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中国中铁2018年度社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告 下载公告



















Stock code:

601390SH 390HK


The Board of Directors and all directors of the Company guarantee that there is no falserecord, misleading statement or major omission in this report and they will bear individualand joint liabilities for the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the contents.


The logo is constituted by the abbreviated Chinese company name “中国中铁” and the English company name“CREC” and designed with the color of ocean as the standard color symbolizing science and technology as wellas vision. The background of the Earth with latitudes and longitudes shows CREC’s global vision and strategicinsight. The Chinese character “工” in the middle not only indicates the cross section of the rail that is upright,robust, sturdy and “affords” the load of profound and magnificent history, but also a structure that holds up thesky, which indicates a thriving future.




事业、合作共赢、海外责任等方面的工作,适当关注了2018年以前公司履行社会责任的情况。报告编写参照联合国全球契约(Global Compact)颁布的“十大原则”,全球报告倡议组织(GRI)、社会责任国际(SAI)和中国国家标准GB/T36000-2015《社会责任指南》、GB/T36001-2015《社会责任报告编写指南》、GB/T36002-2015《社会责任绩效分类指引》《中国企业社会责任报告编写指南(CASS-CSR3.0)之建筑业》《中国对外承包工程行业社会责任指引》等相关标准,以及国务院国资委、上海证券交易所、香港联合交易所的有关规定。报告中使用的相关数据和案例,均来自中国中铁及其子分公司。本报告以中英文两种文字出版,若两种文字间有差异,按中文版解读。本报告力求完整、客观和准确,并积极回应利益相关方的主要关切。本着精益求精的原则,公司下一年度及以后的社会责任报告的编写和发布工作还将持续改进、日臻完善,也欢迎您的支持。本报告的电子版本同时在公司网站发布。您可以根据需要进行下载。

This report is the Company’s eleventh annual social responsibility reportwith the time span of 1st January to 31st December of 2018. It mainlyfocuses on CREC’s work about managing enterprises according to law,high-quality service, benefit creation, staff development, safetysupervision, science & technology progress, environmental protection,targeted poverty alleviation, public welfare undertaking, win-wincooperation and overseas responsibility during the year of 2018, with dueattention to how the Company fulfilled its social responsibility before 2018.We have prepared this report by referring to the “ten principles”promulgated by the United Nations Global Compact (Global Compact); therelevant standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), SocialAccountability International (SAI), Chinese National Standards GB/T36000-2015 Social Responsibility Guidelines, GB/T36001-2015 SocialResponsibility Repor ting Guidelines, GB/T36002-2015 Social ResponsibilityPerformance Classification Guidelines, Construction Industry in China CSRReporting Guidelines (CASS-CSR3.0), Guide on Social Responsibility forChinese International Contractors; as well as the relevant requirements ofSASAC, Shanghai Stock Exchange and The Stock Exchange of Hong KongLimited.All relevant data and cases used in this report are from the CREC and itssubsidiaries and branch companies.This report is published in both Chinese and English. In case of anydiscrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.This report aims to be complete, objective and accurate, and to activelyrespond to the main concerns of interested parties. Based on the principlesof pursuit for excellence, the Company will continue to improve and strivefor perfection in the preparation and release of its Social ResponsibilityReport for next year and beyond, and you are welcome to support.The electronic version of this report is also posted on the Company’swebsite, and you can download it if needed.

About This Report


Welcome to read the Social Responsibility Report together with theESG (Environment Society Governance) Report for 2018 of ChinaRailway Group Limited. To facilitate your reading, China Railway GroupLimited will be expressed as “CREC”, the “Company” and “we/us”, etc. inthis report.




Leader's Message


Company Values


Planning of Social Responsibility


Interested Parties


Managing Enterprises According to Law


High-Quality Service


Benet Creation


Sta Development


Company Prole


Environmental Protection


Targeted Poverty Alleviation


Public W elfare Undertaking


Win-Win Cooperation


Overseas Responsibility


Targeted Poverty Alleviation


Public W elfare Undertaking


Top Ten Outstanding Social Responsibility Practices in 2018




Safety Supervision


Science & Technology Progress


China Railway GRoup limited


2018, as the first year of implementing the spirit of the 19th nationalcongress of CPC, is also an extremely unusual year in the history of CREC. Inthis year, we fully practiced Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era, bore in mind general secretary Xi’s ardentexpectations towards all participants in the construction of CREC’s newChengdu-Kunming Railway, and inherited the commitment and loyalty ofChina Railway’s staff from generation to generation towards ourmotherland and people by restless and relentless efforts to forge ahead,achieving all goals of the Company. In this year, we seized marketopportunities and took advantage of the momentum, with majoreconomic indicators reaching new record high. In this year, we workedhard to improve quality and efficiency while further promoting laboratoryactivities of project management, with ongoing enhancement incomprehensive deepening of corporate reform. In this year, we carriedforward construction of key projects with high quality and efficiency, andmade new progress in a great number of key projects like the Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Railway, the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridgeand the Pingtan Cross-sea Bridge. In this year, we seized the opportunitiesprovided by the 5th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative to activelyadvance the construction of projects like Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail,China-Laos Railway, Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway and Hungary-SerbiaRailway, thus accelerating our pace of international development. In thisyear, we extensively carried out the care-for-staff project with focus on theoverall growth of staff, thus enhancing their sense of happiness andreward. In this year, we vigorously fulfilled our social responsibility bystrengthening targeted poverty alleviation and actively engaging in rescueand relief work, instilling among the people a deep-rooted image of anenterprise with firm commitment.

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


Leader's Message

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018

What is worth mentioning is that the past 2018 is the 40th anniversary ofreform and open-up. In this year, we held a series of grand celebrations tosummarize our great achievements and valuable experiences in the past 40years and encourage all employees to keep on working hard for a betterfuture. On the grand gathering celebrating the 40th anniversary of China’sreform and opening-up, Ju Xiaolin, an employee of CREC, was awarded themedal of reform pioneer. The reform and development experience of CRECreceived widespread coverage from mainstream media. We announced byaction our steadfast resolve to be an innovation pioneer in the new era topave a road for national rejuvenation.In 2018, CREC ranked 56th in top 500 enterprises of the world, and ranked13th in top 500 Chinese enterprises. The Company won 4 prizes forNational Progress in Science and Technology, 1 prize for National TechnicalInvention Award, and 10 Luban Prizes for China.In 2019, CREC will continue to faithfully fulfill its corporate mission andconstantly explore new forms of benefiting the society, and will strive tomake new and greater contributions to achieve the Chinese dream ofnational rejuvenation.

Chairman of the Board: Li Changjin

March, 2019






2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

SoCial ReSponSibilit y and enviRonmental SoCial ReSponSibility RepoRt (enviRonment SoCiety GoveRnanCe RepoRt) in 2018

China Railway GRoup limited

企业使命:奉献精品 改善民生


Dedication to Excellent P roducts for Better P eople ’s Livelihood

企业宗旨:创新创效 优质发展


Innovation and Efficiency for High Quality Development

核心价值观:诚信敬业 共建共享


Honesty and Professionalism, Co-building and Sharing


Compan y V alues

企业精神:勇于跨越 追求卓越


Brave to Overcome Difficulties and Pursuit for Excellence

企业愿景:国内领先 世界一流


Leading in China and First-class in the World


Company values

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018


Planning of Social Responsibility




As a leader in the construction industry, CREC always regards becoming apractitioner, propellant and leader of Corporate Social Responsibility as itsmission. Since 2008, it has started working on building a scientific,standardized, systematic and effective management system of corporatesocial responsibility; on planning social responsibility from such aspects asmanaging enterprises according to law, high-quality service, benefitcreation, staff development, safety supervision, science & technologyprogress, environmental protection, targeted poverty alleviation, publicwelfare undertaking, win-win cooperation and overseas responsibility; andhas launched a series of management practices of social responsibility fromthe Headquarter to the subsidiaries of the Company in order to achieve thegoal of full-coverage, full-fulfillment, pursuit for perfection and industry-leading social responsibility, making irreplaceable and outstandingcontributions to a sustainable society.


Planning of Social



Public WelfareUndertaking


Benefit Creation





Science & Technology



Targeted Poverty



Safety Supervision


Managing Enterprises

According to Law







China Railway GRoup limited


Interested Parties






Over several years, CREC has always maintained the cooperationrelationship of harmony, mutual trust, mutually benefit with all interestedparties; adhered to the interests of interested parties in the perspective ofinterested parties; responded actively to important issues that interestedparties pay attention to; established smooth, standardized and distinctivecommunication mechanism of interested parties; and made efforts toachieve common development, harmony and win-win with all interestedparties. After a comprehensive analysis of the production chain and macro-environment in the industry, CREC’s interested parties are mainlyconstituted by ten groups, i.e. creditors, clients, the government, investors,partners, brother chip, NGO (non-governmental organizations), staff, thepublic and suppliers.



Common Development,Harmony and Win-win with

interested parties















Brother chip








Company Profile






CREC is an extremely large enterprise group with survey and design,construction and installation, industrial manufacturing, real estatedevelopment and other business. It is one of the largest constructioncontractors in the world, ranking 56th in the top 500 enterprises of theworld. CREC was listed respectively in 2007 in Shanghai and Hong Kong,with total assets of RMB942.68 billion and net assets of RMB222.14 billion.The builders of CREC have successively constructed two-thirds of trunkrailways and 15% of expressways in China; they have participated in theconstruction of urban rail transit works of more than 2,000 kilometers,accounting for three-fifth of China’s urban rail transit works; they haveconstructed nearly ten thousand bridges with total length of more than22,700 kilometers including Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge, Nanjing YangtzeRiver Bridge, Hangzhou Bay Cross-sea Bridge, and Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge; they have built long tunnels of Qinling Tunnel, TaihangshanTunnel, Xiamen Xiang’an Undersea Tunnel, Wuhan Yangtze River Tunneland so on, with a total length of nearly 20,400 kilometers. The builders haveparticipated in the Antarctic expedition for 16 times, undertaking theconstruction and maintenance tasks of Zhongshan Station, Great WallStation and Kunlun station. The Company has also participated in thedesign and construction of nearly 6,000 large-scale projects includingnational airports, docks, hydropower, high-rise buildings, municipal andother large projects, with the business scope covering all infrastructureconstruction fields, and the projects spreading all over China’s provincesand autonomous regions except for Taiwan and more than 80 countriesand regions in the world . The technological level in many areas has reachedthe world’s advanced level, and has won the prizes for National Progress inScience and Technology for many times.

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

SoCial ReSponSibilit y and enviRonmental SoCial ReSponSibility RepoRt (enviRonment SoCiety GoveRnanCe RepoRt) in 2018


Managing EnterprisesAccording to Law


Corporate Governance


Internal Control Supervision


Honest Management

China Railway GRoup limited


Corporate Governance






At the end of report period, the 4th Board of Directors is composed of 9members including 4 executive directors, 4 independent non-executivedirectors, and 1 non-executive director. There are 5 special committees ofstrategy, audit and risk management, remuneration, nomination as well assafety, health and environment under the Board of Directors, among whichstrategy committee is composed of 5 directors, and the director of thecommittee is taken by the Party Secretary and Chairman of the board,including one independent non-executive director and one non-executivedirector; audit and risk management committee is composed of 3 directors,all of them are independent non-executive directors, among them two areexperts in finance and accounting fields in domestic and overseasenterprises respectively; the remuneration committee is composed of 2independent non-executive directors and 1 non-executive director, allhaving rich experiences in performance assessment and remunerationmanagement of large enterprises; the nomination committee is composedof 5 directors, including 3 independent non-executive directors, and thechairman of the committee is taken by the Party Secretary and Chairman ofthe board; the safety, health and environment committee is composed of 5directors, including 2 independent non-executive directors and 1 non-executive director, and the chairman of the committee is taken byexecutive directors and the President. The Board of Supervisors iscomposed of 5 members, including 2 shareholder representativesupervisors and 3 workers’ representative supervisors. The seniormanagement of the Company is composed of 10 members includingexecutive directors, 1 president, 4 vice presidents, 1 CFO, 1 vice presidentand general counsel, 1 chief engineer, 1 chief economic manager and 1board secretary.In 2018, under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism withChinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 19th nationalcongress of CPC, the Company earnestly implemented the responsibilitiesendowed by the Corporate Law and the Articles of Association accordingto the requirements of state-owned capital supervision and securitiessupervision. By highlighting strict standards on decision-mak ing, internalcontrol, risk prevention, governance perfection, plus stimulation andconstraint, the Board of Directors continued to improve its operationquality, clearly defined the functional positioning of the Board of Directors,the Board of Supervisors and the Management to promote efficientconnection between the Board of Directors and the Management,enhanced the construction of authorization system and optimized thegovernance structure of legal persons at all levels. Besides, the Companydrove innovation in capital market financing, expanded communicationchannels with small- and medium-sized shareholders and supervisionauthorities, and explored long-lasting supervision mechanism for theBoard of Supervisors to strengthen its implementation capacity, effectivelypromoting the transformation of corporate governance fromstandardization to effectiveness and then to scientificity. The Company’sBoard of Directors received the annual assessment of “Proper Function”from SASAC of the State Council.

