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深物业B:2021年半年度财务报告(英文版) 下载公告



August 2021

Financial Statements

I. Auditor’s Report

Whether the interim report has been audited?

□Yes √ No

The interim report of the Company has not been audited.II Financial StatementsCurrency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

30 June 2021

Unit: RMB

Item30 June 202131 December 2020
Current assets:
Monetary assets4,971,044,275.194,206,266,629.32
Settlement reserve
Interbank loans granted
Held-for-trading financial assets
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable259,902,999.98187,697,631.47
Accounts receivable financing
Premiums receivable
Reinsurance receivables
Receivable reinsurance contract reserve
Other receivables803,760,748.21789,050,350.51
Including: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Financial assets purchased under resale agreements
Contract assets
Assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets46,905,197.9848,991,965.92
Total current assets11,447,530,388.9310,595,039,258.27
Non-current assets:
Loans and advances to customers
Investments in debt obligations
Investments in other debt obligations
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments48,928,703.9645,710,220.79
Investments in other equity instruments773,704.001,044,905.12
Other non-current financial assets
Investment property467,004,332.18484,738,506.83
Fixed assets108,878,082.57116,233,936.04
Construction in progress
Productive living assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets12,757,538.12
Intangible assets372,891.57482,049.51
Development costs
Long-term prepaid expense18,031,872.5211,862,716.14
Deferred income tax assets1,176,247,431.17950,681,245.50
Other non-current assets3,155,763.351,564,074.34
Total non-current assets1,836,150,319.441,612,317,654.27
Total assets13,283,680,708.3712,207,356,912.54
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings
Borrowings from the central bank
Interbank loans obtained
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable365,584,409.13468,269,685.65
Advances from customers774,178.01473,274.48
Contract liabilities853,367,394.63666,893,629.72
Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements
Customer deposits and interbank deposits
Payables for acting trading of securities
Payables for underwriting of securities
Employee benefits payable151,760,471.00177,190,197.36
Taxes payable2,996,938,696.812,487,212,979.37
Other payables910,365,884.66847,142,613.09
Including: Interest payable
Dividends payable12,202,676.0412,202,676.04
Handling charges and commissions payable
Reinsurance payables
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities67,002,418.0736,722,824.88
Other current liabilities53,141,477.7543,354,691.51
Total current liabilities5,398,934,930.064,727,259,896.06
Non-current liabilities:
Insurance contract reserve
Long-term borrowings3,556,900,000.003,587,800,000.00
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities13,025,535.53
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits
Deferred income
Deferred income tax liabilities262.20262.20
Other non-current liabilities107,705,623.13108,778,327.45
Total non-current liabilities3,680,028,367.863,698,975,536.65
Total liabilities9,078,963,297.928,426,235,432.71
Owners’ equity:
Share capital595,979,092.00595,979,092.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserves80,488,045.3880,488,045.38
Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income-7,568,287.02-6,749,589.41
Specific reserve
Surplus reserves19,205,979.6319,205,979.63
General reserve
Retained earnings3,471,018,008.463,038,993,912.43
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent4,159,122,838.453,727,917,440.03
Non-controlling interests45,594,572.0053,204,039.80
Total owners’ equity4,204,717,410.453,781,121,479.83
Total liabilities and owners’ equity13,283,680,708.3712,207,356,912.54

Legal representative: Liu Shengxiang Head of financial affairs: Cai LiliHead of the financial department: Liu Qiang

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent

Unit: RMB

Item30 June 202131 December 2020
Current assets:
Monetary assets4,143,883,323.313,216,703,036.69
Held-for-trading financial assets
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable4,016,091.602,624,500.42
Accounts receivable financing
Other receivables151,322,779.82145,325,697.20
Including: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Contract assets
Assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets707,120.69496,729.09
Total current assets4,972,924,777.334,019,035,070.64
Non-current assets:
Investments in debt obligations
Investments in other debt obligations
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments1,074,394,584.351,071,176,101.18
Investments in other equity instruments1,004,204.001,275,405.12
Other non-current financial assets
Investment property293,970,461.86303,827,356.62
Fixed assets45,039,336.6251,091,963.72
Construction in progress
Productive living assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets571,634.82
Intangible assets
Development costs
Long-term prepaid expense345,951.87432,440.01
Deferred income tax assets234,028,529.09252,331,518.26
Other non-current assets1,472,158,735.581,197,407,234.55
Total non-current assets3,121,513,438.192,877,542,019.46
Total assets8,094,438,215.526,896,577,090.10
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable40,598,549.3455,887,947.36
Advances from customers
Contract liabilities
Employee benefits payable37,792,796.8950,710,148.02
Taxes payable6,595,622.403,736,082.67
Other payables5,360,767,700.923,971,988,862.11
Including: Interest payable
Dividends payable29,642.4029,642.40
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities62,302,868.0631,573,154.86
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities5,508,057,537.614,113,896,195.02
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings557,400,000.00588,200,000.00
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities581,842.65
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits payable
Deferred income
Deferred income tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities40,000,000.0040,000,000.00
Total non-current liabilities597,981,842.65628,200,000.00
Total liabilities6,106,039,380.264,742,096,195.02
Owners’ equity:
Share capital595,979,092.00595,979,092.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserves53,876,380.1153,876,380.11
Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income-2,810,709.64-2,545,451.19
Specific reserve
Surplus reserves19,205,979.6319,205,979.63
Retained earnings1,322,148,093.161,487,964,894.53
Total owners’ equity1,988,398,835.262,154,480,895.08
Total liabilities and owners’ equity8,094,438,215.526,896,577,090.10

3. Consolidated Income Statement

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2021H1 2020
1. Revenue2,540,865,139.251,421,077,767.83
Including: Operating revenue2,540,865,139.251,421,077,767.83
Interest income
Insurance premium income
Handling charge and commission income
2. Costs and expenses1,684,718,695.801,159,861,807.33
Including: Cost of sales754,285,026.24611,694,943.80
Interest expense
Handling charge and commission expense
Net insurance claims paid
Net amount provided as insurance contract reserve
Expenditure on policy dividends
Reinsurance premium expense
Taxes and surcharges813,982,050.89394,743,480.61
Selling expense10,417,216.5711,544,060.19
Administrative expense104,914,523.6188,433,004.35
R&D expense
Finance costs1,119,878.4953,446,318.38
Including: Interest expense38,497,817.4584,859,496.80
Interest income38,205,027.2031,227,361.24
Add: Other income2,403,691.802,921,993.51
Return on investment (“-” for loss)3,218,483.17157,061.79
Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and associates3,218,483.17157,061.79
Income from the derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost (“-” for loss)
Exchange gain (“-” for loss)
Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)
Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)
Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss)-6,797,536.401,115,927.46
Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)-33,715.661,832.91
Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)
3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)854,937,366.36265,412,776.17
Add: Non-operating income9,872,472.194,244,175.90
Less: Non-operating expense1,940,268.552,399,487.70
4. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)862,869,570.00267,257,464.37
Less: Income tax expense194,243,514.0689,394,015.71
5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)668,626,055.94177,863,448.66
5.1 By operating continuity
5.1.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)668,626,055.94177,863,448.66
5.1.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)
5.2 By ownership
5.2.1 Net profit attributable to owners of the Company as the parent676,375,523.75211,967,734.76
5.2.1 Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests-7,749,467.81-34,104,286.10
6. Other comprehensive income, net of tax-818,697.61576,865.34
Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent-818,697.61576,865.34
6.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss-265,258.45-455,146.16
6.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurements on defined benefit schemes
6.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
6.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other equity instruments-265,258.45-455,146.16
6.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes in own credit risk
6.1.5 Other
6.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss-553,439.161,032,011.50
6.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
6.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt obligations
6.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the reclassification of financial assets
6.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in other debt obligations
6.2.5 Reserve for cash flow
6.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of foreign currency-denominated financial statements-553,439.161,032,011.50
6.2.7 Other
Attributable to non-controlling interests
7. Total comprehensive income667,807,358.33178,440,314.00
Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent675,556,826.14212,544,600.10
Attributable to non-controlling interests-7,749,467.81-34,104,286.10
8. Earnings per share
8.1 Basic earnings per share1.13490.3557
8.2 Diluted earnings per share1.13490.3557

Where business combinations under common control occurred in the Current Period, the net profit achieved by the acquirees beforethe combinations was RMB0.00, with the amount for the same period of last year being RMB0.00.Legal representative: Liu Shengxiang Head of financial affairs: Cai LiliHead of the financial department: Liu Qiang

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2021H1 2020
1. Operating revenue42,300,895.3525,828,330.02
Less: Cost of sales18,650,836.3015,835,977.53
Taxes and surcharges3,067,936.606,073,285.87
Selling expense427,076.97596,897.00
Administrative expense35,663,070.9131,193,084.64
R&D expense
Finance costs-18,675,114.65-27,995,222.26
Including: Interest expense12,722,639.323,075,551.11
Interest income-32,650,270.94-29,309,100.65
Add: Other income102,972.08
Return on investment (“-” for loss)63,037,324.8962,573,990.52
Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and associates3,218,483.17157,061.79
Income from the derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost (“-” for loss)
Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)
Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)
Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss)-279,188.0086,608.96
Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)
Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)
2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)66,028,198.1962,784,906.72
Add: Non-operating income7,173,820.40536,196.80
Less: Non-operating expense269.722,138,000.00
3. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)73,201,748.8761,183,103.52
Less: Income tax expense-5,332,877.4836,318,902.50
4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)78,534,626.3524,864,201.02
4.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)78,534,626.3524,864,201.02
4.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)
5. Other comprehensive income, net of tax-265,258.45-455,146.16
5.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss-265,258.45-455,146.16
5.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurements on defined benefit schemes
5.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
5.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other equity instruments-265,258.45-455,146.16
5.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes in own credit
5.1.5 Other
5.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
5.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
5.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt obligations
5.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the reclassification of financial assets
5.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in other debt obligations
5.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges
5.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of foreign currency-denominated financial statements
5.2.7 Other
6. Total comprehensive income78,269,367.9024,409,054.86
7. Earnings per share
7.1 Basic earnings per share0.13180.0417
7.2 Diluted earnings per share0.13180.0417

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2021H1 2020
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services2,802,854,649.311,233,830,460.59
Net increase in customer deposits and interbank deposits
Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
Net increase in loans from other financial institutions
Premiums received on original insurance contracts
Net proceeds from reinsurance
Net increase in deposits and investments of policy holders
Interest, handling charges and commissions received
Net increase in interbank loans obtained
Net increase in proceeds from repurchase transactions
Net proceeds from acting trading of securities
Tax rebates27,937,190.4911,517,514.19
Cash generated from other operating activities162,625,100.47333,720,016.38
Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities2,993,416,940.271,579,067,991.16
Payments for commodities and services531,366,744.46879,596,446.23
Net increase in loans and advances to customers
Net increase in deposits in the central bank and in interbank loans granted
Payments for claims on original insurance contracts
Net increase in interbank loans granted
Interest, handling charges and commissions paid
Policy dividends paid
Cash paid to and for employees360,587,894.53330,739,905.05
Taxes paid889,369,176.151,900,688,223.09
Cash used in other operating activities74,522,344.4091,225,555.69
Subtotal of cash used in operating activities1,855,846,159.543,202,250,130.06
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities1,137,570,780.73-1,623,182,138.90
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
Proceeds from disinvestment
Return on investment
Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets26,112.574,408.08
Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash generated from other investing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities26,112.574,408.08
Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets12,894,532.8416,277,097.63
Payments for investments
Net increase in pledged loans granted
Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units465,807,569.82
Cash used in other investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in investing activities12,894,532.84482,084,667.45
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities-12,868,420.27-482,080,259.37
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
Capital contributions received140,000.00840,000.00
Including: Capital contributions by non-controlling interests to subsidiaries140,000.00840,000.00
Borrowings raised2,172,000,000.00
Cash generated from other financing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities140,000.002,172,840,000.00
Repayment of borrowings100,000.001,033,000.00
Interest and dividends paid339,037,821.33296,891,168.14
Including: Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling interests
Cash used in other financing activities
Subtotal of cash used in financing activities339,137,821.33297,924,168.14
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities-338,997,821.331,874,915,831.86
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash equivalents-569,806.991,071,103.91
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents785,134,732.14-229,275,462.50
Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period4,168,154,911.833,285,345,233.47
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period4,953,289,643.973,056,069,770.97

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2021H1 2020
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services32,652,425.5016,901,714.03
Tax rebates23,635,866.65
Cash generated from other operating activities1,569,362,437.201,354,954,984.16
Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities1,625,650,729.351,371,856,698.19
Payments for commodities and services40,183,727.2134,769,898.91
Cash paid to and for employees30,961,214.0222,444,977.67
Taxes paid8,196,879.551,278,080,688.35
Cash used in other operating activities125,972,788.21831,802,326.79
Subtotal of cash used in operating activities205,314,608.992,167,097,891.72
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities1,420,336,120.36-795,241,193.53
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
Proceeds from disinvestment565,000,000.00
Return on investment
Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets2,344.573,955.86
Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash generated from other investing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities2,344.57565,003,955.86
Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets6,654,920.7614,226,899.52
Payments for investments209,000,000.00
Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units465,807,569.82
Cash used in other investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in investing activities215,654,920.76480,034,469.34
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities-215,652,576.1984,969,486.52
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
Capital contributions received
Borrowings raised616,000,000.00
Cash generated from other financing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities616,000,000.00
Repayment of borrowings
Interest and dividends paid257,143,626.33216,929,035.34
Cash used in other financing activities
Subtotal of cash used in financing activities257,143,626.33216,929,035.34
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities-257,143,626.33399,070,964.66
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash equivalents-2,544.954,949.10
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents947,537,372.89-311,195,793.25
Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period3,190,160,215.192,450,935,673.17
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period4,137,697,588.082,139,739,879.92

7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

H1 2021

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2021
Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parentNon-controlling interestsTotal owners’ equity
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesGeneral reserveRetained earningsOtherSubtotal
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period of the prior year595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-6,749,589.4119,205,979.633,038,993,912.433,727,917,440.0353,204,039.803,781,121,479.83
Add: Adjustment for change in
accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error
Adjustment for business combination under common control
Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning of the Reporting Period of the year595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-6,749,589.4119,205,979.633,038,993,912.433,727,917,440.0353,204,039.803,781,121,479.83
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for decrease)-818,697.61432,024,096.03431,205,398.42-7,609,467.80423,595,930.62
3.1 Total comprehensive income-818,697.61676,375,523.75675,556,826.14-7,749,467.80667,807,358.34
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners140,000.00140,000.00
3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by owners140,000.00140,000.00
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of
other equity instruments
3.2.3 Share-based payments included in owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit distribution-244,351,427.72-244,351,427.72-244,351,427.72
3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Appropriation to general reserve
3.3.3 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)-244,351,427.72-244,351,427.72-244,351,427.72
3.3.4 Other
3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity
3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in
capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves
3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the period595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-7,568,287.0219,205,979.633,471,018,008.464,159,122,838.4545,594,572.004,204,717,410.45

H1 2020

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2020
Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parentNon-controlling interestsTotal owners’ equity
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesGeneral reserveRetained earningsOtherSubtotal
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period of the prior year595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-2,698,371.4417,060,448.052,457,119,795.393,147,949,009.38118,618,291.813,266,567,301.19
Add: Adjustment for change in accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error
Adjustment for business combination under common control
Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning of the Reporting Period of the595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-2,698,371.4417,060,448.052,457,119,795.393,147,949,009.38118,618,291.813,266,567,301.19
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for decrease)576,865.34-2,584,738.36-2,007,873.02-33,264,286.10-35,272,159.12
3.1 Total comprehensive income576,865.34211,967,734.76212,544,600.10-34,104,286.10178,440,314.00
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners840,000.00840,000.00
3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by owners840,000.00840,000.00
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity instruments
3.2.3 Share-based payments included in owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit distribution-214,552,473.12-214,552,473.12-214,552,473.12
3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Appropriation to general reserve
3.3.3 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)-214,552,473.12-214,552,473.12-214,552,473.12
3.3.4 Other
3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity
3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves
3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other
comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the period595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-2,121,506.1017,060,448.052,454,535,057.033,145,941,136.3685,354,005.713,231,295,142.07

8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent

H1 2021

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2021
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesRetained earningsOtherTotal owners’ equity
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period of the prior year595,979,092.0053,876,380.11-2,545,451.1919,205,979.631,487,964,894.532,154,480,895.08
Add: Adjustment for change in
accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error
Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning of the Reporting Period of the year595,979,092.0053,876,380.11-2,545,451.1919,205,979.631,487,964,894.532,154,480,895.08
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for decrease)-265,258.45-165,816,801.37-166,082,059.82
3.1 Total comprehensive income-265,258.4578,534,626.3578,269,367.90
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners
3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by owners
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity instruments
3.2.3 Share-based payments included in
owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit distribution-244,351,427.72-244,351,427.72
3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)
3.3.3 Other-244,351,427.72-244,351,427.72
3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity
3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves
3.4.4 Changes in
defined benefit schemes transferred to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the period595,979,092.0053,876,380.11-2,810,709.6419,205,979.631,322,148,093.161,988,398,835.26

H1 2020

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2020
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesRetained earningsOtherTotal owners’ equity
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period of the595,979,092.53,876,380.11-2,051,268.2416,403,637.611,677,296,289.462,341,504,130.94
prior year00
Add: Adjustment for change in accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error
Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning of the Reporting Period of the year595,979,092.0053,876,380.11-2,051,268.2416,403,637.611,677,296,289.462,341,504,130.94
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for decrease)-455,146.16-189,688,272.10-190,143,418.26
3.1 Total comprehensive income-455,146.1624,864,201.0224,409,054.86
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners
3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by owners
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity
3.2.3 Share-based payments included in owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit distribution-214,552,473.12-214,552,473.12
3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)-214,552,473.12-214,552,473.12
3.3.3 Other
3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity
3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
Loss offset by surplus reserves
3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the period595,979,092.0053,876,380.11-2,506,414.4016,403,637.611,487,608,017.362,151,360,712.68

III Company Profile

Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company” or “Company”) wasincorporated based on the reconstruction of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development Co., Ltd. after obtaining approval ofZFBF [1991] No. 831 from People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality. It was registered with Shenzhen Industrial andCommercial Administration Bureau on 17 January 1983 with Shenzhen as its headquarters. Now the Company holds the businesslicense for legal person with the registration number/unified social credit code of 91440300192174135N. The registered capital wasRMB595,979,092 with the total shares of 595,979,092 (RMB1 face value per share), among which, restricted public shares:

1,898,306 A shares and 0 B shares; unrestricted public shares: 526,475,543 A shares and 67,605,243 B shares. The stock of the

Company has been listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 30 March 1992.The Company is in the real estate sector. Its main business includes development of real estate and sale of commercial housing,construction and management of buildings, house rent, supervision of construction, domestic trading and materials supply andmarketing (excluding exclusive dealing and monopoly sold products and commodities under special control to purchase). Mainproducts or services rendered mainly include the development and sales of commercial residential housing; property management;buildings and the building devices maintenance, garden afforest and cleaning service; property leasing; supervise and management ofthe engineering; retails of the Chinese food, Western-style food and wines, and etc.The financial statements were approved and authorized for issue by the 24


Meeting of the 9

thBoard of Directors of the Company on27 August 2021.The consolidation scope of the Company’s consolidated financial statements was determined based on the control. There were 47subsidiaries including Shenzhen Huangcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd., Dongguan Guomao Changsheng Real Estate Development Co.,Ltd., Shenzhen International Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd. included in the consolidation financial statements in thisreport. Please refer to the Note VIII and Note IX of the financial report for details.IV Basis for Preparation of Financial Statements

1. Preparation Basis

Based on the continuing operation, the financial statements of the Company are prepared in accordance with the actual transactions,governing provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the following major accounting policies andestimates.

2. Continuation

There was no such case where the sustainable operation ability within 12 months since the end of the Reporting Period was highlydoubted.V. Important Accounting Policies and Estimations

Indication of specific accounting policies and estimations:

Refer to this Part:

1. Statement for Complying with the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise

The financial statement prepared by the Company complies with the requirements of the latest accounting standards for businessenterprises as well as the application guidelines, interpretations and other relevant regulations (hereinafter referred to as the“accounting standards for business enterprises”) issued by the Ministry of Finance. It reflects the Company’s financial conditions,operating results, cash flow and other related information in a truthful and complete manner.In addition, in the preparation of the financial report, reference was made to the presentation and disclosure requirements of the Rulefor Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reports (2014Revision) and the Notice on Related Matters of the Implementation of New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises by ListedCompanies (KJBH [2018] No. 453).

2. Fiscal Period

The fiscal year of the Company is a solar calendar year, which is from 1 January to 31 December.

3. Operating Cycle

Except for the real estate industry, other businesses run by the Company have relatively short operating cycles according to theclassification standard of 12-month’s liquidity of assets and liabilities. The operating cycle of the real estate industry shall begenerally more than 12 months from real estate development to cash the sales. The specific cycle shall be determined by thedevelopment project and classified by the assets and liabilities liquidity.

4. Standard Currency of Accounts

The Company adopts Renminbi as a standard currency of accounts.

5. Accounting Process of Business Combinations under the Same Control and not under the Same Control

1. Accounting Process of Business Combinations under the Same Control

The assets and liabilities that the Company obtains in a business combination shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amountcombined party in the consolidated financial statements of the final controller on the combining date. As for the balance betweenthe carrying amount of combined party’s owners equities in the consolidated financial statements of the final controller and thecarrying amount of the consideration paid by it or the total par value of the shares issued), the additional paid-in capital shall beadjusted. If the additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

2. Accounting Process of Business Combinations not under the Same Control

The Company shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assetsobtained from the acquiree on purchase date as goodwill. If the combination costs are less than the fair value of the identifiable netassets obtained from the acquire, the Company shall recheck the various identifiable assets and liabilities obtained from the acquire,fair value with liabilities, and measurement of combination costs. If the combination costs are less than the fair value of theidentifiable net assets obtained from the acquire after recheck, the Company shall the record the balance into the profit and loss of thecurrent period.

6. Methods for Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements

The Company as the parent included its all subsidiaries into the consolidation scope of consolidated financial statements. Based onthe financial statements of the Company as the parent and its subsidiaries and other related materials, the consolidated financialstatements were prepared by the Company as the parent according to Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 33 –ConsolidatedFinancial Statements.

7. Classification of Joint arrangements and Accounting Treatment of Joint Operations

1. Joint arrangement is classified into joint operation and joint ventures.

2. When the Company is a party of a joint operation, recognize the following items related to the profits in the joint operation:

(1) Recognize the assets held independently, and recognize the assets held jointly in the holding portion;

(2) Recognize the liabilities borne independently, and recognize the liabilities held jointly in the holding portion;

(3) Recognize the revenue generated from the output portion of joint operation shared for selling the Company;

(4) Recognize the revenue generated from the sale of assets in joint operation in the holding portion of the Company;

(5) Recognize the expenses incurred independently, and recognize the expenses incurred in joint operation in the holding portion ofthe Company.

