About this Report本报告是中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司发布的第九份环境、社会及管治报告,本着客观全面、规范透明的原则,详细阐述2021年度公司环境、社会及管治工作的管理理念、亮点实践及年度成效。本报告以中文及英文编制,如有差异,请以中文文本为准。
This Report is the ninth Environmental, Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co.,Ltd.
Based on objective, comprehensive, regulative and transparent principles, this Report expounds management ideas,
key practices and annual achievements for environmental, social and governance work of China Railway Signal &
Communication Co., Ltd. in 2021.This Report is compiled in Chinese and English versions. Should there be any minor
content dierence, the Chinese version prevails.
Scope of the Report
Unless otherwise stated, this Report includes China
Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.'s headquarters,
all its branches and subsidiaries, with the same scope
of 2021 CRSC Annual Report.
The reporting period is from January 1, 2021 to December
31, 2021. Some contents are sourced from historical data.
Reference Standards
全球报告倡议组织《可持续发展报告标准(GRI Standards)》国务院国资委《关于国有企业更好履行社会责任的指导意见》中国社会科学院《中国企业社会责任报告指南(CASS-CSR4.0)》香港联合交易所主板上市规则附录二十七《环境、社会及管治报告指引》上海证券交易所《上市公司环境信息披露指引》
The Sustainability Reporting Standards issued by the
Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
The Guidelines on Enterprises to Better Perform Social
Responsibility by State-owned Assets Supervision
and Administration Commission of the State Council
The Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Preparation Guide by the Chinese Academy of Social
Sciences (CASS-CSR4.0)
Appendix 27 Environmental, Social and Governance
Reporting Guide of the Rules Governing the Listing of
Securities on HKEX (Listing Rules)
The Guidelines on Environmental Information
Disclosure of Listed Companies issued by Shanghai
Stock Exchange发布周期本报告为年度报告,于每年3-4月发布。
Reporting Cycle
This is an annual report released in March or April.
Reporting Specification为便于表达,本报告中提及的“中国通号”“公司”“我们”等均指代“中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司”。
For the convenience of expression, “China
Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.” may
be expressed as “CRSC”, the “Company” and
Data Specification本报告关键财务绩效来自《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2021年年度报告》,其他数据来自公司内部管理体系。
All key financial performance data disclosed
in this Report are collected from China Railway
Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.'s 2021 Annual
Report, and other data are mainly sourced
from internal management systems of the
Access to the Report
This Report is provided in Chinese and English
versions. You may browse or download the
Report at the ocial website of CRSC (Culture &
Responsibility - Social Responsibility) or at the
website of Hong Kong Exchanges.
Reliability Guarantee公司董事会承诺对报告内容进行监督,确保不存在虚假记载、误导性陈述或重大遗漏。
The board of directors of the Company promises
to supervise the content of the Report to ensure
that there are no false records, misleading
statements or major omissions.
未来展望Future Outlook
创新驱动,蓄积发展动能Accumulating DevelopmentMomentum with Innovation-DrivenConcept
绿色赋能,践行“双碳”目标Practicing "Carbon Peak & CarbonNeutrality" with Green Empowerment
Staying People-Oriented toImprove Employee Well-Being
协力同行,打造共赢格局Working Together toCreate a Win-Win Situation
情系社会,共享美好生活Serving the Community to
Share a Better Life
Creating Excellent Quality with theMindset of Service First
Chairman's Statement
2021中国通号十大要闻CRSC's Top Ten Highlights in 2021关于我们
About Us
可持续发展管理Sustainability Management
完善创新战略Promoting Innovation Strategy
增强创新能力Enhancing Innovation Capabilities
推进成果转化Implementing Transformation of Achievements助力行业进步Empowering Industrial Progress
优质产品与服务Quality Products and Services数字化转型与升级Digital Transformation and Upgrade安全生产与应急管理Safe Production and Emergency Management
优化员工结构Optimizing Sta Mix维护基本权益Safeguarding Sta's Rights and Interests开展劳模先进评选Carrying out Selection of Advanced Workers打造劳模品牌Building a Model Worker Brand推动职业发展Promoting Career Development做实人文关怀Practicing Humanistic Care
节约能源资源Saving Energy Resources温室气体减排Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases减少“三废”排放Reducing Emissions of "Three Wastes"提供绿色解决方案Providing Green Solutions
服务“一带一路”Serving the "Belt and Road"
深化战略合作Deepening Strategic Cooperation筑牢责任供应链Building a Responsible Supply Chain
接续乡村振兴Revitalizing Rural Area
抓好疫情防控Strengthening COVID-19 Preventionand Control开展志愿服务
Carrying out Volunteering Services
ESG指标索引HKEX ESGReporting Guide评级报告Rating Report意见反馈Feedback
董事长致辞Chairman's Statement
2021年是党和国家历史上具有里程碑意义的一年,是中国共产党成立100周年,也是实施“十四五”规划、实现第一个百年奋斗目标的一年。中国通号坚决贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,牢记“国之大者”,攻坚克难、拼搏奋进,市场经营稳中有进,科技实力持续提升,安全质量持续向好,推动全面高质量发展迈出坚实步伐,实现“十四五”发展良好开局。As a milestone year in the history ofthe party and the country,2021 was the100th anniversary of the founding of theCommunist Party of China,and also theyear to implement the "14th Five-YearPlan" and achieve the first centenarygoal. CRSC resolutely implemented thedecisions and arrangements made bythe CPC Central Committee and the StateCouncil, bear in mind "The Top Prioritiesof the Country", overcame difficulties andstrove to forge ahead. In 2021, we stablycontinued to promote the market operation,R&D strength,and safety & quality, takingsolid steps to all-round high-qualitydevelopment and achieving a good startto the development of the "14th Five-YearPlan".
我们坚持稳中求进,经济质量稳中提升。中国通号综合国内国际宏观经济形势、国家政策要求和行业发展态势,抢抓机遇、乘势而上,坚持“一业为主、相关多元”,强化战略引领,优化资源配置,构筑发展新优势,在突出主责主业的基础上寻求增量发展,以新的增量更好支撑主责主业发展,实现企业发展质量、效率和效益提升。2021年,营业收入383.58亿元,净利润36.93亿元。Our economic quality has grown steadily as we insist on making progress while maintaining stability.
CRSC integrated the domestic and international macroeconomic situation, national policies and industrydevelopment trends, seized opportunities, took advantage of the trend, adhered to of "Giving Priority toOne Major Industry While Developing Other Relevant Ones", strengthened strategic guidance, optimizedresource allocation, and built new development advantages. On the basis of the main responsibility andmain business, we sought incremental development to better support the main responsibility and mainbusiness, realizing the improvement in quality, eciency and profit. In 2021, the revenue and the net profitof CRSC was 38.358 billion yuan and 3.693 billion yuan respectively.我们坚定创新驱动,推动高水平科技自立自强。中国通号不断加强关键核心技术攻关,开展前瞻性技术研究与成果转化,加速数字化智能化转型,以通号科技支撑中国高铁跑得更稳、跑得更快,全年科技投入20.87亿元,开展科研项目772项。2021年,自主研发国产芯片投入应用,拥有完全自主知识产权的“安达”操作系统成功上线,成功交付我国首条高原电气化铁路—拉林铁路,自主研发“启骥”列车运行系统在深圳地铁20号线投入商用,全国首条磁浮文化旅游项目—凤凰中低速磁悬项目全线试运行。
Our high-level technology has been self-reliance as we are firmly drove by innovation. CRSC continued
to tackle down the diculties of key technologies, conducted the R&D and achievement transformationof insightful technologies, and accelerated digital and intelligent transformation, helping China's high-speed rail to run more stably and faster by CRSC technology. We invested 2.087 billion yuan in science andtechnology throughout the year and carried out 772 scientific research projects. In 2021, the independentlydeveloped chip was put into application, and the "Anda" operating system with completely independentintellectual property rights was successfully launched, and successfully delivered China's first plateauelectrified railway - Lhasa–Nyingchi railway, the TRANAVI Qiji operation system was put into commercialuse in Shenzhen metro line 20, and China's first maglev cultural railway project, the Fenghuang MaglevCultural Tourism Project was put into trial operation across the board.
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2021环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
董事长致辞Chairman's Statement
Chairman:Zhou Zhiliang
战略,以落实企业安全生产主体责任为首要任务,以从根本上消除事故隐患为目标,聚焦安全体系保障、安全技术保障、安全科技保障、安全运营保障精准发力,全系统安全生产治理体系和治理能力现代化水平实现新飞跃。2021年,公司未发生重大质量问题,在轨系统设备安全可靠运行;完成安全认证122项,新研发的安全关键产品和城轨信号系统集成项目100%实行第三方安全评估。Our safety quality has continued to improve as we consolidated quality management.CRSC continuedto emphasize safety, adhere to the strategy of "establishing an enterprise with safety and developing anenterprise with quality", taking the workplace safety as the primary task, and aiming at eliminating hiddendangers. Focusing on system, technology, operation, we made precise eorts to achieve a new leap inthe modernization level of the system-wide safety system. In 2021, CRSC had no major quality problems,and on-track system equipment operated safely and reliably.What’s more, CRSC completed 122 safetycertifications, and all the newly developed safety-critical products and urban rail signal system integrationprojects were subject to third-party safety assessments.我们践行低碳发展,加强绿色效能释放。中国通号坚持源头把关和过程控制并重的原则,将绿色发展融入科技研发、生产制造、工程建设等全过程,加快节能低碳新技术、新工艺、新产品的示范与应用推广,降低“三废”和温室气体排放。同时,继续加强与各方的合作,推出海绵城市、地下综合管理综合监控与报警系统、智慧建筑综合应用系统等一系列绿色科技成果,用创新科技共同打造绿色交通解决方案。Our green performance has been released as we practice low-carbon development. CRSC adhere to theprinciple of equal emphasis on both source and process control,and integrated the green developmentinto the entire process of R&D, manufacturing and engineering, accelerating the demonstration,application and promotion of new energy-saving technologies, new processes and new products, andreducing the emissions of the "three wastes" and greenhouse gases. At the same time, CRSC continued tostrengthen cooperation with all parties, launch a series of green technology achievements such as spongecity, comprehensive underground integrated monitoring and alarm system, smart building integratedapplication system, etc., and jointly create green transportation solutions with innovative technology.我们积极响应“一带一路”倡议,推进海外项目高质量建设。中国通号充分发挥设计研发、生产制造、施工安装全产业链“三位一体”优势,深入开拓和创新境外市场高价值链端,持续完善全球业务布局,推动中国高铁“走出去”。2021年,公司完成欧洲列车运行控制系统相关产品匈牙利质量认证,建成我国首个在欧盟国家的高铁列车运行控制系统实验室;“一带一路”标志性工程—中老铁路圆满开通,印尼雅万高铁、老挝泰国二期铁路、泰国复线铁路改造等项目建设稳步推进。
Our overseas projects have been efficiently promoted as we actively responded to the “Belt andRoad”Initiative.In 2021, CRSC took full advantage of the "Trinity" advantages of the entire industrial chainof R&D, manufacturing and installation, deeply explored and innovated the high-value market overseas toimprove the global business layout, and promote the "go global" of China's high-speed rail. In 2021, we havegot the Hungarian quality certification for its train operation control system in Europe,and built China's first EU-based high-speed train operation control system laboratory. Moreover,the landmark project along the "Belt andRoad" - the China-Laos Railway has been implemented as scheduled, and the projects of the Jakarta-Bandunghigh-speed railway in Indonesia, the Laos-Thailand Phase II railway, and the reconstruction of the double-trackrailway in Thailand have been progressing steadily.我们践诺可持续发展,积极履行企业社会责任。中国通号围绕促进共同富裕,接续定点帮扶河南省社旗县,统筹推进产业振兴、人才振兴、文化振兴、生态振兴、组织振兴等工作,助力乡村振兴发展,展现中国通号良好社会形象。面对千年一遇特大暴雨,迅速行动,第一时间响应号召、奉献爱心,第一批到达抢险现场,维护人民群众生命和财产安全。面对国内疫情多点发散和境外新冠肺炎疫情严峻复杂,慎终如始抓实抓细各项防控措施,实现疫情防控、生产经营双胜利。Our role as a socially responsible enterprise has been fulfilled as we honored our commitment to developsustainably. Focusing on the promotion of common prosperity, CRSC continued to help Sheqi County in HenanProvince, and coordinated the promotion of revitalization of industries, skilled workforce, culture, ecology, andorganizations, helping rural revitalization and development, and showing CRSC's good social image. In theface of the rare heavy rainstorm, we quickly responded to the natural disaster and oered aid and arrived at therescue scene as soon as possible to protect the safety of people's lives and properties. Faced with the breakoutof COVID-19 epidemic in multiple spots home and abroad, we continued to pay close attention to variousprevention and control measures to achieve double successes in epidemic prevention and profit creation.2022年,将召开党的二十大。中国通号将紧密团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,高举习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想伟大旗帜,全面贯彻党的十九大和十九届历次全会精神,牢记“九个必须”,用好“十个坚持”,以高质量发展为主线,锚定“十四五”发展目标,走好自主创新发展之路,埋头苦干,砥砺奋进,建成以轨道交通控制技术为特色的世界一流企业,更好地回报股东、服务客户,携手利益相关方共同推进经济、社会、环境可持续发展!In 2022, the 20th Party Congress of CPC will be held. CRSC will unite closely around the CPC Central Committeewith President Xi Jinping at its core, hold high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era, fully implement the spirit of the 19th Party Congress of CPC and all the 19thPlenary Sessions. We will keep in mind the "Nine Musts", make good use of the "Ten Adheres", take high-qualitydevelopment as the main line, anchor the development goals of the "14th Five-Year Plan". We will take the road ofself-reliant innovation and development, work hard, forge ahead, and build a world-class company featuring railtransit control technology. Additionally, we will better return shareholders, serve customers, and join hands withstakeholders to promote the sustainable development of our economy, society and environment!
董事长致辞中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2021环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.Chairman's Statement
中国通号坚持把政治建设摆在首位,把党的领导融入公司治理体系,以党建统领改革发展,不断提升党组织领导力、增强内部凝聚力和创造力,以高质量党建引领保障企业高质量发展。加强董事会建设,100%实现董事会应建尽建和外部董事占多数,召开董事会建设研讨视频会,提升董事履职能力。公司召开习近平总书记全国国有企业党的建设工作会议重要讲话发表五周年学习座谈会暨党建品牌创建推进会,总结中国通号五年来党的建设工作成效和经验,首批征集50个特色党建案例,发布5个特色党建品牌,甄选29个案例进行集锦汇编,党建品牌建设取得扎实成果。2021年7月,中国通号海外党建经验获驻地中国使馆肯定。Putting political advancement in the first place, CRSC has integrated leadership ofthe Party into the corporate governance system, leading reform and developmentwith party building, continuously improving the leadership of the Party, enhancinginternal cohesion and creativity, to ensure high-quality development of enterprisesvia high-quality Party building. The Group continued to construct the board ofdirectors, completing the function of the board of directors and making a majorityof directors be independent. The board of directors held seminars on boardconstruction online to improve the ability of directors to perform their duties. Thecompany held a symposium to study General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speechdelivered 5 years ago at the State-owned Enterprise Party Building Work Conference,to summarize the achievements and lessons the Group got in the past 5 years.CRSC collected 50 characteristic party building cases in the first batch, released5 characteristic party building brands, and selected 29 cases for compilation.Therefore, solid results were achieved in Party building brand construction. In July2021, CRSC's Party building experience in oversea aliated companies was highlyrecognized by the local Chinese consulate.
Focusing closely on the general requirements of studying history tostrengthen faith, conviction, and confidence and practice, CRSC deployed thecampaign at high level with high standard, and adhered to overall planningand the combination of learning and use, as well as eect orientation. Party'shistory learning and education campaign has achieved remarkable results.CRSC carried out the "I Do Practical Things for The Masses" activities, solvingnumerous "urgent, dicult and worrying" problems. Besides, CRSC introduceda set of practical and tough measures to benefit the people, and adopted themethod of rectifying problems to ensure the activities pragmatic and eective.Zhou Zhiliang, CRSC Party Secretary and Chairman, attended the "CentennialLegacy" documentary produced by CCTV column "Dialogue " to share the storyof signal lamp with audience, by which CRSC demonstrated the red legacy itinherits, the spirituality it maintains, and the sentiment to build the nationalindustry.
高质量党建引领企业高质量发展CRSC maintainedthe high-qualitydevelopment viahigh-quality Partybuilding
中国通号十大要闻CRSC’s Top Ten Highlightsin 2021
扎实开展党史学习教育CRSC solidly launched theParty's history learning andeducation campaign
2021中国通号十大要闻CRSC’s Top Ten Highlights in 2021
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2021环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
2021年,基于运行计划和实时位置实现自主资源管理、可主动间隔防护的列车自主运行系统(启骥TACS系统)完成在深圳20号线的调试和多车追踪试验,并顺利开通,圆满实现国内首个TACS商用;基于全电子联锁的CBTC系统杭海城际现场试验,并在长春3号线延伸线实现了首个工程交付;铁路货物运输综合调度指挥管理系统在神华铁路包神线、神朔线的示范应用,提高了调度指挥效能;京沈无线闭塞中心(RBC)国产化ISDN服务器的自主化软件成功升级,摆脱对国外技术支持的依赖;1项信息化建设成果案例成功入选中央企业“十三五”网络安全和信息化优秀案例名单;1个项目获第三届中央企业熠星创新创意大赛二等奖;1项发明专利荣获北京市发明专利奖颁奖大会唯一一个特等奖。公司持续开展知识产权创造、管理、保护、运用,建立了知识产权风险识别机制、预警机制、知识产权保护工作体系等相应的管理机制,共发布技术标准 258 项,新增授权专利 694 项、申请海外专利 118 项,获得省部级以上奖励 38 项。In 2021, the train autonomous operation system (Qiji TACs system), whichrealizes independent resource management and active interval protectionbased on operation plan and real-time location, has completed thecommissioning and multi vehicle tracking test in Shenzhen line 20, and openedsuccessfully,realizing the first commercial TACs in China. The CBTC system basedon full electronic interlocking has been tested in Hangzhou-Haining intercityfield, and the first project delivery has been realized in the extension line ofChangchun line 3.The demonstration application of railway freight transportationcomprehensive dispatching command management system in Baotou-Shenmurailway and Shenmu-Shuozhou railway has improved the dispatching commandefficiency.The independently developed software of the localized ISDN serverin the RBC (Radio Block Center) for Beijing-Shenyang high-speed railway wassuccessfully upgraded, which freed the Group from foreign technology dependency.1 informatization case was successfully selected into the list of outstanding SOEscases of cybersecurity and informatization in the "13th Five-Year Plan". 1 project wonthe second prize of the 3rd SOEs Shining Star Innovation Competition. 1 inventionpatent won the only Grand Prize of Beijing Municipal Invention Patent AwardsConference. We continued to carry out the creation, management, protection andapplication of intellectual property rights, established corresponding managementmechanisms such as intellectual property risk identification mechanism, earlywarning mechanism and intellectual property protection system, issued 258technical standards, added 694 authorized patents, applied for 118 overseaspatents, and won 38 awards above the provincial and ministerial level.
Following General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on theSOE reform, CRSC has continued to implement the decision-making anddeployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on three-year action plan (2020-2022) for SOE reform, strengthened organization andleadership, improved the working mechanism, strengthened supervisionand assessment to solidly promote the implementation of various reformmeasures. CRSC has completed 147 reform measures of the 172 in the three-year action plan, with a completion rate of 85%. Important results havebeen achieved in key areas, and reform experience has been exchanged inthe state-owned assets system as an advanced model. The Group has madegreat efforts to build a market-oriented operation mechanism, implementthe "larger departments" (reform aimed at streamlining governmentdepartment functions), build a "strategy + operation management andcontrol" headquarters, which are to build a scientific and efficient internalorganization system that could coordinatively operate and connect top tobottom. The headquarter took the lead in implementing all employees tocompete for posts. 5 second-class enterprises introduced the competitionmechanism at the manager level, and all the managers have signed the fixed-term employment contracts. 1 subsidiary company piloted the job rotationsystem among general managers. Focusing on special reform projects, CRSChas continued to benchmark the management system against the world-class level, task completion rate achieving 89%. The comprehensive reformswere orderly promoted in the two enterprises under "Double-Hundred Action"and two under "Science Reform Demonstration Action". One enterprisewas recognized as "Excellent" in "Science Reform Demonstration Action"evaluation by SASAC.
国企改革三年行动成效显著CRSC’s three-yearaction plan for SOEreform has achievedremarkable results
CRSC made consistentbreakthroughs in S&Tinnovations
In 2021,CRSC has completed147 reform measures of the172 in the three-year action
plan, with a completionrate of 85%
CRSC’s Top Ten Highlights in 20212021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
The outstanding teams from two CRSC's equipment manufacturing enterprises wererespectively awarded the honorary titles of "National Worker Pioneer" and "NationalMay 1st Women's Model Post". 12 employees were awarded the title of "NationalTechnician", and 1 employee was selected in the list of the 6th "Young Talent SupportProject". 3 party members, 1 party aair worker, 3 grass-roots party organizationswere commended by the SASAC Party Committee. 1 employee was awarded the titleof "The Most Beautiful Railway Worker in 2020". 2 companies were included in the"Top 100 Competitive Enterprises in Software and Information Technology Servicesin 2021". 2 companies were included in the "Sixth Batch of Demonstration Enterprisein Manufacturing Industry". 1 company was successfully selected into the secondbatch of pilot companies for the integrated development of industry andmodern service.
