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中国中铁:中国中铁2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告 下载公告



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Environmental, Socialand Governance Reportand Social ResponsibilityReport of CREC


Environmental, Socialand Governance Reportand Social ResponsibilityReport of CREC



Preparation of this Report


Chairman’s Statement关于我们About Us董事会声明

Statement of the Board ofDirectors





践行“三个转变”重要指示Topic 1:

Implementing the ImportantInstructions of “ThreeTransformations”专题二:

巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果,开启乡村振兴新篇章Topic 2:

Consolidate and ExpandPoverty Alleviation Results andOpen a New Chapter in RuralRevitalization专题三:

高质量共建“一带一路”Topic 3:

Joint Construction of the “Beltand Road” with High Quality


中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

Preparation of this Report报告编制说明




参考依据? 报告编写参照联合国全球契约颁布的“十大原则”? 全球报告倡议组织《可持续发展报告标准》? 中国国家标准GB/T36000-2015《社会责任指南》? GB/T36001-2015《社会责任报告编写指南》? GB/T36002-2015《社会责任绩效分类指引》? 国务院国资委《关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见》? 上海证券交易所《上市公司环境信息披露指引》? 香港联合交易所《环境、社会及管治报告指引》数据说明报告披露的财务数据来自公司财务报告,如与公司年度报告有出入,以年度报告为准,其他数据来自公司内部统计。

Reporting scopeThis is CREC’s 14th social responsibility report with the disclosure scopecovering information on performance of responsibilities in economy,environment, society and corporate governance by China Railway GroupLimited and its holding entities at all levels. All cases are from enterprisesunder CREC. With the time span of 1st January to 31st December of 2021,this report pays due attention to how the CREC fulfilled its socialresponsibility before 2021.

Reporting frequency

yearly report


The Ten Principles promulgated by the UN Global CompactGRI (Global Reporting Initiative) StandardsChinese National Standard GB/T 36000-2015: Guidance on SocialResponsibilityGB/T36001-2015: Guidance on Social Responsibility ReportingGB/T36002-2015: Guidance on Social Responsibility PerformanceClassificationSASAC of the State Council’s Guiding Opinions on Performance of SocialResponsibilities by Central EnterprisesGuidelines on Environmental Information Disclosure by Companies Listedon the Shanghai Stock ExchangeThe Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide of the StockExchange of Hong Kong Limited

Explanation of the information

The financial information disclosed in this report is derived from theCompany’s financial statements. In case of discrepancy between this reportand the Company’s annual report, the latter shall prevail. Other informationis derived from the Company’s internal statistics.



Title descriptionTo facilitate your reading, China Railway Group Limited is described as“CREC”, “the Company” and “We/us” in this report.Explanation of improvementThis report is compiled in accordance with Appendix 27 the Environmental,Social and Governance Reporting Guidelines of the Rules Governing theListing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited issuedby Hong Kong Stock Exchange, and is based on the four reportingprinciples thereof—Materiality, quantification, balance and consistency.Based on the feedback from our stakeholders and the hot topics ofdifferent ESG areas in China and abroad, and in line with the status ofdevelopment of the Company, we prepared this report in three chapters,the “governance section”, “environment section” and “society section” toillustrate the Company’s corporate social responsibility performance andmajor ESG topics.Three special sections are added in this report, i.e., “Implementing theimportant instructions of ‘Three Transformations’”, “Consolidating andexpanding the results of poverty alleviation and charting a new chapter forrural revitalization”, “Joint construction of the ‘Belt and Road’ with highquality”, and, fully demonstrating that the Company has fulfilled itsresponsibilities as a central enterprise and the role it has played in thesustainable development of China and the construction of community ofshared future for mankind.Undertakings in this reportThe Board of Directors and all directors of the Company ensure that there isno false record, misleading statement or major omission in this report andthey will bear individual and joint liabilities for the authenticity, accuracyand integrity of the contents.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

Chairman’s Statement董事长致辞


2021, as the year marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of theCommunist Party of China and also the opening of the 14th Five-Year Planand the Second Centenary Goal, is an extremely unusual year in the history ofCREC. Facing the major test of a world going through profound changes anda global pandemic, both of a scale unseen in a century, the Company, underthe guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristicsfor a New Era, strictly implemented the decisions and arrangements of theCentral Committee, the State Council and the State-owned AssetsSupervision and Administration Commission, overcame difficulties in thecourse of national economic development, and braved the tide of marketcompetition, with all economic indicators scoring the best ever records.Over the past year, holding high the banner of “industry pioneer” of CREC,we actively engaged in the construction of the high-speed railway networkand delivered various lines, such as Beijing-Harbin, Zhangjiajie-Jishou-Huaihua, Mudanjiang-Jiamusi and Ganzhou-Shenzhen. Aligning fully withsuch national strategies as building a country with strong transportationnetwork, we completed the construction of a number of key projects,namely, Lhasa-Nyingchi railway, venues for the Beijing Winter Olympics andQingshan Yangtze River Bridge. The China-Laos railway, a landmark project



of the Belt and Road Initiative, was opened to traffic in the presence of theleaders of the two countries. We managed to have China Railway High-Speed Electrification Equipment Corporation Limited listed on the Scienceand Technology Innovation Board, making the mixed ownership reformmore robust. We endeavored to build a “hotbed” for original technologies,promote the digital transformation of enterprises, and made breakthroughsin core and key technologies for a large number of projects. We devotedourselves to building a beautiful China and took an active part in theprotection of the Yangtze River, the conservation of the ecology of theYellow River Basin, and the construction of the demonstration zone of greenand integrated ecological development of the Yangtze River Delta. We weredeeply involved in rural revitalization, donating a series of projectsbenefiting more than 500,000 local people. We mobilized advantageousresources to participate in pandemic prevention and control and earthquakeand flood relief in various places, and widely engaged in social welfareactivities, fully embodying our corporate role. We improved the servicesystem for employee care, and employees’ sense of access, happiness andsecurity was constantly enhanced.In 2021, CREC ranked 35th among the Fortune Global 500, and broughthome 7 National Science and Technology Progress and Invention Awards, 9China Patent Awards (including 1 gold award), and 4,830 patents. Besides, 1academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 national survey anddesign masters and 1 national candidate for the “National Hundred,Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project” were added to the talent poolof CREC.In 2022, CREC will continue to faithfully fulfill its corporate missions, makingnew and greater contributions in building a modernized socialist country inall aspects and the construction of community of shared future for mankind!

Chairman: Chen Yun

March 2022

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

About Us关于我们


CREC has over 120 years of historical origin. With the establishment of theShanhaiguan Machinery Plant in 1894 as a milestone, CREC has sincebecome the forerunner of national industry and the pioneer of railwayconstruction in China. We participated in and completed construction ofthe Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway in 1909, setting the precedent for China’srailway construction. In June 1950, Deng Xiaoping and He Long conferredthe construction workers of CREC the flag of “Trailblazer” at thecommissioning ceremony of Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, the first railwayin New China. Since then, to live up to that title, CREC has been committedto cutting a way through when confronted by mountains and building abridge when blocked by a river. The projects it has participated incumulatively account for 2/3 of the total mileage of Chinese railways, 90%of the total mileage of Chinese electrified railways, 55% of the total mileageof high-speed railways, and 3/5 of the total mileage of Chinese urban railprojects. We also built more than 10,000 river- and sea-crossing bridges,over 20,000 kilometers of tunnels, and made 18 trips to Antarctica forconstruction and maintenance tasks.CREC went listing respectively in Shanghai and Hong Kong in 2007.Currently it has developed into an extremely large multi-functionalenterprise group engaged in survey and design, construction andinstallation, real estate development, industrial manufacturing, scientificresearch and consulting, engineering supervision, capital management,financial trust, resource development and foreign economy and trade. It isone of the largest construction contractors in the world with total assets ofRMB1,361.726 billion and net assets of RMB358.343 billion.CREC’s business scope covers the whole industrial chain of infrastructureconstruction, with projects spreading all over China’s provinces andautonomous regions except for Taiwan and more than 90 countries andregions in the world. The technological level in many areas has reached theworld’s advanced level.


Company profile

企业价值观Corporate values


Corporate Mission

中国建造 铁肩担当China Build and Iron Shouldering愿景

Corporate Vision

具有全球竞争力的世界 一流综合型建筑产业集团A world-class comprehensive construction industry group with global competitiveness

核心价值观Corporate Core Value

守正创新 行稳致远 向上向善 勇争一流Building upon core businesses while continuing to innovate Maintaining steady growth in afar reaching way Upward for good and improvement and Bravely striving for first-class

企业精神Corporate Spirit

勇于跨越 追求卓越Brave to Overcome Difficulties and Pursuit for Excellence




-based and



Synergismand priorityto efficiency


Supremacyof life andsafety first


Elaborateconstructionwith thespirit oforiginality



Industry andeconomyGreendevelopment




Be clean anduprightProsperityandharmony



Bepeople-orientedStruggle torealizedreams



Createvalue Solidfoundation



中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告



Assessment by the society

“中国企业500强” 排名列第10位《工程新闻记录》(ENR)“全球承包商250强”排名,列第2位









Being named in “Fortune” for 16 consecutive years,ranked 35th among the Fortune Global 500Ranked No.10 among Top 500 Enterprises Of ChinaRanked No.2 among ENR’s “Top 250”Be on the Credit List of Top 500 Listed Companies in ChinaAccredited class A enterprises for performance appraisal bythe SASAC of the State Council for 8 consecutive yearsAccredited class A enterprises for evaluation of informationdisclosure by SSE for 8 consecutive yearsWon the “New Fortune –

The Best IR Hong Kong Listed Company” AwardWon the “Tianma Award – the Best Board of Directors forInvestor Relations of China’s Main Board Listed Companies”Won the “Securities Times –Top 100 A-share Companies in ESG”Won the Golden Bauhinia Award as the “Most Valuable Listed

Company for Investment during the 14th Five-Year Plan”Selected in the “State-owned Enterprises ESG Pioneer 50 Index”by the SASAC of the State CouncilWon the “Excellent Practice Cases of Performance Presentation”,“ESG Excellent Practice Cases of Listed Companies” and “ExcellentPractice Cases of ‘Belt and Road’” of the China Association forPublic Companies (CAPCO) and the Listed Companies Associationof Beijing (LCAB)



Planning of social responsibilities

As a leader in the construction industry, CREC never forgets its mission ofbecoming a practitioner, promoter and pioneer of corporate socialresponsibility. CREC started to construct a scientific, standardized,systematic and effective management system of corporate socialresponsibilities in 2008, rolling out a series of social responsibilitymanagement activities covering its headquarters and subsidiaries in orderto achieve the goals of comprehensive coverage, down-to-earthimplementation, steady perfection and industrial leading, and makecontinuous and irreplaceable contributions to the society.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告



Communication with stakeholders and materiality evaluation

利益相关方说明Description of Stakeholders


Communication Channels


Government and regulatory


税务、环保、安全等部门、地方政府、证监会等监管机构Tax, environmental and security authorities, local government,CSRC

政策执行、公文往来、信息报送、机构考察、参加相关会议、专题会议、日常工作会议、信息披露等Implementation of policies, official documents, reporting, inspection,participating in relevant meetings, dedicated meetings, routinemeetings, information disclosure股东及投资者Shareholders and investors

对中国中铁进行合法股权、债券投资的投资人Investors with legal investments in the equity interests andsecurities of CREC

股东大会、企业年报、业绩发布、公司网站、信息披露、日常接待、电话答疑等Shareholders’ meeting, annual reports, results announcement,corporate website, information disclosure, visit reception, telephoneinquiry客户Customers


Enterprises and individuals with direct economic connections withCREC through buying its products or services


Service hotline, after-sales services, meetings and visits




Enterprises and individuals legally providing products or servicesto CREC

公开招投标程序、合同谈判、日常业务交流等Public tenders, contract negotiation, daily business exchanges合作伙伴Partners

与中国中铁达成合作共识的企业或机构Enterprises and individuals entering into cooperation with CREC


Cooperation negotiations, regular meetings




Individuals entering into formal labor contracts with CREC andserving it full-time


Trade union, employee representatives’ meeting, staff manual, staffactivities, staff training社区及公众

Community and public


Communities in which CREC operates, social public andnonprofitable organizations


Community activities, voluntary activities, public welfare activities,social cause support高校及科研机构

Colleges and R&D institutes


Colleges and R&D institutes in cooperation with CREC


Recruitment sessions, staff training, seminars, academic exchanges

Through multi-channel communications with its stakeholders, CRECcarefully listens to their expectations and requirements on its fulfillment ofcorporate social responsibilities, aiming to quickly respond to and meettheir needs while actively improving our performance.



Materiality to the sustainable development of CREC


培训发展Training anddevelopment

员工关怀Employee care

社区公益Community public welfare


Targeted povertyalleviation

员工权益Rights andinterests ofemployees

高质量经营High-qualitydevelopment安全生产Safe production减少排放Emissionreduction

生态保护Ecosystemprotection品牌建设Brandbuilding公平竞争与合作Fair competitionand cooperation


HighMateriality to stakeholdersLow








Energy savingandconsumptionreduction


Risk andinternal control



During the communication with its stakeholders, CREC has identifiedmaterial issues of ESG and hot topics in the industry and evaluated theirmateriality, with the results presented in a matrix of materiality assessmentand responded to all issues in this report based on the results.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

Statement of the Board of Directors董事会声明


CREC has fully implemented the Opinions on Completely, Accurately andComprehensively Implementing the New development Concept and Doinga Good Job in Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization (《关于完整准确全面贯彻新发展理念做好碳达峰碳中和工作的意见》) issued by the CentralCommittee of the CPC and the State Council, and the Carbon PeakingAction Plan before 2030 issued by the State Council (《2030年前碳达峰行动方案》)(Guofa [2021] No. 23), and the Guiding Opinions on Promotingthe High-quality Development of Central Enterprises and Doing a GoodJob in Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutralization (《关于推进中央企业高质量发展做好碳达峰碳中和工作的指导意见》) (SASAC faKechuang [2021]No. 93) issued by the SASAC of the State Council and other documentsrelated to low-carbon development. The Company puts green, low-carbon,high-quality sustainable development at an important position in thecorporate development strategy, plans the path to carbon peaking andcarbon neutrality from a medium and long-term development strategy,and incorporates environmental, social and governance elements intosustainable development in the medium and long-term planning for theimprovement of governance level and business development strategy.As an important leading role of the Company, the Board of Directors is fullyresponsible for supervising, directly managing and supervising theCompany’s environmental, social and governance issues, risks andopportunities, and understands and complies with the latest regulatoryrequirements before approving the ESG report. The Board of Directorsbelieves that managing ESG-related risks and opportunities is critical to theCompany’s high quality and sustainable development. The Strategy


Committee and Safety, Health and Environmental Committee of the Board ofDirectors also review the effectiveness of the systems in place on a regularbasis to see whether they cover the key controls for significant ESG issues. Atthe same time, the effective implementation of environmental, social andgovernance policies depends on the full cooperation of differentdepartments. According to the Working System of Relevant FunctionalDepartments Serving the Special Committee of the Board of Directors (《相关职能部门服务董事会专门委员会工作制度》), the Company hasestablished a cross departmental cooperation mechanism and deeply carriedout the integration of risk internal control and legal compliance to ensure theaccuracy, reliability and timeliness of the data and sustainability measurespresented. In addition, the Company attaches great importance to thecommunication with investors, regularly examines the communicationchannels and platforms with investors, and feeds back the collected issues ofmajor investors that have a significant impact on the Company’s business tothe Board of Directors through the Report on Market Value Management(《市值管理情况报告》), Summary of Capital Market Views andManagement Suggestions (《资本市场观点汇总及管理建议》), so as toensure that the Company can achieve the performance expected by allmarket subjects.Looking ahead, the Board of Directors will continue to review and supervisethe Company’s performance in environmental, social and governance,continue to provide investors with reliable, consistent and comparableimportant environmental, social and governance information, and worktogether to achieve a green, low-carbon, high-quality and sustainabledevelopment environment.


中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


Corporate Governance合规管理Compliance Management


审计监督Audit Supervision规范关联方交易Regulating Related Party Transactions

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

Corporate Governance




Governance structure股东大会是公司的权力机构,是出资人行使股东权利的重要手段。公司董事会按照证券监管要求,全面、及时、准确公告股东大会通知、议案和决议,并报监管部门备案。公司股东大会会议的召集、提案、召开、表决和决议均由律师现场见证,并出具合法合规的法律意见。报告期内,公司召开股东大会会议3次,审议通过了与定期报告、利润分配等相关的24项议案。董事会是公司的决策机构,对股东大会负责。截至报告期末,公司董事会由7名董事组成,其中执行董事3名,分别为董事长、执行董事、党委书记陈云,执行董事、党委副书记、总裁陈文健,执行董事、党委副书记、工会主席王士奇;非执行董事4名,分别为文利民、钟瑞明、张诚、修龙。董事会下设战略、审计与风险管理、薪酬与考核、提名、安全健康环保5个专门委员会,其中提名委员会和安全健康环保委员会委员外部董事占多数、审计与风险管理委员会和薪酬与考核委员会委员全部由外部董事担任。报告期内,董事会围绕“定战略、作决策、防风险”职能,召开董事会会议14次,审议通过议案及报告事项166项,作出决议131项。董事会各专门委员会通过认真研究审议专业性议题,为董事会决策提供智力支持和决策参谋。其中董事会战略委员会召开会议2次,审议9项议案,重点在“十四五”发展规划编制方面,为促进提升公司环境、社会和管治水平,科学制定公司战略发挥了积极作用;董事会审计与风险管理委员会召开会议6次,审议39项议案,并重点对房地产业务风险、海外业务发展、权益类融资产品问题、资产负债率管控、两金压降等方面提出了意见建议,在强化公司财务管理和风险管理方面发挥了积极作用;董事会薪酬与考核委

According to laws and regulations and the requirements of state-ownedasset and security supervision, the Company builds and makes constantimprovements to a corporate governance mechanism characterized bystatutory and transparent powers and responsibilities, coordinatedoperation, and effective checks and balances.

The general meeting is the organ of power of the Company and theimportant means for investors to exercise the rights of shareholders.Pursuant to the requirements of security supervision, the Board of Directorsof the Company announces the notices, proposals and resolutions to thegeneral meeting comprehensively, promptly and accurately, and reportsthem to the regulatory authorities for the record. Lawyers witness theproposal, convening, voting, and resolution of the general meeting of theCompany on the spot and put forward legal and compliant opinions.During the reporting period, the Company held 3 general meetings andconsidered and adopted 24 proposals relating to periodic reports,distribution of profits, etc.The Board of Directors is the Company’s decision-making body and isresponsible for the general meeting. As of the end of the reporting period,the Board of Directors consists of 7 directors, including 3 executivedirectors, namely Chen Yun, Chairman, executive director and PartySecretary, Chen Wenjian, executive director, deputy Party Secretary andPresident and Wang Shiqi, executive director, deputy Party Secretary andChairperson of the Labour Union, and 4 non-executive directors, namelyWen Limin, Chung Shui Ming, Zhang Cheng, Xiu Long. There are 5 specialcommittees of strategy, audit and risk management, remuneration andassessment, nomination as well as safety, health and environment underthe Board of Directors, among which the majority of members of thenomination committee and the safety, health and environment committeeare external directors, and all the members of the audit and riskmanagement committee and the remuneration and assessment committeeare external directors. During the reporting period, centering on thefunctions of “developing strategies, making decisions, and forestallingrisks”, the Board of Directors held 14 Board meetings, considered andadopted 166 proposals and reports, and made 131 resolutions. The specialcommittees provide intellectual support and decision-making counsel tothe Board of Directors through deliberations on professional issues. Thestrategy committee held 2 meetings and considered 9 proposals, focusingon the preparation of the 14th Five-Year Plan, and playing an active role inpromoting the improvement of the Company’s environmental, social andgovernance standards and the scientific formulation of the Company’sstrategy. The audit and risk management committee held 6 meetings andconsidered 39 proposals, made suggestions mainly on real estate businessrisks, overseas business development, equity financing product issues,asset-liability ratio control and accounts receivable and inventory cutting,exerting an active role in strengthening the Company’s finance and riskmanagement. The remuneration and assessment committee held 6meetings, considered 15 proposals, and made suggestions on the


Company’s compensation management, market-based contractualmanagement, and implementation of restricted stock incentives, playingan active role in strengthening the Company’s compensation managementand performance appraisal. The nomination committee held 2 meetingsand considered 6 proposals, playing an active role in the Company’scompliance with the law in the selection and appointment of directors andsenior management. The safety, health and environment committee held 2meetings and listened to 2 special reports to guide, inspect and evaluatethe implementation of the Company’s safety, health and environmentalprotection work in 2021, put forward work requirements as well as opinionsand proposals on major issues of the Company in this respect, playing anactive role in strengthening the Company’s performance in safety, quality,occupational health and environmental protection.

中国中铁召开临时股东大会选举产生新一届法人治理结构CREC held an extraordinary general meeting to elect a new session ofmanagement for corporate governance

中国中铁组织开展了2021年“绿色环保水务”主题反向路演活动,来自申万证券、光大证券、中金公司、招商证券、中银资产、瑞银证券、证券日报等近20家境内外机构的分析师、投资者和媒体代表参加了本次活动CREC organized a reverse road show on the theme of “Green and Environmentally-friendly Water Affairs” in 2021, with analysts, investors and media representatives fromnearly 20 domestic and foreign institutions and companies including Shenwan Securities (申万证券), Everbright Securities, CICC, China Merchants Securities, Bank ofChina Investment (中银资产), UBS Securities, and Securities Daily attending the event

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


The Supervisory Committee is the Company’s supervisory body, and in aresponsible manner to shareholders, carefully monitors the Company’sfinance and the legal compliance of the Company’s directors and seniormanagement in performing their duties. As of the end of the reportingperiod, the Company’s Supervisory Committee is composed of 5supervisors, including 1 shareholder representative supervisor, namely JiaHuiping, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, and 4 employees’representative supervisors, including Yuan Baoyin, Li Xiaosheng, WangXinhua, and Wan Ming. During the reporting period, within the scope ofthe responsibilities conferred by the Company Law (《公司法》), the SecuritiesLaw (《证券法》), Work Guidelines for Supervisory Committees of Listed Companies(《上市公司监事会工作指引》), and the Articles of Association, the SupervisoryCommittee diligently fulfilled its duties, held 10 meetings, and consideredand adopted 67 proposals relating to periodic reports, internal control,profit distribution, etc.As the Company’s executive body, the Management organizes the dailywork of production and operation, implements the resolutions of the Boardof Directors, exercises the decision-making power authorized by the Boardof Directors, regularly reports the production and operation to the Board ofDirectors, and feeds back the implementation of resolutions. As of the endof the reporting period, the Company’s Management consists of9 members, including 1 president, 7 vice presidents, 1 general accountant,1 chief engineer (concurrently serving as the Company’s vice president),1 general counsel (concurrently serving as the Company’s vice president),and 1 safe production director. During the reporting period, focusing on“seeking to operate, ensuring implementation and strengtheningmanagement”, the Company’s Management promoted high-qualitydevelopment of operation with a big picture in mind, addressed challengesand seized opportunities, promoted reform and innovation in depth,continuously strengthened risk prevention, and pushed high-qualitydevelopment of the enterprise to a new level.The Company always pays attention to the diversity of Board members toimprove Board decision-making efficiency and corporate governance.According to the listing rules and regulatory requirements of Shanghai andHong Kong, the Company has formulated and implemented a “BoardDiversity Policy”. The Company’s Board of Directors currently has7 directors, of which 3 executive directors have extensive experience in theconstruction industry and management, and 4 non-executive directorshave extensive experience in practice and management in finance,construction engineering, design, and other fields. The establishment andcomposition of Board members meet the requirements of the BoardDiversity Policy as well as the needs for corporate development. Under thebackground of the diversification of Board members, the Company’s Boardof Directors actively builds a democratic deliberative atmosphere, strictlyimplements the voting system, and fully utilizes the advantages of thediversified Board members’ structure. This aims to ensure that each directorcan actively make use of his or her rich professional knowledge andmanagement experience to participate in corporate governance, andexpress opinions and make decisions on major issues independently. Thediversification of Board members plays an important role in improving thelevel of corporate governance, enhancing the scientific and effectivedecision-making of the Board of Directors, and safeguarding the overallinterests of the Company, the legitimate rights and interests ofshareholders as a whole, and particularly protecting the interests ofminority shareholders.


