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神州B:2016年年度审计报告(英文版) 下载公告
                                                                   PCPAR [2017] No. ZB11076
To all shareholders of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.:
We have audited the attached financial statements of Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as “the Company”), which comprise the consolidated balance sheet and the
company's balance sheet as at December 31, 2016, the consolidated income statement and the
company's income statement, the consolidated statement of cash flows and the company's
statement of cash flows, the consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity and the
company's statement of changes in shareholders' equity and notes to the financial statements for
the year then ended.
I.     Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements
       Preparation and fair presentation of financial statements is the responsibility of the
       company management. This responsibility includes: (1) preparing the financial
       statements in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises to achieve
       fair presentation of the financial statements; (2) designing, implementing and
       maintaining internal control that is necessary to enable the financial statements that are
       free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
II.    Auditor's Responsibilities
       Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our
       audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards for Certified Public
       Accountants in China. Those standards require that we comply with professional and
       ethical requirements of Chinese certified public accountants, and plan and perform the
       audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from
       material misstatements.
       An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
       disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s
       judgments, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
       statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider
       the internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the financial
       statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances,
       but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal
       control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used
       and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by the management, as well as
       evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.
                                      Auditors' Report Page 1
    We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
    provide a basis for our audit opinion.
III.     Opinion
    In our opinion, the financial statements of the Company are prepared in accordance with
    Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and present fairly, in all material respects,
    the consolidated financial position and the Company's financial position as at December
    31, 2016 and the consolidated operating results and the Company's operating results and
    cash flows for the year then ended.
BDO CHINA Shu Lun Pan                                         Certified Public Accountant of China:
Certified Public Accountants LLP
                                                              Certified Public Accountant of China:
Shanghai, China                                               April 26, 2017
This auditors’ report and the accompanying notes to the financial statements are English translation of the Chinese
auditors’ report. In case of doubt as to the presentation of these documents, the Chinese version shall prevail.
                                                Auditors' Report Page 2
                                           神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                             合并资产负债表 Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                               2016 年 12 月 31 日 December 31, 2016
                                 (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                                                                                                          期末余额Balance as at       年初余额 Balance as at
                                              资   产 Assets                                       附注五 Note 5
                                                                                                                            December 31, 2016             January 1, 2016
流动资产: Current assets:
货币资金 Monetary funds                                                                              (一) 5.1                    1,340,815,821.83             695,384,561.31
结算备付金 Balances with clearing companies
拆出资金 Loans to banks and other financial institutions
以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产 Financial assets measured at fair value through
                                                                                                     (二)5.2                                                    1,102,961.04
current profit or loss
衍生金融资产 Derivative financial assets
应收票据 Notes receivable                                                                            (三) 5.3                    1,074,390,642.58             220,448,747.94
应收账款 Accounts receivable                                                                         (四) 5.4                    3,725,170,208.31           2,352,808,087.33
预付款项 Advances to suppliers                                                                       (五) 5.5                      319,206,798.63              77,707,568.38
应收保费 Premium receivable
应收分保账款 Reinsurance accounts receivable
应收分保合同准备金 Reinsurance contract reserves receivable
应收利息 Interest receivable
应收股利 Dividends receivable
其他应收款 Other receivables                                                                         (六) 5.6                      651,012,132.91             239,952,886.11
买入返售金融资产 Financial assets purchased under resale agreements
存货 Inventories                                                                                     (七) 5.7                      332,904,930.36             168,133,668.91
划分为持有待售的资产 Assets classified as held for sale
一年内到期的非流动资产 Non-current assets maturing within one year                                   (八) 5.8                       13,462,942.89              15,717,270.60
其他流动资产 Other current assets                                                                    (九) 5.9                       35,450,194.47              14,138,411.87
流动资产合计 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                                  7,492,413,671.98           3,785,394,163.49
非流动资产: Non-current assets:
发放贷款及垫款 Disbursement of advances and loans
可供出售金融资产 Available-for-sale financial assets
持有至到期投资 Held-to-maturity investments
长期应收款 Long-term receivables
长期股权投资 Long-term equity investments
投资性房地产 Investment property
固定资产 Fixed assets                                                                               (十) 5.10                      128,483,747.74              43,846,215.63
在建工程 Construction in process                                                                   (十一) 5.11                                                 10,016,928.24
工程物资 Project materials
固定资产清理 Liquidation of fixed assets
生产性生物资产 Productive biological assets
油气资产 Oil and gas assets
无形资产 Intangible assets                                                                         (十二) 5.12                     106,203,443.55               9,267,746.33
开发支出 Development expenses
商誉 Goodwill                                                                                      (十三) 5.13                      58,874,144.79               6,724,316.91
长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred expenses                                                           (十四) 5.14                       7,003,035.94              18,909,785.69
递延所得税资产 Deferred income tax assets                                                          (十五) 5.15                      76,298,659.34              47,950,278.07
其他非流动资产 Other non-current assets                                                            (十六) 5.16                     116,902,258.30              95,353,390.28
非流动资产合计 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                              493,765,289.66             232,068,661.15
资产总计 TOTAL ASSETS                                                                                                              7,986,178,961.63           4,017,462,824.63
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。 The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:
主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:
会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:
                                                                       Financial statements Page 1
                                            神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                      合并资产负债表(续)Consolidated Balance Sheet (Continued)
                                                                                       2016 年 12 月 31 日 December 31, 2016
                                                (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                                                                                                                                 期末余额Balance as at       年初余额 Balance as at
负债和所有者权益 Liability and Owners' Equity                                                                                   附注五 Note 5
                                                                                                                                                   December 31, 2016             January 1, 2016
流动负债: Current liabilities:
短期借款 Short-term borrowings                                                                                                  (十七) 5.17             1,966,058,357.59            225,408,496.07
向中央银行借款 Borrowings from central bank
吸收存款及同业存放 Absorption of deposits and interbank deposit
拆入资金 Loans from banks and other financial institutions
以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融负债 Financial liabilities measured at fair value through current profit or loss
衍生金融负债 Derivative financial liabilities
应付票据 Notes payable                                                                                                          (十八)5.18               706,883,375.54             143,410,167.17
应付账款 Accounts payable                                                                                                       (十九)5.19              1,313,948,990.25          1,332,619,954.77
预收款项 Advances from customers                                                                                                (二十) 5.20              573,784,072.58              64,963,842.60
卖出回购金融资产款 Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements
应付手续费及佣金 Handling charges and commissions payable
应付职工薪酬 Employee compensation payable                                                                                     (二十一) 5.21              18,797,546.69              12,669,619.20
应交税费 Taxes and surcharges payable                                                                                          (二十二) 5.22             313,483,669.78             284,826,290.11
应付利息 Interest payable                                                                                                      (二十三) 5.23                6,428,493.55                527,969.26
应付股利 Dividends payable
其他应付款 Other payables                                                                                                      (二十四)5.24              222,414,975.01             635,200,976.60
应付分保账款 Reinsurance accounts payable
保险合同准备金 Reserves for insurance contracts
代理买卖证券款 Receivings from vicariously traded securities
代理承销证券款 Receivings from vicariously sold securities
划分为持有待售的负债 Liabilities classified as held for sale
一年内到期的非流动负债 Non-current liabilities maturing within one year                                                        (二十五)5.25              175,958,998.04               7,135,752.00
其他流动负债 Other current liabilities                                                                                         (二十六)5.26               30,382,980.72
流动负债合计 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                                                                    5,328,141,459.75          2,706,763,067.78
非流动负债: Non-current liabilities:
长期借款 Long-term borrowings                                                                                                  (二十七) 5.27             786,858,878.82              30,140,649.14
应付债券 Bonds payable
其中:优先股 Including: Preferred stock
永续债 Perpetual debts
长期应付款 Long-term payables
长期应付职工薪酬 Long-term employee compensation payable
专项应付款 Special payables
预计负债 Estimated liabilities                                                                                                 (二十八)5.28               13,225,861.70
递延收益 Deferred income
递延所得税负债 Deferred income tax liabilities                                                                                  (十五) 5.15               27,469,888.77                  15,444.16
其他非流动负债 Other non-current liabilities
非流动负债合计 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                                                               827,554,629.29              30,156,093.30
负债合计 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                                                                                6,155,696,089.04          2,736,919,161.08
所有者权益: Total owners' equity:
实收资本(或股本) Paid-in capital (or share capital)                                                                          (二十九) 5.29            1,698,245,011.00            446,906,582.00
其他权益工具 Other equity instruments
其中:优先股 Including: Preferred stock
永续债 Perpetual debts
资本公积 Capital reserve                                                                                                        (三十) 5.30            -1,299,349,701.74            -50,367,862.22
减:库存股 Less: Treasury stock
其他综合收益 Other comprehensive income
专项储备 Special reserve                                                                                                       (三十一)5.31               65,687,868.14              46,014,941.54
盈余公积 Surplus reserve                                                                                                       (三十二) 5.32              84,394,441.23              84,394,441.23
一般风险准备 General risk reserves
未分配利润 Undistributed profits                                                                                               (三十三) 5.33            1,228,970,498.86            755,308,636.19
归属于母公司所有者权益合计 Total equity attributable to owners of the parent company                                                                      1,777,948,117.49          1,282,256,738.74
少数股东权益 Minority equity                                                                                                                                52,534,755.10               -1,713,075.19
所有者权益合计 TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY                                                                                                                       1,830,482,872.59          1,280,543,663.55
负债和所有者权益总计 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY                                                                                                 7,986,178,961.63          4,017,462,824.63
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。 The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:
主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:
会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:
                                                                                           Financial statements Page 2
                              神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                        资产负债表 Balance Sheet
                                                            2016 年 12 月 31 日 December 31, 2016
                    (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                                                                                                 期末余额Balance as at      年初余额 Balance as at
                                    资   产 Assets                                      附注十五 Note 15
                                                                                                                   December 31, 2016            January 1, 2016
流动资产:Current assets:
货币资金 Monetary funds                                                                                                   168,691,344.34            239,145,251.31
以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期 损益的金融资产 Financial assets measured at
fair value through current profit or loss
衍生金融资产 Derivative financial assets
应收票据 Notes receivable
应收账款 Accounts receivable                                                               (一) 15.1                           6,346.00                29,083.30
预付款项 Advances to suppliers                                                                                              1,000,000.00
应收利息 Interest receivable
应收股利 Dividends receivable
其他应收款 Other receivables                                                               (二)15.2                   1,672,200,041.98
存货 Inventories
划分为持有待售的资产 Assets classified as held for sale
一年内到期的非流动资产 Non-current assets maturing within one year
其他流动资产 Other current assets                                                                                           1,404,744.25
流动资产合计 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                       1,843,302,476.57            239,174,334.61
非流动资产: Non-current assets:
可供出售金融资产 Available-for-sale financial assets
持有至到期投资 Held-to-maturity investments
长期应收款 Long-term receivables
长期股权投资 Long-term equity investments                                                  (三) 15.3                  3,176,451,536.66          3,079,451,536.66
投资性房地产 Investment property
固定资产 Fixed assets                                                                                                            4,121.50
在建工程 Construction in process
工程物资 Project materials
固定资产清理 Liquidation of fixed assets
生产性生物资产 Productive biological assets
油气资产 Oil and gas assets
无形资产 Intangible assets
开发支出 Development expenses
商誉 Goodwill
长期待摊费用 Long-term deferred expenses                                                                                      336,569.60
递延所得税资产 Deferred income tax assets                                                                                                                   382.68
其他非流动资产 Other non-current assets                                                                                    48,960,000.00
非流动资产合计 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                                                                 3,225,752,227.76          3,079,451,919.34
资产总计 TOTAL ASSETS                                                                                                   5,069,054,704.33          3,318,626,253.95
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。 The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:
主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:
会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:
                                                              Financial statements Page 3
                                 神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                   资产负债表(续)Balance Sheet (Continued)
                                                       2016 年 12 月 31 日 December 31, 2016
                         (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                                                                                        期末余额Balance as at           年初余额 Balance as at
                   负债和所有者权益 Liability and Owners' Equity
                                                                                                          December 31, 2016                 January 1, 2016
流动负债: Current liabilities:
短期借款 Short-term borrowings                                                                                      980,000,000.00
以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融负债 Financial liabilities measured at
fair value through current profit or loss
衍生金融负债 Derivative financial liabilities
应付票据 Notes payable                                                                                               68,000,000.00
应付账款 Accounts payable
预收款项 Advances from customers
应付职工薪酬 Employee compensation payable                                                                              701,792.11
应交税费 Taxes and surcharges payable                                                                                97,085,106.00                   98,150,372.30
应付利息 Interest payable                                                                                             5,150,639.24
应付股利 Dividends payable
其他应付款 Other payables                                                                                            13,252,762.06                      803,339.56
划分为持有待售的负债 Liabilities classified as held for sale
一年内到期的非流动负债 Non-current liabilities maturing within one year
其他流动负债 Other current liabilities
流动负债合计 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                            1,164,190,299.41                   98,953,711.86
非流动负债: Non-current liabilities:
长期借款 Long-term borrowings                                                                                       700,000,000.00
应付债券 Bonds payable
其中:优先股 Including: Preferred stock
永续债 Perpetual debts
长期应付款 Long-term payables
长期应付职工薪酬 Long-term employee compensation payable
专项应付款 Special payables
预计负债 Estimated liabilities
递延收益 Deferred income
递延所得税负债 Deferred income tax liabilities
其他非流动负债 Other non-current liabilities
非流动负债合计 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                                        700,000,000.00
负债合计 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                                                        1,864,190,299.41                   98,953,711.86
所有者权益: Total owners' equity:
实收资本(或股本) Paid-in capital (or share capital)                                                             1,698,245,011.00                  446,906,582.00
其他权益工具 Other equity instruments
其中:优先股 Including: Preferred stock
永续债 Perpetual debts
资本公积 Capital reserve                                                                                          1,237,956,472.37                2,489,294,901.37
减:库存股 Less: Treasury stock
其他综合收益 Other comprehensive income
专项储备 Special reserve
盈余公积 Surplus reserve                                                                                             26,309,287.00                   26,309,287.00
未分配利润 Undistributed profits                                                                                    242,353,634.55                  257,161,771.72
所有者权益合计 TOTAL OWNERS' EQUITY                                                                               3,204,864,404.92                3,219,672,542.09
负债和所有者权益总计 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY                                                         5,069,054,704.33                3,318,626,253.95
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。 The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:
主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:
会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:
                                                                   Financial statements Page 4
                                                      神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                                        合并利润表 Consolidated Income Statement
                                                                                   2016年度 Year of 2016
                                               (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                                                 项 目 Item                                                                附注五 Note 5    本期发生额 Year 2016     上期发生额 Year 2015
一、营业总收入 Total operating income                                                                                                                             4,664,999,117.17         4,010,358,999.58
其中:营业收入Including: Operating income                                                                                                 (三十四)5.34          4,664,999,117.17         4,010,358,999.58
利息收入 Interest income
已赚保费 Earned premiums
手续费及佣金收入 Income from handling charges and commissions
二、营业总成本 Total operating cost                                                                                                                               4,110,727,814.01         3,578,964,860.85
其中:营业成本 Including: Operating cost                                                                                                  (三十四)5.34          3,459,377,744.66         3,165,027,185.66
利息支出 Interest expenses
手续费及佣金支出 Handling charges and commissions expenses
退保金 Surrender value
赔付支出净额 Net claims paid
提取保险合同准备金净额 Net amount withdrawn for insurance contract reserves
保单红利支出 Policy dividend payment
分保费用 Reinsurance costs
税金及附加 Taxes and surcharges                                                                                                           (三十五)5.35              9,651,529.46            79,485,669.04
销售费用 Selling expenses                                                                                                                 (三十六)5.36             30,318,688.27            13,686,172.10
管理费用 General and administrative expenses                                                                                              (三十七) 5.37           313,930,733.56           154,562,327.86
财务费用 Financial expenses                                                                                                               (三十八)5.38            127,437,227.95            54,866,402.02
资产减值损失 Losses from assets impairment                                                                                                (三十九) 5.39           170,011,890.11           111,337,104.17
加:公允价值变动收益(损失以“-”号填列) Plus: Gains from the changes in fair value (\"-\" for losses)                                      (四十) 5.40                                          42,553.26
投资收益(损失以“-”号填列) Investment income (\"-\" for losses)                                                                          (四十一) 5.41             2,226,350.97
其中:对联营企业和合营企业的投资收益 Including: Income from investment in associates and joint ventures
汇兑收益(损失以“-”号填列) Gains from foreign exchange (\"-\" for losses)
三、营业利润(亏损以“-”号填列)Operating profits (\"-\" for losses)                                                                                                 556,497,654.12           431,436,691.98
加:营业外收入 Plus: Non-operating income                                                                                                 (四十二) 5.42            26,427,042.86              380,733.08
其中:非流动资产处置利得 Including: Gains from disposal of non-current assets                                                                                                                      4,455.00
减: 营业外支出 Less: Non-operating expenses                                                                                              (四十三) 5.43            21,586,940.28             1,025,395.57
其中:非流动资产处置损失 Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets                                                                                          564,833.40                85,567.15
四、利润总额(亏损总额以“-”号填列) Total profits (\"-\" for total losses)                                                                                          561,337,756.70           430,792,029.49
  减:所得税费用 Less: Income tax expenses                                                                                                (四十四) 5.44            89,244,861.75            84,688,888.81
五、净利润(净亏损以“-”号填列) Net profit (\"-\" for net losses)                                                                                                   472,092,894.95           346,103,140.68
其中:被合并方在合并前实现的净利润 Including: Net profit achieved by the combined party before the combination
归属于母公司所有者的净利润 Net profit attributable to owners of the parent company                                                                                  473,661,862.67           346,648,651.48
少数股东损益 Minority interest income                                                                                                                                -1,568,967.72              -545,510.80
六、其他综合收益的税后净额 Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                                                                                                                    85.60
归属母公司所有者的其他综合收益的税后净额 Other comprehensive income, net of tax attributable to owners of the parent company                                                                         85.60
(一)以后不能重分类进损益的其他综合收益 Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into profit or loss later
1. 重新计量设定受益计划净负债或净资产的变动 Changes arising from the re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit
2. 权益法下在被投资单位不能重分类进损益的其他综合收益中享有的份额 Share in other comprehensive income of the investee that
cannot be reclassified into profit or loss under the equity method
(二)以后将重分类进损益的其他综合收益 Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit or loss later                                                                                85.60
1. 权益法下在被投资单位以后将重分类进损益的其他综合收益中享有的份额 Share in other comprehensive income of the investee that will
be reclassified into profit or loss under the equity method later
2. 可供出售金融资产公允价值变动损益 Profit or loss of change in faire value of available-for-sale financial assets
3. 持有至到期投资重分类为可供出售金融资产损益 Profit or loss arising from reclassification of held-to-maturity investments as financial
assets available for sale
4. 现金流量套期损益的有效部分 Effective portion of profit or loss from cash flow hedging
5. 外币财务报表折算差额 Translation differences of foreign currency financial statements                                                                                                             85.60
6. 其他 Others
归属于少数股东的其他综合收益的税后净额 Other comprehensive income, net of tax attributable to minority shareholders
七、综合收益总额 Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                         472,092,894.95           346,103,226.28
归属于母公司所有者的综合收益总额 Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company                                                            473,661,862.67           346,648,737.08
归属于少数股东的综合收益总额 Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders                                                                        -1,568,967.72              -545,510.80
八、每股收益: Earnings per share:
(一)基本每股收益(元/股)Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                                                                                               0.28                     0.40
(二)稀释每股收益(元/股)Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                                                                                                             0.28                     0.40
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:
主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:
会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:
                                                                                               Financial statements Page 5
                                                                神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                                                               利润表 Income Statement
                                                                                2016年度 Year of 2016
                              (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                       项      目 Item                                        附注十五 Note 15    本期发生额 Year 2016       上期发生额 Year 2015
一、营业收入 Operating income                                                                    (五) 15.5                  238,048.64                2,318,061.00
减:营业成本 Less: Operating costs                                                               (五) 15.5                                              237,620.18
税金及附加 Taxes and surcharges                                                                                                192,135.56                 153,652.28
销售费用 Selling expenses
管理费用 General and administrative expenses                                                                                34,816,749.95               8,954,347.86
财务费用(收益以“-”号填列) Financial expenses (“-” for income)                                                           5,966,974.50              3,370,704.26
资产减值损失 Losses from assets impairment                                                                                     781,524.61                 -13,038.09
加:公允价值变动净收益(损失以“-”号填列) Plus: Net gains from the changes in
fair value (\"-\" for losses)
投资收益(损失以“-”号填列) Investment income (\"-\" for losses)                                 (四) 15.4                   396,197.49             383,969,705.11
其中:对联营和合营企业的投资收益 Including: Income from investment in associates
and joint ventures
二、营业利润(亏损以“-”号填列) Operating profits (\"-\" for losses)                                                        -41,123,138.49            373,584,479.62
加:营业外收入 Plus: Non-operating income                                                                                   26,315,384.00              73,450,480.94
其中:非流动资产处置利得 Including: Gains from disposal of non-current assets
减: 营业外支出 Less: Non-operating expenses
其中:非流动资产处置损失 Including: Losses from disposal of non-current assets
三、利润总额(亏损总额以“-”号填列) Total profits (\"-\" for total losses)                                                  -14,807,754.49            447,034,960.56
减:所得税费用 Less: Income tax expenses                                                                                            382.68             93,708,631.85
四、净利润(净亏损以“-”号填列) Net profit (\"-\" for net losses)                                                           -14,808,137.17            353,326,328.72
五、其他综合收益的税后净额 Other comprehensive income, net of tax                                                                                       4,398,234.00
(一)以后不能重分类进损益的其他综合收益 Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified into profit or loss later
1. 重新计量设定受益计划净负债或净资产的变动 Changes arising from the re-
measurement of net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plan
2. 权益法下在被投资单位不能重分类进损益的其他综合收益中享有的份额 Share in
other comprehensive income of the investee that cannot be reclassified into profit or loss
under the equity method
(二)以后将重分类进损益的其他综合收益 Other comprehensive income that will be
reclassified into profit or loss later
1. 权益法下在被投资单位以后将重分类进损益的其他综合收益中享有的份额 Share
in other comprehensive income of the investee that will be reclassified into profit or loss
under the equity method later
2. 可供出售金融资产公允价值变动损益 Profit or loss of change in faire value of
available-for-sale financial assets
3. 持有至到期投资重分类为可供出售金融资产损益 Profit or loss arising from
reclassification of held-to-maturity investments as financial assets available for sale
4. 现金流量套期损益的有效部分 Effective portion of profit or loss from cash flow
5. 外币财务报表折算差额 Translation differences of foreign currency financial
6. 其他 Others
六、综合收益总额 Total comprehensive income                                                                                 -14,808,137.17            357,724,562.72
七、每股收益: Earnings per share:
(一)基本每股收益(元/股)Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)                                                                      -0.01                      0.17
(二)稀释每股收益(元/股)Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)                                                                    -0.01                      0.17
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:
主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:
会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:
                                                                            Financial statements Page 6
                                                 神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                               合并现金流量表 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
                                                                                               2016年度 Year of 2016
                                              (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                                        项 目 Item                                                     附注五 Note 5    本期发生额 Year 2016        上期发生额 Year 2015
销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of services                                                        2,793,118,697.02               2,882,512,458.95
客户存款和同业存放款项净增加额 Net increase in deposits from customers and due from banks and other financial
向中央银行借款净增加额 Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
向其他金融机构拆入资金净增加额 Net increase in loans from other financial institutions
收到原保险合同保费取得的现金 Cash received from receiving insurance premium of original insurance contract
收到再保险业务现金净额 Net cash received from reinsurance business
保户储金及投资款净增加额 Net increase in deposits and investments from policyholders
处置以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产净增加额 Net increase received from disposal of financial assets
measured at fair value through current profit and loss
收取利息、手续费及佣金的现金 Cash received from interests, handling charges and commissions
拆入资金净增加额 Net increase in loans from banks and other financial institutions
回购业务资金净增加额 Net capital increase in repurchase business
收到的税费返还 Refunds of taxes and surcharges                                                                                                      6,342,293.39                    250,556.49
收到其他与经营活动有关的现金 Cash received from other operating activities                                             (四十五)5.45           1,818,662,633.63               1,374,677,443.26
经营活动现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                                                                        4,618,123,624.04               4,257,440,458.70
购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 Cash paid for goods purchased and services received                                                                2,879,469,436.78               2,566,176,221.01
客户贷款及垫款净增加额 Net increase in customers' loans and advances
存放中央银行和同业款项净增加额 Net increase in deposits with central bank and with banks and other financial
支付原保险合同赔付款项的现金 Cash paid for original insurance contract claims
支付利息、手续费及佣金的现金 Cash paid for interests, handling charges and commissions
支付保单红利的现金 Cash paid for policy dividends
支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                                                                        345,233,924.96                194,602,987.57
支付的各项税费 Cash paid for taxes and surcharges                                                                                                  92,009,656.66                150,781,903.84
支付其他与经营活动有关的现金 Cash paid for other operating activities                                                  (四十五)5.45           2,989,286,419.58               1,637,930,603.36
经营活动现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                                                                       6,305,999,437.98               4,549,491,715.78
经营活动产生的现金流量净额 NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                                             -1,687,875,813.94               -292,051,257.08
收回投资收到的现金 Cash received from disposal of investments                                                                                     119,902,961.04                           68.86
取得投资收益所收到的现金 Cash received from returns on investments                                                                                  1,566,217.08                       2,426.00
处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产收回的现金净额 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets
处置子公司及其他营业单位收到的现金净额 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
收到其他与投资活动有关的现金 Cash received from other investing activities
投资活动现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows from investment activities                                                                         121,565,115.12                       2,494.86
购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产支付的现金净额 Net cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed assets,
                                                                                                                                                   15,582,049.03                 25,179,343.19
intangible assets and other long-term assets
投资支付的现金 Cash paid for investments                                                                                                          188,307,635.00
质押贷款净增加额 Net increase in pledge loans
取得子公司及其他营业单位支付的现金净额 Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units                                              42,467,736.61                   3,533,792.47
支付其他与投资活动有关的现金 Cash paid for other investing activities
投资活动现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                                                                         246,357,420.64                 28,713,135.66
投资活动产生的现金流量净额 NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                                              -124,792,305.52                 -28,710,640.80
吸收投资收到的现金 Cash received from absorption of investment                                                                                                                  242,223,784.52
其中:子公司吸收少数股东投资收到的现金 Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from investments by minority
取得借款收到的现金 Cash received from borrowings                                                                                                3,352,564,898.49                783,614,556.72
发行债券收到的现金 Cash received from bonds issue
收到其他与筹资活动有关的现金 Cash received from other financing activities                                             (四十五)5.45             175,355,000.00                779,900,000.00
筹资活动现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                                                                        3,527,919,898.49               1,805,738,341.24
偿还债务支付的现金 Cash paid for debts repayments                                                                                                 676,386,220.35                737,683,498.86
分配股利、利润或偿付利息支付的现金 Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profits or payment of interests                                    116,576,063.38                 33,711,743.66
其中:子公司支付给少数股东的股利、利润 Including: Dividends and profits paid to minority shareholders by
支付其他与筹资活动有关的现金 Cash paid for other financing activities                                                  (四十五)5.45             555,780,295.84                375,281,700.88
筹资活动现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                                                       1,348,742,579.57               1,146,676,943.40
筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                                             2,179,177,318.92                659,061,397.84
                                                                                                                                                    -5,549,633.86                   686,301.95
五、现金及现金等价物净增加额 NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                                            360,959,565.60                338,985,801.91
加:期初现金及现金等价物余额 Plus: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents                                                                 582,745,756.81                243,759,954.90
六、期末现金及现金等价物余额 ENDING BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                                          943,705,322.41                582,745,756.81
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:
主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:
会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:
                                                                                           Financial statements Page 7
                                 神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                       现金流量表 Statement of Cash Flows
                                                                        2016年度 Year of 2016
                         (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                             项   目 Item                                                          本期发生额 Year 2016      上期发生额 Year 2015
销售商品、提供劳务收到的现金 Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of services                                        266,133.00             2,246,511.00
收到的税费返还 Refunds of taxes and surcharges
收到其他与经营活动有关的现金 Cash received from other operating activities                                                  822,670,967.58            99,238,423.81
经营活动现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities                                                    822,937,100.58           101,484,934.81
购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 Cash paid for goods purchased and services received
支付给职工以及为职工支付的现金 Cash payments to and on behalf of employees                                                    7,388,478.01             1,026,970.10
支付的各项税费 Cash paid for taxes and surcharges                                                                             1,558,123.56            14,621,408.55
支付其他与经营活动有关的现金 Cash paid for other operating activities                                                     2,332,567,169.66            95,712,355.22
经营活动现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows from operating activities                                                 2,341,513,771.23           111,360,733.87
经营活动产生的现金流量净额 NET CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES                                                      -1,518,576,670.65            -9,875,799.06
收回投资收到的现金 Cash received from disposal of investments                                                               107,000,000.00
取得投资收益收到的现金 Cash received from returns on investments                                                                396,197.49
处置固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产收回的现金净额 Net cash received from disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets
处置子公司及其他营业单位收到的现金净额 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other
business units
收到其他与投资活动有关的现金 Cash received from other investing activities                                                                                40,084.65
