Annual Report 2016
April 2017
Section I Important Notice, Table of Contents and Paraphrase
The Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, all directors, supervisors
and Senior Management Personnel of the Company hereby guarantee
that the contents are authentic, accurate and complete, and there are no
false records, misleading representations or material omissions in the
Annual Report, and shall take all the joint and several legal
Dong Mingzhu, the Company's responsible person, Wang Jingdong,
responsible person in charge of accounting work and Liao Jianxiong,
in-charge person of accounting institution (accounting superintendent)
hereby declare and warrant that the financial report in the Report is
authentic, accurate and complete.
All the directors attended the meeting of the Board of Directors in
respect of deliberation of the Report.
The Company's profit distribution proposal passed upon deliberation at
the meeting of the Board of Directors is set out as below: Based on the
total stock capital of 6,015,730,878 of the Company, all directors were
distributed a cash dividend of RMB 18 (tax included) per 10 stocks and
given 0 bonus share (tax included). Public reserve funds were not used
for capitalization.
Table of Contents
Section I Important Notice, Table of Contents and Paraphrase ................................................................1
Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indices ............................................................................4
Section III Corporate Business Overview .................................................................................................9
Section IV Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation ...................................................................16
Section V Important Events ....................................................................................................................48
Section VI Changes in Stock Capital & Information of Shareholders ......................................................57
Section VII Related Information of Preferred Stock ................................................................................63
Section VIII Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Personnel and Employees ............................64
Section IX Corporate Governance ..........................................................................................................85
Section X Financial Report .....................................................................................................................91
Section XI Index of Documents ............................................................................................................234
Items Means Contents
Company, the Company, the enterprise,
GREE GROUP Means Zhuhai Gree Group Co., Ltd.
Finance Company Means Zhuhai Gree Group Finance Company Limited
Jinghai Guaranteed Means Hebei Jinghai Guaranteed Investment Co., Ltd.
CSRC Means China Securities Regulatory Commission
Guangdong Securities Regulatory Bureau Means Guangdong Regulatory Bureau of CSRC
Report Period Means the period from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016
Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indices
I. Company information
Stock Abbreviation GREE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Stock Code
Stock Exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Name in Chinese 珠海格力电器股份有限公司
Name Abbreviation in
Name in Foreign Language
(if any)
Name Abbreviation in foreign
language (if any)
Legal Representative Dong Mingzhu
Registered Address Jinji West Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province
Post Code of Registered
Office Address Jinji West Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province
Post Code of Office Address 519070
II. Contacts and contact information
Board Secretary Securities Affairs Representative
Name Wang Jingdong
Jinji West Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai
City, Guangdong Province
Tel 0756-8669232
Fax 0756-8622581
III. Information disclosure and place of the report
China Securities Journal, Securities Times,
Media designated by the Company for information disclosure
Shanghai Securities News and Securities Daily
Website specified by CSRC for release of the Annual Report
Place where the Annual Report is available for inspection Securities Legal Affairs Department of the Company
IV. Alteration of registration
Organization code 91440400192548256N
Changes (if any) in the main business since listing of the Company No change
Changes (if any) in the controlling shareholders No change
V. Other related information
Accounting firm engaged by the Company
Name of the Accounting Firm Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership)
Office Address No. 169 Donghu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan City
Names of Accountants as Signatories Wang Bing, He Li
Sponsor engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision during the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Financial adviser engaged by the Company to perform continuous supervision during the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VI. Main accounting data and financial indices
Whether the Company will retroactively adjust and restate the accounting data of previous years because of changes on
the accounting policy and correction of accounting errors, etc.
□ Yes √ No
Decrease over
2016 2015
the previous
Operating Revenue (Yuan) 108,302,565,293.70 97,745,137,194.16 10.80% 137,750,358,395.70
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of listed Company 15,420,964,990.94 12,532,442,817.66 23.05% 14,155,167,229.36
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of listed Company 15,600,520,445.21 12,313,582,570.49 26.69% 14,144,950,462.04
less non-recurring gains and
losses (Yuan)
Net cash flow generated from
14,859,952,106.92 44,378,381,827.68 -66.52% 18,939,165,507.73
operating activities (Yuan)
Basic earnings per share
2.56 2.08 23.08% 2.35
(Yuan per Share)
Diluted earnings per share
2.56 2.08 23.08% 2.35
(Yuan per Share)
Weighted average return on net
30.41% 27.31% 3.10% 35.23%
Decrease over
At the end of 2016 At the end of 2015 At the end of 2014
the previous
Total asset (Yuan) 182,369,705,049.35 161,698,016,315.06 12.78% 156,230,948,479.88
Net asset attributable to
shareholders of listed Company 53,863,951,278.13 47,521,376,091.77 13.35% 44,152,654,824.68
VII. Accounting Data Differences under Domestic and Foreign Accounting
1. Differences in net profit and net assets in the financial report disclosed under international
accounting standards and that disclosed under domestic accounting standards
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no difference in net profit and net assets in the financial report disclosed under international accounting
standards and that disclosed under domestic accounting standards during the Report Period.
2. Differences in net profit and net assets in the financial report disclosed under overseas
accounting standards and that disclosed under domestic accounting standards
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There was no difference in net profit and net assets in the financial report disclosed under overseas accounting
standards and that disclosed under domestic accounting standards during the Report Period.
VIII. Quarter-based Main Financial Indicators
Unit: Yuan
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4
Operating incomes 24,640,675,696.66 24,542,144,380.03 33,245,891,313.38 25,873,853,903.63
Net profit attributable to
3,159,816,132.99 3,242,653,852.65 4,826,589,275.21 4,191,905,730.09
shareholders of listed company
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of listed
3,133,470,823.80 3,920,819,811.65 4,700,144,150.16 3,846,085,659.60
companies after deduction of
non-recurring profit and loss
Net cash flows from operating
6,117,619,903.98 5,337,251,013.81 2,707,392,718.78 697,688,470.35
Whether major differences exist between the above financial indicators or their sum and those in the disclosed quarterly
report and semi-annual report
□ Yes √ No
IX. Non-recurring Profit and Loss Items and Amounts
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: Yuan
Item Amount in 2016 Amount in 2015 Amount in 2014 Description
Profit and loss
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current
from disposal of
assets (including the provision for asset -12,245,120.40 -8,078,976.10 -13,604,321.23
impairment write-off part)
Governmental subsidies recorded into the rewards,
current gains and losses (excluding the technological
governmental subsidies closely relating to the innovation
960,287,886.56 1,160,736,574.04 681,875,856.67
business of the enterprise and enjoyed by a subsidies and
fixed quota or a fixed amount in accordance development
with the state policies) project grants,
Gains and losses of the fair value change of
the trading financial asset and liability held by Investment
the Company, investment income from the income, gains
disposal of the trading financial asset and -1,136,058,635.86 -916,913,668.52 -653,382,850.98 and losses from
liability and available-for-sale financial asset, changes in fair
except for the effective hedging business in value
relation to the normal operation of Company
Reversal of impairment provision for the
accounts receivable for which an independent 5,556,302.40
impairment test is conducted
Non-operating incomes and expenditures
28,307,584.72 37,595,046.55 -5,068,130.68
other than the above items
Less: Influence amount of income tax 17,078,192.05 44,984,019.01 -4,880,796.83
Item Amount in 2016 Amount in 2015 Amount in 2014 Description
Influence amount of minority equity (after tax) 8,325,279.64 9,494,709.79 4,484,583.29
Total -179,555,454.27 218,860,247.17 10,216,767.32 --
Explanation should be given for non-recurring profit and loss items defined by the Company according to Explanatory
Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public -- Non-recurring
Profit and Loss and for non-recurring profit and loss items which are listed in Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public -- Non-recurring Profit and Loss and defined
as recurring profit and loss items.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No non-recurring profit and loss items which are defined or listed in Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public -- Non-recurring Profit and Loss were defined by the
Company as recurring profit and loss items during the Report Period.
Section III Corporate Business Overview
I. Major Businesses Engaged in during the Report Period
1. Major businesses and position in industry
Currently, Gree runs two major brands of GREE and TOSOT, covering a wide range of
products such as residential air conditioners, central air conditioners, air source water
heaters, home appliances, industrial products and mobile phones. Gree has a number of
subsidiaries including Landa Compressor, Gree Electrical, Kaibang Motor, Xinyuan
Electronics, Intelligent Equipment, Precision Mould, and Renewable Resources, covering
the whole industry chain from upstream production of components to downstream
recycling of waste products.
Gree has developed products covering 20 major categories, 400 series and over 12,700
varieties, which have been sold to over 300 million users in over 160 countries and regions.
Here, the production and sales volume of Gree residential air conditioners has been No.1
in the air conditioner industry of China for 22 consecutive years since 1995, and taken the
lead in the world for 12 years since 2005.
According to the statistics of, the domestic market share of Gree residential
air conditioners reached 42.73% in 2016. According to the statistics of,
the domestic market share of Gree commercial air conditioners reached 16.2% and
maintained the first place for five consecutive years.
2. Industry Overview
According to the statistics of, due to the downward pressure on the overall
economy in China, the cumulative domestic sales volume of residential air conditioners
was 60,485,600 sets in 2016, indicating a year-on-year drop of 3.64%. Thanks to the
improved economic conditions abroad, the export volume increased by 9.74% as
compared to 2015, and 47,927,400 sets of air conditioners have been exported in total.
Among residential air conditioners, in addition to the intelligent characteristic of residential
air conditioners that becomes more and more significant, product energy efficiency, energy
saving and environmental protection also turn to be important conditions for a brand to
have a foothold in the market.
According to the statistics of, the overall capacity of China's central air
conditioner market in 2016 was about RMB70 billion, indicating an increase of 10% over
2015, and a trend of recovery on the market. The VRF units and unitary units were still the
products that drove the market growth in 2016. \"Coal-to-electricity\" became one of the
most noteworthy events in the HVAC industry in 2016. The significance of the air-source
heat pump water heater, the major product of \"coal-to-electricity\", is self-evident to the
whole HVAC industry. Especially under the situation that the central air conditioning project
market is relatively sluggish, it seems that \"coal-to-electricity\" brings another possibility for
the development of central air conditioner manufacturing enterprises.
In terms of brand concentration, as the industry brand concentration was further
enhanced, the brands of domestic home appliance series and those of domestic chillers
were combined into national brands to compete with American and European brands and
Japanese and Korean brands, creating a situation of tripartite confrontation. The overall
market share of nine major national brands including Gree has reached about 40%, far
higher than that of the other two camps, wherein Gree ranked first with the market share
of 16.2%.
II. Significant Changes in Major Assets
1. Significant changes in major assets
Major assets Significant changes
Equity assets None
Fixed assets None
Intangible assets None
Year-on-year decrease of 71%, caused by conversion to fixed assets from the
Construction in progress
construction in progress that has reached the intended usable condition
2. Major overseas assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
III. Core Competence Analysis
1. Brand advantage of worldwide reputation and firm channel discourse power
Gree is the largest state-controlled listed company integrating R&D, production, sales and
service in the world. The production and sales volume of Gree's residential air conditioners
has ranked No.1 in the air conditioner industry of China for 22 consecutive years since
1995, and taken the lead in the world for 12 consecutive years since 2005, securing its
leading position in the industry.
In 2016, Gree shouldered the responsibility of the state, regarded re-energizing \"Made in
China\" as its responsibility and implemented brand promotion and marketing by centering
on \"The Pillars of a Great Power\". Both the brand promotion effect and activity ranked in
the forefront of the industry: Gree won the \"China Brand Innovation Award\" granted by
People's Daily, \"Industry No.1 of Chinese Brand Integrity Enterprises\" conferred by the MS
Weekly periodical office of People's Daily and the editorial board of, and
the title of \"Ten Major Influential Events of 2016 China Business Leader Festival - Gree
Direct Marketing Storm on November 11\" awarded by the Southern Metropolis Daily.
According to the \"2016 China Brand Value Evaluation Information Session\" held by the
China Council for Brand Development and other organizations jointly, Gree got the first
place in the light industry group with the brand strength of 967 and the brand value of
RMB54.9 billion. The \"GREE\" brand has been deeply rooted in the hearts of people and
enjoys a worldwide reputation. It has established a good reputation among distributors and
consumers. Gree's air conditioners have ranked No.1 in terms of customer satisfaction for
five consecutive years. In the 2015 air conditioning product satisfaction evaluation results
issued by the China Association for Quality and National Consumer Committee, Gree's air
conditioners got the highest score of 84.4 points in customer satisfaction of air conditioning
brands, and ranked first in the industry in the sub-dimensions such as customer
satisfaction, loyalty, overall brand image and perceived quality of industry.
Gree owns 27 regional sales companies and 25,000 exclusive stores in China. Its channel
building ideas are unique in the home appliance industry and its channel mode is called \"a
novel marketing mode in the economic sphere of the 21st century\" in the academic circle.
While, the marketing mode of its \"self-built channel\" enables \"integrity\" of the enterprise to
be manifested throughout all phases from production to sales, thus ensuring that Gree
stands firm in the fierce competition of channels and firmly grasps the discourse power and
initiative of channels. At the same time, the company shows the advantage of solid online
and offline business layout. It maintains a good strategic partnership offline with Gome,
Suning and other large home appliance chain stores, and closely cooperates with
Jingdong, Tmall and other online shopping platforms.
2. World's largest production scale and a full range of product lines
Gree boasts 10 major production bases in the world, including Zhuhai, Chongqing, Hefei,
Zhengzhou, Wuhan, Shijiazhuang, Wuhu, Changsha, Brazil, and Pakistan, with the annual
capacity of residential air conditioners exceeding 60 million sets and that of commercial air
conditioners exceeding 5.5 million sets, and the production scale ranks first in the world.
Meanwhile, it has the perfect supporting capacity and the most complete industry chain in
the field, effectively ensuring independent production and supply of key components for air
Gree provides consumers with a wide range of products such as water purifiers, water
heaters, air conditionners, boilers, and household appliances, and has developed products
in 20 major categories, 400 series and over 12,700 specifications including residential air
conditioners and commercial air conditioners, and the perfect and complete product lines
can meet the general and personalized needs of customers at different levels. Gree's
products (including independent brands and OEM products) have been exported to more
than 210 regions and countries worldwide. Air conditioners of self-owned brand \"GREE\"
have been exported to more than 160 regions and countries around the world.
3. Opening up the upstream and downstream industry supply chains and boasting
powerful supply chain control
In addition to the world's maximum production scale and full range of production lines, the
company further opened up the upstream and downstream industry supply chains
including compressors, motors, capacitors, and enameled wire products, which greatly
enhanced the capability of the company in controlling the upstream and downstream
supply chains, and guarantees the production efficiency. Export of industrial products is
promoted vigorously as the internal demands are satisfied.
In the aspect of compressor industry, the \"three-cylinder two-stage compressor of variable
volume ratio\" independently developed by Gree was identified as the world leading level;
Gree's scroll compressors with class leading performance have pioneered the industry,
dismantling the monopolistic domination of foreign scroll compressor technologies; Gree
overcame the control technology of hybrid magnetic bearing and the control technology of
high power and high speed motor, and realized independent R&D of high power and high
speed motors.
In terms of motor industry, Gree developed 52 models of motors in 5 series of servo
motors, and successfully used them for injection molding and sheet metal manipulators
and 608 robots; it also developed a type of washing machine motor and put it into
production. In terms of capacitor industry, trial assembly of samples was completed for the
new energy automobile capacitor; and the 20A smart power module sample has been put
into the reliability test.
In the aspect of enameled wire products, Gree focused on development of new products
for new energy automobile such as corona resistant enameled wires and aluminum
enameled wires, and grasped the key production technology and process requirements to
meet the market demands in more fields.
4. Perfect independent innovation system and strong technology R&D strength
Adhering to the philosophy of \"Science and technology change life; science and technology
create life\" and insisting on \"Independent research and development of core technologies\",
Gree is dedicated to construction of the independent innovation system, and promotes the
enterprise to realize strategic transformation from \"scale driven performance growth\" to
\"innovation driven sustainable development\" by focusing on \"creating an innovative culture
of self transcendence, building a highly integrated R&D system, possessing original core
technologies, and constructing a full range of product series\".
As the largest air conditioner R&D center in the world, Gree currently has more than 8,000
scientific researchers, 2 state-level technology research centers, 1 state-level industrial
design center, and 1 provincial-level key laboratory of enterprise; it has established 7
academies, 52 institutes and 632 laboratories; Gree has applied for over 27,000
technology patents in total, including more than 10,000 invention patents.
Gree is the only enterprise in the home appliance industry of China that does not set the
upper limit for scientific research input, and the input depends on the need. In recent years,
its investment in scientific research exceeded RMB4 billion. Gree regards the national
standards and international standards as thresholds and consumer demands as the highest
standards, pursues perfection in R&D, and accumulates experience steadily. Now, it boasts
15 world leading core technologies. Particularly, the pioneering PV air conditioner has made
a great contribution to the human life and the nice environment. Gree undertook 29 major
national science and technology projects, and won 2 second prizes of national science and
technology progress, 1 second prize of national technical invention, 2 gold awards of China
appearance design and 10 China patent excellence awards.
5. Powerful cost control capability and financial strength
Gree sets quality technical standards for internal control that are far above national
standards to ensure high reliability of products, and never delivers immature or unqualified
products to consumers. Gree establishes unique screening plants in the industry for
implementing comprehensive check on all purchased parts; issues bans of the president
and promotes the \"Eight Prohibitions\" policy; and implements strict quality control in all
phases including trial preparation of new products, incoming inspection of components and
parts, product manufacturing, transportation and installation so as to feasibly guarantee
product quality. It also established and implemented “Gree‘s Comprehensive Quality
Control Mode – T9 Management System” oriented by customer demands and social
responsibilities to implement overall control on product quality. This also made Gree
famous for its excellent product quality.
Gree procures raw materials in a centralized manner to give full play to the scale
advantages of the group, improve the bargaining power of procurement, and effectively
control the procurement cost; it carries out regular or irregular special analysis on
important raw material consumption differences to promote cost control of key materials
and improve the material utilization efficiency of branch plants; it adopts positive measures
such as the domestic first settlement mode of \"quota-based material requisition and
settlement\", increasing the equipment utilization (including storage equipment), and
reducing office costs to lower the manufacturing and routine office costs continuously.
Nowadays, when corporate loans prevail in China and many household electric appliance
enterprises are trapped in hardship, Gree still maintains an abundant cash flow, and its
powerful financial advantage is obvious.
6. Management innovation, talent innovation and cultural innovation
Gree follows the management policy of \"Be Fair, Be Open, Be Dedicated\". The company
strengthens management by relying on institutional building, cultural construction and staff
training, with a view to enhancing the internal core competitiveness. At the same time, it
attaches importance to system establishment and keeps strictly the rules for reward and
punishment to guarantee benefits and quality through system construction. Management of
Gree also focuses on details such as a piece of paper and a drop of water, and strict and
standardized management has enabled Gree to gain a momentum for rapid development.
Gree has a complete talent training system of \"selection, cultivation, appointment and
retention\" to promote competent employees and degrade incapable ones, providing a
career path for all kinds of talents. It has established an effective incentive system to
inspire employees' sense of honor and enthusiasm. For example, the cadre performance
management system has operated for years, and the performance oriented evaluation
mechanism has become a self-exercise and growth platform for middle-level cadres of the
company. The increasingly perfect talent management mechanism has laid a solid
foundation for sustainable development of the company.
The corporate culture of Gree regards \"truth, faith, honesty, novelty and courtesy\" as the
core sense of worth, \"loyalty, friendship, hardworking and aggressiveness\" as the
enterprise spirit and \"less empty talk and more real work\" as the working attitude.
Meanwhile, Gree is committed to people-centered principles to persist in innovation and
strive for excellence, and make contributions to quality improvement of the human life and
social progress.
Due to implementation of corporate management and personnel and cultural innovation
initiatives, Gree increased its overall production efficiency by 10.5% in 2016. The number
of workers needed was reduced by 4,294, which is equivalent to 2,244 persons when
working hours are taken into account.
Section IV Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation
I. Overview
(I) General description
The year of 2016 is the first year of China's Thirteenth Five-year Plan, as well as the first
year of supply-side reform and a crucial year for the home appliance industry.
This year is also the first year for Gree to start transformation. By virtue of its courage and
wisdom of reform, Gree regarded \"transformation, breakthrough and innovation\" as its
guiding ideology of annual operations, objectively analyzed the economic situation at
home and abroad, actively adapted itself to changes of the times, and sped up industrial
transformation in the fields such as intelligent equipment, smart home and mould on the
precondition of consolidating the existing air conditioner market share. The company's net
profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company in the year increased by 23.05%
over last year when the overall income was kept basically stable.
This year Gree also became one of the first enterprises in the responsibility extension pilot
list of electric appliance and electronic product manufacturers released by the Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology. This greatly affirmed the performance of Gree in the
sustainable development and recycling field of waste electronic products and electric
appliances, and played an important role in development of the renewable resource
industry in the entire home appliance industry and green transformation of the electric
appliance and electronic product industry.
Gree did hard work in the year, and adopted environment-friendly practices to design and
produce healthy, energy-saving and green products. Its three independently developed
technologies or products, namely, efficient permanent magnet synchronous inverter
centrifugal ice cool storage unit of dual operating conditions, cooling technology at the
ambient temperature of -40°C and the three-cylinder two-stage compressor of variable
volume ratio, were identified and deemed to reach the world leading level. Gree seized the
opportunity of \"coal-to-electricity\" policy, and developed innovative heat pump heating
products for all types of buildings. Moreover, it won the bid for \"coal-to-electricity\" projects
in Beijing, Shanxi and Tianjin many times, giving full play to the scale effect of industry
giants and winning the market opportunities and a good reputation among users. The
accumulative quantity of authorized patents of the company reached 15,862 as of
December 31, 2016, and the total quantity of authorized invention patents reached 911 in
the whole year of 2016. Gree ranked No.7 in the national invention patent list and No.1 in
the home appliance industry in 2016.
This year Gree increased the installation fee by RMB100 for installation workers and
increased the wage of each employee by RMB1,000. From shareholders to installation
workers and to employees, Gree's benefits were distributed to all the stakeholders so that
they shared the development achievements and the social responsibility was further
Gree stood out from numerous Asian famous brands, and was appraised as \"the most
trusted brand in Asia\" by the international brand consulting group of America in 2016. In
addition, in the \"2016 China Brand Value Evaluation Information Session\" held by the
China Council for Brand Development and other organizations jointly, Gree got the first
place in the light industry group by relying on its brand strength of 967 and brand value of
RMB54.9 billion. Gree's air conditioners were also stationed in all kinds of Olympic venues
in Rio of Brazil, and created \"three uniquenesses\" of Chinese air conditioner brand in the
Rio Olympic Games project. \"Direct Marketing Storm on November 11\"conducted by Gree
was awarded the title of \"Ten Major Influential Events of 2016 China Business Leader
Festival\" by the Southern Metropolis Daily.
In 2016, the company regarded \"transformation, breakthrough and innovation\" as its
guiding ideology of annual operations, objectively analyzed the economic situation at
home and abroad, and actively adapted itself to changes of the times. In the
macroenvironment of industrial destocking and upgrading of air conditioning products,
Gree made great efforts continuously to make innovation and strive for excellence,
achieved a breakthrough in perspectives of informatization, intelligence, diversity and
multiple channels by carrying out the innovation driven strategy, promoting the diversified
industry development and strengthening the strategic decisions such as deep integration
of informatization with the manufacturing process, and made a lot of innovation
achievements in the four aspects of platform, standard, management and talent.
The year of 2016 was also the critical year during which the company started adjustment
and transformation. On the premise of consolidating the existing air conditioner market
share, the company accelerated industry transformation in the intelligent equipment, mould
and other fields. The company achieved the gross revenue of RMB110.1 billion for the year,
indicating an increase of 9.5% over last year; it achieved the net profit of RMB15.4 billion
attributable to shareholders of the listed company, indicating an increase of 23.05% over
last year.
In 2016, the high-efficiency permanent-magnet synchronous inverter centrifugal ice-
storage chiller developed independently by Gree was identified and deemed to reach the
world leading level by the Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province;
the cooling technology at the ambient temperature of -40°C was identified and deemed to
reach the world leading level; and the research and application of the three-cylinder two-
stage compressor of variable volume ratio was recognized as international initiative and
deemed to reach the world leading level. The Underwriters Laboratories (UL) issued the
first UL certificate of heat pump water heater to Gree, and Gree's PV centrifugal chiller and
low-temperature heating VRF were awarded the AHRI certificate of the United States.
Besides, the company won the \"China Brand Innovation Award\" granted by People's Daily
for the brand building field; the \"Industry No.1 of Chinese Brand Integrity Enterprises\"
conferred by the MS Weekly periodical office of People's Daily and the editorial board of; the title of \"Ten Major Influential Events of 2016 China Business Leader
Festival-Gree Direct Marketing Storm on November 11\" awarded by the Southern
Metropolis Daily.
Due to its courage of representing \"Made in China\" and initiative of fulfilling corporate
responsibilities, the company won the \"Annual Enterprise Award of the Eleventh People's
Corporate Social Responsibility Award\" issued by Gree has always maintained
the leading position in the air conditioner industry at home and abroad, and won the title of
\"2016 Meritorious Manufacturing Enterprise in Guangdong\" awarded by Guangdong
Manufacturers Association and Guangdong Association for the Promotion of Industrial
Development; the title of \"Top 50 Manufacturing Enterprises in Guangdong Province\"
awarded by Guangdong Manufacturers Association, Guangdong Research Institute for
Industry Development and the Enterprise Competitiveness Research Center of
Guangdong Academy of Social Sciences; and the honors such as \"2016 Ten Major Air
Conditioner Export Enterprises in China\" and \"2016 Ten Smart Home Appliance Export
Enterprises in China\" issued by China Chamber of Commerce for Machinery and
Electronic Products Import and Export.
(II) Transformation, Innovation and Breakthrough in 2016
1. Four major transformations: informatization, intelligence, diversity and multiple
(1) Informatization transformation: Promoting in-depth integration of informatization
and industrialization for enhanced development
In 2016, the company laid out the informatization strategy by centering on the main
direction of deeply integrating informatization with industrialization, and put an emphasis
on construction of a fully integrated information platform for real-time sharing. Horizontally,
the upstream and downstream were extended and got through using the procurement
collaboration platform and sales collaboration platform to support efficient collaboration in
the supply chain and maintain competitiveness of the company on the whole chain.
Vertically, the MES was used to connect through the field operators and the management,
support fine management and maintain high efficiency of field operation.
The company has completed the implementation of ERP, MES and WMS systems in
Changsha and other new bases, providing a uniform core information platform for the new
In 2016, Gree's intelligent manufacturing project obtained approval to become the national
intelligent manufacturing special project and Guangdong intelligent manufacturing
demonstration project of 2016. Seven internal management systems were built up in the
company's manufacturing system, including the HR system, synergistic system, cost
system, equipment system, information system, production centralized control system, and
operation performance system. Currently, all the departments have formed the operating
model focusing on self-management and supplemented by functional supervision, further
enhancing the management level of production system and the prevention and control
Besides, the manufacturing system centering on \"double benefit\" was established to
operate the management system, and the overall productivity of the company was
increased by 10.5% in 2016. The number of workers needed was reduced by 4,294, which
is equivalent to 2,244 persons when working hours are taken into account; the total cost
amount of the year was reduced by about RMB387 million by implementing the projects
such as new process development and utilization, quality inspection procedure
optimization and production line arrangement optimization.
(2) Intelligent transformation: Implementing supply-side reform to take the lead in
the air conditioner industry
The upgrading of consumption and development of Internet and Internet of things
accelerated the process of product intelligence. Product intelligence not only changes the
product functions of the enterprise, but also promotes industry changes, bringing great
opportunities for enterprise transformation and upgrading. In 2016, Gree kept up with the
times, implemented the supply-side reform, and seized the opportunity to transform and
upgrade to product intelligence.
In terms of the inverter technology and product R&D, 10 major series and 15 main models
(including 40 sub-models) of Gree's air conditioners were all selected as \"Energy
Efficiency Leader\" air conditioning products of 2016 publicized by the Ministry of Industry
and Information Technology. Gree completed design and development of multiple new and
intelligent energy-saving inverter air conditioners such as Rose Ⅱ, I-Cool, T-Fresh,
Goldshell floor standing unit, inverter air conditioner Enjoy, BPJG, which were significantly
improved in aspects of space saving and intelligence. Moreover, the company mastered
the three core technologies, including carrying the photosensitive sensor, the global
original self-cleaning technology of evaporator, and the intelligent voice control technology.
Gree independently developed the high-end inverter washing machine series products in
the new field and the pure electric vehicle air conditioner with a highly efficient and reliable
heat pump.
To gain market share, Gree adjusted the product sales structure in 2016, and successively
launched a variety of first-class energy efficiency inverter air conditioners, among which
the high-end residential air conditioners represented by the \"Energy Efficiency Leader-Run
Series\" received a very positive response from the market; the company constantly
strengthened promotion and publicity of intelligent air conditioning products, e.g., Enjoy
and Junyue equipped with the Wi-Fi function, in an effort to provide consumers with the
most considerate products.
In terms of R&D of intelligent products, Gree, on the basis of completing local and remote
control of a single machine, integrated the residential air conditioner, commercial air
conditioner, household appliance and intelligent routing to work out an integrated smart
home solution for linkage induction control; it developed household Goldshell local voice
and App voice control, subsequently developed the functions such as voice dialog and
facial recognition at the same time, and successfully used them for Gree medium/high-end
air conditioners; it added intelligent Wi-Fi functions to water purifier, kitchen three-piece
suit, electric fan and some special air conditioners, and studied the functions such as
intelligent mode, intelligent network distribution, and data reporting.
In the aspect of R&D of commercial air conditioning products, Gree developed products by
focusing on the concept of energy saving, environmental protection and intelligent
interconnection, and created Gree intelligent residential central air conditioning system
integrating multiple functions such as air conditioning, floor heating, hot water, lighting,
temperature control and intelligent control; it developed GMV Shurui multi-function
residential VRF unit to meet the air conditioning requirements of kitchen, bathroom, living
room and dining room at the same time; it won the bidding for the MS01 nuclear power
centrifugal chiller project and MS02 nuclear power air-cooled screw unit project to enter
the nuclear power market; it developed the ultra-low temperature wall-mounted heat pump
floor heating residential central air conditioner successfully and placed it on the northern
part of the country.
(3) Diversified transformation: Maintaining the leading position in the air-
conditioning sector and exploiting emerging areas
On July 23, 2016, Gree officially announced its entry into the era of diversification at the
Second China Manufacturing Summit Forum. Gree extended from the air conditioner
manufacturing technology by centering on the two sectors of smart home appliances and
intelligent manufacturing, brought into play the synergistic effect from products to
equipment, and achieved the development objective of advancing in line on a number of
tracks, namely, heading for depth in the traditional fields such as home appliance
manufacturing and constantly exploiting the boundary in the emerging fields such as
intelligent equipment manufacturing.
① Developing household appliances towards fine quality, diversification and
In 2016, the company completed 346 household appliance development projects in total,
among which IH rice cookers were promoted among media outlets nationwide through the
National People's Congress, and thus covering the high-, and mid-to-low end markets
comprehensively; the wastewater challenges was resolved for water purifiers, and the
realized waste water/clean water ratio of 1:1 kept the water purification technology of Gree
stable at the forefront of the industry; the 2nd-generation apple-shape rice cooker has
gained popularity for its design aesthetics and unique creativeness.
② Strengthening R&D of communication technologies by taking smart home as the
entry points
With the product diversification and smart home as the entry points, Gree explored the
way forward for household consumer electronics, communication and industrial control
chips, and developed the chips with independent intellectual property rights. In 2016, Gree
focused on R&D of intelligent interaction, intelligent connection and intelligent cloud
platform, connected its products to the smart home system, and provided access for third
party manufacturers through the wireless module, \"Gree +\" App and open interface of
cloud platform, formulating a smart home ecosystem of Gree. Wireless connection has
been achieved on all the key products of Gree such as Painting Era air conditioner,
Goldshell air conditioner, Rose air conditioner, dehumidifier, rice cooker, air purifier, water
purifier, intelligent range hood, disinfection cabinet plug-in, and washing machine, and
remote control, fault alarm and maintenance services can be implemented through
\"Gree+\" App for all the products.
Gree put the 2G mobile phones into mass production in 2016, and the 2G mobile phone
with a 5.5-inch screen and 3G mobile phone with a 6-inch screen are in the R&D stage.
Gree also established the complete and professional development processes and
standards for mobile phone software, hardware, structure and test, and gathered a certain
R&D strength in the mobile phone business.
③ Transforming and upgrading to the intelligent equipment industry and mould
manufacturing industry to cultivate new profit growth points
In 2016, Gree gradually occupied the international and domestic high-end equipment
market while completing transformation and upgrading of its own manufacturing system.
This year, Gree mainly completed development of products such as the 750W servo driver
based on the Ethernet bus type, three-axis and five-axis manipulator control systems, bus
type motion controller, and compressor automatic on-line.
For the mould industry, Gree put an emphasis on research and application of new
technologies and new materials such as spray-free injection molding of metal effect, in-
mould hot cutting technology, PT-25 spool, integrated forward inclined centrifugal fan blade
mould, and 3D printing technology to implement green manufacturing of moulds.
