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深物业B:2024年半年度财务报告(英文版) 下载公告



【August 2024】

Financial StatementsI. Auditor’s ReportAre these interim financial statements audited by an independent auditor?

□ Yes ? No

These interim financial statements have not been audited by an independent auditor.II Financial StatementsCurrency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.

30 June 2024

Unit: RMB

Item30 June 20241 January 2024
Current assets:
Monetary assets1,885,846,531.692,748,798,476.72
Settlement reserve
Interbank loans granted
Held-for-trading financial assets
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable525,349,243.53502,806,453.88
Accounts receivable financing
Premiums receivable
Reinsurance receivables
Receivable reinsurance contract reserve
Other receivables606,627,612.52624,394,372.82
Including: Interest receivable0.000.00
Dividends receivable0.000.00
Financial assets purchased under resale agreements
Including: Data resource
Contract assets724,882.35844,485.57
Assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets172,158,013.65127,774,825.51
Total current assets14,788,062,266.5015,114,810,796.59
Non-current assets:
Loans and advances to customers
Investments in debt obligations
Investments in other debt obligations
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments84,470,493.0884,057,750.55
Investments in other equity437,618.97636,926.20
Other non-current financial assets
Investment property369,472,806.82386,810,800.47
Fixed assets58,895,644.8466,436,408.90
Construction in progress
Productive living assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets20,632,466.9123,516,796.22
Intangible assets746,256.59889,801.14
Including: Data resource
Development costs
Including: Data resource
Long-term prepaid expense22,825,786.7421,510,397.88
Deferred income tax assets1,298,889,053.691,276,440,386.83
Other non-current assets4,783,032.033,505,155.93
Total non-current assets1,870,600,007.051,873,251,271.50
Total assets16,658,662,273.5516,988,062,068.09
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings50,036,250.00230,915,000.00
Borrowings from the central bank
Interbank loans obtained
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable497,647,577.28662,869,059.59
Advances from customers811,650.902,265,223.56
Contract liabilities846,699,653.68820,424,953.42
Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements
Customer deposits and interbank deposits
Payables for acting trading of securities
Payables for underwriting of securities
Employee benefits payable174,093,714.50218,786,111.78
Taxes payable3,949,179,575.544,026,957,347.94
Other payables1,156,391,495.321,217,303,294.25
Including: Interest payable0.000.00
Dividends payable12,202,676.0412,202,676.04
Handling charges and commissions payable
Reinsurance payables
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities3,457,663,129.193,092,324,853.07
Other current liabilities71,429,755.0968,373,661.13
Total current liabilities10,203,952,801.5010,340,219,504.74
Non-current liabilities:
Insurance contract reserve
Long-term borrowings1,387,120,583.021,399,889,274.47
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities12,635,031.0310,571,092.27
Long-term payables399,899,850.00400,105,655.56
Long-term employee benefits payable
Deferred income
Deferred income tax liabilities4,615,283.495,862,279.70
Other non-current liabilities130,742,839.33127,039,225.54
Total non-current liabilities1,935,663,586.871,944,117,527.54
Total liabilities12,139,616,388.3712,284,337,032.28
Owners’ equity:
Share capital595,979,092.00595,979,092.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserves80,488,045.3880,488,045.38
Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income-3,162,651.27-3,352,337.88
Specific reserve
Surplus reserves116,108,727.08116,108,727.08
General reserve
Retained earnings3,695,853,783.283,872,586,802.17
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent4,485,266,996.474,661,810,328.75
Non-controlling interests33,778,888.7141,914,707.06
Total owners’ equity4,519,045,885.184,703,725,035.81
Total liabilities and owners’ equity16,658,662,273.5516,988,062,068.09

Legal representative: Liu Shengxiang Head of financial affairs: Cai LiliHead of the financial department: Cai Kelin

