A Shares Stock Code:600690D Shares Stock Code:690DH Shares Stock Code:6690
BOD Building, Haier Industrial Park, Laoshan District, Qingdao City0532-88931670?nance@haier.comhttp://smart-home.haier.com
This report aims to objectively and fairly re?ect HaierSmart Home's environmental,social and governance(ESG) performance in 2020. It is recommended toread the contents concerning corporate governancein this report in conjunction with the Corporate Gov-ernance contained in the 2020 Annual Report ofHaier Smart Home Co., Ltd. In the course of prepar-ing this report, we strove to ensure that all informa-tion included herein meets the principle requirementsraised by the The Stock Exchange of Hong KongLimited including materiality, quantitativeness,balance, and consistency for the report.
January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. (Some con-tents exceed this period)Reporting Period
Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd., with certain data cover-ing Haier Group.
Scope Of TheReporting Entity
This report is prepared in accordance with Appendix27 Environmental, Social and Governance ReportingGuide in the Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange ofHong Kong Limited, with reference to the GRI Sus-tainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards)issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), theGuidelines on Preparation of Corporate SocialResponsibility Reports of Chinese Enterprises(CASS-CSR4.0) issued by the Chinese Academy ofSocial Sciences (CASS), and the Guidelines on Envi-ronmental Information Disclosure of Listed Compa-nies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued by theShanghai Stock Exchange.
Report CompilationBasis
The text information and cases in this report mainlycome from the Company's statistical data, relevant?les, and internal communication documents. Somedata in this report is extracted from the 2020 AnnualReport of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Other datacomes from the Company's internal systems ormanual records. The Company promises that thisreport contains no false record or misleading state-ment, and bears responsibility for the truth, accuracyand integrity of its content.The report is released in simpli?ed Chinese, tradition-al Chinese, and English. In case of discrepancy in thethree versions, the simpli?ed Chinese version shallprevail.
Information Source AndReliability Warranty
The report is published in both printed and electronicform, and the electronic edition is available on theCompany's o?cial website, Hong Kong StockExchange website and Shanghai Stock Exchangewebsite (http://smart-home.haier.com, www.hkex-news.hk, http://www.sse.com.cn/).We appreciate opinions from stakeholders, and read-ers are welcome to contact us in the following ways.
Report Access AndResponse
Contact information: 0532-88931670Email: ?nance@haier.comAddress: BOD Building, Haier Industrial Park, LaoshanDistrict, Qingdao City
Good Things
For Life
This report aims to objectively and fairly re?ect HaierSmart Home's environmental,social and governance(ESG) performance in 2020. It is recommended toread the contents concerning corporate governancein this report in conjunction with the Corporate Gov-ernance contained in the 2020 Annual Report ofHaier Smart Home Co., Ltd. In the course of prepar-ing this report, we strove to ensure that all informa-tion included herein meets the principle requirementsraised by the The Stock Exchange of Hong KongLimited including materiality, quantitativeness,balance, and consistency for the report.
January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. (Some con-tents exceed this period)Reporting Period
Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd., with certain data cover-ing Haier Group.
Scope Of TheReporting Entity
This report is prepared in accordance with Appendix27 Environmental, Social and Governance ReportingGuide in the Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange ofHong Kong Limited, with reference to the GRI Sus-tainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards)issued by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), theGuidelines on Preparation of Corporate SocialResponsibility Reports of Chinese Enterprises(CASS-CSR4.0) issued by the Chinese Academy ofSocial Sciences (CASS), and the Guidelines on Envi-ronmental Information Disclosure of Listed Compa-nies on the Shanghai Stock Exchange issued by theShanghai Stock Exchange.
Report CompilationBasis
The text information and cases in this report mainlycome from the Company's statistical data, relevant?les, and internal communication documents. Somedata in this report is extracted from the 2020 AnnualReport of Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. Other datacomes from the Company's internal systems ormanual records. The Company promises that thisreport contains no false record or misleading state-ment, and bears responsibility for the truth, accuracyand integrity of its content.The report is released in simpli?ed Chinese, tradition-al Chinese, and English. In case of discrepancy in thethree versions, the simpli?ed Chinese version shallprevail.
Information Source AndReliability Warranty
The report is published in both printed and electronicform, and the electronic edition is available on theCompany's o?cial website, Hong Kong StockExchange website and Shanghai Stock Exchangewebsite (http://smart-home.haier.com, www.hkex-news.hk, http://www.sse.com.cn/).We appreciate opinions from stakeholders, and read-ers are welcome to contact us in the following ways.
Report Access AndResponse
Contact information: 0532-88931670Email: ?nance@haier.comAddress: BOD Building, Haier Industrial Park, LaoshanDistrict, Qingdao City
Good Things
For Life
Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.Chairman:
March 2021
In 2020, we faced crises that we had never encountered beforebrought by the outbreak of COVID-19, exacerbated climatechange, and the unstable international situation. However, suchchallenges made us gain a deeper understanding of the "commu-nity with a shared future for mankind" and help Haier SmartHome become more determined in its belief of “connecting to abetter life with smart appliances”.There are both opportunities and challenges. Firmly believing "asuccessful company has simply seized the times we're in", wegrasped opportunities in crisis situations, continuously promotingHaier Smart Home to transform itself from a leader in the globalmajor appliance industry to a global leader in scenario brandsand ecosystem brands. In 2020, Haier Smart Home was success-fully listed on the The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited,showing it has built the "A+D+H" global capital market layout andis moving forward to become the ?rst IoT listed company in theworld. Meanwhile, we have been rated as the global No. 1 majorappliance brand for 12 consecutive years and ranked among the"Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands" for two consecutive yearsrated by a well-known international brand rating institutionBrandZ? as the only ecosystem brand.While mountains and rivers separate us, we enjoy the samemoonlight under the same sky. In 2020, we maintained closecommunication with all stakeholders and joined hands to turncrisis into opportunity, making great progresses in all our work.On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity toexpress sincere gratitude to all stakeholders for their understand-ing, trust, and support, and to all employees for their ?rm convic-tion and hard work.In 2020, we led a better life with Haier's smart appliances. Wehave continued the exploration of quality, R&D, and resourcesharing. We led the industry with innovative and high-quality
products, o?ered whole-procedure scenario plans and consider-ate services to customers based on the Haier Smart Home Expe-riential Cloud Platform and Haier Smart Home application, andprovided the best smart life experience through continuous inter-actions with users.In 2020, we protected a good ecological environment withgreen development. We carried out the "Green Design, GreenManufacture, Green Operation, and Green Recovery" (4G) Strate-gy, built an environmental management system covering globaloperations, and provided green products for hundreds of millionsof users around the world through the green managementthroughout the whole life cycle of products, making contributionsto safeguarding the good ecological environment. In 2020, weidenti?ed the risks and opportunities brought by climate changefor our operation and actively responded to them to promote thelong-term sustainable development of the Company; we adoptedmultiple energy-conservation measures to reduce the emission ofgreenhouse gas, thus making contributions to achieving the goalof "carbon neutrality" and green development.In 2020, we boosted common growth with RenDanHeYi. "Priori-tizing people's value" is an eternal quest of Haier. We continuous-ly built diversi?ed but cohesive teams and created an inclusivework environment around the world to stimulate the innovationvitality of employees. We fully guaranteed employees' legal rightsand interests and merged the protection of human rights into theCompany's code of conduct. Focusing on the growth of everyemployee, we created a unique "RenDanHeYi" managementmodel, which helped employees realize their own value whilecreating user value. Focusing on employees' health and safety, wehave established and continuously improved the health andsafety management system. During the pandemic, we took aseries of measures to guarantee the physical and mental health ofemployees.
In 2020, we facilitated social development by shoulderingresponsibilities. We proactively undertook the social responsibili-ties as a national enterprise to facilitate social development. Wehave long supported educational development and activelyparticipated in poverty alleviation and disaster relief. As at theend of 2020, we have invested more than RMB116 million to build325 Hope Primary Schools and 1 Hope Middle School in 26 prov-inces, cities and autonomous regions in China, helping tens ofthousands children go to school. We extensively participated indisaster relief around the world, providing warm help and supportfor disaster-a?ected communities.The outbreak of the pandemic made many people anxious.Global Haier people stepped forward and immediately tookactions to integrate the global resources to assist in respondingto the pandemic. We continuously donated materials and orga-nized an anti-pandemic commando to assist the front line. Webuilt platforms to help enterprises in the supply chain to resumework, and rapidly stabilized the production and operations toserve global users. In 2020, as one of the earliest and also themost generous assistance providers, Haier was widely recognizedby all sectors of society.Although there are still uncertainties in the future, Haier SmartHome has been fully prepared for all possible challenges. We willcontinue to uphold the non-change principle and take simpli?edmeasures to deal with the changing trend. We will create a betterlife for users and contribute green power to building a green eco-system while creating higher returns for investors. In addition, wewill provide a growth platform for employees and facilitate thedevelopment of communities. In the new year, I hope we will joinhands to write a brilliant chapter in the era of IoT.
Chairman's statement
In the new year, I hope we will join hands towrite a brilliant chapter in the era of IoT!
Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd.Chairman:
March 2021
In 2020, we faced crises that we had never encountered beforebrought by the outbreak of COVID-19, exacerbated climatechange, and the unstable international situation. However, suchchallenges made us gain a deeper understanding of the "commu-nity with a shared future for mankind" and help Haier SmartHome become more determined in its belief of “connecting to abetter life with smart appliances”.There are both opportunities and challenges. Firmly believing "asuccessful company has simply seized the times we're in", wegrasped opportunities in crisis situations, continuously promotingHaier Smart Home to transform itself from a leader in the globalmajor appliance industry to a global leader in scenario brandsand ecosystem brands. In 2020, Haier Smart Home was success-fully listed on the The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited,showing it has built the "A+D+H" global capital market layout andis moving forward to become the ?rst IoT listed company in theworld. Meanwhile, we have been rated as the global No. 1 majorappliance brand for 12 consecutive years and ranked among the"Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands" for two consecutive yearsrated by a well-known international brand rating institutionBrandZ? as the only ecosystem brand.While mountains and rivers separate us, we enjoy the samemoonlight under the same sky. In 2020, we maintained closecommunication with all stakeholders and joined hands to turncrisis into opportunity, making great progresses in all our work.On behalf of the Board, I would like to take this opportunity toexpress sincere gratitude to all stakeholders for their understand-ing, trust, and support, and to all employees for their ?rm convic-tion and hard work.In 2020, we led a better life with Haier's smart appliances. Wehave continued the exploration of quality, R&D, and resourcesharing. We led the industry with innovative and high-quality
products, o?ered whole-procedure scenario plans and consider-ate services to customers based on the Haier Smart Home Expe-riential Cloud Platform and Haier Smart Home application, andprovided the best smart life experience through continuous inter-actions with users.In 2020, we protected a good ecological environment withgreen development. We carried out the "Green Design, GreenManufacture, Green Operation, and Green Recovery" (4G) Strate-gy, built an environmental management system covering globaloperations, and provided green products for hundreds of millionsof users around the world through the green managementthroughout the whole life cycle of products, making contributionsto safeguarding the good ecological environment. In 2020, weidenti?ed the risks and opportunities brought by climate changefor our operation and actively responded to them to promote thelong-term sustainable development of the Company; we adoptedmultiple energy-conservation measures to reduce the emission ofgreenhouse gas, thus making contributions to achieving the goalof "carbon neutrality" and green development.In 2020, we boosted common growth with RenDanHeYi. "Priori-tizing people's value" is an eternal quest of Haier. We continuous-ly built diversi?ed but cohesive teams and created an inclusivework environment around the world to stimulate the innovationvitality of employees. We fully guaranteed employees' legal rightsand interests and merged the protection of human rights into theCompany's code of conduct. Focusing on the growth of everyemployee, we created a unique "RenDanHeYi" managementmodel, which helped employees realize their own value whilecreating user value. Focusing on employees' health and safety, wehave established and continuously improved the health andsafety management system. During the pandemic, we took aseries of measures to guarantee the physical and mental health ofemployees.
In 2020, we facilitated social development by shoulderingresponsibilities. We proactively undertook the social responsibili-ties as a national enterprise to facilitate social development. Wehave long supported educational development and activelyparticipated in poverty alleviation and disaster relief. As at theend of 2020, we have invested more than RMB116 million to build325 Hope Primary Schools and 1 Hope Middle School in 26 prov-inces, cities and autonomous regions in China, helping tens ofthousands children go to school. We extensively participated indisaster relief around the world, providing warm help and supportfor disaster-a?ected communities.The outbreak of the pandemic made many people anxious.Global Haier people stepped forward and immediately tookactions to integrate the global resources to assist in respondingto the pandemic. We continuously donated materials and orga-nized an anti-pandemic commando to assist the front line. Webuilt platforms to help enterprises in the supply chain to resumework, and rapidly stabilized the production and operations toserve global users. In 2020, as one of the earliest and also themost generous assistance providers, Haier was widely recognizedby all sectors of society.Although there are still uncertainties in the future, Haier SmartHome has been fully prepared for all possible challenges. We willcontinue to uphold the non-change principle and take simpli?edmeasures to deal with the changing trend. We will create a betterlife for users and contribute green power to building a green eco-system while creating higher returns for investors. In addition, wewill provide a growth platform for employees and facilitate thedevelopment of communities. In the new year, I hope we will joinhands to write a brilliant chapter in the era of IoT.
Chairman's statement
In the new year, I hope we will join hands towrite a brilliant chapter in the era of IoT!
Haier Smart HomeOne of World's Most Admired Companies
Haier Smart HomeOverview of Social Responsibility
Responsibility FocusSpare no Efforts to Proactively Fight theTough Battle against the Pandemic
RenDanHeYiAchieve a Better Future for Employees
Green DevelopmentProtect the Good Ecological Environment
Responsible ProcurementJointly Promote Industrial Development
Excellent QualityCustomize Beautiful Life
Give back to SocietyBuild a Harmonious Society
Third-party Evaluation made by the ChinaHousehold Electrical Appliances Association
GEA Corporate Citizenship Report 2020
Corporate Honors
Haier Smart HomeOne of World's Most Admired Companies
Haier Smart HomeOverview of Social Responsibility
Responsibility FocusSpare no Efforts to Proactively Fight theTough Battle against the Pandemic
RenDanHeYiAchieve a Better Future for Employees
Green DevelopmentProtect the Good Ecological Environment
Responsible ProcurementJointly Promote Industrial Development
Excellent QualityCustomize Beautiful Life
Give back to SocietyBuild a Harmonious Society
Third-party Evaluation made by the ChinaHousehold Electrical Appliances Association
GEA Corporate Citizenship Report 2020
Corporate Honors
Haier Smart Home
One of the World's MostAdmired Companies
Source: The list of "World's Most Admired Companies" released by Fortune in February 2021.
Haier Smart Home
One of the World's MostAdmired Companies
Source: The list of "World's Most Admired Companies" released by Fortune in February 2021.
Global operations
Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. (“Haier Smart Home”, formerly known as "Qingdao Haier") was founded in 1984, with its headquarter locatedin Qingdao, China. The Company is a smart home ecological brand that customizes better life solutions for global users. It mainly engagesin the research, development, production and sales of smart home appliances such as refrigerators/freezers, washing machines, air condi-tioners, water heaters, kitchen appliances, small home appliances and smart home scene solutions. Through a rich portfolio of products,brands and solutions, it creates a full scene of intelligent life experience to meet the needs of users to customize a better life.
The Company as one of the first listed companies in China waslisted (stock code: 600690) on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in1993. On October 24, 2018, the Company issued D shares on themain board of Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany (stockcode: 690D). In December 2020, the Company was successfullylisted on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (stock code:
06690). Thereafter, the Company has built the "A+D+H" globalcapital market layout.Haier Smart Home also actively expanded its layout of globalbrands and markets. The Company gradually acquired the whitegoods business of Sanyo of Japan (AQUA), the household appli-ance business of GEA, the household appliance brand of NewZealand Fisher & Paykel (FPA), and Italian household appliancebrand Candy, formed the Three-in-One market competitivenessof R&D, manufacturing, and marketing around the world, and
2 Sources: Euromonitor International, an international market research institution, statistical data of retail sales in 2020; China Market MonitorCo., Ltd., statistical data of retail sales in 2019
realizing the world-class brand layout, providing comprehensivehome appliance products and home scenario solutions for hun-dreds of millions of users worldwide. According to the retail dataof large household appliance brands worldwide released byEuromonitor, a world's leading market research organization,Haier's retail sales volume of large household appliances rankedthe first in the world for 12 consecutive years from 2009 to 2020.
Annual revenueYoY growth
RMB8.877Annual net profit
Fortune Global 500in 2020435 th
Compared with lastyear Up 13 places
YoY growth
Energy consumptiondensity
Down compared withlast year by
Kg/unitDown compared withlast year by
Compliance disposal rateof hazardous waste
Total number ofemployees
5,930Obtained authorizedpatents in 2020
Number of global serviceprofessionals over
RMB5.49/share(calculated at the totalA-share capital)
Social contribution valueper share
Cumulative input in theHope Projects overRMB116 million
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
99,299Number of overseasemployees34,955
Including patents forinvention
Overview of global markets
Kg standard coal/revenuein RMB10,000
Reduction in the emis-sionof carbon dioxide by
425 tons
Waste caused by asingle product
Large home appliances
No. 1 in the global market shareRefrigerator business
No. 1 in the global market shareWashing machine business
No. 1 in the global market share
Air-conditioning businessNo. 1 market share in the NorthAmerica market; No. 3 in theglobal market share
Freezer business
No. 1 in the global market share
Interconnected air-conditioningbusiness
No. 1 in the global market share
Channel service business
National home appliancedistribution network
Kitchen appliances
No. 1 market share in the NorthAmerica market; No. 2 in theglobal market shareHaier Smart Home
Experiential Cloud Platform
Corporate Social Responsibility Report2020
Global operations
Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. (“Haier Smart Home”, formerly known as "Qingdao Haier") was founded in 1984, with its headquarter locatedin Qingdao, China. The Company is a smart home ecological brand that customizes better life solutions for global users. It mainly engagesin the research, development, production and sales of smart home appliances such as refrigerators/freezers, washing machines, air condi-tioners, water heaters, kitchen appliances, small home appliances and smart home scene solutions. Through a rich portfolio of products,brands and solutions, it creates a full scene of intelligent life experience to meet the needs of users to customize a better life.
The Company as one of the first listed companies in China waslisted (stock code: 600690) on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in1993. On October 24, 2018, the Company issued D shares on themain board of Frankfurt Stock Exchange in Germany (stockcode: 690D). In December 2020, the Company was successfullylisted on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (stock code:
06690). Thereafter, the Company has built the "A+D+H" globalcapital market layout.Haier Smart Home also actively expanded its layout of globalbrands and markets. The Company gradually acquired the whitegoods business of Sanyo of Japan (AQUA), the household appli-ance business of GEA, the household appliance brand of NewZealand Fisher & Paykel (FPA), and Italian household appliancebrand Candy, formed the Three-in-One market competitivenessof R&D, manufacturing, and marketing around the world, and
2 Sources: Euromonitor International, an international market research institution, statistical data of retail sales in 2020; China Market MonitorCo., Ltd., statistical data of retail sales in 2019
realizing the world-class brand layout, providing comprehensivehome appliance products and home scenario solutions for hun-dreds of millions of users worldwide. According to the retail dataof large household appliance brands worldwide released byEuromonitor, a world's leading market research organization,Haier's retail sales volume of large household appliances rankedthe first in the world for 12 consecutive years from 2009 to 2020.
Annual revenueYoY growth
RMB8.877Annual net profit
Fortune Global 500in 2020435 thCompared with lastyear Up 13 places
YoY growth
Energy consumptiondensity
Down compared withlast year by2%
Kg/unitDown compared withlast year by
Compliance disposal rateof hazardous waste100%
Total number ofemployees
5,930Obtained authorizedpatents in 2020
Number of global serviceprofessionals over
RMB5.49/share(calculated at the totalA-share capital)
Social contribution valueper share
Cumulative input in theHope Projects overRMB116 million
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Number of overseasemployees34,955
Including patents forinvention
Overview of global markets
Kg standard coal/revenuein RMB10,000
Reduction in the emis-sionof carbon dioxide by
425 tons
Waste caused by asingle product
Large home appliancesNo. 1 in the global market shareRefrigerator business
No. 1 in the global market share
Washing machine businessNo. 1 in the global market share
Air-conditioning businessNo. 1 market share in the NorthAmerica market; No. 3 in theglobal market share
Freezer business
No. 1 in the global market share
Interconnected air-conditioningbusiness
No. 1 in the global market share
Channel service business
National home appliancedistribution network
Kitchen appliances
No. 1 market share in the NorthAmerica market; No. 2 in theglobal market shareHaier Smart Home
Experiential Cloud Platform
Corporate Social Responsibility Report2020
"A successful company has simply capitalized on the times we'rein." Haier Smart Home ushered in the new wave in the era of IoTand has started the sixth strategic stage -- the strategy stage ofecosystem brand from 2019, transforming itself from a leader inthe global major appliance industry to a global leader in scenariobrands and ecosystem brands.In this strategic stage, we have transformed from value formoney sales to value interaction, created an IoT ecosystemsystem based on living scenarios, got closer to users through
"warm communication", continuously provided the personalizedproducts and services for users, realized the profound transfor-mation from "developing a product life cycle" to "developing auser experience cycle", and we will finally realize the transforma-tion from the user experience ecosystem to the ecosystem forlifelong users.
Seven Brands and Global Layout
Corporate strategy
We adhere to the core philosophy of "honest operation, standardized governance, and information transparency", and continuously opti-mize corporate governance, improve internal control, and build an honest ecology in accordance with such provisions specified in theCompany Law, Securities Law, Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, Listing Rules, and other relevant regulations.
Corporate governance
Corporate governance
Haier Smart Home is committed to realizing high-standardcorporate governance. We have constantly improved the moderncorporate governance structure, continuously standardized ourinternal governance framework, actively created an internal andexternal governance environment, and effectively protected theinterests of all shareholders, so as to promote the healthy andstable development of the Company. We have set up a standard-ized and orderly corporate governance structure composed ofthe general meeting of shareholders, the Board of Directors andits special committees (including Strategy Committee, Remuner-ation and Evaluation Committee, Nomination Committee, Envi-ronmental, Social and Governance Committee and Audit Com-mittee), the Board of Supervisors, and the management. We haveestablished a governance mechanism that has a clear division ofauthorities and duties, and is composed of power institution,decision-making institution, supervision institution, and executioninstitution that are coordinated and limited with one another,which has guaranteed efficient and compliant corporate gover-nance.
As at the end of the reporting period, there were five externaldirectors (including three independent directors), accounting fora large proportion of the total number (eight) of directors of theCompany. The Board of Supervisors had three supervisors,including one employee representative supervisor. The heads andmembers of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration and Evalua-tion Committee, and the Nomination Committee were assumedby independent directors.Following the diversity policy for the Board of Directors, we willselect candidates for the Board of Directors based on multipleand diversified indicators, including but not limited to sex, age,culture, educational background, industry experience, technicalcapacity, professional qualification and expertise, knowledge,term of service, and other relevant factors. The Nomination Com-mittee is responsible for reviewing the effectiveness and imple-mentation of the diversity policy for the Board of Directors.
In 2020, the Company convened five general meetings of shareholders, nine board of directors meetings and seven board of supervisorsmeetings, of which all the holding and voting procedures complied with relevant provisions specified in laws, regulations, articles of asso-ciation, and rules of negotiation, and all voting results were legal and valid. This laid a solid foundation for the Company's standardizedoperation.
From 2019 to 2020, Haier's ecosystem brand has been listed among the BrandZ?'s "Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands" for twoconsecutive years as the only ecosystem brand, fully demonstrating that we are continuing to lead in the IoT ecosystem.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
North America
Middle East and Africa
South Asia
East Asia andSoutheast Asia
Australia andNew Zealand
General Meetingof Shareholders
Board of DirectorsBoard ofSupervisors
Strategy Committee
Remuneration andEvaluation CommitteeNomination CommitteeAudit CommitteeEnvironmental, Social andGovernance Committee
Stage of the famous
brand strategy
High-quality products are produced
by people with good qualities
Stage of thediversi?cation strategy
Revitalize personnel before asset revitalization
Stage of theinternationalization strategy
Cultivate international personnelbefore creating international brands
Stage of the global
brand strategy
Create a globalized local brand with
the localization of Haier sta?
Networking strategy stage
Create user experience scenarios through
interconnected groups(small and micro groups on the ecological chain)
Stage of theecosystem brand
"A successful company has simply capitalized on the times we'rein." Haier Smart Home ushered in the new wave in the era of IoTand has started the sixth strategic stage -- the strategy stage ofecosystem brand from 2019, transforming itself from a leader inthe global major appliance industry to a global leader in scenariobrands and ecosystem brands.In this strategic stage, we have transformed from value formoney sales to value interaction, created an IoT ecosystemsystem based on living scenarios, got closer to users through
"warm communication", continuously provided the personalizedproducts and services for users, realized the profound transfor-mation from "developing a product life cycle" to "developing auser experience cycle", and we will finally realize the transforma-tion from the user experience ecosystem to the ecosystem forlifelong users.
Seven Brands and Global Layout
Corporate strategy
We adhere to the core philosophy of "honest operation, standardized governance, and information transparency", and continuously opti-mize corporate governance, improve internal control, and build an honest ecology in accordance with such provisions specified in theCompany Law, Securities Law, Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies, Listing Rules, and other relevant regulations.
Corporate governance
Corporate governanceHaier Smart Home is committed to realizing high-standardcorporate governance. We have constantly improved the moderncorporate governance structure, continuously standardized ourinternal governance framework, actively created an internal andexternal governance environment, and effectively protected theinterests of all shareholders, so as to promote the healthy andstable development of the Company. We have set up a standard-ized and orderly corporate governance structure composed ofthe general meeting of shareholders, the Board of Directors andits special committees (including Strategy Committee, Remuner-ation and Evaluation Committee, Nomination Committee, Envi-ronmental, Social and Governance Committee and Audit Com-mittee), the Board of Supervisors, and the management. We haveestablished a governance mechanism that has a clear division ofauthorities and duties, and is composed of power institution,decision-making institution, supervision institution, and executioninstitution that are coordinated and limited with one another,which has guaranteed efficient and compliant corporate gover-nance.
As at the end of the reporting period, there were five externaldirectors (including three independent directors), accounting fora large proportion of the total number (eight) of directors of theCompany. The Board of Supervisors had three supervisors,including one employee representative supervisor. The heads andmembers of the Audit Committee, the Remuneration and Evalua-tion Committee, and the Nomination Committee were assumedby independent directors.Following the diversity policy for the Board of Directors, we willselect candidates for the Board of Directors based on multipleand diversified indicators, including but not limited to sex, age,culture, educational background, industry experience, technicalcapacity, professional qualification and expertise, knowledge,term of service, and other relevant factors. The Nomination Com-mittee is responsible for reviewing the effectiveness and imple-mentation of the diversity policy for the Board of Directors.
In 2020, the Company convened five general meetings of shareholders, nine board of directors meetings and seven board of supervisorsmeetings, of which all the holding and voting procedures complied with relevant provisions specified in laws, regulations, articles of asso-ciation, and rules of negotiation, and all voting results were legal and valid. This laid a solid foundation for the Company's standardizedoperation.
From 2019 to 2020, Haier's ecosystem brand has been listed among the BrandZ?'s "Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands" for twoconsecutive years as the only ecosystem brand, fully demonstrating that we are continuing to lead in the IoT ecosystem.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
North America
Middle East and Africa
South Asia
East Asia andSoutheast Asia
Australia andNew Zealand
General Meetingof Shareholders
Board of DirectorsBoard ofSupervisors
Strategy CommitteeRemuneration andEvaluation CommitteeNomination Committee
Audit CommitteeEnvironmental, Social andGovernance Committee
Stage of the famous
brand strategy
High-quality products are produced
by people with good qualities
Stage of thediversi?cation strategy
Revitalize personnel before asset revitalization
Stage of theinternationalization strategy
Cultivate international personnelbefore creating international brands
Stage of the global
brand strategy
Create a globalized local brand with
the localization of Haier sta?
Networking strategy stage
Create user experience scenarios through
interconnected groups(small and micro groups on the ecological chain)
Stage of theecosystem brand
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
To support the implementation of the strategy of globalizationand guarantee worldwide business growth, and better managerisks related to business development, we have clarified the rolesand duties of the Board of Directors and its Audit Committee,the Board of Supervisors, and the management in the internalcontrol mechanism, established and continuously improved therisk management and internal control system in accordance withthe Guidelines for Internal Control of Listed Companies of theShanghai Stock Exchange, the Basic Standards for EnterpriseInternal Control and the Supporting Guidelines for EnterpriseInternal Control that were jointly issued by Ministry of Finance,CSRC, National Audit Office, CBRC and CIRC, and the CorporateGovernance Code issued by The Stock Exchange of Hong KongLimited.We conduct large-scale tests and self-assessment on the designeffectiveness and implementation effectiveness of our internalcontrol system once a year, employ annual audit accountants inChina to assess the effectiveness of internal control over financialreporting, and disclose the material deficiencies noted in theinternal control unrelated to financial reporting. The self-assess-ment reports, financial reports issued by annual audit accoun-tants, and internal control and audit reports will be fully upload-ed to the exchange's website to be reviewed and supervised bystakeholders. In 2020, the total amount of corporate assets andthe amount of revenues that were included by Haier Smart Homein our internal control assessment range either accounts eitheraccounted for almost 85% of the corresponding items in theCompany's financial statements. According to the assessment ofBoard of Directors, the internal control system of Haier SmartHome was sound and effectively implemented. There was nosignificant defect identified in the Company's internal controldesign or implementation. According to the annual audit accoun-tants, the Company maintained effective internal control in allmaterial respects in 2020.
Internal control
anti-fraud, extortion, and anti-money laundering, and has set upspecial teams to perform anti-corruption and anti-malpracticetasks, in order to create an honest and moral commercial envi-ronment. The Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing andsupervising the Company's policies and measures that are relat-ed to compliance of laws and regulations, with the help of inter-nal control departments, internal audit departments, and globallegal departments. We have formulated and strictly implementedEmployee Code of Conduct, Code of Commercial Conduct ofHaier Group, Anti-fraud Regulations, Management Policy of Sup-plier Black List, and other policies, required personnel at import-ant positions to sign the Commitment Letter of Incorruptibilityevery quarter, and signed the Incorruptibility Agreement withsuppliers, urging our employees and suppliers to strictly abide bythe bottom line of compliance.We actively perform online and offline anti-malpractice trainings,to foster our honest culture. Through organizing all employees towatch educational films every quarter and other training activi-ties, and providing the employees at risky positions withenhanced training, we have effectively strengthened the honestideology building of them. We have carried out anti-corruptiontraining on directors and the management through Newsletter toimprove their awareness of anti-corruption. We also conducttrainings for investigators, to improve their anti-malpractice abili-ty.We share anti-corruption issues through the Global Law Summitaround the world. Legal departments in different regions alsoconduct anti-corruption training on relevant employees irregular-ly, and focus on reminding them of local fields with high risks ofanti-corruption in the course of training.We have formulated the Whistleblower Management Regulationson the Ecological Platform of Haier Smart Home and received awide range of corruption and malpractice clues which we pro-cess in time by setting up and disclosing the public online report-ing platform and email to all employees and suppliers. The inter-nal control and internal audit departments will conduct theprimary screening and investigation for reporting information,with any suspected crimes submitted to legal departments forhandling according to laws. We have also set reporting routes forconflicts of interest, and employees need to actively report thepositions of their relatives in the Company and partners of theCompany to reduce or avoid the potential risks of corruption."Honest Ecology" is one of enterprise spirits that Haier SmartHome puts into effect. We understand the importance of adher-ing to moral standards in current global commercial environmentwhich is full of competition and instant changes, and promise toperform operation activities according to the highest moral stan-dards.
The Company strictly complies with the requirements of relevantlaws and regulations for advertisement and publicity in theplaces where it operates, seriously implements the compliancemanagement of marketing in order to eliminate false advertisingand resist any unfair act that limits market competition, valuesthe building of user trust, and unremittingly constructs a sustain-able commercial development model.We strictly comply with the laws and regulations of placesaround the world where we operate related to anti-bribery,
Honest ecology
Honest operation
Management of compliance propaganda
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
To support the implementation of the strategy of globalizationand guarantee worldwide business growth, and better managerisks related to business development, we have clarified the rolesand duties of the Board of Directors and its Audit Committee,the Board of Supervisors, and the management in the internalcontrol mechanism, established and continuously improved therisk management and internal control system in accordance withthe Guidelines for Internal Control of Listed Companies of theShanghai Stock Exchange, the Basic Standards for EnterpriseInternal Control and the Supporting Guidelines for EnterpriseInternal Control that were jointly issued by Ministry of Finance,CSRC, National Audit Office, CBRC and CIRC, and the CorporateGovernance Code issued by The Stock Exchange of Hong KongLimited.We conduct large-scale tests and self-assessment on the designeffectiveness and implementation effectiveness of our internalcontrol system once a year, employ annual audit accountants inChina to assess the effectiveness of internal control over financialreporting, and disclose the material deficiencies noted in theinternal control unrelated to financial reporting. The self-assess-ment reports, financial reports issued by annual audit accoun-tants, and internal control and audit reports will be fully upload-ed to the exchange's website to be reviewed and supervised bystakeholders. In 2020, the total amount of corporate assets andthe amount of revenues that were included by Haier Smart Homein our internal control assessment range either accounts eitheraccounted for almost 85% of the corresponding items in theCompany's financial statements. According to the assessment ofBoard of Directors, the internal control system of Haier SmartHome was sound and effectively implemented. There was nosignificant defect identified in the Company's internal controldesign or implementation. According to the annual audit accoun-tants, the Company maintained effective internal control in allmaterial respects in 2020.
Internal control
anti-fraud, extortion, and anti-money laundering, and has set upspecial teams to perform anti-corruption and anti-malpracticetasks, in order to create an honest and moral commercial envi-ronment. The Board of Directors is responsible for reviewing andsupervising the Company's policies and measures that are relat-ed to compliance of laws and regulations, with the help of inter-nal control departments, internal audit departments, and globallegal departments. We have formulated and strictly implementedEmployee Code of Conduct, Code of Commercial Conduct ofHaier Group, Anti-fraud Regulations, Management Policy of Sup-plier Black List, and other policies, required personnel at import-ant positions to sign the Commitment Letter of Incorruptibilityevery quarter, and signed the Incorruptibility Agreement withsuppliers, urging our employees and suppliers to strictly abide bythe bottom line of compliance.We actively perform online and offline anti-malpractice trainings,to foster our honest culture. Through organizing all employees towatch educational films every quarter and other training activi-ties, and providing the employees at risky positions withenhanced training, we have effectively strengthened the honestideology building of them. We have carried out anti-corruptiontraining on directors and the management through Newsletter toimprove their awareness of anti-corruption. We also conducttrainings for investigators, to improve their anti-malpractice abili-ty.We share anti-corruption issues through the Global Law Summitaround the world. Legal departments in different regions alsoconduct anti-corruption training on relevant employees irregular-ly, and focus on reminding them of local fields with high risks ofanti-corruption in the course of training.We have formulated the Whistleblower Management Regulationson the Ecological Platform of Haier Smart Home and received awide range of corruption and malpractice clues which we pro-cess in time by setting up and disclosing the public online report-ing platform and email to all employees and suppliers. The inter-nal control and internal audit departments will conduct theprimary screening and investigation for reporting information,with any suspected crimes submitted to legal departments forhandling according to laws. We have also set reporting routes forconflicts of interest, and employees need to actively report thepositions of their relatives in the Company and partners of theCompany to reduce or avoid the potential risks of corruption."Honest Ecology" is one of enterprise spirits that Haier SmartHome puts into effect. We understand the importance of adher-ing to moral standards in current global commercial environmentwhich is full of competition and instant changes, and promise toperform operation activities according to the highest moral stan-dards.
The Company strictly complies with the requirements of relevantlaws and regulations for advertisement and publicity in theplaces where it operates, seriously implements the compliancemanagement of marketing in order to eliminate false advertisingand resist any unfair act that limits market competition, valuesthe building of user trust, and unremittingly constructs a sustain-able commercial development model.We strictly comply with the laws and regulations of placesaround the world where we operate related to anti-bribery,
Honest ecology
Honest operation
Management of compliance propaganda
Overview of Social
Responsibility of
Haier Smart Home
Our social responsibility vision
Haier should contribute to the society and human beings like the sea. As long as we'are true forever' in our love to the society and human beings, the social acceptancewill last forever. Haier will, just as the sea, last forever.
-- Zhang Ruimin, Founder and Board Chairman of Haier Group
Combining social responsibility ideas with the Group's development strategies andcore values, and developing Haier's unique CSR strategies will be the only way for
Haier to be a respectable brand, and to achieve sustainable development.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report2020
Overview of Social
Responsibility of
Haier Smart Home
Our social responsibility vision
Haier should contribute to the society and human beings like the sea. As long as we'are true forever' in our love to the society and human beings, the social acceptancewill last forever. Haier will, just as the sea, last forever.
-- Zhang Ruimin, Founder and Board Chairman of Haier Group
Combining social responsibility ideas with the Group's development strategies andcore values, and developing Haier's unique CSR strategies will be the only way forHaier to be a respectable brand, and to achieve sustainable development.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report2020
ESG management
ESG strategy
We believe good ESG management is of vital importance for usto guarantee stable enterprise operations, deal with suddenthreats, and seize opportunities of the times.In 2020, Haier Smart Home built the systematic ESG manage-ment structure at the levels of governance, management, andimplementation. The Board of Directors of the Company hasestablished the Environmental, Social and Governance Commit-tee (the ESG Committee), which fully supervises matters of HaierSmart Home related to ESG and performs relevant ESG manage-ment duties on behalf of the Board of Directors. ESG functionaldepartments and top managers of all business segments consistof the environmental, social, and governance executive steeringgroup (the ESG executive steering group) to coordinate andguide all ESG functional departments to jointly promote theeffective implementation of ESG management and report thework progress to the ESG Committee on a regular basis. Mean-while, we have issued the Code of Commercial Conduct of HaierGroup to guide the implementation of relevant tasks related to ESGwithin the Company.
Board of Directors
Business departments
Environmental, Social andGovernance CommitteeESG executive steering group
Centering on the five dimensions including "commercial ethics, sustainable products, sustainable operation, inclusivenessand diversity, and community participation", we have formulated the ESG strategy to guide us to carry out ESG manage-ment in global operations.
Participation by stakeholdersHaier Smart Home actively listens to and responds to the concerns about ESG issues from stakeholders. We identifiedmajor stakeholders according to the characteristics of actual business, management and operation, and understood theESG issues they were concerned about through multiple communication channels.
Commercial ethicsOperating the Company with the highestmoral criteria and compliance requirementsand developing a compliance culture to winthe trust of investors, employees, users,suppliers, communities, and other stakehold-ers
Inclusiveness and
Building a safe and inclusive work environ-ment, adhering to "prioritizing people'svalue", and getting closer to users and com-munities with the diversi?ed employees
Sustainable operation
Protecting the earth by reducing the impactof our operations on the environment
Sustainable products
Providing eco-friendly designed productswith excellent performance and high-qualityservices to make families and communitiesenjoy a better life
Assisting in community construction throughcommunity communication and communityinvestment activitiesCommunity participation
ESG issuesMajor communication channels
Corporate governanceLabor standardsProduct responsibilityAnti-corruptionCommunity investmentClimate changeGovernment and other regulators
Shareholders and investors
UsersSuppliers, dealers and partnersIndustry counterparts
Media and non-governmental organizations
Social group and public
Policy consultationEvent reportingInformation disclosureCorporate governanceProduct responsibilityAnti-corruption
Supply chain managementProduct responsibilityAnti-corruption
EmissionsCommunity investment
Product responsibility
General meeting of shareholdersInvestor meetingReport disclosureO?cial websiteEmployee congressFace-to-face communicationTelephone and emailInternal applicationsReal-time communication softwareSocial mediaCustomer service channels
MeetingIndustrial activitiesTelephone and emailPress conference and seminarSocial mediaO?cial websiteOn-site visitInterview
EmissionsUse of resourcesEnvironment and natural resourcesEmploymentSupply chain managementProduct responsibilityClimate change
MeetingOn-site researchExhibitionsReal-time communication software
On-site visitMeetingCharitable activitiesSocial media
EmploymentHealth and safetyDevelopment and trainingLabor standardsProduct responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Major stakeholders
ESG management
ESG strategy
We believe good ESG management is of vital importance for usto guarantee stable enterprise operations, deal with suddenthreats, and seize opportunities of the times.In 2020, Haier Smart Home built the systematic ESG manage-ment structure at the levels of governance, management, andimplementation. The Board of Directors of the Company hasestablished the Environmental, Social and Governance Commit-tee (the ESG Committee), which fully supervises matters of HaierSmart Home related to ESG and performs relevant ESG manage-ment duties on behalf of the Board of Directors. ESG functionaldepartments and top managers of all business segments consistof the environmental, social, and governance executive steeringgroup (the ESG executive steering group) to coordinate andguide all ESG functional departments to jointly promote theeffective implementation of ESG management and report thework progress to the ESG Committee on a regular basis. Mean-while, we have issued the Code of Commercial Conduct of HaierGroup to guide the implementation of relevant tasks related to ESGwithin the Company.
