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*ST东电:社会责任报告 下载公告


Stock Code: 000585 股份編號:000585

(A joint stock limited company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China with limited liability)


Social Responsibility




Contents 目录

About This Report2關於本報告Core Business

核心業務Corporate Vision

公司願景Environmental Responsibilities5環境責任Emissions

排放物Use of Resources

資源使用Environment and Natural Resources

環境與天然資源Social Responsibility24社會責任Economic Benefits

經濟效益Product Responsibility

產品責任Service Responsibility

服務責任Supply Chain Management


僱傭Health and Development

健康與安全Development and Training

發展及培訓Labour Standards


反貪污Community Investment

社區投資Corporate Governance 41企業管治Notes made by the Board on the “non-standard audit report”issued by the accounting firm for the reporting period



About This Report 关于本报告




Northeast Electric Development Company Limited (“NEE” or the“Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”,“we”, “us” or “our”) have been preparing the Environmental, Social andGovernance Report (the “Report” or the “ESG Report”) since 2017 andpublish it at the fixed period annually. Based on practical experience ofprevious years, we strive to further implement the concept of sustainableand healthy development. The Report aims to give a fair picture of theGroup’s exploration, development and practice in respect of environmentalprotection, corporate social responsibility and corporate governance in2021, in a bid to help more stakeholders better understand the Group’sachievements in this respect.During the preparation of the Report, the standards and guidelines wefollowed and referred to include the Guidelines of the Shenzhen StockExchange for Standardized Operation of Companies Listed on the MainBoard, the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide (“ESGReporting Guide”) stated in the Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing theListing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, theGuidelines for the Preparation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reportsin China issued by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the GRISustainability Reporting Standards issued by the Global SustainabilityStandards Board, this report follows the reporting principles of materiality,quantification, balance and consistency..The Report covers the period from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021.The Report focuses on the performances of the Company and its principalsubsidiaries Fuxin Enclosed Busbar Co., Ltd (“Fuxin Busbar”) and HainanGarden Lane Flight Hotel Management Co., Ltd. (“Garden Lane FlightHotel”) on environment, social responsibility and governance during thereporting period.


About This Report 关于本报告

As the supreme decision-making division for ESG management of theGroup, the Board of Directors is primarily responsible for the formulationand supervision of ESG strategies, ensuring the establishment of effectiveESG risk management and internal supervision systems, and is responsiblefor considering and approving annual ESG reports. Meanwhile, the Grouphas designated relevant functional personnel to form a working groupwhich shall carry out annual ESG work pursuant to the ESG managementstrategy resolved by the Board, and is mainly responsible for assessing andidentifying ESG-related risks, making improvement plans, collecting andsubmitting data related to ESG management to the Board and preparingannual ESG reports.Core BusinessDuring the reporting period, based on the original research anddevelopment, design, production and sales businesses of power transmissionand transformation equipment related products, the Group continue pushedforward the Company’s overall transformation and upgrading from thetraditional manufacturing sector to modern service industry, and madegreat efforts to expand hotel accommodation and catering centering onairport hotels and relevant supporting services, with a view to seeking newbusiness opportunities and profit growth drivers, which has brought aboutnew momentum to the Company’s sustainable operation and development.Main products include enclosed busbars mainly used for power system toimprove the energy efficiency of transmission lines and support high powertransmission (being an important piece of equipment for power system) andhotel accommodation, and catering.




About This Report 关于本报告

Corporate VisionVigorously fulfilling its environmental responsibility of “FriendlyEnvironment, Warm Home”, the Company strives to create anenvironment friendly enterprise. In line with the business objective of “GoodFaith for Reputation, Everlasting Innovation”, it provides customerswith better products and services through the concerted efforts of allemployees to keep abreast of the times and struggle ahead.As a responsible and visionary enterprise, we create value to shareholdersand potential investors through optimising corporate governance,environmental protection, talent development and factory environmentinvestment, and simultaneously support our business philosophy andobjectives, promote sustainable development strategy, implementenvironmental-friendly policies, fulfill corporate social responsibility,devote to sustainable talent growth, and endeavor to build a more pleasantand harmonious social environment.The Group actively improves its corporate governance structure tostandardise its operation. The Group seriously complied with the provisionsof “Corporate Governance Code” and “Corporate Governance Report”in Appendix 14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on theStock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and, where appropriate, adoptedthe recommended best practices as specified therein.



Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

2021 is the first year of “Double Carbon”. China solemnly commits to thegas environment and climate governance goals of “achieving carbon peakby 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060”, “Government Work Report”and “14th Five-Year Plan” Incorporate “double carbon” into the overalllayout of ecological civilization construction and high-quality development,accelerate the promotion of green and low-carbon development, activelyadjust the energy structure, promote the adjustment and upgrading of theindustrial structure, start super projects such as the construction of newinfrastructure and the technological transformation of energy conservationand carbon reduction in key areas, rely on technological progress andinnovation to drive industrial growth, and promote the development oftraditional industries. Low-carbon transformation, vigorously developa new green and low-carbon economy, reduce energy consumptionand carbon emissions of industrial industries, and gradually realize thedecoupling of economic growth and carbon emissions.In July 2021, the national carbon emission rights trading market wasofficially launched. In November, the central bank created and launcheda carbon emission reduction support tool, and set up a special re-loan forcarbon emission reduction of RMB200 billions to promote green and low-carbon development. The Beijing Winter Olympics will be held in February2022. Carbon neutrality will be achieved, and carbon emission managementwill become the third wave of economic growth after real estate and IT.




Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

The Group has always adhered to the environmental protection conceptof sustainable development, endeavoring to create a resource-conservingand environment-friendly development model so as to contribute to theconstruction of social and ecological civilization. During the reportingperiod, the Group conscientiously complied with and implemented nationallaws and regulations on environmental protection, energy conservation andemission reduction, strictly controlled pollutant discharge with focuses onwastewater, carbon emission and waste management. Besides, it developedControl Procedures for Identification and Evaluation of EnvironmentalElements, Emergency Response and Preparation Procedures and RiskResponse and Control Procedures so as to effectively control environmentalrisks. Each production and operation unit set environmental objectives atthe beginning of each year, detailed the objectives, and carried out monthlyassessment and included the results in salary performance, ensuring thefulfillment of environmental responsibilities and social commitments.Meanwhile, the Company has established and constantly improves thegreen management system, energetically exploresa low-carbon businessmodel, adheres to transformation of energy-saving technology andexploiting potential to reduce consumption, and continues to promote theconstruction of an environment-friendly enterprise.



Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任



1. Emissions

According to the Environmental Protection Law of the People’sRepublic of China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China onthe Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution, the Lawof the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control ofWater Pollution, the Law of the People’s Republic of China onthe Prevention and Control of Ambient Noise Pollution, the Lawof the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control ofEnvironmental Pollution by Solid Waste, the Energy ConservationLaw of the People’s Republic of China, the Law of the People’sRepublic of China on Promoting Clean Production and other lawsand regulations, the Group attaches great importance to the impactof various pollutants on the environment and emission managementstandards. Currently, pollutant discharge management has beenincluded in the environmental performance assessment of affiliatedenterprises. Environmental protection specialists have been assignedin each hotel and production factory. Environmental performanceassessment has been linked with personnel performanceand promotion, which clarifiesresponsiblepersons,responsibilities,tasks,rewardsandpunishment, makingsure that assessment indicators in connection with environmentalprotection cover all operation procedures. In 2021, there was noenvironmental violation with significant impacts on the Group.


Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任


During the 2021 reporting period, the Group expanded the scale ofhotel operations while consolidating the enclosed busbar business,resulting in a corresponding increase in emissions. Exhaust gases,wastewater, solid waste, noise, smoke, dust and other pollutants aregenerated during production and operation activities. The specificcomposition of emissions is as follows:



Substance emitted排放物

Amount/Weight in 2021


Amount/Weight in 2020


Atmospheric Emissions大气排放







43-51db45-53db4Carbon dioxide


47.4t24t5Nitrogen oxides



Sewage Emissions废水排放

Industrial wastewater生产废水

1540m?1550m?7Sanitary wastewater




Recyclable waste可回收废物

0.85t1.1t9Non-recyclable waste


184t90t10Hazardous waste




Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

Power transmission and transformation products-Design andprocessing of closed busbarDuring daily production, only greenhouse gases are released.Other pollutants generated like industrial wastewater and exhaustgases contain nodangerous chemical substance after filtrationand can be directly released after meeting the environmentalprotection standards. Besides, there will be little dust and smogthat is negligible and mechanical noise of no higher than 60dBwithin environmental protection standards. During the processingof materials, recyclable waste of solid leftover materials will begenerated, such as waste aluminum, iron and copper. In 2021, a totalof 0.85 tons of solid recyclable waste was generated, down slightlyfrom last year.Hotel accommodation and catering businessIn the newly-expanded business area, the Company also fullyconsiders a plan that will reduce the impact on environment inbuilding design, room renovation and equipment selection for thehotel catering project. During project construction, the Companyactively took measures to control the pollution of smoke, dust,noise, exhaust gases, wastewater and solid waste on the constructionsite within the scope specified by laws, regulations and constructionmanagement rules. After hotel catering premises were put intooperation, a series of environmental protection measures in strictaccordance with national standards were also implemented. Theproject has passed the environmental protection acceptance forcompletion of construction projects by the local environmentalprotection bureau.




Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任




1.1 Exhaust and greenhouse gas emissions

In view of the business nature and production activities ofthe Group, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, little dust andother exhaust and greenhouse gases are generated duringdaily operation, mainly from (1) the combustion of fuelsupplied by gas pipes for cooking with kitchen stoves inhotels and boiler heating; (2) the using of refrigerationmaterials by air conditioners in hotels and office areas; (3)factory machining; and (4) seasonal heating, etc.The Group strictly complies with the Law of the People’sRepublic of China on the Prevention and Control ofAtmospheric Pollution and continues to implement effectiveenvironmental protection measures. We have maintainedthe overall emission density of exhaust and greenhousegases at a relatively low level. For smoke, dust and otherpollutants produced during the operation process, we try toavoid open operation and set up ventilation devices. We usepaint spraying equipment meeting national environmentalprotection standards to reduce the emission of harmfulgases.Greenhouse gases of the Group mainly come from airconditioning and seasonal heating in hotel rooms andoffice areas. A number of serious energy-saving policieswere ongoing in 2021, details of which are described in thesection of “Use of Resources”.


Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

The Group’s emission of greenhouse gases is summarisedas follows:


Weight (tons of carbon dioxide) 2021


Weight (tons of carbon dioxide) 2020

2020年重量(吨二氧化碳)Total emissions排放总量4724Density (emissions/employees)密度(排放╱雇员人数)

0.070.16Note: The changes in the number of employees indicate

that the Company has newly added 6 hotels to theoperating scale during the reporting period, and thenumber of employees at the end of the period was647 (in 2020: 150).

1.2 Sewage emissions

The Group has fully satisfied the regulations provided inthe Law of the People’s Republic of China on Preventionand Control of Water Pollution and the Notice of the StateCouncil on Issuing the Action Plan for Prevention andControl of Water Pollution. The producers under the Grouphave installed water recycling facilities. Most of the watersupply and drainage facilities are provided and managedby property management companies, and the Group hasdischarged all domestic wastewater in accordance with thenational control standards.







Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

In 2021, as a result of the COVID-19 (“新型冠狀病毒”) outbreak to hotel-related businesses, as a result ofdomestic water of hotel business, industrial wastewaterand domestic wastewater discharged during production,and from September 2021, 6 new hotels have been addedto the business operation scale. This year, the total waterconsumption was 150,300 cubic meters, an increase of

84.4% compared with last year, and the sewage discharge

intensity was 1,796 cubic meters per million yuan ofoperating income. All the Group’s business sectors strictlycomply with the requirements of the Law of the People’sRepublic of China on Prevention and Control of WaterPollution and other national laws and regulations, as wellas emission standards, environmental impact assessmentdocuments and pollutant discharging licenses, anddischarge in accordance with standards.

1.3 Waste emissions

The Group generates waste during its operation. We haveestablished and strictly implemented a waste managementsystem, aiming to properly dispose all types of waste. Inaddition to effective waste management, we also promotethe concept of circular economy throughout the operationprocess to reduce waste as much as possible. We encouragereuse, recycling and replacement of waste.





Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任



1.3.1 Hazardous waste

Although the Group produces little hazardouswaste every year, we have prepared the guidelineson management and disposal of hazardous waste.Any harmful waste produced will be disposed of inaccordance with relevant environmental protectionrules. As activated carbons for environmentalprotection facilities need to be replaced everysix months, 0.9 ton of hazardous waste-activatedcarbon generated.Item项目


Weightin2020(tonsofhazardouswaste)2020年重量(吨有害废弃物)Total emissions排放总量

0.90.5Density (Emissions/Million revenue)密度(排放╱百万元收入)



Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

1.3.2 Non-hazardous waste

Certain non-hazardous solid waste is inevitablyproduced by the Group during machining andoperation of hotel restaurants, mainly from rawmaterial cutting and processing, kitchen waste ofhotel restaurants, daily garbage of hotel rooms andwaste from office work of employees. We adoptthe classification management and centralizeddisposal of non-hazardous solid waste, whilenon-recoverable waste like paper and domesticwaste is cleaned by qualified sanitation Company.Recoverable solid waste, such as waste paper, scrapmetal and wood refuse, is recycled. Dischargeof main non-hazardous waste is summarised asfollows:




2020年重量(吨)Recyclable waste – Copper可回收废物—铜

0.250.35Recyclable waste – Aluminium可回收废物—铝

0.30.35Recyclable waste – Iron可回收废物—铁

0.30.4Non-recyclable waste—Domestic waste不可回收废物—生活垃圾18489

Note: From September 2021, the Company

has added 6 hotels to the operating scale,resulting in a significant increase in non-recyclable waste (domestic waste). Thisindicator is not comparable with last year.






Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

In order to reduce waste emissions, the Groupactively promotes the related projects in regard toupgrading and transforming production process,using substitutes and advocating “demand asneeded” by combining with business characteristics,and examines the amount of non-hazardous wasteproduced by each department regularly, so as toreduce the overall impact of non-hazardous wasteproduced on the environment during businessoperation.? Further optimise the design drawing, avoid

reworking, reduce the use of raw materialand production of scraps, through which theGroup decreases waste from sources;? Replace disposable hotel supplies with

recyclable products and try to provideplastic products only when customers arein need, so as to cut the overuse of earthresources;? Adjust the changing pattern of printer

consumables, and encourage employees toprint in black and white as well as on bothsides, recycle and use waste printing paper;? Apply “environmentalprotection

logos” in hotel rooms to remind customersto reduce the frequency of changingaccommodation supplies, so as to reducegoods consumption and save water;








Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

? Launch “CleanYourPlateCampaign”

and post warm tips in all restaurants andcanteens suggesting moderate number ofdishes;? Change work model and advocate paperless

office to reduce unnecessary paper waste;? In view of the special circumstance of

epidemic prevention and control, we have

advocated work from home and other new

flexible work models, and controlled the

number of personnel attending meetings via

network, video and online platforms as far

as possible, to prevent unnecessary on-site

gatherings and traveling, thus continued

saving office resources and meeting costs.

2. Use of Resources

The Group strictly abides by the Law of the People’s Republic ofChina on Conserving Energy, the Measures for the Administrationof Industrial Energy Conservation, the Technical Regulationson Energy Conservation Design of Engineering Machinery andStandard and Common Industry, the Design Code for EnergyConservation of Machinery Industry, and other laws, regulationsand government rules. We have developed energy-saving systemsand standard requirements based on business characteristics tofurther strengthen energy-saving management. Through measuressuch as promotion of energy-saving equipment and electricalappliances and setting steps to carry out classified collection ofwaste, we implement the environmental protection concept ofenergy-saving and consumption reduction in all aspects of industrialproduction and hotel operation.








Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

2.1 Energy consumption

The main energy consumption of the Group in its dailyoperations is electricity and water consumption.












Water水M?150,3001,79681,5001,020Note: From September 2021, the Company has added 6

hotels to the operating scale. However, the hotelindustry consumes a lot of water and electricity. Inaddition, the related hotels recognize the incomeaccording to the net value method according to theprofit situation, while the hotel energy consumptionis still based on the full-scale statistics. As a result,the overall energy consumption indicator is notcomparable to last year.?We took proactive measures to achieve the goal of

using electricity economically and efficiently andreducing carbon emissions. Through the publicityof environmental protection knowledge in variouschannels and the adoption of effective measures,the electricity efficiency of the Group has beenimproved correspondingly with everyone’s jointefforts:

?Ensure the normal operation of equipment by

reasonable renovation and update, regular repairand maintenance of equipment used in factoryworkshops, hotel rooms and office areas;









Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

?Improve the air conditioning and lighting

management of public areas and hotel rooms,adopt a series of appropriate energy-saving andenvironmental protection measures, including theinstallation of energy efficient lighting devices(such as LED lamps or energy-saving light bulbs)to reduce power consumption, replacement ofheat recovery wheels of new fans in guest rooms,advocating turning off lights when the natural lightsuffices in the office areas;?Apply energy-saving measures of cooling and air

conditioning systems, and encourage employeesto open windows to circulate air and shut downair conditioners as much as possible when it is inmoderate temperature, in an effort to save energyand reduce emission.?Carry out the six one energy-saving publicity

activities of “apieceofpaper,agrainofrice,adropofoil,adropofwater,akilowatt-hourofelectricity,andarayofsunshine”to scientifically promote energy conservation andemission reduction.







Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

In addition, under the premise of ensuring the safety ofepidemic prevention, the Group vigorously pushes greenoffice, advocates green traveling by encouraging employeesto take public transportation or shared bicycles and intensiveway to arranging a commuter bus for employees to solve the“lastkilometer” travelling problem of employees, thusreducing the emission of exhaust gas.

2.2 Water consumption

Due to the Group’s business nature, there is domestic waterconsumed in the daily office, dining and bathing process ofemployees, water for cleaning environment, watering thelawn and fire demand, apart from the water consumptionin the product manufacturing process. Domestic water issourced from municipal water supply. Most of the watersupply facilities are provided and managed by propertymanagement companies, so the procurement of suitablewater sources is not relevant to the Group.





Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任

In order to standardize the water utilization, relevant waterresource management measures have been formulatedby all business sectors of the Group based on theirown characteristics, including the Regulations on theManagement of Water, Electricity and Gas Consumptionin the aspect of machining business and the Measures forthe Management of Water and Electricity Conversationin the aspect of hotel catering business, etc., to strengthenthe management and utilization of water resources. Wecontinue to strengthen the publicity, education and training,actively arrange water management personnel of each unitto participate in different water-saving business training,encourage them to learn more and enrich knowledgethrough online platforms, and encourage each unit toactively implement various water-saving publicity andeducation activities according to its characteristics of waterutilization.



Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任



2.3 Use of packaging material

Based on the nature of our business, during processing ofmaterials provided by clients, production and packaging,and restaurant operation, the Group will consume a largeamount of packaging materials for product packaging. In2021, a total of 14 tons of packaging materials was used, thespecific comparison is as follows:




Weight(tons)in20202020年重量(吨)Wooden box木箱



1.20.6Box iron槽钢

Total总计1412.6Density (Weight/Revenue in millions)密度(重量╱百万收入)



Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任




3. Environment and Natural Resources

We always adhere to the concept of environmental protectionresponsibility, pursue e the philosophy of sustainable environmentalprotection in the Company’s operation and production andemployees’ work and life through internal management, andimplement various resource saving measures, such as selectingenvironment-friendly materials as much as possible in hoteldecoration and construction, starting business after passing theenvironmental impact assessment test by environmental protectiondepartment; setting up air cleaners in guest rooms and the lobby,and retrofitting old boilers to cut carbon emissions; carrying outvideo conferences to reduce unnecessary business trips; simplifyingthe venue decoration, reducing unnecessary roll screen, podium KTboard, etc., printing necessary table cards, banners, reminder boardsonly, and maximizing the efficiency of reuse as much as possible.In order to fully implement the concept of sustainable development,the Company actively guides its subsidiaries to promote greenoffice, encourage them to save resources and energies, reducepollutant emissions, and use and recycle renewable products. At thesame time, the Company is people-centered, advocates harmoniousworking, and actively creates a green and comfortable officeenvironment for employees. Employees adopt the form of networkoffice, and are encouraged to print files and materials on both sides,arrange and recycle reusable paper regularly. Upholding the idea ofpeople first and harmonious workplace, we take the lead to createa green and comfortable office environment for our staff. TheCompany promotes to grow plants in the office to purify the air andreduce air pollution.


Environmental Responsibilities 环境责任


Meanwhile, we focus on the environmental education and advocacyamong staff to raise the awareness of our people to understand theimportance of resource conservation. They are encouraged to makefull use of resources, to maximize their effectiveness and to avoidwastage of resources. Encourage employees to actively participatein environmental public welfare activities, and arrange to participatein themed publicity activities and public welfare activities such as“100thAnniversaryoftheFoundingoftheParty” and“HainanFreeTradePort”. In addition, we actively encourageemployees to actively practice green public welfare activities intheir daily lives, such as driving to and from the workplace as littleas possible, taking public transportation, and minimizing the wasteof working meals in the canteen.


Social Responsibilities 社会责任

1. Economic Benefits

The Group has always focused on its economic responsibilities,aiming at economic responsibility goals in such aspects asimproving economic benefits, implementing product and servicequality management, protecting the interests of consumers,maintenance of long-term cooperation with suppliers and innovativedevelopment. Taking “qualitypriorityandservicefirst”as the Company’s management philosophy, we value consumers’experience, sincerely accept various opinions and suggestions, anddeal with product and service complaints efficiently, which enablesus to continuously improve the hotel service and product process,and maintain our good image in the market. Meanwhile, we alsoregard all suppliers as our important business partners, and activelyestablish good long-term relationships with them, to provideenduring impetus to the Group’s stable development.

2. Product Responsibility

Focusing on product quality, the Group has built and implementeda strict quality management system. Fuxin Busbar has formulatedthe Quality, Environment, Occupational Health and SafetyManagement Manual and the Procedure File for the productmanufacturing process of Fuxin Busbar, and implemented metalenclosed busbar standard GB/T8349-2000. Our products havepassed the quality management system certification, environmentalmanagement system certification, occupational health and safetymanagement system certification, and PCCC certification.






Social Responsibilities 社会责任

Fuxin Busbar has set up the quality inspection and processdepartment, and increase relevant functions of product processinspection, thus effectively ensuring inspection in the productionprocess and process implementation effect. At the same time, theproduct quality is strictly controlled by increasing the number offull-time inspectors and implementing the employment systemfor part-time inspectors in each workshop. We also encourageemployees to make technological innovations and minor reforms toimprove the process, enhance the product quality and productivity.Driven by the strategy of developing high-tech products andapplying for high-tech enterprise certification, Fuxin Busbar hascontinuously pushed technical improvements and research andinnovation of new products since 2018 by utilising not less than5% of revenues per annum for R&D investment. As a result, ithas obtained 15 utility model patents and achieved multiple newproducts research and innovation results. Thanks to the planning,preparation, and proactive application for three years, Fuxin Busbarhas been awarded one of the first batch of high-tech enterprises of2020 in Liaoning Province.



Social Responsibilities 社会责任

To standardize product quality appraisal and substandard productrecovery procedure, we formulated the Regulations on the Controland Management of Substandard Products, the Quality RejectionSystem and the Substandard Product Control Procedure to definethe power and responsibilities of the person in charge of test,acceptance and release. The Notice of Reworking and Repairand the Notice of defective products shall be issued when non-conforming products are found in the appraisal process, and thequality responsibility will be investigated. We also think highlyof the after-sales service of products on the basis of ensuring thequality of ex-factory products, and have formulated the After-sales Management Regulations and the Regulations on QualityInformation Feedback and Service Management. If products arefound to be of serious quality defects or hidden dangers after theyare sold, they shall be timely recalled or other effective measuresshall be taken, so as to further improve the quality of products andservices.We insist on the supplier access and evaluation mechanism in thehotel catering business in which the Group is engaged, and havesigned commitment letters of food safety and quality with allsuppliers to strictly carry out quality, environment, safety standardsand inspection systems, strictly implement regulations on theusage and management of food additives. Each of the procurement,inspection, storage, processing and production links is under strictcontrol to ensure the food safety and specification, striving to offerhigh-quality catering services and accommodation experience foreach customer.




Social Responsibilities 社会责任

3. Service Responsibility

As a hotel operator, we keep up with the market trends anddemands, devoting to creating an airline hotel brand anddelivering high-quality and convenient services and facilities foreach customer. To this end, we have established a set of strictmanagement regulations and rules for hotel management services,accommodation and catering service quality as core standards ofpersonnel management, operation and management and servicequality management, including but not limited to the OperationManual, the Operation Manual of Marketing Management, theCatering Regulations and Rules, the Catering Standard OperatingProcedures, etc. In addition, we have insight into customers’demands, establish complaint and suggestion mechanisms, activelycollect customers’ opinions for regular analysis and research, withan aim to improve the hotel operation and employees’ performance,and continuously strengthen the service awareness of staff in thehotel.The Group is firmly against any fraudulent and exaggeratedpromotion in the process of product sales and hotel operation. Weclosely monitor the authenticity and positivity of the promotioncontents. All product labels and advertising promotional materialsmust comply with the Group’s policies and only can be put into themarket upon careful inspection. Furthermore, the Group strictlycomplies with all laws and regulations related to the privacy ofpersonal data. In accordance with our privacy policies, all personaldata collected must be kept strictly confidential, including settingdifferent levels of access, only granting access to and handlingcustomers’ personal data by the authorized personnel, requiringhotel staff to sign confidentiality agreements, keeping relevantrecords of the access to customers’ data by staff.