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018

CREC attached great importance to construction of the internal controlsystem. According to Basic Norms of Corporate Internal Control and therequirements of overall in-depth corporate reform, in 2018, CREC cleanedup all its rules and regulations to lay a solid foundation for its next businessprocess re-engineering. Throughout the year, the Company held a total of9 system appraisal meeting, appraised a total of 125 rules and regulations,and reviewed a total of 7480 rules and regulations in the whole system.In combination with its reality and based on the organization of initialinformation collection for risk management and risk assessment results ofall subordinate units, CREC compiled the risk assessment questionnaire,listed five categories and 76 risk points that it was facing, formulated riskassessment standards from the probability and influence degree of risk,carried out risk questionnaire survey, assessed and determined the greatand major risks that it was facing and compiled the Overall RiskManagement Report 2018.The implementation the Supervision Law of the People’s Republic of Chinain 2018 makes it necessary for the Company to put more efforts tostrengthen the building of anti-corruption system and staff honesty andintegrity training, so as to ensure the compliance of the Company’soperations home and abroad. To this end, we have set up an independentaudit department and disciplinary inspection depar tment, intensifiedinternal audit and inspection effort to enhance the monitoring of variousbusinesses and actively created an incorruptible culture atmosphere of “donot want to corrupt, cannot corrupt, and dare not corrupt”.In 2018, we insisted on integrating anti-corruption work into variousbusinesses, and formulated implementation measures for re-supervisingthe performance of supervision and management responsibilities byfunctional departments centering on risk control, qual ity improvement andbenefit increase; organized and conducted inspection on dailyperformance of leadership and urged enterprises belonged to CREC toestablish prevention and control accounts for project integrity risks indifferent levels; carried out special governance on corruption and workingstyle issues in poverty alleviation field; actively explored foreign preventionand control mechanism for project integrity risks and formulated theimplementation plan for the construction of the “incorruptible road” ofChina-Laos Railway in order to launch integrity construction with “DoubleSafety and Double Excellence” as its goal.


Internal Control Supervision


China Railway GRoup limited

In 2018, the Company insisted on the tenet of governing CREC accordingto law including “governance perfection, operation compliance,management standard, law-abiding and integrity”, strictly implementedthe domestic and overseas laws and regulations as well as the Companysystem, adhered to the compliance management principle of all staffparticipation, whole process monitoring and whole field coverage. Inaddition, it attached great importance to the corporate credit managementand fully fulfilled all the contractual commitments. It always implementedthe principle of governing the corporate according to laws throughout theenterprise’s production and operation activities without bad businesspractices.In 2018, CREC No.5, CREC No.8, CRBB (China Railway Bridge Bureau), CRECShanghai Bureau, CREC BRDI, and China Railway South were awardednational contracted honor enterprises; CREC No.1, CREC No.2, CREC No.4,and CREC No.7 etc. were rated as AAA credit corporate by social creditrating for China project construction enterprises; and CRTC (China RailwayTrust Company) was awarded “Chengxintuo” Award – Excellent CompanyAward.


Honest Management






中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018

Information 1: In the credit rating of railway construction enterprises for thefirst half of 2018, CREC Beijing Bureau, CREC Guangzhou Bureau, CREC No.4,CREC Wuhan Electrification Bureau, CREC No.3, CREC No.10, and CREC No.1were rat ed as Class A, acc ounting for 70 % of Class A.Information 2: In 2018, CREC completed the construction of and put into useon schedule a batch of key projects, including Hong Kong-Zhuhai-MacauBridge, Badaling Tunnel of Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Rail, Guangzhou-Shenzhen High-Speed Rail, Jinan-Qingdao High-Speed R ail, and Huaihua-Shaoyang-Hengyang Railway.



Being rated as AAA credit corporate by social credit rating forChina project construction enterprises

Badaling Tunnel of Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed R ail c ompleted


2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

SoCial ReSponSibilit y and enviRonmental SoCial ReSponSibility RepoRt (enviRonment SoCiety GoveRnanCe RepoRt) in 2018


High-Qualit y Service


Improvement of Physical Environment


Improvement of Service Quality


Construction of High-Quality Project

China Railway GRoup limited



Improvement of Physical Environment

CREC has powerful technical forces and mechanical equipment that can beused in complex geological and hydrological conditions as well as specialenvironment for construction of railways, roads, bridges and municipalbuildings with various structures. From beyond the Great Wall to the south,from the East Sea to the snow-covered plateau, CREC people, bydeveloping the spirit of “brave to overcome difficulties and pursuit forexcellence”, have perfectly achieved the sacred mission that the state andpeople delivers during various periods, and left a string of flash footprintsin the field of global infrastructure construction, making impressiveperformance in the great cause of improving the geophysical environmentof the Earth for mankind’s ideal.In 2018, in total, the Company has completed the construction of railwayswith a length of 7,085 kilometers, electrified railways of 6,686 kilometers,and highways of 2,553 kilometers, including expressways of 1,304kilometers, and also completed the construction of new bridges of 1,720kilometers as well as new tunnels of 1,422 kilometers.









Shenzhen Metro No.11Tianhe Bridge project in Songyuan City



2018 Complete the construction

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018





Improvement of Service Quality

In 2018, CREC always insisted on the general idea of “ever perfecting andcontinuous improvement” and adhered to people oriented concept toconstantly improve its service quality in an attitude of highly responsible forthe nation, the people and the corporate. In the meantime, we fully protectedour customers’ sensitive business information and personal privacy.In project quality management, CREC seriously implemented ISO9000system standard and Measures for Project Quality Supervision andManagement, which have been in place in the Company for many yearsand developed into a mature system and had no impact on the Companyduring the reporting period, vigorously carried out the construction of fieldmanagement institutionalization, field layout rationalization, field trainingnormalization, and field operation standardization to ensure the quality ofexcellence to achieve the goal.In 2018, CREC insisted on improving product and service quality bymanagement innovation, and continued to further promote the laboratoryactivities of overall management, gradually forming a basic managementinnovation system covering all level and all business segments. TheCompany has selected 60 management innovation results in the wholeyear, with 9 of them receiving the National Management Innovation Award.Information 1: In 2018, the “deep chasm turning into thoroughfare and“four-in-one” quality management mode” of CRBB (China Railway BridgeBureau) was awarded the 3rd China Quality Award. CRBB was the onlyconstruction company that received the award this year. For over 60 years,CRBB (China Railway Bridge Bureau) has designed and built over 2,600bridges at home and abroad, creating a large number of sophisticated andhigh-quality projects.Information 2: In 2018, Huanggang Yangtze River Bridge, a railway-highwaybridge built by CREC in Hubei Pro vince , w on FIDIC Award of Merit. The bridgehas a length of 4008 meters. The main bridge’s structure is the double deckswith twin towers on steel truss cable-stayed bridge with double cable planesand main span of 567 meters. Huanggang Yangtze River Bridge is the largestone of the same type of bridge in terms of “span of main bridge, main girdertilting angle, support tensile capacity, and cable tension”.

No.4 Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge


China Quality Award


China Railway GRoup limited



Construction of High-Quality Project

In 2018, CREC continued to carry forward the philosophy of “elaboratelydesign to draw the blueprint for the times; scientifically construct to buildhigh-quality project”. The Company has always made every constructionsite management as a system work. Through standardization of sitecompliance activities, it strictly controlled quality and strictly implementedconstruction technology standards. It constantly kept improving thequality of construction products and enriching the content of constructionproducts. Moreover, it strove to build every project as an international first-class architecture and a hundred-year fine project.

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


Suzhou International Fortune Plaza


Chongqing Metro No.10

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018

In 2018, the Company’s 10 projects were awarded Luban Prize for ChinaArchitecture Project, which respectively were Science and Technology R&DCenter of CREC NO.3, Tianhe Bridge project in Songyuan City, West Towerproject in Suzhou International Fortune Plaza, the Bridge Science &Technology Building (中铁桥梁科技大厦) for CRBB (China Railway BridgeBureau), Phase I project (East Jianxin Road – Wangjiazhuang section) ofChongqing Rail Transit Line 10, Construction project in Tianhetan ScenicSpot, Shenzhen Urban Rail Transit Line 11 project, Honggu Tunnel projectin Nanchang City, Liuan-Yuexi-Qianshan Highway in Anhui Province, andNo.4 Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge. Till now, CREC has accumulated 172projects awarded with this prize.


2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

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Honggu Tunnel project in Nanchang City


Liuan-Yuexi-Qianshan Highway in Anhui Province


Benefit Creation


Promotion of Economic Development


Social Contribution Value


Continuous Promotion of Employment

China Railway GRoup limited





Promotion of Economic Development

CREC has worked hard to become the prop for the national economicdevelopment. In 2018, the Company has driven the global and localeconomic growth and promoted the economic development and socialprogress through the construction of railway, highway, rail transit, port,municipal building, airport and other infrastructures in the global marketespecially the Chinese market, and constantly created and accumulatedhigh-quality material wealth for the society.In 2018, the Company recorded total revenues of RMB740.44 billion,representing a year-on-year growth of 6.8%; amount of newly-signedcontracts of RMB1,692.16 billion, representing a year-on-year growth of8.7%; realized net profit attributable to the parent company of RMB17.2billion, and average earning per share of RMB0.718. CREC has become themajor creator of social wealth and an important driving force for social andeconomic development.

单位:亿元Unit: RMB 0.1Billion


Operating income


The amount of new-signed contract


Net profit


















2018 Financial Performance


Newly-signed ContractsNet Profit



Growth of8.7%


Growth of






Average Profit


单位:亿元Unit: RMB 0.1Billion

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018





Social Contribution Value

Since 2008, we have taken the lead to disclose the social contribution valueper share in the industry.In 2018, we continued to improve the assessment system, researched andestimated annual corporate social contribution value and corporate socialcontribution value per share of CREC in 2018 with the method ofcombination of self-statistics, estimation and expert assessments, which isjust for your reference.Our formula:

Corporate social contribution value = profit contribution + tax contribution+ debt interest contribution+ employee contribution + the public welfarecontribution + other contributions – negative contribution to theenvironment – negative contribution to the safety and quality -othernegative contributions.Social contribution value per share = corporate social contribution value/total equityStatistics in recent three years:

The corporate social contribution value of CREC in 2016 reachedRMB145.42 billion, and social contribution value per share was RMB6.37.The corporate social contribution value of CREC in 2017 reachedRMB158.798 billion, and social contribution value per share was RMB6.95.The corporate social contribution value of CREC in 2018 reachedRMB169.755 billion, and each share of social contribution value wasRMB7.43.


Corporate Social Contribution


Corporate Social ContributionCorporate Social Contribution






100 million


100 million


100 million


Per of Social Contribution6.37



Per of Social Contribution6.95



Per of Social Contribution7.43


China Railway GRoup limited

Terminological Interpretation:

(1) Profit contribution: the value that the Company has created through

making profits for shareholders.(2) Tax contribution: the value that the Company has paid the state and

local tax revenue, fees and others.(3) Debt interest contribution: the value such as interest that the

Company has created for creditors.(4) Employee contribution: the value of wages and benefits paid by the

Company for employees (including peasant workers).(5) Public welfare contribution: the direct expenditures for helping the

poor, dedication of love and others including donated money and

things.(6) Other contribution: the positive benefits assessment value that

corporate activities bring for the society except the above items

listed.(7) The negative contribution to the environment: the negative impact

value on the environment caused by corporate behaviors.(8) The negative contribution to the safety and quality: the negative

impact value on the society caused by corporate safety and quality

accidents.(9) Other negative contribution: negative benefits assessment value

that corporate activities bring to the society except the above items



(1) 盈利贡献:公司通过实现盈利为股东创造的价

(2) 税费贡献:公司为国家和地方财税缴纳的税


(3) 债息贡献:公司为债权人创造的利息等价值

(4) 雇员贡献:公司为员工(含农民工)支付的工


(5) 公益贡献:包括捐款捐物在内的企业扶贫助


(6) 其他贡献:前述所列项以外的企业活动给社会


(7) 环境负贡献:企业行为对环境造成的负影响价

(8) 安全质量负贡献:企业安全质量事故对社会造


(9) 其他负贡献:前述所列项以外的企业活动给社


中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018



Continuous Promotion of Employment

CREC always considers promotion of employment as a key component ofcorporate social responsibility. In 2018, CREC strictly implemented the staffemployment commitment of Collective Contract, making every endeavorto promote re-employment of laid-off employees. Every year, the Companycreates and provides large number of new jobs for the society throughreceiving graduates from junior college and technical secondary school,receiving demobilized army men and introducing talents from HR market.In 2018, the Company received a total of 11,014 new graduates from juniorcollege and technical secondary school, and was praised by MilitaryDemobilization Office of the State Council for its good reception work fordemobilized army cadres.In 2018, the Company provided employment opportunities for a t otal of 1.8million peasant workers. On the basis of vigorously promoting “Five Same”Management for peasant workers and staff, the Company continued topromote the management of real-name system of peasant workers, specialwage account system, wage deposit and bank payoff system, etc. Inaddition, it strictly carried out pre -job safety education and training to thepeasant workers and on-site operation skill training, and gave intensivepre-job training for all special work posts to constantly improve their jobskills. At the same time, it took various measures to ensure that the wagesof peasant workers were paid off in full and on time. Moreover, we upholdthe principle of equal employment, strictly comply with the stateregulations on the prohibition of the use of child labor and prohibit theemployment of forced labor and child labor. The Company always respectsthe rights of children and has rich human resources. These regulations haveno impact on the Company. Child labor has not been found so far. At thesame time, the management of the use of subcontractors is strengthened.Any subcontractor found to have any illegal use of compulsory labor andchild labor will be resolutely removed. We always insist on providingdiversified development opportunities without discrimination againstemployees based on gender, race, religion, age or nationality.


Inauguration ceremony of PRC China Railway BeijingEngineering Group Co. Ltd. Airport Branch

New employee outdoor training of CREC No.4



Staff Development


Safeguard of Sta’s Rights and Interests


Promotion of Sta’s Growth


Reinforcement of Three Projects Construction

China Railway GRoup limited












Maintenance of Staff’s Rights and Interests

CREC paid high attention to maintenance of staff’s rights and interests, andsupported gender equality. Through signature of labor contract accordingto law, it established a scientific salary management system andmaintained the staff’s legal rights and interests.

Labor Contract Management

In 2018, CREC strictly implemented the national Labor Contract Law andsigned labor contract with its staff in written form, and the signature rate oflabor contract reached 100%. Moreover, it strictly executed contractclauses; in addition, it clearly defined the rights and obligations of bothparties through labor contract, and strictly executed the terms of thecontract to effectively safeguard the staff’s legal rights and benefits. CRECstrengthened the management of labor contract and handled the relevantformalities in time for employees whose contracts have been expired,changed or terminated. Both parties will terminate the labor contract if anemployee is not competent for the work post or seriously violates theCompany rules and regulations.

