Chairman of the Board:
April 2018
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Section I Important Notice
Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby confirm that there
are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report,
and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the facticity, accuracy and
completeness of the whole contents.
All directors were present the meeting of the Board for deliberating the First Quarter Report of the
Company in person.
Ms. Chen Lin, Chairman of the Board, Mr. Pan Yonghong, responsible person in charge of the
accounting and Ms. Wang Wenxin principal of the financial department (accounting officer)
confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in the First Quarter Report 2018 is true, accurate and
This report is prepared both in Chinese and English. Should there be any inconsistency between the
Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Section II The basic situation of the Company
I. Main accounting data and indices
Whether the company need to retroactively adjust or restate the previous year's accounting data or not
□Yes √ No
The 1st quarter of 2018 The 1st quarter of 2017 Percentage of change (%)
Operating income (RMB) 2,629,471,994 2,284,820,940 15.08%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
159,382,821 170,130,942 -6.32%
listed company(RMB) [Note (1)]
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
listed company after deducting non-recurring 152,948,714 149,271,133 2.46%
gains and losses(RMB) [Note (2)]
Net cash flow arising from operating
60,223,706 435,937,189 -86.19%
activities(RMB) [Note (3)]
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.07 0.07 -
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.07 0.07 -
Weighted average ROE (%) 1.86% 2.15% -0.29%
31 March 2018 31 December 2017 Percentage of change (%)
Total assets (RMB) 19,632,309,748 19,535,002,368 0.50%
Net assets attributable to shareholder of listed
8,663,648,838 8,458,587,873 2.42%
The total share capital of the company as of the previous trading day of disclosure ( share ) 2,484,147,547
Fully diluted earnings per share calculated with latest equity ( RMB/share ) 0.06
Note (1): The data in the above table has included equity incentive cost of RMB 47.82 million for the first quarter, which affected the
net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies by RMB 41.17 million. The net profit attributable to the shareholders of the
listed company in the first quarter was RMB 200.55 million, with a year-on-year increase of RMB 30.42 million and growth rate of
17.88%, without considering the impact of equity incentive cost sharing on the Company's profit of the current period.
Note (2): The net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses in the first
quarter was RMB 194.12 million, with a year-on-year increase of RMB 44.85 million and growth rate of 30.05%, without
considering the impact of equity incentive cost sharing on the Company's profit of the current period.
Note (3): The net cash flow from operating activities decreased significantly in the first quarter, which was mainly due to the
Company's control of discounted bills to reduce financial expenses, and due to appropriate increase of inventory reserve for the
prices of raw materials and finished product increased.
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/losses
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB
Amount from beginning of the year
Item Note
to the end of the report period
Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the write-off
that accrued for impairment of assets)
Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (not including the
subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration according to national standards, which are 8,417,619
closely relevant to enterprise’s business)
Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the aforementioned
Other gains/losses satisfied definition of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss -
Less: Impact on income tax 1,205,311
Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax) 256,068
Total 6,434,107 --
During the report period, the Company didn’t have the case of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss defined as a regular profit and loss
project, which was defined and enumerated according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss.
