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中国中铁2019年社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会及管治)报告 下载公告

2019 社会责任报告暨




China Railway GRoup limited





Stock code:

601390SH 390HK







报告编制说明Preparation of this Report董事长致辞Chairman's Statement关于我们About us管治篇Governance环境篇Environment社会篇Society专题一:践行“三个转变”重要指示Topic 1: Implementing the Important Instructions of “Three Transformations”专题二:坚决打好精准脱贫攻坚战Topic 2: Resolutely Carry Out the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Campaign专题三:高质量共建“一带一路”Topic 3: Joint Construction of the “Belt and Road” with High Quality



China Railway GRoup limited


? 联合国全球契约颁布的“十大原则”? 全球报告倡议组织《可持续发展报告标准》? 中国国家标准GB/T36000-2015《社会责任指南》? GB/T36001-2015《社会责任报告编写指南》? GB/T36002-2015《社会责任绩效分类指引》? 国务院国资委《关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见》? 上海证券交易所《上市公司环境信息披露指引》? 香港联合交易所《环境、社会及管治报告指引》

Reporting scope:

This is CREC’s 12th social responsibility report fordisclosure of information on performance of economic, corporategovernance, social and environmental responsibilities by China RailwayGroup Limited and its subsidiaries. All cases are from enterprises underCREC. With the time span of 1st January to 31st December of 2019, thisreport pays due attention to how the CREC fulfilled its social responsibilitybefore 2019.Reporting frequency:

yearly report.References:

The Ten Principles promulgated by the UN Global CompactGRI (Global Reporting Initiative) StandardsChinese National Standard GB/T 36000-2015: Guidance on Social ResponsibilityGB/T36001-2015: Guidance on Social Responsibility ReportingGB/T36002-2015: Guidance on Social Responsibility PerformanceClassificationSASAC of the State Council’s Guiding Opinions on Performance of SocialResponsibilities by Central EnterprisesGuidelines on Environmental Information Disclosure by Companies Listedon the Shanghai Stock ExchangeThe Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide of the StockExchange of Hong Kong Limited

报告编制说明Preparation of this Report

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

Explanation of the information:

The financial information disclosed inthis report is derived from the Company’s financial statements. In case ofdiscrepancy between this report and the Company’s annual report, thelatter shall prevail. Other information is derived from the Company’sinternal statistics.Title description:

To facilitate your reading, China Railway Group Limitedis described as “CREC”, “the Company” and “We/us” in this report.Explanation of improvement:

Based on the feedback from ourstakeholders and the hot topics of different ESG areas in China and abroad.and in line with the status of development of the Company, we preparedthis report in three chapters, the “governance section”, “environmentsection” and “society section” to illustrate the Company’s corporate socialresponsibility performance and major ESG topics.Three special sections were added in this report, i.e., “Implementing theimportant instructions of ‘three transformations’, “Resolutely fighting thebattle for targeted poverty alleviation”, and “Joint construction of the ‘Beltand Road’ with high quality”, fully demonstrating that the Company hasactively fulfilled its responsibilities as a central enterprise and the role it hasplayed in the sustainable development of China and the construction ofcommunity of shared future for mankind.Undertakings in this report:

The Board of Directors and all directors ofthe Company ensure that there is no false record, misleading statement ormajor omission in this report and they will bear individual and jointliabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the contents.


中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


2019, as the 70th anniversary for the founding of the People’s Republic ofChina, is also an extremely unusual year in the history of CREC. In this year,we fully practiced Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era, bore in mind general secretary Xi’s ardentexpectations towards all CREC participants in the construction of theXiong’an New Area, and inherited the commitment and loyalty of ChinaRailway’s staff from generation to generation towards our motherland andpeople by remaining truth to our original aspiration and bearing in mindour missions, achieving all goals of the Company. In this year, we seizedmarket opportunities and forged ahead, with major economic indicatorsreaching new record high. In this year, we further carried out laboratoryactivities for project management and accelerated promotion ofconstruction by grade 3 project companies, with improving efficiency ofcorporate governance. In this year, we reorganized integration of internalresources and kept optimizing business layout and industrial layout,furthering reforms of the enterprises. In this year, we constructed with highquality and efficiency a great number of major difficult projects includingthe Jingzhang High-Speed Rail (京张高铁), the Haoji Railway (浩吉铁路),the Pingtan Cross-sea Bridge (平潭跨海大桥) and the Dazhushan Tunnel(大柱山隧道), thus enhancing the brand reputation of the enterprises.In this year, we participated in the “Belt and Road” construction andactively promoted the construction of projects including theJakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail (雅万高铁), the China-Laos Railway (中老铁路) and Bandar Malaysia (大马城), hence accelerating the Company’sinternational development. In this year, we continued to perform targeted


Chairman’s Statement

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

poverty alleviation while aiding Xinjiang, Tibet and Qinghai, achievingremarkable results in helping those in poverty and difficulties due to oursteadfast resolve to win the tough battle of targeted poverty alleviation.Also in this year, we insisted on development relying on our employees, forour employees and sharing development results with our employees, withincreasing sense of happiness and reward of our employees which in turnforged unity as well as co-building and sharing.In January 2019, when general secretary Xi Jinping inspected the Xiong’anNew Area, he encouraged staff of CREC who participated in theconstruction of the Jingxiong Intercity Railway, “Transportation must gofirst before city construction and economic development. You are makinggreat contribution in acting as pioneers for this ‘millennium plan’ ofconstructing the Xiong’an New Area.” This has fully reflected ourresponsibility and commitment for building the road towards nationalrejuvenation, and fully demonstrated our pioneering spirit of fearless ofdifficulties and restless self-improvement.In 2019, CREC ranked 55th in the World’s top 500 enterprises and 12th intop 500 Chinese enterprises. The Company won 4 prizes for NationalProgress in Science and Technology, 1 prize for National Technical InventionAward, 10 Luban Prizes for China and 57 prizes for National Quality ProjectsAward.In 2020, CREC will continue to faithfully fulfill its corporate missions,making new and greater contributions in the realization of building acomprehensively prosperous society in all aspects and the construction ofcommunity of shared future for mankind!

Chairman of the Board: Zhang Zongyan

March 2020



中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

公司简介Company profile


CREC has over 120 years of historical origin. With the establishment of theShanhaiguan Machinery Plant in 1894 as a milestone, CREC has since becomethe forerunner of national industry and the pioneer of railway construction inChina. We participated in and completed construction of the JingzhangRailway in 1909, and completed construction of the Beijing-Harbin Railway in1912, setting the precedent for China’s railway construction.CREC went listing respectively in Shanghai and Hong Kong in 2007. Currentlyit has developed into an extremely large enterprise group with survey anddesign, construction and installation, industrial manufacturing, real estatedevelopment and other business. It is one of the largest constructioncontractors in the world with total assets of RMB1,056.19 billion and netassets of RMB245.47 billion.CREC’s business scope covers all infrastructure construction fields, withprojects spreading all over China’s provinces and autonomous regions exceptfor Taiwan and more than 80 countries and regions in the world. Thetechnological level in many areas has reached the world’s advanced level.

关于我们About Us

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

企业价值观Corporate values

企业使命:奉献精品 改善民生


Dedication to Excellent Products for Better People’s Livelihood企业宗旨:创新创效 优质发展


Innovation and Efficiency for High Quality Development

核心价值观:诚信敬业 共建共享


Honesty and Professionalism, Co-building and Sharing

企业精神:勇于跨越 追求卓越CoRPoRATE SPIRIT:

Brave to overcome Difficulties and Pursuit for Excellence

企业愿景:国内领先 世界一流


Leading in China and First-class in the World

公司价值观Company values

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


Assessment by the society

连续14年进入《财富》“世界500强”排名,列第55位;Being named in “Fortune” for 14 consecutive years, ranked no.55 among Global 500 companies;“中国企业500强” 排名,列第12位;Ranked no.12 among top 500 Chinese enterprises;

《工程新闻记录》(EnR)“全球250家最大承包商”排名,列第2位;Ranked no.2 among EnR’s Largest Global Contractors;


Accredited class A enterprises for performance appraisal by the SASAC of the State Council for six consecutive years;

首次荣获美国《机构投资者》评选的2019年度亚洲区“最佳企业管理团队”五大奖项;Won 5 prices in 2019 Asian “Best Corporate Management Team” selected by “Institutional Investors” of the UnitedStates;《新财富》最佳第二届新财富最佳IR港股公司;

Won the Best IR Hong Kong Stock Company by new Fortune for the second year;天马奖—中国主板上市公司投资者关系最佳董事会;Won the Tianma Award - the “Best Board of Directors of China Main Board Listed Company for Investor Relation”;

金紫荆“新中国成立70周年卓越贡献企业”奖;Golden Bauhinia “outstanding Contribution Enterprise for the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of new China” Award;金圆桌“最佳董事会”;Golden Round Table - the “Best Board of Directors” by Directors & Boards;

“港股综合实力100强、营业额10强”。Top 100 Hong Kong stocks & Top 10 turnover.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

社会责任规划Planning of social responsibilities


As a leader in the construction industry, CREC never forgets its mission ofbecoming a practitioner, promoter and pioneer of corporate socialresponsibility. CREC started to construct a scientific, standardized,systematic and effective corporate social responsibility managementsystem in 2008, rolling out a series of social responsibility managementactivities covering its headquarters and subsidiaries in order to achieve thegoals of comprehensive coverage, down-to-earth implementation, steadyperfection and industrial leading, and make continuous and irreplaceablecontributions to the society.

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


Description of Stakeholders


Communication Channels

政府及监管机构Government and regulatory



Tax, environmental and security authorities, local government,CSRC


Implementation of policies, official documents, reporting, inspection,participating in relevant meetings, dedicated meetings, routinemeetings, information disclosure

股东及投资者Shareholders and investors


Investors with legal investments in the equity interests andsecurities of CREC

股东大会、企业年报、业绩发布、公司网站、信息披露、日常接待、电话答疑等Shareholders’ meeting, annual reports, results announcement,corporate website, information disclosure, visit reception, telephoneinquiry客户Customers

通过购买中国中铁的产品或服务,与中国中铁有直接的经济关系的企业或个人Enterprises and individuals with direct economic connections withCREC through buying its products or services

服务热线、售后服务、座谈与走访等Service hotline, after-sales services, meetings and visits供应商Suppliers

向中国中铁合法提供产品或服务的企业或个人Enterprises and individuals legally providing products or servicesto CREC

公开招投标程序、合同谈判、日常业务交流等Public tenders, contract negotiation, daily business exchanges合作伙伴Partners

与中国中铁达成合作共识的企业或机构Enterprises and individuals entering into cooperation with CREC

合作谈判、日常工作会议等Cooperation negotiations, regular meetings



与中国中铁签订正式劳动合同及常年服务于中国中铁业务的人员Individuals entering into formal labor contracts with CREC andserving it full-time

工会、职工代表大会、员工手册、员工活动、员工培训等Trade union, employee representatives’ meeting, staff manual, staffactivities, staff training社区及公众Community and public

运营所在地社区、社会公众、非营利组织等Communities in which CREC operates, social public and non-profitable organizations

社区活动、员工志愿者活动、公益活动、社会事业支持等Community activities, voluntary activities, public welfare activities,social cause support高校及科研机构

Colleges and R&D institutes

与中国中铁建立合作关系的大学、学院、科研机构等Colleges and R&D institutes in cooperation with CREC

公司招聘宣讲、员工进修、研讨会、学术交流等Recruitment sessions, staff training, seminars, academic exchanges


Through multi-channel communications with its stakeholders, CRECcarefully listens to their expectations and requirements on our corporatesocial responsibility performance corporate social responsibility, aiming toquickly respond to and meet their needs while actively improving ourperformance.

利益相关方沟通和关键议题重要性评估Communication with stakeholders and materiality assessment

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


对中国中铁可持续发展的重要性Materiality to the sustainable development of CREC






Training anddevelopment员工关怀

Employee care

社区公益Communitypublic welfare精准扶贫Targeted povertyalleviation

员工权益Rights andinterests ofemployees


高质量经营High-qualitydevelopment安全生产Safe production减少排放Emissionreduction

生态保护Ecosystemprotection品牌建设Brandbuilding公平竞争与合作Fair competitionand cooperation


HighMateriality to stakeholdersLow






Energy saving and


During the communication with its stakeholders, CREC identified materialissues of ESG and hot topics in the industry and evaluated their materiality,with the results presented in a matrix of materiality assessment andresponded all issues in this report based on the results.


Risk andInternal Control



Corporate Governance合规管理Compliance Management


Anti-corruption审计监督Audit Supervision规范关联方交易Regulating Related Party Transactions

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

The Board of Directors is the Company’s decision-making body and isresponsible for the general meeting. As of the end of the reporting period,the Board of Directors consists of 8 directors, including 3 executivedirectors, namely Chairman, executive director and Party Secretary ZhangZongyan, executive director, President and deputy Party Secretary ChenYun and executive director and standing committee member of the PartyCommittee Zhang Xian; 1 non-executive director, held by Ma Zonglin, afull-time external director of the central enterprises; and 4 independentnon-executive directors, namely Guo Peizhang, Wen Baoman, ZhengQingzhi and Chung Shui Ming. There are 5 special committees of strategy,audit and risk management, remuneration and assessment, nomination aswell as safety, health and environment under the Board of Directors,among which the majority of members of the nomination committee andthe safety, health and environment committee are external directors, andall the members of the audit and risk management committee and theremuneration and assessment committee are external directors.The Supervisory Committee is the Company’s supervisory body, and in aresponsible manner to shareholders, carefully monitors the Company’sfinances and the legal compliance of the Company’s directors and seniormanagement in performing their duties. As of the end of the reportingperiod, the Company’s Supervisory Committee is composed of 5supervisors, including two shareholder representative supervisors, namelyZhang Huijia, Chairman of the Supervisory Committee, Chen Wenxin,Supervisor, and 3 employees’ representative supervisors, including LiuJianyuan, Yuan Baoyin, and Fan Jinghua.The Management is the Company’s executive body, which organizes thedaily work of production and operation, executes board resolutions andexercises decision-making powers authorized by the Board of Directors,and regularly reports the production and operation to the Board ofDirectors and feedbacks the implementation of resolutions. As of the endof the reporting period, the Company’s Management consists of 9members, including 1 president, 5 vice presidents, 1 CFO, 1 chief engineer,1 chief economic manager, and 1 general counsel (concurrently serving asthe Company’s vice president).


Corporate Governance治理架构

Governance structure公司董事会是公司的决策机构,对股东大会负责。截至报告期末,公司董事会由8名董事组成,其中执行董事3名,分别为董事长、执行董事、党委书记张宗言,执行董事、总裁、党委副书记陈云,执行董事、党委常委章献;非执行董事1名,由中央企业专职外部董事马宗林担任;独立非执行董事4名,分别为郭培章、闻宝满、郑清智、钟瑞明。董事会下设战略、审计与风险管理、薪酬与考核、提名、安全健康环保五个专门委员会,其中提名委员会和安全健康环保委员会委员外部董事占多数、审计与风险管理委员会和薪酬与考核委员会委员全部由外部董事担任。公司监事会是公司的监督机构,本着对股东负责的态度,认真对公司财务和公司董事、高级管理人员履行职责的合法合规性等进行监督。截至报告期末,公司监事会由5名监事组成,其中股东代表监事两名,分别为监事会主席张回家、监事陈文鑫,职工代表监事三名,分别为刘建媛,苑宝印,范经华。公司经理层是公司的执行机构,组织生产经营日常工作,执行董事会决议和行使董事会授权事项决策权,定期向董事会报告生产经营情况、反馈决议执行情况。截至报告期末,公司经理层由9人组成,其中总裁1人、副总裁5人、财务总监1人、总工程师1人,总经济师1人、总法律顾问1人(兼任公司副总裁)。

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019



2019 Interim Results Presentation

2019年第一次临时股东大会2019 First Extraordinary General Meeting

During the reporting period, in order to meet the needs for changing theshare capital structure and the registered capital of the CREC under themarket-oriented and legal debt-to-equity issue of shares to purchaseassets, and requirements stemming from fourth amendment to theCompany Law and the Guidelines for the Articles of Association of ListedCompanies and the Guidelines for the Articles of Association of ListedCompanies issued by CSRC and other regulations, the Company has carriedout the corresponding amendment of the Articles of Association. To furtherstandardize the deliberation methods and decision-making procedures ofthe Supervisory Committee, and to promote the scientific performanceand compliance of the Supervisory Committee, the Company’s Rules ofProcedure for Supervisory Committee were revised and improved inaccordance with changes in the regulatory environment and theCompany’s actual situation.The Company always pays attention to the diversity of board members toimprove board decision-making efficiency and corporate governance.According to the listing rules and regulatory requirements of Shanghai andHong Kong, the Company has formulated a “Board Diversity Policy” andimplemented it in compliance. The Company’s Board of Directors currentlyhas 8 directors, of which 3 executive directors have extensive experience inthe construction industry and management, and 5 external directors haveextensive experience in practice and management in the power industry,non-ferrous metals industry, banking and finance and other fields. Theestablishment and composition of board members meet the requirementsof diversified policies, and also meet the needs for corporate development.Under the background of the diversification of board members, theCompany’s Board of Directors actively builds a democratic deliberativeatmosphere, strictly implements the voting system, and fully utilizes theadvantages of diversified board members’ structure to ensure that eachdirector can actively make use of his or her rich professional knowledgeand management experience to participate in corporate governance, andexpress opinions and make decisions on major issues independently, sothat the Board of Directors can pay more comprehensive attention to theCompany’s development, and enable the Company to more objectivelyformulate strategies, research problems and prevent and control risks. Inorder to improve the level of corporate governance, it improves thescientific and effective decision-making of the Board of Directors, andsafeguards the overall interests of the Company and the legitimate rightsand interests of shareholders as a whole, in particular, it has played animportant role in protecting the interests of minority shareholders.

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

The Company consciously takes Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism withChinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guidance, and all corporategovernance organs are conscientiously abiding by the law, diligently anddutifully, performing their own duties, shouldering their own responsibilities,coordinated operation, and effective checks and balances. In order to ensurethe effective implementation of the decision-making procedures of variousgovernance entities in accordance with laws and regulations, the Company,while giving full play to the fundamental role of the Articles of Association incorporate governance, has formulated the Rules of Procedure forShareholders’ General Meetings (《股东大会议事规则》), Rules of Procedurefor the Board of Directors (《董事会议事规则》), Rules of Procedure forStrategic Committee of the Board (《董事会战略委员会议事规则》), Rulesof Procedure for Audit and Risk Management Committee of the Board (《董事会审计与风险管理委员会议事规则》), Rules of Procedure forRemuneration and Assessment Committee of the Board (《董事会薪酬与考核委员会议事规则》), Rules of Procedure for Nomination Committee of theBoard (《董事会提名委员会议事规则》), Rules of Procedure for Safety,Health and Environment Committee of the Board (《董事会安全健康环保委员会议事规则》) and Rules of Procedure for Supervisory Committee (《监事会议事规则》), providing an effective institutional basis for clarifying powersand responsibilities and ensuring scientific decision-making. The Companyalways attaches importance to the seriousness of decision-makingprocedures, and major decisions are made to achieve the “Six Compliances”in terms of conference convening procedures, proposal submissionprocedures, proposal formats, conference organization procedures, proposalreview procedures, and proposal voting procedures to make sure that allgovernance organs should discuss major issues and ensure that the decision-making process is standardized and orderly.The Company formulated the “Measures for Follow-up Inspection andEvaluation of the Implementation of Resolutions of General Meeting andthe Board Meeting”, clarified the organizational structure andresponsibilities, information feedback, inspection, evaluation andapplication of results of the implementation of the follow-up inspectionand evaluation of the Board of Directors’ resolutions. A regular feedbackmechanism for the implementation of resolutions of general meeting andboard meeting and a quarterly reporting mechanism on theimplementation of decision made by Management authorized by theBoard of Directors have been established. They provide an importantguarantee for the Board of Directors to fully understand theimplementation of the resolutions and timely discover the difficult pointsof decision-making. During the reporting period, the Company’s Board ofDirectors listened to 4 reports from management on the implementationof the board’s resolutions, and went to the data control center andShanghai, Guangxi, Guizhou, Turkey, Croatia, Hungary and other regions toconduct on-the-spot investigation and inspection of the Board of Directors’resolutions, forming 4 research reports and completing 6 inspection andevaluation of the resolution implementation. Effective resolutionimplementation tracking and “compliance” evaluation have been carriedout on the relevant board decision-making projects.

决策程序Decision-making process公司自觉以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,各治理主体谨遵法度、勤勉尽责,各司其职、各负其责、协调运转、有效制衡的公司治理机制不断完善。为保障各治理主体决策程序依法合规有效开展,公司在充分发挥公司章程在企业治理中基础作用的同时,制定了《股东大会议事规则》《董事会议事规则》《董事会战略委员会议事规则》《董事会审计与风险管理委员会议事规则》《董事会薪酬与考核委员会议事规则》《董事会提名委员会议事规则》《董事会安全健康环保委员会议事规则》和《监事会议事规则》,为明确权责和保障科学决策提供了有效的制度依据。公司始终尊重决策程序严肃性,重大决策均在召开会议程序、议案提交程序、议案形式、会议组织程序、议案审议程序、议案表决程序方面切实做到“六个合规”,做到各治理主体对重大事项应议尽议,确保决策程序规范有序。效果评估Effective evaluation公司制定《股东大会、董事会决议执行跟踪检查与评价办法》,对董事会决议执行跟踪检查与评价工作的组织机构和职责、信息反馈、检查、评价及结果运用进行了明确,建立了股东大会、董事会决议执行定期反馈机制和董事会授权经理层决策事项执行情况季度报告机制,为董事会充分了解决议执行情况,及时发现决策难点重点,提供了重要保障。报告期内,公司董事会听取经理层关于董事会决议执行情况报告4次,赴数控中心及上海、广西、贵州以及土耳其、克罗地亚、匈牙利等地区,针对董事会决议情况进行了现场调研检查,形成调研报告4份,完成决议执行检查评价6份,对有关董事会决策项目开展了有效的决议执行跟踪和“符合度”评价。

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019



Compliance Management

CREC has always adhered to the compliance management concept ofasking the law before decision-making and not making decisions inviolation of laws and regulations. As one of the five pilot units of SASAC ofthe State Council to carry out the pilot compliance management systemconstruction work of, the first “Great Compliance” management idea,innovative construction of the “Three Preventions and One Investigation”compliance risk management mechanism and the “Trinity” compliancedepartment management mode established a compliance managementsystem that horizontal to edge and vertical to the bottom. In 2019, theCompany studied and formulated the Compliance Manual (General Volume)(《合规手册(总册)》), Compliance Manual (Headquarters ManagementVolume) (《合规手册(总部管理分册)》) and Guidelines for OverseasBusiness Compliance Management (《海外业务合规管理指引》) and itssupporting implementation rules, which further improved the Company’scompliance management system.In 2019, on the basis of the clean-up of rules and regulations, in accordancewith the requirements of the Company’s “Great Compliance” systemconstruction, from the perspective of meeting compliance requirements,the Company focused on compliance issues in the daily managementprocess, and conduct a thorough revision to a total of 211 managementprocesses in the Company’s headquarters, reviewed the compliance itemsthat need to be focused on one by one in each management process, andadded hints on the key points of compliance, promoting the integration ofthe Company’s risk, internal control and compliance management systemthrough process reengineering.The Company attaches great importance to compliance educationpublicity and training. On the National Constitution Day on 4 December2019, leadership and senior management of the Company and the mainresponsible persons of the second-and third-tier units took theconstitutional oath. A total of 18,000 members from 41 secondary and 511tertiary units took the oath synchronously through video connections. In2019, the Company organized a total of 839 training courses on variouscompliance topics, with 26,802 participants.