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent

Unit: RMB

Item30 June 20241 January 2024
Current assets:
Monetary assets794,064,392.461,477,419,010.01
Held-for-trading financial assets
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable114,596,179.95120,029,158.78
Accounts receivable financing
Other receivables4,564,271,534.774,489,713,785.01
Including: Interest receivable0.000.00
Dividends receivable0.000.00
Including: Data resource
Contract assets
Assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current assets
Other current assets9,882,008.432,617,751.73
Total current assets5,533,600,319.706,140,557,072.50
Non-current assets:
Investments in debt obligations
Investments in other debt obligations
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments1,374,961,894.181,374,549,151.65
Investments in other equity instruments668,118.97867,426.20
Other non-current financial assets
Investment property242,197,878.52253,100,089.70
Fixed assets17,458,095.1622,373,578.76
Construction in progress
Productive living assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets1,989,665.002,700,397.70
Intangible assets3,723,999.983,887,333.33
Including: Data resource
Development costs
Including: Data resource
Long-term prepaid expense190,246.64380,493.32
Deferred income tax assets11,687,262.001,961,067.37
Other non-current assets2,931,926,650.862,853,376,650.86
Total non-current assets4,584,803,811.314,513,196,188.89
Total assets10,118,404,131.0110,653,753,261.39
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable59,354,150.3377,667,521.25
Advances from customers227.00
Contract liabilities
Employee benefits payable42,666,605.4657,605,546.32
Taxes payable3,912,105.0875,570,618.96
Other payables7,093,447,672.647,278,131,009.11
Including: Interest payable0.000.00
Dividends payable29,642.4029,642.40
Liabilities directly associated with assets held for sale
Current portion of non-current liabilities433,056,613.1163,605,554.05
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities7,632,437,146.627,552,580,476.69
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term borrowings0.00400,400,000.00
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities1,523,304.911,708,456.34
Long-term payables399,899,850.00400,105,655.56
Long-term employee benefits payable
Deferred income
Deferred income tax liabilities497,416.25675,099.43
Other non-current liabilities40,000,000.0040,000,000.00
Total non-current liabilities441,920,571.16842,889,211.33
Total liabilities8,074,357,717.788,395,469,688.02
Owners’ equity:
Share capital595,979,092.00595,979,092.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserves53,876,380.1153,876,380.11
Less: Treasury stock
Other comprehensive income-3,207,936.35-3,004,584.80
Specific reserve
Surplus reserves116,108,727.08116,108,727.08
Retained earnings1,281,290,150.391,495,323,958.98
Total owners’ equity2,044,046,413.232,258,283,573.37
Total liabilities and owners’ equity10,118,404,131.0110,653,753,261.39