Social Responsibilities 社会责任

4. Supply Chain Management

Based on years of operational development experience in theelectrical equipment manufacturing industry, we have gained a goodunderstanding of the industry and its upstream and downstreamindustries, and evaluate and manage suppliers on that basis to selectqualified suppliers and create files for qualified suppliers. Suppliersare evaluated according to the Supplier Evaluation Standards.Supplier of bulk raw materials and electrical components arerelatively stable with good credibility in cooperation. During thereporting period, the Group is not aware of any significant qualityissues and supplier complaints.With regard to our newly developed hotel accommodation andcatering business, we carefully choose suppliers and contractors,and select accredited partners. At present, we have established areliable supplier network, offering diversified products and servicescovering catering, cleaning and laundry, guest room supplies andhotel facilities. As the supply chain is directly linked to the levelof services we provide for customers, the Group maintains closeliaison with our suppliers to monitor their performance and ensurecompliance with our service commitments, in an effort to providesuperior living experience for our customers.




Social Responsibilities 社会责任



In order to efficiently manage the supply chain and lower risks,the Group’s procurement department is in charge of the unifiedmanagement of procurement matters related to daily hotel operation.We have established a sound management system for the supplychain system to improve its coordination and stability. Meanwhile,due to a deep knowledge that procurement decisions may have aprofound impact on the society and environment, possible adverseeffects of the procurement process on the environment and societyare reduced as much as possible, such as taking the environmentalprotection into consideration when purchasing hotel appliancesand supplies, purchasing environment-friendly products as faras possible, including LED lights, biodegradable shopping bags,hazardous chemicals and cleaning supplies with environmentalcertification and labeling, and advocating purchase of green andlocal agricultural products. In the future, we will continue tostrengthen the screening and evaluation of suppliers, and welcomethe participation of qualified, competent and quality suppliers toachieve “win-windevelopment”.Similarly, we also attach great importance to the relationshipswith suppliers and regard them as important business partnersin the design and processing process of power transmission andtransformation equipment related products. All suppliers areselected in strict accordance with the supplier selection process.The professional review panel has conducted stringent accreditationon suppliers’ qualification, technological capacity, productivityand others. Only those accredited suppliers will be on the listof cooperative units, by which the raw materials necessary forproduction are offered.


Social Responsibilities 社会责任




During the year, the Group is not aware of any majorsuppliers’actions or practices that had a significant negative impacton business ethics, environmental protection, human rights andlabour practices.


At the strategic perspective of maintaining the healthy developmentof the Company, we are fully aware that employees are one ofour valuable assets, and ensuring employees’ interests and careerdevelopment is our important social responsibility. Therefore, weeffectively implement the principle of “legalandreasonableemployment,promotionofharmonizedlabourrelationship”. Strictly complying with the Labour Contract Lawof the People’s Republic of China and local laws and regulations,and sticking to the principles of equality and diversification,the Group has established a fair, democratic, competitive andmeritocratic selection and employment mechanism and enters intolabour contracts in accordance with the law. A diverse workforcecontributes to a Company’s innovation and competitiveness. TheGroup respects the cultural differences of different employees, iscommitted to providing employees with equal and diverse careerdevelopment opportunities, strictly abides by relevant national lawsand regulations, supports the equal development of employees withdifferent backgrounds and groups, and is committed to creating adiverse and inclusive cultural atmosphere, providing employeeswith A workplace for equal employment and development.


Social Responsibilities 社会责任

Meanwhile, we have formulated and improved relevant policiesand implementation rules including the Salary Management,the Recruitment Management, the Administrative Measures forEmployees’ Vacation and the Employee Manual. The humanresources department strictly controls the attendance time andsalary structure of employees, evaluates the performance andability of employees on a regular basis and takes such results as thebenchmark of employees’ salary adjustment and promotion. At thesame time, the department managers are continuous encouraged toactively communicate with employees and give them feedback tocontinuously improve their performance and efficiency.In order to improve employees’ identification and belonging, theGroup also actively provides multiple benefits for employeesincluding annual physical examination, holiday allowance, hightemperature allowance etc., enabling each staff to be respectedand cared as much as possible, thus enhancing the corporatecohesiveness, and stimulate employees’ enthusiasm and creativity.The Group strictly forbids any unethical employment approaches,including child labour and forced labour in the workplace, ensuresemployees to enjoy labour rights and perform their obligations inaccordance with laws, and earnestly fulfills social responsibilities.During the year, the Group is not aware of any material violations oflaws and regulations relating to employment and labour practices.




Social Responsibilities 社会责任

6. Health and Development

Particularly in response to the emergency of the COVID-19pandemic, we are committed to providing employees with a safeand healthy environment for daily working and clearly identify“emphasisonemployees’healthandconcernwithoccupationalhealth” as one of our corporate responsibilities,which is essential to improving occupational health and workefficiency of employees. In strict abidance by relevant national lawsand regulations on occupational health, including but not limited tothe Work Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Lawof the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control ofOccupational Diseases, the Occupational Safety and Health Rules,we have developed an internal safety management manual in whicha number of safety management and accident prevention measuresare set out, and provide employees with labour protective articlesincluding masks, gas masks, protective glasses, gloves, workclothes, towels in accordance with labour protection requirements.Physical examination for employees is arranged each year. Canteenmanagement personnel will take physical examination for healthcertification, and trainings are provided to personnel in specialpositions for operation certificate.




Social Responsibilities 社会责任

We have conducted various trainings and drills for our employeesin January 2021. In March 2021, the training of “On-site ServiceInstallation Operation Safety” and “Operation Environment Controland Energy Management System” training were carried out,including trainings on Occupational Health and Safety ManagementSystem Requirements for internal auditors and on Identificationand Handling of Potential Fire and Safety Hazards for productionpersonnel. Trainings on Safety Knowledge and OperatingProcedures for staff in May. In July, employees were trained on “FireSafety Propaganda” and fire cases were explained; in August, theycarried out evacuation and isolation drills simulating the new crownepidemic; in November, employees were given training on thenew “Safety Production Law” and exam papers, and the Companymanagement cadres were organized to interpret Xi Jinping Thegeneral secretary gave a speech and watched the propaganda film“Safety is More Important than Mount Tai” to improve the safetyresponsibility and awareness of management cadres.Particularly in response to the emergency of the COVID-19pandemic, the Company had established teams and developedmeasures at the early stage of the outbreak in strict compliance withthe requirements of local governments for epidemic prevention andcontrol, to implement grid-based epidemic prevention and control,to be responsible for keeping the soil, and to ensure the resumptionof work and production and the safety of operations. The mainmeasures are:




Social Responsibilities 社会责任

1. During the epidemic period, a sufficient amount of anti-

epidemic materials and disinfection equipment werereserved, and equipment and supplies such as protectiveclothing, protective face screens, protective shoe covers,watering cans, 84 disinfectant, alcohol, and hand sanitizerwere purchased.