II. Total of shareholders at the end of the report period and particulars about the shares held
by the top ten shareholders
1. The total number of common shareholders and the number of preference shareholders with voting rights
recovered as well as the top ten shareholders
Unit: Share
The total number of common shareholders The total number of preference shareholders with voting
157,660 N/A
at the end of the report period rights recovered at end of report period (if applicable)
Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders
Amount of Number of share
Amount of restricted pledged/frozen
Name of shareholder Nature of shareholder of shares
shares held shares Share
held (%) Amount
held status
Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Haili Domestic non state-owned
14.84% 368,685,276
Niannian legal person
Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Domestic non state-owned
3.77% 93,616,606
Universal Insurance Products legal person
Domestic non state-owned
Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. 2.76% 68,484,938 0 Pledged 68,484,915
legal person
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Own Domestic non state-owned
2.06% 51,197,756
Fund legal person
Central Huijin Asset Management Ltd. State-owned legal person 1.84% 45,782,995
China Galaxy International Securities
Foreign legal person 1.31% 32,446,143
(Hong Kong) Co., Limited
China Merchants Securities (HK) Co.,
State-owned legal person 1.05% 26,014,638
Shenzhen International Holdings (SZ) Domestic non state-owned
0.93% 23,000,000
Limited legal person
Foreign legal person 0.61% 15,272,911
Wang Heng Domestic natural person 0.61% 15,074,541
Particulars about the top ten shareholders holding unrestricted shares
Amount of Type of shares
unrestricted shares
Shareholders’ name
held at the end of Type Amount
the period
Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Haili Niannian 368,685,276 RMB ordinary shares 368,685,276
Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Universal Insurance
93,616,606 RMB ordinary shares 93,616,606
Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. 68,484,938 RMB ordinary shares 68,484,938
Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Own Fund 51,197,756 RMB ordinary shares 51,197,756
Central Huijin Asset Management Ltd. 45,782,995 RMB ordinary shares 45,782,995
China Galaxy International Securities (Hong Kong) Co., Domestically listed
32,446,143 32,446,143
Limited foreign shares
Domestically listed
China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Limited 26,014,638 26,014,638
foreign shares
Shenzhen International Holdings (SZ) Limited 23,000,000 RMB ordinary shares 23,000,000
15,272,911 15,272,911
FUND foreign shares
Wang Heng 15,074,541 RMB ordinary shares 15,074,541
Among shareholders as listed above, Foresea Life Insurance Co.,
Ltd.-Haili Niannian, Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Universal
Insurance Products, Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Own Fund are all
Statement on associated relationship or consistent action
held by Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Jushenghua Co.,
among the above shareholders:
Ltd. is a related legal person of Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. and
Chengtai Group Co., Ltd., another related legal person of Foresea Life
Insurance Co., Ltd, which held 31,769,094 shares via China Galaxy
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
International Securities (Hong Kong) Co., Limited.
Except for the above-mentioned shareholders, It is unknown whether
other shareholders belong to related party or have associated
relationship regulated by the Management Regulation of Information
Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.
Explanation on shareholders involving margin business (if
Whether the top ten common shareholders or the top ten common shareholders holding unrestricted shares had a buy-back agreement
dealing in the report period or not
□ Yes √ No
The top ten common shareholders or the top ten common shareholders holding unrestricted shares of the Company had no buy-back
agreement dealing in the report period.
2. The total number of preferred shareholders of the company and particulars about the top ten preferred
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Section III. Important events
I. Particulars and explanations about significant changes in main accounting statements and
financial indices
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB 0,000
Amount of Percentage of
Note 31 March 2018 31 December 2017
change change
Accounts receivable (1) 85,886 63,824 22,062 35%
Long-term prepaid expenses (2) 1,265 222 1,043 470%
Employee compensation (3) 14,303 27,217 -12,914 -47%
Interest payable (4) 5,325 3,403 1,922 56%
Amount of Percentage of
Note Jan.-Mar.2018 Jan.-Mar.2017
change change
Taxes and surcharges (5) 3,709 2,724 985 36%
Administrative expenses (6) 25,297 18,838 6,459 34%
Financial expenses (7) 9,215 6,731 2,484 37%
Income from disposal of (8) -102 -2 -100 5000%
Other income (9) 758 0 758 100%
Non-operating income (10) 220 2,541 -2,321 -91%
Non-operating expenses (11) 86 10 76 760%
profit or loss of minority (12) -36 611 -647 -106%
Other comprehensive (13) -203 -18 -185 1028%
(1) The increase in accounts receivable was mainly due to the increase in accounts receivable of the glass industry and solar energy
(2) The increase in long-term prepaid expenses was mainly due to the increase in land rent for photovoltaic power plant companies.
(3) The decrease in employee compensation payable was mainly due to the payment of employee year-end bonuses at the end of last
year that had been paid during the report period.
(4) The increase in interest payable was mainly due to the fact that the outstanding interest payment period for the medium-term
notes had not been paid.
(5) The increase in taxes and surcharges was mainly due to the increase in sales revenue.
(6) The increase in administrative expenses was mainly due to the increase in the share of equity incentive expenses during the
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
(7) The increase in financial expenses was mainly due to the increase in interest expenses.
(8) The decrease in income from disposal of assets was mainly due to the loss of non-current assets and the relatively small amount
in the previous period.
(9) The increase in other income was mainly due to the reclassification of non-operating income according to the requirements of the
accounting standards.