Decision-making process

公司各治理主体谨遵法度、勤勉尽责,权责法定、权责透明、协调运转、有效制衡的公司治理机制不断完善,被国务院国资委评为国有企业公司治理示范企业。为保障各治理主体决策程序依法合规有效开展,公司在充分发挥《公司章程》在企业治理中基础作用的同时,制定了《股东大会议事规则》《董事会议事规则》《董事会战略委员会议事规则》《董事会审计与风险管理委员会议事规则》《董事会薪酬与考核委员会议事规则》《董事会提名委员会议事规则》《董事会安全健康环保委员会议事规则》以及《监事会议事规则》《党委会议事规则》《总裁办公会议规则》等制度,为明确股东大会、董事会、监事会、经理层权责和保障各治理主体科学决策提供了有效的制度依据。公司始终尊重决策程序严肃性,规范会议安排、规范议案征集、规范议案格式、规范前置程序、规范审议与表决程序、规范信息保密和信息披露,做到各治理主体对重大事项应议尽议,确保决策程序规范有序。报告期内,公司结合法律法规、监管要求和公司实际情况,制定了《重大事项决策权责清单》《董事会向经理层授权管理制度》《董事会向经理层授权权限清单》,进一步厘清党委会、董事会、经理层权责边界,提升决策效率;修订了《董事会决议执行跟踪检查与评价办法》,强化董事会对经理层行权履职的监督和指导;制定了《委派的外部董事监事履职管理与支持服务工作规定》,进一步完善了外部董事监事履职支撑体系;制定了《进一步加强二级子公司董事会建设的指导意见》,进一步促进了各级治理结构的规范有效运作。效果评估Effective evaluation公司制定有《董事会决议执行跟踪检查与评价办法》,对董事会决议执行跟踪检查与评价工作的组织机构和职责、信息反馈、检查、评价及结果运用进行了明确,同时建立了董事会决议执行情况报告机制,为董事会充分了解决议执行情况、及时发现决策难点重点,提供了重要保障。

All corporate governance organs of the Company conscientiously abide by lawsand diligently fulfill their duties. Constant improvements have been made to thecorporate governance mechanism characterized by division of functions andduties, coordinated operation, and effective checks and balances, which enablesthe Company to be awarded as a model enterprise of corporate governance forstate-owned enterprises by the SASAC of the State Council. In order to ensurethe effective implementation of the decision-making procedures of variousgovernance entities in accordance with laws and regulations, the Company,while giving full play to the fundamental role of the Articles of Association incorporate governance, has formulated the Rules of Procedure for Shareholders’General Meetings (《股东大会议事规则》), Rules of Procedure for the Boardof Directors (《董事会议事规则》), Rules of Procedure for StrategicCommittee of the Board (《董事会战略委员会议事规则》), Rules ofProcedure for the Audit and Risk Management Committee of the Board (《董事会审计与风险管理委员会议事规则》), Rules of Procedure for theRemuneration and Assessment Committee of the Board (《董事会薪酬与考核委员会议事规则》), Rules of Procedure for the Nomination Committee of theBoard (《董事会提名委员会议事规则》), Rules of Procedure for the Safety,Health and Environment Committee of the Board (《董事会安全健康环保委员会议事规则》), Rules of Procedure for the Supervisory Committee (《监事会议事规则》), Rules of Procedure for Party Committee (《党委会议事规则》), and Rules for President Office Meetings (《总裁办公会议规则》).These rules provide an effective institutional basis for clarifying power andresponsibilities of general meetings, the Board of Directors, the SupervisoryCommittee, and senior management, and ensure scientific decision-making ofthe corporate governance organs. The Company always attaches importance tothe seriousness of decision-making procedures, and regulates meetingarrangements, proposal collection, proposal formats, prepositive procedures,deliberation and voting procedures, and confidentiality and disclosure ofinformation. This aims to ensure that all governance organs discuss the majorissues that should be discussed and that the decision-making process isstandardized and orderly.During the reporting period, the Company formulated the List of Authority andResponsibility for Decision-Making on Major Issues (《重大事项决策权责清单》), the Management System of Delegation of Authority from the Board ofDirectors to the Management (《董事会向经理层授权管理制度》), and theList of Authority Delegated by the Board of Directors to the Management (《董事会向经理层授权权限清单》), to further clarify the boundary of power andresponsibilities of the Party Committee, the Board of Directors and themanagement, and to enhance the efficiency of decision-making. The Companyrevised the Measures for Follow-up Inspection and Evaluation of theImplementation of Resolutions of the Board Meeting (《董事会决议执行跟踪检查与评价办法》) to strengthen the supervision and guidance of the Boardof Directors on the exercise of power and performance of duties by themanagement. With a view to further improving the support system for externaldirectors and supervisors in performing their duties, the Company formulatedthe Regulations on the Management and Support Services for the Performanceof Assigned Outside Directors and Supervisors (《委派的外部董事监事履职管理与支持服务工作规定》). Moreover, the Guidance on Further Strengtheningthe Construction of the Board of Directors of Secondary Subsidiaries (《进一步加强二级子公司董事会建设的指导意见》) was formulated to promote thestandardized and effective operation of the governance structure at all levels.The Company has formulated the Measures for Follow-up Inspection andEvaluation of the Implementation of Resolutions of the Board Meeting (《董事会决议执行跟踪检查与评价办法》), clarifying the organizational structure andresponsibilities, information feedback, inspection, evaluation, and application ofresults of the follow-up inspection and evaluation of the implementation of theBoard of Directors’ resolutions. Meanwhile, the Company has established amechanism of reporting on the implementation of resolutions of Boardmeetings, which provides an important guarantee for the Board of Directors tofully understand the implementation of the resolutions and discover theimportant and difficult points of decision-making in time.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


合规管理Compliance Management公司秉承“人人合规、时时合规、事事合规”理念,扎实推进企业合规管理体系建设,聚焦重大合规风险防控,全面开展合规管理各项工作,为公司合规经营、高质量发展保驾护航。2021年公司进一步深化风险、内控、法律、合规管理体系融合,制定了《开展内控风险法律合规一体化体系建设指导意见》,以“崇法治、强内控、防风险、促合规”为目标,把风险、内控、法律、合规的管理要求嵌入企业各项业务流程并通过信息化手段实现有效运行,探索建立以风险管理为主线、内控管理为抓手、法律和合规管理为重点,严格、规范、全面、有效的内控体系和覆盖全员、全过程、全体系的风险防控机制。2021年,公司持续完善合规管理制度体系。按照相关法律法规要求和公司实际,制定《全面风险管理办法(试行)》,建立公司全面风险管理的长效机制,落实风险管理责任,提升风险管理水平;制定《境外机构派出财务人员管理规定》《境外财务资金监管规定》等制度,强化公司境外财务、资金合规管理;制定《商标字号管理规定》,建立健全商标字号使用和监管机制,加大商标字号保护力度,维护公司声誉和商誉;制定《经营开发管理办法》,规范经营开发工作中的投标评审、合同评审、经营要素建设、经营体系建设管理等要求;制定《财务共享业务稽核管理规定》《财务共享中心数据管理规定》,从制度层面对各级共享中心的业务稽核,数据管理及职责边界进行了明确,完善财务共享中心的业务稽核和数据合规管理。2021年,公司重点加强境外合规管理工作,组织召开两次境外合规经营工作会暨合规培训会,部署境外合规重点工作,开展重点合规领域专项培训。期间,特邀请知名律师就当前热点问题开展专题培训,内容涵盖多边开发银行、境外项目代理及佣金合规政策等,累计培训6,800余人。

Upholding the concept that “No matter persons, time and things, compliance isa must”, the Company pushed forward the construction of corporate compliancemanagement system, highlighted the prevention and control of majorcompliance risks, and carried out compliance management comprehensivelyto safeguard its compliance operation and high-quality development. In 2021,the Company further deepened the integration of risk, internal control, legaland compliance management systems and formulated the Guidance on theConstruction of An Integrated System for Internal Control, Risk, Legal andCompliance Management (《开展内控风险法律合规一体化体系建设指导意见》). With the goal of “advocating the rule of law, strengthening internal control,preventing risks and promoting compliance”, the Guidance aimed at embeddingthe requirements of risk, internal control, legal and compliance managementinto various business processes and realizing effective operation by means ofinformation technology. The Guidance explored the establishment of a strict,standardized, comprehensive and effective internal control system and a riskprevention and control mechanism covering the whole staff, the whole processand the whole system, with risk management as the main line, internal controlmanagement as the starting point and legal and compliance management as thefocus.In 2021, the Company made continuous improvements to the compliancemanagement system. In accordance with the provisions of relevant lawsand regulations and the actual situation of the Company, it formulated theComprehensive Risk Management Measures (Trial) (《全面风险管理办法(试行)》), establishing a long-term mechanism for comprehensive riskmanagement, implementing risk management responsibilities, and improvingrisk management. The Regulations on the Management of Financial PersonnelDispatched by Overseas Institutions (《境外机构派出财务人员管理规定》) andRegulations on the Supervision of Overseas Financial Funds (《境外财务资金监管规定》) were formulated to strengthen the Company’s overseas financial andfund compliance management. To establish a sound mechanism for the use andsupervision of and secure trademark names, as well as maintain the Company’sreputation and goodwill, it formulated the Regulations on the Managementof Trademark Names (《商标字号管理规定》). The Company formulated theManagement Measures for Business Development (《经营开发管理办法》) toregulate bid evaluation, contract evaluation, construction of business elementsand management of business system construction in business development. TheRegulations on the Management of Financial Shared Service Audit (《财务共享业务稽核管理规定》) and Regulations on Data Management of Financial SharedService Centers (《财务共享中心数据管理规定》) were formulated to audit thebusiness of financial shared service centers at all levels, clarify data managementresponsibility boundaries, and improve business audit and data compliancemanagement of financial shared service centers from the institutional dimension.In 2021, the Company emphasized overseas compliance management, organizedtwo overseas compliance management and training sessions, deployed keyoverseas compliance tasks and conducted special training in key complianceareas. During this period, the Company also invited renowned lawyers to conductspecial training on current hot issues, covering multilateral development banks,overseas project agency and commission compliance policies, etc. for a total ofover 6,800 people.


CREC held the 2021 Work Conference on Constructing an Honest Party and a CleanGovernment and Anti-Corruption and Warning and Education Conference中国中铁召开2021年党风廉政建设和反腐败工作会议暨警示教育大会公司严格遵守《中华人民共和国刑法》《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》《中央纪委关于严格禁止利用职务上的便利谋取不正当利益的若干规定》《中国共产党领导干部廉洁从政若干准则》和《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》等中国及海外业务所在国家或地区的法律法规,坚决禁止贿赂、勒索、欺诈及洗黑钱等行为。公司从总部到所属各级企业都设有纪检组织,负责反腐败方面的信访举报工作。各级纪检组织设有信访举报问题线索处置台账,对每一条问题线索都严格按照相关规定进行办理。严格坚持信访举报处置审批程序,要求相关工作人员严格遵守保密制度,坚决保护举报人隐私和安全,对于隐瞒问题线索或失密泄密的,将追究相关人员责任。

The Company strictly abides by the laws and regulations of countries andregions where Chinese and overseas businesses are located such as theCriminal Law of the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国刑法》),Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》), Anti-Money Laundering Law of the People’sRepublic of China (《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》), Several Provisions of theCPC Central Committee for Discipline Inspection on Strictly ForbiddingSeeking of Illegal Benefits by Taking Advantage of Duty (《中央纪委关于严格禁止利用职务上的便利谋取不正当利益的若干规定》), Rules for CleanGovernance of CPC Officials (《中国共产党领导干部廉洁从政若干准则》),and CPC’s Code of Integrity and Self-discipline (《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》), and resolutely prohibits bribery, extortion, fraud and moneylaundering. The Company has discipline inspection organizations from itsheadquarters to its subordinate enterprises at all levels, which areresponsible for the reporting through letters and visits in the field ofanti-corruption. Discipline inspection organizations at all levels set upaccounts for the handling of cases and clues reported through letters andvisits, and handle each case and clue in strict accordance with relevantregulations. The Company strictly adheres to the approval procedures forreporting through letters and visits, and the relevant staff are required tostrictly abide by the confidentiality system to protect the privacy and safetyof whistleblowers. For those who conceal any case and clues or lose secrets,the relevant personnel will be held accountable.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

The Company has continuously strengthened the construction of theintegrity system. In 2021, the Company revised the Rules for the Work ofthe Anti-Corruption Coordination Group (《反腐败工作协调小组工作规则》), holding meetings of the anti-corruption coordination group once aquarter to facilitate regular consultations. The Implementation Measuresfor the Communication and Consultation of the “Two Responsibilities” ofthe Party Committee and Discipline Inspection Committee to Exercise Full andRigorous Governance (《党委纪委落实全面从严治党”两个责任”沟通会商实施办法》) and the Implementation Measures for Strengthening Oversightof ‘Number Ones’ and Leadership Groups (《加强对”一把手”和领导班子监督的实施办法》) were formulated to highlight the supervision of“heads” and the leadership team. The Company revised the ImplementationRules for Certain Provisions on the Integrity of Leading Personnel (《领导人员廉洁从业若干规定实施细则》) to further regulate the integrity of theleadership team and draw a red line. To handle complaints and reports andsupervise cases of violations in accordance with rules and regulations, theCompany formulated the Implementation Measures for Discipline InspectionOrganizations to Handle Complaints and Reports and Supervise Casesof Violations (《纪检组织处理信访举报和案件监督管理工作实施办法》).It also issued the Implementation Measures for Anti-corruption, FugitiveRepatriation, Asset Recovery and Fugitive Prevention (Provisional) (《反腐败追逃追赃与防逃实施办法(暂行)》) to continuously strengthen thegovernance of corruption abroad. The Company explored and studied thesupervision of mixed reform enterprises, and formulated the ImplementationOpinions of Discipline Inspection Organizations on Strengthening theSupervision of Mixed Ownership Reform of Enterprises (《纪检组织关于加强企业混合所有制改革监督的实施意见》). By continuously combininginternal supervision resources, the Company formulated the ImplementationMeasures for Building the Grand Work Pattern of Party Integrity Constructionand Anti-Corruption Supervision (《构建党风廉政建设和反腐败大监督工作格局实施办法》).Throughout supervision and disciplinary accountability, the Company’sdiscipline inspection organization not only held the responsible partiesaccountable, but also highlighted “re-supervision” to strengthen integritysupervision. In 2021, the Company issued timely supervision proposals torelevant enterprises and functional departments based on the problemsfound, and made supervision recommendations. The Regulations onFurther Regulating the Business Conduct of Leading Personnel andPersonnel in Key Positions and Their Spouses and Children (《关于进一步规范领导人员以及关键岗位人员配偶、子女及其配偶经商办企业行为的规定》) was revised and issued to supervise responsibility implementation.The Company further improved the supervisory measures of key links suchas procurement of materials, bidding and tendering, work inspection andpricing, and disposal of waste materials, urged the strict implementation ofthe “Three Major and One Big” decision-making mechanism, andstrengthened the management of project closing. The Companyinvestigated and prosecuted such prominent problems as illegal bidding,illegal selection and employment of personnel and labor force (suppliers),and over contract price of completion settlement, cleaned up illegalover-settlement and over-payment, confiscated the income from violationsof discipline, and procured leaders at all levels to change their work style,perform their duties in a down-to-earth manner, and plug managementloopholes. In 2021, the local commission for Discipline Inspection andSupervision concluded one bribery case involving relevant personnel ofour affiliated enterprises, and the relevant personnel were heldaccountable for criminal responsibility.

完善廉洁制度Integrity system improvement



Enhancing integrity supervision


加大对中老铁路项目廉洁建设的监督指导,制定《中老铁路“廉洁之路”建设实施方案》,组织召开了中老铁路廉洁建设推进会,层层签订廉政责任书,构建廉洁风险防控体系,为中老铁路顺利开通提供保障。不断加大对协作队伍、分包商的监督管理,切实加强廉洁教育,督促依规依纪依法开展合作,大力营造风清气正的营商环境。重视廉洁教育Emphasis on integrity education


To step up supervision and guidance on the integrity construction of theChina-Laos Railway project, the Company formulated the ImplementationPlan for the “Road of Integrity” Construction of China-Laos Railway (《中老铁路”廉洁之路”建设实施方案》), held a meeting to promote integrityconstruction of the railway, signed the responsibility letter of integrity at alllevels, and built an integrity risk prevention and control system to ensurethe smooth opening of the China-Laos Railway. By enhancing thesupervision and management of collaborating teams and subcontractors,and strengthening integrity education, the Company promotedcooperation in accordance with rules and regulations, and vigorouslycreated a clean and upright business environment.

In order to ensure that directors, supervisors and employees are familiar withthe anti-corruption system and requirements, the Company insists oncarrying out regular anti-corruption and anti-bribery education at differentlevels and categories. Anti-corruption training courses are set up in thetraining courses for different positions such as training courses for leadingpersonnel, training courses for directors, supervisors, secretaries of the board,and training courses for new employees, etc. By carrying out education onParty discipline and national law, training on the anti-corruption system ofenterprises, case warning education, and education on integrity culture, theCompany enhances the ideological consciousness of directors, supervisorsand employees not wanting to be corrupted.In 2021, the Company sorted out and analyzed typical cases found ininspections, disciplinary reviews, and cooperation with supervision andinvestigation, and held two warning education meetings. Disciplineinspection organizations at all levels of the Company carried out integrityeducation by setting up integrity education rooms, holding integrity paintingand calligraphy exhibitions and printing integrity education brochures,organized directors, supervisors and employees at various levels for morethan 110,000 visits to warning education bases, printed and dispatched 11integrity education books, and filmed 11 warning education videos. All theseefforts contributed to a more profound integrity culture in the Company.In 2021, the company organized external directors to participate in 16relevant trainings held by SASAC and securities regulatory authorities,covering anti-corruption, anti-bribery and other aspects.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

审计监督Audit Supervision

The Company fully promoted the use of the (phase I) audit informationsystem, while accelerating the construction of the (phase II) project of theaudit information system. It also boosted the interconnection and datainteraction between the audit information system and other informationsystems such as finance, material and cost, and strengthened the onlineand intelligent audit functions of the audit information system.

建立审计制度Audit system establishment公司现行有关审计的有效制度共计33项,包括《审计工作管理办法》等审计制度23项,《违规经营投资责任追究实施办法》等追责制度7项,《监事会议事规则》等监事会工作制度3项,建立了较为完善的审计制度体系。2021年,公司结合实际新制定了《审计约谈规定》《审计工作考核评比规定》《关于建立健全审计查出问题整改长效机制的实施意见》等3项规章制度,进一步规范和强化了审计查出问题整改工作,促进提升审计成果运用成效。完善审计工作机制Audit mechanism improvement2021年,公司以强化集中统一管控能力为重点,推动审计管理改革,积极构建集中统一、全面覆盖、权威高效的审计管理体系。加强对审计工作的集中统一领导,所属企业成立了审计工作领导小组;严格执行审计工作向董事会负责的工作机制,接受董事会审计与风险管理委员会的监督和评估;坚持审计工作统一协调制度,所属企业审计计划均由上级审计机构审定、审计工作负责人任用均报上级审计机构批准;推进审计管理改革创新,建立审计部门主“管”、审计中心主“审”的一体化审计管理机制。持续提升审计信息化水平Continuous improvement to auditinformatization公司全面推广使用审计信息系统(一期),同时加快审计信息化二期项目建设,推动审计信息系统与财务、物资、成本等信息系统的互联互通和数据交互,强化审计信息系统在线审计功能,拓展审计信息系统的智能审计功效。

The Company has a total of 33 effective systems related to auditing,including 23 auditing systems such as the Administrative Measures forAuditing (《审计工作管理办法》), 7 accountability systems such as theImplementation Measures for the Accountability for Illegal Operations andInvestments (《违规经营投资责任追究实施办法》), and 3 working systemsof the Supervisory Committee such as Rules of Procedure for SupervisoryCommittee (《监事会议事规则》), and established a relatively perfect auditsystem.In 2021, the Company formulated 3 new regulations based on its realities,including the Regulations on Audit Interviews (《审计约谈规定》), theRegulations on Assessment and Evaluation of Audit Work (《审计工作考核评比规定》) and the Implementation Opinions on Establishing aLong-term Mechanism for Rectifying and Improving Problems Identified byAudits (《关于建立健全审计查出问题整改长效机制的实施意见》), tofurther standardize and strengthen the rectification and improvement ofissues identified by audits and promote application effectiveness of auditresults.In 2021, the Company facilitated audit management reforms with a focuson strengthening its centralized and unified control capability, and built acentralized and unified audit management system with full coverage,authority and efficiency. To strengthen the centralized and unifiedleadership of audits, the affiliated enterprises set up a leading group ofaudit, strictly implemented the working mechanism of reporting to theBoard of Directors and accepted the supervision and evaluation of theaudit and risk management committee. Adhering to the unifiedcoordination system of audits, the affiliated enterprises had all their auditplans reviewed and approved by higher audit organizations, and reportedthe appointment of the person in charge of audit to the higher auditorganization for approval. To promote innovations in reforming auditmanagement, an integrated audit management mechanism wasestablished, with the audit department in charge of “management” and theaudit center in charge of “auditing”.

规范关联方交易Regulating Related Party Transactions

In strict accordance with the regulations of the securities regulatoryauthorities on the management of related party transactions, the Articlesof Association, the Measures for the Management of Related PartyTransactions (《关联交易管理办法》), and relevant procedural rules, theCompany continuously regulates the acts of related party transactions,considers the Company’s related party transactions, and regularly reviewsthe list of related parties and the interim and annual related partytransactions of the Company. In doing so, the Company considers thenecessity for transactions, fairness of pricing, legality of procedures, andcompliance with shareholders’ interests. According to the requirements ofthe Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange onrelated party transaction management, the Company’s audit and riskmanagement committee under the Board of Directors is responsible forthe control and daily management of related transactions, and reviews thelist of related parties and major related transactions on a regular basis. Atthe same time, the Company carefully grasps the differences betweenconnected transactions with securities regulatory authorities andconnected transactions as defined by accounting standards plus thoseunder the Hong Kong Stock Exchange Listing Rules, and strictly handlesthe decision-making procedures and fulfills the disclosure obligations ofconnected transactions. This aims to ensure that the Company’s connectedtransactions are regulated and fair, effectively improve the standardoperation of listed companies, and safeguard the legitimate rights andinterests of listed companies and all shareholders.



中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


Environmental Management Structure


Environmental Risk Management排放物管理Emission Management

自然资源使用及保护Use and Protection of Natural Resources

环境机遇Environmental Opportunity


中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


Holding that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, theCompany works to boost the realization of the “3060” targets of carbonpeaking and neutrality. In strengthening ecological environmentalprotection, the Company advocates the green and low-carbon lifestyle andaccelerates the green transformation and upgrading of enterprises. TheCompany makes continuous improvements to the environmentalmanagement system. With regards to environmental management, theCompany upholds the principles of “Territorial Management”, “PreventionFirst, Combined with Prevention and Control” and “Who Pollutes, WhoControls”. As for the management mode, the Company implements unifiedleadership while subsidiaries and branches at each level are responsible, toensure the orderly and controllable environmental protection.

It is the fundamental policy of our country to conserve resources andprotect the environment. According to the Environmental Protection Lawof the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国环境保护法》), allunits and individuals shall have the obligation to protect the environment,and enterprises shall prevent and reduce pollution and damage to theenvironment; according to the Energy Conservation Law of the People’sRepublic of China (《中华人民共和国节约能源法》), all organizations andindividuals shall fulfill their obligation to conserve energy; and accordingto the Regulations on the Administration of Construction ProjectEnvironmental Protection (《建设项目环境保护管理条例》), industrialconstruction projects should adopt clean production techniques with lowenergy consumption, low materials consumption and low pollutantsgeneration, and rationally exploit natural resources to preventenvironmental pollution and ecological damage. The above-mentionedlaws and regulations put forward requirements for the Company inenvironmental risk control and clarify our work priorities and directions.In 2021, the Company strictly abode by laws and regulations that havesignificant impact on its operation, such as the Environmental Protection Lawof the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国环境保护法》), theEnergy Conservation Law of the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国节约能源法》), and the Regulations on the Administration of ConstructionProject Environmental Protection (《建设项目环境保护管理条例》). TheCompany steadily advanced the construction of ecological civilization andstrove to overcome the challenges brought by carbon peaking and neutrality,by integrating the concept of green development into all aspects its work andthe whole process. With the support of energy-saving technologicalinnovation and focusing on energy-saving management and energy resourceutilization, the Company improved its emergency response capabilities in riskprevention and pollution, to unswervingly embark on the path of green,low-carbon, and high-quality development that prioritized ecology.In terms of assessment targets, CREC has formulated the 14thFive-Year Plan for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction, setting theoverall targets: by 2025, significant progress shall be made in the constructionof a green CREC system that aligns with ecological civilization; improvementsshall be made to energy utilization efficiency and the energy consumptionstructure; CO

emissions per RMB ten-thousand output value andcomprehensive energy consumption per RMB ten-thousand operatingincome shall be reduced. The comprehensive energy consumption per RMBten-thousand of operating income reduced by 15% on the basis of 2020, andthe carbon dioxide emissions per RMB ten-thousand of output value reducedby 18% on the basis of 2020. In terms of systematic environmentalmanagement, the Company has obtained the ISO14001 environmentalmanagement system certification from China Certification Center Inc.




Environmental Management Structure

环境风险管控Environmental Risk Management

排放物管理Emission Management

中铁高新工业将郑州基地焊接等产生污染环境有害因素较多的工艺,逐步转移至产业园,减少市区污染物排放。同时在产业园板材切割下料区域和焊接区域对金属烟尘和焊接烟尘进行整体收集治理。除尘设备均在室内布局,净化后的烟尘均通过排烟管道部分有组织排放。China Railway Hi-Tech Industry Corporation Limited (CRHIC) gradually transfers the processes that involve more factors harmful to theenvironment, such as welding in Zhengzhou base, to the industrial park to reduce pollutant emissions in the urban area. CRHIC collectsand treats the metal fume and welding fume as a whole in the plate cutting and blanking area and in the welding area of the industrialpark. CRHIC lays out the dust removal equipment indoors, and partially discharges the purified fume through the fume exhaust pipe.