2. Employees enter the factory area to scan the code to register

and measure their body temperature. All employees mustwear masks in the factory area. In the restrooms, conferencerooms, canteens, commuter vehicles and other places whereemployees can easily gather, special personnel are set up tobe responsible for disinfection.

3. The cafeteria adopts staggered meals, and all dining staff

maintain a safe distance of more than 1 meter.

4. There is a new crown isolation observation room in the

office building, and employees with abnormal health can beisolated and observed in time.










Social Responsibilities 社会责任







5. Employees should travel by self-driving as far as possible to

reduce the risk of uncertain contact on the way. Employeesmust report for their return trip, and undergo isolation andnucleic acid testing according to the government’s epidemicprevention and control requirements. After confirmingthat there is no possibility of the spread of the new crownepidemic, they can return to work after approval.

6. The Company actively organizes employees to carry out

new crown vaccination work. Except for special physicalconditions, they have done everything they need to do.Although the epidemic situation fluctuated, the implementation ofeffective prevention and control measures ensured that sales andproduction operations were carried out in an orderly manner, and noepidemic contagion occurred.

7. Development and Training

Talent is the precious wealth of enterprise development. In orderto effectively respond to market competition and industry changes,we recognize that nurturing talents and improving vocational skillsare crucial for both employees and enterprises. Affected by theepidemic, we actively innovated online training methods, adjustedtraining plans in a timely manner, and comprehensively covered alltypes of training from the grassroots to middle and senior levels,enabling employees to grow and develop.


Social Responsibilities 社会责任

During the reporting period, the middle and senior personnel ofthe Company participated in the qualifications and follow-uptraining of secretary of the board organized by the Exchange for 2people, participated in the follow-up training of senior managementpersonnel of listed companies for 5 people, participated incompliance training for independent directors for 3 people, tosystematically learn and master relevant professional knowledge,which provides a practical guarantee for directors, supervisors,senior management to continuously update the knowledge andinformation required for their performance of duties as well as toenhance their ability to perform duties.At the same time, we encourage employees to participate invocational continuing education and professional training, toassist employees in continuously pursuing excellence in work andenhancing expertise, we will also offer support to them througha variety of internal training programs, for example, professionalskill improvement trainings relating to quality managementsystem, special ultrasonic checkout equipment, high-pressuretest operation, argon arc welding, fire safety, new safety law,new product technology special effects, computer aided design(CAD), ERP resource management system, office automationsystem (OA), and Kingdee financial computerization softwareorganized by relevant functional departments. Orientation coursesfor new employees enable them to understand the businessoperations and working environment and fit into the Companyas soon as possible. The Company also offers regular courses ofcorporate culture presentation for all employees to deepen thesense of corporate identity and boost employee morale. Further,we found that employees in different post grades and with differentcareer planning have different individual needs, for which weneed to develop a training scheme. We have designed diversifiedtraining courses and provided them in various forms includingbusiness seminars and online and offline teaching, coveringenterprise management, occupational health and safety, servicequality improvement, corporate compliance, technology R&D,




Social Responsibilities 社会责任




and environmental management and available for employeesof different types of work and different levels from ordinaryemployees at the front-line production and operation to seniormanagement.

8. Labour Standards

The Company strictly follows the Labour Contract Law of thePeople’s Republic of China and other labour laws, regulations andpolicies, uphold equal and standardized employment, explicitlyprohibits childlabourandforcedlabour, and strictlyimplements the statutory holidays system, and stipulation of payabove normal working hours.During the year, the Group is not aware of any material violationsof laws and regulations relating to child labour and forced labour.


Social Responsibilities 社会责任

9. Anti-corruption

In active response to the call of regulators on the construction ofan industry of “compliance,integrity,professionalismandstability”, the Group continues to establish systems in termsof combating corruption and upholding integrity (including butnot limited to bribery prevention, extortion prevention, and fraudprevention), continuously strengthens the education on adherenceto business ethics and the management of relevant personneland strictly abides by the Criminal Law of the People’s Republicof China, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Anti-Corruption and Anti-bribery, the Law of the People’s Republicof China on Anti-money Laundering, the Law of the People’sRepublic of China on Tenders, Bids, the Prevention of BriberyOrdinance and other relevant laws. The Group always has zerotolerance for bribery, extortion, fraud, money laundering and otherillegal behaviors. We require our employees and suppliers to beincorruptible and self-disciplined, always uphold the concept ofintegrity and fair competition, and resolutely prevent any briberyand corruption in business operations. For the purpose of enhancingtransparency and overall ethical standards, helping employeesobtain an better understanding of the Company’s anti-corruptionrequirements, improving prevention awareness, we have specifiedanti-corruption policies and monitoring measures in the employeemanual, including the definition and scenario description ofbribery of employees and suppliers, for example, gifts and tipsreceiving, to assist and let employees to be informed of anti-corruption requirements, and methods to prevent corruption in dailyoperations. Any employee who requests or accepts gifts (moneyor in any other form) from suppliers in business courses may besubject to disciplinary sanction or even dismissal.




Social Responsibilities 社会责任




In a bid to standardize the code of conduct of employees and createa positive and initiative working atmosphere, the Group amendedand improved such internal monitoring rules as the Code ofConduct for Employees, the Reporting and Complaint ManagementSystem, and the Anti-fraud Management System, and cultivated thesense of social responsibility and legal consciousness of employeesand encouraged employees and relevant stakeholders to reportmisconduct in any form by launching propaganda of integrity casesduring the report period.We attach great importance to the participation of stakeholders,identify and respond to the concerns of stakeholders through anormalized communication and monitoring mechanism, and thenbuild a closer relationship. At the same time, we continuouslyimprove management around the important issues of concern tovarious stakeholders to better respond to their expectations.

10. Community Investment

The Group is well aware that the long-term development of anenterprise cannot materialize without the support and engagementof all parties in the society. As the participant and co-builder ofa harmonious society, we are always grateful, actively give backto the society and encourage and guide employees to participatein social welfare voluntary services. We mobilize managementpersonnel to involve in various public welfare projects led byregulators and shareholders, for example, one-to-one povertyalleviation, blood donation, public donation, care for orphans andthe elderly in welfare homes, and other community activities.


Social Responsibilities 社会责任

During the reporting period, Hotel Nikko Dalian was designatedby the local Center for Disease Control as a designated hotel forepidemic isolation. All hotel staff did not compromise on theirservices, actively fulfilled their social responsibilities, and had thecourage to make contributions, and finally successfully fulfilled theepidemic prevention task entrusted by the community.At the end of 2021, the party committee and labor union of thesubsidiary Fuxin Busbar will visit the households with livingdifficulties in the communities where the employees are located,especially for the employees who installed services at theconstruction site in Indonesia, who were stranded abroad due to theimpact of the epidemic and could not return to China. The Companyparty committee and labor union sent a condolence team to theemployees’ homes The Spring Festival benefits and awards reflectthe Company’s care for its employees.