Staff Salary Management

In 2018, in accordance with the requirements of national laws, regulationsand policies, CREC further standardized the normal staff salary growth andincome guarantee mechanism on the basis of original remunerationsystem so that the staff income growth could keep up with the corporateeconomic growth and the staff income level was steadily increasing. Thestaff salaries were paid off in full and on time, and they could enjoy theCompany’s development achievements.

Staff Social Insurance Management

CREC protected legal social security rights and interests of staff, supervisedand urged member companies to timely join primary endowmentinsurance, basic medical insurance, work-related injury insurance,unemployment insurance and maternity insurance for staff. In addition, theCompany actively implemented national requirements about industry andcorporate social insurance to be listed into local management. It vigorouslystandardized and boosted enterprise annuity management, with annuityplan covering a total of 239,000 staff.

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018

Democratic Rights of Staff

In 2018, CREC held the 4th session of the second workers’ congress. On thecongress, the labor union signed CREC 2018 Collective Contract with thecorporate on behalf of all staff; it insisted on the systems of workers’congress review of administrative work report, democratic appraisementto leaders, and staff proposal report, and further unblocked the channel fordemocratic participation, management and supervision.

Life Guarantee for Staff

In 2018, CREC seriously carried out Guidance to Staff Life Guarantee Work,further deepened the “three permissions and three preventions”commitments for staff care program and the activity of “warmth-delivery intwo festivals” to help staff solve the difficulties. It spent annual expenditureof RMB99.68 million for “three preventions” activity, and helped over 30,000staff in difficulty. The Company lifted 1,419 staff households out of povertythrough targeted poverty alleviation and raised warmth-delivery fund ofRMB169 million for “warmth-delivery in two festivals”.

Staff Holiday System

CREC strictly followed the national labor laws and regulations, carefullyimplemented the national Regulations on Paid Annual Leave of Employeesand various other holiday regulations. It paid remuneration and overtimesalary to staff or implemented days-off pattern to staff who worked onlegal holidays, public holidays or worked overtime according to nationallegal provisions.










Master-Apprentice signing ceremony


Note: the above-mentioned Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China,Regulations of Paid Annual Leave of Employees ) and other relevant laws and regulationshave been implemented in the Company for many years, and we have in place a completeemployment system. These regulations had no impact on the Company during the reportingperiod. The Guidance for Staff Life Guarantee Work is an internal document of the Company,which has contributed a lot in the protection of employee’s rights and interests.

China Railway GRoup limited








Promotion of Staff’s Growth

CREC strongly implemented the “Talent Corporate” strategy, treated thetalents as the first corporate recourse, made effort to give priority todevelopment of talent resources, give priority to adjustment of talentstructure, give priority to talent investment and give priority to innovationof the talent system. The Company has set up professional and technicalpersonnel promotion appraisal committee in engineering, accounting,economy, political work and other series, and carried out qualificationreview to senior professional and technical personnel who applied for theabove series in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company.In 2018, the Company further promoted deepened study and better use ofXi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the NewEra through centralized trainings for 9,256 deputy department leaders andabove by batch and organizing preaching tours to preach overseas, with allunits in CREC conducting preaching and implementation activities for over20,000 times. CREC also launched research activities of “learning throughimplementation” and held theoretical seminars, achieving 1,061 researchresults.In 2018, CREC further promoted staff educations and trainings byorganizing and conducting a series of selection and recognition activitieslike the “Top Ten Outstanding Youths”, “Hundred, Thousand and TenThousand” talents project to improve the quality of female staff, etc.,training a total of over 300,000 talents in all fields which have provided astrong impetus for enhancing the capacity and quality of talent teams.In 2018, 22 experts enjoyed the State Council special contributionallowance, 12 staff were awarded Mao Yisheng Railroad Engineer Awardand 25 staff were awarded Zhan Tianyou Railroad Science & TechnologyAward as recommended by the Company. Besides, CREC selected andcultivated a large number of advanced models like the reform pioneer JuXiaolin, Chinese skill master Qin Huanbin, national excellent youth workerBai Zhiyong, national technique specialist Wang Ruyun, national top tenexcellent staff Xu Zhou, national May 1 labor medal winner WangZhongmei and Wang Dujuan the role model in state-owned enterprises.In 2018, the Company carefully organized the appraisal of skills, appraisalof high-skilled personnel and appraisal of premium technicians. Itappraised and approved 702 senior technicians, 92 premium technicians,and 2 craftsman technicians.


Visit workers at site in summer

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018



Reinforcement of Three Projects Construction

In 2018, CREC adhered to the “three projects” construction as the maincontent, namely construction site life, culture and hygiene. Itaccumulatively invested RMB841 million in the “three projects”construction, fully improved the standard of living, culture and hygiene inforefront of the construction and created good living and workingenvironment for front-line staff.Information 1: CREC No.4 Kunming Metro Line 4 Project Departmentextended the construction of “Happy Project Department” to peasantworkers by establishing “Workmate Family” to implement industrializedworker management model with standardized accommodation for over500 peasants; institutionalizing the “Warm Heart Project” by setting upbulletin board of construction supervisors at resting areas on site, andfulfilling the commitments that “collaborative teams will be visited, sickemployees will be visited, visiting relatives will be greeted, staff in difficultywill be cared, and activities will be held in all holidays”.Information 2: In May 2018, CREC No.10 First Engineering Co., Ltd. held agrand collective wedding with the theme “Fall in love in CREC No.10, Marryin Chengdu” for 9 couples who are staff participating in the construction ofChengdu Metro. Over 100 relatives, colleagues and warm-hearted citizenrepresentatives attended the wedding ceremony and sent their blessingsto wish them a happy marriage forever, hoping that they understand andsupport each other, and continue to make more contributions to ChengduMetro.


Opening ceremony of the activity center of workers


Group wedding of employees of CREC No.10


Safety Superv ision


Perfection of Management System


Implementation of Safeguard Measures


Concerns about Occupational Health

China Railway GRoup limited


Perfection of Management System

CREC is constantly taking “to maintain stable condition of safe production,to provide the society with safe and good-quality architectural products, toprovide the public with pleasant environment and create safe and healthworking condition for the staff ” as the most important aspect of its socialresponsibility. In the long-term construction production and projectmanagement process, CREC formed a complete set of perfect safetymanagement system, including the safe production responsibility system,prevention of major accidents, safety input, safety education, safetymanagement and safety inspection, safety assessment, rewards andpunishments and so on.CREC’s safety concept: Hidden danger is more dangerous than open fire,prevention is better than disast er r elief, and responsibility is extremely heavy.Safety management policies: Safety first, prevention as the main andcomprehensive management.Safety management principles: Unified leadership, responsibilityimplementation, classification management and guidance , full participation.Safety management objectives: Building of intrinsic safe enterprise.In 2018, CREC firmly established the concept of safety development and “ZeroAccident” and further strengthened the “Red Line” awareness and “BottomLine” thinking. Combining with the actual situation of corporate reform anddevelopment and being problem-oriented, CREC insisted on resolving thecurrent problems and eliminating the root causes, paid attention to top-leveldesign, and improved rules and regulations. By further clarifying theresponsibility of “management” and “supervision”, CREC continued to carry onthe team leader safety and quality responsibility system and the safety andquality hidden danger investigation and management system, worked hard toimplement the special safety management action and the safety and qualitystandardization construction, and promoted the micro-class system for safetyeducation and training. The Regulations on Quality and Safety Red LineManagement for Railway Construction Projects has been widely implementedamong railway construction entities since January 1, 2018, which brought outred line concept about critical stages in railway construction together withmanagement requirements and rules of punishment. As a model in safetyproduction, the regulation will help us improve our safety and qualitysupervision and management per formance at company level. CREC is nowconducting physical tunnel quality inspection for all railway projects that willbe put into operation to ensure the stability of the whole company inproduction safety , occupational health, and en vir onmental prot ection.







Safety production campaign

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018


Implementation of Safeguard Measures

In 2018, CREC held production safety conferences for many times to keepalarm bell ringing. Moreover, it redeployed, re-arranged and re-implementedthe safety production work and further highlighted key cities and key areas.CREC strictly controlled the total number of accidents and the frequency ofvarious types of accidents, insisted on problem orientation, adhered to theon-site management, insisted on standardization management, perfectedsystem and mechanism, strove to achieve “zero deviation” in rules andregulations, “zero error” in technical management, “zero loophole” insubcontracting management, “zero violation” in construction operation, “zerodefect” in equipment status, “zero omission” in acceptance of materials andequipment, and “zero hidden danger” in construction site so as to realize“zero acciden t” in the enterprise and projects.Information 1: In 2018, CREC formulated the Implementation Plan forSpecial Safety Governance of Construction, and carried out special controlon 10 key aspects including the safety organization and management inconstruction sites; safety educations and trainings; special constructionplans; safety and technical disclosure; hidden danger investigation andmanagement; site safety management; emergency management; safetyrisk recognition, management and control in tunnel construction undercomplex geological conditions; control on shielding and deep foundationpit construction; risk management and control of key time intervals andnodes, to ensure the controllability and stability of the whole company inproduction safety.Information 2: In June 2018, the party committee, management, laborunion, and CYL committee in CREC jointly issued the Notice on theArrangement of 2018 “Safety Production Month” Activities pursuant towhich “Safety Production Month” Activities were conducted in all unitsunder the Company and all projects under construction in June. With thetheme of “Life First, Safe Development”, diverse and effective publicationand education activities with participation of all staff were held to instillsafety culture in enterprises, authorities, projects, working areas,workshops, teams and sites to promote continuous and stable productionsafety of CREC.







Special video conference on safety production


Safety and quality assurance oath ceremony

China Railway GRoup limited



Concerns about Occupational Health

In 2018, CREC seriously organized the implementation of “Law of thePeople’s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of OccupationalDiseases”, adhered to enhancing occupational health in accordance withthe laws and regulations. This law urges the Company to further improveworking environment, safeguard the physical and psychological health ofour employees by eliminating the root causes of professional diseases. TheCompany has put in place a series of mature responses. These regulationshad no impact on the Company during the reporting period. In order tofurther enhance the safety and technical management of constructionprojects, CREC issued the “Notice on 2018 Safety Production TrainingProgram” and continued to carry out “Year of Learning” activities inproduction safety. The Company organized 20 training courses throughoutthe year concerning various contents including safety and quality controlon tunnel construction, safety and quality control on bridge construction,safety management of civil blasting articles, safety and technical measuresfor lifting and hoisting, key technical points of supporting system,supervision on environmental protection and occupational health, etc.,further enhancing the construction and technical level as well as safety andquality awareness of project managers and operating personnel.

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited


Experts of International Tunnellling Association are visitting CRECsafety supervision and control equipment such as unmanned ship

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018

The whole company further perfected staff health record, regularlyorganized staff physical examination, conducted occupational injuryinsurance for the staff, carried out health lectures so as to lead staff andenterprises to control the occupational hazard source and actively carryout scientific prevention and treatment to occupational hazard bycooperating with related departments. On the construction site, theCompany continued to increase fund investment, improved staff’s workingconditions, constantly improved the site dustproof, noise reduction andsafety facilities, enhanced the inspection and governance of all hazardousgas, dust, noise in the workshop, provided the personnel with workingprotection facilities and personal protecting devices that meet the safetyand sanitation standards, maximally minimized the occupational hazards,and actively created a safe, clean, comfortable and harmonious workingenvironment for the staff.In 2018, the whole company actively implemented staff health careprograms by holding 8 enhancement training courses for healthcommissioners, internal trainers and supervisors, and training over 1,000person-times. Based on the “Staff Soul Shelter”, labor unions at all levelswidely carried out EAP trainings and health care services. 417 EAP pilotunits and 775 staff soul shelters were established, and over 1,100psychological counseling and consulting activities were held throughoutthe Company, with beneficiaries amounting to 43,000 person-times.




2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

SoCial ReSponSibilit y and enviRonmental SoCial ReSponSibility RepoRt (enviRonment SoCiety GoveRnanCe RepoRt) in 2018


Science & TechnologyProgress


Improvement of Innovation System


Leading Industrial Progress


Strengthening Innovation Drive

China Railway GRoup limited


Improvement of Innovation System

According to the new requirements for scientific and technologicalinnovation put forward by the state and construction industry and thedemand for corporate self-development, the Company sped up theimplementation of scientific innovation driven development. It carried outoverall planning and optimization and integration to existing scientificresources and constantly perfected “two grades and four layers” technicalinnovation system with Chinese characteristics with market as orientation,corporate as main body, project as carrier, national laboratory as basis,technical center as platform and professional R&D center as backbonethrough joint tackling and open scientific research so as to achievetechnically innovative operation management mode with layers inlongitudinal direction and divisions in transverse direction by taking CRECtechnical center as the leading, all member enterprises’ technical centers asmain body and all professional R&D centers as backbone, laying a solidfoundation for scientific innovation. In 2018, the Company seriouslyimplemented the requirements of the state and SASAC of the State Councilon innovation-driven development, made overall plans, highlightedinnovations, participated in the innovation achievements exhibition ofcentral enterprises, and received wide acclaim and won numerous rewards.