Meanwhile, Gree improved the automation and information level of mould making to
realize intelligent manufacturing of moulds.
④ Achieving intermediate results in PV products, PV systems and industrial touch
screens by relying on PV air conditioners
The transition of PV air conditioners indicates the development of multiple models based
on the existing PV centrifugal chiller and PV VRF unit, including the PV VRF for All Power
Supply Application, single-phase side air outlet PV VRF unit, and airborne converter of
560KW PV centrifuge, so as to satisfy different occasions and needs. Gree PV systems
have been sold in many regions at home and abroad.
The self-made 1G 12-inch industrial touch screen was been put into mass production and
all the centrifugal units were switched uniformly in August, and all the machines operated
properly; Gree made a breakthrough in technologies for the 7-inch industrial touch screen
and high-end 23.8-inch industrial PC, and mastered the core technologies.
⑤ Sticking to the strategic direction of \"Saving, green, environmental protection
and resource regeneration\" for sustainable development to formulate a closed loop
industrial chain of resource regeneration and adhering to green ecological
The self-built channel, cost reduction project and management system construction project
were completed in the renewable resource sector, and the four bases (Changsha,
Zhengzhou, Wuhu, and Shijiazhuang) passed the three-in-one system (18000, 14000 and
9000 systems) review conducted by the certification body SGS and received the
corresponding certificate in June.
(4) Channel transformation: Building a platform to strengthen cooperation and
making great efforts through online and offline linkage
Gree owns 27 regional sales companies in China and nearly 30,000 exclusive stores
throughout the world. Gree observes the rule that the market emerges before factories,
and its unique channel construction idea was distinguished in the home appliance industry.
In 2016, Gree set up an innovative management model of sales company based on the
original offline channel, and established Gree image stores and flagship stores in urban
cities, highlighting the brand image of Gree exclusive stores and enhancing the experience
of consumers. In addition, Gree established 20 new TOSOT home appliance stores in all
regions throughout the country. Gree also paid more attention to entry into offline stores in
2016. Based on the original situation that all the sales companies cooperated with Gome
stores, Gree signed agreements with Suning and entered more than 740 Suning stores.
With the rapid scale expansion of China's online shopping industry, the necessity of
accelerating interconnection between the traditional manufacturing industry with Internet
has become a consensus of the industry. In this situation, Gree carried out the strategic
planning for online sales of Gree brand, and made huge investment to build its own
comprehensive e-commerce sales platform \"GREE Mall\". It focused on layout on the most
influential third party e-commerce platforms in China such as Jingdong mall, Tmall, Gome
and, ensured customer resource sharing with domestic key accounts (KAs),
and achieved brilliant sales performance in great promotion activities such as June 18,
June 28, November 11 and December 12, wherein air conditioners topped the sales list of
similar products in the home appliance industry on JDcom platform, and the two major
brands KINGHOME and TOSOT were also outstanding in the e-commerce home
appliance category.
In 2016, the online e-commerce sales volume of the company reached RMB4,580 million
(excluding the sales volume on Taobao), increased by 91.14% over last year, wherein the
year-on-year increase on JDcom was 93.15% and that on Tmall was 84.42%; the year-on-
year increase of Gree air conditioners on JDcom reached 145.5% in the refrigeration year
of 2017 (August to December 2016), the sales volume of Gree air conditioners on JDcom
in the \"June 18\" Shopping Festival of 2016 exceeded RMB380 million, and the sales
volume of Gree air conditioners exceeded RMB310 million in the \"November 11\" Shopping
Festival, topping the list of the air conditioner industry. According to statistics, the
cumulative online and offline sales volume of Gree exceeded RMB3.4 billion during the
\"November 11\" period of 2016, nearly doubled over the same period last year.
2. Four major innovations and breakthroughs: Platform, standard, management and
(1) Platform innovation: Building an innovation foundation platform to achieve
technical breakthroughs
In 2016, Gree further improved the science and technology innovation system of the
enterprise by centering on construction of the six major innovation foundation platforms:
national public scientific research platform, intellectual property strategy management
platform, standard strategy management platform, integrated R&D design platform,
infrastructure testing platform, and information technology support platform.
The establishment and operation of the national public scientific research platform has
become the core power for Gree to make innovations. Based on the two national technical
research centers, namely, the existing national engineering research center and national
enterprise technology center, the company added the two national scientific research
platforms(the key state laboratory and state-level industrial design center) to further build
the innovation chain focusing on \"basic research-industrial design-engineering-production-
In construction of the intellectual property strategy management platform, the company
established the special intellectual property office in 2016, and used intellectual property
rights in the three aspects of innovation driving, free use, and legal monopoly to help the
company to expand the market share, enhance the added value of product intellectual
property rights and increase the brand value. The company applied for 5,976 patents in the
whole year, including 3,662 invention patents and 871 authorized invention patents,
increased by 100% as compared to the previous year.
In terms of construction of the standard strategy management platform, Gree completed
platform planning for 38 categories of products such as residential air conditioners,
commercial air conditioners, and household appliances, combined the product platform to
complete use planning for 504 categories of key materials, and created material libraries
for all kinds of product platforms. Gree worked out regulations on all kinds of product
platforms and material use, and sorted out development processes of the company to
improve the document template and the review and signing process, making sure the
product platform and material planning are strictly implemented in the product
development process.
In the aspect of building the integrated R&D design platform, the company performed
orderly development for the planning project of each product under the overall planning of
project management in 2016. It completed 2,427 product projects, 401 technical research
projects, 280 process research projects, and 165 management innovation projects in the
whole year.
Regarding construction of the infrastructure testing platform, the company established a
strategic cooperation partnership with an international authoritative certification and testing
institution in 2016, and received the comprehensive strategic partner certificate of smart
home product evaluation, testing and certification issued by SGS. Gree successively built
the household appliance energy efficiency laboratory, automobile air conditioning
laboratory, air purifier energy efficiency laboratory, and the inverter master process
monitoring system, and constantly improved the testing function of the existing laboratory
to provide users with more reliable, safe, comfortable and energy-saving products.
In terms of construction of the information technology support platform, the company
vigorously promoted integrated application of multiple information systems, e.g., to use big
data to establish a multidimensional analysis basis and implement flexible combination
and query analysis based on analysis dimensions; to integrate the PLM system of the HQ
with that of each subsidiary company to share the design and R&D business resources;
and to realize the standardization of design and coordination between design and process
to build an integrated closed loop change management system of digital design and
(2) Standard innovation: Customer-oriented, strict quality control
① Using the most strict standards and means to develop and manufacture products
By relying on the Comprehensive Quality Control Mode – T9 Management System that is
responsive to the needs of customer demands and social responsibilities, Gree studied the
quality standard of residential air conditioner products, and delivered the full set of
corresponding scientific research achievements from parts to overall units; studied key
points of air conditioners for nuclear power projects and other core quality projects, and
used key management points in the nuclear power quality system as reference to
promoted their application in other air conditioner products; comprehensively implemented
the strict quality management mode to deliver the special control requirements of key
materials, and to strengthen the inspection control requirements, experimental verification
control requirements and the approval and release requirements of department head.
② Carrying out reliability research with a view to improving the quality
In 2016, the company organized the structure, system, electrical component, controller,
and process working teams to start the ten-year life research, and carried out 113 projects
in total in the year according to the detailed analysis on after-sales failures, covering the
core after-sales issues related to key components such as compressor, four-way valve,
motor, motion mechanism, and controller. The research findings of all the projects have
been included in the design specifications, inspection specifications and process
documents to start control and improve the quality of products and parts at
(3) Management innovation: Strengthening institutional building to promote
sustainable development of enterprise
In 2016, the company promulgated the Supervision and Management Measures to
constantly improve the supervision and reporting mechanism. More than 60 complaints of
all types were accepted through channels such as president mailbox, e-mail, letter, and
call. The supervision unit carried out careful investigation for all the complaints, and
punished the responsible person seriously once the fact was verified, creating an open
and transparent atmosphere. The company carried audit projects from the aspects such as
the company's procurement, material consumption, expenditure, subsidiary control and
infrastructural project settlement by aiming to sound internal control, improved operating
management and increased economic benefit.
In 2016, Gree fully implemented the safety subject management responsibility system of
\"one position with two responsibilities\" for safe production, steadily promoted the
investigation and rectification of hidden dangers, and carried out special supervision and
inspection work. It improved the lighting environment of workshop operation, and
completed the special rectification work of harmful positions, annual monitoring plan for
occupational health, on-site harmful substance detection of position operation, and
occupational disease protection pre-evaluation of new projects, ensuring the occupational
health of employees. There were no major safety accidents, occupational disease
accidents, and environmental pollution accidents in the company in 2016.
(4) Talent innovation: Reinforcing talent training to meet the diversified talent
① Recruitment and training of skilled workers
Gree adopted the strategy of going out and introducing talents, through school-enterprise
cooperation for instance, to introduce more skilled workers. It carried out the skill grade
evaluation for the second batch of skilled workers, performed position skill grade
evaluation for 408 persons in 16 work types, and granted skill allowance to skilled workers
according to the allowance standard for skills at different levels and the actual work days.
② Creating a talent pool and deepening personnel training
Gree organized to implement the 2016 college student cultivation work called \"Dreaming
Gree\", special training camp of excellent supervisors, and the pilot school of team leaders,
helped the front-line managers to reserve basic management knowledge and skills and
improve the capability of finding and solving problems, worked out the annual learning plan
for all members by combining business innovation, performance breakthrough and
capability improvement, and irregularly organized a series of lectures of experts at the
technology frontier in numerous fields to broaden the horizon of technology R&D talents.
③ Perfecting the personnel assignment mechanism of the group to promote the
utilization of human resources within the group
The company further improved the personnel assignment mechanism based on change
adjustment of the sales and production plan, specified the assignment principle and
division of labor, and smoothly fixed the staff shortage and surplus contradiction between
different companies through personnel assignment in the group.
④ Strengthening the shift of thinking and enhancing the quality of cadres
The company strengthened the publicity and education work of conduct and clean
government, organized all the party members of the company to carry out the learning and
educational activity called \"Two Studies, One Action\", and completed activities of the
discipline education and learning month of 2016.
All the cadres are required to be enterprising with the spirit of challenge, dare to
emancipate the mind and break away from conventions, and acquire the regulating ability,
decision making ability and coping ability. Gree organized the management cadre reading
association, sorted out and recommended the reading list of one term every two months,
and helped wide management cadres to construct a compound knowledge structure and
widen the working field of view.
II. Analysis on principal businesses
1. Overview
See the description in \"Overview\" of \"Discussion and Analysis of Business Operation\".
2. Revenue and cost
(1) Composition of operating income
Unit: Yuan
2016 2015 Increase/
Decrease over
Proportion in Proportion in
Amount Amount the previous
Operating Income Operating Income
Total operating
108,302,565,293.70 100% 97,745,137,194.16 100% 10.80%
Categorized by industry
appliances 93,187,780,602.40 86.04% 87,930,981,568.34 89.96% 5.98%
Other businesses 15,114,784,691.30 13.96% 9,814,155,625.82 10.04% 54.01%
Categorized by product
Air Conditioner 88,085,431,144.00 81.33% 83,717,936,071.67 85.65% 5.22%
1,717,749,799.40 1.59% 1,522,676,680.86 1.56% 12.81%
Other main
3,384,599,659.00 3.13% 2,690,368,815.81 2.75% 25.80%
Other businesses 15,114,784,691.30 13.96% 9,814,155,625.82 10.04% 54.01%
Categorized by region
76,937,875,361.69 71.04% 74,596,089,512.78 76.32% 3.14%
16,249,905,240.71 15.00% 13,334,892,055.56 13.64% 21.86%
Other businesses 15,114,784,691.30 13.96% 9,814,155,625.82 10.04% 54.01%
(2) Industry, product, or region accounting for more than 10% of the Company's operating
income or operating profit
Unit: Yuan
Increase or Increase or Increase or
Gross Decrease of Decrease of Decrease of
Operating incomes Operating Cost Profit Operating Operating Gross Profit
Margin Income over Cost over Margin over
Last Year Last Year Last Year
Categorized by industry
appliances 93,187,780,602.40 58,696,494,773.92 37.01% 5.98% 2.26% 2.29%
Categorized by product
Air Conditioner 88,085,431,144.00 54,139,594,914.83 38.54% 5.22% 1.04% 2.54%
Categorized by region
Domestic 76,937,875,361.69 45,233,448,281.99 41.21% 3.14% -2.26% 3.25%
Overseas 16,249,905,240.71 13,463,046,491.93 17.15% 21.86% 21.09% 0.53%
In case of adjustment of statistical caliber for the Company's main business data during the Report Period, main
business data after statistical caliber adjustment at the end of the Report Period in the recent year
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(3) Physical item income is higher than service income √ Yes □ No
(4) Fulfillment of major sales contracts signed by the Company by the end of the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(5) Composition of operating cost
Unit: Yuan
2016 2015 Increase/
Industry Proportion to Proportion to Decrease over
Category Amount Operating Amount Operating the previous
Cost Cost year
Raw material 50,686,746,372.66 86.35% 49,475,367,352.33 86.20% 0.15%
Labor wage 3,045,769,786.11 5.19% 2,857,770,151.94 4.98% 0.21%
Depreciation 888,033,503.41 1.51% 718,107,626.91 1.25% 0.26%
Energy 570,886,040.26 0.97% 530,054,999.43 0.92% 0.05%
(6) Changes in the consolidation scope occurred during the Report Period
√ Yes □ No
① Establishment of subsidiaries
Amount of Amount of
subscribed paid-in Net assets of
Net profit of the
Equity Time point capital capital Ratio of the end of the
Company period
acquisition of equity contribution contribution contribution period
Name (ten thousand
mode acquisition (ten (ten (%) (ten thousand
thousand thousand Yuan)
Yuan) Yuan)
Gree Precision
Mold (Wuhan) Establishment 8,000.00 8,000.00 100.00 9,250.70 1,250.70
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree
Precision Mold Establishment 10,000.00 10,000.00 100.00 10,729.95 729.95
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree
New Material Establishment March 2016 3,000.00 3,000.00 100.00 3,003.19 3.19
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree
Environment Establishment May 2016 20,000.00 20,000.00 100.00 19,693.35 -306.65
Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric
Establishment April 2016 30,000.00 30,000.00 100.00 29,983.76 -16.24
Co., Ltd.
② Disposal of subsidiaries
The Company was not involved in disposal of subsidiaries in the current period.
③ Changes in the consolidation scope arising from other causes
The Company was not involved in changes in the consolidation scope arising from other causes in the
current period.
(7) Major changes or adjustment of businesses, products or services during the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(8) Major sales customers and suppliers of the Company
Major sales customers
Total sales amount of 5 top customers (RMB) 23,226,504,349.02
Proportion of total sales amount of 5 top customers to the annual sales volume 21.09%
Information of 5 top customers
Serial Number Customer Name Sales Volume (Yuan) Proportion to Annual Sales Volume
1 First 5,228,133,544.67 4.75%
2 Second 5,155,193,209.64 4.68%
3 Third 4,515,539,732.88 4.10%
4 Fourth 4,318,366,377.22 3.92%
5 Fifth 4,009,271,484.61 3.64%
Total -- 23,226,504,349.02 21.09%
Other description of major customers
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Major suppliers of the Company
Total amount of purchase of top 5 suppliers (RMB) 11,099,378,125.82
Percentage to the total amount of annual purchase 20.34%
Information about top 5 suppliers of the Company
Serial Percentage to the total amount of
Name of supplier Amount of purchase (yuan)
Number annual purchase
1 First 4,461,559,823.86 8.17%
2 Second 3,046,563,469.67 5.58%
3 Third 1,330,117,211.46 2.44%
4 Fourth 1,274,772,351.17 2.34%
5 Fifth 986,365,269.66 1.81%
Total -- 11,099,378,125.82 20.34%
Other information about the major suppliers
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Expenses
Unit: Yuan
2016 2015 Decrease over Description of the material change
the previous year
Sales expense 16,477,265,963.04 15,506,341,694.21 6.26%
Overhead Expense 5,488,955,551.20 5,048,746,635.48 8.72%
Mainly attributable to the increase of
Financial expense -4,845,546,598.04 -1,928,797,250.18 151.22%
exchange gains
4. Investment in research and development
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
5. Cash flows
Unit: Yuan
Increase/ Description
Decrease over
Item 2016
the previous
Sub-total of cash inflows from
75,515,435,932.31 118,796,508,123.64 -36.43%
operating activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
60,655,483,825.39 74,418,126,295.96 -18.49%
operating activities
Mainly attributable to
Net cash flows from operating the decrease of cash
14,859,952,106.92 44,378,381,827.68 -66.52%
activities received from sales of
Sub-total of cash inflows from
3,440,714,420.01 1,179,307,976.84 191.76%
investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
22,687,267,114.11 5,892,462,841.32 285.02%
investing activities
Mainly attributable to
reclassification of the
time deposits of more
Net Cash Flow from
-19,246,552,694.10 -4,713,154,864.48 308.36% than one year to other
Investment Activities
cash payments
relating to investing
Increase/ Description
Decrease over
Item 2016
the previous
Sub-total of cash inflows from
14,492,936,150.59 11,354,411,980.55 27.64%
financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
20,244,496,336.04 19,037,433,985.61 6.34%
financing activities
Net Cash Flow from Financing
-5,751,560,185.45 -7,683,022,005.06 -25.14%
Net increase in cash and cash
-6,043,656,822.39 33,858,545,732.13 -117.85%
Major factors that result in major changes in relevant data
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
III. Non-core business analysis
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV. Assets and liabilities
1. Major changes in assets composition
Unit: Yuan
At the end of 2016 At the end of 2015
Change of
Proportion to total Proportion to total
Amount Amount proportion
assets assets
Monetary capital 95,613,130,731.47 52.43% 88,819,798,560.53 54.93% -2.50%
Accounts receivable 2,960,534,651.37 1.62% 2,879,212,111.93 1.78% -0.16%
Inventories 9,024,905,239.41 4.95% 9,473,942,712.51 5.86% -0.91%
Investment real estate 597,736,633.95 0.33% 491,540,849.66 0.30% 0.03%
Long-term equity
103,913,171.51 0.06% 95,459,187.55 0.06% 0.00%
Fixed assets 17,681,655,478.06 9.70% 15,431,813,077.20 9.54% 0.16%
Construction in
581,543,756.84 0.32% 2,044,837,830.02 1.26% -0.94%
Short-term borrowing 10,701,081,645.32 5.87% 6,276,660,136.03 3.88% 1.99%
2. Assets and liabilities measured by fair value
Unit: Yuan
Accumulated Depreciation
Gains and Amount of Amount of
Amount at fair value reserves Amount at
losses from buying in selling out
Item the beginning changes withdrawn the end of
changes in fair during the during the
of the period recognized in during the the period
value period period
equity period
Financial assets
1. Financial
assets measured
by fair value and
their changes
recognized in the
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
gains and losses
during the current
period (Excluding
financial assets)
2. Derivative 250,848,418.
0.00 250,848,418.63
financial assets
3. Financial -
2,614,719,17 - 1,235,305,7 1,312,303,56
assets available 257,463,774.
7.56 117,730,422.98 99.23 0.40
for sale
2,614,719,17 1,235,305,7 1,563,151,97
Subtotal 133,117,995.65 257,463,774. 0.00 0.00
7.56 99.23 9.03
2,614,719,17 1,235,305,7 1,563,151,97
Total 133,117,995.65 257,463,774. 0.00 0.00
7.56 99.23 9.03
1,189,028,36 394,763,490.
Financial liabilities 794,264,876.04
Whether there are significant changes in the main asset measurement attribute of the Company during the Report Period.
□ Yes √ No
V. Investments
1. Overall review
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Major equity investments obtained during the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Major non-equity investments during the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Financial asset investment
(1) Securities investment
Unit: Yuan
Accumulated Amount
Carrying Gains and Amount of Profit and Carrying
Initial Accounting fair value of buying Accounting Capital
Type of Security Abbreviation of amount at the losses from selling out loss during amount at
investment measurement changes in during calculation Source of
securities code security name beginning of changes in during the the Report the end of
cost method recognized the items Investment
the period fair value period Period the period
in equity period
Stocks listed
on domestic
WANDA 1,235,305,7 Measure at 1,224,378,63 89,659,496.0 1,235,305,7 120,851,956. for-sale
and overseas 3699 0.00 Private
COMM-H SHS 99.23 fair values 9.47 8 99.23 07 financial
Stocks listed
on domestic RS - - -
617,323,352 Measure at 463,502,488. 417,612,710 for-sale
and overseas 1528 MACALLINE- 74,149,015.8 282,610,139. 0.00 49,087,059.8 Private
.86 fair values 09 .40 financial
stock H SHS 7 12
1,852,629,1 1,687,881,12 15,510,480.2 1,235,305,7 71,764,896.2 417,612,710
Total -- 282,610,139. 0.00 -- --
52.09 7.56 1 99.23 4 .40
2) Investment in derivatives
Unit: RMB 10,000
Proportion of
Withdrawing the ending Profits and
Operation Whether or Amount of Amount of
Type of Initial amount Beginning depreciation Ending contract losses
name of Incidence not buying in selling out
investment in of investment Start date Expiry date investment reserve investment amount to net during the
investment relation transaction during the during the
derivatives in derivatives amount amount (If amount assets at the report
in derivative was related period period
any) end of the period
report period
Jinrui Futures
Non-related January December
Futures co., No Hedging -4,344.29 -4,344.29 930.31 0.02% -3,695.41
party 1, 2016 31, 2016
LTD Contract
Financing Non-related Foreign January December
No -9,757.11 -9,107.11 21,863.04 0.41% -160,328.22
Institution party Exchange 1, 2016 31, 2016
(Buying in)
Financing Non-related January December
No Exchange -109,795.73 -109,795.73 -36,254.55 -0.67% -77,838.77
Institution party 1, 2016 31, 2016
(Selling out)
Total -123,897.13 -- -- -123,247.13 0 0 -13,461.2 -0.24% -241,862.4
Capital Source of Investment in Derivatives Private
Lawsuits (if apply) None
Disclosure Date of Announcement on Approval of
29 April, 2016
Investment in Derivatives by Board of Directors (if any)
Disclosure Date of Announcement on Approval of
Investment in Derivatives by Board of Shareholders (if May 20, 2016
In order to evade any risk in the cost of purchase of raw materials by the company which might arise from wide fluctuations of the price of
bulk raw materials, the Company carried on the hedging business for part of the raw materials and duly locked the cost of raw materials
according to the futures market situation to reduce any uncertainty risk from fluctuations of the market price of the spot goods; meanwhile,
the Company carried out foreign exchange transactions by bank's financial instruments to evade any risk in the fluctuations of exchange
rate and interest rate, reduce foreign exchange liabilities and conduct the cost locking, and realize the maintenance and increase of the
value of foreign exchange assets. The Company laid down the Rules for Hedging Management of Futures and \"Internal Control System of
Forward Foreign Exchange Transactions to execute the full appraisal and control of the investment in derivatives and risks in open interest,
and the detailed description is provided below: 1. Legal and regulatory risk; While the Company carried on hedging and foreign exchange
transactions, it was required to follow the laws and regulations and specifically stipulate the rights and obligations with the agency. Control
Risk analysis of open interest of derivatives and control measures: The Company assigned the responsible department to strictly execute the contract review, clarify the rights and obligations,
measures during the Report Period (including but not strengthen compliance check and ensure the Company's investment in derivatives and operation of open interest in accordance with any
limited to market risk, liquidity risk, credit risk, operation laws and regulations and internal control system of the Company. 2. Operation risk: it means any risk in operation arising out of imperfect
risk and legal risk) internal process, operation of employees and system. Control measures: The Company established the corresponding management
system, clarified the division of responsibilities and examination & approval procedures of the hedging and foreign exchange transactions,
built more perfect supervision mechanism and effectively reduced any operation risk through business, decision and transaction
processes. 3. Market risk: The price change of bulk goods and uncertainty of fluctuations of exchange rate of foreign exchange market
bring a greater market risk to the futures business and foreign exchange transactions. Control measures: The principle of prudent and
moderate operation is upheld in the futures hedging and foreign exchange transactions of the Company, in which any speculative
transaction is not permitted. As to the hedging business, the Company strictly restricted the number of hedging not to exceed the number
of actual spot transaction and the open interest of the futures not to exceed the number of hedged spot goods and implemented the
mechanism to stop loss. In respect of the foreign exchange transactions, the Company effectively prevented the market risk by judging the
trend of foreign exchange rate and utilizing a contract to lock the settlement of exchange rate.
The detailed usage and related hypothesis and
parameter setting should be disclosed in terms of the
The loss under the futures hedging contract during the Report Period was RMB -36.9541 million; the loss under the forward foreign
market price of the invested derivatives or changes in fair
exchange contract during the Report Period was RMB -1288.3377 million
value of the products during the Report Period and
analysis on the fair value of the derivatives.
Descriptions about whether there were major changes in
the accounting policies and detailed accounting principle
No change
of the Company's derivatives during the Report Period as
compared to the last report period.
In the opinion of the Company's independent directors, the Company improved its management level by strengthening internal control and
Special opinions of independent directors regarding the carrying out the risk prevention measures as well as stabilizing price fluctuations through futures hedging. It also enhanced its foreign
investment in derivatives and risk control of the Company exchange risk control level through foreign exchange transactions. The above investment in derivatives helps to give play to competitive
advantages of the Company, so it is feasible for the Company to carry on the investment in derivatives under controllable risk.
5. Usage of raised funds
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any usage of raised funds during the Report Period.
VI. Sales of major assets and equities
1. Sales of major assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in sales of major assets during the Report Period
2. Sale of major equities
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VII. Analysis on major controlling shareholder and joint stock companies
Information regarding major subsidiaries and joint stock companies that contribute over 10% of net profits to the
Unit: Yuan
Company Company Registered Operating Operating
Main business Total assets Net assets Net profits
Name type capital incomes profit
Zhuhai Gree
Financial 1,500,000, 47,281,381, 3,991,395,5 1,806,178,7 755,239,78 565,683,875
Finance Subsidiary
Services 000 537.98 96.38 86.46 7.64 .70
Gree Electric
Appliances Air Conditioner 230,000,00 4,151,182,5 1,603,925,6 6,003,558,2 572,243,77 495,242,297
(Chongqing) Manufacturing 0 79.30 96.90 90.41 5.07 .87
Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree
Varnished Wire 169,315,58 4,389,384,0 558,318,60 5,271,208,5 89,283,939. 105,118,540
Electrical Subsidiary
Manufacturing 6 73.36 0.96 19.11 10 .38
Co., Ltd.
Motor 2,192,560,5 1,148,288,8 2,547,696,5 342,640,96 307,394,086
Motor Subsidiary 82,000,000
Manufacturing 64.73 56.44 69.08 2.51 .95
Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric Subsidiary Air Conditioner 150,000,00 13,536,010, 8,556,512,4 12,853,036, 848,317,97 781,659,370
Company Company Registered Operating Operating
Main business Total assets Net assets Net profits
Name type capital incomes profit
Appliances Manufacturing 0 085.42 57.41 912.52 1.10 .16
(Hefei) Co.,
(Zhongshan) Small Home
593,451,749 267,745,43 742,546,78 24,768,806. 14,430,119.
Small Home Subsidiary Appliances 30,000,000
.77 5.72 8.99 33
Appliances Manufacturing
Landa Compressor 12,048,122, 7,099,158,7 9,289,864,9 1,144,188,1 1,024,334,8
Subsidiary 93,030,000
Compressor Manufacturing 098.67 45.39 23.44 26.31 18.93
Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric
Appliances Air Conditioner 5,498,716,4 3,130,074,8 5,754,348,5 508,354,65 497,797,529
Subsidiary 20,000,000
(Zhengzhou) Manufacturing 88.60 61.48 38.31 6.08 .83
Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric
Appliances Air Conditioner 4,581,385,2 1,271,070,5 7,885,098,0 511,666,390 446,778,556
Subsidiary 10,000,000
(Wuhan) Co., Manufacturing 24.78 74.07 48.92 .87 .34
Gree Electric
Appliances Air Conditioner 4,038,327,6 1,481,356,9 5,283,788,0 324,880,05 344,595,105
Subsidiary 20,000,000
(Wuhu) Co., Manufacturing 22.59 91.42 52.62 3.06 .70
Gree Electric
Appliances Air Conditioner 100,000,00 3,709,208,4 685,659,24 4,068,579,7 230,704,50 351,737,311
(Shijiazhuan Manufacturing 0 21.97 7.38 28.71 9.93 .35
g) Co., Ltd.
Information about acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the Report Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB 10,000
Methods of acquisition and disposal of Impact on overall production and
Company Name
subsidiaries during the Report Period operation and financial results
Gree Precision Mold (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. Establishment 1,250.70
Zhuhai Gree Precision Mold Co., Ltd. Establishment 729.95
Zhuhai Gree New Material Co., Ltd. Establishment 3.19
Zhuhai Gree Energy Environment Establishment -306.65
Technology Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric Appliances (Hangzhou)
Establishment -16.24
Co., Ltd.
VIII. Information about businesses controlled by the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IX. Prospects of the Company's future development
In 2017, Electric Appliances regarded \"challenging oneself and controlling the future\" as the guiding
ideology of the enterprise's annual management work to lay out the diversification strategy,
and constantly extend to the intelligent manufacturing, smart home and new energy
industries as consolidating and developing the air conditioning industry. It adheres to the
management policy of being fair and impartial, open and transparent, and scrupulous in separating
public from private interests, scrupulously abides by the conduct code of telling the truth,
doing practical things, attaching importance to principles and the spirit of dedication, and
doing good deeds and great things, and steadfastly focuses on independent innovation
and intelligent manufacturing to achieve good results in both efficiency and benefit.
(I) Vigorously implementing the innovation driven development strategy to realize
technical breakthroughs of key products
1. Complete technical upgrading and innovative strategic planning based on
classification. Use reversed thinking to consider technological progress, keep close to the
market and users in product planning, and create demands as meeting consumer
2. Improve the new product development efficiency. Continue to intensify the project
management and product innovation R&D management, popularize big data applications,
and constantly summarize sharing and technical exchanges, and improve the efficiency of
new product development; improve the project team responsibility system and integrate
the lean design method into the new product R&D process by centering on the project.
3. Carry out the product platform design comprehensively and improve the
standardization level. Using software to manage the product family tree, and realize
automatic control of the product platform and key material planning; promote
generalization of key materials from the design source, reduce the production cost, and
enhance the development and production efficiency; make sure that the product design
idea is innovative and attach importance to skills to reduce the resource waste during the
4. Pay attention to the new development trend of the industry. Strengthen the
research and development of artificial intelligence in the home appliance field, and
promote the development of smart home technologies; keep concerned about the haze
problem, make contributions to the \"coal to electricity\" market of the country, and improve
the product performance as reducing costs.
5. Continue to reinforce the research into new technologies and original technologies.
Continue to reinforce the research into the magnetic suspension bearing and control
technologies, small size, light weight and high efficiency of compressor, new field motor
products, ultra-low temperature air source heat pump heating products, technologies and
products in the communication field, and washing machines, and keep the leading position
in industry technologies.
(II) Consolidating the air conditioner market share and expanding the diversified
new industry layout
1. Consolidate the domestic market share of residential air conditioners, optimize the
sales structure of commercial air conditioner products, and steadily expand the market
share of superior products.
2. Stick to the strategic deployment of maintaining growth, adjusting the structure and
establishing an international brand in overseas sales and vigorously develop independent
3. Focus on the development direction of \"high end, intelligence and high-quality\" to
enrich the product lines of household appliances, and enhance the performance price ratio
of products to provide consumers with health products.
4. Speed up the market development of the intelligent equipment and mould industry,
carry out intensive study by focusing on the two major fields of robots and precision
machine tools, and provide independently developed high-end equipment for \"Made in
China 2025\" as completing transformation and upgrading of the company's independent
manufacturing system.
5. Reinforce promotion of all the industrial product brands. Take into account the
domestic and overseas markets to build the brand image of \"high quality, excellent service
and strong lineup\" of industrial products; actively seek cooperation opportunities with the
e-commerce platform, and open up a new battlefield of Internet marketing.
6. Cooperate with Yinlong to broaden the related industry chain. Firmly grasp the
opportunities and challenges brought by cooperation with Yinlong, and create new profit
growth points in mould, motor, automotive air conditioning, intelligent equipment and other
7. Accelerate the industrial layout and technological breakthroughs of the new energy
industry sector, and launch independent and innovative new energy products; expand the
market share of photovoltaic air conditioning products and achieve the technical
breakthrough of optical storage integration; tackle the energy control protocol and strategy
to achieve development of the distributed control systems and distributed energy systems
at the home level, building level and urban level.
8. Make the mobile phone industry big and strong, and formally start offline channel
sales of mobile phones.
9. Adhere to the sustainable development strategy direction of \"saving, greenness,
environmental protection and resource regeneration\", form the closed loop industrial chain
of resource regeneration, and insist on green ecological manufacturing.
(III) Vigorously promoting standardization and informatization to enhance the
enterprise management level
1. Intensify the efforts to implement standardization in all the phases of product R&D
to transit from design of good products to design of good products of meeting the needs of
automation production.
2. Establish an information center, timely grasp the market, industry and related
dynamics, and comprehensively analyze the inter-system information in the enterprise to
ensure smooth implementation of the supply side reform.