投资活动现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows from investment activities                                                   107,396,197.49                40,084.65
购建固定资产、无形资产和其他长期资产支付的现金 Cash paid for purchase and construction of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets
投资支付的现金 Cash paid for investments                                                                                    155,960,000.00
取得子公司及其他营业单位支付的现金净额 Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business
支付其他与投资活动有关的现金 Cash paid for other investing activities
投资活动现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                                                   252,960,000.00
投资活动产生的现金流量净额 NET CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES                                                        -145,563,802.51                40,084.65
吸收投资收到的现金 Cash received from absorption of investment                                                                                       240,499,988.72
取得借款收到的现金 Cash received from borrowings
发行债券收到的现金 Cash received from bonds issue                                                                         1,810,000,000.00
收到其他与筹资活动有关的现金 Cash received from other financing activities                                                   12,500,000.00
筹资活动现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                                                  1,822,500,000.00           240,499,988.72
偿还债务支付的现金 Cash paid for debts repayments                                                                           130,000,000.00
分配股利、利润或偿付利息支付的现金 Cash paid for distribution of dividends and profits or payment
of interests
支付其他与筹资活动有关的现金 Cash paid for other financing activities                                                        24,800,000.00
筹资活动现金流出小计 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                                   228,813,433.81
筹资活动产生的现金流量净额 NET CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES                                                       1,593,686,566.19           240,499,988.72
五、现金及现金等价物净增加额 NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                      -70,453,906.97           230,664,274.31
加:期初现金及现金等价物余额 Plus: Beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents                                           239,145,251.31             8,480,977.00
六、期末现金及现金等价物余额 ENDING BALANCE OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                    168,691,344.34           239,145,251.31
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:
主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:
会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:                  Financial statements Page 8
                                                                                            神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                                                                合并所有者权益变动表 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity
                                                                                                                                                          2016年度 Year of 2016
                                                                                                         (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                                                                                                                                                                           本期发生额 Year 2016
                                                                                                                                           归属于母公司所有者权益 Equity attributable to owners of the parent company
                             项 目 Item                                                           其他权益工具 Other equity instruments                                                                                                                                                      少数股东权益        所有者权益合计 Total
                                                                    实收资本(或股本)                                                                                                                                                             一般风险准备
                                                                                                                                                资本公积 Capital      减:库存股 Less:   其他综合收益 Other 专项储备 Special    盈余公积                           未分配利润 Undistributed   Minority equity         owners' equity
                                                                  Paid-in capital (or share                                                                                                                                                        General risk
                                                                                            优先股 Preferred 永续债 Perpetual                       reserves          Treasury stock    comprehensive income   reserves     Surplus reserves                              profits
                                                                          capital)                                               其他 Others                                                                                                        reserves
                                                                                                  stock           debts
一、上年年末余额 Balance at the end of the last year                      446,906,582.00                                                             -50,367,862.22                                              46,014,941.54   84,394,441.23                              755,308,636.19       -1,713,075.19        1,280,543,663.55
加:会计政策变更 Plus: Adjustments for changes in accounting
前期差错更正 Correction of accounting errors in prior periods
同一控制下企业合并 Business combination under common
其他 Others
二、本年年初余额 Balance at the beginning of the year                     446,906,582.00                                                             -50,367,862.22                                              46,014,941.54   84,394,441.23                              755,308,636.19       -1,713,075.19        1,280,543,663.55
                                                                        1,251,338,429.00                                                          -1,248,981,839.52                                              19,672,926.60                                              473,661,862.67      54,247,830.29           549,939,209.05
Increases/decreases in the current period (“-” for decreases)
(一)综合收益总额 Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                                                                               473,661,862.67       -1,327,357.60          472,334,505.07
(二)所有者投入和减少资本 Capital contributed or reduced
                                                                        1,251,338,429.00                                                               2,356,589.48                                                                                                                             55,575,187.89         1,309,270,206.37
by owners
1.股东投入的普通股 Common shares contributed by
                                                                        1,251,338,429.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                              1,251,338,429.00
2.其他权益工具持有者投入资本 Capital contributed by the
holders of other equity instruments
2.股份支付计入所有者权益的金额 Amounts of share-based
payments recognized in owners' equity
3.其他 Others                                                                                                                                         2,356,589.48                                                                                                                             55,575,187.89            57,931,777.37
(三)利润分配 Profit distribution
1.提取盈余公积 Withdrawal of surplus reserves
2.提取一般风险准备 Withdrawal of general risk reserves
3.对所有者(或股东)的分配 Profits distributed to owners
(or shareholders)
4.其他 Others
(四)所有者权益内部结转 Internal carry-forward of owners'
                                                                                                                                                  -1,251,338,429.00                                                                                                                                                  -1,251,338,429.00
1.资本公积转增资本(或股本) Conversion of capital
                                                                                                                                                  -1,251,338,429.00                                                                                                                                                  -1,251,338,429.00
reserves into paid-in capital (or share capital)
2.盈余公积转增资本(或股本) Conversion of surplus
reserves into paid-in capital (or share capital)
3.盈余公积弥补亏损 Surplus reserves offsetting losses
4.其他 Others
(五)专项储备 Special reserves                                                                                                                                                                                  19,672,926.60                                                                                           19,672,926.60
1.本期提取 Amount withdrawn in the current period                                                                                                                                                               56,095,547.05                                                                                           56,095,547.05
2.本期使用 Amount used in the current period                                                                                                                                                                    36,422,620.45                                                                                           36,422,620.45
(六)其他 Others
四、本期期末余额 Balance at the end of the current period               1,698,245,011.00                                                          -1,299,349,701.74                                              65,687,868.14   84,394,441.23                            1,228,970,498.86      52,534,755.10         1,830,482,872.60
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:                                                         主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:                                                      会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:
                                                                                                                                                      Financial statements Page 9
                                                                             神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                                         合并所有者权益变动表(续) Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity (Continued)
                                                                                                                                                     2016年度 Year of 2016
                                                                                                     (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                                                                                                                                                                                上期发生额 Year 2015
                                                                                                                                                 归属于母公司所有者权益 Equity attributable to owners of the parent company
                                     项 目 Item                                                          其他权益工具 Other equity instruments                                                 其他综合收益                                                                                     少数股东权益      所有者权益合计 Total
                                                                               实收资本(或股本)                                                                                 减:库存股                                                               一般风险准
                                                                                                                                                        资本公积 Capital                            Other       专项储备 Special   盈余公积 Surplus                        未分配利润           Minority equity       owners' equity
                                                                               Paid-in capital (or        优先股      永续债 Perpetual                                        Less: Treasury                                                             备 General
                                                                                                                                       其他 Others          reserves                           comprehensive        reserves           reserves                         Undistributed profits
                                                                                 share capital)       Preferred stock     debts                                                   stock                                                                 risk reserves
一、上年年末余额 Balance at the end of the last year                                 70,136,099.00                                                           176,467,549.00                            -85.60      21,813,200.10        49,347,406.23                          443,707,019.71                            761,471,188.44
加:会计政策变更 Plus: Adjustments for changes in accounting policies
前期差错更正 Correction of accounting errors in prior periods
同一控制下企业合并 Business combination under common control
其他 Others
二、本年年初余额 Balance at the beginning of the year                                70,136,099.00                                                           176,467,549.00                            -85.60      21,813,200.10        49,347,406.23                          443,707,019.71                            761,471,188.44
三、本期增减变动金额(减少以“-”号填列) Increases/decreases in the current
                                                                                    376,770,483.00                                                          -226,835,411.22                             85.60      24,201,741.44        35,047,035.00                          311,601,616.48     -1,713,075.19          519,072,475.11
period (“-” for decreases)
(一)综合收益总额 Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                           85.60                                                                  346,648,651.48       -545,510.80          346,103,226.28
(二)所有者投入和减少资本 Capital contributed or reduced by owners                  25,914,633.00                                                           226,661,441.01                                                                                                                                              252,576,074.01
1.股东投入的普通股 Common shares contributed by shareholders                        25,914,633.00                                                           217,585,355.72                                                                                                                                              243,499,988.72
2.其他权益工具持有者投入资本 Capital contributed by the holders of other
equity instruments
2.股份支付计入所有者权益的金额 Amounts of share-based payments recognized
in owners' equity
3.其他 Others                                                                                                                                                 9,076,085.29                                                                                                                                                9,076,085.29
(三)利润分配 Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                                                      35,047,035.00                          -35,047,035.00     -1,167,564.39           -1,167,564.39
1.提取盈余公积 Withdrawal of surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                                                          35,047,035.00                          -35,047,035.00
2.提取一般风险准备 Withdrawal of general risk reserves
3.对所有者(或股东)的分配 Profits distributed to owners (or shareholders)
4.其他 Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    -1,167,564.39           -1,167,564.39
(四)所有者权益内部结转 Internal carry-forward of owners' equity
1.资本公积转增资本(或股本) Conversion of capital reserves into paid-in
capital (or share capital)
2.盈余公积转增资本(或股本) Conversion of surplus reserves into paid-in
capital (or share capital)
3.盈余公积弥补亏损 Surplus reserves offsetting losses
4.其他 Others
(五)专项储备 Special reserves                                                                                                                                                                                    24,201,741.44                                                                                          24,201,741.44
1.本期提取 Amount withdrawn in the current period                                                                                                                                                                 34,558,557.84                                                                                          34,558,557.84
2.本期使用 Amount used in the current period                                                                                                                                                                     -10,356,816.40                                                                                         -10,356,816.40
(六)其他 Others                                                                   350,855,850.00                                                          -453,496,852.23                                                                                                                                             -102,641,002.23
四、本期期末余额 Balance at the end of the current period                           446,906,582.00                                                           -50,367,862.22                                        46,014,941.54        84,394,441.23                          755,308,636.19     -1,713,075.19        1,280,543,663.55
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:                                            主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:                                                  会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:
                                                                                                                                                 Financial statements Page 10
                                                                                        神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    所有者权益变动表 Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity
                                                                                                                           2016年度 Year of 2016
                                                                                       (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                                                                                                                                                             本期发生额 Year 2016
                                                                                                         其他权益工具 Other equity instruments
                              项 目 Item                                                                                                                                   减:库存股
                                                                        实收资本(或股本)Paid-                                                     资本公积 Capital                        其他综合收益 Other      专项储备         盈余公积 Surplus         未分配利润           所有者权益合计 Total
                                                                                                                                                                          Less: Treasury
                                                                        in capital (or share capital) 优先股 Preferred 永续债 Perpetual    其他         reserves                           comprehensive income   Special reserves       reserves          Undistributed profits       owners' equity
                                                                                                            stock          debts           Others                             stock
一、上年年末余额 Balance at the end of the last year                                446,906,582.00                                                    2,489,294,901.37                                                                     26,309,287.00          257,161,771.72        3,219,672,542.09
加:会计政策变更 Plus: Adjustments for changes in accounting policies
前期差错更正 Correction of accounting errors in prior periods
其他 Others
二、本年年初余额 Balance at the beginning of the year                               446,906,582.00                                                    2,489,294,901.37                                                                     26,309,287.00          257,161,771.72        3,219,672,542.09
三、本期增减变动金额(减少以“-”号填列) Increases/decreases in the
                                                                                  1,251,338,429.00                                                    -1,251,338,429.00                                                                                           -14,808,137.17          -14,808,137.17
current period (“-” for decreases)
(一)综合收益总额 Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                                                                     -14,808,137.17          -14,808,137.17
(二)所有者投入和减少资本 Capital contributed or reduced by
                                                                                  1,251,338,429.00                                                                                                                                                                                      1,251,338,429.00
1.股东投入的普通股 Common shares contributed by shareholders                      1,251,338,429.00                                                                                                                                                                                      1,251,338,429.00
2.其他权益工具持有者投入资本 Capital contributed by the holders of
other equity instruments
3.股份支付计入所有者权益的金额 Amounts of share-based payments
recognized in owners' equity
4.其他 Others
(三)利润分配 Profit distribution
1.提取盈余公积 Withdrawal of surplus reserves
2.对所有者(或股东)的分配 Profits distributed to owners (or
3.其他 Others
(四)所有者权益内部结转 Internal carry-forward of owners' equity                                                                                     -1,251,338,429.00                                                                                                                 -1,251,338,429.00
1.资本公积转增资本(或股本) Conversion of capital reserves into
                                                                                                                                                      -1,251,338,429.00                                                                                                                 -1,251,338,429.00
paid-in capital (or share capital)
2.盈余公积转增资本(或股本) Conversion of surplus reserves into
paid-in capital (or share capital)
3.盈余公积弥补亏损 Surplus reserves offsetting losses
4.其他 Others
(五)专项储备 Special reserves
1.本期提取 Amount withdrawn in the current period
2.本期使用 Amount used in the current period
(六)其他 Others
四、本期期末余额 Balance at the end of the current period                   1,698,245,011.00                                                          1,237,956,472.37                                                                     26,309,287.00          242,353,634.55        3,204,864,404.92
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:                                      主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:                                     会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:
                                                                                                                                      Financial statements Page 11
                                                                            神州长城股份有限公司 Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                                                所有者权益变动表(续) Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity (Continued)
                                                                                                                             2016年度 Year of 2016
                                                                                         (除特别注明外,金额单位均为人民币元) (Monetary units are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
                                                                                                                                                                                      上期发生额 Year 2015
                                                                                                                   其他权益工具 Other equity instruments
                                     项 目 Item                                   实收资本(或股本)                                                                                 减:库存股
                                                                                                                                                                资本公积 Capital                      其他综合收益 Other        专项储备       盈余公积 Surplus      未分配利润           所有者权益合计 Total
                                                                                  Paid-in capital (or share   优先股 Preferred   永续债 Perpetual                                   Less: Treasury
                                                                                                                                                  其他 Others       reserves                         comprehensive income     Special reserves     reserves       Undistributed profits       owners' equity
                                                                                          capital)                  stock            debts                                              stock
一、上年年末余额 Balance at the end of the last year                                       169,142,356.00                                                           31,606,598.00                             -4,398,234.00                       26,309,287.00          -96,164,557.00         126,495,450.00
加:会计政策变更 Plus: Adjustments for changes in accounting policies
前期差错更正 Correction of accounting errors in prior periods
其他 Others
二、本年年初余额 Balance at the beginning of the year                                      169,142,356.00                                                           31,606,598.00                             -4,398,234.00                       26,309,287.00          -96,164,557.00         126,495,450.00
三、本期增减变动金额(减少以“-”号填列) Increases/decreases in the current
                                                                                           277,764,226.00                                                        2,457,688,303.37                              4,398,234.00                                              353,326,328.72        3,093,177,092.09
period (“-” for decreases)
(一)综合收益总额 Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                  4,398,234.00                                              353,326,328.72         357,724,562.72
(二)所有者投入和减少资本 Capital contributed or reduced by owners                        277,764,226.00                                                        2,457,688,303.37                                                                                                              2,735,452,529.37
1.股东投入的普通股 Common shares contributed by shareholders                               277,764,226.00                                                        2,443,935,757.84                                                                                                              2,721,699,983.84
2.其他权益工具持有者投入资本 Capital contributed by the holders of other equity
3.股份支付计入所有者权益的金额 Amounts of share-based payments recognized
in owners' equity
4.其他 Others                                                                                                                                                       13,752,545.53                                                                                                                13,752,545.53
(三)利润分配 Profit distribution
1.提取盈余公积 Withdrawal of surplus reserves
2.对所有者(或股东)的分配 Profits distributed to owners (or shareholders)
3.其他 Others
(四)所有者权益内部结转 Internal carry-forward of owners' equity
1.资本公积转增资本(或股本) Conversion of capital reserves into paid-in
capital (or share capital)
2.盈余公积转增资本(或股本) Conversion of surplus reserves into paid-in
capital (or share capital)
3.盈余公积弥补亏损 Surplus reserves offsetting losses
4.其他 Others
(五)专项储备 Special reserves
1.本期提取 Amount withdrawn in the current period
2.本期使用 Amount used in the current period
(六)其他 Others
四、本期期末余额 Balance at the end of the current period                            446,906,582.00                                                              2,489,294,901.37                                                                 26,309,287.00          257,161,771.72        3,219,672,542.09
后附财务报表附注为财务报表的组成部分。The accompanying notes to the financial statements are integral parts of the financial statements.
企业法定代表人: Legal Representative of Enterprise:                                            主管会计工作负责人: Accounting Principal:                                            会计机构负责人: Head of the Accounting Department:
                                                                                                                                        Financial statements Page 12
                     SINO GREAT WALL CO., LTD.
               (FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016)
                                  Contents                              Page
1.   Auditors' Report                                                    1-2
2.   Financial Statements
     Consolidated Balance Sheet and the Company's Balance Sheet          1-4
     Consolidated Income Statement and the Company's Income              5-6
     Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows and the Company's Statement    7-8
     of Cash Flows
     Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity and the        9-12
     Company's Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity
     Notes to the Financial Statements                                  1-70
                                 SINO GREAT WALL CO., LTD.
                           NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
                          FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016
                       (Amounts are expressed in RMB unless otherwise stated)
1.   Company profile
     1.1  Company overview
          Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the \"Company\" or \"Sino Great Wall\") is
          formerly known as Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Company Limited which is
          formerly known as Xinnan Printing and Dyeing Factory Co., Ltd. Established in 1980, Xinnan
          Printing and Dyeing Factory Co., Ltd. is the first wholly foreign-owned enterprise in Shenzhen.
          In April 1984, the Xinnan Printing and Dyeing Factory Co., Ltd. was changed into a foreign
          joint venture and was renamed Shenzhen Victor Onward Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. On
          November 19, 1991, approved by the Government of Shenzhen City, Shenzhen Victor Onward
          Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. was restructured into a joint stock limited company and was
          renamed Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Company Limited.
            Domestic listed RMB ordinary shares (\"A\" shares; stock code: 000018) and overseas-listed
            foreign investment shares (\"B\" shares; stock code: 200018) issued by the Company were listed
            for trading on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1992.
            On July 23, 2015, approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission under the Official
            Reply to Approving Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Company Limited to Make Major
            Assets Restructuring and Issue Shares to Chen Lve and Other Shareholders to Purchase Assets
            and Raise Supporting Funds (Z.J.X.K. [2015] No.1774), the Company issued 251,849,593
            shares to Chen Lve and other 16 shareholders to purchase 100% of equities of Sino Great Wall
            International Engineering Co., Ltd. held by them and issued to them 25,914,633 non-public
            offering shares, which raised funds of RMB 254,999,988.72.
            As at September 24, 2015, equities of the listed company were changed to be registered in the
            name of the Company. Both parties fully completed the transfer of equities and the relevant
            formalities of industrial and commercial registration of changes, so the Company already owned
            100% of equities in the listed company. Meanwhile, according to the Confirmation on Delivery
            of Exchange-Out Assets and as at the date of delivery (namely July 31, 2015), all assets and
            liabilities of the Company had been exchanged out. On September 24, 2015, Shenzhen Branch
            of the China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited had completed the relevant
            securities registration formalities for the above new shares.
            On July 29, 2015, the listed company received the new registered capital of RMB 251,849,593
            paid by all the shareholders of Sino Great Wall. Ruihua Certified Public Accountants issued the
            Verification Report (R.H.Y.Z. [2015] No.48250011) on July 30, 2015. Registered capital after
            the change was RMB 420,991,949 and share capital RMB 420,991,949. On December 4, 2015,
            Shenzhen Victor Onward Textile Industrial Company Limited was renamed Sino Great Wall Co.,
            At the Company's general meeting of shareholders held on May 6, 2016, the 2015 Plan of
            Conversion of Capital Reserves into Share Capital was adopted. The detailed plan was: to
            increase capital reserves to all the shareholders with 28 shares for 10 shares based on
            446,906,582 shares in total as at December 31, 2015 and to increase 1,251,338,429 shares in
            total. After the increase, total share capital of the Company was increased to 1,698,245,011
            As at December 31, 2016, total share capital of the Company was 1,698,245,011 shares, in
            which there were 1,434,441,780 circulating A shares and 263,803,231 circulating B shares. Chen
            Lve who holds 582,944,556 A shares, accounting for 34.33% of the total share capital, is the
            Company's controlling shareholder and actual controller.
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 1
            Registered address of the Company: No.26 Kuipeng Road, Baishi Gang, Kuichong Street,
            Dapeng New District, Shenzhen. Legal representative: Chen Lve. The Company falls under
            textile printing and dyeing industry. The Company mainly engages in dyeing and printing
            production, processing and sales of all kinds of pure cotton, pure linen, polyester cotton, ramie
            cotton, high-grade blended fabrics and finished garments.
            The financial statements have been approved by the Board of Directors on April 26, 2017.
     1.2    Scope of the consolidated financial statements
            As at December 31, 2016, subsidiaries within the scope of the consolidated financial statements
            of the Company are as follows:
                                                     Name of subsidiaries
             Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.
             Beijing Sino Great Wall Decoration Design Co., Ltd.
             Suzhou Lvbang Wood Technology Co., Ltd.
             Herabenna Interior Design Guangzhou Co., Ltd.
             Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited
             Shanghai Ling Rui International Trade Company Limited
             Shenzhen Hongtulve Industrial Co., Ltd.
             Inrich Me Engineering Co., Limited
             Sino Great Wall New Energy (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
             SGW HP Engineering Construction SDN.BHD
             SINO GREAT WALL (USA). INC
             Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd.
             Sino Great Wall International Engineering (MACAU) Co., Limited
             Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.
             Sino Great Wall Real estate (Hubei) Co., Ltd.
             Sino Great Wall Development (Hengqin) Co., Ltd.
             Sino Great Wall Southwest Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
             Sino Great Wall Jianyee Engineering Co., Ltd.
             Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital Co., Ltd.
            See “Note 6. Changes in scope of consolidation” and “Note 7. Rights and interests in other
            entities” for details of the scope of consolidated financial statements in the current year and the
            changes thereof.
2.   Preparation basis for financial statements
     2.1   Preparation basis
           The Company prepares the financial statements based on going concern, according to the
           transactions and events actually occurred and in accordance with the Accounting Standards for
           Business Enterprises - Basic Standards and various specific accounting standards, application
           guidance to and interpretations for the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other
           relevant provisions (hereinafter collectively referred to as the \"Accounting Standards for
           Business Enterprises\") promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and disclosure provisions of the
           Rules for the Information Disclosure and Compilation of Companies Publicly Issuing Securities
           No. 15 - General Rules on Financial Reports promulgated by the China Securities Regulatory
                                      Notes to the Financial Statements Page 2
     2.2    Going concern
            The Company will have going-concern abilities within 12 months as of the end of the reporting
            period and have no significant events that will affect the going-concern abilities.
3.   Significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
     3.1     Statement on compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
             The financial statements prepared by the Company meet the requirements of the Accounting
             Standards for Business Enterprises and truly and completely reflect the Company’s financial
             position, operating results, cash flows and other related information in the reporting period.
     3.2    Accounting period
            The accounting year is from January 1 to December 31 in calendar year.
     3.3    Operating cycle
            The Company's operating cycle is 12 months.
     3.4    Functional currency
            RMB is the functional currency of the Company and its domestic subsidiaries due to that it is the
            currency in the main economic environment in which the Company and its domestic subsidiaries
            located. Currency of the Company in preparing its financial statements is RMB.
     3.5    Accounting treatment methods of business combinations under common control and not
            under common control
            Business combination under common control: The assets and liabilities acquired by the
            Company in business combinations are measured at the book value of assets and liabilities of the
            combinee (including the goodwill arising from the acquisition of the combinee by the ultimate
            controller) in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller on the combination
            date. The stock premium in the capital reserves should be adjusted at the difference between the
            book value of the net assets acquired in combinations and that of consideration paid for the
            combination (or total par value of shares issued). If the stock premium in the capital reserves is
            insufficient to cover the differences, the retained earnings should be adjusted.
            Business combination not under common control: The Company shall, on the acquisition date,
            measure the assets surrendered and liabilities incurred or assumed by the Company for a
            business combination at their fair values. The Company shall recognize the difference of the
            combination costs in excess of the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired from the
            acquiree as goodwill. The Company shall recognize the difference of the combination costs in
            short of the fair value of the identifiable net assets acquired from the acquiree in the current
            profit or loss after review.
            The auditing, legal services, consulting and other intermediary fees and other related
            administrative expenses for business combination will be included into current profit and loss
            upon occurrence; the transaction costs for the issuance of equity securities shall set off equities.
     3.6    Preparation method of consolidated financial statements
            3.6.1    Scope of consolidation
                     The scope of consolidation of the consolidated financial statements of the Company is
                     recognized based on the control and all subsidiaries (including the divisible part of the
                     investee controlled by the Company) shall be included in the consolidated financial
                                      Notes to the Financial Statements Page 3
          3.6.2   Procedures of consolidation
                  The Company prepares the consolidated financial statements based on its own
                  financial statements and those of its subsidiaries, and other relevant information.
                  When preparing the consolidated financial statements, the Company treats the
                  enterprise group as a whole accounting entity, to reflect the overall financial position,
                  operating results and cash flows in accordance with relevant recognition, measurement
                  and presentation requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and
                  the uniform accounting policies.
                  The accounting policies and accounting period adopted by subsidiaries included in the
                  consolidation scope of the consolidated financial statements shall be the same as those
                  of the Company; if inconsistent, necessary adjustments shall be made according to the
                  Company's accounting policies and accounting period in the preparation of the
                  consolidated financial statements. For the subsidiaries acquired through business
                  combinations not under common control, adjustments to their financial statements
                  shall be made based on the fair values of net identifiable assets on the acquisition date.
                  For subsidiaries acquired through business combination under common control,
                  adjustments will be made to their financial statements based on the book value of their
                  assets and liabilities (including the goodwill formed from the ultimate controller's
                  acquisition of the subsidiaries) in the financial statements of the ultimate controller.
                  The share of owner's equity, net profits and losses in the current year and
                  comprehensive income in the current year of subsidiaries attributable to minority
                  shareholders should be separately presented under the item \"owner's equity\" in the
                  consolidated balance sheet, the item \"net profit\" and the item \"total comprehensive
                  income\" in the consolidated income statement. The difference of the loss in the current
                  year shared by minority shareholders of the subsidiaries in excess of the share of
                  minority shareholders in the owner's equity at the beginning of the year of the
                  subsidiaries should be used to offset the minority equity.
                  (1) Increase in subsidiaries or business
                       During the reporting period, if the Company increases subsidiaries or business
                       due to business combination under common control, it shall adjust the beginning
                       amount of the consolidated balance sheet; include revenues, expenses and profits
                       of the subsidiaries or business from the beginning of the current combination
                       period to the end of the reporting period in the consolidated income statement;
                       include cash flows of the subsidiaries or from the business from the beginning of
                       the current combination period to the end of the reporting period in the
                       consolidated cash flow statement; at the same time adjust the relevant items of
                       the comparative statements to the extent that the reporting entity after
                       combination has been always existed since the start of control by the ultimate
                       Where control can be exercised on the investee under the common control for
                       additional investment or other reasons, it deems that all parties involved in
                       combination make adjustment based on the current status when the ultimate
                       controller starts its control. Equity investments held before the control over the
                       combinee is obtained, the related gains and losses, other comprehensive income
                       as well as other changes in net assets recognized from the later of the date when
                       the original equity is obtained or the date when the combining party and the
                       combined party are under the same control, to the combination date will
                       respectively write down the retained earnings or current profit and loss in the
                       comparative statements.