Board of Directors
Business departments
Environmental, Social andGovernance CommitteeESG executive steering group
Centering on the five dimensions including "commercial ethics, sustainable products, sustainable operation, inclusivenessand diversity, and community participation", we have formulated the ESG strategy to guide us to carry out ESG manage-ment in global operations.
Participation by stakeholdersHaier Smart Home actively listens to and responds to the concerns about ESG issues from stakeholders. We identifiedmajor stakeholders according to the characteristics of actual business, management and operation, and understood theESG issues they were concerned about through multiple communication channels.
Commercial ethicsOperating the Company with the highestmoral criteria and compliance requirementsand developing a compliance culture to winthe trust of investors, employees, users,suppliers, communities, and other stakehold-ersInclusiveness anddiversityBuilding a safe and inclusive work environ-ment, adhering to "prioritizing people'svalue", and getting closer to users and com-munities with the diversi?ed employees
Sustainable operationProtecting the earth by reducing the impactof our operations on the environmentSustainable productsProviding eco-friendly designed productswith excellent performance and high-qualityservices to make families and communitiesenjoy a better life
Assisting in community construction throughcommunity communication and communityinvestment activitiesCommunity participation
ESG issuesMajor communication channels
Corporate governanceLabor standardsProduct responsibilityAnti-corruptionCommunity investmentClimate changeGovernment and other regulators
Shareholders and investors
UsersSuppliers, dealers and partnersIndustry counterparts
Media and non-governmental organizations
Social group and public
Policy consultationEvent reportingInformation disclosureCorporate governanceProduct responsibilityAnti-corruption
Supply chain managementProduct responsibilityAnti-corruption
EmissionsCommunity investment
Product responsibility
General meeting of shareholdersInvestor meetingReport disclosureO?cial websiteEmployee congressFace-to-face communicationTelephone and emailInternal applicationsReal-time communication softwareSocial mediaCustomer service channels
MeetingIndustrial activitiesTelephone and emailPress conference and seminarSocial mediaO?cial websiteOn-site visitInterview
EmissionsUse of resourcesEnvironment and natural resourcesEmploymentSupply chain managementProduct responsibilityClimate change
MeetingOn-site researchExhibitionsReal-time communication software
On-site visitMeetingCharitable activitiesSocial media
EmploymentHealth and safetyDevelopment and trainingLabor standardsProduct responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Major stakeholders
Substantive issue analysisBased on the identification of and communication with major stakeholders, in combination with the Company's operation features, weconducted substantive analyses for important concerns of stakeholders, and took such analyses as important references for the Compa-ny's ESG management and information disclosure. We identified highly important issues including product quality and safety, corporategovernance, employees' rights and interests, employees' health and safety, product innovation, electronic waste, green product, socialresponsibility management of the supply chain, conflict minerals, high-quality service, labor standards, employee training and develop-ment, and talent attraction; and generally important issues including intellectual property right management, customer complaint, energyutilization, water resource utilization, anti-corruption, diversified and equal opportunities, climate changes, carbon emission, informationsecurity and privacy protection, advertising compliance, and community investment. We will discuss the contents of all issues respectivelyin this report.
Sustainable development actionsof Haier Smart Home
Haier Smart Home actively responded to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. We identified priorities ofsustainable development goals based on industrial characteristics and actual business operations, and centering on the ESG strategy of"commercial ethics, sustainable products, sustainable operation, inclusiveness and diversity, and community participation" and ESG con-cerns of stakeholders, with the resolution of "staying sincere forever", we determined to create a beautiful future and a smarter sustainablelife with our stakeholders.
Adhering to the core philosophy of "honest operation, stan-dardized governance, and information transparency", wehave continuously optimized corporate governance,improved internal control, and built an honest ecologyIn 2020, the total corporate assets and revenues that wereincluded in the internal control assessment accounted foralmost 85% of the corresponding items in the Company'sconsolidated ?nancial statementsSpecial teams were responsible for anti-corruption andanti-malpractice task to create an honest and moral com-mercial environmentThe Company has tried to eliminate false advertising andresist any unfair act that limits market competition, valuedthe building of user trust, and unremittingly constructed asustainable commercial development model
The Company carried out the sustainable developmentphilosophy in the whole product life cycle to reduce theimpact on the environmentIn 2020, Haier Smart Home's all production plants in Chinapassed the ISO14001 environmental management systemcerti?cationIn 2020, the general waste caused by a single productdecreased by 6.74% year-on-year compared with 2019From 2011, GEA has processed 905,317 refrigerators, 44,408independent freezers, and 12,057 air-conditioning units
2030 Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) of the United Nations
Our actions in 2020
Substantive issue analysis
Carbon emissionE-wasteUse of energy
Employees' rights andinterestsDiversity and equalopportunitiesTalent attractionHealth and safety ofemployeesEmployee training anddevelopmentCorporate governanceSocial responsibility ma-nagement of supply chainLabor standardsQuality service
Product quality and safetyProduct innovationInformation security and privacyprotectionIntellectual property managementAdvertising complianceUser complaintsAnti-corruptionCon?ict mineralsCommunity investment
Water resource utilizationClimate changeGreen products
Importance to the sustainable development of Haier Smart Home
Importance to stakeholders
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Commercial ethicsSustainable products
Responsibleconsumptionand production
Substantive issue analysisBased on the identification of and communication with major stakeholders, in combination with the Company's operation features, weconducted substantive analyses for important concerns of stakeholders, and took such analyses as important references for the Compa-ny's ESG management and information disclosure. We identified highly important issues including product quality and safety, corporategovernance, employees' rights and interests, employees' health and safety, product innovation, electronic waste, green product, socialresponsibility management of the supply chain, conflict minerals, high-quality service, labor standards, employee training and develop-ment, and talent attraction; and generally important issues including intellectual property right management, customer complaint, energyutilization, water resource utilization, anti-corruption, diversified and equal opportunities, climate changes, carbon emission, informationsecurity and privacy protection, advertising compliance, and community investment. We will discuss the contents of all issues respectivelyin this report.
Sustainable development actionsof Haier Smart Home
Haier Smart Home actively responded to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations. We identified priorities ofsustainable development goals based on industrial characteristics and actual business operations, and centering on the ESG strategy of"commercial ethics, sustainable products, sustainable operation, inclusiveness and diversity, and community participation" and ESG con-cerns of stakeholders, with the resolution of "staying sincere forever", we determined to create a beautiful future and a smarter sustainablelife with our stakeholders.
Adhering to the core philosophy of "honest operation, stan-dardized governance, and information transparency", wehave continuously optimized corporate governance,improved internal control, and built an honest ecologyIn 2020, the total corporate assets and revenues that wereincluded in the internal control assessment accounted foralmost 85% of the corresponding items in the Company'sconsolidated ?nancial statementsSpecial teams were responsible for anti-corruption andanti-malpractice task to create an honest and moral com-mercial environmentThe Company has tried to eliminate false advertising andresist any unfair act that limits market competition, valuedthe building of user trust, and unremittingly constructed asustainable commercial development model
The Company carried out the sustainable developmentphilosophy in the whole product life cycle to reduce theimpact on the environmentIn 2020, Haier Smart Home's all production plants in Chinapassed the ISO14001 environmental management systemcerti?cationIn 2020, the general waste caused by a single productdecreased by 6.74% year-on-year compared with 2019From 2011, GEA has processed 905,317 refrigerators, 44,408independent freezers, and 12,057 air-conditioning units
2030 Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) of the United Nations
Our actions in 2020
Substantive issue analysis
Carbon emissionE-wasteUse of energy
Employees' rights andinterestsDiversity and equalopportunitiesTalent attractionHealth and safety ofemployeesEmployee training anddevelopmentCorporate governanceSocial responsibility ma-nagement of supply chainLabor standardsQuality service
Product quality and safetyProduct innovationInformation security and privacyprotectionIntellectual property managementAdvertising complianceUser complaintsAnti-corruptionCon?ict mineralsCommunity investment
Water resource utilizationClimate changeGreen products
Importance to the sustainable development of Haier Smart Home
Importance to stakeholders
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Commercial ethicsSustainable products
Responsibleconsumptionand production
The "Green Design, Green Manufacture, Green Operation,and Green Recovery" (4G) Strategy was implementedThe Company's emission monitoring system and treatmentfacilities were continuously upgradedA smart energy interconnected control platform was built,to constantly improve the re?ned management capacityand realize resource saving through big data analysisThe Company formulated the relevant codes of conduct forsuppliers to restrict labor management, con?ict mineralmanagement, and commercial ethics of suppliers, and con-ducted the supervision and inspection of suppliers.Haier Smart Home promoted labor management in thesupply chain and conducted the on-site review, and a totalof 81 suppliers passed the review of the Company in 2020The Company advanced the con?ict mineral managementof suppliers and required suppliers to provide relevant sup-porting materials for con?ict minerals.The Company established a supplier data managementsystem to track the suppliers' environment and social data,and assess their sustainability performanceRelying on its global collaborative operation system, theCompany provided various types of support for theresumption of work and production of upstream and down-stream enterprises in the supply chain
The Company identi?ed risks and opportunities brought byclimate change and actively responded to them, andreduced the emission of greenhouse gas.All plants passed the ISO 9001 Quality Management Systemcerti?cation, except for the new plants that had not startedsuch certi?cation in 2020"Zero recall" was achieved for all products in the yearUpholding the idea that "the pandemic is for a short timewhile sincere service is forever", the Company providedreassuring services and healthy products for global users
Our actions in 2020
Haier Smart Home has adhered to "prioritizing people'svalue" and created the "RenDanHeYi" management modelThe Company created an inclusive work environment andexpected the outstanding innovations brought by the colli-sion and fusion of diversi?ed culturesThe Company recruited excellent talent in multiple ways inaccordance with the recruitment principles of justice andequityThe sta? training principle that "everyone can develop andeveryone deserves attention" was implementedAn overseas global online learning platform was builtThe Company communicated with employees through mul-tiple channels to understand their needsVarious sta? activities were conducted to enrich theirspare-time lifeThe Company e?ectively safeguarded employees' occupa-tional health and safety. In 2020, nobody was wounded onduty seriously or worse. The Company organized 334 secu-rity drills and 100,000 person-times participated in compre-hensive production safety/special drillsThe Company carried out the safety information-based con-struction and implemented information-based managementof major safety matters like ?re controlDuring the pandemic, we ?rmly safeguarded the health andsafety of global employeesWe have invested more than RMB116 million to build 325Hope Primary Schools and one Hope Middle School in 26provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China, helpingtens of thousands of children go to school.We hosted more than 100 charitable activities such as theYoung Dreamer & Youth Poverty Alleviation Activity, builteight hope cottages and 27 loving laundries, and helpedmore than 10,000 students and teachers, and such activitieswere spread to over 100,000 person-timesWe carried out disaster relief, ?ood-?ghting, and emergencyrescues to pass love and warmthWe did our utmost to respond to the call for pandemic con-trol and prevention, and escorted the pandemic ?ghters andcampaignersThe Company was awarded the "Special Anti-pandemicAward -- Enterprises with Special Contributions in the 2020Public Welfare Award Ceremony of the Action Leaguehosted by Ifeng News
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Sustainable productsSustainable operation
Sustainable operationInclusiveness and diversity
Inclusiveness and diversityCommunity participation
2030 Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs) of the United Nations
2030 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) of the United Nations
Our actions in 2020
The "Green Design, Green Manufacture, Green Operation,and Green Recovery" (4G) Strategy was implementedThe Company's emission monitoring system and treatmentfacilities were continuously upgradedA smart energy interconnected control platform was built,to constantly improve the re?ned management capacityand realize resource saving through big data analysisThe Company formulated the relevant codes of conduct forsuppliers to restrict labor management, con?ict mineralmanagement, and commercial ethics of suppliers, and con-ducted the supervision and inspection of suppliers.Haier Smart Home promoted labor management in thesupply chain and conducted the on-site review, and a totalof 81 suppliers passed the review of the Company in 2020The Company advanced the con?ict mineral managementof suppliers and required suppliers to provide relevant sup-porting materials for con?ict minerals.The Company established a supplier data managementsystem to track the suppliers' environment and social data,and assess their sustainability performanceRelying on its global collaborative operation system, theCompany provided various types of support for theresumption of work and production of upstream and down-stream enterprises in the supply chain
The Company identi?ed risks and opportunities brought byclimate change and actively responded to them, andreduced the emission of greenhouse gas.All plants passed the ISO 9001 Quality Management Systemcerti?cation, except for the new plants that had not startedsuch certi?cation in 2020"Zero recall" was achieved for all products in the yearUpholding the idea that "the pandemic is for a short timewhile sincere service is forever", the Company providedreassuring services and healthy products for global users
Our actions in 2020
Haier Smart Home has adhered to "prioritizing people'svalue" and created the "RenDanHeYi" management modelThe Company created an inclusive work environment andexpected the outstanding innovations brought by the colli-sion and fusion of diversi?ed culturesThe Company recruited excellent talent in multiple ways inaccordance with the recruitment principles of justice andequityThe sta? training principle that "everyone can develop andeveryone deserves attention" was implementedAn overseas global online learning platform was builtThe Company communicated with employees through mul-tiple channels to understand their needsVarious sta? activities were conducted to enrich theirspare-time lifeThe Company e?ectively safeguarded employees' occupa-tional health and safety. In 2020, nobody was wounded onduty seriously or worse. The Company organized 334 secu-rity drills and 100,000 person-times participated in compre-hensive production safety/special drillsThe Company carried out the safety information-based con-struction and implemented information-based managementof major safety matters like ?re controlDuring the pandemic, we ?rmly safeguarded the health andsafety of global employeesWe have invested more than RMB116 million to build 325Hope Primary Schools and one Hope Middle School in 26provinces, cities and autonomous regions in China, helpingtens of thousands of children go to school.We hosted more than 100 charitable activities such as theYoung Dreamer & Youth Poverty Alleviation Activity, builteight hope cottages and 27 loving laundries, and helpedmore than 10,000 students and teachers, and such activitieswere spread to over 100,000 person-timesWe carried out disaster relief, ?ood-?ghting, and emergencyrescues to pass love and warmthWe did our utmost to respond to the call for pandemic con-trol and prevention, and escorted the pandemic ?ghters andcampaignersThe Company was awarded the "Special Anti-pandemicAward -- Enterprises with Special Contributions in the 2020Public Welfare Award Ceremony of the Action Leaguehosted by Ifeng News
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Sustainable products
Sustainable operation
Inclusiveness and diversityCommunity participation
2030 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) of the United Nations
2030 Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) of the United Nations
Our actions in 2020
In 2020, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic brought huge challenges to global economic develop-ment and people's safety. In this special year, global Haier people stepped forward, took the fastestactions and spared no efforts to jointly build a line of defense against the pandemic, fully displaying ourrole in social responsibility as a global brand. After the outbreak of the pandemic, we established anemergency guide team at the first hour, quickly coordinated all the departments, actively performed ourcorporate and civil responsibilities, and participated in global anti-pandemic with the consideration ofguaranteeing employee safety, assisting the enterprises in locations where we have business presence toresume the work, continuously stabilizing the service to the global users, and supporting the globalanti-pandemic front line.
Spare No Efforts to Proactively
Fight the Tough Battle against
the Pandemic
Making quick responses, and caring for every employeeEfficient empowerment, connecting to the strength of theecological platformSafeguarding users' health with smart appliances
Shouldering responsibilities, passing the power of warmthSupporting global anti-pandemic to ignite the endless hopeHaier, waiting for spring blossoms with all our friends
Huoshenshan construction site
Delivery of thermal imaging body temperature detectors to Malaysia
"Haier" shuttle bus
Sta? temperaturemeasurement
Workshop disinfectionEmpower SMEs to switch to mask productionSupport Wuhan with Haierrefrigerators
Provide community "caring meals"
Empower SMEs to switchto mask production
In 2020, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic brought huge challenges to global economic develop-ment and people's safety. In this special year, global Haier people stepped forward, took the fastestactions and spared no efforts to jointly build a line of defense against the pandemic, fully displaying ourrole in social responsibility as a global brand. After the outbreak of the pandemic, we established anemergency guide team at the first hour, quickly coordinated all the departments, actively performed ourcorporate and civil responsibilities, and participated in global anti-pandemic with the consideration ofguaranteeing employee safety, assisting the enterprises in locations where we have business presence toresume the work, continuously stabilizing the service to the global users, and supporting the globalanti-pandemic front line.
Spare No Efforts to Proactively
Fight the Tough Battle against
the Pandemic
Making quick responses, and caring for every employeeEfficient empowerment, connecting to the strength of theecological platformSafeguarding users' health with smart appliances
Shouldering responsibilities, passing the power of warmthSupporting global anti-pandemic to ignite the endless hopeHaier, waiting for spring blossoms with all our friends
Huoshenshan construction site
Delivery of thermal imaging body temperature detectors to Malaysia
"Haier" shuttle bus
Sta? temperaturemeasurement
Workshop disinfectionEmpower SMEs to switch to mask productionSupport Wuhan with Haierrefrigerators
Provide community "caring meals"
Empower SMEs to switch
to mask production
TGM: A work execution process created by Haier, referring to target, group, and mechanism respectively.
Day-clearing: One working principle of Haier, which means that the work on the day shall be completed on the same day.
Making quick responses, and caringfor every employeeWe uphold the people-oriented philosophy, and firmly guards for employees' health and safety during the pandemic period. We followstrictly the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and relevant laws and regulations inplaces where we have business presence, build the global pandemic prevention system, and promote the implementation of all pandemicprevention measures in an all-round way, to effectively safeguard employees' health and safety.
After the outbreak of the pandemic, we established a pandemicprevention team at the first hour, formulated prevention and controlmeasures, confirmed the responsibilities for prevention and control,and proceeded the pandemic prevention work in an all-round way inaccordance with the requirements specified in the regulations andpolicies in places where we have business presence. We formulatedthe TGM
process for pandemic prevention and control to ensure thecomprehensive and efficient prevention of the pandemic. The pan-demic prevention team conducted day-clearing
whole-procedures toensure zero mistakes and omissions in pandemic prevention work.
Quick response
During the special period of the pandemic, the Company has steadilypromoted various resumption procedures in accordance with thepolicy requirements of the place where it operates to ensure theresumption of work and production is safe and orderly.
The Company integrated global ecological resources and reservedadequate anti-pandemic supplies for resumption of work and pro-duction.The Company disinfected all corners in the area to provide a safework environment for employees.We drew and strictly implemented the roadmap of protective mea-sures for employees to ensure the comprehensive implementationof protection for employees.We prepared the Manual for Pandemic Prevention and Work Resto-ration and Matters Requiring Attention in Pandemic Prevention, torationally guide the implementation of pandemic prevention workand guarantee the normal operation of enterprises after workresumption on all fronts from the aspects of plants, supply chain,logistics, and services.
Rational resumption of work
By the middle of February 2020, we successfully resumed work in all the processes under the precondition of guaranteeing employeesafety in line with the related requirements from the national and all the local governments for regulating holiday and corporate produc-tion resumption. It was highly recognized by all the local governments and regarded as a local example of corporate resuming work.
Comprehensive disinfection Entry/exit registration
Thermal imaging body temperature measurement machine
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Roadmap for Employee ProtectiveMeasures against COVID-19
Working line
Company gate
Take bodytemperatureElevatorsTake elevators lessAvoid direct contactwith elevator buttons
Outdoor line
Working stationMust wear a maskAvoid face-to-faceconversationO?ceRegular ventilationWear a mask whenworking withseveral people
Company canteenOne-side diningTalk less and focuson your food
Conference roomKeep spacebetween seatsControl the lengthof meetings
Public areasRegular ventilationDaily disinfection
WashroomWash your hands
frequentlyWash clothes timely
BedKeep a regular
Soap, runningwater and hand
sanitizerWash your
hands beforeand after meals
Wash yourhands after
coming back
from outsideBalconyFrequentventilation
House line
Properly conductmonitoringGo to hospital incase of suspicioussymptomsDo not sharearticlesDistancing withfamily membersOpen windows forventilationClean every day
Living roomModerate exerciseStorage roomKeep thermometers,disposable masks,disinfection supplies andother materials at homeWash clothes, etc.Avoid visits
Commuting line
On the bus/subway/shuttle busWear a mask throughout the
whole journeyLess contact with
vehicle facilitiesWash hands after ridingOn the roadStay away from crowdsOn the roadPay attention to hand hygieneIntersection
Self-drivingPay attention to disinfection
and ventilation in the car
Avoid carpoolingNotes:
Regarding some citiesoutside the provincewhere "returningemployees from theregions cannot return towork unless after 14 daysof medical observationfrom the day when theyreturn to the workingcities”, employees arerequired to quarantinefor 14 days after theyreturn from placesoutside the city.
DoorwayWear a mask when going outOn the roadPay attention to hand hygieneCompany gateLeave the company after workWash your hands and wear a mask
Meeting placeAvoid going
Outdoor line
TGM: A work execution process created by Haier, referring to target, group, and mechanism respectively.
Day-clearing: One working principle of Haier, which means that the work on the day shall be completed on the same day.
Making quick responses, and caringfor every employeeWe uphold the people-oriented philosophy, and firmly guards for employees' health and safety during the pandemic period. We followstrictly the Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases and relevant laws and regulations inplaces where we have business presence, build the global pandemic prevention system, and promote the implementation of all pandemicprevention measures in an all-round way, to effectively safeguard employees' health and safety.
After the outbreak of the pandemic, we established a pandemicprevention team at the first hour, formulated prevention and controlmeasures, confirmed the responsibilities for prevention and control,and proceeded the pandemic prevention work in an all-round way inaccordance with the requirements specified in the regulations andpolicies in places where we have business presence. We formulatedthe TGM
process for pandemic prevention and control to ensure thecomprehensive and efficient prevention of the pandemic. The pan-demic prevention team conducted day-clearing
whole-procedures toensure zero mistakes and omissions in pandemic prevention work.
Quick response
During the special period of the pandemic, the Company has steadilypromoted various resumption procedures in accordance with thepolicy requirements of the place where it operates to ensure theresumption of work and production is safe and orderly.The Company integrated global ecological resources and reservedadequate anti-pandemic supplies for resumption of work and pro-duction.The Company disinfected all corners in the area to provide a safework environment for employees.We drew and strictly implemented the roadmap of protective mea-sures for employees to ensure the comprehensive implementationof protection for employees.We prepared the Manual for Pandemic Prevention and Work Resto-ration and Matters Requiring Attention in Pandemic Prevention, torationally guide the implementation of pandemic prevention workand guarantee the normal operation of enterprises after workresumption on all fronts from the aspects of plants, supply chain,logistics, and services.
Rational resumption of work
By the middle of February 2020, we successfully resumed work in all the processes under the precondition of guaranteeing employeesafety in line with the related requirements from the national and all the local governments for regulating holiday and corporate produc-tion resumption. It was highly recognized by all the local governments and regarded as a local example of corporate resuming work.
Comprehensive disinfection Entry/exit registration
Thermal imaging body temperature measurement machine
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Roadmap for Employee ProtectiveMeasures against COVID-19Working line
Company gate
Take bodytemperatureElevatorsTake elevators lessAvoid direct contactwith elevator buttons
Outdoor line
Working stationMust wear a maskAvoid face-to-faceconversationO?ceRegular ventilationWear a mask whenworking withseveral people
Company canteenOne-side diningTalk less and focuson your food
Conference roomKeep spacebetween seatsControl the lengthof meetings
Public areasRegular ventilationDaily disinfection
WashroomWash your hands
frequentlyWash clothes timely
BedKeep a regular
Soap, runningwater and hand
sanitizerWash your
hands beforeand after meals
Wash yourhands after
coming back
from outsideBalconyFrequentventilation
House line
Properly conductmonitoringGo to hospital incase of suspicioussymptomsDo not sharearticlesDistancing withfamily membersOpen windows forventilationClean every day
Living roomModerate exerciseStorage roomKeep thermometers,disposable masks,disinfection supplies andother materials at homeWash clothes, etc.Avoid visits
Commuting line
On the bus/subway/shuttle busWear a mask throughout the
whole journeyLess contact with
vehicle facilitiesWash hands after ridingOn the roadStay away from crowdsOn the roadPay attention to hand hygieneIntersection
Self-drivingPay attention to disinfection
and ventilation in the car
Avoid carpoolingNotes:
Regarding some citiesoutside the provincewhere "returningemployees from theregions cannot return towork unless after 14 daysof medical observationfrom the day when theyreturn to the workingcities”, employees arerequired to quarantinefor 14 days after theyreturn from placesoutside the city.
DoorwayWear a mask when going outOn the roadPay attention to hand hygieneCompany gateLeave the company after workWash your hands and wear a mask
Meeting placeAvoid going
Outdoor line
We carried out overseas pandemic prevention and control work with the domestic ones simultaneously. Before the pandemic spread glob-ally, we established an overseas pandemic prevention and control day-clearing team to prepare for anti-pandemic in advance and ensurethe pandemic in overseas operating regions can be prevented and controlled. The Company's 66 marketing centers, 59 factories, andmajor R&D centers overseas had simultaneously launched various pandemic prevention work, established a whole-procedure preventionand control system, and provided support for the stable operation of Haier Smart Home's overseas business and the localization ofThree-in-One layout of R&D, manufacturing, and marketing.
Safety protection for global employees
We attached great importance to pandemic prevention and control under the normalization of the pandemic, insisted on preventing andcontrolling pandemic according to laws in a rational manner, and strictly implemented all policy requirements for pandemic preventionand control. We focused on improving employees' awareness of prevention and control and spread anti-pandemic knowledge throughchannels such as Guanhai self-media and iHaier. We constantly improved the automatic temperature measurement system, increasedautomatic temperature measurement instruments, tracked employees' health information through iHaier, and comprehensively monitoredemployees' health conditions. We continuously improved the contingency plan for pandemic prevention and control, ensured that contin-gency response measures can be timely adopted when the pandemic occurred, and ensured efficient and precise prevention and control.
Regular pandemic prevention and control
Formulating pandemic prevention policiesOrganizing employees to measure temperature Improving prevention and control awareness
Learning anti-pandemic knowledgeWorking at homeIssuing anti-pandemic supplies
Efficient empowerment, connecting tothe strength of the ecological platformDuring the pandemic, relying on its sound global collaborative operation system, Haier Smart Home coordinated global resources, realizedthe timely and effective transmission of experience, materials, information, and resources, and provided various types of support for theresumption of work and production of upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain:
Establishing a promotion team for resumption of work and production of suppliersWe established an overall team for resumption of work and production of suppliers to promote suppliers to resume workand production;
Establishing a day-clearing systemWe established a day-clearing system, and followed up on and timely solved suppliers' problems in resuming work andproduction;
Getting through process obstaclesWe formulated the Guarantee Strategy for Production Line Resources during the Pandemic, collated and clarified proce-dures during the pandemic from the aspects of supplier introduction, new production places, quota adjustment, andrapid validation, and rapidly responded to problems of relevant businesses;
Coordinating resources and promoting communicationOn the one hand, we assisted suppliers in pandemic prevention and control. On the other hand, we actively communicat-ed with local governments to advance the review process of the resumption of work and production of suppliers.
During the pandemic, to guarantee the successful delivery ofcylinder washing machine products in North America,Haier's global procurement platform inspected the supply ofnearly 65 suppliers, supported suppliers to resume work andproduction, guaranteed the supply of 1,008 parts to meetdemands, and eventually realized zero delays in the ship-ment of orders of cylinder washing machine products.
Zero order delay
During the pandemic, employees on Haier's COSMO industri-al Internet platform thought that anti-pandemic supplies inthe whole market were inadequate after they failed to buymasks for themselves and successfully released the "supplyand demand platform to combat against the COVID-19 pan-demic" within 48 hours, and rapidly upgraded it into the"resumption of work and production and production-in-crease service platform for enterprises". Connected to morethan 20,000 enterprises, the platform played a huge role inaggregating information on medical suppliers, precisely con-necting supply and demand, and empowering the resump-tion of work and production of SMEs.
Supply and demand platform tocombat against the pandemicCASE
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
We carried out overseas pandemic prevention and control work with the domestic ones simultaneously. Before the pandemic spread glob-ally, we established an overseas pandemic prevention and control day-clearing team to prepare for anti-pandemic in advance and ensurethe pandemic in overseas operating regions can be prevented and controlled. The Company's 66 marketing centers, 59 factories, andmajor R&D centers overseas had simultaneously launched various pandemic prevention work, established a whole-procedure preventionand control system, and provided support for the stable operation of Haier Smart Home's overseas business and the localization ofThree-in-One layout of R&D, manufacturing, and marketing.
Safety protection for global employees
We attached great importance to pandemic prevention and control under the normalization of the pandemic, insisted on preventing andcontrolling pandemic according to laws in a rational manner, and strictly implemented all policy requirements for pandemic preventionand control. We focused on improving employees' awareness of prevention and control and spread anti-pandemic knowledge throughchannels such as Guanhai self-media and iHaier. We constantly improved the automatic temperature measurement system, increasedautomatic temperature measurement instruments, tracked employees' health information through iHaier, and comprehensively monitoredemployees' health conditions. We continuously improved the contingency plan for pandemic prevention and control, ensured that contin-gency response measures can be timely adopted when the pandemic occurred, and ensured efficient and precise prevention and control.
Regular pandemic prevention and control
Formulating pandemic prevention policiesOrganizing employees to measure temperature Improving prevention and control awareness
Learning anti-pandemic knowledgeWorking at homeIssuing anti-pandemic supplies
Efficient empowerment, connecting tothe strength of the ecological platform
During the pandemic, relying on its sound global collaborative operation system, Haier Smart Home coordinated global resources, realizedthe timely and effective transmission of experience, materials, information, and resources, and provided various types of support for theresumption of work and production of upstream and downstream enterprises in the supply chain:
Establishing a promotion team for resumption of work and production of suppliersWe established an overall team for resumption of work and production of suppliers to promote suppliers to resume workand production;Establishing a day-clearing systemWe established a day-clearing system, and followed up on and timely solved suppliers' problems in resuming work andproduction;Getting through process obstacles
We formulated the Guarantee Strategy for Production Line Resources during the Pandemic, collated and clarified proce-dures during the pandemic from the aspects of supplier introduction, new production places, quota adjustment, andrapid validation, and rapidly responded to problems of relevant businesses;
Coordinating resources and promoting communicationOn the one hand, we assisted suppliers in pandemic prevention and control. On the other hand, we actively communicat-ed with local governments to advance the review process of the resumption of work and production of suppliers.
During the pandemic, to guarantee the successful delivery ofcylinder washing machine products in North America,Haier's global procurement platform inspected the supply ofnearly 65 suppliers, supported suppliers to resume work andproduction, guaranteed the supply of 1,008 parts to meetdemands, and eventually realized zero delays in the ship-ment of orders of cylinder washing machine products.
Zero order delay
During the pandemic, employees on Haier's COSMO industri-al Internet platform thought that anti-pandemic supplies inthe whole market were inadequate after they failed to buymasks for themselves and successfully released the "supplyand demand platform to combat against the COVID-19 pan-demic" within 48 hours, and rapidly upgraded it into the"resumption of work and production and production-in-crease service platform for enterprises". Connected to morethan 20,000 enterprises, the platform played a huge role inaggregating information on medical suppliers, precisely con-necting supply and demand, and empowering the resump-tion of work and production of SMEs.
Supply and demand platform tocombat against the pandemicCASE
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Safeguarding users' health withsmart appliancesFacing the global situation of pandemic prevention and control, adhering to the strategy of smart home guidance and upholding the ideathat "the pandemic is for a short time while sincere service is forever", we rapidly carried out adjustments and upgrading, and continuedto provide reassuring services and healthy products for global users.
In response to users' key demand for disinfection of household sup-plies and health management during the pandemic, we upgraded theHaier Smart Home application and released multiple smart healththemes including garment disinfection, indoor air disinfection, healthydiet, and pandemic reporting. Each theme, equipped with pictures,videos, live streaming, and other forms, showed how to use Haierproducts to disinfect garment and air under different scenarios suchas returning home, at home, and out, assisting every user and everyfamily in preventing the pandemic in a healthy and reassuring way.
In the world, depending on our effective pandemic response mechanism and global supply chain system, we continuously and stably pro-vided disinfection and sterilization products for global users. In China, we provided whole house health appliances for users. In Japan, welaunched a series of health products under our AQUA brand during the pandemic, such as washing machines with the functions of disin-fection, sterilization and clothes protecting to meet the demand of local users, which was widely supported by local consumers. In Europe,with the increasing demands for refrigerators with sterilization functions under the influence of the pandemic, we focused on providingrefrigerators with functions of sterilization and fresh-keeping to the European market.
Smart health products
During the pandemic, we issued the Specification for Safety Service during Pandemic Prevention and Control, according to which weactively launched the online non-contact health service for online reporting of service demands, online supply of service instructions andonline viewing of the service process, thus ensuring continuous supply of home appliance installation and maintenance services to cus-tomers; in addition, we upgraded the door-to-door installation service through such measures as temperature detection, mask wearing,disinfection, and cleaning, to reduce the risk of infection in the process of service.
Reassuring services
On February 4, 2020, Zhengzhou refrigeration product service micro-unit explained knacks for daily cleaning anduse of refrigerators through live streaming on Haier Smart Home application. Meanwhile, it answered and helpedusers solve problems that they encountered when they used refrigerators in real time through online interactions.Service upgrading during the special period
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Haier Smart HomeSuper health scenarios
Healthful clothesHealthful foodHealthful airHealthful kitchenHealthful bathroom
T·ABT health sterilization
Create a safe storage space through 24-hourreal-time dynamic release of natural ions, andreal-time dynamic seamless sterilization
Oxygen resistance, and separate storage of dryand wet foodsIntelligent and precise control of dry and wetzones, with the air humidity in the dry zonemaintained at around 45% and the humidity inthe wet zone at around 90%.
3D sterilization cabin
All-round sterilization through self-cleaningsterilization, 56 high-temperaturesterilization, ion sterilization and othermethods. Only clean air will be o?ered.
Clean the air
The centrifugal water curtain moisturizingsystem controls the comfort balance betweenair purity, air humidity and air temperature.
Full-space food preservation
Exclusive food preservation technology tobetter retain the taste and nutrition of theingredients and provide a healthy and freshlife for the whole family.
Low temperature, sterilization and smell removalThe low-temperature catalyst sterilization andsmell cleaning system carries out three-dimen-sional circulation of sterilization and absorbssmell to refresh air and preserve healthful food.
56°C sterilization and self-cleaning
As the temperature inside the air conditionerrises to 56°C, continual sterilization isconducted under high temperature. With asterilization rate of 99%, the healthybreathing of family is guaranteed.
UV sterilizationWith the UV sterilizing lamp turning onthrough simply pressing one button, the UVsterilizing air puri?er will kill all kinds ofharmful microorganisms.Shouldering the responsibilitiesHaier whole house health appliances move forward
Safeguarding users' health withsmart appliances
Facing the global situation of pandemic prevention and control, adhering to the strategy of smart home guidance and upholding the ideathat "the pandemic is for a short time while sincere service is forever", we rapidly carried out adjustments and upgrading, and continuedto provide reassuring services and healthy products for global users.
In response to users' key demand for disinfection of household sup-plies and health management during the pandemic, we upgraded theHaier Smart Home application and released multiple smart healththemes including garment disinfection, indoor air disinfection, healthydiet, and pandemic reporting. Each theme, equipped with pictures,videos, live streaming, and other forms, showed how to use Haierproducts to disinfect garment and air under different scenarios suchas returning home, at home, and out, assisting every user and everyfamily in preventing the pandemic in a healthy and reassuring way.
In the world, depending on our effective pandemic response mechanism and global supply chain system, we continuously and stably pro-vided disinfection and sterilization products for global users. In China, we provided whole house health appliances for users. In Japan, welaunched a series of health products under our AQUA brand during the pandemic, such as washing machines with the functions of disin-fection, sterilization and clothes protecting to meet the demand of local users, which was widely supported by local consumers. In Europe,with the increasing demands for refrigerators with sterilization functions under the influence of the pandemic, we focused on providingrefrigerators with functions of sterilization and fresh-keeping to the European market.
Smart health products
During the pandemic, we issued the Specification for Safety Service during Pandemic Prevention and Control, according to which weactively launched the online non-contact health service for online reporting of service demands, online supply of service instructions andonline viewing of the service process, thus ensuring continuous supply of home appliance installation and maintenance services to cus-tomers; in addition, we upgraded the door-to-door installation service through such measures as temperature detection, mask wearing,disinfection, and cleaning, to reduce the risk of infection in the process of service.
Reassuring services
On February 4, 2020, Zhengzhou refrigeration product service micro-unit explained knacks for daily cleaning anduse of refrigerators through live streaming on Haier Smart Home application. Meanwhile, it answered and helpedusers solve problems that they encountered when they used refrigerators in real time through online interactions.Service upgrading during the special period
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Haier Smart HomeSuper health scenarios
Healthful clothesHealthful foodHealthful airHealthful kitchenHealthful bathroom
T·ABT health sterilization
Create a safe storage space through 24-hourreal-time dynamic release of natural ions, andreal-time dynamic seamless sterilization
Oxygen resistance, and separate storage of dryand wet foodsIntelligent and precise control of dry and wetzones, with the air humidity in the dry zonemaintained at around 45% and the humidity inthe wet zone at around 90%.
3D sterilization cabinAll-round sterilization through self-cleaningsterilization, 56 high-temperaturesterilization, ion sterilization and othermethods. Only clean air will be o?ered.
Clean the air
The centrifugal water curtain moisturizingsystem controls the comfort balance betweenair purity, air humidity and air temperature.
Full-space food preservation
Exclusive food preservation technology tobetter retain the taste and nutrition of theingredients and provide a healthy and freshlife for the whole family.
Low temperature, sterilization and smell removalThe low-temperature catalyst sterilization andsmell cleaning system carries out three-dimen-sional circulation of sterilization and absorbssmell to refresh air and preserve healthful food.
56°C sterilization and self-cleaning
As the temperature inside the air conditionerrises to 56°C, continual sterilization isconducted under high temperature. With asterilization rate of 99%, the healthybreathing of family is guaranteed.
UV sterilizationWith the UV sterilizing lamp turning onthrough simply pressing one button, the UVsterilizing air puri?er will kill all kinds ofharmful microorganisms.Shouldering the responsibilitiesHaier whole house health appliances move forward
Shouldering responsibilities, passingthe power of warm-heartednessEscort the pandemic fighters and campaigners. Upon the outbreak of the pandemic, all Haier employees took immediateactions to integrate global ecological resources to assist the anti-pandemic front line through multiple methods such asdonating funds and supplies, supporting anti-pandemic medical teams, and building the supply and demand platform ofmedical supplies, thus becoming one of the earliest and the most generous assistance enterprises.Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital was delivered for use on the night of February 2, 2020. In the early morning that day, thelarge-scale purification-heating machines (22 sets) and water boilers (four sets) donated by Haier were delivered over-night to Huoshenshan Hospital. These water purifiers and water boilers will be placed in the hospital's water heaterrooms and rest areas for medical staff, so as to ensure healthy drinking for medical staff and patients as a support to thefight against the pandemic. Haier Water Purification also donated commercial water purification equipment totalingmore than RMB0.5 million to many hospitals in the affected areas like Wuhan Wuchang Hospital, so as to provide healthyand safe drinking water for medical staff and patients fighting in the anti-pandemic front line.
In order to solve the problem of clothing sterilization and disinfection in the anti-pandemic frontline, Haier Washing Machine spared noefforts in fighting against the pandemic to safeguard the health of medical staff and patients. Haier Washing Machine has, since the end ofJanuary, assisted more than 100 hospitals nationwide at the speed of seven hospitals one year, to provide cloth washing, sterilization, anddisinfection services for medical staff and patients fighting in the anti-pandemic front line.
"Moving rapidly and providing high-quality services withoutbothering anyone" was the pledge made by Haier Servicebefore entering Huoshenshan Hospital.In the evening of February 1, 2020, the first batch of refriger-ators among 200 ones donated by Haier were delivered toHuoshenshan Hospital. To ensure the delivery to and use atthe hospital, members of the anti-pandemic commandobegan to urgently install relevant appliances in the late nightof February 1, 2020. On the construction sites, the last twokilometers to the hospital, despite the difficulty of roadclosure for reasons of construction, employees of HaierService transported relevant appliances manually throughthe last two kilometers to Huoshenshan Hospital and suc-cessfully completed installation, ensuring the timely opera-tion of Huoshenshan Hospital.
"Last two kilometers"
Haier began to install the 300 water heaters donated byitself to Leishenshan Hospital on February 2, 2020. Fromdonation and plan development to distribution and installa-tion completion, Wuhan Haier Factory and water heaterindustry, logistics, and after-sales teams made concertedefforts. Meanwhile, Haier service professionals waited thereall along for 48 hours and managed to keep in pace with theconstruction of Leishenshan Hospital by installing one waterheater upon the construction of one room, so as to ensurethe operation of Leishenshan Hospital on schedule. Duringthe Spring Festival, there were totally 2,700 service staff ofHaier sticking to their posts in Hubei Province, and beingready to respond to emergency needs from hospitals andcontribute to the anti-pandemic frontline.