3. Set up a big data center, and promote the analysis and application of big data in
each operation link of the company to effectively increase the enterprise management
4. Guarantee quality management from the source, adopt the forced mechanism to
enhance the management level, and make sure that everyone controls quality during
routine production, process, management and design.
(IV) Promoting the transformation of intelligent manufacturing to improve per capita
1. Implement the autonomous management mode to further clarify the double-effect
subject management responsibility of \"efficiency and benefit\".
2. Strengthen reform and innovation of the value chain, deepen lean production,
improve supply chain logistics, promote the JIT mode, realize direct distribution of the
supplier, and further eliminate transit stock and transport waste.
3. Build a \"sales centered\" internal service system and improve the flexibility of
production and procurement supply.
4. Comprehensively introduce the efficiency oriented contract wage system and
automatic accounting system of production efficiency to promote efficiency guarantee and
(V) Tightening cost control to improve economic benefits
1. Implement cost control from the design source and optimize product pricing ideas.
2. Strengthen the audit supervision, especially reinforce the audit management
aiming to management process control.
3. Reinforce risk control, including external risk, internal management risk and new
business risk.
(VI) Strengthening personnel training to scientifically and efficiently meet the
diversified talent demand of the company
1. Speed up construction of GREE College. Promote technician training to meet the
company's demand for transformation and upgrading of skilled workers; energetically
cultivate expert talents, including management experts, technical experts and skill experts,
so that the company can truly become a talent training base.
2. Establish a sound and dynamic group personnel planning and control mechanism,
effectively control fluctuation of the personnel scale, and further strengthen the
management work of post determination and organizational structure delimiting.
3. Continue to broaden the recruitment channels, enhance the independent
recruitment ability, and scientifically and efficiently meet the need of diversified talents.
4. Provide the platform, direction and goal to young people so that they have the
ability to undertake and control the future development of the company.
(VII) Strengthening the thinking transformation and quality improvement of cadres
1. Increase efforts to establish the cadre appointment and removal mechanism of
promoting capable ones and demoting untalented ones Cultivate a capable and thoughtful
team; create a corporate culture with the spirit of dedication and perseverance, and the
atmosphere in which all members are united and companionate and willing to help and
learn from each other, and build the core competitiveness of enterprise.
2. Strengthen the system construction, reinforce work style construction, and create a
working atmosphere of mutual help to promote sustainable development of the enterprise.
3. Build and update the cadre reserve bank to find excellent talents.
X. Reception of activities including researches, communication and interviews
1. Registration form for reception of activities including researches, communication and
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Method of Type of reception
Time of reception Basic situation index of research
reception object
For details, see the Record Table for Investor Relations
January 22, 2016 Others Institution Activities disclosed by the Company on
from 5 January, 2016 to 22 January, 2016
For details, see the announcement disclosed by the
August 23, 2016 Others Others
Company on on 25 August, 2016
For details, see the Record Table for Investor Relations
September 2, 2016 Field Research Institution Activities disclosed by the Company on
from 24 August, 2016 to 2 September, 2016
For details, see the Record Table for Investor Relations
September 27, 2016 Others Institution Activities disclosed by the Company on
from 13 September, 2016 to 27 September, 2016
For details, see the Record Table for Investor Relations
November 21, 2016 Others Institution Activities disclosed by the Company on
from 2 November, 2016 to 21 November, 2016
Times of reception
Number of received institutions
Number of received individuals
Number of other received objects 36
Whether undisclosed material
information is revealed, disclosed or No
Section V Important Events
I. Information about common stock profit distribution and capitalization from capital
reserve funds
The common stock profit distribution policy in the report period, especially preparation, execution or adjustment of the
cash dividend policy √ Applicable □ Not applicable
The Dividend program for the year of 2015 was implemented on July 7, 2016: Calculated
by the total stock capital of the Company equivalent to 6,015,730,878 stocks, all directors
will be distributed a cash of RMB 15.00 (tax included) per 10 stocks, with the total amount
of cashes to be distributed in such a way up to RMB 9,023,596,317 and the balance to be
carried forward to the next year.
Special description of the cash dividend policy
In compliance with provisions of the Articles of Association or requirements of the
resolution of the general meeting of shareholders:
The dividend standard and ratio are definite and clear: Yes
The related decision procedures and mechanisms are complete: Yes
Independent directors perform their duties responsibly and play their due roles: Yes
Minority shareholders have the opportunity to fully express their opinions and demands
and their legitimate rights and interests are fully protected:
The conditions and procedures are transparent and comply with regulations if the cash
dividend policy is adjusted or changed:
The common stock dividend distribution plan (preplan) and the capitalization plan (preplan) from capital reserve funds in
recent three years (including the Report Period)
1. Profit distribution preplan for the year of 2016
Calculated by the total stock capital equivalent to 6,015,730,878 stocks, all directors will be
distributed a cash of RMB 18.00 (tax included) per 10 stocks, with the total amount of
cashes to be distributed in such a way up to RMB 10,828,315,580.40 and the balance to
be carried forward to the next year.
This distribution plan still needs to be approved by the general meeting of shareholders for
the year of 2016.
2. Profit distribution plan for the year of 2015
Calculated by the total stock capital of the Company equivalent to 6,015,730,878 stocks,
all directors will be distributed a cash of RMB 15.00 (tax included) per 10 stocks, with the
total amount of cashes to be distributed in such a way up to RMB 9,023,596,317 and the
balance to be carried forward to the next year.
3. Profit distribution plan for the year of 2014
Calculated by the total stock capital of the Company equivalent to 3,007,865,439 stocks,
all directors will be distributed a cash of RMB 30.00 (tax included) per 10 stocks, with the
total amount of cashes to be distributed in such a way up to RMB 9,023,596,317 and the
balance to be carried forward to the next year; capital reserve funds are used for
capitalization, and 10 stocks will be added per 10 stocks for all directors based on the total
stock capital of the Company equivalent to 3,007,865,439 stocks.
Table for common stock cash dividends of the Company in the recent three years
(including the Report Period)
Unit: Yuan
Proportion to net
Net profit attributable
profit attributable to
to common Proportion of
Amount of cash common Amount of cash
shareholders of listed cash dividends
Year dividend shareholders of dividends based
company in annual based on other
(tax included) listed company in on other ways
consolidated financial ways
financial statements
2016 10,828,315,580.40 15,420,964,990.94 70.22% 0.00 0.00%
2015 9,023,596,317.00 12,532,442,817.66 72.00% 0.00 0.00%
2014 9,023,596,317.00 14,155,167,229.36 63.75% 0.00 0.00%
The profits of the Company in the Report Period and the parent company’s profits distributable to
common shareholders are positive, but the common stock cash dividend distribution preplan has not
been put forward.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
II. Preplan for profit distribution and capitalization from public reserve funds in the
Report Period
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Cash dividends of this distribution
If profits are distributed when the Company's development stage has entered the mature period and significant capital
expenditure has been arranged, the minimum proportion of cash dividends to the profits to be distributed this time should
be 40%.
Detailed description of the preplan for profit distribution or capitalization from public reserve funds
III. Fulfillment of commitments
1. Commitments of the Company's actual controllers, shareholders and acquirers, the Company
and other related parties of commitments that have been fulfilled completely in the Report
Period or have not been fulfilled completely as of the end of the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
1. The Company did not have any commitments of the Company, shareholders, actual controllers, acquirers, directors,
supervisors, senior management personnel or other related parties that have been fulfilled completely in the Report
Period or have not been fulfilled completely as of the end of the Report Period in the Report Period.
2. The Company’s assets or projects involve earnings forecast and the Report Period is still in
the earnings forecast period and the Company explains the assets or projects that achieve the
original earnings forecast and the relevant reasons
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV. The listed company’ non-operating funds occupied by the controlling
shareholders and their related parties
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No controlling shareholder or its related party occupied non-operating funds of the listed company in the Report Period of
the Company.
V. Description about the “Non-standard Audit Report” of the accounting firm in the
Report Period by the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and independent
director (if any)
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
VI. Description about changes in the accounting policies, accounting estimates and
accounting methods in comparison to the financial report of last year
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company didn’t involve any change in the accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods in the
Report Period.
VII. Description about the retrospective restatement required for correction of
significant accounting errors that occurred in the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company didn’t involve any correction of significant accounting errors in the Report Period that requires
retrospective restatement.
VIII. Description about changes in the consolidated statement scope in comparison
with the financial report of last year
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
① Establishment of subsidiaries
Amount of
subscribed Amount of Net assets of Net profit of
Equity Time point capital paid-in capital Ratio of the end of the the period
Company Name acquisition of equity contribution contribution contribution period (ten
mode acquisition (ten (ten thousand (%) (ten thousand thousand
thousand Yuan) Yuan) Yuan)
Gree Precision Mold January
Establishment 8,000.00 8,000.00 100.00 9,250.70 1,250.70
(Wuhan) Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree Precision January
Establishment 10,000.00 10,000.00 100.00 10,729.95 729.95
Mold Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree New
Establishment March 2016 3,000.00 3,000.00 100.00 3,003.19 3.19
Material Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree Energy
Environment Establishment May 2016 20,000.00 20,000.00 100.00 19,693.35 -306.65
Technology Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric
Appliances Establishment April 2016 30,000.00 30,000.00 100.00 29,983.76 -16.24
(Hangzhou) Co., Ltd.
② Disposal of subsidiaries
The Company was not involved in disposal of subsidiaries in the current period.
③ Changes in the consolidation scope arising from other causes
The Company was not involved in changes in the consolidation scope arising from other causes in the
current period.
IX. Engagement and disengagement of accounting firms
Currently engaged accounting firms
Union Power Certified Public Accountants
Name of domestic accounting firm
(Special General Partnership)
Remuneration for the domestic accounting firm (RMB 10,000)
Consecutive years for the domestic accounting firm to render audit service
Names of certified public accountants of the domestic accounting firm Wang Bing and He Li
A new accounting firm was engaged in the current period
□ Yes √ No
Engagement of an accounting firm for internal control auditing, financial adviser or sponsor
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
X. Suspension of listing and termination of listing after disclosure of the annual
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
XI Matters related to bankruptcy reorganization
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any matter related to bankruptcy reorganization in the Report Period.
XII. Major legal action or arbitration
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any major legal action or arbitration during the Report Period.
XIII. Punishment and rectification
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any punishment or rectification during the Report Period.
XIV. Integrity status of the Company and its controlling shareholders and actual
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
XV. Implementation of the Company’s equity incentive plan, employee stock
ownership plan or other employee motivation measures
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee
motivation measures or their implementation during the Report Period.
XVI. Significant related transactions
1. Related transactions associated with day-to-day operation
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Amount of Approved
Related Proportion Exceeding Available
Type of Contents of Prices of related transaction Settlement
Incidence transaction to amount the market price Date of Disclosure
Related parties related related related transactions amount (ten of related
relation pricing of similar approved of similar disclosure index
transactions transactions transactions (ten thousand thousand transactions
principle transaction quota transactions
Yuan) Yuan)
company in
which the
Shengshi Payment
Company's Sales of Sales 29 April, www.cninfo.
Xinxing Gree Market price Market price 242,627.79 2.75% 500,000 No before Market price
director commodities revenue 2016
Trading Co., delivery
serves as
company in
which the
Shengshi Payment
Company's Sales of Sales 29 April, www.cninfo.
Xinxing Gree Market price Market price 431,836.64 4.90% 800,000 No before Market price
director commodities revenue 2016
Trading Co., delivery
serves as
company in
which the
Shengshi Payment
Company's Sales of Sales 29 April, www.cninfo.
Xinxing Gree Market price Market price 522,813.35 5.94% 1,000,000 No before Market price
supervisor commodities revenue 2016
Trading Co., delivery
serves as
Total -- -- 1,197,277.78 -- 2,300,000 -- -- -- -- --
Details of huge-amount sales return Not applicable
Actual fulfillment (if any) in the Report Period when the
total amount is estimated by category for the daily related Not applicable
transaction to take place in the current period
Cause (if applicable) of the large difference between the
Not applicable
transaction price and market reference price
2. Related transactions of acquisition or sales of assets or equity
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any related transaction of acquisition or sales of assets or equity in the Report Period.
3. Related transactions of common foreign investment
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any related transaction of common foreign investment during the Report Period.
4. Associated credits and liabilities
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any associated credit or liability in the Report Period.
5. Other significant related transactions
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any other significant related transaction during the Report Period.
XVII. Major contracts and their fulfillment
1. Information about trusteeship, contracting and lease
(1) Trusteeship
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any trusteeship during the Report Period.
(2) Contracting
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any contracting matter during the Report Period.
(3) Lease
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any lease during the Report Period.
2. Major guarantee
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any major guarantee during the Report Period.
3. Entrusting others to execute any cash asset management
(1) Entrusted financing
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any entrusted financing during the Report Period.
(2) Entrusted loan
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company was not involved in any entrusted loan during the Report Period.
4. Other major contracts
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company did not have any other major contract during the Report Period.
XVIII. Social responsibilities
1. Fulfilling the social responsibilities of taking targeted measures in poverty alleviation
(1) Summary of taking targeted measures in poverty alleviation in the year
Electric Appliances owns a salvage guarantee system for assisting employees in
difficulties at multiple levels, including the social insurance of employees, sunshine mutual
fund relief of critical diseases, and one-time temporary difficulty relief. The rescued group
can basically cover the medical expense reimbursement and poverty relief arising from
sudden major diseases of employees, poverty caused by unexpected accidents in the
family, later expenses of chronic diseases and critical illnesses of employees, and sudden
diseases of family members, so as to accurately solve practical difficulties of employees
with a greater capital expenditure pressure, ensure active concern and active support in
the real sense, and carry forward the collective spirit of mutual aid. In 2016, the Company
rescued 238 employees, involving an amount of RMB1.687 million, making Gree
employees in difficulties grateful, and injecting infinite force to the corporate development.
(2) Subsequent targeted poverty alleviation plan
To help related employees to settle difficulties and shake off poverty, highlight the guiding
demonstration effect of assistance, bring into full play the Company's concern and care of
employees in difficulties, earnestly solve difficulties for these employees, and strengthen
the tenet consciousness and mass concept, the Company planned to carry out the long-
term partner assistance plan for employees in difficulties to assist them in the \"one-on-one\"
manner in 2017.
2. Fulfilling other social responsibilities
Gree actively and voluntarily performed its social responsibilities, effectively protected the
lawful rights and interests of all stakeholders, won with its strength the recognition of the
enterprise, brand and products from capital market and consumer market and promoted
the low-carbon green growth in the industry through various activities. (Please refer to the
Social Responsibilities Report for the Year 2016 on
If the listed company and its subsidiaries are key pollutant discharge units published by the environmental protection
If any social responsibilities report is published
√ Yes □ No
Social responsibilities report of enterprise
If corporate Report disclosure standard
If environmental If social
Enterprise nature information is information is
information is Domestic standard Foreign standard
contained contained
Yes Yes Yes CASSCSR1.0 Others
Specific circumstances
1. If the Company passed the environmental management
system certification (ISO14001)
2. The Company's annual expenditure on environmental
protection investment (ten thousand Yuan)
3. The Company's emission reduction performance of
No environmental pollution accident
waste gas, waste water and waste residue
XIX. Description of other significant matters
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company did not have any other significant matter to be described in the Report Period.
XX. Significant matters of the Company’s subsidiaries
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Section VI Changes in Stock Capital & Information of
I. Changes in stock capital
1. Changes in stock capital
Unit: Share
Before the change Increase/Decrease (+, -) After the change
New Bonus Converted
Qty Percentage Others Subtotal Qty Percentage
Issue Issue from
I. Stocks with
43,613,644 0.72% 1,514,855 1,514,855 45,128,499 0.75%
3. Stocks held
by other 43,613,644 0.72% 1,514,855 1,514,855 45,128,499 0.75%
domestic capital
Stocks held by
the domestic 43,613,644 0.72% 1,514,855 1,514,855 45,128,499 0.75%
natural person
II. Tradable
Stocks without
- 5,970,602,
trading 5,972,117,234 99.28% -1,514,855 99.25%
1. RMB ordinary - 5,970,602,
5,972,117,234 99.28% -1,514,855 99.25%
stocks 1,514,855
III. Total of 6,015,730,
6,015,730,878 100.00% 100.00%
Causes of changes in stock capital
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Ms. Dong Mingzhu, Chairperson & President of the Company, cumulatively increased the hold shares
by 498,000, Mr. Xu Zifa, Director, cumulatively increased the hold shares by 1,403,300, Mr. Wang Jingdong, Vice
President, Finance Chief and Board Secretary, cumulatively increased the hold shares by 155,800.
2. Changes in restricted shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
II. Issuance and listing of securities
1. Issuance of securities (excluding the preferred stock) in the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
2. Description about changes in the Company’s total number of stocks and shareholder
structure, and assets and liability structure
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Existing internal employee stock
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
III. Information about the shareholders and actual controllers
1. Total number of shareholders and their shareholding status
Unit: Share
Total number of
Total number of
Total number of preferred shareholders
Total number of common
preferred shareholders (if any) whose voting
common shareholders at
(if any) whose voting rights were restored at
shareholders at 396,962 the end of last 338,129 0
rights were restored at the end of last month
the end of the month before the
the end of Report Period before the disclosure
Report Period disclosure date of
(See Note 8) date of the annual
the annual report
report (See Note 8)
Shareholding of the shareholders holding more than 5% of total stocks or shareholding of the top 10 shareholders
Total number Increase/ Pledge or freezing
Number of Number of
of the stocks Decrease
Name of Nature of Shareholding the trading the trading
held at the end in the Stock
shareholder shareholder proportion restricted unrestricted Qty
of the Report Report status
stocks held stocks held
Period Period
Zhuhai Gree State-owned 1,096,255,62 50,625,0
18.22% 1,096,255,624 Frozen
Group Co., Ltd. legal person 4
Hebei Jinghai Domestic
Guaranteed non-state-
8.91% 535,762,033 535,762,033
Investment Co., owned legal
Ltd. person
Qian Hai Life Domestic
Insurance Co., non-state-
4.12% 247,905,586 247,905,586
Ltd. – Hai Li Nian owned legal
Nian person
Hong Kong
Securities Foreign
2.38% 143,055,489 143,055,489
Clearing legal person
Company Ltd.
China Securities State-owned
2.08% 125,224,256 125,224,256
Finance Co., Ltd. legal person
Central Huijin
Asset State-owned
1.40% 84,483,000 84,483,000
Management legal person
Co., Ltd.
UBS AG 1.28% 77,157,409 77,157,409
legal person
Hillhouse Capital
Management – 0.84% 50,457,100 50,457,100
legal person
HCM China Fund
National Social
Security Fund 0.83% 49,855,164 49,855,164
owned legal
108 portfolio
Dong Mingzhu natural 0.74% 44,318,492 44,318,492
Situation (if any) where a strategic investor or general legal person becomes
one of top 10 shareholders due to placement of new shares (see Note 3)
Description for affiliated relationship or concerted action of the above
Shareholding of the top 10 shareholders without trading restriction conditions
Number of the trading unrestricted stocks held at Type of stocks
Name of shareholder
the end of the Report Period Type of stocks Qty
Zhuhai Gree Group Co., Ltd. 1,096,255,624 RMB ordinary 1,096,255,624
Hebei Jinghai Guaranteed RMB ordinary
535,762,033 535,762,033
Investment Co., Ltd. stocks
Qian Hai Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – RMB ordinary
247,905,586 247,905,586
Hai Li Nian Nian stocks
Hong Kong Securities Clearing RMB ordinary
143,055,489 143,055,489
Company Ltd. stocks
RMB ordinary
China Securities Finance Co., Ltd. 125,224,256 125,224,256
Central Huijin Asset Management RMB ordinary
84,483,000 84,483,000
Co., Ltd. stocks
RMB ordinary
UBS AG 77,157,409 77,157,409
Hillhouse Capital Management – RMB ordinary
50,457,100 50,457,100
HCM China Fund stocks
National Social Security Fund 108 RMB ordinary
49,855,164 49,855,164
portfolio stocks
RMB ordinary
Dong Mingzhu 44,318,492 44,318,492
Description for affiliated relationship or concerted action among the top 10 shareholders holding tradable stocks
without trading restriction conditions and between the top 10 shareholders holding tradable stocks without trading None
restriction conditions and the top 10 shareholders
Description of the participation in margin trading business of the top
10 common shareholders (if any) (see Note 4)
2. Information of the controlling shareholders of the Company
Nature of the controlling shareholder: Local state-owned holding
Type of the controlling shareholder: Legal person
Name of the of representative/ Date of
Organization code Principal business
controlling shareholder Person in establishment
Investment and asset management;
enterprise management service,
Zhuhai Gree Group Co., December 15,
Zhou Lewei 914404001925371865 enterprise planning; other
commercial services (excluding any
licensed business items)
Information regarding holding equity interests of other domestic and
oversea listed companies by controlling shareholders during the None
Report Period
3. Information of the actual controllers of the Company
Nature of the actual controller: Local state-owned assets management institution Type of the actual controller: Legal
Date of
Name of the actual controller representative/P Organization code Principal business
erson in charge
State-owned Assets
Supervision and
November 30, Fulfill responsibilities of the
Administration Commission Wu Aicun 71924557-8
2004 state-owned assets investor
of Zhuhai Municipal People's
Information regarding equity
of other domestic and At the end of the Report Period, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
oversea listed companies Commission of Zhuhai Municipal People's Government also controlled Zhuhai League
controlled by the actual Stock Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Huafa Industrial Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Port Co., Ltd., Gree Real Estate
controller during the Report Co., Ltd., Zhuhai Holdings Investment Group Limited and iOne Holdings Limited.
Change in the actual controller in the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The actual controller of the Company did not change in the Report Period.
Block diagram of property right and control relationships between the Company and actual controller
Zhuhai Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
Zhuhai Gree Group Co., Ltd.
The actual controller controlled the Company through trust or other asset management modes
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
4. Other corporate shareholders holding more than 10% of shares
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
5. Restricted share reduction of controlling shareholders and actual controllers, restructuring
party and other commitment subjects
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Section VII Related Information of Preferred Stock
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company did not have any preferred stock in the Report Period.
Section VIII Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management
Personnel and Employees
I. Shareholding changes of directors, supervisors and senior management
Number Number
of held of held
Stocks held Other Stocks
stocks stocks
Commencem Termination at the increase/ held at the
Tenure increased reduced
Name Title Gender Age ent of term of of term of beginning of decrease end of the
status in the in the
office office the Period changes Period
current current
(shares) (shares) (shares)
period period
(shares) (shares)
Dong Chairman &
Incumbent F 62 May 25, 2012 May 31, 2018 43,820,492 498,000 44,318,492
Mingzhu President
Ye Zhixiong Director Incumbent M 59 June 1, 2015 May 31, 2018
Director &
Huang Hui Executive Vice Incumbent M 52 May 25, 2012 May 31, 2018 7,375,000 7,375,000
Director Incumbent M 56 May 25, 2012 May 31, 2018
Xu Zifa Director Incumbent M 62 June 1, 2015 May 31, 2018 200,000 1,403,300 1,603,300
Wang Independent
Incumbent M 52 May 20, 2014 May 31, 2018
Ruzhu Director
Lu Xin Incumbent F 53 June 1, 2015 May 31, 2018
Guo Yang Incumbent F 58 June 1, 2015 May 31, 2018
Chairman of
Xu Chuzhen Board of Incumbent M 58 May 31, 2018
24, 2013
Supervisor Incumbent M 60 May 25, 2012 May 31, 2018
Staff October 15,
Wang Liqin Incumbent F 40 May 31, 2018
Zhuang Pei Vice President Incumbent M 51 May 25, 2012 May 31, 2018 5,955,202 5,955,202
Number Number
of held of held
Stocks held Other Stocks
stocks stocks
Commencem Termination at the increase/ held at the
Tenure increased reduced
Name Title Gender Age ent of term of of term of beginning of decrease end of the
status in the in the
office office the Period changes Period
current current
(shares) (shares) (shares)
period period
(shares) (shares)
Vice President,
Wang Finance Chief,
Incumbent M 46 May 25, 2012 May 31, 2018 728,874 155,800 884,674
Jingdong Board
Chen September 3,
Vice President Incumbent M 44 May 31, 2018
August 31,
Liu Jun Vice President Incumbent M 40 May 31, 2018 12,000 12,000
Meng November
Director Resigned M 55 May 20, 2013 17,000 17,000
Xiangkai 22, 2016
Total -- -- -- -- -- -- 58,108,568 2,057,100 0 60,165,668
II. Changes in the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Name Title Type Date
Meng Xiangkai Director Resigned November 22, 2016
III. Positions of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel
Professional background, major work experience and current main responsibilities in the
Company of the current directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of the
Dong Mingzhu, female, a master, incumbent Chairperson & President of the Company
Since she joined the Company in 1990, she has served as sales manager, vice director
and director of Sales Department, manager, vice general manager, general manager and
vice chairperson of sales company; she has served as President of the Company since
April 2001, and Chairperson of the Company since May 2012. At present, she concurrently
serves as chairperson of Gree Hefei, Gree Wuhan, and Gree Zhengzhou. Since August
2012, she has served as non-executive director of Kingdee International Software Group
Company Limited; She consecutively served as deputy to the tenth, eleventh and twelfth
National People's Congresses and concurrently serves as a member of the Central
Committee of China Democratic National Construction Association and the tenth Executive
Committee of the All-China Women's Federation, UNDP’s \"messenger of sustainable
urban development\", director of Board of Directors of China Social Economic Investigation
Research Center, member of Executive Committee of Guangdong Provincial Women's
Federation, vice chairperson of Guangdong Province Association of Women
Entrepreneurs, chairperson of Zhuhai Municipal Association of Women Entrepreneurs and
honorary president of Zhuhai Red Cross Society.
She was successively engaged by Northwest University, College of Management of Sun
Yat-sen University and Shandong University as a part-time professor, engaged by School
of Management, Nanjing University of Technology as \"MBA off-campus tutor\", and
engaged by School of Management, University of Science and Technology of China as
MBA \"Course Professor\". She was engaged by Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Campus
and University of International Business and Economics as visiting professor, part-time
professor of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and member of MBA Education
Advisory Committee. She was invited to be an instructor of Summer Davos Forum 2014,
engaged by the School of Entrepreneurship & Innovation, SJTU as a member of Advisory
Committee of Strategic Experts, engaged by the National Development and Reform
Commission as a member of Expert Committee for the thirteenth five-year development
planning, engaged by Guangdong Provincial Government as an entrepreneurs consultant
and member of the government decision-making advisory committee and engaged by
Hefei municipal government as a consultant of (household electric appliances) industrial
development, etc. In 2016, she was awarded a founding member of Advisory Committee of
the United Nations Development Programme by the UN General Administration and
included in the list of world's most influential businesswomen of Fortune for 10 consecutive
Ye Zhixiong, male, a master, incumbent director of the Company
Mr. Ye Zhixiong served as a member of Zhuhai Municipal Committee of the CPC, and the
chairman, secretary of the Party committee and legal representative of Zhuhai Gree Group
Co., Ltd. from May 2004 to August 2006; a member of Zhuhai Municipal Committee of the
CPC, and the chairman, general manager and legal representative of Municipal Urban
Asset Management and Operation Corporation from August 2006 to June 2009, and the
secretary of the Party committee in September 2006; the chairman, general manager,
legal representative and secretary of the Party committee of Zhuhai Urban Construction
Group Co., Ltd. from June 2009 to January 2013; and the chairman, legal representative
and secretary of the Party committee of Zhuhai Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd. from
January 2013 to date. Since June 2015, he has served as a director of the Company.
Mr. Huang Hui, male, a master, incumbent Director, Executive Vice President and Chief
Engineer of the Company.
Since August 2000 to May 2014, he has served as vice president of the Company; since
2014, he has served as executive vice president of the Company; since May 2007, he has
served as chief engineer of the Company; since May 2012, he has served as director of
the Company, and concurrently as chairman of Zhuhai Gree Dakin Device Co., Ltd.,
director of Chinese National Engineering Research Center of Green Refrigeration
Equipment, part-time instructor of School of Energy and Power Engineering of Huazhong
University of Science and Technology, member of Commission B2 of the International
Institute of Refrigeration, vice president of Chinese Association of Refrigeration, member
of the ninth council of China Quality Association, member of National Technical Committee
for Standardization of Household Appliances, vice chairman of Industry Household
Appliance Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industrial Association, expert of
Guangdong Province Science and Technology Consultant Experts, vice president of
Guangdong Provincial Institute of Refrigeration, vice chairman of Guangdong Light
Industry Association, member of Technical Committee of Guangdong Provincial Institute of
Standardization, member of Zhuhai Municipal Mayor Quality Award Evaluation Committee,
member of Zhuhai municipal Mayor Quality Award Evaluation Committee, deputy director
of the editorial board of Electrical Appliances, and editorial board member of Journal of
Zhang Jundu, male, with a college degree, incumbent Director of the Company.
Since September 1999, he has served as chairman of Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric
Appliances Co., Ltd. Since August 2012, he has concurrently served as general manager
of Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trading Co., Ltd. Since May 2012, he has served as
director of the Company.
Xu Zifa, male, with a bachelor degree, incumbent Director of the Company.
He worked as the general manager of Hebei Xinxing Gree Electric Appliance Sales Co.,
Ltd. from July 1999 to June 2011; the general manager of Hebei Shengshi Xinxing Gree
Trading Co., Ltd. from July 2011 to date, and the director of Hebei Jinghai Guaranteed
Investment Co., Ltd. from 2006 to date. Since June 2015, he has served as a director of
the Company.
Wang Ruzhu, male, doctor, incumbent Independent Director of the Company
Since December 1994, Mr. Wang Ruzhu has served as a professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong
University and director of the Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenic Engineering. Since
2008, he has served as the director of the Solar Power Generation and Refrigeration
Project Research Center under Ministry of Education. Since 2012, he has worked as the
vice president of Chinese Association of Refrigeration. Since May 2014, he has served as
an independent director of the Company.
Guo Yang, female, doctor, incumbent Independent Director of the Company
Ms. Guo Yang served as the general counsel of Chinese law at Hong Kong Pengli
Insurance Co., Ltd. and chief representative at its representative office in Beijing from 1995
to 1998; the assistant vice president of Pacific Century Insurance Holdings Ltd. and chief
representative at the representative office of Pacific Century Insurance Holdings Ltd. from
1999 to 2008; the chief representative at the representative office of Holland Ageas
Insurance International Inc. from 2008 to 2009; an associate professor at the College of
Finance, Capital University of Economics and Business from 2010 to 2012; a director of
the Company since June 2015 to date.
Lu Xin, female, doctor, incumbent Independent Director of the Company
Ms. Lu Xin has served Jinan University since January 2004. Now, she works as a
professor at the Department of Accounting of the School of Management, Jinan University
and deputy director at the Management Accounting Research Center of Jinan University.
Concurrently, she is a deputy of the 12th National People’s Congress, member of the
Central Committee at Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League, vice chairman of
Guangdong Provincial Party Committee at Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League,
special auditor of Guangdong Audit Office, as well as an independent director of TCL
Corporation and Kingfa Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd. She has served as an independent director
of the Company since June 2015.
Xu Chuzhen, male, with a bachelor degree, Chairman of Board of Supervisors of the
From May 1999 to May 2011, Mr. Xu Chuzhen served as the managing director of League
Stock Co., Ltd. From 2002 to May 2011, he concurrently served as the managing director
and vice chairman of Zhuhai League Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.; from August 2009
to May 2011, he concurrently served as the chairman of Zhuhai League Investment Co.,
Ltd. From May 2011 to May 2012, he served as a vice chief engineer of Zhuhai Water
Group Co., Ltd. During this period, he also served as a director of League Stock Co., Ltd.
During this period, he also served as a director of League Stock Co., Ltd. Since May 2012,
he has served as a full-time director and supervisor of Zhuhai SASAC. During this period,
he also served as the chairman of the board of supervisors of Zhuhai Port Holdings Co.,
Ltd, chairman of the board of supervisors of Zhuhai Port Co., Ltd, director of Zhuhai
League Stock Co., Ltd, chairman of the board of supervisors of Zhuhai Investment
Holdings Co., Ltd, and director of Zhuhai Duty Free Enterprises Group Co., Ltd. Since
September 2013, he has concurrently served as the chairman of the board of supervisors
of the Company.
Guo Shuzhan, male, with a college degree, incumbent Supervisor of the Company
Since August 2006, he has served as chairman of Hebei Jinghai Guaranteed Investment
Co., Ltd. Since August 2012, he has served as general manager of Henan Shengshi
Xinxing Gree Trading Co., Ltd. From May 2012 up to now, he has served as supervisor of
the Company.
Wang Liqin, female, with a bachelor degree, incumbent Staff Representative Supervisor.
From April 2004 to July 2010, Ms. Wang Liqin served as the HR supervisor of HR
Department of GREE Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai. Since August 2010, she has
served as the head of HR Department of GREE Electric Appliances Inc. of Zhuhai. Since
October 2014, she has served as the staff representative supervisor.
Zhuang Pei, male, with a bachelor degree, incumbent Vice President of the Company.
From 2002 to April 2003, he served as assistant president of the Company. From April
2003 up to now, he has served as vice president of the Company.