                                 Notes to the Financial Statements Page 4
                       During the reporting period, if the Group acquired subsidiaries or business from
                       the business combination not under common control, the beginning balance in
                       the consolidated balance sheet will not be adjusted. The incomes, expenses and
                       profits of the newly acquired subsidiaries or business from the acquisition date to
                       the end of the reporting period shall be included in the consolidated income
                       statement. The cash flows of the newly acquired subsidiaries or business from the
                       acquisition date to the end of the reporting period shall be included in the
                       consolidated statement of cash flows.
                       Where the Company can implement control over an investee not under common
                       control due to additional investment or other reasons, the equity held by the
                       combinee before the purchase date is re-measured at the fair value on the
                       purchase date of the equity, and the difference between the fair value and the
                       book value shall be included in the current investment income. In the event that
                       the equity of the acquiree held prior to the acquisition date involves other
                       comprehensive income under the equity method and other changes in owners'
                       equity than net profit and loss, other comprehensive income and profit
                       distribution, other comprehensive income and other changes in the owner's equity
                       associated therewith are transferred to investment income of the period to which
                       the acquisition date belongs, except for other comprehensive income arising from
                       changes in net liabilities or net assets due to the investee's re-measurement of
                       defined benefits plan.
                  (2) Disposal of subsidiaries or business
                      A. General method of disposal
                          During the reporting period, if the Company disposes subsidiaries or
                          business, the incomes, expenses and profits from the subsidiaries or business
                          from the beginning of the year to the disposal date shall be included in the
                          consolidated income statement; cash flows of the subsidiaries and business
                          from the beginning of the year to the disposal date shall be included in the
                          consolidated statement of cash flows.
                           When the Company loses the control over the investee due to disposal of
                           partial equity investment or other reasons, the remaining equity investment
                           after the disposal will be re-measured by the Company at its fair value on
                           the date of loss of the control. The difference of total amount of the
                           consideration from disposal of equities plus the fair value of the remaining
                           equities less the shares calculated at the original shareholding ratio in net
                           assets and goodwill of the original subsidiary which are continuously
                           calculated as of the acquisition date or combination date is included in the
                           investment income of the period at the loss of control. Other comprehensive
                           incomes associated with the equity investments of the original subsidiary, or
                           the changes in owners' equity other than net profit or loss, other
                           comprehensive income and profit distribution, are transferred into
                           investment income of the period when control is lost, except for other
                           comprehensive income from the change in net liability or net asset due to
                           the investor's re-measurement of designated benefit plan.
                       B   Disposal of subsidiaries by stages
                           Where the Company disposes the equity investments in subsidiary through
                           multiple transactions and by stages until it loses the control, if the effect of
                           the disposal on the terms and conditions as well as economic effect of all
                           transactions of equity investments in subsidiaries meet one or more of the
                           following circumstance, it usually indicates that the multiple transactions
                           should be accounted for as a package deal:
                                 Notes to the Financial Statements Page 5
                              i.    the transactions are concluded at the same time or under the
                                    consideration of mutual effect;
                              ii.   the transactions as a whole can reach a complete business result;
                              iii. the occurrence of a transaction depends on that of at least one other
                                   transactions; and/or
                              iv.   a single transaction is uneconomical but it is economical when
                                    considered together with other transactions.
                              Where various transactions of disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries
                              until loss of the control belong to a package deal, accounting treatment shall
                              be made by the Company on the transactions as a transaction to dispose
                              subsidiaries and lose the control; however, the difference between each
                              disposal cost and net asset share in the subsidiaries corresponding to each
                              disposal of investments before loss of the control should be recognized as
                              other comprehensive income in the consolidated financial statements and
                              should be transferred into the current profit or loss at the loss of the control.
                              Where various transactions of disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries
                              until loss of the control do not belong to a package deal, before the loss of
                              the control, accounting treatment shall be made according to the relevant
                              policies for partial disposal of equity investments in the subsidiary without
                              losing control; at the loss of the control, accounting treatment shall be made
                              according to general treatment methods for disposal of subsidiaries.
                    (3) Purchase of minority equity of subsidiaries
                        The difference between long-term equity investments acquired by the Company
                        through purchase of minority interest and the subsidiary’s identifiable net assets
                        attributable to the Company calculated continuously from the acquisition date (or
                        the combination date) in accordance with the increased shareholding ratio shall
                        be charged against stock premium within capital reserves in the consolidated
                        balance sheet; when stock premium within capital reserves is insufficient to
                        offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
                    (4) Partial disposal of equity investments in subsidiaries without loss of control
                        The difference between the proceeds from partial disposal of equity investments
                        in the subsidiary and the share of identifiable net assets of the subsidiary
                        attributable to the Company which are calculated continuously from the
                        acquisition date (or the combination date) and which are corresponding to the
                        disposal of long-term equity investments without losing control shall be charged
                        against stock premium within capital reserves in the consolidated balance sheet;
                        when stock premium within capital reserves is insufficient to offset, the retained
                        earnings shall be adjusted.
    3.7   Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents
          For the purpose of preparing the statement of cash flows, the term “cash” refers to the cash on
          hand and the unrestricted deposit of the Company. The term “cash equivalents” refers to
          short-term (maturing within three months from acquisition) and highly liquid investments that
          are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk
          of change in value.
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 6
    3.8   Foreign currency transactions and translation of foreign currency statements
          3.8.1    Foreign currency transactions
                   Foreign currency transactions are translated into functional currency at the
                   approximate rate of spot exchange rate on the day when the transactions occur.
                    The balance of foreign currency monetary items as at the balance sheet date are
                    translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date and the exchange
                    differences arising therefrom shall be included in the current profit or loss, except
                    those exchange differences arising from the special borrowings of foreign currency
                    related to the acquired and constructed assets qualified for capitalization that will be
                    capitalized at the borrowing expenses.
          3.8.2     Translation of foreign currency financial statements
                    Assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be translated at the spot exchange rates
                    on the balance sheet date; for owners' equity items, except for the item of \"retained
                    earnings\", other items are translated at the spot exchange rates prevailing on the date
                    when the transactions occur. The income and expenses items in income statements are
                    translated at the approximate rate of spot exchange rate prevailing on the date when
                    transactions occur.
                    Where the Company disposes of an overseas business, it shall transfer the exchange
                    difference relating to the overseas business to the current profit and loss.
    3.9   Financial instruments
          Financial instruments include financial assets, financial liabilities and equity instruments.
          3.9.1     Classification of financial instruments
                    Upon initial recognition, financial assets and financial liabilities are classified into:
                    financial assets or financial liabilities measured at fair value through current profit or
                    loss, including financial assets or financial liabilities held for trading (and financial
                    assets or financial liabilities directly designated to be measured at fair value through
                    current profit and loss); held-to-maturity investments; receivables; available-for-sale
                    financial assets; and other financial liabilities, etc.
          3.9.2     Recognition basis and measurement method of financial instruments
                    (1) Financial assets or financial liabilities measured at fair value through current
                        profit and loss are initially recorded at fair values when acquired (deducting cash
                        dividends that have been declared but not distributed and bond interest that has
                        matured but not been drawn). Relevant transaction expenses are included in the
                        current profit and loss.
                        The interests or cash dividends to be received during the holding period are
                        recognized as investment income. Change in fair values is included in the current
                        profit and loss at the end of the period.
                         Upon disposal, the difference between the fair value and initial book-entry value
                         is recognized as investment income, while the gains or losses from changes in
                         fair value will be adjusted.
                    (2) Held-to-maturity investments
                        Held-to-maturity investments are initially recognized at the sum of the fair value
                        (bond interest due but not yet received) and related transaction costs upon
                         The interest income will be calculated and determined according to the amortized
                         cost and effective interest rate during the holding period and included in
                         investment income. The effective interest rate is determined upon acquisition and
                         will remain unchanged during the expected renewal period, or a shorter period if
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 7
                       Upon disposal, the difference between the purchase price obtained and the book
                       value of the investment is recognized in investment income.
                  (3) Receivables
                      For creditor’s rights receivable arising from external sales of goods or rendering
                      of service by the Company and other creditor's rights of other enterprises
                      (excluding liability instruments quoted in an active market) held by the Company,
                      including accounts receivable and other receivables, the initial recognition
                      amount shall be the contract price or agreement price receivable from purchasing
                      party; for those with financing nature, they are initially recognized at their
                      present values.
                       Upon recovery or disposal, the difference between the purchase price obtained
                       and the book value of the receivables is recognized in current profit and loss.
                  (4) Available-for-sale financial assets
                      Available-for-sale financial assets are initially recorded at the sum of fair values
                      (deducting cash dividends that have been declared but not distributed and bond
                      interests that have matured but not been drawn) and transaction costs upon
                       The interests or cash dividends to be obtained during the holding period are
                       recognized as investment income. The interest or cash dividends is measured at
                       fair value and changes in fair value is included in other comprehensive income.
                       However, for an equity instrument investment that has no quoted price in an
                       active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and for
                       derivative financial asset linked to the said equity instrument and settled by
                       delivery of the same equity instrument, they are measured at cost.
                       Difference between the proceeds and the book value of the financial assets is
                       recognized as investment profit or loss upon disposal; meanwhile, amount of
                       disposal corresponding to the accumulated change in fair value which is
                       originally and directly included in other comprehensive income shall be
                       transferred out and recognized as investment income.
                  (5) Other financial liabilities
                      They are initially recognized at the sum of the fair value and the associated
                      transaction costs. The subsequent measurement is based on amortized costs.
          3.9.3   Recognition and measurement of financial assets transfer
                  When a financial assets transfer occurs, the financial assets will be derecognized when
                  substantially all the risks and rewards on the ownership of the financial assets have
                  been transferred to the transferee; and they will not be derecognized if substantially all
                  the risks and rewards on the ownership of the financial assets have been retained.
                  The principle of substance over form is adopted to determine whether a financial asset
                  meets the above de-recognition conditions for the financial asset. The Company
                  divides the transfer of financial assets into overall transfer and partial transfer. Where
                  the entire transfer of the financial asset meets the de-recognition conditions, the
                  difference of the following two amounts will be included in current profit and loss:
                  (1) the book value of the transferred financial asset;
                  (2) the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and the accumulated
                      amount of the changes in fair value originally and directly included in owners’
                      equity (the situation where the financial asset transferred is an available-for-sale
                      financial asset is involved).
                                 Notes to the Financial Statements Page 8
                  If the partial transfer of the financial assets meets the de-recognition condition, the
                  entire book value of the transferred financial asset shall be split into the derecognized
                  and recognized part according to their respective fair value and the difference between
                  the amounts of the following two items shall be included in the current profit or loss:
                  (1) the book value of the derecognized part;
                  (2) the sum of the consideration for the derecognized part and the portion of
                      de-recognition corresponding to the accumulated amount of the changes in fair
                      value originally and directly included in owners’ equity (the situation where the
                      financial asset transferred is an available-for-sale financial asset is involved).
                  If the transfer of financial assets does not meet the de-recognition condition, the
                  financial assets shall continue to be recognized, and the consideration received will be
                  recognized as a financial liability.
          3.9.4   De-recognition conditions of financial liabilities
                  The whole or partial financial liabilities, which present obligations have been wholly
                  or partially discharged, shall be de-recognized; if the Company signs an agreement
                  with the creditor to replace the existing financial liabilities by way of assuming the
                  new financial liabilities which contract terms are different with those of the existing
                  financial liabilities, then the existing financial liabilities shall be derecognized and the
                  new financial liabilities shall be recognized.
                  Where substantive changes are made to the contract terms of existing financial
                  liability in whole or in part, the existing financial liabilities or part thereof will be
                  derecognized, and the financial liability the terms of which have been modified will be
                  recognized as a new financial liability.
                  When financial liabilities are derecognized in whole or in part, the difference between
                  the book value of the financial liabilities derecognized and the consideration paid
                  (including non-cash assets transferred out or new financial liabilities borne) will be
                  included into current profit or loss.
                  When the Company buys back part of financial liabilities, it will allocate the entire
                  book value of the said financial liabilities on the repurchase date in accordance with
                  the relative fair value of the recognized part and the terminated part. The difference
                  between the book value of the derecognized part and the consideration paid (including
                  non-cash assets surrendered or new financial liabilities assumed) shall be included in
                  the current profit or loss.
          3.9.5   Determination method for the fair value of financial assets and financial
                  The fair value of a financial instrument having an active market is determined on the
                  basis of quoted price in the active market. The fair value of a financial instrument, for
                  which there is no active market, is determined by using valuation techniques. For
                  valuating, the Company chooses input values which characteristics are consistent with
                  those of assets or liabilities considered by market participants in the course of
                  transactions of relevant assets or liabilities by using the valuation technique that is
                  applicable in the present situation and has sufficient available data and other
                  information supporting, and applies relevant observable input values in priority.
                  Unobservable input values are used only when relevant observable input values cannot
                  be available or such values obtained are infeasible.
                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 9
           3.9.6    Test method and accounting treatment of depreciation of financial assets
                    (excluding receivables)
                    Except for the financial assets measured at fair values through current profit or loss,
                    the Company will check the book value of financial assets on the balance sheet date. If
                    there is objective evidence indicating that a financial asset is impaired, provision for
                    impairment will be made.
                    (1) Provision for impairment of available-for-sale financial assets:
                         If the fair value of available-for-sale financial assets has significantly declined at
                         the end of the period, or it is expected that the trend of decrease in value is
                         non-temporary after considering of various relevant factors, the impairment shall
                         be recognized, and accumulated losses from decreases in fair value originally and
                         directly included in owners' equity shall be all transferred out and recognized as
                         impairment loss.
                         For available-for-sale debt instruments whose impairment losses have been
                         recognized, if their fair values rise in the subsequent accounting period and such
                         rise is objectively related to the events occurring after the recognition of
                         impairment loss, the previously recognized impairment loss shall be reversed and
                         recorded into the current profit or loss.
                         Impairment losses on available-for-sale equity instruments should not be reversed
                         through profit and loss.
                    (2) Provision for impairment of held-to-maturity investments:
                        Measurement of provision for impairment loss on held-to-maturity investments is
                        treated with reference to the measurement method of impairment loss on
    3.10   Provision for bad debts of accounts receivable
           3.10.1   Receivables that are individually significant but with provision for bad debts
                    made on an individual basis:
                    Judgment basis or amount standards for individually significant amount:
                    The Company recognizes account receivables that are individually significant (more
                    than or equal to RMB 10 million) and other receivables of a single current entities
                    (more than or equal to RMB 2 million) as individually significant receivables.
                    Provision method for receivables with individually significant amount and subject to
                    individual provision for bad debts:
                    On the balance sheet date, the Company separately conducts an impairment test on
                    accounts receivable that are individually significant. Where they are impaired after
                    such test, the impairment loss is recognized at the difference between the present value
                    of its future cash flows lower than the book value and the provision for bad debts shall
                    be made; accounts receivable that are not impaired after the separate test, together
                    with accounts receivable that are individually insignificant, are divided into several
                    portfolios according to similar credit risk features. The impairment loss is calculated
                    and recognized at a certain percentage of these portfolios of accounts receivable in the
                    balance on the balance sheet date and the provision for bad debts shall be made.
           3.10.2   Provision for bad debts of accounts receivable made on credit risk characteristics
                    portfolio basis:
                    (1) Basis of determination for credit risk characteristics portfolio:
                         The Company divides receivables that are individually insignificant and
                         receivables that are individually significant but that fail to be impaired after a
                         separate test into groups according to the similarity and correlation of credit risk
                                   Notes to the Financial Statements Page 10
                          characteristics. The provision for bad debts is made based on a certain percentage
                          of the balance of the portfolio of such receivables. The provision for bad debts
                          for the current period is calculated based on the actual loss ratio of the
                          receivables identical or similar thereto in the previous year, in combination with
                          the proportion of the provision for bad debts in relation to each portfolio in the
                          current year determined on the basis of practical situation.
                     (2) Method of bad-debt provision made in terms of the credit risk features portfolio
                           Methods of provision for bad debts made on credit risk characteristics portfolio
                          Aging portfolio                                Aging analysis method
                          Portfolio of related parties within the scope
                          of consolidation                              No provision for bad debts
                          For those subject to provision for bad debts under aging analysis method:
                                                         Proportion of provision Proportion of provision
                                     Aging                    for receivables        for other receivables
                                                                    (%)                       (%)
                           Within 1 year                                        5
                           1-2 years                                           10
                           2-3 years                                           30
                           3-4 years                                           50
                           4-5 years                                           80
                           Over 5 years                                       100
           3.10.3    Receivables that are individually insignificant but with provision for bad debts
                     made on an individual basis:
                     Reasons for individual provision of bad debts
                     On the balance sheet date, the Company recognizes impairment losses and makes
                     provision for bad debts of other individually significant receivables with signs of
                     impairment at the differences of the present values of their future cash flows in short
                     of their book values.
                     Method of provision for bad debts
                     On the balance sheet date, the Company separately conducts an impairment test on
                     accounts receivable that are individually insignificant but are provided for bad debts
                     on individual basis. Where they are impaired after such test, the impairment losses are
                     recognized at the difference between the present value of future cash flows lower than
                     the book value and the provision for bad debts shall be accordingly made.
    3.11   Inventories
           3.11.1   Classification of inventories
                    Inventories are classified into: raw materials, project construction, inventory goods, in
                    products, low-value consumption goods, etc.
           3.11.2    Valuation method of inventories dispatched
                     The inventories are measured at weighted average method when dispatched.
           3.11.3    Recognition basis for net realizable values of inventories of different categories
                     In normal operation process, for merchandise inventories held directly for sale,
                     including finished goods, stock commodities and materials for sale, their net realizable
                     values are determined at the estimated selling prices minus the estimated selling
                     expenses and relevant taxes and surcharges; in normal operation process, for material
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 11
                     inventories that need further processing, their net realizable values are determined at
                     the estimated selling prices of finished goods minus estimated costs to completion,
                     estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes and surcharges; for inventories held to
                     execute sales contract or service contract, their net realizable values are calculated on
                     the basis of contract price. If the quantities of inventories specified in sales contracts
                     are less than the quantities held by the Company, the net realizable value of the excess
                     portion of inventories shall be based on general selling prices.
                     The provisions for inventory depreciation reserve are made on an individual basis at
                     the end of the period, for inventories with large quantities and relatively low unit
                     prices, the provisions for inventory depreciation reserve are made on a category basis.
                     For inventories related to the product portfolios manufactured and sold in the same
                     area, and of which the final usage or purpose is identical or similar thereto, and which
                     is difficult to separate from other items for measurement purposes, the provisions for
                     inventory depreciation reserve are made on a portfolio basis.
                     The net realizable values of inventory items are determined based on the market price
                     on the balance sheet date, except for there is obvious evidence showing the market
                     price on the balance sheet date is abnormal.
                     Net realizable value of inventory items at the end of the year is recognized at the
                     market price on the balance sheet date.
           3.11.4    Inventory system
                     Perpetual inventory system is adopted.
           3.11.5    Amortization methods for low-cost consumables and packaging materials
                     (1) One-off amortization method is adopted for low-cost consumables;
                     (2) One-off amortization method is adopted for packaging materials.
    3.12   Assets classified as held for sale
           The Company recognizes the part (or non-current assets) that meet all the following conditions
           as assets held for sale:
           (1) the part must be immediately available to be sold under the current conditions and
                according to the usual terms on the sale of such part;
           (2) the Company has made resolutions on disposing of the part (or non-current assets) and has
               been approved by the general meeting or relevant organs of power if the approval of
               shareholders is required;
           (3) the Company has signed an irrevocable transfer agreement with the assignee;
           (4) the transfer will be completed within one year.
    3.13   Long-term equity investments
           3.13.1  Determination basis of joint control or significant influence over the investee
                   The term ‘common control’ refers to the joint control, according to the relevant
                   provisions, over an arrangement, of which the relevant activities should be agreed and
                   decided by the participants that share the control. Where the Company exercises joint
                   control over the investee together with other parties to the joint venture and enjoys the
                   right on the investee's net assets, the investee is a joint venture of the Company.
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 12
                   Significant influence refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the
                   financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but not the power to control, or
                   jointly control, the formulation of such policies with other parties. Where the
                   Company is able to have significant influences on an investee, the investee is its
          3.13.2   Determination of initial investment cost
                   (1) A long-term equity investment as a result of business combination
                       Business combination under the common control: if the Company makes
                       payment in cash, transfers non-cash assets or bears debts and issues equity
                       securities as the consideration for the business combination, the book value of the
                       owner's equity of the acquiree in the consolidated financial statements of the
                       ultimate controller is recognized as the initial cost of the long-term equity
                       investment on the combination date. In case the Company can exercise control
                       over the investee under common control for additional investment or other
                       reasons, the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments is recognized
                       at the share of book value of net asset of the acquiree after the combination in the
                       consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controller on the combination
                       date. The stock premium should be adjusted at the difference between the initial
                       investment cost of long-term equity investments on the combination date and the
                       book value of long-term equity investments before the combination plus the book
                       value of consideration paid for additional shares; if there is no sufficient stock
                       premium for write-downs, the retained earnings are adjusted.
                        Business combination not under the common control: The Company recognizes
                        the combination cost determined on the combination date as the initial cost of
                        long-term equity investments. Where the Company can control the investee not
                        under common control from additional investments, the initial investment cost
                        should be changed to be accounted for under the cost method and recognized at
                        the sum of the book value of equity investments originally held and newly
                        increased investment cost.
                   (2) Long-term equity investments obtained by other means
                       For long-term equity investments acquired from making payments in cash, the
                       initial cost is the actually paid purchase cost.
                        For long-term equity investments acquired from issuance of equity securities, the
                        initial investment cost is the fair value of the issued equity securities.
                        If the exchange of non-monetary assets has commercial substance and the fair
                        values of assets traded out and traded in can be measured reliably, the initial cost
                        of long-term equity investment traded in with non-monetary assets are
                        determined based on the fair values of the assets traded out and the relevant taxes
                        and surcharges payable unless there is any conclusive evidence that the fair
                        values of the assets traded in are more reliable; if the exchange of non-monetary
                        assets does not meet the above criteria, the book value of the assets traded out
                        and the relevant taxes and surcharges payable are recognized as the initial cost of
                        long-term equity investment traded in.
                        For long-term equity investment acquired from debt restructuring, the initial cost
                        is determined based on the fair value.
                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 13
          3.13.3   Subsequent measurements and the recognition method of profits and losses
                   (1) Long-term equity investments calculated under the cost method
                       Long-term equity investments of the Company in its subsidiaries are calculated
                       under the cost method. Except for the actual price paid for acquisition of
                       investment or the cash dividends or profits contained in the consideration which
                       have been declared but not yet distributed, the Company recognizes the
                       investment income in the current year at the cash dividends or profits declared by
                       the investee.
                   (2) Long-term equity investments calculated under the equity method
                       The Company's long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures are
                       calculated under the equity method. If the initial cost is more than the share of the
                       fair value of the investee' identifiable net asset to which the Company shall be
                       entitled when investing, the initial cost of the long-term equity investment will
                       not be adjusted. If the initial cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the
                       share of the fair value of the investee's identifiable net asset to which the
                       Company shall be entitled when investing, the difference shall be included in the
                       current profit or loss.
                        The Company shall recognize the investment income and other comprehensive
                        income at the shares of net profit and loss and other comprehensive income
                        realized by the investee which the Company shall enjoy or bear and adjust the
                        book value of long-term equity investments at the same time; the Company shall
                        calculate the shares according to profits or cash dividends declared by the
                        investee and correspondingly reduce the book value of long-term equity
                        investments; the book value of long-term equity investments shall be adjusted
                        according to the investee's other changes in owner's equity other than net profit
                        and loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, which should be
                        included in owner's equity.
                        The share of the investee's net profit or loss should be recognized after
                        adjustments are made to net profit of the investee based on the fair value of
                        identifiable net assets of the investee upon acquisition of investments and
                        according to accounting policies and accounting period of the Company. When
                        holding the investment, the investee should prepare the consolidated financial
                        statements, it shall account for the investment income based on the net profit,
                        other comprehensive income and the changes in other owner's equity attributable
                        to the investee.
                        The Company shall write off the part of incomes from internal unrealized
                        transactions between the Company and associates and joint ventures which are
                        attributable to the Company according to the corresponding ratio and recognize
                        the profit and loss on investments on such basis. Where the losses from internal
                        transactions between the Company and the investee fall into the scope of assets
                        impairment loss, the full amount of such losses should be recognized. For
                        transactions on investments or sales of assets between the Company and
                        associates and joint ventures, where such assets constitute business, they should
                        be accounted for according to the relevant policies disclosed in this note
                        \"Accounting treatment of business combinations under common control and not
                        under common control\" and \"Preparation of consolidated financial statements\".
                        When the Company recognizes its share of loss incurred to the investee,
                        treatment shall be done in following sequence: firstly, the book value of the
                        long-term equity investment shall be reduced; secondly, where the book value is
                        insufficient to cover the share of losses, investment losses are recognized to the
                        extent of book value of other long-term equity which forms the net investment in
                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 14
                       the investee in substance and the book value of long term receivables shall be
                       reduced; finally, after all the above treatments, if the Company is still responsible
                       for any additional liability in accordance with the provisions stipulated in the
                       investment contracts or agreements, estimated liabilities are recognized and
                       included into current investment loss according to the obligations estimated to
                  (3) Disposal of long-term equity investments
                      For disposal of long-term equity investments, the difference between the book
                      value and the actual price shall be included into the current profit or loss.
                       For long-term equity investments calculated under the equity method, when the
                       Company disposes such investments, accounting treatment should be made to the
                       part that is originally included in other comprehensive income according to the
                       corresponding proportion by using the same basis for the investee to directly
                       dispose the relevant assets or liabilities. Owner's equity recognized at the changes
                       in the investee's other owner's equity other than net profit or loss, other
                       comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be transferred to the current
                       profit and loss according to the proportion, except for other comprehensive
                       income from changes arising from re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets
                       of defined benefit plan.
                       In case the joint control or significant influence over the investee is lost for
                       disposing part of equity investments or other reasons, the remaining equity will
                       be changed to be accounted for according to the recognition and measurement
                       principles of financial instruments. The difference between the fair value and the
                       book value on the date of the loss of joint control or significant influence should
                       be included in the current profit and loss. For other comprehensive income
                       recognized from accounting of the original equity investments under the equity
                       method, accounting treatment should be made by using the same basis for the
                       investee to directly dispose the relevant assets or liabilities when the equity
                       method is no longer adopted. Owner's equity recognized from the investee's
                       changes in other owner's equity other than net profit or loss, other comprehensive
                       income and profit distribution should all transferred to the current profit and loss
                       when the equity method confirmed is no longer adopted.
                       In case the control over the investee is lost due to disposal of part of equity
                       investments or other reasons, in the preparation of individual financial statements,
                       the remaining equity after the disposal that can exercise joint control or exert
                       significant influence over the investee shall be accounted for in the equity
                       method, and such remaining equity shall be adjusted as if it had been accounted
                       for in the equity method since the time of acquisition; the remaining equity after
                       disposal that cannot exercise joint control or exert significant influence over the
                       investee shall be subject to account treatment according to the relevant provisions
                       of the recognition and measurement criteria for financial instruments, and the
                       difference between the fair value on the date when the control is lost and the
                       book value shall be included into the current profit and loss.
                       Where equity after the disposal is acquired from business combinations due to
                       additional investments or other reasons, when the Company prepares individual
                       financial statements, if the remaining equity after the disposal is accounted for
                       under the cost method or equity method, other comprehensive income and other
                       owners' equity recognized from equity investments that are held before the
                       acquisition date and are accounted for under the equity method should be carried
                       forward in proportion; if the remaining equity after the disposal is changed to be
                       accounted for according to recognition and measurement standards of financial
                       instruments, other comprehensive income and other owners' equity should be
                       carried forward at full amount.
                                 Notes to the Financial Statements Page 15
    3.14   Investment properties
           The investment property refers to the real estate held for earning rentals or/and capital
           appreciation or both, including leased land use right, land use right held for transfer upon
           appreciation, and leased building (including self-built buildings or buildings developed for
           renting or buildings under construction or development for future renting).
           The Company measures its existing investment property at cost. For investment properties
           measured with the cost model - in terms of buildings for renting, the same depreciation policy as
           that for fixed assets of the Company is adopted and land use rights for renting are implemented
           with the same amortization policy as that for intangible assets.