With the pandemic has been brought under control, since March 17, medical teams fromplaces across China sent to aid treatment in Hubei province were arranged to withdraw in aphased manner. To express our respect for medical workers sent to aid treatment in Hubeiprovince, Haier Air-conditioning conducted an activity of "welcoming heroes returningfrom the front line", in which it provided free door-to-door air-conditioning cleaningservices for medical workers who were sent from Hefei, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Zhengzhou,Wuxi, and other places to aid treatment in Hubei province.
On December 1, 2020, the 2020 Public Welfare Award Ceremony of the Action League hosted by Ifeng News was held inBeijing. As its outstanding contributions in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic were widely recognized, Haier Group wasawarded the "Special Anti-pandemic Award -- Enterprises with Special Contributions".
"Welcoming heroes returning from the front line"
"Installing one water heater uponthe construction of one room"CASE
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Haier commandos supported the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital inWuhan During the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital in Wuhan, HaierSmart Home urgently formed commandos for home appliance installation. During road closure due tothe construction, more than 210 professional personnel carried bare-handedly the refrigerators, airconditioners, water heaters, and water puri?ers donated by Haier and installed and tested themovernight. The task is successfully completed in advance.
Shouldering responsibilities, passingthe power of warm-heartednessEscort the pandemic fighters and campaigners. Upon the outbreak of the pandemic, all Haier employees took immediateactions to integrate global ecological resources to assist the anti-pandemic front line through multiple methods such asdonating funds and supplies, supporting anti-pandemic medical teams, and building the supply and demand platform ofmedical supplies, thus becoming one of the earliest and the most generous assistance enterprises.Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital was delivered for use on the night of February 2, 2020. In the early morning that day, thelarge-scale purification-heating machines (22 sets) and water boilers (four sets) donated by Haier were delivered over-night to Huoshenshan Hospital. These water purifiers and water boilers will be placed in the hospital's water heaterrooms and rest areas for medical staff, so as to ensure healthy drinking for medical staff and patients as a support to thefight against the pandemic. Haier Water Purification also donated commercial water purification equipment totalingmore than RMB0.5 million to many hospitals in the affected areas like Wuhan Wuchang Hospital, so as to provide healthyand safe drinking water for medical staff and patients fighting in the anti-pandemic front line.
In order to solve the problem of clothing sterilization and disinfection in the anti-pandemic frontline, Haier Washing Machine spared noefforts in fighting against the pandemic to safeguard the health of medical staff and patients. Haier Washing Machine has, since the end ofJanuary, assisted more than 100 hospitals nationwide at the speed of seven hospitals one year, to provide cloth washing, sterilization, anddisinfection services for medical staff and patients fighting in the anti-pandemic front line.
"Moving rapidly and providing high-quality services withoutbothering anyone" was the pledge made by Haier Servicebefore entering Huoshenshan Hospital.In the evening of February 1, 2020, the first batch of refriger-ators among 200 ones donated by Haier were delivered toHuoshenshan Hospital. To ensure the delivery to and use atthe hospital, members of the anti-pandemic commandobegan to urgently install relevant appliances in the late nightof February 1, 2020. On the construction sites, the last twokilometers to the hospital, despite the difficulty of roadclosure for reasons of construction, employees of HaierService transported relevant appliances manually throughthe last two kilometers to Huoshenshan Hospital and suc-cessfully completed installation, ensuring the timely opera-tion of Huoshenshan Hospital.
"Last two kilometers"
Haier began to install the 300 water heaters donated byitself to Leishenshan Hospital on February 2, 2020. Fromdonation and plan development to distribution and installa-tion completion, Wuhan Haier Factory and water heaterindustry, logistics, and after-sales teams made concertedefforts. Meanwhile, Haier service professionals waited thereall along for 48 hours and managed to keep in pace with theconstruction of Leishenshan Hospital by installing one waterheater upon the construction of one room, so as to ensurethe operation of Leishenshan Hospital on schedule. Duringthe Spring Festival, there were totally 2,700 service staff ofHaier sticking to their posts in Hubei Province, and beingready to respond to emergency needs from hospitals andcontribute to the anti-pandemic frontline.
With the pandemic has been brought under control, since March 17, medical teams fromplaces across China sent to aid treatment in Hubei province were arranged to withdraw in aphased manner. To express our respect for medical workers sent to aid treatment in Hubeiprovince, Haier Air-conditioning conducted an activity of "welcoming heroes returningfrom the front line", in which it provided free door-to-door air-conditioning cleaningservices for medical workers who were sent from Hefei, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Zhengzhou,Wuxi, and other places to aid treatment in Hubei province.
On December 1, 2020, the 2020 Public Welfare Award Ceremony of the Action League hosted by Ifeng News was held inBeijing. As its outstanding contributions in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic were widely recognized, Haier Group wasawarded the "Special Anti-pandemic Award -- Enterprises with Special Contributions".
"Welcoming heroes returning from the front line"
"Installing one water heater uponthe construction of one room"CASE
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Haier commandos supported the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital inWuhan During the construction of Huoshenshan Hospital and Leishenshan Hospital in Wuhan, HaierSmart Home urgently formed commandos for home appliance installation. During road closure due tothe construction, more than 210 professional personnel carried bare-handedly the refrigerators, airconditioners, water heaters, and water puri?ers donated by Haier and installed and tested themovernight. The task is successfully completed in advance.
Supporting global anti-pandemic toignite the endless hopeIn the fight against the pandemic, we gave full play to our business resources and platform advantages to support the global response tothe pandemic across borders.We conducted the real-time sharing of anti-pandemic information, experience, and measures, actively raised anti-pandemic suppliesthrough multiple channels, and donated funds and materials, so as to assist the whole world in responding to the pandemic to the best ofour abilities.Amid the global fight against the pandemic, there was a kind of warmth called "Haier assistance".
Haier, waiting for spring blossomswith all our friendsAt present, the pandemic is still bringing more challenges and uncertainties to the world. We will further cooperate with ecological partiesto promote economic development in the post-pandemic era together with the international community, reveal the strong power of theIoT welfare ecosystem, and like sea, contribute to the society and human beings.In the future, we will still jointly face all challenges and uncertainties, waiting for spring blossoms with all our friends.
On July 9, 2020, Haier Pakistan received a letter of acknowledgment from the Embassy of Pakistan in China to express gratitude to HaierPakistan for their efforts and assisting the local government in ensuring the basic living needs of the people of Pakistan during the battleagainst the COVID-19.
Relying on COSMOPlat to takeadvantage of the industry, weurgently customized an intelli-gent temperature measurementand disinfection channel anddonated it to the GermanHeidelberg University Hospitalto empower the local pandemicprevention work.
Haier Smart Home urgentlypurchased 25,000 masks toEurope and sent out productsequipped with sterilization anddisinfection functions to Europe-an countries. Haier Europedonated 2,500 sets of protectiveclothing to Italy.Haier Malaysia learned that the localpandemic prevention materials werein short supply and most of thedonated materials ?ew to the hospi-tal. Knowing that the media workersin the anti-pandemic front linelacked the protection against thepandemic, they purchased 10,000masks to support the front-linemedia after coordinating withvarious parties.
Haier India paid continuousattention to the local pandemicsituation and actively tookvarious actions, such as distrib-uting meals to local communi-ties and providing "love meals"for di?cult groups.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Supporting global anti-pandemic toignite the endless hopeIn the fight against the pandemic, we gave full play to our business resources and platform advantages to support the global response tothe pandemic across borders.We conducted the real-time sharing of anti-pandemic information, experience, and measures, actively raised anti-pandemic suppliesthrough multiple channels, and donated funds and materials, so as to assist the whole world in responding to the pandemic to the best ofour abilities.Amid the global fight against the pandemic, there was a kind of warmth called "Haier assistance".
Haier, waiting for spring blossomswith all our friendsAt present, the pandemic is still bringing more challenges and uncertainties to the world. We will further cooperate with ecological partiesto promote economic development in the post-pandemic era together with the international community, reveal the strong power of theIoT welfare ecosystem, and like sea, contribute to the society and human beings.In the future, we will still jointly face all challenges and uncertainties, waiting for spring blossoms with all our friends.
On July 9, 2020, Haier Pakistan received a letter of acknowledgment from the Embassy of Pakistan in China to express gratitude to HaierPakistan for their efforts and assisting the local government in ensuring the basic living needs of the people of Pakistan during the battleagainst the COVID-19.
Relying on COSMOPlat to takeadvantage of the industry, weurgently customized an intelli-gent temperature measurementand disinfection channel anddonated it to the GermanHeidelberg University Hospitalto empower the local pandemicprevention work.
Haier Smart Home urgentlypurchased 25,000 masks toEurope and sent out productsequipped with sterilization anddisinfection functions to Europe-an countries. Haier Europedonated 2,500 sets of protectiveclothing to Italy.Haier Malaysia learned that the localpandemic prevention materials werein short supply and most of thedonated materials ?ew to the hospi-tal. Knowing that the media workersin the anti-pandemic front linelacked the protection against thepandemic, they purchased 10,000masks to support the front-linemedia after coordinating withvarious parties.
Haier India paid continuousattention to the local pandemicsituation and actively tookvarious actions, such as distrib-uting meals to local communi-ties and providing "love meals"for di?cult groups.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
RenDanHeYi Achieve
a Better Future
for Employees
Care foremployees
Health and safetyTeams withdiverse employees
Employees' rightsand interests
Since its establishment, Haier has adhered to "prioritizing people's value" and createdthe "RenDanHeYi" management model to achieve common development withemployees and help each of them realize their own value. We have established teamswith diverse employees, effectively guaranteed employees' legal rights and interests,focused on employees' health and safety, paid attention to the training and develop-ment of employees, and made great efforts to improve their happiness. We hope tojoin hands with all employees to have a better future.3536
RenDanHeYi Achieve
a Better Future
for Employees
Care foremployees
Health and safetyTeams withdiverse employees
Employees' rightsand interests
Since its establishment, Haier has adhered to "prioritizing people's value" and createdthe "RenDanHeYi" management model to achieve common development withemployees and help each of them realize their own value. We have established teamswith diverse employees, effectively guaranteed employees' legal rights and interests,focused on employees' health and safety, paid attention to the training and develop-ment of employees, and made great efforts to improve their happiness. We hope tojoin hands with all employees to have a better future.
The chain group of the global human resources management organization of Haier Smart Home adheresto the management concept of "RenDanHeYi", focuses on users and is committed to undertakingbusiness strategies and becoming a business partner, so as to empower the organization.Our global human resources chain group consists of the experience chain group, the Chuangdan chaingroup and the sharing center. With the regional and business human resources as its core, the experiencechain group is directly responsible for business. With the global and regional business HR expert organi-zation as the core, the Chuangdan chain group provides professional strategic development direction andprofessional solutions for the organization. The sharing center mainly provides services for employees.Our Global Human Resources Department sets up a Global Human Resources Coordination Committee,which is composed of regional and professional human resources leaders and is responsible for the imple-mentation of global human resources strategies and the formulation of annual global human resourcescoordination projects. We have established a global human resources coordination mechanism andregularly convened global conferences to promote internationalized human resources management andprovide human resources support for global business coordination.We have launched a unified human resources digital information system overseas. The learning systemprovides data support for business departments to make decisions and integrates the global talentreview, the succession planning and the talent development system, ensuring that the talent strategiessupports the business strategies. We have set up a unified compensation system overseas and estab-lished a competitive incentive mechanism to attract and retain global talents. We have set up a globaltalent flow platform to ensure the free flow of global talents.
Our global human
resources management
Build a diverse team
We believe that building a diverse team is more conducive to generating new ideas and bringing the Company closer to users around theworld. Therefore, building a diverse team is one of our global business strategies. Based on the principle of fairness and justice, we recruittalents from all over the world through a variety of channels to build a diverse talent team.At present, we have employees from more than 100 countries. They have different skills, perspectives and cultural backgrounds. The Com-pany is committed to creating an inclusive working environment and expects the outstanding innovation brought by the collision and inte-gration of multiple cultures.
At the end of the Reporting Period, we had 99,299 employees worldwide, 64,344 in China and 34,955 outside China.
In GEA, in order to facilitate the communication and integrationbetween employees from different backgrounds, employees havespontaneously formed the “Affinity Networks”. Any employeecan join as a member or ally, and the networks provide a safespace for them to share interests, skills, and experience and pro-vide them the opportunities to support key business plans.
World-class inclusiveness
Female employees play an important role in driving the Companyforward. For each business project/region all over the world, wehave formulated plans and mechanisms for attracting, develop-ing and retaining female employees tailored to local needs. TakeGEA as an example, the long-term incentive plan of GEA execu-tives is directly related to their attracting, retaining and develop-ing diverse and female employees.
Female employee development
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2020Corporate Social Responsibility Report2020
The chain group of the global human resources management organization of Haier Smart Home adheresto the management concept of "RenDanHeYi", focuses on users and is committed to undertakingbusiness strategies and becoming a business partner, so as to empower the organization.Our global human resources chain group consists of the experience chain group, the Chuangdan chaingroup and the sharing center. With the regional and business human resources as its core, the experiencechain group is directly responsible for business. With the global and regional business HR expert organi-zation as the core, the Chuangdan chain group provides professional strategic development direction andprofessional solutions for the organization. The sharing center mainly provides services for employees.Our Global Human Resources Department sets up a Global Human Resources Coordination Committee,which is composed of regional and professional human resources leaders and is responsible for the imple-mentation of global human resources strategies and the formulation of annual global human resourcescoordination projects. We have established a global human resources coordination mechanism andregularly convened global conferences to promote internationalized human resources management andprovide human resources support for global business coordination.We have launched a unified human resources digital information system overseas. The learning systemprovides data support for business departments to make decisions and integrates the global talentreview, the succession planning and the talent development system, ensuring that the talent strategiessupports the business strategies. We have set up a unified compensation system overseas and estab-lished a competitive incentive mechanism to attract and retain global talents. We have set up a globaltalent flow platform to ensure the free flow of global talents.
Our global human
resources management
Build a diverse team
We believe that building a diverse team is more conducive to generating new ideas and bringing the Company closer to users around theworld. Therefore, building a diverse team is one of our global business strategies. Based on the principle of fairness and justice, we recruittalents from all over the world through a variety of channels to build a diverse talent team.At present, we have employees from more than 100 countries. They have different skills, perspectives and cultural backgrounds. The Com-pany is committed to creating an inclusive working environment and expects the outstanding innovation brought by the collision and inte-gration of multiple cultures.
At the end of the Reporting Period, we had 99,299 employees worldwide, 64,344 in China and 34,955 outside China.
In GEA, in order to facilitate the communication and integrationbetween employees from different backgrounds, employees havespontaneously formed the “Affinity Networks”. Any employeecan join as a member or ally, and the networks provide a safespace for them to share interests, skills, and experience and pro-vide them the opportunities to support key business plans.
World-class inclusiveness
Female employees play an important role in driving the Companyforward. For each business project/region all over the world, wehave formulated plans and mechanisms for attracting, develop-ing and retaining female employees tailored to local needs. TakeGEA as an example, the long-term incentive plan of GEA execu-tives is directly related to their attracting, retaining and develop-ing diverse and female employees.
Female employee development
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2020Corporate Social Responsibility Report2020
Protect the rights and interestsof employeesHaier Smart Home strictly complies with the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People's Repub-lic of China, and relevant laws and regulations of the places where its business is present, formulates comprehensive human resourcesmanagement regulations by reference to relevant conventions of the International Labor Organization, such as the Forced Labor Conven-tion, and conducts employee management in accordance with laws and regulations, to protect employees' legitimate rights and interests.
Help employees grow
Adhering to the staff training principle of "everyone can develop and everyone deserves attention", we have built a maker empowermentecological platform indexed by "prioritizing people's value" in the era of the Internet of Things. By building a non-linear developmentsystem, we provide a broader development platform for employees. And by creating a diversified cultivation system, we provide supportfor the long-term development of each employee, so as to achieve the common growth of employees and the Company.
The Company manages employment in strict accor-dance with relevant laws and regulations. We haveestablished and strictly implemented regulations andmanagement procedures for employment, promotionand dismissal. We strictly examine the information ofrecruits, sign the labor contract with employees infull compliance with laws in a voluntary and fairmanner, and handle the employee dismissal proce-dures according to law.We prohibit discrimination in the workplace of anyethnic group, race, gender, religious belief, genderorientation, marital or birth status, disability, ornational origin. We are committed to promotingequality in employment and creating a fair anddiverse working environment.
We continue to optimize our working hours manage-ment regulations. The Company has established theindependent time management policies for chaingroups and small and micro businesses. Chain groupsand small and micro businesses can independentlydecide working hours and work attendance checkingmethods according to international practices, industrycharacteristics and business scenarios, so as to pro-vide more convenience for employees to better bal-ance between work and life.Flexible working hours: Four working hours optionsare available for employees to choose;Intelligent clocking in: Employees can clock in bythree methods, including clocking in machine andiHaier mobile clocking in;Annual leave: Employees may plan their own annualleave, and the leave not taken in the current yearcould be carried over to the next.
We strictly follow the requirements of the Code of Business Conduct of Haier Group and provide a positive working environmentfor our employees:
Encourage the building of a diverse staff team and provide a workplace free of discrimination, retaliation, harassment and mal-treatment of any kind;Guarantee the fair and competitive compensation and benefits in accordance with local regulations and culture;Never tolerate infringement of human rights (such forced labor and child labor).We establish a sound process system to ensure that the above requirements are strictly implemented. We also engage externalauditors to conduct social responsibility audits covering labor management in all our factories to ensure effective implementationof the Code of Business Conduct.
Based on the current needs of the Company's globalization andthe transformation for the Internet of Things, we advocate "inde-pendent management of chain groups and independent develop-ment of makers", constantly improve the non-linear talent inde-pendent development system, and create a dynamic and opendevelopment platform for talents to emerge independently.Based on the function of talent review, the platform providesnew opportunities in high-end, scenario and ecological fields foremployees with "strong wish, great potential and excellentperformance". Employees can not only enter chain groups torealize the professional value-added development, but alsocreate chain groups to realize the entrepreneurship and innova-tion, finally realizing non-linear accelerated development.We also advocate the abolition of hierarchy, so that competentemployees can grab a bigger order or task and create greatervalue for the Company and themselves.
Development system
We attach great importance to talent training and set up a hier-archical training system, which supports the training programsfor main and reserve cadres of small and micro businesses aswell as the training of the middle level, the grassroots andcampus makers. We create an overseas online learning platformto support overseas employees’ learning of internal courses andthe connection with external resources. The platform supports 24languages, which can meet the language needs of employees inoverseas regions. Based on business needs, we update the cours-es from time to time and build an ecological learning organiza-tion.
Training system
Positive working environment
Employment managementWorking hours management
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Learning andtraining systembased on talentdevelopment
On-the-job training
On-the-job training program
Mature talentCampus attraction
Orientation training
Professional skillimprovementLeadershipTalent development
Value recognitionCultural introductionQuick integration
Leadership trainingprogramProfessionalism trainingprogram
Orientation training program
Makers Training Camp MTCGEDP
Global Engineering Developing Program
Protect the rights and interestsof employees
Haier Smart Home strictly complies with the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People's Repub-lic of China, and relevant laws and regulations of the places where its business is present, formulates comprehensive human resourcesmanagement regulations by reference to relevant conventions of the International Labor Organization, such as the Forced Labor Conven-tion, and conducts employee management in accordance with laws and regulations, to protect employees' legitimate rights and interests.
Help employees grow
Adhering to the staff training principle of "everyone can develop and everyone deserves attention", we have built a maker empowermentecological platform indexed by "prioritizing people's value" in the era of the Internet of Things. By building a non-linear developmentsystem, we provide a broader development platform for employees. And by creating a diversified cultivation system, we provide supportfor the long-term development of each employee, so as to achieve the common growth of employees and the Company.
The Company manages employment in strict accor-dance with relevant laws and regulations. We haveestablished and strictly implemented regulations andmanagement procedures for employment, promotionand dismissal. We strictly examine the information ofrecruits, sign the labor contract with employees infull compliance with laws in a voluntary and fairmanner, and handle the employee dismissal proce-dures according to law.We prohibit discrimination in the workplace of anyethnic group, race, gender, religious belief, genderorientation, marital or birth status, disability, ornational origin. We are committed to promotingequality in employment and creating a fair anddiverse working environment.
We continue to optimize our working hours manage-ment regulations. The Company has established theindependent time management policies for chaingroups and small and micro businesses. Chain groupsand small and micro businesses can independentlydecide working hours and work attendance checkingmethods according to international practices, industrycharacteristics and business scenarios, so as to pro-vide more convenience for employees to better bal-ance between work and life.Flexible working hours: Four working hours optionsare available for employees to choose;Intelligent clocking in: Employees can clock in bythree methods, including clocking in machine andiHaier mobile clocking in;Annual leave: Employees may plan their own annualleave, and the leave not taken in the current yearcould be carried over to the next.
We strictly follow the requirements of the Code of Business Conduct of Haier Group and provide a positive working environmentfor our employees:
Encourage the building of a diverse staff team and provide a workplace free of discrimination, retaliation, harassment and mal-treatment of any kind;Guarantee the fair and competitive compensation and benefits in accordance with local regulations and culture;Never tolerate infringement of human rights (such forced labor and child labor).We establish a sound process system to ensure that the above requirements are strictly implemented. We also engage externalauditors to conduct social responsibility audits covering labor management in all our factories to ensure effective implementationof the Code of Business Conduct.
Based on the current needs of the Company's globalization andthe transformation for the Internet of Things, we advocate "inde-pendent management of chain groups and independent develop-ment of makers", constantly improve the non-linear talent inde-pendent development system, and create a dynamic and opendevelopment platform for talents to emerge independently.Based on the function of talent review, the platform providesnew opportunities in high-end, scenario and ecological fields foremployees with "strong wish, great potential and excellentperformance". Employees can not only enter chain groups torealize the professional value-added development, but alsocreate chain groups to realize the entrepreneurship and innova-tion, finally realizing non-linear accelerated development.We also advocate the abolition of hierarchy, so that competentemployees can grab a bigger order or task and create greatervalue for the Company and themselves.
Development system
We attach great importance to talent training and set up a hier-archical training system, which supports the training programsfor main and reserve cadres of small and micro businesses aswell as the training of the middle level, the grassroots andcampus makers. We create an overseas online learning platformto support overseas employees’ learning of internal courses andthe connection with external resources. The platform supports 24languages, which can meet the language needs of employees inoverseas regions. Based on business needs, we update the cours-es from time to time and build an ecological learning organiza-tion.
Training system
Positive working environment
Employment managementWorking hours management
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Learning andtraining systembased on talentdevelopment
On-the-job training
On-the-job training program
Mature talentCampus attraction
Orientation training
Professional skillimprovementLeadershipTalent development
Value recognitionCultural introductionQuick integration
Leadership trainingprogramProfessionalism trainingprogram
Orientation training program
Makers Training Camp MTCGEDP
Global Engineering Developing Program
MTC(Maker Training Camp)GEDP( Global Engineering Developing Program)
GEDP is a training program designed by the Company todevelop excellent engineers who have a global vision andcan lead global projects. The three core elements of GEDPare industrial job rotation, English-only professional trainingcourses, and working with overseas teams such as GEA topromote global leading technology projects. GEDP iscurrently launched in China, the United States and Mexicosimultaneously.
Maker Training Camp is designed for new recruits. The Com-pany adopts the training mode of combining online andoffline training and offers such training modules asface-to-face instruction by higher-ups, systematic curricu-lum learning, creative development, tutoring, and experi-ence of the whole value chain to train new recruits in prima-ry leadership and then in professional jobs. Employees canlearn theory and practice, gradually grow and understandthemselves, and finally find their value in the Company.
We create the management mode of “RenDanHeYi”. “Ren” refers to employees with entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, and"Dan" refers to the creation of user value. Instead of passively assigning specific tasks under traditional management, employeesactively identify the areas where they can create user value to realize their own “Dan” (literally an order or task in Chinese). In theprocess of creating user value, employees have the right to make decisions, use human resources, and allocate resources. At thesame time, employees' income and career development will be matched with the value created by them.The management mode of “RenDanHeYi” encourages employees to create user value with an entrepreneurial mindset and to real-ize the self-value that is consistent with the value of the Company and that of shareholders.
The maker partner incentive and constraint mechanism of Haier Smart Home (“the maker mechanism”) is a new mechanismdesigned to inspire the creativity of all makers, which combines the characteristics of the Internet of Things era. Based on the prin-ciple of user pay, the mechanism is driven by chain group contracts. Home appliance business focuses on high value-added andhigh sharing, with a view to sharing profit when the goal is achieved.
Maker partner incentive and constraint mechanism
The "Three Gold Awards" are awarded annually to honor makers who have made outstanding contributions to the development ofthe Company, to express full recognition for employees who have made outstanding contributions.
"Three Gold Awards"CASE
Since March 2020, we have set up the "Most Beautiful Maker" evaluation platform to encourage every maker to actively createvalue and share value. This year, we recognize 100 makers from around the world as the "Most Beautiful Maker".
"Most Beautiful Maker" evaluation
On May 21, 2020, Hu Yunchuan, a Haier service engineer in Fushun County, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, climbed up a buildingwith his hands only to save a girl hanging outside the window of the sixth floor. This was widely concerned and praised by all walksof life. On May 22, after knowing this, the Company immediately awarded Hu Yunchuan the "RenDanHeYi Bravery Award" and aproperty of RMB600,000 in Fushun County, in recognition of his bravery.We believe that a company is essentially a group of people, and employees are the most valuable wealth of an enterprise. We don'twant to see anything dangerous happen, but when there is a need in society, we hope that every Haier employee can volunteer tooffer help boldly.
Haier actively commends employees who take risks to save people
Motivation"Prioritizing people's value" has been Haier’s principle for 36 years since its establishment. “Only by making employees become 'autono-mous people' can they be integrated with users who have the demand for experience and iteration, which reflects the essence of theInternet of Things - the Internet of People.”
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
MTC(Maker Training Camp)GEDP( Global Engineering Developing Program)GEDP is a training program designed by the Company todevelop excellent engineers who have a global vision andcan lead global projects. The three core elements of GEDPare industrial job rotation, English-only professional trainingcourses, and working with overseas teams such as GEA topromote global leading technology projects. GEDP iscurrently launched in China, the United States and Mexicosimultaneously.
Maker Training Camp is designed for new recruits. The Com-
pany adopts the training mode of combining online and
offline training and offers such training modules as
face-to-face instruction by higher-ups, systematic curricu-
lum learning, creative development, tutoring, and experi-
ence of the whole value chain to train new recruits in prima-
ry leadership and then in professional jobs. Employees can
learn theory and practice, gradually grow and understand
themselves, and finally find their value in the Company.
We create the management mode of “RenDanHeYi”. “Ren” refers to employees with entrepreneurial and innovative spirit, and"Dan" refers to the creation of user value. Instead of passively assigning specific tasks under traditional management, employeesactively identify the areas where they can create user value to realize their own “Dan” (literally an order or task in Chinese). In theprocess of creating user value, employees have the right to make decisions, use human resources, and allocate resources. At thesame time, employees' income and career development will be matched with the value created by them.The management mode of “RenDanHeYi” encourages employees to create user value with an entrepreneurial mindset and to real-ize the self-value that is consistent with the value of the Company and that of shareholders.
The maker partner incentive and constraint mechanism of Haier Smart Home (“the maker mechanism”) is a new mechanismdesigned to inspire the creativity of all makers, which combines the characteristics of the Internet of Things era. Based on the prin-ciple of user pay, the mechanism is driven by chain group contracts. Home appliance business focuses on high value-added andhigh sharing, with a view to sharing profit when the goal is achieved.
Maker partner incentive and constraint mechanism
The "Three Gold Awards" are awarded annually to honor makers who have made outstanding contributions to the development ofthe Company, to express full recognition for employees who have made outstanding contributions.
"Three Gold Awards"CASE
Since March 2020, we have set up the "Most Beautiful Maker" evaluation platform to encourage every maker to actively createvalue and share value. This year, we recognize 100 makers from around the world as the "Most Beautiful Maker".
"Most Beautiful Maker" evaluation
On May 21, 2020, Hu Yunchuan, a Haier service engineer in Fushun County, Zigong City, Sichuan Province, climbed up a buildingwith his hands only to save a girl hanging outside the window of the sixth floor. This was widely concerned and praised by all walksof life. On May 22, after knowing this, the Company immediately awarded Hu Yunchuan the "RenDanHeYi Bravery Award" and aproperty of RMB600,000 in Fushun County, in recognition of his bravery.We believe that a company is essentially a group of people, and employees are the most valuable wealth of an enterprise. We don'twant to see anything dangerous happen, but when there is a need in society, we hope that every Haier employee can volunteer tooffer help boldly.
Haier actively commends employees who take risks to save people
Motivation"Prioritizing people's value" has been Haier’s principle for 36 years since its establishment. “Only by making employees become 'autono-mous people' can they be integrated with users who have the demand for experience and iteration, which reflects the essence of theInternet of Things - the Internet of People.”
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Care for employees' work and life
We pay a close attention to communicating with employees andunderstanding their needs. With various employee communica-tion channels such as iHaier, telephone, email and one-on-onetalk, the Company aims to hear the employees' voices andensurethe issues from their feedback is communicated to therelevant departments who will analyze the causes and take recti-fications to properly satisfy the employees' needs.
Communication with our staff
We let the workers' congress to fully play its role in democratic decision making, democratic administration and democratic supervision.We hold the workers' congress from time to time according to the actual needs to vote on the typical suggestions of employees and givefeedback on the results in time. With respect to important employee policies and corporate development suggestions, we will collectivelydiscuss them and make decisions at the annual workers' congress.In addition to the workers' congress, we further expand the democratic channels, carry out activities to collect reasonable suggestions,solicit the staff's suggestions and requirements for the Company's work, and solve the hot and difficult issues concerned by the staff.
Democratic management
This year, we paid attention to employees' needs for physical and mental development and carried out activities such as sports meeting,football match, basketball match, Children's Day activities, and birthday parties to enrich employees' spare time life and enhance thecohesive force in the Company.
Staff activities
We are committed to providing a healthy and green workingenvironment for our employees. The Company fully respectsemployees' suggestions concerning the planning and design ofthe office area and ensures employees' comfort in work. We setup gyms and restrooms to provide places for employees to exer-cise and rest.
Good working environment
During the pandemic period, inorder to meet the needs oflactating female employees,we built a loving mothers’ hutand equipped it with daily sup-plies and disinfection materi-als. We also established useregulations to ensure theproper use of the hut andmaintain a healthy and safeuse environment.
Build a loving mothers' hut
Fun sports meetingsChildren's painting activity
In November 2020, Haier Smart Home held the 10th funsports meeting for employees. There were seven activities inthe fun sports meeting, such as Caterpillar Race, Footballand Ground Ball. The wonderful competitions showed thestyle of Haier employees and enhanced team cohesion.
On the occasion of Children's Day, in order to enhance theinteraction and communication between employees andchildren, we hold a series of activities with the theme of"Happy Childhood, Happy Belongs to You". After hearingand witnessing Haier's corporate culture, the children drewmany wonderful works with their brushes.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Care for employees' work and life
We pay a close attention to communicating with employees andunderstanding their needs. With various employee communica-tion channels such as iHaier, telephone, email and one-on-onetalk, the Company aims to hear the employees' voices andensurethe issues from their feedback is communicated to therelevant departments who will analyze the causes and take recti-fications to properly satisfy the employees' needs.
Communication with our staff
We let the workers' congress to fully play its role in democratic decision making, democratic administration and democratic supervision.We hold the workers' congress from time to time according to the actual needs to vote on the typical suggestions of employees and givefeedback on the results in time. With respect to important employee policies and corporate development suggestions, we will collectivelydiscuss them and make decisions at the annual workers' congress.In addition to the workers' congress, we further expand the democratic channels, carry out activities to collect reasonable suggestions,solicit the staff's suggestions and requirements for the Company's work, and solve the hot and difficult issues concerned by the staff.
Democratic management
This year, we paid attention to employees' needs for physical and mental development and carried out activities such as sports meeting,football match, basketball match, Children's Day activities, and birthday parties to enrich employees' spare time life and enhance thecohesive force in the Company.
Staff activities
We are committed to providing a healthy and green workingenvironment for our employees. The Company fully respectsemployees' suggestions concerning the planning and design ofthe office area and ensures employees' comfort in work. We setup gyms and restrooms to provide places for employees to exer-cise and rest.
Good working environment
During the pandemic period, inorder to meet the needs oflactating female employees,we built a loving mothers’ hutand equipped it with daily sup-plies and disinfection materi-als. We also established useregulations to ensure theproper use of the hut andmaintain a healthy and safeuse environment.
Build a loving mothers' hut
Fun sports meetingsChildren's painting activity
In November 2020, Haier Smart Home held the 10th funsports meeting for employees. There were seven activities inthe fun sports meeting, such as Caterpillar Race, Footballand Ground Ball. The wonderful competitions showed thestyle of Haier employees and enhanced team cohesion.
On the occasion of Children's Day, in order to enhance theinteraction and communication between employees andchildren, we hold a series of activities with the theme of"Happy Childhood, Happy Belongs to You". After hearingand witnessing Haier's corporate culture, the children drewmany wonderful works with their brushes.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Guarantee health and safetyof employeesHaier Smart Home upholds the vision of "excellent safety of zero-base objective", adheres to the strategic objective of "focusing on pro-fessional, intrinsic and maker-oriented safety, building a safety system and cultural values based on operation excellence, and becomingthe safest company in the world", develops the "safety excellence" elevation path, and is dedicated to achieving "six zeroes" in safetyperformance. In 2020, we continued to work on strengthening production safety management, protecting employees' occupational healthand raising employees' safety awareness, and formed a comprehensive and full-coverage safety network, to effectively protect employees'health and safety in workplace.
Safe productionThe number of work-related serious injuries andworse cases throughout the year was zero.Occupational disease managementThe occupational hazards evaluation coverage reached 100%The occupational health examination rate was100%The coverage of intrinsic safety equipment was100%Safety drills334 safety drills were conducted100,000 persons participated in the comprehensive/special
drills of production safety
Our performance
Production safety management
Occupational health management
Compliance managementWe have established standardized management proceduresfor identification of laws and regulations, training and commu-nication, and change management and are implementing themsteadily. The Company also regularly evaluates the complianceof the implementation of them. In 2020, Haier Smart Homestrictly complied with the Work Safety Law of the People'sRepublic of China, the Fire Prevention Law of the People'sRepublic of China and relevant laws and regulations of theplaces where its business was present, and strictly implement-ed the safety management regulations including the LaborSafety and Health Management, the Equipment Safety Man-agement and the Safety Accidents and Cases Evaluation andAccountability Management, for implementation of compre-hensive safety management.
Construction of safety managementsystem
We reinforce our safety management team, establish andimprove the production safety management network and keepimproving the capabilities of the safety management team. In2020, Haier Smart Home continued to promote the safetymanagement upgrading based on platform establishment,system construction and standards development, relied on theHSE&6S cloud platform, the big data platform of firefightingInternet of Things, the ITPM equipment intelligent manage-ment system and other platforms to achieve full coverage ofsafety management. We strictly implement the productionsafety accountability system, arrange for the safety officers atall levels and employees of all factories to sign safety account-ability documents, and define safety responsibilities, so as torealize the safe self-operation.Safety supervision and inspectionIn order to ensure the effective implementation of safety man-agement, the Company carries out safety supervision andinspection by layers and categories, gives full play to the roleof safety supervision institutions at all levels, ensures theorderly safety management, implements safety managementmeasures, remedies all safety risks and hidden problems, andforms a closed loop of safety management.We give full play to the supervisory role of employees and soci-ety and take measures such as the mailbox of production safetysupervision, the park/factory/team WeChat groups, the reporttelephone, and the report mailbox. Upon receiving safetyimprovement suggestions or hidden safety hazards reports, wetimely organize the remediation and eliminate hidden safety haz-
ards.We give full play to the supervisory role of employees andsociety and take measures such as the mailbox of productionsafety supervision, the park/factory/team WeChat groups, thereport telephone, and the report mailbox. Upon receiving safetyimprovement suggestions or hidden safety hazards reports, wetimely organize the remediation and eliminate hidden safetyhazards.Safety information construction
We pay attention to the safety information construction andestablish the Internet of Things for key parts to achieve theinformation analysis and targeted management of key parts. Wehave also established the fire prevention Internet of Things. In2020, the Company realized the data collection, analysis andintelligent diagnosis of the fire water pressure and water level inthe park and the fire alarm in regions, which ensure the firesafety of the Company.Stakeholders' safety management
We also pay close attentions to the safety of stakeholders in theparks. We have formulated nine must-dos and 18 constructionsafety controls, in order to define the responsibilities of the con-struction units, factory's liaison departments and the safetydepartments, enhance construction safety management, andeffectively ensure the health and safety of third-party construc-tion staff in the parks. Besides, we strictly implement the inde-pendent safety management of outsourcing entities and suppli-ers, arrange for domestic joint ventures/leasing entities/out-sourcing entities/service providers to sign the Contract for Inde-pendent Safety Management, and arrange for the supply chainstaff to implement safety supervision.
Haier Smart Home complies with the Law of the People's Repub-lic of China on Prevention and Treatment of OccupationalDiseases and laws and regulations of the places where its busi-ness is present, and continuously works on protecting employ-ees' occupational health and safety and preventing occupationaldiseases and hazards. We carry out regular physical examinationfor every employee every year and add some new examinationsfor employees of different ages. After the physical examination,we ask the hospital to summarize and analyze the physicalexamination results of each department, and invite experts tocarry out training for the items that have many problems, so asto ensure the closed loop of the physical examination.
Zeropersonalinjury or
Zero asset
Zero safetyrisk on site
Zero ?reincident
Zero Safety Issues in 6
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Guarantee health and safetyof employeesHaier Smart Home upholds the vision of "excellent safety of zero-base objective", adheres to the strategic objective of "focusing on pro-fessional, intrinsic and maker-oriented safety, building a safety system and cultural values based on operation excellence, and becomingthe safest company in the world", develops the "safety excellence" elevation path, and is dedicated to achieving "six zeroes" in safetyperformance. In 2020, we continued to work on strengthening production safety management, protecting employees' occupational healthand raising employees' safety awareness, and formed a comprehensive and full-coverage safety network, to effectively protect employees'health and safety in workplace.
Safe productionThe number of work-related serious injuries andworse cases throughout the year was zero.Occupational disease management
The occupational hazards evaluation coverage reached 100%The occupational health examination rate was100%The coverage of intrinsic safety equipment was100%Safety drills
334 safety drills were conducted100,000 persons participated in the comprehensive/special
drills of production safety
Our performance
Production safety management
Occupational health management
Compliance managementWe have established standardized management proceduresfor identification of laws and regulations, training and commu-nication, and change management and are implementing themsteadily. The Company also regularly evaluates the complianceof the implementation of them. In 2020, Haier Smart Homestrictly complied with the Work Safety Law of the People'sRepublic of China, the Fire Prevention Law of the People'sRepublic of China and relevant laws and regulations of theplaces where its business was present, and strictly implement-ed the safety management regulations including the LaborSafety and Health Management, the Equipment Safety Man-agement and the Safety Accidents and Cases Evaluation andAccountability Management, for implementation of compre-hensive safety management.Construction of safety managementsystem
We reinforce our safety management team, establish andimprove the production safety management network and keepimproving the capabilities of the safety management team. In2020, Haier Smart Home continued to promote the safetymanagement upgrading based on platform establishment,system construction and standards development, relied on theHSE&6S cloud platform, the big data platform of firefightingInternet of Things, the ITPM equipment intelligent manage-ment system and other platforms to achieve full coverage ofsafety management. We strictly implement the productionsafety accountability system, arrange for the safety officers atall levels and employees of all factories to sign safety account-ability documents, and define safety responsibilities, so as torealize the safe self-operation.
Safety supervision and inspection
In order to ensure the effective implementation of safety man-agement, the Company carries out safety supervision andinspection by layers and categories, gives full play to the roleof safety supervision institutions at all levels, ensures theorderly safety management, implements safety managementmeasures, remedies all safety risks and hidden problems, andforms a closed loop of safety management.We give full play to the supervisory role of employees and soci-ety and take measures such as the mailbox of production safetysupervision, the park/factory/team WeChat groups, the reporttelephone, and the report mailbox. Upon receiving safetyimprovement suggestions or hidden safety hazards reports, wetimely organize the remediation and eliminate hidden safety haz-
ards.We give full play to the supervisory role of employees andsociety and take measures such as the mailbox of productionsafety supervision, the park/factory/team WeChat groups, thereport telephone, and the report mailbox. Upon receiving safetyimprovement suggestions or hidden safety hazards reports, wetimely organize the remediation and eliminate hidden safetyhazards.