Wang Jingdong, male, a master, incumbent Vice President, Finance Chief, Board
From November 2002 to April 2006, he served as head of financial department, head of
purchase department and chief of Audit Department. From April 2006 to September 2009,
he served as assistant president of the Company. From January 2008 up to now, he
served as finance chief of the Company. From July 2009 up to now, he served as board
secretary of the Company. From October 2009 up to now, he has served as vice president,
finance chief and board secretary of the Company.
Chen Weicai, male, a master, incumbent Vice President of the Company.
From July 1993 to April 2008, he served as clerk, staff member, senior staff member,
deputy director and director of Huale Police Station in Dongshan District (Yuexiu District) of
Bureau of Public Security in Guangzhou. From July 2005 to April 2008, he served as
deputy secretary (concurrent) of Huale Street Party Committee in Dongshan District
(Yuexiu District) in Guangzhou. From April 2008 to July 2013, he served as deputy director
and director of personnel department of Bureau of Public Security in Guangzhou. From
October 2008 to February 2012, he served as direction of office of Guangzhou Police’s
Foundation (concurrent). Since September 2013, he has served as vice-president of the
Liu Jun, male, with a bachelor degree, incumbent Vice President of the Company.
Mr. Liu Jun was an employee of the Company from July 1998 to October 2001. He
successively served as the assistant director and factory deputy director of the controller
factory of the Company, factory deputy director and factory director of the Incoming
Materials Inspection Factory, and the deputy head and head of the Supply Department
from October 2001 to August 2006; the assistant president of the Company, director of the
Materials Purchasing Center and director of the Logistics Distribution Center from August
2006 to July 2015. He has served as a vice president of the Company since August 2015.
Information of positions in shareholders
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Name of Position at the Commencement of and allowance
Name of shareholder
incumbent shareholder term of office received from
the shareholder
Hebei Jinghai Guaranteed Investment Chairman and legal
Guo Shuzhan August 1, 2006 Yes
Co., Ltd. representative
Hebei Jinghai Guaranteed Investment
Xu Zifa Director August 1, 2006 Yes
Co., Ltd.
State-owned Assets Supervision and
Full-time director and
Xu Chuzhen Administration Commission of Zhuhai May 1, 2012 Yes
full-time supervisor
Municipal People's Government
Information of positions in other companies
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Name of Position at other Commencement of and allowance
Names of other companies
incumbent companies term of office received from
other companies
Chairman, legal
Zhuhai Urban Construction Group Co., representative and
Ye Zhixiong January 1, 2013 Yes
Ltd. secretary of the Party
Zhang Jundu Zhejiang Tongcheng Gree Electric Chairperson September 1, 1999 Yes
Name of Position at other Commencement of and allowance
Names of other companies
incumbent companies term of office received from
other companies
Appliances Co., Ltd.
Zhejiang Shengshi Xinxing Gree
Zhang Jundu General Manager August 1, 2012 Yes
Trading Co., Ltd.
Hebei Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trading
Xu Zifa General Manager July 1, 2011 Yes
Co., Ltd.
Lu Xin TCL Corporation Independent Director September 1, 2014 No
Lu Xin Kingfa Sci. & Tech. Co., Ltd. Independent Director May 21, 2014 No
Henan Shengshi Xinxing Gree Trading
Guo Shuzhan General Manager August 1, 2012 Yes
Co., Ltd.
Xu Chuzhen Zhuhai League Stock Co., Ltd. Director May 20, 2014 Yes
Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. May 10, 1985 No
Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu Hefei Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. December 7, 2009 No
Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu Zhengzhou Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. March 2, 2011 No
Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu Chongqing Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. May 23, 2011 No
Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu Wuhan Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. May 17, 2011 No
Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co., Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu April 18, 2003 No
Ltd. representative
Hefei Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co., Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu December 9, 2009 No
Ltd. representative
Henan Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co., Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu August 4, 2011 No
Ltd. representative
Chongqing Kaibang Motor Manufacture Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu August 31, 2011 No
Co., Ltd. representative
Hong Kong Gree Electric Appliances
Dong Mingzhu Chairperson June 21, 2005 No
Sales Co., Ltd.
GREE (Zhongshan) Small Home Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu April 3, 2009 No
Appliances Co. representative
Gree Electric Appliances (Zhengzhou) Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu August 26, 2010 No
Co., Ltd. representative
Name of Position at other Commencement of and allowance
Names of other companies
incumbent companies term of office received from
other companies
Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhan) Co., Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu August 30, 2010 No
Ltd. representative
Shijiazhuang Green Resources Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu December 1, 2011 No
Recycling Co., Ltd. representative
Chairperson, legal
Zhengzhou Gree Green Resources
Dong Mingzhu representative and August 26, 2010 No
Recycling Co., Ltd
general manager
Tianjin Green Energy Resource Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu March 13, 2013 No
Recycling Co., Ltd. representative
Hunan Green Resources Recycling Co., Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu November 2, 2010 No
Ltd representative
Gree Electric Appliances (Chongqing) Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu July 19, 2001 No
Co., Ltd. representative
Gree (Shijiazhuang) Small Home Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu March 21, 2011 No
Appliances Co., Ltd. representative
Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhu) Co., Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu March 29, 2011 No
Ltd. representative
Wuhu Green Resources Recycling Co., Executive director and
Dong Mingzhu March 29, 2011 No
Ltd. legal representative
Zhuhai Gree Group Finance Company Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu May 29, 1995 No
Limited representative
Gree Electric Appliances (Shijiazhuang) Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu May 23, 2011 No
Co., Ltd. representative
Zhuhai Ligao Precision Manufacturing Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu October 14, 2013 No
Co., Ltd. representative
Zhuhai Gree TOSOT Life Electric Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu April 12, 2013 No
Appliances Co., Lid. representative
Changsha Gree HVAC Equipment Co., Executive director and
Dong Mingzhu April 14, 2014 No
Ltd. legal representative
Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu Zhuhai HVAC Equipment Co., Ltd. March 6, 2013 No
Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu Wuhu Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. November 20, 2014 No
Gree TOSOT (Suqian) Home Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu September 29, 2014 No
Appliances Co., Ltd. representative
Name of Position at other Commencement of and allowance
Names of other companies
incumbent companies term of office received from
other companies
Executive director, legal
Gree Electric Appliances (Hefei) Co.,
Dong Mingzhu representative and December 19, 2006 No
general manager
Zhuhai GREE Intelligent Equipment Co., Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu September 15, 2015 No
Ltd. representative
Zhuhai GREE Intelligent Equipment Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu December 29, 2015 No
Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. representative
Gree HVAC Equipment (Wuhan) Co., Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu December 30, 2015 No
Ltd. representative
GREE Intelligent Equipment (Wuhan) Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu December 30, 2015 No
Co., Ltd. representative
Zhuhai Hengqin GREE business Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu December 28, 2015 No
factoring Co., Ltd. representative
Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu Zhuhai Gree Electrical Co., Ltd. July 13, 1992 No
Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronics Co., Chairman and legal
Dong Mingzhu May 30, 2016 No
Ltd. representative
Dong Mingzhu Zhuhai Gree Precision Mold Co., Ltd. Chairperson January 23, 2016 No
Dong Mingzhu Zhuhai Gree New Material Co., Ltd. Chairperson March 17, 2016 No
Zhuhai Gree Energy Environment
Dong Mingzhu Chairperson May 11, 2016 No
Technology Co., Ltd.
Dong Mingzhu Gree Precision Mold (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. Chairperson January 26, 2016 No
Gree Electric Appliances (Hangzhou)
Dong Mingzhu Chairperson April 15, 2016 No
Co., Ltd.
Executive director, legal
Gree Green Refrigeration Technology
Huang Hui representative and December 28, 2009 No
Center Co., Ltd. Of Zhuhai
general manager
Chairman and legal
Huang Hui Zhuhai Gree Dakin Device Co., Ltd. March 10, 2009 No
Zhuhai IVP Information Technology Co., Chairman and legal
Huang Hui April 29, 2014 No
Ltd. representative
Huang Hui Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director May 10, 1985 No
Huang Hui Hefei Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director December 7, 2009 No
Huang Hui Zhengzhou Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director March 2, 2011 No
Name of Position at other Commencement of and allowance
Names of other companies
incumbent companies term of office received from
other companies
Huang Hui Chongqing Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director May 23, 2011 No
Huang Hui Wuhan Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director May 17, 2011 No
Hefei Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co.,
Huang Hui Director December 9, 2009 No
Henan Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co.,
Huang Hui Director August 4, 2011 No
Chongqing Kaibang Motor Manufacture
Huang Hui Director August 31, 2011 No
Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric Appliances (Zhengzhou)
Huang Hui Director August 26, 2010 No
Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhan) Co.,
Huang Hui Director August 30, 2010 No
Shijiazhuang Green Resources
Huang Hui Director December 1, 2011 No
Recycling Co., Ltd.
Zhengzhou Gree Green Resources
Huang Hui Director August 26, 2010 No
Recycling Co., Ltd
Gree (Shijiazhuang) Small Home
Huang Hui Director March 21, 2011 No
Appliances Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhu) Co.,
Huang Hui Director March 29, 2011 No
Zhuhai GREE Intelligent Equipment Co.,
Huang Hui Director September 15, 2015 No
Zhuhai GREE Intelligent Equipment
Huang Hui Director December 29, 2015 No
Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.
GREE Intelligent Equipment (Wuhan)
Huang Hui Director December 30, 2015 No
Co., Ltd.
Gree HVAC Equipment (Wuhan) Co.,
Huang Hui Director December 30, 2015 No
Huang Hui Gree Precision Mold (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. Director January 26, 2016 No
Huang Hui Zhuhai Gree Precision Mold Co., Ltd. Director January 23, 2016 No
Gree Electric Appliances (Hangzhou)
Huang Hui Director April 15, 2016 No
Co., Ltd.
Zhuang Pei Hefei Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director December 7, 2009 No
Zhuang Pei Zhengzhou Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director March 2, 2011 No
Name of Position at other Commencement of and allowance
Names of other companies
incumbent companies term of office received from
other companies
Zhuang Pei Chongqing Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director May 23, 2011 No
Zhuang Pei Wuhan Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director May 17, 2011 No
Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co.,
Zhuang Pei Director April 18, 2003 No
Henan Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co.,
Zhuang Pei Director August 4, 2011 No
Chongqing Kaibang Motor Manufacture
Zhuang Pei Director August 31, 2011 No
Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric Appliances (Zhengzhou)
Zhuang Pei Director August 26, 2010 No
Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhan) Co.,
Zhuang Pei Director August 30, 2010 No
Shijiazhuang Green Resources
Zhuang Pei Director December 1, 2011 No
Recycling Co., Ltd.
Zhengzhou Gree Green Resources
Zhuang Pei Director August 26, 2010 No
Recycling Co., Ltd
Tianjin Green Energy Resource
Zhuang Pei Director March 13, 2013 No
Recycling Co., Ltd.
Hunan Green Resources Recycling Co.,
Zhuang Pei Director November 2, 2010 No
Gree Electric Appliances (Chongqing)
Zhuang Pei Director July 19, 2001 No
Co., Ltd.
Gree (Shijiazhuang) Small Home
Zhuang Pei Director March 21, 2011 No
Appliances Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhu) Co.,
Zhuang Pei Director March 29, 2011 No
Wuhu Green Resources Recycling Co.,
Zhuang Pei Director March 29, 2011 No
Gree Electric Appliances (Shijiazhuang)
Zhuang Pei Director May 23, 2011 No
Co., Ltd.
Wang Zhuhai Gree Electric Appliances Sales Executive director and
September 17, 2008 No
Jingdong Co., Ltd. legal representative
Hefei Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director December 7, 2009 No
Name of Position at other Commencement of and allowance
Names of other companies
incumbent companies term of office received from
other companies
Zhengzhou Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director March 2, 2011 No
Chongqing Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director May 23, 2011 No
Wuhan Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Director May 17, 2011 No
Wang Hefei Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co.,
Director December 9, 2009 No
Jingdong Ltd.
Wang Henan Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co.,
Director August 4, 2011 No
Jingdong Ltd.
Wang Chongqing Kaibang Motor Manufacture
Director August 31, 2011 No
Jingdong Co., Ltd.
Wang Tianjin Green Energy Resource
Director March 13, 2013 No
Jingdong Recycling Co., Ltd.
Wang Hunan Green Resources Recycling Co.,
Director November 2, 2010 No
Jingdong Ltd
Wang Zhuhai Gree Daikin Precision Mold Co.,
Director March 10, 2009 No
Jingdong Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree Dakin Device Co., Ltd. Director March 10, 2009 No
Wang Wuhu Green Resources Recycling Co.,
Director March 29, 2011 No
Jingdong Ltd.
Wang Zhuhai Gree Group Finance Company
Director May 29, 1995 No
Jingdong Limited
Wang Gree Electric Appliances (Shijiazhuang)
Director May 23, 2011 No
Jingdong Co., Ltd.
Wang Zhuhai Gree TOSOT Life Electric
Director April 12, 2013 No
Jingdong Appliances Co., Lid.
Zhuhai HVAC Equipment Co., Ltd. Director March 6, 2013 No
Wang Gree TOSOT (Suqian) Home
Director September 29, 2014 No
Jingdong Appliances Co., Ltd.
Wang Zhuhai Hengqin GREE business
Director December 28, 2015 No
Jingdong factoring Co., Ltd.
Wang Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. Supervisor May 10, 1985 No
Name of Position at other Commencement of and allowance
Names of other companies
incumbent companies term of office received from
other companies
Wang Zhuhai Meilingda Refrigeration
Supervisor July 2, 2002 No
Jingdong Technology Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Meiling General Motors Co., Ltd. Supervisor June 27, 2002 No
Zhuhai Gree Electrical Co., Ltd. Supervisor July 13, 1992 No
Wang Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co.,
Supervisor April 18, 2003 No
Jingdong Ltd.
Wang Gree Electric Appliances (Zhengzhou)
Supervisor August 26, 2010 No
Jingdong Co., Ltd.
Wang Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhan) Co.,
Supervisor August 30, 2010 No
Jingdong Ltd.
Wang Shijiazhuang Green Resources
Supervisor December 1, 2011 No
Jingdong Recycling Co., Ltd.
Wang Zhengzhou Gree Green Resources
Supervisor August 26, 2010 No
Jingdong Recycling Co., Ltd
Wang Gree Electric Appliances (Chongqing)
Supervisor July 19, 2001 No
Jingdong Co., Ltd.
Wang Gree (Shijiazhuang) Small Home
Supervisor March 21, 2011 No
Jingdong Appliances Co., Ltd.
Wang Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhu) Co.,
Supervisor March 29, 2011 No
Jingdong Ltd.
Wang Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronics Co.,
Supervisor April 25, 1988 No
Jingdong Ltd.
Zhuhai GREE Intelligent Equipment Co.,
Liu Jun Director September 15, 2015 No
Zhuhai GREE Intelligent Equipment
Liu Jun Director December 29, 2015 No
Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Hengqin GREE business
Liu Jun Director December 28, 2015 No
factoring Co., Ltd.
GREE Intelligent Equipment (Wuhan)
Liu Jun Director December 30, 2015 No
Co., Ltd.
Gree HVAC Equipment (Wuhan) Co.,
Liu Jun Director December 30, 2015 No
Name of Position at other Commencement of and allowance
Names of other companies
incumbent companies term of office received from
other companies
Liu Jun Zhuhai Gree Precision Mold Co., Ltd. Director January 23, 2016 No
Liu Jun Gree Precision Mold (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. Director January 26, 2016 No
Gree Electric Appliances (Hangzhou)
Liu Jun Director April 15, 2016 No
Co., Ltd.
Punishments given by the securities regulatory institution to the incumbent directors, supervisors and senior
management personnel or those who resigned in the Report Period in the recent three years
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV. Remunerations of the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel
Decision making procedures, determination basis, and actual payment regarding the remunerations of
directors, supervisors and senior management personnel
Within the Report Period, the Board of Directors of the Company conducted the
performance review of the achievements and performance of duties of the senior
management personnel and implemented the assignment assessment system regarding
the working results in ethic, competence, diligence and achievement. The Company
adhered to the principle of rationality, fairness and justice and laid emphasis on
combination of material incentive and spiritual incentive. As for the material incentive, the
Company paid attention to reasonably controlling reward grade and properly opening the
reward gap and emphasized the time and frequency of reward. As for the spiritual
incentive, the Company paid attention to combining the corporate objectives with the spirit
of dedication, sense of social responsibility and career achievement of the senior
management personnel.
Remunerations of the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel in the Report Period
Unit: RMB 10,000
Total amount of
Tenure received from a
Name Title Gender Age remuneration
status related party of
received from
the Company
the Company
Dong Mingzhu Chairman & President F 62 Incumbent 619.83 No
Ye Zhixiong Director M 59 Incumbent 0 No
Huang Hui Director & Executive Vice President M 52 Incumbent 433.88 No
Zhang Jundu Director M 56 Incumbent 0 No
Xu Zifa Director M 62 Incumbent 0 No
Wang Ruzhu Independent Director M 52 Incumbent 12 No
Guo Yang Independent Director F 58 Incumbent 12 No
Lu Xin Independent Director F 53 Incumbent 12 No
Xu Chuzhen Supervisor M 58 Incumbent 0 No
Guo Shuzhan Supervisor M 60 Incumbent 0 No
Wang Liqin Staff Supervisor F 40 Incumbent 75.15 No
Zhuang Pei Vice President M 51 Incumbent 216.94 No
Vice President, Finance Chief, Board
Wang Jingdong M 46 Incumbent 297.52 No
Chen Weicai Vice President M 44 Incumbent 133.26 No
Liu Jun Vice President M 40 Incumbent 247.93 No
Meng Xiangkai Director M 55 Resigned No
Total -- -- -- -- 2,060.51 --
Equity incentives granted to the directors and senior management personnel in the Report Period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
V. Employees of the Company
1. Number of employees and their specialties and education level
Number (person) of on-the-job employees of the parent
Number (person) of on-the-job employees of the main
Total number (person) of on-the-job employees 71,610
Total number (person) of employees receiving salaries in
the current period
Number (person) of retired employees for whom the parent
company and main subsidiaries need to bear expenses
Formation of Specialties
Category of formation of specialties Number (person) of employees in the formation
Manufacturing Personnel 58,323
Sales Personnel 1,749
Technicians 7,729
Financial Personnel
Administrative Personnel 3,336
Total 71,610
Education Level
Education level category Number (person) of employees
Bachelor Degree or above 9,814
College Degree 9,186
Technical Secondary School Education and below 52,610
Total 71,610
2. Remuneration policy
The Company provides employees with competitive salary level in the industry and region
according to the macroeconomic environment and its business benefits. Besides, the
Company established standardized and systematized salary management system in
accordance with the national laws and regulations and actual conditions of the enterprise
to provide a guarantee for obtaining legal and due labor remuneration by employees. To
share the innovative achievements of the Company with general employees and improve
employee well-being, the Company decided to add RMB1000 to the salary of each
employee per month in November 2016, which played an important role in talent
introduction and talent motivation. Meanwhile, to realize rapid and standard training of
talents and give full scope to the talents and appoint competent employees in relevant
positions, the Company comprehensively consolidated and promoted the work of skill
grade evaluation by focusing on skilled positions, made great efforts to promote the
professional technical grade evaluation mechanism for technical positions, offered the
skilled and technical talents who are competent and have good performance multi-ways
occupational development path and comprehensively built the employing mechanism
attracting, retaining and inspiring talents in 2016.
3. Training plan
The transformation breakthrough of manufacturing inevitably requires upgrading and
development of the talent team. In 2016, the talent training and cultivation work of Gree
followed the core thoughts of \"whole staff learning, transformation support; intelligent
manufacturing inheritance, development assistance\" to promote the development and
innovation of various businesses.
① Putting a different emphasis on each level and carrying out the whole staff learning (four
levels) development plan
In 2016, the Company promoted the whole staff learning plan of \"accelerated
learningtransformation breakthrough\" to forge and consolidate the four level learning plan
system consisting of the company level, department level, section level and individual
learning plan, and the plan system with complementary layers specified different
responsibilities and key requirements of the learning subject at each level to fulfill the
learning and development goals of \"connecting to the strategy in the upstream and
connecting to the performance in the downstream\". The company implemented the whole
staff learning development plan to mobilize the learning enthusiasm of all staff, attracted
60000 employees to participate in the series of platforms of promoting learning by
competition such as the labor skill competition called \"Build Dreams with Originality\",
product creative design competition and the contest called \"Intelligent Manufacturing
InheritanceGree Excellent Lecturers\" organized by the Company, and dug the learning
benchmarks and post elites such as \"Gree Top 500 Skilled Workers\", \"Top 50 in Product
Innovation\" and \"Gree Top 30 Good Lecturers\".
At the same time, the Company supported and supervised all the units in setting up a
complete talent training mechanism by facing all the bases and sales companies of the
group to achieve talent training support of the whole industry chain. In 2016, the sales
companies organized level-2 and level-3 after-sales technical training for 80000
employees. To achieve effective coverage of whole staff learning, the Company
independently developed a \"PDA\" mobile learning platform to send the after-sales and
terminal learning materials to the frontline directly so as to meet the quick and efficient
learning requirements of the frontline personnel. There were 300,000 registered users for
\"PDA\", and more than 40000 persons downloaded learning materials each month.
② Focusing on strategy to support training and cultivation of new businesses and key
According to its diversified development layout, the Company put an emphasis on the
talent transformation support and cultivation topic in the new businesses and new fields
such as intelligent equipment, moulds and mobile phones, and irregularly organized and
implemented more than 30 lectures of technology frontier experts with 3000 attendants in
the fields such as communication technology, information technology, quality technology,
and innovative technology in 2016.
According to the Company's automation development plan, the transformation and
upgrading cultivation work of skilled workers was organized and carried within the group to
cultivate 1000 special talents of automation skill workers in robot integrated application for
the Company in the whole year of 2016.
The Company carried out 12 terms of special training camps for the key groups such as
middle level cadres, supervisors and team leaders in the year, and totally 500 cadres at
the middle level and basic level participated in the camps. Comprehensive means such as
pre-training assessment, special training, management salon, action practice, and joint
performance of growth were adopted for the training camps according to characteristics of
different management positions in different stages of development to systematically boost
the actual management capabilities of the management at the basic and medium levels.
③ Helping the frontline sales and service personnel to boosting levels in the market-
oriented manner
To further enhance the terminal sales capacity, the Company further promoted construction
of the sales company terminal training system in 2016. The Company organized and
implemented the \"Pearl Blooming\" shopping guide development plan to provide
development platform and resource support to terminal shopping guides, and organized
the \"Pearl\" guide training camp activities to boost the sales level of shopping guide
In 2016, Gree comprehensively strengthened the professional construction of grassroots
after-sales team, and started the after-sales skill training camp of 2016 \"Travel of top
quality products and professional construction of the future\" for household and commercial
products. The training camp adopted the modes such as nationwide tour and HQ
assemble for training to enhance the personnel skills and service level comprehensively
and has trained 45000 persons in total.
To enhance the sales ability of overseas market, Gree strengthened overseas customer
product training and technical support in an all-round way, and conducted special activities
such as \"Global Gree Centralized Training and Global Tour\" throughout the year, with the
training activities covering nearly 1200 customers from 30 countries in the four continents,
in the hope of passing the voice of Gree to the world and making the world love products
made in China.
4. Labor outsourcing
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Section IX Corporate Governance
I. Basic conditions of corporate governance
In strict accordance with the Company Law, Securities Law and other relevant national
laws and regulations and Instructions on Standardized Operation of Companies Listed
on the Main Board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company establishes normative
corporate governance structure and rules of procedure for the General Meeting of
Shareholders, Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors, clarifies the responsibilities
and authorities in decision-making, performance and supervision, forms effective division
of responsibilities and balance mechanism, continuously promotes the level of normal
operation and safeguards the interests of investors and the Company.
The corporate governance conforms to the Company Law and requirements of CSRC for
governance of listed companies.
Great differences exist between the actual corporate governance and the normative document related to listed
company governance published by the CSRC
□ Yes √ No
II. Independence of the Company relative to the controlling shareholder in the
aspects such as business operation, personnel, assets, organization and finance
The Company has a sound corporate governance structure and completely separates
from Gree Group as the controlling shareholder in business operation, personnel, assets,
organization and finance, and the Company has independent and complete business
operation and independent management capability.
III. Horizontal competition
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
IV. Convening of the annual general meeting of shareholders and interim general
meeting of shareholders during the Report Period
1. General meetings of shareholders during the Report Period
Proportion of
Session of meeting Type of meeting participating Date of meeting Date of disclosure Disclosure index
Announcement on
Resolutions of the
General Meeting of
Annual general
2015 annual general Shareholders for
meeting of 0.21% May 19, 2016 May 20, 2016
meeting of shareholders the Year 2015
published on,
Announcement on
Resolutions of
Convening the First
Interim General
The first interim general Interim general
October 28, Meeting of
meeting of shareholders for meeting of 1.55% October 31, 2016
2016 Shareholders for
the year of 2016 shareholders
the Year 2016
published on,
2. Convening of an interim general meeting of shareholders requested by the preferred
shareholders whose voting rights have been restored
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
V. Performance of duties by independent directors during the Report Period
1. Attendance of independent directors at meetings of the Board of Directors and general
meetings of shareholders
Attendance of independent directors at meetings of the Board of Directors
Number of
meetings of the Failed to
Board of Times of personally
Name of Times of Times of
Directors attendance in Times of attend the
independent attendance on attendance by
requiring the way of absence meeting for two
director site proxy
attendance in communication consecutive
the Report times
Wang Ruzhu 6 2 4 0 0 No
Guo Yang 6 2 4 0 0 No
Lu Xin 6 1 5 0 0 No
Number of attendance of
independent directors at the general
meetings of Shareholders
Description about the failure to personally attend the meeting of the Board of Directors for two consecutive times
2. Objection raised by independent directors to relevant issues of the Company
Independent directors raised objection to relevant issues of the Company
□ Yes √ No
The independent directors didn’t raise any objection to relevant issues of the Company.
3. Other descriptions for performance of duties by independent directors
Whether the relevant suggestions on the Company by independent directors were adopted
√ Yes □ No
Description about the relevant suggestions on the Company by independent directors that were adopted or not
Within the Report Period, the independent directors of the Company were able to act in
the best interest of the Company and its shareholders, faithfully perform their own duties
in accordance with the relevant provisions, attend the meetings of the Board of Directors,
review and discuss various proposals carefully, fully express their suggestions and
opinions for the operation and management of the Company, play an active role in
making correct decisions, improving management level and standardizing business
operations by the Board of Directors of the Company, and practically safeguarding the
interests of minority stock holders.
VI. Performance of duties by special committees under the Board of Directors
during the Report Period
1. Performance of duties by audit committee under the Board of Directors
According to the Rules of Procedure of Audit Committee, the audit committee was mainly
responsible for communication, supervision and check for internal and external audits:
(1) The audit committee carried out full communications with the accounting firm
responsible for the annual audit of the Company in respect of audit plan, engagement
letter and risk and control, etc.
(2) Before the annual audit certified public accountants accessed to the site, the audit
committee reviewed the preliminarily prepared financial statements of the Company and
held that these statements reflected the present financial position of the Company in all
major aspects.
(3) After the annual audit certified public accountants issued preliminary opinions, the
audit committee reviewed financial statements of the Company, communicated with the
accounting firm in respect of material particulars and significant accounting estimates,
audit adjustments and significant accounting policies which might have potential
influence on the financial statements and held that the financial statements of the
Company gave a true, accurate and complete view of the whole position of the Company
and agreed to prepare the annual report for the year 2016 on the basis of these financial
(4) The audit committee reviewed the financial statements for the year 2016 which had
been audited by the auditors and held that these financial statements gave a fair view of
the financial position of the Company ended 31 December 2016 and operating results
and cash flows for the year 2016 in all major aspects and agreed to submit them to the
Board of Directors for deliberation.
(5) The audit committee summarized and evaluated the audit work for this year as done
by Union Power CPAs Co., Ltd. and held that the annual audit certified public accountants
performed their audit work in strict accordance with the Independent Auditing Standards for
Chinese Certified Public Accountants and suggested the Company re-engage Union Power
CPAs Co., Ltd. as the audit institution for the year 2017.
2. Performance of duties by the remuneration and appraisal committee under the Board
of Directors
The remuneration and appraisal committee under the Board of Directors carried out the
work in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Remuneration and Appraisal
Committee, reviewed the annual remunerations disclosed by the directors, supervisors
and senior management personnel of the Company according to the Trial Measures for
Annual Salary System of Managers, and upon review held that the annual remunerations
disclosed by the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of the
Company were consistent with those received actually by them from the Company. The
remunerations of the directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of the
Company were paid according to the provisions for wages management of the Company.
3. Nomination committee
The nomination committee under the Board of Directors carried out the work in
accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the Nomination Committee, during the Report
Period, it deliberated the proposals on appointment of directors and checked the
qualifications of related persons.
VII. Work of the Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors found whether there are risks in the supervision during the Report Period.
□ Yes √ No
The Board of Supervisors had no objection to the supervision during the Report Period.
VIII. Appraisal and incentive for senior management personnel
Within the Report Period, the Board of Directors of the Company conducted the
performance review of the achievements and performance of duties of the senior
management personnel and implemented the assignment assessment system regarding
the working results in ethic, competence, diligence and achievement. The Company
adhered to the principle of rationality, fairness and justice and laid emphasis on
combination of material incentive and spiritual incentive. As for the material incentive, the
Company paid attention to reasonably controlling reward grade and properly opening the
reward gap and emphasized the time and frequency of reward. As for the spiritual
incentive, the Company paid attention to combining the corporate objectives with the
spirit of dedication, sense of social responsibility and career achievement of the senior
management personnel.
IX. Internal control
1. Details about major defects found in internal control in the Report Period
□ Yes √ No
2. Internal control self-evaluation report
Full disclosure date of the internal control evaluation report April 27, 2017
Full disclosure index of the internal control evaluation report
Proportion of the total amount of unit assets included in the
evaluation scope to the total amount of assets in the consolidated 99.00%
financial statements of the Company
Proportion of the unit operating income included in the evaluation 99.00%
scope to the unit operating income in the consolidated financial
statements of the Company
Defect identification standard
Category Financial report Non-financial report
For details, see the Internal Control
For details, see the Internal Control Self-
Self-evaluation Report of Gree
evaluation Report of Gree Electric
Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai for
Qualitative standard Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai for the Year
the Year 2016 disclosed on
2016 disclosed on by by the Company
the Company on 27 April.
on 27 April.
For details, see the Internal Control
For details, see the Internal Control Self-
Self-evaluation Report of Gree
evaluation Report of Gree Electric
Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai for
Quantitative standard Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai for the Year
the Year 2016 disclosed on
2016 disclosed on by by the Company
the Company on 27 April.
on 27 April.
Number of major defects in the financial
Number of major defects in the non-
financial report
Number of important defects in the
financial report
Number of important defects in the non-
financial report
X. Internal control audit report
Deliberation opinion section in the internal control audit report
We hold that Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai has maintained effective internal control of financial reports in
accordance with the Basic Rules for Internal Control of Enterprises and relevant regulations.
Disclosure of internal control audit report Disclosed
Full disclosure date of the internal control
April 27, 2017
audit report
Full disclosure index of the internal control
audit report
Type of internal control audit report
Standard without reserved opinion
Major defects found in the non-financial
The accounting firm issued the internal control audit report of non-standard opinions
□ Yes √ No
The internal control audit report issued by the accounting firm is consistent with the self-evaluation report opinion of the
Board of Directors
√ Yes □ No
Section X Financial Report
I. Audit report
Audit opinion type Standard without reserved opinion
Signing date of the audit report April 26, 2017
Union Power Certified Public Accountants (Special General
Name of the audit institution
Audit Report Doc No. Union Power Audit No. (2017) No. 050018
Name of the certified public accountant Wang Bing and He Li
Audit report
Union Power Audit No. (2017) No. 050018
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of GREE ELECTRIC
APPLIANCES, INC. OF ZHUHAI (hereinafter referred to as \"your company\"), including
the consolidated and parent company's balance sheets ended 31 December 2016 and
consolidated and parent company's income statements, consolidated and parent
company's cash flow statements and consolidated and parent company's statements of
changes in owners' equity and notes to financial statements for the year 2016.
1. Responsibility of management for financial statements
Preparing and fairly presenting these financial statements are the responsibilities of the
management of your company. These responsibilities include: (1) Preparing these
financial Statements in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises and enabling them to achieve a fair reflection; (2) designing, implementing
and maintaining the necessary internal control to make these financial statements free of
any material misstatement resulting from cheating.
2. Responsibility of certified public accountants
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on audit of these financial statements on the
basis of implementation of audit work. We have conducted our audit work according to
the provisions of Audit Standards for Certified Public Accountants of China. The Audit
Standards for Certified Public Accountants of China require us to observe the code of
professional ethics for Chinese certified public accountants and plan and implement audit
work so as to reasonably assure the financial statements free of material misstatement.
Our audit work involves implementation of audit procedures to obtain the audit evidences
relating to amount and disclosure of financial statements. The selection of audit
procedures depends on judgment of certified public accountants, including the appraisal
of material misstatement risk of the financial statements resulting from cheating or errors.
During the execution of risk appraisal, the certified public accountants have considered
the internal control relating to preparation and fair presentation of financial statements to
design proper audit procedures. The audit work also includes appraising whether the
management applied proper accounting policy and made reasonable accounting
estimate and appraising the overall presentation of these financial statements.