    3.15   Fixed assets
           3.15.1   Recognition criteria of fixed assets
                    Fixed assets refer to the tangible assets held for the purpose of producing commodities,
                    rendering services, renting or business management with useful lives exceeding one
                    accounting year. Fixed assets are recognized when they simultaneously meet the
                    following conditions:
                    (1) It is probable that the economic benefits relating to the fixed assets will flow into
                         the Company; and
                     (2) The costs of the fixed asset can be measured reliably.
           3.15.2    Depreciation method
                     Depreciation of the fixed assets is made on a category basis using the straight-line
                     method and the depreciation rates are determined according to the categories,
                     estimated useful lives and estimated net residual rates of fixed assets. Where various
                     components of fixed assets are different in useful lives or bring economic benefits for
                     the enterprise in different ways, then the Company should choose different
                     depreciation rates or methods to separately provide for depreciation.
                     For fixed assets acquired under financing leases, if there is reasonable assurance that
                     the Company will obtain the ownership of the leased assets when the lease term
                     expires, the leased assets should be depreciated over its useful life; if there is no
                     reasonable assurance that the Company will obtain the ownership of the leased assets
                     when the lease term expires, the leased assets should be depreciated over the shorter of
                     the lease term or the useful life of the leased assets.
                     The depreciation method, depreciation life, residual value rate and annual depreciation
                     rate of fixed assets are as follows:
                                                                                         Depreciation       Residual value   Annual depreciation
                                      Category                     Depreciation method
                                                                                          life (year)          rate (%)           rate (%)
                      Buildings and constructions                Straight-line method               20                5.00                    4.75
                      Machinery equipment                        Straight-line method               10                5.00                    9.50
                      Transportation equipment                   Straight-line method                   7             5.00                   13.57
                      Electronic equipment and other equipment   Straight-line method              3-5                5.00          19.00-31.67
           3.15.3    Determination basis and measurement method of fixed assets acquired under
                     financing leases
                     The fixed assets acquired under financing lease are recognized if one of the following
                     conditions is specified by the Company and the leaser in their lease agreement:
                     (1) upon the expiration of the lease term, the ownership of the leased asset has been
                          transferred to the Company;
                     (2) the Company has the option to purchase the asset and the purchase price is far
                         lower than the fair value of such asset at the time of the option being exercised;
                                          Notes to the Financial Statements Page 16
                     (3) the lease term covers the most of the useful life of the leased asset;
                     (4) there is no large difference between the present value of the minimum lease
                         payments on the lease commencement date and fair value of the assets.
                     On the lease commencement date, the leased assets are stated at the lower of the fair
                     value and the present value of the minimum lease payments. Minimum lease payments
                     are stated at long-term payables and the difference is recognized as unrecognized
                     financing costs.
    3.16   Construction in progress
           Projects under construction are recorded as fixed assets at necessary expenditures incurred
           before preparing the asset to reach the condition for its intended use. For construction in
           progress that has reached working conditions for its intended use but for which the completion
           of settlement has not been handled, it shall be transferred into fixed assets at the estimated value
           according to the project budget, construction price or actual cost, etc. from the date when it
           reaches the working conditions for its intended use. The fixed assets shall be depreciated in
           accordance with the Company’s policy on fixed asset depreciation. Adjustment shall be made to
           the originally and provisionally estimated value based on the actual cost after the completion of
           settlement is handled, but depreciation already provided will not be adjusted.
    3.17   Borrowing costs
           3.17.1  Recognition principles of capitalization of borrowing costs
                   Borrowing costs include the interest of borrowings, the amortization of discount or
                   premium, auxiliary expenses, exchange differences incurred by foreign currency
                   borrowings, etc.
                     The borrowing costs incurred to the Company and directly attributable to the
                     acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization should
                     be capitalized and recorded into relevant asset costs; other borrowing costs should be
                     recognized as costs according to the amount incurred and be included into the current
                     profit and loss.
                     Assets eligible for capitalization refer to fixed assets, investment property, inventories
                     and other assets which may reach their intended use or sale status only after long-time
                     acquisition and construction or production activities.
                     Borrowing costs may be capitalized only when all the following conditions are met at
                     the same time:
                     (1) Asset disbursements, which include those incurred by cash payment, the transfer
                          of non-cash assets or the undertaking of interest-bearing debts for acquiring and
                          constructing or producing assets eligible for capitalization, have already been
                     (2) Borrowing costs have already been incurred;
                     (3) The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to
                         prepare the assets for their intended use or sale have been in progress.
           3.17.2    Capitalization period of borrowing costs
                     Capitalization period refers to the period from the commencement of capitalization of
                     borrowing costs to its cessation, excluding the period of capitalization suspension of
                     borrowing costs.
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 17
                     Capitalization of borrowing costs should cease when the acquired and constructed or
                     produced assets eligible for capitalization have reached the working condition for their
                     intended use or sale.
                     Where part of the purchase, construction or manufacturing projects of assets are
                     completed and can be used separately, capitalization of the related borrowing costs
                     should be ceased.
                     When some projects among the acquired and constructed or produced assets eligible
                     for capitalization are completed and can be used separately, the capitalization of
                     borrowing costs of such projects should be ceased.
           3.17.3    Period of capitalization suspension
                     If the acquisition and construction or production activities of assets eligible for
                     capitalization are abnormally interrupted and such condition lasts for more than three
                     months, the capitalization of borrowing costs should be suspended; if the interruption
                     is necessary procedures for the acquired, constructed or produced assets eligible for
                     capitalization to reach the working conditions for its intended use or sale, the
                     borrowing costs continue to be capitalized. Borrowing costs incurred during the
                     interruption are recognized as the current profit and loss and continue to be capitalized
                     until the acquisition, construction or production of the asset restarts.
           3.17.4    Measurement of capitalization rate and capitalized amounts of borrowing costs
                     As for special borrowings borrowed for acquiring and constructing or producing assets
                     eligible for capitalization, borrowing costs of special borrowing actually incurred in
                     the current period less the interest income of the borrowings unused and deposited in
                     bank or return on temporary investment should be recognized as the capitalization
                     amount of borrowing costs.
                     As for general borrowings used for acquiring and constructing or producing assets
                     eligible for capitalization, the interest of general borrowings to be capitalized should
                     be calculated by multiplying the weighted average of asset disbursements of the part
                     of accumulated asset disbursements exceeding special borrowings by the
                     capitalization rate of used general borrowings. The capitalization rate is calculated by
                     weighted average interest rate of general borrowings.
    3.18   Intangible assets
           3.18.1   Measurement method of intangible assets
                    (1) The Company initially measures intangible assets at cost on acquisition;
                         The costs of externally acquired intangible assets include their purchase prices,
                         related taxes and surcharges and any other directly attributable expenditure
                         incurred to prepare the asset for its intended use. If the payment for an intangible
                         asset is delayed beyond the normal credit conditions, which is substantially of the
                         financing nature, the cost of the intangible asset shall be determined on the basis
                         of the present value of the purchase price.
                          The intangible assets acquired and used by the debtor to repay debt in debt
                          restructuring should be recorded at the fair value of the intangible assets. The
                          difference between the book value of restructured debts and the fair value of
                          intangible assets used to repay debt should be included in the current profit and
                          On the premise that non-monetary assets trade is of commercial nature and the
                          fair value of the assets traded in or out can be measured reliably, the intangible
                          assets traded in with non-monetary assets should be recognized at the fair value
                          of the assets traded out, unless any unambiguous evidence indicates that the fair
                          value of the assets traded in is more reliable; as to the non-monetary assets trade
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 18
                        not meeting the aforesaid premise, the book value of the assets traded out and
                        related taxes and surcharges payable should be recognized as the cost of the
                        intangible assets, with gains or losses not recognized.
                   (2) Subsequent measurement
                       The useful lives of the intangible assets are analyzed and determined on their
                        For intangible assets with definite useful lives, the Company shall adopt the
                        straight-line method for amortization within the period during which they can
                        bring economic benefits to the Company; where the period during which they can
                        bring economic benefits to the Company cannot be forecast, those intangible
                        assets shall be deemed as assets with indefinite lives and no amortization will be
          3.18.2   Estimate of useful life of intangible assets with limited useful life:
                              Item               Estimated useful lives                Basis
                   Land use right                50 years               Land use certificate
                   Software                      5 years                By reference to the same industry
                   The useful life and amortization method of intangible assets with limited useful lives
                   should be reviewed at the end of each year.
                   After review, the useful life of intangible assets and amortization method at the end of
                   the year are not different from previous estimates.
          3.18.3   Specific criteria for classification of research phase and development phase
                   Research phase: the phase for the creative and planned investigation and research to
                   acquire and understand new scientific or technological knowledge.
                   Development phase: the phase for the application of research achievements and other
                   knowledge to a certain plan or design, prior to the commercial production or use, so as
                   to produce any new material, device or product, or substantially improved material,
                   device and product.
                   Expenditures incurred during the research phase of internal research and development
                   projects shall be written off to current profit and loss.
          3.18.4   Specific criteria for capitalization of expenditures at the development phase
                   Expenditures arising from development phase on internal research and development
                   projects must be capitalized if the Company can satisfy all of the following criteria
                   (1) it is technically feasible to finish intangible assets for use or sale;
                   (2) it is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible asset;
                   (3) the ways whereby the intangible asset is to generate economic benefits, including
                       those whereby it is able prove that there is a potential market for the products
                       manufactured by applying this intangible asset or that there is a potential market
                       for the intangible asset itself; if the intangible asset will be used internally, its
                       usefulness shall be proved;
                   (4) it is able to finish the development of the intangible assets, and able to use or sell
                       the intangible assets, with the support of sufficient technologies, financial
                       resources and other resources; and
                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 19
                     (5) the expenditure attributable to the intangible assets during its development phase
                         can be reliably measured.
    3.19   Impairment of long-term assets
           For the long-term equity investments, investment property, fixed assets, construction in progress,
           intangible assets, and other long-term assets measured at cost model, if there are signs of
           impairment, an impairment test will be conducted on the balance sheet date. If the recoverable
           amount of the asset is less than its book value after test, assets impairment provision will be
           made at the difference and included into impairment loss. The recoverable amount is determined
           at the higher of the net of the fair value less disposal costs and the present value of the expected
           future cash flows. The assets impairment provision is calculated and made on an individual basis.
           If it is difficult for the Company to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the
           recoverable amount of an asset group, to which the said asset belongs, will be determined. Asset
           group is the smallest asset group that can independently generate cash inflows.
           For goodwill, impairment test shall be conducted at least in the end of each year.
           The Company conducts an impairment test for the goodwill. The book value of goodwill arising
           from business combinations is amortized to relevant asset groups with a reasonable method from
           the date of acquisition; or amortized to relevant combination of asset groups if it is difficult to be
           amortized to relevant asset groups. When the book value of goodwill is amortized to the relevant
           assets group or combination of assets groups, it shall be evenly amortized according to the
           proportion of the fair value of each assets group or combination of assets groups in the total fair
           value of the relevant assets groups or combinations of assets groups. Where the fair value cannot
           be reliably measured, it should be amortized according to the proportion of the book value of
           each asset group or combination of assets groups in the total book value of assets groups or
           combinations of assets groups.
           When making an impairment test on the relevant assets groups or combination of assets groups
           containing goodwill, if any indication shows that the assets groups or combinations of assets
           groups may be impaired, the Company shall first conduct an impairment test on the assets
           groups or combinations of assets groups not containing goodwill, calculate the recoverable
           amount and compare it with the relevant book value to recognize the corresponding impairment
           loss. Then the Company shall conduct an impairment test on the assets groups or combinations
           of assets groups containing goodwill, and compare the book value of these assets groups or
           combinations of assets groups (including the book value of the goodwill apportioned thereto)
           with the recoverable amount. Where the recoverable amount of the relevant assets groups or
           combinations of assets groups is lower than the book value thereof, the Company shall
           recognize the impairment loss of the goodwill.
           The above losses from asset impairment shall not be reversed in subsequent accounting periods
           once recognized.
    3.20   Long-term deferred expenses
           Long-term deferred expenses refer to various expenses which have been already incurred but
           will be born in this period and in the future with an amortization period of over one year.
           3.20.1    Amortization method
                     The amortization period is determined in accordance with the contract or expected
                     beneficial period.
           3.20.2    Amortization years
                     The amortization period is determined in accordance with the contract or expected
                     beneficial period.
                                     Notes to the Financial Statements Page 20
    3.21   Employee compensation
           3.21.1 Accounting treatment of short-term compensation
                  During the accounting period when employees serve the Company, the actual
                  short-term compensation is recognized as liabilities and included in current profit or
                  loss or costs associated with assets.
                    During the accounting period when employees provide services for the Company, the
                    corresponding amount of employee compensation is calculated and determined
                    according to the provision basis and provision proportion as stipulated in the
                    provisions on the social insurance premiums and housing funds paid for employees by
                    the Company, as well as trade union funds and employee education funds.
                    The non-monetary benefits of employees that can be measured reliably are measured
                    at fair value.
           3.21.2   Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits
                    Defined contribution plans
                    The Company pays basic endowment insurance and unemployment insurance for
                    employees according to the relevant provisions of the local government, calculate
                    payables according to payment base and proportion specified by the local government
                    and recognizes them as liabilities, and includes them into the current profit and loss or
                    the relevant asset costs.
           3.21.3   Accounting treatment of dismissal benefits
                    The Company recognizes the employee compensation arising from dismissal benefits
                    as liabilities and include it in the current profit and loss when the Company cannot
                    unilaterally withdraw dismissal benefits which are provided for termination of labor
                    relation plan or layoff proposal, or when the Company recognizes costs or expenses
                    (whichever is earlier) associated with restructuring of payment of dismissal benefits.
    3.22   Estimated liabilities
           3.22.1  Recognition criteria for estimated liabilities
                   Where all the following conditions are met simultaneously for any obligation pertinent
                   to any contingency including litigation, debt guarantee, onerous contract and
                   reorganization, the Company will recognize such contingency as estimated liabilities:
                   (1) the obligation is a present obligation of the Company;
                    (2) the performance of such obligation is likely to result in outflow of economic
                        benefits from the Company; and
                    (3) the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.
           3.22.2   Measurement of estimated liabilities
                    Estimated liabilities of the Company are initially measured as the best estimate of
                    expenses required for the performance of relevant present obligations.
                    When the Company determines the best estimate, it should have a comprehensive
                    consideration of risks with respect to contingencies, uncertainties and the time value
                    of money. If the time value of money is significant, the best estimate shall be
                    determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of cash.
                    The best estimate shall be accounted as follows in different circumstances:
                                   Notes to the Financial Statements Page 21
                     If there is continuous range (or interval) for the necessary expenses, and probabilities
                     of occurrence of all the outcomes within this range are equal, the best estimates will be
                     determined at the average amount of upper and lower limits within the range.
                     If there is no continuous range (or interval) for the necessary expenses, or probabilities
                     of occurrence of all the outcomes within this range are unequal although such a range
                     exists, in case that the contingency involves a single item, the best estimate shall be
                     determined at the most likely outcome; if the contingency involves two or more items,
                     the best estimate should be determined according to all the possible outcomes with
                     their relevant probabilities.
                     When all or some of the expenses necessary for the liquidation of estimated liabilities
                     of the Company are expected to be compensated by a third party, the compensation
                     should be separately recognized as an asset only when it is virtually certain that the
                     reimbursement will be obtained. The amount recognized for the reimbursement should
                     not exceed the book value of estimated liabilities.
    3.23   Share-based payments
           The Company's share-based payments are transactions in which the Company grants equity
           instruments or undertakes equity-instrument-based liabilities in return for services from
           employees [or other parties]. The share-based payments of the Company consist of
           equity-settled share-based payments and cash-settled share-based payments.
           The equity-settled share-based payment in return for services from employees shall be measured
           at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to the employees. Where the Company makes
           share-based payments in restricted stocks and the employee makes capital contributions to
           subscribe such shares, such shares should not be circulated or transferred before they reach
           unlocked conditions and before they are unlocked; if the unlocked conditions specified in the
           final equity incentive plan fail to be reached, then the Company should repurchase the shares at
           the price agreed in advance. When the Company received the payment of the employee for the
           subscription of restricted stocks, it should recognize share capital and capital reserves (share
           premiums) in accordance with the payment for subscription received. The Company should fully
           recognize a liability at the repurchase obligations and recognize treasury stock at the same time.
           On each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the Company will, based on the
           newly-acquired subsequent information such as the changes in the number of the vested
           employees and whether the specified performance is reached, make the best estimate on the
           number of the vesting equity instruments. On such basis, the services received in the current
           period should be included in the relevant cost or expenses according to fair value on the date of
           grant and capital reserves should be accordingly increased. No adjustments should be made to
           the recognized relevant costs or expenses and total owners' equity after the vesting date.
           However, when the right can be exercised immediately after the grant, it should be included in
           the relevant costs or expenses at the fair value on the date of grant. The capital reserves should
           be increased accordingly.
           For share-based payments finally failing to be exercised, costs or expenses should not be
           recognized, unless the conditions for vesting are market conditions or non-vesting conditions. At
           this time, whether market conditions or non-vesting conditions are met or not, it is deemed to
           have vesting rights if non-market conditions in all the vesting conditions are met.
           If the terms of the equity-settled share-based payments were modified, the services received
           should be recognized at least in accordance with the unmodified terms. Moreover, the
           modification of fair value of equity instruments granted from any increase, or beneficial changes
           to the employee on the modification date should be recognized as increases in services obtained.
           If the equity-settled share-based payments were cancelled, they should be handled as accelerated
           exercise of rights on the date of cancellation and the amount that is not yet recognized should be
           immediately recognized. Where employees or other parties could choose to meet non-vesting
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 22
           conditions but failed to meet the conditions in the vesting period, they should be handed as
           cancelling the equity-settled share-based payments. However, if new equity instruments are
           granted, which are recognized as the replacement of the cancelled equity instrument on the grant
           data, the granted equity instrument for replacement shall be handled in the same way with the
           disposal of revision of provisions on the original equity instrument and conditions.
    3.24   Revenue
           3.24.1 General recognition principles for revenue from sales of goods:
                   (1) the Company has transferred the substantial risks and rewards of ownership of
                       the goods to the buyer;
                    (2) the Company retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree
                        usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;
                    (3) the amount of revenue can be measured reliably; and
                    (4) the related economic benefits are likely to flow into the Company; and
                    (5) the relevant costs that have occurred or will occur can be measured reliably.
           3.24.2   Specific principles
                    (1) Revenue from rendering of service
                        Revenue from rendering of services of the Company mainly refers to revenue
                        from engineering design. If the outcome of transactions can be estimated reliably,
                        revenue shall be recognized at the important timing specified in the design
                        contract. That is to say, revenue shall be recognized at the percentage of
                        workload of completed design at the important timing in total design workload
                        and expected recoverable contract amount.
                        Where the outcome of transactions on rendering of services cannot be reliably
                        estimated, the revenue from rendering of services shall be recognized at labor
                        costs that have been incurred and that are expected to be compensated. The labor
                        costs that have been incurred are recognized as the expenses in the current period.
                        Labor costs that have been incurred but that are not expected to be compensated
                        shall not be recognized as revenue.
                          When contracts or agreements of the Company concluded with other enterprises
                          include sales of goods and rendering of services, if the part of sales of goods and
                          that of rendering of services can be distinguished and be separately measured,
                          they shall be treated separately; if the part of sales of goods and that of rendering
                          of services cannot be distinguished or can be distinguished but cannot be
                          separately measured, the whole contract shall be treated as sales of goods.
                    (2)    Revenue from construction contracts
                          If the outcome of a construction contract can be reliably estimated, the revenue
                          and costs from the construction contract will be recognized by the completion
                          percentage method on the balance sheet date. The progress of the contract
                          completion is recognized based on the proportion of the actually incurred
                          contract costs accumulated in the estimated total costs.
                          Where the outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably, if
                          contract costs are not expected to be recoverable, contract revenue is recognized
                          to the extent of actual contract costs that are expected to be recoverable and the
                          contract costs are recognized as contract expenses immediately when incurred. If
                          contract costs are not expected to be recoverable, they are recognized as expenses
                          immediately when incurred and contract revenue is not recognized. When
                          uncertainties that make the outcome of a construction contract unable to be
                          estimated reliably do not exist, revenue and costs associated with construction
                          contracts should be recognized with the completion percentage method.
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 23
                          If the estimated total contract costs exceed the estimated total contract revenue,
                          the expected loss is recognized as current expenses.
                          Accumulated costs incurred and accumulative gross profits (losses) recognized as
                          well as payments settled as to the construction contract should be presented at the
                          net amount after the offset in the balance sheet. The part of accumulated costs
                          incurred plus accumulative gross profits (losses) recognized exceeding payments
                          settled as to the construction contract should be presented as inventories; the part
                          of accumulated costs incurred plus accumulative gross profits (losses) recognized
                          less than the payments settled as to the construction contract should be presented
                          as advances from customers.
                    (3)    Recognition of revenue from hospital service
                          The revenue from hospital service mainly comes from out-patient department and
                          in-patient department, and the revenue is recognized when the patients make the
                          For revenue from out-patient department, as the patients that go to out-patient
                          department generally require no hospitalization, and receive short term treatment,
                          they settle with the hospital on the date of visit and pay for the treatment and
                          medicine. Therefore, the revenue is recognized financially on the date the
                          payment is received.
                          For revenue from in-patient department, patients need to stay in for a period of
                          treatment; they will pay certain advance when being hospitalized, which will not
                          be recognized at that time. When the patients leave the hospital, they settle the
                          medical expenses during the hospitalization, the hospital will issue an invoice to
                          the patients, and then revenue is recognized financially.
    3.25   Government subsidies
           3.25.1 Type
                  Government subsidies are monetary assets and non-monetary assets freely obtained by
                  the Company from the government. They are divided into government subsidies
                  related to assets and government subsidies related to income.
                    Government subsidies related to assets refer to government subsidies which are
                    acquired by the Company for construction or form long-term assets in other ways,
                    including the financial allocation for purchasing fixed assets or intangible assets, the
                    financial discount for special loan of fixed assets and others. Government subsidies
                    related to income refer to those other than the government subsidies related to assets.
           3.25.2   Timing of recognition
                    If government subsidies are monetary assets, it shall be measured in the light of the
                    amount received or receivable. Where government subsidies are non-monetary assets,
                    they are measured at fair value; where the fair value cannot be reliably measured, they
                    are measured at nominal amount. Government subsidies measured at nominal amount
                    are directly included in the current profit and loss.
           3.25.3   Accounting treatment
                    Government subsidies related to assets are recognized as deferred income, and
                    included in non-operating income by stages based on the useful life of the assets
                    acquired and constructed;
                    if government subsidies related to income are used to compensate the Company’s
                    relevant expenses or losses in future periods, such government subsidies should be
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 24
                     recognized as deferred income on acquisition and be included in current non-operating
                     income during the period of recognition of the relevant expenses; if government
                     subsidies related to income are used to compensate the Company’s relevant expenses
                     or losses incurred, such government subsidies are directly included into current
                     non-operating income on acquisition.
    3.26   Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
           Deferred income tax assets are recognized at deductible temporary differences to the extent that
           it shall not exceed the taxable income probably obtained in future period to be against the
           deductible temporary difference. For deductible losses and tax credits that can be carried
           forward to subsequent periods, deferred tax assets arising therefrom are recognized to the extent
           that future taxable income will be probable to be available against deductible losses and tax
           Taxable temporary differences are recognized as deferred income tax liabilities except in special
           Such special circumstances in which deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities shall not be
           recognized include: the initial recognition of goodwill; other transactions or matters excluding
           business combinations, which affect neither accounting profits nor the taxable income (or
           deductible losses) when incurred.
           If the Company has the legal right to settle in net amounts and intends to settle in net amount or
           to obtain assets and discharge liabilities simultaneously, the current tax assets and current tax
           liabilities of the Company shall be presented based on the net amount upon offset.
           When the Company has the legal right for netting of current income tax assets and current
           income tax liabilities and the income tax assets and income tax liabilities are related to the
           income tax levied on the same taxpayer by the same tax administrative department or are related
           to different taxpayers but, within each future period of reversal of important income tax assets
           and income tax liabilities, the taxpayers involved intend to settle current income tax assets and
           current income tax liabilities or acquire assets and liquidate liabilities at the same time, the
           Company's income tax assets and income tax liabilities shall be presented at the net amount after
           the offset.
    3.27   Leases
           3.27.1    Accounting treatment of operating leases
                     (1) The Company's rental expenses paid for leased assets shall, within the whole
                         lease term excluding the rent-free period, be amortized with the straight-line
                         method and included in current expenses. Initial direct costs related to lease
                         transactions paid by the Company shall be included in the current expenses.
                         When assets lessor bears costs related to the lease borne by the Company, the
                         Company shall deduct the part of expenses from the total rents and amortize the
                         rents after deduction over the lease term and include them in current expenses.
                     (2) The Company's rental expenses collected for leased assets shall, within the whole
                         lease term excluding the rent-free period, be amortized with the straight-line
                         method and recognized as the relevant rental income. Initial direct expenses
                         relating to lease transactions incurred by the Company shall be recognized as the
                         current expenses; if the amounts are significant, they shall be capitalized and
                         included in the current income on the same basis as the recognition of lease
                         When the Company bears the lease related expenses which should be undertook
                         by the lessee, the Company shall deduct this part of expense from the total rental
                         expenses, and amortize the net amount over the lease term.
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 25
           3.27.2    Accounting treatment of financing lease
                     (1) Assets leased in under financing leases: On the lease commencement date, the
                         book entry value of a fixed asset acquired under financing lease is measured at
                         the asset’s fair value or the present value of the minimum lease payment,
                         whichever is the lower. The minimum lease payment is recorded as the book
                         entry value of the long-term payables, and the difference between them is deemed
                         as the unrecognized financing expenses. The Company adopts the effective
                         interest rate method for unrecognized financing charges, which shall be
                         amortized over the lease terms and included in financial expenses. The Company
                         records the initial direct expenses in the values of leased assets.
                     (2) Assets leased under finance leases: On the lease beginning date, the Company
                         recognizes the difference between the sum of financing lease receivable and the
                         unguaranteed residual value, and the present value thereof as unrealized
                         financing income, and recognizes the same as rental income over the periods
                         when rent is received in the future. The Company's initial direct costs related to
                         the rental transactions will be included in the initial measurement of the financing
                         lease receivables and the amount of revenue recognized in the lease term will be
    3.28   Discontinued operation
           Discontinued operations refer to the component meeting any of the following conditions that has
           been disposed by the Company or classified as held for sale by the Company, and that can be
           separately identified upon operation and preparation for the financial statements:
           (1) the component represents a separate major business or a major business areas;
           (2) the component is a part of the plan on intended disposal of an independent major business
               or a major business area; or
           (3) the part is a subsidiary acquired only for resale.
    3.29   Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates
           3.29.1  Changes in significant accounting policies
                   (1) Implementation of the Provisions on the Accounting Treatment for Value-added
                         On December 3, 2016, the Ministry of Finance promulgated the Provisions on the
                         Accounting Treatment for Value-added Tax (Cai Kuai [2016] No.22), which
                         apply to relevant transactions of the Company occurred since May 1, 2016. Main
                         impacts of the provisions implementation of the Company are as follows:
                           Contents of and reasons for changes in      Name and amount of the affected
                                     accounting policies               items in the financial statements
                          (1) Adjust the item \"business taxes and
                          surcharges\" in the income statement to
                          the item \"taxes and surcharges\" therein.  Taxes and surcharges
                          (2) Reclassify the real estate tax,
                          land-use tax-, vehicle and vessel use tax
                          and stamp duty incurred by business
                          operation activities of the enterprise
                          since May 1, 2016 from \"General and
                          administrative expenses\" to \"Taxes and    Increased taxes and surcharges in
                          surcharges\" and the taxes incurred        this year amount to RMB
                          before May 1, 2016 will not be adjusted. 433,364.39, and decreased general
                          The comparative data shall not be         and administrative expenses in 2016
                          adjusted.                                 amount to RMB 433,364.39.
                          (3) Reclassify the item \"taxes and        Increased ending balance of other
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 26
                          surcharges payable\" to transfer the VAT             current liabilities amounted to RMB
                          amount where income (or profit) has                 30,382,980.72, and decreased ending
                          been recognized but the VAT has not                 balance of taxes and surcharges
                          been paid and which shall be recognized             payable amounted to RMB
                          as the output tax amount into the item              30,382,980.72.