8. Recognition Standard for Cash and Cash Equivalents

In the Company’s understanding, cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, any deposit that can be used for cover, andshort-term (usually due within 3 months since the day of purchase) and high circulating investments, which are easily convertibleinto known amount of cash and whose risks in change of value are minimal.

9. Foreign Currency Businesses and Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements

(1) Accounting treatments for translation of foreign currency business

As for a foreign currency transaction in its initial recognition, the amount in the foreign currency shall be translated into the amountin the Renminbi at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date. On balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items shall betranslated as the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date, the balance occurred thereof shall be recorded into the profits and

losses at the current period except that the balance of exchange arising from the principal and interests of foreign currencyborrowings for the purchase and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization. The foreign currency non-monetaryitems measured at the historical cost shall still be translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date, of which the amount offunctional currency shall not be changed. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the fair value shall be translated atthe spot exchange rate on the confirming date of fair value, of which the balance of exchange shall be included into the profit andloss of the current period or other comprehensive income.

(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

The asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Among theowner’s equity items, except for the items as “retained earnings”, other items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the timewhen they are incurred. The income and expense items in the income statements shall be translated at the approximate spot exchangerate at the time when they are incurred. The difference from translation of foreign currency financial statements thereof shall berecorded into other comprehensive income.

10. Financial Instruments

1. Classification of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities

Financial assets shall be classified into the following three categories when they are initially recognized: (1) financial assetsmeasured at amortized cost; (2) financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income; (3) financial assets at fair valuethrough profit or loss.Financial liabilities shall be classified into the following four categories when they are initially recognized: (1) financial liabilities atfair value through profit or loss; (2) financial liabilities generated from transfer of financial assets not conforming to requirements ofderecognition or continuous involvement of transferred financial assets; (3) financial guarantee contracts not belonging to above (1)or (2), and loan commitments not belonging to above (1) and at lower interest rate than the market interest rate; (4) financialliabilities measured at amortized cost.

2. Recognition Basis, Calculation Method, and Termination of Recognition of Financial Assets and Liabilities

(1) Recognition basis and initial calculation method of financial assets and liabilities

When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument, it shall recognize a financial asset or financial liability. The financialassets and financial liabilities initially recognized shall be measured at their fair values. For the financial assets and liabilitiesmeasured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, the transactionexpenses thereof shall be directly recorded into the profits and losses of the current period; for other categories of financial assets andfinancial liabilities, the transaction expenses thereof shall be included into the initially recognized amount. However, when theaccounts receivable initially recognized by the Company do not include significant financing or the Company does not consider thefinancing in contracts not over one year, it shall be initially calculated at the transaction price.

(2) Subsequent calculation method of financial assets

1) Financial assets at amortized cost

The Company shall make subsequent measurement on its financial assets at amortized cost by adopting the actual interest ratemethod. The gains or losses generated from the financial assets at amortized cost and not belonging to any hedging relationship shallbe recorded into the current profit of loss when decognized, reclassified, amortized with the actual interest rate method orrecognizing impairments.Investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive incomeThe Company shall make subsequent measurement at fair value. The interest calculated by adopting the actual interest rate method,impairment losses or profits and foreign exchange gains shall be recorded into the current profit or loss, and other profits or lossesshall be recorded into other comprehensive income. When derecognized, the accumulative profits or losses thereof originallyrecorded into other comprehensive income shall be transferred out and then recorded into the current profit or loss.

Investments in equity instruments at fair value through other comprehensive incomeThe Company shall make subsequent measurement at fair value. The dividends obtained (exclude those belong to recovery ofinvestment cost) shall be recorded into the current profit or loss, and other gains or losses recorded into other comprehensive income.When derecognized, the accumulative gains or losses thereof originally recorded into other comprehensive income shall betransferred out and then recorded into the retained earnings.Financial assets at fair value through profit or lossThe Company shall make subsequent measurement at fair value. The gains or losses generated (include interest and dividend income)shall be recorded into the current profit or loss, unless the financial asset is one part of a hedging relationship.Subsequent calculation method of financial liabilitiesFinancial liabilities at fair value through profit or lossSuch financial liabilities include trading financial liabilities (include derivative instruments belonging to financial liabilities) andthose designated as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss. For such financial liabilities, the subsequent measurementshall be conducted at fair value. The amount of changes in fair value of designated financial liabilities at fair value through profit orloss due to the Company’s credit risk changes shall be recorded into other comprehensive income, unless this treatment will result inor enlarge accounting mismatch of the profit or loss. The other gains or losses generated from such financial liabilities (includinginterest expense, changes of fair value not caused by the Company’s credit risk changes) shall be recorded into the current profit orloss, unless the they are one part of a hedging relationship. And when derecognized, the accumulative gains or losses thereoforiginally recorded into other comprehensive income shall be transferred out and then recorded into the retained earnings.Financial liabilities generated from financial assets transfer not conforming to derecognition conditions or continuous involvement oftransferred financial assetsThey shall be measured in accordance with regulations of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.23-Transfer of FinancialAssetsfinancial guarantee contracts not belonging to above (1) or (2), and loan commitments not belonging to above (1) and at lowerinterest rate than the market interest rate;The subsequent measurement shall be conducted according to the higher of the following two amounts after initial recognition: ①amount of allowance for impairments recognized in accordance with the impairment provisions of financial instruments; ② theresidual of initial recognized amount after deducted accumulative amortized amount recognized as relevant regulations.Financial liabilities at amortized costThe Company shall measure at amortized cost by adopting actual interest rate method. The gains or losses generated from financialliabilities at amortized cost and not belonging to any hedging relationship shall be recorded into the current profit or loss whenderecognized or amortized with actual interest rate method.Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilitiesDerecognize financial assets when meeting one of the following conditions:

① The contract rights for collecting cash flow of financial assets have terminated;

② Financial asset has been transferred and the transfer meets the provisions of Accounting Standards for Business EnterprisesNo.23-Transfer of Financial Assets governing the derecognition of financial assets.

2) When the current obligation of the financial liability (or some of it) has been relieved, the financial liability (or some of it) shall beaccordingly derecognized.

3. Recognition Basis and Measurement of Transfer of Financial Assets

Where the Company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset to the transferee,it shall stop recognizing the financial asset and separately recognize the rights and obligations generated retained from the transfer asassets or liabilities. If it retained nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset, it shall continue to

recognize the transferred financial asset. Where the Company does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards related tothe ownership of a financial asset, it shall deal with it according to the circumstances as follows, respectively: (1) If it gives up itscontrol over the financial asset, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset and separately recognize the rights and obligationsgenerated retained from the transfer as assets or liabilities; (2) If it does not give up its control over the financial asset, it shall,according to the extent of its continuous involvement in the transferred financial asset, recognize the related financial asset andrecognize the relevant liability accordingly.If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for stopping recognition, the difference between the amounts of thefollowing 2 items shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period: (1) The carrying value of the transferred financialasset on the derecognition date; (2) The sum of consideration received from the transfer of financial assets, and derecognition amountamong the accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally recorded in the other comprehensive income (the financialassets involve transfer are investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income. If the transfer of partialfinancial asset satisfies the conditions to stop the recognition, the entire carrying value of the transferred financial asset shall,between the portion whose recognition has been stopped and the portion whose recognition has not been stopped, be apportionedaccording to their respective relative fair value on the transfer date, and the difference between the amounts of the following twoitems shall be included into the profits and losses of the current period: (1)The carrying value of the portion whose recognition hasbeen stopped; (2)The sum of consideration of the portion whose recognition has been stopped, and derecognition amount among theaccumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally recorded in the other comprehensive income (the financial assetsinvolve transfer are investments in debt instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income.

4. Recognition Method of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities’ Fair Value

The Company adopts the valuation technique with sufficient useful data and supported by other information which is suitable for thecurrent situation to recognize the fair value of related financial assets and liabilities. The Company classifies the input value used inthe valuation technique into the following levels and uses them in sequence:

(1) The first level of input value is the non-adjustable offer of the same assets or liabilities in the active market on the calculationdate;

(2) The second level of input value is the directly or indirectly observable input value of related assets or liabilities except the inputvalue on the first level, including: offer of similar assets or liabilities in the active market; offer of identical or similar assets orliabilities in the non-active market; other observable input value except offer, including the observable interest rate during the intervalperiod of common offer, profit rate curve, etc.; the input value for market verification etc..

(3) The third level of input value is the non-observable input value of related assets or liabilities, including interest rates that cannotbe observed directly or verified by the data of observable market, stock fluctuation rate, future cash flow of the disposal obligationborne in corporate mergers, financial forecast based on self-data, etc..

5. Impairment of financial instrument

(1) Impairment measurement and accounting handling of financial instrument

Based on expected credit loss, the Company conducts impairment handling and confirms loss reserve for financial assets which ismeasured by amortized cost, debt instrument investment which is measured by fair value and whose change is calculated into othercomprehensive profits, accounts receivable of rental, loan commitment which is beyond financial debt classified as the one which ismeasured by fair value and whose change is calculated into current profits and losses, financial debt which does not belong to the onewhich is measured by fair value and whose change is calculated into current profits or losses, or financial guarantee contract offinancial debt which is formed when it does not belong to financial asset transfer and doesn’t conform to confirmation condition oftermination or keeps on being involved in transferred financial asset.Expected credit loss refers to weighted average of credit loss of financial instrument which takes the risk of contract breachoccurrence as the weight. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contract cash flow which is converted into cash according toactual interest rate and receivable according to contract and all cash flow which to be charged as expected, i.e. current value of all

cash shortage. Among it, as for financial asset purchased or original which has had credit impairment, it should be converted intocash according actual interest rate of this financial asset after credit adjustment.As for financial asset purchased or original which has had credit impairment, the Company only confirms cumulative change ofexpected credit loss within the whole duration after initial confirmation on the balance sheet date as loss reserve.As for accounts receivable which don’t include major financing contents or the Company does not consider financing contents incontract which is less than one year, the Company applies simplified measurement method, and measures loss reserve according toamount of expected credit loss within the whole duration.As for account receivable of rental and accounts receivable including major financing contents, the Company applies simplifiedmeasurement method, and measure loss reserve according to amount of expected credit loss within the whole duration.As for financial asset beyond above mentioned measurement methods, the Company evaluates whether its credit risk has increasedobviously since the initial confirmation on each balance sheet date. In case credit risk has increased obviously, the Companymeasures the loss reserve according to amount of expected credit loss within the whole duration; in case the credit risk does notincrease obviously, the Company measures loss reserve according to the amount of expected credit loss in next 12 months.By utilizing obtainable rational and well grounded information, including forward-looking information, comparing the risk ofcontract breach on balance sheet date and risk of contract breach on initial confirmation date, the Company confirms whether thecredit risk of financial instrument has increased obviously from initial confirmation.On balance sheet date, in case the Company judges that the financial instrument just has relatively low credit risk, then it will beassumed that credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased obviously.Based on single financial instrument or financial portfolio, the Company evaluates expected credit risk and measures expected creditloss. When based on financial instrument portfolio, the Company takes common risk characteristics as the basis, and divides financialinstruments into different portfolios.The Company measures expected credit loss again on each balance sheet date, the increase of loss reserve or amount which istransfer back generated by it is calculated into current profits and losses as impairment profits or losses. As for financial asset whichis measured by amortized cost, loss reserve offsets the carrying value of the financial asset listed in the balance sheet; as for debtinvestment which is measured by fair value and whose change is calculated into other comprehensive profits, the Company confirmsits loss reserve in other comprehensive profits and does not offset the carrying value of the financial asset.

(2) Financial instruments assessing expected credit risk by groups and measuring expected credit losses

ItemRecognition basisMethod of measuring expected credit losses
Other receivables-intercourse funds among related party group within the consolidation scopeAccounts natureConsulting historical experience in credit losses, combining actual situation and prediction for future economic situation, the group’s expected credit loss rate shall be accounted through exposure at default and the expected credit loss rate within the next 12 months or the entire life
Other receivables-interest receivable group
Other receivables-other intercourse funds among related party group
Other receivables-credit risk characteristics groupAging groupConsulting historical experience in credit losses, combining actual situation and prediction for future economic situation, the group’s expected credit loss rate shall be accounted through exposure at default and the expected credit loss rate within the next 12 months or the entire life

(3) Accounts receivable with expected credit losses measured by groups

① Specific groups and method of measuring expected credit loss

ItemRecognition basisMethod of measuring expected credit losses
Bank’s acceptance bills receivableBill typeConsulting historical experience in credit losses, combining actual situation and prediction for future economic situation, the group’s expected credit loss rate shall be accounted through exposure at default and the expected credit loss rate within the entire life
Trade acceptance bills receivable
Accounts receivable-other intercourse funds among related party groupAccount natureConsulting historical experience in credit losses, combining actual situation and prediction for future economic situation, the group’s expected credit loss rate shall be accounted through exposure at default and the expected credit loss rate within the entire life
Accounts receivable-credit risk characteristics groupAging groupPrepare the comparative list between aging of accounts receivable and expected credit loss rate over the entire life by consulting historical experience in credit losses, combining actual situation and prediction for future economic situation

② Accounts receivable-the comparative list between aging of common customer group and expected credit loss rate over the entirelife

AgingExpected credit loss rate of accounts receivable (%)
Within 1 year (inclusive, the same below)3.00
1 to 2 years10.00
2 to 3 years30.00
3 to 4 years50.00
4 to 5 years80.00
Over 5 years100.00

6. Offset between financial asset and financial debt

Financial asset and financial debt are listed in the balance sheet separately and don’t offset each other. However, when the followingconditions are met at the same time, the Company will list the net amount after mutual offset in the balance sheet: (1) The Companyhas the legal right to offset the confirmed amount, and the legal right is executable currently; (2) The Company plans to settle by netamount, or monetize the financial asset and liquidate the financial debt at the same time.

11. Notes Receivable

Refer to Note V 10 Financial Instruments of the financial statements for details.

12. Accounts Receivable

Refer to Note V 10 Financial Instruments of the financial statements for details.

13. Accounts Receivable Financing

Not applicable.

14. Other Receivables

Recognition and accounting treatment methods regarding expected credit losses of other receivablesRefer to Note V 10 Financial Instruments of the financial statements for details.

15. Inventory

(1) Inventories Classification

Inventories include development land held for sale or consumption in the process of development and operation, developmentproducts, temporarily leased development products which intended for sale, relocation housing, stock materials, inventory equipment,and low-value consumables, etc., as well as development costs in the process of development.

(2) Cost Flow Assumption

1) Send-out materials shall adopt the moving weighted average method.

2) During the development of the project, the development land shall be included in the development cost of the project by the floorarea apportion of the developed products.

3) Send-out developed products shall be accounted by specific identification method.

4) The temporarily leased development products which intended for sale and relocation housing shall be amortized averagely bystages according to the expected useful life of the same kind of fixed assets of the Company.

5) If the public supporting facilities are completed earlier than the relevant development products, after the final account of the publicsupporting facilities, it shall be account into the development cost of the relevant development projects according to the buildingarea; If the public supporting facilities are completed later than the relevant development products, the relevant development productsshall withhold the public supporting facilities fees, and adjust the relevant development product costs according to the differencebetween the actual occurrence and the withhold amount after the completed public supporting facilities' final accounts.

(3) Recognition basis of Net Realizable Value of Inventory

On the balance sheet date, inventory shall be measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value, and provision shall be made forfalling price of inventories on the ground of the difference between the cost of each item of inventories and the net realizable value.Inventories directly for sale, under normal producing process, to the amount after deducting the estimated sale expense and relevanttaxes from the estimated sell price of the inventory, the net realizable value has been recognized; inventories which need to beprocessed, under normal producing process, to the amount after deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expenseand relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of produced finished goods, the net realizable value has been recognized; on thebalance sheet date, in the same item of inventories, if some have contractual price agreement while others do not, the net realizablevalue shall be recognized respectively and compared with their cost, and the amount of provision withdrawal or reversal for fallingprice of inventories shall be recognized respectively.

(4) Inventory System for Inventories

Inventory system: Perpetual inventory system

(5) Amortization Method of the Low-value Consumption Goods and Packing Articles

1) Low-value Consumption Goods

One-off amortization method

2) Packing Articles

One-off amortization method

16. Contract Assets

The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities on the balance sheet according to the relationship between the fulfillmentof its contract performance obligations and its customers’ payment. Considerations that the Company has the right to collect forcommodities transferred or services provided to customers (except for accounts receivable) are presented as contract assets.For contract assets that do not contain significant financing components, the Company uses the simplified model of expected creditloss, measuring the loss provision according to an amount that is equivalent to the amount of expected credit loss of the entireduration. The increased loss provision or reversed amount thereof shall be recorded into the current profit or loss as impairmentlosses or gains.For contract assets that contain significant financing components, the Company has made the accounting policy choice and selectedthe simplified model of expected credit loss, measuring the loss provision according to an amount that is equivalent to the amount ofexpected credit loss of the entire duration. The increased loss provision or reversed amount thereof shall be recorded into the currentprofit or loss as impairment losses or gains.

17. Contract Costs

Contract costs comprise contract performance cost and contract acquisition cost.The cost incurred by the Company from performing a contract is recognized into an asset as contract performance cost when it meetsthe following conditions:

This cost directly relates to an existing contract or a contract expected to be acquired. It consists of direct labor, direct materials,manufacture costs (or similar costs), costs specified to be borne by the customer and other costs incurred from this contract solely.This cost has increased the Company’s sources that are used to fulfill its contract performance obligations in the future.This cost is expected to be recovered.An incremental cost that is incurred by the Company for acquiring a contract and expected to be recovered is recognized into an assetas contract acquisition cost. However, for such asset with an amortization period of less than one year, the Company recognizes theminto current profit/loss at their occurrence.Assets related to contract costs are amortized on the same basis for recognizing the revenue from commodities or services related tosuch assets.When the carrying value of an asset related to contract costs is higher than the difference between the following two items, theCompany will withdraw impairment provision for the exceeded part and recognize it as asset impairment loss:

Residual consideration expected to be gained from transferring commodities and services related to this asset;Costs expected to be incurred from transferring such commodities or services.When the aforementioned asset impairment provision is reversed later, the carrying value of the asset after the reversal should notexceed its carrying value on the reversal date under the assumption of no withdrawal of impairment provision.

18. Assets Held for Sale

The Company divides its components (or non-current assets) meeting the following conditions into available for sale assets: (1)Assets can be sold immediately under the current conditions according to the practice of selling such assets or disposal groups insimilar transactions; (2) The sale is likely to occur, and a resolution has been made on a sale plan and a firm purchase commitment isobtained (a firm purchase commitment refers to a legally binding purchase agreement signed between an enterprise and other parties,which contains important terms such as transaction price, time and severe penalty for breach of contract to minimize the possibilityof major adjustment or cancellation of the agreement. The sale is expected to be completed within a year. It has been approved byrelevant authorities or regulatory authorities according to relevant regulations.The Company adjusts the estimated net residual value of available for sale assets to the net amount of its fair value minus the sellingexpenses (which shall not exceed the original book value of the assets available for sale). The difference between the original book

value and the adjusted estimated net residual value shall be included in the current profit and loss as the loss of asset impairment, andprovisions for impairment of assets available for sale shall be made. For the amount of impairment loss of disposal group availablefor sale recognized, the book value of goodwill of the disposal group shall be offset first, and then the book value of disposal groupshall be offset in proportion according to the share of the book value of non-current assets in the disposal group measured accordingto this Standard.When the net amount of fair value of non-current assets available for sale minus the selling expenses increases on the subsequentbalance sheet date, the amount previously written down shall be restored and reversed within the amount of asset impairment lossrecognized after being classified as available for sale assets, and the reversed amount shall be included in the current profits andlosses. The impairment loss of assets recognized before being classified as available for sale assets shall not be reversed. When thenet amount of fair value of disposal group available for sale minus the selling expenses increases on the subsequent balance sheetdate, the amount previously written down shall be restored and reversed within the amount of asset impairment loss recognized asnon-current assets in the disposal group measured according to this Standard after being classified into the categories available forsale assets, and the reversed amount shall be included in the current profits and losses. The book value of goodwill that has beenoffset and the impairment loss of non-current assets measured according to this Standard shall not be reversed before they areclassified as available for sale assets. The subsequent reversal amount of asset impairment loss recognized as disposal groupavailable for sale shall be increased in proportion to the share of the book value of non-current assets in the disposal group, exceptgoodwill, which are measured according to this Standard. In case that an enterprise loses its control over a subsidiary due to sale ofits investment in the subsidiary, the investment in the subsidiary to be sold shall be divided into the available for sale category inindividual financial statement of the parent company when the proposed investment in the subsidiary meets the conditions forclassification of available for sale category, and all assets and liabilities of the subsidiary shall be classified into available for salecategory in the consolidated financial statements, no matter whether the enterprise retains part of equity investment after the sale.

19. Investments in Debt Obligations

Not applicable.

20. Investments in other Debt Obligations

Not applicable.

21. Long-term Receivable

Not applicable.

22. Long-term Equity Investments

1. Judgment of Joint Control and Significant Influences

The term "joint control" refers to the joint control over an arrangement in accordance with the related agreements, which does notexist unless the participants sharing the control power agree with each other about the related arranged activity. The term "significantinfluences" refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but not tocontrol or do joint control together with other parties over the formulation of these policies.

2. Recognition of Investment Cost

(1) If the business combination is under the common control and the acquirer obtains long-term equity investment in theconsideration of cash, non-monetary asset exchange, bearing acquiree’s liabilities, or the issuance of equity securities, the initial costis the carrying amount of the proportion of the acquiree’s owner’s equity at the acquisition date. The difference between the initialcost of the long-term equity investment and the carrying amount of the paid combination or the total amount of the issued sharesshould be adjusted to capital surplus. If the capital surplus is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earnings are adjusted respectively.When a long-term equity investment is formed from the business combination under common control through the Company’smultiple transactions step by step, the treatment shall be carried out based on whether the transactions constitute the “package deal”.

If they do, the accounting treatment shall be carried out on the basis of assuming all transactions as one transaction with theacquisition of control. If they do not, the initial investment cost shall be the portion of the carrying value of acquiree’s net assetsentitled in the consolidated financial statements of the final controller after the consolidation. The difference between the initialinvestment cost of the long-term equity investment on the combination date and the carrying value of the investment before thecombination plus the carrying value of the newly-paid consideration for the acquisition of the shares on the consolidation date shallbe adjusted to capital reserve; if the capital reserve is insufficient for the adjustment, retained earnings should be adjustedaccordingly.

(2) For those formed from the business combination under different control, the initial investment cost is the fair value of thecombination consideration paid on the acquisition date.When a long-term equity investment is formed from the business combination under different control through the Company’smultiple transactions step by step, the accounting treatment shall be carried out based on whether the financial statements areindividual or consolidated:

1) In individual financial statements, the initial investment cost accounted in cost method is the sum of the carrying value of theequity investment originally held and the cost of new investment.

2) In consolidate financial statements, judge whether the transactions constitute the “package deal”. If they do, the accountingtreatment shall be carried out on the basis of assuming all transactions as one transaction with the acquisition of control. If they donot, for the acquiree’s equity held before the acquisition date, re-measurement shall be carried out according to the fair value of theequity on the acquisition date and the difference between the fair value and the carrying value shall be recorded into currentinvestment income; if the acquiree’s equity held before the acquisition date involves other comprehensive income accounted inequity method, other comprehensive income related to it shall be transferred into the income for the period in which the acquisitiondate falls, with the exception of the other comprehensive incomes occurred because of the changes of net liabilities or net assets ofthe defined benefit pension plans be re-measured for setting by the investees.