(10) The decrease in non-operating income was mainly due to the reclassification of non-operating income according to the
requirements of the accounting standards and the decrease in subsidies received during the current period.
(11) The increase in non-operating expenses was mainly due to a slight increase in the report period and a lower amount in the
previous period.
(12) The decrease in profit or loss of minority shareholders was mainly due to the fact that individual subsidiaries were in the process
of technological transformation.
(13) The decrease in other comprehensive income was mainly due to the change in the translation difference in foreign currency
statements during the report period.
II. The progress of material events and the impact and the analysis of solutions
√Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Short-term Financing Bills
On December 14, 2016, the second extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting of 2016 of CSG deliberated and approved the
proposal of the offering and registration of short-term financing bills, and agreed the Company’s registration and issuance of
short-term financing bills with a total amount of RMB 2.7 billion, which could be issued by stages within period of validity of the
registration according to the Company’s actual demands for funds and the status of inter-bank funds. However, the term of each issue
shall not be longer than one year and the registered quota shall not exceed 40 percent of the Company’s net assets.
2. Ultra-short-term financing bills
On April 8, 2018, the interim meeting of the eighth session of the Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved the
proposal of application for registration and issuance of ultra-short-term financing bills with registered capital of RMB 4 billion at
most (unlimited on quotas of 40% of net assets) and validity within 2 years, which could be issued by stages within period of validity
of the registration according to the Company’s actual demands for funds and the status of inter-bank funds. The issuance interest rate
would be determined by the interest rate of the inter-bank bond market at the time of issuance. This proposal needs to be submitted to
the shareholders meeting for deliberation.
3. Perpetual bonds
On April 15, 2016, the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2015 of CSG deliberated and approved the proposal of application for
registration and issuance of perpetual bonds, and agreed the Company to register and issue perpetual bonds with total amount of
RMB 3.1 billion which could be issued by stages within period of validity of the registration according to the Company’s actual
demand for funds and the capital status of inter-bank market.
4. Medium-term notes
On 10 December 2014, the First Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2014 of CSG Holding Co., Ltd deliberated and
approved the proposal of application for registration and issuance of medium-term notes with total amount of RMB 1.2 billion at
most. On 21 May 2015, National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) held the 32nd registration
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
meeting of 2015, in which NAFMII decided to accept the registration of the Company’s medium term notes, amounting to RMB 1.2
billion and valid for two years. China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. were joint lead
underwriters of these medium term notes which could be issued by stages within period of validity of the registration. On 10 July
2015, the Company issued the first batch of medium-term notes with total amount of RMB 1.2 billion and valid term of 5 years at the
issuance rate of 4.94%, which will be redeemed on 14 July 2020.
On April 15, 2016, the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2015 of CSG deliberated and approved the proposal of application for
registration and issuance of medium-term notes with total amount of RMB 0.8 billion, which could be issued by stages within period
of validity of the registration according to the Company’s actual demands for funds and the status of inter-bank funds. On 2 March
2018, National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) held the 14th registration meeting of 2018, in which
NAFMII decided to accept the registration of the Company’s medium-term notes, amounting to RMB 0.8 billion and valid for two
years. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. and China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited were joint lead underwriters of
these medium-term notes which could be issued by stages within period of validity of the registration.
On May 22, 2017, the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2016 of CSG deliberated and approved the proposal of application for
registration and issuance of medium-term notes with total amount of RMB 1 billion, which could be issued by stages within period of
validity of the registration according to the Company’s actual demands for funds and the status of inter-bank funds.
For details, please refer to www.chinabond.com.cn and www.chinamoney.com.cn.
III. Failure in due fulfillment of commitments of the actual controllers, shareholders, affiliates,
and acquirers of listed company as well as the listed company during the report period
□Applicable √Not applicable
It did not exist that commitments of the actual controllers, shareholders, affiliates, and acquirers of listed company as well as the
listed company failed to be fulfilled on time during the report period.
IV. Predict of the business performance from January to June 2018
Warnings and reasons of the predict that the cumulative net profit from the begin of the year to the end of next report period may be
loss or have great changes comparing with the same period of last year
□Applicable √ Not applicable
V. Securities Investment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no securities investment in the report period.
VI. Derivative investment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no derivative investment in the report period.