3. Consolidated Income Statement

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024H1 2023
1. Revenue856,028,445.251,905,464,632.85
Including: Operating revenue856,028,445.251,905,464,632.85
Interest income
Insurance premium income
Handling charge and commission income
2. Costs and expenses834,353,547.221,605,529,607.89
Including: Cost of sales669,091,472.181,372,159,884.25
Interest expense
Handling charge and commission expense
Net insurance claims paid
Net amount provided as insurance contract reserve
Expenditure on policy dividends
Reinsurance premium expense
Taxes and surcharges10,447,340.3945,190,786.03
Selling expense9,106,255.8713,087,297.05
Administrative expense127,378,140.36149,188,184.18
R&D expense2,243,317.441,711,051.44
Finance costs16,087,020.9824,192,404.94
Including: Interest expense35,164,356.9731,827,441.32
Interest income21,522,831.257,930,755.87
Add: Other income2,428,205.185,670,088.91
Return on investment (“-” for loss)412,742.531,857,388.32
Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and associates412,742.531,857,388.32
Income from the derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost (“-” for loss)
Exchange gain (“-” for loss)
Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)
Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)
Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss)-18,396,918.74-13,610,779.58
Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)-5,858.652,045.93
Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)26,055.97174,379.69
3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)6,139,124.32294,028,148.23
Add: Non-operating income479,063.20-204,898.03
Less: Non-operating expense436,385.09357,718.39
4. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)6,181,802.43293,465,531.81
Less: Income tax expense4,860,162.9778,819,275.76
5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)1,321,639.46214,646,256.05
5.1 By operating continuity
5.1.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)1,321,639.46214,584,900.22
5.1.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)0.0061,355.83
5.2 By ownership
5.2.1 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company as the parent (“-” for net loss)9,212,457.81220,903,444.63
5.2.2 Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests (“-” for net loss)-7,890,818.35-6,257,188.58
6. Other comprehensive income, net of tax189,686.611,404,020.27
Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent189,686.611,404,020.27
6.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss-203,351.55-275,978.56
6.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurements on defined benefit schemes
6.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
6.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other equity instruments-203,351.55-275,978.56
6.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes in own credit risk
6.1.5 Other
6.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss393,038.161,679,998.83
6.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
6.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt obligations
6.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the reclassification of financial assets
6.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in other debt obligations
6.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges
6.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of foreign currency-denominated financial statements393,038.161,679,998.83
6.2.7 Other
Attributable to non-controlling interests0.000.00
7. Total comprehensive income1,511,326.07216,050,276.32
Attributable to owners of the Company as the parent9,402,144.42222,307,464.90
Attributable to non-controlling interests-7,890,818.35-6,257,188.58
8. Earnings per share
8.1 Basic earnings per share0.01550.3707
8.2 Diluted earnings per share0.01550.3707

Where business combinations under common control occurred in the Current Period, the net profit achieved by the acquireesbefore the combinations was RMB0.00, with the amount for the same period of last year being RMB0.00.Legal representative: Liu Shengxiang Head of financial affairs: Cai Lili