Technology management


Technology center ofjoint-stock company

National engineering laboratory forhigh-speed rail construction technology













National key laboratory for shielding

and tunneling technology

National key laboratory for bridge

structure health and safety

Technology management

department of Grade 2

R&D center ofbridge technology

R&D center oftunnel technology

R&D center ofelectrificationtechnology

R&D center ofconstruction equipment


R&D center ofrail technology

R&D center ofBIM technologyR&D center ofadvanced material and

testing technique

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018



Leading Industrial Progress

As the main participator and promoter of the development of Chinese andworld architecture, CREC has not only been in pursuit of self-developmentfor many years, but also taken the leading of industrial progress as itsimportant responsibility to realize synchronous progress with the industry,which mainly manifested in expanding the industrial scale, driving theindustrial self-discipline, leading technical innovation, win-win cooperationwith partners and so on.As the first batch of national “innovative corporate” granted by Ministry ofScience and Technology, SASAC and ACFTU (All-China Federation of TradeUnions), the Company owns 3 national laboratories, i.e. “nationalengineering laboratory for high-speed rail construction technology”,“national key laboratory for shielding and tunneling technology” and“national key laboratory for bridge structure health and safety”, and 7postdoctoral centers. 2018 saw the new addition of 2 national enterprisetechnical centers, 15 provincial technical centers and 6 professional R&Dcenters namely interconnected research center for “One Belt One Road”,Research center for Chinese monorail transport development, R&D centerfor subgrade and foundation engineering technology, R&D center for safeblasting technology, R&D center for smart city, and R&D center forpneumatic train.Information 1: In 2018, the Company has been awarded one first-prize andthree second-prize for National Progress in Science and Technology andone Invention Award, as well as 328 provincial and ministerial prizes forscience and technology progress (including the prizes set by social forcesrecognized by the state). By the end of 2018, the Company has been totallyawarded 115 national prizes for progress in science and technology andinvention award including 5 special prizes and 16 first prizes, ranking topamong domestic construction enterprises; in addition, it won 3,325provincial and ministerial prizes for science and technology progress.Information 2: At present, the Company owns 9,057 valid patents including2,398 patents for invention. In addition, it owns 166 national constructionmethods and 2,528 provincial and ministerial construction methods.


China’s self-developed slurry shield machine with the biggest diameter is rolling off


Turning bridge at the south access road of new airport at Qingdaois being turned successfully

China Railway GRoup limited


National Science and Technology Awards in 2018




Name of Project


Type of Award


Grade of Award


Key Technology and Application of Geological Engineering Distributed Fiber Monitoring


Science & Technology

Progress Award


First Prize


Key Technology and Application of Wind Resistance for Large-span Cable-supported Bridges


Science & Technology

Progress Award


Second Prize


Theory and Key Technology and Application of Wind Sand Disaster Prevention


Science & Technology

Progress Award


Second Prize


Key Technology and Application of the Design and Manufacture of Tunneling Machine in FullNon-circular Cross Section


Science & Technology

Progress Award


Second Prize


Safety Diagnosis & Assessment and Regional Precise Flaw Detection Technology for Long andLarge-span Bridge


Technical Invention Award


Second Prize


Pingtan Cross-sea Bridge

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018







Strengthening Innovation Drive

In 2018, by earnestly carrying out general secretar y Xi Jinping’s importantdiscussion on scientific and technological innovation and the nationalguidelines for scientific and technological works of “independentinnovation, key spanning, supportable development and leading thefuture”, CREC carefully implemented its “13th Five-Year” scientific andtechnological plan by taking vigorous measures to improve corporateinnovation system, accelerate the cultivation of corporate innovation team,enhance corporate independent innovation ability and execute corporateintellectual property rights strategy, achieving a large number ofinternationally advanced and domestically leading scientific andtechnological results with independent intellectual property rights whichhave greatly improved corporate core competitiveness.In 2018, centering on the construction of national key projects includingspecial passenger transport lines, high-speed railways and others, theCompany organized and conducted scientific & technical tackling for keytechniques and researches in terms of theoretical basis, design standards,construction verification and the research & manufacture of equipment incompete set, thus overcoming a series of key technical problems andfurther enhancing the scientific and technological innovation capability ofthe Company. In 2018, 1,293 scientific research projects were started in thewhole Company.Information: In 2018, the Company carried out scientific research anddevelopment by centering on the Company’s “13th Five-Year Plan” fortechnology development. On the basis of major difficult projects includingYuxi-Mohan Railway, Chongqing-Kunming High-Speed Rail, Yinchuan-Xi’anRailway, Zhengzhou Yellow River Super-large Bridge, Chibi Yangtze RiverHighway Bridge, Shenzhen Chunfeng Tunnel, Jiaozhou Bay UnderseaTunnel, South Tianshan Mountain Extra-long Tunnel, Guangzhou Metro,Dalian Metro, Xuzhou Maglev Rail Transit Demonstration Line, Rail TransitLine 1 in Wuhu City, Haikou Underground Comprehensive Pipe Gallery,subjects of the technology development plan focused on key technologiesfor the research and construction of multifunctional slurry shield machine,key technologies for mid- and high-speed maglev transport projects,comprehensive technologies for pneumatic light rail, key technologies forconstruction of extra-large- diameter shield-structured equipment undercomplicated urban environment, key technologies for straddle-typemonorail, and research of key technologies for urban comprehensiveunderground pipe gallery and sponge city, etc.Information 2: In 2018, Liu Hui, vice president of CREC, was awarded thehighest award for Science & Technology Progress Award granted by ChinaAssociation of Construction Enterprise Management, while the innovationteam for the construction of marine long and large bridge in CRBB (ChinaRailway Bridge Bureau) won the Innovation Team Award for Science &Technology Progress Award granted by China Association of ConstructionEnterprise Management. Four patents including “construction method forsteel truss beam by continuously dragged it in a longitudinal way atmultiple points (钢桁梁纵向多点连续拖拉施工方法)”, “a kind of methodand equipment for borehole g routing and effectively stopping grouting (一种孔内注浆并有效止浆的方法及装置)”, “a kind of viscous dampingmethod and damper via multistage valve in series and parallel connection(一种串并联多级阀粘滞阻尼方法及阻尼器)”, “rail charging system forsuper-capacitor tram (超级电容有轨电车充电轨系统)” won the ExcellenceAward of 20th China Patent Award.


Environmental Protection


Promotion of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction


Strengthening Environment Governance


Protection of Ecological Environment

China Railway GRoup limited



Promotion of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction

In 2018, CREC actively carried out energy saving and emission reductionwork, fully implemented “13th Five-Year” energy saving and emissionreduction plan, vigorously carry out standardized site construction ofenergy saving and emission reduction, promoted the application of newtechnologies, new processes and new equipment to improve energyefficiency while strictly controlling pollutant emissions, increasedtechnological transformation and elimination of backward equipment,reduced emissions of waste gas and waste liquid, and made full use ofwaste residues and other waste. The Company revised and issued SelectionMeasures for CREC Green Construction Scientific and TechnologicalDemonstration Project together with Selection and Management Measuresfor CREC’s Energy-saving and Low-carbon Technology. In 2018, theCompany has neither environmental liability accident nor major illegalevent on energy saving and emission reduction, and its pollutant emissionreached both relevant national and local emission standards. In 2018, CRECcompleted the energy saving and emission reduction statistics andsummary analysis report in time on a quarterly basis. The annualconsolidated energy consumption (comparable price) of operating revenuewas 0.0553 tonne of standard coal/RMB ten thousand, representing adecrease of 3.2% year-on-year, showing that the Company has successfullycompleted the scheduled annual objectives for energy saving and emissionreduction.A total of 10 projects of the Company won the first batch of tiles for CREC’sgreen construction scientific and technological demonstration projects,and 72 projects won the titles of energy saving and emission reduction forCREC’s standardized construction site. In 2018, CREC made further effortsin R&D of key energy-saving and low-carbon technologies. More than 20projects on topics concerning energy saving and emission reduction aswell as green environmental technologies were approved with researchfund of over RMB500 million, while 37 technologies were selected asCREC’s key energy-saving and low-carbon technologies. The enterprisestandard for Green Bridge Construction Project Specifications andEvaluation Criteria was officially issued, while green constructionspecification and evaluation standards for tunnels, underground projects,railway projects, highway projects and urban rail transit projects wereunder orderly preparation, and CREC has participated in the research ongreen construction evaluation indicator system organized by ChinaAssociation of Construction Enterprise Management.

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018





















我公司为节能减排关注类企业,在报告期内按照国资委要求,废气排放种类及相关排放数据仅需统计二氧化碳,其他废气及有害废弃物/无害废弃物总量均未统计。2019年,我公司将根据国资委新颁布的《中央企业能源节约与生态环境保护统计报表》,全面建立节能减排 — 排放物、资源使用、环境及天然资源三个层面的关键绩效指标统计体系,并及时披露相关数据。

China Railway GRoup limited

Key performance indicators on three areas including emissions, resource use, environmental and natural resources

Emissions and Energy Types

AccumulatedCompletion Value

Last Year

Accumulated Completion

ValueThis Year


and NaturalResources

Types and related emissiondata on exhaust emission

Nitrogen oxide, sulfur oxide and other pollutants underthe regulation of national laws and regulations

———Total amount of greenhousegas emission (ton)


1261319212505190.7—Other gases (specify if any)———Hazardous waste produced

In 2018, CREC comprehensively implemented the “13th Five-Year” plan for energy saving and emission reduction, and to further refine its energysaving and emission reduction management system, as well as to strengthen its lead in technological innovation. The Company strived to establisha green construction standard system, and to improve green construction and the level of energy saving, and to ensure emission reduction and lowcarbon in all projects. The exhaust emission and total waste were decreased compared to the same period of last year. New progress was gainedin energy saving and emission reduction as well as in environmental protection. The company plans to continue its efforts in launching energysaving and emission reduction demonstration projects, and promote the application of key energy-saving and low-carbon technologies, and to leadits construction works through evaluation, and to work on reducing emission and total waste. The Company would also commit to enhance theenvironment, energy-saving and emission reduction data monitoring system to improve the statistical analysis on CREC’s waste gas and hazardous/non-hazardous waste emissions, and to gain new progress in classification and quantitative analysis of exhaust emission and total hazardous/non-hazardous waste so as to promote CREC energy saving and environmental protection work overall.Total amount ofnon-hazardous wasteproducedDetailed description ofmeasurement and the resultsobtained in energy savingand emission reduction

In 2018, the comprehensive energy consumption (comparable price) per ten-thousand operating income was 0.0553 tonne of standard coal/tenthousand yuan, which was reduced by 3.2% on year-on-year basis compared to the last year, and the Company successfully completed the annualobjectives for energy saving and emission reduction.Detailed description onmethods for handlinghazardous and non-hazardous waste, themeasures to reduce itsproduction volume and allresults

Generally, hazardous and non-hazardous wastes are handled through physical, chemical, biological, physicochemical and biochemical methodsin order to make them suitable for transport, storage, utilization or disposal. Waste disposal should be able to fulfill goals such as harmless,reduced, and resource-based. The main approaches currently adopted include compaction, crushing, sorting, solidification, incineration, andbiological treatment, etc. For example, the Company adopted the multi-stages slurry treatment process in the entrance section of the WangjingTunnel in the 13th section of Beijing-Hebei section in Beijing –Shenyang high speed railway. It is the most advanced technology in China at themoment in place of the traditional waste slurry sedimentation treatment method, on which an advanced slurry separation system was adoptedfor treating inferior slurry by centrifuge and filter press equipment, so that slurry can be fully recycled in order to achieve the goal of zerodischarge. At the same time, a new environmentally friendly pulping agent and a slurry mixing ratio with high-efficiency were selected to replacethe traditional slurry mixing ratio of bentonite + sodium carbonate + CMC, therefore, the shield slurry has no pollution on environment and it cansave a lot of pulping materials.Direct/indirect energyclassified by type(e.g. electricity, gas or oil)

Electricity (10,000 kilowatt)829139820997—

Gasoline (ton)357620353552—

Diesel (ton)12185301206050—Natural gas (10,000 standard cubic meters)43905082.5—

Other energy (specify the name if any)14850 (ton standard coal)13688 (ton standard coal)—Total water consumptionWater (ton)163640091162003690—Describe energy use benefitplan and the results obtained

The Company has issued the Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Plan of CREC during the 13th Five-year Planning Period,which dened the energy use eciency goals as: by 2020, the comprehensive energy consumption (comparable price)per ten-thousand operating income will be reduced by 15% compared to 2015 at an average year-on-year rate of 3.2%. In2018, the comprehensive energy consumption per ten-thousand operating income of the Company as a whole was 0.0553tonne of standard coal/ten thousand yuan, which was reduced by 3.2% on a year-on-year basis compared to the last year.Data related to energy consumption density of the Company is based on energy consumption per ten-thousand operatingincome, which represents a ratio between energy consumption amount and operating income of a corporate during thereporting period.

—Describe any problemson the applicable watersource, and enhancement inwater efficiency and resultsobtained

No major problem was reported on sourcing for appropriate water source. The Company attached great importance toenergy saving projection and emission reduction management and the enhancement of water-saving measures, so as torealize the recycling of water resources in each project department. Water coming from construction production water ismainly used for concrete curing, vehicle washing and dust suppression. The project departments of the Company attachedgreat importance to water saving in construction and formulated effective measures, including setting up a three-stagesedimentation tank, developing an automatic spraying system and collecting natural precipitation to effectively save waterresources. The annual water consumption has declined slightly compared to the same period of last year.

—NA, omitted——Describe any significantimpact of operationalactivities have on theenvironment and naturalresources, and the actionstaken to manage the impact

Enhanced the leading and supporting role of technological innovation on energy saving and emission reduction. As to the research anddevelopment of green low-carbon environmental protection technology, the Company set up a project exclusively dedicated to energy savingand emission reduction and green environmental protection technology, and directed affiliated companies to carry out the research on energy-saving and emission reduction and green environmental protection technologies which are closely related to their production and operation.In the development of the green construction standard system, the Company listed the “Research on Green Construction Technology andEvaluation Standard System” as a major issue in research. In respect of the selection, promotion and application of energy-saving and low-carbon technologies, the Company continued to give incentives for the application of such shortlisted key technologies, as well as promotedand adopted them across the whole company. The Company highly valued energy-saving and emission reduction in project executions,and continued to implement the construction of pilot energy-saving and emission reduction demonstration project.Through implementingenergy saving and emission reduction target management and system development in construction site, the Company strived to enforce anonsite energy saving and emission reduction accountability system. Moreover, the Company formulated effective measures to standardizeproject management and to realize the conservation and comprehensive utilization of resources and energy, to ensure that there should be noenvironmental accidents and serious violations of laws and regulations in energy saving and emission reduction.

