeMale52October 16, 2018January 6,2021Yes
Liu GangDeputy General Manager and Chief Financial OfficerMale51July 2,2019October 8,202189.66No
Secretary of the BoardJanuary 18, 2020

Note: 1. According to the relevant regulations of Guizhou State-owned Assets Supervision andAdministration Commission, the annual salary of enterprise leaders is composed of basic annual salary,performance-based annual salary and term incentive. In principle, they do not enjoy other salaryexpenses except the three parts, such as subsidies.2. The pre-tax remuneration received by Mr. ZhongZhengqiang and Mr. Liu Gang from the company during the reporting period included reissue of theyear-end performance of previous years

Full NameMain work experience
Ding XiongjunHe served as deputy Secretary General of Guizhou Provincial Government and member of the Party Leadership Group of The General Office of Guizhou Provincial Government, Deputy Director of the Office of the Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, Standing Committee member and Vice Mayor of Bijie Municipal Committee of Guizhou Province (in charge of the executive work of the municipal Government), and Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Guizhou Energy Bureau.Currently, he is the Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman and director of China Kweichow Moutai Distilley (Group) Co., Ltd., and the chairman and director of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
Li JingrenHe served as a member of the Party Group and chief accountant of Guizhou Reservoir and Ecological Immigration Bureau, a member of the Party Group and deputy Director of Guizhou Reservoir and Ecological Immigration Bureau, the chief accountant of China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.. Currently, he is deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Vice Chairman, Director and general Manager of China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., LTD, and director and acting general manager of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
Lu JinhaiHe used to be director of Financial Engineering Department and Director of Information Technology Department of Southern Fund Management Company, general manager of Baoying Fund Management Co., Ltd., and deputy general manager of China Re Asset Management Co., Ltd. He is currently a partner of Shenzhen Qianhai Daoming Investment Management Co., Ltd. and an independent director of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
Xu DingboHe was a teaching assistant at the University of Pittsburgh and Minnesota, an assistant professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and an adjunct professor at Peking University. Current central Europe international business school according to the way accounting teaching professor, deputy provost, central Europe international business school education development foundation secretary general, CGMA100 north Asia management accounting leaders, vice President of China association of chief accountants, executive director, societe generale (China) co., LTD., independent director, China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.., independent director, Jingdong Group independent director.
Zhang JingzhongHe once served in the Research Office of the Political and Legal Committee of Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee. He is currently the director of Zhejiang Tianji Law Firm, an independent director of Shanghai Chenguang Stationery Co., Ltd., an independent director of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., and an independent director of Gansu Huangtai Liquor Co., Ltd.
Fu ZhigangHe once served as the director of the Quality Department of China Kweichow Moutai Distilley (Group) Co., Ltd., the director of the Quality Department of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., and the secretary of the Production Party branch of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. Currently, he is the director and deputy secretary of the Party branch and director of the Central Procurement Center of China Kweichow Moutai Distilley (Group) Co., LTD., and employee director of the Centralized Procurement Center of Kweichow Moutai Liquor Co., LTD, director.
You YalinHe used to be assistant to the general manager, director of the Party Committee Office, Secretary of the Party Committee, director of the National Security Office, Director of the confidentiality Office, and director of the petition Office of China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., LTD. He is currently the chairman and supervisor of the Board of Supervisors of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
Che XingyuHe used to be the director of the Enterprise Management Department of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., a member of the Office of the Leading Group of China Kweichow Moutai Distilley (Group) Co., Ltd., and the full-time chairman of the Board of Supervisors of the Management Office of the Subsidiary Board of Supervisors. Currently, he is the director and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Life Service and Security Center of China Kweichow Moutai Distilley (Group) Co., LTD., supervisor,
Liu ChenglongHe served as the director of the Legal Protection Department of Kweichow Moutai (Group) distillery Co., Ltd, and the director of the Legal Protection Department of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. Currently, he is the director of the Human Resources and Social Security Department of China Kweichow Moutai Distilley (Group) Co., Ltd., the vice president of the Party School (Staff Training School), the staff supervisor and the director of the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
Zhong ZhengqiangHe served as director and Deputy Secretary of Workshop 13 of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.; Assistant General Manager and Director of Production Management Department. He is currently the deputy general manager of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.
Tu HuabinAssistant general manager of Kweichow Moutai Co., LTD., director of production management department, new workshop preparation group leader, party branch secretary of production, assistant general manager of China Kweichow Moutai (Group) distillery Co., Ltd., Kweichow Moutai (Group) distillery Co., Ltd. Deputy Party secretary, vice chairman, general manager. Currently, he is the deputy general manager of Kweichow Moutai Co., LTD., and serves as the Party Secretary of Kweichow Moutai Co., LTD., and Yixing Liquor Branch.
Wang XiaoweiHe served as Deputy Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Branch of the 4 Workshop of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., Secretary and Deputy Director of the Party Branch of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., and Secretary and Deputy Director of the 25 Workshop of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. Currently, he is the deputy general manager of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., and the Party Secretary and chairman of Kweichow Moutai Sales Co., Ltd.
Jiang YanShe served as general manager of Moutai CCB (Guizhou) Investment Fund Management Co., LTD., chairman of Moutai (Shanghai) Financial Leasing Co., LTD., and vice chairman of Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., LTD. Currently, he is deputy general manager, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of the Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., chairman of Moutai CCB (Guizhou) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd., and Party Branch Secretary of Moutai (Shanghai) Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.

Other information

√Applicable □N/A

4.2 The current and outgoing directors, supervisors and senior management personnel during thereporting periodA. Appointment in shareholder entity

√Applicable ?N/A

Name of incumbentName of shareholder unitsPositions held in shareholder unitsStart date of term of serviceEnd date of term of service
Ding XiongjunChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Party secretary, chairman and directorAugust 2021
Li JingrenChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Deputy Party Secretary, Vice Chairman and General ManagerJuly 2019
DirectorOctober 2018
Chief accountantOctober 2018August 2021
Fu ZhigangChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Director of Centralized Procurement Center and Deputy Secretary of Party BranchMarch 2019
Che XingyuChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Director of Life Service Guarantee Center and Deputy Secretary of PartyDecember 2020
Liu ChenglongChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Director of Human Resources and Social Security Department, Vice President of Party School of Party Committee (Staff Training School)February 2020

B. Appointment in other units

√Applicable ?N/A

Name of incumbentName of other unitsPositions held in other unitsStart date of term of serviceEnd date of term of service
Lu JinhaiShenzhen Qianhai Daoming Investment Management Co., Ltd.PartnerJanuary 2016
Xu DingboChina Europe International Business SchoolProfessor of Accounting, Deputy Provost, Secretary General of Education Development Foundation, EssilorJanuary 2004
Societe Generale (China) LimitedIndependent DirectorDecember 2015
JD.COM GroupIndependent DirectorMay 2018
Zhang JingzhongZhejiang T&C Law FirmDirectorOctober 1988
Zhejiang Jinggong Technology Co., LtdIndependent DirectorJanuary 2015August 2021
All China Lawyers AssociationVice PresidentApril 2016October 2021
Lily Group Co., LtdIndependent DirectorAugust 2017October 2021
Shanghai M&G Co., LtdIndependent DirectorMay 2017
Gansu Huangtai Wine-Marketing Industry Co., Ltd.Independent DirectorOctober 2020
Liu ChenglongChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.SupervisorJune 2013October 2021
Kweichow Moutai Distillery Group Changli Winery Co., Ltd.DirectorDecember 2015November 2021
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.DirectorDecember 2015
Moutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.DirectorJune 2017September 2021
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Sanya Investment Industry Co., Ltd.DirectorAugust 2017September 2021
Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd.DirectorDecember 2018
Jiang YanMoutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.Chairman of the BoardDecember 2017
General ManagerDecember 2017March 2022
Moutai(Shanghai)Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.Secretary of Party BranchDecember 2017
Chairman of the BoardDecember 2017March 2022
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., LtdVice ChairmanMarch 2021December 2021

4.3 Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel

√Applicable ?N/A

Decision-making procedures for remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managersThe annual remuneration decision-making procedures and basis of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel who receive remuneration in the Company shall be determined by the relevant regulations of Guizhou Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the Company’s Measures for the Evaluation and Remuneration Management of Deputy Leaders and Measures for the Implementation of Wage Management, while the remuneration of independent directors shall be determined by the Shareholders Meeting.
Basis for determining the remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior managersIt shall be determined by relevant systems such as Measures for the Administration of Remuneration of Heads of Enterprises Supervised by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guizhou Province, Measures for the Evaluation of Operating Performance of Heads of Enterprises Supervised by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guizhou Province, Measures for the Evaluation and Remuneration Management of Deputy Personnel of Company Leadership Team, and Measures for the Implementation of Company Wage Management, and the remuneration of independent directors is decided by the shareholders’ meeting.
Actual payment of remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management personnelFor details, please refer to “Changes in Shareholding and Remuneration of Incumbent and Outgoing Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management during the Reporting Period” in this report.
Total actual remuneration received by all directors, supervisors and senior management personnel at the end of the reporting periodFor details, please refer to “Changes in Shareholding and Remuneration of Incumbent and Outgoing Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management during the Reporting Period” in this report.

4.4 Changes in directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of the company

√Applicable ?N/A

NamePositionSituation of changeReasons of change
Ding XiongjunChairman, DirectorElectedElection of Shareholders Meeting and Board of Directors. For details, please refer to the Announcement of Resolutions of the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No.: P.2021-026) and the Announcement of Resolutions of the Eighth Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No.: P.2021-027) disclosed on September 25, 2021.
Jiang YanDeputy General Manager, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of the Board of DirectorsEmployedAppointed by the Board of Directors. For details, please refer to the Resolution Announcement of the 11th Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 disclosed on November 16, 2021 (Announcement No.: P.2021-029) and the Resolution Announcement of the First Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2022 disclosed on January 27, 2022 (Announcement No.: P.2022-002).
Gao WeidongChairman, DirectorLeft postResolutions of the Shareholders Meeting. For details, please refer to the Announcement on Resolutions of the First Extraordinary General Meeting of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No.: P.2021-026) disclosed on September 25, 2021.
Wang YanDirectorLeft postResign. For details, please refer to the Announcement of Kweichow Moutai on Resignation of Directors disclosed on January 8, 2021 (Announcement No.: P.2021-002).
Liu GangDeputy General Manager, Chief Financial Officer and Secretary of the Board of DirectorsLeft postBoard resolution. For details, please refer to the Announcement of Resolutions of the 9th Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No.: P.2021-028) disclosed on October 9, 2021.

4.5 Explanation of punishment by securities regulatory agencies in recent three years?Applicable √N/A

4.6 Others

?Applicable √N/A

5. Board meetings during reporting period

Session of the meetingDate of conveningMeeting resolution
The first annual meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021February 8,2021Please refer to the Announcement of the Resolution of the First Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No. Lin 2021-003 disclosed on February 10, 2021).
The second meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021March 29, 2021For details, see the Resolution Announcement of the Second Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No. Lin 2021-004 disclosed on March 31, 2021:).
The third meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021April 26, 2021For details, see the Resolution Announcement of the Third Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No. Lin 2021-008 disclosed on April 28, 2021).
The fourth meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021May 17, 2021The meeting deliberated and adopted the motion on convening the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders.
The fifth meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021July 28, 2021For details, see the Resolution Announcement of the Fifth Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No. Lin 2021-015 disclosed on July 29, 2021).
The sixth meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021July 29, 2021For details, see the Resolution Announcement of the Sixth Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No. Lin 2021-016 disclosed on July 31, 2021).
The seventh meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021September 7,2021For details, see the Announcement of the Resolution of the Seventh Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No. Lin 2021-018 disclosed on September 9, 2021).
The eighth meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021September 24, 2021For details, see the Resolution Announcement of the Eighth Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No. Lin 2021-027 disclosed on September 25, 2021).
The ninth meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021October 8,2021For details, see the Announcement of the Resolution of the Ninth Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement Lin No. 2021-028 disclosed on October 9, 2021).
The Tenth meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021October 21, 2021The meeting deliberated and adopted the third quarter 2021 Report.
The eleventh meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021November 15, 2021Please refer to the Resolution Announcement of the 11th Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No. Lin 2021-029 disclosed on November 16, 2021).
The twelfth meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021December 9,2021Please refer to the Resolution Announcement of the 12th Meeting of the Third Board of Directors of Kweichow Moutai in 2021 (Announcement No. Lin 2021-030 disclosed on December 10, 2021).
The thirteenth meeting of the third Board of Directors in 2021December 30,2021The meeting deliberated and passed the “on the review of <general manager office meeting rules> motion” and “on the capital purchase and Yixing wine branch talent turnover room”.

6. Performance of duties by the directors

6.1The directors attend the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders

surname and personal nameWhether an independent directorParticipation in the Board of DirectorsJoining the shareholders’ general meeting
Number of board attendance this yearNumber of in-person attendanceNumber of participation by communicationNumber of commissioned attendanceAbsence, numberDid not personally attend the meeting for twice in a rowNumber of attendance at shareholders’ meetings
Ding Xiongjunno66500no0
Li Jingrenno13131100no2
Lu Jinhaiyes13121210no1
Xu Dingboyes13131200no1
Zhang Jingzhongyes13131100no2
Fu Zhigangno13131100no2

Failure to personally attend board meetings for two consecutive occasions?Applicable √N/A

Number of board meetings held within the year13
Including: the number of live meetings1
Number of meetings held by communication mode11
The number of meetings were held on site combined with communication methods1

6.2 Explanation of directors' objections to company-related matters

?Applicable √N/A

6.3 Other

?Applicable √N/A

7. Situation of a special committee under the Board of Directors

√Applicable ?N/A

7.1 The members of a special committee under the Board of Directors

Special Committee categoryMember name
The Audit committeeXu Dingbo, Ding Xiongjun, Lu Jinhai
The Nomination committeeLu Jinhai, Zhang Jingzhong, Fu Zhigang
The Salary and Assessment CommitteeZhang Jingzhong, Li Jingren, Lu Jinhai
The Strategy CommitteeDing Xiongjun, Li Jingren and Zhang Jingzhong
The Risk Management CommitteeLi Jingren, Xu Dingbo, Fu Zhigang

7.2 The audit committee held four meetings during the reporting period

Date of conveningcontent of meetingImportant comments and suggestions
March 29, 2021The first annual meeting of the Audit Committee in 2021Deliberated and passed the 2020 audit committee of the board performance report, 2020 annual report (full text and abstract), 2020 financial budget plan, 2021 financial budget plan , 2020 internal control audit report, 2021 financial audit institutions and internal control audit institutions, on daily related transactions with related parties, and agreed to submit the relevant proposals to the board of directors for consideration according to the provisions.
April 26, 2021The Second Annual Meeting of the Audit Committee in 2021Deliberated and passed the “First Quarter of 2021 Report”, “Proposal on Accounting Policy Change” and other motions, and agreed to submit the motion to the board of directors of the company for deliberation.
July 29, 2021The third annual meeting of the Audit Committee in 2021Deliberated and adopted the 2021 Semi-Annual Report (Full text and Abstract), and agreed to submit the motion to the board of directors of the company for deliberation.
October 21, 2021The Fourth Meeting of the Audit Committee in 2021Deliberated and adopted the Third Quarter 2021 Report, and agreed to submit the motion to the company’s board of directors for deliberation.

7.3 The nominating committee convene a meeting during the reporting period

Date of conveningcontent of meetingImportant comments and suggestions
November 15, 2021The First Meeting of the Nomination Committee in 2021Deliberated and passed the “Motion on Nominating Candidates of Directors”, “Motion on the appointment of Senior Managers” and other motions, and agreed to submit the motion to the board of directors of the company for deliberation.

7.4 The strategy committee held a meeting during the reporting period

Date of conveningcontent of meetingImportant comments and suggestions
December 9,2021The first annual meeting of the Strategy Committee in 2021Deliberated and passed the proposal on the investment and implementation of the First phase of the Packaging Logistics Park Project, and agreed to submit the proposal to the board of directors of the company for deliberation.

7.5The risk management committee hold a meeting during the reporting period

Date of conveningcontent of meetingImportant comments and suggestions
March 29th, 2021The first annual meeting of the risk management committee in 2021We deliberated and passed the 2020 Annual Report (full text and abstract), 2020 Internal Control Evaluation Report, Proposal on Daily Related Transactions and other motions, and agreed to submit the motions to the board of directors of the company for deliberation.

7.6 Specific circumstances where objections exist

?Applicable √N/A

8. Explanation that the Board of Supervisors finds the risks of the CompanyThe Board of Supervisors has no objection to the supervision matters during the reporting period.

9. Report on the employees of the parent company and its main subsidiaries at the end of theperiod

9.1 Employee condition

Number of active employees in the parent company28,756
Number of active employees in the main subsidiary1,215
Total number of current employees29,971
The number of retired employees of the parent company and its main subsidiary that shall bear the expenses1,657
Professional composition
Professional composition categoryNumber of majors
operating personnel24,868
financial staff222
clerical staff1,670
Other personnel1,568
Educational background
Education background typeQuantity (person)
Graduate degree or above304
university degree7,269
college degree4,001
Technical secondary school, high school and below18,397

9.2 Compensation policy

√ Applicable?N/A

First, the senior managers implement the annual salary system, according to the relevant regulations ofSASAC and the Company; Second, the intermediate managers implement the quasi annual salarysystem, according to the work nature, responsibilities, risk and performance, the performance paysystem, and adopt the total wage contract system according to different management needs, thetechnical content, knowledge content, labor intensity and performance of different series and posts.

9.3 Training plan

In order to meet the requirements of the company’s strategic development for human resources andimprove the company’s core competitiveness, 167 staff training projects will be carried out in 2022,including 54 company-level training projects and 113 department-level training projects. First, toimprove the quality of training. According to the principle of “classification, overall consideration,focus, tendency, internal training, outsourcing” training plan, made more targeted, more detailed,practical adjustment, curriculum design more optimization, teaching content, increase training and percapita training class, constantly improve the training quality; second, strict training content. In strictaccordance with the “each employee receives at least 42 hours of professional training every year”,“training for 24 hours or more, national laws and regulations, company rules and regulations, corporateculture included in the training courses” and other provisions, the safety, regulations, culture,environmental protection and others into the general training; third, highlight the characteristic content.The training not only sets up professional knowledge of wine production, professional skills and qualityimprovement training related to production, but also provides various special training, such asproduction technology, finance, comprehensive management, equipment management, qualificationevidence collection, pre-job training of various functional units.

9.4 Labor service outsourcing condition

The company accepts the labor service of Kweichow Moutai Liquor Factory (Group) TechnologyDevelopment Co., Ltd., the holding subsidiary of the parent company, for packaging some products ofMoutai-flavor series liquor. The transaction amount is calculated based on the actual packagingworkload. The annual transaction amount in 2021 was 202 million yuan.

10. Profit distribution or capital reserve conversion plan

10.1The formulation, implementation or adjustment of the cash dividend policies

√ Applicable?N/A

The articles of Association of the company defines the principles, conditions, methods, cycles, cashdividend ratio, profit distribution decision and adjustment procedures and mechanisms of profitdistribution.

According to the “2020 Annual Profit Distribution Plan” approved by the company’s annual generalmeeting of shareholders in 2020, the company is based on the total share capital of 1,256,197,800 sharesand distributed cash dividend of CNY 192.93 (before tax) to all the shareholders of the company forevery 10 shares. The profit distribution plan shall be expressed by the independent directors of thecompany and approved by the board of directors of the company and submitted to the general meetingof shareholders for deliberation and approval. When the shareholders’ meeting deliberated on the bill,the small and medium shareholders were counted separately. The profit distribution has beenimplemented in June 2021.

During the reporting period, the company’s profit distribution shall comply with the provisions of theArticles of Association of the company.

10.2 Special explanation of the cash dividend policy

√ Applicable?N/A

Whether it complies with the provisions of the articles of association or the resolution of the general meeting of shareholders√ Yes?No
Whether the dividend standard and proportion are clear√ Yes?No
Whether the relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms are complete√ Yes?No
Whether the independent directors perform their duties and play their due role√ Yes?No
Whether minority shareholders have the opportunity to fully express their opinions and appeals, and whether their legitimate rights and interests have been fully protected√ Yes?No

10.3 If the profits are made during the reporting period and the parent company’s distributableprofits available to shareholders are positive, but fails to put forward the cash profit distributionplan, the company shall disclose in detail the reasons, the use and use plan of the undistributedprofits?Applicable√ N/A

11. Situation and impact of the Company’s equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership planor other employee incentive measures

11.1 The relevant incentive matters have been disclosed in the interim announcement and there isno progress or change in the subsequent implementation?Applicable√ N/A

11.2 Incentives if not disclosed or with subsequent progress in the interim announcementEquity incentive?Applicable√ N/A

Other specifications?Applicable√ N/A

Employee stock ownership plan condition?Applicable√ N/A

Other incentives?Applicable√ N/A

11.3 The equity incentive situation granted by the directors and senior managers during thereporting period?Applicable√ N/A

11.4 The evaluation mechanism of senior management personnel and the establishment andimplementation of the incentive mechanism during the reporting period

√ Applicable?N/A

Evaluation and incentive mechanism of senior managers in 2021, in accordance with the Measures forthe Management of Compensation of Principals of Enterprises of Guizhou Province, the Measures forthe Performance Assessment of Principals of Enterprises of Guizhou Province and other relevantprovisions, And the company’s “leadership deputy personnel assessment and salary managementmeasures” relevant provisions implementation, In accordance with the Notice of SasAC on the BusinessPerformance Assessment and Salary Audit Results of the Main Principals of Moutai Group in 2020 andthe Notice of SasAC on the Compensation Audit Opinions and Related Matters of the Principals ofMoutai Group in 2020, Combined with the company’s annual operating conditions and performanceevaluation results, To comprehensively determine the remuneration of senior management personnelcomprehensively.

12. Construction and implementation of the internal control system during the reporting period

√Applicable ?N/A

According to the basic specification of enterprise internal control and its supporting guidelines and otherinternal control regulatory requirements, combined with the company’s internal control system andevaluation method, on the basis of daily supervision and special supervision, the board of directors ofthe company on December 31, 2021 (internal control evaluation report base date) internal controleffectiveness of the evaluation. See the Shanghai Stock Exchange website along with this report(website: www.sse.com.The cn) 2021 Internal Control Evaluation Report.

Description of the major defects existing in the internal control during the reporting period?Applicable√ N/A

13. Management and control of the subsidiaries during the reporting period

√Applicable ?N/A.

The company adheres to the principles of “centralized management and control, one enterprise and onepolicy”, “combination of management and release, dynamic authorization”, “combination of blocks,management and service”, “based on corporate governance and functional management and control asthe core” as the control principles, and implements control over subsidiaries and subsidiaries. In 2021,the Company adjusted and optimized the control mode: from “management based” to “managementcombination”, which stimulated the development of the subsidiary with the original management andfunctional control line and the importance of “legal management”; the third further optimized thecontrol office and corresponding line responsibilities, further highlighting the coordination and controlresponsibilities of the control office.

To strengthen the management of the subsidiary, standardize its body and procedures, the companyirregular system review, in accordance with the management principle of legitimacy, applicability,timeliness, problem oriented improvement principle, front review subsidiary the articles of associationand “three” rules of procedure, the articles of association and “three will” rules of procedure of theoverall framework, responsibilities and specific scope of study, discussion. Through the evaluation ofthe articles of association of the subsidiary and the rules of procedure of the “three meetings”, thecompany should strengthen the restriction and supervision of the power operation of the subsidiaryleadership, improve the work efficiency and work level, and promote the legalization,institutionalization and scientization of the decision-making of the discussion body.

14. Relevant information description of the internal control audit report

√Applicable ?N/A

See the Shanghai Stock Exchange website along with this report (website: www.sse.com.The cn) Part21 was disclosed in the Company’s 2021 Internal Control Audit Report.

Whether to disclose the internal control audit report: Yes

Type of internal control audit report opinion: standard unqualified opinion

15. Rectification of self-inspection problems in the special action of governance of listedcompaniesAccording to the requirements of the Announcement of China Securities Regulatory Commission on theSpecial Action of Listed Companies and the Notice of Guizhou Securities Regulatory Bureau onMatters Related to the Self-examination of The Governance of Listed Companies, the companyconscientiously carried out the special self-inspection of listed companies according to the specialself-inspection list of the governance of listed companies.

In view of the problems found in self-inspection, the company attaches great importance to andconscientiously rectify. As of the end of this report, there are the following four problems: controllingshareholders have overdue failed to fulfill the commitment of the equity incentive plan, seniormanagement in the controlling shareholder part-time, independent directors for the outbreak of theannual working time of less than 10 working days, to facilitate the daily work, the company and thecontrolling shareholders exist part of the common office system.

In the next step, the company will continue to carry out the rectification work as required, strengthen themodernization of corporate governance capacity and governance level, constantly improve the corporategovernance system and mechanism, continue to optimize the internal control system, steadily improvethe effectiveness of corporate governance, and promote the high-quality development of the company.

16. Other

?Applicable√ N/A

Section V Environment and Social Responsibility

1. Environmental information situation

1.1 Environmental information of the company and its major subsidiaries that are key emissionunits announced by the environmental protection authorities

√Applicable ?N/A

A. Emission information

√Applicable ?N/A

(1) Main pollutants: waste water, waste gas, solid waste.

(2) Name of characteristic pollutants: COD, ammonia nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, smoke(dust).

(3) Emissions of pollutants from January to December 2021.


The company has five wastewater treatment plants, each with one outlet, located in the old factory areaand Zhonghua area of the company’s headquarter, and the Dadi area, Xinzhai area and Erhe area ofHeyixing Liquor Branch, with direct discharge of wastewater after treatment to standards.

Name of sewage treatment plantsCODAmmonia nitrogenPollutant emission standards implemented
Average emission concentration (mg/l)Total emissions (ton)Average emission concentration (mg/l)Total emissions (ton)
7000t/d sewage treatment plant18.41013.8600.3670.319Emission Standards for Pollutants in Fermented Alcohol and White Wine Industry (GB27631-2011) Table 3 Direct Emission Standards
Xinzhai sewage treatment plant of Heyixing Liquor Branch25.1308.4840.3790.121
4000t/d sewage treatment plant25.72411.1660.8100.379
Dadi sewage treatment plant of Heyixing Liquor Branch36.22216. 4001.2830.621
Erhe sewage treatment plant of Heyixing Liquor Branch22.5688.9310.4680.208Standards for Discharge of Pollutants from Urban Sewage Treatment Plants (GB18918-2002) Class A

②Exhaust gas

The company’s gas boilers are located in the old factory and Zhonghua area of the company’sheadquarters, and in the Dadi area, Xinzhai area and Erhe area of Heyixing Liquor Branch. Thecompany’s gas boilers use natural gas as the energy source, with direct emissions of boiler exhaust.

Name of facilitiesSulfur dioxideNitrogen oxidesSmoke (dust)Standards implemented
Average emission concentrationTotal emissions (ton)Average emission concentrationTotal emissions (ton)Average emission concentrationTotal emissions (ton)
Gas boilers in the old factory (including the Zhonghua area) of the company headquarters3.002.47073.62463.7502.0441.690Emission Standards for Boiler Air Pollutants (GB13271-2014) Table 2
Gas boilers in Xinzhai and Dadi areas of Heyixing Liquor Branch3.000.63148.82810.46910.3732.252
Gas boilers in Erhe area of Heyixing Liquor Branch3.000.29056.0475.67012.4251.200

③Solid waste disposal

The company’s solid waste lees, waste cellar sludge and waste yeast are handed over toKweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd. andother units for comprehensive utilization and disposal, while domestic waste is entrusted to third-partyunits for transportation to waste incineration power plants for incineration.