China Railway GRoup limited




Joint meeting on anti-corruption work

The Company strictly abides by the laws and regulations of countries andregions where Chinese and overseas businesses are located such as theCriminal Law of the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国刑法》),Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》), Anti-Money Laundering Law of the People’sRepublic of China (《中华人民共和国反洗钱法》), Several Provisions of theCPC Central Committee for Discipline Inspection on Strictly ForbiddingSeeking of Illegal Benefits by Taking Advantage of Duty (《中央纪委关于严格禁止利用职务上的便利谋取不正当利益的若干规定》), the Rules forClean Governance of CPC Officials (《中国共产党领导干部廉洁从政若干准则》) and CPC’s Code of Integrity and Self-discipline (《中国共产党廉洁自律准则》) and resolutely prohibits bribery, extortion, fraud and moneylaundering. Among which, the Criminal Law of the People’s Republic of Chinaspecified criminal responsibility in terms of corruption and bribery acts; Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》) prohibited the Company to bribe related institution orpersonnel with property or other approach in exchange for tradeopportunity or competitive advantage; Several Provisions of the CPC CentralCommittee for Discipline Inspection on Forbidding Seeking of Illegal Benefitsby Taking Advantage of Duty represented disciplinary requirements of theParty especially for Party members and cadres which was the new situationand issue found from current disciplinary violation investigation; the Rulesfor Clean Governance of CPC Officials and CPC’s Code of Integrity and Self-discipline represented crucial measures adopted by CPC Central Committeefor enhancing CPC officials’ integrity and self-disciplinary duties. Theabovementioned laws and regulations provided important guidance forintegrity and self-disciplinary development work at China Railway. Inaccordance with the requirements of the SASAC, the Company formulatedthe “Overseas Compliance Management Measures” (《海外合规管理办法》),which was formulated under the requirements of the international standardsof the ISO19600 compliance management system.In 2019, the Company issued the Notice on Further Clarifying CertainFinancial Disciplines (《关于进一步明确若干财经纪律的通知》), whichlisted 38 prohibited behaviors in 9 aspects, including capital receipts andpayments, financing and commercial paper, guarantee, financial investment,project financial management, equity management, accounting, office spaceand donation, and credit and debt disputes, requiring that related domesticand overseas staff of the Company are not allowed to provide facilitationpayment in any name. The Company has discipline inspection andsupervision organizations from its headquarters to its subordinateenterprises at all levels, which are responsible for the reporting of letters andvisits in the field of anti-corruption. Discipline inspection and supervisionorganizations at all levels have set up accounts for the handling of cases andclues reported through letters and visits, and handle each case and cluestrictly in accordance with the five ways of filing cases, preliminaryverification, conversation inquiry, temporary record keeping, andunderstanding, and deal with those who have been found to have violatedthe law and discipline in accordance with the law. At the same time, therelevant staff are required to strictly abide by the confidentiality system toprotect the safety of whistleblowers. For those who conceal any case andclues or lose secrets, the relevant personnel will be held responsible.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

完善廉洁制度Integrity system improvement2019年为进一步完善落实中央八项规定精神具体措施,公司修订了《总部人员履职待遇、业务支出管理办法》《二级企业领导人员管理办法》《办公用房管理办法》《公务公车管理办法》,不断严明“十五个严禁”。层层签订《党风廉政建设责任书》,并制定《中国中铁领导人员廉洁从业承诺制度》《关于领导人员选拔任用廉洁从业结论性评价办法》等文件以从制度和管理机制上遏制贪腐的发生;深入开展企业领导人员和亲属违规经商办企业专项整治行动。针对十八大以后特别是十九大以后不收敛不收手的做法,坚决严肃查处。

In 2019, in order to further improve and implement the spirit and specificmeasures of the eight central regulations, the Company amended theAdministrative Measures for the Performance of Headquarters Staff and theManagement of Business Expenditure (《总部人员履职待遇、业务支出管理办法》), Administrative Measures for Leaders in Secondary Enterprises(《二级企业领导人员管理办法》), Administrative Measures for OfficeBuildings (《办公用房管理办法》) and Administrative Measures for OfficialVehicles (《公务公交车管理办法》) and constantly strictly stated the“Fifteen Prohibitions”. The Letter of Responsibility for the Construction ofParty’s Work Style and Clean Government (《党风廉政建设责任书》) hasbeen signed at various levels, and documents such as the CREC Leader’sIntegrity Employment Commitment System (《中国中铁领导人员廉洁从业承诺制度》) and Conclusive Evaluation Methods for Leader Selectionand Appointment of Integrity Employment (《关于领导人员选拔任用廉洁从业结论性评价办法》) and other documents to curb corruption throughimprovements in the system and management mechanism have beenformulated to further carry out special rectification actions for enterpriseleaders and relatives to run enterprises in violation of regulations. Weresolutely and seriously investigate and deal with any wrongful practicecarrying on after the 18th CPC National Congress, especially after the 19thCPC National Congress.

中铁一局领导干部廉洁从业专题教育CREC No.1 Thematic education on integrity for leading cadres of CREC No.1

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

In key areas of engineering construction and key links, the Companyseriously investigated and dealt with prominent issues such as illegalbidding, illegal selection of personnel, illegal employment of labor teams(suppliers), and settlement exceeding contract sum, and clears up theillegal oversettlement and overpayment, and confiscated the proceedsfrom violation of discipline; disciplinary inspection organizations at alllevels will conduct “re-supervision” to identify management loopholes andlock on weak links, and revised the “Management Measures for LaborSubcontracting Enterprises” (《劳务分包企业管理办法》) and “RecordSystem for Leading Cadres Intervening in Major Events” (《领导干部插手干预重大事项记录制度》) and other documents; strengthening overseasprojects risk investigation and formatting the “Report on Overseas RiskPrevention and Control of CREC” (《中国中铁关于境外风险防控情况报告》).In 2019, the fifth inspection team of the SASAC Party Committee carriedout a two-month inspection at the Company. Anti-corruption was one ofthe main purposes of the inspection. The inspection team set up a specialduty phone and a special post office box for receiving reports andreflections on violations of political discipline, organizational discipline,integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline and life discipline. Theinspection team realistically and objectively and fairly pointed out theproblems and deficiencies in CREC. China Railway has rectified these issuesin a timely manner, and dealt with the relevant responsible personsaccording to law and discipline.

加强廉洁督导Enhancing integrity supervision在工程建设重点领域及关键环节,公司严肃查处违规招投标、违规选人用人、违规选用劳务队伍(供应商)、超合同结算等突出问题,对违规超结、超付费用进行清理,对违纪所得进行收缴;各级纪检组织开展“再监督”,找出管理漏洞,锁定薄弱环节,修订了《劳务分包企业管理办法》及《领导干部插手干预重大事项记录制度》等文件;加强境外项目风险调研,形成《中国中铁关于境外风险防控情况报告》。2019年,国资委党委第五巡视组在公司开展了为期两个月的巡视工作。反腐败是巡视的重要内容之一。巡视组设置了专门值班电话和专门邮政信箱,重点受理关于违反政治纪律、组织纪律、廉洁纪律、群众纪律、工作纪律和生活纪律等方面的举报和反映。巡视组实事求是、客观公正地指出了中国中铁工作中存在的问题和不足。中国中铁针对这些问题进行了及时整改,依法依纪对相关责任人进行了处理。重视廉洁教育Emphasis on integrity education2019年公司召开了历史上规模最大的警示教育大会,充分体现了公司全面从严治企的信心和决心。为强化员工廉洁意识,公司编印了警示教育读本《鉴戒》(2019),在全公司范围内印发34,500余册;组织各单位购买并认真观看《党的十九大以来查处违纪违法党员干部案件警示录》和《叩问初心警示片》,以达到引以为戒、警钟常鸣的效果。

In 2019, the Company held the largest warning education conference inhistory, which fully reflects the Company’s confidence and determinationto comprehensively and strictly govern the enterprise. In order tostrengthen the staff’s awareness of integrity, the Company has compiled astaff alert booklet “Cautions” (《鉴戒》) (2019), and issued more than 34,500copies throughout the Company; the Company organized all units topurchase and carefully watch the “Admonishing Documentary on Law andParty Rule Violation Cases Involving Party Members Investigated andPunished Since the 19th National Congress of the Party” (《党的十九大以来查处违纪违法党员干部案件警示录》) and the “Warning Video ofInterrogation of Initial Heart” (《叩问初心警示片》) in order to givewarning and constant alarm.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

建立审计制度Audit system establishment公司制定了《审计工作规定》《经济责任审计办法》《内部控制审计办法》《经济效益审计办法》《财务审计办法》《投资项目审计办法》《工程项目审计办法》《内部控制评价管理办法》《审计质量管理办法》等多项制度文件,建立了较为完善的审计制度体系,目前现行有效制度文件共计24项。完善审计工作机制

Audit mechanism improvement2019年,公司成立审计工作领导小组,强化公司审计工作的组织领导和统筹协调。制定并实施《关于深入推进企业审计工作改革的通知》,从完善审计工作机制、明确审计工作推动企业高质量发展的重要职责、突出审计工作重点、加强审计发现问题整改落实、夯实审计工作基础5个方面,提出深化企业审计工作改革的18项具体措施,推动公司审计工作改革向纵深发展。公司贯彻落实《中央企业违规经营投资责任追究实施办法(试行)》(国资委37号令),积极推动违规经营投资责任追究工作体系建设,公司和所属企业相继完成了《违规经营投资责任追究实施办法》及实施细则的制定工作,同时成立了公司违规经营投资责任追究工作领导小组,加强对违规经营投资责任追究的统一领导,努力形成职责明确、流程清晰、规范有序的责任追究工作机制。

The Company has formulated the Rules for Auditing (《审计工作规定》),Measures for Auditing Economic Responsibility (《经济责任审计办法》),Measures for Auditing Internal Control (《内部控制审计办法》), Measuresfor Auditing Economic Benefits (《经济效益审计办法》), Measures forFinancial Auditing (《财务审计办法》), Measures for Auditing InvestmentProjects (《投资项目审计办法》), Measures for Project Auditing (《工程项目审计办法》), and Measures for the Internal Control EvaluationManagement (《内部控制评价管理办法》) and Measures for AuditingQuality Management (《审计质量管理办法》) and other systemdocuments, and established a relatively perfect audit system. At present,there are a total of 24 effective system documents.In 2019, the Company set up a leading group for audit to strengthen theorganization, leadership and coordination of the Company’s audit work.The Company formulated and implemented the Notice on FurtherPromoting the Reform of Enterprise Auditing (《关于深入推进企业审计工作改革的通知》), from 5 aspects including improving the auditmechanism, defining the important responsibility of audit work to promotethe high-quality development of enterprises, highlighting the focus ofaudit work, strengthening the rectification and reform of audit problems,and strengthening the foundation of auditing. It put forward 18 specificmeasures to deepen the reform of enterprise auditing, so as to promotethe reform of corporate auditing to develop in depth.The Company has implemented the Implementing Measures for theAccountability for Illegal Operation and Investment of Central Enterprises(for Trial Implementation) (SASAC NO.37) (《中央企业违规经营投资责任追究实施办法(试行)》(国资委

号令)), and actively promoted theconstruction of a working system for the investigation of responsibility forillegal operation and investment. the Company and its affiliated enterpriseshave completed the formulation of the Implementing Measures for theAccountability for Illegal Operations and Investment (《违规经营投资责任追究实施办法》) and implementation rules, and set up a leading group forthe investigation of illegal operation and investment responsibility. We willstrengthen unified leadership over the accountability of investmentresponsibility for illegal business, and strive to form a accountabilityworking mechanism with clear responsibilities, clear procedures, andstandardized and orderly accountability.


Audit Supervision

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

建设审计信息系统Audit information system establishment公司按照优化顶层设计,融入公司信息化总体方案的要求,启动了审计信息系统(一期)建设。项目实施过程中,深入研讨总体功能规划、详细梳理功能需求,加强系统开发的过程督导,确保系统开发工作的顺利推进和按期上线。

In accordance with the requirements of optimizing the top-level designand integrating into the overall plan of the Company’s informatization, theCompany launched the audit information system establishment (phase I).In the process of project implementation, in-depth study of the overallfunctional planning, detailed carding of functional requirements,strengthen the process supervision of system development, to ensure thesmooth progress of system development and launch online on schedule.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

规范关联方交易Regulating Related Party Transactions


The Company strictly implements the relevant regulations of the securitiesregulatory authorities on the management of related party transactions.The Company’s Board of Directors and relevant special committees strictlyfollow the requirements of the Articles of Association, the Measures for theManagement of Related Party Transactions and the relevant proceduralrules, consider the Company’s related party transactions, and regularlyreview the list of related party and the interim and annual related partytransactions of the Company, insisting on considering the necessity fortransactions, fairness of pricing, legality of procedures, and compliancewith shareholders’ interests. According to the “The board of directors oflisted companies shall require its audit committee or related party controlcommittee to perform the duties of controlling and daily management ofrelated party transactions of listed companies” under the Guidelines for theImplementation of Related Party Transaction of Listed Companies issuedby Shanghai Stock Exchange, and the requirements of the Hong KongStock Exchange on related party transaction management, the Company’saudit and risk management committee under the Board of Directors isresponsible for the control and daily management of related transactionsof the Company, and reviews the list of related parties and major relatedtransactions on a regular basis. At the same time, the Company carefullygrasped the differences between connected transactions with securitiesregulatory authorities and connected transactions as defined byaccounting standards, connected transactions under the Hong Kong StockExchange Listing Rules, strictly performed the decision-making proceduresand disclosure obligations of connected transactions, and ensured that theCompany’s connected transaction matters are standardized and fair.



环境管理架构Environmental Management Structure

环境风险管控Environmental Risk Management

排放物管理Emissions Management自然资源使用及保护Use and Protection of Natural Resources环境机遇Environmental Opportunity

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

Guided by “Ecological Priority and Green Development”, the Companycontinues to improve the environmental management system and clarifythe environmental protection management mode. The Company’senvironmental management work adheres to the principle of “TerritorialManagement”, “Prevention First, Combined with Prevention and Control”and “Who Pollutes, Who Controls”, and implements the management modeof unified leadership of the Company with subsidiaries and branchesresponsible for each level to ensure the orderly and controllableenvironmental protection. In terms of assessment, the Companyconscientiously implemented the reward and punishment system forenergy conservation and ecological environmental protection assessment,strengthened the assessment objectives, and seriously held accountabilityfor ecological and environmental issues. In terms of the systematicenvironmental management, the Company obtained ISO14001environmental management system certification issued by ChinaCertification Center Inc.

Resource conservation and the environment protection is the fundamentalpolicy of the nation. The Environmental Protection Law of the People’sRepublic of China (《中华人民共和国环境保护法》) regulated all institutionsand individuals are obliged to environmental protection, and enterprisesshould prevent and reduce pollution and ecology damage to theenvironment; the Energy Conservation Law of the People’s Republic of China(《中华人民共和国节约能源法》) regulated all institutions and individualsare obliged to save energy in accordance with the law; the Regulations on theAdministration of Construction Project Environmental Protection (《建设项目环境保护管理条例》) regulated industrial construction project to adoptproduction plan with reduced energy consumptions and pollutants,reasonably make use of natural resource and prevent environmental pollutionand ecological damage. The abovementioned laws and regulations requiredthe Company in terms of environmental risk control as well as specified thekey idea of our work priorities and directions. 2019 is an important year for theCompany’s “13th Five-Year Plan” energy conservation and environmentalprotection work. The Company strictly abides by laws and regulations that hassignificant impact on the Company’s operation, such as the EnvironmentalProtection Law of the People’s Republic of China, Energy Conservation Law ofthe People’s Republic of China and Regulations on the Administration ofConstruction Project Environmental Protection, thoroughly implements XiJinping’s thoughts on ecological civilization, establishes the concept of greendevelopment, conscientiously implements various national environmentalprotection policies, work arrangements and various requirements, and carryout environmental management work in a down-to-earth manner. Accordingto the identification and evaluation of key environmental factors of projectsunder construction and workplaces, the Company formulates andimplements the environmental management work plan for the project,establishes the ecological environmental monitoring system, strengthens themanagement of ecological environmental risk sources and pollutantdischarge control in operation, and continuously strengthens the supervisionand inspection of ecological environmental protection.


Environmental Management Structure


Environmental Risk Management



Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

The Company formulates and implements Administrative Measures forEnvironmental Protection on Construction and Installation Sites (《施工安装现场环保管理办法》), Administrative Measures for Environmental Protectionon Construction (《建筑施工环保管理办法》), Regulations on EnvironmentalManagement for Boiler Houses (《锅炉房环保管理规定》), AdministrativeMeasures for the Recovery and Utilization of Waste Materials (《废旧物资回收利用管理办法》), Regulations on Environmental Management for MetalWelding and Gas Cutting Operations (《金属焊接与气割作业环保管理规定》), Administrative Measures for Environmental Management for Machineryand Equipment (《机械设备环保管理办法》), Regulations on EnvironmentalManagement of Warehouses (《库房环保管理规定》), Regulations onManagement of Hazardous Wastes (《危险废物管理规定》), Regulations onEnvironmental Sanitation Management on Production Sites (《生产现场定置环境卫生管理规定》) and other rules and regulations to form a standardizedworking mode and take effective measures to control emissions.The Company’s exhaust emissions mainly come from the boiler gascombustion, smelting in the processing of steel structures, sheetprocessing, abrasive blasting, polishing and spraying and other processes.The main pollutants are sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, smoke (powder)and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). In 2019, the Company’s all majorexhaust pollutants have achieved emission standards.The Company reduced the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxidesby adjusting the structure of production capacity and reforming gas boilerswith low nitrogen. In terms of controlling smoke (powder), the Companyadopted control measures in transportation, storage, construction,production, etc., and effectively reduced smoke (powder) by covering,watering, adding dust removal equipment, and closing operations. In 2019,the Company’s multiple industrial production bases completed the specialrenovation of the fully enclosed operation workshop. In order to controlVOCs, the Company installed activated carbon and filter cotton paint mistfiltration systems on the production line, and rebuilt the entire workshop inaccordance with the VOCs governance standards. At present, theCompany’s Shanqiao and Baoqiao headquarter have completed thetransformation, and VOCs control has achieved good results.


Emissions Management公司制定并落实《施工安装现场环保管理办法》《建筑施工环保管理办法》《锅炉房环保管理规定》《废旧物资回收利用管理办法》《金属焊接与气割作业环保管理规定》《机械设备环保管理办法》《库房环保管理规定》《危险废物管理规定》《生产现场定置环境卫生管理规定》等规章制度,形成规范化的工作模式,采取有效措施,对排放物进行控制。废气管理Exhaust gas management公司废气排放主要来自于锅炉燃气燃烧,钢结构加工过程中的冶炼、板材处理、喷砂、打磨及喷涂等工序,主要污染物为二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟(粉)尘和挥发性有机物(VOCs)。2019年,公司各主要废气污染物均实现达标排放。公司通过调整产能结构,并通过低氮改造燃气锅炉等方式,减少二氧化硫、氮氧化物的排放。在治理烟(粉)尘方面,公司在运输、存储、施工、生产等方面采取控制措施,通过覆盖、洒水、增加除尘设备、封闭作业等方式有效减少烟(粉)尘。2019年,公司所属多个工业生产基地完成全封闭作业车间专项改造。为治理VOCs,公司在生产线加装活性炭和过滤棉漆雾过滤系统,并按照VOCs治理标准对车间整体进行改造,目前公司所属山桥、宝桥本部均已完成此改造,VOCs控制取得了良好效果。


China Railway GRoup limited

In respect of non-hazardous waste, the Company takes the constructionorganization plan optimization as the main measure, promotes thestandardization and regulation as required in project construction by the“Four Conservations and One Environmental Protection”, policy strengthensthe recycling of non-hazardous waste, and implements energyconservation and consumption reduction, cost reduction and effectincreased. China Railway attaches great importance to the comprehensiverecycle of hazardous waste, which achieved a comprehensive recycle rateof 98.9%. As regards hazardous waste, China Railway strictly follows theRegulations on Management of Hazardous Wastes and employsorganizations with qualifications for hazardous waste disposal to recyclehazardous waste, for example, waste engine oil from engineeringequipment, reaching the Company’s hazardous waste disposal rate of100%.

The Company attaches great importance to the management ofconstruction wastewater, and set up a three-stage sedimentation tank totreat the construction wastewater. The Company continuously strengthensenvironmental protection supervision at the construction site, regularlyinspects the ecological and environmental pollution sources and risk pointsof waste water generated during construction, updates the account ofpollution sources and risk points on a monthly basis, and assigns relevantdepartments and personnel for full process monitoring and normalsupervision.

废弃物管理Waste management对于无害废弃物,公司以优化施工组织方案为主要措施,推行“四节一环保”的标准化、规范化的项目建设要求,加强无害废弃物的循环使用,践行节能降耗、降本增效。中国中铁高度重视废弃物的综合利用,无害废弃物综合利用率达98.9%。对于危险废弃物,中国中铁严格按照《危险废物管理规定》,聘用有危废处置资质的机构对危险废弃物,如工程设备产生的废机油等,进行统一回收处理,公司有害废弃物处置率为100%。


Wastewater management


中铁上海工程局市政公司承建的上海白龙港污水处理厂污泥处理工程荣获中国土木工程詹天佑奖,其八座卵形消化池是国内目前建设在软土地基上单体规模最大、数量最多的双向有粘接预应力蛋形消化池工程,其总体规模位居亚洲第一The sludge treatment project of Bailonggang Sewage Treatment Plant inShanghai undertaken by CREC Shanghai Engineering Bureau MunicipalCompany won the China Civil Engineering Zhantianyou Award. Its eight ovaldigestion tanks are currently the two-way bonded prestressed egg-shapeddigestion tank project constructed on soft ground with the largest singlestructures in both size and number in China, and its overall size ranks first inAsia


Noise management公司要求所属工程项目现场必须配备噪声监控设备,对项目所产生的噪声进行实时监控,噪声控制情况符合国家有关标准。

The Company requires that its own project site must be equipped withnoise monitoring equipment to monitor the noise generated by the projectin real time, and the noise control conforms to relevant national standards.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

生态环境管理Ecological environment management公司对在建工程项目、作业场所进行环境因素识别和评估,建立生态环保监控监测体系,加强生产过程中生态环境污染风险源及污染物排放控制,并加强对项目部生态环保工作的过程管控,规避环境风险。




Emissions of NOx, SO2, smoke (powder) and VOCs are calculated based on the emissions permits.