Head of the financial department: Cai Kelin

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024H1 2023
1. Operating revenue32,037,213.481,003,621,923.84
Less: Cost of sales24,213,582.29698,031,149.77
Taxes and surcharges2,975,547.748,373,564.71
Selling expense399,234.24406,096.84
Administrative expense32,750,591.6047,358,840.75
R&D expense
Finance costs3,676,713.496,675,706.20
Including: Interest expense17,711,062.0113,125,188.51
Interest income14,208,379.573,531,500.73
Add: Other income176,813.10252,975.99
Return on investment (“-” for loss)412,742.531,857,388.32
Including: Share of profit or loss of joint ventures and associates412,742.531,857,388.32
Income from the derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost (“-” for loss)
Net gain on exposure hedges (“-” for loss)
Gain on changes in fair value (“-” for loss)
Credit impairment loss (“-” for loss)-6,611,482.03482,276.30
Asset impairment loss (“-” for loss)
Asset disposal income (“-” for loss)111,000.73
2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)-38,000,382.28245,480,206.91
Add: Non-operating income20,972.63413,371.19
Less: Non-operating expense12,800.0515,573.60
3. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)-37,992,209.70245,878,004.50
Less: Income tax expense-9,903,877.8162,647,086.56
4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)-28,088,331.89183,230,917.94
4.1 Net profit from continuing operations (“-” for net loss)-28,088,331.89183,230,917.94
4.2 Net profit from discontinued operations (“-” for net loss)
5. Other comprehensive income, net of tax-203,351.55-275,978.56
5.1 Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss-203,351.55-275,978.56
5.1.1 Changes caused by remeasurements on defined benefit schemes
5.1.2 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss under the equity method
5.1.3 Changes in the fair value of investments in other equity instruments-203,351.55-275,978.56
5.1.4 Changes in the fair value arising from changes in own credit risk
5.1.5 Other
5.2 Items that will be reclassified to profit or loss
5.2.1 Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss
under the equity method
5.2.2 Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt obligations
5.2.3 Other comprehensive income arising from the reclassification of financial assets
5.2.4 Credit impairment allowance for investments in other debt obligations
5.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges
5.2.6 Differences arising from the translation of foreign currency-denominated financial statements
5.2.7 Other
6. Total comprehensive income-28,291,683.44182,954,939.38
7. Earnings per share
7.1 Basic earnings per share
7.2 Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024H1 2023
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services1,009,820,783.161,134,538,536.26
Net increase in customer deposits and interbank deposits
Net increase in borrowings from the central bank
Net increase in loans from other financial institutions
Premiums received on original insurance contracts
Net proceeds from reinsurance
Net increase in deposits and investments of policy holders
Interest, handling charges and commissions received
Net increase in interbank loans obtained
Net increase in proceeds from repurchase transactions
Net proceeds from acting trading of securities
Tax rebates3,135,070.6715,030,885.06
Cash generated from other operating activities139,985,597.08126,769,873.68
Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities1,152,941,450.911,276,339,295.00
Payments for commodities and services1,081,063,241.761,075,770,309.73
Net increase in loans and advances to customers
Net increase in deposits in the central bank and in interbank loans granted
Payments for claims on original insurance contracts
Net increase in interbank loans granted
Interest, handling charges and commissions paid
Policy dividends paid
Cash paid to and for employees494,492,566.11495,986,685.15
Taxes paid171,598,817.27157,276,244.25
Cash used in other operating activities142,613,927.21127,327,714.02
Subtotal of cash used in operating activities1,889,768,552.351,856,360,953.15
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities-736,827,101.44-580,021,658.15
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
Proceeds from disinvestment
Return on investment0.0063,120.00
Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets30,742.9273,664.52
Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash generated from other investing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities30,742.92136,784.52
Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets2,871,482.272,589,103.59
Payments for investments0.001,644,822.69
Net increase in pledged loans granted
Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash used in other investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in investing activities2,871,482.274,233,926.28
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities-2,840,739.35-4,097,141.76
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
Capital contributions received
Including: Capital contributions by non-controlling interests to subsidiaries
Borrowings raised394,087,970.55590,984,586.17
Cash generated from other financing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities394,087,970.55590,984,586.17
Repayment of borrowings217,573,410.0832,316,662.00
Interest and dividends paid284,193,955.8694,407,905.77
Including: Dividends paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling interests245,000.00245,000.00
Cash used in other financing activities18,445,740.5415,224,062.82
Subtotal of cash used in financing activities520,213,106.48141,948,630.59
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities-126,125,135.93449,035,955.58
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash equivalents134,202.792,054,469.55
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-865,658,773.93-133,028,374.78
Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period2,733,139,135.121,509,693,857.48
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period1,867,480,361.191,376,665,482.70

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024H1 2023
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
Proceeds from sale of commodities and rendering of services22,258,298.2265,620,304.10
Tax rebates
Cash generated from other operating activities91,297,606.44720,171,786.00
Subtotal of cash generated from operating activities113,555,904.66785,792,090.10
Payments for commodities and services35,001,840.9030,896,291.92
Cash paid to and for employees31,155,015.1831,086,528.03
Taxes paid83,540,868.1539,797,238.94
Cash used in other operating activities336,495,545.91294,025,250.18
Subtotal of cash used in operating activities486,193,270.14395,805,309.07
Net cash generated from/used in operating activities-372,637,365.48389,986,781.03
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
Proceeds from disinvestment
Return on investment0.0063,120.00
Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets
Net proceeds from the disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash generated from other investing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from investing activities0.0063,120.00
Payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets604,967.86152,169.34
Payments for investments78,000,000.00148,000,000.00
Net payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units
Cash used in other investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in investing activities78,604,967.86148,152,169.34
Net cash generated from/used in investing activities-78,604,967.86-148,089,049.34
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
Capital contributions received
Borrowings raised
Cash generated from other financing activities
Subtotal of cash generated from financing activities
Repayment of borrowings30,800,000.0030,800,000.00
Interest and dividends paid195,041,338.9613,132,759.86
Cash used in other financing activities9,616,850.000.00
Subtotal of cash used in financing activities235,458,188.9643,932,759.86
Net cash generated from/used in financing activities-235,458,188.96-43,932,759.86
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates changes on cash and cash equivalents9,238.0938,215.73
5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-686,691,284.21198,003,187.56
Add: Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period1,467,636,856.69528,268,054.39
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period780,945,572.48726,271,241.95