Safety information construction
We pay attention to the safety information construction andestablish the Internet of Things for key parts to achieve theinformation analysis and targeted management of key parts. Wehave also established the fire prevention Internet of Things. In2020, the Company realized the data collection, analysis andintelligent diagnosis of the fire water pressure and water level inthe park and the fire alarm in regions, which ensure the firesafety of the Company.Stakeholders' safety management
We also pay close attentions to the safety of stakeholders in theparks. We have formulated nine must-dos and 18 constructionsafety controls, in order to define the responsibilities of the con-struction units, factory's liaison departments and the safetydepartments, enhance construction safety management, andeffectively ensure the health and safety of third-party construc-tion staff in the parks. Besides, we strictly implement the inde-pendent safety management of outsourcing entities and suppli-ers, arrange for domestic joint ventures/leasing entities/out-sourcing entities/service providers to sign the Contract for Inde-pendent Safety Management, and arrange for the supply chainstaff to implement safety supervision.
Haier Smart Home complies with the Law of the People's Repub-lic of China on Prevention and Treatment of OccupationalDiseases and laws and regulations of the places where its busi-ness is present, and continuously works on protecting employ-ees' occupational health and safety and preventing occupationaldiseases and hazards. We carry out regular physical examinationfor every employee every year and add some new examinationsfor employees of different ages. After the physical examination,we ask the hospital to summarize and analyze the physicalexamination results of each department, and invite experts tocarry out training for the items that have many problems, so asto ensure the closed loop of the physical examination.
Zeropersonalinjury or
Zero asset
Zero safetyrisk on site
Zero ?reincident
Zero Safety Issues in 6
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
We attach importance to the safety skills training of employees and keep improving the safety production capacity of employees.With respect to special types of work, employees are required to complete corresponding training programs under our supervisionbefore working. We regularly carry out special training regarding dangerous equipment/jobs, raise employees' safety awarenessand safety operation skills by carrying out safety education activities such as "One Case Every Week" and "One Class Every Week",and arrange for employees to take the test on online safety training, so as to ensure that they grasp all the safety training content.In order to further strengthen employees' safety awareness and emergency response skills, we carry out activities such as the firesafety month and fire safety drills and regularly push fire safety knowledge and emergency response skills through our WeChatOfficial Account, so as to enhance employees’ ability of emergency response and self-help.
Safety skills training
Haier Smart Home embraces our safety culture throughout the entire production and operation processes. It actively creates a safetyculture atmosphere of "everyone 6S, everything 6S, always 6S”.Construction of safety culture
As there were frequent safety accidents at the end of the year, through the "Safety Encyclopaedia" WeChat Official Account, weissued the PPT titled Hidden Hazards Inspection, Governance and Training + Complete Hazard Checklist for employees to learn anduse based on their needs in work.
Year-end Hidden Hazards Inspection, Governance and Training + Complete Hazard Checklist
We give priority to publicity of safety culture and take advantage of the HSE&6S interactive platform and the "Safety Encyclopaedia"WeChat Official Account to disseminate safety precautions and raise employees' safety awareness. In 2020, the Company issued 795articles with graphics and texts, totaling 159 issues, through the "Safety Encyclopaedia" WeChat Official Account.
This year, the Company has been highly recognized by government departments for its safety culture development, with five provin-cial-level safety culture demonstration units and five municipal-level safety culture demonstration units, and repeatedly won the provincialand municipal commendations for safety management and safety culture development.
Safety culture publicity
Occupational environmental monitoringWe engage qualified third-party institutions to examinethe positions with occupational hazards and hazardousworkplace environments on site, with reports issued, toensure compliance with occupational health and safetylaws and regulations. In 2020, the coverage of occupa-tional environmental monitoring and assessment reached100%.
We distribute Notice on Workplace OccupationalDisease Hazards to each employee in a position exposedto occupational disease hazards, detailing the healthhazards in the position.
Physical examination for occupational healthWe implement "pre-job, on-the-job and departure"whole-process physical examinations with respect tooccupational diseases, and any person detected not to fitthe position requirements will be timely transferred toother positions, in order to prevent occupational diseasesor suspected occupational diseases. In 2020, the cover-age of occupational health examination reached 100%.
We have achieved equipment automation in productionlines of interconnection factories, and work to promoteunmanned automated factories for high-risk environ-ments.
Notice on occupational disease hazards
Equipment automation
Activities of ?re safety monthEmergency response drill and training
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Special full production training
at the end of a year
Investigation for potential threats andviolation management training
December 2020
Year-end full production
special training
We attach importance to the safety skills training of employees and keep improving the safety production capacity of employees.With respect to special types of work, employees are required to complete corresponding training programs under our supervisionbefore working. We regularly carry out special training regarding dangerous equipment/jobs, raise employees' safety awarenessand safety operation skills by carrying out safety education activities such as "One Case Every Week" and "One Class Every Week",and arrange for employees to take the test on online safety training, so as to ensure that they grasp all the safety training content.In order to further strengthen employees' safety awareness and emergency response skills, we carry out activities such as the firesafety month and fire safety drills and regularly push fire safety knowledge and emergency response skills through our WeChatOfficial Account, so as to enhance employees’ ability of emergency response and self-help.
Safety skills training
Haier Smart Home embraces our safety culture throughout the entire production and operation processes. It actively creates a safetyculture atmosphere of "everyone 6S, everything 6S, always 6S”.
Construction of safety culture
As there were frequent safety accidents at the end of the year, through the "Safety Encyclopaedia" WeChat Official Account, weissued the PPT titled Hidden Hazards Inspection, Governance and Training + Complete Hazard Checklist for employees to learn anduse based on their needs in work.
Year-end Hidden Hazards Inspection, Governance and Training + Complete Hazard Checklist
We give priority to publicity of safety culture and take advantage of the HSE&6S interactive platform and the "Safety Encyclopaedia"WeChat Official Account to disseminate safety precautions and raise employees' safety awareness. In 2020, the Company issued 795articles with graphics and texts, totaling 159 issues, through the "Safety Encyclopaedia" WeChat Official Account.
This year, the Company has been highly recognized by government departments for its safety culture development, with five provin-cial-level safety culture demonstration units and five municipal-level safety culture demonstration units, and repeatedly won the provincialand municipal commendations for safety management and safety culture development.
Safety culture publicity
Occupational environmental monitoring
We engage qualified third-party institutions to examinethe positions with occupational hazards and hazardousworkplace environments on site, with reports issued, toensure compliance with occupational health and safetylaws and regulations. In 2020, the coverage of occupa-tional environmental monitoring and assessment reached100%.
We distribute Notice on Workplace OccupationalDisease Hazards to each employee in a position exposedto occupational disease hazards, detailing the healthhazards in the position.
Physical examination for occupational healthWe implement "pre-job, on-the-job and departure"whole-process physical examinations with respect tooccupational diseases, and any person detected not to fitthe position requirements will be timely transferred toother positions, in order to prevent occupational diseasesor suspected occupational diseases. In 2020, the cover-age of occupational health examination reached 100%.
We have achieved equipment automation in productionlines of interconnection factories, and work to promoteunmanned automated factories for high-risk environ-ments.
Notice on occupational disease hazards
Equipment automation
Activities of ?re safety monthEmergency response drill and training
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Special full production training
at the end of a year
Investigation for potential threats andviolation management training
December 2020
Year-end full production
special training
As the leading brand of white goods in the world, Haier Smart Home actively responds to theenvironmental protection concept and policy of global green and sustainable development.Based on the Haier 4-Green (4G) Strategy ("Green Design, Green Manufacture, Green Market-ing, and Green Recycle"), we integrate low carbon, recycling, energy saving and emissionreduction into the daily operation of the Company and the whole life cycle of products, leadthe industry in innovation, green development, interaction and win-win situation, and enhancethe sustainable development of the industry.4950
Green Development
Protect the Good
Ecological Environment
As the leading brand of white goods in the world, Haier Smart Home actively responds to theenvironmental protection concept and policy of global green and sustainable development.Based on the Haier 4-Green (4G) Strategy ("Green Design, Green Manufacture, Green Market-ing, and Green Recycle"), we integrate low carbon, recycling, energy saving and emissionreduction into the daily operation of the Company and the whole life cycle of products, leadthe industry in innovation, green development, interaction and win-win situation, and enhancethe sustainable development of the industry.4950
Green Development
Protect the Good
Ecological Environment
Green management
Haier Smart Home has established and gradually improved its environmental management system covering global operations. We identifyand observe relevant laws and regulations, formulated environmental management principles and policies, and build a network-basedenvironmental management framework under which the environmental management responsibilities of all parties are specified to fullyimplement environmental management.
We focus on reviewing the Company's best environmental management practices in China, Europe, Southeast Asia, the United States andother places of operation and promote them globally according to their applicability with a view to continuously improving the Compa-ny's environmental management system.We engage a professional agency every year to audit the Company's environmental management system. In 2020, all plants of HaierSmart Home in China passed the certification of ISO14001 Environmental Management System.
This year, Haier Smart Home committed no grave violations of environmental laws and regulations worldwide.
We carry out environmental management in strict accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Law of thePeople's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Air pollution, Law of the People'sRepublic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Waste, and the relevant laws and regula-tions of other places of operation. The relevant responsible departments of the Company listen to the relevant reports and guidanceon environmental management of overseas regions and carry out supervision and inspection whenever necessary.
Compliance management
Our environmental management system
Our working principles for environmental management
Adherence to the philosophy of "green product, green enterprise, green culture"Compliance with relevant laws and regulations as well as standards and requirements
"RenDanHeYi" management modelMainly prevention and continues improvementPlatform establishment and parallel interaction for creation of open innovation ecosystemWhole-process re?ned management and implementation of environmental protection and
green development
Networked EnvironmentalManagement SystemEnvironmental Protection Committee
Haier Smart HomeSecuritiesThird-partyinstitutions
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
constantlydisclosingenvironmentalinformation asrequired by the
burdeningenvironmentalentity responsibil-ities and building
teams to carryout environmen-
tal protection
optimizing R&D,
design andinspection to
completing theinspection andcerti?cation ofenvironmentalmanagement
constantlymaking rawmaterials andsuppliers moreenvironmental
Green management
Haier Smart Home has established and gradually improved its environmental management system covering global operations. We identifyand observe relevant laws and regulations, formulated environmental management principles and policies, and build a network-basedenvironmental management framework under which the environmental management responsibilities of all parties are specified to fullyimplement environmental management.
We focus on reviewing the Company's best environmental management practices in China, Europe, Southeast Asia, the United States andother places of operation and promote them globally according to their applicability with a view to continuously improving the Compa-ny's environmental management system.We engage a professional agency every year to audit the Company's environmental management system. In 2020, all plants of HaierSmart Home in China passed the certification of ISO14001 Environmental Management System.
This year, Haier Smart Home committed no grave violations of environmental laws and regulations worldwide.
We carry out environmental management in strict accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Law of thePeople's Republic of China, Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Air pollution, Law of the People'sRepublic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution Caused by Solid Waste, and the relevant laws and regula-tions of other places of operation. The relevant responsible departments of the Company listen to the relevant reports and guidanceon environmental management of overseas regions and carry out supervision and inspection whenever necessary.
Compliance management
Our environmental management system
Our working principles for environmental management
Adherence to the philosophy of "green product, green enterprise, green culture"Compliance with relevant laws and regulations as well as standards and requirements
"RenDanHeYi" management modelMainly prevention and continues improvementPlatform establishment and parallel interaction for creation of open innovation ecosystemWhole-process re?ned management and implementation of environmental protection and
green development
Networked EnvironmentalManagement SystemEnvironmental Protection Committee
Haier Smart HomeSecuritiesThird-partyinstitutions
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
constantlydisclosingenvironmentalinformation asrequired by the
burdeningenvironmentalentity responsibil-ities and building
teams to carryout environmen-
tal protection
optimizing R&D,
design andinspection to
completing theinspection andcerti?cation ofenvironmentalmanagement
constantlymaking rawmaterials andsuppliers moreenvironmental
To achieve the target of zero environmental accidents, Haier Smart Home continues to consolidate the responsibility of environmentalprotection monitoring, adopts the lifelong responsibility system for environmental assessment of new, renovation and expansion projects,and strictly observes the red line of environmental protection. The Company and its subsidiaries have formulated Response Plan for Envi-ronmental Emergencies, organized exercises thereon pursuant to the requirements of laws and regulations, and constantly optimized andupgraded the plan according to the exercise results, so as to enhance the ability to respond to environmental emergencies.
Target of zero environmental accidents
Green products
Haier Smart Home integrates the philosophy of sustainability into the whole product life cycle, comprehensively considers environmentalfactors of products in the process of design, R&D, manufacturing, packaging, logistics and recycling, and endeavors to minimize theimpact on the environment.
During design and R&D, we assess the environmental impact of all stages of product life cycle and look for more ways tolessen the impact during production, packaging, distribution, utilization, maintenance and recycling.In New Zealand, our brand Fisher & Paykel has completed the sustainable product design guidelines and gradually provid-ed training for our more than 400 local R&D professionals.
Green design and R&D
We enhance product quality and prolonged product life cycle to reduce waste electronic equipment.Fisher & Paykel has specially developed sustainable material selection guidelines to guide designers to use more sustain-able materials for our products. Fisher & Paykel uses life cycle assessment (LCA) software to assess the environmentalimpact of products and packaging materials and to minimize or even avoid the impact.
We provide effective solutions for the environmental protection attributes of the products in the process of use. We havedeveloped and gradually applied HFC-free refrigeration technology to minimize greenhouse gases from the use of HFCrefrigerants. We pay attention to the energy-saving and water-saving performance of our products and perform iterativeproduct renewals to constantly increase the share of energy-saving and water-saving products.
We continue to optimize eco-friendly materials and eco-friendly packaging solutions. We join hands with partners to devel-op and apply LBA foaming materials and dynamic pressure polyurethane foaming technology. Compared with traditionalfoaming materials and foaming technology, the global warming potential (GWP) has dropped from 1030 to 1, effectivelyreducing carbon emissions and improving energy efficiency.In places such as the United States and New Zealand, we gradually use fiber and other biodegradable biomaterials toreplace foam to diminish environmental impact. Currently, all fiberboards used by GEA meet the sustainability certificationstandards of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Fisher & Paykel has developed sustainable packaging guidelines to informpackaging engineers of design principles and considerations to make packaging more sustainable.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
To achieve the target of zero environmental accidents, Haier Smart Home continues to consolidate the responsibility of environmentalprotection monitoring, adopts the lifelong responsibility system for environmental assessment of new, renovation and expansion projects,and strictly observes the red line of environmental protection. The Company and its subsidiaries have formulated Response Plan for Envi-ronmental Emergencies, organized exercises thereon pursuant to the requirements of laws and regulations, and constantly optimized andupgraded the plan according to the exercise results, so as to enhance the ability to respond to environmental emergencies.
Target of zero environmental accidents
Green products
Haier Smart Home integrates the philosophy of sustainability into the whole product life cycle, comprehensively considers environmentalfactors of products in the process of design, R&D, manufacturing, packaging, logistics and recycling, and endeavors to minimize theimpact on the environment.
During design and R&D, we assess the environmental impact of all stages of product life cycle and look for more ways tolessen the impact during production, packaging, distribution, utilization, maintenance and recycling.In New Zealand, our brand Fisher & Paykel has completed the sustainable product design guidelines and gradually provid-ed training for our more than 400 local R&D professionals.
Green design and R&D
We enhance product quality and prolonged product life cycle to reduce waste electronic equipment.Fisher & Paykel has specially developed sustainable material selection guidelines to guide designers to use more sustain-able materials for our products. Fisher & Paykel uses life cycle assessment (LCA) software to assess the environmentalimpact of products and packaging materials and to minimize or even avoid the impact.
We provide effective solutions for the environmental protection attributes of the products in the process of use. We havedeveloped and gradually applied HFC-free refrigeration technology to minimize greenhouse gases from the use of HFCrefrigerants. We pay attention to the energy-saving and water-saving performance of our products and perform iterativeproduct renewals to constantly increase the share of energy-saving and water-saving products.
We continue to optimize eco-friendly materials and eco-friendly packaging solutions. We join hands with partners to devel-op and apply LBA foaming materials and dynamic pressure polyurethane foaming technology. Compared with traditionalfoaming materials and foaming technology, the global warming potential (GWP) has dropped from 1030 to 1, effectivelyreducing carbon emissions and improving energy efficiency.In places such as the United States and New Zealand, we gradually use fiber and other biodegradable biomaterials toreplace foam to diminish environmental impact. Currently, all fiberboards used by GEA meet the sustainability certificationstandards of Forest Stewardship Council (FSC). Fisher & Paykel has developed sustainable packaging guidelines to informpackaging engineers of design principles and considerations to make packaging more sustainable.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Our washing machines of many models have load sensing and adap-tive filling functions, able to measure and automatically use the mini-mum amount of water according to the amount of washing to savewater. Some washing machines do not have cold water washing cycle,and they can effectively clean clothes without hot water to reduceenergy consumption.
Water-saving and energy-savingwashing machine
The intelligent adjustment function of our intelli-gent adjustment water heaters can automaticallyadjust the heat load output according to users'water demand. When different modes such askitchen and bathroom are turned on, the wateroutput will be automatically adjusted to effec-tively save water and energy.
Intelligent adjustmentwater heater
We have developed the integrated heat collecting and storage technologyof water heater, which integrates the collector and the water tank to enableheating and storage at the same time and direct water heating in the heatcollecting pipe without heat transfer process, thus effectively improving thesolar heating efficiency. Our integrated heat collecting and storage technol-ogy won the Second Prize of the 2020 Shandong Science and TechnologyProgress Award -- we were the only award-winning water heater brand.
Integrated heat collecting and storagetechnology of solar water heater
We have developed an intelligent control system for air conditioner in coop-eration with the China National Institute of Standardization: PMV. The systemcan automatically adjust the appropriate movement mode according to thedifferences in human feelings and environmental conditions to enable com-fort and energy saving at the same time.
Some of our refrigerators are powered by flexible double frequencyconversion technology. With frequency conversion compressor +frequency conversion centrifugal fan, the refrigerators can adjustautomatically work efficiency, consuming only 0.82kWh of electricityper day. By the end of the Reporting Period, more than 90% of ourrefrigerators were energy-saving.
Haier double frequency conversion refrigerator
Our dishwashers are equipped with Auto Sensor (integrated sensor oftemperature and turbidity), which can intelligently sense the oil pollu-tion level of tableware. Therefore, with matched appropriate watertemperature, time and water consumption, the dishwashers stopimmediately after cleaning tableware to effectively minimize the utili-zation of water and electricity and improve the efficiency of resourceutilization.
One-click intelligent dishwasher
We continue to construct a green manufacturing system, build green plants, intensify the application of technologies, and lessen resourceconsumption as well as environmental pollution.Green manufacturing
Emission management
Haier Smart Home has, in strict compliance with the requirements of environmental protection laws and regulations, formulated internalprocedures such as pollutant control procedures, hazardous waste management procedures and internal control standards, and continu-ously upgraded the Company's emission monitoring system and treatment facilities, in a bid to ensure that all pollutants discharged by theCompany conform to the environmental standards of the places where the Company operates.Sewage:A standardized discharge sewage outlet has been established through which sewage collected and processed will be releasedafter it complies with the discharge standards. In addition, Haier has installed an on-line sewage monitoring system whose data can betransferred to Haier Smart Energy Center, monitoring the 24-hour discharge of sewage released and giving real-time early warning.Exhaust gas:
The Company continuously upgrades the waste gas treatment facilities and strengthens the operation and management ofthe facilities to ensure the efficient operation of the pollution prevention and control facilities. It engages a professional agency every yearto test the exhaust gas and carried out weekly air duct cleaning and patrol inspections to ensure the normal operation of the exhaust facil-ities. All Haier plants have installed waste gas treatment facilities, and the on-line waste gas monitoring project is being implemented.
PMV system for comfortable andenergy-saving air conditionerCASE
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Our washing machines of many models have load sensing and adap-tive filling functions, able to measure and automatically use the mini-mum amount of water according to the amount of washing to savewater. Some washing machines do not have cold water washing cycle,and they can effectively clean clothes without hot water to reduceenergy consumption.
Water-saving and energy-savingwashing machine
The intelligent adjustment function of our intelli-gent adjustment water heaters can automaticallyadjust the heat load output according to users'water demand. When different modes such askitchen and bathroom are turned on, the wateroutput will be automatically adjusted to effec-tively save water and energy.
Intelligent adjustmentwater heater
We have developed the integrated heat collecting and storage technologyof water heater, which integrates the collector and the water tank to enableheating and storage at the same time and direct water heating in the heatcollecting pipe without heat transfer process, thus effectively improving thesolar heating efficiency. Our integrated heat collecting and storage technol-ogy won the Second Prize of the 2020 Shandong Science and TechnologyProgress Award -- we were the only award-winning water heater brand.
Integrated heat collecting and storagetechnology of solar water heater
We have developed an intelligent control system for air conditioner in coop-eration with the China National Institute of Standardization: PMV. The systemcan automatically adjust the appropriate movement mode according to thedifferences in human feelings and environmental conditions to enable com-fort and energy saving at the same time.
Some of our refrigerators are powered by flexible double frequencyconversion technology. With frequency conversion compressor +frequency conversion centrifugal fan, the refrigerators can adjustautomatically work efficiency, consuming only 0.82kWh of electricityper day. By the end of the Reporting Period, more than 90% of ourrefrigerators were energy-saving.
Haier double frequency conversion refrigerator
Our dishwashers are equipped with Auto Sensor (integrated sensor oftemperature and turbidity), which can intelligently sense the oil pollu-tion level of tableware. Therefore, with matched appropriate watertemperature, time and water consumption, the dishwashers stopimmediately after cleaning tableware to effectively minimize the utili-zation of water and electricity and improve the efficiency of resourceutilization.
One-click intelligent dishwasher
We continue to construct a green manufacturing system, build green plants, intensify the application of technologies, and lessen resourceconsumption as well as environmental pollution.Green manufacturing
Emission management
Haier Smart Home has, in strict compliance with the requirements of environmental protection laws and regulations, formulated internalprocedures such as pollutant control procedures, hazardous waste management procedures and internal control standards, and continu-ously upgraded the Company's emission monitoring system and treatment facilities, in a bid to ensure that all pollutants discharged by theCompany conform to the environmental standards of the places where the Company operates.Sewage:A standardized discharge sewage outlet has been established through which sewage collected and processed will be releasedafter it complies with the discharge standards. In addition, Haier has installed an on-line sewage monitoring system whose data can betransferred to Haier Smart Energy Center, monitoring the 24-hour discharge of sewage released and giving real-time early warning.Exhaust gas:
The Company continuously upgrades the waste gas treatment facilities and strengthens the operation and management of
the facilities to ensure the efficient operation of the pollution prevention and control facilities. It engages a professional agency every yearto test the exhaust gas and carried out weekly air duct cleaning and patrol inspections to ensure the normal operation of the exhaust facil-ities. All Haier plants have installed waste gas treatment facilities, and the on-line waste gas monitoring project is being implemented.
PMV system for comfortable andenergy-saving air conditionerCASE
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
In 2020, volatile organic compounds (VOC) treatment facility was installed in Hefei Drum Plant. The facility adopts low-temperatureplasma + activated carbon adsorption process, and compared with the activated carbon adsorption process, it has further improvedVOC treatment efficiency, with waste gas treatment efficiency reaching above 95%. There are personnel on-site specially responsiblefor facility management, as well as regular professional operation training and daily maintenance training for employees to ensurethe normal and effective operation of the facility.
1. The data only include Haier Smart Home's plants put into operation as of 2020, and exclude plants not put into operation and
overseas plants. In the future, we will continue to strengthen our statistical capacity and expand the scope of disclosure;
2. Wastewater includes wastewater from all plants.
3. Based on the business nature of Haier Smart Home, the principal gas emissions are greenhouse gas emissions from the utiliza-
tion of electricity, steam and fuel converted from fossil fuels;
4. The Company's greenhouse gas list includes carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, mainly from externally purchased elec-
tricity, steam and fuel. Greenhouse gases are presented as carbon dioxide equivalent and calculated according to the carbonaccounting coefficient of the National Development and Reform Commission of the PRC.
5. Scope I greenhouse gases are greenhouse gas emissions directly generated by the Company's natural gas consumption. Scope II
greenhouse gases are greenhouse gas emissions from externally purchased electricity and steam consumption.
Increase in VOC treatment facilities
Haier Smart Home's emissions from manufacturing and operations in 2020 are as follows:
Given that the 178-model neededto consume a large quantity ofpackaging bags for single-piecedistribution, the plant reasonablyadjusted the production plan andteam production plan according tothe orders of business units.Through reasonable classificationand placement, the spare parts canbe distributed to business units intime to reduce the consumption ofpackaging bags and the produc-tion of waste packaging materials.
Technical transformationfor waste reduction
Hazardous waste:We manage hazardous wastes throughout the whole process from generation, storage to transfer. The Compa-ny enhances front-end control of hazardous wastes to control the generation of hazardous wastes. We have built hazardouswaste storage warehouses in each park, put in place storage and transportation procedures for hazardous wastes, and cooperat-ed with Shandong Croc Environmental Service Co., Ltd. and others institutions qualified for hazardous disposal to ensure com-pliant disposal of various hazardous wastes.Harmless waste:We have put in place the whole-process waste management operation model in 15 industrial parks across China,implemented accountability, technical transformation for waste reduction, reuse and added value projects in light of poor quali-ty cases, thus enhancing plant management, cost reduction and added value. To raise the waste reuse rate, we engage enter-prises with professional recycling qualification to recover and reuse the harmless waste from the production process, and reusethe recyclable packaging, blanking and other materials at the back end to reduce resource purchases at the front end anddiminish the output of waste at the back end.In 2020, interconnected plants of Haier Smart Home nationwide implemented a total of 312 fee reduction and technical transfor-mation projects, with a cumulative waste and cost reduction/value increase of RMB180 million. Thanks to the implementation ofthe waste reduction projects, the total waste generated by each machine of Haier Smart Home went down to 0.47kg in 2020 by
6.74% over 2019.
Before ImprovementAfter Improvement
Data in 2020
Total wastewater discharge (ton)
2Total hazardous waste discharge (ton)Hazardous waste from a single product (kg/product)Total harmless waste treated (ton)Harmless waste treated by a single product (kg/product)Total greenhouse gas emissions (tons of carbon dioxide equivalent)
3, 4
Scope I greenhouse gases (tons of carbon dioxide equivalent)
Scope II greenhouse gases (tons of carbon dioxide equivalent)
Greenhouse gas emissions from a single product (kg of carbon dioxide equivalent/product)
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
In 2020, volatile organic compounds (VOC) treatment facility was installed in Hefei Drum Plant. The facility adopts low-temperatureplasma + activated carbon adsorption process, and compared with the activated carbon adsorption process, it has further improvedVOC treatment efficiency, with waste gas treatment efficiency reaching above 95%. There are personnel on-site specially responsiblefor facility management, as well as regular professional operation training and daily maintenance training for employees to ensurethe normal and effective operation of the facility.
1. The data only include Haier Smart Home's plants put into operation as of 2020, and exclude plants not put into operation and
overseas plants. In the future, we will continue to strengthen our statistical capacity and expand the scope of disclosure;
2. Wastewater includes wastewater from all plants.
3. Based on the business nature of Haier Smart Home, the principal gas emissions are greenhouse gas emissions from the utiliza-
tion of electricity, steam and fuel converted from fossil fuels;
4. The Company's greenhouse gas list includes carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide, mainly from externally purchased elec-
tricity, steam and fuel. Greenhouse gases are presented as carbon dioxide equivalent and calculated according to the carbonaccounting coefficient of the National Development and Reform Commission of the PRC.
5. Scope I greenhouse gases are greenhouse gas emissions directly generated by the Company's natural gas consumption. Scope II
greenhouse gases are greenhouse gas emissions from externally purchased electricity and steam consumption.
Increase in VOC treatment facilities
Haier Smart Home's emissions from manufacturing and operations in 2020 are as follows:
Given that the 178-model neededto consume a large quantity ofpackaging bags for single-piecedistribution, the plant reasonablyadjusted the production plan andteam production plan according tothe orders of business units.Through reasonable classificationand placement, the spare parts canbe distributed to business units intime to reduce the consumption ofpackaging bags and the produc-tion of waste packaging materials.
Technical transformationfor waste reduction
Hazardous waste:We manage hazardous wastes throughout the whole process from generation, storage to transfer. The Compa-ny enhances front-end control of hazardous wastes to control the generation of hazardous wastes. We have built hazardouswaste storage warehouses in each park, put in place storage and transportation procedures for hazardous wastes, and cooperat-ed with Shandong Croc Environmental Service Co., Ltd. and others institutions qualified for hazardous disposal to ensure com-pliant disposal of various hazardous wastes.Harmless waste:We have put in place the whole-process waste management operation model in 15 industrial parks across China,implemented accountability, technical transformation for waste reduction, reuse and added value projects in light of poor quali-ty cases, thus enhancing plant management, cost reduction and added value. To raise the waste reuse rate, we engage enter-prises with professional recycling qualification to recover and reuse the harmless waste from the production process, and reusethe recyclable packaging, blanking and other materials at the back end to reduce resource purchases at the front end anddiminish the output of waste at the back end.In 2020, interconnected plants of Haier Smart Home nationwide implemented a total of 312 fee reduction and technical transfor-mation projects, with a cumulative waste and cost reduction/value increase of RMB180 million. Thanks to the implementation ofthe waste reduction projects, the total waste generated by each machine of Haier Smart Home went down to 0.47kg in 2020 by
6.74% over 2019.
Before ImprovementAfter Improvement
Data in 2020
Total wastewater discharge (ton)
Total hazardous waste discharge (ton)Hazardous waste from a single product (kg/product)Total harmless waste treated (ton)Harmless waste treated by a single product (kg/product)Total greenhouse gas emissions (tons of carbon dioxide equivalent)
3, 4
Scope I greenhouse gases (tons of carbon dioxide equivalent)
Scope II greenhouse gases (tons of carbon dioxide equivalent)
Greenhouse gas emissions from a single product (kg of carbon dioxide equivalent/product)
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Resource conservationWe have, in strict compliance with the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations of theplaces in the world where we operate, developed the Energy Management Handbook, established the energy big data analysis system,and become the first enterprise in the global home appliance industry to use smart energy interconnection control platform. We have con-tinuously enhanced our refined management capabilities on the basis of big data analysis to save more resources.
The Company continued to push forward energy conservation and environmental protection projects. In the year, we carried out variousenvironmental protection projects, such as air compressor operation, smart energy management and control, to continuously reduceenergy consumption of single product production for low-carbon production.
Haier Smart Energy Center is an industry-leading energy big data analysis system established by the Company. The platform coversall the product production lines of Haier Smart Home and connects all the interconnected plants across China. It uses automation,information technology and centralized management model to implement centralized dynamic monitoring and digital managementof water, electricity, gas and other major resources consumed by plants, automatically and accurately collects resource consumptiondata, completes the prediction and analysis of resource consumption data, optimizes resource scheduling, and enables efficientresource utilization.
Haier Smart Energy Center
In the year, special refrigerator manufacturing plant of Haier upgraded steam supporting facilities in the heat exchange station --laying separate steam pipes in the steam area used, changing a single main pipe to multiple branch pipes, and adding separatevalves for control. Thus, steam pressure adjustment can be carried out according to the ambient temperature of the workshop toeffectively reduce steam usage and energy waste, leading to a 20% decrease in monthly steam use in the peak heat use season ofwinter.
Steam pipe upgrading
Dalian precision energy plant has designed a smart energy management and control system. With remote compressed air valve, thesystem has accurate reachability of 100%, preventing leakage from manual control valve. Compared with traditional manual valve,this system can save compressed air of 14,454m? each year.
Smart energy management and control
Zhengzhou water heater plant has put to use a monitoring device for operation of air compressors. The device can collect andrecord the running time, status, pressure and other parameters of air compressors once in five minutes, and the responsible person-nel can check them at any time through APP on mobile phone, assist in analysis and reasonably turn on air compressor, so as toavoid wasting energy arising from running of too many air compressors.
Operation monitoring of air compressor
Data in 2020
Total comprehensive energy consumption (tons of standard coal)
Total comprehensive energy consumption (mWh)
Direct energy consumption (mWh)49,805.73
Indirect energy consumption (mWh)
Energy consumption of a single product (kWh/product)
Total water consumption (ton)6,155,505.29
Water consumption per product (kg/product)
Total package consumption (ton)395,860.49
Package consumption of a single product (kg/product)
The Company's use of resources in the manufacturing process in 2020 is as follows:
1. The data only include Haier Smart Home's plants put into operation as of 2020, and exclude plants not put into operation and
overseas plants. In the future, we will continue to strengthen our statistical capacity and expand the scope of disclosure;
2. The comprehensive energy consumption is calculated according to the consumption of electricity, steam and natural gas and
the conversion factor in China's national standard -- General Rules for Calculation of Comprehensive Energy Consumption (GB/T2589-2008).
3. All the Company's water consumption comes from municipal water use, and there is no problem in finding water sources.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Resource conservationWe have, in strict compliance with the Energy Conservation Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations of theplaces in the world where we operate, developed the Energy Management Handbook, established the energy big data analysis system,and become the first enterprise in the global home appliance industry to use smart energy interconnection control platform. We have con-tinuously enhanced our refined management capabilities on the basis of big data analysis to save more resources.
The Company continued to push forward energy conservation and environmental protection projects. In the year, we carried out variousenvironmental protection projects, such as air compressor operation, smart energy management and control, to continuously reduceenergy consumption of single product production for low-carbon production.
Haier Smart Energy Center is an industry-leading energy big data analysis system established by the Company. The platform coversall the product production lines of Haier Smart Home and connects all the interconnected plants across China. It uses automation,information technology and centralized management model to implement centralized dynamic monitoring and digital managementof water, electricity, gas and other major resources consumed by plants, automatically and accurately collects resource consumptiondata, completes the prediction and analysis of resource consumption data, optimizes resource scheduling, and enables efficientresource utilization.
Haier Smart Energy Center
In the year, special refrigerator manufacturing plant of Haier upgraded steam supporting facilities in the heat exchange station --laying separate steam pipes in the steam area used, changing a single main pipe to multiple branch pipes, and adding separatevalves for control. Thus, steam pressure adjustment can be carried out according to the ambient temperature of the workshop toeffectively reduce steam usage and energy waste, leading to a 20% decrease in monthly steam use in the peak heat use season ofwinter.
Steam pipe upgrading
Dalian precision energy plant has designed a smart energy management and control system. With remote compressed air valve, thesystem has accurate reachability of 100%, preventing leakage from manual control valve. Compared with traditional manual valve,this system can save compressed air of 14,454m? each year.
Smart energy management and control
Zhengzhou water heater plant has put to use a monitoring device for operation of air compressors. The device can collect andrecord the running time, status, pressure and other parameters of air compressors once in five minutes, and the responsible person-nel can check them at any time through APP on mobile phone, assist in analysis and reasonably turn on air compressor, so as toavoid wasting energy arising from running of too many air compressors.
Operation monitoring of air compressor
Data in 2020
Total comprehensive energy consumption (tons of standard coal)
Total comprehensive energy consumption (mWh)
Direct energy consumption (mWh)49,805.73
Indirect energy consumption (mWh)
Energy consumption of a single product (kWh/product)
Total water consumption (ton)6,155,505.29
Water consumption per product (kg/product)
Total package consumption (ton)395,860.49
Package consumption of a single product (kg/product)
The Company's use of resources in the manufacturing process in 2020 is as follows:
1. The data only include Haier Smart Home's plants put into operation as of 2020, and exclude plants not put into operation and
overseas plants. In the future, we will continue to strengthen our statistical capacity and expand the scope of disclosure;
2. The comprehensive energy consumption is calculated according to the consumption of electricity, steam and natural gas and
the conversion factor in China's national standard -- General Rules for Calculation of Comprehensive Energy Consumption (GB/T2589-2008).
3. All the Company's water consumption comes from municipal water use, and there is no problem in finding water sources.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
The development of IoT and technological innovation have accelerated the upgrading of household electrical appliances. In this context,we never cease our efforts to find more effective ways to satisfy the ever-changing needs for better products while minimizing the envi-ronmental impact and disposing of electronic wastes by reclaimed means. We always regard the recovery and utilization of waste prod-ucts as an integral part of the green management of the whole product life cycle, attach importance to the development and manufactur-ing of products easy to recycle, actively respond to the appliance consumption and recycling policies of places where we operate, andfulfill our responsibility for product recovery and utilization.
In the United States, our brand GEA incorporates biodegradable, recyclable and renewable materials into the design process to facilitaterecycling after discarding of products. GEA has joined the Responsible Appliance Disposal (RAD) launched by the US Environmental Pro-tection Agency (EPA). This program requires household appliance manufacturers to adopt the existing optimal ways to dispose of wastehousehold appliances, lower greenhouse gas emissions from landfills and disposal of electronic wastes, and recycle metals and plasticsfrom waste household appliances. Since 2011, GEA has been responsible for handling 905,317 refrigerators, 44,408 independent freezersand 12,057 air conditioners.The Company also promotes the recycling of household appliances in other places of operation around the world, maximizes its surplusvalue, and avoids environmental pollution and waste of resources from unreasonable disposal.
In China, the Company responds actively to the ImplementationPlan for Improving the Recycling and Disposal System of WasteHousehold Appliances and Promoting the Upgrade of HouseholdAppliance Consumption jointly issued by seven ministries and com-missions including the NDRC, and gives full play to the Company'sexemplary and leading role in the recycling and reuse of wastehousehold appliances. In 2020, the Construction of Recycling Net-work and Reuse System for Waste Household Appliances under theProduction Responsibility System of Haier Group was approved bythe NDRC. The Company will comprehensively build a recyclingsystem in the following four aspects:
The development logic of the user entrance system and the intelli-gent prediction system of waste household appliances has been setup, and the recycling logistics service network and sorting centerare under construction. In the future, the Company will continue toadvance the construction of the system to improve its recyclingcapacity of household appliances in an all-round way.
Product recovery and utilization
Building of theuser entry
Construction of
the recyclinglogistics service
Building ofsorting centers
Intelligentpredictionsystem for usedhome appliances
Combating climate change
It is a common goal for global companies to combat climate change and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Furthermore, the above carbon reduction models are also promoted in the Company's other parks. It is expected that all industrial parksof Haier Smart Home in China will achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Carbon neutrality: Net-zero CO
emissions can be achieved by globally balancing anthropogenic emissions of CO
with its removal within aspecified period of time. Carbon neutrality is also called net-zero CO
In 2020, President Xi Jinping announced that China will scale up its nationally determined contributions and adopt more vigorous policiesand measures, with the aim of peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060. The EU hasalso pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Facilitating carbon neutrality
Haier China-Germany Industrial Park adopts COSMOPlat intelligent master energy control platform for centralized dynamic monitor-ing and digital management of production, transportation and distribution of energy power in the park, including electricity, water,gas, heat, compressed air, sewage treatment, and photovoltaic power, thus improving energy balance and controlling and schedulingthe park's energy system to enhance overall efficiency. The park has achieved "carbon neutrality" through the following:
Reducing the utilization of fossil energy: The park has installed a photovoltaic power generation system with a total installed capac-ity of 13.5MW, with an annual power generation of more than 15 million kWh, equivalent to a reduction of 13,000 tons of carbon diox-ide emissions. In the meanwhile, three 3MW low-speed wind turbines are planned to be built, with an estimated annual power gener-ation of 40.8 million kWh to diminish carbon dioxide emissions by 35,000 tons;Reducing energy consumption of a single product:Comprehensive utilization efficiency of energy reaches above 80% by enablingcascade utilization of energy through waste heat recovery of air compressor, frequency conversion transformation of motor in waterpump house, and construction of a gas triple power supply system. A smart comprehensive energy management system has beenconstructed to enable intelligent regulation and control, improving the overall efficiency, with annual emission reduction of carbondioxide of about 32,200 tons;5G equipment interconnection:The park uses 5G network for efficient data transmission. Effective equipment interconnectionimproves energy efficiency;Sponge buildings: All the buildings in the park are sponge buildings, which can absorb, store, seep and purify rainwater and releaseand use the stored water when needed, so that rainwater can be freely moved within the park to improve the utilization rate ofwater.
Haier's first global "lighthouse base" that has achieved carbon neutrality
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2020Corporate Social Responsibility Report2020
The development of IoT and technological innovation have accelerated the upgrading of household electrical appliances. In this context,we never cease our efforts to find more effective ways to satisfy the ever-changing needs for better products while minimizing the envi-ronmental impact and disposing of electronic wastes by reclaimed means. We always regard the recovery and utilization of waste prod-ucts as an integral part of the green management of the whole product life cycle, attach importance to the development and manufactur-ing of products easy to recycle, actively respond to the appliance consumption and recycling policies of places where we operate, andfulfill our responsibility for product recovery and utilization.