3) For those formed other than from business combination: If they are acquired in cash payment, the initial investment cost is thepurchase price actually paid; if they are acquired in the issue of equity securities, the initial investment cost is the fair value of theissued equity securities; if they are acquired in debt restructuring, the initial investment cost shall be recognized according to theAccounting Standards for Enterprises No. 12 - Debt Restructuring; if they are acquired in the exchange of non-monetary assets, theinitial investment shall be recognized according to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 7 - Exchange of Non-MonetaryAssets.

3. Method of subsequent measurement and recognition of profits and losses

Long-term equity investment with control over investees shall be accounted in cost method; long-term equity investment onassociated enterprises and joint ventures shall be accounted in equity method.

4. Method of treating the disposal of the investment in a subsidiary stem by step through multiple transactions until the lossof the controlling right

(1) Individual financial statements

For the disposed equity, the difference between its fair value and the actually obtained price shall be recorded into current profits orlosses. For the residual equity, the part that still has significant effects on investees or with common control jointly with other partiesshall be accounted in equity method; the part that has no more control, common control or significant effects on investees shall beaccounted in accordance with the relevant regulation of the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition andMeasurement of Financial Instruments.

(2) Consolidated financial statements

1) For the disposal of the investment in subsidiaries step by step until the loss of the controlling right through multiple transactions,which do not constitute the “package deal”Before the loss of the controlling right, for the balance between the disposal remuneration and the shares of net assets in the

subsidiaries that have been calculated since the acquisition date or combination date corresponding to the disposal of long-termequity investment, capital reserve (capital premium) shall be adjusted, and if the capital premium is not sufficient for the write-down,the retained earnings shall be written down.At the loss of the controlling right over the original subsidiaries, the residual equity shall be re-measured at its fair value on the dateof losing the controlling right. The difference between the consideration obtained in the equity disposal, plus the fair value of theremaining equities, less the Company’s share of net assets enjoyed of the former subsidiary that has been calculated since theacquisition date or combination date according to the former shareholding ratio, shall be recorded into the investment gains for theperiod when the control ceases; meanwhile, goodwill shall be written down. Other comprehensive income related to formersubsidiary's equity investment shall be transferred into current investment income when the control ceases.

2) For the disposal of the investment in subsidiaries step by step until the loss of the controlling right through multiple transactions,which constitute the “package deal”The accounting treatment shall be carried out on the basis of considering each transaction as a transaction of disposing the subsidiaryand losing control. However, before losing control, the difference between each disposal price before losing the control, and thecorresponding net assets share enjoyed of subsidiary when disposing long-term equity investment, shall be recognized as othercomprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements and when the control ceases, transferred into current profits or lossesof the period of losing control.

(5) Impairment test method and impairment provision method

When there is objective evidence indicating impairment of the investment in subsidiaries, joint ventures and cooperative enterpriseson the balance sheet date, corresponding provision for impairment shall be made according to the difference between the book valueand recoverable amount.

23. Investment Property

Measurement mode of investment real estatesMeasurement of cost methodDepreciation or amortization method

1. The term "investment real estate" includes the right to use any land which has already been rented, the right to use any land whichis held and prepared for transfer after appreciation, and the right to use any building which has already been rented.

2. The Company initially measures the investment property according to the costs, and adopts the cost method in the subsequentmeasurement of investment property, and adopts the same methods with fixed assets and intangible assets to withdraw depreciationor amortization. When there is any indication of impairment of investment property on the balance sheet date, correspondingprovision for impairment shall be made according to the difference between the book value and recoverable amount.

24. Fixed Assets

(1) Recognized Standard of Fixed Assets

The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as follows: they are held for the sake ofproducing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management; and their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year.No fixed asset may be recognized unless it simultaneously meets the conditions as follows: (1) The economic benefits are likely toflow into the enterprise; (2) The cost of the fixed asset can be measured reliably.

(2) Depreciation Method

CategoryDepreciation methodUseful life (year)Expected net salvage valueAnnual deprecation
Houses and buildingsStraight-line20-255-103.6-4.75
TransportationStraight-line depreciation5519
Other equipmentStraight-line depreciation5519
Machinery equipmentStraight-line depreciation5519
Decoration of fixed assetsStraight-line depreciation5020

(3) Recognition Basis, Pricing and Depreciation Method of Fixed Assets by Finance Lease

Not applicable.

25. Construction in Progress

1. No construction in progress may be recognized unless it simultaneously meets the conditions as follows: (1) The economicbenefits are likely to flow into the enterprise; (2) The cost of the fixed asset can be measured reliably. Construction in progress shallbe measured according to the occurred actual costs before the assets available for the intended use.

2. When the construction in progress is available for the intended use, it shall be transferred to fixed assets according to the actualcost of the project. For construction in progress available for the intended use but not dealing with final accounts of completedproject, it shall be transferred to fixed assets according to the estimated value first, and then adjust original temporarily estimatedvalue based on the actual costs after the final accounts of completed project, but not adjust the depreciation that was alreadycalculated.

26. Borrowing Costs

1. Recognition Principle of Capitalization of Borrowing Costs

Where the borrowing costs incurred to the Company can be directly attributable to the acquisition and construction or production ofassets eligible for capitalization, it shall be capitalized and recorded into the costs of relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall berecognized as expenses when it occurred, and shall be recorded into the current profits and losses.

2. Capitalization Period of Borrowings Costs

(1) The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following requirements: 1) The assetdisbursements have already incurred; 2) The borrowing costs have already incurred; 3) The acquisition and construction orproduction activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already started.

(2) Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption periodlasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during suchperiod shall be recognized as expenses, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, till the acquisition andconstruction or production of the asset restarts.

(3) When the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset eligible for capitalization are available for its intendeduse or sale, the capitalization of borrowing costs shall be stopped.

3. Capitalized rate and amount of borrowing costs

To the extent that funds are borrowed specifically for the purpose of acquiring or constructing a qualifying asset, the amount ofborrowing costs eligible for capitalization on that asset is determined as the actual interest costs (including amortization of discountand premium confirmed according to effective interest method) incurred on that borrowing during the period less any investmentincome on the temporary investment of the borrowing. To the extent that funds are borrowed generally and used for the purpose of

acquiring or constructing a qualifying asset, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization shall be determined by applyinga capitalization rate to the weighted average of excess of accumulated expenditures on qualifying asset over that on specific purposeborrowing.

27. Biological Assets

Not applicable.

28. Oil and Gas Assets

Not applicable.

29. Right-of-use Assets

On the start date of the lease term, the Company deems the right-of-use assets and lease obligations, except for the simplifiedshort-term lease and low-value leases.The Company initially measures right-of-use assets at cost. The cost includes:

1. The initial measurement amount of the lease obligation.

2. If a lease incentive exists for lease payments made on or before the commencement date of the lease term, the amount related tothe lease incentive already taken is deducted.

3. Initial direct costs incurred.

4. Costs expected to be incurred by the Group for dismantling and removing the leased asset(s), restoring the premises where theleased asset(s) is/are located, or restoring the leased asset(s) to the status agreed in the leasing clauses. If the aforementioned costs areincurred for inventory production, relevant provisions of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No.1 - Inventory is applicable.The Company recognizes and measures the costs described in Item 4 above in accordance with relevant provisions of the AccountingStandards for Business Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies. The initial direct costs incurred refer to the incremental costs incurred toachieve the lease. Incremental costs are costs that would not have been incurred had the business not acquired the lease.The Company depreciates the right-of-use assets in accordance with relevant depreciation provisions of the Accounting Standards forBusiness Enterprises No. 4 - Fixed Assets. If it is reasonably certain that the ownership of the leasehold property will be obtained atthe end of the lease term, the Company will depreciate the leasehold property over its remaining service life. If it is not reasonablycertain that the ownership of the leasehold property will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the Company will depreciate theleased asset(s) over the lease term or the remaining service life, whichever is shorter.The Company determines the impairment of the right-of-use assets and conducts accounting treatment of the impairment lossesalready identified in accordance with relevant provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 - AssetImpairment.

30. Intangible Assets

(1) Pricing Method, Useful Life and Impairment Test

1. Intangible assets include right to use land sites, use right of software etc. and conduct the initial measurement according to thecosts.

2. With regard to intangible assets with limited service life, it shall be amortized systematically and reasonably within their servicelife according to the expected implementation of economic interests related to the intangible assets. If it can’t recognize the expectedimplementation reliably, it shall be amortized by straight-line method. The specific useful lives are as follows:

ItemsUseful life for amortization (years)
Use right of landsStatutory life of land use right
Use right of software5

The intangible assets with uncertain service life shall not be amortized, and the Company rechecks the service life of the intangibleassets in every accounting period. For intangible assets with uncertain service, the recognition basis is without certain service life andexpected benefit life.

3. For intangible assets with definite service life, when there is any indication of impairment on the balance sheet date, correspondingprovision for impairment shall be made according to the difference between the book value and recoverable amount; for intangibleassets with uncertain service life and those not ready for service, impairment test shall be conducted every year no matter whetherthere is any indication of impairment.

(2) Accounting Policies of Internal R&D Expenses

Not applicable.

31. Impairment of Long-term Assets

For long-term assets, such as long-term equity investment, investment property measured by cost model, fixed assets, construction inprogress, right-of-use assets and intangible assets with limited service life, the Company shall estimate the recoverable amount ifthere are signs of impairment on balance sheet date. For intangible assets with uncertain goodwill or service life formed by enterprisecombination, whether or not there is sign of impairment, impairment test shall be conducted every year. Goodwill combination andits related assets group or combination of assets group shall be conducted the impairment test.If the recoverable amount of the above-mentioned long-term assets is lower than its carrying value, it shall make the preparation forassets impairment based on its balance and be recorded into current profits and losses.

32. Long-term Prepaid Expenses

Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the amortized period over one year (one year excluded) that haveoccurred. Long-term prepaid expense shall be recorded into the account according to the actual accrual. Long-term prepaid expenseshall be amortized averagely within benefit period or specified period. In case of no benefit in the future accounting period, theamortized value of such project that fails to be amortized shall be transferred into the profits and losses of the current period.

33. Contract Liabilities

The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities on the balance sheet according to the relationship between the fulfillmentof its contract performance obligations and its customers’ payment. Obligations to be fulfilled by the Company of transferringcommodities or providing services to customers, as the Company has received or should receive customers’ considerations, arepresented as contract liabilities.

34. Payroll

(1) Accounting Treatment of Short-term Compensation

During the accounting period when the employees providing the service for the Company, the actual short-term compensation shallbe recognized as liabilities, and be recorded into the current profits and losses or related assets costs.

(2) Accounting Treatment of the Welfare after Demission

The Company's welfare after demission plans is divided into defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans (1) During theaccounting period when the employee providing service for the Company, the amount paid in line with the setting drawing plan willbe recognized as liabilities and recorded into current profits or losses or cost of relevant assets.

(2) The accounting treatment of defined benefit plans usually consists of the following steps:

1) According to the expected cumulative welfare unit method, adopt unbiased and mutually consistent actuarial assumptions toevaluate related demographic variables and financial variables, measure the obligations generated from defined benefit plans andrecognize the period in respect of related obligations. Meanwhile, discount the obligations generated from defined benefit plans torecognize their present value and the current service costs;

2) If there are any assets in a defined benefit plan, the deficit or surplus formed from the present value of the defined benefit planobligations less the fair value of the defined benefit plan assets shall be recognized as net liabilities or net assets of a defined benefitplan. If there is any surplus in a defined benefit plan, the net assets of the plan shall be measured at the lower of the surplus or theupper asset limit;

3) At the end of the period, the staff remuneration costs generated from a defined benefit plan shall be recognized as services costs,net interests of the net liabilities or net assets of the plan and changes from the re-measurement of the net liabilities or net assets ofthe plan. Service costs and net interests of the net liabilities or net assets of the plan shall be recorded into the current profits or lossesor related asset costs, while changes from the re-measurement of the net liabilities or net assets of the plan shall be recorded intoother comprehensive income and shall not be transferred back to profits or losses in subsequent accounting periods. But the amountsrecognized in other comprehensive income may be transferred within the equity scope.

(3) Accounting Treatment of Demission Welfare

When the Company is unable to unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or the layoff proposal, orwhen recognizing the costs or expenses (the earlier one between the two) related to the reorganization of paying the demissionwelfare, should recognize the payroll liabilities from the demission welfare and include in the current gains and losses.

(4) Accounting Treatment of Other Welfare of the Long-term Employees

The Company provides the other long-term employee benefits for the employees, and for those met with the defined contributionplans, accounting treatment should be conducted according to the related regulations of the defined contribution plans; the for theothers long-term employee benefits except for the former, accounting treatment should be conducted according to the relatedregulations of the defined benefit plans. In order to simplify the related accounting treatment, the payrolls shall be recognized asservice costs, the net amount of interest of net liabilities and net assets of other welfare of the long-term employees. The total netamounts made up from the changes of measuring the net liabilities and net assets of other welfare of the long-term employees againshall be recorded into the current profits and losses or related assets costs.

35. Lease Liabilities

On the start date of the lease term, the Company deems the right-of-use assets and lease obligations, except for the simplifiedshort-term lease and low-value leases.The Company initially measures the lease obligation at the present value of the lease payments outstanding at the commencementdate of the lease term.The term "lease payments" refers to the payments made by the Company to the lessor in terms of the use of the leased asset(s) withinthe lease term, including:

(1) fixed lease payments and substantial fixed lease payments (if a lease incentive exists, deduct the amount related to the leaseincentive);

(2) the variable lease payments that depend on indexation or ratio, which are determined according to the indexation or ratio on thecommencement date of the lease term in the initial measurement;

(3) the exercise price of the purchase option, when applicable, if the Company is reasonably certain that the option will be exercised;

(4) payments required to be made for exercising the option to terminate the lease if the lease term reflects that the Company willexercise such an option;

(5) estimated amount payable based on the residual value of the guarantee provided by the Company.When calculating the present value of lease payments, the Company uses the interest rate implicit in lease as the rate of discount. Ifthe interest rate implicit in lease cannot be determined, the Company’s incremental lending rate is used as the rate of discount.

36. Provisions

1. The obligation such as external guaranty, litigation or arbitration, product quality assurance, loss contract, pertinent to acontingencies shall be recognized as the provisions when the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously: ① That obligation

is a current obligation of the enterprise; ② It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result ofperformance of the obligation; and ③ The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.

2. The Company shall conduct the initial measurement to provisions according to the best estimate number needed for performing therelated current obligation and recheck the carrying value of accrued liabilities on balance sheet date.

37. Share-based Payment

Not applicable.

38. Other Financial Instruments such as Preference Shares and Perpetual Bonds

Not applicable.

39. Revenue

The Accounting Policy Adopted for Recognition and Measurement of Revenue

(1) Recognition of revenue

The Company gains revenue mainly from property sales, property management and property leasing (refer to 42. Leasing for moredetail).The Company recognizes revenue when it has fulfilled the obligation of contract performance, namely, when it has acquired thecontrol of the related commodity. The acquisition of control over a commodity refers to the capacity to control the use of thecommodity and to gain almost all economic interests thereof.

(2) The Company judges whether a contract performance obligation is “a contract performance obligation fulfilled in a timeperiod” or “a contract performance obligation fulfilled at a time point” according to the terms in revenue standards, andrecognizes revenue according to the following principles.When the Company meets one of the following conditions, the obligation should be classified as a contract performance obligationfulfilled in a specific time period:

The customer gains and consumes the economic interests brought by the Company’s contract performance when the Companyperforms the contract.The customer is able to control the assets in progress during the Company’s contract performance.The assets produced during the Company’s contract performance have irreplaceable use, and the Company has the right to collectpayment in respect of its completed contract performance accumulated as of now throughout the entire contract period.For a contract performance obligation fulfilled in a time period, the Company recognizes revenue according to the progress towardscontract completion in that period, but excluding the case when such progress cannot be reasonably determined. The Company usesthe output or input method to determine the right progress towards contract completion by considering the nature of the commodity.For one that is classified as a contract performance obligation fulfilled at a time point instead of in a time period, the Companyrecognizes revenue when the customer acquires the control over the related commodity.In judging whether the customer has acquired the control over a commodity, the Company considers the following signs:

The Company is entitled to the current right of payment collection in respect of the commodity. In other words, the customer has thecurrent obligation to pay for the commodity.The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the commodity to the customer. In other words, the customer has owned thelegal ownership of the commodity.The Company has transferred the physical commodity to the customer. In other words, the customer has taken physical possession ofthe commodity.The Company has transferred the major risks and remunerations in respect of the ownership of the commodity. In other words, thecustomer has acquired the major risks and remunerations in respect of the ownership of the commodity.

The customer has accepted the commodity.Other signs indicating that the customer has acquired control over the commodity.

3) Specific policies of the Company for recognizing revenue:

(1) Real Estate Sales Contracts

The realization of sales revenue shall be recognized under the following conditions: the developed products have been completed andaccepted, the sales contract has been signed and the obligations stipulated in the contract have been fulfilled, the main risks andrewards of ownership of the developed products have been transferred to the buyer at the same time, the Company shall no longerretain the continuous management rights normally associated with ownership and effectively control the sold developed products, therevenue amount can be measured reliably, the related economic benefits are likely to flow in, and the related costs that have occurredor will occur can be measured reliably.For the sale of self-occupied housing, the realization of sales income shall be recognized under the following conditions: the mainrisks and rewards of ownership of self-occupied houses are transferred to the buyer, the Company will no longer retain thecontinuous management rights normally associated with ownership and effectively control the sold development products, theamount of income can be measured reliably, relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in, the relevant costs that have occurred orwill occur can be measured reliably.Only recognizing the sales income realization under the following conditions: acquired the real estate completed and accepted asqualified (the completion and acceptance reports), signed an irreversible sales contract, obtained the buyer's payment certificate (forthose who chose bank mortgage, the first installment and the full amount of bank mortgage must be required; for those who did notchoose the bank mortgage to make their payment, the full house payment must be required) issued the notice of repossession (if theowner fails to go through the formalities in time within the specified time limit the building shall be deemed as repossessed).

(2) Providing Labor Services

If the provision of labor services can be reliably estimated (all the following conditions are met: ① The amount of income can bemeasured reliably; ②The relevant economic benefits are likely to inflow to the Company; ③ The progress of the transaction can bereliably determined; ④ The cost incurred and to be incurred in the transaction can be measured reliably), it shall recognize therevenue from providing services employing the percentage-of-completion method, and confirm the completion of labor serviceaccording to the costs incurred as a percentage of the total estimated costs. If the Company can’t, on the date of the balance sheet,reliably estimate the outcome of a transaction concerning the labor services it provides, it shall be handled under the followingconditions: If the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the revenue from the providing of labor services shallbe recognized in accordance with the amount of the cost of labor services incurred, and the cost of labor services shall be carriedforward at the same amount; If the cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate, the cost incurred should be includedin the current profits and losses, and no revenue from the providing of labor services may be recognized.Property management revenue shall be recognized when property management services have been provided, economic benefitsrelated to property management services can flow into the enterprise, and costs related to property management can be reliablymeasured.

(3) Transferring the Right to Use Assets

The revenue of transferring the right to use assets may not be recognized unless the following conditions are both met: the relevanteconomic benefits are likely to inflow to the Company; and the revenue can be reliably measured. The interest income shall berecognized according to the time and actual interest rate in which other people use the Company’s monetary funds. Royalty revenueshall be recognized according to the chargeable time and method stipulated in related contracts and agreements.According to the lease date and lease amount agreed in the lease contract and agreement, the realization of rental property incomeshall be recognized when relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in.

(4) Other Business Income

According to the stipulations of relevant contracts and agreements, when the economic benefits related to the transaction can flow

into the enterprise and the costs related to the income can be reliably measured, the realization of other business income shall beconfirmed.

(3) Measurement of Revenue

The Company should measure revenue according to the transaction prices apportioned to each of the individual contract performanceobligations. In determining a transaction price, the Company considers the impact of a number of factors, including variableconsideration, significant financing components in contracts, non-cash consideration, and consideration payable to customers.Variable considerationThe Company determines the best estimate of variable consideration according to the expected value or the amount most likely tooccur. But a transaction price containing variable consideration should not exceed the amount from the accumulated recognizedrevenue that will probably not have any significant reversal when related uncertainties are eliminated. When assessing whether thesignificant reversal of accumulated recognized revenue is almost impossible or not, a company should concurrently consider thepossibility and weight of the revenue reversal.Significant financing componentWhen a contract contains any financing component, the Company should determine the transaction price according to the amountpayable that is assumed to be paid in cash by the customer when it acquires control over the commodity. The difference between thetransaction price and the contract consideration should be amortized in the effective interest method during the contract period.Non-cash considerationWhen a customer pays non-cash consideration, the Company should determine the transaction price according to the fair value of thenon-cash consideration. When such fair value cannot be reasonably estimated, the Company will indirectly determine the transactionprice by reference to the individual price committed by the Company for transferring the commodity to the customer.Consideration payable to a customerFor consideration payable to a customer, the Company should deduct the transaction price from the consideration payable, anddeduct the revenue for the current period at either the recognition of related revenue or the payment (or committed payment) of theconsideration to the customer, whichever is earlier, but excluding the case in which the consideration payable to the customer is forthe purpose of acquiring from the customer other commodities that can be obviously distinguished.If the Company’s consideration payable to a customer is for the purpose of acquiring from the customer other commodities that canbe obviously distinguished, the Company should confirm the commodity purchased in the same way as in its other purchases. Whenthe Company’s consideration payable to a customer exceeds the fair value of the commodity that can be obviously distinguished, theexceeded amount should be used to deduct the transaction price. If the fair value of the commodity acquired from the customer thatcan be obviously distinguished cannot be reasonably estimated, the Company should deduct the transaction price from theconsideration payable to the customer.

Differences in accounting policies for the recognition of revenue caused by different business models for the same type of businessNot applicable.

40. Government Grants

1. If the government subsidies meet with the following conditions at the same, it should be recognized: (1) The entity willcomply with the condition attaching to them; (2) The grants will be received from government. If a government subsidy is amonetary asset, it shall be measured according to the amount received or receivable. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset,it shall be measured at its fair value, and shall be measured at a nominal amount when the fair value cannot be obtained reliably.

2. Judgment basis and accounting methods of government subsidies related to assets

The government subsidies that are acquired for construction or form long-term assets in other ways according to governmentdocuments shall be defined as asset-related government subsidies. For those not specified in government documents, the judgment

shall be made based on the compulsory fundamental conditions for acquiring the subsidies. If the subsidies are acquired withconstruction or the formation of long-term assets in other ways as fundamental conditions, they shall be recognized as asset-relatedgovernment subsidies. For asset-related government subsidies, the carrying value of related assets shall be written down orrecognized as deferred income. If asset-related government subsidies are recognized as deferred income, it shall be recorded intoprofits or losses by period in a reasonable and systemic manner within the life of related assets. Government subsidies measured atthe nominal amount shall be directly recorded into current profits or losses. If related assets are sold, transferred, disposed of ordestroyed before the end of their life, the undistributed balance of related deferred income shall be transferred into the profits orlosses for the period of the asset disposal.