By resolutely implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's importantspeech and instructions on workplace safety, CRSC has continued to adhere tothe bottom line and red line, conduct safety and quality supervision and annualassessments on a regular basis. The Group continued to promote the Three-year Dedicated Rectification Actions for Workplace Safety, basing on strongfoundations, key points and practical act to eliminate hidden dangers, maintainstability, and promote development. CRSC fully implemented key tasks forworkplace safety, decreased the annual accident and equipment failure rateby 5.24% year-on-year, effectively ensuring the safe and stable operationof 150,000 kilometers of railways and more than 40,000 kilometers of high-speed railways nationwide. CRSC won 1 Tien-yow Jeme Civil Engineering Prize,6 national high-quality projects, and 21 provincial and ministerial-level high-quality projects.
CRSC have engaged into many major national construction projects, such as"the most beautiful high-speed railway for poverty-stricken area" (Zhangjiajie–Jishou–Huaihua high-speed railway), "the road to the heaven" (Lhasa–Nyingchirailway). 16 key projects such as Xuzhou-Lianyungang, Ganzhou-Shenzhen,Anqing-Jiujiang, Rizhao-Lankao, Urumqi-Jungar Basin, etc. were opened onschedule, and providing technologcial service for 1,500 kilometers new high-speed railways and 2,300 kilometers new conventional railways. CRSC hascontinuously improved its product technical service system and maintainedits leading edge in the urban rail transit industry. In 2021, 29 urban rail linessupported by CRSC, with a distance of 625.19 kilometers, have been opened,ranking the first in the industry. 3 lines with the highest international grade ofautomation (GoA4) participated by CASCO Signal Ltd. opened, which openeda new stage of development of the autonomous train operation system. Atthe end of the year, CRSC Urban Transportation Company staged a grandopening event of five urban rail projects. With the mindset of craftsmanship toimplement high-quality projects, the works of CRSC have been fully affirmedand commended by the China Railway, construction units, and industry experts.CRSC received 62 commendation letters from various railway companies andconstruction units throughout the year.
全系统坚决贯彻落实习近平总书记关于安全生产的重要讲话和指示批示精神,守住底线、红线,常态化开展了安全质量监督检查和年度考核,持续推进安全生产专项整治三年行动,坚持强基础、抓关键、重落实、除隐患、保稳定、促发展,全面落实安全质量重点工作,全年事故及设备故障率同比下降 5.24%,有力保障了全国15万公里铁路、超4万公里高铁安全稳定运行。荣获中国土木工程詹天佑奖 1 项、国家优质工程 6 项、省部级优质工程 21 项。
参建最美扶贫高铁—张吉怀高铁、最美天路—拉林铁路等国家重大项目,按期开通连徐、赣深、安九、鲁南、乌将等16 项重点工程,交付运营高铁 1,500公里、普铁 2,300 公里。中国通号不断完善产品技术服务体系,城市轨道交通行业领先优势持续保持。2021年,开通城市轨道29条,625.19公里,持续稳居业内第一。卡斯柯公司一次性开通3条GoA4级无人驾驶线路,开启列车自主运行系统发展新阶段。年底收官之际,城交公司上演5条城轨项目齐开通盛况。大力弘扬大国工匠精神,全面推进精品工程实施、创建,得到国铁集团、建设单位、业内专家的充分肯定和大力表彰,全年收到各路局、建设单位贺电表扬信 62 封。
重点工程项目稳步推进CRSC tasted riperfruits in safety andquality assurance
CRSC steadily promotedthe progress of keyengineering projects
CRSC enjoyed abumper harvest in
model setting
CRSC’s Top Ten Highlights in 20212021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
Adhering to the high standard, CRSC supported the construction of the China-Laos Railway and steadily advanced key projects such as Hungary-SerbiaRailway, Akarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway and the reconstruction of theThai double-track railway. CRSC built the first ETCS-2 laboratory in Budapest,the capital of Hungary, which is the second laboratory of CRSC in Europe,to promote Chinese high-speed rail technology and products to be basedin Europe and go global. The ETCS-400T on-board system independentlydeveloped by CRSC was exported to Germany along with the double-decker EMU, laying the foundation for the international promotion of on-board products. RBC (Radio Blocking Center) and LEU (Land Electronic Unit)were awarded the Hungarian DeBo Quality Certificate, breaking through thetechnical barriers to the EU market and obtaining the "passport" into EU.
At the National Poverty Alleviation Summary and CommendationConference in February 2021, one CRSC's employee was commendedas the advanced individual in poverty alleviation Sheqi County PartyCommittee and County Government of Henan Province sent a letterof thanks to CRSC, expressing sincere gratitude to CRSC for its all-round support and assistance to the county's poverty alleviationover the past 18 years, which helped Sheqi County to win the battleagainst poverty with high quality. In July, the severe rainfall inHenan province resulted in the damage to the equipment of railwayand subway station, leading to train suspensions, and strandingpassengers. The CRSC Party Committee made quickly response,carried out emergency rescue, and quickly raised 10 million yuan incash to support disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction inHenan Province, making a contribution to protect national publicproperty.
In 2021, CRSC was successfully selected into the list of "China 500 2021"with a brand value of 11.778 billion yuan, ranking 42nd among state-ownedenterprises on the list and 201st overall. By virtue of its good businessreputation and high-quality projects, CRSC stood out among many enterprisesand won the honorary title of "National Construction Industry AAA CreditEnterprise". In November, CRSC participated in the China International ImportExpo for four consecutive years, signing procurement contracts with a newhigh, expanding the field and scale of cooperation with outstanding foreigncompanies. The QC teams have achieved historical success again in the qualitytrustworthy activities, with 2 QC teams winning National Excellent Team,3 winning national quality trustworthy teams, 94 QC teams and 3 qualitytrustworthy teams winning provincial and ministerial rewards, all of whichfurther consolidated the foundation of CRSC's brand.
2021年,中国通号以117.78亿元的品牌价值成功入选 《2021中国品牌500强》榜单,位列上榜央企42名,总排名第201位。同时,公司凭借良好的企业信誉和优质的工程质量,在诸多企业中脱颖而出,获得“全国建筑业AAA级信用企业”荣誉称号。 11月,中国通号连续四年参展中国国际进口博览会,签约采购质量屡创新高,持续扩大与国外优秀企业的合作领域与规模。QC 小组及质量信得过班组活动再创历史佳绩,获国优 QC 小组 2 个,全国质量信得过班组3个,94个QC小组和3个质量信得过班组为省部级成果,中国通号品牌根基进一步夯实。
CRSC actively
implemented the
"Belt and Road"
CRSC fulfilled socialresponsibilities todemonstrate theresponsibility ofcentral SOEs
CRSC’s brand
image continued
to improve
CRSC’s Top Ten Highlights in 20212021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
中国通号以“坚守主责、创新引领、突出主业、多元协同”为战略导向,实施“六核一体两翼”业务战略,构建“轨道交通+N”产业格局,建设以轨道交通为特色、系统技术全球领先、综合实力世界一流的产业集团。CRSC takes "adhering to main responsibilities, leading innovation,highlighting main business, and diversifying synergy" as the strategicorientation, implements the business strategy of "Six Cores, One Integrationand Two Bases",creats a "rail transit + N" industrial pattern,and to buildan industrial group with rail transit as its feature, global leading systemtechnology and world-class comprehensive strength.
Company Profile
Development Strategy
About Us
On August 7, 2015, CRSC was successfullylisted on HKEX. On July 22, 2019, CRSCwas listed on STAR Market of ShanghaiStock Exchange (SSE), and became thefirst state-owned enterprise and thefirst A+H company on SSE STAR Market(stock code: 688009.SH, 03969.HK).
中国通号是以轨道交通控制技术为特色的高科技产业服务商,是中国轨道交通控制系统行业的领导者、全球领先的轨道交通控制系统提供商。公司拥有集轨道交通控制系统设计研发、装备制造及工程安装于一体的完整产业链,是中国轨道交通控制系统设备制式、技术标准及产品标准的归口单位,是唯一获国家铁路局授权的铁路控制系统和通信信号产品的标准化技术审核单位。 | 2015年8月7日,公司成功登陆香港联合交易所。2019年7月22日,公司在上海证券交易所科创板上市,成为登陆科创板的首家大型央企和A+H股的科创板上市公司(股票代码:688009.SH,03969.HK)。 |
China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referredto as CRSC) is a hi-tech service provider featured by railway signal andcommunication technology, the leader in China rail transit control industry,and an internationally leading rail transit system provider. We providespecialized one-stop solution of design and integration, equipmentmanufacturing and engineering installation for rail transportation controlsystems to our clients, and serve as the responsible department of railtransit control system equipment modes, technology standards and productstandards in the PRC, as well as the only authorized reviewer of rail controlsystems and communication signal product standards by National RailwayAdministration of the People's Republic of China.
营业收入(亿元人民币)Revenue (RMB 100 million)资产总额(亿元人民币)Total assets (RMB 100 million)
净利润(亿元人民币)Net profit (RMB 100 million)全年实现新签合同额(亿元人民币)Overall new contract amount in the year
(RMB 100 million)
2021年度关键绩效Key Performance in 2021
About Us
China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referredto as CRSC) is a hi-tech service provider featured by railway signal andcommunication technology, the leader in China rail transit control industry,and an internationally leading rail transit system provider. We providespecialized one-stop solution of design and integration, equipmentmanufacturing and engineering installation for rail transportation controlsystems to our clients, and serve as the responsible department of railtransit control system equipment modes, technology standards and productstandards in the PRC, as well as the only authorized reviewer of rail controlsystems and communication signal product standards by National RailwayAdministration of the People's Republic of China.2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
中国通号以“六核一体两翼”赋能轨道交通产业,辐射壮大新兴产业,构建“轨道交通+N”产业协同发展格局。CRSC empowers the rail transit industry with its business strategy ( "Six Cores,One Integration and Two Bases"), expands emerging industries, and creates acoordinated development pattern of "rail transit + N".
Realism, Innovation, Endeavor andDedicationRigorous attitude and scientific spirit,Compliance with regulation,Pursuit of results.Openness and cooperation,Courage andeorts,Strive for perfection,Aspire forexcellence.Poised but not arrogant,Failed but notdiscouraged,Selfless and fearless.Devoted and responsible, Ambitious and servethe country.
企业精神Corporate Spirit
求实 创新 拼搏 奉献作风严谨,尊重科学,遵章守纪,追求实绩。开放合作,勇于攀登,精益求精,追求卓越。泰而不骄,败而不馁,敢打硬仗,无私无畏。恪尽职守,勇于担当,励精图治,产业报国。
Business Layout业务布局
Corporate Culture企业文化
China's Train ControlSystem for HSRs(CTCS-3)Train Control System forMedium and Low SpeedMaglev(MATC)
Train Control System forMedium and Low SpeedMaglev(MATC)Train Control System forUrban Transit(CBTC)
Train Control System forUrban Transit(CBTC)Integrated Intelligent RailwayOperation MaintenanceManagement System
Integrated Intelligent RailwayOperation MaintenanceManagement SystemChina's Automatic TrainOperation System forHSRs(CTCS-3+AT0)
China's Automatic TrainOperation System forHSRs(CTCS-3+AT0)Automation System forFreight Marshalling(CIPS)
Automation System forFreight Marshalling(CIPS)Train Automatic TrainOperation System for ICRs(CTCS-2+ATO)
Train Automatic TrainOperation System for ICRs(CTCS-2+ATO)Integrated TransportationDispatching & CommandingSystem
六核Six Cores一体One Integration两翼Two Bases
加强国际经营,推动国内、海外两大市场均衡协同发展CRSC develops the six core businessesof signal (control) system, informationand communication, electric powerelectrification, general contracting,investment and operation andintelligent manufacturing in acoordinated manner
CRSC promotes the integrateddevelopment of the wholeindustrial chain of design anddevelopment, equipmentmanufacturing, andengineering installation
CRSC strengthens internationaloperations and promotes thebalanced and coordinateddevelopment of domestic andoverseas markets
以人为本 创新求进 安全至上 共创价值人是公司发展最大的资本。自主创新是公司发展的动力。质量安全是公司发展的基石。创造价值是公司的矢志追求。
People-Oriented, Innovation & Progress, Safety-First, Joint Value CreationCRSC advocates people-first approach.Independent innovation is the momentum for CRSC'sdevelopment.Quality and safety are the cornerstones for CRSC'sdevelopment.Value creation is the eternal pursuit of CRSC.
发展国家列控技术民族产业,引领全球轨道交通技术进步,守护人们美好出行。Develop the National Industry with Train ControlTechnology, Lead the Technological Progress of GlobalRail Transit,Guard People's Beautiful Travel.
愿景和使命Vision and Mission
核心价值观Core Values
关于我们About Us
Board of Directors董事会
周志亮党委书记、董事长、执行董事Zhou ZhiliangSecretary of CPC, Chairman,Executive Director
徐宗祥党委副书记、总裁、执行董事Xu ZongxiangDeputy Secretary of CPC,President, Executive Director
杨永胜党委副书记、执行董事Yang YongshengDeputy Secretary of CPC,Executive Director
郭永宏非执行董事Guo YonghongNon-Executive Director
姚祖辉独立非执行董事Yao ZuhuiIndependent Non-ExecutiveDirector
傅俊元独立非执行董事Fu JunyuanIndependent Non-ExecutiveDirector
Governance Framework治理架构
According to the requirements of the "Company Law of the People's Republic of China" "Securities Law ofthe People's Republic of China" "Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies in China" and otherlaws and regulations, CRSC set up modern corporate governance architecture represented by ThreeCommittees and Boards and One Layer, specified relevant responsibilities, and formulated scientificand ecient rules of procedure and working processes to ensure legitimate and coordinated corporateoperations.
Board of Supervisors监事会
孔宁监事会主席Kong NingChairman of the Board ofSupervisors
李铁南股东代表监事Li TienanShareholder Supervisor
杨扬职工代表监事Yang YangEmployee RepresentativeSupervisor
Huang WeizhongParty CommitteeMember, VicePresident
Zhang ZhihuiParty CommitteeMember, Vice President,Chief Engineer
Top Management Team高管团队
党委常委、总会计师、董事会秘书Hu ShaofengParty Committee Member,Chief Accountant,Secretaryof the Board of Directors
Zhao XiaodongParty Committee Member,Vice President
Yao XichunParty CommitteeMember, Secretaryof Commission forDiscipline Inspection
Yao GuiqingIndependent Non-ExecutiveDirector
About Us 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
控 股Controlled
Branches and Subsidiaries under China Railway Signal & Communication Co., Ltd.(Major)中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司
全 资
Wholly Owned
CRSC Research & Design Institute Group Co., Ltd.
(Research & Design Institute Group)
CASCO Signal Ltd.(CASCO)CRSC (Zhengzhou) Electrication Bureau Co., Ltd.
(Zhengzhou Zhongyuan Railway Engineering Co., Ltd.)Jishou CRSC Tengda Project Management Co., Ltd.(Project Company)
Jishou CRSC Huatai Pipe Gallery Project Management Co., Ltd.
(Project Company)CRSC (Jiangsu) Smart City Research Institute Co., Ltd.(Project Company)
通号国际控股有限公司通号创新投资集团有限公司通号(北京)招标有限公司中国通号国际有限公司卡斯柯信号有限公司(简称:卡斯柯公司)通号(郑州)电气化局有限公司( 郑州中原铁道工程有限责任公司)吉首通号腾达项目管理有限责任公司( 项目公司)吉首通号华泰管廊项目管理有限责任公司( 项目公司)通号(江苏)智慧城市建设开发有限公司( 项目公司)
通号城市轨道交通技术有限公司( 简称:城交公司)
通号工程局集团有限公司( 简称:通号工程局集团)
通号通信信息集团有限公司( 简称:通信信息集团)
通号(西安)轨道交通工业集团有限公司( 简称:西安工业集团)
中国铁路通信信号上海工程局集团有限公司( 简称:上海工程局集团)通号电缆集团有限公司( 简称:电缆集团)通号建设集团有限公司( 简称:通号建设集团)
CRSC Information & Communication Group Co., Ltd.(CRSCIC)CRSC Urban Rail Transit Technology Co., Ltd.(Urban Rail Transit Company)CRSC (Xi’an) Industry Group Co., Ltd.[(Xi’an) Industry Group]CRSC Engineering Group Co.,Ltd.(Engineering Group)CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group Co., Ltd.(Shanghai Engineering Group)CRSC Cable Group Co., Ltd.(Cable Group)CRSC Construction Group Co., Ltd.(Construction Group)CRSC (Changsha) Rail Transit Control Technology Co., Ltd.
CRSC international Holdings Limited.CRSC Innovation Investment Group Co., Ltd.CRSC (Beijing) Tendering Co., Ltd.CRSC International Co., Ltd.
About Us 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
中国通号坚持“全面覆盖、全员参与、全业务融合、全面协同监督”的合规管理原则,建立“事前有标准、事中有监控、事后有评价、事件有追责、持续有改善”的合规风险管控机制。持续完善合规管理体系,目前公司内控管理制度横向上覆盖公司所有21项管理业务的64个业务板块,纵向上形成基于公司章程的基本管理制度、具体管理规范、工作指引等四层级制度体系。2021年,制定并发布《关于防范应收账款法律风险的工作指引》《世界银行资助项目合规专项指引》《中国通号商业秘密保护合规指引》《中国通号境外经营合规管理指引》,细化重点领域合规专项风险防控措施。拟定合同标准文本库及条款库,大力推进法律工作标准化。组织开展公司年度合规性评价,编制公司合规性评价报告。优化兼职合规管理员制度,强化合规管理与业务的融合。组织开展集团公司及各子企业不同层面的法治合规培训,全年开展法治合规培训113次,参加人数12,048人次。Upholding the compliance management principles of "Full Coverage, FullParticipation, Full Business Integration and Comprehensive and CoordinatedSupervision", CRSC established the compliant risk control mechanisms of"predesigned standards and sucient and continuous supervision, assessment,accountability and enhancement". CRSC continued to improve the compliancemanagement system. At present, in horizontal direction, the Company's internalcontrol management system covers 64 segments ofall 21 management sectors of the Company, and invertical direction, a four-level system based on thecompany's articles of association has formed, whichincludes the basic management system, specificmanagement norms, and work guidelines. In 2021,CRSC formulated and released the "Working Guidelineson Preventing Risks of Accounts Receivable", "SpecialGuidelines on Compliance of World Bank-fundedProjects", "Guidelines on Compliance of CRSC BusinessSecret Protection" and "Guidelines on ComplianceManagement of CRSC's Overseas Operations" to refinethe special risk prevention and control measures forcompliance in key areas. The Group also formulated alibrary of templates of standard contract and clauses,vigorously promoting the standardization of legal work.With company's annual compliance evaluation result,we also prepared the Company's compliance report.We have also optimized the part-time employeesadministration system to strengthen the compliancemanagement. CRSC carried out 113 legal compliancetrainings throughout the year, with 12,048 participantsat different levels of the group companies andsubsidiaries.
Risk Management风险防控
In 2021, CRSC continued to strengthen a comprehensive risk preventionand control management system, continuously integrate risk preventionwith operation and management, and further improve the comprehensiverisk control system throughout the whole group and covering all staff.CRSC dynamically tracked and monitored major risks, improved riskmonitoring system, monitoring indicators increasing from 49 to 64. The riskmonitoring system analyzed changes in the Company's internal and externalenvironmental factors and the possible impacts regularly. CRSC also compiled
major risk quarterly reports to trackmajor risk events on a quarterly basisand monitor major business riskevents regularly. CRSC built a disputemanagement model with "projecttracking, special hearings, specialpersonnel handling, and case-basedmanagement". We dived into thepreliminary tests on small samples toachieve case-based management. Atthe end of 2021, a special meeting onrisk management throughout wholesystem of the Group held to deployrisk prevention and control task on thetopic. By improving the constructionof the board of directors of varioussubsidiaries, the Group let the boardof directors play the "risk prevention"function to further strengthen riskmanagement.
In 2021,CRSC carried out 113legal compliance trainingsthroughout the year,with12,048 participants atdierent levels of the groupcompanies and subsidiaries
About Us 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
中国通号深入学思践悟习近平总书记重要讲话精神,坚持把党的政治建设摆在首位,把抓党建、强党建作为最大的政治责任,推动党建工作与中心工作同频共振、同向发力,以高质量党建领航高质量发展。2021年,中国通号党委聚焦坚定使命职责、强化担当作为,教育引导全系统党员学党史、悟思想、办实事、开新局,在做强做优做大中国通号中树立新风貌、彰显新担当、展示新作为。CRSC has thoroughly studied and realized the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping'simportant speech, insisted on putting the party's political construction in the firstplace, taking party building and strengthening party building as the greatest politicalresponsibility All the efforts promoted the party building work and the central workto interact at the same frequency and in the same direction, leading high-qualitydevelopment with high-quality party building. In 2021, the CRSC Party Committee continuedto focus on its mission and responsibilities, educate and guide the party members of thewhole system to learn the party history. By better understanding spirit of party, all the partymembers opened up new situations with practical act, so as to establish a new look andfeel in making CRSC stronger, better and bigger and demonstrate new responsibilities andnew actions.
Party Building党建工作
CRSC established a Party history studygroup, formulated a study plan andpromotion plan, held a deploymentconference, printed and distributed morethan 7,000 booklets and memorabiliaon the Party's history. Adhering tothe "Learning in Four Ways", the Partycommittee of the Group implementedthe "First Issue" campaigns for 12 times,carried out 17 collective studies tothoroughly study 47 important speechesdelivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping.