Note: As required by the SASAC, the Company, as a special-mentioned company in aspect of energy saving and emission reduction, only needed to have CO2 emission measured during thereporting period among all the exhaust gas types and data, and all the other exhaust gases, hazardous/harmless waste were not covered. In 2019, the Company will establish a comprehensivekey performance index statistic system of three levels, i.e. energy saving and emission reduction - emissions, resource usage, environment and natural resource, and will disclose the relevantdata in a timely manner.

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018







Strengthening Environment Governance

CREC performed enterprise environmental protection work according tolaws and regulations. In accordance with Environmental Protection Law ofthe People’s Republic of China and other related environmental protectionlaws and regulations, rules and systems as well as technical specifications,it released the details of key environmental protection work andimplementation requirements, and established enterprise environmentalprotection management system. Pollution discharge standards stated inthe relevant environment protection laws, especially those about theprevention of waste gas, water, residue, dust, noise and vibration, puthigher requirement on the Company, and they will actively guide us inadopting more environment friendly materials and green low-carbontechnologies.In 2018, in order to fully implement the requirements for winning thepollution prevention and control battle, under the supervision andadministration of national and local environmental protection authorities,it implemented a management model of unified leadership of a joint-stockcompany and responsibility undertaking at all levels of subsidiaries andbranches, taking the road of cleaner production and sustainabledevelopment. In addition, it actively introduced ISO14001: 2004environmental management system standards to ensure that theenvironmental protection work is orderly and controllable. The Companyinsisted on conducting environmental impact evaluation according to lawand fulfilling environmental approval procedures. Its environmentalprotection projects must be included in the overall project constructiondesign to ensure that the relevant infrastructure and technologicalrenovation projects are designed, constructed and put into operationsimultaneously with the pollution prevention and control facilities and themain project. In order to ensure the normal operation of pollutiondischarge and treatment facilities of various sources of pollution in theproduction and living areas, the Company continued to strengthen thecontrol management on discharge of waste water (liquid), waste (smoke)gas, dust, noise (vibration), solid wast e (fragments) and radioactive hazards,setting goals, developing measures and implementing responsibilities toensure up-to-standard discharge. For the temporary land involved in theconstruction process, the Company strictly prepared land use andreclamation planning, with special attention to the environmentalprotection in densely populated areas, water source conservation areas,scenic areas, nature reserves and national key protected monuments. Inaddition, it carried out reclamation in accordance with the provisions aftercompletion of the project to maximize the repair and use of theenvironment. For materials prone to dust in the workplace, the Companytook dust-proof measures such as fencing and covering. The constructionsewage and mud must be discharged after being precipitated in threesedimentation tanks and must be cleaned regularly by specially-assignedperson so as to actively build a green construction site. It improved therecycle rate of industrial water, reduced water consumption per unit ofproduct, and saved water resources.

China Railway GRoup limited

Information 1: Since 2015, CREC No.5 has actively participated into theprotection and governance of Erhai Lake in Dali City, with one waterpurification plant and one wastewater treatment plant put into service in2018 for the sewage interception project undertook by it. The two waterpurification plants and sewage interception pipes and networks achievedfull coverage and collection of wastewater in villages, tail water fromagricultural irrigation and first-flush rainwater. By treating 18,000m3domestic sewage everyday with clean water standard reaching national Aclass, these plants reduced the pollution to Erhai Lake to the greatestextent, playing an irreplaceable part in protecting Erhai Lake andimproving the environment.Information 2: The ecological management project of Lingxi Lake Park inBozhou City invested by China Railway Real Estate Group for about RMB300million has passed completion acceptance in 2018. Covering an area of87.7 hectares, Lingxi Lake has a seriously damaged ecological environmentdue to years of unplanned construction, sewage discharge and aquaculturearound the lake. After the modification, the original ecological wetland atthe intersection of three rivers reappeared, creating a folk-custom parkfilled with local charms in the three aspects of water, greenery and city,which has become a new urban ecological landmark, a living room forurban life and a corridor of charming living. This project has won the IDEA-KING Award, a benchmark in international landscape design industry, andhas become a modal project of “sponge city and double urban repair” inAnhui Province.



Lingxi Lake after treatment

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018



Protection of Ecological Environment

In 2018, CREC actively implemented the green development philosophy of“Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets”, and adhered toboth resources conservation and environment protection so as to strive tobuild “environment-friendly and resource-saving” projects. In the earlystage of project construction, CREC always organized professionalinstitutions to evaluate the ecological environmental protection, madepractical and effective protection program, especially focusing onconstruction site whose ecology is liable to be disturbed, and planned theecological environment and project construction synchronously. Moreover,it carried out works such as conservation of water and soil, biodiversityprotection, vegetation protection etc. In the construction process, CRECpaid attention to the investment in ecological protection, appliedenvironmental protection equipment, improved ecological constructionprocess and optimized construction program, thus reducing the impact onwater, air, vegetation and organism. No ecological destruction eventoccurred throughout the year.Information 1: In 2018, to protect the environment to the greatest extent,CREC No.4 set a slurry treatment center at the construction site ofChunshenhu Road modification project to handle the slurry produced bydrilling piles and constructing diaphragm walls in its corresponding section,with an average daily processing capacity of 800 – 1,000m3. The filter cakesproduced after such treatment can be applied for green planting andbackfilling, and the water separated after four sedimentations conformed tonational level-II discharge standard and can be used for road washing andconcrete curing, thus realizing not only zero transport of waste slurry inconstruction site but also recycling of water and soil resour ces.Information 2: CREC insisted on protecting waters and mountains from thesource. Those survey and design units under CREC tried their best to avoidecologically sensitive areas such as nature reserves, scenic spots, watersource conservation areas and cultural relics protection units whileplanning railways. During the design of railways, these units protectedslopes on both sides of the railway lines with vegetation to the greatestextent and built an all-round ecological pr otection system by way of “arbor-shrub-grass” combination.


Green cement treatment site with zero emission, leak and pollutation


China Railway Shanhaiguan Bridge Group Co., Ltd. is awarded theIndustrial Heritage Award in China by the MIIT


Targeted Poverty Alleviation


Targeted poverty alleviation planning


Targeted poverty alleviation summary


Targeted poverty alleviation result


Targeted poverty alleviation phased progress


Subsequent targeted po verty alleviation plan

China Railway GRoup limited


Targeted poverty alleviation planning

Under the united arrangement of the State Council Leading Group Officeof Poverty Alleviation and Development and SASAC??the holdingshareholder CREC Labor actively cooperated with the Company inanswering the call of the country and the party to perform socialobligations and liabilities of state-owned company. Since we engaged intargeted poverty alleviation in 2002, we have carried out our works in allaspects from the practical needs of the local residents by give full play toour professional edge, and constantly enhancing intelligence support,technical service and information and policy guidance, so as to help therelevant poverty-stricken county get rid of poverty as scheduled. Subjectto the Notice of the State Council Leading Group Office of PovertyAlleviation and Development on Further Doing a Good Job in the TargetedPoverty Alleviation (GF [2015] No.27) and other eight departments, thepoverty-stricken counties assed to the Company for targeted povertyalleviation included Rucheng County and Guidong County in Hunanprovince and Baode County in Shanxi province. In order to further advancepoverty alleviation works, the Company established 2016-2020Implementation Plan of Targeted Poverty Alleviation Work, and continuedto train and output labor from poverty stricken household, providefinancial support for education and implement industry-based povertyalleviation. We will try every effort to ensure that by 2020, the threecounties will get rid of poverty thoroughly, with all the poverty-strickenhouseholds registered in the three counties will have their basic needssatisfied.



Li Changjin, the Chairman of the Board is visitingpoverty stricken household


President Zhang Zongyan at the unveiling ceremony of theCREC sponsored Datang Town Industrial Park at GuidongCounty

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018



Targeted Poverty Alleviation Summary

In 2018, there are only three years from the deadline of building acomprehensively prosperous society in all aspects, in order to furtherimplement strategic plan of the central government to carry out the basicstrategy of targeted poverty reduction and alleviation, the Company hasestablished the 2018 Poverty Alleviation Plan (the “Plan”). According to theplan, in 2018, guided by alleviating poverty by education and industry, andbased on key aid projects, CREC paid attention to the innovation inthoughts on poverty alleviation, worked hard to explore multiple anddiversified new paths for targeted poverty alleviation and provided strongsupport to win the poverty elimination battle in poverty stricken areas.In 2018, various indicators in the statement of responsibility for povertyalleviation signed by and between state-owned enterprises and the SASACof the State Council were over-fulfilled, with special-purpose funds ofRMB42.549 million invested into and supporting funds of RMB11.60 millionintroduced to the targeted poverty stricken counties, 60 basic level officialsand 1,251 technicians trained, agriculture products of RMB2.6 millionpurchased from local areas and agriculture products of RMB0.7 million soldwith our help. Guidong County officially eliminated poverty in August, andthe other two counties are expected to get rid of poverty by 2019.Meanwhile, the Company actively called on its affiliated units to participatein poverty alleviation and development work. In 2018, a total of 19 unitsunder the Company participated in the poverty alleviation anddevelopment work and invested about RMB29.5366 million, helped nearly2,400 registered impoverished people relieve from poverty. Key measuretaken by the Company include: First is ongoing poverty alleviation througheducation. The Company invested RMB100,000 in Baode County and tookthe 92 boarding students in primary school and middle school and left-behind children who lived in the most remote place of Nanhegou Townshipfrom all registered impoverished households as key poverty alleviationtarget. In Guidong County and Rucheng County, the Company investedRMB450,000 in 2018 to finance over 250 poor freshmen and collegestudents. Second is fostering industries according to local features. TheCompany invested nearly RMB230,000 to support the establishment of atea processing factory in Datang Town, Guidong County, striving toeffectively solve the problems of tea processing and selling for the8,000-hectare of tea plantation in local and surrounding towns. TheCompany built a demonstration base for poverty alleviation throughindustry with integrated production, supply and sale in Nandong Township,Rucheng County, under the cooperation model of “company + co-ops(base) + poverty-stricken households” to solve the employment of 1,200

China Railway GRoup limited

poor labor force. Third is building sales platforms for agricultural products.In 2018, the Company built a “processing plant of minor grain corps fromNanhegou Township in Baode County” with an investment of RMB300,000in Lijiawan Village, Baode County. The Company has also built an “exhibitionand sales center for agricultural products in Baode County” with aninvestment of RMB150,000 in Baode County to radiate and drive allsegments in the industry chain. Fourth is the creation of “training plusemployment recommendation” model to accelerate labor force transfer.The Company successively invested RMB500,000 to build a labor servicebrand of “good drivers in Baode” and centrally organized driving licensetraining for registered impoverished labor force. Meanwhile, “good driversin Baode” transport association and “good drivers in Baode” employmentagency were established to help impoverished households realizeemployment. Fifth is the focus on poverty alleviation through skill trainingto drive the internal power of impoverished population. CREC investedRMB172,000 in Rucheng County to carry out a targeted poverty alleviationactivity of “everyone has a skill” to popularize skills in countryside andconduct training on planting Techniques to 1,500 registered impoverishedhouseholds, which gained positive feedback with obvious povertyalleviation results. Sixth is the continuous investment of about RMB40million to support construction of key aid projects. The project of buildingthree workshops in Datang industrial park phase I in Guidong County andthe project of Xingfu Avenue in Baode County have completed successfully.The construction of a new city for vocational education was under smoothprogress. The implementation of the above mentioned three key projectshas promoted the poverty alleviation work in those counties.