The Company identifies and evaluates environmental factors forconstruction projects and operating sites, establishes an ecologicalenvironmental protection monitoring system, strengthens the control ofecological environmental pollution risk sources and pollutant emissionsduring the production, and strengthens the process control of ecologicalenvironmental protection in the project department to avoidenvironmental risks.

排放物及废弃物关键绩效指标Key performance indicators on emissions and wastes指标Indicators




Total amount of CO2 emission (ten-thousand tonnes)


CO2 emission density (ton/ten-thousand yuan)



NOx emission (ton)


烟(粉)尘排放量(吨)Smoke (powder) emission (ton)


挥发性有机物排放量(吨)VOCs emission (ton)


二氧化硫(吨)SO2 (ton)


有害废弃物总量(吨)Total amount of hazardous waste (ton)

万元单位有害废弃物排放量(公斤/万元)Discharge of hazardous waste per ten-thousand yuan (kg/ten-thousand yuan)


无害废弃物总量(万吨)Total amount of non-hazardous waste (ten-thousand tonnes)


万元单位无害废弃物排放量(公斤/万元)Discharge of non-hazardous waste per ten-thousand yuan (kg/ten-thousand yuan)


中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


Use and Protection of Natural Resources


Energy management

公司消耗的主要能源为施工及办公过程中的电力、汽油、柴油、天然气等。公司扎实推进节能增效工作,按照《节能减排监督管理办法》和《“十三五”节能减排规划》的要求,确定了2019年节能量化考核指标为万元营业收入(可比价)综合能耗在2018年的基础上下降3.20%。我们根据国资委对中央企业能源节约与生态环境保护工作的最新要求从调整管理组织架构、升级监测体系、下达考核奖惩指标、开展技术研发等方面全面部署并落实相关工作,综合能耗较去年同期下降3.25%,顺利达成节能减排年度工作目标。? 高度重视能源节约与生态环境保护组织管理体系


Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. The Companyattaches equal importance to the resource conservation and theenvironment protection, and strives to build “environment-friendly,resource-conserving” projects. The Company has formulated a series ofrules and regulations, such as the Administrative Measures for Supervisionand Management on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction of CREC(《中国中铁股份有限公司节能减排监督管理办法》) and AdministrativeMeasures for Environmental Protection of CREC (《中国中铁股份有限公司环境保护管理办法》), to carry out energy conservation, emissionreduction and ecological environmental protection, promote the conceptof green office and optimize resources use efficiency.

? Highly focused on organizational management system constructionfor energy conservation and ecological environmental protection:

in accordance with the requirements of the SASAC and normal industrymanagement practice, the Company places the works of ecologicalenvironmental protection, energy conservation and emissionreduction business into scope of responsibility of the department ofsafety, quality and environment, and set up an ecological department,implemented unified management of ecological environmentalprotection, energy conservation and emission reduction, andoptimized management resource allocation.

The main energy consumed by the Company is electricity, gasoline, dieseland natural gas during construction and office. The Company has solidlypromoted energy conservation and efficiency improvement. In accordancewith the requirements of the Administrative Measures for Supervision andManagement on Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction of CREC(《节能减排监督管理办法》) and the “13th Five-Year Plan” for EnergyConservation and Emission Reduction (《“十三五”节能减排规划》), theCompany has determined the quantitative assessment index ofcomprehensive energy consumption (comparable price) per ten-thousandyuan operating income generated in 2019 was reduced by 3.20%compared with 2018. According to the latest requirements of the SASAC onenergy conservation and ecological environmental protection of centralenterprises, we have fully deployed and implemented related work byadjusting the management organizational structure, upgrading themonitoring system, issuing assessment and punishment indicators andconducting technology research and development. The comprehensiveenergy consumption fell by 3.25% and successfully achieved the annualwork target of energy conservation and emission reduction.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

? 统计监测体系全面升级:公司升级改造“中国中

铁能源节约与生态环境保护信息系统”,实现新报表数据线上填报,提高了信息统计与监测效率。? 严格落实节能减排考核奖惩机制:公司于2019年

初下达节能减排工作指标,要求各单位对指标进行分解并下达至各所属三级公司、项目部和指挥部,以考核促管理,并采取奖惩措施,促进节能减排工作积极性。? 全面开展节能减排科技专项和节能低碳技术研发,高度重视工程项目绿色施工科技攻关及示范引领:公司于2019年度持续开展中国中铁第五批节能低碳技术征集及评选工作,高精度沥青摊铺智能控制技术等92项技术列为中国中铁2019年度节能低碳技术,科技创新促进节能减排工程取得显著成效。


Water management


According to the “Statistical Statement on Energy Conservation andEcological Environment Protection of Central Enterprises” (《中央企业能源节约与生态环境保护统计报表》) issued by the SASAC of the State Councilin March 2019, the Company has improved its statistical monitoring systemand standardized the statistical calculation of water consumption. In 2019,the annual consumption of new water is 1.6357071 billion tonnes, and thenew water consumption (comparable price) per ten-thousand yuan incomeis 22.96 ton/ten-thousand yuan.The Company attaches great importance to measures on water usage forconstruction, and develops and uses water-saving automatic sprinklersystems to collect and use natural precipitation or recycled wastewater forconcrete maintenance, vehicle washing, and dust suppression, therebystrengthening the recycling of water resources and improving wastewaterrecycling rate, effectively saving water resources.

? Comprehensive upgrade of statistical monitoring system: theCompany upgraded and improved the “CREC Energy Conservation andEcological Environmental Protection Information System”,implemented new report data filling online, which improved theefficiency of information statistics and monitoring.? Strictly implementing the reward and punishment mechanism forenergy conservation and emission reduction assessment: theCompany issued the energy conservation and emission reduction workindicators in early 2019, requiring all units to decompose the indicatorsand release them to their three-tier companies, project departmentsand headquarters to promote management through assessment, andadopt incentives and punishment measures to promote energyconservation and emission reduction.? Comprehensively carrying out research and development ofenergy-saving and emission-reduction technology special projectsand energy-saving and low-carbon technologies, and attachinggreat importance to the research and demonstration of greenconstruction technology for engineering projects: in 2019, theCompany continued to collect and appraise the fifth batch of CREC’senergy-saving and low-carbon technologies. 92 technologies such ashigh-precision asphalt paving intelligent control technology werelisted as CREC’s 2019 energy-saving and low-carbon technologies.Technological innovation has promoted significant results in energyconservation and emission reduction projects.


China Railway GRoup limited

绿色办公Green office



In 2019, the Company organized the application and promotion of thepaperless conference system at the headquarters. The paperless system atthe headquarters supports the parallel access of hardware devices such ascomputer terminals, mobile phones, and tablets. It supports the holding ofpaperless meetings with technical methods such as screen on the screen,handwritten signing and approval, and data distribution and sharing,achieving goals including pre-meeting preparation, meeting control,post-conference filing and statistical analysis. In 2019, the Company’sheadquarters held a total of 143 paperless meetings, with a total of 4,243attendees, 2,852 meeting documents, and a total of 1.1908 million papersavings.

Note: Based on business characteristic of the Company, it is not applicable to calculate energy consumptiondensity using unit of production (UOP) or per facility, thus adopts comprehensive energyconsumption (comparable price) per ten-thousand operating income to calculate and discloseenergy consumption density.注: 基于本公司业务性质,不适用于以每产量单位或每项设施计算能耗密度,采用万元营业收入(可比价)综合能耗计算和披露能耗密度。

能源及资源消耗关键绩效指标Key performance indicators for energy and resource consumption能源/资源类型Energy/resource type



直接能源消耗Direct energy consumption

汽油(万吨)Gasoline (ten-thousand tonnes)


汽油(吨/万元)Gasoline (ton/ RMB ten-thousand)


柴油(万吨)Diesel (ten-thousand tonnes)


柴油(吨/万元)Disel (ton/ RMB ten-thousand)


天然气(万标立方米)Natural gas (ten-thousand standard m


5,769天然气(立方米/万元)Natural gas (m

/ RMB ten-thousand)


间接能源消耗Indirect energy consumption

电力(万千瓦时)Electricity (ten-thousand kwh)


Electricity (ten-thousand kwh/ RMB ten-thousand)


综合能源消耗Comprehensive energy consumption

综合能源消耗(万吨标准煤)Comprehensive energy consumption (ten-thousand tonnes of standard coal)


综合能源消耗(吨标准煤/万元收入)Comprehensive energy consumption (ton of standard coal/ten-thousand yuan income)


综合能源消耗(万千瓦时)Comprehensive energy consumption (ten-thousand kwh)

2,956,783.13综合能源消耗(千瓦时/万元收入)Comprehensive energy consumption (kwh/ten-thousand yuan income)



消耗新水总量(万吨)Total new water consumption (ten-thousand tonnes)


Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

生态保护Ecological protection在施工前期,公司组织专业机构开展环境影响评价,依据评估结果制定切实有效的保护方案,开展水土保持、生物多样性保护、植被保护等措施,做到生态环境保护与工程建设同步规划与同步实施。在施工过程中,公司注重生态保护的持续投入,使用环保设备,改进施工工艺和优化施工方案,减少对水、大气、植被和生物的影响。公司能源节约与生态环境保护信息系统定期采集生态环境监测数据,提升生态环保信息直观性和真实性。2019年,由公司领导带队开展生态环保检查7次,对全公司共计135个项目进行了专项检查,对存在生态环保隐患的单位进行了通报,并监督整改。截至2019年底,公司已竣工项目环评通过率达100%。在土地利用方面,2019年公司认真贯彻《土壤污染防治法》,在工程项目施工初期就将生态恢复纳入项目管理,做好科学选址、规范弃碴、事先防护、积极消纳。每一个工点施工完后,确保用合适的土料覆盖地表,清理便道两侧施工弃物,恢复地面天然状态。对于施工过程中涉及的临时用地,公司严格编制与实施用地及复垦规划,注意对居民稠密区、自然保护区等环境敏感区域的保护,并在工程竣工后按照规定对土地进行恢复,最大限度保护生态环境。在生物多样性保护方面,公司持续监测生物多样性影响,并采取有效措施,努力降低施工生产对生物种群造成的影响。

In the early stage of construction, the Company organized professionalorganizations to carry out environmental impact assessments, and basedon the assessment results, to formulate effective protection programs,carry out measures such as soil and water conservation, biodiversityprotection and vegetation protection, so as to achieve simultaneousplanning and implementation of ecological environmental protection andengineering. During the construction, the Company continuously paysattention to the ecological protection by using environmental protectionequipment, improving the construction process and optimizing theconstruction plan, so as to reduces the impact on water, atmosphere,vegetation and organisms. The Company’s energy conservation andecological protection information system regularly collects ecologicalmonitoring data to improve the intuitiveness and authenticity of ecologicalprotection information. In 2019, the Company’s leaders led a team toconduct 7 ecological inspections, carried out special inspections on a totalof 135 projects throughout the Company, notified units with hiddenecological risks, and supervised rectification. By the end of 2019, theenvironmental impact assessment approval rate of the Company’scompleted projects’ reached 100%.In terms of land use, the Company seriously implemented the Soil PollutionPrevention and Control Law (《土壤污染防治法》) in 2019, andincorporated ecological restoration into project management in the earlystages of construction with scientific site selection, standardizedabandonment, prior protection, and active consumption. After eachconstruction site is completed, we ensure that suitable soil is covered,construction waste on both sides of the road is cleaned, and the ground isrestored to its natural state. For the temporary land involved in theconstruction, the Company strictly compiles and implements land use andreclamation plans, pays attention to the protection of environmentallysensitive areas such as densely populated areas and nature reserves, andrestores the land in accordance with regulations after the completion ofthe project to maximize the ecological environment protection.In terms of biodiversity protection, the Company continuously monitorsthe biodiversity impact and takes effective measures to reduce the impactof construction production on biological populations.

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

案 例Case


In July 2019, the Changjinghuang High-speed Railway Project Department of China Railway Tunnel Bureau Group successfully rescued two littlesparrow-hawk, a global endangered species, in field surveys, and transferred them to the National Wildlife Rescue Center in the south of AnhuiProvince.


Environmental Opportunity公司已将绿色发展理念融入经营流程,对相关机遇时刻保持敏锐洞察,通过系统化的识别,公司在绿色规划与施工,清洁能源开发和环保产业建设方面不遗余力,为建设生态文明增砖添瓦。

The Company has integrated the concept of green development into itsbusiness, and remains keenly aware of relevant opportunities. Throughsystematic identification, the Company spares no effort in green planningand construction, clean energy development and environmentalprotection industry construction, contributing to the construction ofecological civilization.

边坡绿化自动喷淋系统An automatic spraying system for side slope greening

福清兴化湾海上风电场一期项目Offshore wind farm phase I project in Xinghua Bay, Fuqing

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

? Green planning: in order to implement the national energyconservation and emission reduction guidelines and policies,coordinate the deployment of the “13th Five-Year Plan” energy-savingand emission reduction work of joint-stock companies, compile the13th Five-Year Plan for Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction ofCREC (《中国中铁股份有限公司“十三五”节能减排规划》), weexplicitly put forward the main tasks of adhering to the greendevelopment of the various segments of the Company in the plan.According to the national “13th Five-Year Plan” for energy conservationand emission reduction and green standards, the Company thoroughlyimplements the concept of green development, promotes greenplanning and design, introduces a full life cycle green design mode,controls energy consumption from the source, and integrates green,low-carbon, and ecological design into the entire process ofengineering planning and design. In 2019, the Company organized thecompilation of green construction and evaluation standards forrailway, highway, urban track and tunnel engineering majors, whichwas based on the research and compilation of enterprise greenconstruction and evaluation standard system. The green constructionsystem of the Company is established in a comprehensive waycovering the technical standard system, project implementation, etc.案 例Case

中国中铁在京张高铁全线的设计过程中,注重融入绿色环保设计理念,采用多种方式努力把京张高铁打造成“安全、舒适、便捷、快速、节能、环保”的世界一流现代化高速铁路。如,对路基、桥梁、隧道及其他相关场地沿线采用内低外高、内灌外乔的多层立体绿化带;以隧道引入城区,降低铁路对周边环境的影响;采用跨区间无缝线路、声屏障和隔声窗等降噪减振设计。In the design of the whole line of Jingzhang High-Speed Rail, CREC pays attention to integrating the design concept of green environmentalprotection, and strives to build the Jingzhang High-Speed Rail into a world-class modern high-speed railway with “safety, comfort, convenience,speed, energy-saving and environmental protection” in a variety of ways. For example, along the roadbed, bridge, tunnel and other related sites, amulti-layer dimensional green belt with low inside and high outside, shrub inside and arbor outside is adopted; the tunnel is introduced into theurban area to reduce the impact of the railway on the surrounding environment; noise reduction and vibration reduction designs such ascross-interval continuous welded rail, sound barriers and sound insulation windows are adopted.

绿色规划与施工Green planning and construction? 绿色规划:为贯彻落实国家节能减排方针、政策,统筹部署股份公司“十三五”节能减排工作,编制《中国中铁股份有限公司“十三五”节能减排规划》,在规划中明确提出坚持推进公司所属各板块绿色发展的主要任务。公司根据国家“十三五”节能减排规划和绿色标准,深入贯彻绿色发展理念,推行绿色规划设计,引入全生命周期绿色设计模式,从源头上控制能耗,把绿色、低碳、生态设计理念融入到工程规划设计的全过程。2019年,公司组织开展铁路、公路、城市轨道及隧道工程专业的绿色施工及评价标准编写工作,该项工作以研究编制企业绿色施工及评价标准体系为依托,从技术标准体系、工程项目实施等各方面综合建立企业的绿色施工体系。

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

? 绿色施工:公司高度重视工程项目绿色施工科技攻关及示范引领,全面开展节能减排科技专项和节能低碳技术研发,推广节能低碳技术在施工过程中的研发和应用。

案 例Case

公司所属的中铁上海局依托绿色施工科技示范工程建设,积极开展科技攻关,其单位承建郑万铁路梅溪河特大桥主桥钢桁拱肋劲性骨架吊装缆索吊方案,经多方论证、比选优化,最终确定采用斜拉扣挂缆扣分离双塔式,提高了周转材料利用率,实现了缆索系统与主桥拱座、交界墩、引桥连续梁同时平行施工,缩短工期6个月,极大降低资源及能源消耗。Relying on the green construction science and technology demonstration project, the Shanghai Bureau of China of CREC, has actively carried outscientific and technological research, and its unit has undertaken the construction of the cable suspension scheme for the stiff skeleton of thesteel truss arch ribs of the main bridge of Meixi River Bridge on Zhengwan Railway. Through multi-party demonstration, comparison andoptimization, it is finally determined to adopt the double tower type of cable-stayed buckle and cable buckle separation, which improves theutilization rate of turnover materials. The parallel construction of the cable system with the arch seat of the main bridge, the junction pier and thecontinuous beam of the approach bridge is realized, the construction period is shortened by 6 months, and the resource and energyconsumption are greatly reduced.

? Green construction: the Company attaches great importance to the

research and demonstration of green construction technology forengineering projects, comprehensively develops energy-saving andemission-reduction technology projects and research anddevelopment of energy-saving and low-carbon technologies, andpromotes the development and application of energy-saving and low-carbon technologies in construction.

及时完成建设临时用地复垦工作The reclamation of temporary construction land was completed in time

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


Clean energy development公司一贯积极参与清洁能源开发项目,先后与西藏自治区政府、三峡集团、华电集团等签署战略合作协议,共同开发清洁能源。同时,在公司各主要施工项目上,积极研发推广使用地源热泵、光伏发电、热电冷三联供等清洁能源技术。在公司的城市开发运营和房地产开发业务中,通过与相关企业合作,实现清洁能源技术和资源使用平台的优势互补,确保中国中铁开发的区域及项目在清洁能源开发利用、节能环保、城市楼宇智能化、集中供暖供冷等领域达到世界先进水平。

案 例Case

公司所属中铁大桥局与三峡集团联合建设了福清兴化湾海上风电场一期项目,该项目的14台风机全部安装完成,总装机容量为77.4兆瓦,单机容量为5兆瓦至6.7兆瓦,是国内首个大功率的海上风电机组风电项目。此外,2019年8月,由中铁大桥局承建的江苏盛东如东400兆瓦海上风电场已开工。The China Railway Bridge Bureau of the Company and the Three Gorges Group jointly constructed the first phase of the Fuqing Xinghua BayOffshore Wind Farm Project. All 14 wind turbines in this project have been installed, with a total installed capacity of 77.4 MW and a single unitcapacity of 5 MW to 6.7 MW. It is the first high-power offshore wind turbine project in China. In addition, in August 2019, the 400 MW offshorewind farm construction in Shengdong Rudong in Jiangsu Province undertaken by the China Railway Bridge Bureau has started.

The Company has always actively participated in clean energydevelopment projects, and has signed strategic cooperation agreementswith the Tibet Autonomous Region Government, the Three Gorges Group,and Huadian Corporation to jointly develop clean energy. Meanwhile, inthe Company’s main construction projects, the Company has activelydeveloped and promoted the use of ground source heat pumps,photovoltaic power generation, combined cooling heat and power andother clean energy technologies. In the Company’s urban developmentoperations and property development business, through cooperation withrelated enterprises, the complementary advantages of clean energytechnology and resource use platforms are achieved to ensure that theregions and projects developed by CREC reach the world’s advanced levelin the fields of clean energy development and utilization, energy-savingand environmental protection, intelligent urban buildings, central heatingand cooling, etc.


China Railway GRoup limited

参与环保产业Participation in environmental protectionindustry公司认为在全球低碳经济转型的背景下,清洁技术和环保产业将具有十分良好的发展前景和商业机会。2019年,我们组建了水务环保行业的综合企业——中国铁工建设集团有限公司,下设水务、市政环保建设、智慧城市、生态环境、绿色资源开发五个子专业公司。中国铁工建设集团有限公司承建的合肥王小郢污水处理厂、上海浦东新区白龙港污水处理厂、贵阳市新庄污水处理厂、深圳市宝安区固戍污水处理厂、济南市径十路道路及环境建设工程分别荣获鲁班奖,成都污水处理厂等荣获国优金奖。中国铁工建设集团有限公司还主导总承包北运河通州段综合治理、北京市凉水河水环境综合治理、湖北省当阳市城乡污水综合治理、内江沱江流域水环境综合治理PPP项目。未来,我们将继续扩大在该领域的投入,为生态环保治理和基础设施建设添砖加瓦。

The Company believes that in the context of the global low-carboneconomic transformation, clean technology and environmental protectionindustries will have very good development prospects and businessopportunities. In 2019, we set up a conglomerate in the water andenvironmental protection industry, China Iron and Steel ConstructionGroup Co., Ltd., with five sub-professional companies in water, municipalenvironmental protection construction, smart cities, ecologicalenvironment and green resource development. Wangxiaoying SewageTreatment Plant in Hefei, Bailonggang Sewage Treatment Plant in PudongNew District, Shanghai, Xinzhuang Sewage Treatment Plant in Guiyang,Gushu Sewage Treatment Plant in Baoan District, Shenzhen, road andenvironmental construction projects in Jingshi Road in Jinan undertakenby China Iron and Steel Construction Group Co., Ltd. won the Luban Prize,Chengdu Sewage Treatment Plant and other National Excellent GoldAwards, respectively. China Iron and Steel Construction Group Co., Ltd. alsoleads the general contracting of the comprehensive treatment of theTongzhou section of the north canal, the comprehensive treatment of thewater environment of the Liangshui River in Beijing, the comprehensivetreatment of urban and rural sewage in Dangyang City, Hubei Province,and the PPP project of the comprehensive treatment of the waterenvironment in the Neijiang Reach of Tuojiang River. In the future, we willcontinue to expand our investment in this area, and contribute toecological and environmental governance and infrastructure construction.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

应对气候变化Tackling climate change公司密切关注全球气候变化趋势和对公司业务所带来的影响,积极开展节能减排措施,投资利用清洁能源,减少自身温室气体排放。公司大力拓展以“生态修复、城市修补”为主要内容的城市双修、海绵城市、海域岸线综合治理等业务领域,积极适应因气候变化可能带来的极端天气、城市环境变化及可能发生的城市雨虹灾害等。

案 例Case


The Company participated in the construction of “sponge cities” in Chizhou, Zhenjiang, Yueyang, Xuzhou, Songyuan, Rizhao and other places. Itadopted technical means including permeable paving, planting roofs to achieve water absorption, storage, seepage and purification when itrained. “Releasing” and using the stored water at proper times allows cities to have good resilience in adapting to climate change and respondingto natural disasters caused by rain, which can effectively alleviate the urban heat island effect and solve urban waterlogging problems.

京新高速公路沿线防沙固沙成效显著Significant success achieved in sand prevention and fixation along the Beijing-Xinjiang Expressway

The Company pays close attention to global climate change trends and theimpact on its business, actively implements energy conservation andemission reduction measures, invests in the use of clean energy andreduces its own greenhouse gas emissions.The Company vigorously expands business areas such as urban renovationwith “ecological restoration and urban repair” as its main content, spongecities and comprehensive management of seashore coastlines, and activelyadapts to extreme weather caused by climate change, urban environmentchanges and possible urban rainbow disaster, etc.


