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深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司2012年年度报告(英文版) 下载公告
                           深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2012 年度报告
              April 2013
                                                   深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2012 年度报告
         Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase
Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
executives of Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements,
misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall
take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and
completion of the whole contents.
Chairman of the Company Mr. Zheng Yuxi, General Manager Mr. Yan Zesong,
CFO Ms. Wang Zhiping and Manager of financial management dept. Mr. Xu
Qiming declares that the financial report in this Annual Report is authentic,
accurate and complete.
All Directors are attended the Board Meeting for deliberation of this Report.
The Preplan Profit Distribution of the Company deliberated and approved by
The Board is: taking total 250,900,154 shares at end of 2012 as the radix,
sending RMB 2 in cash (tax included) per 10 shares to its all shareholders.
Concerning the forward-looking statements with future planning involved in the
Report, they do not constitute a substantial commitment for investors, Securities
Times, China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao
Website (www.cninfo.com.cn) are the media appointed by the Company for
information disclosure, all information of the Company disclosed in the above
mentioned media should prevail. Investors are advised to exercise caution of
investment risks.
This report has been prepared in Chinese and English version respectively. In
the event of difference in interpretation between the two versions, Chinese
report shall prevail.
                                                                                         深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2012 年度报告
Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase .................................................................. 4
Section II Company Profile ............................................................................................................... 5
Section III Accounting data and summary of finnaical indexes .................................................... 8
Section IV Report of the Board of Directors ................................................................................. 11
Section V Important Events ............................................................................................................ 41
Section VI Changes in shares and particular about shareholders............................................... 46
Section VII Particulars about Directors, Supervisors,Senior Executives and Employees ........ 46
Section VIII Corporate Governance .............................................................................................. 55
Section IX Internal Control ............................................................................................................ 64
Section X Financial Report ............................................................................................................. 64
Section XI Documents available for reference ............................................................................ 158
                                                                   深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2012 年度报告
              Items              Refers to                            Contents
Shenshenbao/the Company/Listed
                                 Refers to Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd
Shenbao Huacheng                 Refers to Shenzhen Shenbao Huacheng Science and Technology Co.,Ltd
Wuyuan Jufangyong                Refers to Jufangyong Tea Industry Co., Ltd. in Wuyuan County
Hangzhou Ju Fang Yong            Refers to Hangzhou Ju Fang Yong Holding Co., Ltd.
Shenbao Yuxing                   Refers to Fujian Mount Wuyi Shenbao Yuxing Tea Co., Ltd.
Shen Shenbao Huafa               Refers to Zhejiang Shen Shenbao Huafa Tea Co., Ltd.
Technology Center                Refers to Shenzhen Shenbao Technology Center Co., Ltd.
Huizhou Shenbao Science &
                                 Refers to Huizhou Shenbao Science & Technology Co., Ltd.
                                             Shenzhen Shenbao Sanjing Food & Beverage Development
Shenbao Sanjing                  Refers to
                                             Co., Ltd
Shenbao Industrial & Trading     Refers to Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial & Trading Co., Ltd.
Shenbao Properties               Refers to Shenzhen Shenbao Properties Management Co., Ltd.
Shenbao Investment               Refers to Huizhou Shenbao Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.
PepsiCo (China)                  Refers to PepsiCo Investment (China) Ltd.
Shenzhen PepsiCo                 Refers to Shenzhen PepsiCo Beverage Co., Ltd
Zhejiang Huafa                   Refers to Zhejiang Huafa Tea Co., Ltd.
Changzhou Sanjing                Refers to Changzhou Sanjing Grease Co., Ltd
Agricultural Products            Refers to Shenzhen Agricultural Products Co., Ltd
Shenzhen Investment Holding      Refers to Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd
                                             Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government State-owned Assets
Shenzhen SASAC                   Refers to
                                             Supervision & Administration Commission
CBC                              Refers to Shenzhen China Bicycle Company (Holdings) Limited
Sunrise Company                  Refers to Guangdong Sunrise Holdings Co., Ltd.