公司制定并落实《生态环境保护与能源节约监督管理规定》《施工安装现场环保管理办法》《建筑施工环保管理办法》《锅炉房环保管理规定》《废旧物资回收利用管理办法》《金属焊接与气割作业环保管理规定》《机械设备环保管理办法》《库房环保管理规定》《危险废物管理规定》《生产现场定置环境卫生管理规定》等规章制度,形成规范化的工作模式,采取有效措施,对排放物进行控制。废气管理Exhaust gas management公司废气排放主要来自于所属项目的锅炉燃烧以及钢结构加工过程中的冶炼、板材处理、喷砂、打磨及喷涂等工序,主要污染物为二氧化碳、氮氧化物、烟(粉)尘和挥发性有机物(VOCs),主要为工业类企业排放。公司为国资委关注类建筑企业,废气排放量较少。2021年,公司订立了在企业规模不断扩大情况下万元营业收入二氧化碳排放在2020年的基础上下降



The Company formulates and implements the Regulations on Supervisionand Management of Ecological Environmental Protection and EnergyConservation (《生态环境保护与能源节约监督管理规定》), AdministrativeMeasures for Environmental Protection on Construction and InstallationSites (《施工安装现场环保管理办法》), Administrative Measures forEnvironmental Protection on Construction (《建筑施工环保管理办法》),Regulations on Environmental Management for Boiler Houses (《锅炉房环保管理规定》), Administrative Measures for Recovery and Utilization of WasteMaterials (《废旧物资回收利用管理办法》), Regulations on EnvironmentalManagement of Metal Welding and Gas Cutting Operations (《金属焊接与气割作业环保管理规定》), Administrative Measures for EnvironmentalManagement for Machinery and Equipment (《机械设备环保管理办法》),Regulations on Environmental Management of Warehouses (《库房环保管理规定》), Regulations on Management of Hazardous Wastes (《危险废物管理规定》), Regulations on Environmental Sanitation Management onProduction Sites (《生产现场定置环境卫生管理规定》) and other rules andregulations to form a standardized working mode combined with measuresfor controlling emissions.The Company’s exhaust emissions mainly come from the boiler gascombustion, smelting in the processing of steel structures, sheetprocessing, abrasive blasting, polishing and spraying and other processes.The main pollutants are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, smoke (powder)and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are emissions fromindustrial enterprises. The Company is a construction enterprise of concernto the SASAC, with low emissions of exhaust gas.In 2021, the Company set a goal that, with the continuous expansion of theenterprise scale, reducing carbon dioxide emissions per RMB ten-thousandof operating income by 3.89% on the basis of 2020 and the emissions perRMB ten-thousand of nitrogen oxides, smoke (powder) and volatile organiccompounds decreased year by year. During the period, the Companyreduces emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides by adjusting thestructure of production capacity and renovating gas boilers with lownitrogen. In terms of controlling smoke (powder), the Company adoptscontrol measures in transportation, storage, construction, production, etc.,and reduces smoke (powder) by covering, watering, adding dust removalequipment, and shutting down operations. The Company increased thecapital investment in pollution control and industrial transformation, andits industrial production bases completed the special renovation of thefully enclosed workshops. In order to control VOCs, the Company installedactivated carbon and filter cotton paint mist filtration systems on theproduction line, and rebuilt the workshops in accordance with the VOCstreatment standard. In 2021, all major waste gas pollutants of the Companywere discharged up to the standard within the discharge scope of the permit.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

废弃物管理Waste management公司高度重视废弃物的综合利用。2021年,公司订立了在企业规模不断扩大情况下万元单位无害废弃物和有害废弃物排放逐年下降,且处置率为100%的目标。为达到以上目标,公司对于无害废弃物,以优化施工组织方案为主要措施,推行“四节一环保”的标准化、规范化的项目建设要求,加大资金及环保设备投入力度,加强无害废弃物的循环使用,无害废弃物综合利用率达98.9%,处置率为100%。对于危险废弃物,公司严格按照《危险废物管理规定》,聘用有危废处置资质的机构对危险废弃物,如工程设备产生的废机油等,进行统一回收处理,有害废弃物处置率为100%。公司作为建筑类企业,主营板块不包含物流及相关物料包装服务,不涉及包装物料。废水管理Wastewater management公司重视施工废水管理,设置三级沉淀池,对施工废水进行处理。公司不断加强施工现场的环保监管,定期对施工产生的废水生态环境污染源、风险点进行排查,每月对污染源和风险点进行台账更新,并对相关部门和人员进行全过程监控、常态化监督。噪声管理Noise management公司在工程项目噪声管理方面,要求所属工程项目现场必须配备噪声监控设备,对项目所产生的噪声进行实时监控,噪声控制情况符合国家有关标准。

The Company attaches great importance to the comprehensive recyclingof hazardous waste. In 2021, the Company set a goal that, with thecontinuous expansion of the enterprise scale, reducing the emission perRMB ten-thousand of non-hazardous waste and hazardous waste year byyear, and with a 100% disposal rate of non-hazardous waste andhazardous waste. To meet the above goal, in respect of non-hazardouswaste, with optimizing the construction organization scheme as the mainmeasure, the Company promotes the standardization of the “FourConservations and One Environmental Protection” policy, increasesinvestment in capital and environmental protection equipment, andstrengthens the recycling of non-hazardous waste. Thanks to theseefforts, a recycling rate of 98.9% with a disposal rate of 100% is achieved.In strict accordance with the Regulations on Management of HazardousWaste (《危险废物管理规定》), the Company entrusts qualified agenciesto conduct centralized recycling and treatment of hazardous waste, suchas waste oil generated by engineering equipment, and achieves a disposalrate of 100% for hazardous waste.As a construction company, the Company’s major business segment doesnot include logistics and related material packaging services or involvepackaging materials.

The Company takes the management of construction wastewater seriously,and sets up a three-stage sedimentation tank to treat the constructionwastewater. The Company keeps strengthening environmental protectionsupervision at the construction site, regularly troubleshoots the ecologicaland environmental pollution sources and risk points of wastewatergenerated during construction, updates the ledger of pollution sourcesand risk points on a monthly basis, and designates relevant departmentsand personnel to carry out full-process monitoring and normalizedsupervision.

The Company requires that its own project site must be equipped withnoise monitoring equipment to monitor the noise generated by projects inreal time, and the noise control shall conform to relevant nationalstandards.


Shanghai Civil Engineering Group Co., Ltd. of the CRECcompleted the world’s first fully enclosed sound barrierproject for high-speed trains up to 350km/h along a section ofthe intercity railway linking Beijing with Xiong‘an New Area

注: 1. 公司为建筑类企业,所排放二氧化碳为能源间接温室气体


2. 氮氧化物、二氧化硫、烟(粉)尘和挥发性有机物排放量均按



Note: 1. The Company is a construction enterprise, and the carbon dioxide emissions are indirectgreenhouse gas emissions from energy.

2. Emissions of NOx, SO

, smoke (powder) and VOC are calculated based on the emissions permits.

3. Due to rounding, individual item figures may differ slightly from the total.

排放物及废弃物关键绩效指标Key performance indicators on emissions and waste指标Indicators


Data in 2021

同比增减Year-on-year increase or decrease二氧化碳总排放量(万吨)Total amount of CO

emission (ten-thousand tonnes)



emission density (ton/RMB ten-thousand)



NOx emission (ton)

2.94-41.31烟(粉)尘排放量(吨)Smoke (powder) emission (ton)

23.185.5%挥发性有机物排放量(吨)VOC emission (ton)




Total amount of hazardous waste (ton)

580-1.5%万元单位有害废弃物排放量(公斤/万元)Discharge of hazardous waste per RMB ten-thousand (kg/RMB ten-thousand)


无害废弃物总量(万吨)Total amount of non-hazardous waste (ten-thousand tonnes)


万元单位无害废弃物排放量(公斤/万元)Discharge of non-hazardous waste per RMB ten-thousand (kg/RMB ten-thousand)


生态环境管理Ecological environment management公司对在建工程项目、作业场所进行环境因素识别和评估,建立生态环保监控监测体系,加强生产过程中生态环境污染风险源及污染物排放控制,并加强对项目部生态环保工作的过程管控,规避环境风险。

The Company identifies and evaluates environmental factors of projectsunder construction and in the workplace, establishes a system formonitoring environmental protection, strengthens the control over risksources of ecological environmental pollution and pollutant emissions inthe production process, and strengthens the process control over theecological environmental protection work of the project department, toguard against environmental risks.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

自然资源使用及保护Use and Protection of Natural Resources

Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. The Companyattaches equal importance to resource conservation and environmentprotection, striving to build “resource-conserving and environment-friendly”projects. The Company has formulated a series of rules and regulations, suchas the Administrative Measures for Supervision and Management on EnergyConservation and Emission Reduction (《节能减排监督管理办法》) andAdministrative Measures for Environmental Protection (《环境保护管理办法》), to carry out energy conservation, emission reduction and ecologicalenvironmental protection. The Company advocates the concept of greenoffice and optimizes the efficiency of resource use.

The main energy consumed by the Company is electricity, gasoline, dieselfuel and natural gas in the construction and office process.In 2021, the Company set a goal of reducing the comprehensive energyconsumption per RMB ten-thousand of operating income by 3.2% on thebasis of 2020. During the period, the Company strengthens theimplementation of the responsibility system for energy conservation andemission reduction, and makes solid progress in energy conservation andefficiency improvement. According to the latest requirements of the SASACon energy conservation and ecological environmental protection of centralenterprises, the Company promotes relevant work by adjusting themanagement organizational structure, upgrading the monitoring system,issuing evaluation, reward and punishment indicators, and conductingtechnology research and development. Meanwhile, the Companyformulates and implements the Supervision and Management Regulationson Ecological Environmental Protection and Energy Conservation.In 2021, the comprehensive energy consumption (comparable price) perRMB ten-thousand operating income was 0.0441 tons of standard coal/RMBten-thousand, down 4.3% from the same period of last year; the CO

emission was 0.1563 tons/RMB ten-thousand, down 13.6% from the sameperiod of last year, accomplishing the annual target of energy conservationand environmental protection.? Consolidating the system for the management of energyconservation and environmental protection and enhancing itscapability in this respect: in accordance with the requirements of theSASAC and the industry management norm, the Company optimizesmanagement resource allocation, and integrates and hands over thebusiness of ecological environmental protection, energy conservationand emission reduction to the Safety, Quality and EnvironmentalProtection Supervision Department; dynamically revises and improvesmeasures for the management of energy conservation andenvironmental protection for the work to be conducted on all fronts.?Constantly upgrading the statistical monitoring system:

accordingto the latest requirements of energy conservation and ecologicalenvironmental protection of central enterprises, the Companylaunches and upgrades the new statistical system of energyconservation and ecological environmental protection, to realize theregular online filling of energy conservation and environmentalprotection data.



Energy management



碳排放0.1563吨/万元,比去年同期下降13.6%,完成年度节能环保既定工作目标。? 夯实节能环保管理体系,提升节能环保管理能

力:公司按照国资委要求和行业管理常态,优化管理资源配置,将生态环保、节能减排业务统一整合至安全质量环保监督部;动态修订完善节能环保管理办法,保障能源节约与生态环境保护工作全面开展。? 不断升级统计监测体系:根据中央企业能源节约


? Strictly implementing the evaluation, reward and punishmentmechanism for energy conservation and emission reduction:

theCompany issued the indicators of energy conservation and emissionreduction in early 2021, requiring all second-tier units to decomposethe indicators and release them to their third-tier companies andproject departments to promote management through evaluation.The Company also adopted reward and punishment measures topromote energy conservation and emission reduction.?Strengthening the evaluation, reward and punishment of theenergy conservation and environmental protection managementtargets: the Company implements strict performance evaluation ofthe affiliated companies based on the quantitative assessment indexissued at the beginning of 2021, and completed the annual energysaving assessment targets.? Emphasis on the process supervision over ecological environmentalprotection:

the Company makes a regular statistical analysis of thepenalties imposed on the affiliated companies by the local governmentand the competent authority of industry for ecological environmentalprotection problems, and notifies them on the quarterly videoconference on safety and environmental protection and holds themaccountable.

According to the Statistical Statement on Energy Conservation andEcological Environment Protection of Central Enterprises (《中央企业能源节约与生态环境保护统计报表》) issued by the SASAC of the State Council,the Company has improved its statistical monitoring system, standardizedthe statistical calculation of water consumption, and strengthened therecycling of water resources. In 2021, the Company set a target to reducethe amount of new water used per unit by 15% on the basis of 2020, andactually used 460.95 million tons of new water per unit, up 3% from thesame period of last year, and 4.5366 tons of new water per unit per RMBten-thousand, down 15.6% from the same period of last year.The Company does not have any problems in obtaining suitable watersources, and the water supply is mainly provided by the water supplycompany in the area where the project is located.To meet the annual target for reduction of new water consumption perunit, the Company stresses measures to use construction water. As a part ofwater conservation and management, the Company collects and usesnatural precipitation or wastewater treated by recycling. Automaticwater-saving sprinkler systems and sedimentation ponds are promotedand used commonly for concrete maintenance, vehicle washing and dustsuppression. They have strengthened the recycling of water resources andimproved the recycling rate of wastewater, thereby effectively saving waterresources.

? 严格落实节能减排考核奖惩机制:于2021年初下达节能减排工作指标,要求所属二级企业对指标进行分解并下达至各所属三级企业、项目部,以考核促管理,并采取奖惩措施,提升节能减排工作积极性。? 强化节能环保管理目标考核奖惩:公司依据2021年初下达的量化考核指标,对所属各企业实行严格的业绩考核,圆满完成了年度能源节约考核目标。? 重视生态环保问题过程监督:公司定期对所属企业因生态环保问题,受属地政府、行业主管部门处罚事项进行统计分析,并在公司安全环保季度视频会议上进行通报问责。水资源管理Water management根据国务院国资委印发的《中央企业能源节约与生态环境保护统计报表》,公司不断完善统计监测体系,规范用耗水量统计核算口径,加强水资源循环使用。2021年,公司订立了单位用新水量在2020年的基础上下降15%的目标,实际用新水量46095万吨,较去年同期增长3%,单位用新水量4.5366吨/万元,较去年同期下降15.6%。公司在求取适用水源方面不存在任何问题,水源供应方面主要由工程项目属地的自来水公司负责提供。为达到年度订立的单位用新水量的下降目标,公司高度重视施工用水措施,收集使用天然降水或经回收处理的废水等措施已成为项目节水管理常态。普遍推广使用节水型自动喷淋系统、沉淀池等,用于混凝土养护、车辆冲洗以及抑制扬尘,从而加强对水资源的循环利用,提高废水回收利用率,有效节约水资源。

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

Note: Based on business characteristic of the Company, it is not applicable to calculate energy consumptiondensity using unit of production (UOP) or per facility. Therefore, the Company adopts comprehensiveenergy consumption (comparable price) per RMB ten-thousand operating income to calculate anddisclose energy consumption density.注: 基于本公司业务性质,不适用于以每产量单位或每项设施计算


能源及资源消耗关键绩效指标Key performance indicators for energy and resource consumption

能源/资源类型Energy/resource type


2021年数据Data in 2021

同比增减Year-on-year increaseor decrease

直接能源消耗Direct energy consumption

汽油(万吨)Gasoline (ten-thousand tonnes)


汽油(吨/万元)Gasoline (ton/RMB ten-thousand)


柴油(万吨)Diesel (ten-thousand tonnes)


柴油(吨/万元)Diesel (ton/RMB ten-thousand)


天然气(万标立方米)Natural gas (ten-thousand standard m


6,770.56.6%天然气(立方米/万元)Natural gas (m

/RMB ten-thousand)



Indirect energy consumption


Electricity (ten-thousand kwh)

1,045,3006.5%电力(万千瓦时/万元)Electricity (ten-thousand kwh/RMB ten-thousand)


综合能源消耗Comprehensive energyconsumption

综合能源消耗(万吨标准煤)Comprehensive energy consumption (ten-thousand tonnes of standard coal)


综合能源消耗(吨标准煤/万元收入)Comprehensive energy consumption (ton of standard coal/RMB ten-thousand income)


综合能源消耗(万千瓦时)Comprehensive energy consumption (ten-thousand kwh)

3,649,4815%综合能源消耗(千瓦时/万元收入)Comprehensive energy consumption (kwh/RMB ten-thousand income)




Total new water consumption (ten-thousand m



Total new water consumption (ten-thousand m

/RMB ten-thousand income)


In 2021, the Company organized the application and promotion of thepaperless conference system at the headquarters. The paperless system atthe headquarters supports the parallel access of hardware devices such ascomputer terminals, mobile phones, and tablets. It supports the holding ofpaperless meetings with technical methods such as display on the samescreen, handwritten signing and approval, and data distribution andsharing. With the paper system, the Company achieves the goal offull-process digitization that enables preparation before meetings, controlduring meetings, and filing and statistical analysis after meetings. In 2021,the Company’s headquarters held a total of 222 paperless meetings, with atotal of 4,276 attendees, and kept 3,686 meeting documents on file, with atotal of 1.23961 million paper savings.


Green office



As a construction enterprise, the Company’s operations will not have asignificant impact on the environment and natural resources, and itattaches great importance to the protection of the environment andnatural resources in its business activities. In the early stage of construction,the Company organizes professional organizations to carry outenvironmental impact evaluation, and based on the evaluation results, toformulate feasible and effective protection programs, implement measuresrelating to soil and water conservation, biodiversity protection andvegetation protection, so as to achieve simultaneous planning andimplementation of ecological environmental protection and engineering.During the construction, the Company continuously invests in ecologicalprotection by using environmental protection equipment, improving theconstruction process and optimizing the construction plan, so as to reducethe impact on water, atmosphere, vegetation and organisms. TheCompany’s information system for energy conservation and ecologicalprotection regularly collects ecological monitoring data to improve theintuitiveness and authenticity of ecological protection information. In 2021,the rate of the Company’s completed projects that passed theenvironmental impact evaluation was 100%.In terms of land use, the Company seriously implements the Law on thePrevention and Control of Soil Pollution (《土壤污染防治法》). It incorporatesecological restoration into project management in the early stages ofconstruction, by upholding the principles of scientific site selection,standardized abandonment, prior protection, and active consumption. Weensure that, after the construction at each construction site is completed, theearth’s surface is covered with suitable soil, construction waste on both sidesof the road is removed, and the ground is restored to its natural state. For thetemporary land involved in the construction, the Company strictly preparesand implements land use and reclamation plans for protectingenvironmentally sensitive areas such as densely populated areas and naturereserves, and restores the land according to relevant regulations after projectcompletion to maximize the protection of ecological environment.In terms of biodiversity protection, the Company continuously monitorsthe biodiversity impact and manages to reduce the impact ofconstruction and production on biological populations.


Ecological protection公司作为建筑类企业,业务活动不会对环境和天然资源产生重大影响,并高度重视对环境及天然资源的保护。在施工前期,公司组织专业机构开展环境影响评价,依据评估结果制定切实有效的保护方案,开展水土保持、生物多样性保护、植被保护等措施,做到生态环境保护与工程建设同步规划与同步实施。在施工过程中,公司注重生态保护的持续投入,使用环保设备,改进施工工艺和优化施工方案,减少对水、大气、植被和生物的影响。公司能源节约与生态环境保护信息系统定期采集生态环境监测数据,提升生态环保信息直观性和真实性。2021年,公司已竣工项目环评通过率达100%。在土地利用方面,公司认真贯彻《土壤污染防治法》,在工程项目施工初期就将生态恢复纳入项目管理,做好科学选址、规范弃碴、事先防护、积极消纳。每一个工点施工完后,确保用合适的土料覆盖地表,清理便道两侧施工弃物,恢复地面天然状态。对于施工过程中涉及的临时用地,公司严格编制、实施用地及复垦规划,注意对居民稠密区、自然保护区等环境敏感区域的保护,并在工程竣工后按照规定对土地进行恢复,最大限度保护生态环境。在生物多样性保护方面,公司持续监测生物多样性影响,并采取有效措施,努力降低施工生产对生物种群造成的影响。

作为中老友谊的标志性工程,由中铁二院全线勘察设计的中老铁路,将生态环境保护理念落实到设计的每个流程、每个专业中,从环保选线、工程优化设计到创新环境保护措施,形成了较为完善的绿色设计流程。As a landmark project of the China-Laos friendship, the China-Laos railway, which is surveyed and designed by China Railway Eryuan, hasimplemented the concept of ecological environmental protection into every process and profession of design. The Company forms amore complete green design process that integrates environmentally-friendly route selection, engineering optimization design, andinnovative environmental protection.


中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


Environmental Opportunity公司将绿色发展理念融入经营流程,对相关机遇时刻保持敏锐洞察,通过系统化的识别,在绿色规划与施工,清洁能源开发和环保产业建设方面不遗余力,为建设生态文明增砖添瓦。


Green planning and construction? 绿色规划:公司贯彻落实国家节能减排方针、政策,深入贯彻绿色发展理念,引入全生命周期绿色设计模式,组织编写《节能环保“十四五”规划》,在规划中明确提出坚持推进公司所属各板块绿色发展的主要任务,将绿色、低碳、生态设计理念融入到工程规划设计的全过程,从源头上控制能耗。? 绿色施工:公司高度重视工程项目绿色施工科技


The Company has integrated the concept of green development into itsbusiness, and remains keenly aware of relevant opportunities. Throughsystematic identification, the Company spares no effort in green planningand construction, clean energy development and construction of theenvironmental protection industry, contributing to the construction ofecological civilization.

?Green planning:

The Company implements the national guidelines andpolicies regarding energy conservation and emission reduction, andthoroughly practices the concept of green development. In addition tointroducing a full life cycle green design mode, the Company organizesthe preparation of the 14th Five-Year Plan for Energy Conservation andEmission Reduction (《“十四五”节能减排规划》). In the Plan, theCompany specifies the main task of promoting the green developmentof the various segments, and integrates the concept of green, low-carbon, and ecological design throughout engineering planning anddesign, to control energy consumption at the source.?Green construction:

The Company puts a high value on tackling hard-nut problems and playing a role of pilot in green science and technologyof construction projects. It carries out research on key technologies suchas green construction technology, low-carbon assessment technologyand low-carbon energy operation management system, and promotesthe application of energy-saving and low-carbon technology. TheCompany evaluates demonstration projects of green constructiontechnology and energy-saving and low-carbon technology, andpromotes construction through the evaluation. As a result, remarkableresults are achieved in green and low-carbon construction.

中铁上海局承建的鹤山市沙坪河综合整治工程Comprehensive regulation project of shaping River in Heshan City undertaken by China Railway Shanghai Group Co., Ltd


Yuedian Yangjiang Wind Power Project (粤电阳江风电项目) constructed by China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group Co., Ltd.

中国中铁在深圳地铁6号线设计中,充分利用日照条件充足、太阳能资源丰富的特点,在12个高架站钢结构屋面上均安装了光伏发电板,每年平均发电量约234万度,25年设计寿命期内预计可发电5,856万度,相当于替代了2.34万吨标准煤,减排二氧化碳22.59万吨,实现纯经济收益约5,047万元。该线成为国内首次分布式光伏发电规模化应用的地铁线。In designing Shenzhen Metro Line 6, CREC, by making full use of the abundant solar energy resources, has installed photovoltaic powergeneration panels on the steel roofs of all 12 elevated stations, with an average annual power generation of about 2.34 million kilowatthours. They are expected to generate 58.56 million kilowatt hours of power during the 25-year design life, equivalent to replacing 23,400tons of standard coal and reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 225,900 tons, realizing a net economic gain of about RMB50.47 million.In China, this line is the first of its kind where distributed photovoltaic power generation is applied on a large scale.



Clean energy development公司一贯积极参与清洁能源开发项目,在各施工项目上积极研发推广使用地源热泵、光伏发电、热电冷三联供、空气能使用等清洁能源技术。在工程项目开发运营和房地产开发业务中,实现清洁能源技术和资源使用平台的优势互补,确保开发的工程项目在清洁能源开发利用、能源节约、生态环境保护、集中供暖供冷等领域达到先进水平。

The Company has participated in the development clean energy, andresearched and promoted the use of clean energy technologies such asground source heat pumps (GSHPs), photovoltaic power generation,combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP), and air energy inconstruction projects. In the development and operation of constructionprojects and real estate development, we enable clean energy technologiesand resource use platforms to complement each other with their respectivestrengths. We work to see that the developed construction projects reachadvanced levels in the fields of clean energy development and utilization,energy conservation, ecological environmental protection, central heatingand cooling, etc.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

The Company believes that in the context of the global low-carboneconomic transformation, clean technology and environmental protectionindustries will have favorable development prospects and businessopportunities. China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd., CREC’sconglomerate in the water and environmental protection industry, has fivesub-professional companies in water, municipal environmental protectionconstruction, smart cities, ecological environment, and green resourcedevelopment. In 2021, China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd.undertook the construction of the Wangxiaoying Sewage Treatment Plantin Hefei, the Bailonggang Sewage Treatment Plant in Pudong New District,Shanghai, and other sewage treatment and environmental protectionprojects; China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd. also led the PPPprojects relating to the comprehensive treatment of the Tongzhou sectionof the north canal, the comprehensive treatment of the water environmentof the Liangshui River in Beijing, the comprehensive treatment of urbanand rural sewage in Dangyang City, Hubei Province, the comprehensivetreatment of the water environment in the Neijiang Reach of TuojiangRiver, and other projects; the distributed solid waste carbonizationequipment for China’s rural waste treatment, the R&D of which wasinvested by China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd., has been launched,which will improve the rural ecological environment. Going forward, wewill continue to expand our investment in this sector, to contribute ourshare to ecological environmental protection and infrastructureconstruction.Paying close attention to global climate change trends and the impact onbusiness, the Company actively adopts measures relating to energyconservation and emission reduction and invests in the use of cleanenergy, to reduce its own greenhouse gas emissions.For environmental emergencies, such as earthquakes, typhoons, mudslides,floods and other natural disasters or significant climate change that haveaffected or may affect the Company’s construction, the Company hasformulated the Emergency Plan for Safety, Quality, Ecological Environmentand Disaster Accidents (Events) to analyze and prevent risks. There are clearand standardized guidelines for early warning, emergency response,aftercare, emergency support, training and drills, etc.For long-term climate change, the Company vigorously expands businessareas such as urban renovation with “ecological restoration and urbanrepair” as its main content, sponge cities and comprehensive managementof seashore coastlines, and adapts to problems including urbanenvironment changes possibly caused by climate change.

参与环保产业Participation in environmental protection industry公司认为在全球低碳经济转型的背景下,清洁技术和环保产业将具有十分良好的发展前景和商业机会。中国中铁为此成立的水务环保行业的综合企业——中国铁工投资建设集团有限公司,下设水务、市政环保建设、智慧城市、生态环境、绿色资源开发五个子专业公司。2021年,中国铁工投资建设集团有限公司承建了合肥王小郢污水处理厂、上海浦东新区白龙港污水处理厂等多项污水处理环保项目;主导总承包了北运河通州段综合治理、北京市凉水河水环境综合治理、湖北省当阳市城乡污水综合治理、内江沱江流域水环境综合治理PPP项目等综合治理项目;投资研发的针对我国农村垃圾处理的分布式固废碳化装备成功下线,将有效改善农村生态环境。未来,公司将继续扩大在该领域的投入,为生态环保治理和基础实施建设添砖加瓦。


Tackling climate change



The Company has participated in the construction of “sponge cities” in multiple cities, including Chizhou, Zhenjiang, Yueyang, Xuzhou,Songyuan, and Rizhao. The sponge cities adopt technical means including permeable paving and planting roofs to achieve waterabsorption, storage, seepage and purification when it rains. “Releasing” and using the stored water at proper time allow cities to flexiblyadapt to climate change and respond to natural disasters caused by rain, which can alleviate the urban heat island effect and resolveurban waterlogging problems.



The largest surface water irrigation PPP project in North China invested by China TiegongInvestment & Construction Group Co., Ltd. (design sketch)

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


Value Creation


Human Capital Management维护员工权益

Safeguarding of Staff’s Rights and Interests

保障员工健康与安全Employee Health and Safety Protection

关注员工成长与发展Focusing on the Growth and Development of Employees


Product Responsibility供应商管理Supplier Management社区投资Community Investment


中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


Economic performance




创造价值Value Creation

CREC is committed to becoming the pillar of national economicdevelopment. In 2021, the Company completed the infrastructureconstruction in railways, highways, rail transit, ports, municipal works andairports in the global market, particularly in the Chinese market. Thisstimulated global and local economic growth, bolstered economicdevelopment and social progress, and continuously created andaccumulated high-quality material wealth for society.In 2021, the Company recorded total value of newly-signed contracts ofRMB2,729.32 billion, up 4.7% year on year; total revenues of RMB1,073.272billion, up 10.11% year on year; realized net profit attributable to the parentcompany of RMB27.618 billion, up 9.65% year on year. These increasesdemonstrate that CREC has become the major creator of social wealth andan important driving force for social and economic development.