                          \"other current liabilities\" (or \"other
                          non-current liabilities\"). Compared data
                          shall not be adjusted. The comparative
                          data shall not be adjusted.
           3.29.2    Changes in significant accounting estimates
                     The Company had no changes in principal accounting estimates during the reporting
4.   Taxation
     4.1    Major tax types and tax rates
                    Tax type                                      Tax basis                             Tax rate
                                      The output tax is calculated based on taxable income in
                                      accordance with tax laws, and value added tax payable
                                      should be the balance of the output tax after deducting          0, 3, 6, 11
             Value added tax (VAT)    the deductible input tax for the current period                  and 17
             Business tax             Levied based on the taxable operating income                     3 and 5
             Urban maintenance and    Paid based on the actual business tax, VAT and
             construction tax         consumption tax paid                                             1, 5 and 7
             Education surtax         Calculated and paid at turnover tax actually paid.
             Local education surtax   Calculated and paid at turnover tax actually paid.
             Enterprise income tax    Levied based on the amount of taxable income                     15, 25
                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 27
          Note 1 According to the Circular on Launching the Pilot Collection of Value Added Tax in lieu
          of Business Tax in Transportation and Certain Areas of Modern Services Industries in Eight
          Provinces and Municipalities Including Beijing (Cai Shui [2012] No.71) promulgated by the
          Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on July 31, 2012, design business
          of the Company’s subsidiary Beijing Sino Great Wall Decoration Design Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
          referred to as the \"Sino Great Wall Design\") was changed from taxable items under business tax
          to those under value added tax as of September 1, 2012, so the Company and Sino Great Wall
          Design became a small-scale VAT taxpayer and were subject to the rate of 3%.
          Rates of income tax in regard to the Company and its subsidiaries:
                                                                                Income tax rate
                                   Name of subsidiary                                               Remarks
           Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
           Sino Great Wall Medical Investment Management Co., Ltd.
           Sino Great Wall Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd.
           Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital Co., Ltd.
           Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.
           Sino Great Wall Jianyee Engineering Co., Ltd. (formerly known as
           Sichuan Haoyao Constructional Engineering Co., Ltd.)
           Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd.
           Sino Great Wall Real estate (Hubei) Co., Ltd.
           Sino Great Wall New Energy (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
           Qian'an Sino Solar Power Generation Co., Ltd.
           Wu'an Juhe Photovoltaic Power Generation Co., Ltd.
           Bozhou Guangcheng New Energy Co., Ltd.
           Bozhou Zhaosheng Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd.
           Bozhou Xieying Solar Power Generation Co., Ltd.
           Shanghai Ling Rui International Trade Company Limited
           Shenzhen Hongtulve Industrial Co., Ltd.
           Sino Great Wall Development (Hengqin) Co., Ltd.
           Herabenna Interior Design Guangzhou Co., Ltd.
           Inrich Me Engineering Co., Limited
           Sino Great Wall Southwest Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.
           (formerly known as Sichuan Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd.)
                                                                               Seven levels of
                                                                               tax rates from 0%
                                                                               to 5%,
           SINO GREAT WALL INTERNETIONAL                                       non-deductible
           ENGINEERING(CNMI)CO., LLC                                           progressive
           Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd.
           Sino Great Wall International Engineering (MACAU) Co., Limited
           Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited
           SGW HP Engineering Construction SDN. BHD
           Beijing Sino Great Wall Decoration Design Co., Ltd.
           Suzhou Lvbang Wood Technology Co., Ltd.
           Sino Heji Environmental Protection Materials Co., Ltd.
           CO., LTD
           Sino Great Wall International Engineering (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
    4.2   Tax preference
          (1) Approved by the Beijing Municipal Office, SAT under the Circular on Approval of Tax
              Types in 2013, the taxable income of Sino Great Wall Design was calculated at 10% of
              total income.
                                   Notes to the Financial Statements Page 28
            (2) According to the provisions of the Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on
                Issuing the Tentative Measures for the Collection and Administration of Income Tax on
                Enterprises That Have Operations in Different Regions and That Pay Taxes in a
                Consolidated Manner (G.S.F. [2008] No. 28) issued on March 10, 2008, for business
                institutions and establishments without the status of a legal person that are established in
                different regions within the territory of China, namely those engaging in production and
                operating activities in different regions, their head offices (parent companies) are
                enterprises that pay taxes in a consolidated manner. The parent company pays taxes in a
                consolidated manner. Head office and branches prepay enterprise income tax in installment,
                50% of which is shared by all branches and 50% of which is prepaid by the head office.
                Branches share the prepayments in the proportion of 35%, 35% and 30% of operating
                income, employee compensation and total assets; final settlement of annual enterprise
                income tax shall be made by the parent company at the tax authority and will no longer be
                allocated to branches.
            (3) The Company's subsidiaries Sino Great Wall Group Co., Limited (hereinafter referred to as
                \"Sino Hong Kong\") and Inrich Me Engineering Co., Limited (hereinafter referred to as
                \"Inrich Me Engineering\") are enterprises established in the Hong Kong Special
                Administrative Region and are subject to enterprise profit tax at the rate of 16.5%; Sino
                Great Wall International Engineering (MACAU) Co., Limited (hereinafter referred to as
                \"Sino Macau\") is an enterprise established in the Macao Special Administrative Region and
                is subject to complementary income tax at the progressive rate.
            (4) The Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co.,
                Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as \"Sino International\") obtained the high-tech enterprise
                certificate (No.: GR201511003125) jointly approved and issued by Beijing Municipal
                Science and Technology Commission, Beijing Municipal Finance Bureau, Beijing
                Municipal Office, SAT and Beijing Local Taxation Bureau on November 24, 2015. The
                certificate was issued on November 24, 2015 and valid for 3 years, so Sino International
                would pay enterprise income tax at the rate of 15% in 2015, 2016 and 2017.
            (5) The Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital Co., Ltd.
                 was entitled to the exemption of value-added taxes since May 1, 2016 in accordance with
                 the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on
                 Implementing the Pilot Program of Replacing Business Tax with Value-Added Tax in an
                 All-round Manner (Cai Shui [2016] No.36).
5.   Notes to the items of consolidated financial statements
     5.1    Cash and cash equivalents
                                                                     Balance as at        Balance as at
                                                                  December 31, 2016     January 1, 2016
              Cash on hand                                               2,974,883.16       1,349,587.20
              Bank deposits                                            940,730,439.25     343,390,159.56
              Other monetary funds                                     397,110,499.42     350,644,814.55
              Total                                                  1,340,815,821.83     695,384,561.31
              Including: Total amount deposited abroad                 197,496,287.50      60,170,773.67
            Cash or cash equivalents being restricted for use due to mortgage, pledge or freezing, or being
            placed overseas with restrictions on fund repatriation as follows:
                                                                         Balance as at      Balance as at
                                                                     December 31, 2016    January 1, 2016
             Bank acceptance bills margin                                  140,689,860.21    46,497,936.83
             Performance bond                                              255,913,019.19    64,202,294.79
             Deposits for peasant laborers                                     507,620.02     1,532,920.07
             Term deposits or call deposits for guarantee
                                    Notes to the Financial Statements Page 29
                                                                                           Balance as at                       Balance as at
                                                                                         December 31, 2016                    January 1, 2016
           Funds placed overseas with restrictions on fund
           repatriation                                                                                                              405,652.81
           Total                                                                                   397,110,499.42                112,638,804.50
    5.2   Financial assets measured at fair value through current profit and loss
          5.2.1    Financial assets measured at fair value through current profit and loss
                                                                 Balance as at        Balance as at
                                                              December 31, 2016      January 1, 2016
                    Money market fund                                                    1,102,961.04
                    Total                                                                1,102,961.04
    5.3   Notes receivable
          5.3.1    Notes receivable by category
                                                                                           Balance as at                       Balance as at
                                                                                         December 31, 2016                    January 1, 2016
                    Bank acceptance bills                                                     21,300,446.44                      4,040,251.87
                    Commercial acceptance bills                                            1,053,090,196.14                    216,408,496.07
                    Total                                                                  1,074,390,642.58                    220,448,747.94
          5.3.2    Pledged notes receivable of the Company as at December 31, 2016
                                                                           Pledged amount as at
                                                                            December 31, 2016
                    Bank acceptance draft                                                       -
                    Commercial acceptance draft                                     98,645,997.87
                    Total                                                           98,645,997.87
          5.3.3    Notes receivable endorsed or discounted by the Company as at December 31,
                   2016 but not expired on the balance sheet date
                                                                    Amount of         Amount
                                                                 derecognition as underecognized
                                                                 at December 31,  as at December
                                                                      2016            31, 2016
                    Bank acceptance draft                          207,110,526.41
                    Commercial acceptance draft                                    345,762,089.05
                    Total                                          207,110,526.41  345,762,089.05
    5.4   Accounts receivable
          5.4.1   Disclosure of accounts receivable by category
                                                                                            Balance as at December 31, 2016
                                                                          Book balance                 Provision for bad debts
                                                                                      Proportion                     Proportion of      Book value
                                                                                         (%)          Amount         provision (%)
                   Receivables that are individually significant
                   but with provision for bad debts made on an
                   individual basis
                   Receivables subject to provisions for bad
                   debts on credit risk characteristics basis      4,148,182,356.26         99.91 423,012,147.95               10.20   3,725,170,208.31
                   Receivables that are individually
                   insignificant but with provision for bad
                   debts made on an individual basis                   3,844,309.34            0.09   3,844,309.34            100.00                  -
                   Total                                           4,152,026,665.60        100.00 426,856,457.29               10.28   3,725,170,208.31
                                           Notes to the Financial Statements Page 30
                                                                                            Balance as at January 1, 2016
                                                                       Book balance                   Provision for bad debts
                                                                                   Proportion                      Proportion of          Book value
                                                                   Amount             (%)          Amount          provision (%)
                   Receivables that are individually
                   significant but with provision for bad
                   debts made on an individual basis
                   Receivables subject to provisions for bad
                   debts on credit risk characteristics basis   2,638,742,183.89        100.00 285,934,096.56                   10.84   2,352,808,087.33
                   Receivables that are individually
                   insignificant but with provision for bad
                   debts made on an individual basis
                   Total                                        2,638,742,183.89        100.00 285,934,096.56                   10.84   2,352,808,087.33
                  In the portfolio, accounts receivable with the provision for bad debts made under the
                  aging analysis method:
                                                            Balance as at December 31, 2016
                              Aging                   Account          Provision for     Proportion of
                                                     receivable          bad debts       provision (%)
                   Within1 year                   2,981,476,004.74 149,073,800.25                   5.00
                   1-2 years                        665,268,747.44      66,526,874.75             10.00
                   2-3 years                        281,948,783.56      84,584,635.07             30.00
                   3-4 years                        177,703,424.82      88,851,712.41             50.00
                   4-5 years                         39,051,351.16      31,241,080.93             80.00
                   Over 5 years                       2,734,044.54       2,734,044.54            100.00
                   Total                          4,148,182,356.26 423,012,147.95
          5.4.2   Provision, reversal or recovery of bad debts in 2016
                  The amount of the provision for bad debts in 2016 was RMB 127,789,717.16; the
                  amount of increase in bad debts on a consolidated basis in 2016 was RMB
                  13,132,643.57; and no bad debts were recovered or reversed in 2016.
          5.4.3   Accounts receivable actually written off in 2016
                  No accounts receivable were actually written off during the reporting period.
          5.4.4   Top five of accounts receivable by the debtor
                                                                                        Balance as at December 31, 2016
                                                                                                  Proportion in the
                                   Name of company                                                                    Provision for
                                                                            Account receivable      total accounts
                                                                                                                        bad debts
                                                                                                   receivable (%)
                    China Harbour Engineering Company
                    Ltd.                                                           672,067,475.39                       16.19           33,644,960.56
                    CHINA CENTRAL ASIA GROUP Co.
                    Ltd                                                            436,859,602.82                       10.52           21,842,980.14
                    PowerChina Construction Group Ltd.                             302,978,738.20                        7.30           15,148,936.91
                    Oxley Diamond (Cambodia) Co., Ltd                              282,328,914.30                        6.80           14,116,445.72
                    Henan No.1 Thermal Power
                    Construction Co., Ltd.                                      203,103,421.33                           4.89           13,042,616.76
                    Total                                                     1,897,338,152.04                          45.70           97,795,940.09
                                           Notes to the Financial Statements Page 31
          5.4.5   Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets
                                                                                                                              Gains or losses
                                                                                   Amount        Method of financial assets
                               Name of company                    Project                                                           on
                                                                                 derecognized              transfer
                   Xiamen Jiayu Real Estate             Xiamen Semi-hill                         Transfer of creditors’
                   Development Co., Ltd.                Grand View B03           14,160,461.27   right (without recourse)       1,621,895.35
                                                        Apartments of Jinan
                   Jinan Haier Green Town Property      National Games                           Transfer of creditors’
                   Co., Ltd.                            Village                  10,296,979.40   right (without recourse)       1,179,384.11
                                                        Building No. 1,
                                                        Zhongda Square,
                                                        Guangzhou Poly Pearl                     Transfer of creditors’
                   Poly Real Estate Group Co., Ltd      River New Town            5,566,496.88   right (without recourse)         637,569.30
                   Qingdao Green Town Jiaozhou Bay      Jiaozhou Bay Sheraton                    Transfer of creditors’
                   Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.    Hotel                     5,151,220.21   right (without recourse)         590,004.80
                   Dalian Aonan House Development       Dalian Mingxiu Manor                     Transfer of creditors’
                   Co., Ltd.                            Type B House              4,695,452.00   right (without recourse)         537,802.52
                                                        Chaobai River
                                                        Daweicheng Phase 2
                   Dachang Jingyu Real Estate           Stone Curtain Wall                       Transfer of creditors’
                   Development Co., Ltd.                Project                   4,664,024.76   right (without recourse)         534,202.94
                                                        Dalian Red Star
                   Dalian Zhengqian Property Co.,       Coastal Community                        Transfer of creditors’
                   Ltd.                                 Project                   4,237,549.39   right (without recourse)         485,355.77
                                                        Hohhot Daya
                   Inner Mongolia Yitai Property Co.,   Comprehensive                            Transfer of creditors’
                   Ltd.                                 Building                  4,212,745.43   right (without recourse)         482,514.81
                                                        Panyu Poly                               Transfer of creditors’
                   Poly Real Estate Group Co., Ltd      Champagne Mansion         4,191,403.58   right (without recourse)         480,070.38
                   Dalian Zhengqian Property Co.,                                                Transfer of creditors’
                   Ltd.                                 Dalian Red Star Sea       2,474,061.00   right (without recourse)         283,371.28
                   Tangshan Hengrong Real Estate                                                 Transfer of creditors’
                   Development Co., Ltd.                Tang City 101             2,105,541.40   right (without recourse)         241,162.19
                                                        Zhuhai Poly Golden
                                                        Bay Project, No. 9
                   Poly (Zhuhai) Real Estate            model building and                       Transfer of creditors’
                   Development Co., Ltd.                model room in the hall    2,078,996.00   right (without recourse)         238,121.76
                                                        Inner Mongolia                           Transfer of creditors’
                   Chifeng Wanda Plaza Co., Ltd.        Chifeng Wanda Hotel       1,437,783.42   right (without recourse)         164,679.26
                                                        Hangzhou Zhongtian
                                                        Project Plot No. 25
                   Hangzhou Gemdale Zhongtian Real      Block A High-rise                        Transfer of creditors’
                   Estate Development Co., Ltd.         indoor decoration         1,199,168.80   right (without recourse)         137,349.07
                   Total                                                         66,471,883.54                                  7,613,483.54
                  Note: On June 25, 2016, the Company and Dagang Financing Lease (Shanghai) Co.,
                  Ltd. signed an agreement on transfer of creditors’ right (No.: BLW-SZDG-2016002),
                  according to which the Company transferred 14 items of accounts receivable of
                  RMB66,471,883.54 to Dagang Financing Lease (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. at a transfer
                  price of RMB 58,858,400.00 without recourse as agreed therein. The Company
                  derecognized accounts receivable in 2016, and included the loss of RMB 7,613,483.54
                  on transfer in non-operating expenses.
                                         Notes to the Financial Statements Page 32
    5.5   Advances to suppliers
          5.5.1   Advances to suppliers by aging
                                                                Balance as at December 31, 2016                   Balance as at January 1, 2016
                                     Aging                                         Proportion                                        Proportion
                                                                 Book balance                                     Book balance
                                                                                       (%)                                              (%)
                    Within 1 year                               311,193,306.31             97.49                   70,146,608.20           90.27
                    1-2 years                                     5,789,414.72              1.81                    5,258,018.08            6.77
                    2-3 years                                     1,269,897.25              0.40                    1,090,606.22            1.40
                    Over 3 years                                    954,180.35              0.30                    1,212,335.88            1.56
                    Total                                       319,206,798.63           100.00                    77,707,568.38          100.00
          5.5.2    Top five advances by suppliers
                                                                                                                  Proportion in the total
                                                                                  Balance as at
                                                                                                                  balance of advances to
                                             Supplier                             December 31,
                                                                                                                 suppliers as at December
                                                                                                                       31, 2016 (%)
                    Qingyuan Hefeng New Energy
                    Technology Co., Ltd.                                          165,000,000.00                                              51.69
                    Nanjing Zhongjian Chemical
                    Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd.                                 40,676,756.76                                           12.74
                    Shenyang Zhaohuan Modern
                    Architectural Industrial Park Co.,
                    Ltd.                                                               4,639,008.00                                            1.45
                    NEERINGWLL                                                      4,314,087.18                                               1.35
                    CSSC (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.                                       3,651,831.04                                               1.15
                    Total                                                         218,281,682.98                                              68.38
    5.6   Other receivables
          5.6.1    Disclosure of other receivables by category:
                                                                                            Balance as at December 31, 2016
                                                                       Book balance                    Provision for bad debts
                                                                                 Proportion                          Proportion of      Book value
                                                                  Amount                             Amount
                                                                                      (%)                            provision (%)
                   Other receivables with individually
                   significant amount and subject to separate
                   provision for bad debts
                   Other receivables with provision for bad
                   debts accrued by credit risk features
                   portfolio                                    709,527,391.05          99.93        58,515,258.14               8.25   651,012,132.91
                   Other receivables with individually
                   insignificant amount but subject to
                   individual provision for bad debts              500,000.00               0.07        500,000.00            100.00
                   Total                                        710,027,391.05         100.00        59,015,258.14               8.31   651,012,132.91
                                                                                              Balance as at January 1, 2016
                                                                       Book balance                    Provision for bad debts
                                                                                 Proportion                          Proportion of      Book value
                                                                  Amount              (%)            Amount          provision (%)
                   Other receivables with significant single
                   amount and individual provision for bad
                                          Notes to the Financial Statements Page 33
                                                                                                    Balance as at January 1, 2016
                                                                          Book balance                       Provision for bad debts
                                                                                      Proportion                             Proportion of       Book value
                                                                       Amount            (%)               Amount           provision (%)
                   Other receivables with provision for bad
                   debts accrued by portfolio with credit risk
                   features                                       261,942,379.50               99.82       21,989,493.39                8.39     239,952,886.11
                   Other receivables with insignificant single
                   amount and individual provision for bad
                   debts                                               478,000.00               0.18          478,000.00
                   Total                                          262,420,379.50                100        22,467,493.39                8.56     239,952,886.11
                  Other receivables subject to provision for bad debts under aging analysis method:
                                                                                            Balance as at December 31, 2016
                                          Aging                                                      Provision for bad    Proportion of
                                                                                Other receivables
                                                                                                            debts         provision (%)
                    Within 1 year                                                  574,225,645.55         28,714,087.87              5.00
                    1-2 years                                                       72,506,847.29          7,250,684.74            10.00
                    2-3 years                                                       50,949,805.67         15,284,941.71            30.00
                    3-4 years                                                        8,772,720.70          4,386,360.35            50.00
                    4-5 years                                                           965,941.84           772,753.47            80.00
                    Over 5 years                                                     2,106,430.00          2,106,430.00           100.00
                    Total                                                          709,527,391.05         58,515,258.14
          5.6.2   Provision, reversal or recovery of bad debts in 2016
                  The amount of the provision for bad debts in 2016 was RMB 35,012,661.40; the
                  amount of increase in bad debts on a consolidated basis in 2016 was RMB
                  1,535,103.35; and no bad debts were recovered or reversed in 2016.
          5.6.3   Other receivables actually written off in 2016
                                                Item                                                                             Written-off amount
                   Actual write-off of other receivables                                                                                1,485,463.34
          5.6.4   Classification of other receivables by the nature of payment
                                                            Book balance as at                                                   Book balance as at
                            Nature of Payment
                                                            December 31, 2016                                                     January 1, 2016
                   Bidding margins, performance bonds
                   and deposits                                 366,310,322.14                                                          168,213,515.22
                   Petty cash and current accounts
                   between individuals                           59,867,918.12                                                           40,331,852.58
                   Current accounts among entities              282,984,039.72                                                           53,815,203.95
                   Others                                            865,111.07                                                              59,807.75
                   Total                                        710,027,391.05                                                          262,420,379.50
          5.6.5   Top five of other receivables by the debtor
                                                                                                                           Proportion in total    Provision for
                                                                                    Balance as at                           balance of other       bad debts
                           Name of company                    Nature              December 31,              Aging           receivables as at     Balance as at
                                                                                        2016                                 December 31,        December 31,
                                                                                                                               2016 (%)
                    PowerChina Construction           Current accounts                                    Within 1
                    Group Ltd.                        among entities                259,423,663.63        year                          36.54     12,971,183.18
                                                      Bidding margins,
                    PT.WANXIANGNICKELIN               performance bonds                                   Within 1
                    DONESIA                           and deposits                   68,000,000.00        year                            9.58     3,400,000.00
                                          Notes to the Financial Statements Page 34
                                                                                                                        Proportion in total       Provision for
                                                                                    Balance as at                           balance of other       bad debts
                            Name of company                    Nature               December 31,          Aging             receivables as at     Balance as at
                                                                                        2016                                 December 31,        December 31,
                                                                                                                               2016 (%)
                    Chengdu Qingyuan Real            Bidding margins,
                    Estate Development Co.,          performance bonds                                  Within 1
                    Ltd.                             and deposits                    30,000,000.00      year                              4.23     1,500,000.00
                    Leading Group Office for
                    Reconstruction and
                    Extension Project of
                    Jingfeng Hotel of the            Bidding margins,
                    General Logistics                performance bonds
                    Department of PLA                and deposits                    30,000,000.00      2-3 years                         4.23     9,000,000.00
                                                     Bidding margins,
                    Shenzhen Jinshawan Hotel         performance bonds                                  Within 1
                    Co., Ltd.                        and deposits                    27,655,391.29      year                              3.88     1,382,769.57
                    Total                            /                              415,079,054.92                                      58.46     28,253,952.75
    5.7   Inventories
          5.7.1    Classification of inventories
                                                     Balance as at December 31, 2016                                 Balance as at January 1, 2016
                            Item                                Provision for                                                  Provision for
                                            Book balance                              Book value         Book balance                             Book value
                                                                depreciation                                                    depreciation
                    Raw materials           12,078,945.75                       -    12,078,945.75       13,086,673.87                            13,086,673.87
                    commodities             43,492,877.62         1,404,765.68       42,088,111.94         7,538,609.26         1,352,585.08       6,186,024.18
                    construction           282,911,079.94         5,051,867.60      277,859,212.34      148,457,514.11                           148,457,514.11
                    Goods in transit                       -                    -                   -          403,456.75                            403,456.75
                    Goods in
                    progress                   668,934.23                       -       668,934.23
                    consumables                209,726.10                       -       209,726.10
                    Total                  339,361,563.64         6,456,633.28      332,904,930.36      169,486,253.99          1,352,585.08     168,133,668.91
                                            Notes to the Financial Statements Page 35
           5.7.2    Inventory provision
                                                                 Balance as at              Increase in 2016               Decrease in 2016            Balance as at
                                      Item                        January 1,                                            Reversal or                    December 31,
                                                                                          Provision        Others                        Others
                                                                     2016                                                write-off
                     Stock commodities                            1,352,585.08               52,180.60                                                   1,404,765.68
                     Engineering construction                                             5,051,867.60                                                   5,051,867.60
                     Total                                         1,352,585.08           5,104,048.20                                                   6,456,633.28
    5.8    Non-current assets maturing within one year
                                            Item                                                 Balance as at December 31, 2016         Balance as at January 1, 2016
            Long-term borrowings maturing within one year                                                           13,462,942.89                         15,717,270.60
            Total                                                                                                   13,462,942.89                         15,717,270.60
    5.9    Other current assets
                                                Item                                              Balance as at December 31, 2016        Balance as at January 1, 2016
            Input tax                                                                                                35,248,102.26                        14,138,411.87
            Income tax expenses prepaid                                                                                 202,092.21
            Total                                                                                                    35,450,194.47                       14,138,411.87
    5.10   Fixed assets
           5.10.1   Fixed assets
                                                                     Buildings and             Machinery       Transportation
                                       Item                                                                                          equipment and         Total
                                                                     constructions             equipment         equipment
                                                                                                                                    other equipment
                     1. Original book value
                     (1) Balance as at January 1, 2016                 10,193,831.80          15,124,117.90     27,339,595.16          5,372,383.58      58,029,928.44
                     (2) Increase in 2016                              57,775,649.24          73,898,441.45      8,823,721.31         10,286,188.75     150,784,000.75
                     - Purchase                                        17,027,997.40          19,620,984.99      6,436,507.07          1,848,909.82      44,934,399.28
                     - Transfer of construction in progress             5,898,702.19           4,664,068.70                                              10,562,770.89
                     - Increase due to business combinations           34,848,949.65          45,459,977.76         2,387,214.24       8,424,278.93      91,120,420.58
                     - Others                                                                  4,153,410.00                               13,000.00       4,166,410.00
                     (3) Decrease in 2016                                                      7,768,106.00                     -        952,895.00       8,721,001.00
                     - Disposal or write-off                                                   3,614,696.00                              939,895.00       4,554,591.00
                     - Others                                                                  4,153,410.00                               13,000.00       4,166,410.00
                                                               Notes to the Financial Statements Page 36
                                                                    Buildings and            Machinery      Transportation
                                       Item                                                                                    equipment and           Total
                                                                    constructions            equipment        equipment
                                                                                                                              other equipment
                    (4) Balance as at December 31, 2016              67,969,481.04          81,254,453.35    36,163,316.47      14,705,677.33      200,092,928.19
                    2. Accumulated depreciation                                  -                      -                -                   -
                    (1) Balance as at January 1, 2016                    74,769.21             624,167.49    11,569,621.16       1,915,154.95       14,183,712.81
                    (2) Increase in 2016                             15,053,031.73          33,414,280.49     4,895,747.20       8,483,410.78       61,846,470.20
                    - Provision                                         655,224.14           3,366,867.97     3,215,361.21       1,631,494.27        8,868,947.59
                    - Others                                         14,397,807.59          30,047,412.52     1,680,385.99       6,851,916.51       52,977,522.61
                    (3) Decrease in 2016                                         -           3,525,400.06                -         895,602.49        4,421,002.55
                    - Disposal or write-off                                                  3,097,944.85                          891,142.76        3,989,087.61
                    - Others                                                                   427,455.21                             4,459.73         431,914.94
                    (4) Balance as at December 31, 2016              15,127,800.94          30,513,047.92    16,465,368.36       9,502,963.24       71,609,180.46
                    3. Provision for impairment                                  -                      -                -                   -
                    (1) Balance as at January 1, 2016                            -                      -                -                   -                  -
                    (2) Increase in 2016                                         -                      -                -                   -                  -
                    - Provision                                                  -                      -                -                   -                  -
                    - Others                                                     -                      -                -                   -                  -
                    (3) Decrease in 2016                                         -                      -                -                   -                  -
                    - Disposal or write-off                                      -                      -                -                   -                  -
                    - Others                                                     -                      -                -                   -                  -
                    (4) Balance as at December 31, 2016                          -                      -                -                   -                  -
                    4. Book value                                                -                      -                -                   -
                    (1) Book value as at December 31, 2016           52,841,680.10          50,741,405.43    19,697,948.11       5,202,714.09      128,483,747.74
                    (2) Book value as at January 1, 2016             10,119,062.59          14,499,950.41    15,769,974.00       3,457,228.63       43,846,215.63
          5.10.2   Temporarily idle fixed assets
                   There were no temporarily idle fixed assets in 2016.