Corporate Governance 企业管治




The Group has been actively enhancing its corporate governance structureand standardizing its operations through strictly complying with relevantprovisions such as the Company Law of the People’s Republic of Chinaand the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China. The Board ofthe Company is committed to maintaining a high standard of corporategovernance, and believes that good corporate governance practices arecrucial to the success and sustainable development of the Company’sbusiness in the long run.During the reporting period, the Group has fully complied with all codeprovisions set out in the Guidelines of the Shenzhen Stock Exchangefor Standardized Operation of Listed Companies and the CorporateGovernance Code and Corporate Governance Report in Appendix 14 to theRules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of HongKong Limited and, where appropriate, adopted the recommended bestpractices as specified therein.To protect the interests of the Group and the shareholders while enhancingthe corporate value, the Group has been adopting a sound structure, goodpractices and proper procedures of corporate governance. The Board ofDirectors, now comprised of six executive directors and three independentnon-executive directors, is the highest governing body of our Group.During the year, the board of directors was added and the chairman ofthe board was replaced in a timely manner, which solved the overlappingof positions between the chairman and the president, and paid attentionto the introduction of directors with financial knowledge and resources,which is conducive to creating a diversified governance environment fordirectors and members, so that the Company’s corporate governance can beimproved. Governance standards are more in line with best practices.


Corporate Governance 企业管治



In strict compliance with good corporate governance principles, the Boardhas clear division of responsibilities. The Chairman is responsible for themanagement and leadership of the Board to ensure that our Group maintainsstrong and effective corporate governance practices and procedure. TheChairman of the board and the president are Mr. Shang Duoxu and Mr.Su Weiguo respectively, they are responsible for the daily managementand operation of our Group’s business, with the assistance of other Boardmembers and other senior management members, closely monitors theoperation and financial results of our Group, identifies the operationaldeficiencies and carries out all necessary and appropriate actions to correctsuch deficiencies. The Chief Executive Officer is also responsible forformulating our Group’s future business plans and strategies which aresubject to the Board’s approval. There are the Strategic DevelopmentCommittee, the Investment Management Committee, the RemunerationCommittee, the Nomination Committee and the Audit Committee under theBoard, the membership of which will be adjusted in time based on actualcircumstances, so as to lay a foundation to give a full play of their functionsregarding corporate governance. Each committee regularly evaluatesand reviews the effectiveness of its work in accordance with its terms ofreference.During the reporting period, the Board of the Company has strictly observedthe policies and practices stipulated by laws and regulatory requirements,and also formulated and amended its regulations with reference to thosepolicies and practices, with an aim to perfect our corporate governancepolicies and practices. The Company continues to focus on the training andcontinuing professional development of directors and senior management,and actively carries out internal review and rectification work to improvethe Company’s governance.


Corporate Governance 企业管治




The Group reviews the Governance Code in a timely manner to strengthenthe internal control and improve the prevention and management of risks.Compliance with the latest regulatory requirements is thus ensured. In2021, the Company’s major decision-making and economic contractreview rate was 100%, and there was no legal dispute involving monopolyand unfair competition. For more detailed corporate governance policiesand procedures of our Group and other information, please refer to theCorporate Governance Report set out in the Annual Report 2021 of ourCompany.V.NotesmadebytheBoardonthe“non-standardaudit

report”issuedbytheaccountingfirmforthereportingperiodNortheast Electric Development Company Limited engaged MazarsCertified Public Accountants LLP as the auditor of the Companyfor the year of 2021. Mazars Certified Public Accountants LLPhas issued the unqualified audit report with paragraphs regardingmaterial uncertainties on the ability to continue as a going concernfor the 2021 financial report of the Company.


Corporate Governance 企业管治

MattersinvolvedinauditopinionsMaterial uncertainties related to going concern: We draw theattention of users of financial statements to the information asset forth in Note 2 to the financial statements that, the Companyrecorded accumulated net loss of RMB-1,977,714,700, the equityattributable to shareholders of the parent of RMB-169,697,100and the current liabilities of the Company of RMB170,903,900higher than its current assets as of the end of 31 December 2021.Meanwhile, the Company faced a compensation amount ofRMB94,078,100 for settled lawsuits. Such matters or situationsindicate the existence of material uncertainties that could lead tosignificant doubts about the Company’s ability to continue as agoing concern. This matter does not have effects on the issued auditopinions.The Board’s opinion on such matter and specific measures toeliminate the matter and its influence.The Board of the Company believes that the aforesaid auditopinions gave a true and fair view of the Company’s actual financialposition and disclosed the risks in the continuing operations ofthe Company. While evaluating whether the Group has sufficientfinancial resources to continue as a going concern, the Companyhas taken into account the future liquidity and its source offunds available. In order to enhance the Company’s sustainabledevelopment capability and profitability, improve asset quality,promote its long-term and healthy development and smoothlyride out the negative impact caused by the delisting of the A-sharemain board, the Company plans to take the following measures toimprove its ability to continue as a going concern:






Corporate Governance 企业管治




(1) By strengthening the collection of receivables and seeking

to obtain external financial support, the Group canguarantee its own capital needs. Sources of capital: first,strengthen supply chain management and internal fundmanagement, and strengthen the collection of receivables;second, the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary ShenyangKaiyi Electric Co., Ltd. (“ShenyangKaiyi”) has signeda loan contract with Yunshangtong Holdings Co., Ltd.(“Yunshangtong”), in which they agree that in 2022,Yunshangtong will lend the maximum balance of RMB50million to Shenyang Kaiyi to support normal productionand operation; third, Fuxin Enclosed Busbar Co., Ltd.(“FuxinBusbar”), a subsidiary of the Company, hasgood bank credit, financing records and financing ability,and in the future, depending on its own business expansionneeds, it can apply for bank credit and loan support bymortgaging the real estate and land of the factory, whichwill be sufficient to support its continuous operation for thenext 12 months. Through the above measures, the Group isable to meet its working capital needs and achieve a cashflow balance.

(2) Make full use of financing channels of the capital market to

bring in strategic investors in a two-way manner. In 2022, inaddition to maintaining the operation of its enclosed busbarand hotel accommodation and catering businesses, theCompany will advance the attraction of strategic investors.On one hand, it will utilize the H share capital marketplatform to issue new H shares to raise funds and add newbusinesses; on the other hand, it will utilize Fuxin Busbar’splant equipment and production technologies and resourcesto bring in strategic investors, enrich the product structureof transmission and transformation equipment, and improvebusiness growth.