推动就业Employment promotion公司始终把促进就业作为履行企业社会责任的一项关键内容。2021年,公司结合企业自身发展战略,稳定扩大招聘毕业生规模,持续加强推动高校毕业生人才引进工作,同时加大国家重点领域、重点产业科研人才,及碳达峰碳中和相关专业等急需紧缺人才招聘力度。2021年,公司共引进高校毕业生18,225人,含海外留学生214人,西藏、青海、新疆籍学生190人。同时,公司严格遵守《劳动合同法》等有关法律法规,及人力资源与社会保障部、教育部、国资委等有关要求,坚决杜绝一切针对民族、地域、宗教、性别、家庭等方面的歧视及恶性竞争行为,为所有员工提供平等就业与晋升机会,建立了人才市场化引入、与企业共同发展、依法合规退出的管理机制。2021年,公司持续为稳定农民工就业创收提供机遇,推进农民工实名制管理、工资专用账户、工资保证金和银行代发工资等措施,保证农民工工资按时且足额发放。同时,公司严格做好农民工岗前安全教育培训和现场操作技能培训,并对特殊工种全部进行岗前强化培训,不断提高农民工作业技能。

The Company has regarded promoting employment as a key element tofulfill corporate social responsibilities. In 2021, the Company, based on itsown development strategy, steadily scaled up the recruitment of graduateswhile continuing to introduce more college graduates. In 2021, theCompany introduced a total of 18,225 college graduates, including 214overseas students and 190 students from the Tibet Autonomous Region,Qinghai province and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. At the sametime, the Company strictly abides by the Labor Contract Law and otherrelevant laws and regulations, and the relevant requirements of theMinistry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Education,the SASAC, etc., resolutely eliminates all actions of discrimination andvicious competition against ethnicity, region, religion, gender, family, etc.,provides equal employment and promotion opportunities for allemployees, and has established a management mechanism for talents ofmarket-oriented introduction, common development with enterprises, andlegal and compliant exit.

In 2021, the Company continued providing opportunities for stabilizing theemployment and income of migrant workers and promoted theimplementation of measures such as real-name management of migrantworkers, special wage accounts, wage deposits and payroll credit, to seethat their wages are paid on time and in full. Meanwhile, the Companystrictly provided pre-job safety education and training and on-siteoperation skill training to peasant workers, and provided intensive pre-jobtraining for workers involved in special types of work to improve their skills.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

合作共赢Win-win cooperation中国中铁十分重视与国内外各类组织和大型企业的战略合作。公司在人才培养、资金管理、施工生产、材料供应、文化构建、科技创新、战略发展等方面,与各级政府、高校、社会组织、金融机构及其他相关企业等建立了稳固的战略联盟和密切的合作关系,促进了多方优势互补,实现了资源共享与协同发展。2021年,公司充分利用在资金、技术、管理及人才等方面的优势,与新疆维吾尔自治区、黑龙江省、山东省、河南省、湖北省、四川省、广东省、云南省、天津市、重庆市、国铁集团、中国电信、中国移动、中国有色、中智集团、中国宝武、中国大唐、南水北调集团等地方政府、企业进行了高层交流,为之后的深入合作奠定了良好基础。

中国中铁与中国信保签署战略合作协议CREC and China Export & Credit Insurance Corporationsigned a strategic cooperation agreement

人力资本管理Human Capital Management


CREC and the People’s Government of Chengdu Municipality signed thestrategic cooperation agreement for the 14th Five-Year Plan period


CREC places considerable value on strategic cooperation with domesticand overseas organizations and large-scale enterprises. The Company hasestablished stable strategic alliances and close cooperative relationshipswith governments at all levels, colleges and universities, socialorganizations, financial institutions and relevant enterprises in talenttraining, fund management, construction and production, material supply,culture construction, technological innovation and strategic development,and promoted all-round complementary advantages to achieve resourcesharing and collaborative development.In 2021, by making full use of its advantages in capital, technology,management and talent, the Company conducted high-level exchangeswith local governments and enterprises including the Xinjiang UygurAutonomous Region, Heilongjiang Province, Shandong Province, HenanProvince, Hubei Province, Sichuan Province, Guangdong Province, YunnanProvince, Tianjin Municipality, Chongqing Municipality, China State RailwayGroup Co., Ltd., China Telecom, China Mobile, China Nonferrous MetalMining (Group) Co., Ltd. (CNMC), China International Intellectech GroupCo., Ltd., China Baowu Steel Group Corporation Limited, China DatangCorporation Ltd., and China South-to-North Water Diversion CorporationLimited. This laid a good foundation for subsequent in-depth cooperation.

Adhering to the core values of “people orientation, equality and justice,unity and cooperation, openness and tolerance, pursuit of commondevelopment, harmony and win-win situation between the Company andemployees, shareholders and society”, the Company thoroughlyimplements the strategy of strengthening enterprises with talents.Upholding the concept of viewing talents as the first resource, theCompany promotes the synergy of talent and enterprise development.Taking the reform of three systems as the entry point, the Company keepsimproving the market-oriented operation mechanism of talents, revitalizesthe talent resources, and energizes various talent teams.

中国中铁拥有一支数量适中、结构合理的人才队伍CREC has a talent team with adequate members and a reasonable structure

中铁大桥院总工程师高宗余当选中国工程院院士Gao Zongyu (高宗余), chief engineer of China Railway Major Bridge Design Institute, waselected as an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

中国中铁作为9家受邀央企代表之一,参加国家人社部举办的首届人力资源服务业发展大会并进行主旨发言,分享展示了公司人才队伍建设成果。CREC, as one of the nine invited representatives of central enterprises, participated in the first conference on HR service industrydevelopment held by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and delivered a keynote speech at the conference, to shareand demonstrate the achievements of its talent team building.






The structure of the Company’s leadership team is more optimized. In 2021,through adjustment and selection, the proportion of leaders with abachelor’s degree or above reached 99.8%, and that of leaders with seniorand above titles reached 97.3%. The figures show that the echelonconfiguration is more rational and balanced, the experience in performingduties is richer, and the age structure is more scientific.Major breakthroughs have been made in the construction of theCompany’s high-level expert team. In 2021, among our employees, onewas selected as the academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,two were masters of engineering survey and design, one was included onthe list of “National Hundred, Thousand and Ten Thousand Talent Project”,one was recognized as one of the “National Young and Middle-agedExperts with Outstanding Contributions”, and 24 were entitled to thespecial allowances of the State Council.The Company has made remarkable achievements in the training of highlyskilled personnel. In 2021, one employee won the Grand Skill Award ofChina and nine employees won the National Technical Expert award. Thenumber of winners of both awards is the highest in the industry. Sixhigh-skilled personnel were honored and rewarded with the specialallowances of the State Council.The Company intensifies efforts to introduce the graduates of “DoubleFirst-rate” universities. In light of the business characteristics anddevelopment needs, the Company introduced 3,434 graduates from“Double First-rate” universities in 2021, accounting for 18.6% of the total,up 3.6 percentage points year on year.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

中国中铁2021年员工总数及分类数据The total number of employees and classification data of CREC in 2021截至本报告期末,公司共有在册员工294,013人。As of the end of the reporting period, the Company has 294,013 registered employees.

员工类型Employee type

数量(人)Quantity (person)

比例Ratio to total number of

employees全职员工Full-time employees

294,013100%兼职员工Part-time employees

00%男性员工Male employees

247,53484%女性员工Female employees

46,47916%35岁及以下员工Employees at or under 35 years old

126,22643%35岁至50岁员工Employees between 35 and 50 years old

105,49136%50岁及以上员工Employees aged 50 years old and above

62,29621%境内员工Domestic employees


境外员工Overseas employees


大专及以下学历员工Employees with college education or below

132,14445%本科学历员工Employees with a bachelor’s degree

149,22651%硕士学位员工Employees with a master’s degree employee

12,3414%博士学位员工Employees with a doctorate degree



Employees with senior titles (including: those with professorate senior titles)


Employees with intermediate titles



Employees with assistant titles



Employees with junior titles or below









Employees with national Vocational qualifications




1. Percentage = number of employees of such classification/total number of employees;

2. The figures for certain items may not add up due to rounding.

流失员工类型Types of employees lost

员工流失比率Turnover Rate of employees

流失员工类型Types of employees lost

员工流失比率Turnover Rate of employees


Male employees



Employees at or under 35 years old



Female employees



Employees between 35 and 50 years old



Domestic employees



Employees aged 50 years old and above



Overseas employees




1.In 2021, the employee turnover rate of the Company was 2.67%


2.Turnover Rate = the number of voluntary resignation/concurrent employees


维护员工权益Safeguarding of Staff’s Rights and Interests公司严格遵守《中华人民共和国劳动法》《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》《禁止使用童工规定》《女职工劳动保护特别规定》和运营所在地所在国的其它对公司员工管理有重大影响的法律法规,不断强化契约化管理,制定了《人才引进管理规定》《劳动合同管理指导意见》《员工薪酬管理办法》《员工薪酬及休假管理指导意见》等制度。公司坚决抵制和反对任何形式的雇佣童工和强制劳动行为,在签订劳动合同过程中,严格核查应聘者身份信息,明确禁止雇佣童工,并在合同中详细载列双方的权利义务,强调依法按时支付员工薪酬,保障劳动者休息休假的权利,坚决维护广大员工合法权益。公司制定有《女职工权益保护专项集体合同》,致力于减少和解决女职工在劳动中因生理特点造成的特殊困难,从而保护女职工健康。本报告期内,未发现使用童工及强制劳工的事件。公司各级企业每年都召开一次职工代表大会,持续推进四级职代会规范化建设。2021年,公司召开了三届二次职代会,按程序圆满完成了审议行政工作报告、提案征集处理报告、集体合同履行情况报告,以及民主评议职工董监事、签订集体合同等议程。对职代会征集审定立项的195项提案实现“一案一复”,提案办结率100%。1项提案申报全国优秀职工代表提案。规范基层民主管理,指导23家企业完成了职代会新建和换届工作。推进民主管理制度体系建设,制定了《企业民主管理办法》。加强日常民主管理,引导47家企业召开了职代会,履行了民主程序,落实了职代会职权。公司认真履行“三重一大”决策机制和内控流程中的民主程序,职代会闭会期间召开5次代表团长联席会议,审议通过了职工工资支付保障、股票激励计划、工资总额管理等涉及职工切身利益的办法制度,选举了4名职工监事。


CREC has a Special Rules on the Labor Protection of Female Employees (《女职工劳动保护特别规定》) to Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the female employees

The Company strictly abides by the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China(《中华人民共和国劳动法》), Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic ofChina (《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》), Provisions on the Prohibition of UsingChild Labor (《禁止使用童工规定》), Special Rules on the Labor Protection ofFemale Employees (《女职工劳动保护特别规定》) and other relevant lawsand regulations that have significant impact on the employee management ofthe Company in countries where the Company conduct operations. TheCompany constantly strengthens contractual management and formulatessystems such as Regulations on the Management of Talent Introduction (《人才引进管理规定》), Guidance on Labor Contract Management (《劳动合同管理指导意见》), Employee Salary Management Measures (《员工薪酬管理办法》), and Guidance on Salary and Attendance Management for Employees(《员工薪酬及休假管理指导意见》). The Company resolutely resisted andopposed any form of child labor and forced labor practices. In the process ofsigning labor contracts, the Company strictly verifies the identity information ofcandidates, clearly prohibits the employment of child labor, and sets out indetail the rights and obligations of both parties in the contract, emphasizing thetimely payment of employees’ salaries in accordance with the law, safeguardingemployees’ rights to rest, and firmly safeguarding the legitimate rights andinterests of the employees. The Company has a Special Collective Contract forthe Protection of Rights and Interests of Female Employees, which is dedicatedto reducing and solving the special difficulties of female employees due to theirphysiological characteristics in labor, thereby protecting the health of femaleemployees. During the reporting period, no incidents of child labor and forcedlabor were found.Enterprises at all levels of the Company hold the workers’ congress annually andcontinue to promote the standardized construction of the four-level workers’congress. In 2021, the Company held the 2nd session of the third workers’congress, and in accordance with the procedures, completed the review of theadministrative work report, the proposal solicitation and processing report, thecollective contract performance report, and the democratic evaluation ofemployees, directors and supervisors, and the signing of the collective contract.The Company achieved the “review of proposals one by one” for the 195proposals solicited through the workers’ congress, and the rate ofrepresentative’s satisfaction with the review of proposals is 100%. Applicationwas made for 1 proposal as national outstanding employee representativeproposal. We standardized community-level democratic management, andguided 23 enterprises to complete the establishment and replacement of theirworkers’ congresses. We promoted the development of democraticmanagement systems, and formulated the Measures for DemocraticManagement of Enterprises. We enhanced the daily democratic management,and guided 47 enterprises to convene their workers’ congresses to performdemocratic procedures and implement the power of the workers’ congress.The Company earnestly implemented its “Three Major and One Big”decision-making mechanism and the democratic procedures in the internalcontrol process. When the workers’ congress was not in session, we held fivejoint meetings of leaders of workers’ delegations, deliberated and approvedmeasures and systems concerning the immediate interests of workers, such asguarantee of wage payment, stock incentive plan and management of totalpayroll, and elected four staff supervisors.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


Remuneration and benefits公司按照现代企业制度要求,持续推进市场化薪酬分配机制建设,不断完善科学合理、公平公正、规范有序的薪酬管理制度。注重发挥薪酬分配的激励约束作用,吸引和保留企业核心人才,并保持薪酬水平的规范有序增长。在薪酬制度方面,制定了《关于进一步加强市场化薪酬管理的指导意见》《关于加强关键人才薪酬分配的指导意见》《考核分配监督检查实施细则》等文件,为员工提供岗位


Recruitment and labor contract management

The Company earnestly implemented the requirements of the three-yearaction plan for deepening reform of state-owned enterprises (2020 - 2022),continued to promote the reform of the three systems, improved the market-oriented employment mechanism, and insisted on legal employment andstandardized management, so as to build a harmonious employmentrelationship, and maintain sound human resources reserve for the high-quality development of the Company.In terms of talents recruitment, the Company has formulated Regulations onthe Management of Talent Introduction. We adhere to strict and standardizedsystems including recruitment, employment and introduction, improve themarket-based recruitment mechanisms that are open, competitive andmerit-based, guide college graduates to participate in employment througha variety of ways and channels, while introducing high-end talents in linewith the strategic development of the Company. In recruitment of high-endtalents who meet needs but the enterprise is unable to cultivate throughinternal training in short period of time, it is possible to recruit through agreen path of “one policy for one talent” and implement the talentrecruitment policy in a more welcome and flexible manner.In terms of labor contract management, the Company conscientiouslyimplements the Labor Law (《劳动法》) and the Labor Contract Law (《劳动合同法》), and has formulated Guidance on strengthening labor contractmanagement (《加强劳动合同管理的指导意见》). We adhere to theprinciples of compliance with the law, consensus, risk prevention andinnovative development to strengthen contract management, and sign laborcontracts with all employed persons in accordance with the law to clarify therights and obligations in labor protection, labor compensation, insuranceand welfare, professional ethics, etc., as well as criteria and procedures forcontract changes, cancellation, termination and renewal, strictly perform thecontract terms, and continuously strengthen the whole processmanagement of labor contracts.For the overseas entities and projects of the Company, we have formulatedlocalized labor management systems in accordance with the local labor lawsand social security laws to standardize local employee recruitment, contractsigning, social security payment, attendance management, leave system,salary standards, and dismissal process.In terms of staff promotion, the Company has formulated managementregulations on the evaluation and promotion of personnel qualifications invarious series of engineering, accounting and economics, clearly definedpromotion standards and evaluation procedures, and set up a correspondingqualification evaluation organization, which has opened up channels for staffpromotion.

In accordance with the requirements of the modern enterprise system, theCompany continues to develop a market-based mechanism for salary distribution,and constantly improves its scientific, reasonable, fair, impartial and standardizedremuneration management system. It pays attention to the role of incentives andrestraints in remuneration distribution, attracts and retains core talents, andmaintains a regular and orderly increase in remuneration. In terms of theremuneration system, the Company has formulated the Guidelines on FurtherStrengthening Market-oriented Salary Management (《关于进一步加强市场化薪酬管理的指导意见》) , the Guidelines on Strengthening Salary Distribution ofKey Talents (《关于加强关键人才薪酬分配的指导意见》) , Rules for theImplementation of Supervision and Inspection of Assessment Distribution (《考核分配监督检查实施细则》) and other documents, provided employees with post

中国中铁为员工提供的定制化保险服务CREC provides customized insurance services for employees

中铁置业为员工提供“小学堂”职工子女托管班服务China Railway Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. provides employees with“Xiaoxuetang (小学堂)” after-school care services for the childrenof employees


wages, performance pay and allowances, clarified the basis for employeeprobationary period assessment, annual assessment, salary transfer andpromotion, year-end performance, and established a mechanism forsynchronous growth of employee salary and corporate efficiency. In 2021, theCompany further improved the mid and long-term incentive system, issued theMeasures for Mid and Long-term Incentive Management (《中长期激励管理办法》), the Provisions on Equity Incentive Management of Listed Companies (《上市公司股权激励管理规定》), the Provisions on Excess Profit SharingManagement (《超额利润分享管理规定》) and the Provisions on TheImplementation of Co-Investment Management (《实施跟投管理规定》) andother relevant rules, optimized the long-term incentive mechanism withallocation based on “technology, knowledge, management” and other factors ofproduction, and built a comprehensive mid and long-term incentive systemcovering the employee stock ownership and technology enterprise equity anddividend management system to enrich the remuneration allocation methods.The Company earnestly protects employees’ legitimate social securityrights and urges member companies to promptly pay basic endowmentinsurance, basic medical insurance, work injury insurance, unemploymentinsurance and maternity insurance. We have established a lifelong seriousillness insurance system for employees, and implemented groupsupplementary medical insurance for long-term serious diseasesthroughout the Company, so as to provide full life cycle health insurancefor employees to the maximum extent.According to the requirements of State and SASAC policies the Companyhas established a mechanism where the level of annuity payment is linkedto the quality of enterprise operation and where dynamic adjustments arepermitted. The mechanism enables the reasonable determination ofpayment level and gives play to the role of annuity protection andincentives. We have standardized the allocation of annuity contributionsamong enterprises, strengthened the operation and management ofannuity investment, and enhanced the performance evaluation of annuityfund investors and managers. We have strengthened daily management,supervised affiliated enterprises to improve annuity coverage, andenhanced investment risk prevention and control, in order to protect therights and interests of employees.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


关爱员工身心健康Caring for employees’ physical and psychological health

中国中铁在项目部广泛建立了“心灵驿站”CREC has established “spiritual stations (心灵驿站)” in the project department

中铁大桥局为项目员工提供“关爱工友健康体检”China Railway Major Bridge Design Institute provides “Health Checkup to Show Love forWorkers (关爱工友健康体检)” for employees under projects

By strictly implementing the Law of the People’s Republic of China on thePrevention and Treatment of Occupational Diseases (《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》), the Company improves labor safety and health conditions,and implements labor protection as well as special protection foremployees engaging in special types of work and female employees. TheCompany continues to do well in occupational health and environmentalprotection; researches, introduces, and uses green and low-carbonrecycling production technologies and processes; implements dust andpoison control in the workplace according to national labor and healthstandards, particularly strengthening the prevention and control of dusthazards in tunnels, underground projects, and industrial manufacturingsites; resolutely puts an end to pneumoconiosis among front-line workers;and pushes forward green development.The Company ensures that all employees undergo at least one physicalexamination a year while continuing to improve examination standardsand quality. The Company promotes the application of big datatechnologies in the analysis and evaluation of the physical examinations,and implements effective prevention of group and universal problems. TheCompany formulated the Implementation Rules of the Special Fund forTargeted Poverty Relief for Workers with Serious Illnesses, furtherexpanding the scope of assistance to those in need. During the year, 389families in need were assisted, relief fund of RMB 2.401 million wasprovided, and RMB 1.446 million was granted for 45 seriously ill workers.Through support by other companies and voluntary self-selection byemployees, the Company provided 14,054 employees and their familieswith RMB1.476 billion insurance for major diseases, accidents, theCOVID-19 and travel, and helped 3 employees apply for claims of RMB2.55million, which effectively strengthened employees’ ability to resist majordiseases and accidents.

2021年夏,郑州、山西发生汛情后,公司部分工程项目部遭受了洪涝灾害,职工生产生活和财产造成了较大损失。公司工会先后为受灾项目下拨专项救灾慰问款400万元,保障了受灾地区职工的正常生产生活。In the summer of 2021, some of the Company’s engineering project departments suffered floods in Zhengzhou City and Shanxi Province,and employees bore losses in the production, living and properties consequently. The Company’s labor union promptly allocated specialrelief funds for the disaster-hit projects, totaling RMB4 million, to guarantee the production and life for the employees in the affected areas.



Work-life balance guarantee



The Company popularizes the implementation of the employee health careplan, strengthens the construction of the team of internal specialists,guides qualified project departments to actively build employees’ mentalstations, and sets up exclusive spaces and facilities such as psychologicalconsultation rooms, relaxation rooms, gyms, and physical examinationinstruments. By relying on psychological consultation, employee assistanceprogram (EAP) and health management technologies, the Companyprovides counseling assistance to employees in terms of psychologicalhealth, career development, interpersonal relationship, marriage andfamily, stress management, and disaster response, to effectively boost thephysical and psychological health of employees. We organized the fifthtraining course on improving the supervision of health commissioners andthe basic online training course on psychological counselors. To give fullplay to the internal and external EAP teams, we offered the 24-hour onlinepsychological counseling services and psychological counseling hotline, inorder to provide “three-level psychological protection” for employeesaround the clock.

The Company strictly abides by related national labor laws and regulations,and earnestly implements the Regulation on Paid Annual Leave for Employees( 《职工带薪年休假条例》) and various other vacation regulations. Pursuant tothese laws and regulations, employees are entitled to the annual leave, sickleave, marriage leave, funeral leave and other rights. With regard to productionand operation, particularly the actual situation of front-line projectdepartments, the Company makes an overall plan for employees’ rest andvacation by adopting flexible and diverse forms and measures, such as havingholidays by turns, having holidays for working an extra shift, leaving home tovisit the workers, granting subsidies, and extending vacation time on majorfestivals. The Company also implements the system of notifying the number ofvacation days and performing the annual settlement. The Companyimplements the guidelines for vacation management of overseas employeesto protect their vacation rights. The Company implements the relevantrequirements of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on theimplementation of the special working hour system, strengthens themanagement of working hours according to laws and regulations, withpracticing 8-hour standard working hour system mostly, and applies forimplementing a special working hour system for posts satisfying theprescribed conditions, to earnestly safeguard the rights and interests ofemployees.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


In 2021, the Company held the “Forever Trailblazer” staff performance; and organized employees to participate in the 14th NationalRailway Games, who won the champion of men’s doubles badminton, the champion and runner-up of women’s singles table tennis, thechampion of basketball and the third place of tennis. 12 entities of the Company were granted the title of national railway sportsadvanced units, 18 employees were awarded the title of national railway sports advanced individuals.




China Railway Electrification Engineering Group Co., Ltd. organized thechildren of employees of Beijing Subway Line 16 Project to visit theirrelatives at the construction site during holidays

中铁三局五公司为员工举办集体婚礼The Fifth Company of China Railway No.3 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. held a group weddingfor its employees

The Company strengthens the “three-site” construction of “site culture, sitelife, and site hygiene”, carries out the activity of creating “a happy familythrough 10 key projects”, and puts the funds for creating “a happy family” intouse. The Company works to improve the working environment and livingstandards of front-line employees from various aspects including beautifyingthe working environment, building a platform for making achievements,enriching the cultural life of the construction site, caring for the physical andpsychological health of employees, safeguarding the legitimate rights andinterests of employees, and building a spiritual home for employees. TheCompany has established seven major interest associations for employees,including literature, calligraphy, photography, comics, bridge, table tennis,and new media.

保障员工健康与安全Employee Health and Safety Protection中国中铁作为工程施工类企业,保证安全生产、降低工伤事故是公司最为关注的领域之一,我们认为在生产运营中严格遵守法律法规对公司可持续发展至关重要。一直以来,公司严格遵守《中华人民共和国安全生产法》《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》《中华人民共和国消防法》《工伤保险条例》等相关法律法规,以及运营所在地、所在国的其它对公司员工健康与安全有重大影响的法律法规,不断在此领域强化管理,努力为员工提供健康安全的工作环境,减少工伤事故,保护劳动者的合法权益。2021年,公司坚持生命至上、安全第一,树牢安全发展理念,强化红线意识和底线思维,始终把员工的生命安全和身体健康放在第一位,继续推动“管”“监”系统责任落实,策划实施安全生产专项整治三年行动,部署新时期安全生产“2468”管理要点,持续强化安全生产管控,全面加强和规范安全生产教育培训,严格落实安全生产述职机制,促进自控体系有效运行。新冠肺炎疫情爆发后,公司遵照政府工作要求,迅速作出总体安排,逐级成立疫情工作领导小组,多次召开会议专题研究部署境内外疫情防控、复工复产工作,全公司在较短时间内就形成疫情防控、复工复产两兼顾的良好局面。2021年,全公司无新冠肺炎疫情死亡病例,无复工复产引起的疫情输入和聚集性传染事件。公司分布在90个国家和地区的600余个机构和项目、近六千余名中方员工,无一例因疫病亡。

Production safety and reduction of industrial accidents are one of the majorconcerns of CREC that engages in engineering construction. We consider thatstrictly abiding by the laws and regulations during production and operation isutterly important for the Company’s sustainable development. All along, theCompany strictly abides by the relevant laws and regulations, such as theProduction Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国安全生产法》), the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention andTreatment of Occupational Diseases (《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》), theFire Control Law of the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国消防法》)and the Regulation on Work-Related Injury Insurances (《工伤保险条例》) aswell as other laws and regulations that have a material effect on employees’health and safety in the regions and countries where the Company carries outoperations, and continues to intensify management in this area, striving toprovide employees with a healthy and safe working environment, reduce work-related accidents and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the workers.In 2021, CREC adhered to the policy of supremacy of life and safety first.Bearing in mind the safe development philosophy, the Company strengthenedred line awareness and bottom-line thinking. Giving top priority to the lifesafety and physical health of employees, the Company continued to promotethe fulfillment of “management” and “supervision” responsibilities. TheCompany planned to launch a three-year plan for making special rectificationsrelating to safe production, and specified the”2468” management key pointsfor safe production in the new era. At the same time, the Company continuedto strengthen management and control of safe production, comprehensivelystrengthened and standardized safe production education and training, put inplace the mechanism of safe production reporting, and promoted the effectiveoperation of the automatic control system.After the outbreak of the COVID-19, the Company quickly made overallarrangements as required by the government, and established leading groupsresponsible for the pandemic-related work level by level. The Company also heldseveral meetings to carry out a topic research on the pandemic and made plansfor domestic and foreign pandemic prevention and control as well as work andproduction resumption. In a short time, the Company found a compromisebetween pandemic prevention and control and work and productionresumption. In 2021, there were no deaths from the COVID-19 in the Company,no pandemic inputs from work and production resumption, or infections frompublic gatherings. None of the approximately 6,000 Chinese employees involvedin more than 600 institutions and projects of CREC in 90 countries and regionsdied from the pandemic.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

安全生产Safe production公司始终将“保持安全生产的稳定局面,为社会提供安全优质的建筑产品,为公众提供安全愉悦的周边环境,为员工创造安全健康的工作条件”,作为履行社会责任的重要方面。我们从落实安全责任、完善安全管理体系、强化安全施工管理、加强安全设备保障、开展安全教育培训五个方面,全方位强化安全生产,保障员工工作安全。公司制定了项目“零事故、零伤害”和企业本质安全的长远目标,认真落实《安全生产管理“十四五”规划》,制定了《2021年安全生产、工程质量、环境保护和职业健康监督管理工作要点》,明确了全年工作思路和工作目标,并认真落实。公司施行的安全生产管理情况与高管薪酬挂钩措施,是国务院国资委对公司年度业绩考核和公司主要负责人任期考核的重要内容。在承包商安全生产管理方面,公司对劳务(专业)承包商实施负面清单管理。公司在评标过程中,对投标方的安全生产管理能力进行明确评估。

中铁七局三公司玉楚高速项目部姜春平安全护卫队在隧道掌子面检查安全The security guard under the leadership of Jiang Chunping in the YuchuExpressway Project Department of the Third Company of China RailwayNo.7 Engineering Group Co., Ltd., checked the safety of the tunnel face

中铁五局银西铁路二分部开展安全检查Yinxi Railway Second Branch (银西铁路二分部) of China Railway No.5 Engineering Group Co.,Ltd. carried out safety inspection

CREC always regards “to maintain the stable condition of safe production,to provide the society with safe and good-quality architectural products,to provide the public with a pleasant environment, and to create safe andhealth working conditions for the staff” as an important aspect of itssocial responsibility. We strengthen safe production and ensure the safetyof employees in the following five aspects: implementing safetyresponsibility, improving safety management system, strengtheningsafety construction management, strengthening safety equipmentprotection and carrying out safety education and training.The Company has set the long-term goals of “zero accident and zeroinjury” for projects and essential safety for itself, and has conscientiouslyimplemented the “14th Five-Year Plan” for Management of SafeProduction (《安全生产管理“十四五”规划》), and formulated the SafeProduction, Engineering Quality, Environmental Protection andOccupational Health Supervision Management Essentials in 2021 (《2021年安全生产、工程质量、环境保护和职业健康监督管理工作要点》). TheCompany defined and conscientiously implemented the work ideas andobjectives for the whole year. The Company’s safe productionmanagement is linked to the remuneration of senior management, whichis an important part of the SASAC’s appraisal of the Company’s annualperformance as well as the evaluation of term of office of the Company’smajor responsible persons. In terms of contractor safety management, theCompany implemented negative list management for labor (professional)contractors. In bid evaluation, the Company evaluated the capabilities ofbidders of managing safe production.