创造价值Value Creation人力资本管理

Human Capital Management


Safeguard of Sta’s Rights and Interests


Employee Health and Safety Protection

关注员工成长与发展Focusing on the Growth and development of Employees产品责任Product Responsibility


Supplier Management

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

CREC is committed to becoming the pillar of national economicdevelopment. In 2019, the Company has completed the infrastructureconstruction in railways, highways, rail transit, ports, municipalities andairports in the global market, especially in the Chinese market, which hasstimulated global and local economic growth, promoted economicdevelopment and social progress, and continuously created andaccumulated high-quality material wealth for society.In 2019, the Company recorded total value of newly-signed contracts ofRMB2,164.87 billion, representing a year-on-year growth of 27.94%; totalrevenues of RMB850.88 billion, representing a year-on-year growth of

14.92%; realized net profit attributable to the parent company of RMB23.68

billion, representing a year-on-year growth of 37.68%, making CRECbecome the major creator of social wealth and an important driving forcefor social and economic development.

创造价值Value Creation经济绩效

Economic performance中国中铁致力成为国民经济发展的支柱。2019年,公司通过完成全球市场,特别是中国市场的铁路、公路、轨道交通、港口、市政、机场等基础设施建设,拉动了全球和地方经济增长,促进了经济发展和社会进步,不断为社会创造和积累优质物质财富。2019年,公司新签合同额21,648.7亿元,同比增长27.94%;公司营业收入8,508.8亿元,同比增长


长37.68%,成为社会财富的重要创造者和社会经济发展的重要推动力量。单位:亿元Unit: RMB0.1 Billion营业收入Income


Newly-signed Contracts


Net profit









Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

CREC always regards promoting employment as a key content in fulfillingcorporate social responsibility. In 2019, CREC strictly implemented the staffemployment commitment of Collective Contract, making every endeavorto promote re-employment of laid-off employees. Every year, the Companycreates and provides large number of new jobs for the society throughtaking in graduates from junior college and technical secondary school,receiving demobilized army men and introducing from HR market. In 2019,the Company received a total of 13,502 new graduates from junior collegeand technical secondary school, and 4 demobilized army cadres weresettled in Beijing, which was praised by Military Demobilization Office ofthe State Council.


Employment promotion中国中铁始终把促进就业作为履行企业社会责任的一项关键内容。2019年,公司认真落实《集体合同》员工上岗就业承诺,想方设法促进企业下岗职工实现再就业。公司每年通过接收大中专毕业生、接收转业军人、人才市场引进等形式,为社会人才提供了大量就业机会。2019年,全公司新接收大中专毕业生13,502人,军转干部在京安置退役军人4人,得到国务院军转办肯定。

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

In 2019, the Company continued to promote the management of real-name system of peasant workers, special wage account system, wagesecurity payment and bank payoff system and other measures to ensurethat peasant workers’ wages are paid on time and in full. Meanwhile, theCompany strictly carried out pre-job safety education and training to thepeasant workers and on-site operation skill training, and gave intensivepre-job training for all special work posts to constantly improve their jobskills.

CREC attached great importance to strategic cooperation with domesticand overseas organizations and large-scale enterprises. The Company hasset up a broad strategic alliance and close partnership in talent training,fund management, construction and production, material supply, cultureconstruction, technological innovation and strategic development,established stable strategic alliances and close cooperative relationshipswith governments, colleges and universities, social organizations, financialinstitutions and relevant enterprises, promoting all-round complementaryadvantages to achieve resource sharing and collaborative development.In 2019, the Company made full use of its advantages in capital,technology, management and talent reserve, and signed strategiccooperation agreements with Tianjin Municipal Government, GuizhouProvincial Government, Nanjing Municipal Government, Shanghai StockExchange, China Huadian Corporation and other enterprises, which laid agood foundation for future in-depth cooperation.

2019年,全公司持续推进农民工实名制管理、工资专用账户、工资保证金和银行代发工资等措施,保证农民工工资按时且足额发放。同时,公司严格做好农民工岗前安全教育培训和现场操作技能培训,并对特殊工种全部进行岗前强化培训,不断提高农民工作业技能。合作共赢Win-win cooperation中国中铁十分重视与国内外各类组织和大型企业的战略合作。公司在人才培养、资金管理、施工生产、材料供应、文化构建、科技创新、战略发展等方面,与各级政府、高校、社会组织、金融机构及其他相关企业等建立了稳固的战略联盟和密切的合作关系,促进了多方优势互补,实现了资源共享与协同发展。2019年,公司充分利用在资金、技术、管理及人才等方面的优势,与天津市政府、贵州省政府、南京市政府、上海证券交易所、中国华电集团有限公司等企业签署了战略合作协议,为之后的深入合作奠定了良好基础。

与南航签署战略合作协议A strategic cooperation agreement was signed with China Southern Airlines

与贵州省签署战略合作协议A strategic partnership agreement was signed with Guizhou Province

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

The Company adheres to the core values of “people-oriented, equality andjustice, unity and cooperation, openness and tolerance, pursuit of commondevelopment, harmony and win-win situation between the Company andemployees, shareholders and society”, attaches importance to safeguardingemployees’ rights and interests, and ensures employees’ health and safety,pays attention to the growth and development of employees, and iscommitted to building a first-class team to achieve the common progressof employees and enterprises. As of the end of 2019, the registeredemployees includes 195,650 people with college education level or above,141,364 people with bachelor degree or above, 270 people with doctoratedegree, and 141,364 people with master degree; 33,284 people with seniortitle (including: 2,417 people with professorate senior title), 64,290 peoplewith intermediate title, 72,881 people with assistant title. The Company has1,918 experts in various fields, and 20,536 people with national vocationalqualification.

The Company strictly abides by the Labor Law of the People’s Republic ofChina (《中华人民共和国劳动法》), the Labor Contract Law of the People’sRepublic of China (《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》), Provisions on theProhibition of Using Child Labor (《禁止使用童工规定》), Special Rules onthe Labor Protection of Female Employees (《女职工劳动保护特别规定》)and other relevant laws and regulations in the countries of the places ofoperations that has significant impact on the employee management ofthe Company. The Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China and theLabor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China regulated theCompany to recruit employees under the principle of fair and just andshould signs a labor contract with each employee, which containsprovisions including employment term and reason of termination.Meanwhile, such laws and regulations also required the Company toindependently confirm the allocation and principle of wage, pay employeesalary in accordance with the law and safeguard their rights to have restand leave; Provisions on the Prohibition of Using Child Labor prohibitedinstitutions to employ workers minors under 16; Special Rules on the LaborProtection of Female Employees aimed to reduce and solve femaleemployees special difficulties encountered during work because of thephysical features in protection of their health. Such laws and regulationssignificantly influenced China Railway in terms of improving recruitmentpolicies and maintaining rights and interests for all employees. During thereporting period, we did not find incidents of child labor or forced labor.


Human Capital Management

维护员工权益Safeguard of Staff’s Rights and Interests




China Railway GRoup limited


招聘与劳动合同管理Recruitment and Labor contractmanagement公司在人才招聘方面坚持定期招聘应届毕业生和按需引进高端人才相结合的政策,按照既满足当前需要又考虑长远发展的思路,在知名院校采取专项引才政策,重点引进公司急需紧缺的高层次、高学历毕业生。针对企业急需且短期无法通过内部培养的高端人才,可通过人才引进绿色通道,采取“一人一策”,实行更加开放灵活的人才政策。公司高度重视员工权益保护,坚持用工平等的管理准则,依法为员工平等提供多元化发展机会,不因性别、种族、宗教、年龄、国籍而歧视员工。公司依法与每位员工签订劳动合同,合同内容包含关于工资、员工假期、福利、培训项目、健康安全、保密义务和终止情形的条款,明确公司与员工的权利和义务,并严格执行,有效维护双方的合法权益。公司重视强化劳动合同管理,及时与涉及合同到期、变更、解除的员工办理相关手续。若员工因不能胜任岗位或严重违反公司规章制度等,双方将依法终止劳动合同。

Enterprises at all levels of the Company hold annual workers’ congress toreview the work report of the enterprise, the report on the collection andprocessing of employee proposals, and the report on the implementationof collective contracts. Employee representatives will conduct democraticevaluation and speak on proposals at the meeting. In 2019, the Companysolicited 214 employee proposals and processed them all in the same year.The Company’s labor union actively promoted democratic management,incorporated democratic management into the Company’s “Three Majorand One Big” decision-making mechanism and internal control processes,and participated in the formulation and review of policies and systemsinvolving employee interests. When the workers’ congress was not insession, the labor union held 3 joint meetings of representatives and headsto consider important issues such as Enterprise Annuity Plan (《企业年金方案》), the Proposal for the Establishment of CREC Targeted AssistanceFund (《成立中国中铁精准帮扶基金议案》) and the AdministrativeMeasures of Targeted Assistance Fund (《精准帮扶基金管理办法》), andelected workers’ supervisors.

In terms of talents recruitment, the Company insisted on the policy thatresorts to both recruiting fresh graduates on a regular basis andintroducing high-end talents according to the needs. With the mindset tosatisfy current need and for future development, and through the policy oftalent acquisition on targeted expertise, the Company highlights on highlevel graduates with good educational background to cope with urgentneed. In recruitment of high-end talents who meet the need but theenterprise is unable to provide through internal training in short period oftime, it is possible to recruit through a green path of “one talent one policy”,implementing the talent recruitment policy in a more welcome and flexiblemanner.The Company attaches great importance to the protection of employees’rights and interests, adheres to the equal employment managementprinciple, provides employees with equal opportunities for diversifieddevelopment in accordance with the law, and does not discriminateagainst employees because of gender, race, religion, age and nationality.The Company signs a labor contract with each employee in accordancewith the law. The contract contains provisions on wages, employeeholidays, benefits, training programs, health and safety, confidentialityobligations and termination, clarifies the rights and obligations of theCompany and employees, and strictly enforces and effectively maintainsthe legal rights of both parties. The Company attaches great importance tostrengthening the management of labor contracts, and timely handlesrelevant procedures with employees involved in the expiry, change andtermination of contracts. If an employee is unable to perform the job orseriously violates the Company’s rules and regulations, both parties willterminate the labor contract in accordance with the law.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

薪酬与福利Remuneration and benefits公司按照现代企业制度要求,不断完善科学合理、公平公正、规范有序的薪酬管理制度体系,注重发挥薪酬分配的激励和约束作用,吸引和保留企业核心人才,并保持薪酬水平的规范有序增长。在薪酬制度方面,公司制定了《中国中铁股份有限公司薪酬管理工作指导意见》《中国中铁加强员工收入能增能减市场化机制建设的指导意见》等文件,并依照相关文件为员工提供岗位工资、绩效工资和津贴。2019年,公司完善出台工资总额管理办法,落实国家及国资委“一适应,两挂钩,双对标”要求,建立健全与企业经济效益和人均营收及人工成本投入产出效率指标挂钩的工资决定和正常增长机制,加大工资与企业效益挂钩力度,并结合职工平均工资情况进行调控,营造积极向上的正向激励氛围。公司还拟订科技型企业股权和分红激励管理办法,明确实施条件和方法,理顺内部管理流程,从而建立科技型企业股权和分红激励管理机制。公司切实保障职工合法社保权益,督促成员企业及时为职工缴纳养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、生育保险、工伤保险及住房公积金。公司在境外机构和项目都设立了人力资源部(岗),按照当地劳动法和社保法等,制定属地化的劳工管理制度,明确规范当地员工招聘、合同签订、社保交纳、出勤管理、请假制度、薪酬标准、解聘流程等各环节要求。除前述法定福利外,公司积极推进有条件的成员企业为在职员工和退休员工提供自愿福利,这些福利包括为员工提供补充医疗保险计划和企业年金,减轻员工医疗和养老费用负担,提高员工重大疾病和养老保障水平,进一步维护员工权益。

In accordance with the requirements of the modern enterprise system, theCompany continues to improve its scientific, reasonable, fair, impartial andstandardized remuneration management system. It pays attention to the roleof incentives and restraints in remuneration distribution, attracts and retainscore talents of the enterprise, and maintains a regular and orderly increase inremuneration. In terms of the remuneration system, the Company formulatedthe Guidelines on Remuneration Management of CREC (《中国中铁股份有限公司薪酬管理工作指导意见》) and Guidelines on CREC to Strengthen theEstablishment of Market Mechanism for Employee Revenue Variability (《中国中铁加强员工收入能增能减市场化机制建设的指导意见》) and otherdocuments, and provided employees with post wages, performance pay andallowances in accordance with the relevant documents. In 2019, the Companyimproved the total salary management, implemented the “one adaptation,two linkages and double benchmarking” requirements of the State and theSASAC, and established and optimized remuneration linked to corporateeconomic benefits and per capita revenue and labor cost input-outputefficiency indicators, increase the linkage between salaries and enterpriseefficiency, and combine with the average salaries of employees to carry outregulation and control, to create a positive incentive atmosphere. TheCompany also formulates the administrative measures for equity and dividendincentives of technology-based enterprises, clarified the implementationconditions and methods, and straightens out the internal managementprocess to establish a management mechanism for equity and dividendincentives of technology-based enterprises.The Company earnestly protects employees’ legitimate social securityrights and urges member companies to promptly pay endowmentinsurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, maternityinsurance, work injury insurance and housing provident fund for theiremployees. The Company has set up human resources departments (posts)in overseas institutions and projects, and formulated localized labormanagement systems in accordance with local labor law and social securitylaw, which clearly regulates local employee recruitment, contract signing,social security delivery, attendance management, and leave systems,remuneration standards, termination procedures and other requirements.In addition to the afore-mentioned statutory benefits, the Companyactively promotes qualified member companies to provide voluntarybenefits for in-service and retired employees, including supplementarymedical insurance plans and enterprise annuities for employees, reducingthe burden of employees’ medical and pension expenses, improvingemployees’ major diseases and old-age security, and further safeguardingemployees’ rights and interests.

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


案 例Case

中铁香港(印尼)公司的印尼籍员工Ima一次突发急病,公司马上组织将其及时送医,并垫付医疗费用。该员工出院后公司让她在家调养,并组织工会到她家中慰问。得益于公司为其办理的医疗保险,Ima完全可以承担后续治疗的费用。Ima, an Indonesian employee of China Railway Hong Kong (Indonesia) Company, had an acute illness, and the company immediately arranged tosend Ima to the doctor in a timely manner and paid the medical expenses in advance. After the employee was discharged from the hospital, thecompany asked her to recuperate at home, and organized the union to visit Ima. Thanks to the Company’s medical insurance, Ima can fully affordthe cost of follow-up treatment.

In terms of employee benefits, in 2019, the Company comprehensivelylaunched a “three permissions and three prohibitions” project for caring foremployees, vigorously promoted inclusive services, and teamed up withprofessional insurance companies to provide exclusive group discounthealth insurance for employees and their families. Since the pilot in Beijing,the Company have provided accident protection and major illnessprotection for more than 3,000 employees with a total of RMB2.27 billion,effectively enhancing their ability to resist major diseases and accidentrisks.In 2019, the Company deepened “Ten Happy Projects of Happy Homes” ofproject department, did well in “three prohibitions” assistance, “twofestivals” heart-warming and staff services and condolences during summerand flood seasons, and carried out key projects of summer cooling andinvestigated condolence activities. The Company spent a total of RMB72.14million in “three prohibitions” activity and aided 15,112 employees indifficulty; it raised and distributed RMB159 million in “two festivals” activityfor warm delivery and visited totally 320,000 workers.


Group birthdays for employees

中铁上海局帮助困难员工脱贫解困China Railway Shanghai Bureau helps employees in difficulty get rid of povertyand difficulties

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

关爱员工身心健康Caring for employees’ physical andpsychological health

公司积极组织了一系列关爱员工身心健康活动。公司关注工地卫生建设,持续改善施工一线的卫生水平,为员工营造健康清洁的工作环境。公司通过先进女职工素质提升清华大学研修班、中铁惠园女子学堂等培训专门为女职工设置身心健康保障课程。所属部分单位还专门为女职工增加了额外体检项目。公司组织进行员工健康关爱书面调研、网上问卷调查和片区督导调研,召开员工帮助计划(Employee Assistance Program,EAP)推进视频会和交流研讨会。公司下发《关于加强员工健康关爱计划内部专员队伍建设的指导意见》,培训健康委员、内训师、督导运营师、健康关爱大使志愿者550人次,并举办EAP内训师授课观摩大赛,据统计,共有28万人次在线观看此次比赛。公司还搭建了线上心理自助、心理测试和心理咨询平台,开通了心理健康知识微课堂,首次组织10万名员工线上心理健康测评。目前全公司共建立心灵驿站1,100个,开展心理咨询疏导活动1,228场次,电话和网络心理咨询1,587人次,受益者达12.7万人次。

The Company actively organized a series of activities to care for thephysical and psychological health of employees. The Company paidattention to the hygienic construction of the construction site,continuously improved the sanitary level of the construction front line, andcreated a healthy and clean working environment for employees. Throughadvanced female staff quality enhancement training class of TsinghuaUniversity, CREC Huiyuan women’s school and other training specifically forfemale staff, the Company set up physical and psychological healthprotection courses. Some units of the Company also specially addedadditional physical examinations for female employees. The Companyorganized written research on employees’ health care, online questionnairesurvey and area supervision research, and held video conference andcommunication seminar on Employee Assistance Program (EAP)promotion. The Company issued the Guidelines on Strengthening theConstruction of Internal Specialist Team of the Employee Health Care Planand trained 550 volunteers of health committee members, internal trainers,supervising operators and health care ambassadors, and held the EAPinternal trainers’ teaching observation competition. According to statistics,a total of 280,000 people watched the competition online. The Companyhas also established an online psychological self-assistance, psychologicaltesting and psychological counseling platform, launched a micro-class ofmental health knowledge, and firstly organized online mental healthassessment for 100,000 employees. At present, the Company has set up1,100 staff soul shelters, conducted 1,228 counselling activities, 1,587telephone and online psychological consultations, with 127,000beneficiaries.

工地慰问Paying a visit to a construction site


CREC Shanghai Engineering Bureau held a Chinese-style group wedding ceremony for10 couples from the Western Inner Mongolia-Central China Railway Project

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

保障工作与生活平衡Work-life balance guarantee公司严格遵守国家劳动相关法律法规,认真执行《职工带薪年休假条例》及其他各类假期规定。《职工带薪年休假条例》规定企业等单位的职工连续工作1年以上的,享受带薪年休假;单位应当保证职工享受年休假;员工在年休假期间享受与正常工作期间相同的工资收入。我们认为遵守该等法律法规为维护员工休息休假权利,保证员工工作生活相平衡,调动员工工作积极性具有积极影响。2019年,公司修订《总部工作时间及假期管理办法》,对总部员工的工时假期管理工作进行进一步规范,从而保证员工的休息时间。对在法定节假日、公休假日工作和延长工作时间的职工,按照国家法律规定采取支付薪酬及加班工资或调休等方式保障员工权益。我们注重员工劳逸结合,定期组织员工活动,帮助员工舒缓工作压力,丰富业余生活,提升员工凝聚力与归属感。2019年,公司组建了6个职工兴趣协会,以“我和我的祖国-庆祝新中国成立70周年”为主题,组织开展了乒乓球、羽毛球、手机摄影大赛和职工征文、线上答题、读书分享等活动。组织参加全国职工微影视大赛和中工网首届职工短视频大赛,有11个作品分别获得金奖、银奖和最佳奖。承办“与共和国同行”全国职工书屋主题阅读交流活动,全公司获2个优秀组织单位奖,2项全国工会最美职工书屋称号。

The Company strictly abides by related national labor laws and regulations,and earnestly implements the Regulation on Paid Annual Leave forEmployees (《职工带薪年休假条例》) and various other vacationregulations. The Regulation on Paid Annual Leave for Employees (《职工带薪年休假条例》) provides that an employees is granted with paid annual leavewith his/her term over one year in the enterprise; institutes are obliged toguarantee its employees of such paid annual leave; employees receive sameamount of wage income as in the normal course of work. We consider thatsuch laws and regulations have positive influence on safeguardingemployee’s right to take rest and leave, ensuring work-life balance andadjusting work motivation. In 2019, the Company revised the AdministrativeMeasures for Working Hours and Holidays of the Headquarters (《总部工作时间及假期管理办法》) to further standardize the working hours andholidays management of employees at the headquarters to ensure theemployees’ rest time. For employees who work on statutory holidays, publicholidays and work overtime, the Company protects the rights and interestsof employees by paying salaries and paying overtime wages orimplementing days-off pattern in accordance with national laws.We pay attention to the combination of work and rest of employees,organize employee activities on a regular basis to help employees relievework pressure, enrich their spare time and enhance their cohesion andsense of belonging. In 2019, the Company formed 6 employee interestassociations, with the theme of “Me and My Motherland-Celebrating the70th Anniversary of the Founding of New China”, organized table tennis,badminton, mobile photography contests and employee essays, onlinequestion answering, reading sharing and other activities. The Companyorganized and participated in the national micro videos competition foremployees and Workercn’s first short video competition for employees,with 11 pieces of work winning gold, silver and best awards respectively.The Company undertook the themed reading communication activity of“Going Together with the Republic” of the national staff bookstore and thewhole Company won 2 excellent organization unit awards, 2 titles of themost beautiful staff bookstore of the national trade union.


The Company’s EAP Group organized a psychological counseling session at the Mira Mountain construction site in Tibet

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


Employee Health and Safety Protection一直以来,公司高度重视员工的健康与安全,我们严格遵守《中华人民共和国安全生产法》《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》《中华人民共和国消防法》及《工伤保险条例》等相关法律法规和运营所在地所在国的其它对公司员工健康与安全有重大影响的法律法规,努力为员工提供健康安全的工作环境。上述法律法规旨在保障员工生产作业中的健康与安全,减少工伤事故,保护劳动者的合法权益。中国中铁作为工程施工类企业,如何保证安全生产、降低工伤事故是公司最为关注的领域之一,我们认为在生产运营中严格遵守该等法律法规对公司可持续发展至关重要,并不断在此领域强化管理。

安全生产Safety production公司始终将“保持安全生产的稳定局面,为社会提供安全优质的建筑产品,为公众提供安全愉悦的周边环境,为员工创造安全健康的工作条件”作为履行社会责任的重要方面。我们从落实安全责任、完善安全管理体系、强化安全施工管理、加强安全设备保障、开展安全教育培训五个方面,全方位强化安全生产,保障员工工作安全。公司制定了项目“零事故、零伤害”和企业本质安全的长远目标,认真落实《安全生产管理“十三五”规划》,制定了《2019年安全生产、工程质量、环境保护和职业健康监督管理工作要点》,明确了全年工作思路和工作目标,并开展落实。公司安全生产管理情况与高管薪酬挂钩,是国务院国资委对公司年度业绩考核和公司主要负责人任期考核的重要内容。2019年,公司进一步加大安全生产管控力度,全年未发生重大及以上安全生产事故,较大安全事故件数、责任事故件数均低于上级考核指标,确保了中华人民共和国成立70周年大庆期间安全生产无事故,实现了安全质量稳定可控的奋斗目标。在承包商安全生产管理方面,公司对劳务(专业)承包商实施负面清单管理。公司在评标过程中,要对投标方的安全生产管理能力进行明确评估。

All along, the Company attaches great importance to the health and safetyof employees. We strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations, suchas the Production Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China, The Law ofthe People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment ofOccupational Diseases, The Fire Control Law of the People’s Republic ofChina and The Regulation on Work-Related Injury Insurances as well asother laws and regulations of the Countries where the operation is locatedthat significantly influence employees’ health and safety, and strive toprovide employees with a healthy and safe working environment. Suchlaws and regulations aim to safeguard employees’ health and safety duringproduction work, reduce work-related injury and protect labor rights. ChinaRailway, as an enterprise engaged in construction work, the mostconcerned area of the Company is to ensure production safety anddecrease work-related incidents. We consider that strictly abiding by thelaws and regulations during production and operation is utterly importantfor the Company’s sustainable development and continue to intensifymanagement in this area.