Corporate Governance 企业管治






(3) Maintain stability in the internal and external operating

environments and plan long-term sustainable operationgoals. In order to achieve the balance of cash flow,reasonably plan and adjust the business operation scale,establish sound operational objectives, continue to doa good job in operation management, improve productinnovation ability, maintain and strengthen the capacityfor continuous operation, and continue to improve theprofitability of the Company’s main business.

(4) Allocate human resources reasonably, and strengthen

cost control. Adjust the organizational structure of theheadquarters timely according to the scale of operations,reduce the staffing of the headquarters, gradually changeto a flat management structure, and effectively reduceoperating costs. Optimize asset management, strengthenoverall budget management and cost control, strictly controlall expenses and expenditures, reduce operating costs, andmaximize the profitability of the main business.

(5) Explore new markets and expand new businesses. In

order to reverse the loss trend of the main business, withthe development of traditional busbar transmission andtransformation equipment products as the core, adjust theproduct structure, and while ensuring the traditional busbarproducts, increase the proportion of transformation projectswith high gross margin, insulation tube busbar and otherproducts in the sales revenue, so as to gain time for thefuture transformation.


Corporate Governance 企业管治



Through the above measures, the Company’s managementconsiders that it is reasonable to prepare the financial statementson a going concern basis. The Board has made a full and detailedassessment of the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern,including reviewing the Group’s working capital forecast for thenext 12 months compiled by the management. It is believed that theGroup can obtain sufficient sources of financing to ensure the needfor working capital and capital expenditure. The Board recognizedthe compilation of these financial statements on a going concernbasis by the management.The Board will continue to pay attention to and supervise themanagement of the Company so that they take proactive andeffective measures, focus on the implementation of all work relatedto the Company’s going concern to improve the Company’s abilityto continue as a going concern, work with the management to ensurethe healthy, stable and sustainable development of the Company,and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Companyand investors.Northeast Electric Development Co., Ltd.30 March 2022



The Company has complied with the “complyorexplain” provisions setout in the ESG Reporting Guide in Appendix 27 to the Rules Governing theListing of Securities on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. Thetable below sets forth an overview of our compliance with the provisions.Areas,Aspects,KPIs范围、层面及关键绩效指标





Emissions排放物General Disclosure 一般披露

Information on:(a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significantimpact on the issuer relating to air and greenhouse gas emissions, discharges into water and land, andgeneration of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. 有关废气及温室气体排放、向水及土地的排污、有害及无害废弃物的产生等的:(a)政策;及(b)遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料


KPI A1.1关键绩效指标A1.1

The types of emissions and respective emissions data.排放物种类及相关排放数据

KPI A1.2关键绩效指标A1.2

Greenhouse gas emissions in total (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of productionvolume, per facility).温室气体总排放量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)


KPI A1.3关键绩效指标A1.3

Total hazardous waste produced(in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of productionvolume, per facility).所产生有害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)

KPI A1.4关键绩效指标A1.4

Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tonnes) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of productionvolume, per facility).所产生无害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)

KPI A1.5关键绩效指标A1.5

Description of measures to mitigate emissions and results achieved.描述减低排放量的措施及所得成果







Referencepage参考页码KPI A1.6关键绩效指标A1.6

Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, reduction initiatives and resultsachieved.描述处理有害及无害废弃物的方法、减低产生量的措施及所得成果




General Disclosure一般披露

Policies on the efficient use of resources, including energy, water and other raw materials.有效使用资源(包括能源、水及其他原材料)的政策

KPI A 2.1关键绩效指标A 2.1

Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh in ’000s) andintensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).按类型划分的直接及/间接能源(如电、气或油)总耗量(以千个千瓦时计算)及密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)

KPI A 2.2关键绩效指标A 2.2

Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility).总耗水量及密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)

KPI A 2.3关键绩效指标A 2.3

Description of energy use efficiency initiatives and results achieved.描述能源使用效益计划及所得成果

17-18KPI A 2.4关键绩效指标A 2.4

Description of whether there is any issue in sourcing water that is fit for purpose, water efficiency initiativesand results achieved.描述求取适用水源上可有任何问题,以及提升用水效益计划及所得成果


KPI A 2.5关键绩效指标A 2.5

Total packaging material used for finished products (in tonnes) and, if applicable, with reference to per unitproduced.制成品所用包装材料的总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)每生产单位占量



General Disclosure一般披露

Policies on minimising the issuer’s significant impact on the environment and natural resources.减低发行人对环境与天然资源造成重大影响的政策

22-23KPI A3.1关键绩效指标A3.1

Description of the significant impacts of activities on the environment and natural resources and the actionstaken to manage them.描述业务活动对环境与天然资源的重大影响及已采取管理有关影响的行动








General Disclosure一般披露

Information on:(a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significantimpact on the issuer relating to compensation and dismissal, recruitment and promotion, working hours, restperiods, equal opportunity, diversity, anti-discrimination, and other benefits and welfare.有关薪酬及解雇、招聘及晋升、工作时数、假期、平等机会、多元化、反歧视以及其他待遇及福利的:(a) 政策;及(b) 遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料




General Disclosure一般披露

Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significantimpact on the issuer relating to providing a safe working environment and protecting employees fromoccupational hazards.有关提供安全工作环境及保障雇员避免职业性危害的:(a)政策;及(b)遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料




General Disclosure一般披露

Policies on improving employees’ knowledge and skills for discharging duties at work. Description of trainingactivities.有关提升雇员履行工作职责的知识及技能的政策。描述培训活动。




General Disclosure一般披露

Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significantimpact on the issuer relating to preventing child and forced labour.有关防止童工或强制劳工的:(a)政策;及(b)遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料








General Disclosure一般披露

Policies on managing environmental and social risks of the supply chain.管理供应链的环境及社会风险政策



General Disclosure一般披露

Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significantimpact on the issuer relating to health and safety, advertising, labelling and privacy matters relating toproducts and services provided and methods of redress.有关所提供产品和服务的健康与安全、广告宣传品、标签及私隐事宜以及补救方法的:(a)政策;及(b)遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料。




General Disclosure一般披露

Information on: (a) the policies; and (b) compliance with relevant laws and regulations that have a significantimpact on the issuer relating to bribery, extortion, fraud and money laundering.有关防止贿赂、勒索、欺诈及洗黑钱的:(a)政策;及(b)遵守对发行人有重大影响的相关法律及规例的资料。




General Disclosure一般披露

Policies on community engagement to understand the needs of the communities where the issuer operates andto ensure its activities take into consideration the communities’ interests.有关以社区参与来了解营运所在社区需要和确保其业务活动会考虑社区利益的政策