落实安全责任Implementing safety responsibility公司设有安全生产(质量)委员会,统筹负责公司安全生产各项工作。委员会设主任2名,由公司党委书记、董事长和总裁担任;设副主任1名,由分管安全质量的副总裁担任;委员若干名,包含公司领导班子其他成员和高管、安全生产总监(高管)、高级专家、总部相关部门负责人。从公司总部到项目部,各级组织都设有安全生产总监和安全生产监督部门。为进一步强化主体责任落实,完善管理体系,夯实管理基础,先后出台了《进一步落实安全生产“管”“监”责任暨构建风险和隐患双重预防长效机制的通知》,印发了《安全生产专项整治三年行动计划实施方案》《新时期安全生产“2468”管理要点》,配套编制了“2468”管理要点100题问答手册和宣传海报;发布了《总部安全生产责任制》《关于进一步明确企业主要负责人安全生产责任的通知》《关于进一步明确项目经理安全质量责任的通知》《因质量安全、环境保护与职业健康事件被限制市场准入责任追究办法》等规范性文件;修订了《防范惯性事故强化技术及管理交底刚性要求》《安全质量、生态环境事故(事件)应急预案》;印发了年度工作要点、起重吊装专项整治、重点时段安全检查、“安全月”“质量月”、50作业岗位员工安全卡控等40余份业务管理文件和作业指导手册。公司不断加强安全生产体系建设,加大安全生产投入和管控力度,采取了设立“片区安全生产稽查队”等一系列强化安全生产工作的管控措施,实现了营业收入大幅增长、百亿元营业额死亡人数大幅下降。

The Company has a safe production (quality) committee, which isresponsible for all aspects of the Company’s safe production. Thecommittee has 2 directors who are the Company’s Party Secretary andchairman, and the president; 1 deputy director who is the vice president incharge of safety and quality; several members who are the members of theCompany’s leadership team and senior management, safe productiondirectors (senior executives), senior experts, and head of relevantdepartments at headquarters. From the Company’s headquarters to theproject department, organizations at all levels have safety productiondirectors and production safety supervision departments.In order to further strengthen the fulfillment of main responsibilities,perfect the management system, and consolidate the managementfoundation, the Company has published the notice of Further Fulfilling the“Management” and “Supervision” Responsibilities of Safe Production andEstablishing a Long-term Mechanism for Double Prevention of Risks andHidden Dangers (《进一步落实安全生产“管”“监”责任暨构建风险和隐患双重预防长效机制》); issued the Implementation Plan of the Three-YearAction Plan for the Special Rectification of Safe Production (《安全生产专项整治三年行动计划实施方案》) and CREC’s “2468” ManagementKeypoints for Safe Production in the New Era (《中国中铁新时期安全生产“2468”管理要点》), and prepared the 100-question carritch andpromotional posters for the 2468 management key points as supportingmeasures; issued normative documents including the Safe ProductionResponsibility System for CREC Headquarters ( 《中国中铁总部安全生产责任制》), the Notice on Further Clarifying the Safe ProductionResponsibilities of the Main Persons in Charge of Enterprises (《关于进一步明确企业主要负责人安全生产责任的通知》), the Notice on FurtherClarifying the Safety and Quality Responsibilities of Project Managers ( 《关于进一步明确项目经理安全质量责任的通知》), and the Measures forAccountability for Restricted Market Access of CREC due to Quality Safety,Environmental Protection and Occupational Health Incidents ( 《中国中铁因质量安全、环境保护与职业健康事件被限制市场准入责任追究办法》); revised the Rigid Requirements for CREC Preventing InertialAccidents and Strengthening Technology and Management Disclosures(《中国中铁防范惯性事故强化技术及管理交底刚性要求》) and theEmergency Plan for Safety Quality, Ecological and Environmental Incidents(Events) ( 《安全质量、生态环境事故(事件)应急预案》); and issuedmore than 40 business management documents and operation instructionmanuals covering annual work points, special rectification of hoisting,safety inspections at key periods, “safety months”, “quality months”, andcontrol of safety of employees taking up 50 posts. The Companycontinuously strengthened the construction of production safety system,enhanced the investment and control of production safety, and adopted aseries of control measures to strengthen production safety, such as settingup “regional production safety inspection team”, thus achieving significantdecline of deaths per ten billion turnover while ensuring substantialincrease in operating income.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


Improving safety management system为提升企业安全工作保障能力,公司提出了新时期落实企业主体责任的“2468”管理要点,即落实“两个”责任、推进“四化”建设、健全“六大”体系、强化“八个”到位,科学阐述建筑企业安全管理的多层面、多领域、全要素管理内容、要求和作用。


In 2021, the Company strictly enforced the requirement of the Notice onEstablishing a Mechanism of Safe Production Reporting (《关于建立安全生产述职机制的通知》), improved the Company’s safe productionassessment and evaluation system, and urged the persons chiefly in chargeof safe production and other persons in charge of safe production to fulfilltheir duties with due diligence. At the same time, the Companyimplemented a three-year “implementation year” activity, to fulfill safeproduction responsibilities. The Company further promoted the fulfillmentof “management” and “supervision” responsibilities of safe production andcontinuously improved the intrinsic safety guarantee capabilities for itselfand projects by carrying out five theme activities. These theme activitiesincluded the major publicity and training of the “management” and“supervision” responsibilities of safe production, the special inspection ofthe fulfillment of “management” and “supervision” responsibilities of safeproduction, special action to strengthen the foundation of safe productionmanagement, special action to prevent and control inertial productionsafety accidents, and action to enhance intrinsic safety guaranteecapabilities.In 2021, in spite of the pandemic, the Company continued to organize andcarry out 7 inspections including centralized rectification of safeproduction, special rectification, major inspection of flood control and safeproduction, and safety and quality inspection at the end of the year. Theinspections involved 129 projects undertaken by 30 secondary companies.The inspection and rectification materials were archived.In 2019 and 2020, the Company has no major production safety liabilityaccidents resulting in death and loss of working days for work-relatedinjuries. In 2021, one major production safety liability accident occurred inthe Company, resulting in 14 deaths and 169 working days lost for work-related injuries in the year, the number of deaths from major productionliability safety accidents per RMB10 billion of operating revenue was 0.18.

In order to improve the capability of ensuring safe production, theCompany put forward “2468” management key points for implementing itsmain responsibilities in the new era, namely fulfilling the “two”responsibilities, advancing the “four modernizations”, improving the “sixmajor” systems, and strengthening the “eight” implementations. Themanagement key points scientifically elaborate the multi-level, multi-fieldand total-factor management content, requirements and functions ofsafety management of construction enterprises.

公司深入贯彻《中共中央 国务院关于推进安全生产领域改革发展的意见》,认真落实GB/T28001标准,把生产要素系统(组织指挥、技术保障、资源配置)的常态管控作为安全生产的基础,采取有效措施,加强安全生产的源头管控和预防预控。同时,公司运用顶层设计、制度建立、监督检查等手段对安全生产情况进行纠偏,建立起层层预防、纠偏补充的多重保障体系,真正形成安全生产的长效机制,提高企业和项目本质安全保障能力。2021年,公司发布了《铁腕治安全硬十条》,以“铁腕治安全”的主基调,从主体责任落实、现场网格化管理、“六不施工”、设计和施工方案执行落实、分包管控、跟班作业、施工验收和过程检查、严格强制标准和红线、施工过程责任追究等十个方面提出了“硬要求”。公司各施工成员企业均成立了稽查总队和片区稽查队,建立了监督情况定期报告制度,及时消除现场安全质量环保各项隐患。2021年,公司全面强化安全生产风险分级管控,针对安全风险辨识评估清单,明确各层级安全风险管控等级、范围、重点和责任人,明确落实每一处重大安全风险和重大危险源的安全管理与监管责任,严格落实风险控制方案和措施,强化风险管控技术、制度的刚性落实与执行。公司在重要时间节点,采用作业条件危险性评价法(LEC)、专家调查法、是非判断法、安全检查表分析等方法,开展全方位、全流程的风险辨识评估,并通过安全教育培训、技术交底、更新公示等方式将风险源和管控措施告知从业人员。把风险辨识评估、分级、管控等内容作为项目安全策划的重要组成部分。在应急管理方面,公司制定了《安全质量、生态环境及灾害事故(事件)应急预案》,采用桌面演练、功能演练和全面演练三种方式进行应急演练。2021年6月“安全生产月”期间,公司广泛组织开展了应急演练活动。

The Company thoroughly implements the Opinions of the CPC Central Committeeand the State Council on Advancing the Reform and Development of the WorkSafety Field (《中共中央 国务院关于推进安全生产领域改革发展的意见》),and earnestly implements the GB/T28001 standard. By taking the normal controlof the production factor system (organizational command, technical support, andresource allocation) as the basis for safe production, the Company adopts effectivemeasures to strengthen the safe production at the source. At the same time, theCompany rectifies production safety by adopting top-level design, systemestablishment, supervision and inspection and other measures, establishes amulti-level protection system of prevention, rectification and supplementation,and truly forms a long-term mechanism for safe production, to enhance intrinsicsafety guarantee capabilities for itself and projects.In 2021, the Company issued the Ten Mandatory Rules for Ensuring Safetywith Iron Hand. With the keynote of “ensuring safety with iron hand”, thepaper puts forward “mandatory requirements” from ten aspects, such asthe implementation of principal responsibility, on-site grid management,“six no construction”, the implementation of design and constructionscheme, subcontracting control, following work, construction acceptanceand process inspection, strict and compulsory standard compliance andred line management, and responsibility investigation in the constructionprocess. Each construction member enterprise of the Company has set upgeneral inspection team and a regional inspection team, and established aregular supervision report system to eliminate all hidden dangersconcerning safety, quality and environmental protection in time.In 2021, the Company strengthened the tiered control of safe productionrisks in an all-round way. Based on the list of identification and evaluationof safety risks, the Company identified the control level, scope, prioritiesand persons in charge of safety risks at each layer, and implemented safetymanagement and supervision responsibilities for every major safety riskand major hazard source. The Company strictly implemented risk controlplans and measures, and strengthened the rigid implementation of riskcontrol technologies and systems.At important time nodes, the Company adopts LEC, expert investigationmethod, right and wrong judgment method, safety check list analysis andother methods to carry out omni-directional and full-process riskidentification and evaluation, and to inform employees of risk sources andcontrol measures by means of safety education and training, technicaldisclosure, update and publicity, etc. The Company regards riskidentification, evaluation, ranking, and control as an important part ofproject safety planning.In terms of emergency management, the Company formulates theEmergency Plan for Safety, Quality, Ecological Environment and DisasterAccidents (Events) (《安全质量、生态环境及灾害事故(事件)应急预案》) and carries out three kinds of emergency drills, namely desktop drills,functional drills, and comprehensive drills. During the “Safe ProductionMonth” in June 2021, the Company extensively organized emergency drills.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

在北京丰台站建设中,公司运用BIM技术提高既有线施工安全系数。基于BIM模型建设,对现场构筑物、既有线路、接触网等位置,大型机械布置和工作范围等进行分析,通过可视化模拟和碰撞检查,评估施工进展中工作空间的可用性和安全性,预估施工现场安全事故发生的概率和程度,提前作出规避或预防方案,有效地提高工作效率,排除安全隐患。In the construction of Beijing Fengtai Station, the Company used the BIM technology to improve the safety factor of existing cableconstruction. Based on BIM construction, analysis of on-site structures, existing lines, contact nets, etc., large-scale mechanical layout andworking range, etc., was conducted. Through visual simulation and collision inspection, the availability and safety of the working spacein the construction were evaluated, the probability and degree of accidents at the construction site were predicated, and evasion orprevention plans were formulated in advance, to effectively improve work efficiency and eliminate potential safety hazards.



Strengthening safe constructionmanagement



Strengthening security equipmentprotection


The Company strengthens the construction technology management,enters into the Safety and Quality Responsibility Letter with theconstruction enterprise, promotes scientific construction, continuouslyoptimizes planning, rationally arranges resource allocation, and resolutelyavoids blindly meeting tight deadlines, to see that no construction iscarried out without complete formalities, clear geological conditions, safetymeasures, well-trained personnel, and the elimination of hidden dangers.During the course of the project, the Company is ready to review theconstruction drawings and the exploration design at any time. In the eventof discrepancies between the actual geology and the design drawings, theCompany shall promptly feed back to the designer and the owner andimplement the change plan in time, to eliminate major safety and qualityrisks.

The Company further strengthens the research and development andpromotion of key technologies and equipment for safe production,promotes the application of informatization, mechanization, intelligenttechnology and equipment in dangerous processes and key aspects, andstrengthens the further integration and promotion of modern informationtechnology and safety production.

中铁大桥局珠机城际金海大桥项目部开展安全生产宣传教育活动Zhuji Intercity Jinhai Bridge Project Department of China Railway Major Bridge Design Institute launched safety production publicity andeducation activities


Carrying out safety education and training


The Company continuously improves the education and training systemfor project safety, continuously promotes the application of safetyeducation training micro-classes, prepares and supplements thecourseware on the prevention of common quality problems, and usesmultimedia safety training toolbox to train field operators to realize thefun, informatization, systematization and standardization as well asdiversification and specialization of training. In 2021, the Companyprovided the third training course on safe production for senior personnel.A total of 128 people participated in the centralized closed training.Domestic authoritative experts and scholars and leaders of nationalministries and commissions were invited to give lectures. During thetraining, Mr. Chen Wenjian, President of the Company, had a discussionwith the trainees and put forward the requirements of safe work for thecadres. In 2021, the Company also held three training classes involvingvarious topics such as shield management and operator safety, continuingeducation for registered safety engineers, and renewal of the assessmentperiod of “three types of personnel”. More than 1,600 full-time employeesreceived the training courses. By combining online and offline training,enterprises at all levels of the Company have trained more than 365,000main and responsible leaders, project managers, full-time safety andquality personnel and operation personnel, continuously improving thesafety quality of full-time teams and employees.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


Occupational health公司严格遵循《中华人民共和国安全生产法》《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》等法律法规。2021年,公司按照《关于进一步加强职业健康工作的通知》,认真开展建设项目职业病危害预评价、全员职业健康教育培训、职业危害因素告知、完善健康体检档案、配备合格劳动保护用品、加强过程监督检查等工作。公司加强职业病危害申报、监测、告知和警示工作,按照国家“职业病危害因素分类目录(2015年)”所列职业病的危害因素进行识别,及时、如实向项目所在地或公司注册地卫生行政主管部门主动申报并接受监督。公司坚持每年对职业病危害因素进行检测,每三年进行一次职业病危害评价。2021年,公司未发生职业病事件。承包商劳工管理Labor management of contractors公司把承包商的劳工管理作为准入条件,并作为评价要素纳入对承包商的日常评价和年度评价。公司与承包商签订的合同明确了劳务安全与劳工权益等条款,要求劳务承包商依照公司要求,落实安全生产与职业健康保障措施,为劳工提供安全就业环境和生产条件。公司为劳工提供工伤保险和意外伤害保险,定期对劳工开展安全卫生教育,最大限度地减少安全事故与职业危害。公司下发《加强境外安全生产管理工作的通知》,要求把包括承包商员工在内的境外全体员工的安全放在首位,把境外企业统一纳入企业安全生产管理体系,并结合项目所在国有关规定设置安全生产专职机构,配置安全生产监管人员。公司提出了制定境外安全生产发展规划、加强境外项目安全生产管控、强化安全生产标准化管理、运用安全信息化技术、保障安全投入、加强安全培训、开展风险管控和隐患排查、提升应急处置能力、依规应对安全事故等9项加强境外安全生产的举措。

The Company strictly abides by laws and regulations such as theProduction Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国安全生产法》) and the Law of the People’s Republic of China on thePrevention and Treatment of Occupational Diseases (《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》). In 2021, based on the Notice on Further StrengtheningOccupational Health (《关于进一步加强职业健康工作的通知》), theCompany conscientiously carried out the pre-assessment of occupationaldisease hazards for all construction projects, occupational health educationand training for all employees, notification of occupational hazard factors,improvement of health examination files, provision of qualified laborprotection supplies and strengthening of process supervision andinspection.The Company strengthens the declaration, monitoring, notification andwarning of occupational disease hazards, identifies them according to theCatalogue of Categorized Occupational Disease Hazard Factors (2015),promptly and truthfully reports to the competent public health authorityat the location of projects or the Company’s registration and accepts thesupervision. The Company insists on the detection of occupational diseasehazards every year and the evaluation of occupational hazards every threeyears. In 2021, there were no occupational disease incidents in theCompany.

The Company regards the labor management of contractors as an entrycondition and includes it as an evaluation element in the daily evaluationand annual evaluation of contractors. The contract entered into betweenthe Company and contractors clarify the labor safety and labor rights andother provisions, requiring the labor contractors to implement measuresof safety production and occupational health protection as required bythe Company, to provide laborers with a safe employment environmentand production conditions. The Company provides workers with workinjury insurance and accident insurance, and regularly conducts safety andhealth education for workers to minimize safety accidents and occupationalhazards.The Company issued the Notice on Strengthening Management of OverseasSafety Production (《加强境外安全生产管理工作的通知》), whichrequires that the safety of all overseas employees, including contractoremployees, be given the highest priority, and that overseas enterprisesbe integrated into the enterprise’s safe production management system ,a production safety special institution be set up, and personnel in chargeof safe production supervision be assigned according to the relevantregulations of the countries where projects are located. The Company hasput forward 9 measures to strengthen overseas safe production, such asformulating overseas production safety development plans, strengtheningproduction safety management and control of overseas projects,strengthening production safety standardization management, applyingsafety information technology, ensuring safety operation, strengtheningsafety training, carrying out risk control and hidden danger investigation,improving emergency handling capacity, and dealing with safety accidentsin accordance with regulations.

关注员工成长与发展Focusing on the Growth and Development of Employees


China Railway No.8 Engineering Group Co. launched a reading activitycaring for employees during the “May 1st” International Labor Day

中铁五局机械化公司青年书屋The Bookstore for the Youth of Mechanization Company (机械化公司) of China Railway No.5Engineering Group Co., Ltd.

The Company vigorously implements the strategy of “strengthening theenterprise with talents”, regards human resources as its first resource,and strives to give priority to the development of human resources, theadjustment of the talent structure, the guarantee of talent input, andthe innovation of the talent system. The Company also actively builds aclassification assessment system based on morality, performance andcontribution to further standardize employee promotion procedures suchas motions, recommendations, inspections and decisions. The Companyprovides systematic support for employees’ career growth and developmentfrom three aspects: organizing employee training, appraisal and selectionbased on vocational skills, and encouraging qualification certification.

公司大力实施“人才强企”战略,把人才资源视为企业的第一资源,努力做到人才资源优先开发、人才结构优先调整、人才投入优先保证、人才制度优先创新,积极构建以品德、业绩和贡献为主的分类考核评价体系。进一步规范了动议、推荐、考察、决定等员工晋升程序。公司从组织员工培训、职业技能评选、鼓励资格认证三个方面为员工的职业成长与发展提供系统地支持。组织员工培训Organizing employee training2021年,公司持续加强实施“大规模培训员工、大幅度提高素质”工程,持续优化完善培训制度体系,统筹分类抓好各层级干部教育培训,强化关键人才培训,确保培训与企业发展和人才培养保持高度一致,加快提升员工队伍素质,促进企业高质量发展。期间,公司及所属企业通过线下、在线等多种培训方式,进一步促进员工队伍能力素质提升。2021年,公司累计培训各类人员49万余人次,培训员工占员工总数的84%。其中,男员工培训20.4万人,占比83%,女员工培训3.9万人,占比82%;高级管理层培训709人,占比100%;中层管理人员培训9,079人,占比100%。员工平均受培训72课时,男性及女性员工平均受培训均约72课时;高级管理层平均受培训96课时,中层管理平均受培训90课时。

In 2021, the Company continued to strengthen the implementation of theproject of “training employees on a large scale and greatly improvingquality”, continued to optimize and improve the training system,coordinate the education and training of officials at all levels, andstrengthen the training of key personnel, in order to ensure that training ishighly consistent with enterprise development and talent cultivation,accelerate the improvement of staff quality, and promote high-qualitydevelopment of the Company. During this period, the Company and itsaffiliated enterprises further improved the ability and quality of the employeesthrough offline training, online training and other training methods.In 2021, the Company trained more than 490,000 personnel, accounting for84% of the total number of employees. Among them, 204,000 were male,accounting for 83%, and 39,000 were female, accounting for 82%; 709 weresenior management personnel, accounting for 100%; 9,079 were middlemanagement personnel, accounting for 100%. The employees received anaverage of 72 hours of training, for male and female both. Seniormanagement personnel received an average of 96 hours of training, whilemiddle management personnel received an average of 90 hours.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

中国中铁举办第四届职业技能竞赛暨第二十届青年职业技能竞赛测量员项目大赛CREC held the 4th Vocational Skills Competition and the Surveyor ProjectsCompetition of the 20th Youth Vocational Skills Competition (第四届职业技能竞赛暨第二十届青年职业技能竞赛测量员项目大赛)

中国中铁举办第四届职业技能竞赛暨第二十届青年职业技能竞赛试验员大赛CREC held the 4th Vocational Skills Competition and the Tester Competition of the 20thYouth Vocational Skills Competition (第四届职业技能竞赛暨第二十届青年职业技能竞赛试验员大赛)


Appraising and selecting vocational skills



Encouraging qualification certification


The Company has improved the professional title evaluation system,focusing more on the performance, ability and actual contribution. In2021, 436 professorate senior engineers and 3,774 senior engineers;54 professorate senior accountants and 231 senior accountants; 60professorate senior economists and 109 senior economists; and 328 seniorpolitical engineers passed the evaluation.In 2021, the Company held two national second-class engineering surveyand test competitions, and led its affiliated enterprises to carry out morethan 850 skills upgrading activities such as skills training, post training,technical contests and skill contests, attracting more than 16,000 personsto participate. These competitions and events aroused the enthusiasmof employees to learn technology, improve their skills and makecontributions, and improved the overall quality of the team of technicaland skilled personnel.In 2021, the Company selected and recommended 1 candidate for the GrandSkill Award of China, and 9 candidates for the National Technical Expert award.Enterprises at all levels actively select and recommend outstanding employeesto provide a promotion pathway for the best employees. These awardsdemonstrate the elegant demeanour of CREC’s excellent skilled personnel andcarry forward the labor spirit and craftsman spirit of the employees.

The Company encourages employees to apply for related qualificationcertification. The Company sets up promotion review committees forpersonnel taking up professional and technical posts in engineering,accounting, economics and political work, etc., and evaluates qualificationsof the personnel applying for the above professional and technical postsin accordance with the Company’s relevant regulations. In 2021, 4,994employees passed the evaluation of senior professional titles of theCompany.The Company attaches great importance to the technical talents teambuilding. Following the five-sphere management thinking of “improvingquality, expanding channels, increasing remuneration, strengtheningmanagement, and establishing image”, the Company strives to build ateam that is appropriate in scale and reasonably structured and that boastshigh-quality skilled personnel with exquisite craftsmanship. In 2021, theCompany appraised 5 craftsman technicians, 104 special technicians, 517senior technicians, and 1,366 technicians. The number of highly skilledpersonnel is on the rise and their quality is steadily improving.