3. Judgment basis and accounting treatment of profits-related government subsidies

Government subsidies other than asset-related government subsidies shall be defined as profits-related government subsidies. Forgovernment subsidies consisting of both asset-related parts and profits-related parts, which are difficult to judge whether they arerelated to assets or profits, the entirety shall be classified as profits-related government subsidies. Profits-related governmentsubsidies that are used to compensate the related future expenses or losses shall be recognized as deferred income and shall beincluded into the current profit/losses during the period when the relevant expenses or losses are recognized; those subsidies used tocompensate the related expenses or losses incurred shall be directly included into the current profits/losses.

4. Government subsidies related to the Company’s routine operating activities shall be included into other income or write downrelated costs according to the economic business nature. Government subsidies not related to the Company’s routine activities shallbe included into non-operating income and expenditure.

41. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

1. In accordance with the balance (the item not recognized as assets and liabilities can confirm their tax bases according to the tax law,the balance between the tax bases and its carrying amount) between the carrying amount of assets or liabilities and their tax bases,deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities should be recognized at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when theasset is realized or the liability is settled.

2. A deferred tax asset shall be recognized within the limit of taxable income that is likely to be obtained to offset the deductibletemporary differences. At the balance sheet date, where there is strong evidence showing that sufficient taxable profit will beavailable against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the deferred tax asset unrecognized in prior period shallbe recognized.

3. The Company assesses the carrying amount of deferred tax asset at the balance sheet date. If it’s probable that sufficient taxableprofit will not be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the Company shall write down thecarrying amount of deferred tax asset, or reverse the amount written down later when it’s probable that sufficient taxable profit willbe available.

4. The current income tax and deferred income tax of the Company are recorded into the current gains and losses as income taxexpenses or revenue, except in the following circumstances: (1) Business combination; (2) The transaction or event directly includedin owner’ equity.

42. Lease

(1) Accounting Treatment of Operating Lease

1. Lessee

The Company shall, when as the lessee, on the commencement date of the lease term, recognize the right-of-use assets and leaseobligations for the lease, unless it is a simplified short-term lease or low-value asset lease.After the commencement date of the lease term, the Company uses the cost model for subsequent measurement of right-of-use assets.The Company depreciates the right-of-use assets in accordance with relevant depreciation provisions of the Accounting Standards forBusiness Enterprises No. 4 - Fixed Assets. If the lessee can reasonably ascertain that the ownership of the leasehold property will be

obtained at the end of the lease term, it shall depreciate the leasehold property over its remaining service life. If it is not reasonablycertain that the ownership of the leasehold property will be obtained at the end of the lease term, it shall depreciate the leased asset(s)over the lease term or the remaining service life, whichever is shorter. The Company will determine the impairment of theright-of-use assets and conduct accounting treatment of the impairment losses already identified in accordance with relevantprovisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Asset Impairment.The Company calculates the interest expenses of the lease obligations during each period of the lease term at a fixed periodic interestrate, and includes them in profit or loss for the current period. Where the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 17 -Borrowing Costs and other standards provide that such interest expenses shall be included in the cost of related assets, suchprovisions shall be observed.The Company does not recognize the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases and low-value asset leases. In eachperiod within the lease term, the relevant lease payments for short-term leases and low-value asset leases are included in cost of therelated assets or profit or loss for the current period on a straight-line basis.

2. Lessor

(1) Financial Lease

The Company shall, when as the lessor, on the commencement date of the lease term, recognize the finance lease receivables for thefinance lease and derecognize the leased asset(s) of the finance lease. The Group shall also calculate and confirm the interest incomeat a fixed periodic interest rate in each period in the lease term.

(2) Operating Lease

In the case of the Company is the lessor, it recognizes the receipts of the operating lease incurred during each period of the lease termas rentals by the straight-line method. The Company capitalizes the initial direct costs related to the operating lease upon incurrencethereof and, within the lease term, apportions and includes such costs in the current profit or loss on the basis same as the recognitionof rentals.For the fixed assets in the assets under operating lease, the Company shall adopt the depreciation policy of similar assets to calculateand distill depreciation. For other assets under operating lease, the Company shall amortize them in a systematic and reasonablemanner in accordance with the accounting standards for enterprises applicable to the assets. The Company will determine theimpairment of assets under operating lease and conduct accounting treatment in accordance with relevant provisions of theAccounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Asset Impairment.

(2) Accounting Treatments of Financial Lease

The Company shall, when as the lessor, on the commencement date of the lease term, recognize the finance lease receivables for thefinance lease and derecognize the leased asset(s) of the finance lease. The Company shall also calculate and confirm the interestincome at a fixed periodic interest rate in each period in the lease term.

43. Other Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimations

(1) Confirmation standard and accounting handling method for operation termination

Components which meet one of the following conditions, have been disposed or divided as held for sale category and can bedistinguished separately are confirmed as operation termination.

1) The component represents one important independent main business or one single main operation area.

2) The component is one part of a related plan which plans to dispose one independent main business or one single main operationarea.

3) The component is a subsidiary which is obtained for resale specially.

(2) Accounting Method for Maintenance fund and Quality Deposit

1) Maintenance fund accounting method

According to the local relevant regulations of the development project, the maintenance fund shall collect from the buyers, orwithdraw from the development costs of the Company’s relevant development products when development products sell (pre-sell),and shall uniformly turn them over to the maintenance fund management department.

2) Quality deposit accounting method

The quality guarantee fund shall be reserved from the project fund of the construction unit according to the provisions of theconstruction contract. Maintenance fees incurred during the warranty period of the developed products shall be offset against thequality guarantee deposit; After the expiration of the warranty period agreed upon in the development of products, the balance of thequality guarantee deposit shall be returned to the construction unit.

(3) Segmental report

The Group recognizes the operating segments according to the internal organization structure, the management requirements and theinternal report system. Operating segments refer to the compose parts of the Group which meet with the following conditions at thesame time:

the compose part could cause revenues and expenses in the daily activities;the management layer could periodically evaluate the operation results of the compose part and base which to distribute the resourcesand evaluate the performance;

3) the Group could acquire the relevant accounting information of the financial conditions, operation results and the cash flows of thecompose part through analysis.

44. Changes in Main Accounting Policies and Estimates

(1) Change of Accounting Policies

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Changes in Accounting Estimates

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Adjustments to the Financial Statements at the Beginning of the First Execution Year of any New Standards GoverningLeases since 2021ApplicableWhether items of balance sheets at the beginning of the year need to be adjusted

√ Yes □ No

Consolidated balance sheet

Unit: RMB

Item31 December 20201 January 2021Adjustment
Current assets:
Monetary assets4,206,266,629.324,206,266,629.32
Settlement reserve
Interbank loans granted
Held-for-trading financial assets
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable187,697,631.47187,697,631.47
Accounts receivable financing
Premiums receivable
Reinsurance receivables
Receivable reinsurance contract reserve
Other receivables789,050,350.51789,050,350.51
Including: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Financial assets purchased under resale agreements
Contract assets
Assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets48,991,965.9248,991,965.92
Total current assets10,595,039,258.2710,595,039,258.27
Non-current assets:
Loans and advances to customers
Investments in debt obligations
Investments in other debt obligations
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments45,710,220.7945,710,220.79
Investments in other equity instruments1,044,905.121,044,905.12
Other non-current financial assets
Investment property484,738,506.83484,738,506.83
Fixed assets116,233,936.04116,233,936.04
Construction in progress
Productive living assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets14,992,421.4914,992,421.49
Intangible assets482,049.51482,049.51
Development costs
Long-term prepaid expense11,862,716.1411,862,716.14
Deferred income tax assets950,681,245.50950,681,245.50
Other non-current assets1,564,074.341,564,074.34
Total non-current assets1,612,317,654.271,627,310,075.7614,992,421.49
Total assets12,207,356,912.5412,222,349,334.0314,992,421.49
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings
Borrowings from the central bank
Interbank loans obtained
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable468,269,685.65468,269,685.65
Advances from customers473,274.48473,274.48
Contract liabilities666,893,629.72666,893,629.72
Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements
Customer deposits and interbank deposits
Payables for acting
trading of securities
Payables for underwriting of securities
Employee benefits payable177,190,197.36177,190,197.36
Taxes payable2,487,212,979.372,487,212,979.37
Other payables847,142,613.09847,142,613.09
Including: Interest payable
Dividends payable12,202,676.0412,202,676.04
Handling charges and commissions payable
Reinsurance payables
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities36,722,824.8836,722,824.88
Other current liabilities43,354,691.5143,354,691.51
Total current liabilities4,727,259,896.064,727,259,896.06
Non-current liabilities:
Insurance contract reserve
Long-term borrowings3,587,800,000.003,587,800,000.00
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities14,992,421.4914,992,421.49
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits payable
Deferred income
Deferred income tax liabilities262.20262.20
Other non-current liabilities108,778,327.45108,778,327.45
Total non-current liabilities3,698,975,536.653,713,967,958.1414,992,421.49
Total liabilities8,426,235,432.718,441,227,854.2014,992,421.49
Owners’ equity:
Share capital595,979,092.00595,979,092.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserves80,488,045.3880,488,045.38
Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income-6,749,589.41-6,749,589.41
Specific reserve
Surplus reserves19,205,979.6319,205,979.63
General reserve
Retained earnings3,038,993,912.433,038,993,912.43
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent3,727,917,440.033,727,917,440.03
Non-controlling interests53,204,039.8053,204,039.80
Total owners’ equity3,781,121,479.833,781,121,479.83
Total liabilities and owners’ equity12,207,356,912.5412,222,349,334.0314,992,421.49

Notes to the adjustmentsThe Company has implemented the new IFRS 16 Leases since 1 January 2021, and according to the accumulated number of impactsbased on the execution of the new lease standard, the Company will adjust the amount of relevant items in the financial statements at thebeginning of the first year of execution, and will not adjust information for comparable periods. For operational leasing prior to the dateof initial adoption, the Company will measure the lease liabilities according to the present value discounted at the incrementalborrowing rate on the date of initial adoption based on the remaining lease payments, and make necessary adjustments to theright-of-use assets at an amount equal to the lease liabilities.

Balance sheet of the Company as the parent

Unit: RMB

Item31 December 20201 January 2021Adjustment
Current assets:
Monetary assets3,216,703,036.693,216,703,036.69
Held-for-trading financial assets
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable2,624,500.422,624,500.42
Accounts receivable financing
Other receivables145,325,697.20145,325,697.20
Including: Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Contract assets
Assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets496,729.09496,729.09
Total current assets4,019,035,070.644,019,035,070.64
Non-current assets:
Investments in debt obligations
Investments in other debt obligations
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments1,071,176,101.181,071,176,101.18
Investments in other equity instruments1,275,405.121,275,405.12
Other non-current financial assets
Investment property303,827,356.62303,827,356.62
Fixed assets51,091,963.7251,091,963.72
Construction in progress
Productive living assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets727,535.23727,535.23
Intangible assets
Development costs
Long-term prepaid expense432,440.01432,440.01
Deferred income tax assets252,331,518.26252,331,518.26
Other non-current assets1,197,407,234.551,197,407,234.55
Total non-current assets2,877,542,019.462,878,269,554.69727,535.23
Total assets6,896,577,090.106,897,304,625.33727,535.23
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable55,887,947.3655,887,947.36
Advances from customers
Contract liabilities
Employee benefits payable50,710,148.0250,710,148.02
Taxes payable3,736,082.673,736,082.67
Other payables3,971,988,862.113,971,988,862.11
Including: Interest payable
Dividends payable29,642.4029,642.40
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities31,573,154.8631,573,154.86
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities4,113,896,195.024,113,896,195.02
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings588,200,000.00588,200,000.00
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities727,535.23727,535.23
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits payable
Deferred income
Deferred income tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities40,000,000.0040,000,000.00
Total non-current liabilities628,200,000.00628,927,535.23727,535.23
Total liabilities4,742,096,195.024,742,823,730.25727,535.23
Owners’ equity:
Share capital595,979,092.00595,979,092.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserves53,876,380.1153,876,380.11
Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income-2,545,451.19-2,545,451.19
Specific reserve
Surplus reserves19,205,979.6319,205,979.63
Retained earnings1,487,964,894.531,487,964,894.53
Total owners’ equity2,154,480,895.082,154,480,895.08
Total liabilities and owners’ equity6,896,577,090.106,897,304,625.33727,535.23

Notes to the adjustmentsThe Company has implemented the new IFRS 16 Leases since 1 January 2021, and according to the accumulated number of impactsbased on the execution of the new lease standard, the Company will adjust the amount of relevant items in the financial statements at thebeginning of the first year of execution, and will not adjust information for comparable periods. For operational leasing prior to the dateof initial adoption, the Company will measure the lease liabilities according to the present value discounted at the incrementalborrowing rate on the date of initial adoption based on the remaining lease payments, and make necessary adjustments to theright-of-use assets at an amount equal to the lease liabilities.

(4) Retroactive Adjustments to Comparative Data of Prior Years when First Execution of any New Standards GoverningLeases since 2021

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

45. Other

In the Note of the financial statements, the data of the period-beginning refers to the financial statement data on 1 January 2021; thedata of the period-end refers to the financial statement data on 30 June 2021; the Reporting Period refers to the H1 2021; the sameperiod of last year refers to the H1 2020. The same to the Company as the parent.VI Taxes

1. Main Taxes and Tax Rates

Category of taxesTax basisTax rate
VATSales of goods or provision of taxable services[Note 1]
Urban maintenance and construction taxTurnover tax payableApplied to 7%, 5%, 1% separately according to the regional level
Enterprise income taxTaxable income25%、20%、15%、16.5% [Note 2]
VAT of landAdded value generated from paid transfer of the use right of state-owned lands and property right of above-ground buildings and other attachments30%-60%
Real estate taxLevied according to price: paid according to 1.2% of the residual value of the real estate’s original value after deducted 30% at once; levied according to lease: paid according to 12% of the rental income1.2%、12%
Education surchargeTurnover tax payable3%
Local education surchargeTurnover tax payable2%

Notes of the disclosure situation of the taxpaying bodies with different enterprises income tax rate

NameIncome tax rate
Chongqing Shenzhen International Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd.15%
Shenzhen SZPRD Housing Assets Operation and Management Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Guomao Catering Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Property Engineering and Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Julian Human Resources Development Co.,Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Huazhengpeng Property Management Development Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Jinhailian Property Management Co.,Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Zhongtongda House Xiushan Service Co.,Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Kangping Industry Co.,Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Teacher Family Training Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Education Industry Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Yufa Industry Co., Ltd.20%
Chongqing Aobo Elevator Co., Ltd.20%
Subsidiaries registered in Vietnam20%
Subsidiaries registered in Hong Kong area16.50%
Other taxpaying bodies within the consolidated scope25%

2. Tax Preference

[Note 2]: According to the regulations of No. 2, Property Service of No. 37, Commercial Service among the encouraging category ofthe Guidance Catalogue of Industry Structure Adjustment (Y2011), the western industry met with the conditions should be collectedthe corporate income tax according to 15% of the tax rate. The subsidiary of the Group Chongqing Shenzhen International TradeCenter Property Management Co., Ltd. applies to above policy.According to the State Administration of Taxation Notice on the Implementation of Inclusive Tax Relief Policy for Small and MicroEnterprises (Fiscal [2019] No.13), from 1 January 2019, to 31 December 2021, the portion of the annual taxable income of small andmicro enterprises that does not exceed RMB1 million shall be included in the taxable income at a reduced rate of 25%, and theenterprise income tax shall be paid at a tax rate of 20%. If the annual taxable income exceeds RMB1 million and does not exceedRMB3 million, it shall be included in the taxable income at a reduced rate of 50%, and the enterprise income tax shall be paid at a taxrate of 20%. This policy applies to 12 subsidiaries of our group from 2019 onwards, including Chongqing Aobo Elevator Co., Ltd.,Shenzhen International Trade Center Catering Co., Ltd., etc.

3. Other

[Note 1]: Taxable items and tax rate of the VAT of the Company and its subsidiaries are as follows:

Type of the revenueGeneral ratePercentage charges of
Sales of house property9%5%
Rent of real estate9%5%
Property service6%3%
Catering service6%3%

VII. Notes to Major Items in the Consolidated Financial Statements of the Company

1. Monetary Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Cash on hand123,973.1096,389.26
Bank deposits4,957,558,330.374,193,301,592.08
Other monetary assets13,361,971.7212,868,647.98
Of which: the total amount deposited overseas50,557,748.0451,323,986.36
The total amount with restricted right of use for mortgage, pledge or freeze17,754,631.2238,111,717.09

Other notesThe RMB 13,361,971.72 other monetary assets mainly include RMB 1,148,647.30 guarantee deposit, RMB 11,613,310.06 cashdeposits for L/G and RMB 11,031.58 bank frozen assets; The RMB 4,957,558,330.37 bank deposits include RMB 4,937,087.93accrued interest on time deposits at Period-end. The above amount is not regarded as cash and cash equivalents due to restrictions onuse.

2. Held-for-trading Financial Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Of which:
Of which:

Other notes:

3. Derivative Financial Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Other notes:

4. Notes Receivable

(1) Notes Receivable Listed by Category

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
Of which:
Of which:

Bad debt provision separately accrued:

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportionWithdrawal reason

Bad debt provision withdrawn according to groups:

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:

If the bad debt provision for notes receivable was withdrawn in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses,information related to bad debt provision shall be disclosed by reference to the disclosure method of other receivables:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Collected during the Reporting PeriodBad debt provision withdrawn in the Reporting Period:

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceIncrease/decreaseEnding balance
WithdrawnReversed or collectedVerifiedOther

Of which, bad debt provision collected or reversed with significant amount:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Notes Receivable Pledged by the Company at the Period-end

Unit: RMB


(4) Notes Receivable which Had Endorsed by the Company or had Discounted and had not Due on theBalance Sheet Date at the Period-end

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount of recognition termination at the period-endAmount of not terminated recognition at the period-end

(5) Notes Transferred to Accounts Receivable because Drawer of the Notes Failed to Execute the Contractor Agreement

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount of the notes transferred to accounts receivable at the period-end

Other notes

(6) Notes Receivable with Actual Verification for the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB


Of which, verification of significant notes receivable:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureAmountReasonProcedureWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes of the verification of notes receivable

5. Accounts Receivable

(1) Accounts Receivable Classified by Category

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportionAmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportion
Accounts receivable with single bad debt provision accrued105,268,927.2027.52%105,268,927.20100.00%105,273,564.0034.37%105,273,564.00100.00%
Of which:
Accounts receivable with bad debt provision withdrawn according to groups277,298,014.7872.48%17,395,014.806.00%259,902,999.98201,040,006.9865.63%13,342,375.516.64%187,697,631.47
Of which:

Bad debt provision separately accrued:

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportionWithdrawal reason
Shenzhen Jiyong Properties & Resources Development Company93,811,328.0593,811,328.05100.00%Involved in the lawsuit and no executable property
Shenzhen Tewei Industry Co., Ltd.2,836,561.002,836,561.00100.00%Uncollectible for a long period
Lunan Industry Corporation2,818,284.842,818,284.84100.00%Poor operating conditions, uncollectible for a long period
Those with insignificant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued5,802,753.315,802,753.31100.00%

Bad debt provision separately accrued:

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportionWithdrawal reason

Bad debt provision withdrawn according to groups:

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion
Within 1 year241,978,667.337,259,360.023.00%
1 to 2 years22,307,419.502,230,741.9510.00%
2 to 3 years4,005,077.271,201,523.1830.00%
3 to 4 years4,051,500.302,025,750.1550.00%
4 to 5 years1,388,554.431,110,843.5480.00%
Over 5 years3,566,795.963,566,795.96100.00%

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:

Bad debt provision withdrawn according to groups:

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion

Notes of the basis of recognizing the group:

If the bad debt provision for accounts receivable was withdrawn in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses,information related to bad debt provision shall be disclosed by reference to the disclosure method of other receivables:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Disclosed by aging

Unit: RMB

AgingCarrying amount
Within 1 year (including 1 year)241,978,667.33
1 to 2 years22,307,419.50
2 to 3 years4,005,077.27
Over 3 years114,275,777.88
3 to 4 years4,051,500.30
4 to 5 years1,388,554.43
Over 5 years108,835,723.15

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Collected during the Reporting Period

Bad debt provision withdrawn in the Reporting Period:

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceIncrease/decreaseEnding balance
WithdrawnReversed or collectedVerifiedOther
Bad debt provision separately accrued105,273,564.004,636.80105,268,927.20
Bad debt provision withdrawn according to groups13,342,375.514,052,639.2917,395,014.80

Of which, bad debt provision collected or reversed with significant amount:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or collectedMethod

(3) Accounts Receivable with Actual Verification for the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB


Of which, verification of significant accounts receivable:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureAmountReasonProcedureWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes of the verification of accounts receivable:

(4) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable Collected according to the Arrears Party

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityEnding balance of accounts receivable% of total ending balance of accounts receivableEnding balance of bad debt provision
Shenzhen Jiyong Properties & Resources Development Company93,811,328.0524.52%93,811,328.05
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.91,137,483.0723.82%2,734,124.49
Shenzhen Toutiao Technology Co., Ltd.10,985,418.372.87%329,562.55
Ali Future Hotel Management (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd.6,983,019.151.83%209,490.57
Shenzhen Meiya Industry Development Co.,Ltd.2,645,673.280.69%79,370.20

(5) Accounts Receivable Derecognized due to the Transfer of Financial Assets

(6) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement ofAccounts ReceivableOther notes:

6. Accounts Receivable Financing

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Increase or decrease of accounts receivable financing and changes in fair value thereof

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

If the depreciation reserve for accounts receivable financing was withdrawn in accordance with the general model of expected creditlosses, the information related to depreciation reserve shall be disclosed by reference to the disclosure method of other receivables:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other notes:

7. Prepayment

(1) List by Aging Analysis

Unit: RMB

AgingEnding balanceBeginning balance
Within 1 year30,531,873.8040.02%28,553,066.8755.83%
1 to 2 years24,815,955.1432.53%1,208,311.682.36%
2 to 3 years990,792.731.30%769,153.001.50%
Over 3 years19,950,444.9926.15%20,012,891.3040.30%

Notes of the reasons of the prepayment aging over 1 year with significant amount but failed settled in time:

The prepayment aging over one year are the various prepaid taxes, like land VAT, urban construction tax and educational surtax ofprepayment of real estate projects still not reaching the recognition of income conditions according to tax law; the relevantprocedures of conscience money including land price transaction fees and municipal supporting facilities fee hasn’t been completedyet.