2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018


Targeted Poverty Alleviation Result


一、总体情况其中:1. 资金7268.56

2. 物资折款268.413. 帮助建档立卡贫困人口脱贫数(人)4019(注:200是巩固脱贫)二、分项投入1. 产业发展脱贫其中:1.1产业扶贫项目类型扶贫基础设施、扶贫车间、

农产品种植养殖、气调保鲜库等1.2 产业扶贫项目个数(个)331.3 产业扶贫项目投入金额5044.581.4 帮助建档立卡贫困人口脱贫数(人)45182. 转移就业脱贫其中:2.1 职业技能培训投入金额241.6

2.2 职业技能培训人数(人╱次)18152.3 帮助建档立卡贫困户实现就业人数(人)12703. 易地搬迁脱贫其中:3.1 帮助搬迁户就业人数(人)224. 教育脱贫其中:4.1 资助贫困学生投入金额302.96

4.2 资助贫困学生人数(人)6284.3 改善贫困地区教育资源投入金额803.1175. 健康扶贫2其中:5.1 贫困地区医疗卫生资源投入金额6. 生态保护扶贫其中:6.1 项目名称

6.2 投入金额7. 兜底保障其中:7.1 帮助“三留守”人员投入金额10.7(4.2是引进资金)

7.2 帮助“三留守”人员数(人)230

7.3 帮助贫困残疾人投入金额77.7

7.4 帮助贫困残疾人数(人)698. 社会扶贫其中:8.1 东西部扶贫协作投入金额

8.2 定点扶贫工作投入金额219.03

8.3 扶贫公益基金109. 其他项目其中:9.1 项目个数(个)32

9.2 投入金额654.9

9.3 帮助建档立卡贫困人口脱贫数(人)585

9.4 其他项目说明“同舟工程”,“百县万村”项目

单位:万元 币种:人民币

China Railway GRoup limited



1. 郴州市委嘉奖2. 中铁四局荣获颍上县选派帮扶工作先进单位荣誉称号;3. 中铁四局荣获八里河镇人民政府、八里河镇脱贫攻坚工作组委员会授予的“奉献奖”荣誉称号。4. 中铁四局荣获省属和中央驻皖单位驻村帮扶工作微视频二等奖、图片三等奖。5. 中铁八局集团下派干部被评为乐山市金口河区2018年脱贫攻坚“扎根一线.倾情为民”帮扶模范。6. 中铁信托荣获四川银监局“2017年度金融扶贫先进单位”、“四川慈善‘百企扶贫’行动突出贡献单位”称号。7. 中铁开投荣获东川区“爱心企业”所属企业。8. 中铁宝桥获“陕西省脱贫攻坚指挥部评定为助力脱贫攻坚良好企业”。

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018

Unit: T en-thousand Y uan Currency: RMB

IndicatorsQuantity & Implementation

I. GeneralIncluding: 1. Fund7268.56

2. Materials converted into cash268.413. Number of registered impoverished people relieved from poverty under the help offered (person)4019 (Note: 200 of them were

consolidated their poverty alleviation situation)II. Investment Breakdown1. Poverty alleviation through industrial developmentIncluding: 1.1 Type of industrial projects for poverty alleviationPoverty alleviation infrastructure, poverty alleviation workshop,

agricultural products planting and cultivating, gas-adjusted

fresh-preserved storehouse and etc.1.2 Number of industrial projects for poverty alleviation331.3 Amount of investment in industrial projects for poverty alleviation5044.581.4 Number of registered impoverished people relieved from poverty under the help offered (person)45182. Poverty alleviation through transferred employmentIncluding: 2.1 Amount of investment in occupational skill training241.6

2.2 Number of persons receiving vocational skill training (person/time)18152.3 Number of registered impoverished people getting employed under the help offered (person)12703. Poverty alleviation through relocationIncluding: 3.1 Number of employment for relocated household (person)224. Poverty alleviation through educationIncluding: 4.1 Amount of investment in financing needy students302.96

4.2 Number of poor students financed (person)6284.3 Amount of investment in improving the educational resources in poverty-stricken areas803.1175. Poverty alleviation through health2Including: 5.1 Amount of investment in the medical and health resources of poverty-stricken areas6. Poverty alleviation through ecological protectionIncluding: 6.1 Name of Project

6.2 Amount of investment7. Baseline securityIncluding: 7.1 Amount of investment in helping the elderly people, women and left-behind children in rural areas10.7 (4.2 was introduced fund)

7.2 Number of elderly people, women and left-behind children in rural areas helped (person)230

7.3 Amount of investment in helping needy disabled people77.7

7.4 Number of needy disabled people helped (person)698. Poverty alleviation through societyIncluding: 8.1 Amount of investment in coordinated eastern-western poverty alleviation

8.2 Amount of investment in fixed-point poverty alleviation219.03

8.3 Public welfare fund for poverty alleviation109. Other projectsIncluding: 9.1 Number of projects32

9.2 Amount of investment654.9

9.3 Number of registered impoverished people relieved from poverty under the help offered (person)585

9.4 Description about other projectsProject of “Standing together through thick and thin”,

“Hundreds of counties and thousands of villages”III. Awards received (nature and level)

China Railway GRoup limited

IndicatorsQuantity & Implementation

1. Praise from CPC committee of Chenzhou City;2. CREC No.4 was awarded the honored title of Advanced Unit in Poverty Alleviation Assignment by Yingshang County;3. CREC No.4 was awarded the honored title of “Distribution Award” granted by the people’s government and poverty alleviation working group committee in Balihe Town;4. CREC No.4 won the second prize in micro-video and the third prize in pictures of poverty alleviation work conducted by provincial and central units stationed in village in Anhui

Province;5. Cadres sent by CREC No.8 won the title of Model in Poverty Alleviation in the poverty alleviation work of “take root in front line and do the best for people” in 2018 by Jinkouhe

District, Leshan City;6. CREC CRTC won the title of “2017 Advanced Unit in Poverty Alleviation through Finance” and “Unit with Outstanding Contribution in Sichuan Charity Activity of ‘Hundreds of

Enterprises Poverty Alleviation’” by CBRC Sichuan Office;7. CREC Development and Investment Group won the title of “Love-caring Subordinate Enterprise” in Dongchuan District.8. China Railway Baoji Bridge Group won the title of “Good Enterprise in Helping Poverty Alleviation” by Poverty Alleviation Headquarters in Shanxi Province.

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018

2018年,党中央将精准脱贫列为三大攻坚战之一,公司领导亲自督战,将扶贫开发工作列入为年度工作重点,层层分解任务,责任到人。超额完成了扶贫责任书各项计划和目标。一是计划向定点帮扶的湖南省汝城、桂东县,山西省保德县直接投入专项资金4254.9万元,实际投入扶贫专项资金4314.9万元,在保德县投入3100万支持县内中铁幸福大道项目建设,目前已经建成顺利通车。在汝城县投入资金950多万元支持完成汝城职教新城一期建设,已经开始正常招生。二是计划引进帮扶资金1160万元,通过挂职干部多方努力,特别是桂东县,经过挂职干部与湖南瑞康智慧生态发展有限公司多次协商后签订合作协议,5年内投资10000万元建设生态农业基地,目前已注资1000万元。三县总共实际帮助引进资金1270.88万元。三是计划培训基层干部60名,通过挂职干部“师带徒”“上讲台”等方式,实际培训基层干部78人。四是计划培训专业技术人员1251人,在汝城县大力开展“人人有技能”精准扶贫送技能下乡活动,实际培训技术人员1500人,保德县共培训建档立卡贫困户1363人,三县实际培训技术人员合计2973人,超额完成任务。五是计划购买贫困地区农产品260万元,通过集团公司牵头推介,挂职干部逐一落实,2018年集团公司共向湖南汝城县、桂东县及山西保德县购买农产品287.66万元,集团公司所属单位在其他贫困地区购买农产品70.49万元。六是计划帮助销售贫困地区农产品70万元,通过挂职干部努力实际帮助销售农产品78.39万元,圆满完成任务。截至2018年底,桂东县61个贫困村全部达到退出标准,累计实现脱贫14407户44620人,贫困发生率为0.96%,群众认可度为97.88%。汝城县80个贫困村全部达到退出标准,累计实现脱贫18260户60419人,贫困发生率为0.91 %,在2018年贫困退出市级复核检查中群众认可度为98.1 %。保德县154个贫困村全部达到退出标准,累计实现脱贫12661户33595人,贫困发生率为0.46%,群众认可度为98%。


Targeted Poverty Alleviation Phased Progress

In 2018, as the CPC Central Committee listed targeted poverty alleviationas one of the three tough battles, leaders of CREC supervised theCompany’s implementation of poverty alleviation in person, set thepoverty alleviation and development agenda as an annual focus and brokedown the assignments to distribute responsibilities to members of stafffrom every level of the enterprise. The Company overfulfilled its variousplans and goals set in the statement of responsibility for povertyalleviation. First, CREC planned to invest a dedicated fund of RMB42.549million to targeted counties of Rucheng County and Guidong County inHunan Province and Baode County in Shanxi Province. The actualinvestment of such dedicated fund was RMB43.149 million, among which,RMB31 million supported the construction of CREC Xingfu Avenue Projectin Baode County which has been put into service already, while overRMB9.5 million supported the construction of phase I of RuchengVocational Education New City in Rucheng County which has commencedregular admission. Second, CREC planned to introduce an assistance fundof RMB11.6 million. With various efforts by cadres, especially those inGuidong County, after many rounds of negotiations between cadres andHunan Ruikang Smart Ecological Agriculture Development Co., Ltd., acooperative agreement has been signed to invest RMB100 million within 5years to build an ecological agricultural base. As of now, RMB10 million hasalready been invested. A total of RMB12.7088 million was introduced intothe three counties. Third, CREC planned to train 60 grass-root cadres. In theend, 78 grass-root cadres have been trained through “teachers leadstudents”, “go to the podium” and other means. Fourth, CREC planned totrain 1,251 professional technical personnel, and vigorously carried out thetargeted poverty alleviation activity of “everyone has a skill” in RuchengCounty in order to promote talents in countryside, and trained 1,500technical personnel. In addition, 1,363 registered poor households havebeen trained in Baode County. As a result, a total of 2,973 technicalpersonnel have been trained in the three counties, and the objectives wereoverfulfilled. Fifth, CREC planned to purchase RMB2.6 million of ag riculturalproducts from poverty-stricken areas. Following the recommendation ofCREC and the one-by-one implementation of temporary cadres, CRECpurchased RMB2.8766 million of agricultural products from RuchengCounty and Guidong County in Hunan Province and Baode County inShanxi Province, and units under CREC purchased RMB704,900 ofagricultural products from other poverty-stricken areas. Sixth, CRECplanned to help poverty-stricken areas sell RMB700,000 of agriculturalproducts. Through the efforts of temporary cadres, RMB783,900 ofagricultural products have been sold, successfully achieving its goal. By theend of 2018, all of the 61 poverty-stricken villages in Guidong Countyreached the standard to deregister from the poverty alleviation list, and atotal of 44,620 people from 14,407 households have been lifted out ofpoverty, with a poverty incidence of 0.96% and a mass recognition of97.88%. All of the 80 poverty-stricken villages in Rucheng County reachedthe standard to deregister from the poverty alleviation list, and a total of60,419 people from 18,260 households have been lifted of poverty, with apoverty incidence of 0.91% and a mass recognition of 98.1%. All of the 154poverty-stricken villages in Baode County reached the standard toderegister from the poverty alleviation list, and a total of 33,595 peoplefrom 12,661 households have been lifted out of poverty, with a povertyincidence of 0.46% and a mass recognition of 98%.

China Railway GRoup limited








Subsequent Targeted Poverty Alleviation Plan

I. Continue to focus on the targeted poverty alleviation anddevelopment agenda. In 2019, although there are less than two yearsuntil the target time to reach the goal of building a well-off society in anall-round way by 2020 put forward by general secretary Xi Jinping, the twoout of three targeted poverty alleviation counties we are responsible forhave still not been cleared of poverty. Since the deadline for our formidabletask is pressing on us, we must stick to the basic strategy of targetedpoverty alleviation and elimination, further integrate the Company’sresources and go all out as one highly focus on the targeted povertyalleviation and development agenda. We must strictly comply with thework deployment set in the statement of responsibility of central units fortargeted poverty alleviation issued by the SASAC of the State Council tocomplete poverty alleviation tasks and efficiently accomplish theassignment of winning the tough battle of poverty alleviation by taking itas a major political mission. First, we shall strengthen the leadershipresponsibility system with heads in CPC and governments taking overallresponsibility, and timely convene leading group plenary meetings forpoverty alleviation and development agenda in 2109. The key leaders ofthe Company shall hold meetings, review and approve annual agenda,survey and deploy targeted poverty alleviation and developmentassignments during the whole year to guide all work in an orderly manner.Second, the Company shall timely send the latest requirements abouttargeted poverty alleviation and development assignments given by CPCCentral Committee, the Poverty Alleviation Office and the SASAC of theState Council, stay up-to-date about the implementation situation oftargeted poverty alleviation and development work of its affiliated unitsvia quarterly reporting system to succeed in supervising and inspecting.II. Integrating in-depth research results with the actual conditions tosuccessfully complete the construction of existing aid projects andcontinue to develop new poverty alleviation projects. The office ofleading group for poverty alleviation and development shall actively exertindustry advantages based on the Company’s resources and explorediversified poverty alleviation paths from the perspective of long-termdevelopment in poverty-stricken areas. First, the Company shall continueto organize survey teams led by key leaders to be informed about theprogress of aid construction projects in poverty alleviation counties andtimely keep abreast of project developments. It shall highly focus on theusage of dedicated aid funds to ensure that the use of funds complies withlaws and regulations and such funds are used in absolute terms and keyareas. Second, the Company shall organize CREC expert teams whenappropriate to visit and investigate in poverty-stricken counties, focus onregistered poverty-stricken households and villages after gaining insightinto real situation, and give advice and suggestions on the development ofpoverty-stricken counties by means of collective wisdom. Third, throughthe combination of motivation with collective wisdom and using thecorporate resources, the Company shall vigorously push the labor transferprojects and help arrange qualified technical personnel from poverty-stricken counties to work at units under CREC. Fourth, based on thecombination of investigation results and actual local conditions, theCompany shall help poverty-stricken counties develop poverty alleviationworkshops, and focus on motivating those living in poverty so that theycan live a well-off life by relying on their skills.

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018

Third, set up models and carry out the selection of excellent temporarycadres in poverty alleviation. Since 2002, to respond to the call of theCountry, the Company has earnestly performed its social responsibility as astate-owned enterprise and sent a batch of diligent, hard-working anddevoted temporary cadres to poverty-stricken areas. Statistics show thatsince 2002 to 2018, the Company and its affiliated units have sent 62temporary cadres to poverty-stricken areas and 25 cadres to participate inaiding Xinjiang, Tibet and Qinghai. These cadres not only produced a solidwork performance in poverty-stricken and backward areas, but alsoestablished an iron man image of CREC staff in the places where theyworked, leaving a good reputation. In the year of 2019 for povertyalleviation, it’s necessary for us to share and publicize the performance andachievements of these silent but devoted temporary cadres in order to letmore people know the situation in the front line of poverty alleviation,support povert y alleviation work and join the team of poverty alleviation.Selecting the best and most typical personnel from these cadres not onlypropels the whole poverty alleviation work, but also inspires povertyalleviation cadres.Fourth, keep strict supervision and inspection to ensure efforts aremade to really alleviate poverty and alleviate real poverty. TheCompany shall summarize and rectify the problems and deficienciesexisting in poverty alleviation in 2018, and seriously implement the spiritand requirements of Special Governance Plan for Corruption and StyleIssues in Poverty Alleviation Area in 2018 – 2020 “ZJB [2017] No.63” andSpecial Governance Plan for Style Issues in Poverty Alleviation Area ofState-owned Enterprises “GZTZH [2018] No.16” issued by the Office ofSASAC. In 2019, the Company shall focus on its working style constructionin poverty alleviation work, strictly identify problems and prevent risks, andsolves outstanding problems in poverty alleviation area like weak “fourawareness”, incomplete fulfillment of responsibilities, imprecise workingmeasures, irregular management and use of funds, impractical workingstyle, lax examination and assessment and etc. Through an overallinspection of its existing problems, the Company shall conduct in-depthanalyses to earnestly achieve targeted poverty alleviation objects, targetedproject arrangement, targeted fund use, targeted measures, targetedtemporary cadres as per situation in villages, and targeted povertyalleviation result.