产品责任Product Responsibility公司秉承“不断增强企业核心优势,发挥龙头企业示范带动作用,做中国建筑行业的领跑者;走全球发展道路,提升企业国际影响力,建设具有全球竞争力的世界一流综合性建筑产业集团”的愿景,已发展成为集勘察设计、施工安装、房地产开发、工业制造、科研咨询、工程监理、资本经营、金融信托、资源开发和外经外贸于一体的多功能、特大型企业集团。公司致力于奉献精品工程、精良产品和精益服务,目前工程项目遍布中国除台湾省以外的各省市自治区以及全球90多个国家和地区。


Product quality assurance公司秉承“百年大计,质量第一”的方针,按照“政府监督、社会监理、企业自控、用户评价”的工程质量监督管理模式,建立健全工程质量保证体系与组织体系。在质量管理方面,公司认真贯彻实施ISO9000体系标准和《质量管理体系文件》《质量程序文件》《工程质量监督管理办法》等文件办法,不断强化施工过程卡控,加强施工过程中的自检、互检和交接检验工作,以确保施工工程质量管理始终处于受控状态,从而使工程质量达到有关规范、标准和合同要求。公司全面开展质量安全通病预防及整治工作。对在建工程施工质量通病进行排查整治,发现问题和隐患迅速按照定人、定期、定岗、定责、定点的“五定”原则整改,重大隐患及时上报,及时处置,坚决将工程质量隐患消灭在开通运营之前。公司持续加强安全质量标准化建设。指导各企业和项目把优秀的管理制度、管理流程、管理模式、管理做法广泛应用到各管理层级,并根据实际情况不断完善、持续改进,充分发挥管理效能。把安全质量管理的各项要求嵌入工程建设各个环节的管理标准、技术标准和作业标准中,把标准细化到每个工种和每道工序,成为施工作业的强制性规范和评价标准,固化作业程序,达到闭环管理。2021年,公司按照《中国中铁杯优质工程评选办法》,以规范优质工程评审工作流程,通过深入开展工程创优活动,从而推动企业和施工现场加强工程质量管理,最终确保工程质量水平的持续改进与提高。公司作为建筑类企业,不存在因安全与健康理由须回收产品的情形。

Adhering to the vision of “continuously strengthening the core advantagesof enterprises, giving play to the leading role of leading enterprises, andbeing a leader in the Chinese construction industry; taking a globaldevelopment path, enhancing the Company’s international influence, andbuilding a world-class comprehensive construction industry group withglobal competitiveness”, has developed into a large-scale enterprise groupintegrating survey and design, construction and installation, real estatedevelopment, industrial manufacturing, scientific research consulting,engineering supervision, capital management, financial trust, resourcedevelopment and foreign trade and other businesses. The Company iscommitted to dedicating high-quality engineering, excellent productsand lean services. The Company’s current engineering projects cover allprovinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China except Taiwanprovince, and more than 90 countries and regions around the world.Following the “hundred-year plan with quality priority” policy and based onthe project quality supervision and management model of “governmentsupervision, social supervision, enterprise self-control and user evaluation”,the Company establishes and improves the project quality assurancesystem and organizational system. In terms of quality management, theCompany conscientiously implements ISO9000 system standards anddocuments and measures such as the Quality Management SystemDocuments (《质量管理体系文件》), Quality Procedure Documents (《质量程序文件》), and Measures for Supervision and Management of ProjectQuality (《工程质量监督管理办法》). The Company constantly strengthensthe control of the construction process, and strengthens the self-inspection,mutual inspection, and handover inspection in the construction process toensure that the quality management of construction projects is alwaysunder control, so that the project quality meets relevant specifications,standards and contract requirements.The Company has comprehensively carried out the prevention andrectification of common quality and safety problems. The common defectsin the construction quality of projects under construction are investigatedand rectified, and the problems and hidden dangers should be quicklyrectified in accordance with the “five fixed” principles of fixed personnel,fixed time, fixed post, fixed responsibility and fixed locations. Major hiddendangers are reported and dealt with in a timely manner, and the hiddendangers of project quality are resolutely eliminated before projects are putinto operation.The Company continues to strengthen the standardization of safety andquality, guides all enterprises and projects to apply excellent managementsystems, management processes, management modes and managementpractices to various management levels, continuously improve andoptimize according to actual conditions, and give full play to managementeffectiveness. The Company incorporates the requirements of safety andquality management into the management standards, technical standardsand operating standards in all aspects of engineering construction, refinesthe standards involving each post and process, form mandatoryspecifications and evaluation standards for construction operations, andsolidify operating procedures to achieve closed-loop management.In 2021, the Company implemented the “Selection Method of CREC’sQuality Project Cup” (《中国中铁杯优质工程评选办法》) to regulate thequality project review process. Through in-depth project excellenceactivities, the Company and the construction site are promoted tostrengthen project quality management, and ultimately ensure continuousimprovement and optimization of project quality. As a constructioncompany, the Company does not have to recall products for safety andhealth reasons.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

中国中铁入选2020~2021年度中国建设工程鲁班奖名单List of the First Batch of Projects in 2020-2021 Winning the China Construction Engineering Luban Prize

双辽至洮南高速公路建设项目 Construction project of Shuangliao to Taonan Highway

成都地铁7号线工程 Chengdu Metro Line 7 project武汉杨泗港长江大桥(鹦鹉堤-八铺街堤)正桥工程Main bridge project of Wuhan Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge (Yingwu Embankment-Bapujie Embankment)

邕江综合整治和开发利用景观及亮化工程(北岸清川大桥至五象大桥段) Project of Comprehensive Rehabilitation, Development and Landscape Utilization and Lighting of Yongjiang (Qingchuan Bridge to Wuxiang Bridge in north bank)

新八达岭隧道及长城站工程 New Badaling Tunnel and Great Wall Station project新建蒙华铁路洛河大桥 Construction of Menghua Railway Luohe Bridge新建南昌至赣州铁路客运专线站房和生产生活用房及配套工程CGFJ-5标Tender CGFJ-5 for construction of Nanchang to Ganzhou railway passenger dedicated line station and production and living rooms and supporting projects

甘肃敦煌机场扩建工程航站区等工程 Construction of terminal area and other projects for expansion of Dunhuang Airport

宁安铁路芜湖站工程 Wuhu Station project of Ning’an Railway川藏公路(西藏境)通麦至105道班段整治改建工程迫龙沟特大桥 Construction of Polonggou bridge for renovation project of Tongmai

to national road 105 section in Sichuan - Tibet Highway (Tibet)云南省牛栏江-滇池补水工程 Yunnan Niulanjiang Dianchi water supply Project

环湖南路古城段景观及道路提升改造工程Landscape and road upgrading project for ancient city section of Huanhu South Road新建南阳东站站房及相关工程 Construction of Nanyang East station house and related projects新建北京至张家口铁路清华园隧道工程 Qinghuayuan tunnel construction project for Beijing - Zhangjiakou Railway

雅康高速泸定大渡河大桥 Luding Dadu River Bridge of Yakang Highway浙江省乐清湾大桥及接线工程 Zhejiang Yueqing Bay Bridge and connection project浙江省台州湾大桥及接线工程 Zhejiang Taizhou Bay Bridge and connection project


世界跨度最大的双层悬索桥、长江上首座双层公路大桥武汉杨泗港长江大桥(鹦鹉堤-八铺街堤)正桥工程Main Bridge Project of Wuhan Yangsigang Yangtze River Bridge (YingwuEmbankment-Bapujie Embankment), the world’s longest double-decksuspension bridge and the first double-deck highway bridge on theYangtze River


The newly built Beijing-Zhangjiakou Railway (including Chongli Railway) project won theNational Gold Award for Quality Engineering

In 2021, the Company won 17 China Construction Engineering LubanPrizes and 54 National Quality Engineering Awards, including 4 GoldAwards. CREG, an affiliated enterprise of the Company, won the highestquality award in China - China Quality Award.

知识产权管理Intellectual property management中国中铁坚持以发展需求为目标,严格遵守《中华人民共和国专利法》和《中华人民共和国商标法》,认真推行和落实《企业知识产权管理规范》国家标准,按照《企业知识产权管理规范》(GB/T29490-2013),全面提高公司知识产权的创造和运营能力,促进知识产权流的通和利用。修订了公司专利管理规定,下发了关于全面提升公司专利质量的文件,完成了工法、专利业务在科技管理信息系统在线办理工作,做到管理全覆盖、无死角。根据工法开发和专利授权情况,加大了省部级工法开发任务指标、专利授权任务指标(增加了发明专利的授权占比),推动量质齐升。注重专利、工法、标准的布局,对自主知识产权的关键技术给予重点支持,构建支撑企业发展和提升企业竞争力的专利储备,推动企业在市场竞争中占据有利地位。2021年,公司工法开发和专利申请计划全面完成。6月,国家知识产权局和世界知识产权组织发布第二十二届中国专利奖授权决定,中国中铁荣获中国专利奖金奖1项、银奖1项、优秀奖7项的历史最好成绩,公司知识产权数量和质量得到了进一步提升。2021年,公司共获得国家科技进步奖6项,技术发明奖1项,获省部级工法835件,授权专利7,170项,其中发明专利1,176项,PCT专利110项。

Taking development needs as the target, the Company strictly abides by thePatent Law of the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国专利法》)and the Trademark Law of the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国商标法》), and earnestly pursues and implements the national standardsof the Specifications for the Administration of Intellectual Property Rights ofEnterprises (《企业知识产权管理规范》). According to the Specificationsfor the Administration of Intellectual Property Rights of Enterprises (《企业知识产权管理规范》) (GB/T29490-2013). The Company comprehensivelyimproves its ability to create and operate intellectual property rights, andpromotes the flow and use of intellectual property rights. The Companyrevises the patent management regulations, issues a notice oncomprehensively improving the quality of CREC’s patents, and completesthe online processing of construction methods and patent businesses in thetechnology management information system. The Company has increasedthe task index of provincial and ministerial industrial method developmentand patent authorization task index (increasing the proportion of inventionpatent authorization) according to the situations of industrial methoddevelopment and patent authorization, promoting the upgrade of bothquantity and quality. The Company attaches importance to the layout ofpatents, construction methods, and standards, with major support on keytechnologies of independent intellectual property rights, and creates apatent reserve that underpins enterprise development and enhancesenterprise competitiveness.In 2021, the Company completed the industrial method development andpatent application plan. In June, the State Intellectual Property Office andthe World Intellectual Property Organization issued the decision of grantingthe 22nd China Patent Award. The Company created a historical best recordof winning one gold prize, one silver prize and seven excellence prizes ofChina Patent Award, further improving the quantity and quality of itsintellectual property. In 2021, the Company won 6 National Science andTechnology Progress Awards, 1 Technology Invention Award, 835 provincialand ministerial industrial method development awards, and owned 7,170authorized patents, including 1,176 invention patents and 110 PCT patents.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

隐私和数据保护Privacy and data protection中国中铁全面保护客户商业敏感信息和个人隐私。公司按照习近平总书记关于网络安全工作“四个坚持”的重要指示精神,贯彻落实及遵守《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保护法》《国家网络空间安全战略》《关键信息基础设施安全保护条例》《网络安全审查办法(征求意见稿)》等网络安全相关的法律法规、重要政策文件要求,进一步规范公司网络信息安全管理工作,保护客户隐私和企业数据安全,保障信息系统的正常、高效、安全运行。2021年,公司加强网络安全基础设施建设,健全网络安全人员队伍,全面提升网络安全防护能力、管理能力和应急处置能力。公司强化员工网络安全意识提升工作,通过网络安全宣传、安全专题讲座、线上培训等线上线下相结合的方式,切实提升了全公司员工的网络安全意识、防护技能和网络防诈骗意识。2021年,公司按照国资委、公安部等上级单位的工作要求,积极开展2021年度国家重要时期网络安全保障工作,取得了在全年重保期间“零安全事件”的成绩。2021年10月,公司举行了内部网络安全攻防演练活动,组织了5支攻击队伍、6家防守企业参与演练活动,达到了“保系统、建队伍、提能力”的本年度攻防演练目标。公司持续组织商密系统建设与推广工作,十余家二级企业开展了商密系统建设,构建了总分两级技术架构,加强了全公司商业秘密技术防护能力。

CREC comprehensively protects customers’ business sensitive informationand personal privacy. In accordance with the important instructions ofGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping on the “Four Adherence” for network security,the Company earnestly implements and abides by the Cybersecurity Law,Data Security Law, Personal Information Protection Law, NationalCyberspace Security Strategy, Regulations on the Security protection ofCritical Information Infrastructure, cybersecurity Review Measures (Draftfor Comments) and other cybersecurity related laws and regulations, aswell as important policy documents, further standardizes the securitymanagement of network information, in order to protect the customerprivacy and enterprise data security, and guarantee the normal , efficientand safe operation of the information system. In 2021, the Companystrengthened the construction of network security infrastructure, andimproved the network security team, so as to comprehensively enhancethe network security protection capacity, management capacity andemergency response capacity. The Company focused on the promotion ofthe staff’s network security awareness, and practically improved the staff’snetwork security awareness, protection skills and network fraud awarenessthrough network security publicity, security lectures, online training andother integrated online and offline means.In 2021, the Company actively carried out the network security work in theimportant periods of 2021 according to the work requirements of theSASAC, Ministry of Public Security and other superior units, achieved theresult of “zero safety incident” during the key periods. In October 2021, theCompany held an internal network security attack and defense drill, andorganized 5 attack teams and 6 defense enterprises to participate in thedrill, achieving the objectives of this year’s attack and defense drill:

“protecting systems, building teams and improving capabilities”.The Company continued to organize the construction and promotion ofbusiness secret system. More than ten secondary enterprises participatedin the construction of business secret system, and built a two-leveltechnical framework, strengthening the technical protection ability of theCompany.

中铁四局五公司福厦铁路项目部正在使用自主研发的BIM管理系统The Fuxia Railway Project Department of the Fifth Company of China RailwayNo.4 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. is using the self-developed BIM managementsystem

供应商管理Supplier Management建立公平运行机制Fair operation mechanism establishment公司秉持科学、高效、公平的管理理念持续建立健全供应商管理体制机制,通过供应商公开招募、准入评审和考核评价,建立战略、优质、合格供应商名录并进行动态管理,推动公司供应链管理持续升级。公司严格开展供应商综合评审,按照“先评审、后采购”的原则,从技术、质量、服务、价格、技术、信誉等方面对供应商进行全面评审,辅之以实地考察,遴选优质供应商资源,优化供应结构,拓宽采购渠道,打造高质量采购价值链;公司实行阳光采购,倡导公平竞争,搭建了全公司统一的采购电子商务信息化平台——中国中铁采购电子商务平台(即鲁班电子商务网),公开采购信息、固化采购流程,充分利用采购电子商务平台开展各类产品和服务上网采购,促进采购活动公开化、透明化。截至本报告期末,公司电商平台拥有各类注册供应商21万余家,其中境内供应商21.7万家,境外供应商24家。


Attaching importance to customer communication

CREC always adheres to the general idea of “striving for excellence andcontinuous improvement”, adheres to the people-oriented concept, andcontinuously improves the quality of services with a highly responsibleattitude towards the country, the people, the customers, and theenterprise. The Company attaches great importance to communicationwith customers, actively builds good customer relationships, setsdesignated channels (including telephone, fax and mail) for customers tofile complaints, establishes a related supervisory center, and seriously treatscustomers’ complaints and suggestions. After the Company receivescustomer complaints and suggestions, the relevant supervisory center willpromptly make investigations and report the results to the Company’smanagerial level, give proper treatment according to the relevant system,and provide timely feedback to customers on the results. When theCompany enters into strategic cooperation agreements or serviceagreements with various local governments, large enterprises and othercustomers, it will clearly specify regular communication mechanisms andclauses of application of law and dispute resolution. In 2021, as a listedcompany, we received a total of 13 requests from owners, all of which wereresponded to in a positive manner and dealt with in a timely manner inaccordance with the laws and regulations, and the requests were properlyresolved, with a 100% response rate and satisfaction rate.

Upholding the scientific, efficient and fair management concept, theCompany continues to establish and perfect the supplier managementsystem and mechanism. Through open supplier recruitment, access reviewand evaluation, the Company establishes a strategic, high-quality andqualified supplier catalog and implements dynamic management, to drivethe continuous upgrade of supply chain management. The Companystrictly carries out comprehensive supplier review based on the principlethat “review comes before procurement” and in terms of technology,quality, service, price, reputation, etc., supplemented by on-the-spotinvestigation. The Company selects high-quality suppliers, optimizes thesupplier structure, and expands procurement channels, to create ahigh-quality procurement value chain. The Company implements sunshineprocurement, promotes fair competition, and establishes a unifiedCompany-wide e-commerce procurement platform, CREC ProcurementE-commerce Platform (namely Luban E-commerce Network), whichpublicizes procurement information and solidifies procurement processes.In addition, the Company makes full use of the e-commerce procurementplatform to purchase various products and services online, and promotesopen and transparent procurement activities. As of the end of the reportingperiod, there were more than 210,000 registered suppliers on thee-commerce platform of the Company, including 217,000 domesticsuppliers and 24 overseas suppliers.


中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

The Company establishes a supplier access and evaluation managementsystem, conducts a qualified supplier access review for supplier integritymanagement, safe production, environmental protection, etc., andimplements supply directory management for qualified suppliers. Whilecarrying out daily evaluations and annual evaluations of suppliers, theCompany strongly advocates the ideas of quality and environmentalprotection, comprehensively evaluates the quality of raw materialsprovided by suppliers, environmental protection measures, etc., andclassifies suppliers into corresponding managerial levels includingqualified, superior and strategic suppliers in accordance with theevaluation results.In the contracts between the Company and suppliers, the binding clauseson labor safety, safeguarding the rights and interests of peasant workers,and environmental protection are specified. Suppliers are required toactively implement occupational safety and health protection measures,increase investment in safety management, and continue to improve safetyequipment and facilities, to provide a safe employment environment andproduction conditions for peasant workers. The Company conducts safetyand health education and training for peasant workers, and activelyprevents safety accidents in the work process, to minimize occupationalhazards. The Company earnestly implements national regulations on workinjury insurance and accident insurance, and includes peasant workers inthe insurance coverage. The Company further implements the provisionson the payment of peasant workers’ labor remuneration, and ensures thatpeasant workers’ remunerations are paid in full and on time by establishinga special account system, a security system, and a payroll system. TheCompany lays emphasis on daily supervisions on suppliers to ensure laborsafety, safeguard the rights and interests of peasant workers, protect theenvironment, and guides them to fulfill their social responsibilities.


Prohibition of bribery and other illegalactivities公司实行抵制商业贿赂承诺制,在《供应商管理规定》中明确要求各类供应商在办理注册申请时须签署《供应商承诺书》,承诺遵守国家反腐败相关法律法规,守法诚信;公司在选择供应商时,充分考虑供应商的环境及社会风险因素,均在采购文件中明确各类供应商须严格遵守国家反不正当竞争法等相关法律法规,要求提供生产经营许可、资质证书、无严重违法失信记录等,禁止贿赂等非法活动,成交供应商还应签署廉洁协议书并严格履约;公司对供应商采取准入制度,建立统一、全面的供应商评价指标体系和评价模型,制定了《供应商不良行为认定标准和限制交易期限表》建立供应商不良行为负面清单,并将贿赂员工行为列入供应商重大不良行为认定标准,对存在相应不良行为的供应商,公司将对其采取限制交易措施,在一定期限内禁止其参与公司新的采购活动,引导供应商廉洁经营。2021年,公司依规对部分违反廉洁规定的供应商进行了限制交易管理,营造了公平竞争的采购环境。


Promoting suppliers to fulfill their socialresponsibilities


The Company implements a commitment system to resist commercialbribery. In the Supplier Management Regulations (《供应商管理规定》),various suppliers are explicitly required to sign the Supplier CommitmentLetter (《供应商承诺书》) when they apply for registration, and they shouldpromise to abide by national laws and regulations related to anti-corruptionand be law-abiding and upright. When the Company selects suppliers, it shalltake into full consideration of the environmental and social risks of suppliers,it is clear in the procurement documents that all types of suppliers muststrictly abide by relevant laws and regulations such as the national Anti-Unfair Competition Law, and require suppliers to provide production andoperation licenses, certificates of qualification, no serious violations of thelaw and breach of trust records, etc., and prohibit bribery and other illegalactivities. Suppliers should also sign integrity agreements and strictlyimplement the agreement. The Company adopts an access system forsuppliers, establishes a unified and comprehensive supplier evaluation indexsystem and evaluation model, formulates the Supplier Bad BehaviorDetermination Criteria and Restricted Transaction Period Table (《供应商不良行为认定标准和限制交易期限表》), establishes a negative list of supplierbad behaviors, and includes bribery of employees in the identificationstandard of suppliers’ major bad behaviors. For suppliers with correspondingbad behaviors, the Company will take measures to restrict transactions andprohibit them from participating in the Company’s new procurementactivities within a certain period of time, and guide suppliers to operateincorruptibly. In 2021, the Company carried out restricted transactionmanagement on some suppliers that violated the integrity regulations inaccordance with the integrity agreement, and created a fair competitionprocurement environment.

社区投资Community investment中国中铁在自身发展的同时高度重视回馈社会,积极主动承担社会责任,活跃在抗灾抢险第一线,鼓励员工参与志愿活动,支持基础教育,重视中华文化的传承和保护,为构建和谐美好社会持续贡献力量。抗击新冠肺炎疫情Fight against COVID-19公司坚决执行属地政府疫情防控政策,坚持“外防输入、内防反弹”,统筹疫情防控和生产经营,全年未发生确诊病例、无症状感染者。公司在大战大考中彰显担当,积极响应属地政府防控政策,调动精干队伍、设备投身石家庄、广州、郑州、南京、阿拉善、西安等地疫情防控工作,积极承担方舱实验室、集中隔离点等基础设施建设,受到各地政府高度评价。公司广大干部职工纷纷发挥志愿者精神,积极开展捐款捐物,自愿投入身边的社区、村镇防疫。聚焦老、弱、病、残、孕等重点群体,围绕解决社区工作人员不足、老百姓社区(村)封闭、物流不畅、购物难、情绪不安等难点问题,协助开展入户登记、核酸检测、运输防疫物资、隔离消杀、接听电话热线等工作,筑起了志愿“防疫墙”。

While developing, CREC attaches great importance to giving back to thesociety, takes the initiative to assume social responsibilities, activelyparticipates in the front line of disaster relief, encourages employees toparticipate in voluntary activities, supports basic education, puts emphasison the inheritance and protection of the Chinese culture, and makescontinuous contributions to the construction of a harmonious andbeautiful society.

The Company resolutely implemented the epidemic prevention andcontrol policies of the local government, adhered to the principle of“preventing import from abroad and preventing rebound at home”, andcoordinated epidemic prevention and control with production andoperation. There were no confirmed cases or asymptomatic infectedpersons in the Company throughout the year.The Company embraced responsibility with passion during this big test. Weactively responded to the prevention and control policies of the localgovernments, mobilized competent teams and equipment to fight theepidemic in Shijiazhuang, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou, Nanjing, Alxa and Xi’an,and actively undertook the construction of temporary laboratories,centralized isolation centers and other infrastructure. We were highlyregarded by the local governments for our efforts.Cadres and employees of the Company gave full play to the volunteerspirit, actively donated money and materials, and volunteered for theepidemic prevention in the communities and villages. Focusing on theelderly, weak, sick, disabled, pregnant and other key groups, andaddressing difficult problems such as insufficient community workers,closed communities (villages), poor logistics, shopping difficulty, andemotional unrest, we assisted in carrying out household registration,nucleic acid testing, transportation of epidemic prevention materials,isolation and disinfection, and answering telephone hotlines, thus settingup a voluntary “epidemic prevention wall”.


Young volunteers from the Seventh Company of China Railway ShanghaiGroup Co., Ltd. assisted the community in carrying out nucleic acid testinglate at night

中铁四局二公司驰援南京方舱实验室建设工作The Second Company of China Railway No.4 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. Helped constructthe Nanjing Mobile Cabin Laboratory (南京方舱实验室)

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

2021年1月,石家庄地区爆发新冠肺炎疫情,公司积极驰援石家庄黄庄公寓隔离场所建设,调集援建队伍近1,500人,协调大型机械设备百余台投入现场施工,经过5天日夜奋战,完成1,512套集成房屋主体拼装并交付,以及土地平整、路面硬化、板房拼接和水电安装等工作,为抗疫前线贡献中国中铁力量,受到了石家庄政府的高度赞扬。In January 2021, COVID-19 broke out in Shijiazhuang. The Company actively assisted in the construction of the isolation site ofHuangzhuang Apartment in Shijiazhuang, mobilized a construction assistance team of nearly 1,500 persons, and coordinating more than100 large machines for the site construction. After 5 days of hard work, we completed the structure assembly and delivery of 1,512integrated houses, as well as the work of ground leveling, road hardening, splicing of slab houses and installation of water and electricityfacilities. We were highly praised by the Shijiazhuang government for contributing the force of CREC to the front line of fighting theepidemic.


In early June 2021, there were sporadic outbreaks of COVID-19 in Guangzhou. The member companies of the Group in Guangzhouactively participated in epidemic prevention and control, nucleic acid testing, isolation site construction and other related work. DagangProject Department of China Railway Tunnel gathered 40 volunteers in just 15 minutes and transferred 710 water-filled barriers to buildthe separation wall for nearby residents overnight.

中海外、中铁国际等企业海外青年志愿者积极协助实施“春苗行动”,全力参与海外疫情防控,受到我驻玻利维亚大使馆等明电表彰。Overseas young volunteers from COVEC, China Railway International and other enterprises actively assisted in the implementation of“Spring Seedling Action” and participated in overseas epidemic prevention and control. They were commended by the Chinese Embassyin Bolivia.