(2) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Prepayment Collected according to the Prepayment Target

Name of the entityCarrying amountAs % of the total ending balance of the prepayments (%)
Shenzhen Qianhai Advanced Information Service Co., Ltd.36,850,000.0048.30%
Financial Committee of Shenzhen19,509,471.0025.57%
Tax Bureau of Tongshan District in Xuzhou481,628.410.63%
Shenzhen Lipu Construction Industry Co., Ltd.456,602.870.60%
Chongqing Electric Power Corporation424,155.990.56%

Other notes:

8. Other Receivables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Other Receivables803,760,748.21789,050,350.51

(1) Interest Receivable

1) Category of Interest Receivable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

2) Significant Overdue Interest

Unit: RMB

EntityEnding balanceOverdue timeOverdue reasonWhether occurred impairment and the judgment basis

Other notes:

3) Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Dividends Receivable

1) Category of Dividends Receivable

Unit: RMB

Item (or investees)Ending balanceBeginning balance

2) Significant Dividends Receivable Aged over 1 Year

Unit: RMB

Item (or investees)Ending balanceAgingReasonWhether occurred impairment and the judgment basis

3) Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other notes:

(3) Other Receivables

1) Other Receivables Disclosed by Account Nature

Unit: RMB

NatureEnding carrying amountBeginning carrying amount
Cash deposit52,177,688.4645,948,194.30
Petty cash4,622,314.10595,148.50
Payments on behalf5,371,750.538,381,989.28
External intercourse funds775,178,639.44763,481,109.87

2) Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

Unit: RMB

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss of the next 12 monthsExpected loss in the duration (credit impairment not occurred)Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January 202125,178,102.140.0027,975,531.9353,153,634.07
Balance of 1 January 2021 in the Reporting Period————————
Withdrawal of the Reporting Period2,791,617.8358,380.002,849,997.83
Balance of 30 June 202127,969,719.9728,033,911.9356,003,631.90

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Disclosed by aging

Unit: RMB

AgingCarrying amount
Within 1 year (including 1 year)26,159,741.13
1 to 2 years45,415,188.00
2 to 3 years735,972,999.68
Over 3 years52,216,451.30
3 to 4 years2,755,109.56
4 to 5 years745,281.19
Over 5 years48,716,060.55

3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Collected during the Reporting PeriodBad debt provision withdrawn in the Reporting Period:

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceIncrease/decreaseEnding balance
WithdrawnReversed or collectedVerifiedOther
Bad debt provision separately accrued27,975,531.9358,380.0028,033,911.93
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by groups25,178,102.142,791,617.8327,969,719.97

Of which bad debt provision revered or recovered with significant amount:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityReversed or collected amountMethod

4) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Other Receivables during the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB


Of which significant actual verification of other receivables:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureAmountReasonProcedureWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes of verification of other receivables:

5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureEnding balanceAgingProportion to ending balance of other receivables (%)Ending balance of bad debt provision
Shenzhen Xinhai Holding Co., Ltd.External intercourse funds401,499,990.182-3年46.70%0.00
Shenzhen Xinhai Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.External intercourse funds330,472,932.332-3年38.44%0.00
Shenzhen Bangling Stock Cooperative CompanyExternal intercourse funds30,000,000.001-2年3.49%3,000,000.00
Affordable Housing Development Center of Tongshan District in Xu ZhouRegulatory capital for presale of commercial buildings11,145,688.461-2年1.30%1,114,568.85
Shenzhen Tianjun Industrial Co., Ltd.Cooperation deposit10,000,000.001年以内1.16%300,000.00

6) Accounts Receivable Involving Government Subsidies

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityProject of government subsidiesEnding balanceAging at period-endEstimated recovering time, amount and basis

7) Derecognition of Other Receivables due to the Transfer of Financial Assets

8) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement ofOther ReceivablesOther notes:

9. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements for real estate industryYes

(1) Category of Inventories

The Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information DisclosureGuidelines No.3-Listed Companies Engaged in Real Estate IndustryClassification by nature:

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountFalling price reserves of inventory or depreciation reserves of contract performance costCarrying valueCarrying amountFalling price reserves of inventory or depreciation reserves of contract performance costCarrying value
R&D expenses5,086,835,457.586,648,404.135,080,187,053.454,867,562,388.166,648,404.134,860,913,984.03
Developing properties208,698,204.31208,698,204.31450,832,522.28450,832,522.28
Raw materials1,112,035.28470,418.84641,616.441,169,494.26535,302.89634,191.37
Inventory goods2,140,743.722,094,300.3946,443.332,141,714.372,094,300.3947,413.98
Low-value consumption goods54,783.3854,783.3861,146.5461,146.54

Disclose main items of "R&D expenses" and interest capitalization in the following format:

Unit: RMB

Name ofDate of commencemenEstimated date ofEstimated total investmBeginningTransferred to developOther decrease forIncrease (R&D expenseEnding balanceAccumulative amountOf which: amountCapital resourc
projecttcompletionentbalanceing properties for this periodthis periods) for this periodof capitalized interestsof capitalized interests for this periodes
Guanlan Bangling Project6,941,500,000.003,570,499,129.09143,458,187.953,713,957,317.0456,314,334.4256,314,334.42Bank loan
SZPRD-Banshan Yujing Phase II15 March 201930 September 2021235,810,000.00168,815,335.19113,040.0022,881,738.66191,584,033.85Other
SZPRD-Golden Collar’s Resort-Building A1 March 201431 December 2021357,000,000.00245,596,393.0729,953,149.27275,549,542.341,059,684.29Other
SZPRD-Fuchang Garden Phase II1 December 201831 December 2022801,090,000.00608,580,860.2119,110,354.67627,691,214.88Other
Yupinluanshan Garden226,613,926.241,799,726.84228,413,653.08Other
Hainan Qiongshan Land6,648,404.136,648,404.13Other
Shenhui Garden37,002,030.8937,002,030.89Other
tai Project84.2087.8872.08
Other projects2,663,125.14962,264.153,625,389.29Other

Disclose main items of “Developing properties” in the following format:

Unit: RMB

Name of projectDate of completionBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balanceAccumulative amount of capitalized interestsOf which: amount of capitalized interests for this period
SZPRD-Langqiao International1 December 20123,384,362.243,384,362.24
SZPRD-Hupan Yujing Phase I1 June 201558,947,050.77678,293.6258,268,757.1510,446,911.43
SZPRD-Banshan Yujing Phase I1 November 201618,784,966.55113,040.0018,898,006.5527,205,315.95
SZPRD-Songhu Langyuan1 July 201725,150,175.95305,308.4424,844,867.5130,539,392.65
SZPRD-Hupan Yujing Phase II1 November 201780,210,044.872,862,301.7177,347,743.16
SZPRD-Golden Collar’s Resort-Building B and Building C1 December 2019254,824,025.85218,487,178.7536,336,847.1025,325,952.00
International Trade Center Plaza1 December 19954,839,083.104,839,083.10
Huangyuyuan A Area1 June 2001790,140.58790,140.58
Podium Building of Fuchang Building1 November 1999645,532.65645,532.65
Other projects3,257,139.721,016,268.902,240,870.8283,077,702.96

Classification of “Developing properties with the collection of payments in installments”, “Renting developing properties” and“Temporary Housing”:

Unit: RMB

Name of projectBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance

(2) Falling Price Reserves of Inventory and Depreciation Reserves of Contract Performance Cost

Disclosure of falling provision withdrawal of inventory in the following format:

Classification by nature:

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balanceNote
WithdrawnOtherReversal or write-offOther
R&D expenses6,648,404.136,648,404.13
Raw materials535,302.8964,884.05470,418.84
Inventory goods2,094,300.392,094,300.39

Classified by nature:

Unit: RMB

Name ofBeginninIncreaseDecreaseEndingNote
projectg balanceWithdrawnOtherReversal or write-offOtherbalance

(3) Notes to the Ending Balance of Inventories Including Capitalized Borrowing Expense

Name of projectPeriod-beginReporting PeriodCarry-over in Reporting PeriodPeriod-end
SZPRD-Langqiao International2,971,986.542,971,986.54
SZPRD-Hupan Yujing Phase I1,422,628.9057,170.891,365,458.01
SZPRD-Golden Collar’s Resort12,740,265.51-4,495,689.798,244,575.72
Guanlan Bangling project56,314,334.4256,314,334.42

(4) Inventory restrictions

Disclosing restricted inventory by project:

Unit: RMB

Name of projectBeginning balanceEnding balanceReason for the Limit

10. Contract Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountDepreciation reservesCarrying valueCarrying amountDepreciation reservesCarrying value

Amount of significant changes in carrying value of contract assets in the Reporting Period and reasons thereof:

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount changedReason

If the bad debt provision for contract assets in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, the information related tothe bad debt provision shall be disclosed by reference to the disclosure method of other receivables:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Withdrawal of impairment provision for contract assets in the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWithdrawal of the Reporting PeriodReversal of the Reporting PeriodWrite-off/verifiedReason

Other notes:

11. Held-for-sale Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEndingDepreciationEndingFair valueEstimatedEstimated
carrying amountreservescarrying valuedisposal expensedisposal time

Other notes:

12. Current Portion of Non-current Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Significant investments in debt obligations /other investments in debt obligations

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Par valueCoupon rateActual interest rateMaturity datePar valueCoupon rateActual interest rateMaturity date

Other notes:

13. Other Current Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Prepaid VAT16,030,350.447,467,152.90
Deducted input tax13,079,133.1211,705,028.57
Prepaid land VAT15,872,072.3728,960,506.43
Prepaid urban construction tax1,122,124.53501,245.53
Prepaid education surcharge801,517.52358,032.49

Other notes:

14. Investments in debt obligations

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountDepreciation reservesCarrying valueCarrying amountDepreciation reservesCarrying value

Significant investments in debt obligations

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Par valueCoupon rateActual interest rateMaturity datePar valueCoupon rateActual interest rateMaturity date

Withdrawal of impairment provision

Unit: RMB

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss of the next 12 monthsExpected loss in the duration (credit impairment not occurred)Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January 2021 in the Reporting Period————————

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other notes:

15. Other Investments in Debt Obligations

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceAccrued interestChange in fair value in the Reporting PeriodEnding balanceCostsAccumulated changes in fair valueAccumulated provision for losses recognized in other comprehensive incomeNote

Significant other investments in debt obligations

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Par valueCoupon rateActual interest rateMaturity datePar valueCoupon rateActual interest rateMaturity date

Withdrawal of impairment provision

Unit: RMB

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss of the next 12 monthsExpected loss in the duration (credit impairment not occurred)Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January 2021 in the Reporting Period————————

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other notes:

16. Long-term Receivables

(1) List of Long-term Receivables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balanceInterval of discount rate
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value

Impairment of bad debt provision

Unit: RMB

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss of the next 12 monthsExpected loss in the duration (credit impairment not occurred)Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January 2021 in the Reporting Period————————

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Derecognition of Long-term Receivables due to the Transfer of Financial Assets

(3) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement ofLong-term ReceivablesOther notes

17. Long-term Equity Investment

Unit: RMB

InvesteesBeginning balance (carrying value)Increase/decreaseEnding balance (carrying value)Ending balance of depreciation reserves
Additional investmentReduced investmentGains and losses recognized under the equity methodAdjustment of other comprehensive incomeChanges of other equityCash bonus or profits announced to issueWithdrawal of depreciation reservesOther
I. Joint ventures
Shenzhen Real Estate Jifa Warehousing39,053,923.923,139,733.1742,193,657.09
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Tian’an International Mansion Property Administration Co., Ltd.6,656,296.8778,750.006,735,046.87
II. Associated enterprises
Shenzhen Wufang Pottery & Porcelain Industrial Co., Ltd.18,983,614.1418,983,614.1418,983,614.14
Shenzhen Kangfu Health Products Co., Ltd.165,000.00165,000.00165,000.00
Shenzhen Xinghao Imitation Porcela756,670.68756,670.68756,670.68
in Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Social Welfare Company Fuda Electronics Factory326,693.24326,693.24326,693.24
Shenzhen Fulong Industry Development Co. , Ltd.1,684,350.001,684,350.001,684,350.00
Haonianhua Hotel2,733,570.052,733,570.052,733,570.05
Shenzhen Education Fund Longhua Investment500,000.00500,000.00500,000.00
Shenzhen Kangle Sports Club Huangfa Branch540,060.00540,060.00540,060.00
g Village Plants of Fumin in Guanlan Town, Shenzhen City73.2073.2073.20
Shenzhen Bull Entertainment Co., Ltd.500,000.00500,000.00500,000.00
Shenzhen Lianhua Caitian Property Management Co., Ltd.1,475,465.911,475,465.911,475,465.91
Shenzhen Yangyuan Industrial Co., Ltd.1,030,000.001,030,000.001,030,000.00
Jiakaifeng Co., Ltd. Bao’an Company600,000.00600,000.00600,000.00
Shenzhen Wuweiben Roof Greening Co., Ltd.500,000.00500,000.00500,000.00
ShenzhenYuanping Plastic Steel Doors Co., Ltd.240,000.00240,000.00240,000.00
ShenzhenYoufang Printing Co., Ltd.100,000.00100,000.00100,000.00
Shenzhen Lusheng Industrial Development Co., Ltd.100,000.00100,000.00100,000.00

Other notes

18. Other equity instrument investment

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Gintian Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.773,704.001,044,905.12

Non-trading equity instrument investment in the Reporting Period disclosed by items

Unit: RMB

Name of projectDividend income recognizedAccumulative gainsAccumulative lossesAmount of other comprehensive income transferred to retained earningsReason for assigning to measure in fair value of which changes included other comprehensive incomeReason for other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
Gintian Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.2,816,652.31Not aiming at gaining earnings by selling equity

Other notes:

19. Other non-current financial assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Other notes:

20. Investment Property

(1) Investment Property Adopting the Cost Measurement Mode

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemHouses and buildingsLand use rightConstruction in progressTotal
I. Original carrying value
1. Beginning balance806,486,705.3830,262,437.0533,319,759.75870,068,902.18
2. Increased amount of the period4,025,081.414,025,081.41
(1) Outsourcing4,025,081.414,025,081.41
(2) Transfer from inventories/fixed assets/construction in progress
(3) Enterprise combination increase
3. Decreased amount of the period8,783,828.368,783,828.36
(1) Disposal1,525,917.941,525,917.94
(2) Other transfer7,136,107.377,136,107.37
(3) Exchange adjustment
4. Ending balance806,486,705.3830,262,437.0528,561,012.80865,310,155.23
II. Accumulative depreciation and accumulative amortization
1. Beginning balance362,944,868.1515,342,910.077,042,617.13385,330,395.35
2. Increased amount of the period13,855,349.30527,538.783,956,426.8218,339,314.90
(1) Withdrawal or amortization13,855,349.30527,538.783,956,426.8218,339,314.90
3. Decreased amount of the period5,363,887.205,363,887.20
(1) Disposal50,705.4650,705.46
(2) Other transfer5,197,468.845,197,468.84
(3) Exchange adjustment115,712.90115,712.90
4. Ending balance376,800,217.4515,870,448.855,635,156.75398,305,823.05
III. Depreciation reserves
1. Beginning balance
2. Increased amount of the period
(1) Withdrawal
3. Decreased amount of the period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer
4. Ending balance
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending carrying value429,686,487.9314,391,988.2022,925,856.05467,004,332.18
2. Beginning carrying value443,541,837.2314,919,526.9826,277,142.62484,738,506.83

(2) Investment Property Adopting the Fair Value Measurement Mode

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information DisclosureGuidelines No.3-Listed Companies Engaged in Real Estate IndustryInvestment properties measured in fair value by project disclosure:

Unit: RMB

Name of projectGeographic locationDate of completionBuilding areaLease income during this Reporting PeriodBeginning fair valueEnding fair valueRange of fair value changesReason for fair value changes and report index

Whether the Company has new investment properties in construction period measured in fair value

□Yes √ No

Whether the Company has new investment properties measured in fair value

□Yes √ No

(3) Investment Property Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying valueReason
02-01 plot of Statutory plan in Baolong East Area8,697,781.98Replaced from the construction of Xiamen-Shenzhen Railway, and hasn’t exchanged for the new certification
Meilin land0.00Obtained after the success in the last instance in 2017, relevant certifications of property are in the procedure [note 1]
507 units, Block No. 6, Maguling25,953.71The house is used for property management, once occupied by the third party, a property management company, now has been recovered, but hasn’t handled the warrant yet.

Other notes[Note 1] As of 30 June 2021, with regard to the Meilin land, the gross amount was RMB3,885,469.40, the cumulative depreciationwas RMB3,885,469.40, and the carrying amount was RMB0.

21. Fixed assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Fixed assets108,878,082.57116,233,936.04

(1) List of Fixed Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemHouses and buildingsMachinery equipmentTransportationDecoration of the fixed assetsOther equipmentTotal
I. Original carrying value
1. Beginning balance160,927,555.254,933,197.0014,976,483.0034,061,422.8642,530,271.18257,428,929.29
2. Increased amount of the period7,155.97853,977.391,968,926.862,830,060.22
(1) Purchase7,155.97853,977.391,968,926.862,830,060.22
(2) Transfer from construction in progress
(3) Enterprise combination increase
3. Decreased amount of the period1,179,844.001,324,421.51273,532.292,777,797.80
(1) Disposal or scrap1,179,844.00205,231.461,385,075.46
(2) Exchange adjustment68,300.8368,300.83
4. Ending balance160,927,555.254,940,352.9714,650,616.3932,737,001.3544,225,665.75257,481,191.71
II. Accumulative depreciation
1. Beginning balance105,061,072.73219,685.1810,040,163.204,963,933.6620,834,421.32141,119,276.09
2. Increased amount of the period2,155,942.92237,030.36670,932.113,273,700.802,794,585.879,132,192.06
(1) Withdrawal2,155,942.92237,030.36670,932.113,273,700.802,794,585.879,132,192.06
3. Decreased amount of the period1,143,119.00331,105.98249,851.191,724,076.17
(1) Disposal or scrap1,143,119.00331,105.98187,697.431,330,816.43
(2) Exchange adjustment62,153.7662,153.76
4. Ending balance107,217,015.65456,715.549,567,976.317,906,528.4823,379,156.00148,527,391.98
III. Depreciation reserves
1. Beginning balance75,717.1675,717.16
2. Increased amount of the period
(1) Withdrawal
3. Decreased amount of the period
(1) Disposal or scrap
4. Ending balance75,717.1675,717.16
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending53,710,539.604,483,637.435,082,640.0824,830,472.8720,770,792.59108,878,082.57
carrying value
2. Beginning carrying value55,866,482.524,713,511.824,936,319.8029,097,489.2021,620,132.70116,233,936.04

(2) List of Temporarily Idle Fixed Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemOriginal carrying valueAccumulative depreciationDepreciation reservesCarrying valueNote

(3) Fixed Assets Leased out by Operation Lease

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding carrying value

(4) Fixed Assets Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying valueReason
Room 406, 2 units, Hulunbuir Guangxia Digital Building2,658,678.10Property right disputes before, now has won a lawsuit with unaccomplished certification of property.
Room 401, 402, Sanxiang Business Building Office Building768,325.04The office building will be removed due to the project adjustment and a high-rise office building will be established nearby the present address. The existing property shall be replaced after the completion of the new office building. Thus, the certification of the property is failed to transact.

Other notes

(5) Proceeds from Disposal of Fixed Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Other notes

22. Construction in progress

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(1) List of Construction in Progress

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountDepreciation reservesCarrying valueCarrying amountDepreciation reservesCarrying value

(2) Changes in Significant Construction in Progress during the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB

Name of projectBudgetBeginning balanceIncreaseTransferred in fixed assetsOther decrease for this periodEnding balanceProportion of accumulated investment in constructions to budgetJob scheduleAccumulative amount of capitalized interestsOf which: Amount of capitalized interests for the Reporting PeriodCapitalization rate of interests for the Reporting PeriodCapital resources

(3) List of the Withdrawal of the Depreciation Reserves for Construction in Progress

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount withdrawnReason for withdrawal

Other notes

(4) Engineering Materials

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountDepreciation reservesCarrying valueCarrying amountDepreciation reservesCarrying value

Other notes:

23. Productive Living Assets

(1) Productive Living Assets Adopting Cost Measurement Mode

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Productive Living Assets Adopting Fair Value Measurement Mode

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

24. Oil and Gas Assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

25. Right-of-use Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemHouses and buildingsTotal
1. Beginning balance14,992,421.4914,992,421.49
4. Ending balance14,992,421.4914,992,421.49
2. Increased amount of the period2,234,883.362,234,883.36
(1) Withdrawal2,234,883.362,234,883.36
4. Ending balance2,234,883.362,234,883.36
1. Ending carrying value12,757,538.1212,757,538.12
2. Beginning carrying value14,992,421.4914,992,421.49

Other notes:

26. Intangible Assets

(1) List of Intangible Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemLand use rightPatent rightNon-patent technologySoftware use rightTotal
I. Original carrying value
1. Beginning balance1,234,387.661,234,387.66
2. Increased amount of the period
(1) Purchase
(2) Internal R&D
(3) Enterprise combination increase
3. Decreased amount of the period
(1) Disposal
4. Ending balance1,234,387.661,234,387.66
II. Accumulated amortization
1. Beginning balance752,338.15752,338.15
2. Increased amount of the period109,157.94109,157.94
(1) Withdrawal109,157.94109,157.94
3. Decreased amount of the
(1) Disposal
4. Ending balance861,496.09861,496.09
III. Depreciation reserves
1. Beginning balance
2. Increased amount of the period
(1) Withdrawal
3. Decreased amount of the period
(1) Disposal
4. Ending balance
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending carrying value372,891.57372,891.57
2. Beginning carrying value482,049.51482,049.51

The proportion of intangible assets formed from the internal R&D of the Company at the Period-end to the ending balance ofintangible assets

(2) Land Use Right Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying valueReason

Other notes:

27. Development Costs

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
Internal developmentOtherRecognized as intangible assetsTransfer to current gains and losses

Other notes

28. Goodwill

(1) Original Carrying Value of Goodwill

Unit: RMB

Name of the invested units or events generating goodwillBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
Formed by business combinationDisposal

(2) Depreciation Reserves of Goodwill

Unit: RMB

Name of the invested units or events generating goodwillBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance

Information on the assets group or combination of assets groups which goodwill belongs toNotes of the testing process of goodwill impairment, parameters (such as growth rate of the forecast period, growth rate of stableperiod, rate of profit, discount rate, forecast period and so on for prediction of future present value of cash flows) and the recognitionmethod of goodwill impairment losses:

Influence of goodwill impairment testingOther notes

29. Long-term Prepaid Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseAmortization amount of the periodOther decreased amountEnding balance
Renovation costs11,862,716.148,358,643.422,189,487.0418,031,872.52

Other notes

30. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred Income Tax Assets that Had not Been Off-set

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible temporary differenceDeferred income tax assetsDeductible temporary differenceDeferred income tax assets
Provision for impairment of assets159,561,501.7938,148,368.00152,217,586.9136,392,566.23
Unrealized profit of internal transactions78,108,204.8619,527,051.1628,484,507.527,121,126.86
Deductible losses1,299,573,666.39324,242,526.681,340,927,414.29334,560,251.68
Accrued land VAT2,708,258,608.51677,064,652.121,979,350,706.70494,837,676.67
Estimated profit calculated at pre-sale revenue of property enterprises467,066,803.38116,766,700.85307,175,110.5176,793,777.63
Advertising expenses732,916.52183,229.131,272,210.76318,052.69
Other accrued expenses2,177,598.37314,903.234,548,732.57657,793.74

(2) Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Had not Been Off-set

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible temporary differenceDeferred income tax liabilitiesDeductible temporary differenceDeferred income tax liabilities
The carrying value of fixed assets was larger than the tax basis1,048.80262.201,048.80262.20

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Listed by Net Amount after Off-set

Unit: RMB

ItemMutual set-off amount of deferred income tax assets and liabilities at the period-endEnding balance of deferred income tax assets or liabilities after off-setMutual set-off amount of deferred income tax assets and liabilities at the period-beginBeginning balance of deferred income tax assets or liabilities after off-set
Deferred income tax assets1,176,247,431.17950,681,245.50
Deferred income tax liabilities262.20262.20

(4) List of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible temporary difference61,255,144.06
Deductible losses216,487,018.16201,769,872.08

(5) Deductible Losses of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets will Due in the Following Years

Unit: RMB

YearsEnding amountBeginning amountNote
Y202250,009,689.7055,165,608.46The deductible losses of 2017
Y2024124,830,194.64124,830,194.64The deductible losses of 2019
Y202521,774,068.9821,774,068.98The deductible losses of 2020
Y202619,873,064.84The deductible losses of 2021

Other notes:

31. Other Non-current Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountDepreciation reservesCarrying valueCarrying amountDepreciation reservesCarrying value
Prepayment for purchase of fixed assets, investment properties and intangible assets3,155,763.353,155,763.35867,619.10867,619.10

Other notes:

32. Short-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Short-term Borrowings

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Notes of short-term borrowings category:

(2) List of the Short-term Borrowings Overdue but not Returned

The amount of the overdue unpaid short-term borrowings at the period-end was RMBXXX, of which the significant overdue unpaidshort-term borrowings are as follows:

Unit: RMB

EntityEnding balanceInterest rateOverdue timeOverdue charge rate

Other notes:

33. Trading Financial Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Of which:
Of which:

Other notes:

34. Derivative Financial Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Other notes:

35. Notes Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

The total amount of notes payable due but unpaid was RMB XXX.