Unveiling ceremony of the CREC sponsored Rucheng County training base


Opening ceremony of the CREC sponsored Xingfu Avenue in Baode County


Public Welfare Undert aking


Disaster Relief


Community Service

China Railway GRoup limited





Disaster Relief

For many years, CREC has come out boldly and dared to shoulder heavyresponsibilities when facing a series of serious natural disasters, and itactively took part in the rescue work; it positively fulfilled the responsibilityof a central enterprise, and has been highly praised by both thegovernment and the public.In 2018, the whole company actively took part in rescue and relief work invarious places for over 200 times, with over 15,000 person-times of rescueand relief personnel, more than 2,600 sets of equipment and over RMB33million of investment. CREC has established three national tunnelprofessional emergency rescue teams in Kunming, Guiyang, and Xi’an, hasparticipated in major emergency rescue tasks for many times, and hasundertook the first domestic professional practical training on nationallevel tunnel emergency rescue in the Guiyang Base.Information: In July 2018, mountain collapse and other disasters occurredin various places in China due to continuous heavy rainfall. Facing suchnatural disaster, CREC came out boldly and dared to bear socialresponsibility. CREC No.1, CREC No.5, CREC No.6, CREC No.8, CRECGuangzhou Bureau, CREC Eryuan Engineering, CREC Academy and otherunits immediately assembled a large number of professional personnel,machinery and emergency supplies to conduct disaster relief work andfully participated into the rescue work of Baoji-Chengdu Railway, 347National Road, 317 National Road, Xi’an-Yuxia Railway, Guangzhou-Maoming Railway, and Chongqing-Huaihua Railway, etc.


Emergency site


Emergency site

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018





Community Service

CREC has always insisted on the work ideas of local corporate civilization andharmonious construction, widely suppor ted the army and gave preferentialtreatment to the families of the army men and martyrs, supported militar yand police construction, offered volunteer services to gerocomium, hospital,street office, community, school and other local institutions, implementingits corporate citizenship r esponsibility by its actual deeds.In 2018, the whole company totally set up more than 1,100 volunteer serviceteams that offered volunteer services for over 15,800 person-times, andcarried out various volunteer service activities for more than 4,200 times,with over 40,000 persons receiving the help. It vigorously carried forward thesocial morality , and actively built a harmonious society.In 2018, the whole company donated funds of more than RMB13 million foreducation, helped over 8,300 students; it invested over RMB50 million inother public welfare undertakings.Information 1: During the Children’s Day in 2018, the dream realizing activityof “Salute to the National Flag” initiated and funded by youths in CRECChengdu-Kunming Railway for Yi ethnic teenagers from DaliangshanMountain was successfully held in Beijing. 20 elementary school studentsfrom Sanhe Village in Sanchahe Township and Huopu Village in JiefangTownship in Shaojue County, Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture, SichuanProvince participated in the flag-raising ceremony at Tian’anmen Square andvisited Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall, National Museum of China,China Science and Technology Museum, China Aviation Museum, BeijingZoo , and Pek ing Univ ersity, etc.Information 2: On June 10, 2018, CREC Electrification Bureau and ChinaRailway Construction Engineering Group held Beijing State-ownedEnterprises Open Day. Over 110 Beijing citizens and friends from mediawalked into the historical exhibition hall of CREC Electrification Bureau, theindustrial park of the Changchunqiao project of Beijing Metro Line 12 andBaoding Rail Transit and had an experience at the Qinghe Station projectconstruction site of Beijing-Zhangjiakou High-Speed Rail by China RailwayConstruction Engineering Group .Information 3: During the National College Entrance Examination in 2018, theDepartment of General Contracting of CREC Nanjing Metro Line 7 carried outthe “Action for A Smooth Examination” for examination venues in the threemiddle schools nearby by setting up resting stops and “platforms for a smoothexamination ” equipped with various stationeries plus mineral water, umbrellas,drugs, first aid kit, etc. At the same time, staff formed a volunteer service teamand prepared service vehicles to solve pr oblems for candida tes at an y time.


State-owned Enterprises Open Day


Win-Win Cooperation


Strengthening Strategic Cooperation


Promoting Industrial Cooperation


Conducting Project Cooperation

China Railway GRoup limited





Strengthening Strategic Cooperation

CREC attached great attention to strategic cooperation with domestic andoverseas organizations and large-scale enterprises. The Company has setup a broad strategic alliance and close partnership in talent training, fundmanagement, construction and production, material supply, cultureconstruction, technological innovation and strategic development withgovernments, colleges and universities, social organizations, financialinstitutions, and relevant enterprises, promoting all-round complementaryadvantages to achieve resource sharing and collaborative development.In 2018, the Company made full use of its advantages in capital,technology, management and talent reserve, and conducted extensivestrategic cooperation with Beijing Municipality, Chongqing Municipality,Hainan Province, Chengdu City, Zhengzhou City, and Tangshan City andother local governments.


CREC is signing strategic agreement with the government of Xiangyang


CREC is signing strategic agreement with CHTC

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018







Promoting Industrial Cooperation

In 2018, the Company actively pushed forward industrial cooperation inhigh-speed rail, infrastructure construction, financial service, buildingmaterials and other areas. In the field of high-speed rail construction, theCompany continued to carry out strategic cooperation in talent trainingand technology sharing with various colleges and universities; in addition,it worked with relevant scientific research institutes and industrial chain-related enterprises to jointly promote the integrated development ofindustry-university-research of China’s high-speed rail technology. In theinfrastructure construction field, the Company carried out strategiccooperation with large-scale enterprises such as CNAHC Group, CRHC andCHTC to actively take part in domestic infrastructure investment andconstruction. In the financial service field, the Company actively carried outcooperation with financial institutions such as Industrial and CommercialBank of China, China Construction Bank, and Everbright Securities toinnovate the investment and financing model and set up completebusiness chains. With respect to cooperation with suppliers, it carried outmulti-faceted and in-depth cooperation with a variety of suppliers inproduct development, technological innovation, product optimization,resource integration, information sharing and other aspects to achieve aharmonious win-win situation and value sharing. At the same time, we alsocontinuously strengthened our supply chain management and constantlymonitor their performance in integrity, product quality, safety andenvironmental protection, with maintaining tender fairness in the supplychain as the basic requirement.In 2018, CREC actively participated in significant summits and exhibitionssuch as Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, China International ImportExpo, the 4th Eastern Economic Forum, “16+1” Summit on Cooperationbetween China and Central and Eastern European Countries, CHINA-ASEANExposition, the first China Independent Brand Expo and Western ChinaInternational Fair, and carried out extensive industrial cooperation withrelevant countries and enterprises.


Li Changjin, the Chairman of the Board, at the First Silk RoadsInternational Production Capacity Cooperation Leading Forum


President Zhang Zongyan at the Enterpreneur Forum of the ForumChina-Africa Cooperation 2018

China Railway GRoup limited



Conducting Project Cooperation

In 2018, CREC carried out project cooperation with a number of domesticand overseas enterprises and implemented several projects such as thePhase I project of Guiyang Rail Transit Line 3, Shuangliao-Taonan Highwayin Jilin Province, etc. During the implementation of national strategiesincluding “Belt and Road” and “China high-speed rail going out”, itcooperated with relevant enterprises to boost the China-Laos Railway,Hungary-Serbia Railway, Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Rail in I ndonesiaand other overseas key projects.

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018

Information: In September 2018, the entire tunneling of shield machine inthe west section of the Tel Aviv-Yafo Light Rail Red Line, which was jointlyconstructed by China Railway Tunnel Bureau and local enterprises, wascompleted. As the first line of the Tel Aviv-Yafo’s light rail system, the projectwent through two cities of Ramat-Gan and Tel Aviv-Yafo and successivelytunneled through the most prosperous Ayalon No.20 Highway in Israel,Ayalon river channels, the national railway under operation, the Ministry ofNational Defence and many other risky buildings.


2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

SoCial ReSponSibilit y and enviRonmental SoCial ReSponSibility RepoRt (enviRonment SoCiety GoveRnanCe RepoRt) in 2018


Overseas R esponsibilit y


Global Development


Global Service


Global Public Welfare

China Railway GRoup limited













Global Development

Over the years, CREC has always adhered to the “going out” strategy, andactively participated in global infrastructure construction. At present, theCompany’s international business has been involved in overseas projectcontracting, design consulting, machinery manufacturing, overseasinvestment, resource development, labor export and international tradebusiness, and overseas construction projects cover railways, highways,bridges, tunnels, housing construction, urban rail, municipal engineeringand other fields.In 2018, CREC achieved overseas business income of RMB42.86 billion.As of the end of 2018, the whole system of CREC had set up 308 overseasinstitutions in 91 countries and regions, and it had 539 overseascontracting projects, design and industrial product processing projectsunder way. It ranked No.56 among “Fortune” Global 500 companies andNo.2 among ENR largest global contractors in 2018 and No.17 amonginternational contractors.As a vanguard in “Belt and Road” infrastructure construction, CRECpositively responded to the government’s call and the various majorrailway projects under the Belt and Road Initiative it participated inpromoting achieved great achievements. Key “Belt and Road Initiative”projects completed include the Uzbekistan Angren-Pap Tunnel Project, theAddis Ababa Light Rail in Ethiopia and the Addis Ababa-Djibouti RailwayProject in Ethiopia; key projects under way include the Jakarta-BandungHigh-Speed Rail Project in Indonesia, the China-Laos Railway Project inLaos, the Astana Light Rail Project in Kazakhstan, the Padma Bridge Projectin Bangladesh, the newly-added Acora-Laxam Line 2 Project in Bangladeshand the Urban Light Rail Project in Hanoi, Vietnam.The Company made full use of the “Belt and Road” initiative and “GoingOut” strategy to promote the export of industrial products by means ofproject implementation. Areas for the export of shield equipment,accessories, construction technology services covered Singapore, Israel,Lebanon and other countries; industrial construction machinery productshave been successfully launched in the markets of more than 10 countries,including United Arab Emirates, Laos, Turkey and Thailand; the railwayturnout products have been exported to more than 20 countries andregions including the United States, Russia, South Africa, New Zealand andthe Philippines, and the Company has achieved self-supporting export inthe markets of Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. For the whole year,approximately 1,000 sets of turnout were exported and more than 3,000pieces of frog products were sold to North America; an aggregate of morethan 300,000 tonnes of steel bridge structure were exported to the marketsof North America, Europe and Africa.

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018



Global Service

The Company gave a full play to its advantages of the whole industry chainand adopted the EPC+F mode of design, procurement, construction andfinancing to provide the owners with all-round services from investment,survey and design, construction to operation and maintenance, andactively promoted the “going out” of China’s railway technical standards,equipment and operation. In terms of design, CREC undertook the designand feasibility study preparation of most of the major overseas projects.The survey and design of the Mosco-Kazan High-Speed Rail have been fullycompleted and submitted to the owner for approval, the survey and designof the ML1 Railway and the new Havelian Land Port in Pakistan are underway, and the feasibility study task of the “Pacific-Atlantic Railway” in SouthAmerica has been completed successfully. In terms of constructiontechnology, a large number of high-quality projects have been dedicatedto the countries where the projects are undertaken with the craftsmanshipspirit of professional dedication and pursuit of excellence. The PadmaBridge Project in Bangladesh adopting the Chinese standard is praised asthe “Bridge of Dream” in the country; the completed Jiganboni Bridge inTanzania is named after Nyerere, the Father of the Nation, which is knownas “the first bridge in East Africa”; the completed Angren-Pap Tunnel Projectin Uzbekistan is the longest tunnel in Central Asia, creating a new record inoverseas tunnel construction. In terms of operation and maintenance, theAddis Ababa Light Rail Project in Ethiopia constructed and operated byCREC had been operating safely for nearly 32 months as of the end of 2018,and the Addis Ababa-Djibouti Railway in Ethiopia that CREC constructedand won the operation and maintenance contract jointly with otherChinese enterprises has entered the business operation stage.


Oversea branch of CREC No.6 donates to Jinzhui (金追)Primary School of Vietnam


Commission of light rail in Hanoi

China Railway GRoup limited





Global Public Welfar e

CREC insisted on the idea of “offering high-quality projects and benefitinghost countries”, and a large number of overseas major livelihood projectsundertaken by the Company in 2018 including the New Airport Highway inMongolia and the Suai Highway, the first highway in Timor-Leste, havebeen put into operation, thus greatly enhancing the local transportationcapability, improving the people’s living conditions, and boosting the localeconomic prosperity and development.The international orders with accumulated amount of hundreds of billionsof dollars secured by CREC are an important component of each hostcountry’s GDP, having made a positive contribution to the promotion oflocal employment and economic development. At present, the Companyemploys nearly 40,000 local staff in countries where its operations arelocated. CREC has trained a large number of engineering and technicalpersonnel for the host countries free of charge, and established a greenmanagement system for full monitoring from top to bottom in order toactively protect the ecological environment. In addition, CREC also activelyparticipates in public welfare undertakings in the countries where theprojects are located. A number of typical stories have emerged in povertyelimination, health research and service, education service, theconstruction of clean drinking water and sanitation facilities, andemergency rescue and disaster relief. Furthermore, it always upholds theroad of the sustainable development of enterprises abroad.