VII. Registration form for receiving research, communication and interview in the report
√Applicable □ Not applicable
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Time Way Type Basic information index of investigation
Details can be found in the Record Chart of the Investor Relation Activity disclosed on
2018-1-16 Field research Institute
Juchao website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on 18 January 2018.
VIII. Particulars about illegal external guarantee
□ Applicable √Not applicable
The Company had no illegal external guarantee in the report period.
IX. Particulars about non-operating fund of listed company which is occupied by controlling
shareholder and its affiliated enterprises
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Section IV Financial Report
I. Financial Statements
1. Consolidated balance sheet
Prepared by CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
Unit: RMB
Item Ending balance Beginning balance
Current asset:
Monetary capital 2,417,226,296 2,462,605,764
Notes receivable 529,337,608 552,232,420
Account receivable 858,861,137 638,238,290
Prepayment 150,412,387 143,848,023
Other receivables 210,820,896 205,939,019
Inventories 788,065,698 685,895,317
Assets held for sale 45,983,520 45,983,520
Other current asset 191,469,585 200,847,989
Total of current asset 5,192,177,127 4,935,590,342
Non-current assets
Fixed assets 11,632,606,064 11,540,769,697
Construction in process 1,140,876,720 1,417,624,618
Intangible assets 1,041,873,932 1,047,222,407
R&D expense 65,343,821 61,365,537
Goodwill 397,392,156 397,392,156
Long-term amortizable expenses 12,648,981 2,223,397
Differed income tax asset 88,351,801 80,872,862
Other non-current asset 61,039,146 51,941,352
Total of non-current assets 14,440,132,621 14,599,412,026
Total of assets 19,632,309,748 19,535,002,368
Current liabilities
Short-term loans 3,930,709,346 3,704,630,909
Notes payable 223,401,622 213,401,622
Account payable 1,277,343,644 1,400,166,042
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Prepayment received 199,630,879 195,563,465
Employees’ wage payable 143,025,625 272,170,660
Tax payable 134,423,345 111,996,764
Interest payable 53,246,011 34,032,740
Other account payable 613,471,404 619,324,354
Non-current liability due in 1 year 910,151,548 904,261,397
Other current liability 300,000 300,000
Total of current liability 7,485,703,424 7,455,847,953
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings 1,603,120,000 1,554,120,000
Deferred income 982,843,262 1,161,794,247
Differed income tax liability 556,131,443 562,701,103
Total of non-current liabilities 20,185,848 20,915,954
Total of liability 3,162,280,553 3,299,531,304
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) 10,647,983,977 10,755,379,257
Long-term borrowings
Capital paid in (or share capital) 2,484,147,547 2,484,147,547
Capital reserves 1,354,199,514 1,306,381,765
Less: treasury stock 417,349,879 417,349,879
Other comprehensive income -80,064 1,948,943
Special reserves 3,114,340 3,224,938
Surplus reserves 920,592,332 920,592,332
Retained profit 4,319,025,048 4,159,642,227
Total of owner’s equity belong to the parent company 8,663,648,838 8,458,587,873
Minor shareholders’ equity 320,676,933 321,035,238
Total of owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) 8,984,325,771 8,779,623,111
Total of liability and shareholders’ equity (or owners’
19,632,309,748 19,535,002,368
Legal Representative:Chen Lin Person in charge of the accounting work:Pan Yonghong Manager of the financial department:
Wang Wenxin
2. Balance Sheet of the Parent Company
Unit: RMB
Item Ending balance Beginning balance
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Current asset:
Monetary capital 2,030,239,699 1,681,877,320
Prepayment 123,926 146,132
Other account receivable 2,561,564,899 2,400,334,816
Total of current asset 4,591,928,524 4,082,358,268
Non-current assets:
Long-term receivable 1,200,000,000 1,200,000,000
Long-term share equity investment 4,827,677,615 4,795,987,652
Fixed asset 20,769,982 22,182,246
Intangible assets 1,410,968 1,742,109
Other non-current assets 2,324,997 2,132,041
Total of non-current assets 6,052,183,562 6,022,044,048
Total of assets 10,644,112,086 10,104,402,316
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans 2,850,000,000 2,600,000,000
Account payable 261,024 261,024
Employees’ wage payable 16,810,189 40,856,313
Tax payable 3,038,359 1,762,580
Interest payable 3,957,645 3,090,735
Other account payable 1,203,985,265 909,432,991
Non-current liability due in 1 year 180,000,000 180,000,000
Total of current liability 4,258,052,482 3,735,403,643
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings 1,200,000,000 1,200,000,000
Deferred income 186,055,340 186,526,280
Total of non-current liabilities 1,386,055,340 1,386,526,280
Total of liability 5,644,107,822 5,121,929,923
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity):
Capital paid in (or share capital) 2,484,147,547 2,484,147,547