36. Accounts Payable

(1) List of Accounts Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Engineering construction expense payable195,384,051.27334,297,738.31
Accrued expenses106,295,342.4746,894,644.22

(2) Significant Accounts Payable Aged over 1 Year

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceUnpaid/ Un-carry-over reason
China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd.56,604,763.90Unsettled
Shenzhen Planning Bureau of Land Resources25,000,000.00Historical problems
Shanghai Mingpeng Construction Group Co., Ltd.5,976,705.79Unsettled
Shenzhen Design Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.2,389,324.51Unsettled
Jinchen Group Co.,Ltd.1,940,067.98Quality guarantee deposit for project

Other notes:

37. Advances from Customers

(1) List of Advances from Customers

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(2) Significant Advances from Customers Aged over 1 Year

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceUnpaid/ Un-carry-over reason

Other notes:

The Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information DisclosureGuidelines No.3-Listed Companies Engaged in Real Estate IndustryThe proceeds information of top five advance sale amount:

Unit: RMB

S/NName of projectBeginning balanceEnding balanceEstimated date of completionAdvance sale proportion

38. Contract Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
House payment in advance821,379,428.89633,340,922.42
Property fee in advance13,178,919.5013,124,519.01
Other payment in advance18,809,046.2420,428,188.29

Significant changes in amount of carrying value and the reason in the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount changedReason
Golden Collar’s Resort Building B/C182,074,684.09Net increase in pre-collected housing payments after deducting carry-over income
Banshan Yujing Phase I-20,523,809.52Meet the carryover income condition
HupanYujing Phase II17,207,099.09Net increase in pre-collected housing payments after deducting carry-over income

39. Payroll Payable

(1) List of Payroll Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
I. Short-term salary175,382,038.91314,226,010.00340,253,887.24149,354,161.67
II. Post-employment benefit-defined contribution plans1,808,158.4532,788,971.0132,190,820.132,406,309.33
III. Termination benefits418,411.40418,411.40

(2) List of Short-term Salary

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
1. Salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy160,923,367.59275,539,585.61300,139,266.36136,323,686.84
2. Employee welfare1,769,666.6313,248,861.0113,505,290.791,513,236.85
3. Social insurance223,040.809,885,347.589,872,331.58236,056.80
Of which: Medical insurance premiums223,040.808,541,794.918,530,476.51234,359.20
Work-related injury insurance356,470.68356,470.68
Maternity insurance445,181.11443,483.511,697.60
4. Housing fund509,510.979,565,906.979,634,205.97441,211.97
5. Labor union budget and employee education budget11,956,452.925,986,308.837,102,792.5410,839,969.21

(3) List of Defined Contribution Plans

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
1. Basic pension benefits28,126,710.2528,006,278.31120,431.94
2. Unemployment insurance672,338.73672,338.73
3. Annuity1,808,158.453,989,922.033,512,203.092,285,877.39

Other notes:

40. Taxes Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Corporate income tax258,424,851.25448,111,036.28
Personal income tax4,558,253.244,826,634.10
Urban maintenance and construction tax1,129,080.013,165,158.73
Land VAT2,708,394,207.001,979,388,881.01
Property tax4,546,267.75447,199.94
Land use tax1,549,041.66941,099.10
Education surcharge518,996.601,372,723.27
Local education surcharge341,128.17918,545.34

Other notes:

41. Other Payables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Dividends payable12,202,676.0412,202,676.04
Other Payables898,163,208.62834,939,937.05

(1) Interest payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

List of the significant overdue unpaid interest:

Unit: RMB

EntityOverdue amountOverdue reason

Other notes:

(2) Dividends payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Ordinary share dividends12,202,676.0412,202,676.04

Other notes, including significant dividends payable unpaid for over 1 year, the unpaid reason shall be disclosed:

ItemAmount unpaidUnpaid reason
Shenzhen South China Investment Development Co., Ltd.9,871.20Without access to its account
Wenling Quality Control Association9,871.02Without access to its account
Shanghai Weihong Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.9,900.00Without access to its account
China Shenzhen International Cooperation (Group) Co., Ltd.0.18Without access to its account
Shenzhen Greening Department10,869,036.68Company restructured without clearing payment object
Labor Union of Shenzhen Greening Department1,300,000.00Company restructured without clearing payment object
Shenzhen Sports Administration3,996.96Final payment unpaid

(3) Other Payables

1) Other Payables Listed by Nature

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Cash deposit15,218,526.2918,041,272.10
Collection on behalf14,349,624.8612,818,680.31
Intercourse fund445,523,812.86426,354,105.87
Accrued expenses144,871,649.3593,276,622.77
Payments on behalf13,685,621.4114,038,360.90

2) Significant Other Payables Aged over 1 Year

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceUnpaid/ Un-carry-over reason
Shenzhen Pason Aluminum Technology Co., Ltd.198,352,106.44Project cooperation funds, the project has not been completed
Shenzhen Real Estate Jifa Warehousing Co., Ltd.38,796,665.14Come-and-go accounts without specific payment term
Shenzhen Tian’an International Mansion Property Administration Co., Ltd.5,214,345.90Come-and-go accounts without specific payment term
Shenzhen Social Commonweal Foundation3,323,202.00Did not submit the payment application
Rainbow Co., Ltd.2,380,000.00Margin within the leasing period

Other notes

42. Held-for-sale Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Other notes:

43. Current Portion of Non-current Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Current portion of long-term borrowings67,002,418.0736,722,824.88

Other notes:

44. Other Current Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Taxes to be written off53,141,477.7543,354,691.51

Increase/decrease of the short-term bonds payable:

Unit: RMB

Bonds namePar valueIssuing dateDurationIssuing amountBeginning balanceThe current issueWithdrawal of interest by par valueAmortization of premium and depreciationRepayment in the Reporting PeriodEnding balance

Other notes:

45. Long-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Long-term Borrowings

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Pledged borrowings2,999,500,000.002,999,600,000.00
Mortgage loan3,000,000.003,000,000.00
Credit borrowings554,400,000.00585,200,000.00

Notes to the category of long-term borrowings:

Other notes, including the interval of interest rate:

The pledged borrowings at the period-end were used to develop the Bangling urban renewal project of Shenzhen Rongyao RealEstate Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Rongyao Real Estate”) with the duration from 29 November 2019 to 20

November 2024, applying the borrowing rate by rising 1.55% complying with one-year level of loan prime rate. And 69% equity ofRongyao Real Estate held by the Company was pledged and the guarantee mode was the joint liability guaranty.The mortgage borrowings at the period-end were used for the daily operating activities of ShenZhen Properties & ResourcesDevelopment (Group) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) with the duration from 27 November 2020 to 27 November 2023,applying a floating interest rate. The first-phase execution interest rate was 4.655%, and the pledge was the land use right of FuminNew Village in Futian District of the Company.The credit borrowings at the period-end were used for the transaction payment of equity of Shenzhen Toukong Property ManagementCo., Ltd. with the duration from 18 May 2020 to 10 May 2025, applying the borrowing rate by adding 23.5 basis points complyingwith one-year level of loan prime rate.

46. Bonds Payable

(1) List of Bonds Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(2) Increase/Decrease of Bonds Payable (Excluding Other Financial Instrument Classified as FinancialLiabilities such as Preferred Shares and Perpetual Bonds)

Unit: RMB

Bonds namePar valueIssuing dateDurationIssuing amountBeginning balanceThe current issueWithdrawal of interest by par valueAmortization of premium and depreciationRepayment in the Reporting PeriodEnding balance

(3) Notes to the Conditions and Time of the Shares Transfer of the Convertible Corporate Bonds

(4) Notes to Other Financial Instruments Classified as Financial Liabilities

Basic situation of other financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds outstanding at the period-endChanges in financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds outstanding at the period-end

Unit: RMB

Outstanding financial instrumentPeriod-beginIncreaseDecreasePeriod-end
AmountCarrying valueAmountCarrying valueAmountCarrying valueAmountCarrying value

Notes to basis for the classification of other financial instruments as financial liabilitiesOther notes

47. Lease Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Long-term lease liabilities13,025,535.5314,992,421.49

Other notes

48. Long-term Payables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(1) Long-term Payables Listed by Nature

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Other notes:

(2) Specific Payables

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balanceReason for formation

Other notes:

49. Long-term Payroll Payable

(1) List of Long-term Payroll Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(2) Changes in Defined Benefit Plans

Obligation present value of defined benefit plans:

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting periodSame period of last year

Plan assets:

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting periodSame period of last year

Net liabilities (net assets) of defined benefit plans:

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting periodSame period of last year

Notes of influence of content of defined benefit plans and its relevant risks to the future cash flow, time and uncertainty of theCompany:

Notes to the results of significant actuarial assumptions and sensitivity analysis of defined benefit plans:

Other notes:

50. Provisions

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balanceReason for formation
Pending litigation2,396,947.002,396,947.00Cai Baolin's lawsuit on the residual value of decoration

Other notes, including notes to related significant assumptions and evaluation of significant provisions:

Refer to Note XIV (2) for details.

51. Deferred Income

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balanceReason for formation

Item involving government grants:

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceAmount of newly subsidyAmount recorded into non-operating income in the Reporting PeriodAmount recorded into other income in the Reporting PeriodAmount offset cost in the Reporting PeriodOther changesEnding balanceRelated to assets/related to income

Other notes:

52. Other Non-current Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Utility specific fund237,163.63490,603.18
Housing principle fund16,381,903.2516,825,921.62
House warming deposit6,557,020.086,925,380.49
Electric Equipment Maintenance fund4,019,415.444,019,415.44
Deputed maintenance fund35,418,419.2834,453,351.12
Follow-up investment of employees for Guanlan Bangling project40,000,000.0040,000,000.00

Other notes:

53. Share Capital

Unit: RMB

Beginning balanceIncrease/decrease (+/-)Ending balance
New shares issuedBonus sharesBonus issue from profitOtherSubtotal
The sum of shares595,979,092.00595,979,092.00

Other notes:

54. Other Equity Instruments

(1) The Basic Information of Other Financial Instruments such as Preferred Stock and Perpetual BondOutstanding at the End of the Period

(2) Changes in Financial Instruments such as Preferred Stock and Perpetual Bond Outstanding at the Endof the Period

Unit: RMB

Outstanding financial instrumentsPeriod-beginIncreaseDecreasePeriod-end
AmountCarrying valueAmountCarrying valueAmountCarrying valueAmountCarrying value

The current changes in other equity instruments and the corresponding reasons and the basis of the relevant accounting treatmentOther notes:

55. Capital Reserve

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
Other capital reserves80,488,045.3880,488,045.38

Other notes, including changes and reason of change:

56. Treasury Shares

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance

Other notes, including changes and reason of change:

57. Other Comprehensive Income

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceReporting PeriodEnding balance
Income before taxation in the Current PeriodLess: Recorded in other comprehensive income in prior period and transferred in profit or loss in the Current PeriodLess: Recorded into other comprehensive income in prior period and transferred in retained earnings in theLess: Income tax expenseAttributable to owners of the Company as the parent after taxAttributable to non-controlling interests after tax
Current period
I. Other comprehensive income that may not be reclassified to profit or loss-2,545,451.19-265,258.45-265,258.45-2,810,709.64
Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investment\-2,545,451.19-265,258.45-265,258.45-2,810,709.64
II. Other comprehensive income that may subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss-4,204,138.22-553,439.16-553,439.16-4,757,577.38
Differences arising from translation of foreign currency denominated financial statements-4,204,138.22-553,439.16-553,439.16-4,757,577.38
Total of other comprehensive income-6,749,589.41-818,697.61-818,697.61-7,568,287.02

Other notes, including the adjustment of the effective gain/loss on cash flow hedges to the initial recognized amount:

58. Specific Reserve

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance

Other notes, including changes and reason of change:

59. Surplus Reserves

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreaseDecreaseEnding balance
Statutory surplus reserves19,205,979.6319,205,979.63

Notes, including changes and reason of change:

60. Retained Earnings

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Beginning balance of retained earnings before adjustments3,038,993,912.432,457,119,795.39
Beginning balance of retained earnings after adjustments3,038,993,912.432,457,119,795.39
Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company as the parent676,375,523.75798,572,121.74
Less: Appropriate statutory surplus reserve2,802,342.02
Dividend of ordinary shares payable244,351,427.72214,552,473.12
Ending retained earnings3,471,018,008.463,038,993,912.43

List of adjustment of beginning retained earnings:

1) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting Standardsfor Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.

2) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in accounting policies.

3) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.

4) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.

5) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected totally by other adjustments.

61. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Operating revenueCost of salesOperating revenueCost of sales
Main operations2,497,241,031.93745,670,023.161,388,266,376.69596,935,670.85
Other operations43,624,107.328,615,003.0832,811,391.1414,759,272.95

Relevant information of revenue:

Unit: RMB

Category of contractsSegment 1Segment 2Total
Of which:
Real estate business1,897,026,889.731,897,026,889.73
Leasing operation102,026,517.70102,026,517.70
Property management541,811,731.82541,811,731.82
Of which:
Of which:
Of which:
Of which:
Of which:
Of which:

Information related to performance obligations:

On 30 June 2021, the transaction price assigned to unfulfilled (or partially unfulfilled) performance obligations was estimated toRMB853 million, which is mainly expected future revenue of transaction price that haven’t met the delivery conditions stipulated in

sales contracts of real estate. The Company is expected to recognize the realization of sales revenue within one year when the houseproperty is completed and passed the acceptance which meet the delivery conditions stipulated in sales contracts, and when thecustomers acquire the control rights of relevant goods or services.Information related to transaction value assigned to residual performance obligations:

The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not fully performed yetwas RMB853,367,394.63 at the period-end, among which RMB853,367,394.63 was expected to be recognized in 2021, RMBXXXin XXX year and RMBXXX in XXX year.Other notesThe Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Industry Information DisclosureGuidelines No.3-Listed Companies Engaged in Real Estate IndustryThe top 5 accounts received with confirmed amount in the Reporting Period:

Unit: RMB

No.Name of projectIncome balance
1Golden Collar’s Resort B, C1,849,123,912.29
2Banshan Yujing Phase I21,000,000.00
3Hupan Yujing Phase II9,404,349.57
4Xinhua Town3,669,619.99
5Songhu Langyuan947,032.39

62. Taxes and Surtaxes

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Urban maintenance and construction tax8,573,235.694,909,118.92
Education Surcharge3,679,377.592,190,590.78
Property tax4,969,986.404,767,394.20
Land use tax723,179.43416,264.69
Stamp duty1,234,895.15349,634.68
Local education surtax2,453,237.621,342,087.15
Land VAT792,335,513.52380,741,616.91
Other taxes12,625.4926,773.28

Other notes:

63. Selling Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Agency fee1,623,764.432,151,630.50
Consultancy and sales service charges583,313.723,853,286.19
Promotion and advertising fee4,348,607.25914,173.18
Employee benefits2,806,347.152,569,826.33

Other notes:

64. Administrative Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Employee benefits72,212,753.0363,277,704.59
Administrative office cost6,146,316.184,730,219.94
Assets amortization and depreciation expense7,692,453.615,064,453.12
Litigation costs162,113.87521,647.00

Other notes:

65. Development Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year

Other notes:

66. Finance Costs

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Interest expense38,497,817.4584,859,496.80
Less: Interest income-38,205,027.20-31,227,361.24
Foreign exchange gains or losses39,617.59100,514.83

Other notes:

67. Other Income

Unit: RMB

SourcesReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Government grants related to income226,082.0182,514.69
Government grants related to assets24,375.69
Commission charges return of deductible income tax198,544.06196,952.96
Additional deduction of VAT1,979,065.732,618,150.17

68. Investment Income

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method3,218,483.17157,061.79

Other notes:

69.Net Gain on Exposure Hedges

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year

Other notes:

70. Gain on Changes in Fair Value

Unit: RMB

SourcesReporting PeriodSame period of last year

Other notes:

71. Credit Impairment Loss

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Bad debt loss-6,797,536.401,115,927.46

Other notes:

72. Asset Impairment Loss

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
II. Loss on inventory valuation and contract performance cost-33,715.661,832.91

Other notes:

73. Asset Disposal Income

Unit: RMB

SourcesReporting PeriodSame period of last year

74. Non-operating Income

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last yearAmount recorded in the current non-recurring profit or loss
Government grants3,588,738.19
Confiscated income1,071,282.94313,043.221,071,282.94
Demolition compensation7,293,820.407,293,820.40
Gains on damage and scrap of non-current assets7,000.0014,826.927,000.00

Government grants recorded into current profit or loss

Unit: RMB

ItemDistribution entityDistribution reasonNatureWhether influence the profits or losses of the year or notSpecial subsidy or notReporting PeriodSame period of last yearRelated to assets/related to income

Other notes:

75. Non-operating Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last yearAmount recorded in the current non-recurring profit or loss
Total loss from disposal of non-current assets21,448.9021,448.90
Litigation expenses114,571.79114,571.79
Penalty and fine for delaying payment1,039,219.4527,535.951,039,219.45

Other notes:

76. Income Tax Expense

(1) List of Income Tax Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Current income tax expense419,748,343.1197,681,962.31
Deferred income tax expense-225,504,829.05-8,287,946.60

(2) Adjustment Process of Accounting Profit and Income Tax Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting Period
Profit before taxation862,869,570.00
Current income tax expense accounted at statutory/applicable tax rate215,717,392.50
Influence of applying different tax rates by subsidiaries1,103,668.34
Influence of income tax before adjustment-22,781,705.32
Influence of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses596,340.96
The effect of using deductible losses of deferred income tax assets that have not been recognized in the previous period45,068.31
Influence of deductible temporary difference or deductible losses of unrecognized deferred income tax in the Reporting Period-437,250.73
Income tax expense194,243,514.06

Other notes:

77. Other Comprehensive Income

Refer to Note VII-57 for details.

78. Cash Flow Statement

(1) Cash Generated from Other Operating Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Large intercourse funds received58,249,073.49274,561,798.03
Interest income58,110,890.9420,729,921.32
Net margins, security deposit and various special funds received8,180,874.282,825,399.61
Various types of collection and payment received36,171,818.3432,970,968.51
Other small receivables1,912,443.422,631,928.91


(2) Cash Used in Other Operating Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Paying administrative expense in cash23,081,730.5320,150,492.86
Paying selling expense in cash5,789,812.1320,841,852.20
Large intercourse funds paid43,547,353.0548,968,020.00
Other small payments2,103,448.691,265,190.63


(3) Cash Generated from Other Investing Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year


(4) Cash Used in Other Investing Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year


(5) Cash Generated from Other Financing Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year


(6) Cash Used in Other Financing Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year


79. Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB

Supplemental informationReporting PeriodSame period of last year
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operating activities----
Net profit668,626,055.94177,863,448.66
Add: Provision for impairment of assets6,831,252.06-1,117,760.37
Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets, and productive living assets27,471,506.9624,423,533.46
Depreciation of right assets2,234,883.36
Amortization of intangible assets109,157.94109,162.21
Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses2,189,487.041,555,086.14
Los on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets (gains: negative)0.00
Losses on scrap of fixed assets (gains:14,448.90-14,826.92
Loss from fair value change (gains: negative)
Finance costs (gains: negative)38,497,817.4584,859,496.80
Investment loss (gains: negative)-3,218,483.17-157,061.79
Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains: negative)-225,566,185.67-8,287,946.60
Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (“-” means decrease)0.000.00
Decrease in inventory (gains: negative)22,875,129.38-455,620,688.15
Decrease in accounts receivable generated from operating activities (gains: negative)-114,622,713.6932,911,883.76
Increase in accounts payable used in operating activities (decrease: negative)712,128,424.23-1,479,706,466.10
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities1,137,570,780.73-1,623,182,138.90
2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of cash receipts and payments----
Conversion of debt into capital
Convertible corporate bonds due within one year
Fixed assets under financing lease
3. Net increase/decrease of cash and cash equivalent:----
Ending balance of cash4,953,289,643.973,056,069,770.97
Less: Beginning balance of cash4,168,154,911.833,285,345,233.47
Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents
Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents785,134,732.14-229,275,462.50

(2) Net Cash Paid For Acquisition of Subsidiaries

Unit: RMB

Of which:--
Of which:--
Of which:--

Other notes:

(3) Net Cash Receive from Disposal of the Subsidiaries

Unit: RMB

Of which:--
Of which:--
Of which:--

Other notes:

(4) Cash and Cash Equivalents

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
I. Cash4,953,289,643.974,168,154,911.83
Including: Cash on hand123,973.10164,191.19
Bank deposit on demand4,952,496,226.443,043,214,965.74
Other monetary assets on demand669,444.4312,690,614.04
III. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents4,953,289,643.974,168,154,911.83
Including: Cash and cash equivalents of the Company as the parent or subsidiaries of the Group with restrictions on use0.000.00

Other notes:

80. Notes to Items of the Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

Notes to the name of “Other” of ending balance of the same period of last year adjusted and the amount adjusted:

81. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right of Use

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding carrying valueReason for restriction
Monetary assets17,754,631.22Note (1)-(6)
Land use right of Fumin New Village, Futian District542,507,314.43Note (7)

Other notes:

(1) In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was limited capital of frozen account withRMB11,031.58 in the subsidiary company Shenzhen Huazhengpeng Property Management Co., Ltd.

(2) In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was escrow margin amount with RMB44,554.35 inthe catering branch of the subsidiary company Shandong Shenguomao Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.

(3) In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, as a real estate developer, the Company has providedmortgage guarantees for commercial housing purchasers and paid loan guarantees of RMB1,148,647.30 according to real estatebusiness practices.

(4) In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was payment guarantee of RMB 11,213,310.06signed by the Company's subsidiary SZPRD Xuzhou Dapeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu Hanjian Group Co., Ltd.on 1 June 2020, of which the principal was RMB 11,075,002.60 and the interest was RMB 138,307.46. The number of the paymentguarantee was Xingyin Xubao (2020) 25.