(4) Total approved emissions

The company has declared and obtained the emission permit according to the “Management Measuresof Emission Permit (for Trial Implementation)” and related requirements. The total approved emissionsfor the reporting period are: COD 60.097 tons; ammonia nitrogen 6.0097 tons; nitrogen oxides

203.8662 tons; sulfur dioxide and (powder) dust in accordance with Table 2 of the Emission Standardsfor Boiler Air Pollutants (GB13271-2014).

B. Construction and operation of pollution prevention facilities

√Applicable ?N/A

Wastewater pollutant control facilities are mainly sewage treatment plants and other equipment facilities,whose construction has been completed and in normal operation; the company began to implement theboiler “coal to gas” project in 2011, and completed the comprehensive transformation in 2014,eliminating the coal-fired boilers and building 33 gas boilers, which are now in normal operation.

C. Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects and Other Administrative Permitsfor Environmental Protection

√Applicable ?N/A

(1) The company carried out environmental impact assessment for new, reformed and expanded projectsin accordance with the law and obtained 3 approvals for administrative permits for environmentalimpact assessment in 2021.

(2) Environmental protection inspection and acceptance of completed projects have been carried out inaccordance with the law and 5 online recordings have been completed.

D. Emergency response plan for environmental emergencies

√Applicable ?N/A

According to the Management Measures for the Filing of Emergency Response Plans for Enterprisesand Institutions (for Trial Implementation) (Huanfa [2015] No. 4) and other relevant documents, theCompany’s plants (Old Plant Area/Zhonghua area), and Heyixing Wine Branch (Dadi Area, XinzhaiArea and Erhe Area) have prepared emergency environmental response plans and obtained filing formsfrom environmental protection authorities, and conducted emergency response drills for emergencyenvironmental events in July 2021.

E. Self-monitoring environmental program

√Applicable ?N/A

According to the Measures for Environmental Information Disclosure by Enterprises and Institutions(Ministry of Environmental Protection Decree No. 31), Self-monitoring Technical Guide for EmissionUnits Wine and Beverage Manufacturing (HJ1085-2020), Self-monitoring Technical Guide forEmission Units Thermal Power Generation and Boilers (HJ820-2017) and Self-monitoring TechnicalGuide for Emission Units General Rules (HJ819-2017) and other documents, in order to grasp the statusof pollutant emissions from our enterprise and its impact on the surrounding environment quality, fulfillour legal obligations and social responsibilities, we have developed a self-monitoring program to ensurethat our self-monitoring meets the requirements of environmental management.

F. Administrative penalties for environmental issues during the reporting period?Applicable √ N/A

G. Other environmental information that should be made public?Applicable √ N/A

1.2 Environmental information of the company other than key emission units?Applicable √ N/A

1.3 Relevant information conducive to ecological protection, pollution prevention and control, andenvironmental responsibility fulfillment

√Applicable ?N/A

The company adheres to the road of green development. Focusing on the construction requirements of“one base, one benchmark”, the company has linked up with Tsinghua University’s Academy ofEnvironmental Sciences and other scientific research institutions to further clarify the direction and pathof Maotai’s green development. We have launched researches on ecological capacity, pollution controlcapacity improvement, and the layout of “the Production, Living and Ecological Space”. We haveimplemented “five special projects”, such as water enhancement project, gas enhancement project, soilconsolidation project, micro-protection project and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation project ofecosystems, and carried out “five special actions”, such as energy-saving, carbon reduction andefficiency improvement action, green product design action, green transformation action of industrialchains, green science and technology innovation action and green low-carbon life action. Ourenvironmental protection work focuses on “gas, water, slag, green, carbon” and other aspects,constantly building facilities, optimizing mechanisms, strengthening supervision and making guaranteesto effectively protect the ecological environment on which Maotai depends for its survival anddevelopment.

The company actively integrates into the development of Guizhou’s “National Ecological CivilizationPilot Zone” initiative, carries out ecological protection of the Chishui River with utmost efforts, andsolidly promotes ecological construction. Since 2014, the company has decided to contribute CNY 500million annually, specifically for the ecological protection of the Chishui River basin. In addition, bufferzones and no-construction zones for medium and long-term ecological environmental protection areplanned for Maotai, and greening and restoration of the barren slopes on the west bank of the ChishuiRiver are also planned. Meanwhile, the company will make every effort to promote regional ecologicalenvironmental protection legislation, making “water, air, soil, microorganisms, cultural heritage, and

planning and construction” as key legislative protection objects to better protect the irreproducibleecological environment.

1.4 Measures taken to reduce its carbon emissions during the reporting period and their effects

√Applicable ?N/A

First, carry out ecological restoration and greening beautification. In 2021, the company made efforts toimprove the regional environment by carrying out bare soil treatment, vigorously implementinggreening projects, organizing employees to participate in forest protection and greening activities,planting an area of about 1,430,000 square meters, adding 160,000 square meters of greening to theplant area, with a total greening area of about 1.43 million square meters, as well as investing tocomplete the landscape greening of the wine making and starter-making workshops in Zhonghua areaduring the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan. We established a positive and negative list of regional plants,gradually reducing exotic tree species and effectively protecting the native environment; second,actively promoted vehicle exhaust treatment. Our commuter vehicles are gradually replaced with naturalgas vehicles, the single and double number restrictions on employee vehicles are implemented andgradual replacement with new energy vehicles is encouraged. In this way, our factory areas can reduceexhaust emissions by 120 million m? per year and achieve an excellent air quality rate of over 98%.

2. Social Responsibility Work

√Applicable ?N/A

For details, please refer to our “Social Responsibility and ESG Report 2021” disclosed on the website ofShanghai Stock Exchange (URL: www.sse.com.cn) at the same time as this report.

3.Specific work on consolidating and expanding the progress in poverty alleviation and ruralrevitalization

√Applicable ?N/A

In 2021, the company always adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism withChinese Characteristics for a New Era, deeply implemented the spirit of the important speech byGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection of Guizhou, conscientiously implemented the spiritof the national and provincial summing-up and commendation conferences on poverty alleviation, andstrictly followed the requirements of “four no-takes”, taking the consolidation of poverty alleviation andrural revitalization progress as important political tasks and striving to fulfill our social responsibilities.

3.1 Work Progress

A. Help build and strengthen the work team. First, select and enhance the strength of the support team.The company has further promoted and appointed comrades with excellent performance andoutstanding achievements in support and assistance, so as to stimulate the motivation and dedication ofcadres and staff. In accordance with the requirements, we have selected and sent outstanding youngcadres to the front line of Daozhen town as the first secretary, cadres and helpers, thereby strengtheningthe team of helpers, and successfully completing the rotation of villages in rural revitalization in 2021.Second, strict team management. In order to strictly manage the work, the company has formulatedmanagement methods for the help team in Daozhen, promoting the implementation of help work byclarifying work responsibilities and strengthening daily management. Third, explore new paths of talentcultivation. We have conducted mutual posting of affiliated cadres with Chishui City to train andreserve talents for promoting project construction, playing a leading role in party building andpromoting tourism industry development. Fourth, strengthen agricultural technology guidance. Weworked together with Daozhen County Agricultural and Rural Bureau to organize township agriculturalservice center leaders and growers for “training sessions on sorghum cultivation”, systematicallyteaching sorghum seedling transplanting, pest control, harvesting and storage to further enhance thetechnical reserves and planting confidence of farming-related cadres and growers.

B. Help solidify the industrial base. First, optimize the construction of raw and auxiliary material bases.Combined with the development needs to strengthen the construction of raw and auxiliary materialbases, the company has invested in deepening the construction of sorghum demonstration bases,optimizing the base construction of raw and auxiliary materials such as rice straw, wheat, etc. The areas

cover Renhuai, Xishui, Congjiang and many other counties or cities, promoting the transition oftraditional agriculture to industrialization and specialization of modern agriculture in poverty-alliviatedareas, thereby driving nearly 100,000 households of farmers to increase income. Second, focus on thedevelopment of edible mushroom industry. Based on Daozhen’s industrial positioning of “a vegetableand mushroom township”, we have mobilized dealers to donate funds to help the development ofDaozhen’s edible mushroom industry, and join hands with the county government to promote the scale,quality and branding of Daozhen’s edible mushroom industry by centering on our assistance goal ofhelping Daozhen build the edible mushroom industry. Third, deepen the cooperation mode with theguaranteed vegetable base in Renhuai City. We purchased vegetables in poverty alleviated areas in theprocurement mode of “farmers + guaranteed bases (cooperatives) + canteens” to realize industrializedemployment in local places for poverty-alleviated population.

C. Continue to strengthen education support. First, we invested a total of CNY 100 million in 2021, tosolve the “last mile” problem from home to university for nearly 20,000 students by focusing on“education support” through the “China Maotai - the backbone of the country” public welfare project.Second, a public welfare project of “Dream Libraries” and a reading program for rural children werelaunched, covering five schools in Daozhen County, gathering positive energy for the revitalization ofrural culture. Thirdly, we coordinated to build a civic education base and a remote education station forrural revitalization in Daozhen County, helping to build a talent team in the poverty-alleviated areas andenhancing the development momentum of the areas themselves.

D. Expand the consumption channels of agricultural products. First, strengthen the top design. Thecompany’s support team in Daozhen organized a “meeting to promote Daozhen goods out of themountain”, systematically sorting out the problems in Daozhen’s agricultural and sideline products,production, packaging and sales, as well as providing scientific advice and suggestions to promoteDaozhen goods. Second, give full play to the assistance of consumption. Through internal purchase,social forces and other ways to increase the purchase of agricultural and sideline products inpoverty-alleviated areas of Daozhen County and Renhuai City. In 2021, the completion of directprocurement of high-quality agricultural products amounted to more than CNY 48 million, apart fromcoordinating social forces to help Daozhen’s sales of high-quality agricultural products. Third, create awell-known brand. We helped coordinate Daozhen’s agricultural and sideline products into theJingdong Group, the RT-Mart and other online and offline platforms, recommending Daozhen’sagricultural and sideline products through company activities or publicity media to enhance its brandinfluence.

3.2 Next work plan

First, continue to thoroughly implement the guiding opinions and arrangements of the Party CentralCommittee and the provincial government on consolidating and expanding the progress in povertyalleviation and rural revitalization, and make every effort to promote the implementation of the work.Second, further strengthen the study of policies related to rural revitalization, understand the spirit of thedocuments and formulate effective measures to strengthen work coordination and to improve themechanism of coordination between departments. Third, continue to play the advantage of Maotai’sresources. Fully implement the “Implementation Opinions of Maotai on Playing the Function ofState-owned Enterprises to Achieve Rural Revitalization and Agricultural and Rural Modernization”,and effectively carry out practical projects, so that the fruits of development can benefit wider areas andmore people. Fourth, in accordance with the deployment of higher-level work, implement our supportfor the pilot construction of beautiful red villages. Fifth, further strengthen the foundation of sociallivelihood. Continue to deepen the “1+10+1” system of advancing rural revitalization by party building,coordinate grass-roots party organizations to understand the situation of assisting villages in a timelymanner, and try to support the development of industries, education and medical care, while activelyguiding social forces to join the Daozhen support team and strengthen the helping force, so as toconsolidate the progress in poverty alleviation and promote the comprehensive rural revitalization.

Section VI Significant Events

1. Undertakings of Commitment Fulfillment

1.1 Undertakings of the Company’s actual controller, shareholders, related parties and acquirers,as well as the Company and other commitment makers fulfilled in the reporting period or ongoingby the end of this reporting period

√Applicable ?N/A

Commitment BackgroundTypeCommitted PartiesContentCommitment time and periodIf there is a fulfillment periodIf fulfilled timely and strictlyState the specific reason in case of failure to fulfillExplain the next plan in case of failure to fulfill
Commitments related to shareholding reformOtherChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Equity incentive commitment: After the completion of the equity share reform, the company will develop the equity incentive scheme for the management and core technical team according to the relevant national policies and regulations.Advance the development of equity incentives for the company’s management and core technical team by the end of December 2017.YesNoThe higher authorities have not issued relevant guidance and specific measures.

1.2 If there is a profit forecast for the company’s assets or projects, and the reporting period isstill in the profit forecast period, the company provides an explanation on whether the assets orprojects meet the original profit forecast and its reasons?Have met ?Have not met √N/A

1.3The completion of performance commitments and their impact on the goodwill impairmenttest?Applicable √ N/A

2. Non-operating appropriation of funds by controlling shareholders and other related partiesduring the reporting period?Applicable √ N/A

3. Non-compliance with guarantees

?Applicable √ N/A

4. Explanation of the board of directors regarding the “Non-standard audit opinion” by the CPAfirm?Applicable √ N/A

5. Analysis of the reasons for and effects of changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates orcorrections of significant accounting errors by the Company

5.1 Analysis of the reasons for and effects of changes in accounting policies and accountingestimates

√Applicable ?N/A

For details, please refer to Section X of this report on financial reporting V. Significant accountingpolicies and accounting estimates 23. Changes of significant accounting policies and accountingestimates.

5.2 Analysis of the reasons for and effects of corrections of significant accounting errors by theCompany?Applicable √ N/A

5.3 Communication with the previous CPA firm

?Applicable √ N/A

6. Engagement and disengagement of CPA firms

Unit: CNY 10,000

Current CPA
Name of the domestic CPA firmBaker Tilly China CPAs
Remuneration of the domestic CPA firm97
Years of audit by the domestic CPA firm4
Internal control audit CPA firmBaker Tilly China CPAs41

Note on the engagement and disengagement of CPA firms?Applicable √ N/A

Note on reappointing the CPA firm during the audit?Applicable √ N/A

7. Cases facing the risk of delisting

7.1 Reasons of delisting risk warnings

?Applicable √ N/A

7.2 Measures to be taken by the Company in response

?Applicable √ N/A

7.3 Circumstances and reasons for facing termination of listing

?Applicable √ N/A

8. Matters related to bankruptcy restructuring

?Applicable √ N/A

9. Significant litigation and arbitration matters

?The company has significant litigation and arbitration matters during the year

√ The company has no significant litigation and arbitration matters during the year

10. The listed company and its directors, supervisors, senior management, controllingshareholders and actual controllers are suspected of violating the law, being punished and theirrectification?Applicable √ N/A

11. Description of the integrity of the Company and its controlling shareholders and actualcontrollers during the reporting period

√Applicable ?N/A

The integrity of the Company and its controlling shareholders during the reporting period is good.

12. Significant related party transactions

12.1 Related party transactions related to daily operations

A. Matters that have been disclosed in the interim announcement with no progress or changes insubsequent implementation?Applicable √ N/A

B. Matters that have been disclosed in the interim announcement with progress or changes insubsequent implementation?Applicable √ N/A

C. Matters not disclosed in the interim announcement

√Applicable ?N/A

(1) Related party transactions with the same related party as those considered and approved by theBoard of Directors

Unit: CNY

Name of related partiesRelationshipType of Related party transactionsContent of Related party transactionsPricing Principles for Related party transactionsConnected transaction priceAmount of Related party transactionsProportion of the amount of similar transactions (%)Settlement of Related party transactionsMarket PriceReasons for large differences between transaction prices and market reference prices
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Parent companyAcceptance of labor servicesComprehensive Service FeeAgreed Price379,394.43100cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.Holding subsidiary of the parent companyAcceptance of labor servicestransportation servicesReferto independent third-party transaction prices215,293,693.9373.86cash payment
Shenren Packaging and Printing Co., Ltd., Renhuai City, Guizhou ProvinceOtherPurchase of goodsPurchase of goodsThe same purchase price as the supply price of other unrelated suppliers of the242,357,820.968.57cash payment
CHINESE-FOREIGN VENTURE DRAGON AND LION CAP CO.,LTD ZHUHAI S.E.ZHolding subsidiary of the parent companyPurchase of goodsPurchase of goodsThe same purchase price as the supply price of other unrelated suppliers of the company186,644,711.146.6cash payment
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companyPurchase of goodsPurchase of goodsAgreed Price150,339,280.00100cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.OtherPurchase of goodsPurchase of goodsThe same purchase price as the supply price of other unrelated suppliers of the company109,617,071.393.54cash payment
Guizhou Fumingxing Packaging Co., Ltd.OtherPurchase of goodsPurchase of goodsThe same purchase price as the supply price of other unrelated suppliers of the company73,963,369.222.62cash payment
Guizhou New Huaxi Glass Co., Ltd.OtherPurchase of goodsPurchase of goodsThe same purchase price as the supply price of other unrelated suppliers of the company60,580,925.362.14cash payment
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companyPurchase of goodsPurchase of goodsAgreed Price2,892,054.0042.15cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.OtherPurchase of goodsPurchase of goodsAgreed Price2,203,000.0032.11cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Holding subsidiary of the parent companyPurchase of goodsPurchase of goodsAgreed Price1,766,767.1325.75cash payment
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companyPurchase of goodsPurchase of goodsAgreed Price33,274.34100cash payment
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companyOther utility costs such as water, electricity and gas (purchase)Receiving water servicesAgreed Price3,925,458.51100cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Holding subsidiary of the parent companyAcceptance of labor servicesLabor costAgreed Price201,743,603.4227.22cash payment
Hotel Management Company Of Moutai GroupWholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companyAcceptance of labor servicesLabor costAgreed Price61,437,621.878.29cash payment
Kweichow Moutai LogisticsOtherAcceptance of laborLabor costAgreed Price95,320,754.8512.86cash payment
Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.services
Kweichow Moutai (group) International Travel Service Co., Ltd.OtherAcceptance of labor servicesLabor costAgreed Price24,511,528.393.31cash payment
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companyAcceptance of labor servicesLabor costAgreed Price15,019,725.642.03cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd.OtherAcceptance of labor servicesLabor costAgreed Price4,091,215.490.55cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.Holding subsidiary of parent companyAcceptance of labor servicesLabor costAgreed Price573,223.590.08cash payment
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Parent companyRent in and rent outRental feeAgreed Price26,724,386.7358.41cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Holding subsidiary of parent companyRent in and rent outRental feeAgreed Price11,712,556.7925.60cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd.OtherRent in and rent outRental feeAgreed Price3,000,000.006.56cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.OtherRent in and rent outRental feeAgreed Price1,691,467.443.70cash payment
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Ecological Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.Holding subsidiary of parent companyRent in and rent outRental feeAgreed Price236,674.530.52cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.OtherPurchase of goodsPurchase of officesThe sale price is the same as the purchase price of the company’s other unaffiliated dealers9,741,492.1619.20cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companySales of goodsSales of goodsThe sale price is the same as the purchase price of the company’s other unaffiliated dealers5,193,690,831.854.90cash payment
Hotel Management Company of Moutai GroupWholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companySales of goodsSales of goodsThe sale price is the same as the purchase price of the company’s other unaffiliated dealers19,511,175.240.02cash payment
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Parent companySales of goodsSales of goodsThe sale price is the same as the purchase price of the company’s other unaffiliated dealers7,293,281.430.01cash payment
Shanghai Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.OtherSales of goodsSales of goodsThe sale price is the same as the purchase price of the company’s other unaffiliated5,526,159.300.01cash payment
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companySales of goodsSales of goodsThe sale price is the same as the purchase price of the company’s other unaffiliated dealers4,778,230.090.005cash payment
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companySales of goodsSales of goodsThe sale price is the same as the purchase price of the company’s other unaffiliated dealers3,372,637.170.003cash payment
Beijing Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companySales of goodsSales of goodsThe sale price is the same as the purchase price of the company’s other unaffiliated dealers2,729,246.020.003cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companySales of goodsSales of goodsThe sale price is the same as the purchase price of the company’s other unaffiliated dealers1,723,539.820.002cash payment
Shanghai Kweichow Moutai Industrial Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companySales of goodsSales of goodsThe sale price is the same as the purchase price of the company’s other unaffiliated dealers1,309,890.280.001cash payment
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Ecological Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.OtherSales of goodsSales of goodsThe sale price is the same as the purchase price of the company’s other unaffiliated dealers315,142.490.0003cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Holding subsidiary of parent companyProviding servicesLabor feeAgreement price682,486.89100cash payment
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companyProviding servicesLabor feeAgreement price560,412.74100cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.Holding subsidiary of parent companyProviding servicesLabor feeAgreement price27,771.05100cash payment
Kweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent companyRent in and rent outRental feeAgreement price495,146.4759.99cash payment
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Parent companyRent in and rent outRental feeAgreement price330,275.2240.01cash payment

(2) Related party transactions with the same related party approved by the Shareholders Meeting.

The company registered trademark of the parent company China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group)Co., Ltd., and the trademark usage fee is CNY 1,332.73 million during the reporting period.

(3) Related transactions with other related parties

A. The Company purchased raw materials from Shanghai Rencai Printing Co., Ltd., and the amountincurred in the current period is CNY 12.49 million.

B. The Company purchased comprehensive security insurance for female employees from Huagui LifeInsurance Co., Ltd., and the amount incurred in the current period is CNY 477,500.

C. The ending deposit balance of the Company in Bank of Guizhou is CNY 23.81 billion CNY(including a large-denomination certificate of deposit of CNY 2 billion), the current interest income isCNY 445.24 million, and the investment income is CNY 59.76 million. Kweichow Moutai GroupFinance Co., Ltd., a holding subsidiary of the Company, subscribed for the bonds issued by Bank ofGuizhou Co., Ltd. from the open market at a cost of CNY 100 million, and the recognized interestincome is CNY 179,600 in the current period. As of the end of the period, the balance of the provisionfor impairment of the debt investment is CNY 56,700, the accrued interest balance is CNY 179,600, andthe carrying amount is CNY 100.12 million.

12.2Affiliated transactions arising from the acquisition or sale of assets or equity

A. Matters disclosed in the interim announcement but without progress or change in subsequentimplementation

□Applicable √N/A

B. Matters disclosed in the interim announcement but without progress or change in subsequentimplementation

□Applicable √N/A

C. Matters not disclosed in the interim announcement

□Applicable √N/A

D. If performance agreement is involved, the realization of performance during the reportingperiod shall be disclosed

□Applicable √N/A

12.3 Important related party transactions jointly invested

A. Matters disclosed in the temporary announcement without subsequent progress or change

□Applicable √N/A

B. Matters disclosed in the temporary announcement with subsequent progress or change

□Applicable √N/A

C. Matters not disclosed in the temporary announcement

□Applicable √N/A

12.4 Related debt transactions

A. Matters disclosed in the temporary announcement without subsequent progress or change

□Applicable √N/A

B. Matters disclosed in the temporary announcement with subsequent progress or change

□Applicable √N/A

C. Matters not disclosed in the temporary announcement

□Applicable √N/A

12.5 Financial business between the Company and the financial company with which theCompany is associated, the financial company in which the Company holds a majority of sharesand the related parties

√Applicable □ N/A

A. Deposit business

√Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

Related partyRelated party relationshipMaximum deposit per dayRange of deposit rateOpening balanceCurrent periodClosing balance
Total deposit in the current periodTotal withdrawal in the current period
Guizhou Xijiu Sales Co., Ltd.Other6,712,436,958.2028,788,362,072.0525,766,406,343.859,734,392,686.40
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Parent company705,138,050.2242,116,523,132.8840,325,735,817.772,495,925,365.33
Kweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company2,510,738,390.9110,333,655,933.318,718,711,304.624,125,683,019.60
Kweichow Moutaichun Marketing CompanyOther920,842,428.984,279,679,667.304,588,681,902.62611,840,193.66
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company1,053,210,194.615,523,138,667.674,858,421,165.801,717,927,696.48
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd.Other300,139,345.181,345,166,318.83941,362,389.43703,943,274.58
Guizhou Renhuai Shenren Packaging and Printing Co., Ltd.Other173,286,572.76850,552,541.62813,582,346.16210,256,768.22
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company204,287,610.43578,479,529.42564,209,290.16218,557,849.69
ChangLi Moutai Wine Trade Co., Ltd.Other152,585,956.02846,608,322.83713,434,724.86285,759,553.99
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company108,370,683.60718,004,995.05772,569,797.0953,805,881.56
Beijing Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company150,354,370.95469,246,525.46587,149,260.9132,451,635.50
Shanghai Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.Other53,455,768.17341,598,600.17348,378,120.8046,676,247.54
KWEICHOW MOUTAI WINERY(GROUP) BAIJIN LIQUOR SALES CO., LTD.Other224,537,066.6495,444,427.43256,250,753.2263,730,740.85
Guizhou Maotai Ecological Agriculture Sales Co., Ltd.Other58,614,228.79339,428,074.23362,038,494.4336,003,808.59
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy IndustrWholly-owned subsidiary of the parent37,080,922.96496,595,645.51403,771,331.19129,905,237.28
Co., Ltd.company
Shanghai Kweichow Moutai Industrial Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company24,541,545.55173,615,134.48182,188,718.3815,967,961.65
Guizhou Zunpeng Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.Other6,207,766.48453,457,901.96341,349,114.52118,316,553.92
Health Industry Co., Ltd. of Kweichow Moutai Group.Other63,850,975.86232,073,169.61256,554,795.1539,369,350.32
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company100,151,761.05188,328,986.99270,214,376.2018,266,371.84
Kweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.Other18,366,982.68169,849,461.05172,060,336.8816,156,106.85
CHINESE-FOREIGN VENTURE DRAGON AND LION CAP CO.,LTD ZHUHAI S.E.ZMajority-owned subsidiary of the parent company61,111,183.48304,635,699.32306,278,758.0959,468,124.71
Guizhou Fuming Packaging Co. LtdOther17,141,404.6897,529,116.77102,899,843.0411,770,678.41
Guizhou Jiuyuan Property Co., Ltd.Other25,917,286.5155,607,363.8353,199,390.0728,325,260.27
GUI ZHOU NEW HUAXI GLASS CO., LTDOther1,379,775.63102,859,277.54103,559,472.79679,580.38
Tianchao Shangpin Liquor Industry(Guizhou) Co., Ltd.Other142,935,451.25286,801,127.23414,856,000.0014,880,578.48
Zhongshan Sanrun Printing Consumables Co., Ltd.Other28,305,077.01430,939,956.08459,245,033.09
GUIZHOU MAOTAI DISTILLERT(GROUP) XIJIU CO., LTD.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company215,328,273.971,649,952,804.331,291,290,593.61573,990,484.69
KWEICHOW MOUTAI DISTILLERY GROUP CHANGLI WINERY CO., LTD.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company7,864,923.85276,717,314.98275,104,255.869,477,982.97
Kweichow Moutai (group) International Travel Service Co., Ltd.Other6,395,353.4949,741,638.6130,294,650.3825,842,341.72
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Foreign Investment Cooperation Management Co., Ltd.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company17,661,451.0854,703,868.3272,365,319.40
KWEICHOW MOUTAI WINERY(GROUP)BAIJIN LIQUOR CO., LTD.Other4,754,545.99322,149,948.42278,049,260.1748,855,234.24
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Ecological Agriculture Industry Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company7,080,670.1778,479,510.9283,450,000.002,110,181.09
Hotel Management Company Of Moutai GroupWholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company39,622,015.8679,060,587.8081,960,227.6036,722,376.06
Kweichow MoutaiOther39,163,54116,114,495.137,967,061.17,310,9
Distillery (Group) Sanya Investment Co., Ltd.2.59777676.60
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Co., Ltd.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company6,020,201.77705,640,084.78649,071,535.0862,588,751.47
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang Business Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company2,364,476.573,868,456.774,285,735.551,947,197.79
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Ecological Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.Other486,511.0137,016,991.1137,500,000.003,502.12
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company39,304,385.432,450,554,141.162,378,049,237.47111,809,289.12
Moutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company807,602.96145.76803,730.424,018.30
Moutai Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company5,150.13118.555,268.68
Moutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund (Limited Partnership)Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company840.342.99843.33
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.Other11,964.96621,600.8911,986.14621,579.71
Guizhou Hengdao Forestry and Agriculture Technology Development Co., Ltd.Other281.00383,587.70383,840.8327.87
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiding Jingqi Glasswork Co., Ltd.Other108,906,206.6155,963,940.1752,942,266.44
Guizhou Renhuai Renshuai Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.Other32,016,874.242,913,269.3329,103,604.91
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Lvsheng Organic Fertilizer Co., Ltd.Other770,815.42591,621.31179,194.11

Note: The above deposit interest rates range from 0.35% to 2.75%.