CRSC carried out the "I Do Practical Things for the Masses"activities, solving numerous "urgent, difficult and worrying"problems. The Group closely combined the Party historywith the current work, and with the three-year action topromote the implementation of the reform of SOEs, whichguided the majority of party members to learn partyhistory, strengthen mission, and promote responsibilitybased on their posts, and turn the results of party historylearning into work. All these efforts effectively solved thepractical difficulties of the workers and the masses. CRSCheld the first party building brand promotion meeting,collected 50 characteristic party building cases in the firstbatch of the whole system, released 5 characteristic partybuilding brands, and selected 29 cases for compilation,used typical benchmarks to motivate grassroots partyorganizations, and continuously improved the organicintegration between party building and work.
Strengthening theoretical studyto consolidate commitment
Promoting practices by learning andthe integration of party building
The Party organization of the affiliated enterprise strictlyalso implemented the "First Issue" system and organizedcollective study campaigns. The 396 Party branches of thewhole system made full use of network resources, such asXuexi Qiangguo (app), WeChat, websites to achieve fullcoverage for party history learning and education. Besides,the Group extensively carried out activities to study the spiritof the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committeeof the Communist Party of China. Party members went toXibaipo for red education. More than 4,000 people fromthe whole system participated in Party history learning andreading classes, which guided party members and cadres tofurther enhance the concept of party spirit and strengthentheir original mission.
About Us 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
CRSC organized the "Seven Ones" campaign to tribute to theParty, tracing footprints, paying tribute to martyrs, listening torevolutionary deeds. Over 7,000 party members in the wholesystem watched the grand celebration of the conference.The study symposium and commemorative medal awardingconference with the theme of "Taking history as a mirrorand creating the future" was held to celebrate the 100thanniversary of the founding of the party. CRSC also organizedparty members to the exhibition hall to review the history andoath of the Communist Party of China. The kerosene lantern,a century-old token of the enterprise, appeared on the CCTVstage, arousing enthusiastic responses among the majorityof party members and workers. The special online trainingcourses were organized for the majority of party membersto watch the lecture reports through Xuexi Qiangguo APP.Representatives of outstanding party members, newlydeveloped party members, and party activists have totallywritten more than 2,000 pieces of learning reports.
Anti-corruption andIntegrity Advocation反腐倡廉
CSRC continued to improve and make fulluse of the "Supervision and DisciplineEnforcement Work Manual", carried outtimely safety supervision and audit onprocess quality and discipline enforcementto standardize various work processessuch as clue disposal, review and trial.
CRSC has carried out in-depth construction of party conductand anti-corruption work. By establishing and improvinganti-corruption systems, improving work processes andmechanisms, it has further promoted the constructionof an all-round and three-dimensional anti-corruptionmanagement system from managers to front-line employees,strictly preventing corruption. In 2021, no corruption-relatedand fraud-related lawsuits occurred in CRSC, and eachemployee averagely received 7.2 hours of anti-corruptiontrainings.
Improving the quality ofsupervision and discipline
CSRC revised the "Administrative Measuresfor Disciplinary Inspection and ComplaintReporting" to further improve the workingprocedures and mechanisms for thereception, diversion, investigation andjudgment and handling of petition reports,as well as the processing of real-namereporting and false accusation.
Improving complaint disposalprocedures
修订《运用监督执纪“四种形态”实施办法》《所属企业纪委向集团公司纪委报告工作办法》等多项制度,进一步扎紧反腐败制度“笼子”。制定《关于严肃改革纪律 加强改革风气监督的意见》《深化整治“靠企吃企”问题九条禁令》,严防改革发展中的腐败问题。CRSC revised a number of systems such as the "ImplementationMeasures for the "Four Methods" of Supervision and DisciplineImplementation" and the "Measures for Disciplinary Reportsfrom Subsidiary Enterprises to the Group" to further tightenthe regulation of the anti-corruption system.We formulated the "Opinions on Severely Reforming Disciplineand Strengthening the Supervision of Reform Culture" and"Nine Prohibitions on Deepening the Rectification" to strictlyprevent corruption during the reform and development.
Strengthening system construction
Carrying out party history learning andeducation in various forms
In 2021, each employeeaveragely received 7.2 hoursof anti-corruption trainings
About Us 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
Sustainability Management
Sustainability Concept可持续发展理念
模范遵守法律法规和社会公德、商业道德以及行业规则,及时足额纳税,维护投资者和债权人权益,忠实履行合同,恪守商业信用,反对不正当竞争,杜绝商业活动中的腐败行为。CRSC is committed to the legal operation and highest standardsof integrity, business ethics and industry regulation when workingwith all stakeholders, including investors and creditors. CRSCembraces the value of paying taxes in full amount, committing tothe execution of contract, and keeping commercial credit. We areagainst unfair competition and business corruption.
坚持依法经营诚实守信Running businesswith integrity andabiding by law
建立和贯彻并严格运行质量、环境、职业健康安全管理体系,从产品设计、生产制造、施工安装、用户服务等各个环节,强化全员质量意识,坚持持续不断改进,改善产品性能,提高产品可靠性、安全性,最大限度地满足铁路、轨道交通运输安全的需要。CRSC is committed to the implementation of the managementsystem which integrates quality, environment and vocationalsafety. CRSC values the quality awareness in every aspect ofits business from product design, manufacturing, construction,installation to customer service. We constantly strengthenthe quality awareness of all staff, adhere to continuousimprovement,and strives to enhance the performance,reliability and security of products to meet the requirement ofrailway and mass transportation to the largest extent.
切实提高产品质量和服务水平Committing to productquality and servicelevel
完善公司治理,提高管理水平。推进实施集团发展战略,突出做强主业,突出科技创新。合理配置资源,降低经营成本,加强风险防范,提高投入产出水平,增强市场竞争能力。CSCR is committed to improving corporate governance andimproving management level. CRSC is dedicated to theimplementation of the Company's development strategy,focusing on strengthening the main business and scientificand technological innovation. CRSC has always been devotedto the rational allocation of resources to reduce operating costwith the precaution of risk prevention. Consequently, CRSC'sproduction has gradually been more cost-eective, and its marketcompetitive edge has been sharpened.
不断提高盈利能力Improving profitability
Enhancing resourcesutilization andreducing ourenvironmental impact
认真落实节能减排责任,带头完成节能减排任务。发展循环经济,提高各类资源综合利用效率。增加环保投入,改进工艺流程,降低污染物排放,改进施工工法,减少占地,保护植被,实施清洁生产。坚持走低投入、低消耗、低排放和高效率的发展道路。CRSC seriously implements the responsibility of energyconservation and emission reduction, takes the lead incompleting the related task and develops a circular economyand improve the efficiency of comprehensive utilization ofvarious resources. CRSC will increase environmental protectioninvestment, improve process flow, reduce pollutant discharge,improve construction methods, reduce land occupation,protect vegetation, and implement clean production, adheringto the development path of low input, low consumption, lowemissions and high eciency.
Sustainability Management2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
推进自主创新和技术进步Promotingindependentinnovation andtechnology progress
Guaranteeing safeproduction
Participating in publicwelfare undertakings
维护职工合法权益Focusing on employee'slegal rights实施创新驱动发展战略,坚持科技自立自强,建立完善技术创新机制,加大科技投入,提升原始创新、集成创新和引进消化吸收再创新能力。以建立中国高速铁路列车控制系统和配套产品体系为重点,加快科技创新基地与基础设备研发平台建设。加快既有产品更新换代,加快技术装备改造。加强知识产权保护,健全知识产权保护体系,加快形成一批具有自主知识产权、较完整配套的核心系统技术和产品体系,发挥对行业产业的带动作用和对中国通号可持续发展的支撑作用。CRSC is committed to implementing the innovation-driven developmentstrategy, adhering to the self-reliance of science and technology, establishingand optimizing its technological innovation mechanism by sharpening itscapacity to be more originally innovative, integrated creative and re-innovativeafter introduction, digestion and absorption of other technologies. CRSC isfocused on the system building of Chinese high-speed railway train controlsystem and auxiliary products by speeding up the construction of technologicalinnovation bases and basic equipment research and development platforms.We are making efforts to speed up the product upgrading and technicalequipment modification. CRSC is devoted to protecting intellectual propertyrights, improving the protection of intellectual property rights system andaccelerating the formation of a core technology and product system equippedwith proprietary intellectual property rights and relatively complete kit, thusplaying as a role model in the industry development and CRSC's sustainability.
坚持强基础、抓关键、重落实、除隐患、保稳定、促发展。严格落实安全生产责任制,加大安全生产投入,严防重、特大安全事故发生。建立健全应急管理体系,不断提高应急管理水平和应对突发事件能力。为职工提供安全、健康、卫生的工作条件和生活环境,加大劳动保护监督检查力度,保障职工职业健康,预防和减少职业病和其他疾病对职工的危害。CRSC is adhering to strengthen the strong foundation, grasping the keypoints, focusing on implementation, eliminating hidden dangers, maintainingstability.CRSC strictly sticks to the system of responsibility in workplace safety,increases input to ensure safety and prevents big or extraordinarily serioussafety-related accidents. CRSC is also dedicated to building an emergencymanagement system to increase its capability to face sudden events. CRSC iscommitted to providing a safe and healthy working environment. We equipemployees with products and equipment that are safe for use. We also focuson implementing and improving processes and controls for preventing work-related accidents, injuries and illnesses.
CRSC signs labor contracts with employees accordingto the law. We ensure and reasonably adjust thesalaries according to the corporate profitability andpay social insurance in full amount. CRSC respects andcares for employees and treats everyone fairly withoutdiscrimination against their gender, nationality, religion,and age. We embrace the value of vocational training andproviding equal opportunities for them. CRSC strives tocreate more job opportunities for society. We pay attentionto the formation of employee representative congressmechanism, deepen the openness of factory affairs andpromote democratic management. We care about everyemployee's mentality and try to solve their problemstogether with them.
积极承担和热心参与扶贫、助困、捐助、志愿者等社会公益事业,关心支持教育、文化、卫生等公共福利事业。在发生重大自然灾害和突发事件的情况下,自觉听从当地政府和铁路等业务主管部门指挥,积极提供人力、财力和物力等方面的支持和援助。CRSC is actively taking part in public welfare undertakingssuch as poverty alleviation, donations and volunteering,and public welfare services in the areas of education,culture and sanitation. During natural disasters and suddenevents, CRSC is a firm supporter of local government andrailway authorities by proactively providing manpower,financial and material resources.
Sustainability Management2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
The Board of Directors of CRSC is responsible for ESG work, reviews and makesdecisions on major ESG issues, and promotes the integration of ESG concepts withthe Company's development strategy and operation management. At the sametime, the Board of Directors is responsible for the assessment and determination ofESG risks, and continuously supervises the management's design, implement andmonitor ESG risk management and internal control systems.In 2021, based on the summary of ESG work in the previous reporting period, theBoard of Directors made recommendations and plans for ESG-related work inthis reporting period. ESG-related work includes smoothing the communicationchannels for stakeholders, strengthening the management responsibility of theBOD on ESG matters. By deepening the Company's ESG internal control and riskmanagement and participation of the Board of Directors, it aims to ensure thatthe Company establishes timely and effective ESG risk management and internalmonitoring systems. In 2021, CRSC convened 16 governance conferences, including2 general meetings of shareholders, 10 board meetings and 4 supervisory boardmeetings.
CRSC has established a system-wide social responsibility system,infiltrating the concept of social responsibility into the Company's dailyoperations and other all-round management to ensure the concreteimplementation of social responsibility work.
Development planning, enterprise reform, corporate governance,investment management, oce operation, comprehensive servicesEmployee care, employee responsibility, vocational training, rightsprotection, employment equalityTax payment according to law, financial information disclosure
Business performance appraisal, engineering construction management
Report compilation and release, party aairs and party building,rural revitalization, assistance to people in need, volunteer activities,protection of rights and interests of employees
Supplier management
Anti corruptionInformation security and protection
Technology innovation, industrial production, quality controlSafety production, occupational health, environmental management,energy conservation and emission reduction, emergency managementLegal management, compliance management, risk management,internal control management, internal audit, accountability for violations
General Management DepartmentHuman Resources DepartmentFinance Department
Operation Department
Party Work DepartmentMaterial and Equipment Department
Discipline Inspection DepartmentInformation Center
Risk Control Center
Technology Innovation DepartmentSafety Supervision and ManagementDepartment(Emergency oce, EnvironmentSupervision and Management Department)
Participation ofBoard of Directors
ESG工作部门及主要职能ESG departments and main functions部 门Department Duty职 责
In 2021, the Company convened16 governance conferences
Sustainability Management2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
Social Issues
Technological innovationTransformation of technological achievementsDigitalization and intelligentizationQuality and safety of productsQuality serviceSupply chain managementSafe productionSafeguarding employees' rights and interestsEmployee cultivation and career developmentSocial welfarePerforming overseas responsibilitiesEnergy conservation and emission reductionTackling climate changes
Legal compliancePractice of integrityAsset preservation and appreciation1.2.3.
CRSC studied the orientations of macro policies, explored and analyzed the standards andrequirements of ESG reports. In combination with its development strategies and issues thatarouse the attention of stakeholders, based on the dependency on, the relationships betweenrights and responsibilities for and the influence on stakeholders and other principles, CRSCcomparatively dissected the influence and the importance of different ESG issues on/to itsdevelopment, conducted surveys on material issues, and assessed and prioritized 16 materialissues. The issues concerned and analytical results are shown below. These results weresubmitted to the Board of Directors for discussion and relevant feedbacks were incorporatedinto strategic plans for sustainable development, and then decomposed to variousdepartments for implementation.
Identification ofMaterial Issues实质性议题识别
Importance to stakeholders
Importance to CRSC’s sustainable development
Sustainability Management2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
CRSC emphasized on the communication with stakeholders, established and enhanced communicationchannels and means, positively responded to the expectations and appeals of stakeholders, andconveyed our dynamics to all stakeholders in a timely manner, thus improving its operationaltransparency.
StakeholdersExpectations and Appeals
贯彻宏观政策诚信守法经营依法纳税促进就业带动地方经济发展To implement macro policiesTo operate honestly and legallyTo pay taxes according to lawTo promote employmentTo drive local economicdevelopment
良好的经营业绩资产保值增值信息合规披露降低经营风险股东权益保护Good operation performanceTo preserve or add the asset valueTo disclose informationTo reduce operation risksTo protect the interests ofshareholders and investors
合同履约产品质量安全提供优质服务保障客户隐私To perform contractsTo guarantee productquality and safetyTo oer premium serviceTo protect clients'information
诚信守法阳光采购扶持供应商成长信息保密Integrity and law-abidingTo guarantee open, fairand legal procurementTo support suppliers'developmentTo keep informationconfidential
公平竞争科技创新研发助力行业进步Fair competitionTechnology innovationresearchTo promote the industrialdevelopment
To take partin communityconstructionPublic welfareactivities
保障员工权益保障职业发展员工生活关怀保障薪酬福利加强海外员工管理To protect sta interestsTo clear the careerdevelopment routeTo oer sta caringTo oer rational salaryand welfareTo enhance themanagement ofoverseas sta
诚信守法遵守商业道德合作共赢Integrity and law-abidingTo abide by businessethicsTo achieve win-wincooperation
遵守环境法律法规践行节能减排资源节约利用环保意识提升To abide by laws andregulations of environmentTo save energy and reduceemissionsTo save resourcesTo improve the awarenessof environment mentalprotection
工作汇报参加会议监督检查信息报送Work reportConferencesSupervision and inspectionInformation reporting
Corporate annual report, middleterm report and announcementsPerformance conferenceGeneral meeting of shareholdersInvestors conferenceCommunication and reporting
Clients visiting andcommunicationSatisfaction surveyTelephone, e-mail, letter,and on-line feedback
Open tenderingCarrying out cooperationIndustrial communicationand exchanges
Enhancing communicationwith peersIndustrial forums andconferenceResearch tours and visits
CommunitypublicityOrganizing publicwelfare activitiesGeneral meeting ofsta representativesTraining and educationDaily communication
High-level visit exchangesRegular communicationand exchangesExecution of agreementsor contracts
Application of energysaving technologyPublicity of environmentalprotection conceptionsEnvironmentalinformation disclosure
Communication Channels
股东与投资者Shareholders and
Sustainability Management2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
创新驱动蓄积发展动能AccumulatingDevelopment Momentumwith Innovation-DrivenConcept中国通号始终坚持创新求进的核心价值观,瞄准高水平科技自立自强,完善“十四五”科技创新发展规划,加强关键核心技术攻关,开展前瞻性技术研究,加大创新平台建设,加快专利积累,推动科技创新成果转化,以科技创新支撑交通强国建设,助推行业多领域创新发展。
CRSC has always adhered to the core values of innovation andprogress, aiming at high-level improvement via independentlydeveloped technology and the "14th Five-Year" innovation plan.Besides, CRSC has strengthened core technology research, carryingout forward-looking research, so as to increase innovation platformconstruction, accumulate patents, promote the transformationof innovation achievements, support the construction of strongtransportation country, boost the innovation and development of theindustry in multiple fields in many fields.
完善创新战略Promoting Innovation Strategy
增强创新能力Enhancing Innovation Capabilities
推动成果转化Implementing Transformation of Achievement
助力行业进步Empowering Industrial Progress
完善创新战略PromotingInnovation Strategy
中国通号坚持“一个体系、二个中心、三个高地、四个平台、五大突破”的科技创新总体战略目标,强化科技创造力、技术引领力、创新发展力,加快建设科技领军企业。2021年,公司结合国家、行业等相关规划,编制“十四五”科技规划初稿,召开“十四五”科技规划座谈会,初步形成2022年科研立项指南意向和目录清单,并组织督导主要企业编制完成“十四五”科技子规划。CRSC adhered to the overall strategic goal for technological innovation of "OneSystem, Two Centers, Three Highlands, Four Platforms, Five Breakthroughs",strengthened the concepts of being creative, technology-leading, innovativedevelopment, so as to accelerate the construction of a leading technologicalenterprise. In 2021, CSRC has drafted the "14th Five-Year Plan" scientific andtechnological planning in combination with relevant national policies and industryplans. The "14th Five-Year" scientific and technological planning symposium washeld, and the 2022 scientific research project guideline and catalogue list wereinitially formed. CSRC also organized and supervised the subsidiaries to form theirplans of “14th Five-Year Plan” for Science and Technology.
中国通号科技创新总体战略目标CRSC's overall strategic goal for technological innovation
Leading Three Highlands
Shaping Four Platforms
Constructing One System
实现五大突破Achieving Five Breakthroughs
全球的轨道交通控制技术研发、制造、施工一体化服务的技术和服务模式输出高地Technical and service mode outputhighland that integrates the research,development, manufacturing andconstruction of global rail transportcontrol technologies
National transformation platforms of technological innovations andscientific achievements represented by Key State Laboratory, NationalEngineering Research Center and National Industrial Innovation Center
构建以核心技术为方向、科技创新平台为依托、创新人才为基础,企业内上下游协同、国内政产学研用结合、研发资源全球配置的新时代使命引领型科技创新体系Constructing a scientific and technological innovation system driven bythe missions in the new era, oriented by core technologies, relying ontechnological innovation platforms, grounding on innovative talents, whichachieves upstream and downstream collaboration within CRSC, the combinationof government-industry-university-research-application in the domestic marketand the global allocation of research and development resources
新一轮的全面科技管理改革取得重大突破Major breakthrough in a new round of comprehensive scientific andtechnological management reforms
符合国际标准的具有第三方独立检测认证评估能力的检验检测试验平台Inspection and testing platforms with third-party independent testingand certification assessment capabilities in line with internationalstandards
新一代关键核心技术和深度自主化取得历史性突破Historic breakthrough in a new round of core technologies and in-depthautonomy
New technology incubation and venture development platforms with aglobal perspective for the rail transport and communication signal industry
轨道交通安全控制技术在其他行业示范性应用的战略性突破Strategic breakthrough in the exemplary application of rail transportsafety control technologies in other industries
面向全球的学术交流、人才培养平台Academic exchange and talent cultivation platforms with a globalperspective
中国高铁标准与产业输出取得产品市场全球化、技术品牌国际化的突破International breakthrough in China’s high-speed railway standards andindustrial outputs in occupying global market科技创新动能不断激发,核心人才培养和引进取得重要突破Critical breakthrough in constantly inspiring scientific and technologicalinnovations, cultivating and attracting core talents
轨道交通通信信号高端人才创新集聚高地Innovation clustering highland thatattracts high-end rail transport andcommunication talents
全球的轨道交通知识产权和标准创造、运用、服务和转移高地The highland of creating, applying,serving and transferring globalrail transport-related intellectualproperty rights and standards
打造二个中心Building Two Centers
具有全球竞争力的轨道交通控制技术创新中心A rail transport control technologyinnovation center with globalcompetitiveness具有全球影响力的通信信号产业创新中心A communication signal industryinnovation center with globalinfluence
Accumulating Development Momentum with Innovation-Driven Concept2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
Enhancing InnovationCapabilities
中国通号持续完善创新管理体系,加大研发投入力度,推动科技创新平台建设,加强科技人才队伍建设,完善知识产权管理和保护体系,提升技术创新能力、核心竞争力和品牌影响力,攻克高铁车体轻、速度快、线路高架多带来的适应性难题,多项技术达到全球领先水平;全面开展列控装备关键核心技术攻关,实现底层软硬件技术完全自主可控,领先行业发展。2021年,中国通号科技投入20.87亿元,开展科研项目772项。CRSC constantly enhanced innovation management system, increased investmentin research and development, promoted the construction of innovation platforms,strengthened the construction of scientific and technological talentst, improvedthe intellectual property management and protection system, enhancedtechnological innovation capabilities as well as brand influence. The Companyhas broken through many new technologies for lighter body, higher speed withmany technologies reaching the world's leading level. CRSC comprehensivelycarried out research on key technologies of train control equipment, realizing thatthe underlying software and hardware technologies are completely independentlydeveloped to lead the development of the industry. In 2021, CRSC invested 2.087billion yuan in scientific and technological research, and carried out 772 scientificresearch projects.