(5) In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was interest of fixed time deposit ofRMB4,937,087.93 undue but withdrawn at the period-end.

(6) In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was letter of guarantee of RMB 400,000.00 issuedby Shenzhen Property Engineering and Construction Supervision Co., Ltd. for project bidding for supervision service of ShenzhenRongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. phase II urban renewal unit project of Bangling Area, Guanlan Street, Longhua Districtin 2020.

(7) Due to the needs of daily business activities, the company applied for loan from Bank of Communications, Shenzhen Branch tomortgage the land use right of Fumin New Village, Futian District. The term of the loan was from 27 November 2020 to 27November 2023. The interest rate of the loan was floating, and the first execution interest rate was 4.655%.

82. Foreign Currency Monetary Items

(1) Foreign Currency Monetary Items

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding foreign currency balanceExchange rateEnding balance converted to RMB
Monetary assets----
Of which: USD
Accounts receivable----
Of which: USD
Long-term borrowings----
Of which: USD

Other notes:

(2) Notes to Overseas Entities Including: for Significant Oversea Entities, Main Operating Place, RecordingCurrency and Selection Basis Shall Be Disclosed; if there Are Changes in Recording Currency, RelevantReasons Shall Be Disclosed.

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

ItemMain operating placeRecording currencyBasis for choosing
Shum Yip Properties Development Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaryHong KongHKDLocated in HK, settled by HKD

83. Arbitrage

Qualitative and quantitative information of relevant arbitrage instruments, hedged risk in line with the type of arbitrage to disclose:

84. Government Grants

(1) Basic Information on Government Grants

Unit: RMB

CategoryAmountListed itemsAmount recorded in the current profit or loss
Small and micro businessesVAT exemption20,977.78Other income20,977.78
Stable post subsidy205,104.23Other income205,104.23

(2) Return of Government Grants

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other notes:

85. Other

VIII. Changes of Consolidation Scope

1. Business Combination Not under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination Not under the Same Control during the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB

Name of acquireeTime and place of gaining the equityCost of gaining the equityProportion of equityWay to gain the equityPurchase dateRecognition basis of purchase dateIncome of acquiree from the purchase date to period-endNet profits of acquiree from the purchase date to period-end

Other notes:

(2) Combination Cost and Goodwill

Unit: RMB

Combination cost

Note to determination method of the fair value of the combination cost, consideration and changes:

The main formation reason for the large goodwill:

Other notes:

(3) The Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of Acquiree on Purchase Date

Unit: RMB

Fair value on purchase dateCarrying value on purchase date

The determination method of the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities:

Contingent liability of acquiree undertaken in the business combination:

Other notes:

(4) Gains or losses from Re-measurement of Equity Held before the Purchase Date at Fair ValueWhether there is a transaction that through multiple transaction step by step to realize business combination and gaining the controlduring the Reporting Period

□ Yes √ No

(5) Notes to Reasonable Consideration or Fair Value of Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of the Acquireethat Cannot Be Determined on the Acquisition Date or during the Period-end of the Merger

(6) Other Notes

2. Business Combination under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination under the Same Control during the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB

Combined partyProportion of the equityBasisCombination dateRecognition basis of combination dateIncome from the period-begin to the combination date of the acquireeNet profits from the period-begin to the combination date of the acquireeIncome of the acquiree during the period of comparisonNet profits of the acquiree during the period of comparison

Other notes:

(2) Combination Cost

Unit: RMB

Combination cost

Contingent liabilities and changes thereof:

Other notes:

(3) The Carrying Value of Assets and Liabilities of the Combined Party on the Combination Date

Unit: RMB

Combination datePeriod-end of the last period

Contingent liabilities of the combined party undertaken in the business combination:

Other notes:

3. Counter Purchase

Basic information of trading, the basis of transactions constitute counter purchase, the retain assets , liabilities of the listed companieswhether constituted a business and its basis, the determination of the combination costs, the amount and calculation of adjusted rightsand interests in accordance with the equity transaction process:

4. Disposal of Subsidiary

Whether there is a single disposal of the investment to the subsidiary and lost control?

□ Yes √ No

Whether there are several disposals of the investment to the subsidiary and lost controls?

□ Yes √ No

5. Changes in Combination Scope for Other Reasons

Note to changes in combination scope for other reasons (such as newly establishment or liquidation of subsidiaries, etc.) and relevantinformation:

Name of companyWay to gain equityTime and place of gaining equityCapital contributionProportion
Xiamen Shenguomao Industry City Smart Service Co., Ltd.Newly-established subsidiary17 March 2021No actual contribution yet51.00%
Shenzhen SZPRD Swallow Lake Development Co., Ltd.Newly-established subsidiary1 February 202110,000,000.00100.00%
Vietnam Shenguomao Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.Newly-established subsidiary5 January 2021VND4.64 million (approximately equivalent to USD200,000)100.00%

6. Other

IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiary

(1) Subsidiaries

NameMain operating placeRegistration placeNature of businessHolding percentage (%)Way of gaining
Shenzhen Huangcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Wuhe Industry Investment Development Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
PRD Group Xuzhou Dapeng Real Estate DevelopmentXuzhouXuzhouReal estate100.00%Set-up
Co., Ltd.
Dongguan International Trade Center Changsheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.DongguanDongguanReal estate100.00%Set-up
PRD Yangzhou Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.YangzhouYangzhouReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen International Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Guomao Meishenghuo Service Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shandong Shenzhen International Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd.JinanJinanReal estate100.00%Set-up
Chongqing Shenzhen International Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd.ChongqingChongqingReal estate100.00%Set-up
Chongqing Aobo Elevator Co., Ltd.ChongqingChongqingService100.00%Set-up
Chongqing TianqueShenzhenShenzhenService100.00%Set-up
Elevator Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Guoguan Electromechanical Device Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenService100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen International Trade Center Catering Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenHotels and catering services100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Property Engineering Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenService100.00%Set-up
SZPRD Commercial Operation Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenService100.00%Set-up
Zhanjiang Shenzhen Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.ZhanjiangZhanjiangReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shum Yip Properties Development Co., Ltd.Hong KongHong KongReal estate100.00%Set-up
Wayhang Development Co., Ltd.Hong KongHong KongReal estate100.00%Set-up
Chief Link Properties Co., Ltd.Hong KongHong KongReal estate70.00%Set-up
Syndis Investment Co., Ltd.Hong KongHong KongReal estate70.00%Business combination not under the
same control
Yangzhou Slender West Lake Jingyue Property Development Co., Ltd.YangzhouYangzhouReal estate51.00%Set-up
Shandong International Trade Center Hotel Management Co., Ltd.JinanJinanReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone Guomao Property Development Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate65.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Guomao Tongle Property Management Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate51.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate69.00%Business combination not under the same control
Shenzhen Guomao Science and Technology Park Service Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Julian Human Resources DevelopmentShenzhenShenzhenService100.00%Business combination under the same control
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Huazhengpeng Property Management Development Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Business combination under the same control
SZPRD Urban Renewal Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Penghongyuan Industrial Development Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenHotels and catering services100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Jinhailian Property Management Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Social Welfare Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenHealth and social work100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Fuyuanmin Property Management Limited Liability CompanyShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Meilong Industrial Development Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenService100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Guomao Shenlv Garden Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenPublic facilities management90.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Jiayuan Property Management Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate54.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Helinhua Construction Management Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate90.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Zhongtongda House Xiushan Service Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenConstruction industry90.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Kangping Industrial Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenRetail business90.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Sports Service Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenManufacturing industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Teacher’s Home Training Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenRetail business100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Education Industrial Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenService100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Yufa Industrial Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenRetail business80.95%Business combination under the same control
SZPRD Fuyuantai Development Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen SZPRDShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Swallow Lake Development Co., Ltd.
Xiamen Shenguomao Industry City Smart Service Co., Ltd.XiamenXiamenReal estate51.00%Set-up
Vietnam Shenguomao Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.VietnamHaiphongReal estate100.00%Set-up

Notes to holding proportion in subsidiary different from voting proportion:

Basis of holding half or less voting rights but still controlling the investee and holding more than half of the voting rights but notcontrolling the investee:

Significant structural entities and controlling basis in the scope of combination:

Basis of determining whether the Company is the agent or the principal:

Other notes:

(2) Significant Non-wholly-owned Subsidiary

Unit: RMB

NameShareholding proportion of non-controlling interestsThe profit or loss attributable to the non-controlling interestsDeclaring dividends distributed to non-controlling interestsBalance of non-controlling interests at the period-end
Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.31.00%-8,865,098.7430,042,727.34

Holding proportion of non-controlling interests in subsidiary different from voting proportion:

Other notes:

(3) The Main Financial Information of Significant Not Wholly-owned Subsidiary

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balanceBeginning balance
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilityTotal liabilitiesCurrent assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilityTotal liabilities
Shenzhen Rongy4,471,992,941.33122,665,937.024,594,658,878.35259,246,854.684,238,500,000.004,497,746,854.684,265,252,715.28114,182,786.334,379,435,501.61224,326,385.224,029,600,000.004,253,926,385.22

Unit: RMB



NameReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Operating revenueNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flows from operating activitiesOperating revenueNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flows from operating activities
Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.0.00-28,597,092.72-28,597,092.72-128,433,288.910.00-107,760,717.87-107,760,717.87-386,770,711.35

Other notes:

(4) Significant Restrictions on Using the Assets and Liquidating the Liabilities of the Company

(5) Financial Support or Other Supports Provided to Structural Entities Incorporated into the Scope ofConsolidated Financial StatementsOther notes:

2. The Transaction of the Company with Its Owner’s Equity Share Changed but Still Controlling theSubsidiary

(1) Note to the Owner’s Equity Share Changed in Subsidiary

(2) The Transaction’s Influence on the Equity of Non-controlling Interests and the Owner's EquityAttributable to the Company as the Parent

Unit: RMB

Other notes:

3. Equity in Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

(1) Significant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

NameMain operating placeRegistration placeNature of businessHolding percentage (%)Accounting treatment of the investment to joint venture or associated enterprise
Shenzhen JifaShenzhenShenzhenWarehouse50.00%Equity method
Warehouse Co., Ltd.service
Tian’an International Building Property Management Company of ShenzhenShenzhenShenzhenProperty management50.00%Equity method

Notes to holding proportion of joint venture or associated enterprise different from voting proportion:

Basis of holding less than 20% of the voting rights but has a significant impact or holding 20% or more voting rights but does nothave a significant impact:

(2) Main Financial Information of Significant Joint Ventures

Unit: RMB

Ending balance/Reporting PeriodBeginning balance/The same period of last year
Shenzhen Jifa Warehouse Co., Ltd.Tian’an International Building Property Management Company of ShenzhenShenzhen Jifa Warehouse Co., Ltd.Tian’an International Building Property Management Company of Shenzhen
Current assets6,213,512.6456,097,390.285,408,927.7256,100,422.58
Of which: Cash and cash equivalents5,913,628.3935,276,287.695,408,401.3635,387,944.60
Non-current assets81,016,675.5264,884.8175,370,802.0949,234.16
Total assets87,230,188.1656,162,275.0980,779,729.8156,149,656.74
Current liabilities2,842,873.9826,494,743.632,671,881.9726,716,095.36
Non-current liability16,194,507.1116,120,967.63
Total liabilities2,842,873.9842,689,250.742,671,881.9742,837,062.99
Equity of non-controlling interests84,387,314.1813,473,024.3578,107,847.8413,312,593.75
Equity attributable To shareholders of the Company as the parent42,193,657.096,736,512.1839,053,923.926,656,296.88
Portion of net assets calculated according to proportion of shareholdings42,193,657.096,736,512.1839,053,923.926,656,296.88
Carrying value of equity investment to42,193,657.096,736,512.1839,053,923.926,656,296.88
joint ventures
Operating revenue11,266,137.608,738,744.082,523,193.698,588,350.29
Finance expense-268,242.57-23,928.26-2,946.6324,599.52
Income tax expense2,093,155.4553,570.2829,207.8875,648.84
Net profit6,279,466.34160,430.6087,623.63226,946.50
Total comprehensive income6,279,466.34160,430.6087,623.63226,946.50

Other notes

(3) Main Financial Information of Significant Associated Enterprise

Unit: RMB

Ending balance/Reporting PeriodBeginning balance/The same period of last year

Other notes

(4) Summary Financial Information of Insignificant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

Unit: RMB

Ending balance/Reporting PeriodBeginning balance/The same period of last year
Joint ventures:----
The total of following items according to the shareholding proportions----
Associated enterprises:----
The total of following items according to the shareholding proportions----

Other notes

(5) Note to the Significant Restrictions on the Ability of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises toTransfer Funds to the Company

(6) The Excess Loss of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

Unit: RMB

NameThe cumulative recognized losses in previous accumulatively derecognizedThe derecognized losses (or the share of net profit) in Reporting PeriodThe accumulative unrecognized losses in Reporting Period

Other notes

(7) The Unrecognized Commitment Related to Investment to Joint Ventures

(8) Contingent Liabilities Related to Investment to Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

4. Significant Common Operation

NameMain operatingRegistration placeNature of businessProportion /Share portion

Notes to holding proportion or share portion in common operation different from voting proportion:

For common operation as a single entity, basis of classifying as common operationOther notes

5. Equity in the Structured Entity Excluded in the Scope of Consolidated Financial StatementsNotes to the structured entity excluded in the scope of consolidated financial statements:

6. Other

X. The Risk Related to Financial Instruments

The Company is engaged in risk management to achieve balance between risks and returns, minimizing the negative effects of riskson its operation performance and maximizing the interests of its shareholders and other equity investors. Based on that riskmanagement goal, the fundamental strategy of its risk management is to identify and analyze various risks facing the Company,establish an appropriate risk bottom line, carry out risk management and monitor various risks in a timely and reliable manner tocontrol them within a restricted scope.The Company faces various risks related to financial instruments in its routine activities, mainly including credit risk, liquidity riskmarket risk. The management has reviewed and approved the policies of managing those risks, which are summarized as follows.Credit RiskCredit risk means the risk of financial losses incurred to the other party when one party of a financial instrument is unable to fulfill itsobligations.

1. Credit Risk Management Practice

(1) Credit Risk Evaluation Method

On each balance sheet date, the Company shall evaluate whether the credit risk of relevant financial instruments has increasedsignificantly since the initial recognition. After determining whether the credit risk has increased significantly since the initialrecognition, the Company shall consider obtaining reasonable and reliable information without paying unnecessary extra costs orefforts, including qualitative and quantitative analysis based on historical data, external credit risk rating and forward-lookinginformation. On the base of the single financial instrument or combination of financial instruments with similar credit riskcharacteristics, the Company compares the risk of default of financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the risk of defaulton the initial recognition date to determine the change of default risk of financial instruments during their expected duration.When one or more of the following quantitative and qualitative criteria prevails, the Company shall believe the credit risk of financialinstruments has increased significantly:

1) For the quantitative standard, it can be mainly analyzed from the probability of default for the remaining duration on the balancesheet date rises by more than a certain proportion compared with the initial confirmation.

2) For the qualitative standard, it can be mainly analyzed from the major adverse changes in the debtor's operation or financialsituation, changes in existing or expected technology, market, economy or legal environment which shall have major adverse impactson the debtor’s repayment ability of the Company, etc.

3) The upper limit is that the debtor’s contract payment (including principal and interest) is overdue for more than 90 days.

(2) Definition of Default and Credit Impairment-Assets

When a financial instrument meets one or more of the following conditions, the Company shall define the financial asset as havingdefaulted, and its criteria are consistent with the definition of having incurred credit impairment:

1) Quantitative Standard

The debtor fails to make the payment after the contract payment date for more than 90 days;

2) Qualitative criteria

① The debtor has major financial difficulties;

② The debtor violates the binding provisions on the debtor in the contract;

③ The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or carry out other financial restructurings;

④ The creditor shall give the debtor concessions that will not be made in any other circumstances due to the economic orcontractual considerations related to the debtor's financial difficulties.

2. Measurement of Expected Credit Loss

Key parameters of the expected credit loss measurement include default probability, loss given default, and default risk exposure. TheCompany considers the quantitative analysis and forward-looking information of historical statistical data (such as counterpartyrating, guarantee method, collateral type, repayment method, etc.) to establish exposure models of default probability, loss givendefault, and default risk.

3. Refer to Note VI (1), VI (2), VI (8) for details of the reconciliation statements of beginning balance and ending balance of financialinstrument loss provision.

4. Credit Risk Exposure and Credit Risk Concentration

The Company’s credit risk mainly comes from bank deposits and accounts receivable. To control the aforementioned relevant risks,the Company has adopted the following measures.

(1)Bank deposits

The Company places its bank deposits with financial institutions of high credit ratings. Thus, its credit risk is low.

(2)Accounts receivable

The Company conducts credit assessment on the customers trading in the mode of credit on a regular basis. Based on the creditassessment result, the Company chooses to trade with recognized customers with good credit and monitor the balance of the accountsreceivable from them to ensure that the Company will not face any significant bad debt risk.Due to the Company merely trades with the authorized third party with good credit, the guarantee is not required. Credit riskconcentration is managed in accordance with the customers. As of 30 June 2021, there are certain credit concentration risks, and

53.73% of accounts receivable of the Company (55.41% on 31 December 2020) comes from top 5 customers of balance. TheCompany hasn’t held any guarantee or other credit enhancement for balance of accounts receivable.The maximum credit risk exposure the Company undertook shall be the carrying value of each financial asset in balance sheet.Liquidity RiskLiquidity risk refers to the risk of fund shortage occurring when the Company fulfills the settlement obligation in the mode of cashdelivery or other financial assets. Liquidity risk may originate from the failure to sell financial assets at fair value as soon as possible;or from the other party’s failure to pay off its contractual debts; or from the earlier maturity of debts; or from the failure to generatethe expected cash flow.To control the risk, the Company comprehensively adopts bank loans as financing approach, appropriately combine long-term andshort-term financing modes and optimize the financing structure to maintain the balance between financing sustainability andflexibility. The Company has obtained the line of credit from a number of commercial banks to satisfy its operation fund needs andcapital expenditure.Financial liabilities classified by remaining maturity

ItemEnding balance
Carrying valueUndiscounted contract amountWithin 1 year1 to 3 yearsOver 3 years
Bank loans3,556,900,000.004,189,654,287.20247,390,194.73491,931,024.393,450,333,068.08
Accounts payable365,584,409.13365,584,409.13365,584,409.13
Other payables898,163,208.62898,163,208.62898,163,208.62
Current portion of other non-current liabilities67,002,418.0767,002,418.0767,002,418.07


ItemBeginning balance
Carrying valueUndiscounted contract amountWithin 1 year1 to 3 yearsOver 3 years
Bank loans3,587,800,000.004,314,545,187.20184,013,456.59499,101,299.393,631,430,431.22
Accounts payable468,269,685.65468,269,685.65468,269,685.65
Other payables834,939,937.05834,939,937.05834,939,937.05
Current portion of other non-current liabilities36,722,824.8836,722,824.8836,722,824.88

Market RiskMarket risk means the fluctuation risk of the fair value of financial instruments or the future cash flow due to market price changes.

1. Interest rate risk

Interest rate risk means the fluctuation risk of the fair value of financial instruments or the future cash flow due to changes of marketinterest rate. The Company has faced the interest rate risk of fair value generated from the financial instrument with interest of fixedrate, and the interest rate risk of cash flows generated from financial instrument with interest of floating interest rate. The Companywill determined the proportion between the financial instrument with interest of fixed rate and floating interest rate according to themarket environment, as well as review regularly, supervise and maintain appropriate portfolio of financial instrument. The interestrate risk of cash flows facing the Company is mainly related to the bank loans calculated by floating interest rate of the Company.As of 30 June 2021, under the assumption of fixed variables with 50 basis points changed in interest rate, the bank loan withRMB3,618,700,000.00 (RMB3,618,800,000.00 on 31 December 2020) calculated at floating rate will not result in significantinfluence on total profit and shareholders’ equity of the Company.

2. Foreign exchange risk

Foreign exchange rate refers to the risk that may lead to the changes of fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows due tofluctuation in exchange rate. The risk of changes of exchange rate facing the Company is mainly related to foreign currency monetaryassets and liabilities of the Company. The Company operates in mainland China, and the main activities are recorded by RMB. Thus,the foreign exchange market risk undertaken is insignificant for the Company.

XI. The Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding fair value
Fair value measurement items at level 1Fair value measurement items at level 2Fair value measurement items at level 3Total
I. Consistent fair value measurement--------
(III) Other equity instrument investment773,704.00773,704.00
Total amount of liabilities at fair value773,704.00773,704.00
II. Inconsistent fair value measurement--------

2. Market Price Recognition Basis for Consistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level

Other equity instrument held by the Company belongs to stocks of listed company, of which the closing price of stock exchange on30 June 2021 shall be regarded as the fair value.

3. Valuation Technique Adopted and Nature and Amount Determination of Important Parameters forConsistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 2

4. Valuation Technique Adopted and Nature and Amount Determination of Important Parameters forConsistent and Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3

5. Sensitiveness Analysis on Unobservable Parameters and Adjustment Information between Beginning andEnding Carrying Value of Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3

6. Explain the Reason for Conversion and the Governing Policy when the Conversion Happens ifConversion Happens among Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Different Levels

7. Changes in the Valuation Technique in the Current Period and the Reason for Such Changes

8. Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities Not Measured at Fair Value

9. Other

XII. Related Party and Related-party Transactions

1. Information Related to the Company as the Parent of the Company

NameRegistration placeNature of businessRegistered capitalProportion of share held by the Company as the parent against the Company (%)Proportion of voting rights owned by the Company as the parent against the Company (%)
Shenzhen InvestmentShenzhenManaging state-owned assetsRMB28,009 million56.96%56.96%

Notes: Information on the Company as the parentThe Company as the parent of the Company is Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., a newly-established and organizedstate-owned capital investment company based on the original three state-owned assets management companies in October 2004,among which the main function is to manage the partial municipal state-owned companies according to the authorization ofMunicipal SASAC. As a government department, Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Bureau managesShenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. on behalf of People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality.

The final controller of the Company is Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Committee of ShenzhenGovernment.Other notes:

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Refer to Note IX for details.