Interest paid to related parties

Related partyThis reporting period
Guizhou Xijiu Sales Co., Ltd.108,362,072.05
Kweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.16,906,786.89
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.11,545,138.89
Kweichow Moutaichun Marketing Company7,160,221.58
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.12,838,051.86
Guizhou Renhuai Shenren Packaging and Printing Co., Ltd.2,552,541.62
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.1,877,899.92
Changli Moutai Wine Trading Co., Ltd.2,182,551.69
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Platinum Liquor Sales Co., Ltd.1,263,300.22
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.844,471.54
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd.1,705,436.82
Kweichow Moutai Group Health Industry Co., Ltd.573,169.61
Tianchao Shangpin Wine Industry (Guizhou) Co., Ltd.301,127.23
Guizhou Jiuyuan Property Co., Ltd.407,973.76
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.456,797.84
Kweichow Moutai Ecological Agriculture Sales Co., Ltd.428,074.23
Beijing Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.246,525.46
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.192,542.66
Chinese-Foreign Venture Dragon And Lion Cap Co., Ltd Zhuhai S.E.Z163,293.69
Shanghai Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.198,600.17
Kweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.114,917.05
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd.647,329.13
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.586,454.62
Shanghai Kweichow Moutai Industrial Co., Ltd.103,632.88
Guizhou Zunpeng Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.473,901.96
Gui Zhou New Huaxi Glass Co., Ltd73,550.70
Kweichow Moutai Winery(Group)Baijin Liquor Co., Ltd..73,294.29
Gui Zhou New Huaxi Glass Co., Ltd93,938.83
Hotel Management Company Of Moutai Group70,097.95
Kweichow Moutai (group) International Travel Service Co., Ltd.56,743.61
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Co., Ltd.301,102.66
Guizhou Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiding Jingqi Glass Products Co., Ltd.213,054.05
Zhongshan Sanrun Printing Consumables Co., Ltd.39,956.08
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Sanya Investment Co., Ltd.44,495.77
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Foreign Investment Cooperation Management Co., Ltd.42,584.06
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Ecological Agriculture Industry Development Co., Ltd.35,478.66
Kweichow Moutai Distillery Group Changli Winery Co., Ltd.49,318.35
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Ecological Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.16,991.11
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang Business Co., Ltd.27,712.60
Moutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.145.76
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.621,600.89
Moutai Financial Leasing Co., Ltd18.55
Guizhou Hengdao Danlin Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd.7.02
Moutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund (Limited Partnership)2.99
Guizhou Renhuai Renshuai Wine Industry Co., Ltd.4,220.74
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Lvsheng Organic Fertilizer Co., Ltd.69.92

B. Loan business

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

Related partyRelationLoan amountInterest RateOpening balanceAmount for this periodClosing balance
Total loan amount for the current periodTotal repayment amount for the current period
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Parent company3,500,000,000.003.80%3,000,000,000.003,500,000,000.003,000,000,000.003,500,000,000.00
Kweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.Other20,000,000.003.80%18,355,728.0011,644,272.0020,000,000.0010,000,000.00
Chinese-Foreign Venture Dragon And Lion Cap Co., Ltd Zhuhai S.E.ZHolding subsidiary of parent company10,000,000.004.05%10,000,000.0010,000,000.00

Interest charged to related parties

ItemRelated partyThis reporting period
Loan interest incomeChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.109,865,697.45
Loan interest incomeKweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.647,083.70
Loan interest incomeChinese-Foreign Venture Dragon And Lion Cap Co., Ltd Zhuhai S.E.Z89,150.94

C. Credit business or other financial business

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

Related partyRelationBusiness typeTotal amountActual amount
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Ecological Agriculture Industry Development Co., Ltd.Wholly owned subsidiary of parent companyEntrusted deposit9,955,184.189,955,184.18
Guizhou Hengdao Danlin Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd.OtherEntrusted loans9,955,184.189,955,184.18

D. Other instructions

√Applicable □N/A

The Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Company, a controlling subsidiary of the Company, haswithdrawn the loans to Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., LTD. at expiration, with recognizedinterest income of CNY 11.13 million in the current period. Bonds issued by Guiyang GYB FinancialLeasing Co., LTD. was subscribed from the open market with cost of CNY 20.00 million, andrecognized interest income of CNY 857,900 in the current period. As of the end of the period, thebalance of the debt investment impairment provision is CNY 11,300, the accrued interest balance isCNY 153,200, and the carrying amount is CNY 20.14 million.

13. Significant contracts and their performance

13.1 Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

A. Trusteeship

□Applicable √N/A

B. Contracting

□Applicable √N/A

C. Leasing

□Applicable √N/A

13.2 Major guarantees

□Applicable √N/A

13.3 Entrusting others to manage cash assets

A. Entrusted assets managementa. Overview of entrusted assets management

□Applicable √N/A

Other situations

□Applicable √N/A

b. Principal entrusted assets management

□Applicable √N/A

Other situations

□Applicable √N/A

c. Provision for impairment of entrusted assets management

□Applicable √N/A

B. Entrusted loansa. Overview of entrusted loans

□Applicable √N/A

Other situations

□Applicable √N/A

b. Principal entrusted loans

□Applicable √N/A

Other situations

□Applicable √N/A

c. Provision for impairment of entrusted loans

□Applicable √N/A

C. Other situations

□Applicable √N/A

13.4 Other significant contracts

□Applicable √N/A

14. Instruction of other major events that have a significant impact on investors’ value judgmentsand investment decisions

□Applicable √N/A

Section VII Changes in Shares and Information about Shareholders

1. Changes in share capital

1.1 Changes in shares

A. Changes in sharesDuring the reporting period, there is no change to the total number of shares and share capital structureof the Company.

B. Explanation of changes in shares

□Applicable √N/A

C. The impact of changes in shares on financial indicators such as earnings per share and netassets per share in the last year and the latest period (if any)

□Applicable √N/A

D. Other contents deemed necessary by the Company or required by securities regulators todisclose

□Applicable √N/A

1.2 Changes in restricted shares

□Applicable √N/A

2. Securities issuance and listing

2.1 Issues of securities as of the reporting period

□Applicable √N/A

Explanation of securities issuance as of the reporting period (for bonds with different interest rates inthe duration, please explain separately):

□Applicable √N/A

2.2 Changes in the Company’s total shares and shareholder structure, and changes in theCompany’s asset and liability structure

□Applicable √N/A

2.3 Existing employees’ shares

□Applicable √N/A

3. Shareholders and actual controllers

3.1 Total number of shareholders

3.2 Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders and top ten tradable shareholders (or shareholderswithout restrictions on sales) as of the end of the reporting period

Unit: share

Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders
(full name)Increase or decrease during theNumber of shares held at the end ofProportion (%)Number ofStaking, tokenizing or freezingNature of

The total number of ordinary shareholders as of the endof the reporting period

The total number of ordinary shareholders as of the end of the reporting period153,535
The total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the previous month before the disclosure date of the annual report162,591
reporting periodthe periodshares held with restrictions on salesShare statusQuantityshareholders
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.678,291,95554.00NoneState-own legal person
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Ltd. (HKSCC)-14,672,13689,681,8447.14UnknownUnknown
Guizhou Provincial State-owned Capital Operation Co., Ltd.-1,827,15156,996,7774.54UnknownState-own legal person
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Kweichow Moutai Distillery Group Technology Development Co., Ltd.)27,812,0882.21NoneState-own legal person
Central Huijin Asset Management Co., Ltd.-390,19610,397,1040.83UnknownState-own legal person
China Securities Finance Corporation Limited-918,039,4470.64UnknownUnknown
Shenzhen Jinhui Rongsheng Wealth Management Co., Ltd. - Jinhui Rongsheng No. 3 Private Securities Investment Fund908,4005,929,3500.47UnknownUnknown
Bank of China Limited - China Merchants CSI Liquor Index Graded Securities Investment Fund2,683,0335,838,3540.46UnknownUnknown
Zhuhai Ruifeng Huibang Asset Management Co., Ltd. - Ruifeng Huibang No. 3 Private Securities Investment Fund1,205,7855,366,7170.43UnknownUnknown
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 Exchange-traded Open-end Index Securities Investment Fund1,596,5045,335,7650.42UnknownUnknown
Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders without restrictions on sales
Shareholder nameThe number of tradable shares held without restrictions on salesType and quantity of shares
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.678,291,955ordinary shares678,291,955
Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Ltd. (HKSCC)89,681,844ordinary shares89,681,844
Guizhou Provincial State-owned Capital Operation Co., Ltd.56,996,777ordinary shares56,996,777
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd. (Formerly known as Kweichow Moutai Distillery Group Technology Development Co., Ltd.)27,812,088ordinary shares27,812,088
Central Huijin Asset Management Co., Ltd.10,397,104ordinary shares10,397,104
China Securities Finance Corporation Limited8,039,447ordinary shares8,039,447
Shenzhen Jinhui Rongsheng Wealth Management Co., Ltd. - Jinhui Rongsheng No. 3 Private Securities Investment Fund5,929,350ordinary shares5,929,350
Bank of China Limited - China Merchants CSI Liquor Index Graded Securities Investment Fund5,838,354ordinary shares5,838,354
Zhuhai Ruifeng Huibang Asset Management Co., Ltd. - Ruifeng Huibang No. 3 Private Securities Investment Fund5,366,717ordinary shares5,366,717
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - Shanghai Stock Exchange 50 Exchange-traded Open-end Index Securities Investment Fund5,335,765ordinary shares5,335,765
Explanation of the relations or concerted actions of the above shareholdersAmong the above shareholders, there are relations between China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd. and Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd. (formerly known as Kweichow Moutai Distillery Group Technology Development Co., Ltd.). In addition, the Company is not aware of the relations among other shareholders and whether they are persons acting in concert.

Number of shares held by the top ten shareholders with restrictions on sales and restrictions on sales

□Applicable √N/A

3.3 Strategic investors or general legal persons become the top 10 shareholders due to placementof new shares

□Applicable √N/A

4. Controlling shareholders and actual controller

4.1 Controlling shareholder

A. Legal person

√Applicable □N/A

NameChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.
Legal RepresentativeDing Xiongjun
Date of establishmentJanuary 24, 1998
Main businessProduction and operation of alcoholic products (main business); production technology consulting and services of alcoholic products; production and sales of packaging materials and beverages; catering, accommodation, tourism, logistics and transportation; import and export trade business; Internet industry; real estate development and leasing, parking lot management; education, health; ecological agriculture..
Shareholdings of other domestic and overseas listed companies that controlled and participated in during the reporting periodHolding 0.24% of the shares of Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.; holding 5.16% of the shares of Huachuang Yangan Co., Ltd.; holding 1.45% of the shares of Bank of Guiyang Co., Ltd.; holding 11.55% of the shares of Guizhou Radio and Television Information Network Co., Ltd.; holding 12% of the shares of Bank of Guizhou Co., Ltd.

B. Natural person

□Applicable √N/A

C. Special instructions for the fact that the Company does not have controlling shareholders

□Applicable √N/A

D. Explanation on changes of controlling shareholders during the reporting period

□Applicable √N/A

E. Block diagram of the property rights and control relationship between the Company and thecontrolling shareholders

√Applicable □N/A

4.2 The actual controller

A. Legal person

√Applicable □N/A

NameState-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People's Government of Guizhou Province
The person in charge or the legal representative of the entityXiao Kailin

B. Natural persons

□Applicable √N/A

C. Special instructions for the fact that the Company does not have an actual controller

□Applicable √N/A

China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.

Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.54%

D. Explanation on the change of the Company’s control during the reporting period

□Applicable √N/A

E. Block diagram of the property rights and control relationship between the Company and theactual controller

√Applicable □N/A

F. The actual controller controls the Company through trust or other asset management methods

□Applicable √N/A

4.3 Other information about the controlling shareholder and actual controller

□Applicable √N/A

5. The accumulative number of pledged shares of the Company’s controlling shareholder or thelargest shareholder and its persons acting in concert account for more than 80% of theCompany’s shares held by them

□Applicable √N/A

6. Other legal person shareholders holding more than 10% of the shares

□Applicable √N/A

7. Explanation of share restriction and reduction

□Applicable √N/A

8. The specific implementation of share repurchase during the reporting period

□Applicable √N/A

Section VIII Preferred Shares

□Applicable √N/A

Section IX Information about Bond

1. Corporate bonds, company bonds and non-financial corporate debt financing instruments

□Applicable √N/A

2. Convertible corporate bonds

State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of

the People's Government of Guizhou ProvinceChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.

China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.

Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.54%


□Applicable √N/A

Section X Financial Report

1. Audit report

√Applicable □N/A

2. Financial statements


December 31, 2021

Prepared by: Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

Unit: CNY

ItemNotesDecember 31, 2021December 31, 2020
Cash and Cash equivalents151,810,243,607.1136,091,090,060.90
Settlements Provision
Loans to banks and other financial institutions2135,067,287,778.03118,199,586,541.06
Financial assets held for trading
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable31,532,728,979.67
Accounts receivable4
Financing receivables
Insurance premium receivable
Due from reinsurers
Reinsurance contract reserves receivable
Other receivables633,158,974.3234,488,582.19
Including: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell
Contract assets
Assets classified as held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets871,527,560.7426,736,855.91
Total current assets220,765,692,846.31185,652,154,956.94
Loans and advances93,425,175,000.002,953,036,834.80
Debt investment10170,468,623.7120,143,397.78
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments
Other equity instruments investments
Other non-current financial assets119,830,052.91
Investment properties125,242,431.75
Fixed assets1317,472,173,182.8516,225,082,847.29
Construction in progress142,321,988,541.822,447,444,843.03
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use asset15362,785,970.23
Intangible assets166,208,358,330.244,817,170,981.91
Development expenditures
Long-term prepaid expenses17139,342,455.82147,721,526.43
Deferred tax assets182,237,206,443.841,123,225,086.37
Other non-current assets192,059,761,333.33
Total non-current assets34,402,502,313.5927,743,655,570.52
Total assets255,168,195,159.90213,395,810,527.46
Current liabilities
Short-term borrowings
Borrowing from the central bank
Deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions
Financial liabilities held for trading
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable202,009,832,495.561,342,267,668.12
Receipts in advance
Contract liabilities2112,718,465,288.0213,321,549,147.69
Financial assets sold under agreements to buy
Customer deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions2221,763,575,647.3214,241,859,949.77
Customer brokerage deposits
Securities underwriting brokerage deposits
Payroll and employee benefits payable233,677,845,718.532,981,125,503.86
Taxes payable2411,979,802,144.018,919,821,015.58
Other payables254,124,404,781.293,257,245,259.42
Including: Interest payable
Dividend payable
Fees and commission payable
Payable reinsurance
Liabilities classified as held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities26104,319,886.87
Other current liabilities271,535,976,293.221,609,801,368.51
Total current liabilities57,914,222,254.8245,673,669,912.95
Non-current liabilities
Insurance reserves
Long-term borrowings
Bonds payable
Including: Preference share
Perpetual debt
Lease liabilities28296,466,199.74
Long-term Payable
Long-term payroll and employee benefits payable
Deferred income
Deferred tax liabilities181,457,513.23
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities296,466,199.741,457,513.23
Total liabilities58,210,688,454.5645,675,127,426.18
Paid-in capital291,256,197,800.001,256,197,800.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preference share
Perpetual debt
Capital reserve301,374,964,415.721,374,964,415.72
Less: treasury shares
Other comprehensive income31-13,017,880.78-5,331,367.75
Special reserve
Surplus reserve3225,142,832,818.1620,174,922,608.93
General risk reserve331,061,529,724.00927,577,822.67
Retained earnings34160,716,861,920.19137,594,403,807.99
Equity attributable to owners of the parent189,539,368,797.29161,322,735,087.56
Non-controlling interests7,418,137,908.056,397,948,013.72
Total shareholders’ equity196,957,506,705.34167,720,683,101.28
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY255,168,195,159.90213,395,810,527.46

Legal Representative: Ding XiongjunChief Accountant: Jiang YanHead of Accounting Department: Cai Congying


December 31, 2021

Prepared by: Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.Unit: CNY

ItemNotesDecember 31, 2021December 31, 2020
Cash and Cash equivalents79,115,779,990.8850,925,698,935.43
Financial assets held for trading
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable142,286,376.00
Accounts receivable11,480,080,983.779,203,780,107.14
Financing receivables
Other receivables29,210,501.4342,323,669.01
Including: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Contract assets
Assets classified as held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets74,711.92
Total current assets113,385,330,384.6889,335,286,531.86
Debt investment
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments31,624,535,587.551,624,535,587.55
Other equity instruments investments
Other non-current financial assets9,830,052.91
Investment properties
Fixed assets16,992,010,693.6515,742,514,190.13
Construction in progress2,280,929,738.912,447,444,843.03
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use asset249,696,982.21
Intangible assets6,207,018,624.164,815,945,940.55
Development expenditures
Long-term prepaid expenses137,500,000.25147,500,000.21
Deferred tax assets639,335,397.34521,030,214.32
Other non-current assets2,059,761,333.33
Total non-current assets30,190,788,357.4025,308,800,828.70
Total assets143,576,118,742.08114,644,087,360.56
Current liabilities
Short-term borrowings
Financial liabilities held for trading
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable1,859,402,871.201,077,677,482.55
Receipts in advance
Contract liabilities142,568.14557,514,370.46
Payroll and employee benefits payable3,551,461,301.232,846,669,812.23
Taxes payable6,857,150,756.705,032,321,722.08
Other payables1,374,157,867.96926,532,063.22
Including: Interest payable
Dividend payable
Liabilities classified as held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities63,501,723.59
Other current liabilities18,533.86
Total current liabilities13,705,835,622.6810,440,715,450.54
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings
Bonds payable
Including: Preference share
Perpetual debt
Lease liabilities225,090,785.68
Long-term Payable
Long-term payroll and employee benefits payable
Deferred income
Deferred tax liabilities1,457,513.23
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities225,090,785.681,457,513.23
Total liabilities13,930,926,408.3610,442,172,963.77
Paid-in capital1,256,197,800.001,256,197,800.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preference share
Perpetual debt
Capital reserve1,374,303,082.721,374,303,082.72
Less: treasury shares
Other comprehensive income
Special reserve
Surplus reserve25,142,832,818.1620,174,922,608.93
Retained earnings101,871,858,632.8481,396,490,905.14
Total shareholders’ equity129,645,192,333.72104,201,914,396.79
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY143,576,118,742.08114,644,087,360.56

Legal Representative: Ding XiongjunChief Accountant: Jiang YanHead of Accounting Department: Cai Congying

CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENTFor the year ended 31 December 2021

Prepared by: Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

Unit: CNY

I. Total revenue109,464,278,563.8997,993,240,501.21
Including: Operating proceeds35106,190,154,843.7694,915,380,916.72
Interest income363,274,123,720.133,077,859,584.49
Net earned premiums
Net fee and commission revenue36
II. Total operating costs34,776,902,467.4731,305,130,587.56
Including: Operating costs358,983,377,809.968,154,001,476.28
Interest expenses36173,897,197.98111,128,537.31
Fees and commission expenses36115,082.12105,888.96
Net payments for insurance claims
Net provision of insurance reserve
Policyholder dividends
Reinsurance expenses
Taxes and surcharges3715,304,469,070.0313,886,517,290.78
Selling expenses382,737,369,434.782,547,745,650.95
General and administrative expenses398,450,274,065.036,789,844,289.39
R&D expenses4061,923,213.5950,398,036.33
Financial expenses41-934,523,406.02-234,610,582.44
Including: Interest expense13,529,867.76
Interest income944,578,412.02278,697,733.32
Add: Other income4220,515,911.1913,138,152.69
Investment income/(loss)4358,255,937.39305,631.46
Including: Share of profits or loss of associates and joint ventures
Gain from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost
Exchange gains or losses
Net exposure hedging gains/ (losses)
Gain/ (loss) on the changes in fair value44-2,244,726.294,897,994.43
Credit impairment losses45-13,022,441.19-71,371,809.85
Assets impairment losses
Gain/ (loss) from disposal of assets
III. Operating profit74,750,880,777.5266,635,079,882.38
Add: Non-operating income4668,989,219.7411,051,136.15
Less: Non-Operating costs47291,838,102.50449,189,027.42
IV. Profit/(loss) before tax74,528,031,894.7666,196,941,991.11
Less: Income tax expense4818,807,501,938.3016,673,612,108.71
V. Net profit /(loss)55,720,529,956.4649,523,329,882.40
(1) Categorized by operation continuity
1. Net profit from continuing operations55,720,529,956.4649,523,329,882.40
2. Net profit from discontinuing operations
(2) Categorized by ownership
1. Net profit attributable to owners of the parent52,460,144,378.1646,697,285,429.81
2. Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests3,260,385,578.302,826,044,452.59
VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax49-7,686,513.031,867,354.04
(1) Other comprehensive income, net of tax, attributable to owners of the parent-7,686,513.031,867,354.04
1. Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
1.1 Remeasurement gains or losses of a defined benefit plan
1.2 Other comprehensive income using the equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
1.3 Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments
1.4 Changes in fair value of enterprise’s own credit risk
2. Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss-7,686,513.031,867,354.04
2.1 Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified to profit or loss in equity method
2.2 Changes in fair value of other debt investments
2.3 Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income
2.4 Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments
2.5 Cash flow hedging reserves
2.6 Exchange differences on translation of foreign currency financial statements-7,686,513.031,867,354.04
2.7 Others
(2) Other comprehensive income, net of tax, attributable to non-controlling interests
VII. Total comprehensive income55,712,843,443.4349,525,197,236.44
(1) Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent52,452,457,865.1346,699,152,783.85
(2) Total comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests3,260,385,578.302,826,044,452.59
VIII. Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings per share (CNY / share)41.7637.17
(2) Diluted earnings per share (CNY / share)41.7637.17

Legal Representative: Ding XiongjunChief Accountant: Jiang YanHead of Accounting Department: Cai Congying


For the year ended 31 December 2021

Prepared by: Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

Unit: CNY

I. Total revenue437,344,898,964.1727,474,592,438.64
Less: Total operating costs48,991,912,828.377,770,822,451.00
Taxes and surcharges14,172,007,646.5312,801,958,138.67
Selling expenses562,890,060.03102,662,855.84
Administrative expenses7,891,014,092.825,485,599,325.68
Research and development expenses61,923,213.5950,398,036.33
Finance expenses-1,229,581,298.58-910,287,572.32
with positive value)9,093,212.00
Interest income (expressed with positive value)1,228,595,916.86943,450,751.53
Add: Other income6,279,409.805,371,922.84
Investment income/(loss)544,799,409,723.8234,474,979,155.43
Including: Share of profits or loss of associates and joint ventures
Gain from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized cost
Net exposure hedging gains/ (losses)
Gain/ (loss) on the changes in fair value-2,244,726.294,897,994.43
Credit impairment losses-85,848.47-1,545,197.60
Assets impairment losses
Gain/ (loss) from disposal of assets
II. Operating profit/Loss51,698,090,980.2736,657,143,078.54
Add: Non-operating income51,287,742.206,486,699.48
Less: Non-operating costs265,265,782.93336,421,577.72
III.Profit/(loss) before tax51,484,112,939.5436,327,208,200.30
Less: Income tax expense1,805,010,847.21534,972,481.19
IV. Net profit /(loss)49,679,102,092.3335,792,235,719.11
(1) Net profit from continuing operations49,679,102,092.3335,792,235,719.11
(2) Net profit from discontinuing operations
V. Other comprehensive income, net of tax
(1) Other comprehensive income, net of tax
1. Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
2. Other comprehensive income using the equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments
4. Changes in fair value of enterprise’s own credit risk
(2) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss
1. Other comprehensive income that can be reclassified to profit or loss in equity method
2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments
3. Change in the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets
4. Amount of financial assets reclassified into other comprehensive income
5. Reclassification of held-to-maturity investments as available-for-sale financial assets
6. Exchange differences on translation of foreign currency financial statements
7. Others
VI. Total comprehensive income49,679,102,092.3335,792,235,719.11
VII. Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings per share (CNY / share)39.5528.49
(2) Diluted earnings per share (CNY / share)39.5528.49

Legal Representative: Ding XiongjunChief Accountant: Jiang YanHead of Accounting Department: Cai Congying


For the year ended 31 December 2021

Prepared by: Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

Unit: CNY

Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services119,320,536,796.65107,024,384,560.17
Net increase in customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions7,511,166,145.933,189,100,199.87
Net increase in loans from the central bank
Net increase in funds borrowed from other financial institutions
Cash premiums received on original insurance contracts
Net cash received from re-insurance business
Net increase in deposits and investments from
Cash received from interest, fees and commission3,145,747,032.913,075,945,383.34
Net increase in funds deposit
Net increase in repurchase business funds
Net income from securities trading brokerage business
Tax refunds received
Cash received relating to other operating activities50 (1)1,643,536,862.48221,421,226.63
Sub-total of cash inflows131,620,986,837.97113,510,851,370.01
Cash paid for purchase of goods and services7,745,959,630.907,230,646,129.19
Net increase in loans and payments on behalf of customers484,244,272.002,978,755,728.00
Net increase in deposits with central bank and other financial institutions559,089,326.28-2,506,406,682.56
Payments for claims for original insurance contracts
Net increase in funds lent-400,000,000.00200,000,000.00
Cash paid for interest, fees and commission163,462,728.48107,241,768.26
Commissions on insurance policies paid
Cash paid to and on behalf of employee10,061,366,201.668,161,813,197.26
Cash paid for taxes44,609,684,025.2841,622,706,350.37
Cash paid relating to other operating activities50 (2)4,368,504,506.004,047,026,186.46
Sub-total of cash outflows67,592,310,690.6061,841,782,676.98
Net cash flows from operating activities64,028,676,147.3751,669,068,693.03
Cash received from disposal of investments6,079,930.68314,906,521.48
Cash received from investment income860,000.00
Net proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and other long-term assets2,463,474.29495,904.85
Cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash received relating to other investing activities50 (3)9,983,452.636,675,319.03
Sub-total of cash inflows19,386,857.60322,077,745.36
Purchase of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and other non-current assets3,408,784,532.012,089,769,498.78
Cash paid for investments2,150,000,000.0020,000,000.00
Net increase in secured loans
Net cash paid for acquisition of a subsidiary and other operating units
Cash paid relating to other investing activities50 (4)23,048,029.9317,535,402.30
Sub-total of cash outflows5,581,832,561.942,127,304,901.08
Net cash flows from investing activities-5,562,445,704.34-1,805,227,155.72
III. Cash flows from financing activities
Cash received from investment
Including: Cash receipts from capital contributions from non-controlling interests of subsidiaries
Proceeds from borrowings
Cash receipts relating to other financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
Repayments for debts
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or26,476,019,839.3724,091,029,750.51
profit and interest expenses
Including: Dividends or profit paid to non-controlling shareholders of subsidiaries2,240,195,683.972,704,262,179.11
Cash payments relating to other financing activities50 (5)88,121,549.5936,507,157.75
Subtotal of cash outflows26,564,141,388.9624,127,536,908.26
Net cash flows from financing activities-26,564,141,388.96-24,127,536,908.26
V. NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS31,900,062,511.4725,736,685,268.41
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year146,740,524,868.05121,003,839,599.64
VI. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR178,640,587,379.52146,740,524,868.05

Legal Representative: Ding XiongjunChief Accountant: Jiang YanHead of Accounting Department: Cai Congying

COMPANY STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWSFor the year ended 31 December 2021