In the United States, our brand GEA incorporates biodegradable, recyclable and renewable materials into the design process to facilitaterecycling after discarding of products. GEA has joined the Responsible Appliance Disposal (RAD) launched by the US Environmental Pro-tection Agency (EPA). This program requires household appliance manufacturers to adopt the existing optimal ways to dispose of wastehousehold appliances, lower greenhouse gas emissions from landfills and disposal of electronic wastes, and recycle metals and plasticsfrom waste household appliances. Since 2011, GEA has been responsible for handling 905,317 refrigerators, 44,408 independent freezersand 12,057 air conditioners.The Company also promotes the recycling of household appliances in other places of operation around the world, maximizes its surplusvalue, and avoids environmental pollution and waste of resources from unreasonable disposal.
In China, the Company responds actively to the ImplementationPlan for Improving the Recycling and Disposal System of WasteHousehold Appliances and Promoting the Upgrade of HouseholdAppliance Consumption jointly issued by seven ministries and com-missions including the NDRC, and gives full play to the Company'sexemplary and leading role in the recycling and reuse of wastehousehold appliances. In 2020, the Construction of Recycling Net-work and Reuse System for Waste Household Appliances under theProduction Responsibility System of Haier Group was approved bythe NDRC. The Company will comprehensively build a recyclingsystem in the following four aspects:
The development logic of the user entrance system and the intelli-gent prediction system of waste household appliances has been setup, and the recycling logistics service network and sorting centerare under construction. In the future, the Company will continue toadvance the construction of the system to improve its recyclingcapacity of household appliances in an all-round way.
Product recovery and utilization
Building of theuser entry
Construction of
the recyclinglogistics service
Building ofsorting centers
Intelligentpredictionsystem for usedhome appliances
Combating climate change
It is a common goal for global companies to combat climate change and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Furthermore, the above carbon reduction models are also promoted in the Company's other parks. It is expected that all industrial parksof Haier Smart Home in China will achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Carbon neutrality: Net-zero CO
emissions can be achieved by globally balancing anthropogenic emissions of CO
with its removal within aspecified period of time. Carbon neutrality is also called net-zero CO
In 2020, President Xi Jinping announced that China will scale up its nationally determined contributions and adopt more vigorous policiesand measures, with the aim of peaking carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality before 2060. The EU hasalso pledged to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
Facilitating carbon neutrality
Haier China-Germany Industrial Park adopts COSMOPlat intelligent master energy control platform for centralized dynamic monitor-ing and digital management of production, transportation and distribution of energy power in the park, including electricity, water,gas, heat, compressed air, sewage treatment, and photovoltaic power, thus improving energy balance and controlling and schedulingthe park's energy system to enhance overall efficiency. The park has achieved "carbon neutrality" through the following:
Reducing the utilization of fossil energy: The park has installed a photovoltaic power generation system with a total installed capac-ity of 13.5MW, with an annual power generation of more than 15 million kWh, equivalent to a reduction of 13,000 tons of carbon diox-ide emissions. In the meanwhile, three 3MW low-speed wind turbines are planned to be built, with an estimated annual power gener-ation of 40.8 million kWh to diminish carbon dioxide emissions by 35,000 tons;Reducing energy consumption of a single product:Comprehensive utilization efficiency of energy reaches above 80% by enablingcascade utilization of energy through waste heat recovery of air compressor, frequency conversion transformation of motor in waterpump house, and construction of a gas triple power supply system. A smart comprehensive energy management system has beenconstructed to enable intelligent regulation and control, improving the overall efficiency, with annual emission reduction of carbondioxide of about 32,200 tons;5G equipment interconnection:The park uses 5G network for efficient data transmission. Effective equipment interconnectionimproves energy efficiency;Sponge buildings: All the buildings in the park are sponge buildings, which can absorb, store, seep and purify rainwater and releaseand use the stored water when needed, so that rainwater can be freely moved within the park to improve the utilization rate ofwater.
Haier's first global "lighthouse base" that has achieved carbon neutrality
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2020Corporate Social Responsibility Report2020
As the world's leading home appliance manufacturer, Haier Smart Home understands the impact of climate change on the Company'soperations. To effectively respond to climate change, we focus on the following two perspectives:
Haier Smart Home will continue in-depth study on the impact of climate change on the Company's operations and businesses, studyresponse strategies, continuously improve the climate change management mechanism, and make further disclosure in future corporatesocial responsibility reports.
In the year, the Company identified the following major risks and opportunities from climate change and adopted relevant countermea-sures:
Responding to risks and opportunities from climate change
Identifying and actively respondingto risks and opportunities
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions
(please refer to the part "Facilitating carbon neutrality" in this sectionand the green products section in this chapter)
Acute risks:
Typhoon, rainstorm andother extreme weathers
Chronic risks:
Prolonged hightemperature, drought, etc.
Policy and legal risks
Technology risks
Market risks
Reputation risks
OpportunitiesCountermeasuresResourceefficiencyProduct& serviceMarketResilience
Rising temperature could result in the Company's need formore refrigerators, which would increase operating costs;Employees might not be able to work outdoors for a longtime during hot seasons, a?ecting operational e?ciency;Prolonged drought might lead to insu?cient water supplyand a?ect operational stability.
Emergency response plans for natural disasterswere developed, and the emergency responsemechanism for natural disasters was constantlyimproved;Likely asset damages were identi?ed, andnecessary insurances were purchased therefor.Refrigerators with higher energy e?ciency weredeveloped and applied;Production was planned scienti?cally andproduction organization was arranged carefullyto improve operational e?ciency;Plants were not built in areas with high risk ofwater supply, and water conservation wascontinued.
The Company's R&D capability was enhancedthrough measures such as talent training andretention;The application of low-carbon technology wascontinuously studied to actively carry out indus-try cooperation.
The Company's sustainability was enhanced,and actively responses to climate change weremade;The transparency of relevant management wasenhanced, and the concerns of stakeholderswere addressed.
Green and low-carbon products were activelydeveloped to satisfy the needs of consumers;Resource conservation was advanced;A smart energy cloud platform was built, andprice forecasting and energy monitoring andanalysis were performed to enhance the energymanagement capacity.
The government could introduce stricter policies and regu-lations to mitigate climate change, which would increasebusiness compliance activities and lead to an increase inrelated lawsuits or claims;Carbon pricing mechanism is implemented in China's emis-sion trading market, which brings up operating costs.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Plants, o?ce buildings and equipment could be damaged,resulting in loss of assets;Stable production could be a?ected by equipment damage,sta? being unable to work normally, transportation interrup-tion, etc.
The investment in low-carbon technology R&D could fail;There could be failure to identify and apply low-carbontechnology in time, resulting in low-carbon transformationof products lagging behind the industry peers.
The performance in climate change response and sustain-ability could be poor, which would lead to negative feed-back from stakeholders.
The changes of environmental laws, regulationsand policies were closely monitored andresponded to in a timely manner;Active e?orts were made in energy conserva-tion and emission reduction to increase theproportion of clean energy.
More energy-e?cient equipment, buildingsand technologies;Supportive policy incentives.R&D of green and low-carbon products;The industry's solutions to climate change.
Energy substitution and diversi?ed solutions;Participation in renewable energy projects.
The Company actively explored the application of new technologies, new equipmentand new processes to raise the e?ciency of resource utilization and lower energy costs;The Company identi?ed and responded to government supportive policies and greenprojects;The Company strengthened R&D of low-carbon technologies and raised the proportionof green and low-carbon products;The Company identi?ed and participated in emerging markets;The Company promoted the development and utilization of renewable energy.
There could be failure to e?ectively meet consumers'demand for green and low-carbon products;Raw materials and energy costs could rise.
The change of users' preferences to expandthe green market demand;Increasing demand for integrated energyservices;Emerging market access.
As the world's leading home appliance manufacturer, Haier Smart Home understands the impact of climate change on the Company'soperations. To effectively respond to climate change, we focus on the following two perspectives:
Haier Smart Home will continue in-depth study on the impact of climate change on the Company's operations and businesses, studyresponse strategies, continuously improve the climate change management mechanism, and make further disclosure in future corporatesocial responsibility reports.
In the year, the Company identified the following major risks and opportunities from climate change and adopted relevant countermea-sures:
Responding to risks and opportunities from climate change
Identifying and actively respondingto risks and opportunities
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions(please refer to the part "Facilitating carbon neutrality" in this sectionand the green products section in this chapter)
Acute risks:
Typhoon, rainstorm andother extreme weathers
Chronic risks:
Prolonged hightemperature, drought, etc.
Policy and legal risks
Technology risks
Market risks
Reputation risks
ResourceefficiencyProduct& serviceMarketResilience
Rising temperature could result in the Company's need formore refrigerators, which would increase operating costs;Employees might not be able to work outdoors for a longtime during hot seasons, a?ecting operational e?ciency;Prolonged drought might lead to insu?cient water supplyand a?ect operational stability.
Emergency response plans for natural disasterswere developed, and the emergency responsemechanism for natural disasters was constantlyimproved;Likely asset damages were identi?ed, andnecessary insurances were purchased therefor.Refrigerators with higher energy e?ciency weredeveloped and applied;Production was planned scienti?cally andproduction organization was arranged carefullyto improve operational e?ciency;Plants were not built in areas with high risk ofwater supply, and water conservation wascontinued.
The Company's R&D capability was enhancedthrough measures such as talent training andretention;The application of low-carbon technology wascontinuously studied to actively carry out indus-try cooperation.
The Company's sustainability was enhanced,and actively responses to climate change weremade;The transparency of relevant management wasenhanced, and the concerns of stakeholderswere addressed.
Green and low-carbon products were activelydeveloped to satisfy the needs of consumers;Resource conservation was advanced;A smart energy cloud platform was built, andprice forecasting and energy monitoring andanalysis were performed to enhance the energymanagement capacity.
The government could introduce stricter policies and regu-lations to mitigate climate change, which would increasebusiness compliance activities and lead to an increase inrelated lawsuits or claims;Carbon pricing mechanism is implemented in China's emis-sion trading market, which brings up operating costs.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Plants, o?ce buildings and equipment could be damaged,resulting in loss of assets;Stable production could be a?ected by equipment damage,sta? being unable to work normally, transportation interrup-tion, etc.
The investment in low-carbon technology R&D could fail;There could be failure to identify and apply low-carbontechnology in time, resulting in low-carbon transformationof products lagging behind the industry peers.
The performance in climate change response and sustain-ability could be poor, which would lead to negative feed-back from stakeholders.
The changes of environmental laws, regulationsand policies were closely monitored andresponded to in a timely manner;Active e?orts were made in energy conserva-tion and emission reduction to increase theproportion of clean energy.
More energy-e?cient equipment, buildingsand technologies;Supportive policy incentives.R&D of green and low-carbon products;The industry's solutions to climate change.
Energy substitution and diversi?ed solutions;Participation in renewable energy projects.
The Company actively explored the application of new technologies, new equipmentand new processes to raise the e?ciency of resource utilization and lower energy costs;The Company identi?ed and responded to government supportive policies and greenprojects;The Company strengthened R&D of low-carbon technologies and raised the proportionof green and low-carbon products;The Company identi?ed and participated in emerging markets;The Company promoted the development and utilization of renewable energy.
There could be failure to e?ectively meet consumers'demand for green and low-carbon products;Raw materials and energy costs could rise.
The change of users' preferences to expandthe green market demand;Increasing demand for integrated energyservices;Emerging market access.
Jointly Promote
Industrial Development
Coordinated development of industrial chain is an important part of Haier Smart Home'ssustainable development. We, in adherence to its philosophy of integrity ecology and win-winevolution, integrate world-class supply chain resources, adopt an open, zero-distance, openand transparent supply chain management model, and actively practice responsible procure-ment. We carry out omni-directional management covering supplier access, order procure-ment, supplier assessment and supplier empowerment to guide suppliers to actively fulfill theirenvironmental and social responsibilities and promote the sustainable development of theindustry.
Social Responsibility Management of Supply Chain6566
Jointly Promote
Industrial Development
Coordinated development of industrial chain is an important part of Haier Smart Home'ssustainable development. We, in adherence to its philosophy of integrity ecology and win-winevolution, integrate world-class supply chain resources, adopt an open, zero-distance, openand transparent supply chain management model, and actively practice responsible procure-ment. We carry out omni-directional management covering supplier access, order procure-ment, supplier assessment and supplier empowerment to guide suppliers to actively fulfill theirenvironmental and social responsibilities and promote the sustainable development of theindustry.
Social Responsibility Management of Supply Chain6566
Sustainable supply chainWe pay close attention to responsible procurement and environmental and social responsibility management of supply chain. We continue tostrengthen our close ties with suppliers and share with them our requirements and values concerning sustainability. We require global suppliersto strictly comply with the relevant supplier standards such as the Code of Business Conduct of Haier Group and the GEA Integrity Guide forSuppliers, Contractors and Consulting Firms. The Code of Business Conduct sets forth the following requirements for suppliers:
We have inter-departmental teams to assess and identify suppliers' implementation of code of conduct as well as environmental andsocial risks, and urge and help suppliers to mitigate or eliminate associated risks. We conduct supplier review to ensure that supplierssatisfy our human rights, business ethics, conflict minerals and other environmental and social risk management requirements. We alsopromptly report, investigate and address the problems identified in supplier audits.Globally, we have established a supplier data management system to facilitate our collection and tracking of suppliers' environmental andsocial data information. With the system, we can better understand suppliers' environmental and social management information.
At present, the number and distribution of suppliers of Haier Smart Home China are as below:
Number of suppliers by regionNumber of suppliers in North ChinaNumber of suppliers in Northeast ChinaNumber of suppliers in East ChinaNumber of suppliers in Central ChinaNumber of suppliers in Northwest ChinaNumber of suppliers in South ChinaNumber of suppliers from overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)Total
Notes:North China (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Inner Mongolia) Northeast China (Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang) East China (Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian)
Central China (Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing)Northwest China (Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang)South China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hainan)
Supplier access
We constantly optimize supplier management and improve our capabilities in environment and social risk management of the supplychain. We have formulated policies such as the Management Standards for Capability Self-Commitment of Modular and the Onsite QualityInterconnection of Supplier to regulate supplier review and management. All suppliers must complete three stages including self-commit-ment review, on-site review and financial indicator review on Haidayuan platform, before entering Haier's supplier library.Self-commitment review:We assess the qualification capacities of suppliers through self-commitment review. In particular, suppliers'self-commitment to environmental and social risk management is a key assessment project.On-site review:We conduct on-site review of suppliers that have passed self-commitment review to review supplier quality and socialresponsibility. We score suppliers according to TQRDC (Technology, Quality, Responsiveness, Delivery and Cost) and based on compre-hensive consideration of seven factors including supplier environment & labor management capabilities, and compliance bottom line, inorder to ensure that Haidayuan platform suppliers meet the relevant requirements in all aspects.Financial indicator review: We assess the financial indicators of suppliers and only accept suppliers that meet the relevant requirements.Environment and social risk management of supply chain: We attach great importance to environment and social risk management ofsuppliers. With the supplier information management platform -- Haidayuan platform, we conduct risk assessment and management ofsuppliers in terms of smart supplier sourcing, high-risk supplier monitoring, streamlining of supplier quality system certification institution,and systematic control of hazardous substance.
Haidayuan conducts fast searches for supplier resources with third-party data search; and reviews supplierblacklist, basic information, quality system information, litigation risk, deadbeat, irregular taxpayer, taxarrears, and other information, to primarily screen suppliers;
Smart supplier sourcing
Haidayuan warns suppliers with various risk warning grades and defines supplier risk grades from financialrisk, business risk, legal risk, internal control risk and other perspectives, with risk results produced fromthird-party data connection and manual data input, and for a high-risk supplier, measures including devel-oping two-point suppliers shall be taken to reduce Haier's supply risk;
High-risk supplier monitoring
We provide suppliers with reliable quality system certification institution to conduct certification, and a sup-plier will prefer such modular that is identified in the public lists of such institutions;
By connecting to the systems of the third-party testing institutions recognized by Haier, all RoHS reportscan be automatically accessed from such institutions, to avoid any false report produced by manual upload-ing. So far, Haier's production lines and products have no compulsory requirements on RoHS, excludingkitchen ranges and pure solar water heaters.
Streamlining of supplier quality system certification institution
Systematic control of hazardous substance
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Provide employees with equal and non-discriminatory-work opportunities;Prohibit human rights violations such as forced labor,use of prison labor, exploitation or coercion of labor;Prohibit employment of child labor;
Provide employees with a healthy and safe living environ-ment;Prohibit embezzlement and bribery, and observe businessethics;Establish policies or mechanisms to ensure that our pro-curements of tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold come fromproven conflict-free areas and provide us with supportingdocuments;……
Sustainable supply chainWe pay close attention to responsible procurement and environmental and social responsibility management of supply chain. We continue tostrengthen our close ties with suppliers and share with them our requirements and values concerning sustainability. We require global suppliersto strictly comply with the relevant supplier standards such as the Code of Business Conduct of Haier Group and the GEA Integrity Guide forSuppliers, Contractors and Consulting Firms. The Code of Business Conduct sets forth the following requirements for suppliers:
We have inter-departmental teams to assess and identify suppliers' implementation of code of conduct as well as environmental andsocial risks, and urge and help suppliers to mitigate or eliminate associated risks. We conduct supplier review to ensure that supplierssatisfy our human rights, business ethics, conflict minerals and other environmental and social risk management requirements. We alsopromptly report, investigate and address the problems identified in supplier audits.Globally, we have established a supplier data management system to facilitate our collection and tracking of suppliers' environmental andsocial data information. With the system, we can better understand suppliers' environmental and social management information.
At present, the number and distribution of suppliers of Haier Smart Home China are as below:
Number of suppliers by regionNumber of suppliers in North ChinaNumber of suppliers in Northeast ChinaNumber of suppliers in East ChinaNumber of suppliers in Central ChinaNumber of suppliers in Northwest ChinaNumber of suppliers in South ChinaNumber of suppliers from overseas (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)Total
Notes:North China (Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Inner Mongolia) Northeast China (Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang) East China (Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian)
Central China (Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing)Northwest China (Shaanxi, Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang)South China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, Hainan)
Supplier access
We constantly optimize supplier management and improve our capabilities in environment and social risk management of the supplychain. We have formulated policies such as the Management Standards for Capability Self-Commitment of Modular and the Onsite QualityInterconnection of Supplier to regulate supplier review and management. All suppliers must complete three stages including self-commit-ment review, on-site review and financial indicator review on Haidayuan platform, before entering Haier's supplier library.Self-commitment review:We assess the qualification capacities of suppliers through self-commitment review. In particular, suppliers'self-commitment to environmental and social risk management is a key assessment project.On-site review:We conduct on-site review of suppliers that have passed self-commitment review to review supplier quality and socialresponsibility. We score suppliers according to TQRDC (Technology, Quality, Responsiveness, Delivery and Cost) and based on compre-hensive consideration of seven factors including supplier environment & labor management capabilities, and compliance bottom line, inorder to ensure that Haidayuan platform suppliers meet the relevant requirements in all aspects.Financial indicator review: We assess the financial indicators of suppliers and only accept suppliers that meet the relevant requirements.Environment and social risk management of supply chain: We attach great importance to environment and social risk management ofsuppliers. With the supplier information management platform -- Haidayuan platform, we conduct risk assessment and management ofsuppliers in terms of smart supplier sourcing, high-risk supplier monitoring, streamlining of supplier quality system certification institution,and systematic control of hazardous substance.
Haidayuan conducts fast searches for supplier resources with third-party data search; and reviews supplierblacklist, basic information, quality system information, litigation risk, deadbeat, irregular taxpayer, taxarrears, and other information, to primarily screen suppliers;Smart supplier sourcing
Haidayuan warns suppliers with various risk warning grades and defines supplier risk grades from financialrisk, business risk, legal risk, internal control risk and other perspectives, with risk results produced fromthird-party data connection and manual data input, and for a high-risk supplier, measures including devel-oping two-point suppliers shall be taken to reduce Haier's supply risk;
High-risk supplier monitoring
We provide suppliers with reliable quality system certification institution to conduct certification, and a sup-plier will prefer such modular that is identified in the public lists of such institutions;
By connecting to the systems of the third-party testing institutions recognized by Haier, all RoHS reportscan be automatically accessed from such institutions, to avoid any false report produced by manual upload-ing. So far, Haier's production lines and products have no compulsory requirements on RoHS, excludingkitchen ranges and pure solar water heaters.
Streamlining of supplier quality system certification institution
Systematic control of hazardous substance
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Provide employees with equal and non-discriminatory-work opportunities;Prohibit human rights violations such as forced labor,use of prison labor, exploitation or coercion of labor;Prohibit employment of child labor;
Provide employees with a healthy and safe living environ-ment;Prohibit embezzlement and bribery, and observe businessethics;Establish policies or mechanisms to ensure that our pro-curements of tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold come fromproven conflict-free areas and provide us with supportingdocuments;……
Order procurement management
Haier leverages the advantage of its global network for globalprocurement collaboration, and adopts centralized procurementto minimize procurement costs by virtue of the advantage ofscale. We provide a fair competition mechanism. We have built adynamic cooperative relationship of parallel interaction, co-cre-ation and sharing between suppliers and the Company throughfair, transparent, just, effective and orderly procurement.We have established a digital supplier management system. Ourbig data procurement system enables integration of big data andprocurement business, procurement decision analysis, and wholelifecycle data management of suppliers. For new products, Haid-ayuan platform conducts final bidding with module solutionsprovided by registered suppliers, and after the final solution isselected by the user, a barrier-free connection of first-classresources to the user is achieved. For replacement of largeresources for old products, we have fully applied the digitalcertificate authentication mechanism in contract signing, onlinebidding and quotation confirmation to improve transparency andefficiency of supply chain; moreover, we reduce the space for bidencircling and cross-bidding and strengthen confidentiality ofproject information to effectively improve the fairness and impar-tiality of bidding.In 2020, we continued to leverage digital means to deepensupply chain management. We have established HaidayuanWeChat Mini Program on the basis of Haidayuan platform andcontinuously optimized and upgraded it. With the Mini Program,suppliers and Haier can perform daily demand interaction,bidding, performance review and other activities through mobilephones; for supplier delivery, we replace paper documents withonline scanned copies to enhance business efficiency.
"Haidayuan" platform uses Big Data for risk control, identifiespotential risks of suppliers and carries out verification andpre-screening for supplier blacklist, basic information, qualitysystem information, litigation risks and tax arrears, so as to ensuequalification background of suppliers. Among three or morequalified suppliers that meet the hardware requirements, weselect the one with the highest comprehensive score as thecooperative supplier.Our contracts with suppliers include the Letter of Commitmentfor Safety Production, Letter of Commitment for EnvironmentalProtection, and other social responsibility requirements for sup-pliers, in order to fulfill Haier Smart Home's social responsibilitiesin cooperative ecosystem safety, environmental protection, etc.We always value user feedback, and user evaluation directlydrives suppliers' continuous improvements. User feedback expe-rience information collected by the Internet is linked to supplierscores, and users can directly evaluate suppliers. For supplierswith different scores, we use differentiated supplier cooperationstrategies, and eliminate those with continuous unqualifiedscores.
Conflict minerals managementHaier Smart Home observes the requirements of the US Dodd Frank Act and the EU Conflict Minerals Regulations to be implemented in2021 for conflict minerals, and promises not to purchase and use conflict minerals that directly or indirectly fund armed organizations inthe Democratic Republic of Congo and its neighboring countries. Meanwhile, we also require suppliers to jointly observe this promise.Haier has added the requirements for the management of conflict minerals in the supplier agreements that suppliers need to provide writ-ten statements, establish a policy for raw material tracing and learn the sources of the metals used in their parts or modules, so as toensure that the materials procured do not contain minerals of unknown source or conflict minerals. Now, all the suppliers of Haier SmartHome's overseas business segment have passed the certification review of SRG (Supplier Responsibility Guideline).Haier's all overseas business segments follow relevant laws and regulations in the site where they are operated, with regulations and poli-cies formulated for conflict minerals of suppliers to eliminate relevant risks. The Supplier Integrity Guide developed by GEA has clarifiedthe requirements for conflict minerals. Suppliers must establish relevant mechanisms to avoid procuring and using conflict minerals, andsubmit relevant documents supporting procurement sources to GEA. Meanwhile, the supply chain review conducted by GEA includes con-flict minerals of suppliers in an effort to timely identify and guard against relevant risks.
Haier Smart Home has pushed forward supply chain labor management across the globe, implemented on-site review, and actively pro-tected the rights and interests of workers. We have adopted work suspension and remediation against suppliers with low review scores,and timely followed up on the remediation progress; implemented the exit mechanism for suppliers failing to pass the review andsuspended cooperation with them. Haier Smart Home approved a total of 81 suppliers in China this year, with two suppliers failing thereview. Meanwhile, Haier Smart Home's overseas business segment has actively reviewed suppliers and continuously improved the capa-bilities to manage the supply chain.Take Haier's American brand GEA as an example. GEA's suppliers must observe the requirements of the Supplier Integrity Guide devel-oped by GEA, including fair employment, occupational health and security, and labor rights and interests on the basis of compliance withthe laws and regulations of the operating site. GEA has actively reviewed the supply chain and the review team is responsible for identify-ing and assessing supplier risks and developing relevant mitigation measures. The review covers the integrity, environment and labor man-agement of suppliers.
Supply chain labor management and review
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Order procurement managementHaier leverages the advantage of its global network for globalprocurement collaboration, and adopts centralized procurementto minimize procurement costs by virtue of the advantage ofscale. We provide a fair competition mechanism. We have built adynamic cooperative relationship of parallel interaction, co-cre-ation and sharing between suppliers and the Company throughfair, transparent, just, effective and orderly procurement.We have established a digital supplier management system. Ourbig data procurement system enables integration of big data andprocurement business, procurement decision analysis, and wholelifecycle data management of suppliers. For new products, Haid-ayuan platform conducts final bidding with module solutionsprovided by registered suppliers, and after the final solution isselected by the user, a barrier-free connection of first-classresources to the user is achieved. For replacement of largeresources for old products, we have fully applied the digitalcertificate authentication mechanism in contract signing, onlinebidding and quotation confirmation to improve transparency andefficiency of supply chain; moreover, we reduce the space for bidencircling and cross-bidding and strengthen confidentiality ofproject information to effectively improve the fairness and impar-tiality of bidding.In 2020, we continued to leverage digital means to deepensupply chain management. We have established HaidayuanWeChat Mini Program on the basis of Haidayuan platform andcontinuously optimized and upgraded it. With the Mini Program,suppliers and Haier can perform daily demand interaction,bidding, performance review and other activities through mobilephones; for supplier delivery, we replace paper documents withonline scanned copies to enhance business efficiency.
"Haidayuan" platform uses Big Data for risk control, identifiespotential risks of suppliers and carries out verification andpre-screening for supplier blacklist, basic information, qualitysystem information, litigation risks and tax arrears, so as to ensuequalification background of suppliers. Among three or morequalified suppliers that meet the hardware requirements, weselect the one with the highest comprehensive score as thecooperative supplier.Our contracts with suppliers include the Letter of Commitmentfor Safety Production, Letter of Commitment for EnvironmentalProtection, and other social responsibility requirements for sup-pliers, in order to fulfill Haier Smart Home's social responsibilitiesin cooperative ecosystem safety, environmental protection, etc.We always value user feedback, and user evaluation directlydrives suppliers' continuous improvements. User feedback expe-rience information collected by the Internet is linked to supplierscores, and users can directly evaluate suppliers. For supplierswith different scores, we use differentiated supplier cooperationstrategies, and eliminate those with continuous unqualifiedscores.
Conflict minerals management
Haier Smart Home observes the requirements of the US Dodd Frank Act and the EU Conflict Minerals Regulations to be implemented in2021 for conflict minerals, and promises not to purchase and use conflict minerals that directly or indirectly fund armed organizations inthe Democratic Republic of Congo and its neighboring countries. Meanwhile, we also require suppliers to jointly observe this promise.Haier has added the requirements for the management of conflict minerals in the supplier agreements that suppliers need to provide writ-ten statements, establish a policy for raw material tracing and learn the sources of the metals used in their parts or modules, so as toensure that the materials procured do not contain minerals of unknown source or conflict minerals. Now, all the suppliers of Haier SmartHome's overseas business segment have passed the certification review of SRG (Supplier Responsibility Guideline).Haier's all overseas business segments follow relevant laws and regulations in the site where they are operated, with regulations and poli-cies formulated for conflict minerals of suppliers to eliminate relevant risks. The Supplier Integrity Guide developed by GEA has clarifiedthe requirements for conflict minerals. Suppliers must establish relevant mechanisms to avoid procuring and using conflict minerals, andsubmit relevant documents supporting procurement sources to GEA. Meanwhile, the supply chain review conducted by GEA includes con-flict minerals of suppliers in an effort to timely identify and guard against relevant risks.
Haier Smart Home has pushed forward supply chain labor management across the globe, implemented on-site review, and actively pro-tected the rights and interests of workers. We have adopted work suspension and remediation against suppliers with low review scores,and timely followed up on the remediation progress; implemented the exit mechanism for suppliers failing to pass the review andsuspended cooperation with them. Haier Smart Home approved a total of 81 suppliers in China this year, with two suppliers failing thereview. Meanwhile, Haier Smart Home's overseas business segment has actively reviewed suppliers and continuously improved the capa-bilities to manage the supply chain.Take Haier's American brand GEA as an example. GEA's suppliers must observe the requirements of the Supplier Integrity Guide devel-oped by GEA, including fair employment, occupational health and security, and labor rights and interests on the basis of compliance withthe laws and regulations of the operating site. GEA has actively reviewed the supply chain and the review team is responsible for identify-ing and assessing supplier risks and developing relevant mitigation measures. The review covers the integrity, environment and labor man-agement of suppliers.
Supply chain labor management and review
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
The "Haidayuan" platform is a platform gathering all resource services of Haier's home appliance module providers across the globe.Upholding the philosophy of "integrity ecosystem and platform sharing", the Haidayuan platform has fast matched modular solutions forglobal users' personalized customization requirements with the main theme of implementing "interconnectivity, co-creation and win-winresults", and customized precise module provider resources in a large scale for the IoT.
Module providers: Successful shift from part providers to module providers. They turn into interactive users from suppliers of parts in linewith drawings, with ecological parties providing modular solutions, thus meeting personalized requirements and delivering the best userexperience.Procurement organization: Successful shift from a heat insulation wall to an open platform. It turns into an open and parallel user interac-tion platform from a closed and series-connected part buyer, with internal evaluation turned into user evaluation.Partnership: Successful shift from gameing to win-win results. It turns into a co-creation and win-win ecosystem for users from a purelybuying and selling relationship.Now, the Haidayuan platform has brought together over 20,000 module providers across the globe, released over 30,000 user require-ments, realized online interaction of over 50,000 modular solutions, continuously empowered ecosystem iteration, and delivered the bestuser experience.
Ecosystem empowerment
"Haidayuan" platform
Barrier-free access of first-class resourcesMaximization of stakeholders' interestsDynamic optimization and self-evolvingEnterprises that are compliantly regis-tered with governments across the globecan perform open registration on theHaidayuan platform; the module providerresources that can provide basic enter-prise operation promise can immediatelyinteract with user requirements on theplatform and participate in order compe-tition.
The platform promotes zero-distance con-nection between module providerresources and user requirements, highlyfrequent interaction, volume and priceagreement and continuous iteration; theplatform provides independent choiceslike a solution supermarket, advocates thedisplay and innovation of module providerresources on all fronts, and attracts usertra?c for continuous iteration.
The best user experience is created withuser selection, user evaluation, and moduleprovider resources providing leading mod-ular solutions; through the open Haidayuanplatform, we work with module providersto create a ?rst-class resource ecosystem.
The Haidayuan platform realizes a transformation in the traditional supply chain cooperation model, and achieves co-creation and win-winresults with ecological parties.
We have continuously improved the global synergy of the supply chain and shared high-quality resources.We have conducted demand analysis of users at regional procurement nodes across the globe, and identified and shared best practicesand cases of global procurement;We have developed a weekly report and monthly report system for global competitiveness analysis to fast identify synergy opportuni-ties, explore synergy projects, and speed up the rapid implementation of synergy value;We have launched a global bidding function to realize regional price collaboration;We have upgraded the Indian procurement synergy system to realize the collaboration of supply chain management.
Global synergy
We have strengthened the participation andenthusiasm of suppliers, driven suppliers tosubmit plans, and co-created value by opti-mizing the supplier performance appraisalmechanism. In 2020, we adjust the supplierperformance appraisal system by changingthe four zones (optimization, qualification,warning and elimination) to five levels (shar-ing, acceleration, remediation, warning andelimination) where suppliers can deliverperformance at a higher level by submittinghigh-quality solutions. Now, 330 suppliershave submitted over 1,300 solutions, whichcan bring a value of over RMB 800 millionafter implementation.
CASEValue co-creation
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Resources integrationFirst-class resources
First-class resourcesOpen and transparent
Open and transparentUser evaluation
Win-winGolden Cube Award
Golden Cube AwardMakerspace
MakerspaceInteractive platform
Interactive platformQuality interconnection
Quality interconnectionOrder interconnection
Plan release
Order interconnectionBig data
Big dataPlan response
Plan responseModule provider resources
Module provider resourcesOpenness
OpennessNo distances
Dynamic optimizationScheme supermarket
HaidayuanPlatform of module providerresourcesThe Haidayuan platform has established three objectives to guide the development of ecologi-cal resources.
The "Haidayuan" platform is a platform gathering all resource services of Haier's home appliance module providers across the globe.Upholding the philosophy of "integrity ecosystem and platform sharing", the Haidayuan platform has fast matched modular solutions forglobal users' personalized customization requirements with the main theme of implementing "interconnectivity, co-creation and win-winresults", and customized precise module provider resources in a large scale for the IoT.
Module providers: Successful shift from part providers to module providers. They turn into interactive users from suppliers of parts in linewith drawings, with ecological parties providing modular solutions, thus meeting personalized requirements and delivering the best userexperience.Procurement organization: Successful shift from a heat insulation wall to an open platform. It turns into an open and parallel user interac-tion platform from a closed and series-connected part buyer, with internal evaluation turned into user evaluation.Partnership: Successful shift from gameing to win-win results. It turns into a co-creation and win-win ecosystem for users from a purelybuying and selling relationship.Now, the Haidayuan platform has brought together over 20,000 module providers across the globe, released over 30,000 user require-ments, realized online interaction of over 50,000 modular solutions, continuously empowered ecosystem iteration, and delivered the bestuser experience.
Ecosystem empowerment
"Haidayuan" platform
Barrier-free access of first-class resourcesMaximization of stakeholders' interestsDynamic optimization and self-evolving
Enterprises that are compliantly regis-tered with governments across the globecan perform open registration on theHaidayuan platform; the module providerresources that can provide basic enter-prise operation promise can immediatelyinteract with user requirements on theplatform and participate in order compe-tition.
The platform promotes zero-distance con-nection between module providerresources and user requirements, highlyfrequent interaction, volume and priceagreement and continuous iteration; theplatform provides independent choiceslike a solution supermarket, advocates thedisplay and innovation of module providerresources on all fronts, and attracts usertra?c for continuous iteration.
The best user experience is created withuser selection, user evaluation, and moduleprovider resources providing leading mod-ular solutions; through the open Haidayuanplatform, we work with module providersto create a ?rst-class resource ecosystem.
The Haidayuan platform realizes a transformation in the traditional supply chain cooperation model, and achieves co-creation and win-winresults with ecological parties.
We have continuously improved the global synergy of the supply chain and shared high-quality resources.We have conducted demand analysis of users at regional procurement nodes across the globe, and identified and shared best practicesand cases of global procurement;We have developed a weekly report and monthly report system for global competitiveness analysis to fast identify synergy opportuni-ties, explore synergy projects, and speed up the rapid implementation of synergy value;We have launched a global bidding function to realize regional price collaboration;We have upgraded the Indian procurement synergy system to realize the collaboration of supply chain management.
Global synergy
We have strengthened the participation andenthusiasm of suppliers, driven suppliers tosubmit plans, and co-created value by opti-mizing the supplier performance appraisalmechanism. In 2020, we adjust the supplierperformance appraisal system by changingthe four zones (optimization, qualification,warning and elimination) to five levels (shar-ing, acceleration, remediation, warning andelimination) where suppliers can deliverperformance at a higher level by submittinghigh-quality solutions. Now, 330 suppliershave submitted over 1,300 solutions, whichcan bring a value of over RMB 800 millionafter implementation.
CASEValue co-creation
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Resources integrationFirst-class resources
First-class resourcesOpen and transparent
Open and transparentUser evaluation
User evaluation | Demand response |
Win-winGolden Cube Award
Golden Cube AwardMakerspace
MakerspaceInteractive platform
Interactive platformQuality interconnection
Quality interconnectionOrder interconnection
Plan release
Order interconnectionBig data
Big dataPlan response
Plan responseModule provider resources
Module provider resourcesOpenness
OpennessNo distances
Share | No distances | |
Dynamic optimizationScheme supermarket
HaidayuanPlatform of module providerresourcesThe Haidayuan platform has established three objectives to guide the development of ecologi-cal resources.
Excellent Quality
Customize Beautiful
In an era when everything is connected, we are seeking for quality and innovative technologiesduring continuous exploration. With high-quality home appliances, fashionable and personal-ized customized services, and innovative and considerate electrical home appliance solutions,we have provided global users with increasing wonderful life experiences and become a globalleader of ecological brands.
Innovation-ledQuality-centeredUser first7374
Excellent Quality
Customize Beautiful
In an era when everything is connected, we are seeking for quality and innovative technologiesduring continuous exploration. With high-quality home appliances, fashionable and personal-ized customized services, and innovative and considerate electrical home appliance solutions,we have provided global users with increasing wonderful life experiences and become a globalleader of ecological brands.
Innovation-ledQuality-centeredUser first7374
Quality valueQuality guidelines
Meanwhile, we continuously build a stronger "two-way" quality management mechanism across the globe. With the "positive-value-addedsharing mechanism", we directly tie the value created by quality improvement with employee incentives, truly realize "user pay", andencourage employees to proactively discover and mitigate quality risks. With the "reverse-bottom-line mechanism and reverse reductionmechanism", we define the responsibility subject, treat seriously every quality issue, and adhere to the quality bottom line.We lay emphasis on the quality management of suppliers. Based on the basic requirements of the ISO9001 quality management system,Haier has implemented quality management of suppliers and adopted comparable quality system review and process review to assess thequality management capabilities of suppliers. We conducted quality performance appraisal of suppliers, and implemented monthlydynamic evaluation from such dimensions as user evaluation, quality performance and remediation measures, quality of new products,quality system and problem closure. In line with the evaluation results, we will increase the order shares of excellent suppliers and dispatchprofessional supplier quality engineers to suppliers with poor evaluation results to fuel improvement.
Haier Smart Home takes the concept of "RenDanHeYi" as its stra-tegic guidance, defines the quality value that "quality standardsare defined by users", and cultivates the quality culture of "Ren-DanHeYi and quality for everyone".This year, we continue to further spread and implement the qual-ity-centered philosophy, integrate the quality culture into chaingroups, secured the "zero-base objective" with a digital qualitysystem, drive dynamic optimization and upgrade of industries,nodes and SMEs via classification and grading mechanisms, real-ize value-added sharing, and obtain the reputation of best userexperience.
Quality culture development
High-quality products are the most critical product competitiveness factor of the Company. We have continuously improved the quality ofproducts from multiple aspects like industry-leading standards developed and improved technologies to ensure the health and safety ofproducts.Haier Refrigerator has taken the lead in developing the firsthealth and preservation standards within the industry, pro-viding a unified measurement tool for the global refrigeratorindustry. Meanwhile, Haier has launched full-space preserva-tion refrigerators that are in conformity with the primaryhealth and preservation standards, and comprehensivelystrengthened the preservation function of refrigerators tokeep food fresh and assure users.
In order to control the bad smell of products, our laborato-ry has developed volatile organic compound (VOC) detec-tion capabilities, developed verification plans and conduct-ed over 20 kinds of organic volatile substance testing, thusproviding production lines with support for bad smell anal-ysis and controlling the VOC emission of products.
Product quality improvement
Guided by the quality culture of "RenDanHeYi and quality for everyone", all employees of Haier have actively deepened their awarenessfor quality management and maintained Haier's quality performance together.This year, Haier Smart Home continuously focused on the transmission of quality concept and provided diversified and targeted qualitytraining activities. Meanwhile, we also provided suppliers with quality training, and guided suppliers to set up a RoHS information systemto further drive an overall improvement in the quality management of suppliers.
Quality concept transmission
We comprehend that to continuously improve the quality management system is the core element to secure stable and better qualitymanagement. In 2020, we strictly observed the laws, regulations, standards and requirements related to quality across the globe anddelivered an excellent performance by "recalling no products" throughout the year.All plants of the Company passed the ISO 9001 quality management system certification, except its newly-built plants. Meanwhile, wedevelop an Overall Operation Advance Plan for the Hazardous Substance Management System. All plants involving export productsfinished the certification (IEC QC080000 certification) of hazardous substance-free electrical or electronic devices and products with theInternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) this year. Other plants will finish the certification in 2021 according to the plan.Depending on Haier's quality platform, the Company establishes an industrial quality platform for connection with the quality departments
Quality system guarantee
Haier, a successful world brand, always depends on three secrets -- quality, quality and quality.In 2020, Haier Smart Home strictly observes the applicable laws, regulations, standards and requirements related to quality in the opera-tion sites across the globe, and strictly manages the health and security of product materials in line with such international standards asRoHS/REACH/POPs/FCM.
of plant and closed-loop management of R&D quality, procurement qual-ity, manufacturing quality, logistics quality, sales quality and service qual-ity during the whole procedure. This year, as the whole-procedure andclosed-loop management model was further improved, Haier's productquality was further enhanced, and the defective rate of new productswitnessed a year-on-year decrease of 37%.