CSRC                             Refers to China Securities Regulation Commission
SSE                              Refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Dahua CPA                        Refers to Dahua Certified Public Accountants (LLP)
Article of Association           Refers to Article of Association of Shenzhen Shenbao Industrial Co., Ltd
RMB/10 thousand yuan             Refers to CNY/ten thousand yuan
                                                                    深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2012 年度报告
                                    Section II Company profile
I. Company information
Short form of the stock                                      Stock code             000019, 200019
Stock exchange for listing Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Name of the Company (in
Short form of the
Company (in Chinese)
Foreign name of the
                          SHENZHEN SHENBAO INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD
Company(if applicable)
Short form of foreign
name of the Company(if    SBSY
Legal representative      Mr. Zheng Yuxi
                          South, 20F/Tower Building, Education and Technology Mansion, Zhuzilin, Futian
Registrations add.
                          Zone, Shenzhen
Code for registrations add 518040
                          South 20/F(23/F in elevator guidance), Education Technology Mansion, No.26 Zizhu
Offices add.
                          Qi Dao, Zhuzilin Fourth Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Codes for office add.     518040
Company’s Internet Web
E-mail                    shenbao@sbsy.com.cn
II. Person/Way to contact
                                           Secretary of the Board              Rep. of security affairs
Name                                 Li Yiyan                             Zheng Guibo
                                     23/F,      Education Technology 23/F,      Education Technology
                                     Mansion, No.26 Zizhu Qi Dao, Mansion, No.26 Zizhu Qi Dao,
Contact add.
                                     Zhuzilin Fourth Road, Futian Zhuzilin Fourth Road, Futian
                                     District, Shenzhen              District, Shenzhen
Tel.                                 0755-82027522                        0755-82027522
Fax.                                 0755-82027522                        0755-82027522
E-mail                               lyy@sbsy.com.cn                      zhenggb@sbsy.com.cn
                                                                           深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2012 年度报告
III. Information disclosure and preparation place
Newspaper appointed for information            Securities Times; China Securities Journal and Hong Kong
disclosure                                     Commercial Daily
Website for annual report publish
appointed by CSRC
Preparation place for annual report            Office of the Board of Directors
IV. Registration changes of the Company
                                                           Registration No.
                                            Place for                             No. of taxation      Organization
                Date for registration                       for enterprise
                                           registration                            registration           code
                                                             legal license
                1981-07-30                  Shenzhen      19218075-4          440301192180754 19218075-4
Registration at
end of report   2011-07-12                  Shenzhen      440301103223954 440301192180754 19218075-4
Changes of main business since
                                        No changes
listing (if applicable)
                                        On 10 September 1999, Shenzhen Investment Management Co., Ltd.
                                        entered into the “Equity Transfer Agreement of Shenzhen Shenbao
                                        Industrial Co., Ltd.” with Agricultural Products for 58,347,695 shares of the
Previous changes for controlling
shareholders (if applicable)            Company (35% in total shares of the Company) transfer to Agricultural
                                        Products with price of RMB 1.95 per share. Agricultural Products comes to
                                        the first majority shareholder of the Company after transfer and procedures
                                        for the above equity transfer has completed in June of 2003.
V. Other relevant information
CPA engaged by the Company
Name of CPA                      Dahua Certified Public Accountants (LLP)
Offices add. for CPA             11/F, Block B, Union Square, No. 5022, Binhe Blv, Futian District, Shenzhen
Signing Accountants              Chen Baohua, Gong Chenyan
Sponsor engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting
√ Applicable      □ Not applicable
                                                                        Name of sponsor       Continuous supervision
    Name of sponsor                 Offices add. for sponsor
                                                                           deputy                    period
Dongguan Securities Co.,     29/F, Jinyuan Center, No.1 Keyuan          Pan Yunsong,         2011.7.4-2012.12.31
Ltd.                         Rd. (S), Guancheng District,               LvXiaoshu
                                                                           深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2012 年度报告
Guotai Junan Securities     29/F, Bank of Shanghai Tower, No.           Yuan Huagang,      2011.7.4-2012.12.31
Co., Ltd.                   168 Yincheng Center Rd., Shanghai           Yang Xiaotao
Financial consultant engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties
in reporting period
√ Applicable     □Not applicable
                              Offices add. for financial       Organizer of financial     Continuous supervision
    Name of consultant
                                     consultant                     consultant                   period
                            No.8, Qiaobeiyuan,
Southwest Securities Co.,
                            Jiangbei District,                 Tian Ye, Qin Cuiping     2011.12.19-2012.12.31
                                                                           深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2012 年度报告
      Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes
I. Main accounting data and financial indexes
Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for
accounting policy changed and accounting error correction or not
□Yes √□ No
                                                                            Changes over last
                                       2012                2011
                                                                               year (%)
Operating income (RMB)              310,790,324.70     318,230,243.67                  -2.34%       229,797,398.17
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed           74,529,471.28         6,980,233.57               967.72%         5,687,644.79
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
company after deducting              -33,778,384.16     -13,338,969.53               -153.23%       -41,851,853.99
non-recurring  gains   and
Net cash flow arising from
                                     -48,434,558.23     -18,790,209.92               -157.76%         5,223,014.63
operating activities(RMB)
Basic earnings       per   share
                                              0.297               0.0323              819.50%                0.031
Diluted earnings per share
                                              0.297               0.0323              819.50%                0.031
Return on Equity (%)                          8.04%               1.15%                 6.89%                1.76%
                                                                            Changes over end
                                    End of 2012        End of 2011                                 End of 2010
                                                                             of last year (%)
Total assets (RMB)                 1,222,994,595.75   1,061,964,234.64                 15.16%       658,468,839.95
Net assets attributable to
shareholder of listed company
(Owners’ equity attributable to    964,216,674.18     889,876,512.59                   8.35%       325,092,060.80
shareholder       of      listed
company ) (RMB)
                                                                         深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2012 年度报告
II. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China
Difference of the net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of parent company
disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International Accounting Standards) and
Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                       Net profit attributable to          Net assets attributable to shareholders
                                    shareholders of listed company                   of listed company
                                   Amount in this    Amount in last           Amount at             Amount at
                                     period            period                 period-end           period-begin
Chinese GAAP                         74,529,471.28        6,980,233.57       964,216,674.18        889,876,512.59
Items and amount adjusted by IAS
1. Adjustment for amortization
of       equity      investment                                                1,016,958.04          1,016,958.04
2. Adjustment for cost of
transfer of equity of Shenzhen         381,359.27                               -762,718.54           -381,359.27
3.Adjustment for other payable
                                                                               1,067,000.00          1,067,000.00
fund of stock market regulation
IAS                                  74,910,830.55        6,980,233.57       965,537,913.68        891,579,111.36
                                                                    深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2012 年度报告
III. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                  Item                      Amount in 2012        Amount in 2011        Amount in 2010
Gains/losses from the disposal of
non-current asset (including the
                                                 103,325,804.23          -10,632.50           43,147,293.25
write-off that accrued for impairment
of assets)
Governmental subsidy reckoned into
current gains/losses (not including the
subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration
                                                   3,250,145.75        1,800,048.00            1,868,815.57
according to national standards, which
are closely relevant to enterprise’s
Gains and losses from change of fair
values      of      held-for-transaction
financial    assets    and      financial
liabilities except for the effective
hedge business related to normal
                                                   2,416,674.15        1,971,899.34               94,500.00
business of the Company, and
investment income from disposal of
transactional financial assets and
liabilities and financial assets
available for sale
Switch-back of impairment of account
receivable that practice impairment                                       70,619.95
test independent
Other non-operating income           and
expenditure    except  for            the           -197,762.37       16,896,972.61            2,851,389.23
aforementioned items
Impact on income tax                                -486,348.75         -409,704.30             -106,885.18
Impact on minority shareholders’
                                                        -657.57                                 -315,614.09
equity (post-tax)
Total                                            108,307,855.44       20,319,203.10           47,539,498.78
                                                                         深圳市深宝实业股份有限公司 2012 年度报告
                      Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors
I. Introduction
In reporting period, the Company pursues more efforts to the promotion of development of tea industry surround
the annual operational plan. In first half year of 2012, being suffered from slowdown in growth of domestic
economy, continued weaknesses in beverage market and decline in sales, effective demand for tea market of the
Company was insufficient with sales down. In second half year, under the support of steady growth policy,
economy shows a sign of stabilizing and recovering; being closely keep up with the changes of market, optimized
marketing policy timely and readjusted the product mix, the Company well maintains the stable of existing clients
and market shares. According to the environment in and out of the Company, the Company for