Prepared by: Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

Unit: CNY

Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the rendering of services48,582,727,792.2129,748,943,961.12
Tax refunds received
Cash received relating to other operating activities1,330,181,729.83669,399,842.28
Sub-total of cash inflows49,912,909,522.0430,418,343,803.40
Cash paid for purchase of goods and services7,730,438,800.947,196,881,556.42
Cash paid to and on behalf of employee9,421,372,112.367,615,738,706.94
Cash paid for taxes17,808,661,856.8916,700,898,450.93
Cash paid relating to other operating activities2,170,307,857.51948,160,346.44
Sub-total of cash outflows37,130,780,627.7032,461,679,060.73
Net cash flows from operating activities12,782,128,894.34-2,043,335,257.33
Cash received from disposal of investments6,079,930.68314,906,521.48
Cash received from investment income44,741,153,786.4334,940,030,979.52
Net proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and other long-term assets2,453,676.06
Cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash received relating to other investing activities9,983,452.636,675,319.03
Sub-total of cash inflows44,759,670,845.8035,261,612,820.03
Purchase of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and other non-current assets3,349,912,221.232,081,844,620.34
Cash paid for investments2,000,000,000.004,507,157.75
Cash Paid for disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash paid relating to other investing activities23,048,029.9317,535,402.30
Sub-total of cash outflows5,372,960,251.162,103,887,180.39
Net cash flows from investing activities39,386,710,594.6433,157,725,639.64
III. Cash flows from financing activities
Cash received from investment
Proceeds from borrowings
Cash receipts relating to other financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows
Repayments for debts
Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profit and interest expenses24,235,824,155.4021,386,767,571.40
Cash payments relating to other financing activities53,056,483.06
Subtotal of cash outflows24,288,880,638.4621,386,767,571.40
Net cash flows from financing activities-24,288,880,638.46-21,386,767,571.40
V. NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS27,879,958,850.529,727,622,810.91
Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year50,053,974,421.2840,326,351,610.37
VI. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR77,933,933,271.8050,053,974,421.28

Legal Representative: Ding XiongjunChief Accountant: Jiang YanHead of Accounting Department: Cai Congying


For the year ended 31 December 2021

Prepared by: Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

Unit: CNY

Equity attributable to owners of the parentNon-controlling interestsequity
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reserveLess: treasury sharesOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserveGeneral reserveRetained earningsOthersSubtotal
preference sharePerpetual debtOthers
1. Balance at the end of previous year1,256,197,800.001,374,964,415.72-5,331,367.7520,174,922,608.93927,577,822.67137,594,403,807.99161,322,735,087.566,397,948,013.72167,720,683,101.28
Add: changes in accounting policies
Corrections of prior period errors
Business combination under common control
2. Balance at the beginning of the year1,256,197,800.001,374,964,415.72-5,331,367.7520,174,922,608.93927,577,822.67137,594,403,807.99161,322,735,087.566,397,948,013.72167,720,683,101.28
3. Increase/(decrease) during the period-7,686,513.034,967,910,209.23133,951,901.3323,122,458,112.2028,216,633,709.731,020,189,894.3329,236,823,604.06
(1) Total comprehensive income-7,686,513.0352,460,144,378.1652,452,457,865.133,260,385,578.3055,712,843,443.43
(2) Shareholders’ contributions and reduction
(i) Shareholders ‘contributions in ordinary share
(ii) Other equity instruments
(iii) Amount of share-based payments recognized in equity
(iv) Others
(3) Profit distribution4,967,910,209.23133,951,901.33-29,337,686,265.96-24,235,824,155.40-2,240,195,683.97-26,476,019,839.37
(i) Transfer to surplus reserve4,967,910,209.23-4,967,910,209.23
(ii) Transfer to general reserve133,951,901.33-133,951,901.33
(iii) Distribution to shareholders-24,235,824,155.40-24,235,824,155.40-2,240,195,683.97-26,476,019,839.37
(iv) Others
(4) Transfer within equity
(i) Capital reserves converted to share capital
(ii) Surplus reserves converted to share capital
(iii) Loss made up by surplus reserves
(iv) Changes in the defined benefit plan transferred to retained earnings
(v) Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
(vi) Others
(5) Special reserve
(i) Additions
(ii) Utilisation
(6) Others
4. Balance at the end of the period1,256,197,800.001,374,964,415.72-13,017,880.7825,142,832,818.161,061,529,724.00160,716,861,920.19189,539,368,797.297,418,137,908.05196,957,506,705.34
Equity attributable to owners of the parent
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reserveShare capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reserveShare capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reserveShare capital
preference sharePerpetual debtOthers
1. Balance at the end of previous year1,256,197,800.001,374,964,415.72-7,198,721.7916,595,699,037.02898,349,936.77115,892,337,407.39
Add: changes in accounting policies
Corrections of prior period errors
Business combination under common control
2. Balance at the beginning of the year1,256,197,800.001,374,964,415.72-7,198,721.7916,595,699,037.02898,349,936.77115,892,337,407.39
3. Increase/(decrease) during the period1,867,354.043,579,223,571.9129,227,885.9021,702,066,400.60
(1) Total comprehensive income1,867,354.0446,697,285,429.81
(2) Shareholders’ contributions and reduction
(i) Shareholders ‘contributions in ordinary share
(ii) Other equity instruments contributions
(iii) Amount of share-based payments recognized in equity
(iv) Others
(3) Profit distribution3,579,223,571.9129,227,885.90-24,995,219,029.21
(i) Transfer to surplus reserve3,579,223,571.91-3,579,223,571.91
(ii) Transfer to general reserve29,227,885.90-29,227,885.90
(iii) Distribution to shareholders-21,386,767,571.40
(iv) Others
(4) Transfer within equity
(i) Capital reserves converted to share capital
(ii) Surplus reserves converted to share capital
(iii) Loss made up by surplus reserves
(iv) Changes in the defined
benefit plan transferred to retained earnings
(v) Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
(vi) Others
(5) Special reserve
(i) Additions
(ii) Utilisation
(6) Others
4. Balance at the end of the period1,256,197,800.001,374,964,415.72-5,331,367.7520,174,922,608.93927,577,822.67137,594,403,807.99

Legal Representative: Ding XiongjunChief Accountant: Jiang YanHead of Accounting Department: Cai Congying


For the year ended 31 December 2021

Prepared by: Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd.

Unit: CNY

Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reserveLess: treasury sharesOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserveRetained earningsequity
preference sharePerpetual debtOthers
1. Balance at the end of previous year1,256,197,800.001,374,303,082.7220,174,922,608.9381,396,490,905.14104,201,914,396.79
Add: changes in accounting policies
Corrections of prior period errors
2. Balance at the beginning of the year1,256,197,800.001,374,303,082.7220,174,922,608.9381,396,490,905.14104,201,914,396.79
3. Increase/(decrease) during the period4,967,910,209.2320,475,367,727.7025,443,277,936.93
(1) Total comprehensive income49,679,102,092.3349,679,102,092.33
(2) Shareholders’ contributions and reduction
(i)Shareholders’ contributions in ordinary share
(ii) Other equity instruments contributions
(iii) Amount of share-based payments recognized in equity
(iv) Others
(3). Profit distribution4,967,910,209.23-29,203,734,364.63-24,235,824,155.40
(i) Transfer to surplus reserve4,967,910,209.23-4,967,910,209.23
(ii) Distribution to shareholders-24,235,824,155.40-24,235,824,155.40
(iii) Others
(4) Transfer within equity
(i) Capital reserves converted to share capital
(ii) Surplus reserves converted to share capital
(iii) Loss made up by surplus reserves
(iv) Changes in the defined benefit plan transferred to retained earnings
(v) Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
(vi) Others
(5). Special reserve
(i). Additions
(ii). Utilisation
(6) Others
4. Balance at the end of the period1,256,197,800.001,374,303,082.7225,142,832,818.16101,871,858,632.84129,645,192,333.72
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reserveLess: treasury sharesOther comprehensive incomeSpecial reserveSurplus reserveRetained earningsequity
Perpetual debtOthers
1. Balance at the end of previous year1,256,197,800.001,374,303,082.7216,595,699,037.0270,570,246,329.3489,796,446,249.08
Add: changes in accounting policies
Corrections of prior period errors
2. Balance at the beginning of the year1,256,197,800.001,374,303,082.7216,595,699,037.0270,570,246,329.3489,796,446,249.08
3. Increase/(decrease) during the period3,579,223,571.9110,826,244,575.8014,405,468,147.71
(1) Total comprehensive income35,792,235,719.1135,792,235,719.11
(2) Shareholders’ contributions and reduction
(i) Shareholders’ contributions in ordinary share
(ii)Other equity instruments contributions
(iii) Amount of share-based payments recognized in equity
(iv) Others
(3). Profit distribution3,579,223,571.91-24,965,991,143.31-21,386,767,571.40
(i) Transfer to surplus reserve3,579,223,571.91-3,579,223,571.91
(ii) Distribution to shareholders-21,386,767,571.40-21,386,767,571.40
(iii) Others
(4) Transfer within equity
(i) Capital reserves converted to share capital
(ii) Surplus reserves converted to share capital
(iii) Loss made up by surplus reserves
(iv) Changes
in the defined benefit plan transferred to retained earnings
(v) Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
(vi) Others
(5). Special reserve
(i). Additions
(ii). Utilisation
(6) Others
4. Balance at the end of the period1,256,197,800.001,374,303,082.7220,174,922,608.9381,396,490,905.14104,201,914,396.79

Legal Representative: Ding XiongjunChief Accountant: Jiang YanHead of Accounting Department: Cai Congying

3. Company Profile

3.1 Company Overview

√applicable □Non-applicable

Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. is established after being approved by Guizhou Provincial People’sGovernment in its document of (1999) No. 291, Reply on Approving the Establishment of KweichowMoutai Co., Ltd.. As an incorporated company, its main promoter is China Kweichow Moutai Distillery(Group) Co., Ltd., with Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.,Guizhou Textile Collective Industry Association, Research Institute of Tsinghua University in Shenzhen,China National Research Institute of Food and Fermentation Industries, Beijing Sugar Tobacco & WineGroup Co., Ltd., Jiangsu CANDY & WINE & TOBACCO Parent Co., Shanghai Jieqiang TobaccoSugar & Wine (Group) Co., Ltd. as co-founders.

The company was established on November 20,1999. Its registered capital at its establishment wasCNY 185 million. After being approved by CSRC with the document of [2001] No.41 and Ministry ofFinance with the document of [2001] No. 56, the corporation publicly offered 71,500,000 A shares(including 6,500,000 state-owned shares) at Shanghai Stock Exchange on July 31, 2001, marking a totalcapital of its shares at 250,000,000 shares. On August 20, 2001, the corporation completed registrationfor alternation of registered capital from Administration for Industry& Commerce of Guizhou Province.

According to the plan of profit distribution and converting capital reserves into share capital audited andapproved by the 2001 Annual General Meeting, the corporation set the total share capital at the end of2001- 250,000,000 shares as the baseline, and distributed dividends (CNY 6 every 10 shares, taxinclusive) to all shareholders, and converted capital reserves into increased share capital at a 10:1 ratio,totally increasing 25,000,000 shares. After this profit distribution, the total capital share increased from250,000,000 shares to 275,000,000 shares. On February 13, 2003, the corporation completedregistration for alternation of registered capital from Administration for Industry& Commerce ofGuizhou Province.

According to the plan of profit distribution audited and approved by the 2002 Annual General Meeting,the corporation set the total share capital at the end of 2002- 275,000,000 shares as the baseline, anddistributed dividends (CNY 2 every 10 shares, tax inclusive) to all shareholders. With the same baseline,the corporation distributed bonus shares (1 bonus share every 10 share) to all shareholders. After thisprofit distribution, the total capital share increased from 275,000,000 shares to 302,500,000 shares. OnJune 10, 2004, the corporation completed registration for alternation of registered capital fromAdministration for Industry& Commerce of Guizhou Province.

According to the plan of profit distribution and converting capital reserves into share capital audited andapproved by the 2003 Annual General Meeting, the corporation set the total share capital at the end of2003- 302,500,000 shares as the baseline, and distributed dividends (CNY 3 every 10 shares, taxinclusive) to all shareholders, and converted capital reserves into increased share capital at a 10:3 ratio.After this profit distribution, the total capital share increased from 302,500,000 shares to 393,250,000shares. On June 24, 2005, the corporation completed registration for alternation of registered capitalfrom Administration for Industry& Commerce of Guizhou Province.

According to the plan of profit distribution and converting capital reserves into share capital audited andapproved by the 2004 Annual General Meeting, the corporation set the total share capital at the end of2004- 393,250,000 shares as the baseline, and distributed dividends (CNY 5 every 10 shares, taxinclusive) to all shareholders, and converted capital reserves into increased share capital at a 10:2 ratio.After this profit distribution, the total capital share increased from 393,250,000 shares to 471,900,000shares. On January 11, 2006, the corporation completed registration for alternation of registered capitalfrom Administration for Industry& Commerce of Guizhou Province.

According to the Reform Plan of Equity Division of Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd. (Revised Version)audited and approved by the second provisional General Meeting and the Meeting of relevantshareholders, the corporation set the total share capital at the end of 2005- 471,900,000 shares as the

baseline, and converted every 10 capital reserves into 10 increased share capital. After this profitdistribution, the total capital share increased from 471,900,000 shares to 943,800,000 shares. OnNovember 17,2006, the corporation completed registration for alternation of registered capital fromAdministration for Industry& Commerce of Guizhou Province.

According to the 2010 annual plan for profit distribution audited and approved by the 2010 AnnualGeneral Meeting, the corporation set the total share capital at the end of 2010- 943,800,000 shares as thebaseline, and distributed dividends (CNY 23 every 10 shares, tax inclusive) and bonus share (1 bonusshare for every 10 shares) to all shareholders. After this profit distribution, the total capital shareincreased from 943,800,000 shares to 1,038,180,000 shares. On October 27, 2011, the corporationcompleted registration for alternation of registered capital from Administration for Industry&Commerce of Guizhou Province.

According to the 2013 annual plan for profit distribution audited and approved by the 2013 AnnualGeneral Meeting, the corporation set the total share capital at the end of 2013- 1,038,180,000 shares asthe baseline, and distributed dividends (CNY 43.74 every 10 shares, tax inclusive) and bonus share (1share every 10 shares) to all shareholders. After this profit distribution, the total capital share increasedfrom 1,038,180,000 shares to 1,141,998,000 shares. On August 5, 2014, the corporation completedregistration for alternation of registered capital from Administration for Industry& Commerce ofGuizhou Province.

According to the 2014 annual plan for profit distribution audited and approved by the 2014 AnnualGeneral Meeting, the corporation set the total share capital at the end of 2014- 1,141,998,000 shares asthe baseline, and distributed dividends (CNY 43.74 every 10 shares, tax inclusive) and bonus share (1share every 10 shares) to all shareholders. After this profit distribution, the total capital share increasedfrom 1,141,998, 000 shares to 1,256,197,800 shares. On October 29,2015, the corporation completedregistration for alternation of registered capital from Administration for Industry& Commerce ofGuizhou Province.

The corporate’s business scope includes: production and marketing of Moutai wine and wines of series,production and marking of beverage, food and package materials, the development of anti-counterfeittechnology and the research and development of IT-related products, the service of management ofhotel, housing, catering, entertainment, bath and parking lot, and vehicle transporting (dangerouschemicals not included) and maintenance.

3.2 Scope of consolidated financial statements

√applicable □Non-applicable

This year, eight subsidiaries were included in the consolidated financial statement, including GuizhouMoutai Chiew Import And Export Co., Ltd., Guizhou Xijiu Sales Co., Ltd., Kweichou Moutai GroupFinance Co., Ltd., Moutai Custom Marketing (Guizhou) Co., Ltd., Beijing Friendship MessengerTrading Co., Ltd., Kweichow Moutai Paris Trading, Guizhou Laymau Wine Industry Co., Ltd. andKweichow Moutai-Flavor Liquor Marketing Co., Ltd.

4. Basis of preparation of financial statements

4.1 Basis of preparation of financial statements

The company has prepared its financial statements on a going concern basis.

4.2 Going concern

√applicable □non-applicable

Since the date of this report, there are no events resulting in significant uncertainties over going concernof the operation of this company for at least 12 months.

5. Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

Specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:

√applicable □non-applicable

5.1 Statement of compliance with accounting standards for business enterprisesThe financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of accountingstandards for business enterprises, which truly and completely reflect the Company’s financial status,operating results, changes in shareholders’ equity, cash flow and other relevant information.

5.2 Accounting period

The accounting year of the Company is from 1 January to 31 December.

5.3 Operating cycle

√applicable □non-applicable

The Company sets 12 months as an operating cycle.

5.4 Reporting Currency

The Company’s functional currency is CNY.

5.5 Accounting treatments of “Business combination involving entities under common control”and “Business combination involving entities not under common control”

√applicable □non-applicable

(1) Business combination involving entities under common control

For business combination involving entities under common control, assets and liabilities obtained by thecombining party through business combination shall be measured at the book value of the combinedcompany at the combination date. The capital reserve (stock premium or capital premium) is adjustedaccording to the difference between the book value of net asset acquired through combination and thebook value of consideration paid for the combination (or total par value of shares issued). If the capitalreserve (stock premium or capital premium) is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall beadjusted.

(2) Business combination not under common control

For business combination involving entities not under common control, the combination cost iscalculated at fair value of the assets, liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued bythe combining party on combination date in the purpose of gaining the combined party’s control. Forbusiness combination involving entities not under common control that are achieved step by step inmultiple exchanges and transactions, different approaches in accounting treatment are adopted forindividual financial statements and combination financial statements as follows.A. For individual financial statements, the initial investment cost of the investment is calculated as thesum of the book value of the combined party’s equity investment held by the combining party beforethe combination date and the increased investment cost on the combination date. If the combined party’sequity held by the combining party entails other comprehensive profits, then the profits (e.g. the part ofthe difference of fair value of saleable financial assets that is calculated in capital reserves, the same forthe follows) shall be calculated as the investment profits of the current period.

B. For combination financial statements, the combined party’s equity held by the combining partybefore the combination date shall be recalculated in fair value of the equity on combination date. Themargin of its fair value and book value shall be calculated into the investment profits of the currentperiod. If the combined party’s equity held by the combining party entails other comprehensive profits,then the profits shall be calculated as the investment profits of the current period of the combinationdate. Fees, commissions, and other transaction expenses and other relevant administration expense paidfor combination shall be calculated into current profits or losses as they occur. Transaction fees ofequity securities and debt securities paid by the combining party for combination consideration shall beincluded in the initial measurement amount of equity or debt securities. The Company shall recognizethe difference of the combination costs in excess of the fair value of the net identifiable asset acquiredfrom the acquiree through combination as goodwill. After the review, if the combination costs are stillin short of the fair value of the net identifiable asset acquired from the acquiree through combination,include the difference in the current profits or losses.

5.6 Base of consolidated financial statements

√applicable □non-applicable

The combination financial statements of the Company comply with ‘Norms for Enterprise AccountingNo.33- Combination Financial Statements’ and relevant regulations. At combination, all major internaltransactions and businesses within combination rage have been offset. The subsidy’s shareholder’sequity that is not owned by the parent company shall be listed individually in the shareholder’s equityitem in the combination financial statements as minor shareholder equity. When composingcombination financial statements, necessary adjustments shall be made according to the Company’saccounting policies and accounting period if the accounting policies and accounting period of thesubsidiary corporation is different from those of the Company. For subsidiary corporations acquired bycombination under common control, their operating results and cash flow shall be included in thefinancial statement in the current period. Adjustments shall be made in relevant projects in the lastyear’s financial statements. The statement entity formed after the combination remains since theultimate controlling part takes control. For subsidiary corporations acquired by combination not undercommon control, their operating results and cash flow shall be included in the financial statement sincethe Company takes control.

5.7 Cash and cash equivalents

Cash equivalents include Cash on hand, Bank balances, other monetary funds, provision at central bankretrievable at any time, deposits with other banks, placements with banks, buying securities and returnsale within the same industry and other investments featuring short investment period (generally duewithin three months since purchase), high mobility, easy convertibility to cash with known amount andlow risk of value change.

5.8 Foreign operations and foreign currency translation

√applicable □non-applicable

(1) Foreign currency operations

The amount in the foreign currency shall be translated into CNY currency according to the middle rateof exchange rate in foreign currency market on the day of transaction. At the end of the period, thebalance of monetary foreign currency account shall be translated into CNY currency according to themiddle rate of exchange rate at the end of the period. The difference between the translated CNYbalance and the original book balance shall be calculated as exchange gains or lost, and recorded intoitems like ‘finance expense’ and ‘construction in progress’. For non-monetary foreign currency projectscalculated with historical cost, the spot exchange rate on transaction day is employed, and the amount ofreporting currency stay unchanged.

(2) Foreign currency translation

Assets and liabilities in the balance sheets shall be translated at the spot exchange rates on balance sheetdate. Shareholders’ equity items, except for the item of “undistributed profits”, are translated at the spotexchange rates on the dates when the transactions occur. Revenue and expense items in the incomestatement are translated at the spot exchange rates on the dates when the transactions occur or at theexchange rate determined in a systematical and reasonable method and similar to the spot exchange rateon the day when the transactions occur. Differences arising from the above translations of foreigncurrency financial statements are separately listed under other comprehensive income in theconsolidated balance sheet. Cash flow projects operated overseas shall be translated at approximateexchange rate of spot rate on the date of cash flow. The amount of cash affected by fluctuations ofexchange rate shall be separately listed in the table of cash flow.

5.9 Financial instruments

√applicable □non-applicable

(1) Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments

When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument contract, the related financial asset orfinancial liability should be recognized. Transaction of financial assets by regular means shall berecognized and derecognized according to accounting on transaction date. Regular means refers togaining or giving financial assets within the time period designated by law or regulations according tocontract items. Transaction date refers to the date that the Company promises to purchase or sellfinancial assets.

Derecognition of financial assets (or part of financial assets) shall be conducted- written off from theaccount and asset liability list, if it meets following conditions: A. expiration of the right to acquire cashflow of financial assets; B. Transfer of the right to obtain cash flow of financial assets, and (a)substantively transferring almost all risks and rewards of the possession of financial assets, or (b)though substantively neither transferring nor retaining almost all risks and rewards of the possession offinancial assets, relinquishing the control over the financial assets.

(2) Classification and measurement of financial assets

Based on the business model of financial asset management and the contract cash flow characteristics offinancial assets, the Company classifies financial assets into: financial assets measured at amortized cost;financial assets measured at fair value with their changes included into other comprehensive income;and financial assets measured at fair value with their changes included into current profits/losses. Thefollowing measurement of financial assets depends on its classification.

A.Financial assets measured at amortized cost

The business model in which the Company manages financial assets measured at amortized cost aims toreceive contract cash flow. Furthermore, the characteristics of the contract cash flow of such financialassets are consistent with basic borrowing and lending arrangements, which means that cash flowgenerated on a specific date serves only as payment for principal and interests based on the amount ofunpaid principal. The Company adopts the effective interest method for such financial interests,performs subsequent measurement of them at amortized cost, and includes the gains or losses fromderecognition, changes or impairment of them into current profits/losses.

B.Financial assets at fair value at fair value through other comprehensive income

The financial assets that meet the following conditions are of this category: The business model inwhich the Company manages such financial assets both aims to receive contract cash flow and for thepurpose of sale; furthermore, the characteristics of the contract cash flow of such financial assets areconsistent with basic borrowing and lending arrangements. The Company measure such financial assetsat fair value and include their changes into other comprehensive income, but record impairment lossesor gains, exchange gains or losses and interest income calculated in the effective interest method intocurrent profits/losses.

C.Equity instrument investments at fair value at fair value through other comprehensive incomThe Company irrevocably chooses to designate part of non-transactional equity instrument investmentsas financial assets calculated with fair value whose changes are included in other comprehensive income,and only relevant dividend income is calculated into current profits or losses. Changes in fair value arerecognized as other comprehensive income. When the financial asset is derecognized, cumulative gainsor losses should be transferred into retained earnings.

D. Financial assets at fair value at fair value through current profits/losses

For financial assets other than the above financial assets measured at amortized cost and financial assetsmeasured at fair value with their changes included into other comprehensive income, the Companyclassifies them as financial assets measured at fair value with their changes included into currentprofits/losses. In addition, at the initial recognition, the Company specifies partial financial assets asfinancial assets measured at fair value with their changes included into current profits/losses, in order toeliminate or substantially reduce accounting mismatch. For such financial assets, the Company performssubsequent measurement using fair value and records changes in the fair value into current profits/losses.

When and only when the Company changes its business mode for management of financial assets, willbe influenced relevant financial assets be reclassified. For financial assets measured at fair value withtheir changes included into current profits/losses, relevant transaction fees are calculated into currentprofits or losses; while for other financial assets, relevant transaction fees are included into the initialrecognition amount.

(3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

At their initial recognition, financial liabilities are divided into financial liabilities measured atamortized cost and financial liabilities measured at fair value with their changes included into currentprofits or losses.

Financial liabilities meeting the following conditions are specified as financial liabilities measured atfair value with their changes included into current profits or losses at initial measurement: (A) Thespecification can eliminate or notably reduce account mismatch; (B) Based on risk management orinvestment strategy from official documents, management and business evaluation are conducted onfinancial liability combination or financial asset and financial liability combination on the basis of fairvalue, which are reported to key management personnel inside the company; (C) The financial liabilitiesinclude embedded derivatives that need to be separated.

The Company recognize the classification of financial liabilities at initial recognition. For financialliabilities measured at fair value with their changes included into current profits or losses, relevanttransaction fees are calculated into current profits or losses; while for other financial liabilities, relevanttransaction fees are included into the initial recognition amount.

The subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on its classification:

A. Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost

For financial liabilities of this category, effective interest rate is adopted, and subsequent measurementis performed at amortized cost.

B. Financial liabilities measured at fair value with their changes included into current profits orlosses

Financial liabilities measured at fair value with their changes included into current profits/losses includetrading financial liabilities (including derivatives classified as financial liabilities) and the financialliabilities specified to be measured at fair value with their changes included into current profits/losses atthe initial recognition.

(4)Offsetting of financial instruments

Financial assets and financial liabilities meeting the following conditions simultaneously shall be listedin balance sheet in their net amounts after manual offset: The Company has the legal right to offsetrecognized financial assets and financial liabilities and may execute the legal right currently andsimultaneously; The Company plans to settle or simultaneously encash the financial assets in netamounts and pay off the financial liabilities.

(5)Impairment of financial assets

For financial assets measured at amortized cost and debt instrument investment measured at fair valuewith its changes included into other comprehensive income, the Company recognizes the provision forloss based on the expected credit loss.

When assessing expected credit loss, the Company considers reasonable and well-founded informationon past matters, present conditions and forecast of future economic conditions, sets the risk of default as

the weight, and calculates the weighted amount of the difference of present value between the cash flowaccording to the contract and the cash flow expected to be gained in practice.

On each balance sheet date, the Company calculates expected credit loss for financial instruments atdifferent stages. If the credit risk of financial instrument hasn’t substantially increased since the initialrecognition, then it is in the first stage, and the Company will measure the loss provision at the amountequivalent to the expected credit loss for the next 12 months. If the credit risk has substantiallyincreased since the initial recognition without credit impairment, then the financial instrument is in thesecond stage, and the Company will measure the loss provision at the amount equivalent to the expectedcredit loss for the entire duration. If credit impairment has occurred since the initial recognition, then thefinancial instrument is in the third stage, and the Company will measure the loss provision by theamount equivalent to the expected credit loss for the entire duration.

For financial instruments featuring relatively low credit risk on asset balance date, the Companyassumes no substantial increase of credit risk since the initial recognition, and will measure the lossprovision at the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss for the next 12 months.