In 2020, we invited experts fromthe Qingdao Quality ManagementAssociation to offer guidelines forprojects of the QC group in Qing-dao region, cultivated the reviewcapabilities of elites and improvedthe project competitiveness of theQC group.
Preservation standards
Review skill improvementof QC projects
Bad smell improvementCASE
Lead smart homesImprove user experienceCreate a better life
Quality standardsare defined by users
Experienceof design
Emphasize the experienceeconomyTransform user needs intoquality factorsZero defect in productqualityBest experience ofproduct functionsSmart manufacturingCustomers are always rightHaier, staying sincereforeverGuarantee excellent qualitywith excellent talentsAll-round and whole-procedure excellence
Quality culture:RenDanHeYi and quality for everyone
Quality vision
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Quality valueQuality guidelines
Meanwhile, we continuously build a stronger "two-way" quality management mechanism across the globe. With the "positive-value-addedsharing mechanism", we directly tie the value created by quality improvement with employee incentives, truly realize "user pay", andencourage employees to proactively discover and mitigate quality risks. With the "reverse-bottom-line mechanism and reverse reductionmechanism", we define the responsibility subject, treat seriously every quality issue, and adhere to the quality bottom line.We lay emphasis on the quality management of suppliers. Based on the basic requirements of the ISO9001 quality management system,Haier has implemented quality management of suppliers and adopted comparable quality system review and process review to assess thequality management capabilities of suppliers. We conducted quality performance appraisal of suppliers, and implemented monthlydynamic evaluation from such dimensions as user evaluation, quality performance and remediation measures, quality of new products,quality system and problem closure. In line with the evaluation results, we will increase the order shares of excellent suppliers and dispatchprofessional supplier quality engineers to suppliers with poor evaluation results to fuel improvement.
Haier Smart Home takes the concept of "RenDanHeYi" as its stra-tegic guidance, defines the quality value that "quality standardsare defined by users", and cultivates the quality culture of "Ren-DanHeYi and quality for everyone".This year, we continue to further spread and implement the qual-ity-centered philosophy, integrate the quality culture into chaingroups, secured the "zero-base objective" with a digital qualitysystem, drive dynamic optimization and upgrade of industries,nodes and SMEs via classification and grading mechanisms, real-ize value-added sharing, and obtain the reputation of best userexperience.
Quality culture development
High-quality products are the most critical product competitiveness factor of the Company. We have continuously improved the quality ofproducts from multiple aspects like industry-leading standards developed and improved technologies to ensure the health and safety ofproducts.Haier Refrigerator has taken the lead in developing the firsthealth and preservation standards within the industry, pro-viding a unified measurement tool for the global refrigeratorindustry. Meanwhile, Haier has launched full-space preserva-tion refrigerators that are in conformity with the primaryhealth and preservation standards, and comprehensivelystrengthened the preservation function of refrigerators tokeep food fresh and assure users.
In order to control the bad smell of products, our laborato-ry has developed volatile organic compound (VOC) detec-tion capabilities, developed verification plans and conduct-ed over 20 kinds of organic volatile substance testing, thusproviding production lines with support for bad smell anal-ysis and controlling the VOC emission of products.
Product quality improvement
Guided by the quality culture of "RenDanHeYi and quality for everyone", all employees of Haier have actively deepened their awarenessfor quality management and maintained Haier's quality performance together.This year, Haier Smart Home continuously focused on the transmission of quality concept and provided diversified and targeted qualitytraining activities. Meanwhile, we also provided suppliers with quality training, and guided suppliers to set up a RoHS information systemto further drive an overall improvement in the quality management of suppliers.
Quality concept transmissionWe comprehend that to continuously improve the quality management system is the core element to secure stable and better qualitymanagement. In 2020, we strictly observed the laws, regulations, standards and requirements related to quality across the globe anddelivered an excellent performance by "recalling no products" throughout the year.All plants of the Company passed the ISO 9001 quality management system certification, except its newly-built plants. Meanwhile, wedevelop an Overall Operation Advance Plan for the Hazardous Substance Management System. All plants involving export productsfinished the certification (IEC QC080000 certification) of hazardous substance-free electrical or electronic devices and products with theInternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) this year. Other plants will finish the certification in 2021 according to the plan.Depending on Haier's quality platform, the Company establishes an industrial quality platform for connection with the quality departments
Quality system guarantee
Haier, a successful world brand, always depends on three secrets -- quality, quality and quality.In 2020, Haier Smart Home strictly observes the applicable laws, regulations, standards and requirements related to quality in the opera-tion sites across the globe, and strictly manages the health and security of product materials in line with such international standards asRoHS/REACH/POPs/FCM.
of plant and closed-loop management of R&D quality, procurement qual-ity, manufacturing quality, logistics quality, sales quality and service qual-ity during the whole procedure. This year, as the whole-procedure andclosed-loop management model was further improved, Haier's productquality was further enhanced, and the defective rate of new productswitnessed a year-on-year decrease of 37%.
In 2020, we invited experts fromthe Qingdao Quality ManagementAssociation to offer guidelines forprojects of the QC group in Qing-dao region, cultivated the reviewcapabilities of elites and improvedthe project competitiveness of theQC group.
Preservation standards
Review skill improvementof QC projects
Bad smell improvementCASE
Lead smart homesImprove user experienceCreate a better life
Quality standardsare defined by users
Experienceof design
Emphasize the experienceeconomyTransform user needs intoquality factorsZero defect in productqualityBest experience ofproduct functionsSmart manufacturingCustomers are always rightHaier, staying sincereforeverGuarantee excellent qualitywith excellent talentsAll-round and whole-procedure excellence
Quality culture:RenDanHeYi and quality for everyone
Quality vision
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
This year, we continued to implement Haier's service policies and completed every service with unified service standards. In 2020, HaierSmart Home's customer complaint resolution ratio stood at 100%.This year, we brought sincerity and warmth to thousands of households, and created moving moments with services, thus winning socialrecognition.In May 2020, we were awarded the Medal for Customer Service Satisfaction Unit in Consumer Electronics Industry in 2019 by the China Elec-tronic Chamber of Commerce;In May 2020, we were awarded the Group Member Unit of China Association for Quality Inspection issued by the China Association for Qual-ity Inspection;In November 2020, we were awarded the Top Ten National Brands with Customer Satisfaction by the China General Chamber of Commerce……
This year, Haier Smart Home launched a service integrating homeappliances and home decoration based on a complete set of smartservices, thus realizing iteration and upgrading from "complete set ofservices to whole-procedure servicesTo guarantee the implementation of the service system, Haier SmartHome built such information platforms as design system, construc-tion system, and service system, trained and upgraded tens of thou-sands of project stewards, and provided users with one-to-oneservices.In 2020, centering around the digital service system characterized by"three-end connection with the mobile platform as the carrier", HaierSmart Home deeply integrated digital means and businesses, andcontinuously created the best whole-procedure experience for usersvia online, visual and smart digital tools.
Social recognition
Service upgrading
Take away all your troubles,and leave Haier's long-lasting sincerity.
24h on call, once for all, guard all the way, and serve sincerely
Customers are always right.Our service policiesService beliefs
Service standards
Service intention
Another upgrade of Haier Smart Home services:
Complete set of services whole-procedure servicesFocus on users’ needs for homes.
Serve a homeDesign a home
Build a home
Customize whole-procedure and one-stop smart homesolutions covering full scenarios.
Taishan Quality Certi?cation
Certification name
Name of awardsAwarded entity
Qingdao ShangkongQingdao ShangkongHome air conditioner
Awarded timeAward unit
Certification timeCertification authority
April 2020China Quality Certi?cation Center
China Quality Certi?cation CenterChina Quality Certi?cation Center
China Association for QualityChina Association for Quality
China Quality Certi?cation CenterChina Quality Certi?cation CenterVDEVDE TUV NORD
China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute
Vkan Certi?cation &Testing Co., Ltd.
Vkan Certi?cation &Testing Co., Ltd.Zhongjiayuan (Beijing) Testing and Certi?cation Co., Ltd.Zhongjiayuan (Beijing) Testing and Certi?cation Co., Ltd.
December 2020December 2020July 2020July 2020July 2020August 2020August 2020May 2020September 2020October 2020November 2020
November 2020November 2020
June 2020
RoHS Certi?cation for Electrical and Electronic ProductsChina Energy Conservation Product Certi?cationChina Water-Saving Product Certi?cationChina Environmental Labelling Program (CELP) Certi?cationSterilization Certi?cationFood Contact Product Safety Certi?cationVDE European standards A -10% certi?cationVDE Constant Temperature and Humidity Certi?cationUser Experience Ergonomics Certi?cationHygiene and Health Certi?cation of Consumer Electrical ProductsDeep and Quick Freezing Certi?cationHealth and Preservation Certi?cation
2020 National Quality Benchmark3A Quality Credit Rating in the National Market
User first
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2020 National Quality BenchmarkQingdao Haier Air-conditioner Electronics Co., Ltd.
China Association for Quality
Practical experience in implementing intelligent productdiagnosis, prediction and health management to enhancethe best experience of users
This year, we continued to implement Haier's service policies and completed every service with unified service standards. In 2020, HaierSmart Home's customer complaint resolution ratio stood at 100%.This year, we brought sincerity and warmth to thousands of households, and created moving moments with services, thus winning socialrecognition.In May 2020, we were awarded the Medal for Customer Service Satisfaction Unit in Consumer Electronics Industry in 2019 by the China Elec-tronic Chamber of Commerce;In May 2020, we were awarded the Group Member Unit of China Association for Quality Inspection issued by the China Association for Qual-ity Inspection;In November 2020, we were awarded the Top Ten National Brands with Customer Satisfaction by the China General Chamber of Commerce……
This year, Haier Smart Home launched a service integrating homeappliances and home decoration based on a complete set of smartservices, thus realizing iteration and upgrading from "complete set ofservices to whole-procedure servicesTo guarantee the implementation of the service system, Haier SmartHome built such information platforms as design system, construc-tion system, and service system, trained and upgraded tens of thou-sands of project stewards, and provided users with one-to-oneservices.In 2020, centering around the digital service system characterized by"three-end connection with the mobile platform as the carrier", HaierSmart Home deeply integrated digital means and businesses, andcontinuously created the best whole-procedure experience for usersvia online, visual and smart digital tools.
Social recognition
Service upgrading
Take away all your troubles,and leave Haier's long-lasting sincerity.
24h on call, once for all, guard all the way, and serve sincerely
Customers are always right.Our service policiesService beliefs
Service standards
Service intention
Another upgrade of Haier Smart Home services:
Complete set of services whole-procedure servicesFocus on users’ needs for homes.
Serve a home
Design a home
Build a home
Customize whole-procedure and one-stop smart homesolutions covering full scenarios.
Taishan Quality Certi?cation
Certification name
Name of awardsAwarded entity
Qingdao ShangkongQingdao ShangkongHome air conditioner
Awarded timeAward unit
Certification timeCertification authority
April 2020China Quality Certi?cation Center
China Quality Certi?cation CenterChina Quality Certi?cation Center
China Association for QualityChina Association for Quality
China Quality Certi?cation CenterChina Quality Certi?cation CenterVDEVDE TUV NORD
China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute
Vkan Certi?cation &Testing Co., Ltd.
Vkan Certi?cation &Testing Co., Ltd.Zhongjiayuan (Beijing) Testing and Certi?cation Co., Ltd.Zhongjiayuan (Beijing) Testing and Certi?cation Co., Ltd.
December 2020December 2020July 2020July 2020July 2020August 2020August 2020May 2020September 2020October 2020November 2020
November 2020November 2020
June 2020
RoHS Certi?cation for Electrical and Electronic ProductsChina Energy Conservation Product Certi?cationChina Water-Saving Product Certi?cationChina Environmental Labelling Program (CELP) Certi?cationSterilization Certi?cationFood Contact Product Safety Certi?cationVDE European standards A -10% certi?cationVDE Constant Temperature and Humidity Certi?cationUser Experience Ergonomics Certi?cationHygiene and Health Certi?cation of Consumer Electrical ProductsDeep and Quick Freezing Certi?cationHealth and Preservation Certi?cation
2020 National Quality Benchmark3A Quality Credit Rating in the National Market
User first
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
2020 National Quality BenchmarkQingdao Haier Air-conditioner Electronics Co., Ltd.
China Association for Quality
Practical experience in implementing intelligent productdiagnosis, prediction and health management to enhancethe best experience of users
During the pandemic, in order to meet the user demands and guarantee the health and safety of users and service professionals, welaunched two types of contactless services for users for selection: The first type was pure self-service where simple installation and trou-bleshooting means were pushed to users in the form of videos for independent completion; the second type was resolution of difficultproblems by users themselves where service professionals provided one-to-one guidance for users via video to address the urgent prob-lem of users.This year, we released a total of 755 sets of user self-service videos in such channels as iService, Haier Smart Home, WeChat officialaccount of Haier Service, TikTok and Call Center. We streamed 17 live videos on services, gaining a total of 118,011 users and 15,739 com-ments. Meanwhile, we drew on the excellent practical experience of overseas brands, and added remote online systems for online diagno-sis, maintenance and instructions.
Model innovation
In 2020, Haier Smart Home continuously optimized the Haier Customer Care (HCC) system, and actively explored the application of newtechnologies in the scenario-based services of Haier Smart Home and the best practices in an effort to secure the best whole-procedureexperience for users.It built a "dual-middle office framework" to provide IT support for 67 million single service demands as well as precise and intelligentdata analysis and decision-making;It continuously made more investment in the infrastructure, implemented the deployment of a public cloud for corporate application, andprovided reliable guarantee for online connection with internal corporate resources by hundreds of millions of users;In terms of secondary application of AI technologies, it brought in robot customer service and image recognition technologies to providea robust, efficient and reliable digital support platform for the processing of tremendous businesses;On the mobile terminal, it developed customized reports with clear necessary information to meet different business demands of differ-ent roles.
Customer care
With the big data capability, we smoothed all nodes during the whole procedure, implemented constant optimization from user evalua-tion transmission to critical nodes and persons, formed a closed loop of iteration, and continued to create the best whole-procedureservice experience.
Connection with users and ubiquitous servicesHaier Smart Home deeply analyzes and transforms mobile usescenarios of users, constructed an online service standard plat-form, and provides users with such experiences as mobile onlineordering, online visualization, online supervision, online payment,online evaluation, and online interaction of service demands;addresses from the root the problem of waiting calls by digitalmeans, and develops a series of new models of online serviceslike available service process, home appliance warranty, onlineuse instructions, online troubleshooting instructions, mainte-nance prompting, and service policy publicity anywhere and any-time.
Connection with customers and mobile contacts
The mobile services with "iMaker" as the carrier allows servicestaff to finish online order competition, online navigation, onlinecheck-in, and online service work orders via mobile APP. What'smore, Haier Smart Home also builds an online interaction andsalary payment platform between customers and users, forms acomplete digital service system, and provides users honestservice experiences that are transparent during the whole proce-dure.
Connection with employees and synergy empowerment
Haier Smart Home builds a digital shared service platform foremployees, connects in parallel scattered management demands
in real time, carries out digital operation of individual manage-ment, realizes automatic employee management and servicedemand approval, and realizes whole-procedure monitoring.In 2020, in the 2020 China Digital Transformation and InnovationSelection that was jointly initiated by over 20 CIO organizationsand industry associations across China under the leadership ofthe Digital Industry Innovation Research Center, jnexpert, Guang-hua School of Management, Peking University and Chief DigitalOfficer, Haier Smart Home's digital scenario-based services wereawarded the Digital Service Model and selected into the WhitePaper Series 2020 on Chinese Digital Enterprises, the only caseselected in the industry, thus setting a demonstration examplefor digital scenario-based services in the industry and pushingforward the industry to speed up the layout of the digital serviceecosystem.Meanwhile, Haier Smart Home accumulated the practical experi-ence of services delivered by 30,000 stores and 100,000 serviceprofessionals in tens of thousands of smart home scenarios, andformulated and released industry-leading service standards inte-grating home appliances and home decoration, i.e. standards forintegrated home appliance and decoration service.
In the era of IoT, we use big data analysis to deliver user evaluation in real time directly to the key personnel,
so as to provide the best whole-process customer experience
Fully self-driven andself-optimizing process
Openness InteractionIteration ExperienceFirst-class resources intothe prior designIntegrated production andsales of interconnection factoriesTimed deliveryInstallation upon deliveryGuard all the wayHonest community
Line sta?
Connect with users in real timConstant iteration
The best whole-process customer experienceDelivered to the key personnel
directly in real timeMicro-enterprisedesign
designVehicle micro-enterprisesMicro-enterprise
R&D platformDesignerModular purchase platform
Purchasing managerModular providerSmart manufacturingplatform
OperatorLogistics platform
DriverUser evaluation platform
Service professionals
User experience evaluation
Real-time interaction big data
PCclientLinearbig screenInteractive
HaierWeChatservice station
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Industrial pioneer -- "1234" Sanyiniao Service SystemA housekeeper
Three majorstandards
Construction standards
Service standards
Four promisesDouble guarantee
One-stop housekeeping services always save youfrom worries
Double guarantee system
Design standardsOne-to-one service:
Display of three drawings:
Visible entire online process;online and o?ine supervision of key nodes.
Zero damage
Zero noiseNo waiting time
Zero delayZero pollution
Renovate a balcony in one day, renovate a kitchen in three days and renovate a bathroom in seven days
With dust-free services, the normal life of users will not be a?ectedDownload Haier Smart Home APP
Customize your smart life
During the pandemic, in order to meet the user demands and guarantee the health and safety of users and service professionals, welaunched two types of contactless services for users for selection: The first type was pure self-service where simple installation and trou-bleshooting means were pushed to users in the form of videos for independent completion; the second type was resolution of difficultproblems by users themselves where service professionals provided one-to-one guidance for users via video to address the urgent prob-lem of users.This year, we released a total of 755 sets of user self-service videos in such channels as iService, Haier Smart Home, WeChat officialaccount of Haier Service, TikTok and Call Center. We streamed 17 live videos on services, gaining a total of 118,011 users and 15,739 com-ments. Meanwhile, we drew on the excellent practical experience of overseas brands, and added remote online systems for online diagno-sis, maintenance and instructions.
Model innovation
In 2020, Haier Smart Home continuously optimized the Haier Customer Care (HCC) system, and actively explored the application of newtechnologies in the scenario-based services of Haier Smart Home and the best practices in an effort to secure the best whole-procedureexperience for users.It built a "dual-middle office framework" to provide IT support for 67 million single service demands as well as precise and intelligentdata analysis and decision-making;It continuously made more investment in the infrastructure, implemented the deployment of a public cloud for corporate application, andprovided reliable guarantee for online connection with internal corporate resources by hundreds of millions of users;In terms of secondary application of AI technologies, it brought in robot customer service and image recognition technologies to providea robust, efficient and reliable digital support platform for the processing of tremendous businesses;On the mobile terminal, it developed customized reports with clear necessary information to meet different business demands of differ-ent roles.
Customer care
With the big data capability, we smoothed all nodes during the whole procedure, implemented constant optimization from user evalua-tion transmission to critical nodes and persons, formed a closed loop of iteration, and continued to create the best whole-procedureservice experience.
Connection with users and ubiquitous servicesHaier Smart Home deeply analyzes and transforms mobile usescenarios of users, constructed an online service standard plat-form, and provides users with such experiences as mobile onlineordering, online visualization, online supervision, online payment,online evaluation, and online interaction of service demands;addresses from the root the problem of waiting calls by digitalmeans, and develops a series of new models of online serviceslike available service process, home appliance warranty, onlineuse instructions, online troubleshooting instructions, mainte-nance prompting, and service policy publicity anywhere and any-time.Connection with customers and mobile contactsThe mobile services with "iMaker" as the carrier allows servicestaff to finish online order competition, online navigation, onlinecheck-in, and online service work orders via mobile APP. What'smore, Haier Smart Home also builds an online interaction andsalary payment platform between customers and users, forms acomplete digital service system, and provides users honestservice experiences that are transparent during the whole proce-dure.Connection with employees and synergy empowermentHaier Smart Home builds a digital shared service platform foremployees, connects in parallel scattered management demands
in real time, carries out digital operation of individual manage-ment, realizes automatic employee management and servicedemand approval, and realizes whole-procedure monitoring.In 2020, in the 2020 China Digital Transformation and InnovationSelection that was jointly initiated by over 20 CIO organizationsand industry associations across China under the leadership ofthe Digital Industry Innovation Research Center, jnexpert, Guang-hua School of Management, Peking University and Chief DigitalOfficer, Haier Smart Home's digital scenario-based services wereawarded the Digital Service Model and selected into the WhitePaper Series 2020 on Chinese Digital Enterprises, the only caseselected in the industry, thus setting a demonstration examplefor digital scenario-based services in the industry and pushingforward the industry to speed up the layout of the digital serviceecosystem.Meanwhile, Haier Smart Home accumulated the practical experi-ence of services delivered by 30,000 stores and 100,000 serviceprofessionals in tens of thousands of smart home scenarios, andformulated and released industry-leading service standards inte-grating home appliances and home decoration, i.e. standards forintegrated home appliance and decoration service.
In the era of IoT, we use big data analysis to deliver user evaluation in real time directly to the key personnel,
so as to provide the best whole-process customer experience
Fully self-driven andself-optimizing process
Openness InteractionIteration ExperienceFirst-class resources intothe prior designIntegrated production andsales of interconnection factoriesTimed deliveryInstallation upon deliveryGuard all the wayHonest community
Line sta?
Connect with users in real timConstant iteration
The best whole-process customer experienceDelivered to the key personnel
directly in real timeMicro-enterprisedesign
ModelMicro-enterprisedesignVehicle micro-enterprisesMicro-enterprise
R&D platformDesignerModular purchase platform
Purchasing managerModular providerSmart manufacturingplatform
OperatorLogistics platform
DriverUser evaluation platform
Service professionals
User experience evaluation
Real-time interaction big data
PCclientLinearbig screenInteractive
HaierWeChatservice station
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Industrial pioneer -- "1234" Sanyiniao Service SystemA housekeeper
Three majorstandards
Construction standards
Service standards
Four promisesDouble guarantee
One-stop housekeeping services always save youfrom worries
Double guarantee system
Design standardsOne-to-one service:
Display of three drawings:
Visible entire online process;online and o?ine supervision of key nodes.
Zero damage
Zero noiseNo waiting time
Zero delayZero pollution
Renovate a balcony in one day, renovate a kitchen in three days and renovate a bathroom in seven days
With dust-free services, the normal life of users will not be a?ectedDownload Haier Smart Home APPCustomize your smart life
Haier Smart Home has already owned over 100,000 service professionals across the world, which is not only Haier's fundamental guaran-tee for after-sales service but also our bond connecting hundreds of millions of households.
Online live training: We conducted a total of 7,687 live-streaming trainings, with total class hours of 8255.09 and 477,946 service profes-sionals trained;Offline training: We conducted a total of 8,827 offline trainings, including 2,665 trainings for new employees, 1,939 upgrade trainings, 77new product trainings, 429 package trainings, 2,019 failure training, and 905 delivery and installation training, with total training hours of2,545,952 and 276,404 service professionals trained.
Training of service professionals
In 2020, we continuously conducted service professional empowerment through diversified online and offline channels.
In 2020, Haier Smart Home formed the Global Information SecurityCommittee, which is made up of security heads from all domesticand overseas regions and is divided into a global standard groupof information security, a global project group and a global auditgroup to jointly undertake the information security management ofHaier Smart Home across the world.We strictly observed relevant laws, regulations, standards andrequirements for information security in all operating sites acrossthe world, and invested more effort in building an informationsecurity management system around the world. This year, wepassed the ISO 27001 information security management systemcertification, the APP of Haier Smart Home gained the Grade-3certification of classified protection, and the IoT platform gainedthe EAL3+ encryption certification and PSA certification.With the smart lifestyle getting more involved in users' life, thereare more ways to input and output user information, so, the pro-tection of users' privacy information has also become the focus ofour work. We have, in line with the laws, regulations and policyrequirements of all global operating sites, formulated soundpersonal information protection regulations and implementedthem during the process of product R&D and operation to protect
Information security and privacy protection
In order to provide users with a better life experience, Haier SmartHome has built a "10 + N" open innovation ecosystem and an openinnovation platform. We have transformed the R&D pattern fromtraditional waterfall into iteration and continuously inject vitalityinto innovative R&D.We have established innovation centers in places like China andJapan and pushed forward industry innovation together with theecological parties. We have, via innovation centers, leveraged theecological resource network to search for innovative technologiesthat can match requirements and speed up innovation transforma-tion; we have carried out concept verification and connection man-agement of innovative technologies and increased the efficiency ofcooperation with ecological parties; we have held and taken part inthe overseas innovation activities, maintained active overseas inno-vation, and attracted the participation of partners.In recent years, Haier Smart Home has actively conducted patent
Innovation ecosystem
navigation in such technical fields as smart home scenario space,Internet of food and Internet of clothes, learned the technologydevelopment paths and competition dynamics of industries viapatent navigation, realized early patent warning while strength-ening its own patent layout of the smart ecosystem, built techni-cal patent strengths, and continuously established a competitiveposition in the field of mart IoT.Such awards as patent authorization award, patent achievementaward and patent application award have been set up for theInvention Patent Incentive Platform of Haier to encouragehigh-quality invention and creation and guarantee the leadershipof patent quality.
the rights and interests of users. All Apps and applets of HaierSmart Home state the policies and measures for the acquisition,management and protection of users' personal information, andseek users' consent in advance for the collection and use of theirinformation. Meanwhile, we adopt such technologies as strictcontrol over data access authority, multi-identity authentication,data anonymization and encrypted transmission to protectpersonal information. This year, we carried out personal informa-tion compliance review of the information systems, APPs andapplets collecting personal information, and implemented furtherimprovement and remediation of security risks identified. Wedeveloped a sound contingency plan and response mechanismwhere we will immediately take remedial measures and timelyfollow up for handling in case of personal information leakageincidents or security risks in order to minimize the losses andimpacts of such incidents.Meanwhile, Haier Smart Home also attaches great importance toour partners' performance on privacy information management.We require our partners to protect strictly our users' privacyinformation by means of signing relevant confidentiality promisewith partners and conducting security audit of partners.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Installation instructions
AirconditionerColor TVWater heaterWater purifier
Automatic installationinstructionsAutomatic installationinstructionsAutomatic installationinstructionsSelection of environmentfor clothes dryer installationHow to put detergentIntroduction to the installationmethod for the dryer drain pipeHow to use the glandHow to put detergent
Clothes dryerClothes dryer
Clothes dryer
Using detergent
Using detergent
Drain pipe installationGland use
Haier Smart Home has already owned over 100,000 service professionals across the world, which is not only Haier's fundamental guaran-tee for after-sales service but also our bond connecting hundreds of millions of households.
Online live training: We conducted a total of 7,687 live-streaming trainings, with total class hours of 8255.09 and 477,946 service profes-sionals trained;Offline training: We conducted a total of 8,827 offline trainings, including 2,665 trainings for new employees, 1,939 upgrade trainings, 77new product trainings, 429 package trainings, 2,019 failure training, and 905 delivery and installation training, with total training hours of2,545,952 and 276,404 service professionals trained.
Training of service professionals
In 2020, we continuously conducted service professional empowerment through diversified online and offline channels.
In 2020, Haier Smart Home formed the Global Information SecurityCommittee, which is made up of security heads from all domesticand overseas regions and is divided into a global standard groupof information security, a global project group and a global auditgroup to jointly undertake the information security management ofHaier Smart Home across the world.We strictly observed relevant laws, regulations, standards andrequirements for information security in all operating sites acrossthe world, and invested more effort in building an informationsecurity management system around the world. This year, wepassed the ISO 27001 information security management systemcertification, the APP of Haier Smart Home gained the Grade-3certification of classified protection, and the IoT platform gainedthe EAL3+ encryption certification and PSA certification.With the smart lifestyle getting more involved in users' life, thereare more ways to input and output user information, so, the pro-tection of users' privacy information has also become the focus ofour work. We have, in line with the laws, regulations and policyrequirements of all global operating sites, formulated soundpersonal information protection regulations and implementedthem during the process of product R&D and operation to protect
Information security and privacy protection
In order to provide users with a better life experience, Haier SmartHome has built a "10 + N" open innovation ecosystem and an openinnovation platform. We have transformed the R&D pattern fromtraditional waterfall into iteration and continuously inject vitalityinto innovative R&D.We have established innovation centers in places like China andJapan and pushed forward industry innovation together with theecological parties. We have, via innovation centers, leveraged theecological resource network to search for innovative technologiesthat can match requirements and speed up innovation transforma-tion; we have carried out concept verification and connection man-agement of innovative technologies and increased the efficiency ofcooperation with ecological parties; we have held and taken part inthe overseas innovation activities, maintained active overseas inno-vation, and attracted the participation of partners.In recent years, Haier Smart Home has actively conducted patent
Innovation ecosystem
navigation in such technical fields as smart home scenario space,Internet of food and Internet of clothes, learned the technologydevelopment paths and competition dynamics of industries viapatent navigation, realized early patent warning while strength-ening its own patent layout of the smart ecosystem, built techni-cal patent strengths, and continuously established a competitiveposition in the field of mart IoT.Such awards as patent authorization award, patent achievementaward and patent application award have been set up for theInvention Patent Incentive Platform of Haier to encouragehigh-quality invention and creation and guarantee the leadershipof patent quality.
the rights and interests of users. All Apps and applets of HaierSmart Home state the policies and measures for the acquisition,management and protection of users' personal information, andseek users' consent in advance for the collection and use of theirinformation. Meanwhile, we adopt such technologies as strictcontrol over data access authority, multi-identity authentication,data anonymization and encrypted transmission to protectpersonal information. This year, we carried out personal informa-tion compliance review of the information systems, APPs andapplets collecting personal information, and implemented furtherimprovement and remediation of security risks identified. Wedeveloped a sound contingency plan and response mechanismwhere we will immediately take remedial measures and timelyfollow up for handling in case of personal information leakageincidents or security risks in order to minimize the losses andimpacts of such incidents.Meanwhile, Haier Smart Home also attaches great importance toour partners' performance on privacy information management.We require our partners to protect strictly our users' privacyinformation by means of signing relevant confidentiality promisewith partners and conducting security audit of partners.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Installation instructions
AirconditionerColor TVWater heaterWater purifier
Automatic installationinstructionsAutomatic installationinstructionsAutomatic installationinstructionsSelection of environmentfor clothes dryer installationHow to put detergentIntroduction to the installationmethod for the dryer drain pipeHow to use the glandHow to put detergent
Clothes dryerClothes dryer
Clothes dryer
Using detergent
Using detergent
Drain pipe installationGland use
As one of the earliest enterprises to set up an intellectual property management department in China, Haier Smart Home has alwaysadhered to the intellectual property strategy of high-quality development as well as the patent principle of "non-infringement andinfringement-free", strictly observed the applicable intellectual property laws and regulations in the operating sites across the world,established a patent management system and operating mechanism with high-value patents as the core, explored an innovation modelcharacterized by linkage of "technologies, patents and standards", and actively pushed forward the creation, management, protection andapplication of patents. In 2020, Haier topped IPRdaily's Global Smart Home Patent Ranking, and harvested two gold awards in the 21stChina Patent Awards.
In line with the principle of "independent ownership for independent inventions and shared ownership for shared invention", we have stim-ulated partners to create new technologies to the maximum extent, jointly assumed intellectual property risks, and shared the achieve-ments of intellectual property rights. Meanwhile, we have respected the intellectual property rights of third parties, and are willing to formcooperation with right holders by agreed means like cross-licensing and package authorization under the FRAND principle, observe theprinciple of mutual industry benefits, and pressed ahead with rational competition in the industry.
Protection of intellectual property rights
At the management level: it established the Global Innovation Committee and Global Patent Management Committee for global synergyin innovation and joint global patent layout, and built a global patent management system for unified global patent business management,global patent risk management and control, and close patent-R&D connection;At the technical level: it centered around innovative technologies to provide comprehensive patent protection, and formed over one hun-dred patent portfolios with high value in such fields as environment protection, energy conservation, refrigerator preservation, separatewashing of washing machines, self-cleaning air conditioners, smart IoT, and scenario ecosystem.
International patent layoutThis year, Haier continuously optimized the global patent layout while seeking innovation, and make a global patent layout of originaltechnologies by depending on its ten R&D centers around the world.
Global resource network layout of Haier
Waterfall R&D
Demand analysis
Product designDevelopment and validation
Integrated test
Product designProduct delivery
Product CenterProgressiveapprovalFragmented
User centerChain group
Iterative R&D
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Product approval stage: Activate patent risk control, conduct a comprehensive search of the design scheme and patentstatus of the entire product, and identify possible infringement risk. If any risk is identified, the company will decisivelysuspend the project and take appropriate risk averse measures;Product R&D, production and marketing stages: Review the patent at each stage, confirm the risk level, and take mea-sures to ensure the overall compliance of the product;Daily operation process: Haier Smart Home establishes multi-level intellectual property training system, providestargeted training courses for its employees at all levels, and continuously strengthens the intellectual property riskawareness of the employees.
As one of the earliest enterprises to set up an intellectual property management department in China, Haier Smart Home has alwaysadhered to the intellectual property strategy of high-quality development as well as the patent principle of "non-infringement andinfringement-free", strictly observed the applicable intellectual property laws and regulations in the operating sites across the world,established a patent management system and operating mechanism with high-value patents as the core, explored an innovation modelcharacterized by linkage of "technologies, patents and standards", and actively pushed forward the creation, management, protection andapplication of patents. In 2020, Haier topped IPRdaily's Global Smart Home Patent Ranking, and harvested two gold awards in the 21stChina Patent Awards.
In line with the principle of "independent ownership for independent inventions and shared ownership for shared invention", we have stim-ulated partners to create new technologies to the maximum extent, jointly assumed intellectual property risks, and shared the achieve-ments of intellectual property rights. Meanwhile, we have respected the intellectual property rights of third parties, and are willing to formcooperation with right holders by agreed means like cross-licensing and package authorization under the FRAND principle, observe theprinciple of mutual industry benefits, and pressed ahead with rational competition in the industry.
Protection of intellectual property rights
At the management level: it established the Global Innovation Committee and Global Patent Management Committee for global synergyin innovation and joint global patent layout, and built a global patent management system for unified global patent business management,global patent risk management and control, and close patent-R&D connection;At the technical level: it centered around innovative technologies to provide comprehensive patent protection, and formed over one hun-dred patent portfolios with high value in such fields as environment protection, energy conservation, refrigerator preservation, separatewashing of washing machines, self-cleaning air conditioners, smart IoT, and scenario ecosystem.
International patent layoutThis year, Haier continuously optimized the global patent layout while seeking innovation, and make a global patent layout of originaltechnologies by depending on its ten R&D centers around the world.
Global resource network layout of Haier
Waterfall R&D
Demand analysisProduct designDevelopment and validation
Integrated testProduct designProduct delivery
Product Center
User centerChain group
Iterative R&D
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Product approval stage: Activate patent risk control, conduct a comprehensive search of the design scheme and patentstatus of the entire product, and identify possible infringement risk. If any risk is identified, the company will decisivelysuspend the project and take appropriate risk averse measures;Product R&D, production and marketing stages: Review the patent at each stage, confirm the risk level, and take mea-sures to ensure the overall compliance of the product;Daily operation process: Haier Smart Home establishes multi-level intellectual property training system, providestargeted training courses for its employees at all levels, and continuously strengthens the intellectual property riskawareness of the employees.
Since inception, Haier Smart Home has always been a passionate participant in public welfareactivities that assumes corporate social responsibility and gives back to society. We have paidattention to the growth and education of youngsters and contributed to the Hope Project; wehave actively responded to national policies and made every possible contribution to the ruralrevitalization; we have taken an extensive part in the disaster relief and continuously leveragedthe power of enterprises for kindness.
DisasterReliefThe HopeProject
Give back to Society
Build a Harmonious
Since inception, Haier Smart Home has always been a passionate participant in public welfareactivities that assumes corporate social responsibility and gives back to society. We have paidattention to the growth and education of youngsters and contributed to the Hope Project; wehave actively responded to national policies and made every possible contribution to the ruralrevitalization; we have taken an extensive part in the disaster relief and continuously leveragedthe power of enterprises for kindness.
DisasterReliefThe HopeProject
Give back to Society
Build a Harmonious
Since 2005, Haier has been building Haier Hope Primary School in Dacun Town, Huangdao District, Qingdao City, where thereare over 100 students, of whom most are left-behind children.On Children's Day in 2020, Haier visited Haier Hope Primary School in Dacun Town to provide precise care and assistance forstudents with financial difficulties.Haier attracted more ecological resource parties to jointly take part in the long-term connection with and precise assistance forHaier Hope Primary School in Dacun Town, fueling and sowing hope for shared sound education for poor children and left-be-hind children in Haier Hope Primary School.
In 2020, Haier franchised stores across China worked togetherto carry out more than 100 public welfare activities includingYoung Dreamers-Health Public Welfare Journey and YoungDreamers-Youth Poverty Alleviation Action, built eight HopeHuts, constructed 27 caring laundries, helped over 10,000teachers and students, and transmitted activities to 100,000people.On June 19, 2020, the first launching ceremony of Season IV"Young Dreamers"-Health Public Welfare Journey sponsored byHaier franchised stores was held at Haier Hope Primary Schoolin Yunshan Town, Pingdu City. Haier donated to schools andchildren a number of cabinet antibacterial air conditioners, 100health care packages and over 100 sets of sports equipment toimprove school running conditions and sports facilities and opti-mize the studying environment. Meanwhile, Haier provided freecleaning services of air conditioners to Hope Primary Schools indemands.
On September 9, 2020, the School Opening Season ofYoung Dreamers, i.e. Haier Washing Machine Health CareAction, sponsored by Haier franchised stores, was formallyactivated, with the first stop being Qingdao Laixi WubeiHaier Hope Primary School, and donations and assistancewere provided for local teachers and students. This was alsowhere the public welfare enterprise of Haier Hope PrimarySchool started off. In 1995, Haier donated RMB380,000 tobuild the first Haier Hope Primary School in Laixi.Under the ecological model of IoT public welfare, the open public welfare platform built by Haier has successfully transformed from benefitfor everyone, public welfare by everyone and vigorous promotion of public benefit to shared benefit. While exporting its own public wel-fare resources and actions, Haier has also driven ecological parties to participate in the public welfare activities of Haier Hope PrimarySchool, thus displaying ecological synergy.
The Hope Project
Over the years, Haier has been concerned about education, devote its sincerity, and closely watched the growth of youngsters and chil-dren as well as the development of the education enterprise. Since the inception of the Hope Project, Haier has walked alongside thewhole journey.Up to now, Haier has invested more than RMB116 million to build 325 Hope Primary Schools and one Hope Middle School in 26 provinces,cities and autonomous regions in China, helping tens of thousands of children go to school, and is the top enterprise building the mostHope Primary Schools in the Hope Project of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.Haier has continuously deepened the public welfare scenario ecosystem of Hope Primary Schools from the breadth, warmth and depth ofpublic welfare, built a platform for Haier's employees, SMEs in the chain groups and ecological resource parties to fulfill their corporatesocial responsibilities by creating a new IoT public welfare model characterized by "Three Networks in One", namely, the networks of HopePrimary Schools, public welfare contacts and public welfare social communities, and co-created a public welfare ecosystem. In 2020, Haiercarried out a public benefit activity of revisiting its Hope Primary Schools with the theme of "Tell Me One Wish, and I'll Realize It for You"in a normalized manner, thus further consolidating the achievements made in the public welfare project of Hope Primary School.
CASERevisit to Haier's Hope Primary Schools
CASEYoung Dreamers
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Since 2005, Haier has been building Haier Hope Primary School in Dacun Town, Huangdao District, Qingdao City, where thereare over 100 students, of whom most are left-behind children.On Children's Day in 2020, Haier visited Haier Hope Primary School in Dacun Town to provide precise care and assistance forstudents with financial difficulties.Haier attracted more ecological resource parties to jointly take part in the long-term connection with and precise assistance forHaier Hope Primary School in Dacun Town, fueling and sowing hope for shared sound education for poor children and left-be-hind children in Haier Hope Primary School.