CRSC's Research Inputs and Scientific Research Projects in 2019-2021年科技投入
Annual research inputs
New provincial and ministerial awards
100 million yuan RMB
National scientific researchprojects undertakenpiece
Provincial and ministerial researchprojects undertakenpiece
TechnologicalInnovation Platform
CRSC attaches great importance to building a high-level scientific and technologicalinnovation platform, actively promotes the construction of technological innovationplatforms and demonstrations, and forms a "3479+N" technological innovationplatform and demonstration pattern. The Company has established academicianworkstations, post-doctoral scientific research workstations, industry-university-research platforms, etc. A diverse and advanced innovation platform has been builtfor cultivating innovative talents. In 2021, the Company has newly built 5 provincialand ministerial innovation platforms. 2 national key laboratories have passed theprimary selection and expert review. As of the end of 2021, the company has 3 post-doctoral research mobile workstations, 4 academician workstations, 7 national orindustry innovation platforms, 9 national innovation demonstration titles, and over30 provincial and ministerial key laboratories/engineering technology researchcenters/engineering experiments room.2021年新增示范(标杆)企业2021年新增省部级创新平台
New provincial and ministerial innovation platforms built in 2021New demonstration enterprises in 2021北京市先进轨道交通工业互联网工程研究中心(研究设计院集团)Beijing Advanced Rail Transit Industrial Internet Engineering Research Center(Research & Design Institute Group)河南省高可信智慧城轨工程研究中心(卡斯柯公司)Henan Highly Dependable Smart Urban Rail Engineering Research Center(CASCO)上海高速铁路列控装备工程技术研究中心(西安工业集团)Shanghai High-speed Railway Train Control Equipment Engineering TechnologyResearch Center ((Xi'an) Industry Group)中关村国家自主创新示范区高精尖产业协同创新平台?先进轨道交通协同创新平台(研究设计院集团)Zhongguancun National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone High-precision Industry Collaborative Innovation Platform - Advanced Rail TransitCollaborative Innovation Platform (Research & Design Institute Group)北京市认定企业技术中心(城交公司)Beijing Technology Certification Center (Urban Rail Transit Company)
西安工业集团、卡斯柯公司获得国家工信部“制造业单项冠军示范企业”认定(Xi'an) Industry Group and CASCOwere recognized as "DemonstrationEnterprise in Manufacturing Industry"by the Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology of the People'sRepublic of China研究设计院集团、城交公司获得“2021年度北京市知识产权示范企业”
Research & Design Institute Group andUrban Rail Transit Company won the"2021 Beijing Intellectual PropertyDemonstration Enterprise"
(Beijing) Rail Industry Companywon the title of "Beijing IntelligentManufacturing Benchmark Enterprise"
Accumulating Development Momentum with Innovation-Driven Concept2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
CRSC’s Patents in 2021
科研人才队伍Scientific ResearchTalents
Intellectual Property
CRSC has strengthened the cultivation of scientific research talents, improved andoptimized the employee incentive and reward mechanism. The Company activelypromoted the construction of the enterprise's scientific and technological innovationtalent team, strengthened the selection, adoption, cultivation and retention of thescientific and technological talent team, and stimulated the innovation vitality ofthe enterprise. By the end of 2021, the Company has a total of 4,374 R&D personnel.In 2021, CRSC added 10 new winners of Mao Yisheng Railway Engineer Award,1 person won the Zhan Tianyou Achievement Award, 1 person won the ZhanTianyou Youth Award, 2 People were awarded the "Young Talents in TransportationScience and Technology" by the Ministry of Transport, 1 was supported by theChina Association for Science and Technology Young Talents Support Project, and 2People were respectively awarded the "Science and Technology Talent Award" and"Science and Technology Innovation Youth Award" by the China Communication andTransportation Association.
CRSC has continued to improve its intellectual property capabilities in IP creation,application, protection, management and service. The IP management systemhas been increasingly improved. The number of invention patents has increasedsignificantly, the overseas early warning and distribution capabilities have beencontinuously enhanced, and the reward and incentive mechanism has beencontinuously improved. Intellectual property rights have become one of theimportant supports for innovation-led development of CRSC. . By the end of 2021,CRSC has a total of 3,202 valid licensed patents and a total of 1,066 inventionpatents, achieving the goal of having more than 1,000 licensed invention patents.Licensed overseas patents totaled 108. Software copyrights totaled 1,517.By the end of 2021, the Companyhas a total of 4,374 R&Dpersonnel
By the end of 2021, CRSC has a total of
3,202 valid licensed patents and a totalof 1,066 invention patents. Licensedoverseas patents totaled 108. Softwarecopyrights totaled 1,517
337 newly licensed
invention patents
1,204 newly
applied patents
118 newly applied
overseas patents
886 newly applied
invention patents
Accumulating Development Momentum with Innovation-Driven Concept2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
2021年4月,中国通号发明专利“一种轨道电路”(专利号:ZL201310566673.9)荣获北京市发明专利奖颁奖大会唯一一项特等奖In April 2021, the invention patent "a track circuit" (Patent No.: zl201310566673.9) of China communications won the only special prize at theBeijing invention patent award ceremony
Independently developed high-speed rail intelligent driving system based on 5G network
Technology empowers the ocial operation of the Lhasa–Nyingchi Railway
CRSC has independently developed the high-speed rail intelligent driving system based on 5G network, which could collectinformation along the track through the on-board optical system and 5G communication unit. It can intelligently identify possiblesources of danger on the track, and timely display the information to the driver, which greatly improves the driver's ability todrive safely in front of emergencies. The system is combined with the existing high-speed train control system and automaticdriving system, which can eectively assist drivers to correctly handle emergencies, significantly reduce accidents caused bysudden disasters and other reasons, which demonstrates a breakthrough in intelligent railway technology innovation, and helpshigh-quality rail transit development.
In June 2021, the Lhasa–Nyingchi Railway was ociallyopened for operation, which is the first Class I single-track electrified railway on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.CRSC undertook the system integration, equipmentprocurement and project delivery of communications,signals, information and disaster prevention alongthe entire Lhasa–Nyingchi Railway. The Company wasalso responsible for the commissioning, testing andtrial operation. Through scientific and technologicalinnovation and other means, new and practicalpatent projects such as wall-mounted optical cablefixtures, in-tunnel leaky coaxial cable drilling vehicles,and hydraulic lifting aerial work platforms havebeen developed. At the same time, 26 technologicalinnovations such as optimizing the installation methodof the video control box of the station tower andimproving the installation method of the base stationcontrol box were proposed to create a high-qualityrailway with ingenuity and wisdom.
2021年中国通号规范知识产权工作进展CRSC’s work progress of to regulate intellectual property rights in 2021
Intellectual Property Protection
Intellectual Property Services
Intellectual Property Management
开展重点产品走出去目标国专利风险评估和预警工作,规避产品出口风险。Carried out patent risk assessment and early warning for the exported keyproducts to avoid product export risks.
Completed the research on the constructionof the retrieval database, and organizedthe Research & Design Institute Group andCASCO to construct the patent managementsystem and test the mainstream global patentretrieval database respectively.
持续推进国家标准《企业知识产权管理规范》(GB/T 29490-2013)对标和体系认证工作,规范公司研发、采购、人事、生产等各环节知识产权管理,累计5家通过对标认证。Promoted the "national standard of Enterprise Intellectual PropertyManagement" (GB/T 29490-2013) and system certification tostandardize the Company's R&D, procurement, personnel, productionand other aspects of intellectual property management with a total of5 companies having passed the certification.组织企业开展提升发明专利审查速度相关政策研究,部分企业平均审查时间由24个月降为6个月。Organized enterprises to carry out policy research on patent policiesto accelerate invention patents application, with the averageexamination time of some enterprises being reduced from 24 monthsto 6 months.
Formulated the "Overseas Intellectual Property Layout Planning Report" toplan the intellectual property layout.
Accumulating Development Momentum with Innovation-Driven Concept2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
推进成果转化Implementing Transformationof Achievement
CRSC earnestly studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping'simportant speech on accelerating the transformation and application of scientificand technological achievements. Adhering to technological achievement,marketization of results, and market eciency, CSRC gave full play to the "three-in-one" advantage of design and development, equipment manufacturingand engineering services, and actively promoted the realization of autonomy,engineering and industrialization of urban rail transit, railway signal safety controland other fields.
Application of CRSC's scientific and technological innovation achievements in 2021 (Partial)
The self-developed moving blocktrain control system based on BeiDoupositioning completed the on-sitemulti-vehicle tracking test, realizing amajor innovative leap in the applicationof the train control system in the heavyhaul railway.
自主化CTCS-3级列控系统完成合安线自主化匹配型试验和考核,为自主化装备在中国高铁“走出去”第一单?雅万高铁的成功应用奠定坚实基础。The CTCS-3 train control system alongHefei-Anqing High-speed Railwayhas completed the matching test andassessment, laying a solid foundationfor the successful application of theself-developed equipment in the first"going out" order of China's high-speedrail - the Jakarta-Bandung High-SpeedRailway.
区域轨道交通协同运输与服务系统完成研发,在重庆大竹林中心、重庆北站南广场站成功示范应用。The coordinated transportation andservice system for regional rail transithas been demonstrated and applied inChongqing Dazhulin Center and SouthSquare Station of Chongqing NorthRailway Station.
The first train operation system supported by the TRANAVI Qiji TACSsystem that realizes autonomous resource management and activeinterval protection of trains has been completed on-site.
自主化全电子联锁系统圆满完成现场试验,取得空载试运行证书并开通运营,成为业内首个城轨自主化全电子联锁开通项目。The fully electronic autonomous interlocking system successfullycompleted the field test, obtained the no-load trial certificate andopened for operation, becoming the industry's first fully electronicautonomous interlocking project for urban rail transit.铁路货物运输综合调度指挥管理系统完成神华铁路包神线、神朔线示范应用。The integrated dispatching command and management system forrailway freight transportation has successfully applied to Baotou-Shenmu Line and Shenmu-Shuozhou Line of Shenhua Railway as thedemostration project.道岔转换智能诊断、道岔钢轨断轨检查等系统在铁路局上道试用,运用效果良好。The intelligent turnout diagnosis and the rail-break inspection ofturnout have been put on trial in the railway bureau with a goodresult.
The intelligent light rail transit transportation and control system,which integrates mechatronics, unmanned train control, intelligentoperation and maintenance, and coordinated multi-transportationmode, was put into trial operation in Fenghuang Maglev Project in Hunan.完成城轨智能调度系统功能改进开发,形成智慧运营示范。The urban rail intelligent dispatching system was successfullyupgraded, which was a demonstration of intelligent operation.适用于轨道交通的视频大数据服务平台,强化数据治理、提升数据质量,实现了数据资源充分共享、增值及综合应用,在城轨项目开始应用。The video big data service platform for rail transit, which can improvedata governance and data quality, and realize sharing, value-addedand comprehensive application of data resources, has been appliedin urban rail projects.
CRSC Innovation Achievement Awards in 2021
“面向网络化运营的互联互通 CBTC 关键技术及成套装备与示范应用”荣获中国城市轨道交通协会 2020 年度城市轨道交通科技进步特等奖;"The key technology and complete sets ofinterconnected CBTC for network operation andtheir applications" won the 2020 Urban Rail TransitScience and Technology Progress Special Award ofChina Association of Metros;
“郑州北编组站综合自动化改造工程”获中国铁道工程建设协会年度铁路优秀工程勘察设计奖一等奖;"Automation Reconstruction Project of ZhengzhouNorth Marshalling Yard" won the first prize ofAnnual Railway Excellent Engineering Survey andDesign Award of China Association of RailwayEngineering Construction;“基于5G通信的高铁智能辅助驾驶系统”获得国资委第三届中央企业熠星创新创意大赛二等奖。"The high-speed rail intelligent driving systembased on 5G network" won the second prize ofthe 3rd SOEs Shining Star Innovation Competitionawarded by SASAC.
"High-speed railway train operation control anddetection system" won the 2021 Special Prize ofScience and Technology Award of China Inspectionand Testing Society ;
“基于列调融合的调度集中系统(CTC3.0)安全控制技术开发与应用”成果荣获中国交通运输协会 2020 年科技奖一等奖;
"The Development and Application of SafetyControl Technology on Centralized TrafficControl System (CTC3.0) Based on Traffic ControlCoordination" was awarded the 2020 1st prizeof China Communications and TransportationAssociation;
Accumulating Development Momentum with Innovation-Driven Concept2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
助力行业进步Empowering IndustrialProgress
中国通号秉承“发展轨道交通民族产业”的使命,积极参与中国铁路通信信号行业标准和规范制定,加强与政府、科研院所、行业协会等技术交流,共同带动行业可持续发展。Adhering to the mission of "Develop National Industry of Rail Transportation",CRSC has actively participated in the formulation of industry standards andspecifications, strengthened technical exchanges with the government, scientificresearch institutes, industry associations, etc., to jointly promote the sustainabledevelopment of the industry.
CASCO's driverless system leads smart urban rail transit
CRSC's technological innovation to build the first domestic maglev cultural tourism project
In January 2021, Shanghai Line 15, the fourth line with the highest level ofautomation in the world (GoA4) equipped by CASCO, was officially put intooperation. This line is the longest line with GoA4 in China. It adopts a fully automaticunmanned signal system to realize unattended train operation without any on-trainsta. Up to now, Shanghai Line 10, Chengdu Line 9, Shanghai Line 18, and ShanghaiLine 15, which CASCO has participated in the construction and operation, have allrealized the GoA4 function, with a total mileage of 127 kilometers. All these projectsmake CRSC lead China's urban rail full-automatic driverless track, demonstrating thewisdom in the intelligent development of China's urban rail transit.
In December 2021, the Fenghuang middle and low-speed Maglev Project ofMechanical and Electrical Equipment Procurement and Installation EPC - China'sfirst "Maglev + Culture + Tourism" railway project, was put into trial operationacross the board. During the implementation of the project, CRSC actively utilizedthe advantages of the whole industry chain, and carried out a lot of innovationand optimization on various schemes of the Fenghuang maglev project. A seriesof innovative products such as "Integrated intelligent box-type substation","Combined converter device", "10KV solid state switch cabinet" are adopted. Severalinnovative solutions such as "mechatronics" and "cloud platform" are proposed andapplied, creating unmanned train control, intelligent operation and maintenance, andmulti-transportation mode for the Fenghuang maglev project. All the technologies,from design, manufacturing, construction to later management, are protected byindependent intellectual property patents. The project integrates maglev technologywith cultural tourism, and it’s a new exploration of maglev technology engineering.
行业标准制定Formulating IndustryStandards
As the responsible department technical standards of National RailwayAdministration of the People’s Republic of China, CRSC continued to do thecentralized management and compilation of industry standards. In 2021, theCompany completed the rule-making and standard planning of the establishmentof the Communication Signal Sub-Committee (SC2) for National TechnicalCommittee 278 on Electric Equipment and Systems for Railways of StandardizationAdministration of China (SAC/TC278). Besides, CRSC also organized and released the"White Paper on Digital Transformation of China Railway Signal & CommunicationEngineering". The Company also led the ISO/TC269 International Standard WorkingGroup on "Principles of Train Occupancy Inspection", convened 6 internationalmeetings and built a standard system framework for train occupancy inspection.As of the end of 2021, CRSC has managed a total of 193 prevailing valid industrystandards and 21 in-process standards.
As of the end of 2021, CRSC hasmanaged a total of 193 prevailingvalid industry standards
Accumulating Development Momentum with Innovation-Driven Concept2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
中国通号2019-2021年主参编国家及行业标准情况CRSC's Participation in the Compilation of National and Industry Standards in 2019-2021
加强行业沟通StrengtheningCommunicationwithin Industry
中国通号携多项科技成果亮相2021北京国际城市轨道交通展览会暨高峰论坛CRSC brought a number of scientific and technological achievements to the International Metro TransitExhibition & Forum 2021 (Beijing)案例Case
In October 2021, the International Metro Transit Exhibition & Forum 2021 (Beijing) washeld in Beijing. CRSC appeared at the exhibition with scientific research achievementssuch as safety computer platform with industrial control, transponder transmissionsystem, multi-function vehicle bus chip, etc., presenting the latest and most advancedproducts and solutions in the field of rail transit to the public. In the "Future Rail"section of the exhibition, Research & Design Institute Group displayed industry-leadingresearch achievements in view of the future autonomous and intelligent trend of railtransit, leading the rail transit industry and upstream and downstream enterprisesin the industrial chain. In addition, the Company multi-function vehicle bus chip wasrecognized by the forum jury. The R&D and independent application of this chip havebroken the foreign monopoly and helped China's high-speed railway get rid of itsreliance on imported components, which has trans-era significance in the industry.
《中国铁路通信信号工程数字化转型白皮书》通过专家评审并于12月发布"White Paper on Digital Transformation ofChina Railway Signal & CommunicationEngineering" passed expert review andreleased in December
《铁路智能通信网架构技术白皮书》《铁路通信智能运维技术白皮书》《铁路可信网络技术白皮书》通过专家评审并于12月发布"Intelligent Railway Communication Network Architecture Technology White Paper" "Railway Communication Intelligent Operation andMaintenance Technology White Paper" "Railway Trusted Network Technology White Paper" passed the expert review and released in December
件件主参编国家标准National standards
主参编行业技术标准Industry standardspiece piece
As an affiliated institution of the Communications Signal Branch of China RailwaySociety, CRSC has actively created conditions, built platforms, promote services forthe Communications Signal Branch, participating in the exchange forums, whichcan enhance technology brands and show industry influence, and promote the newpattern of industry development. CRSC continued to strengthen the cooperationand exchanges with the Zhan Tianyou Science and Technology DevelopmentFoundation and the Beijing Mao Yi-sheng Science and Technology EducationFoundation, and jointly set up the Zhan Tianyou Special Award for researchers withthe Communications Signal Branch of China Railway Society (including Zhan TianyouCommunication Signal Contribution Award, Zhan Tianyou Communication SignalYouth Award). CRSC co-sponsored the Chinese Society of Engineer and participatedin the founding ceremonies, aiming to serve the realization of value of engineeringtechnology talents, and the exchange and cooperation of engineering technology.The Communications Signal Branch of China Railway Society has won the first placein the examination of branches of China Railway Society for two consecutive years,and won the honorary title of "Excellent Branch".5455
Accumulating Development Momentum with Innovation-Driven Concept2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
服务至上铸就卓越品质Creating Excellent Qualitywith the Mindset ofService First
Adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism withChinese Characteristics for a New Era, CRSC bases itself on the newdevelopment stage, applies the new development philosophy,integrates into the new development pattern. Sticking to the principleof the people first, the life first, the Company continues to coordinatedevelopment and security. By the corporate spirits of "realism,innovation, endeavor and dedication" and the concept of "Qualityis Life, Safety is Paramount", CRSC is deeply rooted in the rail transitcontrol industry, firmly establishes the concept of strengthens qualityand safety management, provides users with safe, stable and high-quality products, technologies and services. It vigorously promotesdigital transformation and intelligent upgrades, good safetyproduction and emergency management response to continuouslycreate values.优质产品与服务Quality Products and Services
数字化转型与升级Digital Transformation and Upgrade
安全生产与应急管理Safe Production and Emergency Management
优质产品与服务Quality Productsand Services
In 2021, Achievement of CRSC’s Product Quality and Safety Goals
杜绝了生产安全一般及以上责任死亡事故、特种设备一般及以上责任事故、火灾一般及以上责任事故。It eliminated the "General-Level" orabove accident of death, the "General-Level" or above special equipmentaccident and the "General-Level" orabove fire accident.
It eliminated the Category-C orabove accident in railway trac, the"General-Level" or above humanelement accident and "Severe-Level" or above accident due toquality problems.
杜绝了职业病、职业中毒事件、突发环境事件。It eliminated occupational diseases,occupational poisoning incidentsand environmental emergencies.
It achieved a 100% quality inspectionpass rate of each inspection batch, sub-item and sub-project, a 100% engineeringonetime delivery and acceptance passrate, and a 100% quality supervision andinspection pass rate.
100% of newly developed safetycritical products and urban railsignal integration systems weresubject to third-party quality safetyassessments, and safety criticalproducts was subject to 100%independent safety testing.
保障了在轨系统设备安全运行,实现了中国通号安全质量形势总体持续稳定。CRSC continued to ensure thesafe operation of on-tracksystem equipment and realizedthe overall safety and qualityof the continuous and stablesituation.
CRSC strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations on product qualitymanagement, and has formulated the "Quality Control Rules, AdministrativeMeasures on Product Quality Inspection" "Administrative Measures on ProductQuality Supervision and Inspection" "Administrative Measures on ProductQualityand Safety Accidents (Faults)" and other institutional norms to improvethree-level management and control system, clarify quality responsibilities,strengthen process control, promote lean management, and strictly implementquality management throughout all links of the entire industry chain.At the same time, CRSC and its affiliated companies have combined theirbusiness systems to build a customer service system covering the entire lifecycle of customer privacy protection, customer complaint handling mechanisms,responding to customer concerns. The Company does a good job in active after-sales service, and jointly builds a fair and honest trading environment.
