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深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司2013年半年度报告(英文版) 下载公告
                      深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文
             August 2013
                                              深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文
         Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase
Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
executives of Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements,
misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall
take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and
completion of the whole contents.
All directors are attended the Board Meeting for report deliberation.
The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and
has no share converted from capital reserve either.
Chairman of the Company Mr. Zheng Yuxi, General Manager Mr. Yan Zesong,
Chief Financial Officer Ms. Wang Zhiping and Financial Management
Department Manager Mr. Xu Qiming hereby confirm that the Financial Report
of Semi-Annual Report 2013 is authentic, accurate and complete.
Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) are the media appointed by the Company
for information disclosure, all information of the Company disclosed in the
above mentioned media should prevail. Investors are advised to exercise caution
of investment risks.
This report has been prepared in Chinese and English version respectively. In
the event of difference in interpretation between the two versions, Chinese
report shall prevail.
                                                              深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文
Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase .................................. 1
Section II Company Profile ............................................................................... 5
Section III Accounting data and summary of finnaical indexes .................... 7
Section IV Report of the Board of Directors ................................................... 9
Section V Important Events ............................................................................ 22
Section VI Changes in shares and particular about shareholders .............. 37
Section VII Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives ......................... 37
Section VIII Financial Report ......................................................................... 38
Section IX Documents Available for Reference ......................................... 126
                                                             深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文
                  Items               Refers to                          Definition
Shenshenbao/the Company/Listed
                                      Refers to Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd
                                                  Shenzhen Shenbao Huacheng Science and Technology
Shenbao Huacheng                      Refers to
Wuyuan Jufangyong                     Refers to Jufangyong Tea Industry Co., Ltd. in Wuyuan County
Hangzhou Ju Fang Yong                 Refers to Hangzhou Ju Fang Yong Holding Co., Ltd.
Shenbao Yuxing                        Refers to Fujian Mount Wuyi Shenbao Yuxing Tea Co., Ltd.
Shen Shenbao Huafa                    Refers to Zhejiang Shen Shenbao Huafa Tea Co., Ltd.
Technology Center                     Refers to Shenzhen Shenbao Technology Center Co., Ltd.
Huizhou Shenbao Science & Technology Refers to Huizhou Shenbao Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shenzhen Shenbao Sanjing Food & Beverage
Shenbao Sanjing                       Refers to
                                                  Development Co., Ltd
Shenbao Industrial & Trading          Refers to Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial & Trading Co., Ltd.
Shenbao Properties                    Refers to Shenzhen Shenbao Properties Management Co., Ltd.
PepsiCo (China)                       Refers to PepsiCo Investment (China) Ltd.
Shenzhen PepsiCo                      Refers to Shenzhen PepsiCo Beverage Co., Ltd
Zhejiang Wafa                         Refers to Zhejiang Wafa Tea Co., Ltd.
Changzhou Sanjing                     Refers to Changzhou Sanjing Grease Co., Ltd
Agricultural Products                 Refers to Shenzhen Agricultural Products Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Investment Holding           Refers to Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd
Tianzhong Investment                  Refers to Shenzhen Tianzhong Investment Co., Ltd.
                                                  Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government State-owned
Shenzhen SASAC                        Refers to
                                                  Assets Supervision & Administration Commission
CBC                                   Refers to Shenzhen China Bicycle Company (Holdings) Limited
CSRC                                  Refers to China Securities Regulation Commission
SSE                                   Refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                                Article of Association of Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co.,
Article of Association                Refers to
RMB/10 thousand Yuan                  Refers to CNY/ten thousand Yuan
                                                                   深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文
                                    Section II Company profile
I. Company Profile
                                              SHENSHENBAO-A,                 Code for
Short form for share                                                                        000019, 200019
                                              SHENSHENBAO-B                  share
Listing stock exchange                        Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Chinese name of the Company                   深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司
Abbr. of Chinese name of the Company(if
English name of the Company(if
                                              SHENZHEN SHENBAO INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD
Abbr. of English name of the Company(if
Legal Representative                          Zheng Yuxi
II. Contact person and ways
                         Secretary of the Board                              Rep. of securities affairs
Name    Li Yiyan                                               Zheng Guibo
    23/F, Education Technology Mansion, No.26 Zizhu 23/F, Education Technology Mansion, No.26 Zizhu
    Qi Dao, Zhuzilin Fourth Road, Futian District,  Qi Dao, Zhuzilin Fourth Road, Futian District,
    Shenzhen                                        Shenzhen
Tel.    0755-82027522                                          0755-82027522
Fax.    0755-82027522                                          0755-82027522
E-mail lyy@sbsy.com.cn                                         zhenggb@sbsy.com.cn
III. Others
1. Way of contact
Whether registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the
Company changed in reporting period or not
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company has
no change in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2012.
                                                          深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文
2. Information disclosure and preparation place
Whether information disclosure and preparation place changed in reporting period or not
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The newspaper appointed for information disclosure, website for semi-annual report publish
appointed by CSRC and preparation place for semi-annual report have no change in reporting
period, found more details in Annual Report 2012.
3. Registration changes of the Company
Whether registration has changed in reporting period or not
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Date/place for registration of the Company, registration number for enterprise legal license, number
of taxation registration and organization code have no change in reporting period, found more
details in Annual Report 2012.
