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中国南玻集团股份有限公司2013年第一季度报告全文(英文版) 下载公告
       Chairman of the Board:
            ZENG NAN
             April 2013
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                               THE FIRST QUARTER REPORT 2013
                               Section I Important Notice
Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby confirm that there
are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report,
and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of
the whole contents.
Mr. Zeng Nan, Chairman of the Board & CEO of the Company, CFO Mr. Luo Youming and
principle of the financial department Mr. Huang Yanbing confirm that the Financial Report enclosed
in the First Quarter Report 2013 is true and complete.
Except for the following directors, others are present the meeting of the Board for deliberating the
First Quarter Report of the Company in person.
Name of director absent        Position         Reason for absence       Name of authorized director
Li Jingqi                 Director           Due to business trip       Chen Chao
Guo Yongchun              Director           Due to business trip       Yan Ganggang
This report is prepared both in Chinese and English. Should there be any inconsistency between the
Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
 CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                      THE FIRST QUARTER REPORT 2013
    Section II Main accounting data and Changes in Shareholders
I. Main accounting data
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
□Yes    √ No
                                                   The 1st quarter of 2013        The 1st quarter of 2012       Percentage of change(%)
Operating income (RMB)                                        1,456,792,882                  1,523,060,818                          -4.35%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                                107,660,977                    121,231,046                      -11.19%
the listed company(RMB)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                               90,472,570                     10,646,189                      749.81%
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                                289,618,073                    257,286,802                       12.57%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                     0.05                          0.06                     -16.67%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                   0.05                          0.06                     -16.67%
The weighted average return on net
                                                                      1.57%                          1.74%                          -0.17%
                                                   The 1st quarter of 2013          31 December 2012            Percentage of change(%)
Total assets (RMB)                                           14,763,484,435                 14,335,809,746                          2.98%
Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                              6,915,907,395                  6,816,210,753                          1.46%
listed company(RMB)
Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss
√Applicable     □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                Amount from year-beginning to the
                                     Item                                                                                    Note
                                                                                     end of the report period
Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the
write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)
Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (not including
the subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration according to national standards,                                     19,115,103
which are closely relevant to enterprise’s business)
Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
aforementioned items
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                     THE FIRST QUARTER REPORT 2013
Impact on income tax                                                                                 5,071,407
Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)                                                  1,275,258
Total                                                                                               17,188,407           --
II. Total shareholders at the end of the report period and particulars about the top ten
                                                                                                                         Unit: Share
Total shareholders at the end of the
report period
                                             Particulars about the top ten shareholders
                                                                                              Amount of        Number of share
                                                           Proportion of
                                            Nature of                                                            pledged/frozen
    Full name of Shareholders                           shares held Total shares held     restricted
                                                                                              shares held Share status    Amount
China Northern Industries              State-owned legal
                                                                     3.62%      75,167,934
Corporation                            person
                                       Domestic non
Xin Tong Chan Industrial
                                       state-owned legal             3.26%      67,740,000
Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                                       Domestic non
Shenzhen International Holdings
                                       state-owned legal             3.15%      65,430,000
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                                       Domestic non
BOC-DaCheng Blue-chip Stable
                                       state-owned legal             0.99%      20,629,516
Security Investment Fund
                                       Domestic non
PICC-dividend-individual issuance      state-owned legal             0.86%      17,944,560
                                       Domestic non
BOC-E-fund Shenzhen Index 100
                                       state-owned legal             0.76%      15,700,035
                                                                     0.73%      15,240,463
MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUND               person
                                       Domestic non
ICBC—Rongtong Shenzhen Index
                                       state-owned legal             0.61%      12,761,487
100 Security Investment Fund
                                       Domestic non
CMBC-Yinhua 100 Grading Security
                                       state-owned legal             0.59%      12,281,861
Investment Fund
CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                                     THE FIRST QUARTER REPORT 2013
                                        Domestic non
PICC-traditional-ordinary issuance
                                        state-owned legal            0.56%        11,600,385
                               Particular about the top ten shareholders with un-restrict shares held
                                                                                                          Type of shares
           Full name of Shareholders               Amount of un-restrict shares held
                                                                                                  Type                     Amount
China Northern Industries Corporation                                        75,167,934 RMB ordinary shares                  75,167,934
Xin Tong Chan Industrial Development
                                                                             67,740,000 RMB ordinary shares                  67,740,000
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen International Holdings (Shenzhen) Co.,
                                                                             65,430,000 RMB ordinary shares                  65,430,000
BOC-DaCheng Blue-chip Stable Security
                                                                             20,629,516 RMB ordinary shares                  20,629,516
Investment Fund
PICC-dividend-individual issuance                                            17,944,560 RMB ordinary shares                  17,944,560
BOC-E-fund Shenzhen Index 100 ETF                                            15,700,035 RMB ordinary shares                  15,700,035
BBH A/C VANGUARD EMERGING                                                                 Domestic-listed
                                                                             15,240,463                                      15,240,463
MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUND                                                                  Foreign Share
ICBC—Rongtong Shenzhen Index 100 Security
                                                                             12,761,487 RMB ordinary shares                  12,761,487
Investment Fund
CMBC-Yinhua 100 Grading Security Investment
                                                                             12,281,861 RMB ordinary shares                  12,281,861
PICC-traditional-ordinary issuance products                                  11,600,385 RMB ordinary shares                  11,600,385
                                                   Among shareholders as listed above, Shenzhen International Holdings
                                                   (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. and Xin Tong Chan Development (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. are
                                                   holding enterprises and belong to controlling enterprise of Shenzhen
Explanation on associated relationship among the
                                                   International Holdings Co., Ltd. Except for this, It is unknown whether other
aforesaid shareholders
                                                   shareholders belong to related party or have associated relationship regulated by
                                                   the Management Regulation of Information Disclosure on Change of
                                                   Shareholding for Listed Companies.
 CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                             THE FIRST QUARTER REPORT 2013
                                    Section III Important Events
I. Particulars and explanations about significant changes in main accounting statement and
financial indexes
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB’0,000
                                        Note       31 March 2013       31 December 2012 Amount of           Percentage
                                                                                             change         of change
Cash at bank and on hand              (1)                   63,186                47,442        15,744             33%
Inventories                           (2)                   48,725                36,729        11,996             33%
Construction in progress              (3)                  261,787               193,473        68,314             35%
Development expenditure               (4)                      706                   361              345          96%
Other non-current assets              (5)                    1,211                 5,186        (3,975)           (77%)
Short-term borrowings                 (6)                  243,014               168,805        74,209             44%
Interest payable                      (7)                    7,206                 3,509         3,697            105%
Other payables                        (8)                   26,447                16,597         9,850             59%
Current portion of non-current        (9)                   10,032                48,169       (38,137)           (79%)
                                        Note         Jan.-Mar.2013         Jan.-Mar.2012 Amount of          Percentage
                                                                                             change         of change
Cost of sales                         (10)                 105,072               123,089       (18,017)           (15%)
Taxes and surcharges                  (11)                   1,090                   802              288          36%
Selling and distribution expenses     (12)                   5,838                 4,657         1,181             25%
Investment income                     (13)                         -               6,225        (6,225)         (100%)
Non-operating income                  (14)                   3,064                 5,910        (2,846)           (48%)
Income tax expenses                   (15)                   4,480                 2,765         1,715             62%
   1. The increase of cash at bank and on hand was mainly due to the increase of bank deposit.
   2. The increase of inventories was mainly due to the increase of raw materials and finished goods for part of the
         Group’s subsidiaries stocked up for their follow-up orders.
   3. The increase of construction in progress was mainly due to the Group’s investment in the construction of the
         project items, as well as the subsidiary company, Dongguan CSG Solar Glass Co., Ltd. transformed its phase I
         and II production lines, transferring fixed assets into construction in progress.
   4. The increase of development expenditure was mainly due to the increase of R & D expenditure accordance with
         the \"development expenditure\" accounting.
 CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.                                                          THE FIRST QUARTER REPORT 2013
  5. The decrease of other non-current assets was mainly because the procedures of the Group's acquisition of shares
       of external company were completed during the report period, and payment on account for equity acquisition
       was transferred from other non-current assets account.
  6. The increase of short-term borrowings was mainly because the Group issued short-term financing bonds during
       the report period.
  7. The increase of interest payable was mainly because the provision of bond interest payable has not been paid by
       the Group during the report period.
  8. The increase of other payables was mainly attributable to the increase of payable for land transfer and collecting
       of tender deposit of the subsidiaries.
  9. The decrease of current portion of non-current liabilities was mainly because the subsidiaries of the Group
       returned the long-term loan which would expire within one year.
  10. The decrease of cost of sales was mainly due to the decrease of income and the decrease of unit production cost
       of main products of the Group.
  11. The increase of taxes and surcharges was mainly because the increase of value-added tax resulted from the raise
       of sales gross margin which led to the increase of the city maintenance and construction tax and education
  12. The increase of selling and distribution expenses was mainly due to the increase of the sales volume of
       architectural glass industry of the Group during the report period.
  13. The decrease of investment income was because investment income was generated by the Group selling the
       shares of Guangzhou CSG in the same period last year, but there was no such transaction during the report
  14. The decrease of non-operating income was mainly because the governmental subsidy received by the
       subsidiaries of the Group was less than that of the same period last year.
   15. The increase of income tax expenses was mainly due to the increase of pre-tax profits of part of the Group’s
       subsidiaries during the report period.
II. Analysis of progress and impact of important events and the solutions
1.Significant lawsuits and arbitrations of the Company
In May 2011, Guangzhou Bodi Enterprise Management co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as \"Guangzhou Bodi\") and
Diyao Development co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the \"Diyao Development\") bought 100% Guangzhou CSG
equity with RMB 403 million. In July 2011, Guangzhou Bodi and the Diyao Development failed to timely pay the
equity transfer Phase Ⅱ. The parties, with an agreement, promised that Guangzhou Bodi and the Diyao Development
pay liquidated damages of about RMB 11.82 million. However, since April 2012, Guangzhou Bodi and the Diyao
Development have refused to pay the balance of the equity transfer, liquidated damages and supervision fees, legal fees
and the corresponding interest about RMB29 million in total. CSG Holding co., LTD. filed a lawsuit, recorded by
Shenzhen Nanshan District People's Court (hereinafter referred to as Shen Nan Court Civil 2nd   Chu No. 1035), whose
trial date has not been determined currently.
In December 2012, Guangzhou Bodi and Diyao Development litigated to Guangdong High People's Court to charge the
CSG’s payment of RMB 378 million for liquidated damages (hereinafter referred to as the Yue High People Civil 4th
Chu No. 5) with the excuse of CSG not preparing well to hand over the target enterprise as agreed. It is the same fact
that CSG Holding co., LTD. filed the lawsuit to Shenzhen Nanshan District People's Court, and the later has already
accepted this lawsuit. The case is undergoing its trial stage, whose trial date has not yet been set.
CSG’s independent third party lawyer states that 