Emergency rescue公司持续推动应急救援体系建设,继续加强三支国家专业救援队建设,按照应急救援体系建设工作总体部署,持续推进昆明救援队、贵阳救援队基地建设和救援装备升级改造,并逐步拓展应对各类自然灾害综合应急救援能力。同时,围绕基地建设项目的实施和基地的新定位、新任务,全面系统开展补充救援人员、完善指挥系统、健全协调机制、配套基础设施、完善规章制度、加强培训演练和构建保障体系等工作,有效提升基地专业救援、快速机动和综合保障能力。2021年,公司三支专业应急救援队伍全年出警8次,救援生还人数7人、搜寻遇难人数1人。三支专业救援队伍先后收到表扬信、感谢信、表彰文件(函)、锦旗等共计43项次,其中省部级荣誉及感谢信12项次,其他各级政府、企业、国外使领馆表扬信、感谢信、表彰文件(函)等31项。特别是2021年11月,中铁二局昆明队从全国1,263支安全生产应急救援队伍中脱颖而出,荣获首届“全国应急管理系统先进集体”荣誉称号,成为全国3支获此殊荣的国家安全生产应急救援队伍之一,救援队代表于11月5日受到习近平总书记亲切会见。

国家隧道应急救援中铁二局昆明队荣获首届“全国应急管理系统先进集体”荣誉称号The Kunming Team of China Railway No.2 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. won thehonorary title of the first Advanced Group with National Emergency ManagementSystem (全国应急管理系统先进集体)” in the national tunnel emergency rescue


CREC Rescue Team rushed to rescue people from the collapsed tunnel in Yunnan

中铁七局紧急驰援太焦铁路抢险China Railway No.7 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. rushed to restore Taijiao Railway

The Company continues to promote the construction of theemergency rescue system and strengthen the building of threenational professional rescue teams. According to the overall plan forthe construction of the emergency rescue system, the Companycontinues to promote the construction of the bases of the Kunmingrescue team and the Guiyang rescue team and the upgrading andtransformation of rescue equipment, and gradually expands theircomprehensive emergency rescue capabilities to respond to variousnatural disasters. Centering on the implementation of constructionprojects at the bases and the new positioning and new tasks of thebases, the Company comprehensively and systematically carries outthe following work: supplementing rescue personnel, improving thecommand system, perfecting the coordination mechanism,providing supporting infrastructure, improving rules andregulations, strengthening training exercises, and establishing aguarantee system. At the same time, the Company meaningfullystrengthens the professional rescue, rapid maneuver andcomprehensive guarantee capabilities of the bases.In 2021, the three professional emergency rescue teams of theCompany were dispatched for 8 times, saving 7 people andsearching for 1 victim. The three professional rescue teams received43 letters of commendation, letters of appreciation, commendationdocuments (letters) and flags, among which 12 were letters of honorand appreciation at provincial and ministerial levels, and 31 wereletters of commendation, letters of appreciation and commendationdocuments (letters) from governments at other levels, enterprisesand foreign embassies and consulates. In particular, in November2021, Kunming Team of China Railway No.2 Engineering stood outfrom the 1,263 emergency rescue teams nationwide and won thehonorary title of the first “Advanced Collective of NationalEmergency Management System”, becoming one of the threenational production safety emergency rescue teams that have wonthis award. Representatives of the rescue team received a cordialmeeting with General Secretary Xi Jinping on November 5.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

社区服务Community service中国中铁长期以来坚持“地企文明、和谐共建”的工作思路,志愿服务敬老院、医院、街道、社区、学校等地方单位,以实际行动履行企业社会责任。2021年,全公司以“青年文明号、青年安全质量监督岗、青年突击队”三支队伍为载体,组建青年志愿服务队2,000余支,投入到包含疫情防控、防汛救灾、助老帮困、助力高考等工作在内的各类志愿服


On 23 August 2021, the a tunnel collapsed in Honghe County, Yunnan Province. Kunming Team of China Railway No.2 Engineeringresponded actively to the coordination of the Ministry of Emergency Management and the local government. After 77 hours of rescue,all the five trapped people were rescued.


中国中铁开展第五季“五彩梦想”圆梦行动CREC launched the Fifth Season “Colorful Dreams (五彩梦想)” Dream-achieving Action

CREC has always insisted on the work ideas of “local corporate civilization andharmonious construction”, offered volunteer services to gerocomium, hospital,street office, community, school and other local institutions, fulfilling itscorporate citizenship responsibility with actual actions.In 2021, with the three teams of “youth civilization, youth safety and qualitysupervision post, and youth shock brigade” as the carrier, the Company setup more than 2,000 voluntary service teams who devoted themselves to thevarious types of voluntary services, including pandemic prevention andcontrol and construction of specialized hospital facilities. More than 30,000volunteers conducted nearly 4,000 voluntary service activities and assisted


On 20 July 2021, Zhengzhou, Henan Province was hit by a heavy rainstorm. The telecommunication company of China Railway No. 7Engineering organized more than 120 workers to set up 4 young commandos for communication, signal, electric power andelectrification to participate in the rescue mission. They worked continuously for 36 days and nights, laying 75 kilometers of opticalcables, setting up and adjusting 23 kilometers of contact lines and restoring 15 kilometers of power through-lines. Yuan Gebing, anelectric welder from China Railway No. 1 Engineering, made continuous rescue for 16 hours in the flooded tunnel and saved more than50 trapped people. He was widely reported by Xinhua News Agency, CCTV and other media and praised by all walks of life.


教育和文化Education and culture


The Company carries out the activities of delivering warm in the “twofestivals”, bringing coolness in summer, and providing health servicesthroughout the year, particularly to production frontline employees,overseas employees, employees in difficulties, employees and familiesworking in a tough environment, advanced model figures, and scientificand technological experts with outstanding contributions, etc. TheCompany has raised and distributed RMB195 million for delivering warmand bringing coolness, visited and extended its regards to 250,000 migrantworkers, offered a student loan of RMB6.61 million in the autumn, andsubsidized 2,358 children of migrant workers. We carried out the ChineseNew Year greeting activities of “Bringing Warm to the Front Line, andStaying Local for the Spring Festival”, invited the All-China Federation ofTrade Unions to Fengtai railway station for on-site condolence. Weformulated and issued the Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting “I DoPractical Things for the People” and the Guiding Opinions on Trade UnionCadres Contacting the People on a Regular Basis, establishing a long-termmechanism for doing practical things for the people. The second-leveltrade union cadres have established more than 310 employee contactpoints across the Company, focusing on nine aspects, including “rights andinterests protection, illness-related difficulties, health care and inclusiveservices”. They have handled more than 700 practical matters foremployees, helping to solve the urgent and anxious problems of front-lineworkers.


more than 35,000 people. We created CREC “Colorful Dream” relay program,and jointly launched public fundraising with the China Volunteer ServiceFoundation through the Tencent public welfare platform. More than 32,000persons participated in the event, contributing their share to vigorouslyfostering social morals and actively building a harmonious society.


践行“三个转变”重要指示Topic 1:

Implementing the Important Instructions of“Three Transformations”

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

推动中国制造向中国创造转变Promoting the Transformation from Being ‘Made in China’ to Being ‘Created in China’

推动中国速度向中国质量转变Promoting the Transformation from Chinese Speed to Chinese Quality推动中国产品向中国品牌转变Promoting the Transformation from Chinese Products to Chinese Brands


中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

完善创新体系Innovation system improvement公司制定发布了《实用技术创新大赛及推广应用管理规定(试行)》。针对科技创新平台建设进行专项调研和督促,提出国家级、省部级和公司级研发平台建设的政策建议。对《中国中铁科技成果奖励管理办法》作出补充规定,对企业当年新获得认定国家级创新平台给予100-300万不等的奖励。进一步推动国家级创新平台建设,组织召开高铁实验室第十三次理事会及第三次技术委员会会议,进一步明确高铁实验室发展方向和建设思路。围绕建筑行


On 10 May 2014, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd. (CREG), he proposedto “promote the transformations from being ‘Made in China’ to being ‘Created in China’, from China’s Speed to China’s Quality, and fromChinese Products to Chinese Brands.” The Chinese Brand Day on 10 May was thus born. For the past seven years, we have always kept inmind and carefully implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions of “Three Transformations”.

推动中国制造向中国创造转变Promoting the Transformation from Being ‘Made in China’ to Being ‘Created in China’

The Company formulates and issues the Practical Technology InnovationCompetition and Promotion and Application Management Regulations(Trial) (《实用技术创新大赛及推广应用管理规定(试行)》). For theconstruction of scientific and technological innovation platforms, theCompany conducts special investigation and supervision, puts forwardpolicy recommendations for the construction of national, provincial andministerial- and company-level R&D platforms. The Company makessupplementary provisions to the Measures for the Management of Incentivesfor CREC’s Scientific and Technological Achievements (《中国中铁科技成果奖励管理办法》), and gives a reward ranging from RMB1 million to RMB3million to enterprises accredited as national innovation platforms in the year.The Company further promotes the construction of a national innovationplatform, and organizes and convenes the thirteenth council meeting and


“Gonggong No.”, the world’s first pile beam integrated bridge erecting machinedeveloped by China Railway Hi-tich Industry Corporation Limited


The earth pressure balance shield with a diameter of 9.86 meters designed andmanufactured by CREC was exported to France, providing Chinese solutions forthe construction of global rail transit


引领科技进步Leading technological progress2021年,公司共获得国家科技进步奖6项、技术发明奖1项,中国专利奖金奖1项、银奖1项、优秀奖7项,中国土木工程詹天佑奖15项;获得授权专利7,170项,其中发明专利1,176项,PCT等海外专利110项,获得省部级工法835项。公司所属企业参与完成的《铁路轨道用高锰钢抗超高应力疲劳和磨损技术及应用》荣获2021年度国家科学技术发明奖二等奖,参与完成的《深水大断面盾构隧道结构/功能材料制备与工程应用成套技术》等6项成果荣获2021年度国家科学技术进步奖二等奖。截止本报告期末,公司拥有“高速铁路建造技术国家工程研究中心”“盾构及掘进技术国家重点实验室”和“桥梁结构健康与安全国家重点实验室”三个国家实验室及10个博士后工作站,1个国家地方联合研究中心(数字轨道交通技术研究与应用国家地方联合工程研究中心),44个省部级研发中心(实验室)(新增8),19个国家认定企业技术中心和120个省级认定企业技术中心(新增13);组建了20个专业研发中心。截止本报告期末,公司累计荣获国家科技进步和发明奖127项,其中特等奖5项、一等奖16项,中国土木工程詹天佑奖167项,荣获省部级(含国家认可的社会力量设奖)科技进步奖4,253项。拥有专利24,973项,其中发明专利5,157项,海外专利157项。拥有国家级工法166项,省部级工法4,609项。

the third technical committee meeting of the high-speed railway laboratory,to further specify the development direction and construction ideas of thehigh-speed railway laboratory. Around the key core technologies in theconstruction industry, the Company carries out scientific researches. Relyingon Yangtze River bridges of Changtai, Maanshan, etc., Huangmaohaicross-sea channel project, Qiongzhou Strait cross-sea channel and otherimportant and difficult projects, the Company carries out technologyresearches on theory and methods of bridge survey and design, newstructures and new materials of bridge, bridge intelligent constructiontechnology and equipment; relying on a number of plateau projects such asthe Dadu River Bridge, the Company launches research of topics includingthe plateau canyon kilometer-level span railroad suspension bridge keytechnology, drill-and-blast construction technology for high-altitudedeep-buried complex geological and environmental tunnels.In 2021, the Company won a total of 6 National Prizes for Progress inScience and Technology, 1 Technological Invention Award, 1 Gold, 1 Silverand 7 Excellence China Patent Awards, 15 Zhan Tianyou Civil EngineeringPrizes; the Company was granted 7,170 patents, including 1,176 inventionpatents and 110 PCT patents, and 835 construction methods receivedprovincial and ministerial level recognition.The Technology of High Manganese Steel Used for Railway Tracks to ResistUltra-High Stress Fatigue and Wear and Its Application completed by theCompany’s subsidiaries won the second prize of the 2021 National Scienceand Technology Invention Award, and six achievements including ShieldTunnel Structure with Large Deepwater Section/Functional MaterialPreparation and Engineering Application of Complete Sets of Technologywon the second prize of the 2021 National Science and TechnologyProgress Award.As of the end of the reporting period, the Company had three nationallaboratories including “State Engineering Research Center of High-SpeedRailway Construction Technology”, “State Key Laboratory of Shield andTunneling Technology”, “State Key Laboratory of Bridge Structure Healthand Safety” and 10 post-doctoral workstations, 1 national local jointresearch center (a national and local joint engineering research center fordigital rail transit technology research and application), 44 provincial andministerial-level R&D centers (laboratories) (8 new ones), 19 nationallyrecognized enterprise technology centers and 120 provincially recognizedenterprise technology centers (13 new ones); and the Company set up 20professional R&D centers.As of the end of the reporting period, the Company won a total of 127National Science and Technology Progress and Invention Awards, including5 Special Awards and 16 First Prizes, 167 Zhan Tianyou Civil EngineeringPrizes, and 4,253 Provincial and Ministerial-Level Science and TechnologyProgress Awards (including nationally recognized awards established bysocial forces). The Company had 24,973 patents, including 5,157 inventionpatents and 157 PCT patents. The Company had 166 national-levelconstruction methods and 4,609 provincial and ministerial-levelconstruction methods.

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

全面创新发展Comprehensive innovation anddevelopment公司制定了《关于进一步贯彻落实习近平总书记“三个转变”重要指示精神推动企业创新发展的意见》,以科技创新为突破,以管理创新为保障,以质量提升为根本,以品牌塑造为目标,全力推动质量变革、效率变革、动力变革,努力打造世界一流的中国创造、中国质量、中国品牌。组建了中国中铁“三个转变”研究院,开展推动“三个转变”的路径和方法的理论研究和实践探索,加快企业在产业转型、技术创新、质量提升、品牌建设等方面的突破。2021年,公司积极开展管理创新成果评选,共产生优秀成果108项,其中10项被评为第二十八届全国企业管理现代化管理创新成果。同时,公司作为主要起草者之一,与中国企业改革发展研究会、国家发改委经济体制与管理研究所、中国标准化研究院等共同起草的《企业高质量发展评价指标》团体标准,填补了中国企业高质量发展标准领域的空白。

2021年国家科技奖励获奖情况National Science and Technology Awards in 2021


项目名称Name of Project

奖种Type of Award

获奖等级Grade of Award

铁路轨道用高锰钢抗超高应力疲劳和磨损技术及应用Technology of high manganese steel used for railway tracks to resist ultra-high stressfatigue and wear and its application


Technical Invention Award


Second Prize

深水大断面盾构隧道结构/功能材料制备与工程应用成套技术Shield tunnel structure with large deepwater section/functional material preparation andengineering application of complete sets of technology

科技进步奖Science &Technology Progress Award


Second Prize


Key technology of safe and efficient tunneling control of TBMs for tunnels (lanes) underdeep composite strata

科技进步奖Science &Technology Progress Award


Second Prize


Technology of model III plate-type ballastless track systems for high-speed railways and itsapplication


Science &Technology Progress Award


Second Prize


Key technology of high-strength and high-conductivity contact network wire forhigh-speed railways and its application


Science &Technology Progress Award


Second Prize


Key technology for construction safety of large engineering machinery for rail transit andits application


Science &Technology Progress Award


Second Prize

重大工程黄土灾害机理、感知识别及防控关键技术Key technology of mechanism, perception, identification, prevention, and control of loessdisasters in major projects


Science &Technology Progress Award


Second Prize

The Company formulates the Opinions on Further Implementing the Spiritof the Important Instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s “ThreeTransformations” to Promote Enterprise Innovation and Development (《关于进一步贯彻落实习近平总书记“三个转变”重要指示精神推动企业创新发展的意见》). By taking technological innovation as a breakthroughpoint, innovation management as a guarantee, quality improvement as thefundamental and brand-building as the goal, the Company goes all out topromote quality change, efficiency change and power change, and strivesto create a world-class brand with Chinese quality. CREC establishes aresearch institute on “Three Transformations” to carry out theoreticalresearch on and explore the path and method of promoting “ThreeTransformations”, while speeding up breakthroughs in industrialtransformation, technological innovation, quality improvement and brandbuilding. In 2021, the Company actively carried out the appraisal andelection of management innovation results. The Company appraised andselected 108 outstanding results, 10 of which won the 28th NationalEnterprise Management Modernization and Innovation Award. Meanwhile,as one of the main drafters, the Company, together with the ChinaEnterprise Reform and Development Society, Institute of Economic Systemand Management of National Development and Reform Commission andthe China National Institute of Standardization, drafted the group standardof Enterprise High Quality Development Evaluation Index (《企业高质量发展评价指标》), which fills the gap in the field of quality developmentstandards for Chinese enterprises.

着力质量提升,推进品质革命Focusing on quality improvement andadvancing the quality revolution公司不断加强质量精准化管理,分层次、分行业实施全面质量管理(TQM),积极推动企业ISO9001质量管理体系换版升级。积极引入卓越绩效管理等先进质量管理方式,开展标准化技术和工艺改造,建立工艺参数及质量在线监控系统。同时开展与国内外优质产品的质量比对,鼓励以用户为中心的微创新,改善用户体验,激发消费潜能,满足绿色环保、可持续发展、消费友好等需求。

保证产品质量,建设精品工程Ensuring product quality and buildingquality projects2021年,公司参建的北京冬奥会重要配套工程京张高铁、跳台滑雪场地“雪如意”等一大批重点项目开通运营或顺利竣工,习近平总书记视察京张高铁、“雪如意”等冬奥项目并作出重要指示,让我们备受鼓舞。我们将继续砥砺前行,推动中国速度向中国质量转变。


Promoting the Transformation from Chinese Speed to Chinese Quality

The Company continuously strengthens quality precision management,implements TQM at different levels and industries, and actively promotesthe upgrade of the Company’s ISO9001 quality management system. Weactively introduce advanced quality management methods such assuperior performance management, carry out standardized technologyand process transformation, and establish process parameter and onlinequality monitoring systems. At the same time, we carry out qualitycomparisons with high-quality products from home and abroad,encourage user-centered micro-innovation, improve user experience, andstimulate consumer potential, to satisfy the needs of green environmentalprotection, sustainable development, and friendly consumption.

In 2021, a number of key projects such as the Beijing-ZhangjiakouHigh-Speed Rail and “Snow Ruyi” at the ski jumping center, as importantsupporting projects for the Beijing Winter Olympics, were put intooperation or successfully completed. We are encouraged by GeneralSecretary Xi Jinping’s inspection and important instructions on theoperation of the Winter Olympics projects such as Beijing-ZhangjiakouHigh-Speed Rail and “Snow Ruyi”. We will continue to forge ahead andpromote the transformation from China’s Speed to China’s Quality.


On 10 May 2021, CREC and the SASAC of the State Council jointly organized China Intelligent Manufacturing Brand Forum andInnovation Exhibition of Highend Assembly Manufacturing of Central Enterprises in Beijing. The relevant leaders of the Ministry ofScience and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Office of the Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission,the SASAC and relevant personnel of some central enterprises participated in the forum, and more than 30 sets of models and objects of22 central enterprises participated in the achievement exhibition, demonstrating the latest achievements of China’s high-end equipmentand intelligent manufacturing.


中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


Brand building system

2021年,公司在践行“三个转变”、发展品牌经济、寻求品牌高质量发展过程中,进一步提升企业品牌运营能力,向品牌价值增值的品牌规范化管理、品牌资产专业化运营和子(产品)品牌整合营销等中高级品牌运营管理阶段扎实推进。编制《品牌建设“十四五”规划》,从品牌管理体系、品牌发展基础、品牌传播水平、品牌资产管理、国际化品牌建设、品牌文化内涵几方面,明晰了“中国产品向中国品牌转变”的发展路径,推动品牌建设向运营管理阶段迈进,逐步打造科学规范、运转高效的品牌管理制度与运营机制,为塑造卓越品牌形象提供有力支持。诚信经营Business integrity公司始终重视企业信用管理,全面兑现了各项合同承诺,把诚信履约贯穿于企业生产经营活动始终,无不良经营行为。2021年,所属中铁五局被中国施工企业协会评为年度工程建设诚信典型企业,中铁八局获评中国建筑业协会AAA级企业信用等级证书,中铁六院被中国建设工程造价管理协会评为工程造价咨询AAA级信用企业。2021年,全公司如期保证了京哈高铁、张吉怀高铁、拉林铁路、北京冬奥会场馆、青山长江大桥等一批重点工程如期建成。


Promoting the Transformation from Chinese Products to Chinese Brands

In 2021, in the process of implementing the “three transformations”,developing the brand economy, and seeking high-quality branddevelopment, the Company further enhanced the enterprise’s brandoperation capabilities, and solidly advanced toward middle and high levelbrand operation and management stages of brand value appreciation, suchas standardized brand management, professional operation of brand assets,and subsidiary (product) brand integrated marketing. The Companycompiled the 14th Five-Year Plan for Brand Building (《品牌建设“十四五”规划》), which clarified the development path, “transition of Chineseproducts to Chinese brands”, from the aspects of brand management system,brand development foundation, brand communication level, brand assetmanagement, international brand building, and brand cultural connotation.The Company promoted brand building to the stage of operation andmanagement, gradually built a scientific, standardized, and efficient brandmanagement system and operation mechanism, and provided strongsupport for building an excellent brand image.

The Company always attaches great importance to the corporate creditmanagement and fully fulfills all the contractual commitments. It alwaysimplements the principle of integrity performance throughout theproduction and operation activities without bad business practices.In 2021, China Railway No. 5 Engineering was rated as integrity modelenterprise of annual engineering construction by the China ConstructionEnterprise Association, and China Railway No. 8 Engineering an AAA-levelenterprise credit rating certificate by the China Construction IndustryAssociation, China Railway No. 6 Engineering an AAA-level credit enterprisefor engineering cost consulting by China Construction Engineering CostManagement Association.In 2021, the Company assured the completion of a number of key projectssuch as the Beijing-Harbin High-speed Railway, the Zhangjiajie-Jishou-HuaihuaHigh-speed Railway, the Lhasa-Nyingchi Railway, the Beijing WinterOlympics venue, and the Qingshan Yangtze River Bridge as scheduled.

投资者沟通Investor communication公司高度重视与投资者的沟通。自2007年在上海证券交易所和香港联合交易所上市以来,中国中铁坚持以信息披露为核心,合规率始终保持100%。制定了《投资者关系管理制度》《A股信息披露管理制度》等10余项投资者关系管理制度,并建立临时报告、定期报告、业绩发布会、投资者接待、资本市场危机处理等工作流程。公司持续探索并树立了“大投关”“立体投关”理念,管理层定期参加业绩推介会、股东大会、现金分红说明会、投资者教育保护等活动。构建了主责部门牵头,相关业务部门与下属企业积极参与的全方位、专业化、立体式的投资者沟通交流格局。报告期内,累计召开96场视频电话及现场会议,与2,095家机构交流,接听投资者热线电话1,228次,回复上交所E互动平台投资者问题189个,处理IR邮箱邮件1,327封;邀请公司股东、投资者、分析师等赴公司旗下银川水务公司开展“绿色环保水务”主题调研,增进了投资者对公司水务环保、生态环境、智慧城市建设等绿色可持续发展方面业务情况的进一步了解。自上海证券交易所开展信息披露评价工作以来,公司连续8年荣获A类评价;年内荣获《新财富》“最佳IR港股公司”、天马奖—“中国主板上市公司投资者关系最佳董事会奖”、证券时报“A股公司ESG百强”、金紫荆“十四五最具投资价值上市公司”等多个奖;荣获中国上市公司协会以及北京上市公司协会“业绩说明会优秀实践案例”“上市公司ESG优秀实践案例”“‘一带一路’优秀实践案例”等奖项,进一步树立了公司在资本市场的良好形象。

The Company attaches great importance to the communication withinvestors. Since listing on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the StockExchange of Hong Kong in 2007, CREC has put disclosure at the core ofcompliance and maintained a compliance rate of 100%. The Company hasformulated more than 10 systems for managing investor relations includingthe System for the Management of Investor Relations (《投资者关系管理制度》)and the System for the Management of A-share InformationDisclosure (《A股信息披露管理制度》) and established work processes ofinterim reports, periodic reports, performance briefing, investor receptionand handling of capital market crises.The Company continues to explore and establish the concepts of “majorinvestment relations” and “three-dimensional investment relations”, andthe management participates in performance promotion meeting, generalmeeting, cash bonus presentation, investor education protection and otheractivities on a regular basis. The Company has created an all-round,professional, three-dimensional landscape of investor communication,where principal departments in charge take the lead in and relatedbusiness departments and subordinate enterprises actively participate inthe communication with investors.During the reporting period, the Company totally held 96 teleconferencesand on-site meetings, exchanged views with 2,095 institutions, answeredthe investor hotline 1,228 times; answered 189 questions from investors onthe E interactive platform of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and handled1,327 IR emails; and invited shareholders, investors and analysts to visit theCompany’s Yinchuan Water Company and conduct research on the themeof “green and environmental protection water affairs”, which enhancedinvestors’ further understanding of the Company’s green and sustainabledevelopment business conditions such as water environmental protection,ecological environment, and smart city construction.Since the Shanghai Stock Exchange carried out the evaluation ofinformation disclosure, the Company has won the Class A evaluation for 8consecutive years; during the year, the Company won the “Best IR HongKong Listed Company” by New Fortune, Tianma Award — “Best Board ofDirectors Award for Investor Relations of Chinese Main Board ListedCompanies”, “Top 100 ESG Companies in A-Shares” of Securities Times,“Listed Company with the Most Investment Value in the 14th Five-YearPlan” of Golden Bauhinia and many other awards; and won awards byChina Association of Listed Companies and Beijing Association of ListedCompanies Awards such as “Excellent Practice Case of Performance BriefingConference”, “Listed Company ESG Excellent Practice Cases” and “’Belt andRoad’ Excellent Practice Cases”, further establishing the Company’s goodimage in the capital market.



中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

定点帮扶规划Targeted Poverty Alleviation Planning定点帮扶概要Summary of Targeted Poverty Alleviation

Topic 2:

Consolidate and Expand Poverty Alleviation Resultsand Open a New Chapter in Rural Revitalization

定点帮扶成效Effectiveness of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Efforts定点帮扶计划Targeted Poverty Alleviation Plan


中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告



Targeted Poverty Alleviation Planning

The Company established a targeted assistance work leading group withthe main leader as the group leader, the Deputy Secretary of the PartyCommittee, the Chief Accountant, and the Secretary of the DisciplineInspection Commission as the deputy team leaders, and the heads of 13departments including the Human Resources Department as members. In2021, the leading group of targeted assistance work held two specialmeetings successively and studied and deployed matters including cadreselection, assistance plans and implementation of key assistance projectsto ensure that the targeted assistance work is more targeted, scientific andeffective.The Company considered and adopted the 2021 Targeted Assistance WorkPlan (《2021年定点帮扶工作计划》), which clarified the tasks of the annualassistance plan, prioritized consolidating and expanding the achievementsof poverty alleviation and prevented large-scale return to poverty. TheCompany considered and adopted the Implementation Plan of PovertyAlleviation Summary and Commendation (《脱贫攻坚总结表彰实施方案》), and selected and commended 10 advanced individuals and5 advanced enterprises in poverty alleviation.


In 2021, CREC thoroughly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on consolidatingand expanding poverty alleviation results and linking poverty alleviation with rural revitalization. In accordance with the relevant deploymentrequirements of the Party Central Committee, the State Council and SASAC, the Company earnestly fulfilled its corporate social responsi-bility, gave full play to its own advantages, and industriously contributed to the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy withthe strength of CREC.


The main leaders of the Company actively carried out government dockingand field research. On 8 September 2021, the Company’s party Secretaryand Chairman met with Wang Zhengpu, Deputy Director of the CentralAgricultural Office, Party Secretary and Director of the National RuralRevitalization Bureau, and the two parties held talks on consolidating andexpanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and comprehensivelypromoting rural revitalization; from 25 to 26 October , the Company’sPresident Chen Wenjian went to Baode County, Shanxi Province forinvestigation and supervision, held the signing ceremony of key aidedconstruction projects, and visited and extended its regards to registeredimpoverished households, and held a work symposium aboutconsolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and ruralrevitalization with the County Party Committee and County Government,and conducted in-depth exchanges with the local government onconsolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation and effectivelyconnecting rural revitalization. From 10 to 12 November, Wang Shiqi,Deputy Secretary of the Company’s Party Committee, Chairman of theLabor Union and Executive Director, led a team to investigate and inspectRucheng County and Guidong County in Hunan to learn about theconsolidation of poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalizationwork, and proposed practical solutions to problems, such as employmentdifficulties and relatively single industrial development.