Capital reserves 1,499,026,828 1,451,209,079
Less: treasury stock 417,349,879 417,349,879
Surplus reserves 935,137,692 935,137,692
Retained profit 499,042,076 529,327,954
Total of owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) 5,000,004,264 4,982,472,393
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Total of liability and shareholders’ equity (or owners’
10,644,112,086 10,104,402,316
3. Consolidated Income Statement
Unit: RMB
Item Balance of this period Balance of last period
I. Total revenue 2,629,471,994 2,284,820,940
Incl. Business income 2,629,471,994 2,284,820,940
II. Total business cost 2,449,790,563 2,101,721,182
Incl. Business cost 1,983,212,565 1,743,968,864
Taxes and surcharges 37,091,336 27,235,740
Sales expense 79,742,352 70,248,936
Administrative expense 252,969,833 188,384,691
Financial expenses 92,147,066 67,305,652
Asset impairment loss 4,627,411 4,577,299
Plus: fair value change income (loss is listed as \"-\") - -
Investment gains (“-“ for loss) - -
Incl. Investment gains from affiliates -
Exchange gains (“-“ for loss) - -
Gains on disposal of assets (“-“ for loss) -1,023,284 -20,445
Other income 7,579,659 -
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) 186,237,806 183,079,313
Plus: non-operational income 2,200,396 25,412,291
Less: non-operational expenses 861,285 100,081
IV. Gross profit (“-“ for loss) 187,576,917 208,391,523
Less: Income tax expenses 28,552,401 32,150,613
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) 159,024,516 176,240,910
(1) Net profit from continuous operation(“-“ for net loss) 159,024,516 176,240,910
(II) Discontinued operating net profit(“-“ for net loss) - -
Net profit attributable to the owners of parent company 159,382,821 170,130,942
Minor shareholders’ equity -358,305 6,109,968
VI. After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes -2,029,007 -178,730
After-tax net amount of other comprehensive incomes
-2,029,007 -178,730
attributable to owners of the Company
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
(I) Other comprehensive incomes that will be reclassified
-2,029,007 -178,730
into gains and losses
1. Foreign-currency financial statement translation
-2,029,007 -178,730
VII. Total comprehensive incomes 156,995,509 176,062,180
Attributable to owners of the Company 157,353,814 169,952,212
Attributable to minority shareholders -358,305 6,109,968
VIII. Earnings per share
(I) Basic earnings per share 0.07 0.07
(II) Diluted earnings per share 0.07 0.07
Legal Representative:Chen Lin Person in charge of the accounting work:Pan Yonghong Manager of the financial department:
Wang Wenxin
4. Income Statement of the Parent Company
Unit: RMB
Item Balance of this period Balance of last period
I. Revenue 14,497,732 12,712,938
Less: Operation cost - -
Taxes and surcharges 125,403 66,196
Sales expense - -
Administrative expense 36,644,195 29,590,097
Financial expenses 8,614,081 2,681,455
Asset impairment loss 761 6,418
Plus: fair value change income (loss is listed as \"-\") - -
Investment gains (“-“ for loss) - -
Incl. Investment gains from affiliates - -
Gains on disposal of assets (“-“ for loss) 2,440 -
Other income 470,940 -
II. Operational profit (“-“ for loss) -30,413,328 -19,631,228
Plus: non-operational income 127,450 382,190
Less: non-operational expenses - -
III. Total profit (“-“ for loss) -30,285,878 -19,249,038
Less: Income tax expenses - -
IV. Net profit (“-“ for net loss) -30,285,878 -19,249,038
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
(I) Net profit from continuous operation(“-“ for net loss) -30,285,878 -19,249,038
(II) Discontinued operating net profit(“-“ for net loss) - -
V. After-tax net of other comprehensive income - -
(I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified -
into profit or loss in the future
1. The changes in net liabilities or net assets for -
re-measuring the defined benefit plan
2. Shares in other comprehensive income that cannot be -
reclassified into profit or loss by the investee under the -
equity method
(II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified
- -
into profit or loss in the future
1. Shares in other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified into profit or loss after the investee in the equity - -
2. Changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial
- -
3. Held-to-maturity investments reclassified as
- -
available-for-sale financial assets gains and losses
4. The effective part of the cash flow hedge profit and loss - -
5. Translation differences in foreign currency financial
- -
6. Others - -
VI. Total comprehensive incomes -30,285,878 -19,249,038
VII. Earnings per share
(I) Basic earnings per share
(II) Diluted earnings per share
5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Unit: RMB
Item Balance of this period Balance of last period
I. Net cash flow from business operation
Cash received from sales of products and providing of
2,585,745,573 2,374,403,974
Tax returned 8,714,717 2,699,605