CREC is constantly taking “to maintain The stable condition of safeproduction, to provide the society with safe and good-quality architecturalproducts, to provide the public with a pleasant environment and createsafe and health working conditions for the staff” as an important aspect ofits social responsibility. We strengthen safety in production and ensure thesafety of employees in the following five aspects: implementing safetyresponsibility, The improving safety management system, strengtheningsafety construction management, strengthening safety equipmentprotection and carrying out safety education and training.The Company has formulated the long-term goals of the project “zeroaccident and zero injury” and the essential safety of the enterprise, and hasconscientiously implemented the “13th Five-Year Plan” for ProductionSafety Management, and formulated Safety Production, EngineeringQuality, Environmental Protection and Occupational Health in 2019Supervision Management Essentials and the work ideas and objectives forthe whole year are clearly defined and implemented. The Company’sproduction safety management is linked to the remuneration of seniormanagement, which is an important part of the SASAC’s annualperformance evaluation of the Company as well as the evaluation of termof office of the Company’s major responsible person. In 2019, the Companyfurther strengthened the safety production management and control.There were no major or above production safety accidents throughout theyear. The number of relatively major safety accidents and liability accidentswere lower than the superior assessment indicators, ensuring safetyproduction without accidents during the 70th anniversary of the foundingof the People’s Republic of China and achieving the goal of steady controlof safety and quality.In terms of contractor safety management, the Company implementednegative list management for labor (professional) contractors. In bidevaluation, the Company shall clearly evaluate the production safetymanagement ability of the bidder.

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

落实安全责任Implementing safety responsibility公司设有安全生产(质量)委员会,统筹负责公司安全生产各项工作。委员会设主任2名,由股份公司党委书记、董事长,股份公司总裁担任;设副主任1名,由分管安全质量的副总裁担任;委员若干名,包含股份公司领导班子其他成员和高管、安全生产总监、高级专家、总部相关部门负责人。从公司总部到项目部,各级组织都设有安全生产总监和安全生产监督部门。2019年,公司研究下发了《关于建立安全生产述职机制的通知》,进一步完善企业安全生产考核评价体系,督促安全生产第一责任人和分管负责人履职尽责。同时,公司于2019年部署开展为期三年(2019年3月-2021年12月)的安全生产责任“落实年”活动,通过开展安全生产“管”“监”责任大宣贯大培训活动、安全生产“管”“监”责任落实专项检查活动、筑牢安全生产管理基础专项行动、生产安全惯性事故防控专项行动、本质安全保障能力提升行动等五大主题活动,进一步推动安全生产“管”“监”系统责任落实,不断提升企业和项目本质安全保障能力。2019年,公司共组织各类安全质量大检查7次,检查共覆盖34家二级企业和158个项目。5月中下旬,由公司两位主要领导分别带队,对重庆、青岛片区在建项目开展了安全生产大检查,并分别召开了片区安全质量检查及管理现场会,对安全生产大检查情况、典型事故案例等进行了通报,主要领导就进一步做好安全质量工作提出了明确要求。8月9日-9月28日,公司全部领导及高管带队15个安全质量检查组,按“齿轮推动、层级覆盖”原则,对34家二级单位以“一局、一处、一项目”的方式开展了全方位、系统性安全质量大检查,确保全公司安全生产形势持续稳定。

The Company has a production safety (quality) committee, which isresponsible for all aspects of the Company’s production safety. Thecommittee has 2 directors, which are held by the Company’s PartySecretary and chairman, and the president of a joint-stock company; thedeputy director is held by the vice president in charge of safety and quality;several members including the members of the joint-stock company’sleadership team and senior management, director of safety production,senior expert, head of relevant departments at headquarters. From theCompany’s headquarters to the project department, organizations at alllevels have safety production directors and production safety supervisiondepartments.In 2019, the Company researched and issued the Notice on EstablishingProduction Safety Reporting Mechanism (《关于建立安全生产述职机制的通知》) to further improve the Company’s safety production assessmentand evaluation system, and urged the first person in charge of productionsafety and the person in charge to perform their duties. At the same time,the Company deployed an activity of “Years of Implementation” forproduction safety responsibility which lasts for three-years (from March2019 to December 2021) in 2019. Through carrying out a large-scaletraining campaign on the “Management” and “Supervision” responsibility inproduction safety, implementing special inspection activities in the“Management” and “Supervision” responsibility in production safety,building a solid foundation for basic special operation of production safetymanagement, special operation on prevention and control of inertiaaccidents in production safety, special operation on improvement ofessential safety guarantee and other five major thematic activities, wefurther promoted the implementation of responsibility for the“Management” and “Supervision” system of production safety, andcontinuously improved the essential safety guarantee capabilities ofenterprises and projects.In 2019, the Company organized a total of 7 safety and quality inspections,covering a total of 34 secondary enterprises and 158 projects. In mid-to-late May, two main leaders of the Company led teams to conduct safetyinspections on projects under construction in Chongqing and Qingdao,and held on-site safety quality inspection and management site meetingsrespectively. The results of the safety inspections and typical accident caseswere reported, and the main leaders set clear requirements for furtherimproving safety and quality work. From 9 August to 28 September, theCompany’s all leaders and senior management led 15 safety and qualityinspection teams, according to the principle of “gear promotion andhierarchical coverage”, carried out omni-directional and systematic safetyand quality inspection on 34 second-level units in the way of “one bureau,one place and one project” to ensure the continuous stable safetyproduction of the whole Company.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


Safety management system Improvement公司深入贯彻《中共中央国务院关于推进安全生产领域改革发展的意见》,认真落实GB/T28001标准,各级生产部门把生产要素系统(组织指挥、技术保障、资源配置)的常态管控作为安全生产的基础,采取有效措施,加强安全生产的源头管控和预防预控。同时,公司运用顶层设计、制度建立、监督检查等手段对安全生产情况进行纠偏,建立起层层预防、纠偏补充的多重保障体系,真正形成安全生产的长效机制,提高企业和项目本质安全保障能力。2019年,公司全面强化安全生产风险分级管控,针对安全风险辨识评估清单,明确二级公司、三级公司、项目部等各层级安全风险管控等级、范围、重点和责任人,明确落实每一处重大安全风险和重大危险源的安全管理与监管责任,严格落实风险控制方案和措施,强化风险管控技术、制度的刚性落实与执行。公司在每年年初、项目开工前、重要节假日等时间节点,采用作业条件危险性评价法(LEC)、专家调查法、是非判断法、安全检查表分析等方法,开展全方位、全流程的风险辨识评估,并通过安全教育培训、技术交底、更新公示等方式将风险源和管控措施告知从业人员。把风险辨识评估、分级、管控等内容作为项目安全策划的重要组成部分。对危险性较大的分部分项工程,由工程技术人员编制专项施工方案,对超过一定规模的危大工程,还要组织专家论证会对专项施工方案进行论证和报批,确保施工方案、施工措施安全可靠。在应急管理方面,公司制定了《安全质量、生态环境及灾害事故(事件)应急预案》,各单位根据实际情况和条件,采用桌面演练、功能演练和全面演练三种方式进行应急演练。2019年6月“安全生产月”期间,公司广泛组织开展了应急演练活动。

The Company thoroughly implemented the Opinions of the CPC CentralCommittee and the State Council on Advancing the Reform andDevelopment of the Work Safety Field and earnestly implements the GB/T28001 standard, and production departments at all levels took the normalmanagement and control of production factor systems (organization andcommand, technical support, resource allocation) as the basis forproduction safety, and took effective measures to strengthen sourcecontrol and prevention and pre-control of production safety. At the sametime, the Company used top-level design, system establishment,supervision and inspection to rectify production safety, establishedmultiple layers of prevention, rectification and supplementary multipleguarantee systems, truly formed a long-term mechanism for productionsafety, and improved the essential safety guarantee of enterprises andprojects.In 2019, the Company comprehensively strengthened the managementand control of safety in production risk, and in terms of the list of safety riskidentification assessments, identified the safety risk management levels,scopes, priorities, and responsible persons at all levels including second-tier companies, third-tier companies, project departments and etc.,implemented the safety management and supervision responsibility ofevery major safety risk and major hazard source, strictly implemented riskcontrol plans and measures and strengthened the rigid implementationand execution of risk control technology and system.At the beginning of each year, before the start of the project, importantholidays and other points in time, the Company adopts LEC, expertinvestigation method, right and wrong judgment method, safety check listanalysis and other methods to carry out omni-directional and full-processrisk identification and assessment, and to inform employees of risk sourcesand control measures by means of safety education and training, technicaldisclosure, update and publicity, etc. The Company regards riskidentification, assessment, grading, management and control as animportant part of project safety planning. For partial projects with greaterrisks, engineers and technicians shall work out special construction plans,and for large and dangerous projects exceeding a certain scale, it isnecessary to organize expert discussion meetings to demonstrate andapply for approval of the special construction schemes to ensure that theconstruction plan and construction measures are safe and reliable.In terms of emergency management, the Company has formulated theEmergency Plan for Safety, Quality, Ecological Environment and DisasterAccidents (Events) (《安全质量、生态环境及灾害事故(事件)应急预案》). Each unit adopts desktop drills, functional drills, and comprehensivedrills to perform emergency drills based on actual situations andconditions. During the “Safe Production Month” in June 2019, the Companyextensively organized emergency drills.

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited



The Company strengthened the construction technology management,entered into the Safety and Quality Responsibility Letter with theconstruction enterprise, promoted scientific construction, continuouslyoptimized planning, rationally arranged resource allocation and resolutelyavoided blindly rushing the construction period and progress, and noconstruction was carried out without complete formalities, clear geologicalconditions, safety measures, well-trained personnel, and eliminatinghidden dangers. During the course of the project, the Company is ready toreview the construction drawings and the exploration design at any time.In the event of discrepancies between the actual geology and the designdrawings, the Company shall promptly report back to the designer and theowner, implement the change plan in time, and eliminate major safety andquality risks.

The Company further strengthened the research and development andpromotion of key technology and equipment for safe production,promoted the application of informatization, mechanization, intelligenttechnology and equipment in dangerous processes and key aspects, andstrengthened the further integration and promotion of moderninformation technology and safety production.

案 例Case

在北京丰台站建设中,公司运用建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling,简称BIM)技术提高既有线施工安全系数。基于BIM模型建设,对现场构筑物、既有线路、接触网等位置,脚手架、模板搭设,大型机械布置和工作范围等进行分析,通过可视化模拟和碰撞检查,评估施工进展中工作空间的可用性和安全性,预估施工现场安全事故发生的概率和程度,提前作出规避或预防方案,有效地提高工作效率,排除安全隐患。In the construction of Beijing Fengtai Station, the Company used Building Information Modeling (BIM) technology to improve the safety factor ofexisting cable construction. Based on BIM construction, analysis of on-site structures, existing lines, contact nets, etc., scaffolding, formworkerection, large-scale mechanical layout and working range, etc., were carried out, evaluating the availability and safety of the working space inthe construction, predicting the probability and degree of accidents at the construction site and making evasion or prevention plans in advancethrough visual simulation and collision inspection to effectively improve work efficiency and eliminate potential safety hazards.

加强安全设备保障Strengthening security equipment protection

强化安全施工管理Strengthening safe construction management

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


The Company continuously improves the project safety education andtraining system, continuously promotes the application of safety educationtraining micro-classes, compiles and supplements quality common diseaseprevention courseware, and uses multimedia safety training toolbox totrain field operators to realize the fun, informatization, systematization andstandardization as well as diversification and specialization of training. In2019, the Company used the multimedia security training toolbox toorganize training for a total of 348,000 people, totaling 1.835 million classhours. The units affiliated to the Company continued to carry out safetyand quality education and training activities at various levels. A total of107,000 training sessions were conducted throughout the year, and 1.924million people were trained, improving the safety quality of all employees.In 2019, the Company co-sponsored the “CREC – CUEB’s Safety ProductionSenior Management Seminar” at the Capital University of Economics andBusiness. A total of 66 senior management from various units of theCompany participated in the training. In addition, we held 11 trainingcourses including continuing education and assessment counseling forregistered safety engineers, and renewal assessment of the “threecategories of personnel” in safety production. A total of 1,565 peopleparticipated in the training, which effectively improved the comprehensiveability of trainees.


Capping of the Badaling Great Wall Station


Carrying out safety education and training

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


Occupational health公司严格遵循《中华人民共和国安全生产法》《中华人民共和国职业病防治法》等法律法规。2019年,公司下发《关于进一步加强职业健康工作的通知》,并落实建设项目职业病危害预评价、全员职业健康教育培训、职业危害因素告知、完善健康体检档案、配备合格劳动保护用品、加强过程监督检查等工作。公司加强职业病危害申报、监测、告知和警示工作,按照国家“职业病危害因素分类目录(2015年)”所列职业病的危害因素进行识别,及时、如实向项目所在地或公司注册地卫生行政主管部门主动申报并接受监督。公司坚持每年对职业病危害因素进行检测,每三年进行一次职业病危害评价。2019年,公司未发生职业病事件。

The Company strictly abides by laws and regulations such as theProduction Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Law of thePeople’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment ofOccupational Diseases. In 2019, the Company issued the Notice on FurtherStrengthening Occupational Health and implemented the pre-assessmentof occupational disease hazards for all construction projects, occupationalhealth education and training for all employees, notification ofoccupational hazard factors, improvement of health examination files,provision of labor protection supplies up to standard and thestrengthening of process supervision and inspection.The Company strengthens the declaration, monitoring, notification andwarning of occupational disease hazards, identifies them according to theCatalogue of Categorized Occupational Disease Hazard Factors (2015),promptly and truthfully reports to the competent public health authorityat the location of projects or the Company’s registration and accepts thesupervision. The Company insists on the detection of occupational diseasehazards every year and the evaluation of occupational hazards every threeyears. In 2019, there were no occupational disease incidents in theCompany.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


The Company regards the labor management of contractors as an entrycondition and includes it as an evaluation element in the daily evaluationand annual evaluation of contractors. The contract entered into betweenthe Company and contractors clarified the labor safety and labor rights andother provisions, requiring the labor contractors to implement safetyproduction and occupational health protection measures in accordancewith the Company’s requirements to provide laborers with a safeemployment environment and production conditions. The Companyprovides workers with work injury insurance and accident insurance, andregularly conducts safety and health education for workers to minimizesafety accidents and occupational hazards.The Company issued the Notice on Strengthening Management ofOverseas Safety Production, which requires that the safety of all overseasemployees, including contractor employees, be given the highest priority,and that overseas units be integrated into the enterprise’s safetyproduction management system and set up a production safety specialinstitution and deployed safety production supervision personnel inaccordance with the relevant regulations of the country where the projectis located. The Company has put forward 9 measures to strengthenoverseas production safety, such as formulating overseas production safetydevelopment plans, strengthening production safety management andcontrol of overseas projects, strengthening production safetystandardization management, applying safety information technology,ensuring safety operation, strengthening safety training, carrying out riskcontrol and hidden danger investigation, improving emergency handlingcapacity, and dealing with safety accidents in accordance with regulations.


Labor management of contractors

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

关注员工成长与发展Focusing on the Growth and development of Employees公司大力实施“人才强企”战略,把人才资源视为企业的第一资源,努力做到人才资源优先开发、人才结构优先调整、人才投入优先保证、人才制度优先创新。2019年,公司印发了《关于加强人才队伍建设的指导意见》,逐步构建以品德、业绩和贡献为主的分类考核评价体系。进一步规范了动议、推荐、考察、决定等员工晋升程序。公司从组织员工培训、职业技能评选、鼓励资格认证三个方面为员工的职业成长与发展提供系统地支持。


Organizing employee training


The Company vigorously implements the strategy of “strengthening theenterprise with talents”, regards human resources as the first resource ofthe enterprise, and strives to give priority to the development of humanresources, the priority adjustment of the talent structure, the priorityguarantee of talent input, and the priority innovation of the talent system.In 2019, the Company issued the Guidelines on Strengthening theConstruction of Talent Teams, and gradually built a classificationassessment system based on morality, performance and contribution tofurther standardize employee promotion procedures such as motions,recommendations, inspections and decisions. The Company providessystematic support for employees’ career growth and development fromthree aspects: organizing employee training, vocational skills selection, andencouraging qualification certification.

In 2019, the Company continued to carry out the three-in-one training of“replenishment, foundation building and energy enhancement”, trainedmore than 220 Party management cadres, organized a preachingdelegation to conduct overseas preaching, and each unit organized morethan 20,000 preaching activities; the research activities of “combination oflearning and use” were held, and theoretical seminars were held, and 1,061research results were formed. At the same time, the Company furtherpromoted employee education and training, organized a series of selectionand commendation activities such as the “Top Ten Outstanding Youths” andthe “hundreds to thousands” project to improve the quality of femaleemployees, training a total of more than 300,000 people at all levels andvigorously improved the quality of the workforce.


A learning session was organized for employees

电气化大讲堂:“一带一路战略与中国企业国际化”专题讲座Electrification colloquium: Themed seminar on “Belt and Road Strategy andInternationalization of Chinese Enterprises”

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

职业技能评选Vocational skills selection2019年,公司推选入选全国重点领域创新团队1个,全国勘察设计大师1名、中青年科技创新领军人才1名,铁道行业青年人才托举工程人选1人,茅以升铁道工程师奖8名。培养选树了最美奋斗者巨晓林、窦铁成等一大批先进典型。向社会展示了中国中铁优秀人才的风采,弘扬了公司员工的工匠精神。

In 2019, the Company elected 1 national innovation team in key areas,1national survey and design master, 1 middle-aged and young scientific andtechnological innovation leader, 1 railway young talents entrustedengineering candidate, and 8 staff were awarded the Mao Yisheng RailroadEngineer Award. The Company has cultivated and selected a large numberof advanced models such as the most beautiful strugglers, Ju Xiaolin, DouTiecheng, etc., to demonstrate the society the outstanding talents of CRECand to promote the craftsmanship of its employees.

The Company encourages employees to carry out professional relatedqualification certification, and has a series of professional technical staffpromotion review committees in engineering, accounting, economics andpolitical work, in accordance with the Company’s relevant regulations toapply for the above series of senior professional technical staff qualificationevaluation. In 2019, the Company carefully organized the evaluation ofsenior titles, appraisal of skills, appraisal of high-skilled personnel andappraisal of premium technicians. It appraised and approved 4,793 staffwith senior titles, 702 senior technicians, 92 premium technicians, and 2craftsman technicians.

技能大赛Skill competition


Closing of the skill competition



Encouraging qualification certification

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

产品责任Product Responsibility

CREC adheres to the vision of “continuously strengthening the coreadvantages of enterprises, giving play to the leading role of leadingenterprises, and being a leader in the Chinese construction industry; takinga global development path, enhancing the Company’s internationalinfluence, and building a comprehensive enterprise group leading thedevelopment of global infrastructure”, has developed into a large-scaleenterprise group integrating survey and design, construction andinstallation, industrial manufacturing, real estate development, resourcesand minerals, financial investment and other businesses. The Company iscommitted to dedicating high-quality engineering, excellent products andlean services. The Company’s current engineering projects cover allprovinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China except TaiwanProvince, and more than 90 countries and regions around the world.

The Company adheres to the “hundred-year plan with quality priority” policy,in accordance with the “government supervision, social supervision, enterpriseself-control and user evaluation” project quality supervision and managementmodel, and establishes and improves the project quality assurance system andorganizational system. In terms of quality management, the Companyconscientiously implements ISO9000 system standards, and documents andmeasures such as Quality Management System Documents, Quality ProcedureDocuments, and Project Quality Supervision and Management Measures. Theimplementation of these standards and documents is of important guidingsignificance for China Railway to ensure project quality. The Companystrengthened the control of the construction process, and strengthened theself-inspection, mutual inspection, and handover inspection during theconstruction process to ensure that the quality management of theconstruction project is always under control, so that the project quality meetsrelevant specifications, standards and contract requirements.