          5.10.3   Fixed assets with pending certificate of title
                                         Item                                       Book value                  Reason for absence of certificate of title
                    Suzhou factory                                                        5,751,234.64 The relevant formalities are going through
                                                             Notes to the Financial Statements Page 37
    5.11   Construction in process
           5.11.1  Construction in progress
                                                                            Balance as at December 31, 2016                                                Balance as at January 1, 2016
                                      Item                                           Provision for                                                                 Provision for
                                                               Book balance                                 Book value                        Book balance                                              Book value
                                                                                      impairment                                                                    impairment
                     Suzhou Lvbang Plant                                                                                                         4,978,670.79                                               4,978,670.79
                     Kuwait tower cranes                                                                                                         5,038,257.45                                               5,038,257.45
                     Total                                                                                                                      10,016,928.24                                              10,016,928.24
           5.11.2   Changes in important construction in progress in 2016
                                                                                                                                     Balance as                  Accumulated      Including:       Interest
                                                                    Balance as                    Transfer into          Other                    Percentage
                                                                                    Increase                                             at                      capitalization    Interest     capitalization    Sources of
                                 Project             Budget          at January                   fixed assets in       decreases                     of
                                                                                     in 2016                                         December                     amount of       capitalized   rate in 2016        funds
                                                                      1, 2016                         2016               in 2016                  completion
                                                                                                                                     31, 2016                       interest       in 2016           (%)
                     Suzhou Lvbang Plant            6,478,670.79    4,978,670.79    920,031.40      5,898,702.19                                      100%                                                        Self-raised
                     Kuwait tower cranes            5,298,257.45    5,038,257.45    202,074.12      4,664,068.70        576,262.87                    100%                                                        Self-raised
                     Total                         11,776,928.24   10,016,928.24   1,122,105.52   10,562,770.89         576,262.87
    5.12   Intangible assets
           5.12.1   Intangible assets
                                                       Item                                                         Land use right                             Software                                Total
                     1. Original book value
                     (1) Balance as at January 1, 2016                                                                        7,714,044.00                           2,395,059.29                        10,109,103.29
                     (2) Increase in 2016                                                                                   100,906,958.59                           2,021,556.78                       102,928,515.37
                     - Purchase                                                                                                                                      1,073,583.44                         1,073,583.44
                     -Internal research and development                                                                                  -                                      -                                    -
                     - Increase due to business combinations                                                                100,906,958.59                             947,973.34                       101,854,931.93
                     (3) Decrease in 2016                                                                                                -                                      -                                    -
                     - Disposal                                                                                                          -                                      -                                    -
                     (4) Balance as at December 31, 2016                                                                    108,621,002.59                           4,416,616.07                       113,037,618.66
                     2. Accumulated amortization                                                                                         -                                      -                                    -
                     (1) Balance as at January 1, 2016                                                                          181,202.41                             660,154.55                           841,356.96
                     (2) Increase in 2016                                                                                     4,873,410.93                           1,119,407.22                         5,992,818.15
                     - Provision                                                                                                354,160.54                             755,571.31                         1,109,731.85
                     - Increase due to business combinations                                                                  4,519,250.39                             363,835.91                         4,883,086.30
                     (3) Decrease in 2016
                     - Disposal
                     (4) Balance as at December 31, 2016                                                                       5,054,613.34                          1,779,561.77                             6,834,175.11
                     3. Provision for impairment                                                                                          -                                     -                                        -
                                                                          Notes to the Financial Statements Page 38
                                                       Item                                           Land use right                           Software                        Total
                     (1) Balance as at January 1, 2016                                                                        -                                 -                            -
                     (2) Increase in 2016
                     - Provision
                     (3) Decrease in 2016                                                                                     -                                 -                            -
                     - Disposal                                                                                               -                                 -                            -
                     (4) Balance as at December 31, 2016                                                                      -                                 -                            -
                     4. Book value                                                                                            -                                 -                            -
                     (1) Book value as at December 31, 2016                                                      103,566,389.25                      2,637,054.30               106,203,443.55
                     (2) Book value as at January 1, 2016                                                          7,532,841.59                      1,734,904.74                 9,267,746.33
           5.12.2   Land use right with pending certificate of title
                    There was no land use right with pending certificate of title in 2016.
    5.13   Goodwill
           5.13.1   Original book value of goodwill
                                                                                                                                                           Decrease in
                                                                                                      Balance as at               Increase in 2016
                                                                                                                                                             2016              Balance as at
                                   Name of the investee or matters forming goodwill                    January 1,
                                                                                                                            Formed from business                             December 31, 2016
                                                                                                          2016                                              Disposal
                     Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd.                             6,724,316.91                                                             6,724,316.91
                     Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital Co., Ltd.                                                                        27,257,314.49                            27,257,314.49
                     Sino Great Wall Southwest Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.                                                       17,948,978.53                            17,948,978.53
                     Sino Great Wall Jianyee Engineering Co., Ltd.                                                                       6,943,534.86                             6,943,534.86
                     Total                                                                               6,724,316.91                   52,149,827.88                    -       58,874,144.79
                    Remarks: 1. Natural person Pan Huan and the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.
                    signed an Equity Transfer Agreement on November 25, 2015. Pan Huan transferred 70% of his equities held in Shenzhen Yatian Decoration
                    Design Engineering Co., Ltd. to Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.. After the transfer, the Company's wholly-owned
                    subsidiary Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. held 70% of equities in Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co.,
                    Ltd.. The price for the transfer of 70% of equities in Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. by the Company's
                    wholly-owned subsidiary Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. was RMB 4 million. The Company's wholly-owned subsidiary
                    Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. takes November 25, 2015 as the acquisition date and total combination costs on the
                    acquisition date are RMB 4 million. The difference between RMB-2,724,316.91, namely the fair value of identifiable net assets of 70% of the
                    equities in Shenzhen Yatian Decoration Design Engineering Co., Ltd. acquired by the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Sino Great Wall
                    International Engineering Co., Ltd. on the acquisition date, and the combination costs was RMB 6,724,316.91, which should be included in
                                                                     Notes to the Financial Statements Page 39
                  2. On May 1, 2016, Wuhan Shangzhi Hospital Co., Ltd. and its management shareholders signed a Contract on Equity Transfer and Asset
                  Acquisition with the Company, specifying that Wuhan Shangzhi Hospital Co., Ltd. and its management shareholders transfer 100% of equities
                  in Wuhan Shangzhi Hospital Co., Ltd. to the Company. After the equity transfer, the Company owned 100% of equities in Wuhan Commercial
                  Workers Hospital Co., Ltd.. The consideration of the Company for 100% of equities transferred by Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital Co.,
                  Ltd. was RMB 97 million. The Company took June 21, 2016 as the acquisition date. Total combination costs on the acquisition date were
                  RMB 97 million. The difference between RMB 69,742,685.51, namely the fair value of identifiable net assets of 100% of the equities in
                  Wuhan Shangzhi Hospital Co., Ltd. acquired by the Company on the acquisition date, and the combination costs was RMB 27,257,314.49,
                  which should be included in goodwill.
                  3. Natural persons Ye Jiajun and Zhang Shizhong signed an Equity Transfer Agreement with the Company on July 27, 2016. Ye Jiajun and
                  Zhang Shizhong transferred 100% of his equities held in Sichuan Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd. to Sino Great Wall International Engineering
                  Co., Ltd.. After the transfer, the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. held 100% of
                  equities in Sichuan Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd.. The price made by the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Sino Great Wall International
                  Engineering Co., Ltd. for receiving 100% of equities in Sichuan Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd. was RMB 18 million. The Company took
                  August 9, 2016 as the acquisition date. Total combination costs on the acquisition date were RMB 18 million. The difference between RMB
                  51,021.47, namely the fair value of identifiable net assets of 100% of the equities in Sichuan Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd. acquired by the
                  Company, and the combination costs was RMB 17,948,978.53, which should be included in goodwill. After the acquisition, Sichuan Dinghui
                  Construction Co., Ltd. was renamed Sino Great Wall Southwest Construction Engineering Co., Ltd..
                  4. Sichuan Haoyao Constructional Engineering Co., Ltd. and its parent company Chengdu Ruihe Hongsheng Technology Co., Ltd. signed an
                  Agreement on Increase in Capital and Share with the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd.
                  on November 9, 2016. They transferred 60% of their equities held in Sichuan Haoyao Constructional Engineering Co., Ltd. to Sino Great Wall
                  International Engineering Co., Ltd.. After the transfer, the Company's wholly-owned subsidiary Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co.,
                  Ltd. held 60% of equities in Sichuan Haoyao Constructional Engineering Co., Ltd.. The price made by the Company's wholly-owned
                  subsidiary Sino Great Wall International Engineering Co., Ltd. for receiving 60% of equities in Sichuan Haoyao Constructional Engineering
                  Co., Ltd. was RMB 90 million. The Company took November 11, 2016 as the acquisition date. Total combination costs on the acquisition date
                  were RMB 90 million. The difference between RMB 83,056,465.14, namely the fair value of identifiable net assets of 60% of the equities in
                  Sichuan Haoyao Constructional Engineering Co., Ltd. acquired by the Company on the acquisition date, and the combination costs was RMB
                  6,943,534.86, which should be included in goodwill.
                                                            Notes to the Financial Statements Page 40
    5.14   Long-term deferred expenses
                                                       Balance as at     Increase in     Amortization in                          Balance as at
                               Item                                                                          Other decreases
                                                      January 1, 2016      2016               2016                              December 31, 2016
            Renovation costs                             14,879,816.11   2,567,004.36      5,418,620.60                    -         12,028,199.87
            Overseas guarantee fees                      19,747,240.18   1,856,356.88     13,165,818.10                    -          8,437,778.96
            Subtotal                                     34,627,056.29   4,423,361.24     18,584,438.70                    -         20,465,978.83
            Less: long-term borrowings maturing
            within one year                              15,717,270.60                                                               13,462,942.89
            Total                                        18,909,785.69                                                                7,003,035.94
    5.15   Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
           5.15.1   Deferred income tax assets without offset
                                                              Balance as at December 31, 2016               Balance as at January 1, 2016
                                                                Deductible                                  Deductible
                                        Item                                     Deferred tax                                 Deferred tax
                                                                temporary                                   temporary
                                                                                    assets                                       assets
                                                                differences                                 differences
                          Provision for asset
                          impairment                           484,110,666.81      74,623,400.23           308,401,589.95        46,440,178.39
                          Deductible losses                      2,265,150.21         566,287.55             4,729,047.45         1,171,953.41
                          Inventory provision                    6,456,633.28       1,108,971.56             1,352,585.08           338,146.27
                          Total                                492,832,450.30      76,298,659.34           314,483,222.48        47,950,278.07
           5.15.2       Deferred income tax liabilities without offset
                                                              Balance as at December 31, 2016               Balance as at January 1, 2016
                                                                 Taxable          Deferred                   Taxable            Deferred
                                                                temporary        income tax                 temporary          income tax
                                                                differences       liabilities               differences         liabilities
                          Gains from changes in fair
                          value of financial assets
                          measured at fair value
                          through profit and loss                                                             102,961.04              15,444.16
                          Value increment of assets
                          due to combinations not
                          under common control by
                          evaluation                           109,879,555.06      27,469,888.77
                          Total                                109,879,555.06      27,469,888.77              102,961.04              15,444.16
           5.15.3       Details of unrecognized deferred income tax assets
                                                                      Balance as at                                         Balance as at
                                                                   December 31, 2016                                       January 1, 2016
                         Deductible temporary differences                   1,761,048.62
                         Deductible losses                                 29,368,743.01
                         Total                                             31,129,791.63
    5.16   Other non-current assets
                                                                                          Balance as at                     Balance as at
                                                                                        December 31, 2016                  January 1, 2016
            PPP project investment                                                           48,960,000.00
            Advances for purchase of long-term assets                                        67,942,258.30                     95,353,390.28
            Total                                                                           116,902,258.30                     95,353,390.28
                                               Notes to the Financial Statements Page 41
           1.   Details of equity investments of PPP project companies
                                                        Registered    Subscribed                                 Increase               Balance as at
                                                                                       Shareho   Balance as at
                                                         capital     contributions                               in 2016    Decrease    December 31,
                                  Item                                                  lding     January 1,
                                                          (RMB          (RMB                                      (RMB      in 2016      2016 (RMB
                                                                                         ratio       2016
                                                         '0,000)        '0,000)                                  '0,000)                   '0,000)
                    Luyi Shuguang Medical
                    Industrial Investment and
                    Construction Co., Ltd.                9,600.00       4,896.00       51.00%                   4,896.00                    4,896.00
                    Total                                 9,600.00       4,896.00                                4,896.00                    4,896.00
    5.17   Short-term borrowings
           5.17.1 Short-term borrowings
                                                                                               Balance as at                  Balance as at
                                                                                             December 31, 2016               January 1, 2016
            Guaranteed borrowings                                                              1,621,515,110.00               210,000,000.00
            Commercial acceptance bills endorsed or
            discounted but not expired on the balance sheet
            date                                                     344,543,247.59       15,408,496.07
            Total                                                  1,966,058,357.59      225,408,496.07
           1. Notes to short-term borrowings:
               See Note 10.4 \"Related-party transactions\" for the related-party guarantee for short-term
           2.   There were no outstanding short-term borrowings due as at December 31, 2016.
    5.18   Notes payable
                                                                    Balance as at     Balance as at
                                                                 December 31, 2016   January 1, 2016
            Bank acceptance bill                                      397,450,000.00  143,410,167.17
            Commercial acceptance bill                                309,433,375.54
            Total                                                     706,883,375.54  143,410,167.17
           Total notes payable due but unpaid as at December 31, 2016 were RMB 0.00.
           The amount of notes that will expire in next accounting period was RMB 706,883,375.54.
    5.19   Accounts payable
           5.19.1  Presentation of accounts payable:
                                                                                               Balance as at                  Balance as at
                                                                                             December 31, 2016              January 1, 2016
                             Payments for projects                                             1,295,611,654.20             1,331,950,114.27
                             Payments for purchase of long-term
                             assets                                                                  7,923,625.18                      669,840.50
                             Payment for purchase of medicines                                      10,413,710.87
                             Total                                                               1,313,948,990.25           1,332,619,954.77
           5.19.2           Significant accounts payable with aging over one year:
                                                         Balance as at
                                                                                     Reasons for failure of repayment or
                                     Item                December 31,
                                                                                                                                  Before the
                             CUMMINSQATAR                                     RMB 914,723.58 for those within 1 year              settlement
                             LLC                          11,660,032.30       and RMB 10,745,308.72 within 1-2 years              period
                                                Notes to the Financial Statements Page 42
                                              Balance as at
                                                                      Reasons for failure of repayment or
                            Item              December 31,
                     REINFORCEMEN                                                                               Before the
                     T STEEL CO.                                RMB 658955.18 for those within 1 year           settlement
                     W.L.L                     10,424,868.23    and RMB 9,765,913.05 within 1-2 years           period
                                                                                                                Before the
                     Rezayat Trading Co.                                                                        settlement
                     Limited                   10,782,975.37    RMB 10,782,975.37 within 1-2 years              period
                                                                RMB 11,975,790.38 for those within 1            Before the
                     CHHE GROUP                                 year and RMB 12,588,011.67 within 1-2           settlement
                     CO.,LTD                   24,563,802.05    years                                           period
                     Total                     57,431,677.95    /
    5.20   Advances from customers
           5.20.1  Presentation of advances from customers
                                                                             Balance as at                   Balance as at
                                                                           December 31, 2016                January 1, 2016
                     Payments for projects                                     572,743,695.28                  64,963,842.60
                     Advances for medical services                               1,040,377.30
                     Total                                                     573,784,072.58                  64,963,842.60
    5.21   Employee compensation payable
           5.21.1 Presentation of employee compensation payable
                                                     Balance as at                                               Balance as at
                                                                           Increase in        Decrease in
                                Item                   January 1,                                                December 31,
                     Short-term compensation         11,696,032.04       337,653,647.65      331,711,930.27      17,637,749.42
                     Post-employment benefits -
                     defined contribution plans         973,587.16        13,708,204.80      13,521,994.69        1,159,797.27
                     Total                           12,669,619.20       351,361,852.45     345,233,924.96       18,797,546.69
           5.21.2   Presentation of short-term compensation
                                                      Balance as at                                              Balance as at
                                                                           Increase in        Decrease in
                                Item                   January 1,                                                December 31,
                     (1) Salaries, bonuses,
                     allowances and subsidies        10,957,918.68       303,347,680.62     297,388,634.57       16,916,964.73
                     (2) Employee welfare                        -        14,636,878.07      14,636,878.07                   -
                     (3) Social insurance
                     premiums                           678,746.36          9,768,469.65       9,826,271.31         620,944.70
                     Including: medical
                     insurance premiums                 567,258.19          8,753,518.62       8,804,708.07         516,068.74
                     Work-related injury
                     insurance premium                   48,777.45           300,584.33          322,991.86          26,369.92
                     Maternity insurance
                     premiums                            62,710.72            714,366.70         698,571.38          78,506.04
                     (4) Housing provident funds         59,367.00          8,386,377.05       8,345,904.06          99,839.99
                     (5) Labor union funds and
                     employee education funds                    -         1,514,242.26        1,514,242.26                  -
                     Total                           11,696,032.04       337,653,647.65      331,711,930.27      17,637,749.42
           5.21.3   Presentation of defined contribution plans
                                       Notes to the Financial Statements Page 43
                                                     Balance as at                                          Balance as at
                                                                        Increase in       Decrease in
                               Item                   January 1,                                            December 31,
                     Basic endowment insurance
                     premiums                          928,655.00      13,138,845.28      12,936,675.43       1,130,824.85
                     Unemployment insurance
                     premium                            44,932.16         569,359.52         585,319.26          28,972.42
                     Total                             973,587.16      13,708,204.80      13,521,994.69       1,159,797.27
    5.22   Taxes and surcharges payable
                                                                          Balance as at              Balance as at
                         Taxes and surcharges
                                                                        December 31, 2016           January 1, 2016
            Value-added tax                                                  12,062,605.90                367,314.45
            Business tax                                                     83,297,969.10             99,853,626.46
            Enterprise income tax                                           207,849,865.19            172,280,720.23
            Individual income tax                                             1,515,889.41                545,880.47
            Urban maintenance and construction tax                            4,725,964.11              6,413,578.69
            Education surtax                                                  3,694,729.45              5,106,621.62
            Stamp tax and other taxes                                           336,646.62                258,548.19
            Total                                                           313,483,669.78            284,826,290.11
    5.23   Interest payable
                                                                          Balance as at              Balance as at
                                                                        December 31, 2016           January 1, 2016
            Interest payable on short-term borrowings                         4,710,255.00                330,945.21
            Interest payable on long-term borrowings                          1,718,238.55                197,024.05
            Total                                                             6,428,493.55                527,969.26
    5.24   Other payables
           5.24.1  Other payables by nature
                                                                          Balance as at              Balance as at
                                                                        December 31, 2016           January 1, 2016
                     Bidding margins, performance bonds
                     and deposits                                                 26,582,761.45            19,625,824.93
                     Current accounts between individuals
                     and withholding payables                                  45,650,286.49               42,269,479.45
                     Lendings to shareholders                                              -              523,963,781.16
                     Current accounts between entities                        136,613,997.74               49,313,976.16
                     Others                                                     1,067,929.33                   27,914.90
                     Payments for subscribing shares issued
                     privately                                                 12,500,000.00
                     Total                                                    222,414,975.01              635,200,976.60
           5.24.2   Other significant payables with aging over one year
                                                                                                   Reasons for failure
                                                                          Balance as at
                                          Item                                                      of repayment or
                                                                        December 31, 2016
                     Shenzhen Qunguangshun Construction
                     Labor Co., Ltd.                                              31,500,000.00 Unexpired yet
                     Total                                                        31,500,000.00
                                      Notes to the Financial Statements Page 44
    5.25   Non-current liabilities maturing within one year
                                                                                            Balance as at                     Balance as at
                                                                                          December 31, 2016                  January 1, 2016
            Long-term borrowings maturing within one year                                     175,958,998.04                     7,135,752.00
            Total                                                                             175,958,998.04                     7,135,752.00
    5.26   Other current liabilities
                                                                                            Balance as at                     Balance as at
                                                                                          December 31, 2016                  January 1, 2016
            Output tax to be carried forward                                                   30,382,980.72
            Total                                                                              30,382,980.72
    5.27   Long-term borrowings
           5.27.1  Classification of long-term borrowings
                                                                                            Balance as at                     Balance as at
                                                                                          December 31, 2016                  January 1, 2016
                            Pledged borrowings                                                500,000,000.00                    19,480,800.00
                            Mortgage borrowings                                                 3,175,860.22                    10,659,849.14
                            Guaranteed borrowings                                             283,683,018.60
                            Total                                                             786,858,878.82                     30,140,649.14
    5.28   Estimated liabilities
                                                                 Balance as at                 Balance as at
                                Item                                                                                  Reasons for the formation
                                                               December 31, 2016              January 1, 2016
                                                                                                                     Provision for pending
            Pending litigation                                       13,225,861.70                                   litigation of the Company
            Total                                                    13,225,861.70                                   /
    5.29   Share capital
                                                                                 Increase/Decrease in 2016
                                       Balance as at                                                                                  Balance as at
                                                          Issuance                   Reserves
                     Item               January 1,                   Bonus                                                            December 31,
                                                           of new                  transferred to      Others        Subtotal
                                                           shares                   share capital
            Total amount of
            shares                   446,906,582.00                               1,251,338,429.00                1,251,338,429.00   1,698,245,011.00
    5.30   Capital reserve
                                                        Balance as at                                                             Balance as at
                            Item                                              Increase in 2016        Decrease in 2016
                                                       January 1, 2016                                                          December 31, 2016
            Capital premium (share
            premium)                                    394,052,904.72                                  1,251,338,429.00           -857,285,524.28
            Other capital reserves                     -444,420,766.94            2,356,589.48                                     -442,064,177.46
            Total                                       -50,367,862.22            2,356,589.48          1,251,338,429.00         -1,299,349,701.74
           Remark: Increase in other capital reserves of RMB 2,356,589.48 in 2016 was capital reserves
           increased due to accounting of interest of borrowings of the controlling shareholders and
           associated natural persons to the Company according to the equity transactions; The capital
           reserves conversed into share capital of RMB 1,251,338,429.00 in 2016 were the decrease of
           capital reserves in 2016.