7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity

H1 2024

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024
Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parentNon-controlling interestsTotal owners’ equity
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesGeneral reserveRetained earningsOtherSubtotal
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period of the prior year595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-3,352,337.88116,108,727.083,872,586,802.174,661,810,328.7541,914,707.064,703,725,035.81
Add: Adjustment for change in accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error
Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning of the Reporting Period of the year595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-3,352,337.88116,108,727.083,872,586,802.174,661,810,328.7541,914,707.064,703,725,035.81
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for decrease)189,686.61-176,733,018.89-176,543,332.28-8,135,818.35-184,679,150.63
3.1 Total comprehensive income189,686.619,212,457.819,402,144.42-7,890,818.351,511,326.07
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners
3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by owners
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity instruments
3.2.3 Share-based payments included in
owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit distribution-185,945,476.70-185,945,476.70-245,000.00-186,190,476.70
3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Appropriation to general reserve
3.3.3 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)-185,945,476.70-185,945,476.70-245,000.00-186,190,476.70
3.3.4 Other
3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity
3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves
3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the period595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-3,162,651.27116,108,727.083,695,853,783.284,485,266,996.4733,778,888.714,519,045,885.18

H1 2023

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2023
Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parentNon-controlling interestsTotal owners’ equity
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesGeneral reserveRetained earningsOtherSubtotal
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period of the prior year595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-3,854,377.9548,886,605.813,691,056,182.734,412,555,547.9756,255,522.464,468,811,070.43
Add: Adjustment for change in accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error
Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning of the Reporting Period of the year595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-3,854,377.9548,886,605.813,691,056,182.734,412,555,547.9756,255,522.464,468,811,070.43
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for decrease)1,404,020.274,110,169.735,514,190.00-6,502,188.58-987,998.58
3.1 Total comprehensive income1,404,020.27220,903,444.63222,307,464.90-6,257,188.58216,050,276.32
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners
3.2.1 Ordinary shares
increased by owners
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity instruments
3.2.3 Share-based payments included in owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit distribution-215,148,452.21-215,148,452.21-245,000.00-215,393,452.21
3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Appropriation to general reserve
3.3.3 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)-215,148,452.21-215,148,452.21-245,000.00-215,393,452.21
3.3.4 Other
3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity
3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves
3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other-1,644,822.69-1,644,822.69-1,644,822.69
4. Balance as at the end of the period595,979,092.0080,488,045.38-2,450,357.6848,886,605.813,695,166,352.464,418,069,737.9749,753,333.884,467,823,071.85

8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent

H1 2024

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2024
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesRetained earningsOtherTotal owners’ equity
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period of the prior year595,979,092.0053,876,380.11-3,004,584.80116,108,727.081,495,323,958.982,258,283,573.37
Add: Adjustment for change in accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error
Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning of the Reporting Period of the year595,979,092.0053,876,380.11-3,004,584.80116,108,727.081,495,323,958.982,258,283,573.37
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for decrease)-203,351.55-214,033,808.59-214,237,160.14
3.1 Total comprehensive income-203,351.55-28,088,331.89-28,291,683.44
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners
3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by owners
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity instruments
3.2.3 Share-based payments included in owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit distribution-185,945,476.70-185,945,476.70
3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)-185,945,476.70-185,945,476.70
3.3.3 Other
3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity
3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3.4.3 Loss
offset by surplus reserves
3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the period595,979,092.0053,876,380.11-3,207,936.35116,108,727.081,281,290,150.392,044,046,413.23