We believe the audit evidences obtained by us are sufficient and proper and shall
provide the basis for expressing our audit opinion.
3. Audit opinion
In our opinion, these financial statements of your company have been prepared in all
material aspects in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
and fairly reflected the consolidated and parent company's financial position of your
company ended 31 December 2016 and consolidated and parent company's operating
results and cash flows for the year 2016.
Union Power Certified Public Chinese CPA: Wang Bing
Accountants (Special General
Partnership) Chinese CPA: He Li
Wuhan, China 26 April 2017
Consolidated Balance Sheet
December 31, 2016
Balance at the end of the
Assets Note Beginning Balance
Current assets:
Monetary capital 7 (1) 95,613,130,731.47 88,819,798,560.53
Settlement Reserves
Lending funds
Financial assets measured at their fair values and of which the changes
are recorded into the current profits and losses
Derivative financial assets 7(2) 250,848,418.63
Bills receivable 7(3) 29,963,355,478.45 14,879,805,537.96
Accounts receivable 7(4) 2,960,534,651.37 2,879,212,111.93
Prepayment 7(5) 1,814,945,790.78 847,929,149.71
Premiums receivable
Reinsurance accounts receivable
Reinsurance contract reserve
Interests receivable 7(6) 1,045,542,563.43 1,109,776,449.77
Dividends receivable
Other receivables 7(7) 244,984,154.67 254,016,643.00
Buying back the sale of financial assets 7(8) 1,000,000,000.00
Inventories 7(9) 9,024,905,239.41 9,473,942,712.51
Assets classified as held for sale
Non-current assets due within one year
Other current assets 7(10) 1,992,536,503.43 1,684,833,479.54
Total current assets 142,910,783,531.64 120,949,314,644.95
Non-current assets:
Disbursement of loans and advances 7(11) 4,737,184,235.79 7,872,619,001.46
Available-for-sale financial assets 7(12) 1,384,303,560.40 2,704,719,177.56
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investment 7(13) 103,913,171.51 95,459,187.55
Investment real estate 7(14) 597,736,633.95 491,540,849.66
Fixed assets 7(15) 17,681,655,478.06 15,431,813,077.20
Construction in Progress 7(16) 581,543,756.84 2,044,837,830.02
Project goods and materials
Fixed assets in liquidation 36,949,646.14 22,010,122.57
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Intangible assets 7(17) 3,355,276,284.72 2,656,143,811.74
Development expenditures
Business reputation
Long-term deferred expenses 1,051,286.89 8,182,375.95
Deferred income tax assets 7(18) 9,667,717,152.15 8,764,376,136.27
Other non-current assets 7(19) 1,311,590,311.26 657,000,100.13
Total non-current assets 39,458,921,517.71 40,748,701,670.11
Total assets 182,369,705,049.35 161,698,016,315.06
Legal representative: Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting institution:
Consolidated Balance Sheet (Continued)
December 31, 2016
Liabilities and Owners' (or Shareholders') Equity Note Ending Balance Beginning Balance
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowing 7(20) 10,701,081,645.32 6,276,660,136.03
Borrowings from the central bank 7(21) 4,274,000.00 8,000,000.00
Deposits from customers and interbank 7(22) 145,241,859.45 566,612,235.82
Loans from other banks
Financial liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the
changes are recorded into the current profits and losses
Derivative financial liabilities 7(23) 394,763,490.33 1,189,028,366.37
Bills payable 7(24) 9,127,336,849.68 7,427,635,753.74
Accounts payable 7(25) 29,541,466,861.10 24,794,268,372.47
Advances from customers 7(26) 10,021,885,515.93 7,619,598,042.86
Financial assets sold for repurchase
Handling charges and commissions payable
Payroll payable 7(27) 1,702,949,427.06 1,697,282,605.51
Taxes payable 7(28) 3,126,302,754.29 2,977,801,480.55
Interests payable 7(29) 41,781,977.25 48,386,709.75
Dividends payable 7(30) 87,732,811.56 707,913.60
Other payables 7(31) 2,222,613,974.82 2,607,601,936.21
Reinsurance accounts payable
Insurance contract reserves
Customer brokerage deposits
Securities underwriting brokerage deposits
Liabilities classified as held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year 7(32) 2,403,745,557.37
Other current liabilities 7(33) 59,758,848,571.94 55,007,851,867.48
Total current liabilities 126,876,279,738.73 112,625,180,977.76
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowing
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred stock
Perpetual bond
Long-term payables
Long-term payroll payable 7(34) 117,732,064.00 127,518,492.00
Special payables
Accrued liabilities
Deferred income 7(35) 172,081,044.75 134,571,708.03
Deferred income tax liabilities 7(18) 280,009,411.36 244,136,559.35
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities 569,822,520.11 506,226,759.38
Total liabilities 127,446,102,258.84 113,131,407,737.14
Owners' equity (or Shareholders' equity):
Paid-up capital (or stock capital) 7(36) 6,015,730,878.00 6,015,730,878.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred stock
Perpetual bond
Capital reserves 7(37) 183,400,626.71 185,950,626.71
Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income 7(38) -177,172,013.61 -124,928,526.03
Special reserves
Surplus reserve 7(39) 3,499,671,556.59 3,499,671,556.59
General risk provisions 7(40) 267,370,640.37 207,764,066.72
Undistributed profit 7(41) 44,074,949,590.07 37,737,187,489.78
Total owners' equity attributable to parent company 53,863,951,278.13 47,521,376,091.77
Minority equity 1,059,651,512.38 1,045,232,486.15
Total owners' equity 54,923,602,790.51 48,566,608,577.92
Total liabilities and owners' equity 182,369,705,049.35 161,698,016,315.06
Legal representative: Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting institution:
Balance Sheet of Parent Company
December 31, 2016
Assets Note Ending Balance Beginning Balance
Current assets:
Monetary capital 94,358,894,092.06 88,680,099,321.27
Financial assets measured at their fair values and of which the changes
are recorded into the current profits and losses
Derivative financial assets 250,848,418.63
Bills receivable 28,681,394,851.75 13,754,447,428.79
Accounts receivable 18 (1) 1,029,622,972.59 3,416,105,149.73
Prepayment 7,336,373,722.28 3,634,956,003.75
Interests receivable 1,289,154,900.73 1,477,241,737.32
Dividends receivable
Other receivables 18 (2) 848,175,367.89 574,622,000.79
Inventories 7,847,311,118.65 8,670,596,377.12
Assets classified as held for sale
Non-current assets due within one year
Other current assets 101,558,124.83 43,205,378.75
Total current assets 141,743,333,569.41 120,251,273,397.52
Non-current assets:
Available-for-sale financial assets
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investment 18 (3) 7,713,333,058.50 6,854,879,074.54
Investment real estate 30,324,919.33 31,569,857.77
Fixed assets 3,482,273,291.47 3,986,232,943.74
Construction in Progress 92,157,312.16 45,748,249.58
Project goods and materials
Fixed assets in liquidation 28,267,150.92 8,704,526.44
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Intangible assets 526,591,622.40 223,794,602.31
Development expenditures
Business reputation
Long-term deferred expenses
Deferred income tax assets 9,063,947,017.39 8,077,471,456.41
Other non-current assets 243,648,986.71 363,632,959.20
Total non-current assets 21,180,543,358.88 19,592,033,669.99
Total assets 162,923,876,928.29 139,843,307,067.51
Legal representative: Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting institution:
Balance Sheet of Parent Company (Continued)
December 31, 2016
Liabilities and Owners' (or Shareholders') Equity Note Ending Balance Beginning Balance
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowing 7,136,785,600.00 2,675,363,200.00
Financial liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the
changes are recorded into the current profits and losses
Derivative financial liabilities 32,218,000.00 91,071,099.06
Bills payable 10,045,470,518.12 7,237,386,266.55
Accounts payable 41,793,337,033.46 40,616,067,475.26
Advances from customers 14,791,379,086.59 7,427,598,204.97
Payroll payable 733,818,959.96 875,567,613.73
Taxes payable 1,875,319,977.49 2,507,553,404.63
Interests payable 43,053,052.94 8,418,174.57
Dividends payable 602,881.87 602,881.87
Other payables 560,376,207.04 610,537,718.98
Liabilities classified as held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year 2,403,745,557.37
Other current liabilities 60,107,149,647.50 55,170,845,529.23
Total current liabilities 137,119,510,964.97 119,624,757,126.22
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowing
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred stock
Perpetual bond
Long-term payables
Long-term payroll payable 117,732,064.00 127,518,492.00
Special payables
Accrued liabilities
Deferred income 130,349,609.28 113,796,827.32
Deferred income tax liabilities 232,395,962.90 221,586,260.60
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities 480,477,636.18 462,901,579.92
Total liabilities 137,599,988,601.15 120,087,658,706.14
Owners' equity (or Shareholders' equity)
Paid-up capital (or stock capital) 6,015,730,878.00 6,015,730,878.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred stock
Perpetual bond
Capital reserves 190,973,495.25 190,973,495.25
Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income -18,336,753.00 -54,758,221.50
Special reserves
Surplus reserve 3,497,114,024.31 3,497,114,024.31
Undistributed profit 15,638,406,682.58 10,106,588,185.31
Total owners' equity (or shareholders' equity) 25,323,888,327.14 19,755,648,361.37
Total liabilities and owners' equity (or shareholders' equity) 162,923,876,928.29 139,843,307,067.51
Legal representative: Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting institution:
Consolidated Income Statement
For the Year 2016
Amount for the current Amount for the previous
Item Note
period period
1. Total operating revenues 110,113,101,850.23 100,564,453,646.56
Including: Operating Revenue 7(42) 108,302,565,293.70 97,745,137,194.16
Interest revenue 7(43) 1,809,581,651.68 2,816,215,388.45
Earned premium
Fee and commission income 954,904.85 3,101,063.95
2. Total operating costs 91,529,379,824.61 86,134,609,086.80
Including: Operating Cost 7(42) 72,885,641,217.00 66,017,353,745.09
Interest expense 7(43) 93,317,462.31 652,352,307.92
Handling charges and commission expenses 333,542.60 399,791.57
Refunded premiums
Net payments for insurance claims
Net provision for insurance contracts
Expenditures dividend policy
Amortized reinsurance expenditures
Taxes and surcharges 7(44) 1,430,404,246.95 751,894,199.95
Sales expense 7(45) 16,477,265,963.04 15,506,341,694.21
Overhead Expense 7(46) 5,488,955,551.20 5,048,746,635.48
Financial expense 7(47) -4,845,546,598.04 -1,928,797,250.18
Asset impairment loss 7(48) -991,560.45 86,317,962.76
Add: Profits or losses on the changes in fair value (losses expressed with \"-\") 7(49) 1,093,332,134.65 -1,010,322,499.17
Income from investments (losses expressed with \"-\") 7(50) -2,221,356,324.55 96,654,919.95
Including: Investment incomes from joint venture and partnership 8,034,445.96 3,246,089.30
3. Operating profit (losses expressed with \"-\") 17,455,697,835.72 13,516,176,980.54
Add: Non-operating revenues 7(51) 1,096,234,774.23 1,404,291,659.85
Including: Gains from disposal of non-current assets 7(51) 2,838,642.05 1,039,883.33
Less: Non-operating expenses 7(52) 20,742,533.35 11,049,178.36
Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets 7(52) 15,083,762.45 9,118,859.43
4. Total profit (total losses expressed with \"-\") 18,531,190,076.60 14,909,419,462.03
Less: Income tax expenses 7(53) 3,006,555,172.73 2,285,686,841.81
5. Net profit (net loss expressed with \"-\") 15,524,634,903.87 12,623,732,620.22
Net profit attributable to owners of parent company 15,420,964,990.94 12,532,442,817.66
Minority interest income 103,669,912.93 91,289,802.56
6. Net of tax of other comprehensive income -54,469,476.32 -139,722,316.44
Net of tax of other comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent
-52,243,487.58 -142,675,233.57
(1) other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in
-8,412,589.00 -17,952,049.00
subsequent periods
1. Changes due to remeasuring and redefining net liabilities or net assets of the
-8,412,589.00 -17,952,049.00
benefit plan
2. Shares enjoyed in other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or
loss in the invested entity under the equity method
(2) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent
-43,830,898.58 -124,723,184.57
1. Shares enjoyed in other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or
loss in the invested entity under the equity method
2. Gains and losses from changes in fair value of financial assets available for sale -67,430,700.38 -230,765,894.39
3. Gains and losses from held-to-maturity investments reclassified as financial
assets available for sale
4. Effective part of cash flow hedging gains and losses 44,834,057.50 5,565,251.27
5. Difference arising from translation of financial statements in foreign currency -21,234,255.70 100,477,458.55
6. Others
Net of tax of other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders -2,225,988.74 2,952,917.13
7. Total comprehensive income 15,470,165,427.55 12,484,010,303.78
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent company 15,368,721,503.36 12,389,767,584.09
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders 101,443,924.19 94,242,719.69
8. Earnings per share:
(1) Basic earnings per share 19(2) 2.56 2.08
(2) Diluted earnings per share 19(2) 2.56 2.08
Legal representative: Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting institution:
Income Statement of Parent Company
For the Year 2016
Amount for the current Amount for the previous
Item Note
period period
1. Operating revenues 18(4) 100,196,022,986.24 93,603,741,139.75
Less: Operating Cost 18(4) 74,157,492,256.23 72,014,671,656.89
Taxes and surcharges 775,947,515.17 432,775,315.43
Sales expense 15,982,757,141.77 16,128,392,011.95
Overhead Expense 2,018,741,946.11 2,132,369,143.60
Financial expense -5,474,190,948.12 -3,317,674,713.24
Asset impairment loss 99,779.73 -3,691,215.17
Add: Profits or losses on the changes in fair value (losses expressed with \"-\") 316,201,517.69 -175,248,617.29
Income from investments (losses expressed with \"-\") 18(5) 3,133,375,724.41 171,438,245.76
Including: Investment incomes from joint venture and partnership 8,034,445.96 3,246,089.30
2. Operating profit (losses expressed with \"-\") 16,184,752,537.45 6,213,088,568.76
Add: Non-operating revenues 96,856,023.21 136,619,359.37
Including: Gains from disposal of non-current assets 496,921.55 85,349.79
Less: Non-operating expenses 681,502.47 399,008.88
Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets 150,495.17 370,704.12
3. Total profit (total losses expressed with \"-\") 16,280,927,058.19 6,349,308,919.25
Less: Income tax expenses 1,725,512,243.92 933,478,997.61
4. Net profit (net loss expressed with \"-\") 14,555,414,814.27 5,415,829,921.64
5. Net of tax of other comprehensive income 36,421,468.50 -12,386,797.73
(1) other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in
-8,412,589.00 -17,952,049.00
subsequent periods
1. Changes due to remeasuring and redefining net liabilities or net assets of the
-8,412,589.00 -17,952,049.00
benefit plan
2. Shares enjoyed in other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit
or loss in the invested entity under the equity method
(2) Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in subsequent
44,834,057.50 5,565,251.27
1. Shares enjoyed in other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or
loss in the invested entity under the equity method
2. Gains and losses from changes in fair value of financial assets available for
3. Gains and losses from held-to-maturity investments reclassified as financial
assets available for sale
4. Effective part of cash flow hedging gains and losses 44,834,057.50 5,565,251.27
5. Difference arising from translation of financial statements in foreign currency
6. Others
6. Total comprehensive income 14,591,836,282.77 5,403,443,123.91
Legal representative: Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting institution:
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the Year 2016
Amount for the current Amount for the previous
Item Note
period period
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services 69,896,621,293.21 110,918,320,884.07
Net increase in deposits and due from banks -421,370,376.37 -239,900,888.66
Net increase in borrowings from central bank -3,726,000.00 -9,457,000.00
Net increase in placements from other financial institutions
Cash received from original insurance contracts
Net increase received from reinsurance business
Net increase in deposits from the insured and investment
Net increase for disposal of financial assets measured at their fair values and of
which the changes are recorded into the current profits and losses
Cash received from interests, fees and commissions 1,965,747,102.22 2,793,577,944.23
Net increase in placements from other financial institutions
Net increase in repurchase business capital -586,000,000.00
Refund of tax and levies 1,139,337,699.60 1,237,326,987.91
Other cash received relating to operating activities 7(54) 2,938,826,213.65 4,682,640,196.09
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities 75,515,435,932.31 118,796,508,123.64
Cash payments for goods acquired and services received 40,478,783,811.27 42,541,255,260.22
Net increase in loans and advances to customers -4,216,183,377.63 2,465,300,268.21
Net increase in deposits with central bank and other financial institutions -1,064,180,189.98 -1,050,510,263.03
Cash paid for indemnity of original insurance contract
Cash paid for interests, fees and commissions 94,593,790.43 662,494,322.97
Cash paid for policy dividends
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 5,657,046,182.44 5,590,514,442.03
Payments of all types of taxes 11,333,898,757.72 13,773,887,181.66
Other cash paid relating to operating activities 7(54) 8,371,524,851.14 10,435,185,083.90
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities 60,655,483,825.39 74,418,126,295.96
Net cash flows from operating activities 14,859,952,106.92 44,378,381,827.68
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
Cash received from recovery of investments 3,142,289,553.35 950,000,000.00
Cash received from return of investments 264,728,491.86 84,643,291.79
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-
27,196,374.80 1,228,803.43
term assets
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash received relating to investing activities 7(54) 6,500,000.00 143,435,881.62
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities 3,440,714,420.01 1,179,307,976.84
Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other.
3,276,936,026.68 2,884,513,074.71
long-term assets
Cash paid for investments 1,496,403,698.86 2,832,663,335.62
Net increase in pledge loans
Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash paid relating to investing activities 7(54) 17,913,927,388.57 175,286,430.99
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities 22,687,267,114.11 5,892,462,841.32
Net Cash Flow from Investment Activities -19,246,552,694.10 -4,713,154,864.48
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
Cash received from absorbing investment
Including: Cash received from minority shareholder investment by subsidiary
Cash received from borrowings 12,382,413,204.61 10,096,926,967.84
Cash received from bond issue
Other cash received relating to financing activities 7(54) 2,110,522,945.98 1,257,485,012.71
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities 14,492,936,150.59 11,354,411,980.55
Cash repayments of amounts borrowed 11,054,156,840.31 9,512,423,538.15
Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment 9,180,067,571.71 9,525,010,447.46
Including: Dividends and profits paid to minority shareholders by subsidiaries
Other cash paid relating to financing activities 10,271,924.02
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 20,244,496,336.04 19,037,433,985.61
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities -5,751,560,185.45 -7,683,022,005.06
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 4,094,503,950.24 1,876,340,773.99
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -6,043,656,822.39 33,858,545,732.13
Add: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents 77,365,016,845.22 43,506,471,113.09
6. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents 71,321,360,022.83 77,365,016,845.22
Legal representative: Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting institution:
Cash Flow Statements of Parent Company
For the Year 2016
Amount for the current Amount for the previous
Item Note
period period
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash received from sale of goods or rendering of services 73,772,247,201.55 100,825,366,279.54
Refund of tax and levies 892,479,335.10 1,159,795,819.86
Other cash received relating to operating activities 2,776,455,975.16 3,402,282,409.75
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities 77,441,182,511.81 105,387,444,509.15
Cash payments for goods acquired and services received 47,666,643,016.88 48,637,706,510.04
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 2,461,753,957.31 2,254,402,964.71
Payments of all types of taxes 7,790,647,525.17 9,328,346,895.14
Other cash paid relating to operating activities 7,822,012,647.53 8,274,660,258.70
Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities 65,741,057,146.89 68,495,116,628.59
Net cash flows from operating activities 11,700,125,364.92 36,892,327,880.56
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
Cash received from recovery of investments
Cash received from return of investments 28,941,374.91
Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
2,817,038.00 154,720.00
long-term assets
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash received relating to investing activities 6,500,000.00 143,435,881.62
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities 9,317,038.00 172,531,976.53
Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets
487,437,576.81 1,005,797,949.58
and other. long-term assets
Cash paid for investments 850,419,538.00 220,000,000.00
Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash paid relating to investing activities 24,401,261,166.04
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities 25,739,118,280.85 1,225,797,949.58
Net Cash Flow from Investment Activities -25,729,801,242.85 -1,053,265,973.05
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
Cash received from absorbing investment
Cash received from borrowings 8,351,424,680.00 8,361,061,000.00
Other cash received relating to financing activities 2,110,522,945.98 1,257,485,012.71
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities 10,461,947,625.98 9,618,546,012.71
Cash repayments of amounts borrowed 6,765,973,061.39 7,098,162,324.08
Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution or interest payment 9,108,489,378.90 9,444,887,252.27
Other cash paid relating to financing activities 10,271,924.02
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 15,884,734,364.31 16,543,049,576.35
Net Cash Flow from Financing Activities -5,422,786,738.33 -6,924,503,563.64
4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 4,034,988,007.34 1,733,758,931.75
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -15,417,474,608.92 30,648,317,275.62
Add: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents 81,020,140,360.98 50,371,823,085.36
6. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents 65,602,665,752.06 81,020,140,360.98
Legal representative: Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting
Consolidated Statement of Changes In Owners' Equity
For the Year 2016
Amount for the current period
Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent company
Item Other equity instruments Less: Other
Paid-up capital Special General risk Minority equity Total owners' equity
Preferred Perpetual Capital reserves Treasury comprehensive Surplus reserve Undistributed profit
(or stock capital) Others reserves provisions
stock bond stock income
1. Ending balance for
6,015,730,878.00 185,950,626.71 -124,928,526.03 207,764,066.72 37,737,187,489.78 1,045,232,486.15 48,566,608,577.92
the previous year 3,499,671,556.59
Add: Changes in
accounting policies
Early error correction
Business combination
involving enterprises
under common control
2. Beginning balance
6,015,730,878.00 185,950,626.71 -124,928,526.03 207,764,066.72 37,737,187,489.78 48,566,608,577.92
for the current year 3,499,671,556.59 1,045,232,486.15
3. Increase or
decrease in the
current year -2,550,000.00 -52,243,487.58 59,606,573.65 6,337,762,100.29 14,419,026.23 6,356,994,212.59
(decrease expressed
with “-”)
(1) Total
-52,243,487.58 15,420,964,990.94 101,443,924.19 15,470,165,427.55
comprehensive income
(2) Capital invested by
owners and capital
1. Ordinary stocks
invested by
2. Capital invested by
holders of other equity
3. Amounts of share-
based payments
recognized into
owner's equity
4. Others
(3) Profit distribution 59,606,573.65 -9,083,202,890.65 -87,024,897.96 -9,110,621,214.96
1. Appropriation to
surplus reserves
2. Appropriation of
59,606,573.65 -59,606,573.65
general risk provisions
3. Allocation to owners -9,023,596,317.00 -87,024,897.96 -9,110,621,214.96
(or shareholders)
4. Others
(4) Internal carry-over
of owner's equity
1. Transfer of capital
reserves into capital
(or stock capital)
2. Transfer of surplus
reserves into capital
(or stock capital)
3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
4. Others
(5) Appropriative
1. Amount withdrawn
for the period
2. Amount used for the
(6) Others -2,550,000.00 -2,550,000.00
4. Ending balance for
6,015,730,878.00 183,400,626.71 -177,172,013.61 3,499,671,556.59 267,370,640.37 44,074,949,590.07 1,059,651,512.38 54,923,602,790.51
the current period
Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting institution:
Legal representative:
Consolidated Statement of Changes In Owners' Equity
For the Year 2016
Amount for the current period
Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent company
Item Other equity instruments Less: Other Total owners'
Paid-up capital Special General risk Minority equity
Capital reserves Treasury comprehensive Surplus reserve Undistributed profit equity
(or stock capital) Preferred Perpetual Others reserves provisions
stock bond stock income
1. Ending balance for
3,007,865,439.00 3,191,266,065.71 17,746,707.54 2,958,088,564.43 136,364,066.72 34,841,323,981.28 978,796,185.50 45,131,451,010.18
the previous year
Add: Changes in
accounting policies
Early error correction
Business combination
involving enterprises
under common control
2. Beginning balance
3,007,865,439.00 3,191,266,065.71 17,746,707.54 2,958,088,564.43 136,364,066.72 34,841,323,981.28 978,796,185.50 45,131,451,010.18
for the current year
3. Increase or
decrease in the
current year 3,007,865,439.00 -3,005,315,439.00 -142,675,233.57 541,582,992.16 71,400,000.00 2,895,863,508.50 66,436,300.65 3,435,157,567.74
(decrease expressed
with “-”)
(1) Total
comprehensive -142,675,233.57 12,532,442,817.66 94,242,719.69 12,484,010,303.78
(2) Capital invested by
owners and capital
1. Ordinary stocks
invested by
2. Capital invested by
holders of other equity
3. Amounts of share-
based payments
recognized into
owner's equity
4. Others
(3) Profit distribution 541,582,992.16 71,400,000.00 -9,636,579,309.16 -27,806,419.04 -9,051,402,736.04
1. Appropriation to
541,582,992.16 -541,582,992.16
surplus reserves
2. Appropriation of
71,400,000.00 -71,400,000.00
general risk provisions
3. Allocation to owners
-9,023,596,317.00 -27,806,419.04 -9,051,402,736.04
(or shareholders)
4. Others
(4) Internal carry-over
3,007,865,439.00 -3,007,865,439.00
of owner's equity
1. Transfer of capital
reserves into capital 3,007,865,439.00 -3,007,865,439.00
(or stock capital)
2. Transfer of surplus
reserves into capital
(or stock capital)
3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
4. Others
(5) Appropriative
1. Amount withdrawn
for the period
2. Amount used for the
(6) Others 2,550,000.00 2,550,000.00
4. Ending balance for
6,015,730,878.00 185,950,626.71 -124,928,526.03 3,499,671,556.59 207,764,066.72 37,737,187,489.78 1,045,232,486.15 48,566,608,577.92
the current period
Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting institution:
Legal representative:
Statement of Changes In Owners' Equity of Parent Company
For the Year 2016
Amount for the current period
Other equity instruments
Item Less: Other
Paid-up capital Special General risk
Capital reserves Treasury comprehensive Surplus reserve Undistributed profit Total owners' equity
(or stock capital) Preferred Perpetual reserves provisions
Others stock income
stock bond
1. Ending balance for the previous year 6,015,730,878.00 -54,758,221.50 3,497,114,024.31 10,106,588,185.31 19,755,648,361.37
Add: Changes in accounting policies
Early error correction
2. Beginning balance for the current
6,015,730,878.00 -54,758,221.50 3,497,114,024.31 10,106,588,185.31 19,755,648,361.37
year 190,973,495.25
3. Increase or decrease in the current
36,421,468.50 5,531,818,497.27 5,568,239,965.77
year (decrease expressed with “-”)
(1) Total comprehensive income 36,421,468.50 14,555,414,814.27 14,591,836,282.77
(2) Capital invested by owners and capital
1. Ordinary stocks invested by
2. Capital invested by holders of other
equity instruments
3. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized into owner's equity
4. Others
(3) Profit distribution -9,023,596,317.00 -9,023,596,317.00
1. Appropriation to surplus reserves
2. Allocation to owners (or shareholders) -9,023,596,317.00 -9,023,596,317.00
3. Others
(4) Internal carry-over of owner's equity
1. Transfer of capital reserves into capital
(or stock capital)
2. Transfer of surplus reserves into capital
(or stock capital)
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Others
(5) Appropriative reserve
1. Amount withdrawn for the period
2. Amount used for the period
(6) Others
4. Ending balance for the current period 6,015,730,878.00 190,973,495.25 -18,336,753.00 3,497,114,024.31 15,638,406,682.58 25,323,888,327.14
Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting institution:
Legal representative:
Statement of Changes In Owners' Equity of Parent Company
For the Year 2016
Amount for the previous period
Other equity instruments
Item Less: Other
Paid-up capital (or Special General risk
Capital reserves Treasury comprehensive Surplus reserve Undistributed profit Total owners' equity
stock capital) Preferred Perpetual reserves provisions
Others stock income
stock bond
1. Ending balance for the previous
3,007,865,439.00 3,198,838,934.25 -42,371,423.77 2,955,531,032.15 14,255,937,572.83 23,375,801,554.46
Add: Changes in accounting policies
Early error correction
2. Beginning balance for the current
3,007,865,439.00 3,198,838,934.25 -42,371,423.77 2,955,531,032.15 14,255,937,572.83 23,375,801,554.46
3. Increase or decrease in the current -
3,007,865,439.00 -12,386,797.73 541,582,992.16 -4,149,349,387.52 -3,620,153,193.09
year (decrease expressed with “-”) 3,007,865,439.00
(1) Total comprehensive income -12,386,797.73 5,415,829,921.64 5,403,443,123.91
(2) Capital invested by owners and
capital decrease
1. Ordinary stocks invested by
2. Capital invested by holders of other
equity instruments
3. Amounts of share-based payments
recognized into shareholders' equity
4. Others
(3) Profit distribution 541,582,992.16 -9,565,179,309.16 -9,023,596,317.00
1. Appropriation to surplus reserves 541,582,992.16 -541,582,992.16
2. Allocation to owners (or shareholders) -9,023,596,317.00 -9,023,596,317.00
3. Others
(4) Internal carry-over of owner's equity 3,007,865,439.00
1. Transfer of capital reserves into -
capital (or stock capital) 3,007,865,439.00
2. Transfer of surplus reserves into
capital (or stock capital)
3. Surplus reserves for making up
4. Others
(5) Appropriative reserve
1. Amount withdrawn for the period
2. Amount used for the period
(6) Others
4. Ending balance for the current
6,015,730,878.00 190,973,495.25 -54,758,221.50 3,497,114,024.31 10,106,588,185.31 19,755,648,361.37
Responsible person in charge of accounting work: In-charge person of accounting institution:
Legal representative:
Notes to Financial Statements for the Year 2016
I. Basic information of the Company
GREE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, INC. OF ZHUHAI (hereinafter referred to as \"the
Company\" or \"Company\") was formerly known as Haili Air-conditioning
Engineering Co., Ltd. of Zhuhai which was established in 1989 upon approval of
Zhuhai Municipal Industrial Committee and the people's Bank of China Zhuhai
(hereinafter referred to as \"the Company\" or \"Company\") in 1994 upon approval of
Zhuhai City Commission for Economic Restructuring, and the Company was listed
on Shenzhen Stock Exchange dated 18 November 1996 upon receipt of the
approval document Zheng Jian Fa Zi (1996) No. 321 from China Securities
Regulatory Commission, and it has obtained the unified social credit identifier No.
91440400192548256N and has the registered capital of RMB 6,015,730,878.00 as
of December 31, 2016.
Legal representative: Dong Mingzhu
Business scope: export and import of goods and technologies (excluding items
forbidden by laws and administrative regulations. Items restricted by laws and
administrative regulations shall be conducted with special license); manufacturing
and distribution of pumps, valves, compressors and similar machines, fan motors,
packaging equipment and other general-purpose equipment, motors, equipment
for power transmission and distribution and control equipment, electric wires and
cables, optical cables and electrical equipment, and household electrical
appliances; wholesale of mechanical equipment, hardware and electrical
equipment and electronic products; retail of household electrical appliances and
electronic products.
Main products of the Company: The Company is engaged in household electrical
appliances business mainly including production and sales of air conditioners and
their accessories, and household appliances and their accessories.
Company address: Jinji West Road, Qianshan, Zhuhai City, Guangdong Province
The parent company of the Company is Zhuhai Gree Group Co., Ltd. and the final
controller is Zhuhai Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
This financial report was submitted under approval of the Board of Directors of the
Company as of April 26, 2017.
II. Coverage of the consolidated statements
The Company incorporated over 50 subsidiaries such as Gree Electric Appliances
(Chongqing) Co., Ltd. and Gree Electric Appliances (Hefei) Co., Ltd. in the
coverage of the financial statements consolidated in the current period. For details,
see “Note 8 Change to the Consolidation Scope” and “Note 9 Equity in Other
III. Preparation basis of the financial statements
1. Preparation basis of the financial statements
The financial statements of the Company have been prepared in accordance with
the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises – Basic
Standards (issued by Decree No.33 of the Ministry of Finance and revised by
Decree No. 76 of the Ministry of Finance) issued by the Ministry of Finance on 15
February, 2006 and 41 Specific Accounting Standards, application guidelines,
explanations and other relevant regulations of the accounting standards
subsequently promulgated (collectively referred to as the “Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises”), and the disclosure requirements in accordance with the
Preparation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to
the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reports (2014 Revision)
issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission.
2. Going concern
This financial statement was presented on a going concern basis. The
management carefully evaluated factors of the Company in the future 12 months
commencing from December 31, 2016 such as the macropolicy risk, market
operation risk, current and long-term profitability and solvency of the enterprise,
financial flexibility, and the management’s intention of changing the operations
policy, and held that there was no event that can generate significant influence on
the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.
IV. Statements regarding observance of the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises
The financial statements prepared by the Company conform to the requirements of
the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and give a true and complete
view of the financial position of the Company on December 31, 2016, and the
related information such as operating results and cash flows in the year 2016.
Besides, the financial statements prepared by the Company, in all the major
aspects, also conform to the disclosure requirements of financial statements and
their notes in the Preparation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies
Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reports
revised by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in 2014.