The Miaozui Yangtze River Bridge in Yichang—A panoramic bird’s eye view


产品质量保证Product quality assurance公司秉承“百年大计,质量第一”的方针,按照“政府监督、社会监理、企业自控、用户评价”的工程质量监督管理模式,建立健全工程质量保证体系与组织体系。在质量管理方面,公司认真贯彻实施ISO9000体系标准和《质量管理体系文件》《质量程序文件》《工程质量监督管理办法》等文件办法。此等标准和文件的实施对于中国中铁确保工程品质和工程质量具有重要指导意义。强化施工过程卡控,加强施工过程中的自检、互检和交接检验工作,以确保施工工程质量管理始终处于受控状态,从而使工程质量达到有关规范、标准和合同要求。

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

中国中铁全面开展质量安全通病预防及整治工作。股份公司统一部署,对在建工程施工质量通病进行排查整治,发现问题和隐患要迅速按照定人、定期、定岗、定责、定点的“五定”原则整改,重大隐患及时上报,及时处置,坚决将工程质量隐患消灭在开通运营之前。对于纳入2019年度开通的项目,股份公司将继续授权中铁科研院对隧道工程质量进行100%检测,确保隐患消除在运营之前。公司进一步推广项目管理实验室成果,持续加强安全质量标准化建设。指导各单位和项目把优秀的管理制度、管理流程、管理模式、管理做法广泛应用到各管理层级,并根据实际情况不断完善、持续改进,充分发挥管理效能。把安全质量管理的各项要求嵌入工程建设各个环节的管理标准、技术标准和作业标准中,把标准细化到每个工种和每道工序,成为施工作业的强制性规范和评价标准,固化作业程序,达到闭环管理。2019年,公司修订《中国中铁杯优质工程评选办法》以规范优质工程评审工作流程,通过深入开展工程创优活动,从而推动企业和施工现场加强工程质量管理,最终确保工程质量水平的持续改进与提高。2019年,公司获得的国家级工程质量奖数量创历史最好成绩,有7项工程获国优金质奖,在建筑央企中排名第一;有10项工程获中国建设工程鲁班奖;57项工程获国家优质工程奖;西成高铁和云桂铁路、鹦鹉洲长江大桥分获FIDIC (International Federation of ConsultingEngineers, FIDIC) 杰出项目奖与优秀项目奖,中国中铁是本届FIDIC奖评选全球获奖最多的企业。

CREC has comprehensively carried out The prevention and rectification ofcommon quality and safety problems. The joint-stock company madeunified arrangements to investigate and rectify the common defects in theconstruction quality of projects under construction, and the problems andhidden dangers should be quickly rectified in accordance with the “fivefixed” principles of fixed personnel, fixed time, fixed post, fixed responsibilityand fixed locations. Major hidden dangers are reported and dealt with in atimely manner, and the hidden dangers of project quality are resolutelyeliminated before projects are put into operation. For projects included inthe starting in 2019, the Company will continue to authorize the CRECResearch Institute to conduct 100% inspection of tunnel engineeringquality to ensure that hidden dangers are eliminated before operation.The Company further promotes the results of the project managementlaboratory, continues to strengthen the standardization of safety andquality, guides all units and projects to apply excellent managementsystems, management processes, management modes and managementpractices to various management levels, and to continuously improve andoptimize according to actual conditions, and give full play to managementeffectiveness. The Company incorporates the requirements of safety andquality management into the management standards, technical standardsand operating standards in all aspects of engineering construction, andrefines the standards into each post and process, becoming mandatoryspecifications and evaluation standards for construction operations, andsolidified operating procedures to achieve closed-loop management.In 2019, the Company revised the “Selection Method of CREC’s QualityProject Cup” to regulate the quality project review process. Throughin-depth project excellence activities, the Company and the constructionsite are promoted to strengthen project quality management, andultimately ensure continuous improvement and optimization of the projectquality level.In 2019, the number of national-level engineering quality awards won bythe Company was the best in history, and 7 projects won the NationalExcellent Gold Award, ranking first among central enterprises inconstruction industry; 10 projects were awarded Luban Prize for ChinaArchitecture Project; 57 projects were awarded the National QualityEngineering Award; the Xi’an-Chengdu High-Speed Railway,Yunan-Guizhou Railway, and Yingwuzhou Yangtze River Bridge won theInternational Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) OutstandingProject Award and Award of Merit. CREC is the globally most awardedcompany in this FIDIC Award.

滨海站站房外正立面The facade of the station building of Binhai Station


A side view of the China Railway Qingdao World Expo City Convention Center complex project


China Railway GRoup limited


Privacy and data protection中国中铁全面保护客户商业敏感信息和个人隐私。公司认真贯彻习近平总书记关于“网络安全为人民,网络安全靠人民”的重要指示,落实“四个坚持”的重要原则,进一步规范公司网络信息安全管理工作,保障信息系统的正常、高效、安全运行。公司严格遵守《中华人民共和国网络安全法》及公安部下发的《关于紧急排查整改重要数据和公民个人信息安全泄露安全隐患的通知》等法律法规。我们认为该等法律法规要求公司落实网络安全,保护客户隐私和数据安全,对公司相关运营环节管理具有指导意义和重要影响。2019年3月公司组织制定和发布了《网络信息安全管理办法》,通过该办法落实各项网络信息安全管理策略和技术措施,保证了公司网络信息和数据资源的安全。公司于2019年4月组织开展了网络安全漏洞排查整改专项工作,通过专业的网络安全设备、软件和技术开展自查工作,对在公有云和企业外部运行的信息系统纳入排查监管,对扫描发现的安全漏洞和风险隐患100余项,通报所属单位并要求立即整改,把网络安全事故苗头消灭在萌芽状态。

CREC adheres to development target, strictly abides by the Patent Law ofthe People’s Republic of China and The Trademark Law of the People’sRepublic of China, earnestly implements and implements the nationalstandards of Specifications for the Administration of Intellectual PropertyRights of Enterprises, comprehensively improves the Company’s ability tocreate and operate intellectual property rights, and promotes the flow anduse of intellectual property rights according to the Specifications for theAdministration of Intellectual Property Rights of Enterprises (GB/T29490-2013). The Company revised and issued the Patent ManagementMeasures of CREC to complete the online filing of construction methodsand patent information technology management information system toachieve comprehensive coverage of intellectual property management.The Company pays attention to the layout of patents, constructionmethods and standards, and gives key support to key technologies ofindependent intellectual property rights. It builds a patent reserve thatsupports the development of the enterprise and enhances thecompetitiveness of the enterprise, so that the enterprise occupies afavorable position in market competition, and actively applies for patentson important innovative technologies and products, and protects theCompany’s intellectual property rights in a timely manner. For enterprisesor individuals who use the Company’s patents and trademarks withoutauthorization, the Company will protect its rights and interests inaccordance with the law.

CREC comprehensively protects customers’ business sensitive informationand personal privacy. The Company conscientiously implements theimportant instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping on “network securityis for the people, network security depends on the people”, implements the“Four Adherences” important principles, further standardizes companies’network information security management, and guarantees the normaland efficient secure information system in operation. The Company strictlyabides by the relevant laws and regulations such as the Cybersecurity Lawof the People’s Republic of China (《中华人民共和国网络安全法》) and theMinistry of Public Security’s Notice on Emergency Investigation andRectification of Important Data and Citizen Personal Information SecurityLeakage and Hazards (《关于紧急排查整改重要数据和公民个人信息安全泄露安全隐患的通知》). We consider the laws and regulations require theCompany to implement network security and protect privacy and data ofcustomers, which provided guidance and has a significant impact on Themanagement of relevant operational aspects. The Company organized andissued the Administrative Measures for the Management of NetworkInformation Security (《网络信息安全管理办法》) in March 2019, throughwhich various network information security management strategies andtechnical measures were implemented to ensure the security of theCompany’s network information and data resources. The Companyorganized a special task for the investigation and rectification of networksecurity vulnerabilities in April 2019. Through professional network securityequipment, software and technology to carry out self-inspection work, theCompany inspected and supervised the information systems running inthe public cloud and external, scanned more than 100 security loopholesand hidden dangers. The Company notified its subordinate units anddemanded immediate rectification to eliminate the network securityaccidents in the bud.

知识产权管理Intellectual property management

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


案 例Case

中铁装备集团加强售后服务体系建设,为客户提供全生命周期“管家式”售后服务。2019年,自主研发上线了掘进机远程监控服务平台——“装备云”,可以通过新一代信息技术,为客户提供远程实时监控、故障诊断、地面沉降监控、智能数据分析、虚拟交互、虚拟教学实训等服务。China Railway Equipment Group strengthens the establishment of after-sales service system and provides customers with “housekeeping” after-sales service throughout the life cycle. In 2019, the independently developed remote monitoring service platform for roadheaders -- “EquipmentCloud” was launched, which can provide customers with remote real-time monitoring, fault diagnosis, ground subsidence monitoring, intelligentdata analysis, virtual interaction, virtual teaching and training and other services through the new generation of information technology.

CREC always adheres to the general idea of “striving for excellence andcontinuous improvement”, adheres to the people-oriented concept, andcontinuously improves the quality of services with a highly responsibleattitude towards the country, the people, and the enterprise. The Companyattaches great importance to communication with customers, activelybuilds good customer relationships, and seriously treats customers’complaints and suggestions, and properly handles related issues. When theCompany enters into strategic cooperation agreements or serviceagreements with various local governments, large enterprises and othercustomers, it will clearly specify regular communication mechanisms andlegal application and dispute resolution clauses.

重视客户沟通Attaching importance to customercommunication

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

供应商管理Supplier Management



The Company established and optimized a supplier management system,conducts public recruitment, admission review and supplier evaluation inaccordance with the principles of “unified registration, classifiedmanagement, dynamic evaluation, and selection of the excellent”, andestablished a strategic, high-quality and qualified supplier list and carriedout dynamic management to continuously optimize the supplier structureand hierarchy; the Company strictly conducts supplier qualification review,through a detailed review of suppliers’ technology, quality, service, price,capability, reputation and other aspects, conducting site inspections whennecessary, selecting high-quality suppliers, optimizing supplier resources,and expanding procurement channels, to create a high-qualityprocurement value chain; the Company implemented sunshineprocurement, promoted fair competition, and established a unifiedprocurement e-commerce information platform for the whole Company,CREC Procurement E-commerce Platform (namely Luban E-commerceNetwork), which publicizes procurement information and solidifiesprocurement processes, made full use of the procurement e-commerceplatform to carry out online purchases of various products and services,and promoted open and transparent procurement activities.

The Company implements a commitment system to resist commercialbribery. In the supplier management system, various suppliers are explicitlyrequired to sign the Supplier Commitment Letter when they apply forregistration, and they should promise to abide by national laws andregulations related to anti-corruption and adhere to law-abiding andintegrity; When the Company carries out various procurement activities, itis clear in the procurement documents that all types of suppliers muststrictly abide by relevant laws and regulations such as the national Anti-Unfair Competition Law and prohibit bribery and other illegal activities.Suppliers should also sign integrity agreements and strictly implement theagreement; The Company established a negative list of supplier badbehaviors, and included bribery of employees in the suppliers’ major badbehavior identification standards. For suppliers with corresponding badbehaviors, the Company will take measures to restrict transactions andprohibit them from participating in the Company’s new procurementactivities within a certain period of time, and guide suppliers to operateincorruptly. In 2019, the Company carried out restricted transactionmanagement on some suppliers that violated the integrity regulations inaccordance with the integrity agreement, and created a fair competitionprocurement environment.

建立公平运行机制Fair operation mechanism establishment


Prohibition of bribery and other illegal activities

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


The Company established a supplier access and evaluation managementsystem, conducted a qualified supplier access review for supplier integritymanagement, production safety, environmental protection, etc., andimplemented supply directory management for qualified suppliers. Wecarried out daily evaluations and annual evaluations of suppliers,comprehensively evaluated the quality of raw materials provided bysuppliers, environmental protection measures, etc., and incorporated theevaluation results into the annual evaluation of suppliers.In the contract with the supplier, the binding clauses on labor safety,safeguarding the rights and interests of peasant workers, andenvironmental protection were specified. The supplier was required toactively implement occupational safety and health protection measures,increase investment in safety management, and continue to improve safetyequipment and facilities to provide a safe employment environment andproduction conditions for peasant workers; the Company conducted safetyand health education and training for peasant workers, actively preventedsafety accidents during the work process, and minimized occupationalhazards; we earnestly implemented national regulations on work injuryinsurance and accident insurance, and included peasant workers in theinsurance coverage; we further implemented the provisions for thepayment of peasant workers’ labor remuneration, and ensured that peasantworkers’ remuneration were paid in full and on time by establishing aspecial account system, a security system, and a payroll system. By signingcontracts, the Company supervised suppliers to ensure labor safety,safeguarded the rights and interests of peasant workers, protected theenvironment, and guided them to fulfill their social responsibilities.

推动供应商履行社会责任Promoting suppliers to fulfill their socialresponsibilities


China Railway GRoup limited


Community Investment中国中铁在自身发展的同时高度重视回馈社会,积极主动承担社会责任,活跃在抗灾抢险第一线,鼓励员工参与志愿活动,支持基础教育,重视中华文化的传承和保护,为构建和谐美好社会持续贡献力量。抢险救援Emergency rescue


While developing, CREC attaches great importance to giving back to thesociety, takes the initiative to assume social responsibilities, activelyparticipates in the front line of disaster relief, encourages employees toparticipate in voluntary activities, supports basic education, puts emphasison the inheritance and protection of the Chinese culture, and makescontinuous contributions to the construction of a harmonious andbeautiful society.

The Company continued to strengthen the construction of three nationalprofessional rescue teams, revised the Safety Quality, EcologicalEnvironment and Disaster Accident (Emergency) Emergency Plan, andcontinued to promote the construction of Kunming and Guiyang basesand the upgrade of rescue equipment, and comprehensively carried outsupplementary rescue personnel, improved command system, optimizedcoordination mechanism, supporting infrastructure, amended rules andregulations, strengthened training exercises and built a support system,etc., effectively developed professional rescue capabilities. Entrusted bythe Ministry of Emergency Management, the Company prepared theemergency plan template for the tunnel construction enterprise and theNational Tunnel Emergency Rescue Team, which was officially released onthe National Emergency Rescue Center website on 28 February andbecame a national-level professional emergency plan. The centralenterprise emergency plan template for construction was formulated andsubmitted to the National Emergency Rescue Command Center in earlyDecember.Since 2019, the units affiliated to CREC and two professional rescue teamsin Kunming and Guiyang have participated in five rescue operationsincluding Sichuan Yibin earthquake relief, Guizhou Shuicheng megalandslide rescue, Chengdu-Kunming railway expansion project mountainflood rescue, etc. 18 trapped people (128 people rescued since theestablishment of the rescue team) were rescued, highlighting thecapabilities and strength of CREC’s professional emergency rescue team.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

社区服务Community service中国中铁长期以来坚持“地企文明、和谐共建”的工作思路,广泛开展拥军优属,支持军警建设,志愿服务敬老院、医院、街道、社区、学校等地方单位,以实际行动履行企业社会责任。2019年,全公司共组建了1,130多支志愿服务队,投入志愿服务1.6万余人次,开展各类志愿服务活动近4,300次,帮扶人数超过4.2万人次,大力弘扬社会道德风尚,积极构建和谐社会。


Education and culture中国中铁通过教育捐赠和金秋助学等形式,不断加大对基础教育的支持力度。2019年公司共发放助学款797万元,资助职(民)工子女3,308人次。2019年公司积极参与文物保护和修复工作,完成了“世界现存最大石刻坐佛像”——四川乐山大佛的抢救性修复工作,并受到国内外媒体的报道。2019年,公司承建的京张高铁八达岭长城站主体结构顺利封顶。该车站的地下站部分位于北京八达岭长城山体下方102米处。为了做好对长城的保护,项目施工中我们采取了精准微爆破、静态微爆破、预应力锚杆、实时监测等技术,最大限度减少山体扰动,最大程度地保护了文物古迹。

CREC has always insisted on the work ideas of “local corporate civilizationand harmonious construction”, widely supported the army and gavepreferential treatment to the families of the army men and martyrs,supported military and police construction, offered volunteer services togerocomium, hospital, street office, community, school and other localinstitutions, fulfilling its corporate citizenship responsibility with actualactions.In 2019, the whole Company totally set up more than 1,130 volunteerservice teams that offered volunteer services for over 16,000 persons, andcarried out various volunteer service activities for more than 4,300 times,with over 42,000 persons receiving the help. It vigorously carried forwardthe social morality, and actively built a harmonious society.

CREC has continued to increase its support for basic education througheducational donations and Golden Autumn Education Sponsorship (金秋助学). In 2019, the Company issued a total of RMB7.97 million in studentgrants to support 3,308 children of employees and peasant workers.In 2019, the Company actively participated in the protection andrestoration of cultural relics, and completed the rescue repair work of theLeshan Grant Buddha in Sichuan, the “largest existing stone sculpture ofBuddha in the world”, which was reported by domestic and foreign media.In 2019, the main structure of the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Rail (京张高铁) Badaling Great Wall Station was successfully capped. Theunderground part of the station is located 102 meters below the Great Wallof Badaling in Beijing. To well protect the Great Wall, we have adoptedtechnologies such as precision micro-blasting, static micro-blasting, pre-stressed anchors, and real-time monitoring during project construction tominimize mountain disturbance and protect cultural relics and monumentsto the greatest extent.


践行“三个转变”重要指示Topic 1:

Implementing theImportant Instructions of“Three Transformations”


Promoting the Transformation fromMade in China to Created in China

推动中国速度向中国质量转变Promoting the Transformation fromChinese Speed to Chinese Quality

推动中国产品向中国品牌转变Promoting the Transformation fromChinese Products to Chinese Brands



中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


Promoting the Transformation from Made in China to Created in China

完善创新体系Innovation system improvement2019年,公司制定发布了《专业研发中心管理暂行办法》《科技成果转化管理办法》。对科技创新平台建设进行专项调研和督促,提出国家级、省部级和公司级研发平台建设的政策建议。对《科技成果奖励管理办法》作出补充规定,提高对企业新获得认定国家级创新平台的奖励力度,进一步推动国家级创新平台建设。2019年,新增国家地方联合工程研究中心1个,为数字轨道交通技术研究与应用国家地方联合工程研究中心;新增5个国家认定的技术中心和19个省部认定的技术中心;新组建了5个专业研发中心。公司组织召开了高速铁路建造技术国家工程实验室第十二次理事会及第二次技术委员会会议,进一步明确高铁实验室发展方向和建设思路。


On 10 May 2014, when General Secretary Xi Jinping inspected China Railway Equipment Group, he proposed to“promote the transformations from Made in China to Created in China, from China’s Speed to China’s Quality, and fromChinese Products to Chinese Brands.” And China Brand Day was born on May 10th. For the past five years, we havealways kept in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi and carefully implemented the important instructions ofthe “Three Transformations.”

In 2019, the Company formulated and issued the Interim AdministrativeMeasures for specialized R&D Centers (《专业研发中心管理暂行办法》)and the Administrative Measures for the Transformation of Scientific andTechnological Achievements (《科技成果转化管理办法》), conductedspecial research and supervision on the construction of scientific andtechnological innovation platforms, and put forward policyrecommendations for the construction of national-, provincial andministerial- and company-level R&D platforms. The Company madesupplementary provisions on the Administrative Measures for the Scientificand Technological Achievement Awards (《科技成果奖励管理办法》) toincrease the incentives for enterprises newly accredited as nationalinnovation platforms and further promote the construction of nationalinnovation platforms. In 2019, a new national and local joint engineeringresearch center was added, which is a national and local joint engineeringresearch center for digital rail transit technology research and application;5 new national recognized technology centers and 19 new provincialrecognized technology centers were added; 5 new specialized R&D centerswere established. The Company organized and convened the twelfthcouncil and the second technical committee meeting of the NationalEngineering Laboratory for High-Speed Railway Construction Technologyto further specify the development direction and construction ideas of thehigh-speed railway laboratory.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


Leading technological progress


In 2019, the Company carried out scientific research around the key coretechnologies of the construction industry. Based on the important anddifficult projects such as the Sichuan-Tibet Railway and the Shanghai-Shenzhen-Zhongshan cross-river bridge, the researches on the reasonablestructural system of super-long-span highway-railway bridge (1500m class),the key technology of super-large diameter rock tunnel boring machine,the key technology of construction of super-long-span razor clam shell-type underground cavern and the safety guarantee during service periodwere carried out. The headquarters supported the increase of scientificresearch funding to RMB100 million, and the special support funds for theSichuan-Tibet line to RMB100 million.

In 2019, the Company won 4 National Scientific and Technological ProgressAwards, 1 Technological Invention Award, 14 Zhan Tianyou Awards and 328Provincial and Ministerial-Level Scientific and Technological AchievementAwards; a total of 2,065 patents were granted, including 311 inventionpatents, “Shield Machine for Tunnel Contact Passage and its TunnelingMethod” won the Gold Award of the 20th China Patent Award, 3 patents,“Integral Ballastless Track”, “Hyperboloid Spherical Shock Isolation Bearingwith Anti-lifting Beam and Anti-falling Beam Function”, “Rotary Spokes forCutter Head of Shield Machine” won Excellent Awards, and won 542provincial and ministerial-level construction methods.As of 31 December 2019, the Company had three national laboratoriesincluding “State Engineering Laboratory of High-Speed RailwayConstruction Technology”, “State Key Laboratory of Shield and TunnelingTechnology”, “State Key Laboratory of Bridge Structure Health and Safety”and 7 post-doctoral workstations, 1 national local joint research center, 23provincial and ministerial-level R&D centers (laboratories), 18 nationalrecognized technology centers and 98 provincial and ministerialrecognized technology centers; the Company had set up 20 professionalR&D centers and invested in the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet RailwayNational Technology Innovation Center.As of 31 December 2019, the Company had won a total of 120 NationalScience and Technology Progress And Invention Awards, including 5Special Awards and 16 First Awards, 140 Zhan Tianyou Awards, and 3,472Provincial and Ministerial-Level Science And Technology Progress Awards;166 national-level construction methods, 3,070 provincial and ministerial-level construction methods; 1,504 scientific and technologicalachievements that have passed provincial and ministerial-level scientificand technological appraisal.


China Railway GRoup limited

截止2019年12月31日,公司现拥有专利12,707项,其中发明专利2,843项,Patent Cooperation Treaty(PCT)专利16项。其中2019年,获授权专利2,065项,其中发明专利311项,PCT专利4项。截至2019年12月31日,公司拥有国家级工法166项,省部级工法3,070项。2019年5月,公司专家严金秀当选国际隧道和地下空间协会(Underground SpaceAssociation, ITA)主席。



National Science and Technology Awards in 2019序号S/N

项目名称Name of Project

奖种Type of Award

获奖等级Grade of Award

高速列车-轨道-桥梁系统随机动力模拟技术及应用Stochastic Dynamic Simulation Technology and Application of High-Speed Train-Track-Bridge System

技术发明奖Technical Invention Award

二等Second Prize

长大埋深挤压性围岩铁路隧道设计施工关键技术及应用Key Technology and Application of Design and Construction of Grew Buried and DeepSqueezed Surrounding Rock Railway Tunnel

科技进步奖Science & TechnologyProgress Award

二等Second Prize

河谷场地地震动输入方法及工程抗震关键技术Earthquake Input Method for River Valley Sites and Key Technologies for EngineeringEarthquake Resistance

科技进步奖Science & Technology Progress



Second Prize

强风作用下高速铁路桥上行车安全保障关键技术及应用Key Technologies and Applications for Safety Guarantee of High-speed Railway BridgeEntry under Strong Wind


Science & Technology

Progress Award

二等Second Prize

高速铁路高性能混凝土成套技术与工程应用High-Speed Railway High-Performance Concrete Technology and Engineering Application

科技进步奖Science & TechnologyProgress Award


Second Prize

As of 31 December 2019, the Company had 12,707 patents, including 2,843invention patents and 16 Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) patents. Amongthem, in 2019, 2,065 patents were granted, including 311 invention patentsand 4 Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) patents.As of 31 December 2019, the Company had 166 national-level constructionmethods and 3,070 provincial and ministerial-level construction methods.In May 2019, the Company’s expert Yan Jinxiu was elected chairman of theInternational Tunnelling and Underground Space Association (ITA).

The Company adheres to comprehensive innovation and developmentcentering on technological innovation. In 2019, the “Opinions on FurtherImplementing the Spirit of the Important Instruction of General Secretary XiJinping’s ‘Three Transformations’ Important Directions to Promote EnterpriseInnovation and Development” (《关于进一步贯彻落实习近平总书记”三个转变”重要指示精神推动企业创新发展的意见》) was formulated, and a listof the main tasks of the Company’s management innovation andtechnological innovation was proposed, including 13 tasks of managementinnovation and 20 tasks of scientific and technological innovation.In 2019, the Company continued to further implement its managementlaboratory activities, strengthened system construction and business basicmanagement, and enthusiastically and effectively stimulated grassrootsinnovation and creation. During the year, the Company awarded 74Management Innovation Achievement Awards; 14 achievements wonNational Management Innovation Awards, of which the “Total Factor CostManagement of Construction Projects Based on Four-Level ResponsibilityMatrix for Super Large Construction Enterprises” (《特大型施工企业基于四级责任矩阵的工程项目全要素成本管理》) won the First Award.