In 2020, Haier franchised stores across China worked togetherto carry out more than 100 public welfare activities includingYoung Dreamers-Health Public Welfare Journey and YoungDreamers-Youth Poverty Alleviation Action, built eight HopeHuts, constructed 27 caring laundries, helped over 10,000teachers and students, and transmitted activities to 100,000people.On June 19, 2020, the first launching ceremony of Season IV"Young Dreamers"-Health Public Welfare Journey sponsored byHaier franchised stores was held at Haier Hope Primary Schoolin Yunshan Town, Pingdu City. Haier donated to schools andchildren a number of cabinet antibacterial air conditioners, 100health care packages and over 100 sets of sports equipment toimprove school running conditions and sports facilities and opti-mize the studying environment. Meanwhile, Haier provided freecleaning services of air conditioners to Hope Primary Schools indemands.
On September 9, 2020, the School Opening Season ofYoung Dreamers, i.e. Haier Washing Machine Health CareAction, sponsored by Haier franchised stores, was formallyactivated, with the first stop being Qingdao Laixi WubeiHaier Hope Primary School, and donations and assistancewere provided for local teachers and students. This was alsowhere the public welfare enterprise of Haier Hope PrimarySchool started off. In 1995, Haier donated RMB380,000 tobuild the first Haier Hope Primary School in Laixi.Under the ecological model of IoT public welfare, the open public welfare platform built by Haier has successfully transformed from benefitfor everyone, public welfare by everyone and vigorous promotion of public benefit to shared benefit. While exporting its own public wel-fare resources and actions, Haier has also driven ecological parties to participate in the public welfare activities of Haier Hope PrimarySchool, thus displaying ecological synergy.
The Hope Project
Over the years, Haier has been concerned about education, devote its sincerity, and closely watched the growth of youngsters and chil-dren as well as the development of the education enterprise. Since the inception of the Hope Project, Haier has walked alongside thewhole journey.Up to now, Haier has invested more than RMB116 million to build 325 Hope Primary Schools and one Hope Middle School in 26 provinces,cities and autonomous regions in China, helping tens of thousands of children go to school, and is the top enterprise building the mostHope Primary Schools in the Hope Project of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.Haier has continuously deepened the public welfare scenario ecosystem of Hope Primary Schools from the breadth, warmth and depth ofpublic welfare, built a platform for Haier's employees, SMEs in the chain groups and ecological resource parties to fulfill their corporatesocial responsibilities by creating a new IoT public welfare model characterized by "Three Networks in One", namely, the networks of HopePrimary Schools, public welfare contacts and public welfare social communities, and co-created a public welfare ecosystem. In 2020, Haiercarried out a public benefit activity of revisiting its Hope Primary Schools with the theme of "Tell Me One Wish, and I'll Realize It for You"in a normalized manner, thus further consolidating the achievements made in the public welfare project of Hope Primary School.
CASERevisit to Haier's Hope Primary Schools
CASEYoung Dreamers
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
GEA has developed partnership withJefferson County Public Schools to donatesmart equipment, set up labs, offer tech-nology courses and other related courses,and reimburse learning expenses. 100,000local students have benefited from thisprogram accumulatively and obtained theopportunity to receive advanced techno-logical education.
In May 2020, Adream Foundation, the charity ecosystem partner of Haier, visited JinxingHaier Hope Primary School in Gansu to deliver classes and activities. In the funny and edu-cational "Happy Farm" game, children became "farmers", learned knowledge about invest-ment, wealth management, deposits and savings management, gained a correct view ofmoney from games and developed financial management skills.In June 2020, the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Shan-dong Youth Federation and Shandong Youth Development Foundation jointly launched the"Hope Hut" charity project to care about children. In the project, independent learning andliving space will be built for children aged 8-14 from families with financial struggles. Haiermade active responses and made use of its own advantages to support the building of"Hope Huts" and laundry rooms and facilitate student tracking and assistance.From September 7, 2020 to September 30, 2020, Haier worked with the Shandong YouthFoundation and the Qingdao Youth Foundation to deliver health care packages, laundryrooms and hope huts to 37 Haier hope primary schools nationwide.Haier's ecological partner, U-YUNSH, launched the "Clothes Dream" campaign. After theoutlets collected the clothes donated from the society, the clothes were carefully sorted,washed and disinfected by the volunteers from U-YUNSH and Haier Washing Machines, andthen delivered to children in 13 hope primary schools.
In terms of the overseas business sector, Haier continues to carry out educational charity projects tohelp local youth develop themselves according to the needs for public benefits in different regions.
CASECharity ecosystemCASE
School-Enterprise Cooperation
Fisher & Paykel grants the Maurice Paykel (MP) Scholarship to selected Callaghan Innova-tion Summer interns each year to support students majoring in engineering or science stud-ies in higher education institutions. Fisher & Paykel grants the scholarships to outstandingstudents based on the evaluation of their academic achievement, leadership, communica-tion skills, community involvement and other relevant indicators. In 2020, Fisher & Paykelawarded three students USD3,000 each.
CASEMaurice Paykel Scholarship
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
GEA has developed partnership withJefferson County Public Schools to donatesmart equipment, set up labs, offer tech-nology courses and other related courses,and reimburse learning expenses. 100,000local students have benefited from thisprogram accumulatively and obtained theopportunity to receive advanced techno-logical education.
In May 2020, Adream Foundation, the charity ecosystem partner of Haier, visited JinxingHaier Hope Primary School in Gansu to deliver classes and activities. In the funny and edu-cational "Happy Farm" game, children became "farmers", learned knowledge about invest-ment, wealth management, deposits and savings management, gained a correct view ofmoney from games and developed financial management skills.In June 2020, the Shandong Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League, Shan-dong Youth Federation and Shandong Youth Development Foundation jointly launched the"Hope Hut" charity project to care about children. In the project, independent learning andliving space will be built for children aged 8-14 from families with financial struggles. Haiermade active responses and made use of its own advantages to support the building of"Hope Huts" and laundry rooms and facilitate student tracking and assistance.From September 7, 2020 to September 30, 2020, Haier worked with the Shandong YouthFoundation and the Qingdao Youth Foundation to deliver health care packages, laundryrooms and hope huts to 37 Haier hope primary schools nationwide.Haier's ecological partner, U-YUNSH, launched the "Clothes Dream" campaign. After theoutlets collected the clothes donated from the society, the clothes were carefully sorted,washed and disinfected by the volunteers from U-YUNSH and Haier Washing Machines, andthen delivered to children in 13 hope primary schools.
In terms of the overseas business sector, Haier continues to carry out educational charity projects tohelp local youth develop themselves according to the needs for public benefits in different regions.
CASECharity ecosystemCASE
School-Enterprise Cooperation
Fisher & Paykel grants the Maurice Paykel (MP) Scholarship to selected Callaghan Innova-tion Summer interns each year to support students majoring in engineering or science stud-ies in higher education institutions. Fisher & Paykel grants the scholarships to outstandingstudents based on the evaluation of their academic achievement, leadership, communica-tion skills, community involvement and other relevant indicators. In 2020, Fisher & Paykelawarded three students USD3,000 each.
CASEMaurice Paykel Scholarship
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
In view of constant rainstorms and floods in south China in 2020, Haier took practical action to facilitate flood control and practice itscorporate responsibility. Haier employees in different regions actively assisted the front line in flood fighting and supported people inthe disaster areas through the hardships.Haier Shaanxi Branch vigorously carries out the project of "Thousands of Towns and Villages", to approach villages and provide userswith free services such as appliance cleaning, knife sharpening, water quality testing and small appliance repair. So far, 508 towns and1,968 villages have been included in the project, and 156 service stations have been established.
On July 14, 2020, Haier's air con-ditioning team sent mineralwater, bread and other supportsupplies to the front-lineflood-fighting heroes stationed inthe Gutian duty section of HanRiver and the Baishazhou dutysection of Yangtze River to facili-tate the flood control.
Rural revitalizationDisaster relief
Thousands of Towns and Villages
In Huanggang City of Hubei, Haier employees of Wuhan risked being caught in mud-slides to help users transfer their appliances and recover their losses as far as possi-ble.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Haier actively responds to the national rural revitalization strategyand makes efforts to create a better life for rural areas.
Facing relentless natural disasters, Haier builds bridges with sincerityto deliver our care and warmth.
In view of constant rainstorms and floods in south China in 2020, Haier took practical action to facilitate flood control and practice itscorporate responsibility. Haier employees in different regions actively assisted the front line in flood fighting and supported people inthe disaster areas through the hardships.Haier Shaanxi Branch vigorously carries out the project of "Thousands of Towns and Villages", to approach villages and provide userswith free services such as appliance cleaning, knife sharpening, water quality testing and small appliance repair. So far, 508 towns and1,968 villages have been included in the project, and 156 service stations have been established.
On July 14, 2020, Haier's air con-ditioning team sent mineralwater, bread and other supportsupplies to the front-lineflood-fighting heroes stationed inthe Gutian duty section of HanRiver and the Baishazhou dutysection of Yangtze River to facili-tate the flood control.
Rural revitalizationDisaster relief
Thousands of Towns and Villages
In Huanggang City of Hubei, Haier employees of Wuhan risked being caught in mud-slides to help users transfer their appliances and recover their losses as far as possi-ble.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Haier actively responds to the national rural revitalization strategyand makes efforts to create a better life for rural areas.
Facing relentless natural disasters, Haier builds bridges with sincerityto deliver our care and warmth.
As the flood control entered a crucial stage, the pressure on the patrol duty stations intensified. The Haier micro-enterprise unit ofNanchang took the initiative to contact the local community to provide supplies as much as they can. The Haier micro-enterpriseunit of Nanchang arranged flood control supplies and tools, including shovels, sandbags, rain boots, mineral water and instant noo-dles. On July 15, 2020, personnel from the Haier micro-enterprise unit of Nanchang came to the flood control section of Bali Lake, atributary of the Yangtze River in Jiujiang City, to support and donate to flood control.
GEA has cooperated with the American Red Cross for many years. An online donation portal was established to encouragecompany employees to make charitable donations. After the hurricane hit Lafayette, Indiana, GEA donated necessary livingsupplies to local residents, including flashlights, generators, mobile phone chargers and refrigerators, so as to support thepost-disaster recovery.
The US
The Haier micro-enterprise outlet of Hefei organized Haier service soldiers from Wuwei City to donate a variety of living materials tothe local area and send caring lunches to flood control personnel. The Haier washing machine team urgently sent clothes dryers to thefront-line flood fighters. It took one and a half hours to go through the whole procedures from warehouse pickup to installation. Theproblem of clothes drying was timely solved for flood fighters.
Since July 4, 2020, Kumamoto Prefectureof Kyushu, Japan suffered constant rain-storms which triggered floods, mudslidesand other disasters. According to relevantdata, about 1,400 people in KumamotoPrefecture had to live in temporary shel-ters due to the rainstorms. Owing to theprolonged rainfall and recurring pandemic,the user demand in the disaster areas forfood storage and freezing and clean laun-dry intensified. Haier Japan immediatelydonated a total of 40 appliances such asrefrigerators, freezers and washingmachines to the shelters and volunteercenters to promptly tackle the pain pointsof victims and support post-disasterrecovery.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
On July 16, 2020, in the Haier Smart Home Haier (Wuhan) Air Conditioner Team Cares about the Front-line Flood Fighters and ProvidesSolid Support and Company during the Hard Period released by the China Household Electrical Appliances Association, the Associationcommended Haier for its positive energy.
As the flood control entered a crucial stage, the pressure on the patrol duty stations intensified. The Haier micro-enterprise unit ofNanchang took the initiative to contact the local community to provide supplies as much as they can. The Haier micro-enterpriseunit of Nanchang arranged flood control supplies and tools, including shovels, sandbags, rain boots, mineral water and instant noo-dles. On July 15, 2020, personnel from the Haier micro-enterprise unit of Nanchang came to the flood control section of Bali Lake, atributary of the Yangtze River in Jiujiang City, to support and donate to flood control.
GEA has cooperated with the American Red Cross for many years. An online donation portal was established to encouragecompany employees to make charitable donations. After the hurricane hit Lafayette, Indiana, GEA donated necessary livingsupplies to local residents, including flashlights, generators, mobile phone chargers and refrigerators, so as to support thepost-disaster recovery.
The USThe Haier micro-enterprise outlet of Hefei organized Haier service soldiers from Wuwei City to donate a variety of living materials tothe local area and send caring lunches to flood control personnel. The Haier washing machine team urgently sent clothes dryers to thefront-line flood fighters. It took one and a half hours to go through the whole procedures from warehouse pickup to installation. Theproblem of clothes drying was timely solved for flood fighters.
Since July 4, 2020, Kumamoto Prefectureof Kyushu, Japan suffered constant rain-storms which triggered floods, mudslidesand other disasters. According to relevantdata, about 1,400 people in KumamotoPrefecture had to live in temporary shel-ters due to the rainstorms. Owing to theprolonged rainfall and recurring pandemic,the user demand in the disaster areas forfood storage and freezing and clean laun-dry intensified. Haier Japan immediatelydonated a total of 40 appliances such asrefrigerators, freezers and washingmachines to the shelters and volunteercenters to promptly tackle the pain pointsof victims and support post-disasterrecovery.
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
On July 16, 2020, in the Haier Smart Home Haier (Wuhan) Air Conditioner Team Cares about the Front-line Flood Fighters and ProvidesSolid Support and Company during the Hard Period released by the China Household Electrical Appliances Association, the Associationcommended Haier for its positive energy.
Third-party Evaluation
made by the China
Household Electrical
Appliances Association
Since the reform and opening up, China's home applianceindustry has developed from small-sized to large-sized andfrom weak to strong. Through introduction, learning, imitationand persistence, we have made innovations and even some-how outperformed foreign brands. China's home applianceindustry is moving forward at a solid and powerful pace. 2020marks the final year of the 13th Five-Year Plan. In the past fiveyears, China's home appliance industry developed steadily. Inaddition to maintaining the world's largest industrial scale, wefurther improved our innovation capability and comprehensivecapacity, and basically realized the goal of developing "from alarge home appliance country to a strong home appliancecountry" that was proposed in the 13th Five-Year Plan.The development journey of China's home appliance industryis an epitome of China's manufacturing industry. Haier, as aleading enterprise in China's home appliance industry, hasalways progressed with the times by constantly conductingbold innovation and reform under the tide of the era. 36 yearsago, as Zhang Ruimin, the founder of Haier Group, smashedthe refrigerator with a hammer in his hand, he also smashedthe traditional management model, so that Haier could devel-op its own brand awareness and create brand value. 36 yearslater, after five strategic development stages including thefamous brand, diversification, internationalization, globaliza-tion and networking, Haier launched the eco-brand strategyto constantly surpass the original image, reshape a new imageand lead the trend by virtue of self-breakthrough, self-subver-sion and self-challenge.In the first half of 2020, China's home appliance industrybucked the trend in spite of the COVID-19 outbreak and theimpact of the changing international landscape. It recordedexports of over USD80 billion for the first time, the highestgrowth rate in the past decade. Undoubtedly, this is the bestrecognition and commendation for the international develop-ment of China's home appliance industry. Haier, as a leader inthe home appliance industry, started from the Chinese marketand has kept developing its global business layout to becomea leader of global ecological brands. So far, Haier home appli-ances have been sold to every corner of the world, includingAsia, Africa, Europe, North America and the Middle East. Haierhas 10 R&D centers, 25 industrial parks, 108 marketing centersand 122 manufacturing plants worldwide. Haier has main-tained the position as the No. 1 retailer of large home appli-ances 12 consecutive times. It always stands at the forefront oftechnological revolution and development of the times, andleads the development trend of the global home applianceindustry.In this era of "Internet of Everything", the world is graduallybecoming an integral whole. Home appliance enterprises haveto face the challenges in integrating new technologies and
Executive President of China Household Electrical Appliances Association
achieving self-iteration. Based on new technologies such asIoT, big data, cloud computing, 5G and AI, Haier continuouslyevolves itself by virtue of the three value support: Scenarios,ecology and users. Guided by smart homes, it brings a betterliving experience to global users. This year, Haier removed itshome appliance label which has been attached to it for 36years, and released the world's first scenario brand "Sanyin-iao", becoming the first enterprise transforming from a homeappliance manufacturer to a scenario solution provider. A newtrack of scenario brands in the IoT era has been created.In 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak brought misery to the wholeworld. Haier fully fulfilled its corporate responsibilities, capital-ized on its global resource advantages, and took rapid andactive actions to fight the pandemic. Moreover, it directed thewhole industry chain and cluster to create mutual benefitsand promote economic recovery, making prominent contribu-tions to win this battle without gunpowder.Haier has embarked on a new journey to forge ahead acrossobstacles day and night. We look forward to seeing Haier, afully-developed enterprise and a pioneer of the times, contin-uously play the role of an industry leader, firmly uphold thesense of mission and responsibility, make constant innovationsand active reforms, and guide the steady development of thehome appliance industry.
Third-party Evaluation
made by the China
Household Electrical
Appliances Association
Since the reform and opening up, China's home applianceindustry has developed from small-sized to large-sized andfrom weak to strong. Through introduction, learning, imitationand persistence, we have made innovations and even some-how outperformed foreign brands. China's home applianceindustry is moving forward at a solid and powerful pace. 2020marks the final year of the 13th Five-Year Plan. In the past fiveyears, China's home appliance industry developed steadily. Inaddition to maintaining the world's largest industrial scale, wefurther improved our innovation capability and comprehensivecapacity, and basically realized the goal of developing "from alarge home appliance country to a strong home appliancecountry" that was proposed in the 13th Five-Year Plan.The development journey of China's home appliance industryis an epitome of China's manufacturing industry. Haier, as aleading enterprise in China's home appliance industry, hasalways progressed with the times by constantly conductingbold innovation and reform under the tide of the era. 36 yearsago, as Zhang Ruimin, the founder of Haier Group, smashedthe refrigerator with a hammer in his hand, he also smashedthe traditional management model, so that Haier could devel-op its own brand awareness and create brand value. 36 yearslater, after five strategic development stages including thefamous brand, diversification, internationalization, globaliza-tion and networking, Haier launched the eco-brand strategyto constantly surpass the original image, reshape a new imageand lead the trend by virtue of self-breakthrough, self-subver-sion and self-challenge.In the first half of 2020, China's home appliance industrybucked the trend in spite of the COVID-19 outbreak and theimpact of the changing international landscape. It recordedexports of over USD80 billion for the first time, the highestgrowth rate in the past decade. Undoubtedly, this is the bestrecognition and commendation for the international develop-ment of China's home appliance industry. Haier, as a leader inthe home appliance industry, started from the Chinese marketand has kept developing its global business layout to becomea leader of global ecological brands. So far, Haier home appli-ances have been sold to every corner of the world, includingAsia, Africa, Europe, North America and the Middle East. Haierhas 10 R&D centers, 25 industrial parks, 108 marketing centersand 122 manufacturing plants worldwide. Haier has main-tained the position as the No. 1 retailer of large home appli-ances 12 consecutive times. It always stands at the forefront oftechnological revolution and development of the times, andleads the development trend of the global home applianceindustry.In this era of "Internet of Everything", the world is graduallybecoming an integral whole. Home appliance enterprises haveto face the challenges in integrating new technologies and
Executive President of China Household Electrical Appliances Association
achieving self-iteration. Based on new technologies such asIoT, big data, cloud computing, 5G and AI, Haier continuouslyevolves itself by virtue of the three value support: Scenarios,ecology and users. Guided by smart homes, it brings a betterliving experience to global users. This year, Haier removed itshome appliance label which has been attached to it for 36years, and released the world's first scenario brand "Sanyin-iao", becoming the first enterprise transforming from a homeappliance manufacturer to a scenario solution provider. A newtrack of scenario brands in the IoT era has been created.In 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak brought misery to the wholeworld. Haier fully fulfilled its corporate responsibilities, capital-ized on its global resource advantages, and took rapid andactive actions to fight the pandemic. Moreover, it directed thewhole industry chain and cluster to create mutual benefitsand promote economic recovery, making prominent contribu-tions to win this battle without gunpowder.Haier has embarked on a new journey to forge ahead acrossobstacles day and night. We look forward to seeing Haier, afully-developed enterprise and a pioneer of the times, contin-uously play the role of an industry leader, firmly uphold thesense of mission and responsibility, make constant innovationsand active reforms, and guide the steady development of thehome appliance industry.
"Haier Smart Home 2019 Social Responsibility Report" was selected as one of the "100 Excellent Corporate Social ResponsibilityReport" at the Launch Event of the 2020 Sustainable Development Report of China’s Industry and Information Technology in theInternational Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility of Industry and Information Technology.
"100 Excellent Corporate Social Responsibility Report" from the Forum on Corporate SocialResponsibility of Industry and Information Technology
Haier Electronics won the "Theme Award" of the BDO ESG Awards 2021 granted by BDO Limited."Theme Award" from BDO ESG Awards 2021On 23 February 2021
Haier Group won the "2020 Qingdao Charity Work Award" for its outstanding contributions to social responsibility and public wel-fare ecology at the "2020 Qingdao Charity Top Ten" awards party hosted by Qingdao Charity Federation.
2020 Qingdao Charity Work Award
On 7 January 2021
Haier Electronics was awarded the "Fifth Golden Hong Kong Stock Award: Best Large Consumer and Service Company" by Zhitong-Finance and RoyalFlush Finance.
The Fifth Golden Hong Kong Stock Award: Best Large Consumer and Service CompanyOn 7 January 2021
The 2020 (3rd) Social Responsibility Conference was successfully held in Beijing. Haier Group won the "Honor Award - The MostInfluential Brand of Social Responsibility in 2020".
Honor Award - The Most Influential Brand of Social Responsibility in 2020On 29 December 2020
The 2020 People's Corporate Social Responsibility Summit Forum and the 15th People's Corporate Social Responsibility Award Cere-mony sponsored by People's Daily Online were held in Beijing. Haier Group won the 15th "People's Corporate Social ResponsibilityAward-Annual Enterprise Award" for its innovative practices in social responsibility and public welfare ecology.
People's Corporate Social Responsibility Award - Annual Enterprise Award
On 12 December 2020
Social responsibility honor/ESG honor
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
On 6 November 2020
"Haier Smart Home 2019 Social Responsibility Report" was selected as one of the "100 Excellent Corporate Social ResponsibilityReport" at the Launch Event of the 2020 Sustainable Development Report of China’s Industry and Information Technology in theInternational Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility of Industry and Information Technology.
"100 Excellent Corporate Social Responsibility Report" from the Forum on Corporate SocialResponsibility of Industry and Information Technology
Haier Electronics won the "Theme Award" of the BDO ESG Awards 2021 granted by BDO Limited."Theme Award" from BDO ESG Awards 2021
On 23 February 2021
Haier Group won the "2020 Qingdao Charity Work Award" for its outstanding contributions to social responsibility and public wel-fare ecology at the "2020 Qingdao Charity Top Ten" awards party hosted by Qingdao Charity Federation.
2020 Qingdao Charity Work AwardOn 7 January 2021
Haier Electronics was awarded the "Fifth Golden Hong Kong Stock Award: Best Large Consumer and Service Company" by Zhitong-Finance and RoyalFlush Finance.
The Fifth Golden Hong Kong Stock Award: Best Large Consumer and Service CompanyOn 7 January 2021
The 2020 (3rd) Social Responsibility Conference was successfully held in Beijing. Haier Group won the "Honor Award - The MostInfluential Brand of Social Responsibility in 2020".
Honor Award - The Most Influential Brand of Social Responsibility in 2020On 29 December 2020
The 2020 People's Corporate Social Responsibility Summit Forum and the 15th People's Corporate Social Responsibility Award Cere-mony sponsored by People's Daily Online were held in Beijing. Haier Group won the 15th "People's Corporate Social ResponsibilityAward-Annual Enterprise Award" for its innovative practices in social responsibility and public welfare ecology.
People's Corporate Social Responsibility Award - Annual Enterprise AwardOn 12 December 2020
Social responsibility honor/ESG honor
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
On 6 November 2020
The "Action League 2020 Charity Ceremony" sponsored by IFNG.COM was held in Beijingwhich announced four major charityawards for the year and initiated the "Special Award for Anti-epidemic". Haier Group won the "Special Contribution EnterpriseAward".
Special Contribution Enterprise Award
On 1 December 2020
Haier Electronics won the "Excellent Social Performance -Grand Award" and "Best ESG Report (Large Cap)-Commendation Award"in the "Hong Kong Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Awards 2020" granted by Zongheng Finance.On 8 December 2020
Haier Electronics won the InnoESG Prize 2020 granted by SocietyNext Foundation.InnoESG Prize 2020On 11 November 2020
Haier was awarded the title of "World-renowned National Business Card" at the 14th China Brand Festival hosted by the Brand ChinaIndustry Union and the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. This is the 11th time that Haier has won thehonor. At the same time, Haier also won the "Brand Enterprise Award for Fighting the Epidemic" for its active and comprehensiveanti-epidemic actions during the COVID-19 epidemic period.
"World-renowned National Business Card" and "Brand Enterprise Award for Fightingthe Epidemic"On 8 August 2020
The 2020 China Management Science Conference and the 7th Management Science Award Ceremony sponsored by the China Man-agement Science Society was held. Zhang Ruimin, chairman of the Board and CEO of Haier Group, was awarded the 7th Manage-ment Science Special Contribution Respectable Award.
The 7th Management Science Special Contribution Respectable AwardOn 27 September 2020
The Chinese version of FORTUNE released the ranking of “2020 China's 50 Most Influential Business Leaders” and Zhang Ruimin, thechairman of Board and CEO of Haier Group, was also on the list.
2020 China's 50 Most Influential Business LeadersOn 13 April 2020
FORTUNE, an American magazine, released its lists of “2020 World's Most Admired Company”, which included Haier Smart Homeagain. In terms of home appliances, Haier Smart Home is the only company selected in Europe, Asia and outside the US.
2020 World's Most Admired CompanyOn 21 January 2021
Haier India was awarded the 2020 Flipkart “Seamless Execution Award” by Flipkart, an Indian e-commerce giant, which is the secondconsecutive time that Haier India has won the award since last year.
“Seamless Execution” Award
On 17 January 2021
According to the data from Euromonitor, the World's Leading Market Research Agency, Haier ranks first in the global retail volume oflarge home appliances brands in 2020, which is also the 12th consecutive time that Haier has ranked No.1 in this field.
Global No.1 by EuromonitorOn 11 January 2021
VnExpress, Vietnam’s largest news portal, selected Vietnam’s most influential consumer electronics brands in 2020, among which,the AQUA washing machine brand under Haier Smart Home was awarded the "Consumer Favorite Washing Machine" Award for itsnewly-launched FT platform front loading machine.
"Consumer Favorite Washing Machine" AwardOn 8 January 2021
IAsk released the list of the top 50 “Global Most Influential Founders” for 2020 and Zhang Ruimin, chairman of the Board and CEOof Haier Group, was selected.
List of the top 50 Global Most Influential Founders for 2020On 8 January 2021
The "2020 China Brand Annual Conference" sponsored by the China Council for Brand Development under the State Administrationfor Market Regulation and the China Brand magazine was held in Beijing. Zhang Ruimin, chairman of the Board and CEO of HaierGroup, was awarded "15 Years of China Brands (2006-2020) - Outstanding Influential Person".
15 Years of China Brands (2006-2020) - Outstanding Influential PersonOn 20 December 2020
Leadership honor
Brand Honor
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
"Excellent Social Performance -Grand Award" and "Best ESG Report (Large Cap)-Commen-dation Award"
The "Action League 2020 Charity Ceremony" sponsored by IFNG.COM was held in Beijingwhich announced four major charityawards for the year and initiated the "Special Award for Anti-epidemic". Haier Group won the "Special Contribution EnterpriseAward".
Special Contribution Enterprise Award
On 1 December 2020
Haier Electronics won the "Excellent Social Performance -Grand Award" and "Best ESG Report (Large Cap)-Commendation Award"in the "Hong Kong Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Awards 2020" granted by Zongheng Finance.On 8 December 2020
Haier Electronics won the InnoESG Prize 2020 granted by SocietyNext Foundation.InnoESG Prize 2020On 11 November 2020
Haier was awarded the title of "World-renowned National Business Card" at the 14th China Brand Festival hosted by the Brand ChinaIndustry Union and the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government. This is the 11th time that Haier has won thehonor. At the same time, Haier also won the "Brand Enterprise Award for Fighting the Epidemic" for its active and comprehensiveanti-epidemic actions during the COVID-19 epidemic period.
"World-renowned National Business Card" and "Brand Enterprise Award for Fightingthe Epidemic"
On 8 August 2020
The 2020 China Management Science Conference and the 7th Management Science Award Ceremony sponsored by the China Man-agement Science Society was held. Zhang Ruimin, chairman of the Board and CEO of Haier Group, was awarded the 7th Manage-ment Science Special Contribution Respectable Award.
The 7th Management Science Special Contribution Respectable Award
On 27 September 2020
The Chinese version of FORTUNE released the ranking of “2020 China's 50 Most Influential Business Leaders” and Zhang Ruimin, thechairman of Board and CEO of Haier Group, was also on the list.
2020 China's 50 Most Influential Business Leaders
On 13 April 2020
FORTUNE, an American magazine, released its lists of “2020 World's Most Admired Company”, which included Haier Smart Homeagain. In terms of home appliances, Haier Smart Home is the only company selected in Europe, Asia and outside the US.
2020 World's Most Admired Company
On 21 January 2021
Haier India was awarded the 2020 Flipkart “Seamless Execution Award” by Flipkart, an Indian e-commerce giant, which is the secondconsecutive time that Haier India has won the award since last year.
“Seamless Execution” AwardOn 17 January 2021
According to the data from Euromonitor, the World's Leading Market Research Agency, Haier ranks first in the global retail volume oflarge home appliances brands in 2020, which is also the 12th consecutive time that Haier has ranked No.1 in this field.
Global No.1 by EuromonitorOn 11 January 2021
VnExpress, Vietnam’s largest news portal, selected Vietnam’s most influential consumer electronics brands in 2020, among which,the AQUA washing machine brand under Haier Smart Home was awarded the "Consumer Favorite Washing Machine" Award for itsnewly-launched FT platform front loading machine.
"Consumer Favorite Washing Machine" AwardOn 8 January 2021
IAsk released the list of the top 50 “Global Most Influential Founders” for 2020 and Zhang Ruimin, chairman of the Board and CEOof Haier Group, was selected.
List of the top 50 Global Most Influential Founders for 2020On 8 January 2021
The "2020 China Brand Annual Conference" sponsored by the China Council for Brand Development under the State Administrationfor Market Regulation and the China Brand magazine was held in Beijing. Zhang Ruimin, chairman of the Board and CEO of HaierGroup, was awarded "15 Years of China Brands (2006-2020) - Outstanding Influential Person".
15 Years of China Brands (2006-2020) - Outstanding Influential PersonOn 20 December 2020
Leadership honor
Brand Honor
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
"Excellent Social Performance -Grand Award" and "Best ESG Report (Large Cap)-Commen-dation Award"
The Science and Technology Award Committee of China’s Federation of Light Industry approved the lists of 2020 Innovation andTechnological Advancement awards issued by China’s Federation of Light Industry. Haier Smart Home won three First prizes for itsadvancement, with the projects covering food preservation, smart homes, healthy living and other fields.
First Prize in Technological Advancement from the Federation of Light IndustryOn 30 December 2020
Twitter, the world's largest public dialogue platform, and BrandConnect, a subsidiary of The Economist Group in the UK, released"Going Global: Report on 2020 China Leading Overseas Brands of Twitter" and Haier Group was successfully selected in the “2020China Leading Overseas Brands List of Twitter”.
2020 China Leading Overseas Brands List of Twitter
On 28 December 2020
ROI and EFESO announced the final list of winners in 2020 on the official website of the Germany Industry 4.0 Award. As one of thewinners again, Haier Smart Home became the only Chinese company to win the award.
Germany ROI-EFESO Industry 4.0 AwardOn 23 December 2020
Haier Refrigerator won the third prize of Scientific and Technological Advancement Award of Qingdao Municipal at the QingdaoScience and Technology Award Conference for the “application of multimodal fusion of intelligent interaction technology in refriger-ator products”, leading the technological progress and industrial development of the refrigerator industry.
The Third Prize of Scientific and Technological Advancement Award of Qingdao MunicipalOn 22 December 2020
The Smart Refrigerator iCase Series under Haier Leader won the honorary title of “Good Product” by virtue of its personalized andcustomized innovative design at the 2020 China Home Appliance Industry Annual Summit and "Good Product" Release Ceremony.
The Annual List of "Good Product" of China’s Home AppliancesOn 17 December 2020
At the 12th "China High-end Home Appliance Trend Release and Red Top Award Ceremony", Haier Casarte Refrigerator Ice Bar Setwon the "Red Top Award", becoming the first winner of the refrigerator ice bar combination set category.
Red Top AwardOn 16 December 2020
The 17th ranking list of Top 500 World Brands (2020compiled exclusively by World Brand Lab was officially announced in NewYork, USA. Haier was once again selected as the world's only IoT eco-brand, moving up to 39th place and ranking third amongChinese brands. This is the 17th consecutive year that Haier has been selected as one of the top 500 world brands, and the fourthconsecutive year that Haier has ranked among the top three Chinese brands on the list.
Top 500 World BrandsOn 16 December 2020
Haier Group was honored as the "Most Respected Company of China" at the "Annual Respected Companies Conference" organizedby the Economic Observer for the 20th consecutive year.
The Most Respected Company of China
On 14 December 2020
The “WISE2020 Future City Summit” launched the "Annual Scenario New Species" competition for the first time, awarding HaierThree-Winged Bird the "Smart Home New Specie of the Year". The award recognized Haier's innovative contributions in the areas ofscenario and services.
“Smart Home New Specie of the Year”On 8 December 2020
IMWF held its fourth research conference in Munich on the theme of "Customer's Most Trusted Brand". In the category of "HomeAppliances", Haier Smart Home was the only selected Chinese brand.
“Customer's Most Trusted Brand” in the Field of Home ApplianceOn 7 December 2020
At the 6th China Smart Home Conference themed by "TECHMORE@2021", Haier Smart Home won the special award for "SmartHome Brand Recommendation". Three-Winged Bird won the special award for "Smart Ecological Scenario Leadership", and LeaderRefrigerator, Haier Refrigerator Products and whole space freshness preservation technology were awarded the "GOLDEN CHOICEAWARDS", becoming the only brand with the most awards in the refrigerator industry.
2020 "GOLDEN CHOICE AWARDS"On 26 November 2020
Safeguard Healthy Life with Fresh Food - 2020 China Refrigerator Industry Summit Forum was held in Guiyang. Haier refrigeratorBCD-500WDIGU1 and Casarte refrigerator BCD-400WDYBU1 won two awards of the 2020 Pioneer Award for Smart Kitchen andLiving Integration in Refrigerator Industry, 2020 Pioneer Award for Borderless Built-in Aesthetics in Refrigerator Industry.
2020 Pioneer Award for Smart Kitchen and Living Integration in Refrigerator Industry2020 Pioneer Award for Borderless Built-in Aesthetics in Refrigerator Industry
On 25 November 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
The Science and Technology Award Committee of China’s Federation of Light Industry approved the lists of 2020 Innovation andTechnological Advancement awards issued by China’s Federation of Light Industry. Haier Smart Home won three First prizes for itsadvancement, with the projects covering food preservation, smart homes, healthy living and other fields.
First Prize in Technological Advancement from the Federation of Light IndustryOn 30 December 2020
Twitter, the world's largest public dialogue platform, and BrandConnect, a subsidiary of The Economist Group in the UK, released"Going Global: Report on 2020 China Leading Overseas Brands of Twitter" and Haier Group was successfully selected in the “2020China Leading Overseas Brands List of Twitter”.
2020 China Leading Overseas Brands List of TwitterOn 28 December 2020
ROI and EFESO announced the final list of winners in 2020 on the official website of the Germany Industry 4.0 Award. As one of thewinners again, Haier Smart Home became the only Chinese company to win the award.
Germany ROI-EFESO Industry 4.0 AwardOn 23 December 2020
Haier Refrigerator won the third prize of Scientific and Technological Advancement Award of Qingdao Municipal at the QingdaoScience and Technology Award Conference for the “application of multimodal fusion of intelligent interaction technology in refriger-ator products”, leading the technological progress and industrial development of the refrigerator industry.
The Third Prize of Scientific and Technological Advancement Award of Qingdao MunicipalOn 22 December 2020
The Smart Refrigerator iCase Series under Haier Leader won the honorary title of “Good Product” by virtue of its personalized andcustomized innovative design at the 2020 China Home Appliance Industry Annual Summit and "Good Product" Release Ceremony.
The Annual List of "Good Product" of China’s Home AppliancesOn 17 December 2020
At the 12th "China High-end Home Appliance Trend Release and Red Top Award Ceremony", Haier Casarte Refrigerator Ice Bar Setwon the "Red Top Award", becoming the first winner of the refrigerator ice bar combination set category.
Red Top Award
On 16 December 2020
The 17th ranking list of Top 500 World Brands (2020compiled exclusively by World Brand Lab was officially announced in NewYork, USA. Haier was once again selected as the world's only IoT eco-brand, moving up to 39th place and ranking third amongChinese brands. This is the 17th consecutive year that Haier has been selected as one of the top 500 world brands, and the fourthconsecutive year that Haier has ranked among the top three Chinese brands on the list.
Top 500 World BrandsOn 16 December 2020
Haier Group was honored as the "Most Respected Company of China" at the "Annual Respected Companies Conference" organizedby the Economic Observer for the 20th consecutive year.
The Most Respected Company of ChinaOn 14 December 2020
The “WISE2020 Future City Summit” launched the "Annual Scenario New Species" competition for the first time, awarding HaierThree-Winged Bird the "Smart Home New Specie of the Year". The award recognized Haier's innovative contributions in the areas ofscenario and services.
“Smart Home New Specie of the Year”On 8 December 2020
IMWF held its fourth research conference in Munich on the theme of "Customer's Most Trusted Brand". In the category of "HomeAppliances", Haier Smart Home was the only selected Chinese brand.
“Customer's Most Trusted Brand” in the Field of Home Appliance
On 7 December 2020
At the 6th China Smart Home Conference themed by "TECHMORE@2021", Haier Smart Home won the special award for "SmartHome Brand Recommendation". Three-Winged Bird won the special award for "Smart Ecological Scenario Leadership", and LeaderRefrigerator, Haier Refrigerator Products and whole space freshness preservation technology were awarded the "GOLDEN CHOICEAWARDS", becoming the only brand with the most awards in the refrigerator industry.
2020 "GOLDEN CHOICE AWARDS"On 26 November 2020
Safeguard Healthy Life with Fresh Food - 2020 China Refrigerator Industry Summit Forum was held in Guiyang. Haier refrigeratorBCD-500WDIGU1 and Casarte refrigerator BCD-400WDYBU1 won two awards of the 2020 Pioneer Award for Smart Kitchen andLiving Integration in Refrigerator Industry, 2020 Pioneer Award for Borderless Built-in Aesthetics in Refrigerator Industry.
2020 Pioneer Award for Smart Kitchen and Living Integration in Refrigerator Industry2020 Pioneer Award for Borderless Built-in Aesthetics in Refrigerator Industry
On 25 November 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
The Japanese magazine MonoMax released the list of winners of the "Home Appliance Award 2020", and the Prette series: 14kgultrasonic washing machine under Haier Smart Home’s AQUA brand, won the top prize under the keyword "clean".
The Home Appliance Award 2020
On 7 November 2020
Haier was selected as one of the top five in the list of "Top 20 Chinese Enterprises Global Image 2020" and one of the "ExcellentStories of Chinese Enterprises Global Image" at the 2020 Chinese Enterprise Global Image Summit.
Top 20 Chinese Enterprises Global ImageOn 3 November 2020
With the theme of "Create New Life for Future", the 16th China Household Appliances Innovation Awards was held in Beijing. HaierWater Heater, Haier Refrigerator, Haier Water Purification won a number of awards including "Outstanding Innovation", "TechnicalInnovation" and "Product Innovation" with a variety of innovative products.
The Outstanding Innovation Award of the Year, the Product Innovation Award of the Yearand the Technical Innovation Award of the YearOn 22 October 2020
At the meeting of the Launch of Technical Specification of Home Appliances for Mother and Infant and the 2020 Best Appliances forMother and Infant Evaluation Results hosted by China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute, Casarte refrigerator productswon “Mother and Infant · Best Appliances” certificate, and became the first batch products passed the “Group Standards for Motherand Infant” evaluation.
“Mother and Infant · Best Appliances” CertificateOn 29 October 2020
The release conference of 2020 BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands and 10th anniversary special celebration was held inShanghai . In this 10th anniversary special celebration, Haier won the “World’s First IoT Eco-brand Award” offered by Kantar, and wasranked top 1 of the BrandZ 2011-2020 Top 10 Brand Value Growth List.
2020 BrandZ
TMTop 100 Most Valuable Chinese BrandsOn 15 October 2020
“2020 (5th) China Smart Manufacturing Annual Summit” organized by 21st Century Business Herald was held in Guangzhou, atwhich Haier Refrigerator was honored “Extraordinary Smart Factory for the Year”.
Extraordinary Smart Factory for the YearOn 27 September 2020
China Quality magazine formally released 2020 Winners of China Quality and Technology Innovation Result Republication. 5G NBIoT self-cleaning air-conditioners scenario resolution firstly implemented by Haier Air Conditioner in Thailand was selected as theFirst Prize for China Quality and Technology Innovation (Model).