H1 2023

Unit: RMB

ItemH1 2023
Share capitalOther equity instrumentsCapital reservesLess: Treasury stockOther comprehensive incomeSpecific reserveSurplus reservesRetained earningsOtherTotal owners’ equity
Preferred sharesPerpetual bondsOther
1. Balance as at the end of the Reporting Period of the prior year595,979,092.0053,876,380.11-2,742,841.6548,886,605.811,105,473,319.871,801,472,556.14
Add: Adjustment for change in accounting policy
Adjustment for correction of previous error
Other adjustments
2. Balance as at the beginning of the595,979,092.0053,876,380.11-2,742,841.648,886,605.811,105,473,319.871,801,472,556.14
Reporting Period of the year5
3. Increase/ decrease in the period (“-” for decrease)-275,978.56-31,917,534.27-32,193,512.83
3.1 Total comprehensive income-275,978.56183,230,917.94182,954,939.38
3.2 Capital increased and reduced by owners
3.2.1 Ordinary shares increased by owners
3.2.2 Capital increased by holders of other equity instruments
3.2.3 Share-based payments included in owners’ equity
3.2.4 Other
3.3 Profit distribution-215,148,452.21-215,148,452.21
3.3.1 Appropriation to surplus reserves
3.3.2 Appropriation to owners (or shareholders)-215,148,452.21-215,148,452.21
3.3.3 Other
3.4 Transfers within owners’ equity
3.4.1 Increase in capital (or share capital) from capital reserves
3.4.2 Increase in capital (or share capital) from surplus
3.4.3 Loss offset by surplus reserves
3.4.4 Changes in defined benefit schemes transferred to retained earnings
3.4.5 Other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
3.4.6 Other
3.5 Specific reserve
3.5.1 Increase in the period
3.5.2 Used in the period
3.6 Other
4. Balance as at the end of the period595,979,092.0053,876,380.11-3,018,820.2148,886,605.811,073,555,785.601,769,279,043.31

III Company Profile

Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company” or “Company”) wasincorporated based on the reconstruction of Shenzhen Properties & Resources Development Co., Ltd. after obtaining approval ofZFBF [1991] No. 831 from People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality. It was registered with Shenzhen Industrial andCommercial Administration Bureau on 17 January 1983 with Shenzhen as its headquarters. Now the Company holds the businesslicense for legal person with the registration number/unified social credit code of 91440300192174135N. The registered capital wasRMB595,979,092 with the total shares of 595,979,092 (RMB1 face value per share), among which, restricted public shares:

1,898,306 A shares and 0 B shares; unrestricted public shares: 526,475,543 A shares and 67,605,243 B shares. The stock of theCompany has been listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 30 March 1992.The Company is in the real estate sector. Its main business includes development of real estate and sale of commercial housing,construction and management of buildings, house rent, supervision of construction, domestic trading and materials supply andmarketing (excluding exclusive dealing and monopoly sold products and commodities under special control to purchase). Mainproducts or services rendered mainly include the development and sales of commercial residential housing; property management;buildings and the building devices maintenance, garden afforest and cleaning service; property leasing; supervise and management ofthe engineering; retails of the Chinese food, Western-style food and wines, and etc.The financial statements were approved and authorized for issue by the 28th Meeting of the 10th Board of Directors of the Companyon 27 August 2024.The consolidation scope of the Company’s consolidated financial statements was determined based on the control which included the

financial statements of the Company and all its subsidiaries. A subsidiary refers to an enterprise or entity controlled by the Company.There were 60 subsidiaries included in the consolidation financial statements in this report. Please refer to the Note IX and Note X ofthe financial report for details.IV Basis for Preparation of Financial Statements

1. Preparation Basis

Based on the continuing operation, the financial statements of the Company are prepared in accordance with the actualtransactions, governing provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the following major accountingpolicies and estimates.