Creating Excellent Quality with the Mindset of Service First2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
安全质量体系Safety and QualitySystem
By the end of 2021, CRSC and its subsidiaries have all passed ISO9001 (Quality)Management System certification; All engineering construction enterprises havepassed the GB/T50430; 53 affiliated enterprises have passed the occupationalhealth and safety management system certification; and 23 enterprises havecompleted the establishment of safety production standardization enterprises; 17aliated companies passed the IRIS Certification audit; 5 aliated companies havepassed CMMI certification. All enterprises have further promoted various quality andsafety management work and built an integrated quality and safety system.
中国通号全面开展安全产品RAMS分析和设计,细化失效模式与影响分析(FMEA)等质量工具应用,加强产品可靠性管理。制定产品质量检验工作管理办法、产品质量监督抽查管理办法等,所属企业建立检验、检测程序、产品和服务质量问题程序、全生命周期可追溯管理程序等。产品质量控制Product QualityControl
CRSC has comprehensively carried out RAMS analysis and design of safety products,refined the application of quality tools such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis(FMEA), and strengthened product reliability management. It also formulated theAdministrative Measures on Product Quality Inspection and the AdministrativeMeasures on Product Quality Supervision and Inspection. Its subsidiary enterprisesset up the inspection and testing procedure, the product and service quality issueprocedure, the full-life cycle traceable management procedure, etc.
产品安全保障Product SafetyGuarantee
CRSC is committed to respecting life and ensuring safety, and is committed toproviding customers with safe products. The products involving core safety riskwere controlled and tested in accordance with the European railway product safetymanagement standards EN50126, EN50128, and EN50129. A total of 73 rail trafficcontrol systems delivered by CRSC have passed the SIL4 certificates issued by Lloyd'sRegister, Germany's TUV and other institutions. In 2021, the Company completed 122security certifications and 83 software certifications.
产品研发Product R&D
明确关键质量控制点及控制要求,进行可靠性、安全性计算与分析,保证产品满足相应等级安全标准。Specifying key quality control points andcontrol requirements, conducting reliabilityand safety calculation and analysis, ensuringproducts meeting corresponding levels of safetystandards.出台《产品质量检验工作管理办法》,设立产品质量检验部门,完成产品入场、生产、出厂全流程的严格检验,建立产品质量检验档案,禁止不合格产品流出。Issuing the "Administrative Measures onProduct Quality Inspection", setting upproduct quality inspection department,strictly inspecting the whole process ofentry,production and delivery of products,establishing product quality inspectionrecords, prohibiting the outflow ofunqualified products.
严格按照施工安装标准,加强施工安装过程安全分析和质量控制。Strictly following construction installationstandards, strengthening safety analysis andquality control during construction installation.细化产品使用说明书及培训教材,制定安全管控措施。
Detailing product instruction manualsand training materials, formulating safetyprevention and controlling measures.
提供产品检验、测试工作,识别并有效应对集成调试存在的管理与技术问题。Providing product inspection and test, identifyingand eciently handling management issues andtechnical troubles existing in integration andcommissioning.
CRSC Comprehensive Quality Management System
Operation &Maintenance
集成调试Integration &Commissioning
Creating Excellent Quality with the Mindset of Service First2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
数字化转型与升级Digital Transformationand Upgrade
中国通号深刻认识到信息化、数字化技术对企业发展的重要性,大力开展集成创新、技术创新,强化数据驱动,积极推进人工智能、北斗通信等新一代信息技术应用。各所属企业积极探索数字化发展规划,推广新技术,推进生产运营智能化、用户服务敏捷化,切实提高信息化管理体系建设和数字化水平,为企业构筑坚实的高质量发展基础。2021年12月,公司《通信信息集团综合管廊无人智能化管理系统》和《通信信息集团智能轨道交通视频系统》项目入选中央企业数字化发展研究院首批企业数字化转型典型场景优秀案例。CRSC deeply recognizes the importance of informatization and digital technologyto the development of enterprises, vigorously carries out integrated innovation,technological innovation, strengthens data-driven, and actively promotesthe application of the new generation of information technology including AIand Beidou communication. All affiliated enterprises actively explores digitaldevelopment plans and new technology promotion, promotes new technologies,promotes the intelligent production and operation and user services agility,effectively improves the information management system construction and thelevel of digitization, and builds a solid foundation for high-quality development.In December 2021, the Company's "Unmanned Intelligent Management Systemfor Utility Tunnel of CRSCIC" and "Intelligent Rail Transit Video System of CRSCIC"projects were selected as the first batch of outstanding cases by the CentralEnterprise Digital Development Research Institute.
一身份认证系统)的体系结构。初步建立信息化应用体系,建设中国通号网站群、ERP、PLM、办公自动化等系统,打造全产业链信息化架构,加快智能化、数字化企业建设。The Core BusinessSystem Is BasicallyCompleted
The information infrastructure has begun to take shape, formed an architecture of one center (datacenter), one network (enterprise intranet), and one token (unified identity authentication system).The Company has preliminarily established an information application system, covering CRSCwebsite groups, ERP, PLM, oce automation and other systems, build an information architecturefor the entire industry chain, and speed up the construction of intelligent and digital enterprises.
络安全专项建设。对标国际信息安全标准,开展评估与认证活动。建设网络系统日志系统,构建关键信息系统的数据库审计系统。开展IPv6升级改造、国资国企安全监管平台和保密监管平台建设。Cybersecurity Continuedto Strengthen
CRSC has implemented the Cybersecurity Law, promulgated security management and operatingprocedures, conducted cybersecurity inspections led by the Ministry of Public Security,carriedout special construction of network security. Benchmarking international information securitystandards, the companythas carried out evaluation and certification activities, built a network logsystem, and a database audit system for key information systems. IT also has carried put theIPv6upgrade and transformation, completed the state-owned enterprise security supervision platformand confidentiality supervision platform.优化信息系统,提升信息化资源整合和系统集成水平,强化信息化业务支撑和管理规范。持续优化运维流程,完善三级运维体系,提高问题响应速度。培养专业化的建设及运维队伍,形成一体化信息化服务产业。
CRSC has optimized the information system, improved the level of informatization resourceintegration and system integration, and strengthened informatization and managementstandards. CRSC has continuously optimized the process to improve the three-level operation andmaintenance system, and speed up the problem response. By a professional construction andoperation and maintenance team, CRSC has formed an integrated information service industry.
步推进Steady Progressin InformatizationOperation andMaintenance
CRSC has actively promoted the application of information technology in material procurement,project management, market operation, financial management, etc.. Through ERP, OA,contract management, fund management and other systems, the company has achievedinformationization and closed-loop in the entire process of business management. Throughintegrated applications, the interface with the upstream business has been opened up, so thatthe communication and feedback in the links of product release, production design, and changeimplementation are more smooth.
企业融合应用建设成效显著RemarkableAchievements inTechnology Application
CRSC has built a demonstration factory for intelligent manufacturing of rail transit signal systemproducts, and built high-standard intelligent switch machine assembly lines, relay fine-tuninglines, automatic flaw detection lines, intelligent warehousing and intelligent logistics. CRSC hasbuilt an intelligent production base for high-speed train control system equipment, and graduallyrealized a new production and operation model with flexible design, collaborative manufacturing,and intelligent decision-making.
Smart FactoryConstruction Continues
to Implement
Creating Excellent Quality with the Mindset of Service First2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
安全生产与应急管理Safe Production andEmergency Management
中国通号严格遵守《中华人民共和国安全生产法》《国家安全生产事故灾难应急预案》《中华人民共和国消防法》等相关法律法规,建立全员安全责任制,确保安全质量责任落实到位、规章制度执行到位、风险隐患防范到位、监督检查执法到位、事故事件整治到位。CRSC strictly abides by relevant laws and regulations such as the "Work Safety Lawof the People's Republic of China" "National Disaster Emergency Response Plan forWork Safety Accidents" "Fire Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", andhas established a safety responsibility system to ensure that safety and qualityresponsibilities are implemented in place, rules and regulations are implementedin place, risks and hidden dangers are prevented in place, supervision, inspectionand law enforcement are in place, and accidents and incidents are rectified.
中国通号数字化转型案例CRSC Digital Transformation Cases
Independently developed the first set of railway communicationsignal basic model in China, which encompassed a total of 712sets of equipment, PC boards, and typical station configurationtemplates, and was successfully implemented on the firstindependent BIM basic modeling software of China. 68 itemsof intelligent construction equipment in 5 categories havebeen developed to ensure process quality and site safety, andpromote the application of new equipment such as intelligentcable car laying, intelligent wiring robots, and BeiDou-basedsafety protection systems.
Completed the online operation of MES system, realizedfull coverage of material traceability, and the digitalization,visualization and paperless monitoring of key processes andquality parameters in the production process. At the sametime, improved the production dispatching command centersystem, realizd a dual management command mechanismcombining centralized production dispatching command andproduction line kanban. The safety and quality monitoringand prevention system of the entire manufacturing process isgradually realizing digitalization, and the production processis more transparent and controllable.
Carried out a series of investigations on the digital transformationof enterprises, formed a sub-plan for digital transformationin the "14th Five-Year Plan", specified the direction of digitaltransformation with "project management as the main line andcost management as the core", initially established a projectmanagement platform, completed and launched the costmanagement function module to realize the data interactionof the application system.
Accelerated the promotion of informatization and theapplication of BIM technology. In 2021, the company compiledthe "Informatization Project Proposal of CRSC ConstructionGroup" and the "Project Feasibility Study Report of CRSCConstruction Group", completed the preliminary planning anddecision-making of the company's information managementsystem, conducted 5 BIM technical training and constructed 4project BIM workstation.
Construction Group
通号工程局集团Engineering Group
上海工程局集团Shanghai Engineering Group
研究设计院集团Research & Design Institute Group
CRSC adheres to the principle of "Managing production and operation must bein charge of safety, managing business must be in charge of safety", and hasestablished a safety production management committee headed by the chairmanto manage the work of safety production. Through the solid work of mobilizationand deployment, investigation and rectification, and concentrated eorts, the safeproduction responsibility system has been further improved, the dual preventionmechanism has been more sound, the work safety standardization has becomemore standardized, the work safety information has become more ecient, and thework safety operation has become more reliable. In 2021, the Company invested atotal of 432 million yuan in production safety, and there was no accident of generalor above production safety or serious or light injury, and no accident of general orabove responsibility for special equipment or fire.
Safe ProductionManagement
In 2021, the Company investeda total of 432 million yuan inproduction safety
服务至上,铸就卓越品质Creating Excellent Quality with the Mindset of Service First
2021年6月,通号轨道公司开展消防培训及应急演练In June 2021, CRSC Rail Company carried out fire responsetraining and emergency drills
Three-Year DedicatedRectification Actionsfor Safe Production
Risk Preventionand Control of SafeProduction
Emergency Management and Drills
In 2021, CRSC focused on the tasks and objectives of the critical year, and paid closeattention to the rectification and implementation of key and dicult problems. TheCompany organized its employees to view the feature film of "Life Always Prevails",and invited experts to interpret General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discussionon production safety.,more than 30,000 people participated in learning and training,which improved the bottom-line thinking and awareness of potential dangers,andfurther strengthened the concept of safe development. CRSC strengthened theconstruction of the registered safety engineer team, actively carried out thecertification of the registered safety engineer to laid a foundation for the safetyproduction management. Besides, it also intensified efforts to focus on specialrectification, dynamically updated the "two lists", implemented 2,186 rectificationmeasures, and achieved remarkable results in the rectification. CRSC organized on-site experience exchange promotion meetings and produced experience exchangepromotional videos to promote advanced management methods and typicalexperiences, and the three-year special rectification action, which promoted theoverall improvement of the management level.
CRSC has continued to strengthen the awareness of work safety and the identification and evaluation of safety risks, establisheddatabases of hazard sources and work safety risks, carried out hierarchical management and control of work safety risks, andimplemented risk control measures. The "CRSC Work Safety Inspection System" has been formulated to clarify that regular safetyinspections and all-round investigation of hidden dangers should be carried out. The double prevention mechanism of safetyproduction has been used to eectively improve the level of safety management. In 2021, the aliated enterprises organizedsafety inspections and hidden danger investigations, actively promoted the rectification of hidden dangers after discoveringsafety problems, and making due contributions to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party.
安全培训与教育Safety Training and Education
Adhering to the policy of "safety first, prevention first, withcomprehensive management", CRSC has formulated andimplemented the "Administrative Measures for WorkplaceSafety Education and Training" to strengthen employee safetytraining and education, established employee safety trainingand education files, and supervised the implementation afterthe training. In 2021, CRSC organized activities such as "SafetyProduction Month" "Occupational Disease Prevention LawPublicity Week" and "Safety Production Law Publicity Week",with more than 50,000 people participating.
CRSC has issued the "Overall Response Plan for Emergencies",
specified the organization of emergency management such
as leading agencies, working agencies, grass-roots agencies,
expert groups, and on-site agencies. In 2021, the emergency
response system was strengthened, and 353 emergency
plans for work safety were revised and improved. Up to
now, the Company has a total of 1,880 emergency plans,
including 162 comprehensive emergency plans, 622 special
plans, and 1,096 on-site disposal plans (emergency disposal
cards). The emergency response system has been further
improved. Meanwhile, the Company attaches great importance
to emergency training and drills, organizing various types
of accident emergency drills and enhance emergency drills
and evaluation to improve personnel's emergency response
capabilities. Throughout the year, 489 emergency drills for
fire, electric shock, mechanical injury, and falling from heights
were organized.
With the theme of "To consolidate theresponsibility of all employees for worksafe to fundamentally eliminate potentialaccidents" and relying on the Anqing-Jiujiang high-speed railway project, CRSChas built a three-year action observationand exchange exhibition for CRSC's specialwork safety rectification
Creating Excellent Quality with the Mindset of Service First2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
绿色赋能践行“双碳”目标Practicing "Carbon Peak& Carbon Neutrality" withGreen Empowerment中国通号坚持以习近平生态文明思想为指导,深入贯彻落实党中央、国务院以及国资委关于碳达峰碳中和工作要求,积极践行“绿水青山就是金山银山”的发展理念,倡导资源能源节约,推动绿色低碳技术创新,最大限度地减少废水、废气、废物排放,构建绿色低碳循环发展体系,多措并举减少环境污染,形成绿色发展方式和生活方式,以绿色低碳赋能高质量发展,为实现“双碳”目标贡献通号力量。
Adhering to the guidance of Xi Jinping ecological civilizationthought, CRSC thoroughly implements the requirements of the CPCCentral Committee, the State Council and the State-owned AssetsSupervision and Administration Commission for carbon neutralization,actively implements the development concept of "lucid waters andlush mountains are invaluable assets", and advocates resourcesconservation, promotes green and low-carbon technology innovation,minimizes waste water, waste gas, and waste discharge, builds agreen and low-carbon circular development system. The Companyhas taken multiple measures to reduce environmental pollution, forma green development method and lifestyle, and empower energy withgreen and low-carbon high-quality development, contributing to therealization of the "Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality" goal.
节约能源资源Saving Energy Resources
温室气体减排Reducing Emissions of Greenhouse Gases
减少“三废”排放Reducing Emissions of "Three Wastes"
提供绿色解决方案Providing Green Solutions
Saving EnergyResources
中国通号严格遵守《中华人民共和国环境保护法》《中华人民共和国清洁生产促进法》《中华人民共和国节约能源法》及所在运营地的环保法律法规,依法接受国家和所在运营地能源节约与生态环境保护相关部门的监督管理,公司各企业全部完成环境管理体系ISO14001认证。制定《中国通号能源节约与生态环境管理办法》,明确职责分工,推动绿色发展融入生产过程。2021年,中国通号加快高耗能、高污染工艺装备的淘汰,加快节能低碳新技术、新工艺、新产品的示范与应用推广,推行绿色制造,推广节水技术和工艺,提高能源节约和资源循环利用水平。推进化石能源清洁高效利用,严格合理控制煤炭消费,推动煤电向支撑性和调节性电源转型,严格控制新增煤电项目,持续淘汰煤电落后产能,积极有序推进煤炭替代和煤炭清洁化改造。其中,液化气使用量同比下降14.1%,热力消耗同比下降29.3%。CRSC continued to strictly abide by the "Environmental Protection Law of thePeople's Republic of China", the "Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the People'sRepublic of China", the "Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic ofChina" and the environmental protection laws and regulations of the place whereit operates. Besides, the Company accepts the supervision and managementof the relevant departments of energy conservation and ecological supervisionaccording to law. All enterprises of the Company have completed the ISO14001certification of environmental management system. CRSC has formulated the"CRSC Energy Conservation and Ecological Environment Management Measures"to clarify the division of responsibilities, and promote the green developmentintegrating into the production process.In 2021, CRSC accelerated the elimination of high-energy-consuming and high-polluting process equipment, sped up the application and promotion of newenergy-saving and low-carbon technologies, processes and products, promotedgreen manufacturing and water-saving technologies and processes, andimproved the level of energy conservation and resource recycling. We promotedclean and ecient utilization of fossil energy, strictly and reasonably controlledcoal consumption, actively transformed the use of coal to electrical power. Westrictly controlled the increase of coal power projects, continuing to eliminateoutdated coal-supported capacity, and actively and orderly promoted coalsubstitution and coal cleaning. Among them, the use of liquefied gas decreased by
14.1% year-on-year, and the heat consumption decreased by 29.3% year-on-year.
中国通号2019-2021年度能源资源消耗情况CRSC Energy and Resource Consumption in 2019-2021
CRSC Energy and Resource Consumption in 2019-2021
Packagingmaterial type
Manufacturing packaging materials
Engineering packaging materials
纸箱Carton木材Timber 塑料Plastic 塑料Plastic 金属Metal
能源类型Energy type
Liquefied gas
Diesel fuel
Heating power
Natural gas
兆瓦时MWh 立方米m
吨ton 吨ton 百万千焦million KJ立方米m
Energy type
Water consumption
Water consumption
综合能源消耗量Comprehensive energy
Comprehensive energyconsumption intensity吨ton
ton/10,000 yuan
tce/10,000 yuan
2019 1,164,7000.2745,1960.012020 1,093,6000.2741,1300.012021 938,0030.2425,9550.01
CRSC Packing Material Consumption for Finished Products in 2019-2021
Note 1: Since the construction projects of the Construction Company aliated to Engineering Group last for a long time, some projects in2021 centrally treated and counted the metal packaging materials and construction waste produced in 2020 and 2021. Therefore, there aregreat changes compared with the data of the previous two years.
注2:因统计口径变化,故对表中往年数据进行更新。Note 2: Due to the change of statistical caliber, the data of previous years in the table have been updated.
Practicing "Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality" with Green Empowerment2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
中国通号集团所属企业节能措施(部分)Energy Conservation Measures of CRSC's Subsidiaries (Partial)
Through the improvement of R&D design, scientific researchmanagement, process optimization, etc., the Companyemphasized the coordinated development of technologywith production to improve the eciency of R&D and reducethe energy consumption. The new train control system ofthe Research & Design Institute Group is oriented to theapplication in the western railway. Combined with the nationalstrategic of the promotion and application of BeiDou, itachieved system architecture innovation by using the BeiDousatellite-based train autonomous positioning technology andtrain integrity inspection technology, and built a simplifiedthe train operation control. The system architecture reducesthe system construction cost and maintenance cost by morethan 1/4.
The laboratory has implemented automatic managementof lighting system and power supply system to reducethe energy consumption of laboratory power supply. Itdeveloped PC-based ATP, ATO, ZC, CI, ATE software. Thesignal system was managed by cloud technology as a whole.It integrated IT resources to improve resource utilization andtesting efficiency, and reduce laboratory operating energyconsumption. The intelligent energy-saving ATO system wasdeveloped to realize the automatic adjustment of the energy-saving running curve of the train, which is promoted andapplied in the system integration project to reduce the energyconsumption of train traction.
It built an assembly and debugging automatic production line for switch machine and relay, which integrates assemblymanufacturing, logistics and warehousing, and quality control. This line can collect real-time quality data in the productionprocess, accurately trace actual output, inspect pass rate and repair status, supervise quality status, and prevent batch qualityproblems. It improves the consistency of production and processing quality, and achieves safe, controllable, low-carbonmanufacturing.