Other cash received from business operation 19,321,411 62,798,493
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities 2,613,781,701 2,439,902,072
Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services 1,794,681,827 1,378,088,648
Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 421,471,968 342,138,239
Taxes paid 182,508,067 153,306,069
Other cash paid for business activities 154,896,133 130,431,927
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 2,553,557,995 2,003,964,883
Cash flow generated by business operation, net 60,223,706 435,937,189
II. Cash flow generated by investing
Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
1,772,886 24,000
assets, and other long-term assets
Other investment-related cash received 3,249,483 11,233,893
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities 5,022,369 11,257,893
Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets
112,300,336 352,700,579
and other long-term assets
Other cash paid for investment activities 14,102,400 22,216,688
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities 126,402,736 374,917,267
Net cash flow generated by investment -121,380,367 -363,659,374
III. Cash flow generated by financing
Cash received as investment - -
Incl. Cash received as investment from minor shareholders - -
Cash received as loans 850,600,000 1,001,419,750
Other financing-related cash received 303,833 705,538,631
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 850,903,833 1,706,958,381
Cash to repay debts 545,750,000 1,532,500,773
Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 81,914,082 59,613,453
Incl. Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor
- -
Other cash paid for financing activities 213,115,386 2,438,868
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities 840,779,468 1,594,553,094
Net cash flow generated by financing 10,124,365 112,405,287
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash
-4,370,245 -200,416
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents -55,402,541 184,482,686
Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning
2,459,753,165 584,566,990
of term
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term 2,404,350,624 769,049,676
6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company
Unit: RMB
Item Balance of this period Balance of last period
I. Net cash flow from business operation
Cash received from sales of products and providing of
- -
Tax returned - -
Other cash received from business operation 10,761,525 7,356,851
Sub-total of cash inflow from business activities 10,761,525 7,356,851
Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services - -
Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 38,812,139 21,682,567
Taxes paid 701,230 549,105
Other cash paid for business activities 4,822,289 5,134,287
Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities 44,335,658 27,365,959
Cash flow generated by business operation, net -33,574,133 -20,009,108
II. Cash flow generated by investing
Cash received from investment retrieving - -
Cash received as investment profit - -
Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
2,440 -
assets, and other long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other
- -
operational units
Other investment-related cash received - -
Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities 2,440
Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets
262,260 84,773
and other long-term assets
Cash paid as investment - -
Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational
- -
Other cash paid for investment activities - -
Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities 262,260 84,773
Net cash flow generated by investment -259,820 -84,773
III. Cash flow generated by financing
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD. The First Quarter Report 2018
Cash received as investment - -
Cash received as loans 500,000,000 500,693,638
Cash received from bond placing - -
Other financing-related cash received 152,171,097 1,025,642,490
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities 652,171,097 1,526,336,128
Cash to repay debts 250,000,000 1,396,723,365
Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests 19,945,850 2,213,425
Other cash paid for financing activities - -
Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing activities 269,945,850 1,398,936,790
Net cash flow generated by financing 382,225,247 127,399,338
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash
-33,040 863,120
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 348,358,254 108,168,577
Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning
1,680,672,390 301,637,933
of term
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of term 2,029,030,644 409,806,510
II. Report of the Auditors
Whether the First Quarter Report has been audited or not
□ Yes √ No
The First Quarter Report hasn’t been audited.
Board of Directors of
CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
28 April 2018