V. Significant accounting policies and estimates and previous errors
Specific accounting policies and accounting estimate suggestions:
The Company and each subsidiary are engaged in production and sales of air
conditioners and their accessories, and household appliances and their
accessories. The Company and each subsidiary have prepared several specific
accounting policies and accounting estimates for transactions and events such as
revenue recognition based on the actual production management characteristics
and in accordance with provisions of the related Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises. For details, see the detailed description in Note 5 herein.
For the description about major accounting judgments and estimates made by the
management, please see Note 5 (29) “Major accounting estimates”.
(1) Accounting period
Accounting period of the Company includes one year and interim periods. An
interim period covers six-month, a quarter and a month. The accounting year of
the Company commences on 1 January and ends on 31 December of each year.
(2) Operating cycle
The normal operating cycle refers to the period from the Company’s purchase of
assets used for processing to achieving of cash or cash equivalent. The Company
regards 12 months as one operating cycle and uses it as the liquidity classification
standard for assets and liabilities.
(3) Functional currency
RMB is the functional currency used by the Company.
(4) Accounting treatment of business combination involving enterprises
under common control and business combination not involving enterprises
under common control
Business combination refers to the transaction or event of combining two or more
independent enterprises to form a reporting entity. Business combination is
classified into business combination involving enterprises under common control
and business combination not involving enterprises under common control.
1. Business combination involving enterprises under common control
A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business
combination in which all of the combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by
the same party or parties both before and after the combination, and that control is
not transitory. For business combination involving enterprises under common
control, the party that obtains the right to control other enterprises participating in
the combination on the combination date is the combining party, and other
enterprises participating in the combination are the combined party. The
combination date refers to the date on which the combining party actually obtains
the right to control the combined party.
Where business combination involving enterprises under common control arises
from one transaction or equities of invested entities under common control are
obtained step by step through multiple transactions and these transactions belong to
a package deal, the Company will recognize the cost of combination according to
the share of carrying amount of net assets obtained for the combined party in the
ultimate controlling party’s consolidated financial statements on the combination
date. The difference between the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the
combination (or total par value of the issued stocks) and the combination cost is
adjusted to capital reserve; if the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the
difference, any excess is adjusted against retained earnings.
Costs incurred that are attributable to the business combination made by the
Company, including intermediary costs such as the audit fee, legal service charge
and appraisal and consultation costs, and other related overhead expenses are
charged to profits or losses in the period in which they are incurred; the transaction
expenses directly attributable to the consideration paid for the combination through
issuance of equity instruments are credited against the capital reserve; if the
capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess is adjusted against retained earnings;
the transaction expenses directly attributable to the consideration paid for the
combination through issuance of debt instruments are recorded into the initially
recognized amount of debt instruments. Where the equities of invested entities
under common control are obtained step by step through multiple transactions to
achieve business combination but these transactions do not belong to a package
deal, the Company will recognize the cost of combination according to the share of
carrying amount of net assets to be enjoyed by the combined party after the
combination in the ultimate controlling party’s consolidated financial statements on
the combination date. The difference between the combination cost and the sum of
the carrying amount of long-term equity investments prior to the combination plus
the carrying amount of the consideration newly paid for further acquisition of
shares on the date of combination is adjusted to capital reserve (capital premium
or capital stock premium); if the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the
difference, any excess is adjusted against retained earnings. For the equity
investment held before the date of combination, accounting treatment is not
performed temporarily for other comprehensive incomes that are accounted using
the equity method or recognized using financial instruments and accounted
according to the measurement standard for recognition. When this investment is
disposed of, accounting treatment is conducted using the basis the same as that
used by the invested entity to directly dispose of relevant assets or liabilities. For
other changes in owners’ equities other than the net profits/losses, other
comprehensive income and profit distribution in net assets of the invested entity
that are recognized because of accounting using the equity method, accounting
treatment is not conducted temporarily; they shall be transferred to the profits and
losses of the current period at the time of disposing of this investment.
2. Business combination not involving enterprises under common control
A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a
business combination in which all of the combining enterprises are not ultimately
controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination. For
business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the party
that obtains the right to control other enterprises participating in the combination on
the date of combination is the acquiring party, and other enterprises participating in
the combination are the acquired party. The date of acquisition refers to the date
on which the acquiring party actually obtains the right to control the acquired party.
For the business combination implemented through one transaction, the cost of
business combination refers to the fair value of assets paid, liabilities incurred or
assumed and equity securities issued by the Company on the date of acquisition
for obtaining the right to control the acquired party. On the date of acquisition, the
assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities obtained by the Company from the
acquired party are recognized at the fair value.
For a business combination realized by two or more transactions of exchange, the
accounting treatment for the combination costs shall be made by distinguishing
individual financial statements and consolidated financial statements:
In the individual financial statements, where the held stocks are accounted using
the equity method prior to the date of acquisition, the cost of combination of the
investment is the aggregate of the carrying amount of the equity investment of the
acquired party held before the date of acquisition and the investment cost newly
increased on the date of acquisition. For other related comprehensive income,
accounting treatment is performed during disposal of the investment using the
basis the same as that used by the invested entity to directly dispose of relevant
assets or liabilities; the owner's equity that is recognized due to other changes in
owners’ equities other than the net profits/losses, other comprehensive income
and profit distribution of the invested entity is accordingly transferred to the profits
and losses of the current period at the time of disposing of this investment. Where
the equity investment held before the date of acquisition is recognized using
financial instruments and undergoes accounting treatment according to the
measurement standard, the cost of combination of the investment is the aggregate
of the fair value of the equity investment recognized according to this standard and
the newly increased investment cost. The difference between the fair value of the
originally held stocks and the carrying amount and all the cumulative fair value
changes originally recorded into other comprehensive income are transferred to
the investment income of the current period.
In the consolidated financial statements, the stocks of the acquired party held
before the date of acquisition shall be remeasured based on the fair value of such
stocks on the date of acquisition, and the difference between their fair value and
carrying amount shall be charged to the investment income of the current period;
where the stocks of the acquired party held before the date of acquisition involve
other comprehensive income under accounting of the equity method and other
changes in owners’ equities other than the net profits/losses, other comprehensive
income and profit distribution, other comprehensive income and other changes in
owners’ equities concerned with them shall be transferred to the investment
income in the period in which the date of acquisition is included (excluding other
comprehensive income arising from changes in the net assets or net liabilities of
the benefit plan remeasured and redefined by the invested entity). The summation
of the fair value of the stocks of the acquired party held before the date of
acquisition on the date of acquisition and newly increased investment costs on the
date of acquisition shall be the combination cost of the investment.
Costs incurred that are attributable to the business combination made by the
Company, including intermediary costs such as the audit fee, legal service charge,
and appraisal and consultation costs, and other related overhead expenses are
charged to profits or losses in the period in which they are incurred. The
transaction expenses directly attributable to the consideration paid for the
combination through issuance of equity instruments are credited against the
capital reserve; if the capital reserve is not sufficient, any excess is adjusted
against retained earnings; the transaction expenses directly attributable to the
consideration paid for the combination through issuance of debt instruments are
recorded into the initially recognized amount of debt instruments.
In the Company, the positive balance between the business combination cost and
the fair value of the identifiable net assets obtained by the Company from the
acquired party shall be recognized as business reputation and subsequently
measured after the accumulated provision for impairment is deducted from the
cost; the negative balance between the business combination cost and the fair
value of the identifiable net assets obtained by the Company from the acquired
party shall be charged to profits or losses of the current period after being checked.
3. Principle of judging whether multiple transactions are “a package deal”
When the terms and conditions of multiple transactions and the economic impact
thereof accord with one or more of the following cases, usually it indicates that
these transactions shall undergo accounting treatment as “a package deal”: (1)
these transactions are concluded at the same time or concluded in consideration
of mutual influence; (2) only the whole of these transactions can achieve a
complete business result; (3) occurrence of one transaction depends on
occurrence of at least one of the other transactions; (4) one transaction is not
economical when considered separately, but economical when taken into account
together with other transactions.
(5) Preparation of consolidated financial statements
1. Principle of determining the scope of consolidated financial statements
The consolidation scope of consolidated financial statements shall be determined
on the basis of control. Control means that the Company owns the power to the
invested entity, enjoys variable return by participating relevant activities of the
invested entity, and has the capacity of using the power to the invested entity to
affect its return amount.
2. Preparation of consolidated financial statements
The consolidated financial statements of the Company are prepared by the
Company based on individual financial statements of the Company and
subsidiaries and according to other relevant data. During preparation of
consolidated financial statements, the accounting policy and accounting period of
the Company shall be consistent with those of subsidiaries, and the inter-company
major transactions and balances shall be offset.
For the subsidiary added due to business combination involving enterprises under
common control in the Report Period, the Company adjusts the amount at the
beginning of the period in the consolidated balance sheet, incorporates the
revenue, expense and profit of this subsidiary from the beginning of the period for
consolidation to the end of the report period into the consolidated profit statement,
includes its cash flow into the consolidated cash flow statement, and adjusts
relevant items in the comparative statements; for the subsidiary added due to
business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the
Company does not adjust the amount at the beginning of the period in the
consolidated balance sheet, but only incorporates the revenue, expense and profit
of this subsidiary from the date of acquisition to the end of report period into the
consolidated profit statement and its cash flow into the consolidated cash flow
The portion of shareholders' equity of the subsidiaries that isn’t attributable to the
Company shall be separately presented as the minority shareholders' equity under
the shareholders' equity in the consolidated balance sheet. The share of net profits
or losses of the subsidiaries in the current period that is attributable to the minority
shareholders' equity shall be presented as the item of “Minority interest income”
under the net profit in the consolidated profit statement. The share of
comprehensive income of the subsidiaries in the current period that is attributable
to the minority shareholders' equity shall be presented as the item of “Total
comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders” under the total
comprehensive income in the consolidated profit statement. Where the losses of a
subsidiary undertaken by minority shareholders exceed the share enjoyed by
minority shareholders in the owners’ equities of this subsidiary at the beginning of
the period, the balance shall be still adjusted against the minority shareholders'
For acquisition of the subsidiary’s stocks owned by minority shareholders thereof,
in the consolidated financial statements, the difference between the long-term
equity investment newly obtained because of acquisition of minority shareholders’
stocks and the share of net assets of the subsidiary to be enjoyed and
continuously calculated according to the proportion of newly added shares from
the acquisition date or consolidation date is adjusted to capital reserve; if the
capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess is adjusted
against retained earnings.
For the transaction for which a part of equity investment is disposed of but the right
to control this subsidiary is not lost, in the consolidated financial statements, the
difference between the disposal price and the share of net assets of the subsidiary
to be enjoyed accordingly for disposal of the long-term equity investment and
continuously calculated from the acquisition date or consolidation date is adjusted
to capital reserve (capital premium or capital stock premium); if the capital reserve
is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess is adjusted against retained
Where the right to control the original subsidiary is lost due to disposal of a part of
equity investment or other reasons, the remaining stocks shall be remeasured at
their fair value on the date of losing the control right; the result of the sum of the
consideration obtained from the equity disposal plus the fair value of remaining
stocks, minus the share of net assets of the original subsidiary that should be
enjoyed and is continuously calculated according to the original proportion of held
shares from the acquisition date, shall be charged to the investment income in the
period when the control right is lost, and adjusted against the business reputation
at the same time; other comprehensive income related to the original subsidiary’s
equity investment shall be transferred to the investment income of the current
period when the control right is lost.
Where the equity investment for a subsidiary is disposed of step by step through
multiple transactions till the control right is lost and all the transactions belong to a
package deal, accounting treatment shall be performed for the transactions by
deeming all the transactions as one item for disposing of the subsidiary and losing
the control right; however, prior to loss of the control right, the difference between
every disposal price and the share of net assets of this subsidiary to be enjoyed
accordingly for investment disposal shall be recognized as other comprehensive
income in the consolidated financial statements and, at the time of losing the
control right, be jointly transferred to the profits or losses in the period when the
control right is lost.
Where the equity investment for a subsidiary is disposed of step by step through
multiple transactions till the control right is lost and the transactions do not belong
to a package deal, all the transactions before loss of the right to control the
subsidiary shall be handled according to the regulations of the Company on partial
disposal of the subsidiary’s long-term equity investment provided that the
Company does not lose the right to control the subsidiary.
This report period does not involve buying-in and selling-out of the same
subsidiary’s stocks, or selling-out and buying-in in turn.
(6) Joint arrangement classification and accounting treatment of co-
Joint arrangement refers to the arrangement for joint control by two or more
1. Joint arrangement classification
Joint arrangement is classified into co-management and contractual enterprise.
Co-management refers to the joint arrangement where the parties to the venture
enjoy relevant assets of this arrangement and assume relevant liabilities of this
arrangement. Contractual enterprise refers to the joint arrangement where the
parties to the venture only enjoy rights to net assets of this arrangement.
2. Accounting treatment of co-management
(1) The Company recognizes the following items related to quantum of interest in
co-management and performs accounting treatment in accordance with provisions
of the corresponding Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises:
① Independently held assets, as well as the jointly held assets to be recognized
according to the share of the Company;
② Independently undertaken liabilities, as well as the jointly undertaken liabilities
to be recognized according to the share of the Company;
③ Revenue generated by selling the output share of co-management that is
enjoyed by the Company;
④ Revenue that is generated by selling the output during co-management and
recognized according to the share of the Company;
⑤ Independently incurred expense, as well as the expense incurred by co-
management and recognized according to the share of the Company.
(2) Where the Company puts assets into or sells assets to the parties to co-
management (except that the assets constitute business), before the said assets
are sold to a third party by the parties to co-management, the Company
recognizes only the part in the profits or losses arising from this transaction that is
attributable to other participants in the co-management. In case that the put or sold
assets involve the asset impairment loss complying with provisions in the
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets, the
Company shall recognize the said loss in full.
(3) Where the Company purchases assets from the parties to co-management
(except that the assets constitute business), before said assets are sold to a third
party, the Company recognizes only the part in the profits or losses arising from
this transaction that is attributable to other participants in the co-management. In
case that the purchased assets involve the asset impairment loss complying with
provisions in the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment
of Assets, the Company shall recognize this part of loss according to the share to
(7) Accounting measurement attribute
1. Measurement attribute
The Company takes the accrual system as the basis of accounting and measures
the initial value using historical cost. The financial assets and liabilities measured
at their fair value and of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses
of the current period and the financial assets available for sale and derivative
instruments shall be measured at their fair value; The inventories and fixed assets
for which the payment is delayed in excess of normal credit terms while they are
purchased shall be measured at their present value of their purchase price; The
inventories on which an impairment loss occurs shall be measured at their net
realizable value, and other assets on which an impairment loss occurs shall be
measured at their recoverable amount of their fair value and present value
(whichever is higher); The asset inventory surplus and other assets shall be
measured at their replacement cost.
2. Items in the financial statements with their measurement attribute changing
during the period
There was no change in the accounting measurement attribute of the items in the
financial statements during the Report Period.
(8) Criteria for cash and cash equivalents
The cash refers to the enterprise's money on hand and deposits for payment at
any time. Cash equivalents refer to investments held by the enterprise which are
short in term (generally referring to those expiring within not more than 3 months
from the date of acquisition), high in liquidity, convertible to the known amount of
cash and insignificant in risk of change of value.
(9) Foreign currency transactions
1. Method of translation for foreign currency transactions
At the time of initial recognition of a foreign currency transaction of the Company,
the amount in the foreign currency shall be translated into the amount in RMB
currency at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date (generally referring to
the medial rate of foreign exchange quotation published by the People's Bank of
China at the date of transaction, the same below).
2. Treatment of monetary items of foreign currencies and non-monetary items of
foreign currencies on the balance sheet date
For the monetary items of foreign currencies, the translation is done according to
spot rate of the balance sheet date. The exchange difference generated from the
difference of spot rate of the current balance sheet date and the time of initial
recognition of a foreign currency or the previous balance sheet date is charged to
the profit or loss of the current period except that the exchange difference
generated from foreign currency borrowings relating to assets of which the
acquisition or production satisfies the capitalization conditions is capitalized in
accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 17 –
Borrowing Costs. For the non-monetary items of foreign currencies measured by
historical cost, translation is done according to spot rate of the transaction date
without change in their amount in functional currency. Non-monetary items of
foreign currencies such as stocks and funds measured at their fair value are
translated as per the spot rate on the date when their fair value is confirmed. The
differences between the translated amounts in functional currency and the original
amounts in functional currency are recorded into current profits and losses as
fluctuation in fair value (including fluctuation in exchange rates).
3. Translation of foreign currency financial statements
The Company translates the financial statements expressed in foreign currency
into ones expressed in RMB currency according to the following provisions:
The asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot
exchange rate on the balance sheet date; among the owners' equity items, except
the ones as \"undistributed profits\", others shall be translated at the spot exchange
rate at the time when they are incurred. The income and expense items in the
profit statements shall be translated at the average exchange rate. The balance
arisen from the translation of foreign currency financial statements in compliance
with the aforesaid method shall be presented separately under the owners' equity
item of the balance sheets. The foreign currency cash flow statement shall be
translated at the average exchange rate on the cash flow date. The amount of
influence of the exchange rate change on cashes shall be presented separately
under the adjusted item in the cash flow statement.
(10) Financial instruments
1. Basis for recognition of financial instruments
The term \"financial instruments\" refers to the contracts under which the financial
assets of an enterprise are formed and the financial liability or right instruments of
any other entity are formed. When the Company becomes a party to a financial
instrument contract, it recognizes a financial asset or financial liability.
Where a financial asset satisfies any of the following requirements, the recognition
of it shall be terminated: Where the contractual rights for collecting the cash flow of
the said financial asset are terminated; or where the said financial asset has been
transferred and meets the conditions for recognizing the termination of financial
assets as provided for in Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of
Financial Assets.
Only when the prevailing obligations of a financial liability are relieved in all or in
part may the recognition of the financial liability be terminated in all or partly.
2. Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities
Financial assets attributable to the Company are classified into the following four
categories according to their investment purpose and economic essence: ① The
financial assets which are measured at their fair values and the variation of which
is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, including transactional
financial assets and the financial assets which are measured at their fair values
and of which the variation is included in the current profits and losses; ② The
investments which will be held to their maturity; ③ Loans and the account
receivables; and ④ Financial assets available for sale.
Financial liabilities shall be classified into the following two categories according to
their economic essence: ① The financial liabilities which are measured at their fair
values and of which the variation is included in the current profits and losses,
including transactional financial liabilities and the designated financial liabilities
which are measured at their fair values and of which the variation is included in the
current profits and losses; and ② Other financial liabilities.
3. Measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities
The financial assets and financial liabilities initially recognized by the Company
shall be measured at their fair values. For the financial assets and liabilities
measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period, the transaction expenses thereof shall be directly
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period; for other categories of
financial assets and financial liabilities, the transaction expenses thereof shall be
included into the initially recognized amount.
Subsequent measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities:
(1) For the financial assets and financial liabilities measured at their fair values and
of which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current period,
they shall be measured at their fair values, and the variation of their fair values
shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
(2) The investments held until their maturity and accounts receivable are
measured at their amortization cost by actual interest rate.
(3) The profits and losses arising from the subsequent measurement of the
financial assets available for sale at their fair value and the profits and losses
arising from the change in their fair value shall be included directly in the owner’s
equity with the exception of impairment losses and the exchange gains or losses
arising from foreign exchange conversion of monetary financial assets in any
foreign currency, and when the said financial asset is stopped from recognition
and is transferred out, it shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current
(4) The equity instrument investments for which there is no quoted price in the
active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and the
derivative financial assets which are connected with such equity instruments and
are settled by delivering the said equity instruments shall be measured at their
(5) The Company shall make subsequent measurement on other financial liabilities
on the basis of the post-amortization costs, with the exception of those under the
following circumstances:
① The derivative financial liabilities for which there is no quoted price in the
active market, which are connected with the equity instruments whose fair
value cannot be reliably measured and are settled by delivering the said
equity instruments shall be measured at their costs.
② For the financial guarantee contracts which are not designated as a financial
liability measured at its fair value and the variation thereof is recorded into
the profits and losses of the current period, and for the commitments to grant
loans which are not designated to be measured at the fair value and of
which the variation is recorded into the profits and losses of the current
period and which will enjoy an interest rate lower than that of the market, a
subsequent measurement shall be made after they are initially recognized
according to the higher one of the following:
A. the amount as determined according to the Accounting Standards for
Enterprises No. 13 - Contingencies; or
B. the surplus of the initially recognized amount with the subtraction of
accumulative amortization as determined according to the principles of the
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 14 - Revenues.
4. Recognition of fair values of financial assets and financial liabilities
The fair value refers to the amount that is agreed upon by the two parties to fair
dealings who are familiar with the situation during assets exchange or
performance of debt.
(1) Financial instruments with the active market
The fair values of the financial assets and financial liabilities of financial
instruments which have the active market shall be recognized at their quoted
prices in the active market. The quoted prices in the active market refer to the
prices regularly obtained from stock exchanges, brokers, trade associations and
pricing service institutions, and represent the prices of market transactions that
actually occur in fair dealings. Quoted prices shall be determined according to the
following principles:
① In the active market, the quoted prices of the Company for the financial
assets it holds or the financial liabilities it plans to assume shall be the
present actual offer, while the quoted prices of the Company for the financial
assets it plans to acquire or the financial liabilities it has assumed shall be
the available charge.
② Where there is no available offer or charge for a financial asset or financial
liability, the enterprise shall adopt the market quoted price of the latest
transaction or adjusted market quoted price of the latest transaction to
determine the fair value of the said financial asset or financial liability, unless
the enterprise has definite evidences to prove that the market quoted price
of the latest transaction is not a fair value.
(2) Where there is no active market for a financial asset or financial liability, the
Company shall adopt value appraisal techniques to determine its fair value. The
value appraisal techniques include the prices adopted by the parties, who are
familiar with the condition, in the latest market transaction upon their own free will,
the current fair value obtained by referring to other financial instruments of the
same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the option pricing
model, etc.
5. Accrual method of the provision for impairment of financial assets
(1) Investments held until their maturity
Where an investment held until their maturity measured on the basis of post-
amortization costs is impaired, the carrying amount of the said investment held
until their maturity shall be written down to the present value of the predicted future
cash flow (excluding the loss of future credits not yet occurred) (the discount rate
adopts the original actual interest rate), and the amount as written down shall be
recognized as loss of the impairment of the asset and shall be recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period. When an impairment provision is made, an
impairment test shall be made on the investment held until their maturity with
significant single amounts. If any objective evidence shows that it has been
impaired, the impairment-related losses shall be recognized and shall be recorded
into the profits and losses of the current period. Where, upon independent test, the
investment held until their maturity (including those financial assets with significant
single amounts and those with insignificant amounts) has not been impaired, it
shall be included in a combination of investment held until their maturity with
similar risk features so as to conduct another impairment test. The investment held
until their maturity which has suffered from an impairment loss in any single
amount shall not be included in any combination of financial assets with similar risk
features for any impairment test. Where any investment held until their maturity
measured on the basis of post-amortization costs is recognized by the Company
as having suffered from any impairment loss, if there is any objective evidence
proving that the value of the said investment held until their maturity has been
restored, and it is objectively related to the events that occur after such loss is
recognized, the impairment-related losses as originally recognized shall be
reversed and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
However, the reversed carrying amount shall not be any more than the post-
amortization costs of the said investment held until their maturity on the day of
reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment.
(2) Accounts receivable
See the Notes 5 (11) for the impairment test and accrual method of the provision
for impairment of the accounts receivable.
(3) Disbursement of loans and advances
Loss provision shall be reserved for loans and advances according to the five level
classification of credit assets risks and loan provision rate standard:
Risks are classified for the Company's credit assets according to relevant
provisions of the financial regulation agencies. The standard risk coefficients are
as follows: 1.5% for the normal type, 3% for the concerned type, 30% for the
secondary type, 60% for the suspicious type, and 100% for the loss type. Besides,
in the document named Administrative Measures for the Loan Loss Reserves of
Commercial Banks issued by the China Banking Regulatory Commission through
Order [2011] No.4, the China Banking Regulatory Commission clearly put forward
that the basic standard of loan provision rate is 2.5%, the basic standard of
provision coverage ratio is 150%, and the higher one of the two shall prevail.
(4) Financial assets available for sale
① Available-for-sale financial assets measured at the fair value
When a significant or non-transient decline in the fair value of equity instrument
investment available for sale is judged by comprehensively considering relevant
factors, a decline in the equity instrument available for sale has occurred. Here,
the “significant decline” means that the cumulative decline of fair value exceeds
20%; the “non-transient decline” means that the fair value has declined
continuously for over 12 months.
When a decline in the financial assets available for sale has occurred, the
cumulative loss generated from decline of fair value that had been recorded
directly into the owners' equity shall be removed from the owners' equity and shall
be recorded into the impairment loss. The said cumulative loss removed is the
balance obtained by deducting the recovered principal and amortized amount,
current fair value and the impairment loss originally charged to profits or losses
from the initial acquisition cost of the said assets.
For debt instrument investment available for sale for which the impairment loss
has been recognized, the recognized impairment loss shall be returned when there
is an increase of fair value in a subsequent period and the increase objectively
relates to events after impairment loss being recognized. When the impairment
loss reversal of the equity instrument investment available for sale is recognized
as other comprehensive income, the impairment loss reversal of the debt
instrument investment available for sale shall be charged to profits or losses of the
current period.
② Available-for-sale financial assets measured at cost
Where an equity instrument investment for which there is no quoted price in the
active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, or a derivative
financial asset which is connected with the equity instrument and which must be
settled by delivering the equity instrument, suffers from any impairment, the gap
between the carrying amount of the equity instrument investment or the derivative
financial asset and the current value of the future cash flow of similar financial
assets capitalized according to the returns ratio of the market at the same time
shall be recognized as impairment-related losses and be recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period, but cannot be returned.
6. Transfer of financial assets
The term \"transfer of financial assets\" refers to a company's transferring or
delivering a financial asset to a party (the transferee) other than the issuer of the
financial assets.
Where the Company has transferred nearly all of the risks and rewards related to
the ownership of the financial asset to the transferee, it shall stop recognizing the
financial asset; If it has retained nearly all of the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of the financial asset, it shall not stop recognizing the financial asset.
Where the Company does not transfer or retain nearly all of the risks and rewards
related to the ownership of a financial asset, it shall deal with it respectively
according to the circumstances as follows: If it gives up its control over the
financial asset, it shall stop recognizing the financial asset and shall recognize the
assets and liabilities generated therefrom; If it does not give up its control over the
financial asset, it shall, according to the extent of its continuous involvement in the
transferred financial asset, recognize the related financial asset and recognize the
relevant liability accordingly.
7. Derivative instruments and embedded derivative instruments
Derivative instruments implement initial measurement at the fair value on the date
of signing the contract, and also perform subsequent measurement at the fair
value. Changes in the fair value of derivative instrument shall be charged to profits
or losses of the current period.
For the hybrid instruments containing embedded derivative instruments, if the
hybrid instruments are not specified as financial assets and financial liabilities
measured at the fair value and of which the changes are recorded into the profits
or losses of the current period the embedded derivative instruments are not closely
related to this master contract in terms of economic characteristics and risks, and
individual instruments with conditions the same as those of the embedded
derivative instruments accord with the derivative instrument definition, the
embedded derivative instruments shall be removed from the hybrid instruments
and handled as independent derivative instruments. Where derivative instruments
cannot be separately measured at the time of acquisition or the subsequent
balance sheet date, the hybrid instruments shall be specified as financial assets
and financial liabilities measured at the fair value as a whole and of which the
changes shall be recorded into the profits or losses of the current period.
8. Offsetting financial assets with financial liabilities
When the Company has the statutory right to offset the recognized amount, this
statutory right is executable at present, and the Company also plans to perform
netting settlement or simultaneously realize the financial assets and liquidate the
financial liabilities, the financial assets and financial liabilities shall be listed in the
balance sheet using the net amount after mutual offsetting. In other cases, the
financial assets and financial liabilities are presented respectively in the balance
sheet and not mutually offset.
9. Equity instruments
Equity instruments refer to contracts that can prove ownership of the residual
equity in assets of the Company after deduction of all the liabilities. The owners’
equities are increased after the transaction expenses are deducted from the
consideration received at issuance of the equity instruments. The Company
completes all kinds of allocations (excluding stock dividends) for the equity
instrument holding parties to reduce the owners’ equities. The Company does not
recognize the amount of change in the fair value of equity instruments.
(11) Receivables
The Company's receivables (including accounts receivable and other receivables)
shall take the contract or agreement price as their initially recorded amount. Due to
bankruptcy of the debtor, collection is still not possible after settlement according
to legal settlement procedures; or due to the death of the debtor leaving no
legacies to pay off and nobody to assume the obligations, collection is really not
possible; or due to the failure of the debtor to perform its repayment obligations
within the specified time limit, the receivables shall be presented as a loss on bad
debt upon examination and approval according to legal procedures. As for the
Company's transfer, pledge and discount to financial institutions like banks with
receivable creditor’s right, according to the provisions of the relevant contract,
when the debtor fails to pay back the due debts, if the Company bears the
payment liability to the financial institutions, the receivable creditor’s right shall be
treated as pledged loan; If the Company bears no payment liability to the financial
institutions, the receivable creditor’s right shall be treated as the transferred one
and the profit and loss of transfer shall be recognized.
When the Company recovers the receivables, the difference between the acquired
price and the carrying amount of the receivables shall be recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period.
1. Receivables with significant single amounts and single bad debt provision
If a single amount accounts for 5% (including more than 5%) of total amount of the
receivables, the Company shall recognize the said receivables as the receivables
with significant single amounts.
On the balance sheet, the Company shall carry out an independent impairment
test for the receivables with significant single amounts, where, upon independent
test, the said receivables has been impaired, the negative balance between the
present value of the future cash flow of the said receivables and their carrying
amount shall be recognized as loss of the impairment of the said receivables, and
a provision for bad debts shall be made accordingly. Where the receivables have
not been impaired upon independent test, the several combinations between the
said receivables and the receivables with insignificant single amounts shall be
made based on similar credit risk features, and then the loss of the impairment of
the said receivables shall be calculated and recognized at a certain proportion of
the combinations of these receivables in the balance on the balance sheet date,
and a provision for bad debts shall be made accordingly.
2. Receivables with a provision for bad debts based on combinations:
Basis for recognition of combinations
Divided into groups based on aging of the receivables as credit risk
Aging combination
Divided into groups based on the receivables related to consolidated
Consolidation scope combination financial statements and the receivables which can fully obtain
customer's credit information
Accrual method of a provision for bad debts based on combinations
Aging combination Make a provision for bad debts by aging analysis
An impairment test is carried out according to the debtor's credit, and
Consolidation scope combination a provision for bad debts shall not be made for the receivables of the
Company that is clearly guaranteed.
In the combinations, the receivables with a provision for bad debts made by aging analysis:
Percentage of provisioning Percentage of provisioning other
accounts receivable (%) receivables(%)
Within 1 year 5.00 5.00
1 to 2 years 20.00 20.00
2 to 3 years 50.00 50.00
Over 3 years 100.00 100.00
3. Accounts receivable with insignificant single amounts but single bad debt
provision appropriated:
As for the receivables with insignificant single amounts, if there are conclusive
evidences to show that there is an obvious difference in their collectability, a
provision for bad debts shall be made as per the negative balance between the
present value of their future cash flow and their carrying amount.
(12) Inventories
1. Classification of inventories
Classification of inventories: The Company’s inventories are classified into raw
materials, goods in process, and goods finished.
2. Valuation for delivered inventories
Valuation for delivered inventories: When various kinds of inventories of the
Company are delivered, they shall be valuated at planned costs, and the planned
costs shall be adjusted into actual costs based on the difference of costs of the
current month at the end of the month.
3. Recognition of the net realizable value and measurement of provision for
decline in value of inventories
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net
realizable value. if the cost of inventories is higher than the net realizable value, a
provision for decline in value of inventories shall be made and shall be recorded
into the profits and losses of the current period, where a provision for decline in
value of inventories has been made, if the value of the said inventories is resumed
later, the said value shall be reversed from the provision for decline in value of the
inventories. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary
course of business less the estimated costs of completion and the estimated costs
necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes.
4. Stock count system for inventories
The perpetual inventory system is adopted for stock count of the Company.
5. Amortization methods of low-value consumables and packaging materials
Low-value consumables and packaging materials are written off in full when issued
for use.
(13) Assets held for sale
1. Recognition standard
The component (or non-current assets; the same below) of the Company that
matches the following conditions at the same time shall be recognized as assets
held for sale: the said component can be sold immediately in its current status and
only according to the usual terms on sales of this kind of components; the
Company has adopted a resolution on disposal of this component (where
shareholder approval is required in accordance with relevant regulations, approval
shall be obtained from the general meeting of shareholders or corresponding
organ of authority); the Company has signed an irrevocable transfer agreement
with the transferee; such transfer will be completed within one year.
2. Accounting treatment
For the fixed assets held for sale, the Company adjusts the expected net salvage
value of the fixed assets so that the expected net salvage value of the fixed assets
can reflect the amount got by reducing the disposal expenses from their fair value,
but cannot exceed the original carrying amount of the fixed assets when the fixed
assets comply with the conditions for assets held for sale; the positive difference of
the original carrying amount less the expected net salvage value after adjustment
shall be charged to profits or losses of the current period as asset impairment loss.