研究设计院集团Research & Design Institute Group
城交公司Urban Rail Transit Company
Xixin Company of (Xi'an) Industry Group
Reducing Emissions ofGreenhouse Gases
中国通号认真贯彻落实《中共中央 国务院关于完整准确全面贯彻新发展理念做好碳达峰碳中和工作的意见》以及国资委《关于推进中央企业高质量发展做好碳达峰碳中和工作的指导意见》,坚持系统观念,以结构调整为主线,以绿色低碳转型发展为着力点,以低碳技术创新为支撑,不断增强企业经济竞争力、创新力、控制力、影响力、抗风险能力,推动企业低碳绿色高质量发展,打造具有全球竞争力的世界一流企业。中国通号加强统筹协调,健全激励约束机制,加快构建有利于“双碳”工作的经济布局和结构。成立落实“双碳”工作领导小组和工作小组,制定印发《中国通号落实碳达峰碳中和行动工作方案》,确定总体要求、主要目标、具体措施等内容,贯穿企业生产经营全过程和各环节。其中,具体措施包括推动绿色低碳转型发展、建立绿色低碳循环产业体系、构建清洁低碳安全高效能源体系、强化绿色低碳技术科技攻关和创新应用、建立完善碳排放管理机制、加强组织实施等,全面推进温室气体减排工作。中国通号把节约能源资源放在首位,提高利用效率,大力推进绿色低碳转型升级,持续降低单位产出能源资源消耗和碳排放,从源头减少二氧化碳排放。充分发挥企业创新主体作用,强化科技创新和制度创新,提升高质量绿色产品服务供给能力,加速绿色低碳关键技术产品推广应用。2021年,中国通号温室气体排放量为97,067.01吨,其中,范畴一温室气体排放量为23,486.98吨,范畴二温室气体排放量为73,580.03吨;温室气体排放强度为0.0253吨/人民币万元
。CRSC conscientiously implemented the "Opinions of the Central Committee of theCommunist Party of China and the State Council on Completely, Accurately andComprehensively Implementing the New Development Concept for Carbon Peak& Carbon Neutrality" and the SASAC's "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the High-quality Development of SOEs for Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality". The Companyadhered to the system concept, took structural adjustment as the main line,focused on green and low-carbon transformation and development, and tooklow-carbon technological innovation as the support to continuously enhance theeconomic competitiveness, innovation, control, influence, and anti-risk capabilitiesof enterprises, to promote low-carbon, green and high-quality development ofenterprises, and build a world-class enterprise with global competitiveness.
Practicing "Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality" with Green Empowerment2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
CRSC continued to strengthen overall planning and coordination, improve the incentive and restraint mechanism, andaccelerates the construction of an economic layout and structure that is conducive to "Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality". CRSCestablished the leading group and the working group to implement the "dual carbon" work, formulated the "CRSC WorkingPlan for the Implementation of Carbon Neutralization Actions", which specifies the overall requirements, main goals, specificmeasures, etc., throughout the entire production and operation process. Among them, specific measures include promotinggreen and low-carbon transformation and development, establishing a green and low-carbon recycling industry system,building a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, strengthening scientific and technological research andinnovative applications of green and low-carbon technologies, improving the carbon emission management mechanism,strengthening organization and implementation etc., which are all aiming at comprehensively promoting the reduction ofgreenhouse gas emissions.CRSC put energy conservation in the first place. We improved utilization eciency, vigorously promoted green and low-carbontransformation and upgrading, continued to reduce energy and resource consumption and carbon emissions per unit ofoutput, and reduced carbon dioxide emissions from the source. Giving full play to the main role of enterprises in innovation,the Company also strengthened technological innovation, improved the supply capacity of high-quality green products andservices, and accelerated the application of green and low-carbon key technology products. In 2021, CRSC's greenhousegas emission was 97,067.01 tons, of which, Category 1 greenhouse gas emissions was 23,486.98 tons, and Category 2 was73,580.03 tons. The greenhouse gas emission intensity was 0.0253 tons/10,000 RMB
Greenhouse Gas Emissions-reduction Measures绿色研发绿色制造
Green R&D
Green Engineering Green Oce
Green Manufacturing
Give priority to energy-saving and environmental protectiontechnical solutions, adopt low-energy components andequipment configuration, and control the sourceDevelop green travel solutions, and facilitate low-carbonemissions through technological optimization
Adopt high environmental protection standard facilities andsystems, upgrade and replace production equipment withhigh energy consumptionStrengthen the control of the production process, ensureproduct quality, improve product performance, and reduceenergy consumption
Establish an environmental protection management systemfor construction projects and standardize the use of energyresourcesStrengthen the control of suppliers and use lower-carbonand environmentally friendly materials
Promote the use of LED lights and use sound and lightcontrol systems in public corridorsAdopt more intensive air-conditioning system and controlthe operation time of air-conditioningPromote paperless oce and paper reuseTimely turn off unnecessary lighting, ventilation system,displays, lighting lamps, boilers and other systems
注3:本公司温室气体排放参考《2006年IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》《企业温室气体排放核算方法与报告指南 发电设施(2021年修订版)》等文件排放因数,进行统计核算。Note 3: For CRSC's greenhouse gas emissions, please refer to "2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories" and"Guidelines for Accounting Methods and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Enterprises Power Generation Facilities (revised in 2021)".7475
Practicing "Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality" with Green Empowerment2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
CRSC's Subsidiaries "Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality" Action (Partial)
The company organized its subsidiaries to complete carbonverification and thorough investigation, and formed the"Measures and Suggestions on Promoting EnterpriseCarbon Neutralization". The affiliated Xixin Companycooperated with universities and scientific research unitsto promote new energy auxiliary production electricityproject. According to the production tasks, the companyadjusted the time period of electricity consumption torealize peak-shaving and valley-filling. By timely adjustingthe new energy power consumption plan through dynamicmonitoring electricity load, it improved the efficiency ofpower use, and reduced carbon emissions.
Combining with the construction of the project, its aliatedConstruction Company and Urban Construction Companyhave increased the research on energy saving and carbonreduction, and carried out 5 scientific research projects,including "A technology on reducing the loss rate of bricksused for secondary structural materials in ChuxiongE-Commerce Pioneer Park" "Research on the applicationof underground space support and water-stop greenconstruction technology" "Research on recycled infillwall blocks". These projects have improved process andtechnology, reduced costs and discharge of constructionwaste, increased recycling efforts and promoted greenconstruction.
The company took multiple measures to strengthen energyconservation management on construction sites: first, itfirstly used energy-saving equipment and implementsrecommended by the state and industry; second, it requiredthe construction organizations to select mechanicalequipment according to the size of the project, and reducedmechanical configuration, to save mechanical energyconsumption; third, it strengthened the use of energy-consuming equipment such as air conditioning, heating,and lighting, and used LED energy-saving lamps and solarstreet lamps; fourth, it strengthened the use of company'svehicles, and scientifically verified the fuel consumptionquota of each vehicle.
The company actively carried out carbon verificationand compliance work, completed the third-party carbonverification in June 2021. It reduced energy consumptionby upgrading equipment and facilities. By the end of 2021,the carbon balance of the company's account is 8,955 tons,with a market value of about more than 700,000 yuan.
西安工业集团(Xi'an) Industry Group
通号工程局集团Engineering Group
通号建设集团Construction Group
研究设计院集团北信公司Beixin Company of Research & Design Institute Group
Reducing Emissions of"Three Wastes"
CRSC has strictly complied with relevant laws and regulations such as theLaw of the "People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control ofAtmospheric Pollution" "People's Republic of China on Water PollutionPrevention and Control" and the "People's Republic of China on thePrevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste" to controlthe emissions of "Three Wastes". Besides, it actively promoted emissionreduction technologies, improved process equipment, and promoted thereduction of pollutant emissions from the source. Focusing on quantityreduction, re-utilization and resource recovery, CRSC explored and promotedthe subsidiaries to build a resource recycling industrial system, strive topromote recycling production in industrial park throughout the industry. Allthe measures are aimed to promote comprehensive utilization of waste,energy cascading, reuse of waste heat and the recycling of water resources.
Practicing "Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality" with Green Empowerment2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
中国通号2019-2021年度一般废弃物排放情况General Waste Discharge of CRSC in 2019-2021
中国通号2019-2021年度排放物情况CRSC Emissions in 2019-2021
生产制造Wastes from manufacture
工程建设Wastesfrom construction
办公场所Wastes from o?ce
一般废弃物类型Generalwaste type
建筑垃圾处理量Constructionwaste disposalvolume
废纸Waste paper
废旧灯管Waste lamp
硒鼓等打印耗材Toner cartridgesand other printingconsumables
排放物类别Emission type201920202021
二氧化硫(吨)Sulphur dioxide (ton)
0.020.0160.023氮氧化物(吨)Nitrogen oxides (ton)
(吨)Chemical oxygen demand (ton)氨氮(吨)Ammonia nitrogen (ton)有害废弃物(吨)Hazardous waste (ton)
Providing GreenSolutions
As the world's leading provider of rail transit control systems, CRSC integratesgreen and low-carbon concepts into the entire process of product design, R&D,production, and application, and leverages the core technological advantages ofrail transit, and guided the industry to develop in a green and intelligent directionby optimizing process technology and developing energy-saving and efficientproducts.CRSC has continued to practice and strive to provide green transportationsolutions. It has continuously optimized technologies in many areas, such asenergy classification and utilization, industrial park upgrading, monitoringintelligent management, online simulation of control technology, green &intelligent building, and launched a series of achievements, such as pongee city,integrated underground management integrated monitoring and alarm system,intelligent building integrated application system. The subsidiaries in design,R&D, and system integration have integrated the concept of green and low-carbon development into all aspects of business, and strived to accelerate theconstruction of a green and low-carbon rail transportation system. The productsunder R&D include railway energy transfer device, railway energy consumptionregeneration device, energy absorption and utilization system of regenerativebraking in rail transit.
Waste gas treatment Waste water treatment Waste solid treatment
In accordance with the requirementsof the "Control Standards for FugitiveEmissions of Volatile Organic Compounds",CRSC effectively treated the volatileorganic compounds in the productionprocess, strengthened the monitoring andmanagement of operations, and installedwaste gas collection and disposal devicessuch as VOCs to ensure that volatile organiccompounds are discharged up to standard.
For recycling purpose, industrial anddomestic wastewater is uniformlydischarged after being processed intostandard wastewater by dedicateddevices, and self-inspection and third-party spot inspection will be conductedon water quality pollutants inaccordance with relevant requirements.
The disposal of oce waste, constructionwaste, packaging materials and otherwastes are regularly collected andprocessed. All the disposal and wasteare sorted and stored by areas. Itsprocessing is audited by qualified thirdparty. The Company also carried outpublicity and education for all sta andpromoted garbage classification.
注4:该数据增大原因同P71注1。Note 4: The reason for the increase of this data is the same as P71 note 1.
注5:该指标数据变化原因同P71注2。Note 5: The reason for the change of this index data is the same as P71 note 2.7879
Practicing "Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality" with Green Empowerment2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
以人为本增进员工福祉Staying People-Oriented to ImproveEmployee Well-Being员工是企业发展的源泉和动力。中国通号坚持“开放引进、精英集聚”的人才战略,保障员工合法权益,助推员工职业成长,关心关爱员工生活,不断提升员工幸福感、获得感,增强企业凝聚力、向心力。Employees are the source and driving force of enterprisedevelopment. CRSC adheres to the talent strategy of "stay open-minded to attract all elites", protects the legitimate rights andinterests of employees, promotes their career growth, cares for theirlives, continuously improves employees' sense of happiness andgain, and enhances corporate cohesion and centripetal force.
优化员工结构Optimizing Sta Mix
维护基本权益Safeguarding Sta's Rights and Interests
开展劳模先进评选Carrying out Selection of Advanced Workers
打造劳模品牌Building a Model Worker Brand
做实人文关怀Practicing Humanistic Care推动职业发展Promoting Career Development
优化员工结构Optimizing Sta Mix
中国通号不断规范招聘管理工作,优化人才队伍结构,结合企业实际,制定《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司招聘管理制度》,规范招聘流程管理。公司严格遵守招聘工作纪律,按照相关招聘规定和程序操作,择优录取,确保招聘工作公开、公平。同时,通过互联网、招聘会、内部公开招聘、员工内部推荐等方式开展招聘,构建多元化招聘渠道,体系化进行人才储备,发挥国资央企稳岗扩就业示范带动作用。2021年,公司员工总数20,728人,劳动合同签订率100%,社会保险覆盖率100%。全年流失员工1,249人,流失率为6.03%。CRSC constantly regulates the recruitment management, optimizes the structureof the talent team, and formulates the Recruitment Management System of CRSCbased on the actual situation of the company to standardize the recruitmentprocess. CRSC continued to strictly abides by the recruitment discipline, operatesin accordance with the relevant regulations and procedures, selects the bestand ensures that the recruitment is open and fair. At the same time, throughthe Internet, job fairs, internal recruitment, internal recommendation and othermethods, CRSC carries out recruitment and built diversified recruitment channels,systematically carry out talent reserves, and give full play to the leading role ofstate-owned assets and central enterprises in stabilizing jobs and expandingemployment. By the end of 2021, CRSC has a total of 20,728 employees with 100%labor contract signing rate and 100% social security coverage rate. 1,249 employeesterminated the employment contract, whole year, and the staff turnover rate is
Sta composition of CRSC in 2021
员工人数(人)Number of employees (person)
按员工类型划分雇佣人员总数By employee type
劳动合同员工Under employment contract
Under labor agreement
Dispatched by third parties (including labordispatching and shareholder dispatching)
按年龄结构划分的员工数量By age
≥55岁≥55 years old
51-54 years old
41-50 years old
31-40 years old
≤30 years old
By employee level
Senior management
Middle-level management
普通员工Ordinary employees
By gender
By region
China Mainland
20,624港澳台Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan
In 2021, CRSC has a total of 20,728 employees with 100% labor contract signing rate and 100% social securitycoverage rate
Staying People-Oriented to Improve Employee Well-Being 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
维护基本权益Safeguarding Sta's Rightsand Interests
CRSC strictly abides by the "Labor Union Law" "Labor Law" "Labor Contract Law""Labor Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Law" "Occupational Disease PreventionLaw" "Regulations on Democratic Management of Enterprises" and other lawsand regulations involving the vital interests of employees. Violations such as childlabor and forced labor are strictly prohibited to eectively protect the legitimaterights and interests of employees. Respect employees of dierent countries, races,and genders, strengthen the employment of local personnel in the operatinglocations, and give full play to the advantages of local talents.
Remuneration andBenefits
CRSC has established and improved a salary mechanism based on performance,determined salary levels based on job value and performance, promoted salarydifferentiation. All these measures highlight job value and performance, furtherdeepen the reform of salary distribution system for a scientific, reasonable,objective and fair remuneration system. CRSC formulated the "Interim Measures forthe Administration of Attendance and Vacation of CRSC" and other measures, strictlyimplemented various employee right-protection systems, paid social insurancein full and on time, guaranteed employees' right to rest and vacation, all of whichgreatly improves employees' sense of happiness and enhances corporate cohesion.
CRSC continued to deepen democratic management, strengthen democraticcommunication, establish and improve the democratic management system withthe workers' congress as the basic form. In 2021, it completed the examinationand approval of the workers' congress of 11 enterprises including the CRSCResearch & Design Institute Group, and strengthened the guidance of the workers'representative meeting, which standardizes the convening of the workers' congressto ensure that important matters involving the vital interests of employees can besubmitted for deliberation. CRSC also promoted the collective negotiation system,assisted enterprises to generally establish collective contracts and negotiationsystems, ensuring the signing of Collective Contracts and Special Wage Agreementsand safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of employees.By carrying out mass labor protection supervision, CRSC continued to implementemployee safety education and training system and improve hidden dangerreporting system, strengthening the main role of employees in the prevention andcontrol of safety risks and the construction of safety culture.
Staying People-Oriented to Improve Employee Well-Being 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
开展劳模先进评选Carrying out Selection ofAdvanced Workers
中国通号大力弘扬劳模精神、劳动精神、工匠精神,宣传先进、推广先进,为劳模工匠发挥更大作用营造成长环境,在全系统积极营造崇尚先进的氛围。研究设计院集团北信公司手工焊接班获得“全国工人先锋号”“火车头奖杯”“全路巾帼标兵岗”“全国铁路先进女职工集体”等称号;西安工业集团津信公司要海龙等3人获得“火车头奖章”称号,研究设计院集团列车运行控制系统基石攻关团队等2个集体获得“火车头奖杯”称号;西安工业集团沈信公司电器中心调整三班获得“全国五一巾帼标兵岗”“全国三八红旗集体”称号;通号工程局集团天津装备技术有限公司高铁地铁配线班组获得“全国巾帼文明岗”称号;研究设计院集团张璐获得“全国铁路先进女职工”称号;上海工程局集团阚纯荣获得“全国铁路先进女职工工作者”称号;研究设计院基础院院长刘贞获得2021年度“新时代·铁路榜样”提名奖。CRSC vigorously promotes the mindset to follow the model workers,labor, and craftsmanship, publicizes the advanced, creates moregrowth opportunities for model workers and craftsmen, and activelycreates an atmosphere advocating advanced in the whole system. Themanual welding team of Beixin Company of Research & Design InstituteGroup won the titles of "National Worker Pioneer" "Locomotive Trophy""Women's Model Post" "National Railway Advanced Female WorkerCollective" and so on. Yao Hailong and other two employees from JinxinCompany of (Xi'an) Industry Group won the title of "Locomotive Medal".Two collectives from Research & Design Institute Group won "LocomotiveTrophy". The Class 3 of electrical center from Shenxin Company of (Xi'an)Industry Group won the title of "National May 1st Women's ModelPost" and "National March 8 Red Flag Collective". The high-speed railand subway wiring team of Tianjin Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. ofEngineering Group won the title of "National Women's Civilization Post".Zhang Lu, the employee of Research & Design Institute Group won thetitle of "National Railway Advanced Female Worker". Kan Chunrong ofShanghai Engineering Group won the title of "National Railway AdvancedFemale Worker". Liu Zhen, Dean of the Institute of the Primary Researchand Design Institute, was nominated as the 2021 "Railway Model in NewEra".
Building a Model Worker Brand
中国通号持续深化劳模先进创新创效活动,打造“劳模创新”品牌。全系统共有劳模创新工作室27个,开展职工技术创新、合理化建议活动,组织成果评比交流,推动创新成果转化应用。共开展创新攻关项目103项、创新成果72项、获得实用新型专利83项,创造经济价值1亿余元。年内对14个股份公司级“劳模创新工作室”2018年以来研发的创新成果进行评比,共评出一等奖6项、二等奖9项、三等奖12项、优秀奖11项。上海工程局集团“刘伟斌创新工作室”被评为上海市建设交通系统“组织生活开放点”。CRSC continued to make full use of model worker in innovation and benefit-creation, and built the brand of "Model Worker Innovation". There are 27 modelworker innovation studios throughout the whole group, which carried outtechnical innovation and suggestion proposal activities. Besides, the studios alsoorganized achievement evaluation and exchange to promote the transformationand application of innovation achievements. In 2021, a total of 103 key innovationprojects, 72 innovation achievements, and 83 utility model patents were obtained,creating an economic value of more than 100 million yuan.During the year, 14 joint-stock company-level "model worker innovation studios"were evaluated for the innovation achievements developed since 2018, and a totalof 6 first prizes, 9 second prizes, 12 third prizes and 11 excellence awards wereawarded. The "Liu Weibin Innovation Studio" of CRSC Shanghai Engineering GroupCo., Ltd. was rated as "Demonstration of Organization" in Shanghai Construction &Transportation Branch.
In 2021, a total of 103 key innovation projects, 72 innovation achievements, and 83 utility model patentswere obtained, creating an economic value of more than 100 million yuan
Staying People-Oriented to Improve Employee Well-Being 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
推动职业发展Promoting CareerDevelopment
中国通号十分注重员工的职业发展,为员工搭建职业发展平台,畅通职业发展通道,构建和完善培训体系,助力员工快速成长,实现“人尽其才”。CRSC attaches great importance to the career development of employees, buildsa career development platform, unblocks career development channels, buildsand improves the training system, helps employees grow rapidly, and realizes "thebest use of talents".
中国通号不断释放和激发员工创新创造创业活力,印发《中国铁路通信信号集团有限公司优秀年轻干部选拔培养办法》《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司贯通高技能人才与专业技术人才职业发展通道管理办法》等制度,畅通优秀年轻干部、高技能人才与专业技术人才等的发展通道,调动员工发展积极性。RSC has continuously released and stimulated the vitality of innovation andentrepreneurship of employees, and issued the "Measures for the Selection andTraining of Outstanding Young Cadres of CRSC" and the "Management Measures forthe Career Development Channel of CRSC" to smooth the development channels ofOutstanding young cadres, high-skilled talents and professional technical talents,and mobilize the enthusiasm of employees for development.
For youngemployees
CRSC implemented the "Measures for theSelection and Training of OutstandingYoung Cadres of CRSC", paid specialattention to the outstanding youngprofessionals. Focusing on strengtheningthe learning of cutting-edge scientificand technological knowledge and globalscientific and technological developmenttrends, the Group made an effort tocultivate the scientific thinking of youngprofessionals.
For the engineering and technical personnelcovering production, construction,design, scientific research, technologydevelopment and technical management,etc., CRSC formulated the "Evaluation andEmployment Measures for Professionaland Technical Position of CRSC" to givefull play to engineering and technicalpersonnel to stimulate their creativity.
CRSC formulated the "ManagementMeasures for the Evaluation of Scientificand Technological Talents of CRSC"and the "Measures for the Evaluationof Scientific and Technological Expertsof CRSC", actively accelerating thetraining of leading talents in relatedfields. It also formulated the trainingplan for academician candidatesand annual plan to ensure that thetraining of academician candidates isimplemented according to the plan.
专业技术人才For professional andtechnical personnel
科技人才For high-tech
中国通号确立人才优先发展的战略导向,以培训与工作结合、讲求实效为原则,坚持内部培训为主、外部培训为辅,指定培训计划为主、临时培训为辅,团队培训为主、个体培训为辅,构建管理与业务培训兼顾、按照岗位设置的差异性培训模式,助力员工职业发展。Conducting EmployeeTraining
CRSC has established a strategic orientation of giving priority to the developmentof talents. Based on the principle of combining training with work and focusing onpractical results, CRSC adheres to the principle of "internal training, supplementedby external training", "designated training, supplemented by temporary training","team training, supplemented by individual training". A differentiated trainingmodel that takes into account management and business training has been set upaccording to positions to help employees develop their careers.