3. Information on the Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises of the CompanyRefer to Note IX-3 for details about significant joint ventures or associated enterprises.Information on other joint venture or associated enterprise of occurring related-party transactions with the Company in ReportingPeriod, or forming balance due to related-party transactions made in previous period:

Holdings Co., LtdName

NameRelationship with the Company

Other notesNot applicable

4. Information on Other Related Parties

NameRelationship with the Company
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Xinhai Holding Co., Ltd.The Company as the parent of Xinhai Rongyao of subsidiary Rongyao Real Estate by non-controlling interests
Shenzhen Xinhai Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Subsidiary Rongyao Real Estate by non-controlling interests
Shenzhen Real Estate Jifa Warehousing Co., Ltd.Joint venture of the Company
Shenzhen Tian’an International Mansion Property Administration Co., Ltd.Joint venture of the Company
Shenzhen Wufang Ceramics Industrial Co., Ltd.Associated enterprise of the Company
Hebei Shenbao Investment Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's grandson company
Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
Shenzhen Bay Area Urban Construction Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company
VCEPWholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Infinova LimitedSubsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
GUOREN PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE CO.,LTD.Subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Guosen Securities Co.,Ltd.Subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company

Other notes

5. List of Connected Transactions

(1) Information on Acquisition of Goods and Reception of Labor Service

Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service

Unit: RMB

Related partyContentReporting PeriodThe approval trade creditWhether exceed trade credit or notSame period of last year
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.Management service fee36,898,826.1680,000,000.00Not33,458,508.93
Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.Project architectural design plan2,951,039.530.00
Shenzhen Infinova LimitedInformation management system611,563.48
GUOREN PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE CO.,LTD.Premiums for property insurance112,834.59

Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service

Unit: RMB

Related partyContentReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Shenzhen Hi-tech Zone Development Construction Co., LtdProperty service fee741,984.34669,509.81
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee28,502,992.0318,958,078.79
Hebei Shenbao Investment Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee2,805,356.450.00
Shenzhen Bay Area Urban Construction Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee986,445.32713,736.06
VCEPProperty service fee3,126,797.590.00
Guosen Securities Co.,Ltd.Property service fee766,960.890.00

Notes on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service

(2) Information on Related-party Trusteeship/Contract

Lists of trusteeship/contract:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entruster/contracteeName of the entrustee/ contractorTypeStart dateDue datePricing basisIncome recognized in this Reporting Period
Shenzhen Shentou Property Development Co., Ltd.ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.Investment property6 November 20195 November 2025Market pricing31,245,224.31


Lists of entrust/contractee

Unit: RMB

Name of the entruster/contracteeName of the entrustee/ contractorTypeStart dateDue datePricing basisCharge recognized in this Reporting Period


Not applicable

(3) Information on Related-party Lease

The Company was lessor:

Unit: RMB

Name of lesseeCategory of leased assetsThe lease income confirmed in the Reporting PeriodThe lease income confirmed in the Same period of last year

The Company was lessee:

Unit: RMB

Name of lessorCategory of leased assetsThe lease fee confirmed in the Reporting PeriodThe lease fee confirmed in the Same period of last year
Shenzhen Shentou Property Development Co., Ltd.Investment property194,163.30190,340.58


(4) Information on Related-party Guarantee

The Company was guarantor:

Unit: RMB

Secured partyGuarantee amountStart dateEnd dateExecution accomplished or not

The Company was secured party

Unit: RMB

Guarantor:Guarantee amountStart dateEnd dateExecution accomplished or not


Not applicable

(5) Information on Inter-bank Lending of Capital of Related Parties

Unit: RMB

Related partyAmountStart dateEnd dateNote

(6) Information on Assets Transfer and Debt Restructuring by Related Party

Unit: RMB

Related partyContentReporting periodSame period of last year

(7) Information on Remuneration for Key Management Personnel

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting periodSame period of last year
Remuneration for key management personnel5,087,564.506,604,773.44

(8) Other Related-party Transactions

Not applicable

6. Accounts Receivable and Payable of Related Party

(1) Accounts Receivable

Unit: RMB

ItemRelated partyEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amountBad debt provision
AccountsShenzhen Bay91,137,483.112,734,124.4960,785,586.791,823,567.60
receivableTechnology Development Co., Ltd.
Hebei Shenbao Investment Development Co., Ltd.1,475,498.6144,264.961,465,286.2443,958.59
Shenzhen Hi-tech Zone Development Construction Co., Ltd.1,412,291.3542,368.74583,120.2917,493.61
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.0.000.008,357,589.14250,727.67
Other receivablesShenzhen Xinhai Holding Co., Ltd.401,499,990.180.00401,499,990.180.00
Shenzhen Xinhai Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.330,472,932.330.00330,472,932.330.00
Shenzhen Wufang Ceramics Industrial Co., Ltd.1,747,264.251,747,264.251,747,264.251,747,264.25
Shenzhen Hi-tech Zone Development Construction Co., Ltd.138,689.46110,951.57138,689.46110,951.57
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.109,148.4446,829.92109,148.4446,829.92
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.6,953,684.90208,610.55931,784.9027,953.55

(2) Accounts Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemRelated partyEnding carrying amountBeginning carrying amount
Accounts payableShenzhen Shentou Property Development Co., Ltd.2,224,538.171,338,025.92
Other payablesShenzhen Shentou Property Development Co., Ltd.18,606,526.0714,781,098.23
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.67,127,452.9629,944,314.56
Shenzhen Bay Area Urban Construction and Development Co., Ltd.360,752.18360,752.18
Shenzhen Real Estate Jifa Warehousing Co., Ltd.38,796,665.1435,796,665.14
Shenzhen Tian’an International Mansion Property Administration Co., Ltd.5,214,345.905,214,345.90

7. Commitments of Related Party

According to the overall plan of the Shenzhen Municipal Government on the restructuring of the state-owned assets managementsystem, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People's Government of Shenzhen Municipaldecided to establish Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. (SIHC), merging Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., ShenzhenManagement-Investment Company and Shenzhen Trade Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. As a result, SIHC inherited 63.82% of theequity interests in the listed company ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd. (SZPRD) held by ShenzhenInvestment Holdings Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Management-Investment Company in accordance with the law. On 19 October 2018,SIHC obtained the Confirmation of Securities Transfer Registration regarding the equity interest of SZPRD and completed thetransfer of the equity interest in SZPRD. In view of the fact that Shenzhen Urban Construction Development (Group) Co. Ltd.,Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co. Ltd. and SZPRD, all wholly-owned subsidiaries of SIHC,are operating real estate development and commercial property sales business, which belong to the same industry, and there iscompetition in the same industry. So, in order to avoid competition in the same industry, SIHC has made relevant commitments, asdetailed in III Fulfillment of Commitments of Part V of the Annual Report 2020.

8. Other

XIII. Stock Payment

1. The Overall Situation of Stock Payment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. The Stock Payment Settled in Equity

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. The Stock Payment Settled in Cash

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Modification and Termination of the Stock Payment

5. Other

XIV. Commitments and Contingency

1. Significant Commitments

Significant Contingency on Balance Sheet Date

ItemReporting periodSame period of last year
Signed but derecognized in financial statements — Large amount contract204,632,733.45147,758,430.24

2. Contingency

(1) Important Contingencies Existing on the Balance Sheet Date

(1) The action about transferring Jiabin Building contentious matter

In 1993, the Company signed Right of Development Transfer Contract of Jiabin Building with Shenzhen Jiyong PropertyDevelopment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jiyong Company”). Since the contract was not effectively executed, the Companysubsequently filed a series of lawsuits against the parties involved in the project, but the outcome was not favorable to the Company.Therefore, the Company calculated and withdrew bad-debt provisions for accounts receivable from Jiyong Company in full in pastyears for the transfer of Jiabin Building. On October 31, 2018, Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court made a civil award and ruledthat the Company’s application for the bankruptcy of Jiyong Company would not be accepted. The Company appealed against theruling. On April 29, 2019, the Guangdong Provincial Higher People's Court ruled to reject the Company's appeal and maintain theoriginal ruling. As of the issuance date of the report, there is no new progress in the case.

(2) The contentious matters involved with all renovations, decorations, equipment and facilities in the floors 5-8 of Haiwai LianyiBuildingIn 2008, Shenzhen Hailian Guest House, a subsidiary of the Company, signed the Internal Contract of Hailian Guest House, HouseLeasing Contract with Cai Baolin, obtained the use right of the rooms in the floors 5-8 of Haiwai Lianyi Building accordingly andfurther established Shenzhen Hailian Hotel Co., Ltd. for business operation of the rooms. For the above-mentioned contracts wereterminated, Cai Baolin brought a civil lawsuit against Shenzhen Hailian Guest House, Shenzhen Jinhailian Property Management Co.,Ltd. (“Jinhailian”) on all of the renovation, decoration, equipment and facilities made and installed in the rooms. The People’s Courtat Luohu District, Shenzhen City issued the civil judgment (2019) Yue 0303 Min Chu 4458 on December 26, 2019 and orderedJinhailian to accept the renovation, decoration, equipment and facilities remaining in the floors 5-8 of Haiwai Lianyi Building by theplaintiff Cai Baolin within ten days after the judgment became effective, and Jinhailian should pay the residual value RMB2,396,947.00 and Cai Baolin had no right to the above assets. In this year, the estimated liabilities RMB 2,396,947.00 shall beaccrued for Jinhailian according to the amount of compensation payable.

(3) Phase I arbitration case of High-tech Zone Branch Software Park

On 22 February 2021, ITC Technology Park Hi-tech Zone Branch, a subsidiary of the Company, received a notice of arbitration fromShenzhen Court of International Arbitration in relation to a dispute over a property service contract between the owners' committeeand the Branch, in which the applicant requested an award for the Hi-tech Zone Branch to return all operating income balancesrelating to public sites and premises for the period from 2007 to 2020 in the amount of RMB31,077,017.59 and RMB635,929.44 forfund occupation fee, RMB288,641.00 for arbitration fee and RMB300,000.00 for attorney fee, totaling RMB32,301,588.03. The firstsession of the arbitration has been concluded, and the parties to the arbitration have disputed the number of amounts involved andhave applied for an audit by a third-party auditor, and are currently waiting for the audit to be carried out.

(4) Phase I arbitration case of ITC Technology Park Hi-tech Zone Branch

In March 2021, ITC Technology Park Hi-tech Zone Branch, a subsidiary of the Company, received a notice of arbitration from

Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration in relation to a dispute over a property service contract between the owners' committeeand the Branch, in which the applicant requested for an award to return to the owners' committee the principal amount ofRMB9,893,677.82 of the operating income balance for the period from 2007 to 2012 and the fund occupation fee ofRMB3,272,665.99 (based on 9,893,677.82, from 1 July 2012, at an annual interest rate of 3.85%, provisionally calculated until 13January 2021, actually calculated until the date of liquidation of the respondent), totaling RMB13,166,343.81. The arbitration fees inthis case shall be borne by the Branch; the attorney's fees of RMB30,000.00 shall be borne by the Sci-tech Park. The above amountstotaled RMB13,196,343.81. The first session of the arbitration has been concluded, and the parties to the arbitration have disputed thenumber of amounts involved and have applied for an audit by a third-party auditor, and are currently waiting for the audit to becarried out.

(2) In Despite of no Significant Contingency to Disclose, the Company Shall Also Make RelevantStatementsThere was no significant contingency in the Company.

3. Other

As a real estate developer, the Company provides mortgage loan guarantees for commercial housing purchasers according to theoperation practice of real estate industry and pays loan deposit for them. By 30 June 2021, the balance of deposit not discharged withguarantee was RMB190,666,780.00, which guarantee will be discharged when the mortgage loan is paid off.XV. Events after Balance Sheet Date

1. Significant Non-adjusted Events

Unit: RMB

ItemContentInfluence number to the financial position and operating resultsReason of inability to estimate influence number

2. Profit Distribution

Unit: RMB

3. Sales Return

4. Notes to Other Events after Balance Sheet Date

XVI. Other Significant Events

1. The Accounting Errors Correction in Previous Period

(1) Retrospective Restatement

Unit: RMB

ContentProcessing programName of the influenced report items during comparison periodAccumulative impact

(2) Prospective Application

ContentProcessing programReason for adopting prospective application

2. Debt Restructuring

3. Assets Replacement

(1) Non-monetary Assets Exchange

(2) Other Assets Replacement

4. Pension Plans

5. Discontinued Operations

Unit: RMB

ItemIncomeExpenseTotal profitIncome tax expenseNet profitProfit from discontinued operations attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

Other notes

6. Segment Information

(1) Determination Basis and Accounting Policies of Reportable Segment

In accordance with the internal organization structure, management requirements and internal report system, the Company identifiedthe reportable segments based on the product segment and assessed the operational performance of ivory business, printing businessand latex business. The assets and liabilities sharing with other segments shall be proportionally distributed among segments byscales.

(2) The Financial Information of Reportable Segment

Unit: RMB

ItemReal estateProperty managementLeasing businessOffset among segmentTotal
Operation revenue1,897,026,889.73541,811,731.82102,026,517.702,540,865,139.25
Operation cost256,248,450.98451,542,753.5446,493,821.72754,285,026.24
Total assets11,489,316,868.421,262,501,191.47531,862,648.4813,283,680,708.37
Total liabilities8,054,816,541.98845,103,655.07179,043,100.879,078,963,297.92

(3) If there Was no Reportable Segment, or the Total Amount of Assets and Liabilities of Each ReportableSegment Could not Be Reported, Relevant Reasons Shall Be Clearly Stated

(4) Other notes

7. Other Significant Transactions and Events with Influence on Investors’ Decision-making

8. Other

XVII. Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent

1. Notes Receivable

(1) Accounts Receivable Disclosed by Category

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportionAmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportion
Accounts receivable for which bad debt provision separately accrued96,702,269.4095.89%96,702,269.40100.00%0.0096,702,269.4097.25%96,702,269.40100.00%0.00
Of which:
Accounts receivable withdrawal of bad debt provision by group4,149,112.754.11%133,021.153.21%4,016,091.602,735,781.292.75%111,280.874.07%2,624,500.42
Of which:

Accounts receivable for which bad debt provision separately accrued: 96702269.40

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportionReason for withdrawal
Shenzhen Jiyong Properties & Resources Development Company93,811,328.0593,811,328.05100.00%Involved in lawsuit and with no executable property
Shenzhen Tewei Industrial Co., Ltd.2,836,561.002,836,561.00100.00%Long aging and expected unrecoverable
Luohu District Economic Development Company54,380.3554,380.35100.00%Long aging and expected unrecoverable

Accounts receivable for which bad debt provision separately accrued:

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportionReason for withdrawal

Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: 133021.15

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion
Portfolio of credit risk features4,149,112.75133,021.153.21%

Notes to the determination basis for the group:

For details, please refer to Part XII Financial Statement.Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: 133021.15

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion
Within 1 year4,027,001.80120,810.053.00%
1 to 2 years122,110.9512,211.1010.00%

Notes to the determination basis for the group:

Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group:

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion

Notes to the determination basis for the group:

Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if adopting the general modeof expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Disclosed by aging

Unit: RMB

AgingEnding balance
Within 1 year (including 1 year)4,027,001.80
1 to 2 years122,110.95
Over 3 years96,702,269.40
Over 5 years96,702,269.40

(2) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting PeriodBad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period:

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the Reporting PeriodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversal or recoveryWrite-offWithdrawal
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately96,702,269.4096,702,269.40
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group111,280.8721,740.28133,021.15

Of which significant amount of reversed or recovered bad debt provision:

Unit: RMB

Name of entityAmount reversed or recoveredWay of recovery

(3) Accounts Receivable with Actual Verification during the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount verified

Of which the verification of significant accounts receivable:

Unit: RMB

Name of entityNatureAmount verifiedReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether generated from connected transactions

Notes to verification of accounts receivable:

(4) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable Collected according to Arrears Party

Unit: RMB

Name of entityEnding balance of accounts receivableProportion to the total ending balance of accounts receivableEnding balance of bad debt provision
Shenzhen Jiyong Properties & Resources Development Company93,811,328.0593.02%93,811,328.05
Shenzhen Tewei Industry Co., Ltd.2,836,561.002.81%2,836,561.00
Shenzhen Meige Xiazi Catering Management Co.,813,549.600.81%24,406.49
Shenzhen Feihuang Industrial Co., Ltd.694,630.000.69%20,838.90
State Grain Supply Chain (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.156,145.000.15%4,684.35

(5) Accounts Receivable Derecognized due to the Transfer of Financial Assets

(6) The Amount of Assets and Liabilities Generated from the Transfer and the Continued Involvement ofAccounts ReceivableOther notes:

2. Other Accounts Receivable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Other accounts receivable151,322,779.82145,325,697.20

(1) Interest Receivable

1) Category of Interest Receivable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

2) Significant Overdue Interest

EntityEnding balanceOverdue timeOverdue reasonWhether occurred impairment and its judgment basis

Other notes:

3) Information of Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Dividend Receivable

1) Category of Dividend Receivable

Unit: RMB

Item (or investees)Ending balanceBeginning balance

2) Significant Dividends Receivable Aging over 1 Year

Unit: RMB

Item (or investees)Ending balanceAgingReasonWhether occurred impairment and its judgment basis

3) Information of Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Other notes:

(3) Other Receivables

1) Other Receivables Disclosed by Account Nature

Unit: RMB

NatureEnding carrying amountBeginning carrying amount
Guarantee deposit1,552,160.002,201,527.00
Petty cash170,000.00
Payment on behalf19,510.00
External intercourse funds23,851,692.4523,305,386.85
Intercourse funds to subsidiary158,099,632.47151,970,155.85

2) Information of Withdrawal of Bad Debt Provision

Unit: RMB

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss of the next 12 monthsExpected loss in the duration (credit impairment not occurred)Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January 20218,812,171.7723,358,710.7332,170,882.50
Balance of 1 January 2021 in the current period————————
Withdrawal of the current period33,975.00145,847.60179,822.60
Balance of 30 June 20218,846,146.7723,504,558.3332,350,705.10

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Disclosure by aging

Unit: RMB

AgingEnding balance
Within 1 years (including 1 year)158,306,643.86
1 to 2 years69,600.00
2 to 3 years50,000.00
Over 3 years25,247,241.06
3 to 4 years54,945.84
4 to 5 years2,016.98
Over 5 years25,190,278.24

3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Reporting Period

Information of bad debt provision withdrawn:

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the Reporting PeriodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversal or recoveryWrite-offOther
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately23,358,710.73145,847.6023,504,558.33
Bad debt provision withdrawn by group8,812,171.7733,975.008,846,146.77

Of which the bad debt provision reversed or recovered with significant amount during the Reporting Period:

Unit: RMB

Name of entityAmount reversed or recoveredWay of recovery

4) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Other Receivables during the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB


Of which the verification of significant other receivables:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureAmountReasonProcedureWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes to the verification of other receivables:

5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureEnding balanceAgingProportion to ending balance of total other receivables%Ending balance of bad debt provision
Shum Yip Properties Development LimitedIntercourse funds to subsidiary102,374,340.25Over 5 years55.74%7,022,616.20
SZPRD Yangzhou Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Intercourse funds to subsidiary23,417,665.201-2 years12.75%0.00
SZPRD Xuzhou Dapeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Intercourse funds to subsidiary18,147,317.91Within 1 year9.88%0.00
SZPRD Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Intercourse funds to subsidiary9,200,000.00Within 1 year5.01%0.00
Shanghai Yutong Real Estate Co., Ltd.External intercourse funds5,676,000.00Over 5 years3.09%5,676,000.00

6) Accounts Receivable Involving Government Subsidies

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityProject of government subsidiesEnding balanceEnding agingEstimated recovering time, amount and basis

7) Derecognition of Other Receivables due to the Transfer of Financial Assets

8) The Amount of the Assets and Liabilities Formed due to the Transfer and the Continued Involvement ofOther Receivables

Other notes:

3. Long-term Equity Investment

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountDepreciation reserveCarrying valueCarrying amountDepreciation reserveCarrying value
Investment to subsidiaries1,093,829,880.3968,364,000.001,025,465,880.391,093,829,880.3968,364,000.001,025,465,880.39
Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises67,912,318.1018,983,614.1448,928,703.9664,693,834.9318,983,614.1445,710,220.79

(1) Investment to Subsidiaries

Unit: RMB

balance (carrying value)Additional investmentReduced investmentDepreciation reserve withdrawnOtherbalance (carrying value)balance of depreciation reserve
Shenzhen Huangcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd.35,552,671.9335,552,671.93
Shenzhen Wuhe Industry Investment Development Co., Ltd.30,950,000.0030,950,000.00
SZPRD Yangzhou Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.50,000,000.0050,000,000.00
Dongguan ITC Changsheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.20,000,000.0020,000,000.00
Shenzhen International Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd.24,704,758.0624,704,758.06
Shenzhen Property Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.3,000,000.003,000,000.00
SZPRD Commercial Operation Co., Ltd.62,821,767.9062,821,767.90
Zhanjiang Shenzhen Real Estate0.002,530,000.00
Development Co., Ltd.
Shum Yip Properties Development Co., Ltd.0.0015,834,000.00
SZPRD Xuzhou Dapeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.0.0050,000,000.00
Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.508,000,000.00508,000,000.00
Shenzhen Guomao Science and Technology Park Service Co., Ltd.163,553,254.897,767,190.70171,320,445.59
SZPRD Urban Renewal Co., Ltd.126,883,427.61-7,767,190.70119,116,236.91

(2) Investment to Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises

Unit: RMB

InvesteeBeginning balance (carrying value)Increase/decreaseEnding balance (carrying value)Ending balance of depreciation reserve
Additional investmentReduced investmentGains and losses recognized under the equity methodAdjustment of other comprehensive incomeChanges of other equityCash bonus or profits announced to issueWithdrawal of impairment provisionOther
I. Joint ventures
Shenzhen Real Estate Jifa Warehousing Co., Ltd.39,053,923.923,139,733.1742,193,657.09
Tian’an International Building Property Management Company of Shenzhen6,656,296.8778,750.006,735,046.87
II. Associated enterprises
Shenzhen Wufang Ceramics Industrial Co., Ltd.18,983,614.14

(3) Other Notes

4. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Operating revenueCost of salesOperating revenueCost of sales
Main operations31,762,623.2117,990,848.3025,828,330.0215,835,977.53
Other operations10,538,272.14659,988.00

Relevant information of revenue:

Unit: RMB

Category of contractsSegment 1Segment 2Total
Of which:
House leasing business42,300,895.3542,300,895.35
Of which:
Of which:
Of which:
Of which:
Of which:
Of which:

Information related to performance obligations:

The income of the parent company in this period was all income from leasing business.Information related to transaction value assigned to residual performance obligations:

The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not fully performed yetwas RMB0.00 at the period-end, among which RMBXXX was expected to be recognized in the year, RMBXXX in the year andRMBXXX in the year.Other notes:

5. Investment Income

Unit: RMB

ItemReporting PeriodSame period of last year
Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method3,218,483.17157,061.79
Interest income from holding of investments in other debt obligations59,818,841.7262,416,928.73

6. Other

XVIII. Supplementary Materials

1. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets-14,448.90
Government grants recognized in the Current Period, except for those acquired in the ordinary course of business or granted at certain quotas or amounts according to the government’s unified standards226,082.01
Gains and losses arising from contingencies unrelated to the normal operation of the company's business-114,571.79Litigation compensation
Other non-operating income and expense other than the above8,061,224.33Mainly received as compensation for demolition
Less: Income tax effects1,836,539.53
Non-controlling interests effects-195,286.42

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies an item as an non-recurring gain/loss according to the definition in the ExplanatoryAnnouncement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-recurring Gains andLosses, or classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the said explanatory announcement as a recurrent gain/loss item.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share

Profit as of Reporting PeriodWeighted average ROE (%)EPS (Yuan/share)
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company16.98%1.13491.1349
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company after deduction of non-recurring profit or loss16.81%1.12401.1240

3. Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas Accounting Standards

(1) Differences of Net Profit and Net Assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under Internationaland Chinese Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(2) Differences of Net profit and Net assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under Overseas andChinese Accounting Standards

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(3) Explain Reasons for the Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and OverseasAccounting Standards; for any Adjustment Made to the Difference Existing in the Data Audited by theForeign Auditing Agent, Such Foreign Auditing Agent’s Name Shall Be Clearly Stated

4. Other