    5.31   Special reserve
                                                         Balance as at                                                            Balance as at
                              Item                                            Increase in 2016         Decrease in 2016
                                                        January 1, 2016                                                         December 31, 2016
            Work safety costs                             46,014,941.54          56,095,547.05               36,422,620.45          65,687,868.14
            Total                                         46,014,941.54          56,095,547.05               36,422,620.45          65,687,868.14
                                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 45
    5.32   Surplus reserve
                                               Balance as at                                                Balance as at
                         Item                                    Increase in 2016      Decrease in 2016
                                              January 1, 2016                                             December 31, 2016
            Statutory surplus reserves          84,394,441.23                                                 84,394,441.23
            Total                               84,394,441.23                                                 84,394,441.23
    5.33   Undistributed profits
                                       Item                                           Year 2016             Year 2015
            Undistributed profits as at the end of last period
            before adjustment                                                        755,308,636.19        443,707,019.71
            Adjustment to total undistributed profits at the
            beginning of the year (\"+\" for increase and \"-\" for
            Undistributed profits at the beginning of the year
            after adjustment                                                         755,308,636.19        443,707,019.71
            Plus: net profit attributable to owners of the parent
            company in the year                                                      473,661,862.67        346,648,651.48
            Less: withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves                                                  35,047,035.00
            Undistributed profits at the end of the year                         1,228,970,498.86          755,308,636.19
    5.34   Operating income and operating cost
                                                       Amount in 2016                             Amount in 2015
                                                Income               Cost                  Income                Cost
            Primary business                4,662,402,374.17    3,459,377,744.66       4,010,300,741.19     3,165,027,185.66
            Other business                      2,596,743.00                   -              58,258.39
            Total                           4,664,999,117.17    3,459,377,744.66       4,010,358,999.58     3,165,027,185.66
    5.35   Business taxes and surcharges
                                   Item                                          Amount in 2016           Amount in 2015
            Business tax                                                           8,128,747.41             71,137,330.61
            Urban maintenance and construction tax                                   597,022.91              4,552,568.01
            Education surtax                                                         478,975.13              3,795,770.42
            Other taxes                                                              446,784.01
            Total                                                                  9,651,529.46             79,485,669.04
    5.36   Selling expenses
                                   Item                                          Amount in 2016           Amount in 2015
            Employee compensation                                                   6,623,108.93             7,480,826.85
            Travel expenses                                                           934,104.49             1,055,919.35
            Entertainment expenses                                                    469,366.01               898,779.78
            Advertising and promotion expenses                                          2,675.00               155,680.00
            Engineering maintenance fees                                           17,911,593.82             1,431,742.98
            Others                                                                  4,377,840.02             2,663,223.14
            Total                                                                  30,318,688.27            13,686,172.10
                                         Notes to the Financial Statements Page 46
    5.37   General and administrative expenses
                                     Item                                  Amount in 2016       Amount in 2015
            Employee compensation                                           127,039,183.19        87,117,818.35
            Office costs                                                      9,544,489.51         6,241,300.07
            Rental fees                                                      19,084,430.19        12,393,307.35
            Travel expenses                                                  12,096,343.79         5,350,149.45
            Entertainment expenses                                            9,828,496.48         6,462,222.69
            Depreciation of fixed assets                                      6,848,917.76         2,339,244.07
            Vehicle costs                                                     2,871,639.42         2,586,923.27
            Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                       4,308,529.48         4,844,357.87
            Consulting fees                                                  79,559,745.78        10,069,218.74
            Conference expenses                                                 156,486.46           136,778.15
            Others                                                           42,592,471.50        17,021,007.85
            Total                                                           313,930,733.56       154,562,327.86
    5.38   Financial expenses
                                  Category                                 Amount in 2016       Amount in 2015
            Interest expenses                                               130,325,289.46        45,919,707.78
            Less: Interest income                                             3,936,374.12         1,654,394.40
            Gains or losses on exchange                                     -75,709,807.87        -7,285,087.59
            Discount interest                                                19,445,217.45         4,863,792.26
            Handling charges and others                                      57,312,903.03        13,022,383.97
            Total                                                           127,437,227.95        54,866,402.02
    5.39   Losses from asset impairment
                                   Item                                    Amount in 2016       Amount in 2015
            Losses on bad debts                                             164,907,841.91       109,984,519.09
            Losses on inventory depreciation                                  5,104,048.20         1,352,585.08
            Total                                                           170,011,890.11       111,337,104.17
    5.40   Gains from changes in fair value
                Source of the gains from changes in fair value             Amount in 2016       Amount in 2015
            Financial assets measured at fair value through
            current profit and loss                                                                   42,553.26
            Total                                                                                     42,553.26
    5.41   Investment income
                                     Item                                  Amount in 2016       Amount in 2015
            Income from long-term equity investments accounted
            for under equity method                                                         -
            Investment income from disposal of long-term equity
            investments                                                                     -
            Investment income received from financial assets
            measured at fair value through current profit and loss
            during the holding period                                                       -
            Investment income received from disposal of
            financial assets measured at fair value through
            current profit and loss                                              13,448.02
            Investment income from held-to-maturity
            investments during the holding period                                           -
            Investment income of available-for-sale financial
            assets during the holding period                                                -
                                   Notes to the Financial Statements Page 47
                                      Item                                       Amount in 2016            Amount in 2015
            Investment income from disposal of
            available-for-sale financial assets                                                     -
            Gains and losses arising from re-measurement of the
            remaining equities at the fair value after the loss of
            the control                                                                         -
            Others                                                                   2,212,902.95
            Total                                                                    2,226,350.97
    5.42   Non-operating income
                                                                                                          Amount included in
                                 Item                        Amount in 2016      Amount in 2015         non-recurring gains and
                                                                                                            losses in 2016
            Total gains from disposal of non-current
            assets                                                                      4,455.00
            Including: gains from disposal of fixed assets                              4,455.00
            Government grants                                     108,121.33          342,246.00                     108,121.33
            Others                                             26,318,921.53           34,032.08                  26,318,921.53
            Total                                              26,427,042.86          380,733.08                  26,427,042.86
           Government subsidies included in current profit and loss
                                Item                         Amount in 2016      Amount in 2015     Related to assets/income
            Rewards for headquarter-mode enterprises
            that have made investments in Tongzhou                 72,365.00          342,246.00              Related to income
            Post subsidy                                           35,756.33                                  Related to income
            Total                                                 108,121.33          342,246.00                              /
    5.43   Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                          Amount included in
                                 Item                        Amount in 2016      Amount in 2015         non-recurring gains and
                                                                                                            losses in 2016
            Total losses from disposal of non-current
            assets                                                564,833.40           85,567.15                     564,833.40
            Including: losses on disposal of fixed assets         564,833.40           85,567.15                     564,833.40
            Foreign donations
            Others                                             21,022,106.88           939,828.42                 21,022,106.88
            Total                                              21,586,940.28         1,025,395.57                 21,586,940.28
    5.44   Income tax expenses
           5.44.1  Statement of income tax expenses
                                       Item                                      Amount in 2016            Amount in 2015
                    Current income tax expenses                                   115,052,974.76             82,948,121.72
                    Deferred income tax expenses                                  -25,808,113.01              1,740,767.09
                    Total                                                          89,244,861.75             84,688,888.81
           5.44.2     Adjustment process of accounting profits and income tax expenses
                                                       Item                            Amount in 2016
                       Total profit                                                     561,337,756.70
                       Income tax expenses calculated at the statutory [or applicable]
                       tax rate                                                         140,334,439.18
                       Effect of different tax rate applicable to subsidiaries            1,009,583.31
                       Effect of adjustment on income tax in previous periods
                       Effect of tax-exempt income
                       Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses               42,837,964.72
                                         Notes to the Financial Statements Page 48
                                                    Item                                        Amount in 2016
                     Effect of deductible losses from using deferred income tax assets
                     unrecognized in previous periods
                     Effect of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses
                     from deferred income tax assets unrecognized in the current
                     period                                                                        7,242,029.39
                     Income tax expenses                                                          89,244,861.75
    5.45   Items in the statement of cash flows
           5.45.1    Cash received from other operating activities
                                          Item                     Amount in 2016               Amount in 2015
                      Interest income                                  3,936,374.12                 1,654,394.40
                      Margin, deposit and other current accounts   1,814,618,138.18             1,372,680,802.86
                      Government grants                                  108,121.33                   342,246.00
                      Total                                        1,818,662,633.63             1,374,677,443.26
           5.45.2   Cash paid for other operating activities
                                        Item                              Amount in 2016        Amount in 2015
                     Handling charges                                        15,515,853.49         17,871,746.12
                     Margin and deposit expenses                            117,417,474.74         65,681,623.08
                     Selling expenses                                        23,695,579.34          5,708,228.19
                     General and administrative expenses                    175,125,500.48         58,197,102.84
                     Current accounts                                     2,657,532,011.53      1,490,471,903.13
                     Total                                                2,989,286,419.58      1,637,930,603.36
           5.45.3   Cash received from other investing activities
                                         Item                     Amount in 2016                Amount in 2015
                     Individual financing funds received           162,855,000.00                779,900,000.00
                     Non-public deposits                            12,500,000.00
                     Total                                         175,355,000.00                779,900,000.00
           5.45.4   Cash paid for other financing activities
                                         Item                                 Amount in 2016    Amount in 2015
                     Note margin                                                            -     46,903,589.64
                     Individual financing funds                                530,980,295.84    328,378,111.24
                     Trust deposits                                              2,000,000.00
                     Financing fees                                             22,800,000.00
                     Total                                                     555,780,295.84    375,281,700.88
    5.46   Supplementary information to the statement of cash flows
           5.46.1 Supplementary information to the statement of cash flows
                            Supplementary information               Year 2016                      Year 2015
                   1. Net profit adjusted to cash flows from
                   operating activities
                   Net profit                                     472,092,894.95                 346,103,140.68
                   Plus: provision for asset impairment           170,011,890.11                 111,337,104.17
                   Depreciation of fixed assets and others           8,868,947.59                  3,522,849.96
                   Amortization of intangible assets                 1,109,731.85                    627,434.01
                   Amortization of long-term deferred
                   expenses                                         18,584,438.70                 12,313,310.96
                   Losses on disposal of fixed assets,
                   intangible assets and other long-term assets
                   (\"-\" for gains)                                     564,833.40                     81,112.15
                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 49
                             Supplementary information                         Year 2016          Year 2015
                    Losses on write-off of fixed assets (“-” for
                    Losses from changes in fair value (\"-\" for
                    gains)                                                                           -42,553.26
                    Financial expenses (\"-\" for gains)                        136,256,259.56      38,634,620.19
                    Investment loss (\"-\" for gains)                             2,226,350.97                  -
                    Decreases in deferred income tax assets (\"-\"
                    for increases)                                               1,646,331.60      1,741,109.30
                    Increases in deferred income tax liabilities
                    (\"-\" for decreases)                                        -27,454,444.61           -342.21
                    Decreases in inventories (\"-\" for increases)              -148,243,275.45   -134,526,054.06
                    Decreases in operating receivables (“-” for
                    increases)                                           -2,878,862,492.67      -867,621,315.78
                    Decreases in operating payables (\"-\" for
                    decreases)                                                555,322,720.06     195,778,326.80
                    Net cash flows from operating activities             -1,687,875,813.94      -292,051,257.08
                    2. Significant investing and financing
                    activities not involving cash inflows and
                    Conversion of debt into capital
                    Convertible corporate bonds due within one
                    Fixed assets acquired under financial lease
                    3. Net change in cash and cash equivalents
                    Ending balance of cash                                    943,705,322.41     582,745,756.81
                    Less: Beginning balance of cash                           582,745,756.81     243,759,954.90
                    Plus: Ending balance of cash equivalents
                    Less: Beginning balance of cash
                    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                 360,959,565.60     338,985,801.91
          5.46.2   Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries in 2016
                    Cash or cash equivalents paid in 2016 for business combinations
                    incurred in 2016                                                             110,000,000.00
                    Less: cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on the
                    acquisition date                                                              67,532,263.39
                    Plus: Cash or cash equivalents paid in 2016 for business
                    combinations in previous periods
                    Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries                                 42,467,736.61
          5.46.3   Breakdowns of cash and cash equivalents
                                                                        Balance as at            Balance as at
                                                                      December 31, 2016         January 1, 2016
                    I. Cash                                               943,705,322.41         582,745,756.81
                    Including: cash on hand                                 2,974,883.16           1,349,587.20
                       Unrestricted bank deposit                          940,730,439.25         343,390,159.56
                       Other unrestricted monetary funds                                         238,006,010.05
                    II. Cash equivalents
                    III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents
                    as at December 31, 2016                                   943,705,322.41     582,745,756.81
                    Including: cash and cash restricted for
                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 50
                                                                        Balance as at           Balance as at
                                                                      December 31, 2016        January 1, 2016
                     use by the parent company or
                     subsidiaries within the group
    5.47   Restricted assets
                                                                   Book value as at
                                Item                                                      -Reason for restriction
                                                                  December 31, 2016
            Cash and cash equivalents                                 397,110,499.42      Deposits
            Notes receivable                                           98,645,997.87      Pledge
            Balance of accounts receivables                         1,509,610,147.37      Pledge
            Total                                                   2,005,366,644.66
    5.48   Monetary items in foreign currency
           5.48.1  Monetary items in foreign currency
                                            Balance in foreign                                 RMB balance
                             Item             currency as at                                  translated as at
                                            December 31, 2016                               December 31, 2016
                    Cash and cash
                    equivalents                                                                1,088,130,877.82
                    Including: USD              154,220,972.45                   6.9370        1,069,830,885.89
                    GBP                                1,000.00                  8.5094                8,509.40
                    HKD                            1,525,578.86                  0.8945            1,364,645.55
                    QAR                               82,452.21                  1.9051              157,078.79
                    THB                               50,000.00                  0.1937                9,684.67
                    INR                         292,646,802.97                   0.0463           13,552,008.49
                    PHP                              122,867.99                  0.1402               17,224.11
                    MYR                              284,472.84                  1.5527              441,686.76
                    KWD                              116,796.90                 22.6588            2,646,480.79
                    BUK                            1,590,000.00                  0.0051                8,109.00
                    MOP                              108,932.37                  0.8681               94,564.37
                    Accounts receivable                                                        2,062,888,319.06
                    Including: USD              109,812,714.10                   6.9370          761,770,797.71
                    QAR                         159,572,978.97                   1.9051          304,000,701.70
                    INR                       1,149,337,736.29                   0.0463           53,224,004.52
                    PHP                                        -                 0.1402                       -
                    MYR                          42,494,611.37                   1.5527           65,979,258.34
                    MOP                            1,362,817.67                  0.8681            1,183,064.22
                    DZD                          24,867,193.21                   0.0626            1,557,808.06
                    KWD                          38,623,917.74                  22.6588          875,172,684.51
                    Advances to
                    suppliers                                                                     96,686,246.86
                    Including: USD                 2,587,704.72                  6.9370           17,950,907.64
                    QAR                          21,321,042.22                   1.9051           40,618,479.63
                    INR                            8,026,046.66                  0.0463              371,673.47
                    KWD                            1,665,804.92                 22.6588           37,745,186.12
                    Other receivables                                                            148,838,337.87
                    Including: USD               13,048,500.31                   6.9370           90,517,446.65
                    HKD                               15,150.00                  0.8945               13,551.83
                    MOP                                        -                 0.8681                       -
                    INR                          25,540,450.43                   0.0463            1,182,737.68
                    MYR                              462,804.74                  1.5527              718,573.78
                    PHP                              116,997.00                  0.1402               16,401.10
                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 51
                                               Balance in foreign                            RMB balance
                           Item                  currency as at                             translated as at
                                               December 31, 2016                          December 31, 2016
                   QAR                              15,675,667.09                1.9051         29,863,538.46
                   THB                                1,022,031.04               0.1937            197,960.61
                   KWD                                1,149,993.31              22.6588         26,057,499.89
                   DZD                                3,361,846.96               0.0626            210,603.27
                   BUK                              11,841,381.00                0.0051              60,024.60
                   Accounts payable                                                            615,773,811.43
                   Including: USD                     42,867,884.62              6.9370        297,374,515.61
                   QAR                                51,783,417.59              1.9051         98,652,011.05
                   INR                               364,688,798.76              0.0463         16,888,158.86
                   PHP                                    44,130.43              0.1402               6,186.38
                   MYR                                16,300,996.89              1.5527         25,309,742.82
                   KWD                                 7,536,594.55             22.6588        170,770,394.88
                   BUK                             1,336,107,728.00              0.0051          6,772,801.83
                   Advances from
                   customers                                                                   31,893,381.65
                   Including: USD                      1,524,015.00              6.9370        10,572,092.06
                   EUR                                 1,998,722.68              7.3068        14,604,266.88
                   HKD                                            -              0.8945                    -
                   DZD                               107,223,416.22              0.0626         6,717,022.71
                   Other payables                                                              80,390,994.02
                   Including: USD                      10,134,042.51             6.9370        70,299,852.89
                   HKD                                             -             0.8945                    -
                   QAR                                    500,339.30             1.9051           953,190.82
                   INR                                 42,167,275.30             0.0463         1,952,699.52
                   PHP                                      8,447.15             0.1402             1,184.15
                   DZD                                    126,262.63             0.0626             7,909.74
                   KWD                                    316,704.69            22.6588         7,176,156.90
                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 52
6.   Changes in the scope of consolidation
     6.1  Business combinations not under common control
          6.1.1      Business combinations not under common control in 2016
                                                                                                                                                                                             Revenue of the         Net profit of the
                                                                                       Costs for       Proportion of            Method of                                  Recognition      acquiree from the      acquiree from the
                                                            Timing of acquisition
                                   Acquiree                                          acquisition of   equities acquired       acquisition of        Acquisition date       basis of the     acquisition date to     acquisition date
                                                                 of equities
                                                                                        equities            (%)                  equities                                acquisition date     December 31,         to December 31,
                     Wuhan Commercial Workers Hospital                                                                                                                   Acquisition of
                     Co., Ltd.                             June 21, 2016             97,000,000.00                  100     Acquisition           June 21, 2016          control                82,027,233.44           3,120,181.28
                     Sino Great Wall Southwest                                                                                                                           Acquisition of
                     Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.    August 9, 2016            18,000,000.00                  100     Acquisition           August 9, 2016         control                14,967,733.16             426,158.33
                     Sino Great Wall Jianyee Engineering                                                                    Increase in capital                          Acquisition of
                     Co., Ltd.                             November 11, 2016         90,000,000.00                     60   and share             November 11, 2016      control               102,593,058.61             541,256.23
           6.1.2    Combination cost and goodwill
                                                                                                                                                          Sino Great Wall                          Sino Great Wall
                                                                                                                                                       Southwest Construction                    Jianyee Engineering
                                                                                                                       Workers Hospital
                                                                                                                                                        Engineering Co., Ltd.                         Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                          Co., Ltd.
                     Combination cost
                     - Cash                                                                                                  97,000,000.00                             18,000,000.00                          90,000,000.00
                     - Fair value of non-cash assets                                                                                     -                                         -                                      -
                     -Fair value of liabilities issued or assumed                                                                        -                                         -                                      -
                     -Fair value of equity securities issued                                                                             -                                         -                                      -
                     -Fair value of contingent consideration                                                                             -                                         -                                      -
                     - Fair value of equities held before the acquisition date on the
                     acquisition date                                                                                                    -                                         -                                      -
                     - Others                                                                                                            -                                         -                                      -
                     Total combination costs                                                                                 97,000,000.00                             18,000,000.00                          90,000,000.00
                     Less: share of fair value of identifiable net assets acquired                                           69,742,685.51                                 51,021.47                          83,056,465.14
                     Amount of goodwill/combination cost less than the share of fair
                     value of identifiable net assets acquired                                                               27,257,314.49                             17,948,978.53                              6,943,534.86
                                                                                Notes to the Financial Statements Page 53
          6.1.3   Identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree on the acquisition date
                  (Unit: RMB '0,000)
                                                                                                         Sino Great Wall Southwest
                                                                        Wuhan Commercial                                                   Sino Great Wall Jianyee
                                                                                                          Construction Engineering
                                                                      Workers Hospital Co., Ltd.                                            Engineering Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Co., Ltd.
                                                                      Fair value        Book value      Fair value on    Book value      Fair value on   Book value
                                                                         on the           on the             the            on the            the          on the
                                                                      acquisition       acquisition      acquisition     acquisition      acquisition    acquisition
                                                                          date             date              date            date             date          date
                   Current assets                                       17,101.91         17,101.91            404.21          387.62       29,475.62      27,984.18
                   Non-current assets                                   14,056.60          2,552.97                               4.15          307.19        679.46
                   Total assets:                                        31,158.51         19,654.88            404.21          391.77       29,782.81      28,663.64
                   Current liabilities                                  21,308.34         21,308.34            377.34          377.34       24,150.98      24,150.98
                   non-current liabilities                                       -                  -
                   Total liabilities:                                   21,308.34         21,308.34           377.34           377.34       24,150.98     24,150.98
                   Net asset                                             9,850.17         -1,653.46            26.87            14.43        5,631.83      4,512.66
                   Less: minority equity                                         -                  -                                        2,252.73      1,805.06
                   Net asset acquired                                    9,850.17         -1,653.46            26.87            14.43        3,379.10      2,707.60
                                                            Notes to the Financial Statements Page 54
     6.2    Changes in the scope of consolidation for other reasons
            1. The Company established a wholly-owned subsidiary in 2016 - SINO GREAT WALL
               INTERNETIONAL ENGINEERING (CNMI) CO., LLC with registered capital of USD 1
            2.   The Company established a wholly-owned subsidiary in 2016 - Sino Great Wall (Beijing)
                 Investment Management Co., Ltd. with registered capital of RMB 100 million.
            3.   The Company established a holding subsidiary in 2016 - Sino Great Wall Real Estate
                 (Hubei) Co., Ltd. with the shareholding ratio of 80% and the registered capital of RMB 100
            4.   The Company established a holding subsidiary in 2016 - Sino Great Wall Development
                 (Hengqin) Co., Ltd. with the shareholding ratio of 85% and the registered capital of RMB
                 50 million.
            5.   The Company established a holding subsidiary in 2016 - PT.SINO GREAT WALL
                 INVESTMENT INDONESIA with the shareholding ratio of 99.9% and the registered
                 capital of IDR 520 billion.
            6.   The Company established a holding subsidiary in 2016 - PT.SINO GREAT WALL
                 CONSTRUCTION INDONESIA with the shareholding ratio of 67% and the registered
                 capital of IDR 150 billion.
            7.   The Company established a holding subsidiary in 2016 - SINO GREAT WALL
                 INTERNETIONAL ENGINEERING (MM) CO., LTD with the shareholding ratio of 80%
                 and the registered capital of USD 10 million.
            8.   The Company established a wholly-owned subsidiary in 2016 - Sino Great Wall New
                 Energy (Beijing) Co., Ltd. with registered capital of RMB 30 million.
            9.   The Company canceled a holding subsidiary in 2016 - Sino Heji Environmental Protection
                 Materials Co., Ltd.
7.   Equity in other entities
     7.1    Equity in subsidiaries
            7.1.1     Structure of the enterprise group
                                                          Principal place    Registered     Nature of    Shareholding ratio (%)        Way of
                               Name of subsidiaries
                                                            of business         place       business     Directly    Indirectly       acquisition
                       Sino Great Wall Medical
                       Investment Management Co.,                                         Medical                                 Establishmen
                       Ltd.                               Beijing           Beijing       investment         100                  t
                       Sino Great Wall Infrastructure                                     import and                              Establishmen
                       Investment Co., Ltd.               Beijing           Beijing       export             100                  t
                       Wuhan Commercial Workers
                       Hospital Co., Ltd.                 Wuhan             Wuhan         Health care        100                  Acquisition
                       Sino Great Wall International
                       Engineering Co., Ltd.              Beijing           Beijing       Decoration         100                  Acquisition
                       Sino Great Wall Jianyee
                       Engineering Co., Ltd. (formerly
                       known as Sichuan Haoyao
                       Constructional Engineering Co.,
                       Ltd.)                              Chengdu           Chengdu       Construction        60                  Acquisition
                                              Notes to the Financial Statements Page 55
                                                      Principal place    Registered     Nature of      Shareholding ratio (%)        Way of
                         Name of subsidiaries
                                                        of business         place       business       Directly    Indirectly       acquisition
                                                                                      and property
                   Sino Great Wall (Beijing)                                          economy and
                   Investment Fund Management                                         trade                                     Establishmen
                   Co., Ltd.                          Beijing           Beijing       consulting           100                  t
                   Sino Great Wall Real Estate                                        Real estate                               Establishmen
                   (Hubei) Co., Ltd.                  Wuhan             Wuhan         development           80                  t
                   Sino Great Wall New Energy                                         New energy                                Establishmen
                   (Beijing) Co., Ltd.                Beijing           Beijing       technology           100                  t
                   Qian'an Sino Solar Power                                           photovoltaic                              Establishmen
                   Generation Co., Ltd.               Qian'an           Qian'an       power station        100                  t
                   Wu'an Juhe Photovoltaic Power                                      power                                     Establishmen
                   Generation Co., Ltd.               Wu'an             Wu'an         generation           100                  t
                   Bozhou Guangcheng New                                              Solar power                               Establishmen
                   Energy Co., Ltd.                   Bozhou            Bozhou        generation           100                  t
                   Bozhou Zhaosheng Agricultural                                                                                Establishmen
                   Technology Co., Ltd.               Bozhou            Bozhou        Agriculture          100                  t
                   Bozhou Xieying Solar Power                                         Solar power                               Establishmen
                   Generation Co., Ltd.               Bozhou            Bozhou        generation           100                  t
                   Shanghai Ling Rui International                                                                              Establishmen
                   Trade Company Limited              Shanghai          Shanghai      Trade                100                  t
                                                                                      research and
                                                                                      and sales,
                                                                                      trade as well
                   Shenzhen Hongtulve Industrial                                      as import and                             Establishmen
                   Co., Ltd.                          Shenzhen          Shenzhen      export               100                  t
                   Sino Great Wall Development                                        Design and                                Establishmen
                   (Hengqin) Co., Ltd.                Zhuhai            Hengqin       construction          85                  t
                   SINO GREAT WALL (USA).             The United        The United    allowed by                                Establishmen
                   INC                                States            States        law                  100                  t
                   Herabenna Interior Design                                                                                    Establishmen
                   Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                Guangzhou         Guangzhou     Design               100                  t
                                                                                      and electrical
                                                                                      trade and
                   Inrich Me Engineering Co.,                                         investment                                Establishmen
                   Limited                            Hong Kong         Hong Kong     consulting           100                  t
                   Sino Great Wall Southwest
                   Construction Engineering Co.,
                   Ltd. (formerly known as Sichuan
                   Dinghui Construction Co., Ltd.)    Chengdu           Chengdu       Construction         100                  Acquisition
                   PT.SINO GREAT WALL                                                 Real estate or                            Establishmen
                   INVESTMENT INDONESIA               Indonesia         Indonesia     lease                99.9                 t
                   PT.SINO GREAT WALL                                                                                           Establishmen
                   CONSTRUCTION INDONESIA             Indonesia         Indonesia     Construction          67                  t
                                          Notes to the Financial Statements Page 56
                                                          Principal place    Registered      Nature of     Shareholding ratio (%)        Way of
                             Name of subsidiaries
                                                            of business            place     business      Directly    Indirectly       acquisition
                       SINO GREAT WALL
                       ENGINEERING(CNMI)CO.,LL                                             Design and                               Establishmen
                       C                                  Saipan            Saipan         construction        100                  t
                       Shenzhen Yatian Decoration                                          Design and
                       Design Engineering Co., Ltd.       Shenzhen          Shenzhen       construction         70                  Acquisition
                       Sino Great Wall International
                       Engineering (MACAU) Co.,                                            Design and                               Establishmen
                       Limited                            Macao             Macao          construction         96              4   t
                                                                                           design, trade
                       Sino Great Wall Group Co.,                                          investment                               Establishmen
                       Limited                            Hong Kong         Hong Kong      consulting          100                  t
                       SGW HP
                       EngineeringConstructionSDN.B                                        Design and                               Establishmen
                       HD                                 Malaysia          Malaysia       construction        100                  t
                       SINO GREAT WALL                                                     construction
                       (PHILIPPINES)                                                       and import
                       INTERNATIONAL                                                       and export                               Establishmen
                       CORPORITION                        Philippines       Philippines    trade               100                  t
                       Beijing Sino Great Wall                                             Design and                               Establishmen
                       Decoration Design Co., Ltd.        Beijing           Beijing        consulting          100                  t
                       Suzhou Lvbang Wood                                                  Production                               Establishmen
                       Technology Co., Ltd.               Suzhou            Suzhou         and sales           100                  t
                       Sino Heji Environmental                                             Production                               Establishmen
                       Protection Materials Co., Ltd.     Heji              Heji           and sales            80                  t
                       SINO GREAT WALL
                       INTERNETIONAL                                                       Design and                               Establishmen
                       ENGINEERING(MM)CO.,LTD             Myanmar           Myanmar        construction         80                  t
                       Sino Great Wall International                                                                                Establishmen
                       Engineering (Thailand) Co., Ltd.   Thailand          Thailand                        48.998                  t
8.   Risks associated with financial instruments
     The Company faces various financial risks in the process of operation: credit risks, market risks and
     liquidity risks. The Board of Directors of the Company shall be fully responsible for determining risk
     management objectives and policies and bearing the ultimate liabilities for that. However, the Board of
     Directors has authorized the management to design and implement the process that can ensure the
     effective implementation of the risk management objectives and policies. The Board of Directors
     reviews the effectiveness of the enforced procedures and the rationality of risk management objectives
     and policies through monthly reports submitted by the management. Internal auditors of the Company
     will also audit risk management policies and procedures and report the relevant findings to the audit
     Overall objective of risk management of the Company is to formulate risk management policies to
     minimize risks without undue prejudice to the Company's competitiveness and resilience.
     8.1    Credit risk
            Credit risk refers to a risk of financial losses suffered by one party of financial instruments due
            to the failure of the other party to fulfill obligations. The Company mainly faces customer credit
            risks caused by sales on account. Prior to the conclusion of a new contract, the Company will
            evaluate the credit risk of the new customer, including external credit rating and bank reference
            letter under some circumstances if the relevant information is available. The Company sets a
            credit limit for each customer. The limit is the maximum amount unnecessary for additional
                                              Notes to the Financial Statements Page 57
          The Company quarterly monitors credit ratings of existing customers and monthly reviews aging
          analysis of accounts receivable to ensure that the Company's overall credit risk is within the
          controllable range. When the Company monitors credit risks of customers, the customers shall
          be divided into groups according to their credit features. Customers rated as \"high risk\" will be
          placed in a restricted customer list. The Company may sell goods to such customers on credit in
          future periods subject to additional approval; otherwise the Company must require advance
    8.2   Market risk
          Market risk associated with financial instruments refers to the risk arising from changes in fair
          value or future cash flows of financial instruments due to market price fluctuation, including
          interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk.
          (1) Interest rate risk
               Interest rate risk refers to the risk arising from changes in fair value or future cash flows of
               financial instruments due to fluctuation in market interest rate. The Company's interest rate
               risk mainly derives from bank borrowings. The Company establishes good relations with
               banks and reasonably designs credit lines, credit varieties and credit period to guarantee
               sufficient bank credit lines and to meet short-term financing needs. By shortening the time
               limit of a single loan, the Company may specifically agree terms of the prepayment to
               reasonably reduce the risk of interest rate.
               On December 31, 2016, in case other variables remain unchanged, if the loan interest rate
               calculated at a floating interest rate rises or falls 100 basis points, the Company's net profit
               will reduce or increase by RMB 21,200 (December 31, 2015: RMB 2,178,000).
          (2) Exchange rate risk
              Exchange rate risk refers to the risk arising from changes in fair value or future cash flows
              of financial instruments due to fluctuation in foreign exchange rate. The Company shall
              match foreign currency income and foreign currency expenses as much as possible to
              minimize exchange rate risk. In addition, the Company may also sign forward foreign
              exchange contracts or currency swap contracts to avoid exchange rate risks.
               The exchange rate risk faced by the Company mainly derives from dollar-denominated
               financial assets and financial liabilities. Foreign currency financial assets and financial
               liabilities are converted into amount in RMB as follows:
                                                    Balance as at December 31, 2016 (RMB)                  Balance as at January 1, 2016 (RMB)
                              Item                                Other foreign         Total                          Other foreign      Total
                                                  USD                                                     USD
                                                                   currencies                                           currencies
               Cash and cash equivalents      1,069,830,885.89     18,299,991.93    1,088,130,877.82   12,367,626.74   47,803,146.93   60,170,773.67
               Accounts receivable             761,770,797.71    1,301,117,521.35   2,062,888,319.06 261,680,003.01    64,685,392.32 326,365,395.33
               Advances to suppliers            17,950,907.64      78,735,339.22      96,686,246.86     3,219,710.57   21,727,760.68   24,947,471.25
               Other receivables                90,517,446.65      58,320,891.22     148,838,337.87    19,653,509.31   61,363,486.93   81,016,996.24
               Sub-total of assets            1,940,070,037.89   1,456,473,743.72   3,396,543,781.61 296,920,849.63 195,579,786.86 492,500,636.49
               Accounts payable                297,374,515.61     318,399,295.82     615,773,811.43 121,182,379.88 321,046,692.24 442,229,072.12
               Advances from customers          10,572,092.06      21,321,289.59      31,893,381.65                    16,637,252.49   16,637,252.49
               Other payables                   70,299,852.89      10,091,141.13      80,390,994.02     2,005,010.46    3,042,262.65    5,047,273.11
               Sub-total of liabilities        378,246,460.56     349,811,726.54     728,058,187.10 123,187,390.34 340,726,207.38 463,913,597.72
               Net amount                     1,561,823,577.33   1,106,662,017.18   2,668,485,594.51 173,733,459.29 -145,146,420.52    28,587,038.77
               On December 31, 2016, in case all other variables remain unchanged, if RMB to USD
               appreciates or depreciates by 1%, the net profits of the Company would reduce or increase
               by RMB 15,618,200 (December 31, 2015: RMB 285,900).