For financial instruments that are in the first stage or second stage, or featuring relatively low credit risk,the Company will calculate the interest income according to the book balance and the effective interestrate without deducting provision. For financial instruments that are in the third stage, the Company willcalculate the interest income according to the amortization cost and the effective interest rate, deductingprovision from the book balance.

For notes receivable and accounts receivable formed in daily operations like sale of product andprovision of labor, regardless of substantial financing component, the Company will measure the lossprovision by the amount equivalent to the expected credit loss for the entire duration

When the information about the expected credit loss of a single financial asset cannot be evaluated at areasonable cost, the Company shall divide the accounts receivables portfolio according to credit riskcharacteristics and measure the expected credit loss based on portfolios. The foundation to determineportfolio and provision means are as follow:

Bank acceptances portfolios Accounts receivable portfoliosBank acceptances Accounts receivable of related party within range of merge
Other accounts retrievable portfolios Other accounts retrievable portfoliosOther accounts retrievable with lower credit risk (e.g. advances to employees, deposit, security fund) Other accounts retrievable of related party within range of merge
Other portfoliosOther accounts apart from above portfolios

For accounts retrievable divided as portfolio and accounts retrievable formed in daily operations likesale of product and provision of labor, the Company calculates the expected credit loss through thecomparative table of accounts retrievable and accounts retrievable age and the expected credit loss rateover the entire duration based on the current situation and prediction of future economic situationconsulting historical credit loss experience. For other notes retrievable and accounts retrievableclassified as portfolio, the company will calculate the expected credit loss through the exposure atdefault and expected credit loss rate for the following 12 months or over the entire duration based on thecurrent situation and prediction of future economic situation consulting historical credit loss experience.

The Company calculates provision withdrawn or reversed into profits/ losses of the current period. Forliability instruments in fair value whose changes are included in other comprehensive profits, theCompany calculates impairment losses or income into profits/ losses of the current period, whileadjusting other comprehensive profits.

(6) Transfer of financial assets

If almost all the risks and rewards in respect of the ownership of the financial asset are transferred, thefinancial asset shall be derecognized; if they are retained, the financial asset shall not be derecognized.

If almost all the risks and rewards in respect of the ownership of the financial asset are neithertransferred nor retained, the Company will conduct further evaluation: If the enterprise does not retaincontrol over the asset, then its financial assets shall be derecognized, and the rights and obligationsproduced or retained during transfer shall be separately recognized as assets or liabilities. If theenterprise retains control over the asset, then relevant financial assets shall be recognized according tothe degree to which it continues to be involved in the transferred financial assets, and relevant liabilitiesshall be recognized.

If the enterprise continues to involve itself by obligation of guarantee for transferred financial assets,then the lower one of the book value and guarantee amount of financial assets on transfer date shall beselected and recognized as the transferred financial assets. The relevant liabilities are determined as thesum of guarantee amount and fair value of guarantee contract (usually the consideration received fromobligation of guarantee). The guarantee amount refers to the highest amount repayable among theconsiderations an enterprise receives.

5.10 Inventory

√applicable □N/A

(1) Classification of inventory

Inventories are classified as: raw materials, semi-finished goods, goods in progress, finished goods, andrevolving materials.

(2) Measurement method of dispatched inventories

The planned cost is used for daily accounting of raw materials, and the difference of material costshould be carried forward on a monthly basis to adjust the dispatch cost into the actual cost. Thesemi-finished goods and finished goods shall be accounted according to the actual cost, and the movingweighted average method shall be used in accounting for costs of sales.

(3) Basis to determine net realizable values of inventories and method of write-downof inventoriesAt the end of the period, inventory is measured according to the lower of cost and net realizable value.The difference between cost of one inventory and net realizable value is higher than the write-down ofinventories.

(4) Inventory system

The Company adopts perpetual inventory system

(5) Amortization method of low-cost consumables and packing materials

One-time amortization method is adopted.

5.11 Long-term equity investment

√applicable □N/A

(1) (1)Judgment criteria of control and significant influence

The majority of long-term equity investments of the Company are investments to subsidiaries.Subsidiaries refer to invested parties upon which the Company can exert control. Control refers to thefact that the investing party has power over the invested party, enjoys variable returns and can influencethe return amount by exercising power over the invested party. The term ‘significant influence’ refers tothe power to participate in decision-making on the financial and operating policies of the investee, butwith no control or joint control over the formulation of these policies.

(2) Determination of the investment cost

A. Long-term equity investments resulting from combination

For business combination under common control, for the long-term equity investments obtained by cashpaid, non-monetary assets paid or assumed liabilities as consideration by the acquirer, on the mergerdate, the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment shall be taken as the share of the owner’sequity of the investee in the book value of the final control party’s consolidated financial statements.According to the margin amount between initial investment cost and cash payment, non-monetary assetpaid or assumed liabilities, capital reserve should be written down. If the capital reserve is not sufficientto be written down, then the retained earnings shall be written down. For investments obtained by equitysecurities issued by the acquirer, on the merger date, the initial investment cost of long-term equityinvestment shall be taken as the share of the owner’s equity of the investee in the book value of the finalcontrol party’s consolidated financial statements. Setting total book value of issued shares as sharecapital, according to the difference between the initial investment cost and total book value of issuedshares, capital reserve shall be written down; if the capital reserve is not sufficient to be written down,then the retained earnings shall be written down.

For business combination not under common control, on the merger date, the combination costaccording to ‘Business Accounting Norms No.20- Business combinations’ should be calculated as theinitial investment cost of long-term equity investment.

B. Other long-term equity investments not resulting from combination

For the long-term equity investments obtained by cash paid, the Company recognizes their fair value asthe initial investment costs. For the long-term equity investments acquired by the issue of equitysecurities, the initial investment cost shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued.

(3) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profits and losses

The investments of subsidiaries are measured with the cost method, and shall be adjusted according toequity law according to initial investment cost when making the combination financial statements. Costsshall be added or retrieved in adjustment of long-term equity investments. The cash dividends or profitsdeclared by the investee shall be recognized as the investment income of the current period.

For long-term equity investments measured under the equity method, if the initial investment costs arehigher than the investor’s attributable share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets,initial investment cost shall be calculated as long-term equity investment cost; if the initial investmentcosts are lower than the investor’s attributable share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable netassets, the margin shall be calculated into profits/ losses of the current period, and long-term equityinvestment cost shall be increased. The Company shall, according to the shares of net profits and othercomprehensive income realized by the investee that shall be enjoyed or borne by the Company,recognize the profit and loss on the investments of the current period. When recognizing the net lossesof the invested party, the losses should be limited to zero at least according to book value and otherlong-term equities of long-term equity investment. Nonetheless, if the Company bears the obligation foradditional losses and meets conditions to recognize expected liabilities, then it shall continue torecognize investment losses and calculate it into liabilities. When recognizing the net profits and lossesand other comprehensive income of the investee that the Company shall enjoy or bear, the Companyshall calculate the part is enjoys or bears according to share-holding ratio on the basis that theCompany’s share-holding ratio remains the same, and include the part directly into share-holders’equities, and make adjustments to book value of long-term equity investments. For the part of theinterest or dividend from the invested party that is favorable for declaration and distribution, the bookvalue of long-term equity investments shall be reduced accordingly. For unachieved internal transactionprofits and losses between the Company and the invested party, the part of the Company shall becalculated according to the ratio that should be shared or born by the company and be offset, on thebasis of which the recognition of investment profits/ losses shall be conducted. The part of assetimpairment incurred in internal transaction loss shall not be offset.

5.12 Investment property

(1) When adopting cost model:

Method of depreciation or amortization

The company shall deduct expected net residual value (residual value rate: 5%) and cumulativeimpairment provision from the cost of investment property, and conduct depreciation or amortizationusing straight-line method within the service life (20 years).

5.13 Fixed assets

(1) Recognition of fixed assets

√applicable □non-applicable

Fixed assets refer to tangible assets with relatively high unit value, which are held for the purpose ofproducing commodities, providing services, renting or business management with useful life exceedingone accounting year.

(2) Method of depreciation

√applicable □non-applicable

CategoryDepreciation methodEstimated useful life (Year)Residual value rateAnnual depreciation rate
BuildingsStraight-line method205%4.75%
Machinery and equipmentStraight-line method105%9.5%
Electronic equipment and othersStraight-line method55%19%
VehiclesStraight-line method55%19%

A. After January 1

st, 2014, the amount less than CNY 1,000,000 spent on newly-purchased equipmentand apparatus for the special use of R&D shall be calculated into cost of the current period.B. After January 1


, 2014, the amount more than CNY 1,000,000 spent on newly-purchasedequipment and apparatus for the special use of R&D, shall be depreciated according to thefollowing table:

Asset categoryEstimated useful life (Year)
Machine equipment6 years
Electronic equipment2 years

(3) (3)Method of impairment test and provision for impairment for fixed assets

At the end of the period, check on fixed assets shall be implemented item by item. If the recoverableamount is lower than book value because of outdated technology, impairment or long-term idlecondition, the Company shall calculate the difference between recoverable amount and book value asthe provision for impairment for fixed assets. Provision for impairment for fixed assets shall beconducted in terms of individual asset.

5.14 Construction in progress

√Applicable □N/A

Accounting method for construction in progress: each construction in progress is initially measured atthe actual cost.

(1) The construction in progress shall be transferred to fixed assets in the following conditions:

A. The acquired fixed assets are ready for use;B. The physical construction of the construction in progress has been completed or substantiallycompleted;C. The acquired fixed assets conform to the design requirements or contract requirements, they can beused normally, and it needs little or no expenditure on the acquired construction in progress.

(2) The new construction, reconstruction and expansion projects of the company’s fixed assets areincluded in the construction in progress according to the actual expenditure incurred. Borrowing interestand foreign exchange gains and losses incurred in the construction of borrowed loans can be capitalizedand included in the cost of construction in progress before the fixed assets reach the intended usablestate if the fixed assets meet the capitalization conditions.

(3) On the balance sheet date, the construction in progress shall be checked by items. If there isevidence that the construction in progress is impaired, the provision for impairment shall be made basedon the difference between the recoverable amount and the carrying amount.

The main factors in making provision for impairment of construction in progress are as follows:

A. Suspended construction for a long time and is not expected to restart construction in the next threeyears;B. The constructed projects are backward in terms of technology and performance, and it is uncertainfor the economic benefits brought to the enterprise;C. Other circumstances sufficient to prove that the construction in progress has been impaired.

5.15 Borrowing costs

√Applicable □N/A

The principle to confirm the capitalization of borrowing costs is as follows: the borrowing costs such asinterest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums, auxiliary costs, and exchangedifferences due to foreign currencies incurred by the Company due to borrowings, which can be directlyattributed to the acquisition & construction or production of assets that meet the capitalizationconditions, shall be capitalized and included in the cost of the asset; other borrowing costs shall berecognized as expenses in the period in which they are incurred and included in profit or loss.

Determination method of capitalization period:

(1) Begin capitalization: borrowing costs can only begin to be capitalized if the following threeconditions are all met simultaneously

A. Asset expenditure has occurred;B. The borrowing costs have been incurred;C. The acquisition & construction or production activities to make the asset ready for its intended use orsale have begun.

(2) Suspension of capitalization: if the acquisition and construction of fixed assets is suspendedabnormally, and the suspension lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of borrowing costs willbe suspended, and the borrowing costs incurred during the interruption period will be recognized ascurrent expenses until the assets are acquisition and construction activities resumed.

(3) Stop capitalization: when the acquired and constructed fixed assets reach the intended usable state,stop the capitalization of borrowing costs.

The calculation method of the capitalized amount of borrowing costs:

A. If a special loan is borrowed for the acquisition, construction or production of assets that meet thecapitalization conditions, the interest expense actually incurred in the current period of the special loanshall be determined after deduction of the interest income obtained by depositing the unused loan fundsin the bank or by temporary investment;

B. If general borrowings are occupied for the purpose of acquisition, construction or production ofassets that meet the capitalization conditions, the Company shall calculate and determine amount ofinterest of general borrowings to be capitalized based on weighted average number of asset expendituresover which the accumulated asset expenditure exceeds the special borrowings multiplied by the

capitalization rate of the occupied general borrowings. The capitalization rate is calculated based on theweighted average rate of borrowings, and the auxiliary expenses incurred by general borrowings shallnot be capitalized.

5.16 Intangible assets

(1) Valuation method, service life, impairment test

√Applicable □N/A

A. Pricing of intangible assets: intangible assets are initially measured at the cost when they are actuallyacquired. For the intangible assets developed by the Company, the expenditures in the research stageshall be included in the current profit and loss when incurred; the expenditures in the development stageshall be recognized as intangible assets (patented technology and non-patented technology) if thefollowing conditions are all met simultaneously:

a. It is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it can be used or sold;b. There is intention to complete the intangible asset for use or sales.c. The usefulness of methods for intangible assets to generate economic benefits include that there is apotential market for the products manufactured by applying the intangible assets or that there is apotential market for the intangible assets themselves;d. It is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell the intangible assets,with the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources.e. The expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be measuredreliably.

B. Amortization of intangible assets: The intangible assets are amortized in the straight-line methodover the beneficial years from the month of acquisition, and intangible assets with indefinite useful livesare not amortized.

C. On the balance sheet date, each intangible asset should be checked, and if there is any sign ofimpairment, an impairment provision should be made based on the difference between the recoverableamount and the carrying amount.

(2). Accounting policy for internal research and development expenditures

□Applicable √N/A

5.17 Long-term prepaid expenses

√Applicable □N/A

Long-term prepaid expenses are expenses that have occurred but should be borne by the current andsubsequent periods for a period of more than one year.

5.18 Employee benefits

The Company’s employee benefits refer to various forms of remuneration and compensation given bythe Company to the employees for obtaining services provided by employees or for termination of laborrelations, including short-term benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and otherlong-term employee benefits. The benefits provided by the Company to employees’ spouses, children,dependents, survivors of deceased employees and other beneficiaries also belong to employee benefits.

(1) Accounting treatment of short-term benefits

√Applicable □N/A

Short-term benefits are the benefits that the Company expects to pay in full within 12 months after theend of the annual reporting period in which the employee provides relevant services, excluding thecompensation for the employment termination. The Company’s short-term remuneration specificallyincludes: employee wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies, employee welfare expenses, socialinsurance premiums such as medical insurance premiums, work-related injury insurance premiums and

maternity insurance premiums, housing provident fund, labor union funds and employee educationfunds, short-term paid absences, short-term profit-sharing plans, non-monetary benefits, and othershort-term benefits.

During the accounting period in which the employees provide services, the Company recognizes theactual short-term benefits as liabilities, and includes the current profits and losses or relevant asset costsaccording to the beneficiaries of the services provided by the employees. Non-monetary short-termbenefits shall be measured at fair value.

(2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits

√Applicable □N/A

Post-employment benefits refer to various forms of benefits provided by the Company in order to obtainthe services provided by the employees after the employees retire or terminate the labor relationshipwith the enterprise.

Defined contribution plan: The contributions to be paid to a separate entity in exchange for the servicesprovided by employees during the accounting period on the balance sheet date are recognized asemployee compensation liabilities, and are included in the current profit and loss or related asset costs.

(3) Accounting treatment of termination benefits

√Applicable □N/A

Employee benefits liabilities shall be recognized and included into profit or loss for the current periodon the earlier date of the two following circumstances:

a. When the Company is not able to withdraw the benefits from termination of employment orresignation persuasion unilaterally;

b. When the Company recognizes costs and fees relevant to reforming the termination benefits payment.

(4) Accounting treatment method of other long-term employee benefits

□Applicable √N/A

5.19 Revenue

(1) Accounting policies adopted for revenue recognition and measurement

√Applicable □N/A

Revenue refers to the total inflow of economic benefits that are formed in the daily activities of theCompany and will lead to an increase in owners’ equity and have nothing to do with the capital investedby the owners.

When the Company has fulfilled its performance obligations in the contract, that is, recognized theRevenue when the customer obtains control over the relevant commodities, which means that thecustomer is able to dominate the use of the commodity and obtain almost all economic benefits from it.After the Company delivers the product to the customer as agreed in the contract, the Revenue isrecognized based on the net amount after deducting the consideration payable to the customer. TheCompany recognizes the amount of contract consideration that has been collected from the customer asa contract liability before entering into a contract with the customer, having received the order but notdelivering the product to the customer.

(2) Differences in accounting policies for Revenue recognition due to the adoption of different businessmodels for similar businesses

□Applicable √N/A

5.20 Government grants

√Applicable □N/A

Government grants refer to the monetary or non-monetary assets that the Company obtains from thegovernment for free, but does not include the capital invested by the government as the owner of theCompany. Government grants are divided into asset-related government grants and income-relatedgovernment grants. Government grants can only be confirmed if they meet the following conditions atthe same time:

(1) Judgment basis and accounting treatment method of government grants related to assetsGovernment grants related to assets shall be written off against the carrying amount of related assets orrecognized as deferred income. If government grants related to assets are recognized as deferred income,they shall be included in profit or loss in stages within the useful life of the relevant assets in areasonable and systematic manner. Government grants measured at the nominal amount are directlyincluded in the current profit and loss. If the relevant assets are sold, transferred, scrapped or damagedbefore the end of their useful life, the undistributed balance of relevant deferred income shall betransferred to the profit and loss of the current period of asset disposal.

(2) Judgment basis and accounting treatment method of government grants related to incomeGovernment grants related to income shall be dealt with according to the following circumstances:

A. If it is used to compensate the Company’s relevant expenses or losses in future periods, it should berecognized as deferred income and included into the current profit and loss or written off of the relatedcosts when the relevant expenses, losses are recognized;

B. If it is used to compensate the Company’s relevant expenses or losses incurred, it is directly includedinto the current profit and loss or written off of the related costs.

(3) Government grants related to the daily activities of the Company shall be included in other incomeor written off relevant costs according to the nature of economic business. Government grants unrelatedto the daily activities of the Company shall be included in non-operating income and expenditure.

5.21 Deferred tax assets/Deferred tax liabilities

√Applicable □N/A

On the balance sheet date, according to the deductible temporary differences and taxable temporarydifferences of asset and liability items, the applicable tax rate is used to calculate the amount of deferredtax assets and deferred tax liabilities.

5.22 Lease

(1) Accounting treatment of operating lease

□Applicable √N/A

(2) Accounting treatment of financial lease

□Applicable √N/A

(3) Determination and accounting treatment of lease under the new lease standards

√Applicable □N/A

A. As the lessee

On the contract start date, the Company evaluates whether the contract is a lease or includes a lease. Ifone party in the contract transfers the right to control the use of one or more identified assets within acertain period in exchange for consideration, the contract is a lease or includes a lease. In order todetermine whether the contract transfers the right to control the use of the identified asset for a certainperiod, the Company evaluates whether the customer in the contract is entitled to receive substantiallyall the economic benefits arising from the use of the identified asset during the period of use, and hasthe right to dominate the use of the identified asset during the period of use. The general accountingtreatment is as follows:

On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes its right to use the leased assetduring the lease term as a right-of-use asset, including the initial measurement amount of the leaseliabilities; for the lease payments paid on or before the commencement date of the lease term, if there isa lease incentive, the following items should be deducted, including the relevant amount of the leaseincentive that has been enjoyed, the initial direct expenses incurred by the lessee, and the costs of thelessee for dismantling and removing the leased asset, restoring the site where the leased asset is located,or restoring the leased asset to the state agreed in the lease terms.

On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the present value of unpaid leasepayments as lease liabilities, excluding short-term lease and low-value assets lease. When calculatingthe present value of lease payments, the Company takes the interest rate implicit in the lease as thediscount rate; if the interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be determined, the incremental borrowingrate of the lessee is used as the discount rate.

The Company subsequently adopts the straight-line method to depreciate the right-of-use assets,calculates the interest expenses of the lease liabilities in each period of the lease term, and includes themin the current profit and loss, unless otherwise stipulated to be included in the cost of the relevant assets.Variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of lease liabilities are included in thecurrent profit and loss when they are actually incurred, unless otherwise stipulated to be included in thecost of the relevant asset.

The Company does not recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term lease andlow-value asset lease. In each period of the lease term, it is included in the relevant asset cost or currentprofit and loss on a straight-line basis.

B. As the lessor

As a lessor, a financial lease refers to substantially transfer almost all the risks and rewards related to theownership of the leased asset on the lease commencement date, and all other leases are operating leases.

a. Rental income from operating leases is recognized as current profit and loss on a straight-line basisover each period of the lease term.

b. On the start date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the finance lease receivables for thefinance lease, and derecognizes the finance lease assets. During the initial measurement of the financelease receivables, the net investment in the lease is taken as the entry value of the finance leasereceivables. The net lease investment is the sum of the unguaranteed residual value and the presentvalue of the lease receipts not yet received at the commencement date of the lease term which isdiscounted at the interest rate implicit in the lease.

5.23 Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Changes in significant accounting policies

√Applicable □N/A

The Ministry of Finance revised and issued Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21 -Leases (hereinafter referred to as New Lease Standards) in December 2018. The Company willimplement and follow the new lease standards from January 1, 2021. No adjustment will be made to thecomparative financial statements, and the above accounting policies have been approved by theCompany’s board of directors.

When measuring the lease liability, the Company discounts the lease payments at the incrementalborrowing rate at 1 January 2021.

Unit: CNY

Undiscounted amount of operating lease commitments on January 1, 2021639,664,840.54
Incremental borrowing rate on January 1, 20213.20%-3.40%
Lease liabilities discounted at the incremental borrowing rate536,281,365.04
on January 1, 2021
including: lease liabilities due within one year121,378,096.65
Lease liabilities due over one year414,903,268.39

Please refer to this section for the changes in the corresponding accounting statement items: V.Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates; 23. Changes in significant accounting policiesand accounting estimates; (3) Adjustments to the financial statements at the beginning of the executionyear of any new standard governing leases from 2021.

(2) Changes in significant accounting estimates

□Applicable √N/A

(3) Adjustments to the financial statements at the beginning of the execution year of any new standardgoverning leases from 2021

√Applicable □N/A


Unit: CNY

Item31 December 2020January 1, 2021Adjustments
Cash and Cash equivalents36,091,090,060.9036,091,090,060.90
Settlements Provision
Loans to banks and other financial institutions118,199,586,541.06118,199,586,541.06
Financial assets held for trading
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable1,532,728,979.671,532,728,979.67
Accounts receivable
Financing receivable
Insurance premium receivable
Due from reinsurers
Reinsurance contract reserves receivable
Other receivables34,488,582.1934,488,582.19
Including: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell
Contract assets
Assets classified as held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets26,736,855.9126,736,855.91
Total current assets185,652,154,956.94185,652,154,956.94
Loans and advances2,953,036,834.802,953,036,834.80
Debt investment20,143,397.7820,143,397.78
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments
Other equity instruments investments
Other non-current financial assets9,830,052.919,830,052.91
Investment properties
Fixed assets16,225,082,847.2916,225,082,847.29
Construction in progress2,447,444,843.032,447,444,843.03
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use asset536,281,365.04536,281,365.04
Intangible assets4,817,170,981.914,817,170,981.91
Development expenditures
Long-term prepaid expenses147,721,526.43147,721,526.43
Deferred tax assets1,123,225,086.371,123,225,086.37
Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets27,743,655,570.5228,279,936,935.56536,281,365.04
Total assets213,395,810,527.46213,932,091,892.50536,281,365.04
Current liabilities
Short-term borrowings
Borrowing from the central bank
Deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions
Financial liabilities held for trading
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable1,342,267,668.121,342,267,668.12
Receipts in advance
Contract liabilities13,321,549,147.6913,321,549,147.69
Financial assets sold under agreements to buy
Customer deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions14,241,859,949.7714,241,859,949.77
Customer brokerage deposits
Securities underwriting brokerage deposits
Payroll and employee benefits payable2,981,125,503.862,981,125,503.86
Taxes payable8,919,821,015.588,919,821,015.58
Other payables3,257,245,259.423,257,245,259.42
Including: Interest payable
Dividend payable
Fees and commission payable
Payable reinsurance
Liabilities classified as held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities121,378,096.65121,378,096.65
Other current liabilities1,609,801,368.511,609,801,368.51
Total current liabilities45,673,669,912.9545,795,048,009.60121,378,096.65
Non-current liabilities
Insurance reserves
Long-term borrowings
Bonds payable
Including: Preference share
Perpetual debt
Lease liabilities414,903,268.39414,903,268.39
Long-term Payable
Long-term payroll and employee benefits payable
Deferred income
Deferred tax liabilities1,457,513.231,457,513.23
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities1,457,513.23416,360,781.62414,903,268.39
Total liabilities45,675,127,426.1846,211,408,791.22536,281,365.04
Paid-in capital1,256,197,800.001,256,197,800.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preference share
Perpetual debt
Capital reserve1,374,964,415.721,374,964,415.72
Less: treasury shares
Other comprehensive income-5,331,367.75-5,331,367.75
Special reserve
Surplus reserve20,174,922,608.9320,174,922,608.93
General risk reserve927,577,822.67927,577,822.67
Retained earnings137,594,403,807.99137,594,403,807.99
Equity attributable to owners of the parent161,322,735,087.56161,322,735,087.56
Non-controlling interests6,397,948,013.726,397,948,013.72
Total shareholders’ equity167,720,683,101.28167,720,683,101.28
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY213,395,810,527.46213,932,091,892.50536,281,365.04

Adjustment of each item:

√Applicable □N/A

The Ministry of Finance revised and issued Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21 -Leases (Cai Kuai (2018) No. 35) in December 2018. The Company will implement and follow the newlease standards from January 1, 2021. The Company separately lists the right-of-use assets and leaseliabilities in the balance sheet in accordance with the provisions of the new standard. According to thelinking regulations, the enterprise that implements this new standard for the first time shall adjust theamount of retained earnings at the beginning of the period and other relevant items in the financialstatements according to the cumulative impact of the first implementation of this new standard, and notadjust the comparative financial data.


Unit: CNY

Item31 December 2020January 1, 2021Adjustments
Cash and Cash equivalents50,925,698,935.4350,925,698,935.43
Financial assets held for trading
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable142,286,376.00142,286,376.00
Accounts receivable9,203,780,107.149,203,780,107.14
Financing receivables
Other receivables42,323,669.0142,323,669.01
Including: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Contract assets
Assets classified as held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets
Total current assets89,335,286,531.8689,335,286,531.86
Debt investment
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments1,624,535,587.551,624,535,587.55
Other equity instruments investments
Other non-current financial assets9,830,052.919,830,052.91
Investment properties
Fixed assets15,742,514,190.1315,742,514,190.13
Construction in progress2,447,444,843.032,447,444,843.03
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use asset470,585,429.10470,585,429.10
Intangible assets4,815,945,940.554,815,945,940.55
Development expenditures
Long-term prepaid expenses147,500,000.21147,500,000.21
Deferred tax assets521,030,214.32521,030,214.32
Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets25,308,800,828.7025,779,386,257.80470,585,429.10
Total assets114,644,087,360.56115,114,672,789.66470,585,429.10
Current liabilities
Short-term borrowings
Financial liabilities held for trading
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable1,077,677,482.551,077,677,482.55
Receipts in advance
Contract liabilities557,514,370.46557,514,370.46
Payroll and employee benefits payable2,846,669,812.232,846,669,812.23
Taxes payable5,032,321,722.085,032,321,722.08
Other payables926,532,063.22926,532,063.22
Including: Interest payable
Dividend payable
Liabilities classified as held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities101,062,708.92101,062,708.92
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities10,440,715,450.5410,541,778,159.46101,062,708.92
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings
Bonds payable
Including: Preference share
Perpetual debt
Lease liabilities369,522,720.18369,522,720.18
Long-term Payable
Long-term payroll and employee benefits payable
Deferred income
Deferred tax liabilities1,457,513.231,457,513.23
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities1,457,513.23370,980,233.41369,522,720.18
Total liabilities10,442,172,963.7710,912,758,392.87470,585,429.10
Paid-in capital1,256,197,800.001,256,197,800.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preference share
Perpetual debt
Capital reserve1,374,303,082.721,374,303,082.72
Less: treasury shares
Other comprehensive income
Special reserve
Surplus reserve20,174,922,608.9320,174,922,608.93
Retained earnings81,396,490,905.1481,396,490,905.14
Total shareholders’ equity104,201,914,396.79104,201,914,396.79
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY114,644,087,360.56115,114,672,789.66470,585,429.10

Adjustment of each item:

√Applicable □N/A

The Ministry of Finance revised and issued Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21 -Leases (Cai Kuai (2018) No. 35) in December 2018. The Company will implement and follow the newlease standards from January 1, 2021. The Company separately lists the right-of-use assets and leaseliabilities in the balance sheet in accordance with the provisions of the new standard. According to thelinking regulations, the enterprise that implements this new standard for the first time shall adjust theamount of retained earnings at the beginning of the period and other relevant items in the financialstatements according to the cumulative impact of the first implementation of this new standard, and notadjust the comparative financial data.