2. Continuation

There was no such case where the sustainable operation ability within 12 months since the end of the Reporting Period was highlydoubted.

V. Important Accounting Policies and EstimationsIndication of specific accounting policies and estimations:

The Company has formulated specific accounting policies and accounting estimates for transactions and events, such as therecognition of incomes, based on the actual production and operation characteristics, and in accordance with the provisions of therelevant accounting standards for business enterprises. Please refer to "Financial Instruments", "Inventory", and "Revenue" in thissection for details.

1. Statement for Complying with the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise

The financial statement prepared by the Company complies with the requirements of the latest accounting standards for businessenterprises as well as the application guidelines, interpretations and other relevant regulations (hereinafter referred to as the“accounting standards for business enterprises”) issued by the Ministry of Finance. It reflects the Company’s financial conditions,operating results, cash flow and other related information in a truthful and complete manner.In addition, in the preparation of the financial report, reference was made to the presentation and disclosure requirements of the Rulefor Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No. 15 - General Provisions on Financial Reports (2014Revision) and the Notice on Related Matters of the Implementation of New Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises by ListedCompanies (KJBH [2018] No. 453).

2. Fiscal Period

The fiscal year of the Company is a solar calendar year, which is from 1 January to 31 December.

3. Operating Cycle

Except for the real estate industry, other businesses run by the Company have relatively short operating cycles according to theclassification standard of 12-month’s liquidity of assets and liabilities. The operating cycle of the real estate industry shall begenerally more than 12 months from real estate development to cash the sales. The specific cycle shall be determined by thedevelopment project.

4. Standard Currency of Accounts

The Company adopts Renminbi as a standard currency of accounts.

5. Methods for Determining Materiality Standards and Selection Criteria

?Applicable □ Not applicable

ItemMateriality criteria
Account receivable with bad debt provision by major single itemAccounts receivable amounting to RMB5 million or more
Significant non-wholly-owned subsidiariesNon-wholly-owned subsidiaries with revenue exceeding 10% of the consolidated operating revenue, or total assets exceeding 5% of the consolidated total assets.

6. Accounting Process of Business Combinations under the Same Control and not under the Same Control

1. Accounting Process of Business Combinations under the Same Control

For business combination under the same control achieved through one transaction or step by step through multiple transactions bythe Company, the assets and liabilities acquired in a business combination are measured at the carrying value of the acquiree in theconsolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at the date of combination. The difference between the carryingvalue of net assets acquired by the Company and the carrying value of the combination consideration paid (or the total nominal valueof shares issued) is referred to for adjusting capital reserve; if capital reserve is not sufficient to offset the difference, then retainedearnings are adjusted.

2. Accounting Process of Business Combinations not under the Same Control

The Group shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assetsobtained from the acquiree on purchase date as goodwill. If the combination costs are less than the fair value of the identifiable netassets obtained from the acquire, the Company shall recheck the various identifiable assets and liabilities obtained from the acquire,fair value with liabilities, and measurement of combination costs. If the combination costs are less than the fair value of theidentifiable net assets obtained from the acquire after recheck, the Company shall the record the balance into the profit and loss of thecurrent period.Business combinations not under the same control achieved step by step through multiple transactions should be treated in thefollowing order:

(1) Adjusting the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment If the equity held prior to the date of purchase is accountedunder the equity method, the equity is remeasured at the fair value on the purchase date, and the difference between the fair value andits carrying value is included in the investment income of the current period; if the equity in the acquiree held prior to the purchasedate involves other comprehensive income or changes in other owners' equity under the equity method of accounting, it is convertedinto income for the current period on the purchase date, except for other comprehensive income arising from the re-measurement ofthe investee's net liabilities of the defined benefit pension plan or changes in net assets of the defined benefit plan and changes in thefair value of investments in other equity instruments held.