4. Other relevant information
Whether other relevant information has changed in reporting period or not
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
                                                                    深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文
      Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes
I. Main accounting data and financial indexes
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting
policy changed and accounting error correction or not
□Yes √ No
                                                                                              Increase/decrease in this
                                             Current period        Same period of last year
                                                                                                  report y-o-y (%)
Operating revenue (RMB)                          229,743,390.32            114,026,690.16                     101.48%
Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                                   -5,934,967.21             88,867,376.42                   -106.68%
of the listed company(RMB)
Net profit attributable to shareholders
of the listed company after deducting            -10,772,467.32             -18,638,342.71                      42.2%
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                 -11,847,579.84               3,259,065.52                   -463.53%
Basic earnings per share
                                                         -0.0237                    0.3542                   -106.69%
Diluted earnings per share
                                                         -0.0237                    0.3542                   -106.69%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                 -0.62%                      9.51%                    -10.13%
                                                                                              Increase/decrease in this
                                          End of current period       End of last period       report-end over that of
                                                                                                 last period-end (%)
Total assets (RMB)                             1,334,276,104.88          1,222,994,595.75                        9.1%
Net assets attributable to shareholder
                                                 908,101,676.17            964,216,674.18                      -5.82%
of listed company(RMB)
II. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China
1. Difference of the net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of parent company
disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International Accounting Standards) and
Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                    深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文
                                              Net profit attributable to            Net assets attributable to
                                           shareholders of listed company        shareholders of listed company
                                         Amount in this       Amount in last      Amount at          Amount at
                                           period               period            period-end        period-begin
Chinese GAAP                                -5,934,967.21       88,867,376.42    908,101,676.17     964,216,674.18
Items and amount adjusted by IAS
1. Adjustment for amortization of
                                                                                   1,016,958.04       1,016,958.04
equity investment differences
2. Adjustment for cost of transfer of
                                                                   381,359.27       -762,718.54        -762,718.54
equity of Shenzhen Pepsi
3.Adjustment for other payable fund
                                                                                   1,067,000.00       1,067,000.00
of stock market regulation
IAS                                         -5,934,967.21       89,248,735.69    909,422,915.67     965,537,913.68
III. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss
                                                                                                          In RMB
                                           Item                                                 Amount        Note
Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the write-off that accrued
for impairment of assets)
Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (not including the subsidy
enjoyed in quota or ration according to national standards, which are closely relevant to      5,874,022.19
enterprise’s business)
Gains and losses from change of fair values of held-for-transaction financial assets and
financial liabilities except for the effective hedge business related to normal business of
the Company, and investment income from disposal of transactional financial assets and
liabilities and financial assets available for sale
Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the aforementioned items                  253,966.23
Less: impact on income tax                                                                     1,299,487.13
Total                                                                                          4,837,500.11    --
                                                             深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文
                   Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors
I. Introduction
In reporting period, the Company rapid up the implementation of strategy promotion, formulated a
development strategy for vary business of the Company, well-defined the implementation scheme;
combine the development needs in business, adjusted organization structure of the Company, put
job responsibility in orders; established the tea deep-processing division and implemented the
operation style HQ plan; exercised optimization of performance management, activate construction
of information engineering of ERP system and e-business platform etc., improved informationalized
standards ; implemented brand development strategy, combing and integrated vary brands within
the Company, created a core value for the brand; centralized the resource, carried out transfer of the
10% equity of Shenzhen Pepsi, providing a fund support for the strategy implementation of the
During the reporting period, the Company expand main business actively, made solid progress in
the implementation of projects with fund raised. Firstly, accelerate the brand promotion and market
channel construction for ―Jufangyong‖ longjing tea and ―Xingjiu‖ rock tea, focous on the
development fundation for boutique tea business. Secondly, strenghthen the development of
marketing team and market pioneering efforts, maintain a stable in aspect of original clients and
marke quota for deep-processing business; meanwhile, steadily promote the comstruction of
comprehensive investment of tea industry chain, main construction and equipment installation and
debugging have completed, and through the QS certification. Thirdly, continues to enhance the
investment in scientific research, optimized and improved the research system and mechanism
innovation, product research and promotion gains a great progresses, and provide a strong support
for the sustainable development of every business of the Company.
In reporting period, the Company consolidated the work of safety production and food security,
which ensures no material safety production accidents and no major food quality security accidents
occurred in first half year; further to improved the construction of internal control system, upgrade
the internal control standards as a whole, promoted the capability in shielding against risks and risk
II. Main business analysis
Main business of the Company was tea industry. In the reporting period, the Company achieved
operating income of RMB 229.7434 million, a 101.48% up from a year earlier; operating profit
achieved RMB -7.5542 million, a 1283.13% down from a year ago; net profit attributable to
shareholders of listed companies was RMB -5.9349 million with 1597.15% down from a year
Y-o-y changes of main financial data
                                                                                   In RMB
                                   Same period of       Y-o-y
                  Current period                                             Reasons for changes
                                     last year    increase/decrease
                                                                深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2013 半年度报告全文
Operation                                                          Business of the subsidary increased last
                   229,743,390.32 114,026,690.16           101.48%
revenue                                                            year was showed in this period, and no
Operation cost     195,082,954.37    92,593,340.74         110.69% such presentation at same period of last
Sales expenses      16,359,699.07     6,539,865.06         150.15% yera
                                                                   Mainly because current interest income
Financial                                                          increased, and payment of interest on
                       -112,173.57     381,706.23         -129.39%
expenses                                                           borrowings decreased than the same
                                                                   period of last year.
Investment                                                         At same period of last year, there has
                          6,688.65 105,857,836.04          -99.99%
income                                                             equity interest from 15% equity of
                                                                   Shenzhen Pepsi transfer, no such income
Operating profit    (7,554,222.11)   89,376,111.45        -108.45%
                                                                   in the Period
Non-operating                                                      Government subsidy obtained in the
                      6,133,709.15     772,170.63          694.35%
income                                                             Period increased
                                                                   Mainly because current income tax
Income tax 