(4) Explanation on adjustment of previous comparative financial data for implementation of the newlease standards for the first time from 2021

□Applicable √N/A

6. Tax

6.1 Main taxes and tax rates

Main taxes and tax rates

√Applicable □N/A

TaxTax basisTax rate
VATCalculation of output tax and input tax on product sales revenue13%
Consumption taxTaxable price and sales volume of sales revenue of alcoholic products20%、CNY 0.5 /500ml
City construction and maintenance taxTurnover tax payable7%
Enterprise income taxTaxable income25%
Education surchargesTurnover tax payable3%
Local education surchargesTurnover tax payable2%

Disclosure of taxpayers with different corporate income tax rates

√Applicable □N/A

Tax entityIncome tax rate (%)
Kweichow Moutai Paris Trading Co., Ltd.26.5、27.5

6.2 Tax benefits

□Applicable √N/A

7. Notes to consolidated financial statements

7.1 Cash and Cash equivalents

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Cash on hand9,500.009,554.00
Bank balances51,810,234,107.1136,091,080,506.90
Other monetary fund
including: total amount deposited abroad20,665,732.9617,011,338.58

Cash and cash equivalents with restrictions on use

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Statutory deposit reserve with the central bank6,381,004,565.816,821,915,239.53

7.2 Loans to banks and other financial institutions

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Deposits with other banks135,071,807,332.94117,800,411,402.21
Loans to banks and other financial institutions402,680,555.57
Less: impairment4,519,554.913,505,416.72
Carrying amount135,067,287,778.03118,199,586,541.06

Loans to banks and other financial institutions with restrictions on use

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Deposits with other banks that can not be withdrawn at any time1,000,000,000.00

7.3 Notes receivable

(1) Categories of notes receivable

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Bank acceptances1,532,728,979.67

7.4 Accounts receivable

(1) Disclosed by aging

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

AgingBook balance at the end of the reporting period
Within 1 year
1 to 2 years
2 to 3 years
More than 3 years
3 to 4 years
4 to 5 years
More than 5 years3,097,678.25

(2) Disclosed by bad debt provision methods

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

CategoryClosing balanceOpening balance
Book balanceBad debt provisionCarrying amountBook balanceBad debt provisionCarrying amount
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Bad debt provision assessed individually
Bad debt provision assessed by groups3,097,678.25100.003,097,678.25100.003,243,804.43100.003,243,804.43100.00
Including: bad debt provision assessed by groups3,097,678.25100.003,097,678.25100.003,243,804.43100.003,243,804.43100.00

Bad debt provision assessed by groups:

√ Applicable □ N/A

Items assessed by groups: aging of accounts

Unit: CNY

Closing balance
Accounts receivableBad debt provisionProportion (%)
Within 1 year
1-2 years
2-3 years
3-4 years
4-5 years
More than 5 years3,097,678.253,097,678.25100.00

Recognition criteria and explanations for bad debt provision assessed by groups:

□ Applicable √ N/A

Refer to the disclosure of other receivables if bad debt provision is made based on the general ECLmodel:

□ Applicable √ N/A

(3) Bad debt provision

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

CategoryOpening balanceChanges in the current periodClosing balance
ProvisionRecovery or reversalWrite-offOther changes
Bad debt provision assessed by groups3,243,804.4347,413.7698,712.423,097,678.25

(4) Accounts receivable written off at the end of the reporting period

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount of write-off
Actual write-off of accounts receivable98,712.42

Significant write-off of accounts receivable

□ Applicable √ N/A

Explanations on write-off of accounts receivable:

□ Applicable √ N/A

(5) Top five accounts receivable based on debtors

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

EntityClosing balanceProportion to total closing balance of accounts receivable (%)Closing balance of bad debt provision
Yunnan Kunming Yuanwei Economic and Trade Co., Ltd.847,620.0027.36847,620.00
Tianjin Feimeng Industrial Co., Ltd.784,900.0025.34784,900.00
Shanghai International Famous Wine Development Co., Ltd.375,776.0012.13375,776.00
Shenzhen Friendship Shopping Mall194,200.006.27194,200.00
Shenzhen Grain and Oil Import and Export Corporation Beijing Branch109,504.863.54109,504.86

7.5 Prepayments

(1) Aging analysis of prepayments

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

AgingClosing balanceOpening balance
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Within 1 year377,984,374.8597.14136,773,510.5015.22
1-2 years1,575,835.770.40609,099,761.7367.79
2-3 years1,343,437.850.35122,235,839.9513.61
More than 3 years8,206,192.812.1130,327,146.973.38

(2) Top five prepayments based on the payers

√ Applicable □ N/A

EntityClosing balanceProportion to the total closing balance of prepayment (%)
Renhuai Municipal People’s Government173,000,000.0044.46
Xishui County People’s Government130,339,307.0633.50
Guizhou Renhuai Grain and Oil Collection and Storage Co., Ltd.50,300,844.0012.93
iSoftStone Information Technology (Group) Co., Ltd.2,269,329.410.58
Guizhou Radio and Television Station1,698,113.210.43

7.6 Other receivables

Presentation of items

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Other receivables33,158,974.3234,488,582.19

Other receivables

(1) Disclosure by aging

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

AgingBook balance at the end of the reporting period
Within 1 year29,081,462.35
Subtotal of within 1 year29,081,462.35
1-2 years1,695,588.73
2-3 years1,499,488.43
3-4 years967,917.47
4-5 years37,951.22
More than 5 years5,100,600.00

(2) Details of classification by nature

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

NatureBook balance at the end of the reporting periodBook balance at the beginning of the reporting period
Petty cash16,271,192.5010,399,194.10
Current Account22,111,815.7029,458,352.01

(3) Details of bad debt provision

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

Bad debt provisionStage IStage IIStage IIITotal
12-month ECLLifetime ECL (not impaired)Lifetime ECL (impaired)
As at 1 January 2021211,315.555,157,648.375,368,963.92
Changes due to financial instruments recognised as at 1 January 2021
--Transfer to stage II
--Transfer to stage III
--Reverse to stage II
--Reverse to stage I
Other changes
As at 31 December 202181,167.435,142,866.455,224,033.88

Explanations on significant changes in the book balance of other receivables where there are changes inprovision for the current period:

□Applicable √ N/A

(1). Bad debt provision

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

CategoryOpening balanceChanges in the current periodClosing balance
ProvisionRecovery or reversalWrite-offOther changes
Bad debt provision assessed by aging groups5,368,963.9294,913.06229,813.1010,030.005,224,033.88

Significant recovery or reversal of bad debt provision for the current period:

□ Applicable √ N/A

(2). Other receivables written off as at the end of the current period

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount of write-off
Actual write-off of other receivables10,030.00

Significant write-off of other receivables:

□ Applicable √ N/A

Explanations on write-off of other receivables:

□ Applicable √ N/A

(3). Top five other receivables based on debtors

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

EntityNatureClosing balanceAgingProportion to the total closing balance of other receivables (%)Bad debt provision
11th Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. of Guizhou Construction Engineering GroupCurrent Account1,584,682.49Within 1 year4.13
Guizhou Kailin Xifeng Synthetic Ammonia Co., Ltd.Current Account1,000,000.00Within 1 year2.6152,000.00
Xinghe Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Current Account869,520.12Within 1 year2.27
Guiyang Urban Construction Investment (Group) Co., Ltd.Current Account801,039.002-3 years2.09
Shenzhen Jinzhaolin Trading Co., Ltd.Current Account781,672.56Within 1 year2.04

A. The receivable of the 11th Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. of Guizhou Construction EngineeringGroup is the payment for office fit-out from majority-owned subsidiary Guizhou Laymau Wine IndustryCo., Ltd..

B. The receivable of Guizhou Kailin Xifeng Synthetic Ammonia Co., Ltd. is the deposit paid to thesupplier.

C. The receivable of Xinghe industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. is the rental deposit paid by

majority-owned subsidiary Kweichow Moutai Sales Co., Ltd.

D. The receivable of Guiyang Urban Construction Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. is the rental depositpaid by majority-owned subsidiary Kweichow Moutai Sales Co., Ltd.

E. The receivable of Shenzhen Jinzhaolin Trading Co., Ltd. is the prepayment for promotion frommajority-owned subsidiary Guizhou Laymau Wine Industry Co., Ltd.., and the relevant notes wereentered in the books of account in January 2022.

7.7 Inventories

(1). Categories of inventories

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Book balanceWrite-down of inventories/impairment provision of contract performance costsCarrying amountBook balanceWrite-down of inventories/impairment provision of contract performance costsCarrying amount
Raw materials4,019,538,465.824,019,538,465.823,485,831,193.613,485,831,193.61
Goods in progress14,310,650,087.511,283,984.8314,309,366,102.6811,941,066,479.641,283,984.8311,939,782,494.81
Finished goods1,319,352,631.841,319,352,631.841,047,225,896.311,047,225,896.31
Semi-finished goods13,746,107,884.4913,746,107,884.4912,396,248,093.3312,396,248,093.33

(2). Write-down of inventories and impairment provision of contract performance costs

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemOpening balanceIncrease in the current periodDecrease in the current periodClosing balance
ProvisionOthersReversal or eliminationOthers
Goods in progress1,283,984.831,283,984.83

7.8 Other current assets

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
VAT not deducted at the end of the reporting period67,014,310.9122,218,754.41
Prepaid income tax4,513,249.834,518,101.50

7.9 Loans and advances

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Loans and advances3,425,175,000.002,953,036,834.80
ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Total amount of loans and advances3,513,000,000.003,028,755,728.00
Less: provision for loan impairment87,825,000.0075,718,893.20
Carrying amount of loans and advances3,425,175,000.002,953,036,834.80

7.10 Debt investment

(1). Debt investment

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Book balanceProvision for impairmentCarrying amountBook balanceProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., LTD.20,153,150.6911,340.0020,141,810.6920,155,277.7811,880.0020,143,397.78
Bank of Guiyang Co. Ltd.50,232,273.9828,350.0050,203,923.98
Bank of Guizhou Co., Ltd.100,179,589.0456,700.00100,122,889.04

(2). Provision for impairment

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

Provision for impairmentStage IStage IIStage IIITotal
12-month ECLLifetime ECL (not impaired)Lifetime ECL (impaired)
As at 1 January 202111,880.0011,880.00
Balance at 1 January 2021 in the current period
--Transfer to stage II
--Transfer to stage III
--Reverse to stage II
--Reverse to stage I
Other changes
As at 31 December 202196,390.0096,390.00

Explanations on significant changes in the book balance of debt investments where there are changes inprovision for the current period:

□ Applicable √ N/A

7.11 Other non-current financial assets

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Foreign Investment Cooperation Management Co., Ltd.9,830,052.91

7.12 Investment properties

Measurement of investment properties

(1). Investment properties measured at cost

(2). Unit: CNY

ItemBuildingsLand use rightsConstruction in progressTotal
I. Cost
1. Opening balance
2. Increase in the current period6,023,231.766,023,231.76
(1) Purchases
(2) Transfer from inventories\fixed assets\construction in progress6,023,231.766,023,231.76
(3) Increase arising from business combination
3. Decrease in the current period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer-out
4. Closing balance6,023,231.766,023,231.76
Ⅱ. Accumulated depreciation and amortization
1. Opening balance
2. Increase in the current period780,800.01780,800.01
(1) Depreciation or amortization286,459.93286,459.93
(2) Transfer from inventories\fixed assets\construction in progress494,340.08494,340.08
3. Decrease in the current period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer-out
4. Closing balance780,800.01780,800.01
III. Provision for impairment
1. Opening balance
2. Increase in the current period
(1) Provision
3. Decrease in the current period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer-out
4. Closing balance
IV. Carrying amount
1. Carrying amount at the end of the reporting period5,242,431.755,242,431.75
2. Carrying amount at the beginning of the reporting period

(1). Investment property of which certificates of title have not been obtained

□ Applicable √ N/A


□ Applicable √ N/A

7.13 Fixed assets

Presentation of items

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Fixed assets17,472,173,182.8516,225,082,847.29
Disposal of fixed assets

Fixed assets

(1). Details of fixed assets

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemBuildingsMachinery and equipmentVehiclesElectronic equipment and othersTotal
I. Cost:
1. Opening Balance22,132,224,920.441,999,629,112.98276,593,468.31777,794,492.3625,186,241,994.09
2. Increase in the current period2,450,899,506.5078,839,832.1949,663,726.7749,862,986.392,629,266,051.85
(1) Additions41,200,048.72651,810.6918,738,972.9111,099,469.0771,690,301.39
(2) Transfer from construction in progress2,409,699,457.7878,188,021.5030,924,753.8638,763,517.322,557,575,750.46
(3) Increase arising from business combination
(4) Foreign currency translation
3. Decrease in the current period84,725,840.6845,204,306.6217,725,859.319,249,576.82156,905,583.43
(1) Disposal or retirement51,624,105.9245,204,306.6217,725,859.319,247,071.17123,801,343.02
(2) Foreign currency translation7,014,133.312,505.657,016,638.96
(3) Transfer to investment properties6,023,231.766,023,231.76
(4) Transfer to construction in progress20,064,369.6920,064,369.69
4. Closing balance24,498,398,586.262,033,264,638.55308,531,335.77818,407,901.9327,658,602,462.51
II. Accumulated depreciation
1. Opening balance6,893,835,855.081,261,486,281.12204,581,877.52600,187,916.288,960,091,930.00
2. Increase in the current period1,131,097,966.69137,766,944.4622,208,035.3253,474,504.991,344,547,451.46
(1) Provision1,131,097,966.69137,766,944.4622,208,035.3253,474,504.991,344,547,451.46
(2) Foreign currency translation
3. Decrease in the current period56,316,578.0538,665,455.2116,158,488.778,136,796.57119,277,318.60
(1) Disposal or retirement47,039,249.9038,665,455.2116,158,488.778,134,978.48109,998,172.36
(2) Foreign currency translation1,243,683.791,818.091,245,501.88
(3) Transfer to investment properties494,340.08494,340.08
(4) Transfer to construction in progress7,539,304.287,539,304.28
4. Closing balance7,968,617,243.721,360,587,770.37210,631,424.07645,525,624.7010,185,362,062.86
III. Provision for impairment
1. Opening balance1,060,865.026,351.781,067,216.80
2. Increase in the current period
(1) Provision
3. Decrease in the current period
(1) Disposal or retirement
4. Closing balance1,060,865.026,351.781,067,216.80
IV. Carrying amount
1. Carrying amount at the end of the reporting period16,529,781,342.54671,616,003.1697,899,911.70172,875,925.4517,472,173,182.85
2. Carrying amount at the beginning of the reporting period15,238,389,065.36737,081,966.8472,011,590.79177,600,224.3016,225,082,847.29

(2). Fixed assets of which certificates of title have not been obtained

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemCarrying amountReasons why certificates of title have not been obtained
Second phase of the “12th Five Year Plan” 10,000 ton Moutai liquor project (2012): technical transformation project that added 2,500 tons of Moutai liquor production capacity558,732,546.81In procedure
Technological transformation project launched in 2011 that added 2,000 tons of Moutai Prince production capacity and supporting facilities346,872,092.02In procedure
Technological transformation project launched in 2012 that added 2,800 tons of Moutai Prince production capacity and supporting facilities217,128,781.77In procedure
Moutai Huanshan liquor storage area project473,072,853.57In procedure
Technological transformation project for Moutai flavor liquor series and supporting facilities930,374,657.42In procedure

7.14 Construction in progress

Presentation of items

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Construction in progress2,321,988,541.822,447,444,843.03
Materials for construction of fixed assets

Construction in progress

(1). Construction in progress

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Book balanceProvision for impairmentCarrying amountBook balanceProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
Construction in progress2,321,988,541.822,321,988,541.822,447,444,843.032,447,444,843.03

(2). Changes in significant construction in progress

√ Applicable □ N/A


ItemBudgetOpening balanceIncrease in the current periodTransfer to fixed assetOther decreasesClosing balanceAmount injected as a proportion of budget amount (%)Construction progressAmount of accumulated capitalized interestIncluding: capitalized interest for the current period
Prepaid expenses197,400,282.45221,393.58133,370,392.2164,251,283.82
Technological transformation project for Moutai flavor liquor series and supporting facilities (6,400 tons)3,454,160,000.0038,657,886.8128,641,680.4667,299,567.2755100%
Moutai Huanshan liquor storage area project1,602,000,000.0063,605,346.0532,058,971.1786,726,408.668,937,908.5680100%
Phase I Moutai liquor technological transformation project in Zhonghua Area3,797,000,000.003,487,111.663,487,111.66104100%
“12th Five-Year Plan” expansion and technological transformation project: Phase II Moutai liquor technological transformation project in Zhonghua Area2,667,325,000.00109,555,579.8431,181,870.16109,426,929.7431,310,520.2699100%
Technological transformation project for the starter-making production room that produces 4,000 tons of Moutai liquor annually in Plot 7 and supporting facilities289,000,000.0093100%
Landslide control, slope protection and anti-sliding support project in the liquor production area between Zhonghua Hengyi Road and Henger Road450,000,000.0098,061,623.7491,960,188.096,101,435.6558100%
Hengsi Road (link between Tanmao Express and Zhonghua Area) Project in Zhonghua Area356,320,000.00246,738,070.34235,921,809.0810,816,261.266990%
“13th Five-Year Plan” project for the construction of the first batch of liquor storehouses in Zhonghua Area189,000,000.0041100%
Embankment reinforcement and renovation project in the plant area218,210,000.001,481,132.071,481,132.0749100%
Upgrading and renovation of the network of pipes for separating clean and dirty water in the old plant area199,000,000.0063100%
No. 4 liquor making workshop maintenance and renovation project39,590,000.001,296,275.231,296,275.2343100%
Moutai Cultural and Sports Center261,000,000.00131,543,467.875,224,689.66136,768,157.5364100%
Link between Plot 7 and Tanmao Express Road28,830,000.0010,873,850.6110,873,850.6181100%
“13th Five-Year Plan” Moutai liquor technological transformation project in Zhonghua Area and supporting facilities3,559,000,000.00665,093,144.27248,107,359.05709,623,093.98203,577,409.345795%
Moutai plant water supply network renovation project60,100,000.0029,487,939.191,944,954.1231,432,893.315790%
30,000-ton technological transformation project for Moutai flavor liquor series and supporting facilities8,384,000,000.00674,837,982.481,621,224,919.20681,700,000.001,614,362,901.684558%
Fire station in Tanchang Area and supporting facilities84,590,000.0013,071,450.1313,071,450.1351100%
Liquor making workshop cooling water recycling project430,000,000.0083,082,357.8359,025,806.64142,108,164.473590%
3000T/H sewage treatment plant upgrading and renovation in the Dadi Area of Plant 20147,940,000.0022,914,131.9022,914,131.905190%
Phase I of the packaging logistics park project7,833,000,000.00141,509.43141,509.43
Upgrading and renovation of the network of pipes for separating clean and dirty water, river dredging and riverbed repair at Plant 301 of Heyixing Liquor Branch26,200,000.004,954,128.434,954,128.432135%

Upgradingandrenovation ofthe network ofpipes forseparatingclean anddirty water inthe Dadi Areaof Plant 201of HeyixingLiquor Branch


7.15 Right-of-use asset

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemBuildingsMachinery and equipmentTotal
I. Cost
1. Opening balance525,953,161.5110,328,203.53536,281,365.04
2. Increase in the current period83,679,272.449,525,145.7093,204,418.14
3. Decrease in the current period198,301,402.362,142,838.02200,444,240.38
4. Closing balance411,331,031.5917,710,511.21429,041,542.80
II. Accumulated depreciation
1. Opening balance
2. Increase in the current period96,795,992.074,812,054.11101,608,046.18
3. Decrease in the current period35,173,903.78178,569.8335,352,473.61
4. Closing balance61,622,088.294,633,484.2866,255,572.57
III. Provision for impairment
1. Opening balance
2. Increase in the current period
(1) Provision
3. Decrease in the current period
(1) Disposal
4. Closing balance
IV. Carrying amount
1. Carrying amount at the end of the reporting period349,708,943.3013,077,026.93362,785,970.23
2. Carrying amount at the beginning of the reporting period525,953,161.5110,328,203.53536,281,365.04

7.16 Intangible assets

(1). Intangible assets

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemLand use rightsSoftware development feesTotal
I. Cost
1. Opening balance5,463,040,902.8049,294,481.515,512,335,384.31
2. Increase in the current period1,514,894,351.39377,415.911,515,271,767.30
(1) Additions1,514,894,351.39377,415.911,515,271,767.30
(2) Internal R&D
(3) Increase arising from business combination
3. Decrease in the current
(1) Disposal
4. Closing balance6,977,935,254.1949,671,897.427,027,607,151.61
II. Accumulated amortization
1. Opening balance659,517,220.5435,647,181.86695,164,402.40
2. Increase in the current period120,559,705.743,524,713.23124,084,418.97
(1) Provision120,559,705.743,524,713.23124,084,418.97
3. Decrease in the current period
(1) Disposal
4. Closing balance780,076,926.2839,171,895.09819,248,821.37
III. Provision for impairment
1. Opening balance
2. Increase in the current period
(1) Provision
3. Decrease in the current period
(1) Disposal
4. Closing balance
IV. Carrying amount
1. Carrying amount at the end of the reporting period6,197,858,327.9110,500,002.336,208,358,330.24
2. Carrying amount at the beginning of the reporting period4,803,523,682.2613,647,299.654,817,170,981.91

(2). Land use rights of which certificates of title have not been obtained

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemCarrying amountReasons why certificates of title have not been obtained
Moutai Huanshan liquor storage area project144,000,000.00In procedure
Phase I and phase II Moutai liquor technological transformation project in Zhonghua Area2,108,400,462.64In procedure
Second phase of the “12th Five Year Plan” 10,000 ton Moutai liquor project (2012): technical transformation project that added 2,500 tons of Moutai liquor production capacity330,000,000.00In procedure
Maoyuan Road construction and Plot 5 liquor storehouse construction project363,071,300.00In procedure
Technological transformation project for the starter-making production room in Plot 7 and supporting facilities250,000,000.00In procedure
The first batch of construction projects in Tanchang Area of the circular economy science and technology demonstration park428,000,000.00In procedure
Technological transformation project for Moutai flavor liquor series and supporting facilities352,681,578.55In procedure
2,000-ton Moutai Prince technological transformation project and 2,800-ton Moutai Prince technological transformation project30,000,000.00In procedure
“13th Five-Year Plan” Moutai liquor technological transformation project in Zhonghua Area and supporting facilities215,259,100.00In procedure
30,000-ton technological transformation project for Moutai flavor liquor series and supporting facilities841,671,558.95Under construction
Moutai international hotel construction project673,430,000.00In procedure

7.17 Long-term prepaid expenses

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemOpening balanceIncrease in the current periodOther reductionsClosing balance
Zhongshu Urban Area - Moutai Road reconstruction project147,500,000.219,999,999.96137,500,000.25
Cost of major repairs to fixed assets221,526.221,238,679.26473,849.77986,355.71
Office fit out cost1,070,124.90214,025.04856,099.86

Note: The company and Renhuai Urban Development, Construction, Investment and Operation Co., Ltd.jointly completed transfer and amortization for the Zhongshu Urban Area - Moutai Road reconstructionproject according to the resolution of the third meeting of the second board of directors in 2013.

7.18 Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

(1). Deferred tax assets before offset

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Deductible temporary differencesDeferred tax assetsDeductible temporary differencesDeferred tax assets
Provision for impairment of assets66,916,641.8716,729,160.4755,903,585.8213,975,896.46
Unrealized profit of internal transactions6,303,346,118.881,575,836,529.722,342,118,180.24585,529,545.06
Accrued but unpaid achievements-related wages214,872,045.3853,718,011.35214,872,045.3853,718,011.35

(2). Deferred tax liabilities before offset

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Taxable temporaryDeferred taxTaxable temporaryDeferred tax liabilities
Assets appreciation arising from business combination not under common control
Changes in fair value of other debt investments
Changes in fair value of in other equity instruments investments
Changes in fair value of other non-current financial assets5,830,052.911,457,513.23

(3). Deferred tax assets or liabilities presented at the net amount after offset

□ Applicable √ N/A

(4). Unrecognized deferred tax assets

□ Applicable √ N/A

(5). Deductible losses for which deferred tax assets are not recognized will be expired in thefollowing year

□ Applicable √ N/A

7.19 Other non-current assets

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Book balanceProvision for impairmentCarrying amountBook balanceProvision for impairmentCarrying amount
Contract acquisition cost
Contract performance cost
Return cost receivable
Contract assets
Certificates of deposit2,059,761,333.332,059,761,333.33

7.20 Accounts payable

(1). Presentation of accounts payable

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Trade accounts payable2,009,832,495.561,342,267,668.12

7.21 Contract liabilities

(1). Contract liabilities

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance

7.22 Customer deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Customer deposits21,763,575,647.3214,241,859,949.77

7.23 Payroll and employee benefits payable

(1). Presentation of payroll and employee benefits payable

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemOpening balanceIncrease in the current periodDecrease in the current periodClosing balance
I. Short-term benefits2,913,327,473.619,590,272,175.888,828,323,955.463,675,275,694.03
II. Post-employment benefits – Defined contribution plan67,754,030.251,334,433,592.431,399,631,419.952,556,202.73
III. Termination benefits44,000.0023,539,812.6823,569,990.9113,821.77

(2). Presentation of short-term benefits

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemOpening balanceIncrease in the current periodDecrease in the current periodClosing balance
I. Wages or salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies2,850,160,827.767,809,070,214.147,048,507,477.753,610,723,564.15
II. Staff welfare262,186,601.48262,150,146.2836,455.20
III. Social security contributions44,906,932.03712,049,379.23721,269,656.8735,686,654.39
Including: Medical insurance42,487,600.55670,551,507.08677,354,054.0235,685,053.61
Work injury insurance2,419,331.4841,497,872.1543,915,602.851,600.78
IV. Housing funds28,716.00625,836,484.57625,865,200.57
V. Labor union and employee education costs18,230,997.82159,114,141.49150,130,150.3227,214,988.99
VI. Short-term paid leave
VII. Short-term profit-sharing plan
Ⅷ. Others22,015,354.9720,401,323.671,614,031.30

Note: “Others” is labor remuneration.