全面创新发展Comprehensive innovation and development

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

推动中国速度向中国质量转变Promoting the Transformation from Chinese Speed to Chinese Quality

公司不断加强质量精准化管理,分层次、分行业实施全面质量管理(Total Quality Management, TQM),积极推动企业ISO9001质量管理体系换版升级。积极引入卓越绩效管理等先进质量管理方式,开展标准化技术和工艺改造,建立工艺参数及质量在线监控系统。同时开展与国内外优质产品的质量比对,鼓励以用户为中心的微创新,改善用户体验,激发消费潜能,满足绿色环保、可持续发展、消费友好等需求。2019年,公司所属的8家企业被中国建筑业协会认证中心评选为“质量管理优秀企业”。

In 2019, a number of key projects such as the Beijing-ZhangjiakouHigh-Speed Rail, the important supporting projects for the Beijing WinterOlympics, and the Haolebaoji-Jian Railway, the world’s longest heavy-haulrailway that the Company participated in, were put into operation orsuccessfully completed. We are encouraged by General Secretary XiJinping’s important instructions on the opening and operation of theBeijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Rail. We will continue to forge ahead andpromote the transformation from China’s Speed to China’s Quality.In 2019, the Company won 10 Luban Awards and 57 National QualityEngineering Awards. The Company has totally won 185 Luban Awards and348 National Quality Engineering Awards.

The Company continuously strengthens quality precision management,implements Total Quality Management at different levels and industries,and actively promotes the upgrade of the Company’s ISO9001 qualitymanagement system. We actively introduced advanced qualitymanagement methods such as superior performance management, carriedout standardized technology and process transformation, and establishedprocess parameter and quality online monitoring systems. At the sametime, we carried out quality comparisons with high-quality products athome and abroad, encouraged user-centered micro-innovation, improveduser experience, stimulated consumer potential, and met the needs ofgreen environmental protection, sustainable development, andconsumer-friendly. In 2019, 8 companies affiliated to the Company wereselected as “Excellent Quality Management Enterprises” by the ChinaConstruction Industry Association Certification Center.


A bird’s eye view of the west side of the new plant area of the Beijiao SewageTreatment Plant extension and upgrading project in Changchun


Focusing on quality improvement andadvancing the quality revolution

保证产品质量,建设精品工程Ensuring product quality and buildingquality projects2019年,公司参建的北京冬奥会重要配套工程京张高铁、世界最长重载铁路浩吉铁路等一大批重点项目开通运营或顺利竣工,习近平总书记对京张高铁开通运营作出重要指示,让我们备受鼓舞。我们将继续砥砺前行,推动中国速度向中国质量转变。公司2019年度获鲁班奖10项、国家优质工程奖57项。公司已累计荣获鲁班奖185项,国家优质工程奖348项。

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


2019 CREC Projects of Luban Awards List序号S/N

工程名称Project Name


Yichang Miaozui Yangtze River Bridge


West Qinling Tunnel Project of Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway


Expansion and Bid Raising Renovation Project of Changchun Beijiao sewage treatment Plant

哈尔滨站改造工程(站房、雨棚部分)Harbin Railway Station Reconstruction Project (Station Building and Canopy)

滨海站Binhai Station


CREC Qingdao Cosmopolitan Exposition Convention Center Complex Project

新建长沙至昆明铁路客运专线湖南段雪峰山一号隧道New Xuefengshan No.1 Tunnel in Hunan Section of Changsha-Kunming Railway Passenger Dedicated Line

湖南省吉首至茶洞(湘渝界)公路矮寨特大悬索桥Ai Village Oversized Suspension Bridge of Jishou-Chadong (Hunan-Chongqing Boundary) Highway in Hunan Province

泰州长江公路大桥Taizhou Yangtze River Highway Bridge

玻利维亚乌尤尼35万吨/年钾盐制造厂工程Uyuni 350,000 tonnes/year Potash Production Plant Project in Bolivia


Promoting the Transformation from Chinese Products to Chinese Brands品牌建设体系

Brand building system


In 2019, CREC further optimized the corporate brand and product brandstructure, explored the formation of a Chinese brand construction modewith the core connotations of quality improvement, technologicalinnovation, global cooperation, spiritual heritage and responsibility, andactively created, disseminated and maintained the image of Chinese brands.In 2019, CREC was shortlisted in the China Brand Development (Enterprise)Index 100 List (中国品牌发展(企业)指数”100榜单), and the 2019 ChinaBrand Powerful Grand Ceremony Model 100 Brands (2019中国品牌强国盛典榜样


Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

诚信经营Business integrity公司始终重视企业信用管理,全面兑现了各项合同承诺,把诚信履约贯穿于企业生产经营活动始终,无不良经营行为。2019年下半年铁路施工企业信用评价中,中铁三局、中铁上海工程局、中铁四局、中铁一局被评为A级。其中,中铁四局已经第26次获评铁路施工企业信用评价A级,是获得A级企业次数最多的单位;中铁三局在此次评级中获得第一名,已累计22次获评A级。2019年,全公司如期保证了京张高铁、浩吉铁路、昌赣高铁、成都地铁等一批重点工程相继建成。

投资者沟通Investor communication


The Company always attaches great importance to the corporate creditmanagement and fully fulfills all the contractual commitments. It alwaysimplements the principle of integrity performance throughout theenterprise’s production and operation activities without bad businesspractices.In the credit evaluation of railway construction enterprises in the secondhalf of 2019, CREC No.3, CREC Shanghai Engineering Bureau, CREC No.4,CREC No.1 were rated Grade A. Among them, the CREC No.4 has beenawarded the Grade A credit rating for railway construction enterprises forthe 26th time, which is the unit that has received the most times of Grade Aenterprises. The CREC No.3 won the first place in this rating, having beenrated Grade A for a total of 22 times.In 2019, the Company assured the completion of a number of key projectssuch as the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Rail, the Haolebaoji-Jian Railway,Nanchang-Ganzhou High-speed Railway and Chengdu Metro.

The Company attaches great importance to the communication withinvestors. In 2019, CREC fully leveraged the functions of the investorhotline, IR email, and the Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) E interactionplatform, communicated with stock and bond investors in various formssuch as convening performance release conferences, receiving investorsduring their visits, holding annual shareholders’ meeting, cash dividendbriefing and participating in investment summits to carefully listen to andproperly handle the opinions and advice from shareholders and investors,and promoted the improvement of the management of the Company witha focus on the concerns of investors to build a good image in the capitalmarket.


坚决打好精准脱贫攻坚战Topic 2:

Resolutely Carry Out theTargeted Poverty AlleviationCampaign

精准扶贫规划Targeted Poverty Alleviation Planning年度精准扶贫概要Annual targeted Poverty Alleviation Summary精准扶贫成效Targeted Poverty Alleviation Result

后续精准扶贫计划Subsequent Targeted Poverty Alleviation Plan




China Railway GRoup limited

精准扶贫规划Targeted Poverty Alleviation Planning2019年,中国中铁以《关于中央企业全力支持打赢脱贫攻坚战三年行动的指导意见》为指导,认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院扶贫办、国资委的决策部署,进一步加大投入力度,聚力精准施策,以增派挂职干部、产业帮扶、就业扶贫为主要抓手,全力支持决战决胜脱贫攻坚。一是召开全公司扶贫开发工作视频会议。主要领导出席会议并讲话,传达党中央有关精神,落实有关具体要求,切实加强对全系统扶贫开发工作管理统筹力度,充分发挥公司系统优势,上下联动、形成合力、尽锐出战。二是持续做好调研督导工作。公司主要领导、分管领导择期带队赴定点帮扶县进行调研督导,看望挂职干部,查看重点援建项目推进情况,了解贫困县委、县政府脱贫攻坚及巩固脱贫成果工作开展情况,为下一步工作提供思路和建议方案。三是继续加大扶贫资金投入力度,全面完成国务院扶贫办考核工作任务。2019年,公司结合实际、创新方法,开创扶贫开发工作新局面。一是开展优秀挂职干部评选表彰工作。二是开展中国中铁专家赴定点贫困县帮扶活动,充分发挥中国中铁工程技术专家在乡村规划、设计咨询、工程建设方面的专业优势,为贫困县的建设出谋划策。三是策划中国中铁扶贫日(10月17日)主题活动。四是开发劳务用工信息系统。针对贫困县劳动力就业现状及中国中铁用工需求,采用信息化手段,搭建中国中铁劳务用工信息平台,实现用工需求与供给之间无缝对接,大力助推贫困县劳务用工输出工程,通过“一人就业、解决全家脱贫”难题。

In 2019, under the guidance of the “Guideline on Central Enterprises FullySupporting to Win the Three-year War Against Poverty” (《关于中央企业全力支持打赢脱贫攻坚战三年行动的指导意见》), CREC conscientiouslyimplemented the decision-making arrangements of the CPC CentralCommittee, the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviationand Development and the SASAC, further increased its investment andfocused on precise measures, with the increase of cadres on duty, industrialassistance and poverty alleviation through employment as the main focus,and fully supported the decisive battle against poverty. First, we conveneda video conference on poverty alleviation development of the wholeCompany. The main leaders attended the meeting and delivered speeches,conveyed the relevant spirit of the CPC Central Committee, implementedthe specific requirements, strengthened the overall management andcoordination of the system-wide poverty alleviation development, gave fullplay to the advantages of the Company’s system and linked all levels toform a joint force to fight as hard as possible. Second, we continued towork well in research and supervision. The main leaders and subordinatedleaders of the Company led teams to the designated counties forinvestigation and supervision, visit the cadres on duty, check the progressof key assistance projects, understand the poverty alleviation efforts ofParty committees and governments in poverty-stricken counties andconsolidate the achievements in poverty alleviation, and provide ideas andsuggestions for the next stage of work. Third, we continued to increasefunding for poverty alleviation and fully completed the assessment task ofthe State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation andDevelopment.In 2019, the Company combined reality and innovative methods to createa new situation in poverty alleviation development. First, we carried outthe selection and commendation of outstanding cadres on duty. Second,we carried out assistance activities for CREC experts to designated poverty-stricken counties, gave full play to the professional advantages of CRECengineering and technical experts in rural planning, design consultationand engineering construction, and made suggestions for the constructionof poverty-stricken counties. Third, we planned the themed activity of CRECPoverty Alleviation Day (October 17). Fourth, we developed the laboremployment information system. In view of the current employmentsituation of labor force in poverty-stricken counties and the employmentdemand of CREC, the information platform of labor employment of CRECwas built by means of information technology, so as to realize the seamlessconnection between labor demand and supply, and vigorously promotethe labor export project in poverty-stricken counties, and solve theproblem of “employment for one person and lifting the whole family out ofpoverty”.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

年度精准扶贫概要Annual targeted Poverty Alleviation Summary



In 2019, CREC and its 18 subordinate units participated in povertyalleviation development, investing special funds of more than RMB123.66million in total to lift nearly 3,932 poor people out of poverty withremarkable results. The three poverty-stricken counties assisted by CREChave all been lifted out of poverty. The Company has shifted the focus of itswork to consolidating the achievements of poverty alleviation, and hascontinuously intensified its efforts to build a long-term mechanism forpoverty alleviation through measures such as industrial assistance,educational assistance, training capacity expansion, and labor export, andthe quality of poverty alleviation work has been significantly improved. Itoverfulfilled the targets and tasks of the poverty alleviation responsibilitystatement. The Company has invested special funds of RMB74.40 millionfor poverty alleviation in designated aid counties, introduced aid funds ofRMB916,200, trained 93 grass-roots cadres, trained a total of 4,659 technicalpersonnel, purchased RMB6.6678 million of agricultural products inpoverty-stricken areas and helped sell a total of RMB947,300 of them. Themain poverty alleviation measures taken by the Company included:

First, the investment of aid funds has reached a record high. The Companyhelped Guidong County, Rucheng County and Baode County lift out ofpoverty in August 2018, March 2019 and April 2019, respectively. In 2019,we continued to increase investment, investing special funds of RMB74.40million for poverty alleviation, RMB31.251 million more than last year. Atotal of RMB70 million was invested to support the reconstruction andexpansion project from Tiaoyu Lan’ao (跳鱼栏坳) to Zengkou on X006 linein Guidong County, the student dormitory building project in Phase II ofvocational education new town in Rucheng County and the ancillaryproject of CREC Xinfu Avenue in Baode County. Centering on key elementssuch as industrial development, education and training, and outwardtransportation of agricultural products, the three projects actively build along-term mechanism to benefit the local people for a long time. TheCompany has invested RMB3 million to support the construction ofeducation and other conventional projects in the three counties. A total ofRMB900,000 was allocated to the first village branch secretary tostrengthen the building of grass-roots organizations. RMB500,000 wasinvested to support the development of the “targeted poverty alleviationemployment management information system”.

中国中铁“精准帮困专项基金”揭牌仪式The inauguration ceremony of the China Railway “Special Fund forTargeted Poverty Relief”

中国中铁“精准帮困专项基金”成立The China Railway “Special Fund for Targeted Poverty Relief” was established

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


Second, a sales platform for agricultural products was built andcomprehensively promoted poverty alleviation through consumption.Making use of the CREC platform to hold exhibitions of characteristicagricultural products in poverty-stricken counties at the headquarters topromote system-wide consumption poverty alleviation. Planning withChina Railway Real Estate Group to carry out the activity of “CREC TargetedPoverty Alleviation into the Community”, making use of the buildingsunder construction and sales of China Railway Real Estate Group to bringhigh-quality, healthy and green agricultural products from poverty-strickencounties to the owners’ table. Actively taking the lead in liaising withCapital Agribusiness Group (CAG) (北京首农集团) to promote high-qualitycharacteristic agricultural products in poverty-stricken counties to be listedin CAG agricultural products supermarket. In 2019, the whole systemconsumed agricultural products total in RMB8.3175 million.Third, training and labor export were actively carried out. Through“teachers lead students” and “go to the podium”, we have carried outmultiple periods of knowledge and practical training courses, and trained93 grass-roots cadres. Through the targeted poverty alleviation activity of“everyone has a skill” in Rucheng County, “good drivers in Baode” in BaodeCounty and “a good hand makes a good job” in Guidong County, a total of4,659 technical personnel were trained in the three counties. The “everyonehas a skill” training project was rated as the “Lifelong Learning BrandProject” by the Ministry of Education. We have taken the initiative to dockwith the employment markets of Guangdong and Shenzhen, sending atotal of more than 460 people to go out for employment.Fourth, we helped solve the outstanding problem of “no worry about foodand clothing with compulsory education, basic medical services andhousing guaranteed (两不愁三保障)”. We continued to adhere to theconcept of “educational supports first in poverty-relief “(“扶贫先扶智”), andregarded poverty alleviation through education as an important startingpoint for complete and stable poverty alleviation. We invested RMB1.004million in 2019 to support 1,209 poor freshmen and college students in thethree counties. We invested RMB100,000 to help Huojiang First PrimarySchool in Guidong County update multimedia teaching equipment, anddonated RMB100,000 to 11 remote rural schools in Baode County for left-behind children with a total of 336 sets of down jackets. We hired ourCompany’s “National Model Workers, Great Country Craftsmen” Bai Zhiyongas a visiting senior lecturer in vocational education training center inRucheng County, and set up a studio to promote local education. LiuXiaoying, the First Party Secretary of the Tuanwo Village, HanjiachuanTownship, Baode County, invited the medical team of the Central Hospitalof the third Bureau of CREC to conduct a free physical examination for thepermanent villagers of the village to establish the concept of healthmanagement. Through continuous efforts, a total of 41,995 people havebeen lifted out of poverty in Guidong County, and the incidence of povertyhas been reduced to 0.31%. A total of 61,773 people have been lifted out ofpoverty in Rucheng County, and the incidence of poverty has beenreduced to 0.46%. A total of 34,042 people has been lifted out of poverty inBaode County, and the incidence of poverty has been reduced to 0.12%.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


Fifth, we enhanced foreign exchanges to broaden our horizons. LiuJianyuan, the chairman of the Labour Union of the Company, was invitedto attend and delivered a speech at the conference on promoting povertyalleviation work of enterprises in the PRC construction industry. PeiQingning, a member of our poverty alleviation steering group, participatedin, as a special guest, the filming for “Hand in Hand, Undertaking TargetedPoverty Alleviation Commitment by State-owned Enterprises” program tobe broadcasted via CCTV-7, and introduced the poverty alleviationdevelopment work of CREC, which fully demonstrated the responsibilityshouldered by CREC as a state-owned enterprise. After broadcasting of theprogram, we received strong responses from the society. Meanwhile, weintroduced gratuitous aiding funds of RMB580,000 through activelyconnecting with China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation.Sixth, we developed a “targeted poverty alleviation employmentmanagement information system” to smooth the path for employment.CREC has invested a special fund in the development of the “targetedpoverty alleviation employment management information system”, whicheffectively connected the employment of poor workers from the threefixed-point poverty alleviation counties, including Baode, Rucheng andGuidong. Currently, such “employment information system” has completedinitial debugging in Baode, Rucheng and Guidong, and has gone online inpart of the divisions of CREC with successive input of the information onjobs and job applicants. 10,086 people have registered in such system,while 437 jobs have been released by the enterprises. Such systemachieved the online two-way selection by both the enterprises andimpoverished job applicants.

中国中铁与保德县政府签署精准扶贫援建项目协议China Railway and the Baode County Government signed anagreement on a targeted poverty alleviation reconstruction assistanceproject


The signing ceremony for the key targeted poverty alleviation reconstructionassistance project of China Railway


China Railway GRoup limited


Targeted Poverty Alleviation Result

单位:万元 币种:人民币



其中:1. 资金12,366

2. 物资折款1,537

3. 帮助建档立卡贫困人口脱贫数(人)3,932


1. 产业发展脱贫

其中:1.1 产业扶贫项目类型



1.2 产业扶贫项目个数(个)24

1.3 产业扶贫项目投入金额4,361

1.4 帮助建档立卡贫困人口脱贫数(人)3,315

2. 转移就业脱贫

其中:2.1 职业技能培训投入金额135.96

2.2 职业技能培训人数(人/次)5,252

2.3 帮助建档立卡贫困户实现就业人数(人)905

3. 易地搬迁脱贫

其中:3.1 帮助搬迁户就业人数(人)55

4. 教育脱贫

其中:4.1 资助贫困学生投入金额285

4.2 资助贫困学生人数(人)2,942

4.3 改善贫困地区教育资源投入金额3,028.5

5. 健康扶贫

其中:5.1 贫困地区医疗卫生资源投入金额5.42

6. 生态保护扶贫

其中:6.1 项目名称

6.2 投入金额

7. 兜底保障

其中:7.1 帮助“三留守”人员投入金额4.25

7.2 帮助“三留守”人员数(人)380

7.3 帮助贫困残疾人投入金额17.50

7.4 帮助贫困残疾人数(人)20

8. 社会扶贫

其中:8.1 东西部扶贫协作投入金额275

8.2 定点扶贫工作投入金额9,162.48

8.3 扶贫公益基金3

9. 其他项目

其中:9.1 项目个数(个)8

9.2 投入金额122.18

9.3 帮助建档立卡贫困人口脱贫数(人)277

9.4 其他项目说明


Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019




1. 中铁北京局荣获乡村振兴示范村建设奖杯 级别:局级

2. 中铁二局王忠获评四川省优秀驻村工作队队员 级别:省级

3. 中铁获帮扶工作组先进集体 级别:县级

4. 中铁四局驻安徽省颍上县杨湖镇汪李村扶贫工作队荣获安徽省属单位脱贫攻坚先进集体荣誉称号 级别:省级

5. 中铁四局驻安徽省颍上县杨湖镇汪李村扶贫工作队第一书记兼队长张坤荣获“中国中铁优秀扶贫干部”、“中国中铁劳动模范”称号 级别:股份公司级

6. 中铁四局驻安徽省颍上县杨湖镇汪李村扶贫工作队第一书记兼队长张坤荣获”颍上县杨湖镇优秀共产党员”称号 级别:乡镇级

Unit: Ten-thousand Yuan Currency: RMBIndicatorsQuantity & ImplementationI. GeneralIncluding: 1. Fund12,366

2. Materials converted into cash1,537

3. Number of registered impoverished people relieved from poverty under the help offered (person)3,932

II. Investment Breakdown

1. Poverty alleviation through industrial development

Including: 1.1 Type of industrial projects for poverty alleviation

Procurement of gravel materials from

the area under help, purchase instead

of donation, stock purchase in rural

collective economy on behalf ofimpoverished households,

construction by donation, planting and


1.2 Number of industrial projects for poverty alleviation24

1.3 Amount of investment in industrial projects for poverty alleviation4,361

1.4 Number of registered impoverished people relieved from poverty under the help offered (person)3,315

2. Poverty alleviation through transferred employment

Including: 2.1 Amount of investment in occupational skill training135.96

2.2 Number of persons receiving vocational skill training (person/time)5,252

2.3 Number of registered impoverished people getting employed under the help offered (person)905

3. Poverty alleviation through relocation

Including: 3.1 Number of employment for relocated household (person)55

4. Poverty alleviation through education

Including: 4.1 Amount of investment in financing needy students285

4.2 Number of poor students financed (person)2,942

4.3 Amount of investment in improving the educational resources in poverty-stricken areas3,028.5

5. Poverty alleviation through health

Including: 5.1 Amount of investment in the medical and health resources of poverty-stricken areas5.42


China Railway GRoup limited

Unit: Ten-thousand Yuan Currency: RMBIndicatorsQuantity & Implementation

6. Poverty alleviation through ecological protection

Including: 6.1 Name of Project

6.2 Amount of investment

7. Baseline security

Including: 7.1 Amount of investment in helping the elderly people, women and left-behind children in rural



7.2 Number of elderly people, women and left-behind children in rural areas helped (person)380

7.3 Amount of investment in helping needy disabled people17.50

7.4 Number of needy disabled people helped (person)20

8. Poverty alleviation through society

Including: 8.1 Amount of investment in coordinated eastern-western poverty alleviation275

8.2 Amount of investment in fixed-point poverty alleviation9,162.48

8.3 Public welfare fund for poverty alleviation3

9. Other projects

Including: 9.1 Number of projects8

9.2 Amount of investment122.18

9.3 Number of registered impoverished people relieved from poverty under the help offered (person)277

9.4 Description about other projects

CREC Shanghai Bureau aided one

external project of construction of ruralroads with an investment ofRMB100,000. The Group had aninternal poverty alleviation project,

with an investment of RMB435,000 andaiding 27 needy employees.III. Awards received (nature and level)

1. CREC Beijing Bureau was awarded the Prize for Construction of Pilot Revitalized Village. Level: bureau-level

2. Wang Zhong from CREC No. 2 was appraised as an Excellent Member of the Team Stationed in Village in Sichuan Province. Level: provincial-level

3. CREC was accredited as an Advanced Entity in Poverty Alleviation Assignment. Level: county-level

4. The poverty alleviation team of CREC No. 4 stationed in Wangli Village, Yanghu Town, Yingshang County, Anhui Province was awarded the honored title of

Advanced Team in Poverty Alleviation Work by Anhui Provincial Enterprises. Level: provincial-level

5. Zhang Kun, the first secretary and leader of the poverty alleviation team of CREC No. 4 stationed in Wangli Village, Yanghu Town, Yingshang County, Anhui

Province, was awarded the titles of “Excellent Poverty Alleviation Cadre of CREC” and “Model Labor of CREC”. Level: joint stock company level

6. Zhang Kun, the first secretary and leader of the poverty alleviation team of CREC No. 4 stationed in Wangli Village, Yanghu Town, Yingshang County, Anhui

Province, was awarded the title of “Excellent Communist at Yanghu Town, Yingshang County”. Level: town-level

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


Subsequent Targeted Poverty Alleviation Plan2020年为脱贫攻坚收官之年,中国中铁认真贯彻落实党中央脱贫攻坚精神,尽锐出战、攻坚克难、共同决胜2020,实现全民奔小康。一是严格落实国务院扶贫办考核具体要求,做好规定动作,抓好具体工作落实。二是持续做好调研督导工作。公司主要领导、分管领导择期带队赴定点帮扶县进行调研督导。三是继续加大扶贫资金投入力度。根据对口扶贫县援助项目申请情况,2020年计划再投入扶贫资金不低于5,000万元。四是组织开展对对口扶贫工作的监督检查。扶贫办牵头组成检查组。对2019年扶贫工作及资金使用情况进行检查。五是结合企业实际,创新工作方式方法,重点抓好2020年度重点援建项目立项落地实施、“精准扶贫就业管理信息系统”全面推广、“农村老人日间照料中心”建设等工作。


Zhang Zongyan, the Company’s party committee secretary and chairman, and his group visited the poverty-stricken households

2020 is the ending year for the poverty alleviation battle. In this regard,CREC will earnestly implement the spirit of the CPC Central Committee inrespect of the poverty alleviation battle and strive hard to overcomedifficulties and win the battle in 2020, thereby achieving a well-off society.First, we will strictly implement the specific assessment requirements of theState Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation andDevelopment by focusing on the regulation of operations and theimplementation of detailed work. Second, we will continue the efforts inresearch, investigation and supervision work. The Company’s major leadersand division leaders will lead their respective team to visit, whenappropriate, the designated counties poverty alleviation for research andsupervision. Third, we will continue to increase investment in povertyalleviation funds. Based on the progress of application for pairing upassistance of impoverished counties, an additional poverty alleviation fundof no less than RMB50 million is planned to be invested in 2020. Fourth, wewill organize supervision and inspection of pairing up assistance. The StateCouncil Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development willtake the lead to establish an inspection team, which will inspect thepoverty alleviation work and use of funds in 2019. Fifthly, we will, by havingregard to the actual situation of the enterprise, adopt innovative workingmethods and approaches to ensure the approval for and implementationof the key construction-aiding projects in 2020, the comprehensivepromotion of the “targeted poverty alleviation employment managementinformation system”, the construction of “daily care center for the elderly invillages”, etc.