Unlocking CareerPath
Staying People-Oriented to Improve Employee Well-Being 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
中国通号2019-2021年度员工培训绩效CRSC's Employee Training in 2019 to 2021
做实人文关怀Practicing Humanistic Care
中国通号重视人文关怀,通过保障员工职业健康与安全,开展丰富多彩的文体活动,关怀帮扶困难员工,助力员工快乐工作、健康生活,努力营造和谐向上的文化氛围。CRSC attaches great importance to humanistic care, and strives to createa harmonious and progressive cultural atmosphere by safeguarding theoccupational health and safety of employees, carrying out a variety of cultural andsports activities, caring and helping employees in diculty, helping employees towork happily and live a healthy life.
中国通号遵循“安全第一、预防为主、劳动保护人人有责、以人为本、全年保护”的原则,落实劳动保护职责,推进消除和预防劳动生产过程中可能发生的伤亡、职业病和急性职业中毒等情况,安全检查部门和负责劳动保护部门按照各自职责检查、督促、落实职责,工会依法代表员工对劳动保护工作实行群众监督。公司通过OHSAS 18000职业健康安全管理体系,所属企业根据市场要求均已全部通过。持续关注员工心理健康,帮助员工及时解决心理问题、舒缓精神压力,让员工享受健康优质的工作生活。2021年,公司因工伤损失工作日数341天。2019-2021年,公司因公亡故人数、发生职业病及职业中毒等事故数均为0。CRSC follows the principles of "safety first, prevention first, people-oriented,group-wide labor protection throughout the year" to implement labor protectionresponsibilities, and to prevent and eliminate casualties, occupational diseases andacute injuries that may occur during labor and production. The safety inspectiondepartment and the labor protection department inspect, supervise and implementtheir duties according to their respective measures, and the labor union supervisesthe labor protection work by the masses on behalf of the employees in accordancewith the law. The company has got the OHSAS 18000 occupational health andsafety management system, and its affiliated enterprises have also passed thecertification according to market needs. The Company pays attention to the mentalhealth of employees, help employees solve psychological problems in a timelymanner, relieve mental stress, and allow employees to enjoy a healthy and high-quality life. In 2021, 341 working days were lost due to work-related injuries. From2019 to 2021, the number of deaths in work-related injury, occupational diseasesand occupational poisoning accidents of CRSC was 0.
CRSC continued to carry out employee assistance, and established a three-levelassistance system throughout the labor union, so that employees can be bettercared for. In 2021, 418 employees in difficulties were assisted, and a total of 2.14million yuan of assisting fund was distributed. 2 collectives including the laborunion of Shanghai Engineering Group won the title of "Advanced Collectives forAssisting Practice". 3 individuals including Guo Yan from Cable Group won the title of"Advanced Individuals for Assisting Practice".
In 2021, 418 employees in diculties wereassisted, and a total of 2.14 million yuan ofassisting fund was distributed
员工培训百分比(%)Percentage of sta trained (%)
人均培训时长(小时)Average training time (hours)201920202021201920202021按性别划分的员工培训情况
By gender
86.0 85.386.3739.329.635.06女Female
85.0 81.780.6536.9 26.928.57
按雇员层级划分的员工培训情况By employee level
高级管理层Senior management
10010010038.173.8108.14中级管理层Middle-level management
80.0 10090.1645.735.457.95基层员工
Entry level employee
86.0 81.784.93 38.027.331.23
Staying People-Oriented to Improve Employee Well-Being 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
开展“关爱职工 夏送清凉”慰问活动Carried out the condolence activity of "Caring for Employees and Sending Coolness in Summer"
2021年6月,中国通号举办“大国顶梁柱·永远跟党走?中国通号党委喜迎建党100周年红歌赛”In June 2021, CRSC held red song competition themed "The Pillar of a Great Country, Always Follow the Party - Celebration of the 100thAnniversary of the Party"
Caring for FemaleEmployees
CRSC implemented the Measures for the Implementation of Labor Protection forFemale Employees, cared for female employees, and built "Female Workers LoveHouse" in 4 sites including CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group and CRSC IndustrialPark, all of which were awarded the title of "Railway Love House" by All-ChinaFederation of Railway Workers' Unions, providing protection for the needs of femaleemployees.
Caring for Front-LineWorkers
CRSC continued to care for employees, and carried out activities to send warmth tofront-line employees. A total of 5.03 million yuan of warm funds was raised. 781,200yuan of cash and necessities were distributed to 738 families of employees in need.A total of over 4.24 million yuan of materials were distributed to 10,672 front-lineworkers and advanced workers and 616 front-line teams. CRSC continued to conductsending coolness in summer, in the form of online activity, on-site visits, etc., toactively care for the grass-roots front-line workers who work under the sunshinein scorching summer. Over 2.53 million yuan of funds for sending coolness wasdistributed, 324 caring projects were conducted, benefiting 511 front-line teams and14,382 people.
Enriching Employees'Life with Cultural andSports Activities
CRSC actively carries out a variety of cultural and sports activities to balance thework and life of employees. In 2021, the Group organized speech contest themed"Chinese Dream, CRSC Enthusiasm,Beauty of Labor - Always Follow the Party andForge a New Journey", and other contests of calligraphy, painting, photographyand seal cutting, chess and Go and other activities to create a healthy, civilized andhigh-spirited ,a staff culture of full participation.The CRSC Labor Union won theOutstanding Organization Award for the National Women's Literature CollectionEvent, and won 1 second prize, 1 third prize and 6 excellence awards in the NationalLiterature Collection Event. Tianjin Branch of Engineering Group won the title of"National Labor Union Bookstore Demonstration Site" in 2021.
In 2021, a total of 5.03 millionyuan of warm funds was raised,helped 738 families withdiculties
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2021环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
协力同行打造共赢格局Working Together toCreate a Win-WinSituation中国通号不断完善融通格局,凭借拥有完全自主知识产权的多项技术,拓宽国际轨道交通建设合作网络,服务“一带一路”倡议,成为中国新的“外交名片”。同时,不断加强产业链、供应链建设,深化与地方政府、企业、学术机构合作,推进融合发展,实现多方共赢。CRSC has continuously improved the interoperable structure. With anumber of independently developed technologies, it has expandedthe international rail transit cooperation and made its contributionto the "Belt and Road" Initiative, becoming China's new "diplomaticbusiness card". At the same time, we have continued to strengthenthe industrial chain and supply chain, deepen cooperation with localgovernments, enterprises and academic institutions, and promoteintegrated development to achieve a win-win situation for all parties.
服务“一带一路”Serving the "Belt and Road"
深化战略合作Deepening Strategic Cooperation
筑牢责任供应链Building a Responsible Supply Chain
Serving the "Belt and Road"
CRSC adheres to the spirit of "Joining Hands, Sharing Goodwill", earnestly implementsthe "Belt and Road" initiative, and makes full use of the advanced technology and richexperience to promote China's high-speed rail to "go global" and create a beautiful"national business card".In 2021, CRSC overcame the impact of the epidemic and steadily push forward theconstruction of the communication, signal and information system engineering of theBelgrade Center-Novi Sad section of the Hungary-Serbia Railway. The projects suchas China-Laos Railway, the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway in Indonesia, theHungary-Serbia Railway, the Laos-Thailand Phase II railway, and the reconstructionof the double-track railway in Thailand are progressing steadily. CRSC successfullywon the bid for the communication signal project of the Novi Sad-Subotica-Border (Kelebija) section of the Hungary-Serbia Railway in Serbia, wining the entirecommunication and signal system project of the Hungary-Serbia Railway in Serbia.The autonomous computer interlocking equipment successfully for the Thai double-track railway project passed the on-site factory inspection of the Thai Railway Bureau,and successfully landed in the Thai market. In 2021, CRSC completed the first phaseof CRSC's Hungarian laboratory, and built China's first EU-based high-speed trainoperation control system laboratory. The products applied to European train operationcontrol system have got the Hungarian quality certification, which promoted theintegration and certification of the on-board signal system of the double-deckerEMU in Europe as planned, and continuously improved the international operationnetwork.
中国通号率先完成欧洲列车运行控制系统相关产品匈牙利质量认证CRSC took the lead in completing the Hungarian quality certification of European trainoperation control system related products案例Case
In April 2021, the RBC (Radio Blocking Center) and LEU (Land Electronic Unit) products independently developed by CRSC wereawarded the Hungarian DeBo Quality Certification. This is the first Debo Certification awarded by EU countries to CRSC’s ETCS,which has laid a solid foundation for the high-quality construction of the Hungarian section of the Hungary-Serbia Railway, andthe promotion of China's high-speed rail technology and products to be based in Europe and go global.Since the first time to apply for DeBo Certification in the EU region in 2018, CRSC has arranged multiple batches of technicalexperts to go to Hungary to carry out technical docking work with certification agencies and railway companies. With the helpof the cooperators, CRSC has overcome many diculties and clarified the details and technical requirements of the certificationprocess. CRSC's technical team adhered to the front line of the Hungarian site despite the epidemic in Europe. On the premiseof ensuring "Zero Infection", it closely cooperated with the technical team in China to ensure the completion of the DeBoCertification of Hungarian signal products. The eorts ensured that China's high-speed rail equipment successfully entered theEU, contributing CRSC's scientific and technological strength to China's "Going out" Strategy and "Belt and Road" Initiative.
Working Together to Create a Win-Win Situation2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
中国通号“三位一体”全产业链助力中老铁路开通运行 CRSC's "Trinity" Whole Industry Chain Helps the Opening and Operation of the China-Laos Railway案例Case
2021年12月,全线采用中国标准的中老铁路全线开通运营。中国通号充分发挥研发设计、生产制造、工程施工“三位一体”全产业链优势,全线联动,分工协作,标准化、规范化、精益化推动中国标准的行车调度指挥系统等列车运行控制系统,以及通信、信号、信息、防灾等精品工程建设,为中老铁路全力打造“控制大脑”和“中枢神经”,极大提升了中老铁路的现代化及智能化水平,确保中老铁路的运行更高效、更安全、更稳定。中老铁路全线正式通车,体现了中国通号先进的铁路通信信号技术与工艺水平,以及积极参与“一带一路”沿线铁路项目建设,构建中老命运共同体的责任与担当。In December 2021, the China-Laos railway totally adopted Chinese standards has been put into operation. CRSC gave full playto the advantages of the whole industrial chain, mobilized the resource along the chain for R&D, design, manufacturing andconstruction, and promoted China's train control systems such as train dispatching command system in a standard, regulatedand refined method. CRSC also implemented many high-quality projects for communication, signals, information, and disasterprevention. The Group has fully created the "control brain" and "central nervous system" for the China-Laos Railway, which hasgreatly improved the modernization and intelligence level of the railway, and ensured that its operation is more ecient andeective, safer and more stable.The ocial opening of the China-Laos railway demonstrates CRSC's advanced railway communication signal technology, as wellas its active engagement in the construction of railway projects along the "Belt and Road", and the responsibility to build a China-Laos community with a shared future.
Deepening StrategicCooperation
中国通号积极整合优势资源,与政府、企业、科研院校等深入开展战略合作,强化优势互补,促进产学研深度融合,实现价值共赢。2021年,中国通号继续参加进博会,扩展采购交易渠道;深化与北京交通大学、佳讯飞鸿智能科技研究院合作,联合成立轨道交通宽带移动信息通信联合工程试验基地;与三门峡市达成战略合作,同时加强与中国城市轨道交通协会、华东交通大学的沟通交流,促进深化多领域合作。CRSC has actively integrated advantageous resources,conducted in-depth strategic cooperation with thegovernment, enterprises, scientific research institutions,etc., to promote the deep integration of all aspects, andachieve a win-win situation. In 2021, CRSC participatedin the CIIE to expand procurement and transactionchannels. It also deepened the cooperation with BeijingJiaotong University and Jiaxun Feihong IntelligentTechnology Research Institute to jointly establish a jointengineering test base for rail transit broadband mobileinformation communication.In 2021, CRSC also reacheda strategic cooperation with Sanmenxia City, andstrengthened communication with China Associationof Metros and East China Jiaotong University to deepencooperation in multiple fields.
Working Together to Create a Win-Win Situation2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
中国通号参加第四届进博会,与世界共享发展机遇CRSC participated in the 4th China International Import Expo and shared development opportunitieswith the world
CRSC signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation framework agreement with Sanmenxia City
CRSC led the establishment of a joint engineering test base for rail transit broadband mobileinformation communication
In November 2021, the 4th China International Import Expo was held in Shanghai. The CRSC trading sub-delegation andenterprises from Germany, Switzerland, Austria and other countries signed cooperation agreements for axle counting systems,surface mount system, wireless modems, PC boards, RP repeater, switches and other materials and equipment, successfullycompleting procurement tasks, and the quality of contracted procurement has reached a new high.CRSC fully grasped the domestic-international dual circulation pattern and the opportunity of hosting the CIIE, further expandedthe field, scale and level of cooperation with foreign companies, which continues to improve the value chain and supply chain,promote independent train control technology to serve global rail transit and enhance the brand value of CRSC.
In November 2021, CRSC signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation framework agreement with the Sanmenxia MunicipalGovernment. The two parties were to strengthen the joint construction of the SOEs and local governments, integrateadvantageous resources, and give full play to the advantages of Sanmenxia City's geographical location, rich localized resourcesand favorable business environment. Relying on the sound industrial foundation, strong technical strength and R&D capabilities,the two parties would deepen cooperation in areas such as smart city, joint innovation laboratory, product promotion, high-speed rail equipment manufacturing, and green transportation system.
In May 2021, the Rail Transit Broadband Mobile Information Communication Test Base jointly established by CRSC EngineeringGroup, Beijing Jiaotong University and Jiaxun Feihong Intelligent Technology Research Institute was officially inaugurated inBeijing Jiaotong University. The three parties mainly focus on the field of rail transit intelligent construction, focusing on researchand innovation around the engineering application of broadband mobile information and communication technology. Thetest base aims to realize the application of new technologies such as railway 5G, Internet of Things, and digital twins in systemsimulation, engineering application, experiments, which would enhance the integration of the advantages of the innovation. Thethree parties will make eorts to make the test base world-leading for rail transit communication signals, and to jointly promotethe upgrading and development of rail transit technology.
Working Together to Create a Win-Win Situation2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
Building a ResponsibleSupply Chain
中国通号积极推进责任供应链建设,通过制定供应商管理办法、采购管理办法等相关制度与考核机制,健全供应链管理体系,规范采购管理,加强供应商准入、考评工作,助力供应商成长,构建诚信透明的责任供应链。同时,积极推行绿色采购、绿色包装及绿色运输理念,向供应商传递绿色环保和可持续发展的价值观。CRSC has actively promoted the construction of a responsible supply chain. Byformulating relevant systems and assessment mechanisms such as suppliermanagement methods and procurement management methods, it has improvedthe supply chain management system, standardized procurement management,strengthened supplier evaluation, which helped to build an honest andtransparent responsible supply chain. At the same time, CRSC actively promotedthe concepts of green procurement, green packaging and green transportation,and conveyed the values of green environmental protection and sustainabledevelopment to suppliers.
中国通号2021年供应商分布CRSC Supplier Distribution in 2021
Continue to standardize procurementmanagement, adhere to legal andcompliant sunshine procurement,formulate legal and compliantprocurement procedures for dierentprocurement methods, and carryout all-round constraints fromprocurement planning, procurementexecution, process supervision,etc., to ensure that the procurementprocess is fair and just.
In terms of supplier businessreputation, accounting system,professional technology, productionand supply capacity, etc., CRSC strictlycontrols supplier qualification review,encourages powerful suppliers toparticipate in procurement, andstrictly prohibits enterprises thatdo not meet the requirements ofprocedures and regulations fromentering the list of qualified suppliers.
Sunshine procurementSupplier accessSupplier quality assessment
Implement annual review of key andimportant suppliers, supervise andinspect suppliers' technical processes,production process quality, etc., andstrengthen supplier product qualityand safety risk assessment.
Supplier credit evaluation
Carry out supplier credit evaluation, and no longer accept applications for supplieraccess or participate in procurement activities for suppliers that fail to passthe credit evaluation within two years. If a supplier cuts corners, uses shoddyproducts, supplies fake and shoddy products, or has a serious negative impact onthe production and operation of the enterprise and project construction, a "one-vote veto" shall be implemented. In 2021, the annual credit evaluation involved3,779 suppliers, and the Company notified and dealt with a total of 39 suppliers ofbad behaviors, including: 28 potential bad behaviors, 4 general bad behaviors, 6bad behaviors, and 1 major bad behavior.
Establish an incentive mechanism forresponsible supply chain, regularlyhold supplier conferences andsupplier quality communicationmeetings, listen carefully to suppliers'concern and demands, providesuppliers with professional guidanceand support, help improve productand service quality, and improve theirown management.
Supplier growth
North America
Asia (except China)
Working Together to Create a Win-Win Situation2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
情系社会共享美好生活Serving theCommunity toShare a Better Life中国通号积极响应国家号召,在实现经济效益的同时,积极履行社会责任,多措并举做好精准扶贫与乡村振兴有效衔接,助力共同富裕;全力支持抗击新冠肺炎疫情,守护人民生命安全和健康;积极开展社会公益活动,传播“奉献、友爱、互助、进步”的志愿服务精神,为构建和谐社会、增添民生福祉贡献力量。
CRSC actively responded to the call of the state, actively fulfilledits social responsibilities while achieving economic benefits, andtook multiple measures to effectively connect targeted povertyalleviation and rural revitalization to help common prosperity.CRSC fully supported the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic andprotected the safety and health of the people. By carrying outsocial welfare activities, it spread the volunteer spirit of "dedication,fraternity, mutual assistance and progress", contributing to buildinga harmonious society and increasing people's livelihood and well-being.
接续乡村振兴Revitalizing Rural Area
抓好疫情防控Strengthening COVID-19 Prevention and Control
开展志愿服务Carrying out Volunteering Services
接续乡村振兴Revitalizing Rural Area
2021年2月25日,习近平总书记在全国脱贫攻坚总结表彰大会上庄严宣告,我国脱贫攻坚战取得了全面胜利。作为中央企业,中国通号积极贯彻落实习近平总书记关于实施乡村振兴战略的重要指示精神,持续巩固提升脱贫攻坚成果,推进同乡村振兴有效衔接。中国通号贯彻落实《关于坚持做好中央单位定点帮扶工作的意见》,面对乡村振兴新情况、新需求,在产业振兴、人才振兴、文化振兴、生态振兴、组织振兴等方面统筹推进,切实帮助定点帮扶的河南省社旗县在实现脱贫攻坚的基础上,全面高质量乡村振兴。2021年,中国通号集团公司投入乡村振兴帮扶资金543.52万元,累计投入无偿帮扶资金2,056.52万元。On February 25, 2021, General Secretary Xi Jinping solemnlyannounced at the National Poverty Alleviation Summaryand Commendation Conference that my country's povertyalleviation battle has achieved a comprehensive victory.As a SOE, CRSC has actively implemented the spirit ofGeneral Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions onimplementing the rural revitalization strategy, continued toconsolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation, andpromoted eective connection with rural revitalization.CRSC has implemented the "Opinions on Persistence in theCentral Unit's Targeted Assistance Work", and in the faceof the new situation and new needs of rural revitalization,it has made overall plans for revitalization of industries,skilled workforce, culture, ecology, and organizations inrural areas. Sheqi County, Henan Province, which has beendesignated areas of CRSC, has achieved comprehensivehigh-quality rural revitalization on the basis of povertyelimination. In 2021, CRSC invested 5.44 million yuan inrural revitalization and assistance funds, and a total of
20.57 million yuan in non-reimbursable assistance funds.