(3). Defined contribution plan

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemOpening balanceIncrease in the current periodDecrease in the current periodClosing balance
1. Basic pension insurance57,703,888.44804,095,643.58861,707,086.6292,445.40
2. Unemployment insurance2,523,534.7335,105,421.0737,626,810.212,145.59
3. Enterprise annuity7,526,607.08495,232,527.78500,297,523.122,461,611.74

7.24 Taxes payable

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Value added tax1,933,633,784.181,643,379,279.88
Consumption tax4,123,882,929.274,459,274,304.55
Enterprise income tax5,254,498,943.152,424,108,672.50
Individual income tax84,112,032.4333,289,158.95
City construction and maintenance tax343,737,264.76215,690,203.31
Education surcharges135,636,926.7380,876,611.91
Local education surcharges91,717,665.7555,207,436.90
Stamp duty11,280,516.536,963,385.30
Property tax721,095.741,018,686.72
Land use tax9,420.0613,275.56

7.25 Other payables

Presentation of items

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Interest payable
Dividends payable
Other payables4,124,404,781.293,257,245,259.42

Other payables

(1). Other payables presented by nature

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Material quality deposit286,891,441.71276,381,894.05
Project quality deposit103,727,351.31122,107,035.45
Dealer deposit2,016,098,008.201,636,956,073.84
Current Account1,717,687,980.071,221,800,256.08

(2). Significant other payables aged over 1 year

□ Applicable √ N/A


□ Applicable √ N/A

7.26 Current portion of non-current liabilities

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Lease liabilities due within one year104,319,886.87121,378,096.65

7.27 Other current liabilities

Other current liabilities

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Pending output VAT1,535,976,293.221,609,801,368.51

7.28 Lease liabilities

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Long-term lease liabilities296,466,199.74414,903,268.39

7.29 Paid-in capital

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

Opening balanceChanges in the current period (+, -)Closing balance
New shares issuedShare donationCapitalization of capital reserveOthersSubtotal
Number of shares1,256,197,800.001,256,197,800.00

7.30 Capital reserve

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemOpening balanceIncrease in the current periodDecrease in the current periodClosing balance
Capital premium1,374,048,653.541,374,048,653.54
Other capital reserves915,762.18915,762.18

7.31 Other comprehensive income

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodClosing balance
Amount incurred before income tax in the current periodLess: Amount included in other comprehensive income in the priorLess: Amount included in other comprehensive income in the priorLess: Income tax expensesAttributable to the Company after taxAttributable to minority interests after tax
periods that is transferred to profit or loss for the current periodperiods that is transferred to retained earnings for the current period
I. Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified to profit or loss
Including: Remeasurement of changes in defined benefit plan
Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profit or loss under equity method
Changes in fair value of in other equity instruments investments
Changes in fair value of the Company’s own credit risk
II. Other comprehensive-5,331,367.75-7,686,513.03-7,686,513.03-13,017,880.78
income to be reclassified to profit or loss
Including: Other comprehensive income that may be transferred to profit or loss under equity method
Changes in fair value of other debt investments
Amount of financial assets reclassified to other comprehensive income
Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments
Cash flow hedging reserves
Exchange differences on translation of foreign currency financial statements-5,331,367.75-7,686,513.03-7,686,513.03-13,017,880.78
Total other comprehensive income-5,331,367.75-7,686,513.03-7,686,513.03-13,017,880.78

7.32 Surplus reserve

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemOpening balanceIncrease in the current periodDecrease in the current periodClosing balance
Statutory surplus reserve20,174,922,608.934,967,910,209.2325,142,832,818.16
Discretionary surplus reserve
Reserve fund
Enterprise development fund

7.33 General risk reserve

Unit: CNY

ItemOpening balanceIncrease in the current periodDecrease in the current periodClosing balance
General risk reserve927,577,822.67133,951,901.331,061,529,724.00

Note: The general risk reserve was set aside by Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd., amajority-owned subsidiary of the Company, in accordance with the provisions of the Measures for theAdministration of the Setting Aside of Reserves for Financial Enterprises (Cai Jin [2012] No. 20)promulgated by the Ministry of Finance.

7.34 Retained earnings

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemCurrent periodPrior period
Before adjustment: retained earnings of the prior period137,594,403,807.99115,892,337,407.39
Adjustment: Total retained earnings at the beginning of the reporting period (increase “+”, decrease “-”)
After adjustment: retained earnings at the beginning of the reporting period137,594,403,807.99115,892,337,407.39
Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company for the current period52,460,144,378.1646,697,285,429.81
Less: Transfer to statutory surplus reserve4,967,910,209.233,579,223,571.91
Transfer to discretionary surplus reserve
Transfer to general risk reserve133,951,901.3329,227,885.90
Declaration of dividends on ordinary shares24,235,824,155.4021,386,767,571.40
Conversion of ordinary shares’ dividends into share capital
Retained earnings at the end of the reporting period160,716,861,920.19137,594,403,807.99

7.35 Operating proceeds and costs of sales

(1). Operating proceeds and costs of sales

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period

Note: Other operating proceeds and costs are mainly the revenue and costs of Moutai InternationalHotel.

(2). Description of contractual obligations

√ Applicable □ N/A

Revenue is recognized when the customer obtains control of the goods specified in the contract and theCompany fulfills its obligations under the contract.

(3). Description of apportionment to remaining contractual obligations

√ Applicable □ N/A

The amount of revenue corresponding to contractual obligations that have not yet been performed orhave not been fulfilled at the end of the reporting period is CNY 12,718,465,288.02.

7.36 Interest income, interest expense, net fee and commission revenue, and fees and commissionexpenses

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Interest income3,274,123,720.133,077,859,584.49
Fees and commission revenue
Interest expense173,897,197.98111,128,537.31
Fees and commission expense115,082.12105,888.96

7.37 Taxes and surcharges

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Consumption tax12,056,605,155.3410,958,391,087.32
City maintenance and construction tax1,734,297,928.931,574,078,013.46
Education surcharges743,270,540.94670,869,561.91
House property tax158,049,318.08142,475,530.38
Land use tax38,625,999.8734,836,782.87
Vehicle and vessel usage tax393,682.35269,578.61
Stamp duty75,936,478.3158,095,473.30
Local education surcharges495,513,694.19447,326,056.68
Environmental protection tax187,817.17175,206.25

7.38 Selling expenses

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Advertising and marketing expenses2,362,973,054.422,189,674,995.48
Transportation expenses and15,581,555.6412,762,118.95
transportation insurance expenses
Marketing travel expenses and office expenses65,584,708.4056,919,357.36

7.39 General and administrative expenses

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Payroll and employee benefits3,964,469,622.293,279,447,243.22
Trademark licensing fees1,332,728,678.711,195,642,243.60
Depreciation on fixed assets394,652,013.52371,103,457.14
Environmental remediation expenses125,256,351.9576,743,481.36
Company expenses186,406,218.53176,360,506.15
Amortization of intangible assets124,084,418.97110,349,099.00
Property insurance62,245,135.7460,322,596.02
Raw material base expenses228,662,175.32179,552,860.11
Rent for the use of property20,126,797.7622,870,672.67
Business reception expenses9,841,359.319,973,302.25
Intermediary expenses28,716,580.5421,222,461.03
Rent for the use of land2,636,686.304,361,551.06
Board expenses4,722,307.273,815,997.52

7.40 R&D expenses

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Payroll and employee benefits22,645,218.7720,873,377.72
R&D cooperation expenses26,605,729.7019,270,124.21
Depreciation on fixed assets4,758,510.215,122,301.55
Company expenses1,898,827.45318,214.08

7.41 Financial expenses

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Interest expense (lease liabilities)13,529,867.76
Interest income-944,578,412.02-278,697,733.32

7.42 Other income

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurredAmount
in the current period
Financial support for the economic development of Shanghai Pudong New Area4,677,000.002,794,000.00
Incentives given by Jinan municipal government for innovation and development2,630,000.002,010,000.00
Incentives given by Changsha Municipal Development and Reform Bureau to support industrial development2,030,000.00
Incentives for key enterprises given by Beijing Xicheng District Development and Reform Commission1,200,000.00
Funds earmarked by Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Commerce for foreign economic and trade development300,000.00
Funds earmarked by Nanning Municipal Bureau of Commerce for service industry development240,000.00
Incentives given by Guiyang city to support the stable development of above-norm wholesale, retail and catering enterprises in response to COVID-19 and encourage them to reach their design capacity and increase efficiency200,000.00
Incentives given by Taohua town government of Xihu District, Nanchang190,000.00
Town-level financial incentives given by Nanchang city35,000.00
Incentives for “four above” enterprises given by Zhengzhou city80,000.00
Incentives for best progressive enterprises given by the bureau of commerce of Chaoyang District, Changchun80,000.00
Incentives given by Wuhan city to encourage enterprises to meet retail sales targets and go above the norm80,000.00
“Sales competition month” incentives and incentives for “four above” enterprises given by Gulou District, Nanjing61,000.00
Nanning city’s support for the development of above-norm commercial and trade enterprises and other for-profit service industries above designated size50,000.00
District-level incentives for high quality development given by Hefei city30,000.00
Grants for COVID-19 prevention and control20,000.00
Funds earmarked by Changsha city for guiding service industries20,000.00
Incentives for contributions given by Beijing Xicheng District Government1,000,000.00
Subsidies given by Guizhou Provincial Department of Commerce for increases in imports and exports767,000.00
Rent subsidies given by the investment attraction service center of Guanshanhu District, Guiyang500,000.00
Incentives given by Jinan Municipal Bureau of Commerce to promote trade during the pandemic100,000.00
Incentives for for-profit service industries given by Nanning city50,000.00
Incentives given by Shanxi Yangqu Industrial Park for outstanding contributions50,000.00
Incentives given by the bureau of commerce of Guanshanhu District, Guiyang50,000.00
Training grants given by Guiyang Employment and Vocational Skills Development Center11,500.00
Refund of service charges for withholding individual income tax8,537,082.765,805,652.69
Additional value-added tax credit55,828.43

7.43 Investment income

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Income from long-term equity investments under equity method
Investment income on disposal of long-term equity investments237,455.55
Investment income from holding held-for-trading financial assets
Dividend income from holding investments in other equity instruments
Interest income from holding debt investments
Interest income from holding other debt investments
Investment income from disposal of held-for-trading financial assets
Investment income from disposal of investments in other equity instruments
Investment income from disposal of debt investments
Investment income from disposal of other debt investments
Income from debt restructuring
Investment income from disposal of other non-current financial assets-1,505,395.9468,175.91
Interest income from holding certificates of deposit59,761,333.33

7.44 Gains from changes in fair value

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

Source resulting in gains from changes in fair valuesAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Held-for-trading financial assets
Including: Gains from changes in fair values arising from derivatives
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Investment properties carried at fair value
Other non-current financial assets-2,244,726.294,897,994.43

7.45 Credit impairment losses

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Bad debt provision of notes receivable
Bad debt provision of accounts receivable47,413.76
Bad debt provision of other receivables134,900.043,060,659.45
Impairment on debt investments-84,510.00-11,880.00
Impairment on other debt investments
Bad debt provision of long-term
Impairment on contract assets

Note: “Others” is mainly the provision for impairment of loans issued by the company’smajority-owned subsidiary Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd.

7.46 Non-operating income

Non-operating income

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior periodAmount included in non-recurring profit or loss in the current period
Total gains on disposal of non-current assets3,437.3313,939.823,437.33
Including: Gains on disposal of fixed assets3,437.3313,939.823,437.33
Gains on disposal of intangible assets
Gains on exchange of non-monetary assets
Donations received
Government grants
Gains on fines and damages66,338,633.295,853,430.1666,338,633.29

7.47 Non-operating costs

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior periodAmount included in non-recurring profit or loss in the current period
Total losses on disposal of non-current assets11,924,267.10114,053.7411,924,267.10
Including: Losses on disposal of fixed assets11,924,267.10114,053.7411,924,267.10
Losses on disposal of intangible assets
Losses on exchange of non-monetary assets
Donations to third parties271,167,088.19443,979,504.00271,167,088.19
Amercement outlay200,000.00200,000.00

7.48 Income tax expense

(1). Income tax expenses

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Current tax expenses19,922,940,809.0116,768,125,335.29
Deferred tax expenses-1,115,438,870.71-94,513,226.58

(2). Reconciliation of income tax expenses to the accounting profit

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current period
Total profit74,528,031,894.76
Income tax expenses calculated at statutory/applicable tax rate18,632,007,973.69
Effect of different tax rates applicable to subsidiaries123,348.19
Effect of adjustment to income tax of prior periods
Effect of non-taxable income
Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses175,756,116.42
Effect of using deductible losses for which deferred tax assets were previously not recognized-385,500.00
Effect of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses unrecognized in the current period
Income tax expense18,807,501,938.30


□ Applicable √ N/A

7.49 Other comprehensive income

√ Applicable □ N/A

See Note 31 Other Comprehensive Income for details

7.50 Items of the cash flow statement

(1). Cash received relating to other operating activities

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Interest income from self-owned funds549,608,351.2053,004,711.11
Other income received1,093,928,511.28168,416,515.52

(2). Cash paid relating to other operating activities

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Advertising and publicity expenses paid1,047,792,182.251,192,070,830.64
Transportation expenses and transportation insurance expenses paid238,511,859.13363,860,058.26
Property insurance premiums paid56,151,552.1074,790,069.53
Other expenses paid3,026,048,912.522,416,305,228.03

(3). Cash received relating to other investing activities

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the currentAmount incurred in the prior
Performance bond received for capital construction9,983,452.636,675,319.03

(4). Cash paid relating to other investing activities

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Refunded performance bond for capital construction23,048,029.9317,535,402.30

(5). Cash payments relating to other financing activities

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in the prior period
Amount paid to repay lease liabilities88,121,549.59
Disposal of equity interests in Tier-3 subsidiaries32,000,000.00
Acquisition of minority shareholders equity interests in subsidiaries4,507,157.75

7.51 Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

(1). Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

Supplementary informationCurrent periodPrior period
1.Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from operating activities:
Net profit55,720,529,956.4649,523,329,882.40
Add: Provision for impairment losses of assets
Credit impairment losses13,022,441.1971,371,809.85
Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and gas assets, depreciation of productive biological assets1,344,833,911.391,195,956,468.60
Amortization of right-of-use assets101,608,046.18
Amortization of intangible assets124,084,418.97110,349,099.00
Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses10,687,874.7710,562,811.76
Losses on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets (gains are indicated by “-”)
Losses on retirement of fixed assets (gains are indicated by “-”)11,920,829.77100,113.92
Losses on changes in fair values (gains are indicated by “-”)2,244,726.29-4,897,994.43
Financial expenses (income is indicated by “-”)13,529,867.76
Losses arising from investments (gains are indicated by “-”)-58,255,937.39-305,631.46
Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase is indicated by “-”)-1,113,981,357.47-23,278,138.80
Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease is indicated by “-”)-1,457,513.23-71,235,087.78
Decrease in inventories (increase is indicated by “-”)-4,525,277,406.77-3,584,166,871.73
Decrease in receivables from operating activities (increase is indicated by “-”)504,305,749.89-504,008,375.44
Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease is indicated by “-”)11,880,880,539.564,945,290,607.14
Net cash flow from operating activities64,028,676,147.3751,669,068,693.03
2.Significant investing and financing activities that do not involve cash receipts and payments:
Conversion of debt into capital
Convertible bonds due within one year
Fixed assets acquired under finance leases
3.Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:
Closing balance of cash178,640,587,379.52146,740,524,868.05
Less: Opening balance of cash146,740,524,868.05121,003,839,599.64
Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents
Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents31,900,062,511.4725,736,685,268.41

(2). Composition of cash and cash equivalents

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
I. Cash178,640,587,379.52146,740,524,868.05
Including: Cash on hand9,500.009,554.00
Bank balances42,099,344,994.2227,989,073,619.13
Other monetary funds
Deposits with the central bank2,705,674,089.611,054,398,626.03
Deposits with other banks133,835,558,795.69117,697,043,068.89
Placements with banks
II. Cash equivalents
Including: Investments in debt securities due within three months
III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents178,640,587,379.52146,740,524,868.05
Including: Restricted cash and cash equivalents of the Company and subsidiaries within the Group


□ Applicable √ N/A

7.52 Notes to items in the statement of changes in owners’ equity

Describe matters such as the names and the adjustment amount of the items included in “others” inrespect of adjustments to the closing balances of the prior reporting period:

□ Applicable √ N/A

7.53 Assets with restricted ownership or right-of-use

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemCarrying amount at the end of the reporting periodReasons of restriction
Cash and Cash equivalents6,381,004,565.81Cash and Cash equivalents deposited in the central bank’s statutory deposit reserve
Loans to banks and other financial institutions1,000,000,000.00Interbank deposits that cannot be withdrawn in advance

7.54 Foreign currency monetary items

(1). Foreign currency monetary items

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balances of foreign currenciesExchange rates for translationClosing balance of RMB
Cash and Cash equivalents
Including: USD

(2). Description of foreign operations: for significant foreign operations, major domicile and

functional currency and its basis of selection shall be disclosed, and reasons for foreignoperations changing their functional currencies shall also be disclosed.

√ Applicable □ N/A

The Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary, Kweichow Moutai Paris Trading, is registered in Paris,France, and its functional currency is Euro.

7.55 Government grants

(1). Basic information of government grants

√ Applicable □ N/A

Unit: CNY

CategoryAmountPresenting itemsAmount included in profit or loss
Financial support for the economic development of Shanghai Pudong New Area4,677,000.00Other income4,677,000.00
Incentives given by Jinan municipal government for innovation and development2,630,000.00Other income2,630,000.00
Incentives given by Changsha Municipal Development and Reform Bureau to support industrial development2,030,000.00Other income2,030,000.00
Incentives for key enterprises given by Beijing Xicheng District Development and Reform Commission1,200,000.00Other income1,200,000.00
Funds earmarked by Guiyang Municipal Bureau of Commerce for foreign economic and trade development300,000.00Other income300,000.00
Funds earmarked by Nanning Municipal Bureau of Commerce for service industry development240,000.00Other income240,000.00
Incentives given by Guiyang city to support the stable development of above-norm wholesale, retail and catering enterprises in response to COVID-19 and encourage them to reach their design capacity and increase efficiency200,000.00Other income200,000.00
Incentives given by Taohua town government of Xihu District, Nanchang190,000.00Other income190,000.00
Town-level financial incentives given by Nanchang city35,000.00Other income35,000.00
Incentives for “four above” enterprises given by Zhengzhou city80,000.00Other income80,000.00
Incentives for best progressive enterprises given by the bureau of commerce of Chaoyang District, Changchun80,000.00Other income80,000.00
Incentives given by Wuhan city to encourage enterprises to meet retail sales targets and go above80,000.00Other income80,000.00
the norm
“Sales competition month” incentives and incentives for “four above” enterprises given by Gulou District, Nanjing61,000.00Other income61,000.00
Nanning city’s support for the development of above-norm commercial and trade enterprises and other for-profit service industries above designated size50,000.00Other income50,000.00
District-level incentives for high quality development given by Hefei city30,000.00Other income30,000.00
Grants for COVID-19 prevention and control20,000.00Other income20,000.00
Funds earmarked by Changsha city for guiding service industries20,000.00Other income20,000.00

(2). Return of government grants

□ Applicable √ N/A

8. Equity in other entities

8.1 Equity in subsidiaries

A. Composition of the Group

√Applicable □N/A

SubsidiaryMain place of businessPlace of registrationBusiness natureShareholding ratiomethod
Kweichow Moutai Sales Co., Ltd.Renhuai, Guizhou95Investment
Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd.Renhuai, Guizhou51Investment
Moutai Custom Marketing (Guizhou) Co., Ltd.Guiyang, Guizhou70Investment
Beijing Friendship Messenger Trading Co., Ltd.Beijing70Investment
Kweichow Moutai Paris TradingParis, France100Investment
Guizhou Laymau Wine Industry Co., Ltd.Guiyang, Guizhou43Investment
Kweichow Moutai-Flavor Liquor Marketing Co., Ltd.Renhuai, Guizhou100Investment

The basis for holding half or less voting rights but still controlling the investee, and holding more thanhalf of the voting rights but not controlling the investee:

The Company holds 43% of the equity in Guizhou Laymau Wine Industry Co., Ltd., but may actuallycontrol this company, in that the Company has a majority of the board members in Guizhou LaymauWine Industry Co., Ltd..

B. important non-wholly owned subsidiaries

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

SubsidiaryShareholding of minority shareholdersProfit and loss attributable to minorityDividends declared and distributed to minorityClosing balance of minority shareholders’
proportionshareholders in the current periodshareholders in the current periodequity for the period
Kweichow Moutai Sales Co., Ltd.5%2,401,959,199.092,124,324,789.092,839,006,474.21

Explanation of the difference between the shareholding proportion of minority shareholders and thevoting right proportion of subsidiaries:

√Applicable □N/A


√Applicable □N/A

C. Major financial information of significant non-wholly owned subsidiaries

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY 10,000

SubsidiaryClosing balanceOpening balance
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilitiesCurrent assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilities
Kweichow Moutai Sales Co., Ltd.7,588,967.0162,919.927,651,886.931,968,312.405,561.591,973,873.997,829,326.9547,568.477,876,895.422,754,151.292,754,151.29

9. Risks relevant to financial instruments

√Applicable □N/A

The main financial instruments of the Company include other non-current financial assets, cash andcash equivalents etc. These financial instruments are created mainly for the operating financing of theCompany. The Company has many other financial assets and liabilities, such as accounts receivable,other receivables, accounts payable and other payables, which are directly produced as a result ofoperation.

The major risks caused by the financial instruments of the Company are credit risk, liquidity risk,exchange rate risk and interest rate risk.

9.1 Credit risk

The financial assets of the Company include cash and cash equivalents, accounts receivable, otherreceivables etc. The credit risk in these financial assets originates from breach of the agreement by thecounter party. The maximum risk exposure is equivalent to the carrying amount of these instrument.

No guaranty is required as the Company only trades with the recognized and reputable third parties. Thecredit risk is managed by customers in a centralized manner. The Company faces a low credit risk as itcollects accounts in advance during sales.

SubsidiaryCurrent periodPrior period
Operating incomeNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flow from operating activitiesOperating incomeNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flow from operating activities
Kweichow Moutai Sales Co., Ltd.9,061,083.734,803,918.404,803,918.403,616,271.478,224,889.104,423,287.594,423,287.594,794,099.85

9.2 Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk refers to the risk of shortage of funds when the enterprise performs its obligation ofsettlement through delivery of cash or other financial assets.

The policy of the Company is to ensure that it has sufficient cash to repay the debts due. Thesubsidiaries shall be responsible for their own cash flow predictions. The finance department of theCompany shall constantly monitor the short-term and long-term funds demands at the group level tomaintain the fund demands according to the summary of the cash flow predictions of the subsidiaries.

9.3 Exchange rate risk

The foreign exchange fluctuation risk faced by the Company is mainly related to the operating activitiesof the Company (when the receipts and payments are not settled in a foreign currency other than thefunctional currency of the Company) and its net investment in overseas subsidiaries. The foreignexchange risk sustained by the Company is mainly related to the United States dollars and Euro. TheCompany’s major business activities are priced and settled in CNY except for those settled in USD andEUR.

9.4 Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuation in the fair value of the financial instruments or thefuture cash flow due to the change in the market interest rate. The risk of fluctuation in the marketinterest rate faced by the Company is mainly related to the liabilities with the interest accrued at afloating interest rate. As at December 31, 2021, the Company has no liabilities with the interest accruedat a floating interest rate.

10. Disclosure of fair value

10.1 Fair value of assets and liabilities measured at fair value at the end of the period

√Applicable □N/A

10.2 The basis for determining the market price of continuous and non-continuous level 1 fairvalue measurement items

√Applicable □N/A

10.3 Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and importantparameters for continuous and non-continuous level 2 fair value measurement items

√Applicable □N/A

10.4 Qualitative and quantitative information on the valuation techniques used and importantparameters for continuous and non-continuous level 3 fair value measurement items

√Applicable □N/A

10.5 Continuous level 3 fair value measurement items, adjustment information between theopening and closing carrying amount and sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameters

√Applicable □N/A

10.6 Continuous fair value measurement items, if there is a conversion between various levelsduring the current period, the reasons for the conversion and the policy for determining thetiming of the conversion

√Applicable □N/A

10.7 Changes in valuation technology during the current period and reasons for the changes

√Applicable □N/A

10.8 The fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities not measured at fair value

√Applicable □N/A

11.Related parties and related party transactions

11.1 The Company’s parent company

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY 10,000

Parent companyPlace of registrationBusiness natureRegistered capitalShareholding ratio of parent company to the CompanyProportion of voting rights of parent company to the company
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Guiyang, Guizhou1,000,00054.0054.00

11.2 Subsidiaries of the Company

√Applicable □N/A

Please refer to “VIII. Equity in other entities” for the details of the subsidiaries of the Company

11.3 Other related parties

√Applicable □N/A

Name of other related partiesRelationship with the company
Beijing Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
ChangLi Moutai Wine Trade Co., Ltd.Other
Shanghai Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.Other
Guizhou Fuming Packaging Co. LtdOther
Guizhou Hengdao Forestry and Agriculture Technology Development Co., Ltd.Other
Guizhou Jiuyuan Property Co., Ltd.Other
Guizhou Kunen Bioengineering Co., Ltd.Other
Kweichow Moutai (group) International Travel Service Co., Ltd.Other
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Ecological Agriculture Industry Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Kweichow Moutaichun Marketing CompanyOther
Health Industry Co., Ltd. of Kweichow Moutai Group.Other
Kweichow Moutai Winery(Group)Baijin Liquor Co., Ltd..Other
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd.Other
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Kweichow Moutai Distillery Group Changli Winery Co., Ltd.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Foreign Investment Cooperation Management Co., Ltd.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.Other
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang Business Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Sanya Investment Co., Ltd.Other
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Guizhou Maotai Distillert(Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Guizhou Maotai Ecological Agriculture Sales Co., Ltd.Other
Kweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.Other
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Co., Ltd.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Guizhou Renhuai Shenren Packaging and Printing Co., Ltd.Other
Guizhou Xijiu Sales Co., Ltd.Other
Gui Zhou New Huaxi Glass Co., LtdOther
Moutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund (Limited Partnership)Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Moutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.Majority-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Shanghai Kweichow Moutai Industrial Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Shanghai Rencai Printing Affairs Co., Ltd.Other
Tianchao Shangpin Liquor Industry(Guizhou) Co.,Ltd.Other
Hotel Management Company Of Moutai GroupWholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Ecological Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.Other
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Chinese-Foreign Venture Dragon And Lion Cap Co., Ltd Zhuhai S.E.ZMajority-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Moutai Financial Leasing Co., LtdWholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Kweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned
subsidiary of the parent company
Huagui Life Insurance Co., Ltd.Joint stock company of the parent company
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.Joint stock company of the parent company
Zhongshan Sanrun Printing Consumables Co., Ltd.Other
Bank of Guizhou Co., Ltd.Other
Guizhou Zunpeng Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.Other
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiding Jingqi Glasswork Co., Ltd.Other
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Lvsheng Organic Fertilizer Co., Ltd.Other
Guizhou Renhuai Renshuai Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.Other


(1) ChangLi Moutai Wine Trade Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kweichow Moutai DistilleryGroup Changli Winery Co., Ltd.;

(2) Shanghai Moutai Trading Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shanghai Kweichow MoutaiIndustrial Co., Ltd.;

(3) Guizhou Fuming Packaging Co.Ltd is a majority-owned subsidiary of Kweichow Moutai Distillery(Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.;

(4) Guizhou Hengdao Forestry and Agriculture Technology Development Co., Ltd. is a majority-ownedsubsidiary of Kweichow Moutai (Group) Ecological Agriculture Industry Development Co., Ltd.;

(5) Guizhou Jiu yuan Property Co., Ltd. is a majority-owned subsidiary of China Kweichow MoutaiDistillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.;

(6) Guizhou Kunen Bioengineering Co., Ltd. is a majority-owned subsidiary of

Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Foreign Investment Cooperation Management Co., Ltd.;

(7) Kweichow Moutai (group) International Travel Service Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary ofChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.;

(8) Kweichow Moutaichun Marketing Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kweichow MoutaiDistillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.;