In case that an asset or a disposal group is included in the category held for sale
but subsequently fails to meet the recognition conditions for fixed assets held for
sale, the Company shall stop including it in the category held for sale and measure
it according to the lower of the following two amounts:
(1) The carrying amount of this asset or disposal group before it is included in the
category held for sale, according to the amount after adjustment of the
depreciation, amortization or impairment that should be recognized originally on
the assumption that the asset or disposal group is not included in the category
held for sale;
(2) Re-recovered amount on the date when a decision is made to stop sales.
Other non-current assets such as intangible assets complying with the conditions
for holding for sale shall be handled in the light of the above principle.
(14) Long-term equity investments
Long-term equity investments mainly include the equity investment held by the
Company that is able to control, is under common control with or has significant
influences on the invested entity and the equity investment to joint ventures.
1. Judgment standards of control and significant influence
Judgment standards of control: (1) The Company owns the power to the invested
entity; (2) the Company enjoys variable return by participating relevant activities of
the invested entity; (3) the Company has the capacity of using the power to the
invested entity to affect its return amount. The Company acknowledges the control
force for the invested entity that meets the above three conditions.
Judgment standards of significant influence: The Company has the power to
participate in decision making for the financial and operations policies of the
invested entity, but cannot control formulation of these policies independently or
together with other parties. Where the Company can exert a great influence on the
invested entity, the invested entity is an associated enterprise of the Company. The
invested entity under common control by the Company and other participants is a
contractual enterprise of the Company. Common control means that any
participant cannot independently control this arrangement, and any participant with
the right to common control on this arrangement can prevent other participants or
the combination of participants from independently controlling this arrangement.
2. Investment cost recognition of long-term equity investment
The long-term equity investment of the Company is measured at the investment
cost at the time of acquisition. Normally the investment cost refers to the assets
paid, liabilities incurred or undertaken, and the fair value of equity securities issued
for the acquisition of this investment, including the costs directly attributable to the
acquisition. However, for the long-term equity investment formed by business
combination involving enterprises under common control, the investment cost is
the share of carrying amount of the combined party’s net assets acquired on the
combination date in the ultimate controlling party’s consolidated financial
3. Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investments and recognition of
profits or losses
The Company adopts the cost method for accounting for the long-term equity
investment based on which the Company is able to control the invested enterprise;
the Company adopts the equity method for accounting for investments put into
associated enterprises and contractual enterprises.
The price of a long-term equity investment accounted by employing the cost
method shall be included at its initial investment cost. If there are additional
investments or disinvestments, the cost of the long-term equity investment shall be
adjusted. The cash dividends or profits declared to distribute by the invested entity
shall be recognized as investment income and charged to profits or losses of the
current period.
When the Company employs the equity method for accounting of the long-term
equity investment, if the investment cost of a long-term equity investment is more
than the investing enterprise’ attributable share of the fair value of the invested
entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the investment cost of the long-
term equity investment may not be adjusted; if the investment cost of a long-term
equity investment is less than the investing enterprise’ attributable share of the fair
value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the carrying
amount of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted, and the difference
shall be recorded into the profits or losses of the current period.
When the Company employs the equity method for accounting of the long-term
equity investment, the Company first adjusts the invested entity’s net profits or
losses and other comprehensive income in the aspects such as the fair value of
the invested entity's identifiable net assets at the time of investment acquisition,
accounting policy and accounting period, and then recognizes the current-period
investment profits or losses and other comprehensive income according to the
investing enterprise’ attributable or shareable share of the invested entity's net
profits or losses and other comprehensive income. For other changes in owners’
equities other than the net profits or losses, other comprehensive income and
profit distribution, the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment shall be
adjusted and recorded into the owners’ equities.
For the unrealized internal transaction profits/losses that arise between the
Company and the associated enterprises and contractual enterprises, the part
attributable to the Company shall be calculated according to the shareholding
proportion, and the investment profits/losses shall be recognized on the basis of
For the long-term equity investments held already prior to January 1, 2007 for the
associated enterprises and contractual enterprises, if there is any equity
investment difference on the debit side, the investment profits/losses shall be
recognized after deduction of the equity investment difference on the debit side
amortized by the straight-line method according to the original residual maturity.
4. Recognition of common control and significant influences on the invested entity
Common control is recognized as the control which does not exist unless the
investing parties unanimously agree on sharing the control power over the relevant
important financial and operating decisions of the invested entity according to the
provisions of the contract.
Significant influences will be recognized where there is power to participate in
making decisions on the financial and operating policies of the invested entity, but
not to control or do joint control together with other parties over the formulation of
these policies. When the Company holds more than 20% (included) but less than
50% of voting shares of the invested entity directly or indirectly through a
subsidiary, significant influences on the invested entity shall be recognized, unless
there is clear evidence indicating that the Company cannot participate in
production and management decision-making of the invested entity in this situation
and therefore cannot generate significant influences; if the Company holds less
than 20% (excluded) of voting shares of the invested entity, usually the Company
is not deemed to have a significant influence on the invested entity, unless there is
clear evidence indicating that the Company can participate in production and
management decision-making of the invested entity in this situation and therefore
can generate significant influences.
5. Conversion of the long-term equity investment accounting method
Where the equity investment originally held by the Company, which is unable to
control, is not under common control with or has no significant influences on the
invested entity, is converted into an investment for an associated enterprise or
contractual enterprise due to additional investment, the investment shall be
accounted by the equity method instead, and the Company shall use the fair value
of the original equity investment plus the fair value of the consideration paid to
acquire the newly added investment as the initial investment cost accounted by the
equity method instead. The difference between the fair value and carrying amount
of the originally held equity investment prior to the additional investment, and the
cumulative fair value changes originally recorded into other comprehensive income
shall be transferred to the current-period profits or losses accounted by the equity
method instead.
For the originally held investments for associated enterprises and contractual
enterprises, if they are not able to be under common control with or have
significant influences on the invested entity, if they are not able to be under
common control with or have significant influences on the invested entity due to
reason such as partial disposal, accounting treatment must be performed for
remaining equity investments according to the recognization and measurement
standards for financial instruments, and the difference between the fair value and
carrying amount on the date on which the common control or significant influence
is lost shall be charged to profits or losses of the current period. When accounting
based on the equity method is terminated for other related comprehensive income
originally subject to accounting of equity method, accounting treatment is
performed using the basis the same as that used by the invested entity to directly
dispose of relevant assets or liabilities; all the owners' equities that are recognized
due to other changes in owners’ equities other than the net profits/losses, other
comprehensive income and profit distribution of the invested entity shall be
transferred to the profits or losses of the current period when accounting based on
the equity method is terminated.
Where the originally held investments for associated enterprises or contractual
enterprises are converted to investments for subsidiaries due to additional
investment, in the individual financial statements, the sum of the carrying value of
the acquired party’s equity investment held prior to the acquisition date and the
investment cost newly added on the acquisition date shall be used as the initial
investment cost of such an investment; for the equity investment held prior to the
acquisition date, other comprehensive income recognized due to accounting of the
equity method shall undergo accounting treatment using the basis the same as
that used by the invested entity to directly dispose of relevant assets or liabilities
when such an investment is disposed of.
When the influencing capability on the invested entity is converted from control to
a significant influence or common control together with other investors due to
investment disposal, the long-term equity investment cost, for which recognition
shall be terminated, is first carried over according to the proportion of investment
disposal. On such a basis, the remaining long-term equity investment cost is
compared with the share attributable to the Company in the fair value of the
invested entity's identifiable net assets at the time of original investment, which is
calculated according to the remaining shareholding proportion. For the business
reputation part to be embodied in the investment evaluation, the carrying amount
of long-term equity investment shall not be adjusted; where the investment cost is
less than the share attributable to the Company in the fair value of the invested
entity's identifiable net assets at the time of original investment, any excess shall
be adjusted against retained earnings when the long-term equity investment cost
is adjusted. For the share attributable to the Company in the invested entity’s
realized net profits/losses between acquisition of the original investment and
conversion to accounting of the equity method due to investment disposal, the
carrying amount of the long-term equity investment shall be adjusted, meanwhile,
any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings for the share attributable to
the Company in the invested entity’s realized net profits/losses (excluding the cash
dividends or profits distributed or declared to distribute) from acquisition of the
original investment to the beginning of the period in which the investment is
disposed of, and the current-period profits or losses shall be adjusted for the share
attributable to the Company in the invested entity’s realized net profits/losses from
the beginning of the period in which the investment is disposed of to the
investment disposal date; the share attributable to the Company in the invested
entity’s changes in other comprehensive income shall be recorded into other
comprehensive income when the carrying amount of the long-term equity
investment is adjusted; the share attributable to the Company in the invested
entity’s other changes in owners’ equities arising from reasons other than the net
profits or losses, other comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be
recorded into “Capital reserves -- Other capital reserves” when the carrying
amount of the long-term equity investment is adjusted. After the cost method is
converted to the equity method for the long-term equity investment, the share
attributable to the Company in the invested entity’s realized net profits/losses,
other comprehensive income and other changes in owners’ equities shall be
calculated and recognized according to provisions of the standard in the future
For the originally held long-term equity investment that is able to control the
invested entity, if the shareholding proportion declines due to reasons such as
partial disposal and the investment cannot be able to control, be under common
control with or have significant influences on the invested entity, accounting
treatment must be performed for remaining equity investments according to the
recognition and measurement standards for financial instruments. The difference
between the fair value and carrying amount on the date of control loss shall be
recorded into the investment income of the current period.
In the process of holding the long-term equity investment, if the Company decides
to sell all or part of held stocks of the invested entity in consideration of all aspects,
the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment corresponding to the sold
stocks shall be carried over accordingly, and the difference between the selling
price and the carrying amount of long-term equity investment for disposal shall be
recognized as disposal profit or loss.
If the Company disposes of all the long-term equity investments accounted by the
equity method, when accounting based on the equity method is terminated for
other related comprehensive income originally subject to accounting of equity
method, accounting treatment is performed using the basis the same as that used
by the invested entity to directly dispose of relevant assets or liabilities; all the
owners' equities that are recognized due to changes in other owners’ equities
other than the net profits/losses, other comprehensive income and profit
distribution of the invested entity shall be transferred to the investment income of
the current period when accounting based on the equity method is terminated; if a
part of the long-term equity investment accounted by the equity method is
disposed of and the remaining stocks are still accounted using the equity method,
other related comprehensive income originally subject to accounting of equity
method shall be handled using the basis the same as that used by the invested
entity to directly dispose of relevant assets or liabilities and be carried over by
proportion, and the owners' equities that are recognized due to other changes in
owners’ equities other than the net profits/losses, other comprehensive income
and profit distribution of the invested entity shall be carried over to the investment
income of the current period according to the proportion.
(15) Investment real estate
The Company's investment real estate includes a land use right that is leased out,
a land use right held for transfer upon capital appreciation and a building that is
leased out.
The Company's investment real estate is measured at its cost, and the Company
uses the cost model for a subsequent measurement of its investment real estate.
The depreciation and amortization of the investment real estate shall be made in
accordance with the accounting policies of fixed assets or intangible assets of the
When the Company changes the purpose of the investment real estate, such as
for self-use, it shall transfer the relevant investment real estate to other assets.
(16) Fixed assets
1. Recognition standard of fixed assets
The Company's fixed assets refer to the tangible assets that are held for the sake
of producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business
management and whose useful life is in excess of one fiscal year. Fixed assets
can not be recognized unless they simultaneously meet the conditions as follows:
(1) The economic benefits pertinent to the fixed assets are likely to flow into the
enterprise; and
(2) The cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably.
2. Measurement of fixed assets
The measurement of a fixed asset shall be made at its cost.
(1) The cost of a purchased fixed asset consists of the purchase price, the relevant
taxes, freight, loading and unloading fees, professional service fees and other
expenses that bring the fixed asset to the expected conditions for use and that
may be relegated to the fixed asset.
If the payment for a fixed asset is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions and
it is of financing nature in effect, the cost of the fixed asset shall be recognized
based on the present value of the purchase price. The difference between the
actual payment and the present value of the purchase price shall be included in
the current profits and losses within the credit period, unless it shall be capitalized
in accordance with the Accounting Standards No. 17 - Borrowing Costs.
(2) The cost of a self-constructed fixed asset shall be formed by the necessary
expenses incurred for bringing the asset to the expected conditions for use.
(3) The cost invested to a fixed asset by the investor shall be recognized in
accordance with the value as stipulated in the investment contract or agreement,
other than those of unfair value as stipulated in the contract or agreement.
(4) The costs of fixed assets acquired through the exchange of non-monetary
assets, recombination of liabilities, merger of enterprises, and financial leasing
shall be respectively recognized in accordance with the Accounting Standards No.
7 - Exchange of Non-monetary Assets, Accounting Standards for Enterprises No.
12 - Debt Restructuring, Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 20 - Merger of
Enterprises and Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 21 - Leases.
3. Classification of fixed assets
The Company's fixed assets are classified into houses and buildings, machinery
equipment, electronic equipment and transportation equipment and otherwise.
4. Depreciation of fixed assets
(1) Recognition of depreciation method and service life, expected net salvage
value rate and annual depreciation rate:
The depreciation of fixed assets shall be made by the straight-line method. The
annual depreciation rate recognized according to the category, service life and
expected net salvage value rate of fixed assets is as follows:
Expected net salvage Annual depreciation
Category of fixed assets Expected service life
value rate % rate %
Houses and buildings 5.00 20 to 30 years 3.17-4.75
Machinery equipment 5.00 6-10 years 9.50-15.83
Electronic equipment 5.00 2-5 years 19.00-47.50
Transportation equipment 5.00 3 to 6 years 15.83-31.67
Others 5.00 3-5 years 19.00-31.67
Depreciation of fixed assets of which a provision for impairment has been made:
For a fixed asset of which a provision for impairment has been made, the
depreciation of the fixed asset shall be made based on the amount of deducting its
expected net salvage value, depreciation amount and provision for impairment
from the original price of the fixed asset and remaining service life of the fixed
For the fixed assets that have reached intended usable condition but not prepared
the final account for completion, their costs shall be recognized at their estimated
value, and their depreciation shall be made accordingly; After completion of the
final account for completion, the original estimated value of the fixed assets shall
be adjusted by their actual costs, but the original depreciation amount does not
require adjusting.
(2) Check of service life, expected net salvage value and depreciation method of
fixed assets: The Company shall, at least at the end of each year, have a check on
the service life, expected net salvage value, and the depreciation method of the
fixed assets. If the Company finds that there is any difference between the
expected service life and the previously estimated service life of a fixed asset, the
expected service life of the fixed asset shall be adjusted; If there is any difference
between the amount of expected net salvage value and the previously estimated
amount of the net salvage value, the expected net salvage value shall be adjusted;
If any significant change is made on the form of the realization of the expected
economic benefits concerning a fixed asset, the method for the depreciation of the
fixed asset shall be changed. If any change is made to the service life, expected
net salvage value or the depreciation method of a fixed asset, it shall be regarded
as a change of the accounting estimates.
5. Treatment of subsequent expenditures for fixed assets
Subsequent expenditures incurred on a fixed asset refer to repair expenses,
renovation expenses, repair costs and decoration expenses and otherwise
incurred in the course of use of the fixed asset. Their accounting treatment is as
follows: Where subsequent expenditures of a fixed asset such as renovation
expenses meet the conditions of recognizing the fixed asset, they shall be
recorded into the cost of the fixed asset, and the carrying amount of the replaced
part of the subsequent expenditures shall be deducted; Where subsequent
expenditures of a fixed asset such as repair costs do not meet the conditions of
recognizing the fixed asset, they shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the
current period in which they are incurred; Where the decoration expenses of a
fixed asset meet the conditions of recognizing the fixed asset, they shall be
measured in a single detail account of \"Fixed Assets\", and the depreciation of the
fixed asset shall be made separately by the straight-line method in a shorter time
of the period of two decorations and remaining usable life of the fixed asset.
The improvement expenditures incurred on a fixed asset leased by operating lease
shall be capitalized and reasonably amortized as long-term prepaid expenses.
(17) Construction in progress
The term \"construction in progress\" refers to all necessary expenditures incurred
before the acquired fixed assets enable the project to reach expected usable
condition, including project direct materials, direct employee remunerations,
installation costs for equipment to be installed and project construction, project
management fees, net profits and losses of project commissioning and approved
capitalized borrowing costs.
1. Valuation of construction in progress
The Company's construction in progress shall be measured individually by
construction project and shall be valuated at actual cost.
2. Time point of carrying over construction in progress into fixed asset
When the construction in progress reaches the expected usable condition, they
shall be transferred to fixed asset at their actual cost. For the fixed assets that
have reached expected usable condition but not prepared the final account for
completion, they shall be charged to the account at their estimated value and shall
be adjusted after their actual value is recognized.
(18) Capitalization of borrowing costs
Borrowing costs are interests and other costs incurred by the Company in
connection with the borrowing of the funds, including interests, amortization of
discounts or premiums related to borrowings, ancillary costs incurred in connection
with the arrangement of borrowings, and exchange differences arising from foreign
currency borrowings.
1. Recognition of capitalization of borrowing costs
The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or
production of a qualifying asset shall be capitalized, and the amounts of other
borrowing costs incurred shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the period.
in which they are incurred. Qualifying assets are fixed assets, investment real
estate and inventories and otherwise that necessarily take a substantial period of
time for acquisition, construction or production to get ready for their intended use
or sale.
2. Period of capitalization of borrowing costs
(1) Time point of capitalization of borrowing costs. The capitalization of borrowing
costs commences only when all of the following conditions are satisfied:
① Expenditures for the asset have been incurred;
② Borrowing costs have been incurred; and
③ Activities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that
are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have commenced.
(2) Time point of ceasing capitalization of borrowing costs: Capitalization of
borrowing costs ceases when the qualifying asset acquired, constructed or
produced becomes ready for its intended use or sale. The subsequent borrowing
costs shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
(3) Recognition of suspending capitalization of borrowing costs: Capitalization of
borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the acquisition,
construction or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted by activities other
than those necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale, and the
interruption is for a continuous period of over 3 months. Borrowing costs incurred
during the period in which capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended shall be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
3. Calculation of capitalized amounts of borrowing costs
During the capitalization period, the amount of interest (including amortization of
discounts or premiums) to be capitalized for each accounting period shall be
recognized as follows:
(1) Where special funds are borrowed for the acquisition, construction or
production of a qualifying asset, the amount of interest to be capitalized shall be
the actual interest expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank
interest earned from depositing the borrowed funds before being used on the asset
or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds.
(2) Where general funds are borrowed for the acquisition, construction or
production of a qualifying asset, the amount of interest to be capitalized on such
general borrowings shall be calculated and recognized by applying a capitalization
rate of such general borrowings to the weighted average of the excess amounts of
accumulated expenditures on the asset over and above the amounts of special
borrowings. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and recognized by the
weighted average interest rate of general borrowings.
Where there is any discount or premium, the amount of discounts or premiums
that shall be amortized during each accounting period shall be recognized by the
real interest rate method, and an adjustment shall be made to the amount of
interests in each period. During the period of capitalization, the amount of interest
capitalized during each accounting period shall not exceed the amount of interest
actually incurred to the relevant borrowings in the current period.
Ancillary costs in connection with special borrowings that are incurred before the
qualifying asset acquired, constructed or produced becomes ready for its intended
use or sale shall be capitalized on the basis of the incurred amount when they are
incurred, and they shall be recorded into the cost of qualifying asset; those
incurred after the qualifying asset acquired, constructed or produced becomes
ready for its intended use or sale shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of
the incurred amount when they are incurred, and shall be recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period. The ancillary costs arising from a general
borrowing shall be recognized as expenses at their incurred amount when they are
incurred, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.
(19) Intangible assets
1. Recognition of intangible assets
An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical
substance owned or controlled by the Company. Intangible assets can be
recognized only when they meet the conditions simultaneously as follows:
(1) They are consistent with the definition of intangible assets;
(2) The economic benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow into the
enterprise; and
(3) The cost of intangible assets can be measured reliably.
2. Measurement of intangible assets
The intangible assets shall be measured according to their cost or fair value (if
increased through business combination not involving enterprises under common
3. Subsequent measurement
The Company shall analyze and judge the service life of intangible assets when it
obtains intangible assets. If the Company is unable to forecast the period when the
intangible asset can bring economic benefits to it, it shall be regarded as an
intangible asset with uncertain service life.
With regard to an intangible asset with limited service life, its amortization amount
shall be amortized by expected realization pattern of its economic benefits, if the
Company is unable to recognize the expected realization pattern reliably,
intangible assets shall be amortized by the straight-line method.
The Company shall, at least at the end of each year, check the service life and the
amortization method of intangible assets with limited service life. If necessary, it
shall adjust the said service life and amortization method.
With regard to an intangible asset with uncertain service life, its amortization
amount shall not be amortized, but the Company shall check the service life of the
said intangible asset every year and shall carry out an impairment test for it.
4. Estimation of service life
As for intangible assets with limited service life, the estimation of their service life
generally considers the following factors:
(1) General life cycle of products manufactured by using the assets and
information about service life of similar assets available;
(2) Present situation of technologies and process and estimation for future
development trends;
(3) Market demand of products manufactured or services rendered by using the
(4) Expected actions of present or potential competitors;
(5) Expected maintenance expenses for economic capacity from the assets and
the Company's expected capability to pay relevant expenses;
(6) Laws and regulations or similar restrictions relating to the control period of the
assets, such as concession period and lease period;
(7) Relevance with service life of other assets held by the Company, etc.
5. Division of research expenditures and development expenditures included in
expenditures for internal research and development projects
(1) Research expenditures in internal research and development projects shall be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period when they are incurred.
(2) Development expenditures in internal research and development projects shall
be recognized as intangible assets where they satisfy all of the following conditions:
① Technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be
available for use or sale;
② Intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it;
③ How the intangible asset will generate economic benefits, including the
ability to demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the
intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to be used internally,
the usefulness of the intangible asset;
④ Availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete
the development and to use or sell the intangible asset;
⑤ Ability to measure reliably the expenditure that is attributable to the
intangible asset during its development.
(20) Long-term deferred expenses
Long-term deferred expenses refer to the expenses incurred by the Company but
attributable to the current and subsequent accounting periods of more than one
year (excluding one year), including the expenses for improvement of fixed assets
leased by operating lease.
Long-term deferred expenses shall be recorded into the account based on their
actual amount of expenditure and shall be averagely amortized by their beneficial
period, if long-term deferred expenses can not benefit subsequent accounting
periods, the unamortized value of the project shall be all transferred to the profits
and losses of the current period.
(21) Impairment of Assets
On the balance sheet date, if there is any sign showing possible impairment of
assets (referring to the assets other than inventories, equity instruments that have
no quoted price and reliable fair value measurement in active market, investment
real estate measured by fair value model, consumable biological assets, assets
formed under construction contract, deferred income tax assets, residual value not
guaranteed by the renter in the financing lease and financial assets), their
recoverable amount shall be estimated on the basis of single item assets; Where it
is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of the single item assets, the
recoverable amount of the assets shall be recognized on the basis of their asset
group or combination of asset groups.
The recoverable amount shall be recognized in light of the higher one of the net
amount of the fair value of the single item assets, asset group or combination of
asset groups less the disposal expenses and the present value of the expected
future cash flow of the single item assets, asset group or combination of asset
Where the recoverable amount of the single item assets is lower than their
carrying amount, a provision for the asset impairment shall be made accordingly
on the basis of the difference between the carrying amount of the single item
assets and their recoverable amount. Where the recoverable amount of an asset
group or a combination of asset groups is lower than its carrying amount, it shall
be recognized as the corresponding impairment loss. The amount of the
impairment loss shall first charge against the carrying amount of business
reputation which is apportioned to the asset group or combination of asset groups,
then charge it against the carrying amount of other assets in proportion to the
weight of other assets in the asset group or combination of asset groups with the
business reputation excluded. The charges against the carrying amount of the
assets above shall be treated as the impairment loss of the single item assets
(including the business reputation), and a provision for impairment of the single
item assets shall be made accordingly.
Once the above loss of asset impairment is recognized, it shall not be switched
back in future accounting periods.
(22) Estimated liabilities
1. Recognition of estimated liabilities
When the businesses related to contingencies such as external guarantee,
pending action or arbitration, product quality assurance, plan for layoffs, loss
contract, restructuring obligations and fixed asset disposal obligations meet all of
the following conditions, they shall be recognized as liabilities:
(1) The liabilities are present liabilities assumed by the Company;
(2) The fulfillment of the liabilities might cause outflow of economic benefits from
the enterprise.
(3) The amount of the liabilities can be reliably measured.
2. Measurement of estimated liabilities
The estimated liabilities shall be measured in accordance with the best estimate of
the necessary expenses for the performance of the current obligation. If there is a
sequent range for the necessary expenses and if all the outcomes within this
range are equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall be recognized in
accordance with the middle estimate within the range. In other cases, the best
estimate shall be recognized in accordance with the following methods,
(1) If the contingencies concern a single item, it shall be recognized in the light of
the most likely outcome.
(2) If the contingencies concern two or more items, the best estimate shall be
calculated and recognized in accordance with all possible outcomes and the
relevant probabilities.
When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of estimated
liabilities of the company is expected to be compensated by a third party or other
parties, the compensation shall be separately recognized as an asset only when it
is virtually certain that the reimbursement will be obtained. The amount recognized
for the reimbursement shall not exceed the carrying amount of the recognized
estimated liabilities.
(23) Employees’ wages and salaries
1. The term “employees’ wages and salaries” refers to all kinds of remunerations
or compensations given by the enterprises in exchange of the employees’ services
or for cancellation of labor relationships. The employees’ wages and salaries
include the short-term wages and salaries, separation benefits, dismiss welfare
and other long-term employee benefits, as well as the benefits provided by the
enterprises to employees’ spouses, children and dependants, deceased
employees’ survivors and other beneficiaries.
2. In addition to all the employees who have signed a labor contract with the
enterprise, the scope of employees also covers members who have not signed a
labor contract with the enterprise but have been formally appointed by the
enterprise, and those who provide services to the enterprise which has signed an
employment contract with a labor service agent.
3. In the accounting period during which employees provide services to the
Company, the Company recognizes the short-term wages and salaries actually
incurred as liabilities and charges them to the current-period profits and losses or
relevant asset costs.
4. Separation benefits are classified into the defined contribution plan and defined
benefit plan.
(1) In the accounting period during which employees provide services to the
Company, the Company recognizes the amount to be deposited (calculated
according to the defined contribution plan) as liabilities and charges it to the
current-period profits and losses or relevant asset costs.
(2) Usually accounting treatment for the defined benefit plan consists of the
following steps:
① According to the projected unit credit method, adopt the unbiased and
mutually consistent actuarial assumption to estimate the demographic
variables and financial variables, measure obligations generated by the
defined benefit plan, and determine the period to which relevant obligations
② In case that the defined benefit plan involves assets, recognize the deficit or
surplus formed by reducing the fair value of assets of the defined benefit
plan from the present obligation value of the defined benefit plan as one net
liability or net asset of the defined benefit plan. If the defined benefit plan has
any surplus, use the lower of the defined benefit plan surplus and the upper
asset limit to measure net assets of the defined benefit plan. The upper
asset limit refers to the present value of the economic interest that can be
obtained by the Company from refund of the defined benefit plan or by
reducing the fund to be deposited for the defined benefit plan in the future;
③ At the end of the period, recognize the costs of employees’ wages and
salaries arising from the defined benefit plan as the service costs, net
interests of net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, and
changes arising from remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets of the
defined benefit plan, wherein the service costs and net interests of net
liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan are recorded into the
current-period profits/losses or relevant asset costs, changes arising from
remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan are
recorded into other comprehensive income and cannot be reversed to
profits/losses in the subsequent accounting period, but such amount
recognized in other comprehensive income can be transferred within the
equity scope;
④ Recognize a settlement gain or loss during settlement of the defined benefit
5. If the Company provides employees with dismiss welfare, the liability of
employees’ wages and salaries that arises from the dismiss welfare shall be
recognized on the earlier one of the following two dates and charged to the
current-period profits/losses: ① when the Company cannot unilaterally cancel the
dismiss welfare provided for the labor relationship cancellation plan or staff
reduction suggestion; ② when the Company recognizes the cost or expense
related to reconstruction involving dismiss welfare payment.
6. If other long-term benefits offered by the Company to employees comply with
conditions of the defined contribution plan, accounting treatment is conducted
according to the defined contribution plan; the long-term benefits other than these
shall undergo accounting treatment according to the defined benefit plan, but the
changes arising from remeasurement of the net liabilities or net assets of other
long-term benefits for employees shall be recorded into the current-period
profits/losses or relevant asset costs.
(24) Recognition of revenues
Revenues shall be recognized where the relevant economic benefits are likely to
flow into the Company, the relevant amount of revenue can be reliably measured
and the following conditions are met simultaneously:
1. Revenue from selling goods
Where the Company has transferred significant risks and rewards of ownership of
the goods to the buyer, and it neither retains continuous management right that
usually keeps relation with the ownership nor implements effective control over the
sold goods; and the relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be reliably
measured, the revenue from selling goods shall be recognized.
2. Revenue from rendering labor services
If the Company can, on the balance sheet date, reliably estimate the schedule of
completion and outcome of a transaction concerning the labor services, and the
costs related to the transaction incurred or to be incurred can be reliably measured,
the Company shall recognize the revenue from rendering labor services adopting
the percentage-of-completion method and shall ascertain the schedule of
completion under the transaction concerning the rendering of labor services
according to the proportion of the costs incurred against the estimated total costs.
Where the Company can not, on the balance sheet date, reliably estimate the
outcome of a transaction concerning the labor services, if it expects that the cost of
labor services incurred can be made up, the Company shall recognize the revenue
from rendering labor services based on the amount of the cost of labor services
incurred and shall carry forward the cost of labor services in accordance with the
same amount; If it is expected that the cost of labor services incurred can not be
made up, the cost of labor services incurred shall be recorded into the profits and
losses of the current period, and the revenue from rendering labor services shall
not be recognized.
3. Abalienate the right to use assets
The amount of interest revenue shall be calculated and recognized in accordance
with the length of time for which the Company's cash is used by others and the
actual interest rate; The amount of royalty revenue shall be calculated and
recognized in accordance with the period and method of charging as stipulated in
the relevant contract or agreement.
(25) Government subsidies
A government subsidy means the monetary and non-monetary assets obtained
free by the Company from the government, but excluding the capital invested by
the government as the owner. Government subsidies consist of the government
subsidies pertinent to assets and government subsidies pertinent to income.
The Company defines the obtained government subsidies used for purchase or
construction, or forming the long-term assets by other ways as government
subsidies pertinent to assets, and all the other government subsidies as
government subsidies pertinent to income. If the government document does not
specify the subsidy object, the following mode is adopted to classify the subsidies
into government subsidies pertinent to income and government subsidies pertinent
to assets: (1) if the government document specifies the project to which the
subsidy aims, the amount is divided according to the relative proportion of the paid
amount to form assets to the paid amount to be recorded into expenses in the
budget of this specific project, and this division proportion needs to be checked on
every balance sheet date and be changed when necessary; (2) if the government
document provides only a general presentation of the purpose without specifying
the specific project, the subsidy shall be regarded as government subsidy pertinent
to income.
The government subsidies of monetary assets shall be measured according to the
amount received or receivable. Here, if there is any exact evidence showing that
this subsidy is appropriated according to the fixed quota, it can be measured
according to the amount receivable; otherwise it shall be measured according to
the amount actually received. The government subsidies of non-monetary assets
shall be measured at the fair value; if the fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable
way, the subsidies shall be measured at the nominal amount of RMB1.
When a government subsidy is actually received, the Company usually recognizes
and measures it according to the actually received amount. At the end of the
period, however, if there is any exact evidence showing that the Company
complies with relevant conditions provided in the financial supporting policy and it
is expected to receive the capital support from the government, this subsidy shall
be measured according to the amount receivable. The government subsidy
measured according to the amount receivable shall comply with all the following
conditions: (1) The amount of receivable subsidy has been confirmed by the
authoritative government department by issuing a document, or the subsidy can be
independently and reasonably measured and calculated in accordance with
relevant provisions of the formally issued financial fund management measures
and it is predicted that its amount does not involve significant uncertainty; (2) the
subsidy is based on the financially supported project that is formally released by
the local financial department and initiatively disclosed according to provisions of
the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Disclosure of Government
Information, as well as its financial fund management measures, and the
management measures must be generous (any enterprise meeting the defined
conditions can apply for the subsidy) and are not formulated specially for specific
enterprises; (3) the related subsidy approval document has clearly promised the
time limit of appropriation and appropriation of the fund is guaranteed by the
corresponding financial budget, so it can be surely received within the defined time
limit; (4) other conditions (if any) that shall be matched according to specific
conditions of the Company and this matter of subsidy.
The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred
income and shall be equally distributed within the service life of the relevant assets,
and recorded into the current-period profits and losses. If the government
subsidies pertinent to incomes are used for compensating the related expenses or
losses incurred to the Company, they shall be recorded into the current-period
profits and losses; if the government subsidies pertinent to incomes are used for
compensating the related future expenses or losses in the later period, the
subsidies shall be recorded into the deferred income and shall be recorded into the
current-period profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses are
recognized. The government subsidies measured at the nominal amount shall be
directly recorded into the current-period profits and losses.