The First Prize for “Quality and Technology Innovation”On 22 September 2020
2020 Recommended Award Project (Candidate) for Science and Technology Award of Shandong Province was released. Haier SmartHome won the first prize with project of Major Technology Research and Industrialization for Single Barrel Full-automatic WashingMachine. Industries including television, water heater, air conditioner and kitchen appliance won 3 Second Prizes and 3 Third Prizes.
Science and Technology Award of Shandong ProvinceOn 21 September 2020
2020 China HVAC Industry Development Summit and China “Cooling & Heating Intelligent Manufacturing” Awards Ceremony washeld in Shanghai. Haier Air Energy was honored the Golden Intelligent Award, the most prestigious award, which became the onlybrand in Heating and Ventilation that has won the award for four consecutive years.
Golden Intelligent AwardFrom 23-24 September 2020
The World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network held 2020 annual meeting online, Haier became the first group of enterprisesincluded in the “Lighthouse Factories” and carried out the “cloud show” as one of the model enterprises in the “Lighthouse Factory”.
Global Lighthouse FactoriesFrom 17-18 September 2020
Real Homes, a British magazine, published the lists of winners of Best Products Awards in 2020 selected by users. Haier SmartHome’s products Haier high-end refrigerators and high-end washing machines, Hoover vacuum cleaners and multi-purpose ovensare on the “Best Household Products” list of Real Homes.
“Best Household Products” Award
On 16 September 2020
Haier Group won the “Top 10 Innovative Brands of Chinese Enterprise” in the “2020 (4th) China Brand Development Summit Forumand China Brand Person Summit” with the theme of “Post-epidemic Era Actions of Chinese Brands” co-sponsored by China businesspress and Enterprise Research Institute of China Academy of Management Sciences.
Top 10 Innovative Brands of Chinese Enterprise in 2020From 27-29 August 2020
The list of BUSINESSAward organized and selected by the authoritative Thai magazine BUSINESSwas released and Haier Thai-land Navi cooling refrigerators and self-purifying air conditioners won the “Innovative Product Award”.
BUSINESS + Innovative Product Award
On 25 August 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
The Japanese magazine MonoMax released the list of winners of the "Home Appliance Award 2020", and the Prette series: 14kgultrasonic washing machine under Haier Smart Home’s AQUA brand, won the top prize under the keyword "clean".
The Home Appliance Award 2020On 7 November 2020
Haier was selected as one of the top five in the list of "Top 20 Chinese Enterprises Global Image 2020" and one of the "ExcellentStories of Chinese Enterprises Global Image" at the 2020 Chinese Enterprise Global Image Summit.
Top 20 Chinese Enterprises Global ImageOn 3 November 2020
With the theme of "Create New Life for Future", the 16th China Household Appliances Innovation Awards was held in Beijing. HaierWater Heater, Haier Refrigerator, Haier Water Purification won a number of awards including "Outstanding Innovation", "TechnicalInnovation" and "Product Innovation" with a variety of innovative products.
The Outstanding Innovation Award of the Year, the Product Innovation Award of the Yearand the Technical Innovation Award of the YearOn 22 October 2020
At the meeting of the Launch of Technical Specification of Home Appliances for Mother and Infant and the 2020 Best Appliances forMother and Infant Evaluation Results hosted by China Household Electric Appliance Research Institute, Casarte refrigerator productswon “Mother and Infant · Best Appliances” certificate, and became the first batch products passed the “Group Standards for Motherand Infant” evaluation.
“Mother and Infant · Best Appliances” CertificateOn 29 October 2020
The release conference of 2020 BrandZ Top 100 Most Valuable Chinese Brands and 10th anniversary special celebration was held inShanghai . In this 10th anniversary special celebration, Haier won the “World’s First IoT Eco-brand Award” offered by Kantar, and wasranked top 1 of the BrandZ 2011-2020 Top 10 Brand Value Growth List.
2020 BrandZ
TMTop 100 Most Valuable Chinese BrandsOn 15 October 2020
“2020 (5th) China Smart Manufacturing Annual Summit” organized by 21st Century Business Herald was held in Guangzhou, atwhich Haier Refrigerator was honored “Extraordinary Smart Factory for the Year”.
Extraordinary Smart Factory for the YearOn 27 September 2020
China Quality magazine formally released 2020 Winners of China Quality and Technology Innovation Result Republication. 5G NBIoT self-cleaning air-conditioners scenario resolution firstly implemented by Haier Air Conditioner in Thailand was selected as theFirst Prize for China Quality and Technology Innovation (Model).
The First Prize for “Quality and Technology Innovation”On 22 September 2020
2020 Recommended Award Project (Candidate) for Science and Technology Award of Shandong Province was released. Haier SmartHome won the first prize with project of Major Technology Research and Industrialization for Single Barrel Full-automatic WashingMachine. Industries including television, water heater, air conditioner and kitchen appliance won 3 Second Prizes and 3 Third Prizes.
Science and Technology Award of Shandong ProvinceOn 21 September 2020
2020 China HVAC Industry Development Summit and China “Cooling & Heating Intelligent Manufacturing” Awards Ceremony washeld in Shanghai. Haier Air Energy was honored the Golden Intelligent Award, the most prestigious award, which became the onlybrand in Heating and Ventilation that has won the award for four consecutive years.
Golden Intelligent AwardFrom 23-24 September 2020
The World Economic Forum Global Lighthouse Network held 2020 annual meeting online, Haier became the first group of enterprisesincluded in the “Lighthouse Factories” and carried out the “cloud show” as one of the model enterprises in the “Lighthouse Factory”.
Global Lighthouse FactoriesFrom 17-18 September 2020
Real Homes, a British magazine, published the lists of winners of Best Products Awards in 2020 selected by users. Haier SmartHome’s products Haier high-end refrigerators and high-end washing machines, Hoover vacuum cleaners and multi-purpose ovensare on the “Best Household Products” list of Real Homes.
“Best Household Products” AwardOn 16 September 2020
Haier Group won the “Top 10 Innovative Brands of Chinese Enterprise” in the “2020 (4th) China Brand Development Summit Forumand China Brand Person Summit” with the theme of “Post-epidemic Era Actions of Chinese Brands” co-sponsored by China businesspress and Enterprise Research Institute of China Academy of Management Sciences.
Top 10 Innovative Brands of Chinese Enterprise in 2020From 27-29 August 2020
The list of BUSINESSAward organized and selected by the authoritative Thai magazine BUSINESSwas released and Haier Thai-land Navi cooling refrigerators and self-purifying air conditioners won the “Innovative Product Award”.
BUSINESS + Innovative Product Award
On 25 August 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
On the list of 2020 FORTUNE Global 500 released by the FORTUNE magazine , Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. was included in the listagain with its ranking moved up 13 places.
2020 FORTUNE Global 500On 10 August 2020
Google and Kantar jointly issued the “2020 BrandZ
Top 50 Globalised Chinese Brands” online, among which Haier ranked at No.6,and consistently ranked the first in its industry.
2020 BrandZ
TMTop 50 Globalised Chinese BrandsOn 16 July 2020
The SIPO announced the winners of the 21st China Patent Award. Chinese household appliance enterprises won 3 golden awards alto-gether, of which Haier Smart Home swept the two golden awards, namely China Patent Golden Award and China Outlook Design GoldAward. The number of golden awards Haier Smart Home obtained is the first in the industry this time and the industry's first in thecumulative total over the years.
The 21st China Patent AwardOn 14 July 2020
WPP (the largest media group in the world) and its affiliate Kantar jointly released the list of “2020 BrandZ
TMTop 100 Most ValuableGlobal Brand” online. As the only "IoT Ecology" brand for two consecutive years, Haier has been selected as one of BrandZ
Top 100Most Valuable Global Brand. Its global ranking has risen from the 89th last year to the 68th, jumping up 21 places.
2020 BrandZ
TM Top 100 Most Valuable Global BrandOn 30 June 2020
The Fisher & Paykel multi-door refrigerator of Haier Smart Home won the 2020 T3 Awards of “Best Refrigerator Awards” by virtue ofits large capacity and fashionable design. T3 Awards is selected by a famous English magazine T3, which will select one best productamong scientific and technological products from different fields and is known as the “Oscar in Science and Technology”.
T3 Awards of “Best Refrigerator Awards”On 11 June 2020
GE Appliances, an affiliate of Haier Smart Home, obtained the recognition from UL which is a global leading security science company,and was rated as Golden-level IoT Security Appliance Company.
Golden-level IoT Security RatingsOn 11 May 2020
Haier Huayan Refrigerator BCD-500WDIGU1 refrigerator won the “AWE Outstanding Product Award”, the annual award in the homeappliance industry, for its healthy preservation scenario and the fully embedded scenario of the refrigerator.
The AWE Outstanding Product Award
On 16 April 2020
The winners of the Germany red dot product design award were released. Haier Smart Home’s products have won the Germany RedDot Design Award, which is known as the "Oscar Award for Global Industrial Design ".
Germany Red Dot Design AwardOn 10 March 2020
Fisher & Paykel, a brand of Haier Smart Home, won the Excellent Supplier Award of the Year from New Zealand real estate companyVersatile, affirming Fisher & Paykel's complete and customized kitchen and laundry solutions.
Excellent Supplier Award of the YearOn 10 March 2020
The winners of the Germany iF Design Award were announced. Haier has won five product awards, ranking first in the global industry.Germany iF Design AwardOn 5 February 2020
Haier’s project, “Development and Application of Refrigerators Based on MSA Oxygen-Control Fresh-keeping Technology”, won the“Science and Technology Improvement Award (Second Class)” from the China Light Industry Federation.
The Science and Technology Improvement Award (Second Class)On 10 January 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
On the list of 2020 FORTUNE Global 500 released by the FORTUNE magazine , Haier Smart Home Co., Ltd. was included in the listagain with its ranking moved up 13 places.
2020 FORTUNE Global 500On 10 August 2020
Google and Kantar jointly issued the “2020 BrandZ
TMTop 50 Globalised Chinese Brands” online, among which Haier ranked at No.6,and consistently ranked the first in its industry.
2020 BrandZ
TMTop 50 Globalised Chinese Brands
On 16 July 2020
The SIPO announced the winners of the 21st China Patent Award. Chinese household appliance enterprises won 3 golden awards alto-gether, of which Haier Smart Home swept the two golden awards, namely China Patent Golden Award and China Outlook Design GoldAward. The number of golden awards Haier Smart Home obtained is the first in the industry this time and the industry's first in thecumulative total over the years.
The 21st China Patent AwardOn 14 July 2020
WPP (the largest media group in the world) and its affiliate Kantar jointly released the list of “2020 BrandZ
TMTop 100 Most ValuableGlobal Brand” online. As the only "IoT Ecology" brand for two consecutive years, Haier has been selected as one of BrandZ
TMTop 100Most Valuable Global Brand. Its global ranking has risen from the 89th last year to the 68th, jumping up 21 places.
2020 BrandZ
TM Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brand
On 30 June 2020
The Fisher & Paykel multi-door refrigerator of Haier Smart Home won the 2020 T3 Awards of “Best Refrigerator Awards” by virtue ofits large capacity and fashionable design. T3 Awards is selected by a famous English magazine T3, which will select one best productamong scientific and technological products from different fields and is known as the “Oscar in Science and Technology”.
T3 Awards of “Best Refrigerator Awards”On 11 June 2020
GE Appliances, an affiliate of Haier Smart Home, obtained the recognition from UL which is a global leading security science company,and was rated as Golden-level IoT Security Appliance Company.
Golden-level IoT Security Ratings
On 11 May 2020
Haier Huayan Refrigerator BCD-500WDIGU1 refrigerator won the “AWE Outstanding Product Award”, the annual award in the homeappliance industry, for its healthy preservation scenario and the fully embedded scenario of the refrigerator.
The AWE Outstanding Product AwardOn 16 April 2020
The winners of the Germany red dot product design award were released. Haier Smart Home’s products have won the Germany RedDot Design Award, which is known as the "Oscar Award for Global Industrial Design ".
Germany Red Dot Design AwardOn 10 March 2020
Fisher & Paykel, a brand of Haier Smart Home, won the Excellent Supplier Award of the Year from New Zealand real estate companyVersatile, affirming Fisher & Paykel's complete and customized kitchen and laundry solutions.
Excellent Supplier Award of the YearOn 10 March 2020
The winners of the Germany iF Design Award were announced. Haier has won five product awards, ranking first in the global industry.Germany iF Design AwardOn 5 February 2020
Haier’s project, “Development and Application of Refrigerators Based on MSA Oxygen-Control Fresh-keeping Technology”, won the“Science and Technology Improvement Award (Second Class)” from the China Light Industry Federation.
The Science and Technology Improvement Award (Second Class)
On 10 January 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Report
Good Things
For Life
GEA Corporate
Report 2020
Good Things
For Life
GEA Corporate
Report 2020
How 2020 changed usfor the better.
Powered by
From navigating a global pandemic to being apart of the social justice movement, 2020 chal-lenged us all to take a closer look at who we are,what we stand for and how we can drive lastingchange in the communities we call home. Asbusinesses around the world were tested by ex-traordinary challenges, at GE Appliances, wewere guided by three principles: protecting thehealth and safety of our employees, serving ourcustomers, and supporting our communities.
How 2020 changed usfor the better.
Powered by
From navigating a global pandemic to being apart of the social justice movement, 2020 chal-lenged us all to take a closer look at who we are,what we stand for and how we can drive lastingchange in the communities we call home. Asbusinesses around the world were tested by ex-traordinary challenges, at GE Appliances, wewere guided by three principles: protecting thehealth and safety of our employees, serving ourcustomers, and supporting our communities.
Our COVID-19Response
Serving OurCustomers
Protecting the Health andSafety of Our Employees
Supporting OurCommunities
GE Appliances: 2020 Business Impact Award Recipient
GE Appliances was awarded a 2020 Business Impact Award by Louisville BusinessFirst in recognition of the speci?c steps we took to support our employees and ourcommunity during the COVID-19 crisis, as well as supporting the social justice movement.
Protecting the Healthand Safety of Employees
Serving OurCustomers
Supporting OurCommunities
Learn more about our response toCOVID-19 here.
Here are a few of the ways we adapted,which made GE Appliances a nationalmodel for COVID-19 response efforts:
When COVID-19 arrived, we knew we had totake assertive, steady action to help ensure thehealth and safety of our employees, serve ourcustomers, and support the communitieswhere we live and work.This meant taking bold and proactive stepsthat brought us together and made us stron-ger as a company.
While making sure our customers and ownershad the products they need to keep theirhomes clean and their food and medicines safe,promoting the health and safety of our employ-ees has always been our number one priority.To help ensure the safest possible work envi-ronment, we took unprecedented steps tomodify our factories and how work is done toalign with state and federal guidelines
Rolled out safeguards,including temperaturescreening for everyperson entering a GEAmanufacturing facility
Mandated that everyemployee who can dotheir jobs remotely workfrom home
Allowed ?exibility foremployees with underly-ing health conditions
At a time when millions of Americanswere laid o?, we did not furloughemployees and added hundreds ofdomestic jobs
Mandated that everyemployee who can dotheir jobs remotely workfrom home
Provided leave for indi-viduals with family obli-gations
Overhauled cleaningand sanitization pro-cesses in all of ourfacilities
During a time when more than 300 millionAmericans sheltered in place, our essentialmission was clear: to help families live inclean and sanitary environments at home.Our appliances are essential in ensuring thatAmericans can store foods and medicines,make meals for their families, and ?ghtgerms on their clothes and dishes. With fami-lies across the country relying on us to con-tinue making and repairing the appliancesthey use every day, we knew we had to cometogether to protect our employees, serve ourcustomers, and support our communities.And when more people were needed tokeep our manufacturing facilities operationalbecause the business allowed employees totake leaves of absence to care for sick or vul-nerable family members, 900 of our salariedemployees volunteered on our factory as-sembly lines to make essential appliances forour GEA customers and owners at a timewhen they needed us the most.
During these challenging times, GE Applianc-es banded together with the local communi-ties where we live and work to help protectthose on the front lines battling theCOVID-19 pandemic.We stepped up to lead initiatives and formedpartnerships aimed at building stronger andhealthier communities.
Our COVID-19Response
Serving OurCustomers
Protecting the Health andSafety of Our Employees
Supporting OurCommunities
GE Appliances: 2020 Business Impact Award Recipient
GE Appliances was awarded a 2020 Business Impact Award by Louisville BusinessFirst in recognition of the speci?c steps we took to support our employees and ourcommunity during the COVID-19 crisis, as well as supporting the social justice movement.
Protecting the Healthand Safety of Employees
Serving OurCustomers
Supporting OurCommunitiesSEE EXAMPLES ON NEXT PAGE >
Learn more about our response toCOVID-19 here.
Here are a few of the ways we adapted,which made GE Appliances a nationalmodel for COVID-19 response efforts:
When COVID-19 arrived, we knew we had totake assertive, steady action to help ensure thehealth and safety of our employees, serve ourcustomers, and support the communitieswhere we live and work.This meant taking bold and proactive stepsthat brought us together and made us stron-ger as a company.
While making sure our customers and ownershad the products they need to keep theirhomes clean and their food and medicines safe,promoting the health and safety of our employ-ees has always been our number one priority.To help ensure the safest possible work envi-ronment, we took unprecedented steps tomodify our factories and how work is done toalign with state and federal guidelines
Rolled out safeguards,including temperaturescreening for everyperson entering a GEAmanufacturing facility
Mandated that everyemployee who can dotheir jobs remotely workfrom home
Allowed ?exibility foremployees with underly-ing health conditions
At a time when millions of Americanswere laid o?, we did not furloughemployees and added hundreds ofdomestic jobs
Mandated that everyemployee who can dotheir jobs remotely workfrom home
Provided leave for indi-viduals with family obli-gations
Overhauled cleaningand sanitization pro-cesses in all of ourfacilities
During a time when more than 300 millionAmericans sheltered in place, our essentialmission was clear: to help families live inclean and sanitary environments at home.Our appliances are essential in ensuring thatAmericans can store foods and medicines,make meals for their families, and ?ghtgerms on their clothes and dishes. With fami-lies across the country relying on us to con-tinue making and repairing the appliancesthey use every day, we knew we had to cometogether to protect our employees, serve ourcustomers, and support our communities.And when more people were needed tokeep our manufacturing facilities operationalbecause the business allowed employees totake leaves of absence to care for sick or vul-nerable family members, 900 of our salariedemployees volunteered on our factory as-sembly lines to make essential appliances forour GEA customers and owners at a timewhen they needed us the most.
During these challenging times, GE Applianc-es banded together with the local communi-ties where we live and work to help protectthose on the front lines battling theCOVID-19 pandemic.We stepped up to lead initiatives and formedpartnerships aimed at building stronger andhealthier communities.
Nearly 10,000 faceshields manufacturedfor healthcare workers& ?rst responders
500+ intubationshields designed,produced & donated
250,000+ masksand 125,000+gloves donated tohealthcare facilities
$3,000 donated toWaterStep, providingbleach-making kits tothe community
Nearly $1 million worthof appliances donatedto American heroes
$100,000contributed to theOne Louisville Fund
We teamed up with the United Way Worldwideto create GEA4Heroes, a program that enabledus to donate a signi?cant portion of our U.S. ap-pliance production to ?rst responders andhealthcare workers. Almost $1 million worth ofappliances were donated across the country tothe men and women who worked around theclock to keep us safe during the ?ght againstCOVID-19.
Utilizing our Appliance Park 3-D printing opera-tions and our FirstBuild microfactory, whichconnects GE Appliances directly with the makercommunity, we manufactured nearly 10,000face shields.
We also donated $3,000 to WaterStep, whichprovided bleach-making kits to community or-ganizations and healthcare facilities to assist incleaning and sanitizing.
Utilizing our Appliance Park 3-D printing op-erations and our FirstBuild microfactory,which connects GE Appliances directly withthe maker community, we manufacturednearly 10,000 face shields.
Working together, our GEA and FirstBuild en-gineers designed intubation shields to protecthealthcare providers. More than 500 intubationshields were donated to healthcare facilitiesthroughout Kentucky, including Norton Hospi-tal in our hometown of Louisville.
As a founding member of the Louisville MetroGovernment’s One Louisville Fund, we con-tributed $100,000 to provide aid to those?nancially impacted by COVID-19. Fromchild-care assistance to transportation aidand food access, the One Louisville Fund pro-vides ?exible funding resources to eligiblehouseholds in the community.
Nearly 10,000 faceshields manufacturedfor healthcare workers& ?rst responders
500+ intubationshields designed,produced & donated
250,000+ masksand 125,000+gloves donated tohealthcare facilities
$3,000 donated toWaterStep, providingbleach-making kits tothe community
Nearly $1 million worthof appliances donatedto American heroes
$100,000contributed to theOne Louisville Fund
We teamed up with the United Way Worldwideto create GEA4Heroes, a program that enabledus to donate a signi?cant portion of our U.S. ap-pliance production to ?rst responders andhealthcare workers. Almost $1 million worth ofappliances were donated across the country tothe men and women who worked around theclock to keep us safe during the ?ght againstCOVID-19.
Utilizing our Appliance Park 3-D printing opera-tions and our FirstBuild microfactory, whichconnects GE Appliances directly with the makercommunity, we manufactured nearly 10,000face shields.
We also donated $3,000 to WaterStep, whichprovided bleach-making kits to community or-ganizations and healthcare facilities to assist incleaning and sanitizing.
Utilizing our Appliance Park 3-D printing op-erations and our FirstBuild microfactory,which connects GE Appliances directly withthe maker community, we manufacturednearly 10,000 face shields.
Working together, our GEA and FirstBuild en-gineers designed intubation shields to protecthealthcare providers. More than 500 intubationshields were donated to healthcare facilitiesthroughout Kentucky, including Norton Hospi-tal in our hometown of Louisville.
As a founding member of the Louisville MetroGovernment’s One Louisville Fund, we con-tributed $100,000 to provide aid to those?nancially impacted by COVID-19. Fromchild-care assistance to transportation aidand food access, the One Louisville Fund pro-vides ?exible funding resources to eligiblehouseholds in the community.
Engaged in theSocial JusticeMovement
Increasing Equity inOur Community
Making Change Fromthe Ground Up
Building a MoreInclusive Society
Listening every day.Valuing every voice.
$50 Million+Invested
Student at W.E.B. DuBois Academy. Photo taken pre-COVID-19.Making Change fromthe Ground Up
Here’s a look at a few of the schools andorganizations we partnered with in 2020:
Increasing Equity inOur Community
to date, in public schools,non-profits and communityorganizations that break
down barriers.
While GE Appliances has long held a focuson inclusion and diversity, 2020 compelledus to take a deeper look at the racial dispari-ties that still exist in our country today.The realities that people of color face on adaily basis are poignant reminders of howmuch work we have left to do as a countryand as a company.Together, we’re working to confront complexissues and build a better future that is inclu-sive, diverse, and values every voice.
Louisville, Ky., has been our home for over 65years, and it is the heartbeat of our company.As our city made international headlines in2020 with people taking to the streets, cryingout for their voices to be heard, our role wasclear. We must come together to listen andhelp build a stronger, more resilient and equi-table future in which every voice is heard andall people are valued.
Over the years, we’ve invested more than $50million to a?ect change by partnering withpublic schools, non-pro?ts and community or-ganizations to break down barriers, increaseequitable educational access to opportunities,and connect people with the resources theyneed to be successful.
Grace M. James Academy of Excellence,a Je?er-
son County public school that empowers middleschool girls through an Afrocentric, STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts andMathematics) curriculum.
W.E.B. DuBois Academy, a Je?erson County
public school teaching Afrocentric curricu-lum in an innovative learning environment.Drawing from evidence-based research andculturally responsive teaching, W.E.B. DuBoisAcademy aactively engages students togrow as learners and self-aware young men.
The Louisville Urban League, a non-pro?t orga-
nization dedicated to the elimination of racismand its e?ects in our community. By empower-ing community members and helping them gaincontrol of their lives and futures, Louisville UrbanLeague is improving access to jobs, justice, edu-cation, health and housing.
Evolve502 Scholarship Fund will give every Jef-ferson County Public Schools graduate the op-portunity for a tuition-free, two-year collegedegree, certi?cate or training. By expanding edu-cational opportunities and reducing systemic bar-riers, Evolve502 is helping ensure that childrenreach their full potential and enjoy successful,productive and ful?lling lives.
Engaged in theSocial JusticeMovement
Increasing Equity inOur Community
Making Change Fromthe Ground Up
Building a MoreInclusive Society
Listening every day.Valuing every voice.
$50 Million+Invested
Student at W.E.B. DuBois Academy. Photo taken pre-COVID-19.Making Change fromthe Ground Up
Here’s a look at a few of the schools andorganizations we partnered with in 2020:
Increasing Equity inOur Community
to date, in public schools,non-profits and communityorganizations that breakdown barriers.
While GE Appliances has long held a focuson inclusion and diversity, 2020 compelledus to take a deeper look at the racial dispari-ties that still exist in our country today.The realities that people of color face on adaily basis are poignant reminders of howmuch work we have left to do as a countryand as a company.Together, we’re working to confront complexissues and build a better future that is inclu-sive, diverse, and values every voice.
Louisville, Ky., has been our home for over 65years, and it is the heartbeat of our company.As our city made international headlines in2020 with people taking to the streets, cryingout for their voices to be heard, our role wasclear. We must come together to listen andhelp build a stronger, more resilient and equi-table future in which every voice is heard andall people are valued.
Over the years, we’ve invested more than $50million to a?ect change by partnering withpublic schools, non-pro?ts and community or-ganizations to break down barriers, increaseequitable educational access to opportunities,and connect people with the resources theyneed to be successful.
Grace M. James Academy of Excellence,a Je?er-
son County public school that empowers middleschool girls through an Afrocentric, STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts andMathematics) curriculum.
W.E.B. DuBois Academy, a Je?erson County
public school teaching Afrocentric curricu-lum in an innovative learning environment.Drawing from evidence-based research andculturally responsive teaching, W.E.B. DuBoisAcademy aactively engages students togrow as learners and self-aware young men.
The Louisville Urban League, a non-pro?t orga-
nization dedicated to the elimination of racismand its e?ects in our community. By empower-ing community members and helping them gaincontrol of their lives and futures, Louisville UrbanLeague is improving access to jobs, justice, edu-cation, health and housing.Evolve502 Scholarship Fund will give every Jef-ferson County Public Schools graduate the op-portunity for a tuition-free, two-year collegedegree, certi?cate or training. By expanding edu-cational opportunities and reducing systemic bar-riers, Evolve502 is helping ensure that childrenreach their full potential and enjoy successful,productive and ful?lling lives.
As we continue making strides, we’re dedicated to:
Building a MoreInclusive Society
Learn more about our commitment toInclusion & Diversity on page 86.
At GE Appliances, we’re actively taking steps to recruit,hire, and retain diverse talent that is re?ective of ourowners and our inclusive culture. The very best innova-tions across every function of a company come fromdiverse teams. Our commitment to ensuring a safe andinclusive workplace where everyone is valued allowsemployees to perform at their best, every day. Diversityhelps us achieve zero distance to our owners, innovatesmartly, and connect to the communities and customerswe serve.
Building a workforce that’smore representative of thecustomers and communitieswe serve. This means drivingequity throughout our hiring,promotion and pipeline de-velopment processes.
Reaching our goal of 40%female representation and40% people of color repre-sentation by the end of2025.Holding all leaders account-able for participation andteam engagement in inclu-sion and diversity activitiesand training.Building a diverse supplierbase by ensuring at least10% of our purchases comefrom diverse suppliers, andgrowing that number everyyear.
Upholding inclusion and di-versity as companywide pri-orities, sharing regular up-dates and metrics with theentire organization.Requiring training for lead-ers and employees on topics
like unconscious bias andcultural competency.
Enabling our affinity networks
to be a voice for our employ-ees, partner with the com-munity and collaborate withthe business on strategicinclusion and diversity initia-tives.
As we continue making strides, we’re dedicated to:
Building a MoreInclusive Society
Learn more about our commitment toInclusion & Diversity on page 86.
At GE Appliances, we’re actively taking steps to recruit,hire, and retain diverse talent that is re?ective of ourowners and our inclusive culture. The very best innova-tions across every function of a company come fromdiverse teams. Our commitment to ensuring a safe andinclusive workplace where everyone is valued allowsemployees to perform at their best, every day. Diversityhelps us achieve zero distance to our owners, innovatesmartly, and connect to the communities and customerswe serve.
Building a workforce that’smore representative of thecustomers and communitieswe serve. This means drivingequity throughout our hiring,promotion and pipeline de-velopment processes.
Reaching our goal of 40%female representation and40% people of color repre-sentation by the end of2025.
Holding all leaders account-able for participation and
team engagement in inclu-sion and diversity activitiesand training.
Building a diverse supplierbase by ensuring at least
10% of our purchases comefrom diverse suppliers, andgrowing that number everyyear.
Upholding inclusion and di-versity as companywide pri-orities, sharing regular up-
dates and metrics with theentire organization.
Requiring training for lead-ers and employees on topics
like unconscious bias andcultural competency.
Enabling our affinity networks
to be a voice for our employ-ees, partner with the com-munity and collaborate withthe business on strategicinclusion and diversity initia-tives.
About GEA
Help Protect thePlanet, StrengthenCommunities andDrive Business Value
Our journey:
GE Appliances is powered by in-spiration, innovation, and a visionto not just build the world’s bestappliances, but to build strongercommunities. Through our Corpo-rate Citizenship efforts, we cometogether to make and deliver goodthings that people need in theplaces where our employees liveand work. Whether we’re provid-ing frontline healthcare workerswith new washers and dryers toclean and sanitize uniforms, help-ing outfit new homes for homelessveterans, offering a vast array ofENERGY STAR? appliances, orcreating a more sustainable supplychain, our values at GE Appliancesdemonstrate and reflect our desireto protect our planet andstrengthen communities.
About GEA
Help Protect thePlanet, StrengthenCommunities andDrive Business Value
Our journey:
GE Appliances is powered by in-spiration, innovation, and a visionto not just build the world’s bestappliances, but to build strongercommunities. Through our Corpo-rate Citizenship efforts, we cometogether to make and deliver goodthings that people need in theplaces where our employees liveand work. Whether we’re provid-ing frontline healthcare workerswith new washers and dryers toclean and sanitize uniforms, help-ing outfit new homes for homelessveterans, offering a vast array ofENERGY STAR? appliances, orcreating a more sustainable supplychain, our values at GE Appliancesdemonstrate and reflect our desireto protect our planet andstrengthen communities.
Our products include:
Who We Are
13,600Employeesacross 46 states create,design, build, deliver, andservice the most trusted andinnovative products.
Louisville, KY7,100
Decatur, AL
Selmer, TN
Camden, SC
LaFayette, GA
With manufacturing, researchand development (R&D),sales, distribution and supportoperations across the country,GEA is positively impactingcommunities nationwide.
RefrigeratorsFreezersCooking ProductsDishwashersWashersDryersAir ConditionersSmall AppliancesWater Filtration SystemsWater Heaters (Coming 2021)
What We Do
We design products with our owners and ourplanet in mind. Our focus at GE Appliances ishow to make life easier at home by creatinginnovative, trusted products that provide ex-citing ownership experiences. We sell prod-ucts under the Monogram?, Café?, GE Pro?le?, GE?, Haier, and Hotpoint? brands.
Zero Distance
We envision a future where there’sno distance between:
Our company and our ownerswho trust us to make lifebetter at home.One person’s idea and awhole team’s groundbreakinginnovation.The people who make acompany great and thecommunities we call home.
Born in the U.S. and backed by the world’s largest appliancebrand, we’re the fastest growing appliance manufacturingcompany in the country, with more than a century of industryexperience. We build the world’s best appliances that are inhalf of all U.S. homes, and we contribute to local economiesin every state. With our global headquarters located in Louis-ville, Ky., our 13,600 U.S. employees in 46 states create,design, build, deliver, and service the most trusted and inno-vative products that make life better for the owners, custom-ers, and communities we serve.
In a time of social distancing, we’veembraced a concept called zero dis-tance—it’s our commitment to groweven closer to our customers andowners so we can invent and makeproducts that provide real-life solu-tions and exciting ownership experi-ences. GE Appliances also believesthat in order to build great applianc-es, we must build stronger communi-ties. This philosophy is what’s bring-ing us closer than ever before to ourcustomers, our communities, ourindustry, and each other.
Achieving zero distance is no easyfeat, but it’s the aspiration that’sdriving the transformation of ourcompany.
Our appliancesare in half of allU.S. homes.
Our products include:
Who We Are
13,600Employeesacross 46 states create,design, build, deliver, andservice the most trusted andinnovative products.
Louisville, KY
Decatur, AL
Selmer, TN
Camden, SC
LaFayette, GA2,050
With manufacturing, researchand development (R&D),sales, distribution and supportoperations across the country,GEA is positively impactingcommunities nationwide.
RefrigeratorsFreezersCooking ProductsDishwashersWashersDryersAir ConditionersSmall AppliancesWater Filtration SystemsWater Heaters (Coming 2021)
What We Do
We design products with our owners and ourplanet in mind. Our focus at GE Appliances ishow to make life easier at home by creatinginnovative, trusted products that provide ex-citing ownership experiences. We sell prod-ucts under the Monogram?, Café?, GE Pro?le?, GE?, Haier, and Hotpoint? brands.
Zero Distance
We envision a future where there’sno distance between:
Our company and our ownerswho trust us to make lifebetter at home.One person’s idea and awhole team’s groundbreakinginnovation.The people who make acompany great and thecommunities we call home.
Born in the U.S. and backed by the world’s largest appliancebrand, we’re the fastest growing appliance manufacturingcompany in the country, with more than a century of industryexperience. We build the world’s best appliances that are inhalf of all U.S. homes, and we contribute to local economiesin every state. With our global headquarters located in Louis-ville, Ky., our 13,600 U.S. employees in 46 states create,design, build, deliver, and service the most trusted and inno-vative products that make life better for the owners, custom-ers, and communities we serve.
In a time of social distancing, we’veembraced a concept called zero dis-tance—it’s our commitment to groweven closer to our customers andowners so we can invent and makeproducts that provide real-life solu-tions and exciting ownership experi-ences. GE Appliances also believesthat in order to build great applianc-es, we must build stronger communi-ties. This philosophy is what’s bring-ing us closer than ever before to ourcustomers, our communities, ourindustry, and each other.
Achieving zero distance is no easyfeat, but it’s the aspiration that’sdriving the transformation of ourcompany.
We keephomesclean andfood safe.
We purifywater thatquenchesa thirst.
We providethe sparkthat inspiresa meal.
We keepclothesfresh anddishes dry.
Happinessand well-beingare at the heartof our story.
Trusted products, leading brands.
We never stop lookingfor a way to be better.To make your life better.
Because ours is the spirit ofThomas Edison—a man whohad no interest in an inven-tion unless it was useful, andmade life easier, simpler andhappier.
We keephomesclean andfood safe.
We purifywater thatquenchesa thirst.
We providethe sparkthat inspiresa meal.
We keepclothesfresh anddishes dry.
Happinessand well-beingare at the heartof our story.
Trusted products, leading brands.
We never stop lookingfor a way to be better.To make your life better.
Because ours is the spirit ofThomas Edison—a man whohad no interest in an inven-tion unless it was useful, andmade life easier, simpler andhappier.
What ifyour kitchen loved thesound of your voice?
What ifthe washer and dryerknew your clothes so theyno longer need an introduction?
What iftime spent cleaning or cooking or
washing could be spent laughingand learning and bonding?
What ifthe distance between
what you need andwhat we do was zero?
We challenge ourselves to
keep asking “what if?”
These are the questions that inspirethe things we imagine and make right
here in America, every single day.This is what drives our shared ambition:
We come togetherto make good things, for life.
What ifyour kitchen loved the
sound of your voice?
What ifthe washer and dryerknew your clothes so theyno longer need an introduction?
What iftime spent cleaning or cooking orwashing could be spent laughingand learning and bonding?
What ifthe distance between
what you need andwhat we do was zero?
We challenge ourselves to
keep asking “what if?”
These are the questions that inspirethe things we imagine and make right
here in America, every single day.This is what drives our shared ambition:
We come togetherto make good things, for life.
Meet Our CorporateCitizenship Leaders
CitizenshipAdvisory Board
Kevin NolanMelanie CookRick Hasselbeck
Tom QuickJason L. BrownAntonio BoadasMarc Charnas
Citizenship Pillar Leaders
Senior Directorof Citizenship
Allison Martin
Michael Del NegroKyran HoffKatina WhitlockA.J. HubbardCatherine Werner
President & CEOChief Operating O?cerPresident & CEO
VP of LegalVP of Human ResourcesVP of CommunicationsVP of Finance
Senior Director of Citizenship &Digital Communications
Senior Manager ofCommunity Engagement
Global Senior Director,Inclusion & Diversity and
Human Resources
Senior Director,Global Environmental,
Health, and Safety
Executive Director,Chief Engineer
Associate General Counsel &Chief Compliance O?ce
Our commitment to advancing Corporate Citizenshipat GE Appliances begins with our President & ChiefExecutive O?cer Kevin Nolan and ripples throughoutevery facet of our business. We’ve created a clearpath of responsibility that starts at the top, enablingus to increase the value of our business while adher-ing to high ethical and environmental standards.
Meet Our CorporateCitizenship Leaders
CitizenshipAdvisory Board
Kevin NolanMelanie CookRick Hasselbeck
Tom QuickJason L. BrownAntonio BoadasMarc Charnas
Citizenship Pillar Leaders
Senior Directorof Citizenship
Allison Martin
Michael Del NegroKyran HoffKatina WhitlockA.J. HubbardCatherine Werner
President & CEOChief Operating O?cerPresident & CEO
VP of LegalVP of Human ResourcesVP of CommunicationsVP of Finance
Senior Director of Citizenship &Digital Communications
Senior Manager ofCommunity Engagement
Global Senior Director,Inclusion & Diversity andHuman Resources
Senior Director,Global Environmental,Health, and Safety
Executive Director,Chief Engineer
Associate General Counsel &Chief Compliance O?ce
Our commitment to advancing Corporate Citizenshipat GE Appliances begins with our President & ChiefExecutive O?cer Kevin Nolan and ripples throughoutevery facet of our business. We’ve created a clearpath of responsibility that starts at the top, enablingus to increase the value of our business while adher-ing to high ethical and environmental standards.
About ThisReport
Reporting YearScope
Future Reports
We set a goal to release our ?rst Citi-zenship Report by year-end 2020 andhave delivered. In coming years, we willhave a spring release to allow for inclu-sion of a full operating year of data.We’ll publish full reports biennially andprogress checks in the o? years when afull report is not published.
Unless otherwise speci?ed, the report-ing period for the majority of our tar-gets is ?scal year 2019, with additionalbusiness highlights from 2020.
At GE Appliances, we’re transforming our legacyand supporting our business strategy by focusingon ?ve key pillars that serve as a foundation for ourwork: Community Engagement, Inclusion & Diversi-ty, Operations Sustainability, Product Sustainability,and Compliance & Ethics.Through these ?ve pillars, which align with our ma-teriality assessment and the wants and needs of ourstakeholders, we’re on a journey to positivelyimpact our people, our customers, our owners, ourbusiness, our communities, and our planet. Thisreport highlights how GE Appliances integratesthese ?ve pillars of Corporate Citizenship in ourbusiness practices.To provide further information on our CorporateCitizenship commitments, we’ve also included linksto resources that are publicly available on our web-site and elsewhere.GE Appliances’ sustainability strategy is informedby the United Nations (UN) Global Compact Princi-ples and the UN Sustainable Development Goals .
How to get the reportThe above is an excerpt from our corporate citizenshipreport this year.Full version access
About ThisReport
Reporting YearScope
Future Reports
We set a goal to release our ?rst Citi-zenship Report by year-end 2020 andhave delivered. In coming years, we willhave a spring release to allow for inclu-sion of a full operating year of data.We’ll publish full reports biennially andprogress checks in the o? years when afull report is not published.
Unless otherwise speci?ed, the report-ing period for the majority of our tar-gets is ?scal year 2019, with additionalbusiness highlights from 2020.
At GE Appliances, we’re transforming our legacyand supporting our business strategy by focusingon ?ve key pillars that serve as a foundation for ourwork: Community Engagement, Inclusion & Diversi-ty, Operations Sustainability, Product Sustainability,and Compliance & Ethics.Through these ?ve pillars, which align with our ma-teriality assessment and the wants and needs of ourstakeholders, we’re on a journey to positivelyimpact our people, our customers, our owners, ourbusiness, our communities, and our planet. Thisreport highlights how GE Appliances integratesthese ?ve pillars of Corporate Citizenship in ourbusiness practices.To provide further information on our CorporateCitizenship commitments, we’ve also included linksto resources that are publicly available on our web-site and elsewhere.GE Appliances’ sustainability strategy is informedby the United Nations (UN) Global Compact Princi-ples and the UN Sustainable Development Goals .
How to get the reportThe above is an excerpt from our corporate citizenshipreport this year.Full version access
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