高质量共建“一带一路”Topic 3: Joint Construction of the“Belt and Road” with High Quality

秉持共商共建共享原则Upholding the Principles of Joint Consultation,Construction and Sharing坚持开放、绿色、廉洁理念Adhering to the Philosophy of Openness,Greenness and Integrity实现高标准、惠民生、可持续目标Achieving Targets of High standard and SustainableDevelopment Beneting People’s Livelihood



中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

秉持共商共建共享原则Upholding the Principles of Joint Consultation, Construction and Sharing深化国际合作Furtherance of international cooperation2019年,中国中铁借助第二届“一带一路”高峰论坛、上海进博会、中非经贸博览会等国际合作的重要平台,加强与各国政府、企业的沟通合作,推动项目落地实施。同时,加大走出去步伐,积极参与金砖经贸论坛、中阿国家工商峰会以及B20议题工作组、中国中东欧国家联合商会等多双边合作机制,为中国企业发声,参与行业发展规则制定。在第三方市场合作方面,公司已在丹麦,意大利、法国、澳大利亚、波兰、新加坡等市场和包括万喜等在内的世界知名建筑商建立了稳固的合作关系。

2019年,中国中铁积极参与共建“一带一路”倡议和“互联互通”工程,全力推动中国铁路“走出去”。全公司国际业务实现新签合同额178.59亿美元,完成营业收入65.72亿美元。截至2019年底,中国中铁全系统在98个国家和地区设立335个境外机构。境外在建工程项目和设计项目以及产品加工总数579个,其中境外在建工程项目469个,设计项目80个,道岔产品加工30大项。在建项目合同总额为428.1亿美元。在Engineering News-Record(ERN)全球最大250家国际承包商中排名第18位。

In 2019, CREC actively participated in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative and the“interconnection” project, promoting in full effort the “going out” of CREC. The Company’s internationalbusiness achieved a new contract value of US$17.859 billion, representing an operating income ofUS$6.572 billion. As of the end of 2019, the whole system of CREC set up 335 overseas institutions in 98countries and regions. The total number of overseas projects under construction as well as design projectsand products processed was 579, including 469 overseas projects under construction, 80 design projectsand 30 turnout products processed. The total contract amount of projects under construction wasUS$42.81 billion. CREC ranked 18th among 250 global largest international contractors listed byEnineering News-Record (ERN).

In 2019, CREC strengthened communication and cooperation withgovernments and enterprises of various countries to promote theimplementation of projects through important international cooperationplatforms such as the Second Belt and Road Forum, the China InternationalImport Expo in Shanghai and the China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo.Meanwhile, the Company accelerated the pace of going out by activeparticipation in numerous bilateral cooperation mechanisms such as theBRICS Business Forum (金砖经贸论坛), the China-Arab Business Summit (中阿国家工商峰会), the B20 Task Force (B20议题工作组) and the China andCentral and Eastern European Union Chamber of Commerce (中国中东欧国家联合商会) to speak for Chinese companies and participate in theformulation of industry development rules. In respect of third-party marketcooperation, CREC has established stable cooperation relationship withworld-renowned builders including Wanxi in markets including Denmark,Italy, France, Australia, Poland and Singapore.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

属地化经营Territorial operation中国中铁从经营理念、人才队伍、法律制度、文化建设等各项工作入手,不断提升海外市场的属地化管理水平。目前已形成了以埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚、南非为代表的东南非市场,以马里、加纳、科特迪瓦、摩洛哥、埃及为代表的西北非市场,以安哥拉、刚果(金)为代表的中非市场,以印尼、老挝为代表的东南亚市场,以巴新、斐济为代表的南太平洋市场,以塔吉克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦为代表的中亚市场和以委内瑞拉、巴西为代表的拉美市场等一批特色鲜明的属地化区域市场。

文化交流沟通Cultural exchange and communication


CREC continued to improve the territorial management of overseasmarkets by starting with tasks such as operation philosophy, talent team,legal system and cultural construction. Currently there formed a group ofdistinctive territorialized regional markets which include the East andSouth African market representing by Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and SouthAfrica; the Northwest African market representing by Mali, Ghana, C?ted’Ivoire, Morocco and Egypt; the Central African markets representing byAngola and Congo (DRC); the Southeast Asian market representing byIndonesia and Laos; the South Pacific market representing by PNG and Fiji;the Central Asian market representing by Tajikistan and Uzbekistan; andthe Latin American market representing by Venezuela and Brazil.

CREC actively promoted territorial management with a focus on integrationwith local people. Through the organization of a series of activities such asthe “Chinese Culture Colloquium” by the Confucius Institute jointly withuniversities of host countries, CREC fully played the role of bridging,influencing and leading cultures, told the world a good Chinese story,promoted the “going out” of excellent culture, and contributed to theconnection of hearts and minds of the people along the “Belt and Road”.

中老铁路“友谊之桥”青年文化交流活动China-Laos Railway “Bridge of Friendship” Youth Cultural Exchange Activity

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

案 例Case

案 例Case



In October 2019, the Construction Headquarters of CREC’s China-Laos Railway Project coordinated relevant participating units with the ConfuciusInstitute at Souphanouvong University in Laos to jointly organize youth cultural exchange activities including the “Joint Construction of theChina-Laos Railway for the Joint Construction of a Beautiful Homeland” and “China-Laos Railway, the Bridge of Friendship”. More than 40 youngcontestants from the cities and provinces of Laos including the city Luang Prabang and provinces like Udousas, Pocho and Vientiane participatedin activities such as Chinese speeches and traditional talent performances in Laos.

In 2019, CREC No.1 Malaysian Company together with the Confucius Institute at the University of Malaya and the Universiti Putra Malaysia hostedthe second “Chinese Culture Colloquium”. More than 50 persons including Chinese and foreign employees of the Company as well as teachersand students from the Universiti Putra Malaysia participated in the occasion. Activities included three segments, i.e., learning Chinese painting,shuttlecock competition, and experience of apparels from the Han Dynasty, allowing students to have a comprehensive experience of the charmof Chinese culture in an all-round way from culture to martial arts and from peace to dynamic.

中华文化大讲堂活动Chinese Culture Colloquium Activity

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


Adhering to the Philosophy of Openness, Greenness and Integrity推动绿色基础设施建设

Promoting construction of greeninfrastructure中国中铁积极推动境外项目绿色建设,强调因地制宜,特别是对所在国政治、经济、文化、民生影响重大的基建项目,更是以建设精品样板工程、廉洁示范工程为目标,强化健全合作、协商、共赢、共享的工作机制,严格落实完善环境保护措施,通过科学管理和技术进步,最大限度地节约资源、减少和避免对环境产生负面影响的施工活动。2019年,中国中铁境外项目获得省部级以上优质工程奖11项、管理创新奖2项、技术发明奖19项,其中20个项目获得绿色标准化工地称号。

案 例Case

中国中铁中老铁路项目成立专门环保领导小组,制订特别生态环保方案,着重强调水环保的宣传和教育工作,并严格执行环境保护目标责任制。A special environmental protection leading group was established for CREC’s China-Laos Railway project, and a special ecological environmentalprotection plan was formulated with emphasis on the publicity and education of water environmental protection and the strict implementationof the environmental protection target responsibility system.

CREC actively promotes the construction of overseas green projects, withemphasis on measures tailored to local conditions, specially infrastructureprojects that have significant impacts on the politics, economy, culture,and people’s livelihood of the host countries, and particularly aiming atbuilding excellent model projects and integrity demonstration projects tostrengthen and improve the working mechanism of cooperation,negotiation, win-win and sharing, strictly implementing and improvingenvironmental protection measures, and maximizing saving of resources toreduce and avoid construction activities that have negative impacts on theenvironment through scientific management and technological progress.In 2019, CREC’s overseas projects won 11 quality engineering awards ofprovincial and ministerial-level or above, 2 management innovationawards, and 19 technology invention awards, including 20 projects whichwon the title of green standardized construction sites.


China Railway GRoup limited

强化依法合规管理Strengthening management in compliancewith laws and regulations2019年,中国中铁进一步加强外事及境外安全管理,修订相关外事管理办法,持续推动境外合规体系建设,进一步完善海外业务合规管理制度,研究制定《海外业务合规管理指引》《合规手册》,围绕生产经营重点工作,制定《工程项目合同管理法律合规风险防范指引》。立足境外重点国别市场,配合国家部委开展相关国别市场营商环境研究,编写相关国别报告,指导所属企业依法合规开展海外经营业务。截至2019年底,中国中铁境外工程项目雇佣当地员工45,967人。为维护和保障本国劳动者的权益,中国中铁境外机构和项目根据经营生产情况,设立人力资源部(岗),按照当地劳动法和社保法等相关法律法规,研究制定属地化的当地劳工管理制度文件,明确规范当地员工招聘、合同签订、社保交纳、出勤管理、请假制度、薪酬标准、解聘流程等各环节要求。

案 例Case

中国中铁孟加拉帕德玛大桥项目严抓垃圾分类,严格定期检测废水排放,采用专业设备检测防控噪音,委托专业公司对钢结构车间、机械设备密集作业区间等场所进行空气质量检测,各类废水、废气的排放严格符合标准。For CREC’s Padma Bridge Project in Bangladesh, Garbage classification was strictly implemented, discharge of waste water was strictly andregularly monitored, and professional equipment was used to detect and control noise. Professional companies were commissioned to conducttests of air quality in places such as steel-structure workshops, machinery and equipment-intensive working areas, while discharge of varioustypes of waste water and exhaust gas strictly complied with standards.

In 2019, CREC further strengthened foreign affairs and overseas safetymanagement by revising relevant administrative measures for foreignaffairs and ongoing promotion of overseas compliance systemestablishment to further improve overseas business compliancemanagement systems, studied and formulated the Guidelines for OverseasBusiness Compliance Management (《海外业务合规管理指引》) andCompliance Manual (《合规手册》), and formulated the Guidelines forPrevention of Legal Compliance Risks in the Management of EngineeringProject Contracts (《工程项目合同管理法律合规风险防范指引》) with afocus on key tasks in production and operation. Based on overseas keycountry-specific markets, CREC conducted research on the businessenvironment of country-specific markets in cooperation with ministriesand commissions and prepared relevant country-specific reports forguiding affiliated enterprises to carry out overseas business operationsaccording to laws and regulations.As of the end of 2019, CREC ‘s overseas projects employed 45,967 localemployees. To safeguard and protect the rights and interests of localworkers, CREC overseas institutions and projects have set up humanresources departments (posts) according to their operating and productionconditions, and studied and formulated documents of localized labormanagement systems according to relevant laws and regulations such aslocal labor law and social security law to clarify all aspects of regulatoryrequirements including local staff recruitment, signing of contract, socialinsurance contribution, attendance management, leave applicationpolicies, salary standards and termination procedures.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

保障海外项目安全Ensuring the safe operation of overseasprojects2019年,中国中铁海外项目坚持生命至上、安全第一,树牢安全发展理念,提高政治站位,强化红线意识和底线思维,坚持问题导向,坚持标本兼治,保障安全投入,通过全公司共同努力,确保了公司海外项目安全生产状况保持稳定。公司在海外项目全面部署2019年安全质量重点工作,明确安全生产、工程质量、环境保护的责任目标。印发《关于加强境外项目安全生产管理工作的通知》,突出重点领域,深入开展层级安全质量大检查。通过开展安全生产“管”“监”责任大宣贯大培训活动、安全生产“管”“监”责任落实专项检查活动、筑牢安全生产管理基础专项行动、生产安全惯性事故防控专项行动、本质安全保障能力提升行动等五大主题活动,进一步推动安全生产“管”“监”系统责任落实,确保安全生产形势持续稳定。遵守项目所在地职业病有关法律法规,坚持依法依规做好职业健康工作,本着以人为本、健康工作的原则,落实建设项目职业病危害预评价、办理工伤保险、全员职业健康教育培训、职业危害因素告知、完善健康体检档案,对当地工人进行艾滋病检测和常规体检、配备合格劳动保护用品。

In 2019, CREC adhered to the policy of supremacy of life and safety-first forits overseas projects. Bearing in mind the safe development philosophy,the Company enhanced its political threshold and strengthened red lineawareness as well as bottom-line thinking to maintain problem-orientedsolutions of both symptoms and root causes to guarantee safe investment,ensuring the stable and safe production of overseas projects of theCompany through concerted effort of the whole Company.For priorities of safety and quality for its overseas projects in 2019, theCompany made a comprehensive arrangement to clarify the targets ofresponsibilities for safe production, project quality and environmentalprotection. The Notice on Strengthening Safety Management of OverseasProjects (《关于加强境外项目安全生产管理工作的通知》) was issued tohighlight key areas for in-depth safety and quality inspections. Through thefive major thematic activities including large-scale promotion,implementation and training activities on the responsibilities of“management” and “supervision” of production safety; special inspectionactivities on implementing the responsibilities of “management” and“supervision” of production safety; special actions for enhancingfoundation of production safety management, special actions forprevention and control of frequent production safety accidents andenhancement of intrinsic safety assurance capabilities, implementation ofresponsibilities for the safety production “management” and “supervision”system was further promoted, hence ensuring ongoing maintenance ofproduction safety.CREC complied with the relevant laws and regulations on occupationaldiseases in where the projects are located, and was committed toundertaking the task of occupational health according to laws andregulations. On the people-oriented and healthy work principle, theCompany implemented pre-assessment of occupational disease hazardsfor construction projects, maintained work-related injury insurance, hostedoccupational health education and training for all employees, kept theminformed of factors of occupational hazards, enhanced archives of healthinspection, conducted AIDS testing and regular checkups for local workers,and equipped them with qualified labor protection supplies.


Main bridge steel beams were erected on the “Bridge of Dreams”, the PadmaBridge, in Bangladesh

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


Achieving Targets of High standard and Sustainable Development BenefitingPeople’s Livelihood中国技术带动当地发展

Chinese technologies driving localdevelopment

中国中铁充分发挥全产业链优势,采用设计、采购、施工加融资的EPC+F (Engineering, Procurement,Construction and Financing)模式,为业主提供从投资、勘察设计、施工建设到运营维护全周期的服务。中国中铁通过“卓越国际教育培训中心”平台,依托中国中铁在全球轨道交通领域的勘察设计、工程咨询、工程总承包项目,累计完成了覆盖亚洲、非洲、欧洲、美洲、大洋洲100多个国家1,700余人次的培训。中国中铁在境外项目实施过程中,组织对当地管理及技术人员进行技术培训,累计在亚吉铁路、亚的斯轻轨项目培训运营维护管理人员1,905人次,其中2019年培训运营维护管理人员633,火车司机34名;中老铁路、雅万高铁、孟加拉帕德玛大桥铁路连接线、孟加拉帕德玛大桥等重点项目,2019年组织对当地管理及技术人员进行技术培训27,420人次。优质工程助推当地经济

Quality projects boosting local economy中国中铁依托境外重点工程,努力打造出企业与项目所在国之间的发展之路、绿色之路、廉洁之路、友谊之路、幸福之路,为高质量推动”一带一路”建设做贡献。

CREC gave full play to its advantages of whole industry chain by adoptingthe EPC+F (Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Financing) modeof design, procurement, construction and financing to provide the ownerswith all-round services from investment, survey and design, constructionto operation and maintenance. Through the platform of “ExcellentInternational Education and Training Center” and relying on CREC ‘s surveyand design, project consultation and general contracting projects in areaof global rail transit, the Company has completed training of over 1,700staff in total in more than 100 countries covering Asia, Africa, Europe,America and Oceania.During the implementation of overseas projects, CREC organized technicaltraining for local management and technical staff, training a total of 1,905operation, maintenance and management staff for the Ababa-DjiboutiRailway and Addis Ababa Light Rail Project, among them 633 operation,maintenance and management staff as well as 34 train drivers were trainedin 2019; in key projects such as China-Laos Railway, Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail, Padma Bridge Railway Connecting Route in Bangladesh, PadmaBridge in Bangladesh, technical training was organized for 27,420 localmanagement and technical staff in 2019.

leveraging on its key overseas projects, CREC is striving for the constructionof the road to development, greenness, integrity, friendship and happinessbetween the Company and the countries where the projects are located,contributing to the high-quality promotion of the “Belt and Road”construction.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019

案 例Case


The China-Laos Railway carries Laos’ dream of shifting from an inland “landlocked country” to a “land connected country”. In 2019, CREC ProjectDepartment provided 1,682 local jobs and made purchases of more than US$153.7 million locally, greatly promoting local economic development.

案 例Case

2019年,中国中铁雅万高铁项目为当地提供就业岗位2,895个,在当地采购超过24,700万美元。In 2019, CREC’s Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail Project provided 2,895 local jobs and made purchases of more than US$247 million locally.

案 例Case

2019年,中国中铁孟加拉帕德玛铁路连接线项目为当地提供工作岗位3,113个,在当地采购材料超过45,000万美元,与至少100家当地公司签订了相关服务协议。In 2019, CREC’s Padma Railway Connecting Route Project in Bangladesh provided 3,113 local jobs, purchased local materials of more than US$450million, and entered into relevant service agreements with at least 100 local companies.


China Railway GRoup limited

公益事业惠及当地人民Public welfare undertakings benefiting localpeople中国中铁致力于塑造中国企业“有实力、负责任”的良好形象,积极履行企业社会责任,主动参与东道国抢险救灾,开展形式多样的物资援助和社会捐助等公益事业。

案 例Case

中老铁路开工以来,中国中铁在抓好项目建设的同时,主动帮助地方政府和百姓解决实际困难,改善他们的生活环境和条件,累计为沿线进行电力改造约65千米,修建道路743公里、便桥34座、水渠7.38公里、水井15口,新建蓄水池1个。Since the commencement of the construction of the China-Laos Railway, CREC, while focusing on project construction, has taken the initiative inhelping the local government and people solve practical difficulties and improve their living environment and conditions. CREC has totally carriedout some 65 kilometers of power refurbishment, repaired and built 743 kilometers of roads, 34 bridges, 7.38 kilometers of water channels, 15wells and a new reservoir.

案 例Case


On 10 March 2019, when a passenger plane of Ethiopian Airlines crashed, CREC in Ethiopia, upon receipt of the rescue notification, immediatelyorganized a rescue team with mechanical equipment to carry out rescue work in cooperation with Ethiopian Airlines. After one day and twonights of continuous fighting, CREC’s rescue team not only beautifully completed the rescue mission, but also found the black box of the wreckedplane 20 meters underground.

CREC strived to shape the good image of a “powerful and responsible”Chinese enterprise by actively fulfilling its corporate social responsibility,taking the initiative to participate in emergency rescue and disaster reliefof host countries and engaging in public welfares undertaking such asvarious forms of material assistance and social donations.

Social reSponSibility and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environmental, Social and Governance report) in 2019


In 2020, CREC will take Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinesecharacteristics in the new era as the guidance, adhere to the general toneof steady progress, new development concept and high-qualitydevelopment, and optimize the governance system and enhancegovernance capacity as the starting point for overall planning. We willmake overall plans to promote steady growth, promote reform, strengtheninnovation, adjust the structure, strictly supervise and guard against risks.We will strive to optimize the management chain, refine the managementchain, strengthen the industrial chain, strengthen the value chain, expandthe kinetic energy chain, enhance the competitiveness, innovation, control,influence and anti-risk ability of the enterprise, and strive to build a world-class enterprise with global competitiveness to make new and greatercontributions to building a well-off society in an all-round way.In 2020, CREC will further play an exemplary role of an industry leadingenterprise to fulfill social responsibilities, comprehensively deepen thesocial responsibility management, expand the social responsibility fields,enrich the social responsibility contents, enhance the social responsibilitypractices, cooperate with its stakeholders to make unremitting efforts inorder to promote the development and progress of the whole society!

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited




Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read the 2019Social Responsibility Report and the Environmental, Social and GovernanceReport of China Railway Group Limited in your busy schedule.There are inevitable flaws and omissions in the compilation process of thereport. We are very willing to listen to your comments and suggestions. Weexpress our sincere thanks for your support and help to the Company onceagain.

2019 社会责任报告暨




China Railway GRoup limited





Stock code:

601390SH 390HK