Where it is necessary to refund any government subsidy which has been
recognized, if there is a deferred income balance concerned, the book balance of
the deferred income shall be offset against, but the excessive part shall be
included in the current profits and losses; If there is no deferred income concerned
to the government subsidy, the amount of refund shall be directly included in the
current profits and losses.
(26) Income taxes
Income taxes include all types of domestic and oversea tax amounts based on the
amounts of taxable income of the Company. When the Company obtains assets or
bears liabilities, it recognizes their tax base according to the national tax laws and
regulations. If the carrying amount of assets is greater than their tax base or if the
carrying amount of liabilities is less than their tax base, the difference between the
tax base and their carrying amount shall be treated as a taxable temporary
difference; If the carrying amount of assets is less than their tax base or if the
carrying amount of liabilities is greater than their tax base, the difference between
the tax base and their carrying amount shall be treated as a deductible temporary
1. Except for the deferred income tax liabilities arising from the following
transactions, the Company shall recognize the deferred income tax liabilities
arising from all taxable temporary differences:
(1) The recognition of business reputation;
(2) Recognition of assets or liabilities arising from the transaction that has the
following characteristics at the same time: The transaction is not business
combination; the accounting profits will not be affected, nor will the taxable amount
(or the deductible loss) be affected.
Unless the Company can control the time of the reverse of taxable temporary
differences related to the investments of subsidiary companies, associated
enterprises and contractual enterprises and the temporary differences are unlikely
to be reversed in the predictable future, the Company shall recognize the
corresponding deferred income tax liabilities.
2. The Company shall recognize the deferred income tax liabilities arising from a
deductible temporary difference to the extent of the amount of the taxable income
which it is most likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible
temporary difference, however, it shall not recognize the deferred income tax
assets arising from the recognition of assets or liabilities during a transaction which
is simultaneously featured by the following:
(1) This transaction is not business combination; and
(2) At the time of transaction, the accounting profits will not be affected, nor will the
taxable amount (or the deductible loss) be affected.
On the balance sheet date, where there is any exact evidence showing that it is
likely to acquire sufficient amount of taxable income tax in a future period to offset
against the deductible temporary difference, the Company shall recognize the
deferred income tax assets unrecognized in prior periods. If the deductible
temporary differences related to the investments of subsidiary companies,
associated enterprises and contractual enterprises are likely to be reversed in the
expected future and are likely to acquire any amount of taxable income tax that
may be used for making up the deductible temporary differences, the Company
shall recognize the deferred income tax assets corresponding to the said
3. On the balance sheet day, the current income tax liabilities (or assets) incurred
in the current period or prior periods shall be measured by the Company in light of
the expected payable (refundable) amount of income taxes according to the tax
law; The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be
measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are
expected to be recovered or the liabilities are expected to be settled.
In case the applicable tax rate changes, the Company shall remeasure the
deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities which have been
recognized. Excluding the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax
liabilities arising from any transaction or event directly recognized as the owners'
equity, the Company shall record the amount affected by tax rate change into the
income tax expenses of the current period during which the change occurs.
The Company shall reexamine the carrying amount of deferred income tax assets
on each balance sheet day. If it is unlikely to obtain sufficient taxable income taxes
to offset the benefit of the deferred income tax assets, the carrying amount of the
deferred income tax assets shall be written down. When it is probable to obtain
sufficient taxable income taxes, such write-down amount shall be subsequently
The Company shall record the income taxes of the current period and deferred
income taxes other than business combinations and transactions or events directly
recognized in the owners' equity into the profit statement as income tax expenses
or incomes.
(27) Leases
The term \"lease\" refers to an agreement under which the lessor conveys to the
lessee in return for rent the right to use an asset for an agreed period of time.
Leases consist of financing leases and operating leases.
1. Financing leases
(1) Where a lease satisfies one or more of the following criteria, it shall be
recognized as a financing lease: The ownership of the leased asset is transferred
to the lessee when the term of lease expires; the lessee has the option to buy the
leased asset at a price which is expected to be far lower than the fair value of the
leased asset at the date when the option becomes exercisable. Thus, on the lease
beginning date, it can be reasonably determined that the option will be exercised;
even if the ownership of the asset is not transferred, the lease term covers the
major part (over 75% (included)) of the service life of the leased asset; in the case
of the lessee, the present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease
beginning date amounts to substantially all (over 90% (included)) of the fair value
of the leased asset on the lease beginning date; in the case of the lessor, the
present value of the minimum lease receipts on the lease beginning date amounts
to substantially all (over 90% (included)) of the fair value of the leased asset on the
lease beginning date; and the leased assets are of a specialized nature that only
the lessee can use them without making major modifications.
A lease that does not satisfy the above conditions shall be recognized as an
operating lease.
(2) The fixed assets leased by financing lease shall be recorded into the account
based on the lower of the fair value of leased assets on the lease beginning date
and the present value of the minimum lease payments, and a depreciation of the
said fixed assets shall be made in accordance with the depreciation policies for the
depreciable assets owned by the lessee.
2. Operating leases
The rents paid by the lessee shall be recorded by the Company into the relevant
asset costs or the profits and losses of the current period by using the straight-line
method over each period of the lease term. The direct costs incurred from
operating leases carried on by the Company shall be directly recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period. The contingent rents involved in the
operating lease agreement shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the
current period in which they actually arise.
(28) Hedging
The Company designates main raw materials as a hedged item and forward
contract as a hedging instrument to avoid the risks of changes in cash flows.
1. Recognition condition of hedging
(1) At the commencement of the hedging, the enterprise shall specify the hedging
relationship formally (namely the relationship between the hedging instrument and
the hedged item) and prepare a formal written document on the hedging
relationship, risk management objectives and the strategies of hedging. This
document shall at least specify the contents of hedging instrument, the hedged
item, the nature of the hedged risk and the method for the effectiveness
assessment of the hedging and etc. The hedging shall be relevant to the
designated specific identifiable risk, and will ultimately affect the profits and losses
of the enterprise;
(2) The hedging expectation is highly efficient and meets the risk management
strategy, which is confirmed for the hedging relationship by enterprise at the very
(3) For a cash flow hedging of forecast transaction, the forecast transaction shall
be likely to occur and shall make the enterprise faced to the risk of changes in
cash flow, which will ultimately affect the profits and losses;
(4) The effectiveness of hedging can be reliably measured;
(5) The Company shall continuously evaluate the effectiveness of hedging and
ensure that this hedging is highly effective in accounting period in which the
hedging relationship is specified.
2. Measurement of hedging
The hedging instrument is measured at its fair value on the date when the hedging
contract is signed, and its subsequent measurement is done at its fair value. The
hedging instrument with a positive fair value shall be recognized as other current
assets, and the hedging instrument with a negative fair value shall be recognized
as other current liabilities. Where a cash flow hedging meets the conditions for
adopting the hedging accounting method, it shall be dealt with in accordance with
the following provisions:
(1) In the profit or loss of the hedging instrument, the portion, which is attributed to
the effective hedging shall be directly recognized as the owner's equity and shall
be presented as a separate item. The amount of the portion of the effective
hedging shall be confirmed in accordance with the lower of the accumulative profit
or loss of the hedging instrument as of the commencement of hedging and the
accumulative amount of changes in the present value of the estimated future cash
flow of the hedged item as of the commencement of the hedging.
(2) In the profit or loss of the hedging instrument, the portion, which is attributed to
the ineffective hedging (namely the other profit or loss after deducting the portion
directly recognized as the owner's equity) shall be recorded into the profit and loss
of the current period.
(3) The relevant profit or loss directly recognized in the owner's equity originally
shall be shifted out during the same period in which this non-financial asset or non-
financial liability affects the profit or loss of the enterprise and shall be recorded
into the current profits and losses of the current period. However, when all or
partial net loss expected by the enterprise to be directly recognized in the owner's
equity originally can not be made up in the future accounting period, the portion
which can not be made up shall be shifted out and shall be recorded into profits
and losses of the current period.
3. Evaluation of effectiveness of hedging
The Company adopts ratio analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of hedging
instrument, that is, the Company recognizes the effectiveness of hedging
instrument by comparing the hedging instrument resulting from the hedged risk
with the fair value of the hedged item or change in cash flow ratio. When a hedging
satisfies the following two conditions simultaneously, it shall be recognized as
being highly efficient:
(1) At the beginning and in subsequent periods of a hedging, this hedging
expectation shall be highly effective in offsetting the changes in the fair value or
cash flows caused by the hedged item during the specified periods;
(2) The hedging’s actual offset results are within a range of 80% to 125%.
4. Conditions for terminating the fair value hedging accounting method
In case that hedging meets one of the following conditions, the Company will
terminate use of fair value hedging accounting:
(1) The hedging instrument has expired or has been sold or exercised, or the
relevant contract has been terminated.
(2) Where the hedging instrument has been extended or replaced by another
hedging instrument and the extension or replacement is a composing part of the
hedging strategy clearly stated on the Company’s written document, it shall not be
deemed that the hedging instrument has expired or the related contract has been
(3) This hedging does not match the conditions for using the hedging accounting
method any more.
(4) The Company has cancelled specification of hedging relationship.
(29) Critical accounting estimates
The management needs to make judgments and estimates in preparation of
financial statements, and these judgments and estimates will affect the statement
amounts of revenues, expenses, assets and liabilities and disclosure thereof, as
well as disclosure of the contingent liability on the balance sheet date. However,
the result arising from uncertainty of these estimates may lead to material
adjustments for the carrying amount of future affected assets or liabilities.
The Company regularly reviews aforesaid judgments, estimates and assumptions
on a going concern basis. Where changes in accounting estimates influence only
the current period of changes, the amount affected by changes shall be
recognized in the current period of changes; where changes influence both the
current period of changes and the future period, the amount affected by changes
shall be recognized in the current period of changes and the future period.
On the balance sheet date, the Company needs to make judgments, estimates
and assumptions for amount of financial statement items in the following important
1. Classification of leases
The Company classifies leases into operating leases and financing leases in
accordance with provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.
21 – Leases. In classification, the management needs to make analysis and
judgment based on whether all the risks and rewards related to the ownership of
leased assets have been essentially transferred to the lessee or whether the
Company has essentially assumed all the risks and rewards related to the
ownership of leased assets.
2. Appropriation of bad debt provision
The Company adopts the allowance method to account the loss on bad debt
according to the accounting policy of receivables. Impairment of accounts
receivable is based on evaluation of collectability of accounts receivable.
Identification of impairment of accounts receivable requires judgments and
estimates made by the management. The difference between the actual result and
the original estimate will affect the carrying amount of accounts receivable and
appropriation or reversal of bad debt provision for accounts receivable in the
period during which the estimate is changed.
3). Provision for obsolete stocks
The company measures inventories at the lower of the cost and net realizable
value according to the inventory accounting policy. If the cost of inventories is
higher than the net realizable value and the inventories are obsolete and slow
moving ones, a provision for decline in value of inventories shall be made. The
decline in value of inventories to the net realizable value is based on evaluation of
inventories’ salability and realizable value. Identification of the decline in value of
inventories requires the management to obtain exact evidence and make
judgments and estimates on the basis of considering factors such as purposes of
holding inventories and influences of events after the balance sheet date. The
difference between the actual result and the original estimate will affect the
carrying amount of inventories and making or reversal of provision for decline in
value of inventories in the period during which the estimate is changed.
4. Fair value of financial instruments
For the financial instruments which have no active trading market, the Company
uses various valuation methods such as discount cash flow model analysis to
determine their fair values. In valuation, the Company needs to estimate aspects
including the future cash flow, credit risk, market volatility and pertinency, and
select a proper discount rate. These related hypotheses show uncertainty, and
their changes will influence the fair value of a financial instrument.
5. Provision for non-financial and non-current asset impairment
On the balance sheet date, the Company judges whether the non-current assets
other than financial assets may involve signs showing possible impairment. In
addition to the impairment test conducted on an annual basis for the intangible
assets with uncertain service life, when there is any sign showing impairment,
such an asset shall also undergo an impairment test. For the non-current assets
other than financial assets, if there is any sign showing that their carrying amount
cannot be recovered, an impairment test shall be performed.
Where the carrying amount of an asset or asset group is higher than the
recoverable amount, namely, the higher of the net amount got by reducing the
disposal expenses from the fair value and the present value of the expected future
cash flow, impairment has occurred.
The net amount got by reducing the disposal expenses from the fair value is
recognized by referring to the sales agreement price of similar assets in a fair
transaction or the observable market price and reducing the incremental cost
directly attributable to disposal of this asset.
When the present value of the future cash flow is predicted, great judgments shall
be made on this asset’s (or asset group’s) output, selling price, related operating
cost and the discount rate used to calculate the present value. When estimating
the recoverable amount, the Company adopts all the related data accessible,
including the forecast about the output, selling price and related operating cost that
is made according to the reasonable and supported hypotheses.
6. Depreciation and amortization
For the investment real estate, fixed assets and intangible assets, the company
makes depreciation and amortization using the straight-line method in the service
life after taking into account their salvage values. The Company regularly reviews
the service life so as to determine the amount of depreciation and amortization
expenses to be recorded into every report period. The service life is determined by
the Company according to the previous experience in similar assets and in
combination with the expected technology update. If major changes occur in the
previous estimate, the depreciation and amortization expenses will be adjusted in
the future period.
7. Deferred income tax assets
Within the limit that sufficient taxable profit can be obtained very likely to deduct
the loss, the Company will recognize the deferred income tax assets regarding all
the unused tax losses. This requires the management of the Company to use a lot
of judgments to estimate the time and amount of the future taxable profit that may
be generated and combine the tax planning strategy to determine the amount of
the deferred income tax assets that should be recognized.
8. Income tax
In the normal operating activities of the Company, the final tax treatment and
calculation of some transactions are uncertain to some extent. Whether certain
items can be charged before tax depends on examination and approval of the tax
authority. If the final recognition results of these tax issues differ from the initially
estimated amount, the difference will influence the current income tax and deferred
income tax in the period when it is finally recognized.
9. Accrued liabilities
Based on the contract terms, present knowledge and historical experience, the
Company estimates the expected contract loss, delayed delivery penalty and
litigation loss and makes corresponding provision. In case that such a contingency
has formed a current obligation and the fulfillment of this current obligation likely
causes outflow of economic benefits from the Company, the Company shall
recognize the contingency as an accrued liability according to the best estimate of
the necessary expense to be paid for the performance of the current obligation. To
a great extent the recognition and measurement of accrued liabilities depend on
judgments made by the management. In the judging process, the management
shall evaluate the associated risks, uncertainty, and currency time value of such a
(30) Changes of accounting policies and accounting estimates and early
error correction
1. Changes of accounting policies
There were no changes in accounting policies of the Company during the Report
2. Changes of accounting estimates
There were no changes of accounting estimates in the Company during the period.
3. Early error correction
The Company was involved in no early error correction during the period.
VI. Taxes
(1) Main tax categories and tax rates of the Company
Category Tax Base Tax Rate
Value added because of sales of 17.00%, 13.00%, 11.00%, 6.00%,
Added-value tax
commodities or rendering of services 5.00%, 3.00%
Business tax Taxable turnover 3.00%, 5.00%
Urban maintenance &
Circulation taxes payable 5.00%, 7.00%
construction tax
Circulation taxes payable 3.00%
Local education
Circulation taxes payable 2.00%
Sales revenue 0.03%-0.10%
protection fee
Business income tax Taxable income 15.00%, 25.00%, 16.50%, 34.00%
Note: Hong Kong Gree Electric Appliances Sales Limited and Gree Electric
Appliances (Brazil) Co., Ltd., the overseas subsidiary companies of the Company
pay the corresponding taxes according to the local tax laws. Business income tax
rates are 16.50% and 34.00% respectively.
(2) Business income tax rates of major tax payer enterprises subject to
different tax rates
Income tax Income tax
Taxpayer Taxpayer
rate rate
Gree Electric Appliances (Chongqing) Gree Electric Appliances (Hefei)
15.00% 15.00%
Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong Gree Electric
Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. 15.00% 16.50%
Appliances Sales Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacture Gree Electric Appliances (Brazil)
15.00% 34.00%
Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd.
Gree Green Refrigeration
Gree Electric Appliances
15.00% Technology Center Co., Ltd. Of 15.00%
(Shijiazhuang) Co., Ltd.
Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronics Co., Gree Electric Appliances
15.00% 15.00%
Ltd. (Zhengzhou) Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhan) Co., Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhu)
15.00% 15.00%
Ltd. Co., Ltd.
(3) Tax preferences and approval documents
1. The Company was registered in Zhuhai, Guangdong province, and has been
enjoying the preferential policy for the high and new tech enterprises (High-tech
Enterprise Certificate No. GR201444001043). The Company applied the income
tax rate of 15.00%.
2. Deemed to be high and new tech enterprises, the following sub-subsidiaries of
the Company have acquired high-tech enterprise certificates, and applied the
enterprise income tax rate of 15.00% in 2016:
Time for acquiring
No. Name of tax payer Certificate number Valid period
the certificate
1 Zhuhai Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. GR201444000002 10 October 2014 Three years
2 Hefei Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. GF201434000075 2 July 2014 Three years
3 Zhengzhou Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. GR201441000234 23 October 2014 Three years
4 Wuhan Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. GR201442000567 14 October 2014 Three years
5 Zhuhai Gree Electrical Co., Ltd. GR201544000739 10 October 2015 Three years
6 Gree Electric Enterprises (Ma'anshan) Ltd. GR201434000348 2 July 2014 Three years
Zhuhai Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co.,
7 GR201544101531 10 October 2015 Three years
8 Hefei Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co., Ltd. GF201434000014 2 July 2014 Three years
Henan Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co.,
9 GR201441000147 23 October 2014 Three years
10 Gree Electric Appliances (Hefei) Co., Ltd. GR201434000153 2 July 2014 Three years
December 9,
11 Zhuhai Gree Xinyuan Electronics Co., Ltd. GR201644007287 Three years
Zhuhai Gree Daikin Precision Mold Co., November 30,
12 GR201644004203 Three years
Time for acquiring
No. Name of tax payer Certificate number Valid period
the certificate
Gree Green Refrigeration Technology
13 GF201444000382 October 9, 2014 Three years
Center Co., Ltd. Of Zhuhai
December 13,
14 Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. GR201642001340 Three years
Gree Electric Appliances (Shijiazhuang) November 2,
15 GR201613000193 Three years
Co., Ltd.
Gree Electric Appliances (Zhengzhou) Co.,
16 GR201441000307 October 23, 2014 Three years
17 Gree Electric Appliances (Wuhu) Co., Ltd. GR201434000562 July 2, 2014 Three years
3. The following sub-subsidiaries of the Company enjoy the country’s western
development policy, and applied the income tax rate of 15.00%.
No. Name of tax payer Preferential tax policy Start time
Gree Electric Appliances (Chongqing) Co., Preferential tax policy of
1 January 1, 2008
Ltd. western development
Preferential tax policy of
2 Chongqing Landa Compressor Co., Ltd. January 1, 2015
western development
Chongqing Kaibang Motor Manufacture Co., Preferential tax policy of
3 January 1, 2013
Ltd. western development
VII. Notes and description of major items in consolidated financial
Unless specially indicated, the monetary unit of the data listed in this section shall
be RMB Yuan. \"Beginning of the period\" and \"beginning of the year\" mean 1
January 2016; \"end of the period\" and \"end of the year\" mean 31 December 2016;
\"previous period\" means the year of 2015; \"current period\" means the year of 2016.
(1) Monetary capital
Item Amount at the end of the period Amount at the beginning of the period
Cash 2,069,645.31 2,395,117.18
Bank deposits 54,348,628,591.21 39,951,097,932.43
Other monetary capital 6,108,277,792.95 7,687,087,609.64
Deposits in central bank 2,705,752,325.39 3,769,666,905.93
Deposits in other banks 32,448,402,376.61 37,409,550,995.35
Total 95,613,130,731.47 88,819,798,560.53
Including: Total amount
109,031,267.06 4,729,515,158.98
deposited abroad
1. The invoicing and guarantee deposit in other monetary capital of the Company
is RMB 6,077,539,766.88; the credit margin is RMB 30,738,026.07;
2. The reserve requirements on deposit in the Company's deposits in central bank
are RMB 2,703,513,915.69.
3. The Company did not have any amount involving potential recovery risk at the
end of the period.
(2) Derivative financial assets
Item Balance at the end of the period Beginning Balance
Derivative financial assets -
forward foreign exchange 250,848,418.63
Total 250,848,418.63
(3) Notes receivable
1. Notes receivable are presented by category
Amount at the beginning of the
Item Amount at the end of the period
Banker’s acceptance 29,878,639,384.77 14,879,805,537.96
Trade acceptance 84,716,093.68
Total 29,963,355,478.45 14,879,805,537.96
2. Notes receivable which have been pledged but not yet due at the end of the
Item Pledged amount at the end of the period
Banker’s acceptance 24,406,512,494.25
Total 24,406,512,494.25
3. Notes receivable which have been endorsed or discounted but not yet due at
the end of the period
Amount whose recognition is Amount whose recognition is not
terminated at the end of the period terminated at the end of the period
Banker’s acceptance 42,426,151,663.20
Total 42,426,151,663.20
4. The Company had no notes carried forward to the accounts receivable due to
incapability of performance by the drawer at the end of the period.
(4) Accounts receivable
1. The accounts receivable are disclosed by type
Amount at the end of the period
Book balance Bad debt provision
Percentage Percentage Carrying amount
Amount Amount
(%) (%)
Receivables with
significant single
515,821,127. 379,709,258
amounts and single 14.62 73.61 136,111,868.56
36 .80
impairment provision
Accounts receivable with
bad debt provision 2,991,849,61 167,426,833
84.80 5.60 2,824,422,782.81
appropriated by aging 6.67 .86
Other insignificant
accounts receivable with 20,392,776.8 20,392,776.
0.58 100.00
single bad debt provision 2
3,528,063,52 567,528,869
Total 100.00 16.09 2,960,534,651.37
0.85 .48
Amount at the beginning of the period
Book balance Bad debt provision
Percentage Percentage Carrying amount
Amount Amount
(%) (%)
Receivables with
significant single
455,090,253. 335,028,47
amounts and single 13.44 73.62 120,061,773.65
61 9.96
impairment provision
Accounts receivable with
bad debt provision 2,907,834,96 148,684,62
85.85 5.11 2,759,150,338.28
appropriated by aging 7.26 8.98
Other insignificant
accounts receivable with 24,037,956.6 24,037,956.
0.71 100.00
single bad debt provision 3
3,386,963,17 507,751,06
Total 100.00 14.99 2,879,212,111.93
7.50 5.57
2. Accounts receivable with bad debt provision provided by aging analysis in the
Amount at the end of the period
Aging Percentage of
Accounts receivable Bad debt provision appropriation
Within 1 year 2,889,416,405.09 144,479,573.99 5.00
1 to 2 years 98,424,647.70 19,684,929.55 20.00
Amount at the end of the period
Aging Percentage of
Accounts receivable Bad debt provision appropriation
2 to 3 years 1,492,467.12 746,233.56 50.00
Over 3 years 2,516,096.76 2,516,096.76 100.00
Total 2,991,849,616.67 167,426,833.86 5.60
3. Receivables with significant single amounts and single impairment provision
Percentage of
Reason for
Name of debtor Book balance Bad debt provision appropriation
Customer 515,821,127.36 379,709,258.80 73.61 Insolvency
Total 515,821,127.36 379,709,258.80 73.61
4. Other insignificant accounts receivable with single bad debt provision
Percentage of Reason for
Name of debtor Book balance Bad debt provision
appropriation (%) appropriation
Customer 1 13,458,727.43 13,458,727.43 100.00 Bankruptcy
Customer 2 4,715,115.32 4,715,115.32 100.00 Insolvency
Customer 3 1,466,529.62 1,466,529.62 100.00 Insolvency
Customer 4 444,592.97 444,592.97 100.00 Insolvency
Customer 5 307,811.48 307,811.48 100.00 Bankruptcy
Total 20,392,776.82 20,392,776.82 100.00
5. The amount of accounts receivable bad debt provision appropriated by the
Company in the current period was RMB59,173,500.09, and there was no bad
debt provision reversed in the current period.
6. The Company’s accounts receivable actually written off in this period was
RMB8,077,488.07, and there was no important accounts receivable that was
written off.
7. The aggregate balance amount of accounts receivable for the Company’s top 5
debtors at the end of the year was RMB1,079,712,287.83, accounting for 30.60%
of the total balance of accounts receivable at the end of the year, and the
aggregate balance amount of bad debt provision appropriated accordingly at the
end of the year was RMB407,903,816.82.
8. The Company had no accounts receivable that were stopped from recognition
due to financial asset transfer in the current period.
9. The Company had no assets or liabilities formed by transfer of accounts
receivable and its continuous involvement into them in the current period.
(5) Prepayments
1). The prepayments are listed by aging as follows:
Amount at the end of the period Amount at the beginning of the period
Aging Percentage Percentage
Amount Amount
(%) (%)
Within 1 year 1,801,709,353.49 99.27 809,311,758.91 95.45
1 to 2 years 8,874,382.78 0.49 29,420,687.55 3.47
2 to 3 years 1,223,829.65 0.07 2,743,640.94 0.32
Over 3 years 3,138,224.86 0.17 6,453,062.31 0.76
Total 1,814,945,790.78 100.00 847,929,149.71 100.00
2. At the end of the period, the Company had no prepayments whose aging
exceeded one year and amount was important.
3. The Company’s total prepayment balance of top 5 prepaying entities at the end
of the year was RMB1,338,718,433.44, accounting for 73.76% of the prepayment
balance at the end of the year.
(6) Interests receivable
1. Classification of interests receivable
Item Balance at the end of the period Beginning Balance
Interest on deposit 983,107,894.67 1,032,368,135.50
Loan interest 7,893,862.11 7,150,605.17
Interest of securities
54,540,806.65 70,257,709.10
Total 1,045,542,563.43 1,109,776,449.77
2. The Company had no overdue interests receivable in the current period.
(7) Other receivables
1. Other receivables are disclosed by type
Amount at the end of the period
Book balance Bad debt provision
Type Carrying
Percentage Percentage amount
Amount Amount
(%) (%)
Other receivables
with significant single
amounts and single
impairment provision
Other receivable with
bad debt provision 287,515,010.46 244,984,154.67
100.00 42,530,855.79 14.79
appropriated by aging
Other insignificant
receivables with
single bad debt
Total 287,515,010.46 100.00 42,530,855.79 14.79 244,984,154.67
Amount at the beginning of the period
Book balance Bad debt provision
Type Carrying
Percentage Percentage amount
Amount Amount
(%) (%)
Other receivables
with significant single
amounts and single
impairment provision
Other receivable with
bad debt provision
295,812,685.59 100.00 41,796,042.59 14.13 254,016,643.00
appropriated by aging
Other insignificant
receivables with
single bad debt
Total 295,812,685.59 100.00 41,796,042.59 14.13 254,016,643.00
2. Other receivables with bad debt provision appropriated by aging analysis in the
Amount at the end of the period
Aging Percentage of
Other receivables Bad debt provision appropriation
Within 1 year 243,235,448.07 12,161,522.52 5.00
1 to 2 years 10,931,010.76 2,186,202.18 20.00
2 to 3 years 10,330,841.12 5,165,420.58 50.00
Over 3 years 23,017,710.51 23,017,710.51 100.00
Total 287,515,010.46 42,530,855.79 14.79
3. The amount of bad debt provision appropriated by the Company in the current
period was RMB688,536.07, and there was no bad debt provision reversed in the
current period.
4. The amount of other receivables actually written off by the Company in the
current period was RMB60,443.00, and there was no important accounts
receivable that was written off.
5. Other receivables presented by the nature of money
Amount at the beginning of the
Nature of money Amount at the end of the period
Intercourse funds 218,000,294.66 222,155,797.44
Hedging fund 69,514,715.80 73,656,888.15
Total 287,515,010.46 295,812,685.59
6. The top 5 debtors of other receivables
Percentage to
total other Bad debt provision
Name of entity with the Amount Aging
receivables appropriated
Non-related Within
First 69,514,715.80 24.18 3,475,735.79
party 1 year
Non-related Within
Second 9,881,000.00 3.44 494,050.00
party 1 year
Non-related Within
Third 9,802,900.00 3.41 490,145.00
party 1 year
Non-related Within
Fourth 7,752,619.62 2.70 387,630.98
party 1 year
Non-related Within
Fifth 7,109,244.49 2.47 355,462.22
party 1 year
Total 104,060,479.91 36.20 5,203,023.99
7. The Company had no other receivables involving government subsidies in the
current period.
8. The Company had no other receivables that were stopped from recognition due
to financial asset transfer in the current period.
9. The Company had no assets or liabilities formed by transfer of other receivables
and its continuous involvement into them in the current period.
(8) Buying back the sale of financial assets
1. Presented by the category of financial assets
Category of subject matter Balance at the end of the period Beginning Balance
Bonds 1,000,000,000.00
Including: treasury bonds 1,000,000,000.00
Less: provision for impairment
Carrying amount 1,000,000,000.00
2. Presented by the category of businesses
Item Balance at the end of the period Beginning Balance
Pledge-style reverse Repo 1,000,000,000.00
Total 1,000,000,000.00
3. Provided capital through the pledged repurchase was presented by category
within the residual maturity
Term Balance at the end of the period Beginning Balance
Within 1 month 1,000,000,000.00
Total 1,000,000,000.00
(9) Inventories
1). Type of inventories
Amount at the end of the period
Book balance Provision for price fall Carrying amount
Raw material 3,346,047,573.00 138,267,102.68 3,207,780,470.32
Goods in process 969,710,357.81 969,710,357.81
Finished goods 4,889,087,079.59 41,672,668.31 4,847,414,411.28
Total 9,204,845,010.40 179,939,770.99 9,024,905,239.41
Amount at the beginning of the period
Book balance Provision for price fall Carrying amount
Raw material 3,779,129,197.57 112,001,486.87 3,667,127,710.70
Goods in process 1,292,887,741.96 1,292,887,741.96
Amount at the beginning of the period
Book balance Provision for price fall Carrying amount
Finished goods 4,554,349,862.15 40,422,602.30 4,513,927,259.85
Total 9,626,366,801.68 152,424,089.17 9,473,942,712.51
2. Provision for obsolete stocks
Decrease for the
Increase in the current period
current period
Amount at the
Type of Amount of Amount at the end
beginning of
inventories appropriation Reversed Write-off of the period
the period Others
for the current amount amount
112,001,486.87 14,309,951.01 11,955,664.80 138,267,102.68
40,422,602.30 681,057.07 569,008.94 41,672,668.31
Total 152,424,089.17 14,991,008.08 12,524,673.74 179,939,770.99
Specific bases for making a provision for decline in value of inventories and
reasons of reversing or writing off the provision for decline in value of inventories in
the current period
Reason of writing off
Specific basis for making a Reason of reversing the provision the provision for
Item provision for decline in value for decline in value of inventories in decline in value of
of inventories the current year inventories in the
current year
Raw The lower of the inventory cost
material and net realizable value
Finished The lower of the inventory cost
goods and net realizable value
3. The inventory balance at the end of the period did not contain capitalized
amounts of borrowing costs.
4. The inventory balance at the end of the period did not involve finished but
unsettled assets formed under construction contract.
(10) Other current assets
Amount at the beginning of
Item Amount at the end of the period
the period
Hedging instruments 19,564,070.50 43,205,378.75
Financing products 1,300,000,000.00 1,580,000,000.00
Input tax to be deducted and prepaid tax 672,972,432.93 61,628,100.79
Total 1,992,536,503.43 1,684,833,479.54
(11) Disbursement of loans and advances
1. Distribution of enterprises and individuals
Amount at the beginning of
Item Amount at the end of the period
the period
Disbursement of corporate loans and
Including: (1) Loan 3,019,591,337.33 5,297,312,000.00
(2) Discount 1,839,344,548.42 2,777,807,263.38
Including: discount asset interest
-11,130,112.82 -24,891,213.22
Total disbursement of corporate loans and
4,858,935,885.75 8,075,119,263.38
Less: loan loss provision 121,751,649.96 202,500,261.92
Including: combined appropriation 121,751,649.96 202,500,261.92
Carrying amount of disbursement of
4,737,184,235.79 7,872,619,001.46
corporate loans and advances
2. Changes in loss provision for loans
Amount at the beginning of
Item Amount at the end of the period
the period
Beginning Balance 202,500,261.92 165,867,755.21
Appropriation for the current year -80,748,611.96 36,632,506.71
Balance at the end of the period 121,751,649.96 202,500,261.92
(12) Financial assets available for sale
1. Classification of financial assets available for sale
Balance at the end of the period
Item Provision for
Book balance Carrying amount
Debt instrument available for sale 894,690,850.00 894,690,850.00
Including: amount measured at the
894,690,850.00 894,690,850.00
fair value
Equity instrument available for sale 418,512,710.40 900,000.00 417,612,710.40
Including: amount measured at the
417,612,710.40 417,612,710.40
fair value
Amount measured by cost 900,000.00 900,000.00
Trust products 72,000,000.00 72,000,000.00
Total 1,385,203,560.40 900,000.00 1,384,303,560.40
Beginning Balance
Item Provision for
Book balance Carrying amount
Debt instrument available for
926,838,050.00 926,838,050.00