中国中铁驻村扶贫工作队干部刘峰下乡走访查看水稻种植情况Liu Feng, a cadre of village-based poverty alleviation teamof CREC, visited the countryside to check how the riceplanting is

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


The Company insists on “pulling out the roots of poverty” througheducation and assistance, and builds hard-core support for ruralrevitalization. The Company invested RMB20 million as assistance funds inGuidong County for the construction of the second phase project ofZhaiqian Town Hope School to further improve school conditions; theCompany invested RMB20 million as assistance funds in Rucheng Countyfor the construction of Rucheng Vocational Middle School Sports and ArtCenter project, which effectively solved the problem of lack of students’sports activities venues and activity area; the Company invested RMB20million as assistance funds in Baode County for the construction of thedormitory building project of the No. 11 Primary School in Baode Countyto solve the problem of accommodation of children from remote townsand villages. In Rucheng Vocational Middle School, we continued to investfunds to improve school facilities and the level of teachers. We havesuccessively invited Bai Zhiyong, the representative of the Company’sskilled talents, the representative of the 19th National Congress of theCommunist Party of China, national model worker, and model of centralenterprises as guest senior lecturers, and Zhang Hui, national youth postexpert and skills master to came to the school and teach. As a result,Rucheng Vocational Middle School has become one of the best secondaryvocational schools in Hunan Province.The Company insists on “increasing income” through employmentassistance, and builds a characteristic brand of rural revitalization. The threestandard workshops in the Datang area of Guidong Industrial Park inGuidong County, which received donation for RMB22.5 million, have beenofficially put into use, and 6 enterprises have settled in, solving theemployment problem of more than 300 relocated people. The affiliatedenterprise of the Company employed more than 100 local laborers in theRucheng project department, carried out the “everyone has skills” trainingproject, directly invested RMB350,000 in 2021 to implement specialty cheftraining of Hunan cuisine and practical technical training for science andtechnology commissioners for 10 sessions, training a total of 605 people.The Company carried out the “1+X” skills training pilot to comprehensivelyimprove the professional skills of grass-roots cadres, agricultural techniciansand those who took the lead in becoming prosperous. Rucheng County’s“everyone has skills” training project was rated as a national “LifelongEducation Learning Brand Project”. A total of more than RMB3.2 million(2021: RMB200,800) was invested in Baode County to create “Baode GoodDrivers” employment training by rewarding and subsidizing tuition fees.The Company adheres to the “living source” of industrial assistance andcreates multiple engines for rural revitalization. In Guidong County, togetherwith County Tourism and Homestay Association, the Company held ahomestay business training class to help the local homestay industrybecome bigger, stronger and better; the Company invested RMB200,000 inmaterials and jointly built mountain forest roads with Guangming Village,Oujiang Town, to help the village’s industrial development of phyllostachyspubescens; the Company invested RMB350,000 million to build a240-square-meter “Intangible Cultural Heritage Tea History Museum” inQingquan Town, an important tea town to help the local to build the brandof Guidong tea and promote the intangible cultural heritage of Guidonghandmade tea. In Baode County, the First Pacific Property Company affiliatedto CREC was introduced to cooperate with the county government to createthe labor service brand of “Baode Good Property” to solve the problem ofchanging jobs and employment of relocated households.

定点帮扶概要Summary of Targeted Poverty Alleviation


The Company insists on “promoting wealth” through consumptionassistance, and creates a long-term mechanism for rural revitalization. TheCompany set up a special area on the enterprise e-commerce platform todisplay and sells the agricultural products from targeted poverty alleviationcounties for a long time. The Company intensified the efforts to supportconsumption assistance and encouraged trade unions at all levels to givefull play to their own advantages, which vigorously promoted the sales ofagricultural products in designated assistance counties. At the same time,the cadres assuming a temporary post actively tried every means topromote the sale of local agricultural products, such as acting as networkanchors and adopting the subscription model. The Company organizedlocal agricultural enterprises to come to the companies many times thatthey affiliated with to promote their products and sold their productsonline, such as the Central Enterprise Assistance Network, CREC Huiyuan,CREC Luban.com, Ruwei Zhenxiang WeChat Mini Program, whicheffectively made the people’s confidence stand up and their pockets grew.In 2021, the whole company purchased a total of RMB9.1141 million ofagricultural products from designated assistance counties and RMB5.7434million of agricultural products from other poverty-stricken counties,totaling RMB14.8575 million.The Company builds a sub-culture to help “shape new trends” to create abeautiful picture of rural revitalization. In Baode County, the Companypromoted the rectification of “six chaos” of the rural living environment.Based on the actual appearance of the local village, the Companyconcentrated the efforts to help rectify key areas such as village roads,farmers’ courtyards, and fields in the village, so that the living environmenthad been significantly improved. To enrich the spiritual and cultural lifeneeds of the villagers, the literary and art team of Baode County CulturalCenter was invited to enter Tuanwo village to carry out the performance of“Our Chinese Dream”, the performance of culture into thousands of homes,to advocate rural customs of civilization and help rural revitalization. TheCompany carried out the actions of beautifying the living environment inRucheng County, set up bamboo fences, added green belts, andimplemented concentrated poultry farming in separate sections;Guangzhou Bureau Subordinated to CREC arranged people with machineryto help demolish 6 dilapidated and old houses, 3 dry toilets, cleaned morethan 500 square meters of construction slags, and leveled and widenedmore than 800 meters of roads into the group, which laid a solidfoundation for building a beautiful countryside.

中国中铁在定点帮扶的桂东县建立乡村梦想教室CREC established a rural dream classroom in Guidong County, adesignated county for help

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

定点帮扶计划Targeted Poverty Alleviation Plan2022年,中国中铁将深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接的重要指示批示精神,按照党中央、国务院和国资委部署要求,在过渡期内保持帮扶政策和力度总体稳定不掉线、不断档,积极创新帮扶举措,接续推进巩固拓展攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接。?召开定点帮扶工作领导小组会议,全面系统总结前期帮扶工作成绩,总结典型经验,打造帮扶品牌,并根据中央帮扶工作新精神,研究制定公司年度帮扶工作重点计划,安排部署全年帮扶工作任务。

In 2022, CREC will thoroughly study and implement the spirit of GeneralSecretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on consolidating and expandingpoverty alleviation results and linking poverty alleviation with ruralrevitalization. And in accordance with the deployment requirements of theParty Central Committee, the State Council and SASAC, the Company willmaintain the overall stability of the policy and level of support withoutdropping in the period of transition. The Company will actively innovatesupport measures, and continue to promote consolidating and expandingpoverty alleviation results and linking poverty alleviation with ruralrevitalization.? The Company will convene the meeting of the leading group fortargeted assistance work, comprehensively and systematicallysummarize the results of previous assistance work and typicalexperience, build an assistance brand, and research and formulate theCompany’s key plan of annual assistance work according to the newspirit of the assistance work of the Party Central Committee to arrangeand deploy all annual assistance tasks.


Effectiveness of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Efforts2021年,中国中铁新选派挂职干部6名,直接投入帮扶资金6,490万元,引进帮扶资金327.2万元,培训基层干部184人次,培训乡村振兴带头人42人次,培训专业技术人员719人次,购买农产品911.41万元,帮助销售农产品60.4万元,超额完成年度工作计划各项任务。

In 2021, CREC newly selected 6 cadres assuming temporary posts, directlyinvested RMB64.9 million in assistance funds, attracted RMB3.272 million ofassistance funds, trained 184 grass-roots cadres, 42 rural revitalizationleaders, and 719 professional and technical personnel. The Companypurchased RMB9.1141 million of agricultural products and helped sellRMB604,000 of agricultural products, surpassing the tasks as set forth in theannual work plan.


Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Construction of 1X Dormitory of No. 11Primary School in Baode County built with the help of CREC


Delivery Ceremony of Zhenxing Avenue, Guidong County, completed by CREC

?加强重点项目审计检查,确保帮扶资金专款专用。2022年将继续聘请社会第三方审计机构,对公司2021年援建的重点帮扶基建项目进行独立审计,确保帮扶项目经得起群众、历史和实践的检验。同时,将联合公司纪检组织、生产监管中心等部门对在建项目进行专项检查,通过对政策落实、工作作风、援建项目资金及成效等方面的检查,将相关问题清单,及时向县委、县政府、施工企业及挂职干部进行面对面地反馈。? 全面贯彻落实中央要求,扎实推进重点帮扶工作。深入研究论证定点帮扶工作的新思路、新途径,在持续开展教育帮扶、消费帮扶、就业帮扶等重点帮扶工作基础上,进一步拓展思路、创新举措,全面巩固拓展脱贫攻坚成果,打造乡村振兴建设美丽画卷。? 接续做好西藏昌都市卡若区定点帮扶工作。2022年,公司将新增对口支援西藏自治区昌都市卡若区帮扶任务,根据当地实际需求提出帮扶方案,投入帮扶资金不低于现有三个定点帮扶县,并从公司中青年干部中选派优秀干部挂职帮扶;接续完成好小康示范村建设工作,确保中铝新村项目按时保质保量完成;继续开展乡村振兴美丽乡村示范点建设,实施集中供水保障工程,以实际行动支援昌都市卡若区经济社会发展,助力当地乡村振兴。中国中铁将以强烈的责任感和使命感,持续强化责任担当,善始善终,善作善成,为全面实施乡村振兴战略作出新的更大贡献。

? The Company will strengthen the audit and inspection of key projects toensure that the special funds for assistance are used exclusively. In 2022,the Company will continue to hire a third-party audit institution toconduct independent audits on the key assistance infrastructureprojects in 2021 to ensure that the projects can stand the test of themasses, history and practice. At the same time, together with DisciplineInspection Organization, Production Supervision Center and otherdepartments, the Company will conduct special inspections on projectsunder construction. Through inspections on policy implementation,work style, funding and effectiveness of aided projects, etc., a list ofrelevant issues will be sent to the County Party Committee and theCounty Government, construction companies and the cadres assuminga temporary post for face-to-face feedback in a timely manner.? The Company will fully implement the requirements of the Party CentralCommittee and solidly promote key assistance work. The Company willresearch and argue in depth about new ideas and approaches fortargeted assistance work and on the basis of continuing to carry out keyassistance work such as education assistance, consumption assistance,and employment assistance, further expand ideas and innovatemeasures to comprehensively consolidate and expand povertyalleviation results and create a beautiful picture of the construction ofrural revitalization.? The Company will continue to do well in the targeted assistance work in

Karuo District, Qamdo City, Tibet. In 2022, the Company will providepairing-assistance for the Karuo District, Chamdo Prefecture, TibetAutonomous Region, where the Company has never assisted before.According to local actual demand, the Company will propose assistanceplans, invest assistance funds in no less than the existing threedesignated counties, dispatch outstanding cadres assuming a temporarypost from youth cadres of the Company and provide assistance there;the Company will continue to complete the construction of a well-offdemonstration village to ensure that the Zhonglv New Village project iscompleted on time with high quality and quantity; the Company willcontinue to carry out the construction of beautiful rural demonstrationsites of rural revitalization, implement guarantee projects of centralizedwater supply to supports Karo district, Qamdo City with practical actionsand help the revitalization of local villages.With a strong sense of responsibility and mission, CREC will continue tostrengthen its responsibility, make good start with good end and make goodimplementation with good achievements, so as to make new and greatercontributions to the full implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.


高质量共建“一带一路”Topic 3:

Joint Construction of the “Belt and Road”with High Quality

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

秉持共商共建共享原则Upholding the Principles of Joint Consultation, Construction and Sharing

坚持开放、绿色、廉洁理念Adhering to the Philosophy of Openness, Greenness and Integrity实现高标准、惠民生、可持续目标Achieving Targets of High Standard, Sustainable Development, and Benefiting People’s Livelihood

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


In 2021, CREC actively participated in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” construction, infrastructure interconnection,international production capacity and equipment manufacturing cooperation, and gave all-out support for Chinese railways “goingglobal”. The Company’s international business achieved a new contract amount of US$23,346.0 million, and successively signedcontracts for a number of projects such as Philippines Southern Railway, Guinea’s Simandou Mining Railway, Solomon Gold Mine,Thailand Sports Park, and Kenya’s Kakamega-Bengoma Large-scale Water Supply and Sanitation projects. CREC ranked second on thelist of “Top 250 Global Contractors of ENR”.

秉持共商共建共享原则Upholding the Principles of Joint Consultation, Construction and Sharing深化国际合作Furtherance of international cooperation


In 2021, the Company actively served the overall situation of the country’sforeign cooperation, carried out solid international exchanges andcooperation, actively participated in activities, such as the Second GlobalSustainable Transport Conference, the 12th International InfrastructureInvestment and Construction Forum, the China International Fair for Tradein Services, the Fourth China International Import Expo, the second China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo, the Special Virtual Dialogue with GlobalBusiness Leaders, the 6th “Belt and Road” Summit Forum in Hong Kong, the2021 “Belt and Road” Trade and Investment Forum, the 2021 BRICsInfrastructure Working Group Board Meeting, and the B20 Italian Financeand Infrastructure Group Meetings, and formed synergy with relevantparties and reached a number of consensuses.


CREC Exhibition Hall at the opening ceremony of the 13th China-Northeast AsiaExpo and the 11th Northeast Asia Cooperation High-level Forum


CREC ranked 35th among the FortuneGlobal 500 in “Fortune” in 2021


Territorial operation公司持续推进海外体制机制改革,规划在全球设立23个境外区域总部。遵循“整体规划、分批设立、试点先行”的原则,2021年先后完成孟加拉国区域总部、匈牙利区域总部、南亚区域总部等22个境外区域总部的设立。

文化交流沟通Cultural exchange and communication


The Company continues to promote the reform of systems andmechanisms of overseas operations, and plans to set up 23 overseasregional headquarters around the world. Based on the principle of “overallplanning, establishment in batches, and pilot at first”, the Company hassuccessively established 22 overseas regional headquarters, including theregional headquarters in Bangladesh, Hungary, and South Asia in 2021.

CREC respects local culture and folk customs with a focus on integrationwith local people, strives to increase local employment, cares for foreignemployees, adheres to the cultural concept of “teaching people to fish,serving the world”, and maintains good cultural communication with thehost country to widely spread Chinese wisdom and excellent culture.


From 2012 to 2021, China Railway Eryuan activelygave full play to the operational value and long-termbenefits of the international training platform of“exchange and mutual learning, high-end operation”,and provided professional training on internationalrailway knowledge for more than 1,700 foreigntrainees from more than 100 countries and regionsfrom five continents.



On 15 January 2021, CREC held the conference for “Cloud Open Day”and “CREC Indonesia Social Responsibility Report of the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway in Indonesia project”. The event leadedthe audience to “tour” the construction site of the Jakarta-Bandunghigh-speed railway project in Indonesia in the form of video, showedthe Company’s struggle in the construction of the Jakarta-Bandunghigh-speed railway in Indonesia and helping to fight the COVID-19,and the fully fulfilling of its social responsibilities by a multi-angle, all-round and three-dimensional way.



CREC donated cultural and sports facilities and epidemic prevention supplies toNongbing Village Primary School in Laos


Employees of China Railway Guangzhou Group Co., Ltd. carried out volunteer services at MengsaiWangyang Village Primary School (梦赛汪洋村小学) in Oudomxay Province, Laos

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告

推动绿色基础设施建设Promoting construction of green infrastructure2021年,公司境外在建项目严格遵守驻在国相关环保法律法规,办理各类环保资质,积极采取有效措施推进绿色工程建设。项目部严格执行周、月、季度的现场巡视检查与整改落实,闭环管理,确保当地生态环境不被破坏;健全环保制度,重视项目环保的整体策划与环保措施的落地实施;强化环保教育,定期开展环保业务培训,树立全员环保意识;强化应急管理和应急演练,根据环境污染事件的应急处理预案组织演练。

坚持开放、绿色、廉洁理念Adhering to the Philosophy of Openness, Greenness and Integrity

In 2021, the Company’s overseas projects under construction strictlyabided by the environmental protection laws and regulations of thecountries where they are located when handling various environmentalqualifications, and the Company actively took effective measures topromote green construction. The Project Department strictly implementedweekly, monthly and quarterly on-site inspections and rectificationimplementation, closed-loop management, to prevent the local ecologicalenvironment from being damaged; the Company improved theenvironmental protection system, pay attention to the overall planning ofenvironmental protection of project and the implementation ofenvironmental protection measures; the Company strengthenedenvironmental protection education, provided trainings on environmentalprotection businesses, fostered environmental protection awareness for allemployees; and the Company strengthened emergency management andemergency drills, and organized drills according to the emergencyresponse plan for environmental pollution incidents.

2021年,中国中铁新加坡C885项目在新加坡陆交举办的第23届年度“安全、健康和环境颁奖典礼”(ASAC)上荣获施工安全优秀奖;圣伊西德罗矿山和阿尔塔米拉矿山荣获委内瑞拉CVG Ferrominera Orinoco C.A.玻利瓦尔州安格斯都拉市“安全、环境荣誉”奖项。In 2021, CREC Singapore C885 Project won the Construction Safety Excellence Award at the 23rd Annual “Safety, Health and EnvironmentAwards Ceremony” (ASAC) held by Singapore Land Transportation; San Ysidro Mine and Altami La Mine won the “Safety and EnvironmentHonor” award from CVG Ferrominera Orinoco CA, Angus Dura, Bolivar State, Venezuela.


雅万高铁项目梁场的驻地均设置标准垃圾池及排污系统,搅拌站设置沉淀池及污水处理系统,主动邀请地方环保部门进行验收把关,不但有效保护了作业人员的身体健康,还大幅减小了对自然水体的污染。Standard garbage ponds and sewage systems were installed at the Liangchang site of the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway Project,and sedimentation ponds and sewage treatment systems were installed in the mixing station. Local environmental protectiondepartments were actively invited to conduct acceptance checks, which not only effectively protected the health of operators, but alsogreatly reduced the pollution to natural water.


强化依法合规管理Strengthening management in compliancewith laws and regulations2021年,公司召开境外合规工作会议暨境外业务合规培训会,全系统5,700余人参会并接受培训。组织全系统境外从业人员签订了合规承诺书。积极推动合规管理信息化,完成海外合规管理子系统的开发,并组织开展上线试运行。开展境外劳工领域风险专项排查、内控、合规及风险管理评价检查等专项排查工作,全面排查各类境外经营合规风险。利用公司海外合规公众号积极开展合规文化宣贯。保障海外项目安全Ensuring the safe operation of overseasprojects


In 2021, the Company convened an overseas compliance work meetingand an overseas business compliance training session with more than5,700 people from the whole system attending the meeting and receivingtraining. The Company organized overseas employees to sign theCompliance Commitment Letter. The Company actively promoted theinformatization of compliance management, completed the developmentof the overseas compliance management subsystem, and organized theonline trial operation. The Company carried out special investigations,including the special investigations on risks in the field of overseas labor,internal control, compliance and risk management evaluation inspectionand comprehensive investigations of various types of compliance risks inoverseas operation. The Company used the Company’s overseascompliance official account to actively carry out compliance culturepromotion.

In 2021, the Company adhered to the policy of supremacy of life and safetyfirst for its overseas projects. Bearing in mind the safe developmentphilosophy, the Company strengthened red line awareness and bottom-linethinking and maintained problem-oriented solutions to both symptomsand root causes, to guarantee safe investment. Through concerted effort ofthe whole Company, the stable and safe production of overseas projectswere realized.The Company strictly implemented the safe production responsibility system,implemented hierarchical risk control, strengthened supervision over safeproduction and the building of the safe production management system, andimproved rules and regulations concerning safe production. The Companyorganized Chinese managerial personnel and local operators to participate insafety education and training. By carrying out various safe production activitiessuch as risk control, hidden danger investigation, and special inspections, theCompany identified weak links in the project management process. TheCompany insisted on supervising and fixing the problems identified, toeliminate potential safety hazards. The Company promoted the application ofscientific and technological products and informatization means in projectsafety production management to further improve the safety guarantee forthe front-line personnel of project production.


International Business Department Israel Branch of China Railway TunnelGroup Co., Ltd. launched “Spring Plants Action (春苗行动)”

在中国驻刚果(金)大使馆“春苗行动”表彰大会上,中铁八局金沙萨区域项目部获“优秀集体”荣誉,杨亚琼被授予“最美志愿者”荣誉At the “Spring Plants Action (春苗行动)” commendation ceremony of the Chinese Embassy inthe Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Kinshasa Regional Project Department of v wasawarded the title of “Excellent Collective”, and Yang Yaqiong was awarded the title of “MostBeautiful Volunteer”

中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


For the extension project of the Blue Line of the Stockholm Metro in Sweden, the Company installed the equipment positioning systemfor each person and equipment entering the tunnel. All personnel and equipment in the tunnel carry a chip, and the rear managementsystem can check the number of personnel and equipment in the tunnel in real time. In the event of an accident, rescue can be arrangedin time.



The Company’s Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway project strengthened the education and training of local employees, organized thecompilation and translation of brochures on safety precautions for tunnel operations, printed 1,400 copies and distributed them toIndonesian operating employees and managers, ensuring each employee with one manual, so as to improve Indonesian employees’safety skills and awareness.



CREC complied with the relevant laws and regulations on occupationaldiseases of the countries where the projects are located, and wascommitted to undertaking the task of occupational health according tolaws and regulations. On the people-oriented and healthy work principle,the Company implemented pre-evaluation of occupational disease hazardsfor construction projects, purchased work-related injury insurance,provided occupational health education and training for all employees,kept them informed of factors of occupational hazards, enriched archivesof health inspection, conducted AIDS testing and regular checkups for localworkers, and equipped them with qualified labor protection supplies.

中国中铁匈牙利公司聘请当地铁路医疗中心医生开展职业健康管理工作,根据合同内容提供各项医疗服务。CREC Hungary Company hired doctors from the local railway medical center to carry out occupational health management and providevarious medical services according to the contract.


中国技术带动当地发展Chinese technologies driving localdevelopment



Achieving Targets of High Standard, Sustainable Development, and BenefitingPeople’s Livelihood

CREC takes full advantage of the whole industry chain and adopts theEPC+F model of design, procurement, construction and financing toprovide owners with full-cycle services from investment, survey and design,construction to operation and maintenance. Through the platform of“China Beststudy Education Group”, the Company actively carries outtraining relying on the Company’s survey and design, engineeringconsulting, and general engineering contracting projects in the field ofglobal rail transit.


For the railway connection project of the Padma Bridge in Bangladesh, the Company established a fully enclosed sleeper productionplant with fully automatic assembly line operation using Chinese standards and equipment and a daily production capacity of 500pieces. In Bangladesh, it is a sleeper factory with the largest scale, the most advanced equipment and the highest degree ofstandardization at present, which has effectively driven local employment and economic development.


中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告


Quality projects boosting local economy中国中铁依托境外重点工程,努力打造出企业与项目所在国之间的发展之路、绿色之路、廉洁之路、友谊之路、幸福之路,为高质量推动”一带一路”建设做贡献。公司雇佣当地人员5万余人,侧重于在当地采购材料,助推当地经济发展。

Relying on its key overseas projects, CREC is striving for the construction ofthe road to development, greenness, integrity, friendship and happinessbetween the Company and the countries where the projects are located,contributing to the high-quality promotion of the “Belt and Road”construction.The Company employs over 50,000 local people and focuses on purchasingthe local materials to boost local economic development.


In 2021, the Company’s Asia-Djibouti Railway Operation and Maintenance project had been organized scientifically and reasonably toensure the continuous operation of the Asia-Djibouti railway during the epidemic, and completed the training of 34 local train drivers toserve the local economic development.



In 2021, the Company’s Bangladesh Padma Bridge Railway Connection project provided 4,854 local jobs.



Public welfare undertakings benefit the localpeople中国中铁作为”一带一路”建设的主力军,在项目建设过程中,积极履行企业社会责任,主动融入当地社会,通过扶贫济困、公益慈善、抗议抢险等多种方式,搭建起一座座民心相通的友谊桥梁。

As the main force of the “Belt and Road” construction, CREC actively fulfillsits corporate social responsibility, actively integrates into the local societyand builds a bridge of friendship between peoples through various meanssuch as poverty alleviation, public welfare charity, protest and emergencyrescue, etc.

2021年10月8日,公司中老铁路指挥部在老挝万象市中老友好农冰村小学举行捐赠仪式,向农村冰小学移交了新建的藤球场,赠送了乒乓球桌等成套体育设施和相关防疫物资。中国中铁将继续努力为当地学生营造更加美好的校园环境,让其成为中老友谊的见证者和传承者。On 8 October 2021, the Company’s China-Laos Railway Headquarters held a donation ceremony at the China-Laos Friendship Rural BingPrimary School in Vientiane, Laos, and presented complete sets of sports facilities such as table tennis tables and related epidemicprevention materials. CREC will continue to strive to create a better campus environment for local students, so that they can becomewitnesses and inheritors of China-Laos friendship.


中国中铁股份有限公司 2021年度环境、社会与管治报告暨社会责任报告




In 2022, CREC will take Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era as guidance to fully, accurately andcomprehensively carry out the new development ideas to build a newdevelopment layout. Focusing on the theme of high-quality development,we will deepen reforms, strengthen the drive for technological innovation,put efforts into consolidating basic management, and prevent and resolvemajor risks. To become a top enterprise with global influence as soon aspossible, we will keep enhancing our capabilities in competition,innovation, control, brand and risk response and promote enterprises tobecome closer to higher quality, more efficient, more dynamic and moresustainable with safer development.In 2022, CREC will further play an exemplary role of an industry leadingenterprise to fulfill social responsibilities, comprehensively deepen thesocial responsibility management, expand the social responsibility field,enrich the social responsibility content, enhance the social responsibilitypractices, and cooperate with its stakeholders to make unremitting effortsin order to promote the development and progress of the whole society!




Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read the 2021Environmental, Social and Governance Report of China Railway GroupLimited in your busy schedule.There are inevitable flaws and omissions in the compilation process of thereport. We are very willing to listen to your comments and suggestions. Ifthere is any discrepancy between the English report and the Chinesereport, the Chinese report shall prevail.We express our sincere thanks for your support and help for the Companyonce again.



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Environmental, Socialand Governance Reportand Social ResponsibilityReport of CREC