(9) Health Industry Co., Ltd. of Kweichow Moutai Group. is a majority-owned subsidiary of KweichowMoutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.;

(10) KWEICHOW MOUTAI WINERY (GROUP) BAIJIN LIQUOR SALES CO., LTD. is awholly-owned subsidiary of Kweichow Moutai Winery(Group)Baijin Liquor Co., Ltd..;

(11) KWEICHOW MOUTAI WINERY (GROUP)BAIJIN LIQUOR CO., LTD. is a majority-ownedsubsidiary of Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.;

(12) Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary ofKweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.;

(13) Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co.,Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Real Estate InvestmentDevelopment Co., Ltd.;

(14) Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Sanya Investment Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary ofKweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.;

(15) Guizhou Maotai Ecological Agriculture Sales Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of KweichowMoutai (Group) Ecological Agriculture Industry Development Co., Ltd.;

(16) Kweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd. is a majority-owned subsidiary ofKweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.;

(17) Guizhou Renhuai Shenren Packaging and Printing Co., Ltd. is a majority-owned subsidiary ofKweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.;


(19) GUI ZHOU NEW HUAXI GLASS CO., LTD is a majority-owned subsidiary of KweichowMoutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.;

(20) Shanghai Rencai Printing Affairs Co., Ltd. is an associate of Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group)Technology Development Co., Ltd.;

(21) Tianchao Shangpin Liquor Industry (Guizhou) Co.,Ltd. is a majority-owned subsidiary ofKweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.;

(22) Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Ecological Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd. is awholly-owned subsidiary of Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Co., Ltd.;

(23) Zhongshan Sanrun Printing Consumables Co., Ltd. is a majority-owned subsidiary ofCHINESE-FOREIGN VENTURE DRAGON AND LION CAP CO., LTD ZHUHAI S.E.Z;

(24) Bank of Guizhou Co., Ltd. is an associate of the parent company;

(25) Guizhou Zunpeng Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. is a majority-owned subsidiary of Kweichow Moutai(Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd.;

(26) Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiding Jingqi Glasswork Co., Ltd. is a wholly-ownedsubsidiary of Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.;

(27) Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Lvsheng Organic Fertilizer Co., Ltd. is a majority-ownedsubsidiary of Kweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co.,Ltd.;

(28) Guizhou Renhuai Renshuai Liquor Industry Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of KweichowMoutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.;

11.4 Related party transaction

A. Related party transactions of purchase and sales of goods, render and accept servicesPurchase of goods / accept of services

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

Related partyRelated party transactionCurrent periodPrior period
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Right to use the trademark1,332,728,678.711,195,642,243.74
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.Goods transportation service215,293,693.93238,165,178.44
Guizhou Renhuai Shenren Packaging and Printing Co., Ltd.Purchase of goods242,357,820.96186,661,814.93
Chinese-Foreign Venture Dragon And Lion Cap Co., Ltd Zhuhai S.E.ZPurchase of goods186,644,711.14185,429,878.58
Shanghai Rencai Printing Affairs Co., Ltd.Purchase of goods12,490,908.50159,859,493.05
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd.Purchase of goods150,339,280.00136,786,770.00
Kweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.Purchase of goods109,617,071.39111,857,416.69
Guizhou Fuming Packaging Co.LtdPurchase of goods73,963,369.2257,005,297.86
Gui Zhou New Huaxi Glass Co., LtdPurchase of goods60,580,925.3654,943,356.56
Guizhou Maotai Ecological Agriculture Sales Co., Ltd.Purchase of goods2,576,091.90
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.Purchase of goods2,892,054.00
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd.Purchase of goods2,203,000.00
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Purchase of goods1,766,767.13
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.Purchase of goods33,274.34
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.Purchase of offices9,741,492.16
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Comprehensive service fee379,394.4376,169,819.49
Huagui Life Insurance Co., Ltd.Purchase of insurances477,500.0022,998,000.57
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Labor cost201,743,603.42172,331,684.53
Hotel Management Company Of Moutai GroupLabor cost61,437,621.8760,660,418.26
Kweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.Labor cost95,320,754.85
Kweichow Moutai (group) International Travel Service Co., Ltd.Labor cost24,511,528.3923,004,681.50
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd.Labor cost15,019,725.64
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd.Labor cost4,091,215.49
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.Labor cost573,223.59
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.Labor cost3,360.00
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.Acceptance of water supply services3,925,458.517,800,185.70

Sales of goods / render of services

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

Related partyRelated party transactionCurrent periodPrior period
Kweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.Sales of goods5,193,690,831.854,611,179,958.71
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Co., Ltd.Sales of goods183,857,776.11
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.Sales of goods4,778,230.09179,759,579.66
Beijing Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.Sales of goods2,729,246.02174,659,531.86
Shanghai Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.Sales of goods5,526,159.30113,817,222.12
Shanghai Kweichow Moutai Industrial Co., Ltd.Sales of goods1,309,890.28107,038,224.75
Hotel Management Company of Moutai GroupSales of goods19,511,175.2419,990,384.98
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Sales of goods7,293,281.4314,798,007.04
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Ecological Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.Sales of goods315,142.492,843,124.81
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.Sales of goods3,372,637.17
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.Sales of goods1,723,539.82
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Sales of goods1,191,902.06
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.Provision of vapor service2,745,540.73
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Labor cost682,486.89
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.Labor cost560,412.74
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.Labor cost27,771.05
Guizhou Renhuai Shenren Packaging and Printing Co., Ltd.Labor cost14,507.24

Description of related party transactions of purchase and sales of goods, render and accept services

√Applicable □N/A

B. Related entrusted management / contracting and entrusted management / outsourcingEntrusted management / contracting of the Company

√Applicable □N/A

Description of related trusteeship / contract

√Applicable □N/A

Entrusted management / outsourcing of the Company

√Applicable □N/A

Description of related management / outsourcing

√Applicable □N/A

C. Related leaseThe Company as the lessor:

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

LesseeTypes of leased assetsLease income in the current periodLease income in the prior period
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Plant and buildings330,275.22
Kweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.Plant and buildings495,146.47
Guizhou Kunen Bioengineering Co., Ltd.Plant and buildings, machinery and equipment6,422,018.35

The Company as the lessee:

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

LessorTypes of leased assetsLease expenses in the current periodLease expenses in the prior period
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Plant and buildings21,301,731.0021,545,894.21
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.Land use rights5,422,655.734,361,551.06
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.Plant and buildings, machinery and equipment11,712,556.7912,572,144.06
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd.Plant and buildings, machinery and equipment3,000,000.00
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.Plant and buildings1,691,467.44
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.Plant and buildings312,794.29
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Co., Ltd.Plant and buildings236,674.5378,891.51

According to relevant provisions in Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 21 - Leases (CaiKuai [2018] No. 35) amended and promulgated the Ministry of Finance in 2018, the Companypresented the accounting treatment of the leasing businesses in the items including right-of-use assets,lease liabilities and current portion of non-current liabilities as of January 1, 2021 according to the newleasing standards.

Description of related lease

√Applicable □N/A

D. Funds borrowing from related parties

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

Related partyAmountStarting dateExpiry dateDescription
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.200,000,000.002021-01-122021-04-14
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.100,000,000.002021-01-262021-04-16
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.100,000,000.002021-02-052021-04-27
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.100,000,000.002021-04-212021-07-15
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.130,000,000.002021-04-302021-07-23
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.100,000,000.002021-04-282021-07-23
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.70,000,000.002021-07-082021-10-08
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.100,000,000.002021-07-152021-10-14
Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.230,000,000.002021-07-232021-08-23

The funds lent by Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd. a majority-owned company of theCompany, to Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. has been due and recovered, and the interestincome recognized in the current period is CNY 11,130,600.

E. Remuneration of key management personnel

□Applicable √N/A

F. Other related party transactions

√Applicable □N/A

a. Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd. a majority-owned company of the Company, hasbusinesses with its related parties in terms of deposit, loan, discount and letter of guarantee.

“Customer deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions” mean the deposit balancesand accrued interests of the related parties at Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd.; “Interestexpenses” mean the interests on deposits payable by Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd. to therelated parties; “Interest income” means the interest collected by Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co.,Ltd. from the related parties for its provision of the loan transaction; “Loans and advances” mean theloan balances provided by Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd. to the related parties. (Unit:


(1) Customer deposits and balances from banks and other financial institutions

Related partyDecember 31, 2021
Guizhou Xijiu Sales Co., Ltd.9,734,392,686.40
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.2,495,925,365.33
Kweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.4,125,683,019.60
Kweichow Moutaichun Marketing Company611,840,193.66
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.1,717,927,696.48
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd.703,943,274.58
Guizhou Renhuai Shenren Packaging and Printing Co., Ltd.210,256,768.22
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.218,557,849.69
ChangLi Moutai Wine Trade Co., Ltd.285,759,553.99
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.53,805,881.56
Beijing Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.32,451,635.50
Shanghai Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.46,676,247.54
Guizhou Maotai Ecological Agriculture Sales Co., Ltd.36,003,808.59
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd.129,905,237.28
Shanghai Kweichow Moutai Industrial Co., Ltd.15,967,961.65
Guizhou Zunpeng Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.118,316,553.92
Health Industry Co., Ltd. of Kweichow Moutai Group.39,369,350.32
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.18,266,371.84
Kweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.16,156,106.85
Chinese-Foreign Venture Dragon And Lion Cap Co., Ltd Zhuhai S.E.Z59,468,124.71
Guizhou Fuming Packaging Co., Ltd11,770,678.41
Guizhou Jiuyuan Property Co., Ltd.28,325,260.27
Gui Zhou New Huaxi Glass Co., Ltd679,580.38
Tianchao Shangpin Liquor Industry(Guizhou) Co.,Ltd.14,880,578.48
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.573,990,484.69
Kweichow Moutai Distillery Group Changli Winery Co., Ltd.9,477,982.97
Kweichow Moutai (group) International Travel Service Co., Ltd.25,842,341.72
Kweichow Moutai Winery(Group)Baijin Liquor Co., Ltd..48,855,234.24
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Ecological Agriculture Industry Development Co., Ltd.2,110,181.09
Hotel Management Company Of Moutai Group36,722,376.06
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Sanya Investment Co., Ltd.17,310,976.60
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Co., Ltd.62,588,751.47
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang Business Co., Ltd.1,947,197.79
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Ecological Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.3,502.12
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.111,809,289.12
Moutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.4,018.30
Moutai Financial Leasing Co., Ltd5,268.68
Moutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund (Limited Partnership)843.33
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.621,579.71
Guizhou Hengdao Forestry and Agriculture Technology Development Co., Ltd.27.87
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiding Jingqi Glasswork Co., Ltd.52,942,266.44
Guizhou Renhuai Renshuai Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.29,103,604.91
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Lvsheng Organic Fertilizer Co., Ltd.179,194.11

(2) Interest expenses

Related partyCurrent reporting period
Guizhou Xijiu Sales Co., Ltd.108,362,072.05
Kweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.16,906,786.89
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.11,545,138.89
Kweichow Moutaichun Marketing Company7,160,221.58
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.12,838,051.86
Guizhou Renhuai Shenren Packaging and Printing Co., Ltd.2,552,541.62
China Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.1,877,899.92
ChangLi Moutai Wine Trade Co., Ltd.2,182,551.69
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.844,471.54
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd.1,705,436.82
Health Industry Co., Ltd. of Kweichow Moutai Group.573,169.61
Tianchao Shangpin Liquor Industry(Guizhou) Co.,Ltd.301,127.23
Guizhou Jiuyuan Property Co., Ltd.407,973.76
Guizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.456,797.84
Guizhou Maotai Ecological Agriculture Sales Co., Ltd.428,074.23
Beijing Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.246,525.46
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.192,542.66
Chinese-Foreign Venture Dragon And Lion Cap Co., Ltd Zhuhai S.E.Z163,293.69
Shanghai Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.198,600.17
Kweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.114,917.05
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd.647,329.13
Kweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.586,454.62
Shanghai Kweichow Moutai Industrial Co., Ltd.103,632.88
Guizhou Zunpeng Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.473,901.96
Gui Zhou New Huaxi Glass Co., Ltd73,550.70
Kweichow Moutai Winery(Group)Baijin Liquor Co., Ltd..73,294.29
Guizhou Fuming Packaging Co., Ltd93,938.83
Hotel Management Company Of Moutai Group70,097.95
Kweichow Moutai (group) International Travel Service Co., Ltd.56,743.61
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Co., Ltd.301,102.66
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiding Jingqi Glasswork Co., Ltd.213,054.05
Zhongshan Sanrun Printing Consumables Co., Ltd.39,956.08
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Sanya Investment Co., Ltd.44,495.77
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Foreign Investment Cooperation Management Co., Ltd.42,584.06
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Ecological Agriculture Industry Development Co., Ltd.35,478.66
Kweichow Moutai Distillery Group Changli Winery Co., Ltd.49,318.35
Kweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Ecological Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.16,991.11
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang Business Co., Ltd.27,712.60
Moutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.145.76
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.621,600.89
Moutai Financial Leasing Co., Ltd18.55
Guizhou Hengdao Forestry and Agriculture Technology Development Co., Ltd.7.02
Moutai & CCB Trust (Guizhou) Investment Fund (Limited Partnership)2.99
Guizhou Renhuai Renshuai Liquor Industry Co., Ltd.4,220.74
Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Lvsheng Organic Fertilizer Co., Ltd.69.92

(3) Loans and advances

ItemRelated partyDecember 31, 2021
Mortgage loanKweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.10,000,000.00
Credit loanChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.3,500,000,000.00
Less: Provision for impairment of loans87,750,000.00
Carrying amount of loans and advances3,422,250,000.00

(4) Interest income

ItemRelated partyCurrent reporting period
Loan interest incomeChinese-Foreign Venture Dragon And Lion Cap Co., Ltd Zhuhai S.E.Z89,150.94
Loan interest incomeKweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.647,083.70
Loan interest incomeChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.109,865,697.45

(5) Entrusted loan

PrincipalBorrowerDecember 31, 2021
Kweichow Moutai (Group) Ecological Agriculture Industry Development Co., Ltd.Guizhou Hengdao Forestry and Agriculture Technology Development Co., Ltd.9,955,184.18

(6) Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd. a majority-owned company of the Company, haspurchased the bonds issued by Guiyang GYB Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. from the open market at a costof CNY 20 million. The interest income confirmed in the current period is CNY 857.90 thousand. As atthe end of the period, the balance of the provision for impairment of this bond investment is CNY 11.3thousand. The balance of the accrued interest is CNY 153.2 thousand. The carrying amount is CNY20,141.80 thousand.

b.The deposit balance of the Company in Bank of Guizhou at the end of the period is CNY23,810,899,200 (including a large-amount deposit of CNY 2 billion). The interest income of the currentperiod is CNY 445,237,300. The investment income is CNY 59,761,300 Kweichow Moutai GroupFinance Co., Ltd., a majority-owned company of the Company, has purchased the bonds issued by Bankof Guizhou Co., Ltd. from the open market at a cost of CNY 100 million. The interest incomeconfirmed in the current period is CNY 179.6 thousand. As at the end of the period, the balance of theprovision for impairment of this bond investment is CNY 56.7 thousand. The balance of the accruedinterest is CNY 179.6 thousand. The carrying amount is CNY 100,122,900.

11.5 Receivables and payables of related parties

A. Receivables

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemRelated partyClosing balanceOpening balance
book balanceBad debt provisionbook balanceBad debts
Other receivablesKweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.100,000.00

Other receivables of Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate InvestmentDevelopment Co., Ltd. are the leasing security deposits to be paid by GUIZHOU MOUTAI CHIEWIMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD., a majority-owned company of the Company.B. Payables

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemRelated partyBook balance at the end of the reporting periodBook balance at the beginning of the reporting period
Other payablesChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.806,014,062.86442,335,049.85
Other payablesKweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.47,171,388.1052,219,850.77
Other payablesKweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.70,400,854.0889,833,895.59
Other payablesKweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Sales Co., Ltd.7,091,215.49
Other payablesHotel Management Company Of Moutai Group4,510,977.341,066,037.73
Other payablesKweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.1,609,349.281,309,349.28
Other payablesShanghai Rencai Printing Affairs Co., Ltd.1,395,000.001,400,000.00
Other payablesGuizhou Renhuai Shenren Packaging and Printing Co., Ltd.949,643.501,015,643.50
Other payablesGuizhou Fuming Packaging Co.Ltd890,000.001,000,000.00
Other payablesGui Zhou New Huaxi Glass Co., Ltd888,000.001,000,000.00
Other payablesChinese-Foreign Venture Dragon And Lion Cap Co., Ltd Zhuhai S.E.Z965,000.001,000,000.00
Other payablesBeijing Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.700,000.00700,000.00
Other payablesKweichow Moutai Winery (Group) Health Wine Co., Ltd.591,695.00591,695.00
Other payablesGuizhou Maotai Distillert (Group) Xijiu Co., Ltd.504,376.935,148,504.89
Other payablesKweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.260,000.00260,000.00
Other payablesChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.110,000.00310,000.00
Other payablesKweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd.158,992.00100,000.00
Other payablesShanghai Kweichow Moutai Industrial Co., Ltd.100,000.00500,000.00
Other payablesShanghai Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.100,000.00500,000.00
Other payablesKweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Ecological Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.50,000.00
Other payablesKweichow Moutai (group) International Travel Service Co., Ltd.212,350.0020,650,151.00
OtherKweichow Moutai Winery(Group)Baijin Liquor Co., Ltd..300,000.00
Other payablesKweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Co., Ltd.7,722,900.00
Other payablesKweichow Moutai (Group) Ecological Agriculture Industry Development Co., Ltd.23,777.5036,163.61
Other payablesChangLi Moutai Wine Trade Co., Ltd.14,696.65
Contractual liabilitiesKweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.79,358,066.3740,691,971.68
Contractual liabilitiesKweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Co., Ltd.8,046.903,737,549.64
Contractual liabilitiesBeijing Moutai Trading Co., Ltd.221,238.94221,238.94
Contractual liabilitiesShanghai Kweichow Moutai Industrial Co., Ltd.41,444.25
Contractual liabilitiesKweichow Zunyi Moutai Airport Ecological Park Investment and Development Co., Ltd.38,221.2431,849.00
Contractual liabilitiesChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd.2,978.764,778,230.09
Leasing liabilitiesChina Kweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Co., Ltd.245,892,878.88
Leasing liabilitiesKweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Guiyang High-tech Real Estate Investment Development Co., Ltd.7,212,098.95
Leasing liabilitiesKweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.33,308,809.87
Accounts payableKweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.58,396,226.41
Accounts payableKweichow Moutai (Group) Circular Economy Industrial Investment and Development Co., Ltd.15,019,725.64
Accounts payableHotel Management Company Of Moutai Group4,840,909.434,195,383.02
Accounts payableGuizhou Renhuai Shenren Packaging and Printing Co., Ltd.16,181,715.39
Accounts payableKweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Logistics Co., Ltd.43,448,338.1423,816,979.96
Accounts payableKweichow Moutai Distillery (Group) Technology Development Co., Ltd.14,855,345.001,241,299.13
Accounts payableKweichow Moutai Group Marketing Co., Ltd.2,217.00
Accounts payableShanghai Rencai Printing Affairs Co., Ltd.14,502,744.53
Accounts payableKweichow Moutai Logistics Park Grain Storage Co., Ltd.6,399,547.32

Note: Absorption of deposits from and issuance of loans and advances to related parties by KweichowMoutai Group Finance Co., Ltd. a majority-owned subsidiary of the CompanyIt has been disclosed in “(6) Other related party transactions, 4. Related party transaction, XI. Relatedparties and related party transactions, Section X Financial Statements”.

11.6 Commitment of related parties

□ Applicable √ N/A

12. Subsequent events

12.1 Important non-adjustment events

□ Applicable √ N/A

12.2 Profit distribution

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

Profit or dividend to be distributed27,228,087,315.00

12.3 Sales return

?Applicable√ N/A

12.4 Notes to other subsequent events after the balance sheet date

?Applicable√ N/A

13. Notes to major account of the Company’s financial statements

13.1 Accounts receivable

A. Disclosure by aging

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

AgingClosing book balance
Within 1 year1,480,080,983.77
Subtotal for within 1 year1,480,080,983.77
1-2 years
2-3 years
3-4 years
4-5 years
More than 5 years

B. Disclosed by bad debt provision methods

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

CategoryClosing balanceOpening balance
book balanceBad debt provisionamountbook balanceBad debt provisionamount
AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)AmountProportion (%)
Bad debt provision assessed individually
Bad debt provision assessed by groups1,480,080,983.771001,480,080,983.779,203,780,107.141009,203,780,107.14
Combination of related parties within the scope of consolidation1,480,080,983.771001,480,080,983.779,203,780,107.141009,203,780,107.14

Bad debt provision assessed by groups:

?Applicable√ N/A

C. Top five accounts receivable based on debtors

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

EntityClosing balanceProportion to total closing balance of accounts receivable (%)Closing balance of bad debt provision
Kweichow Moutai Sales Co., Ltd.881,539,635.1459.56
Kweichow Moutai-Flavor Liquor Marketing Co., Ltd.583,588,956.0039.43

13.2 Other receivables

Presentation of items

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Other receivables9,210,501.4342,323,669.01

Other receivablesA. Disclosure by aging

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

AgingBook balance at the end of the reporting period
Within 1 year8,853,850.09
Subtotal for within 1 year8,853,850.09
1-2 years420,700.00
2-3 years7,313.00
3-4 years
4-5 years37,951.22
More than 5 years5,100,000.00

B. Details of classification by nature

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

NatureBook balance at the end of the reporting periodBook balance at the beginning of the reporting period
Petty cash2,840,284.114,966,015.96
Current Account11,579,530.2042,481,117.46

C. Details of bad debt provision

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

Bad debt provisionStage IStage IIStage IIITotal
12month ECLLifetime ECL (not impaired)Lifetime ECL (impaired)
As at January 1, 20218,981.395,114,483.025,123,464.41
Balance at 1 January 2021 in the current period
-- Transfer to stage II
-- Transfer to stage III
-- Reverse to stage II
-- Reverse to stage II
Other changes
As at December 31, 202181,167.435,128,145.455,209,312.88

Explanations on significant changes in the book balance of other receivables where there are changes inprovision for the current period:

?Applicable√ N/AD. Details of bad debt provision

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

CategoryOpening balanceChanges in the current periodClosing balance
ProvisionRecovery or reversalElimination or write-offOther changes
Bad debt provision assessed by aging5,123,464.4194,913.069,064.595,209,312.88

Significant recovery or reversal of bad debt provision for the current period:

?Applicable√ N/A

E. Top five other receivables based on debtors

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

EntityNatureClosing balanceAgingProportion to the total closing balance of other receivables (%)Closing balance
GUIZHOU MOUTAI CHIEW IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD.Current Account1,858,505.80Within 1 year12.89
Guizhou Kailin Xifeng Synthetic Ammonia Co., Ltd.Current Account1,000,000.00Within 1 year6.9352,000.00
Kweichow Moutai-Flavor Liquor Marketing Co., Ltd.Current Account496,619.90Within 1 year3.44
Mu JunPetty cash420,700.001-2 years2.92
Luo NanboPetty cash313,334.50Within 1 year2.17


a. The receivables of GUIZHOU MOUTAI CHIEW IMPORT AND EXPORT CO., LTD. are the socialinsurance advances.

b. The receivables of Guizhou Kailin Xifeng Synthetic Ammonia Co., Ltd. are the security deposits paidto the supplier.

c. The receivables of Kweichow Moutai-Flavor Liquor Marketing Co., Ltd. are enterprise annuityadvances.

d. Mu Jun is an employee of the Company, and the accounts are the borrowings for handling the landownership business.

e. Luo Nanbo is an employee of the Company, and the accounts are the borrowings for handling thelitigation and anti-counterfeit businesses.

13.3 Long-term equity investments

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemClosing balanceOpening balance
book balanceProvisionCarrying amountbook balanceProvisionCarrying amount
Investment in subsidiaries1,624,535,587.551,624,535,587.551,624,535,587.551,624,535,587.55

A. Investment in subsidiaries

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

InvesteeOpening balanceIncrease in the current periodDecrease in the current periodClosing balanceProvision for impairment in the current periodClosing balance of provisions for impairment
Kweichow Moutai Sales Co., Ltd.9,500,000.009,500,000.00
Kweichow Moutai Group Finance Co., Ltd.1,275,000,000.001,275,000,000.00
Moutai Custom Marketing (Guizhou) Co., Ltd.14,000,000.0014,000,000.00
Beijing Friendship Messenger Trading Co., Ltd.22,507,157.7522,507,157.75
Moutai Paris Trading
Guizhou Laymau Wine Industry Co., Ltd.17,200,000.0017,200,000.00
Kweichow Moutai-Flavor Liquor Marketing Co., Ltd.200,000,000.00200,000,000.00

13.4 Operating proceeds and costs of sales

A. Operating proceeds and costs of sales

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemCurrent periodPrior period
Main business37,237,062,420.658,898,857,511.9327,387,426,280.997,696,025,939.31

Note: Other operating proceeds and costs are mainly the perating proceeds and costs of MoutaiInternational Hotel.

B. Description of performance obligation

√Applicable □N/A

The revenue is confirmed when the customer acquires the control of the goods agreed in the contractand the Company fulfills the contract performance obligation.

C. Description of allocation to the remaining performance obligations

√Applicable □N/A

The revenue of the performance obligations which have been contracted but not fulfilled or notcompletely fulfilled in the current reporting period is CNY 142,568.14.

13.5 Investment income

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

ItemCurrent periodPrior period
Income from long-term equity investments under cost method44,741,153,786.4334,474,910,979.52
Income from long-term equity investments under equity method
Investment income on disposal of long-term equity investments
Investment income from holding held-for-trading financial assets
Dividend income from holding investments in other equity instruments
Interest income from holding debt investments
Interest income from holding other debt investments
Investment income from disposal of
held-for-trading financial assets
Investment income from disposal of investments in other equity instruments
Investment income from disposal of debt investments
Investment income from disposal of other debt investments
Income from debt reconstruction
Investment income from disposal of other debt investments-1,505,395.9468,175.91
Interest income from holding large-amount deposits59,761,333.33

14. Supplementary information

14.1 Details of current non-recurring profit and loss

√Applicable □N/A

Unit: CNY

Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets-11,920,829.77
Government grant included in the current profit and loss (except for the government grant which are closely related to the business of the company and are in accordance with the national unified standard quota)4,616,000.00
Profits and losses arising from contingencies unrelated to the normal operation of the company
In addition to the effective hedging business related to the company’s normal business operations, the profit and loss of fair value changes arising from the holding of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities, and investment income obtained from the disposal of trading financial assets, derivative financial assets, trading financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and other debt investment-3,750,122.23
Other non-operating income and expenses except the above items-210,928,052.99
Other profit and loss items conforming to the definition of non-recurring profit and loss61,031,069.26
Less: The impact of income tax-40,237,983.93
The impact on non-controlling interests244,326.28

The reasons shall be explained for the non-recurring profit and loss items defined by the companyaccording to the definition of “explanatory Announcement No. 1 of information disclosure ofcompanies offering securities to the public - non recurring profit and loss” and the items ofnon-recurring profit and loss listed in the explanatory announcement of information disclosure ofcompanies offering securities to the public No. 1 - non recurring profit and loss as recurring profit andloss items.?Applicable√ N/A

14.2 Return on net assets and earnings per share

√Applicable □N/A

Profit in the reporting periodWeightedEarnings per share
Average return on net assets (%)Basic earnings per shareDiluted earnings per share
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company29.9041.7641.76
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company after deducting non-recurring profit and loss29.9741.8641.86

14.3 Differences of accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards?Applicable√ N/A

Chairman: Ding XiongjunDate of approval and submission by the Board: March 29, 2022

Amendment?Applicable√ N/A