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018

Information 1: Among all those aid projects in the livelihood field inMongolia brought by China, the Development Center for Disabled Childrenconstructed by CREC No.4 is the largest and most modern one with themost complete functions. CREC Project Department established a culturalexchange, co-construction and service team to conduct cultural exchangeactivities with local residents regularly. It also made contributions toZuunmod Middle School in T?v Province, repaired roads for kindergartensin Urijitu Town, Ulaanbaatar City and donated carpets, washing machines,water dispensers, LED TVs and other materials and equipment to over 200disabled children. The activity named “China and Mongolia join hands tobuild a cultural and economic corridor under Belt and Road Initiative” washeld by CREC in cooperation with the Embassy. In addition, its ProjectDepartment provided employment opportunities to over 1,000 Mongolianstaff.Information 2: On July 23, 2018, a hydropower station in Attapeu Province,Laos collapsed and more than 6,000 people were affected. The ProjectDepartment of China-Laos R ailway under CREC No.2 quickly reached out tohelp by forming an emergency rescue team composed of over 160builders, mobilizing and gathering a large number of materials andequipment, and driving over 800 kilometers to the scene. After 40 days ofhard work, we took the lead to complete the aid task of building twobridges in the rescue passage, creating a new record of similar projects inthe local area. During such construction, the rescue team also paid a visit tolocal residents and donated school uniforms to local children.



2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

SoCial ReSponSibilit y and enviRonmental SoCial ReSponSibility RepoRt (enviRonment SoCiety GoveRnanCe RepoRt) in 2018

The disabled children development center project in Mongolia




Normative Information Disclosure


Positive Investor Relationship


Harmonious Media Relations


Characteristic Corporate Media

China Railway GRoup limited





Normative Information Disclosure

In 2018, CREC strictly complied with the regulations on the supervision andmanagement of securities in Shanghai and Hong Kong and earnestlyfulfilled its obligation of information disclosure. First, the Companycontinued to improve its information disclosure system and mechanism,formulated and issued the Management System for Suspension andExemption Business of Information Disclosure in China Railway GroupLimited, and properly coordinated the work of commercial secretprotection and information disclosure compliance by using currentregulatory policies. It strengthened the linkage mechanism of informationdisclosure with media publicity, information openness and public opinionmanagement, and facilitated the transformation of performance data andtemporary announcement contents to press releases, further enhancingthe publicity of the Company’s information in domestic and overseascapital markets and promoting the construction of a “Transparent State-owned Enterprise”. Second, the Company insisted on the combination ofstatutory information disclosure and voluntary information disclosure. Inthe whole year, the Company strictly conformed to the requirements of thelisting rules and relevant normative documents in Shanghai and HongKong, disclosed all statutory disclosures such as the resolutions made byshareholders’ meetings, Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors,periodic reports, governance rules, debt-to-equity swap and strategicframework agreements that shall be disclosed by the Company accordingto laws and regulations, and carried out voluntary information disclosure ofmanagement priorities such as the capital operation of the listing of CRECHigh-speed Rail and Electrical Equipment Limited in the new OTC market,the “Double Hundred” reform in state-owned enterprises and the regionallayout of enterprises conducted by the Company before. In 2018, theCompany issued a total of 537 notices and circulars, including 254 A-sharenotices and 283 H-share announcements and circulars, the number ofwhich reaching a new record high, and was awarded excellent evaluationin Category A in the annual evaluation of the Shanghai Stock Exchange forcompany information disclosure in five consecutive years. The notices andcirculars of CREC were disclosed on the websites and designatednewspapers and periodicals of the Shanghai Stock Exchange and The StockExchange of Hong Kong Limited according to regulations and were alsoreleased on the Chinese and English websites of CREC to facilitate theconsultation of investors so as to ensure that CREC shareholders and itsvast investors will receive the Company’s information in a timely, equal andconvenient way.

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018




Positive Investor Relationship

In 2018, CREC fully leveraged the functions of the investor hotline, IR email,and the SSE E interaction platform, communicated with stock and bondinvestors in various forms such as convening performance releaseconferences, receiving investors’ visits, holding annual shareholders’meeting, cash dividend briefing and participating in investment summitsto carefully listen to and properly handle the opinions and advice fromshareholders and investors, and promoted the improvement of themanagement of the Company with a focus on the concerns of investors tobuild a good image in the capital market. For the whole year, the Companytotally organized 8 domestic and overseas performance releaseconferences and press conferences, and accumulatively interacted andcommunicated with 372 domestic and overseas well-known investmentinstitutions as well as journalists from 52 media; participated in 25 summitsheld by domestic and overseas well-known investment institutions,received 372 person-times of analysts and fund managers from domesticand overseas well-known investment institutions for survey, and convened17 telephone conferences with domestic and overseas well-knowninvestment institutions; promoted its 2017 annual results and 2018 interimresults in Hong Kong, Singapore, Boston, New York and other places, andheld 40 conferences to meet with important shareholders and potentialinvestors; answered 1,176 calls from the investor hotline and processed8,210 IR mails. To improve the understanding and experience of investorstowards the production and operation of the Company, CREC organizedreverse roadshow events in the Guangzhou region. Analysts and fundmanagers from 35 investment institutions and 3 media visited the railwayprojects and urban light rail projects under construction of the Companyto gain an insight into the construction level of the informationization andmodernization of China’s infrastructure. By conducting the above-mentioned investor relations management activities, the Companymaintained good communication with domestic and foreign investors,enhanced shareholders’ and creditors’ understanding and recognition ofthe Company and effectively improved the Company’s management leveland transparency, thus upholding its brand image of being an open,transparent, and honest listed company.


2018 Interim Result release meeting

China Railway GRoup limited





Table of Selected Important Indexes in which CREC is included


SSE Composite Index, SSE A-share Index, SSE Constituent Stock, SSE 50 Index, Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Index, CSI 100 Index, CSI 800 Index, SSEEmerging Industry Total Return Index, SSE Dividend Value Total Return Index, SSE State-owned Enterprises Reform Total Return Index, SSE State-owned Enterprises Reform Index, SSE One Belt One Road Theme Index, SSE One Belt One Road Theme Total Return Index, SSE 50 Basic TotalReturn Index, SSE Infrastruc ture Index, SSE Shanghai Stock Through Index, SSE Market Value Top 100 Total Return Index, SSE Market Value Top100 Index, SSE Shanghai-Hong Kong Through AH Share Premium Index, SSE Urban Transport Index, SSE Urban Transport Total Return Index, SSEUrban Infrastructure Index, SSE Urbanization Index, SSE 180 Stability Total Return Index, SSE 180 Equally Weighted Total Return Index, 50 EquallyWeight Index, SSE 50 Equally Weighted Total Return Index, SSE Free Float Total Return Index, Large & Mid & Small Cap Value Index, SSE OverseasIndex, Index of State- owned Enterprises, SSE Company Governance Index, SSE Industrial Index, SSE 180 Coal Efficiency Index, CSI ECPIESG80Total Return Index, CSI Emerging Industry Index, CSI Central Enterprise Structure Adjustment Index, China Strategic Emerging IndustryComposite Index, CSI PPP Theme Index, CSI A-Share Total Return Index, CSI 100 Index, CSI Large & Mid & Small Cap Index, CSI Large & Mid &Small Cap Net Return Index, AMAC Construction Index, CSI Wealth Large Cap Index, Shanghai-Shenzhen 300 Infrastructure Theme IndexH-share:

Hang Seng Composite Index, Hang Seng Hong Kong Stocks Through Index, Hang Seng Property Construction Index, Hang Seng ChinaEnterprises Index, Hang Seng China 50 Index, Hang Seng China Enterprises Smar t Index, Hang Seng Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong ThroughAH Share H Smart Index, Hang Seng Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Through AH Share A+H Index, Hang Seng Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong KongThrough AH Share H Index, Hang Seng Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Through AH Share A Index, Hang Seng Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong KongThrough AH Share Premium Index, Hang Seng China (Hong Kong) 100 Index, Hang Seng Composite Largecap and Midcap Index, Hang SengComposite Midcap Index, Hang Seng Composite Midcap and Smallcap Index, Hang Seng Mainland and Hong Kong Corporate SustainabilityIndex, Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Benchmark Index, China Mainland Company Index of Hang Seng Hong Kong Stocks Through Index,Hang Seng H40 Reference Index, Hang Seng Low Volatility Index, Hang Seng A-Share Industry Leading Index, Accumulative Dividend Index ofHang Seng A-Share Industry Leading Index, Hang Seng Top 100 A-Share IndexFTSE: FTSE A50 Index, FTSE Emerging Market Index

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018






Harmonious Media Relations

Over the years, CREC maintained good relations with various social media.Through holding press conferences, inviting media to attend importantenterprise meetings, organizing and reporting opening and completionceremonies of important projects, opening up columns in media andholding forums and training courses, the Company enhanced thecommunication with the media, promoted work, released information andreceived media’s supervision.In 2018, Xinhua News Agency, CCTV, People’s Daily, Guangming Daily,Economic Daily, Science and Technology Journal, the China Securities,Shanghai Securities, Securities Daily, Securities Times, Xinhua Net, People’sNet, Phoenix TV and other media have issued more than 240,000 pieces ofinformation.


CCTV journalist at CREC site

China Railway GRoup limited



Characteristic Corporate Media

In 2018, the Company continued to strengthen the daily management andoperation of corporate newspapers, websites, microblog, WeChat andother media to further strengthen the construction of new media of theenterprise. In the whole year, it pushed more than 1,000 pieces ofinformation by means of new media, with more than 7 million of readingquantity.In 2018, CREC actively participated in the CCTV feature programproduction, and received overwhelming responses after broadcast,including Great Power Manufacture II, Homeland ? Dreamland, A SharedFuture and Great Power Arbitration; the Company and CCTV jointly shot aspecial program named “Sing for the New Era” at the Yangtze River Bridgein Parrot Island of Wuhan City, providing a high quality and high levelcultural extravaganza for staff in front lines.


Site of the programe “Sing for the New Era” at the Yangtze River Bridge inParrot Island of Wuhan City

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018



Social Assessment

In 2018, CREC ranked No.56 among “Fortune” Global 500 Companies, andsuccessively won the honors of “A Listed Company Mostly Respected byInvestors” granted by China Association For Public Companies, TianmaAward – the “Best Board of Directors of China Main Board Listed Company”by Securities Daily, Golden Round Table – the “Best Board of Directors” byDirectors & Boards, “Chinese Enterprises Top 100” and several other awards,and its Hongsheng Project won “TOP 10 Capital Operation Projects” by NewFortune.In 2018, the whole Company totally won 3 pieces of National May 1 LaborCertificate of Merit, 3 titles of National Workers Pioneer, 7 awards ofNational “May 1” Labor Medal, 2 titles of National March 8th Red-BannerHolder; 12 awards of Locomotive Cup and 60 awards of Locomotive CupMedal; 18 pieces of Provincial May 1 Labor Certificate of Merit, 45 titles ofProvincial Workers Pioneer, and 62 awards of Provincial “May 1” LaborMedal; a title of Central Enterprise Model, 12 titles of Advanced Unit inCentral Enterprises and 20 titles of Central Enterprise Model Worker.




Top Ten Outstanding Social Responsibility Practices in 2018Name of Social Responsibility PracticeImplementation Unit

Targeted poverty alleviation in Rucheng County and GuidongCounty of Hunan Province and Baode County of Shanxi Province

CRECStaff Health Caring PlanCREC Subordinate UnitsFlood fighting and disaster relief in summer

CREC No.1, CREC No.5, CREC No.6, CREC No.8, CREC Guangzhou Bureau, CREC Eryuan,

China Railway Science Research Institute, etc.Special Governance on Construction SafetyCREC Subordinate UnitsThe deep chasm turning into thoroughfare and four-in-one qualitymanagement mode

CRBB (China Railway Bridge Bureau)The protection and governance of Erhai Lake in DaliCREC No.5Beijing state-owned enterprise open dayCREC Electrification Bureau, China Railway Construction Engineering GroupThe dream realizing activity of “Salute to the National Flag” for Yiethnic teenagers from Daliangshan Mountain

CREC CYL Committee, CREC Tunnel BureauRescue and relief in Attapeu Province, LaosCREC No.2China-Mongolia cultural exchange and co-construction serving teamCREC No.4

China Railway GRoup limited





In 2019, CREC will take Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinesecharacteristics in the new era as the guidance, closely center on thestrategic objective of building a large-scale comprehensive industrialconglomerate of “Leading in China and First-class in the World”, insist onthe basic principle of making progress while maintaining stability as well asthe new development idea, and firmly grasp the fundamental requirementof achieving high quality development to strengthen risk prevention andcontrol, implement the decisions and deployment of the “Seven GreatActions” and carry out the “123456” project to further advance the reformin quality, efficiency and motivation and greet the 70th birthday of newChina with great achievements.In 2019, CREC will further play an exemplary role of the industr y leadingcorporate to fulfill social responsibilities, comprehensively deepen thesocial responsibility management, expand the social responsibility fields,enrich the social responsibility contents, enhance social responsibilitypractices, cooperate with the interested parties to make unremitting effortsin order to promote the development and progress of the whole society!

中国中铁股份有限公司China Railway GRoup limited

2018 社会责任报告暨ESG(环境、社会与管治)报告

Social reSponSibilit y and environmental Social reSponSibility report (environment Society Governance report) in 2018



Readers’ Feedback

Thank you for reading the Social Responsibility Report (EnvironmentSociety Governance Report) in 2018 China Railway Group Limited in yourbusy schedule.There are inevitable flaws and omissions in compiling preparation processof the report. We are very willing to listen to your comments andsuggestions. We express our sincere thanks for your support and help tothe company once again.Address: China Railway Group Limited Building, 69 Fuxing Road, HaidianDistrict, Beijing.Postal code: 100039Fax: 010-51878417E-mail: ir@crec.cnWebsite: http://www.crecg.comAll rights reserved. If you need transshipment, please contact us, otherwiseit is not allowed.