In September 2021, CRSC and Sheqi County jointly held the "Quality and Ability Improvement Class for Village Cadres to Grasp PartyConstruction and Promote Rural Revitalization (Phase I)"
中国通号集团公司2021年助力社旗县乡村振兴“成绩单”CRSC Group's Rural Revitalization Deed to Help Sheqi County in 2021
2021投入无偿帮扶资金Non-reimbursable assistance funds invested
万元10,000 yuan
引入无偿帮扶资金Non-reimbursable assistance funds atracted
万元10,000 yuan
培训基层干部The number of grassroots cadres trained
培训技术人员The number of technicians trained
购买农产品Agricultural products purchased
万元10,000 yuan
帮助销售农产品Agricultural products sold
万元10,000 yuan
In 2021, CRSC invested 5.44 millionyuan in rural revitalization andassistance funds, and a totalof 20.57 million yuan in non-reimbursable assistance fund
中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2021环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
中国通号助力社旗县乡村振兴举措CRSC’s Rural Revitalization Measures to Help Sheqi County
Built fresh-keeping warehouses, breeding greenhouses and other facilities, drovelocal employment by the Chinese herbal medicine industry, and continued to createa revitalization route成功引进河南昌盛丰农业科技有限公司落户社旗县,全年实际投资到位7,000万元Successfully introduced Henan Changshengfeng Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd. tosettle in Sheqi County, with an actual investment of 70 million yuan throughout the year
Revitalization ofIndustries
人才振兴Revitalization ofSkilled Workforce
中国通号党委坚持把乡村人力资源开发放在首要位置,结合社旗实际,加大对基层干部的培训教育The CRSC Party Committee insisted on putting the development of rural humanresources in the first place, and increased the training and education for grass-rootscadres in light of the actual situation of Sheqi County
2021年,分别举办了1期驻村第一书记乡村振兴专题培训班、2期驻村干部素质能力提升培训班、1期技术人员专题培训班、1期乡村致富带头人培训班,培训乡村基层干部358名、培训乡村振兴致富带头人95名、农业技术人员104名,为全面推进乡村振兴、加快农业农村现代化提供有力人才支撑In 2021, 1 special training course on rural revitalization for the first secretary inthe village, 2 training courses on improving the quality and ability of residentcadres, 1 special training course for technical personnel, and 1 training course forleaders in getting rich in villages were held to train the grassroots in the villages,totally training 358 cadres, 95 leaders for rural revitalization, and 104 agriculturaltechnicians, providing strong talent support for comprehensively promoting ruralrevitalization and rural modernization
Repaired the memorial place of revolutionary, cultural relics and other key sites topolish the red memory建设村文化广场、宣传文化栏、指示牌等基础设施,提升乡镇整体形象和群众幸福感Built village cultural squares, cultural columns, signs and other infrastructure toenhance the overall image of the township
文化振兴Revitalization ofCulture
改善帮扶村庄人民群众的人居环境,完善农村生活设施Improved the living environment and the facilities in the villages
组织振兴Revitalization ofOrganization
积极开展党建共建活动,属地驻豫企业通号电气化局所属党组织与社旗县6个贫困村党支部和4个企业支部,共10个支部签订党建共建协议,在夯实党建基础、协助制度建设、群团活动等方面整合资源,持续开展结对子帮扶,切实把党的政治优势、组织优势和密切联系群众优势转化为巩固脱贫攻坚战的强大力量Actively carried out party building and co-construction activities. The partyorganizations aliated to the CRSC Electrification Company in Henan, signed partybuilding and co-construction agreements with party branches of 6 poor villages and4 enterprise in Sheqi County to integrate resources in system construction, groupactivities, etc., carry out paired assistance, and to close contact with the masses toconsolidate the victory against poverty
持续巩固“两不愁三保障”成果,累计帮扶慰问特殊群众832名,发送慰问金20.8万元,进一步防范返贫致贫风险Continued to consolidate the achievements of "basic living needs access" campaign,aiding a total of 832 people with special needs, and 208,000 yuan being sent tofurther prevent poverty returning向饶良镇卫生院划拨5万元,用于购买人脸测温消毒一体机,有效减轻医院疫情防控工作Allocated 50,000 yuan to Raoliang Town Health Center for the purchase of an all-in-one temperature measurement and disinfection machine, eectively prevent theepidemic in the hospital
Assistance throughConsumption
Vigorously publicized and guided the labor unions and canteen of CRSC enterprisesat all levels to purchase agricultural and sideline products from designated countiessuch as Xinjiang鼓励引导社旗县5家符合条件的加工企业、农业合作社、家庭农场加入央企消费帮扶电商平台,帮助当地加工企业和农业合作社拓宽销售渠道Encouraged and guided 5 eligible processing enterprises, agricultural cooperatives,and family farms in Sheqi County to join the e-commerce platform to help localprocessing enterprises and agricultural cooperatives expand sales channels
生态振兴Revitalization ofEcology
Serving the Community to Share a Better Life2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
Strengthening COVID-19Prevention and Control
中国通号持续高度关注新冠肺炎疫情形势,深入贯彻习近平总书记重要指示精神,落实党中央、国务院决策部署,坚持人民至上、生命至上,从严从细从实抓好疫情防控各项工作,在疫情防控大战大考中,充分发挥中央企业顶梁柱、国家队的作用。CRSC continued to pay close attention to the situation ofthe COVID-19, thoroughly implement the spirit of GeneralSecretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, and thedecisions of the Party Central Committee and the StateCouncil. Adhering to the people first and life first, CRSCbetter prevented the epidemic in a strict and meticulousmanner, giving full play to the role of SOEs.
StrengtheningLeadershipand FulfillingResponsibilities
In the face of continuously severe epidemic, CRSC and itsaliated enterprises established leading group and adjustedthe epidemic prevention and control in a timely manner,coordinated the epidemic control work, and conveyed thedecision and deployment from the Party Central Committeeand the State Council and the SASAC. It implemented the mainresponsibilities of epidemic control at all levels, and built asolid line of defense.
Strictly Preventingthe Virusand EnsuringProduction
Adhering to the normalized prevention mechanism, CRSC did not slack off andguaranteed prevention carefully. It strengthened the storage management ofmaterials to ensure the reserve and supply of epidemic prevention materials;strengthened employees health monitoring by daily temperature measurement,health QR scanning, inquiry, and registration; promoted vaccination rollout andencourage employees being vaccinated as soon as possible to build an epidemicprevention barrier. Besides, through all kind of publicity, the Group enhancedemployees' awareness of protection. Anti-epidemic and disinfection items weredistributed on a regular basis to ensure the life, health and safety of employees andensure the daily production and business activities.
Serving the Community to Share a Better Life2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
开展志愿服务Carrying out VolunteeringServices
中国通号持续开展志愿服务工作,稳步扩大“同心筑梦”志愿者队伍规模,组织引导员工积极主动参与公益活动、志愿服务,真情回馈社会。CRSC continued to carry out volunteer service, steadilyexpanded the scale of the volunteer team of "BuildingDreams Together", organized and guided employees toactively participate in public welfare activities and volunteerservices, and gave back to the society with sincerity.
中国通号积极组建疫情防控志愿服务队,按照属地新冠肺炎疫情防控相关要求,投身疫情防控一线,全力配合支持社区有序做好核酸检测和日常消杀等防疫工作。中国通号所属企业积极配合所在地开展疫情防控,组织党员骨干组成志愿服务队,投身疫情防控一线,参与现场接种疫苗秩序引导、预约登记等志愿服务,以实际行动为疫情防控贡献力量。Taking on the Missionand Supporting theWar against the Virus
CRSC actively set up a volunteer service team for epidemicprevention and control. In accordance with the relevantrequirements on the epidemic prevention and control, CRSCjoined the front line for medical service, and fully cooperatedand supported the community to carry out the epidemicprevention work such as nucleic acid testing and dailydisinfection. CRSC's affiliated companies actively cooperatedwith the local community to carry out epidemic prevention andcontrol, organized party members to form a volunteer serviceteam, participated in on-site vaccination service, appointmentregistration and other volunteer services, contributing toepidemic prevention and control with practical actions.
中国通号组织青年志愿者参与全国学雷锋志愿服务活动,开展走访慰问贫困家庭、慰问孤寡老人等活动Young volunteers of CRSC participated in the national volunteeractivities of "Learn from Lei Feng", and visited poor families andelderly
中国通号青年志愿者队伍火速驰援河南开展防汛救灾,全力保障郑州沿线铁路信号设备恢复通行The CRSC youth volunteer team to Henan carried out disaster relief,and made every effort to ensure the restoration of railway signalequipment along the Zhengzhou line
CRSC CASCO volunteers participated in the action of beautifying theriverside forests, protecting lucid waters and lush mountains withpractical actions
上海工程局集团组织青年志愿者开展当地公园入园秩序维护、宣讲相关政策等服务CRSC Shanghai Engineering Group Co., Ltd. organized youngvolunteers to carry out services and publicize relevant policies
Serving the Community to Share a Better Life2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
坚持创新驱动,创建世界一流。我们将坚持创新发展理念,围绕国家“新基建”系列布局,加强科技创新,推进关键技术实现深度自主可控,坚持全链条自主化研发,促进高水平科技自立自强,以实际行动助力新时代网络强国、交通强国建设。Adhering to innovation-driven to create the world-class. We will adhereto the concept of innovative development, focus on the national "NewInfrastructure" plan, strengthen scientific and technological innovation,promote key technologies to achieve deep autonomy and control. Byindependent research and development of the entire chain, we will continueto promote R&D self-reliance, with practical actions to help the constructionof a network power and transportation power in the new era.
Adhering to service first to create sustainable value. We will strengthenstandardization, fine quality management, create excellent products,improve lean services, and build outstanding brands. We will improve thesafety management system, implement safety supervision responsibilities,prevent and resolve major risks, and ensure the safe operation of rail transit.By promoting digital transformation and coordination, we will accelerate theimprovement of manufacturing informatization and intelligence, and serveglobal customers with high-quality CRSC technology.
坚持低碳发展,培育绿色动能。我们将科学推进“双碳”工作,积极推动绿色低碳转型,优化能源结构,提升能源效率,开展绿色低碳技术攻关研究和应用,促进减污降碳协同增效;强化重点领域治理和生态环境保护,为建设生态文明聚能发力。Adhering to low-carbon development to cultivate green kinetic energy. Wewill scientifically promote the " Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality", activelypromote green and low-carbon transformation, optimize energy structure,
Future Outlook
展望2022年,中国通号将踔厉奋发、笃行不怠,完整、准确、全面贯彻新发展理念,以高质量发展为主线,锚定“十四五”发展目标,砥砺奋进,致力成为以轨道交通控制技术为特色的世界一流企业,在推进中华民族伟大复兴进程中实现通号人的共同梦想。Looking forward to 2022, CRSC will workhard and persistently, fully, accuratelyand comprehensively implement thenew development philosophy, focuson high-quality development, anchorthe development goals of the "14thFive-Year Plan", and forge ahead. Weare committed to becoming a world-class enterprise featuring trac controltechnology, and realizing the commondream of CRSC people in the process ofpromoting the great rejuvenation of theChinese nation.
improve energy eciency, carry out research and application of green and low-carbon technologies, andpromote synergy of pollution reduction and profit creation. We will strengthen the governance of key areasand ecological environmental protection, and make eorts to build an ecological civilization.坚持以人为本,赋能成就英才。我们将坚持平等雇佣,增进员工福利,保障员工权益;推进人才开发,完善培养与激励机制,培育和汇聚优秀人才,助力员工成长;用心关爱员工,聚焦员工所需,丰富多彩生活,增强员工凝聚力、幸福感。Adhering to people-oriented to empower talents. We will adhere to employment equality, enhanceemployee benefits, and protect employee rights. We will promote talent development, improve training andincentive mechanisms, cultivate and gather outstanding talents, and help employees grow. We will continueto care for employees with heart, focusing on employees' needs, enriching their lives, and enhancingemployees' cohesion and happiness.坚持开放协调,推进合作共赢。我们将立足国内国际双循环的新发展格局,深化产学研合作,促进上中下游融通创新、协同发展,增强产业链供应链韧性和竞争力;拓深稳健开展境外投资和生产经营,更高水平参与“一带一路”建设,为构建人类命运共同体贡献力量。Adhering to openness and coordination to promote win-win cooperation. Based on the dual circulation
development pattern, we will deepen the cooperation between industry, academia and research, promotethe integration, innovation and coordinated development of upstream, midstream and downstream, andenhance the resilience and competitiveness of the industrial chain and supply chain. We will steadily carriedout overseas investment, production and operation, participate in the construction of the Belt and Road at ahigher level, contributing to the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.坚持成果共享,增添民生福祉。我们将继续坚持“人民至上”理念,将社会责任融入企业战略和日常运营,全面推进乡村振兴,促进共同富裕;抓好疫情防控,服务“六稳”“六保”;开展志愿服务,践行公益慈善,为构建和谐社会贡献央企责任担当。
Adhering to the sharing of results to increase people's livelihood and well-being. We will continue to adhereto the concept of "people first", integrate social responsibility into corporate strategies and daily operations,comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and promote common prosperity. We will strengthen COVID-19prevention and ensure "stability on the six fronts" and "security in the six areas". We will continue to carryout voluntary services, practice public welfare and charity, and contribute to the responsibility of SOEs forbuilding a harmonious society.
HKEX ESG Reporting GuideESG指标索引
指标披露General Disclosures and KPIs页码Page No.
General disclosure
General disclosure
General disclosure
Aspect A3: Environment and natural resources
B: Society
Employment and Labor StandardsAspect B1: Employment
Aspect B2: Health and safetyGeneral disclosure
A4:气候变化Aspect A4: Climate Change
General Disclosures and KPIs
A: EnvironmentAspect A1: EmissionsGeneral disclosure
A2:资源使用一般披露General disclosureAspect A2: Use of resources
页码Page No.
Number and rate of work-related fatalities in the past three years (including the reporting year)描述求取适用水源上可有任何问题,以及所订立的用水效益目标及为达到这些目标所采取的步骤Description of issues (if any) in sourcing water that is fit for purpose, water use eciency initiatives andsteps taken to achieve these targets
描述所订立的能源使用效益目标及为达到这些目标采取的步骤Description of energy use eciency initiatives and steps taken to achieve these targets总耗水量及密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Water consumption in total and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility)
描述处理有害及无害废弃物的方法及描述所订立的减废目标及为达到这些目标所采取的步骤Description of how hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled, the waste reduction goals setand the steps taken to achieve these goals
描述所订立的排放量目标及为达到这些目标所采取的步骤Describe emission targets set and the steps taken to achieve these goals
所产生无害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Total non-hazardous waste produced (in tons) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g.per unit ofproduction volume, per facility)
所产生有害废弃物总量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Total hazardous waste produced (in tons) and, where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit ofproduction volume, per facility)
直接(范围1)及能源间接(范围2)温室气体排放量(以吨计算)及(如适用)密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Direct (scope 1) and indirect energy (scope 2) of greenhouse gas emissions (in tons) and,where appropriate, intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility)
排放物种类及相关排放数据The types of emissions and respective emissions data
按类型划分的直接及╱或间接能源(如电、气或油)总耗量(以千个千瓦时计算)及密度(如以每产量单位、每项设施计算)Direct and/or indirect energy consumption by type (e.g. electricity, gas or oil) in total (kWh in '000s)and intensity (e.g. per unit of production volume, per facility)
Total workforce by gender, employment type (e.g. full-time or part-time), age group and
geographical region
Description of the significant climate issues that have and may aect the issuer, and actions
taken to address them
Description of the significant impacts of activities on the environment and natural resources
and the actions taken to manage them
Total packaging material used for finished products (in tons) and, if applicable,
with reference to per unit produced
Employee turnover rate by gender, age group and geographical region
Lost days due to work injury
Description of occupational health and safety measures adopted, how they are implemented
and monitored
Appendix 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
指标披露General Disclosures and KPIs页码Page No.指标披露General Disclosures and KPIs页码Page No.
按性别及雇员类别(如高级管理层、中级管理层)划分的受训雇员百分比The percentage of employees trained by gender and employee category (e.g. seniormanagement, middle management)
Description of measures to review employment practices to avoid child and forced labor
Aspect B3: Development and training
按性别及雇员类别划分,每名雇员完成受训的平均时数The average training hours completed per employee by gender and employee category
按地区划分的供货商数Number of suppliers by geographical region描述有关聘用供货商的惯例,向其执行有关惯例的供货商数目,以及有关相关执行及监察方法Description of practices relating to engaging suppliers, number of suppliers where the practices arebeing implemented, how they are implemented and monitored
已售或已运送产品总数中因安全与健康理由而须回收的百分比Percentage of total products sold or shipped subject to recalls for safety and health reasons接获关于产品及服务的投诉数目以及应对方法Number of products and service-related complaints received and how they are dealt with
描述有关识别供应链每个环节的环境及社会风险的惯例,以及相关执行及监察方法Description of practices relating to identifying environmental and social risks at each link of thesupply chain, how they are implemented and monitored
专注贡献范畴(如教育、环境事宜、劳工需求、健康、文化、体育)Focus areas of contribution (e.g. education, environmental concerns, labor needs, health,culture, sport)
Number of concluded legal cases regarding corrupt practices brought against the issueror its employees during the reporting period and the outcomes of the cases描述防范措施及举报程序,以及相关执行及监察方法Description of preventive measures and whistle-blowing procedures, how they areimplemented and monitored
描述与维护及保障知识产权有关的惯例Description of practices relating to observing and protecting intellectual property rights
描述质量检定过程及产品回收程序Description of quality assurance process and recall procedures描述消费者资料保障及私隐政策,以及相关执行及监察方法
Description of consumer data protection and privacy policies, implementation and monitoring methods
描述向董事及员工提供的反贪污培训Description of the anti-corruption training provided to directors and sta
Resources contributed (e.g. money or time) to the focus area描述在拣选供应商时促使多用环保产品及服务的管理,以及相关执行及监察方法Description of management promoting the use of environmental products and services inselecting selection, how they are implemented and monitored
General disclosure
General disclosure
General disclosure
General disclosure
Aspect B4: Labor guidelines
描述在发现违规情况时消除有关情况所采取的步骤Description of steps taken to eliminate such practices when discovered
Operational practices
Aspect B5: Supply chain management
B6:产品责任Aspect B6: Product responsibility
General disclosure
General disclosure
B7:反贪污Aspect B7: Anti-corruption
Aspect B8: Community investment
Appendix 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
Rating Report
中国社会科学院《中国企业社会责任报告指南(CASS-CSR 4.0)》暨“中国企业社会责任报告评级专家委员会”《中国企业社会责任报告评级标准(2020)》。
《中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2021环境、社会及管治报告》评级报告Rating Report of “The 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report
of China Railway Signal & Communication Co.,LTD.”
The 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal &Communication Co.,LTD. gained the five-star evaluation for a second consecutiveyear.
1. 增加行业核心指标的披露,提升报告的完整性;
2. 增强报告框架与内容的时代感,提升报告的创新性。
Upon the request of China Railway Signal & Communication Co.,LTD., theChinese Expert Committee on CSR Report Rating invited experts to form a ratingteam to rate The 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report of ChinaRailway Signal & Communication Co.,LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “the Report”).I. Rating CriteriaGuidelines on China’s Corporate Social Responsibility Reports (CASS-CSR 4.0) byChinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Rating Standards on China’s CorporateSocial Responsibility Reports (2020) by China Expert Committee on CSR ReportRating.II. Rating Process
1. The Rating Panel reviews and confirms CSR Report Process Materials
Confirmation and supporting documents submitted by the CSR ReportCompiling Group;
2. The Rating Panel assesses the preparation process and contents of CSR
Report, and drafts the Rating Report;
3. Vice Chairman of China Expert Committee on CSR Report Rating, the Leader
and experts of the Rating Panel jointly review and sign the Rating Report.III. Rating ResultsProcess (★★★★☆)The party and mass work department of the Company took the lead insetting up a working group for the preparation of the Report to coordinatethe specific preparation work and control the key work links. The partycommittee and the board of directors controlled the overall direction of theReport and were responsible for the final review of the Report, positioningthe Report as an important tool for compliantly disclosing the information,regulating the corporate governance, improving the corporate image andresponding to the demands of the capital market, with clear functionalvalue positioning; identifying the substantive issues based on nationalmacro policies, international and domestic social responsibility standards,corporate development strategies, stakeholder investigations, etc; planningto release the Report through the official website and present the Report inelectronic version, printed version, Chinese and English version, with leadingperformance in process.Substantiality (★★★★★)The Report systematically disclosed all key industrial issues, such as theimplementation of macro policies, the product quality management, thescientific and technological innovation, the digital transformation, the safeproduction, the protection of the employee rights and interests, the researchand development of environmental protection products and the conservationof energy and resources, with detailed and full narration and excellentsubstantiality performance.Integrity (★★★★☆)The main body of the Report systematically disclosed 86.63% of the coreindustrial indicators from the perspectives of "driving the developmentthrough innovation and accumulating the momentum for development","putting service first and creating excellent quality", "empowering withgreenness and practicing the dual carbon initiative", "observing the people-oriented principle and improving the employee welfare", "going together andcreating win-win situation” and "loving the society and sharing good life",with leading integrity performance.Balance (★★★★★)The Report disclosed the negative data, including "accident of averageor above liability regarding production safety", "accident of average orabove liability regarding special equipment", "accident of average or aboveliability regarding engineering quality", "annual turnover of employees" and"employee turnover rate", and briefly described the handling measures oversuppliers with bad behavior, with excellent balance performance.
Comparability (★★★★★)The Report disclosed the comparative data of 48 indicators such as"undertaken national scientific research projects", "participated industrialtechnical standards ", "percentage of training of middle managementstaff", "average training hours per female staff", "comprehensive energyconsumption" and "comprehensive energy consumption intensity" for threeconsecutive years. In addition, it also made a horizontal comparison basedon the data of "ranking 201st among 2021 Top 500 Chinese Brands", withexcellent comparability performance.Readability (★★★★★)The Report adopted the topic-based framework structure, comprehensivelyinterpreting the annual concepts, actions and results of responsibilityperformance through six chapters, with a clear framework structure andprominent key topics. The cover design adopted the illustration style andintegrated the main business elements to highlight the characteristics of theindustry and enhance the identification of the Report. The double spreadof the chapter adopted panoramic real map to present the characteristicresponsibility performance scene, which echoed the theme of the chapterand improved the appeal of the Report. The design style was fresh and lively,the pictures and text collocations complementing each other, with excellentreadability performance.Innovativeness (★★★★)The Report actively responded to hot current political issues such as the "Beltand Road" Initiative, the "Carbon Peak & Carbon Neutrality"action and ruralrevitalization, demonstrating the responsibilities of the central enterprises.Each chapter began with a brief introduction of the corporate accountabilityconcepts and key issues, concentrating on the main points, with goodinnovativeness performance.Overall Rating (★★★★★)The 2021 Environmental, Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal& Communication Co.,LTD. was rated as five stars by the rating team. It is anexcellent corporate social responsibility report.
IV. Improvement Suggestions
1. Increase the disclosure of industrial core indicators, and further increase the
report integrity;
2. Enhance the sense of times of the framework and contents of the Report
and improve the innovativeness of the Report.
Vice Chairman of China Expert Committee on CSRReport RatingPanel LeaderPanel ExpertDate of Issuance: March 18, 2022
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Appendix 2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.
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中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司2021环境、社会及管治报告2021 Environmental,Social and Governance Report of China Railway Signal & Communication Co., LTD.