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粤高速B:2018年半年度报告摘要(英文版) 下载公告

Stock Code:000429,200429 Stock Abbreviation :Guangdong Expressway A, Guangdong Expressway B

Announcement No.:2018-026

Summary of 2018 Semi-Annual Report of Guangdong Provincial

Expressway Development Co., Ltd.

1 Important notesThe summary is abstract from full-text of semi-annual report, for more details information , investors shouldfound in the full-text of annual report that published on website of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and other websiteappointed by CSRC.

Director, Supervisor, Senior Manager Objection Statement: None.

All the directors have attended the meeting of the board meeting at which this report was examined

Non-standard audit advice

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Board of Directors considered the plan for the distribution of ordinary shares in the reporting period or theplan for the transfer of capital reserve.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The company plans not to send cash dividends, do not send bonus shares, not to increase the share capital.

The Board of Directors decided to adopt the Preplan Preference Share Profit Distribution Plan for the reportingperiod

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II Company basic information1.Company Profile

Board secretarySecurities affairs Representative
NameYang HanmingLiang Jirong
Contact address46/F, Litong Plaza, No.32, Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New City, Tihe Disrtict , Guangzhou45/F, Litong Plaza, No.32, Zhujiang East Road, Zhujiang New City, Tihe Disrtict , Guangzhou

2. Summary of Accounting data and shareholder changeIndicate by tick mark whether the Company needs to retroactively restate any of its accounting data

□Yes √ No


Reporting periodSame period of last yearYoY+/-(%)
Operating income(yuan)1,535,864,145.141,440,222,563.746.64%
Net profit attributable to the shareholders of the listed company(yuan)779,002,246.98892,848,012.53-12.75%
Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of listed company(yuan)752,917,711.53892,848,012.53-15.67%
Cash flow generated by business operation, net(yuan)817,279,588.101,022,392,235.37-20.06%
Basic earning per share(yuan/Share)0.370.43-13.95%
Diluted gains per share(yuan/Share)0.370.43-13.95%
Weighted average income/asset ratio(%)8.60%10.55%-1.95%
As at the end of the reporting periodAs at the end of last yearYoY+/-(%)
Gross assets(yuan)15,867,983,183.1716,523,315,093.72-3.97%
Shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders of the listed company(yuan)8,674,276,291.679,023,071,118.45-3.87%

3.Particulars about top ten shareholders

In share

Total number of common shareholders at the end of the reporting period61,104Total number of preferred shareholders that had restored the voting right at the end of the reporting period (if any) (note 8)0
Particulars about shares held by top ten shareholders
ShareholdersNature of shareholderProportion of shares held(%)Number of shares held at period -endAmount of restricted shares heldNumber of share pledged/frozen
State of shareAmount
Guangdong Communication Group Co.,LtdState-owned legal person24.55%513,382,595410,002,853
Guangdong Highway Construction Co., Ltd,State-owned legal person22.30%466,325,020466,325,020
Yadong Fuxing Yalian Investment Co., Ltd.Domestic non State-owned Legal person9.68%202,429,149202,429,149Pledge156,652,500
Tibet Yingyue Investment Management Co., Ltd.Domestic non State-owned Legal person4.84%101,214,574101,214,574
Guangdong Expressway Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person2.53%52,937,49152,937,491
Guangfa Securities Co., Ltd.Domestic non State-owned Legal person1.45%30,364,37230,364,372
Feng WuchuDomestic natural person shares1.08%22,593,729
Agricultural Bank of China-Jingshun Great Wall Energy Infrastructure Mixed Securities Investment FundDomestic non State-owned Legal person0.69%14,381,528
Xinyue Co., Ltd.Foreign legal person0.63%13,201,086
PRUSIK UMBRELLA UCITS FUND PLCForeign legal person0.62%12,999,871
Explanation on associated relationship or concerted action of the above shareholdersGuangdong Communication Group Co., Ltd. is the parent company of Guangdong Highway Construction Co., Ltd, Guangdong Expressway Co., Ltd. and Xinyue Co., Ltd.. It is unknown whether there is relationship between other shareholders and whether they are persons

4. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controllerChange of the controlling shareholder in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

There was no any change of the controlling shareholder of the Company in the reporting period.Change of the actual controller in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

There was no any change of the actual controller of the Company in the reporting period.

5.The total number of shareholders of the Company's preferred shares and the shareholdings of the top 10preferred shareholders

□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

The Company did not have any shareholding in the report period.

6. The corporate bondsWhether the company has a public offering and listed on the stock exchange, and in the semi-annual reportapproved the date of the report did not expire or due to full payment of corporate bonds.no

III. Discussion and analysis by the management


The Company is an infrastructure industry, with main business in developing and operating expressway and bigbridges. It is one of the main institutions of developing expressway and big bridge in Guangdong ExpresswaySystem. The expressway industry is the industry helped by government.In the first half of 2018, the company, according to the annual business plan established by the board of directors,soundly did a good job of each work. . In the first half of 2018, the main business income was 1.536 billion yuan, upby 6.64% over the same period of last year, meaning 47.60% of the annual plan was completed; and the operatingcosts was 534 million yuan, Flat year-on-year, representing completed 40.27% of the annual plan.

In the report period, the vehicle traffic and toll income of the controlled subsidiaries and joint ventures of theCompany are as follows:

taking concerted action specified in the Regulations on Disclosure ofInformation about Change in Shareholding of Shareholders of ListedCompanies.

Volume of vehicle traffic in the first half year of 2018(Ten thousand vehicles)Increase /Decrease(%)Toll income in the first half year of 2018(Ten thousand)Increase /Decrease(%
Guangfo Expressway2,953.851.50%22,523.4513.30%
Fokai Expressway3,281.5117.32%63,859.178.37%
Jingzhu Expressway Guangzhu East Section3,642.162.99%63,529.982.40%
Huiyan Expressway2,046.4411.95%12,174.579.14%
Guanghui Expressway2,783.8710.83%86,784.972.54%
Yuezhao Expressway1,454.507.42%26,279.697.14%
Jiangzhong Expressway2,574.422.84%22,967.715.92%
Guangle Expressway1,151.8218.54%152,842.706.41%
Kangda Expressway127.010.02%11,305.54-6.73%
Gangkang Expressway187.2235.72%7,677.3918.87%

Overall situation: During the reporting period, the participating and controlled expressways in GuangdongProvince continued to maintain a steady growth trend, with traffic volume and toll revenue increasingyear-on-year; the traffic volume of two expressways in Jiangxi increased, but the toll revenue increasedyear-on-year and one year decreased.1. Guangfo Expressway was affected by the implementation of restricted trucks in Foshan First Ring Road. Thenumber of trucks increased year-on-year, so the increase in toll revenue was higher than the increase in trafficvolume;2. Guangzhu Section of Jingzhu Expressway. In September 2017, the National Road Hongqili Bridge was restoredto traffic. Affected by this, the traffic volume and toll revenue increased slightly year-on-year;3. Kangda Expressway was closed by the renovation project of the 323 National Road, and some of the truckswere diverted. The toll revenue decreased.

2.Matters relating to financial report(1)Explain change of the accounting policy, accounting estimate and measurement methods as compared with thefinancial reporting of last year.

□Applicable √Not applicable


(2)Explain retrospective restatement due to correction of significant accounting errors in the reporting period

□Applicable √ Not applicable


(3)Explain change of the consolidation scope as compared with the financial reporting of last year.

□Applicable √Not applicable

There was no change in the scope of the consolidated financial statements during the reporting period.