                                           Notes to the Financial Statements Page 58
     8.3    Liquidity risk
            Liquidity risk refers to a risk arising from shortage of funds when the Company performs the
            obligations settled in cash or other financial assets. Policies of the Company are to ensure
            sufficient cash to pay matured debts. Liquidity risk is under centralized control of the financial
            department of the Company. The financial department monitors cash balance and readily
            realizable and marketable securities and makes rolling forecast on cash flows of the next 12
            months to ensure that the Company has sufficient funds to repay debts in all cases of reasonable
            prediction. See disclosure of the relevant items of Note 5 for details of financial liabilities of the
            Company presented at undiscounted contractual cash flows on the maturity date.
9.   Related parties and related-party transactions
     9.1    Actual controller of the Company
                                                            Shareholding ratio    Voting ratio in
                                         Amount of
                      Name                                   in the Company       the Company          Remarks
                                         shares held
                                                                    (%)                (%)
             Chen Lve                      582,944,556                   34.33              34.33
     9.2    Subsidiaries of the Company
            See Note 7 Equity in other entities for subsidiaries of the Company.
     9.3    Other related parties
                   Other related parties                          Relationship with the Company
                                                    Brother-in-law of the shareholder and actual controller of
             He Sen                                 the Company
                                                    Wife of the shareholder and actual controller of the
             He Feiyan                              Company
             Li Erlong etc.                         Directors, supervisors and senior officers of the Company
             Qinghai Heyi Commercial Co.,           Enterprise controlled by Wang Lei, the director of the
             Ltd.                                   Company
                                                    Enterprise controlled by Wang Lei, the director of the
             Qinghai Heyi Mining Co., Ltd.          Company
             Kunwu Jiuding Investment
             Holdings Co., Ltd. and its             Shareholders with 5% or above of shares of the Company
             related parties                        and under common control
             Beijing Baolilai Technology            A wholly-owned subsidiary in which the Company's
             Co., Ltd.                              director acts as a director
     9.4    Related party transactions
            9.4.1    Purchase or sale of goods, and rendering or receipt of labor services
                     Table of purchase of goods and receipt of labor services (Unit: RMB '0,000)
                                                                                 Amount in     Amount in
                            Related parties       Related party transactions
                                                                                     2016        2015
                      Qinghai Heyi Commercial
                      Co., Ltd.                   Payment for materials               1,959.00   4,636.50
                      Qinghai Heyi Mining Co.,
                      Ltd.                        Consulting fees                                1,187.00
                                      Notes to the Financial Statements Page 59
                  Table of sales of goods and rendering of services (Unit: RMB '0,000)
                                                                             Amount in                  Amount in
                         Related parties         Related party transactions
                   Kunwu Jiuding
                   Investment Holdings Co., Funds for decoration
                   Ltd. and its related parties projects                           795.13                     5,800.00
                   Beijing Baolilai             Funds for decoration
                   Technology Co., Ltd.         projects                            38.20                      821.60
          9.4.2   Related-party guarantee
                  The Company as the warrantee:
                                                                                                          Have the
                                                                          Starting date    Maturity
                                                      Amount of the                                       guarantee
                              Warrantor                                      of the       date of the
                                                       guarantee                                            been
                                                                           guarantee      guarantee
                   Chen Lve and Sino Great Wall                          March 21,        March 21,
                   Co., Ltd.                           150,000,000.00    2016             2017          No
                   Chen Lve, Sino Great Wall Co.,                                         July 19,
                   Ltd. and He Feiyan                  150,000,000.00    July 19, 2016    2017          No
                                                                         August 8,        August 8,
                   Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.            50,000,000.00    2016             2017          No
                   Chen Lve and Zhongcheng                                                June 3,
                   Jianyee Engineering Co., Ltd.        80,000,000.00    June 19, 2015    2016          Yes
                   Chen Lve and Sino Great Wall                          October 28,      September
                   Co., Ltd.                           130,000,000.00    2016             28, 2017      No
                   Chen Lve, He Feiyan and Sino                          November 19,     November
                   Great Wall Co., Ltd.                 50,000,000.00    2015             19, 2016      Yes
                                                                         March 10,        March 9,
                   Qinghai Heyi Mining Co., Ltd.                         2016             2017          No
                                                                         March 10,        March 9,
                   Chen Lve                            500,000,000.00    2016             2017          No
                   Chen Lve and Sino Great Wall                          December 19,     December
                   Co., Ltd.                            84,000,000.00    2016             19, 2017      No
                                                                         January 13,      January 13,
                   Chen Lve                             12,000,000.00    2016             2018          No
                                                                         March 29,        March 29,
                   Chen Lve                             12,000,000.00    2016             2018          No
                                                                         March 27,        March 27,
                   Chen Lve                             12,000,000.00    2016             2018          No
                   United Venture Guarantee                              January 8,       January 7,
                   Group Co., Ltd.                      28,000,000.00    2016             2017          No
                   Great Wall Jianyee Engineering
                   Co., Ltd., Chen Lve and
                   Qinghai Heyi Commercial Co.,                          January 20,      January 19,
                   Ltd.                                114,280,000.00    2015             2016          Yes
                                                                                          May 18,
                   Chen Lve and He Feiyan              140,000,000.00    June 11, 2015    2016          Yes
                   Chen Lve, Sino Great Wall Co.,                                         July 12,
                   Ltd. and He Feiyan                  140,000,000.00    July 12, 2016    2017          No
                   Beijing Zhongguancun Sci-tech                         February 22,     March 22,
                   Financing Guaranty Co., Ltd.        230,000,000.00    2016             2018          No
                   Chen Lve and Qinghai Heyi                             January 20,      January 19,
                   Commercial Co., Ltd.                114,280,000.00    2015             2016          Yes
                                                                                          June 3,
                   Chen Lve                             80,000,000.00    June 19, 2015    2016          Yes
                                                                                          June 3,
                   Chen Lve                             80,000,000.00    June 19, 2015    2016          Yes
                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 60
                                                                                                           Have the
                                                                           Starting date    Maturity
                                                       Amount of the                                       guarantee
                              Warrantor                                       of the       date of the
                                                        guarantee                                            been
                                                                            guarantee      guarantee
                                                                                           May 18,
                   Chen Lve and He Feiyan               140,000,000.00    June 11, 2015    2016          Yes
                                                                          September 3,     September
                   Chen Lve                              70,000,000.00    2014             2, 2016       Yes
                                                                          February 11,     February
                   Chen Lve                              11,000,000.00    2015             11, 2018      No
                                                                                           July 30,
                   Chen Lve                              11,000,000.00    July 30, 2015    2018          No
                   Sino Great Wall International
                   Engineering Co., Ltd. and Chen                         January 13,      January 12,
                   Lve                                  100,000,000.00    2016             2017          No
                   Sino Great Wall International
                   Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen                            January 13,      January 12,
                   Lve and He Feiyan                    120,000,000.00    2016             2017          No
                   Sino Great Wall International
                   Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen                            August 25,       August 25,
                   Lve and He Feiyan                    257,140,000.00    2016             2017          No
                   Sino Great Wall International
                   Engineering Co., Ltd. and Chen                         January 21,      January 20,
                   Lve                                  200,000,000.00    2016             2017          No
                                                                          January 29,      July 28,
                   Chen Lve                              50,000,000.00    2016             2016          Yes
                   Chen Lve                              30,000,000.00    March 4, 2016    3, 2016       Yes
                                                                                           January 28,
                   Chen Lve                              50,000,000.00    July 29, 2016    2017          No
                   Sino Great Wall International
                   Engineering Co., Ltd. and Chen                                          June 20,
                   Lve                                  200,000,000.00    June 21, 2016    2017          No
                   Sino Great Wall International
                   Engineering Co., Ltd.,
                   Zhongcheng Jianyee
                   Engineering Co., Ltd. and Chen                                          April 28,
                   Lve                                  100,000,000.00    April 29, 2016   2017          No
                                                                                           April 26,
                   Chen Lve                             100,000,000.00    April 26, 2016   2017          No
                   Chen Lve                               5,000,000.00    June 22, 2016    22, 2016      Yes
                   Chen Lve                              45,000,000.00    July 5, 2016     5, 2016       Yes
                   Sino Great Wall International
                   Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen                            August 22,       August 22,
                   Lve and He Feiyan                    100,000,000.00    2016             2017          No
                                                                          September 29,    September
                   Chen Lve and He Feiyan               100,000,000.00    2016             28, 2018      No
                                                                                           June 28,
                   Chen Lve                             400,000,000.00    June 28, 2016    2018          No
                   Sino Great Wall International
                   Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen                                             April 18,
                   Lve and He Feiyan                    200,000,000.00    April 19, 2016   2018          No
                                                                          December 15,     June 14,
                   Chen Lve                              10,000,000.00    2016             2017          No
                                   Notes to the Financial Statements Page 61
                                                                                                                                      Have the
                                                                                             Starting date        Maturity
                                                                    Amount of the                                                     guarantee
                                   Warrantor                                                    of the           date of the
                                                                     guarantee                                                          been
                                                                                              guarantee          guarantee
                    Sichuan Jinyu Financing
                    Guaranty Co., Ltd., Ye Meifu                                            February 17,         February
                    and Yang Qiuhua                                     8,000,000.00        2016                 16, 2017           No
                                                                                                                 June 27,
                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.                         400,000,000.00        June 28, 2016        2017               No
                                                                                            March 23,            March 23,
                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.                         200,000,000.00        2016                 2017               No
                                                                                            January 3,           January 2,
                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.                         180,000,000.00        2017                 2018               No
                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.                         100,000,000.00        April 29, 2016       13, 2017           No
                    Sino Great Wall International
                    Engineering Co., Ltd. and Chen                                          November 22,         November
                    Lve                                               500,000,000.00        2016                 22, 2017           No
                    Sino Great Wall International
                    Engineering Co., Ltd., Chen                                             December 21,         December
                    Lve and He Feiyan                                 300,000,000.00        2016                 20, 2017           No
                                                                                            December 20,         December
                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.                         250,000,000.00        2016                 19, 2017           No
                                                                                            March 25,            March 25,
                    Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.                          50,000,000.00        2016                 2017               No
          9.4.3    Borrowings from and to related parties
                                                              Lending/borrowing                                   Maturity
                                Related parties                                              Starting date                               Remark
                                                                   amount                                          date
                                                                                            January 1,           June 30,
                    Chen Lve                                           93,855,000.00        2016
                    Chen Lve                                            4,000,000.00        July 1, 2016         31, 2016
                   Remark: Provision for interest on the lendings to shareholders has been made. The
                   amount included in the profit and loss in 2016 was RMB 2,356,589.48.
          9.4.4    Remuneration of key management
                                     Item                                                   Amount in 2016                Amount in 2015
                    Remuneration of key management                                             1,696,900.00                 1,495,100.00
    9.5   Receivables from and payables to related parties
          9.5.1   Receivables
                                                                             Balance as at December 31, 2016         Balance as at January 1, 2016
                         Project                  Related parties                                Provision for                           Provision for
                                                                             Book balance                          Book balance
                                                                                                  bad debts                               bad debts
                                         Kunwu Jiuding Investment
                                         Holdings Co., Ltd. and its
                                         related parties                      1,609,996.92           80,499.85       2,500,737.20           125,036.86
                                         Beijing Baolilai Technology
                                         Co., Ltd.                              160,000.00            8,000.00       2,816,000.00           140,800.00
                    Advances to
                                         Notes to the Financial Statements Page 62
                                                                       Balance as at December 31, 2016    Balance as at January 1, 2016
                           Project             Related parties                           Provision for                     Provision for
                                                                       Book balance                      Book balance
                                                                                           bad debts                         bad debts
                                        Qinghai Heyi Commercial Co.,
                                        Ltd.                                                             18,902,151.50
            9.5.2     Payables
                                                                                       Book Balance as at        Book Balance as at
                             Project                     Related parties
                                                                                       December 31, 2016          January 1, 2016
                       Accounts payable
                                               Qinghai Heyi Commercial Co.,
                                               Ltd.                                                                      1,750,581.64
                       Other payables
                                               Qinghai Heyi Commercial Co.,
                                               Ltd.                                                                      2,999,209.78
                                               He Sen                                            4,405,644.43
10. Commitments and contingencies
    10.1 Significant commitments
         There were no major commitments required to be disclosed in 2016.
    10.2    Contingencies
            There were no contingencies required to be disclosed in 2016.
11. Post balance sheet events
    11.1 Notes to significant non-adjusting events
           On July 7, 2016, the Company held the tenth session of the seventh Board of Directors and
           approved the Proposal on Non-public Issuance of A Shares by Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.. The
           Company intended to issue shares to Sino Great Wall (Beijing) Investment Co., Ltd., Beijing
           Anben Medical Investment Holding Co., Ltd. and Mr. Zheng Jihua to raise funds of RMB 2.5
           billion. On October 14, 2016, the China Securities Regulatory Commission accepted the
           Company's application for non-public offering of shares. At the sixteenth meeting of the seventh
           Board of Directors convened by the Company on February 16, 2017, the Company deliberated
           and passed the Proposal on Adjusting the Scheme for the Non-public Issuance of Shares and
           adjusted the amount of funds to be raised to RMB 900 million.On March 22, 2017, the
           Company's application for non-public issuance of A shares was approved by the Issuance
           Examination Commission of China Securities Regulatory Commission, but official documents
           approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission have not received yet.
                                        Notes to the Financial Statements Page 63
    11.2   Profit distribution
           Approved at the seventeenth session of the seventh Board of Directors, the Company distributed
           cash dividends of RMB 0.60 (including tax) for every 10 shares based on the existing
           16,982,450,110,000 shares. No bonus shares were given and no capital reserves were conversed
           to increase share capital.
12. Other important matters
    12.1 Outstanding L/G
           In order to ensure the smooth completion of the project, at the request of the owner, the
           Company applied to a commercial bank for issuing a performance guarantee. As at December 31,
           2016, the amount of the outstanding L/G was RMB 1,262,632,100.
    12.2   Segment information
           12.2.1 Basis for recognition of reportable segment and accounting policies
                   Accounting policies of reportable segment
                     There were no related-party transactions among domestic architectural decoration,
                     overseas architectural decoration and medical treatment, so no inters-segment price
                     was transferred;
                     Medical treatment was implemented by the Company and its independent subsidiary;
                     overseas architectural decoration was accounted for according to the account sets set
                     up in the regions where the projects in progress are located, mainly including account
                     sets for Qatar, Kuwait, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Burma, Maldives and Saipan,
                     so there were no fees which were indirectly attributable to each segment and needed to
                     be amortized; the business data of overseas architectural decoration was formed by the
                     financial data of the above 8 account sets for major projects.
                                   Notes to the Financial Statements Page 64
          12.2.2   Financial information of reportable segments
                                                    Domestic architectural decoration     Overseas architectural decoration       Medical treatment                         Offset                                  Total
                                                     Year 2016           Year 2015          Year 2016         Year 2015       Year 2016       Year 2015         Year 2016            Year 2015          Year 2016           Year 2015
                   I. Operating income             1,418,192,694.17   2,428,344,815.19 3,165,213,312.57 1,560,310,586.25      81,593,110.43                                          -21,703,598.14   4,664,999,117.17   4,010,358,999.58
                   Including: income from
                   external transactions           1,418,192,694.17   2,428,344,815.19 3,165,213,312.57 1,560,310,586.25      81,593,110.43                                          -21,703,598.14   4,664,999,117.17   4,010,358,999.58
                   Income from inter-segment
                   transactions                                                                                                                                                                                      -                   -
                   II. Operating cost              1,184,945,928.21   1,988,442,188.52 2,216,759,318.30 1,154,881,399.00      57,672,498.15                                          -21,703,598.14   3,459,377,744.66   3,165,027,185.66
                   Including: costs of external
                   transactions                    1,184,945,928.21   1,988,442,188.52 2,216,759,318.30 1,154,881,399.00                                                             -21,703,598.14   3,401,705,246.51   3,165,027,185.66
                   Costs of inter-segment
                   transactions                                                                                                                                                                                      -                   -
                   III. Losses from asset
                   impairment                         74,286,638.56      80,433,729.48      95,207,208.36     30,903,374.69     518,043.19                                                             170,011,890.11       111,337,104.17
                   IV. Depreciation and
                   amortization                        3,004,474.27       6,985,552.79          30,488.71         21,288.88      19,316.10                       -3,794,638.67                            6,848,917.76        7,006,841.67
                   V. Total profit                  -304,963,110.16      69,862,580.73     864,476,659.76    360,904,330.95    3,583,802.03               -       1,759,594.94           -25,117.82    561,337,756.68       430,792,029.50
                   VI. Income tax expenses           -10,207,854.94      76,207,293.00      99,038,519.27      8,766,407.91    1,703,401.20                       1,289,203.78                          89,244,861.75        84,973,700.90
                   VII. Net profit                  -294,755,255.22       -6,344,712.27    765,438,140.48    352,137,923.04    1,880,400.83               -        470,391.16            -25,117.82    472,092,894.93       345,818,328.60
                   VIII. Total assets             10,947,559,949.24   6,044,181,578.99 3,044,412,477.45 1,097,651,243.20 121,748,481.08                       6,127,541,946.13   3,124,369,997.56     7,986,178,961.63   4,017,462,824.63
                   IX. Total liabilities           7,089,471,639.73   2,406,019,801.98 1,752,059,212.34      690,133,065.43 136,402,672.37                    2,822,237,435.41       358,948,894.24   6,155,696,089.04   2,737,203,973.17
                                                                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 65
13. Notes to main items of the financial statements of the parent company
    13.1 Accounts receivable
           13.1.1    Disclosure of accounts receivable by category
                                                                                              Balance as at December 31, 2016
                                                                             Book balance                  Provision for bad debts
                                                                                        Proportion                         Proportion       Book value
                                                                           Amount                          Amount
                                                                                            (%)                               (%)
                     Receivables that are individually significant but
                     with provision for bad debts made on an individual
                     Receivables subject to provision for bad debts on
                     credit risk characteristics basis                       6,680.00       100.00               334.00              5.00       6,346.00
                     Receivables that are individually insignificant but
                     with provision for bad debts made on an individual
                     Total                                                   6,680.00             100               334                 5       6,346.00
                                                                                                  Balance as at January 1, 2016
                                                                             Book balance                  Provision for bad debts
                                                                                        Proportion                         Proportion       Book value
                                                                           Amount                          Amount
                                                                                            (%)                               (%)
                     Receivables that are individually significant but
                     with provision for bad debts made on an individual
                     Receivables subject to provision for bad debts on
                     credit risk characteristics basis                      30,614.00       100.00             1,530.70              5.00      29,083.30
                     Receivables that are individually insignificant but
                     with provision for bad debts made on an individual
                     Total                                                  30,614.00             100          1,530.70                 5      29,083.30
                    In the portfolio, accounts receivable with the provision for bad debts made under the
                    aging analysis method:
                                                                                               Balance as at December 31, 2016
                                                  Aging                                  Accounts          Provision for    Proportion of
                                                                                        receivable           bad debts        provision
                      Within 1 year                                                           6,680.00             334.00            5.00
                      1 to 2 years
                      2 to 3 years
                      3 to 4 years
                      4 to 5 years
                      Over 5 years
                      Total                                                                   6,680.00                    334.00
           13.1.2   Provision, recovery or reversal of accounts receivable in 2016
                    The provision for bad debts made in 2016 was RMB 0.00; the provision for bad debts
                    recovered or reversed in 2016 was RMB 1,196.70.
           13.1.3   Top five receivables by debtor
                                                                                            Balance as at December 31, 2016
                                       Company name                          Accounts            Proportion in the total    Provision for
                                                                            receivable          accounts receivables (%)      bad debts
                      Sporadic individual rent in Kuichong,
                      Shenzhen                                                  6,680.00                                  100.00                334.00
                      Total                                                     6,680.00                                  100.00                334.00
                                             Notes to the Financial Statements Page 66
    13.2   Other receivables
           13.2.1   Disclosure of other receivables by category:
                                                                                                 Balance as at December 31, 2016
                                                                             Book balance                    Provision for bad debts
                                                                                          Proportion                                                Book value
                                                                          Amount                            Amount         Proportion (%)
                    Other receivables that are individually
                    significant but with provision for bad debts
                    made on an individual basis
                    Other receivables provided for bad debts on
                    portfolio of credit risks                          1,672,982,763.29       100.00         782,721.31                  0.05     1,672,200,041.98
                    Other receivables that are individually
                    insignificant but with provision for bad debts
                    made on an individual basis
                    Total                                              1,672,982,763.29            100       782,721.31                  0.05     1,672,200,041.98
                                                                                                   Balance as at January 1, 2016
                                                                             Book balance                    Provision for bad debts
                                                                                          Proportion                                                Book value
                                                                          Amount                            Amount         Proportion (%)
                    Other receivables that are individually
                    significant but with provision for bad debts
                    made on an individual basis
                    Other receivables provided for bad debts on
                    portfolio of credit risks
                    Other receivables that are individually
                    insignificant but with provision for bad debts
                    made on an individual basis
                    Remark: There were no other receivables as at January 1, 2016.
           13.2.2   Provision for bad debts and reversal or recovery thereof in 2016
                    The provision for bad debts made in 2016 was RMB 782,721.31; the provision for bad
                    debts recovered or reversed in 2016 was RMB 0.00.
           13.2.3   Category of other receivables by nature
                                                         Book Balance as at                                                   Book Balance as at
                                                         December 31, 2016                                                     January 1, 2016
                     Current accounts between entities      1,657,328,337.13
                     Petty cash                                 1,272,085.13
                     Margin and deposit                        14,382,341.03
                     Total                                  1,672,982,763.29
           13.2.4   Top five other receivables by debtor
                                                                                                                          Proportion in             Balance of
                                                                                 Balance as at
                                                                                                                           total other           provision for bad
                            Company name                      Nature             December 31,             Aging
                                                                                                                          receivables               debts as at
                                                                                                                              (%)               December 31, 2016
                     Wuhan Commercial
                     Workers Hospital Co.,          Current accounts with
                     Ltd.                           related parties             107,800,000.00         Within 1 year                6.44
                                            Notes to the Financial Statements Page 67
                                                                                                                                 Proportion in            Balance of
                                                                                         Balance as at
                                                                                                                                     total other       provision for bad
                                   Company name                    Nature                December 31,              Aging
                                                                                                                                    receivables           debts as at
                                                                                                                                        (%)           December 31, 2016
                           Upper First-class
                           Hospital, Hongqiao,
                           Liangdu, Liupanshui
                           (Finance Bureau of
                           Fushun Economic
                           Development Zone)                Deposits                     10,000,000.00       Within 1 year                     0.60           500,000.00
                           Hunan Trust Co., Ltd.            Deposits                       2,000,000.00      Within 1 year                     0.12           100,000.00
                                                            Borrowings of
                           Xu Ce                            employees                      1,109,002.22      Within 1 year                     0.07            55,450.11
                           The First People's
                           Hospital of Lingbao City
                           (COCITC)                         Deposits                       1,000,000.00      Within 1 year                     0.06            50,000.00
                           Total                            /                           121,909,002.22       /                                 7.29           705,450.11
    13.3   Long-term equity investments
                                                         Balance as at December 31, 2016                                    Balance as at January 1, 2016
                                                                        Provision                                                       Provision
                                                 Book balance              for           Book value               Book balance              for           Book value
                                                                       impairment                                                      impairment
            Investment in subsidiaries          3,176,451,536.66                       3,176,451,536.66          3,079,451,536.66                       3,079,451,536.66
            Total                               3,176,451,536.66                       3,176,451,536.66          3,079,451,536.66                       3,079,451,536.66
           13.3.1        Investment in subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                          Balance of
                                                 Balance as at                                             Balance as at            Provision for        provision for
                                                                         Increase        Decrease
                               Investee           January 1,                                              December 31,           impairment in         impairment as at
                                                                          in 2016        in 2016
                                                     2016                                                        2016                   2016            December 31,
                           Sino Great
                           Co., Ltd.            3,079,451,536.66                                          3,079,451,536.66
                           Hospital Co.,
                           Ltd.                                        97,000,000.00                        97,000,000.00
                           Total                3,079,451,536.66       97,000,000.00                      3,176,451,536.66
    13.4   Investment income
                                      Item                                                                  Amount in 2016                         Amount in 2015
            Income from long-term equity investments accounted
            for under cost method
            Income from long-term equity investments accounted
            for under equity method
            Investment income from disposal of long-term equity
            Investment income received from financial assets
            measured at fair value through current profit and loss
            during the holding period
                                                  Notes to the Financial Statements Page 68
                                       Item                                        Amount in 2016     Amount in 2015
             Investment income received from disposal of financial
             assets measured at fair value through current profit and
             Investment income from held-to-maturity investments
             during the holding period
             Investment income of available-for-sale financial
             assets during the holding period
             Investment income from disposal of available-for-sale
             financial assets
             Gains and losses arising from re-measurement of the
             remaining equities at the fair value after the loss of the
             Others                                                                     396,197.49
             Total                                                                      396,197.49
    13.5    Operating income and operating cost
                                                             Amount in 2016                     Amount in 2015
                                                         Income           Cost              Income           Cost
             Primary business
             Other business                               238,048.64                       2,318,061.00     237,620.18
             Total                                        238,048.64                       2,318,061.00     237,620.18
14. Supplementary information
    14.1 Breakdown of current non-recurring profits and losses
                                       Item                                           Amount              Remark
           Profits or losses from disposal of non-current assets                       -564,833.40
           Tax returns, deduction and exemption approved
           beyond the authority or without official approval
           Government grants included in current profits and
           losses (except for government grants closely related to
           the enterprise business, obtained by quota or quantity
           at unified state standards)                                                  108,121.33
           Expenses for using funds charged from non-financial
           enterprises and included in the current profit and loss
           Gains from the difference between the investment
           costs of acquisition of subsidiaries, associates and joint
           ventures and share in the net fair value of the
           identifiable assets of the investee when investing                          1,783,284.99
           Profit or loss on exchange of non-monetary assets                                      -
           Gains or losses from entrusting the investments or
           management of asset
           Provision of asset impairment made due to force
           majeure, such as natural disasters
           Gains or losses from debt restructuring
           Enterprise reorganizing expenses, such as employee
           accommodation costs and integration expenses
           Gains or losses from transactions with obvious unfair
           transaction price
           Current net gains and losses of the subsidiaries from
           business combinations under common control from the
           beginning of the period to the combination date
                                       Notes to the Financial Statements Page 69
                                       Item                                           Amount                 Remark
            Profit or loss on contingencies irrelevant to normal
            operation of the Company
            Except for effective hedging business related to the
            normal business of the company, profits or losses from
            fair value changes in held-for-trading financial assets
            and held-for-trading financial liabilities, and
            investment income from disposal of held-for-trading
            financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities
            and available-for-sale financial assets                                      443,065.98
            Reversal of the impairment provision for receivables
            subject to separate impairment test                                                      -
            Profits or losses from entrusted loans                                                   -
            Profit or loss on changes in fair value of investment
            properties subsequently measured under the fair value
            model                                                                                    -
            Effects of one-off adjustments to the current profit and
            loss in accordance with the requirements of tax and
            accounting laws and regulations on the current profit
            and loss                                                                                 -
            Custodian income from entrusted management                                               -
            Other non-operating income and expenditure except
            for the above items                                                        5,296,814.65
            Other items of gains and losses subject to the definition
            of non-recurring gains and losses                                                     -
            Effect of income tax                                                      -3,668,000.60
            Effect of minority interests                                                 -11,192.65
            Total                                                                      3,387,260.30
    14.2   Return on equity and earnings per share:
                                                                                            Earnings per share (RMB)
                                                            Weighted average return
                   Profit for the reporting period                                    Basic earnings per   Diluted earnings
                                                                on equity (%)
                                                                                            share              per share
            Net profit attributable to ordinary
            shareholders of the Company                                       31.18                0.28                0.28
            Net profit attributable to ordinary
            shareholders of the Company after deducting
            non-recurring gains and losses                                    30.96                0.28                0.28
                                                                                            Sino Great Wall Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                       (Official Seal)
                                                                                                    April 26, 2017
                                        Notes to the Financial Statements Page 70