(2) Determining the goodwill (or the amount included in the profit or loss for the current period) When comparing the initialinvestment cost of long-term equity investments adjusted in the first step with the share of the fair value of the identifiable net assetsof the subsidiary on the purchase date, if the former is more than the latter, the difference between the former and the latter isrecognized as goodwill; if the former is less than the latter, the difference is included in profit or loss for the current period.

Step-by-step disposal of equity through multiple transactions that results in loss of control over the subsidiary

(1) Principles for determining whether transactions in the process of step-by-step disposal of equity that results in the loss of controlover a subsidiary constitute a "package deal"The multiple transactions are generally regarded as a "package deal" in accounting treatment if the clauses, conditions, and economicimpacts of various transactions fall under one or more of the following circumstances:

1) These transactions are reached concurrently or after the impact thereof on each other is taken into consideration.

2) These transactions may achieve a complete business result only as a whole.

3) The occurrence of a transaction depends on the occurrence of, at a minimum, one another transaction.

4) A transaction is considered uneconomical separately but is considered economical when other transactions are also taken intoconsideration.

(2) Accounting treatment when transactions in the process of step-by-step disposal of equity that results in the loss of control over asubsidiary constitute a "package deal"If the transactions in the disposal of equity of a subsidiary that results in the loss of control constitute a package deal, each transactionshould be accounted for as a transaction that disposes of and loses control over a subsidiary; however, the difference between thedisposal price and the share of the net assets of the subsidiary corresponding to the disposal of the investment for each disposal priorto the loss of control should be recognized as other comprehensive earnings in the consolidated financial statements and transferredto profit or loss for the current period when the Company lost the control.In the consolidated financial statements, the remaining equity should be remeasured at fair value on the date of loss of control. Thesum of the consideration obtained from the disposition of equity and the fair value of the residual equity minus the Company'sportion of net assets in the former subsidiary calculated from the date of combination on an ongoing basis at the original shareholdingratio is included in the return on investment for the current period when the Company lost the control. Other comprehensive incomerelated to the equity investments in the former subsidiary should be included in the return on investment or retained earnings for thecurrent period when the Company lost the control.

(3) Accounting treatment when transactions in the process of step-by-step disposal of equity that results in the loss of control over asubsidiary do not constitute a "package deal"If the Company disposes of investments made in its subsidiary without losing control over the subsidiary, in the consolidatedfinancial statements, the difference between the payment for equity disposed of and the Company's corresponding portion of netassets in the subsidiary is included in the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient for offset, the retained earnings shouldbe adjusted.If the disposal of investments made in its subsidiary results in a loss of control over the subsidiary, in the consolidated financialstatements, the remaining equity should be remeasured at the fair value on the date of loss of control. The sum of the considerationobtained from the disposition of equity and the fair value of the residual equity minus the Company's portion of net assets in theformer subsidiary calculated from the date of combination on an ongoing basis at the original shareholding ratio is included in thereturn on investment for the current period when the Company lost the control. Other comprehensive income related to the equityinvestments in the former subsidiary should be included in the return on investment or retained earnings for the current period whenthe Company lost the control.

7. Criteria for Judging Control and Methods for Preparing Consolidated Financial StatementsThe scope of the Company's consolidated financial statements is determined based on control.

Control means that the Company has power over the investee, enjoys variable returns through its involvement in the investee'srelated activities and has the ability to use the power to influence the amount of returns. Relevant activities refer to activities whichhave significant impact on the returns of the investee. The activities of the investee shall be assessed based on specific circumstances,typically including sales and purchases of goods or services, management of financial assets, acquisition and disposal of assets,research and development activities, and financing activities.The Company will judge whether these entities have been controlled by the investee based on its comprehensive consideration ofrelevant facts and circumstances. Where changes in relevant facts and circumstances result in changes of relevant elements involvedin the above definition of control, the Company shall conduct reassessment.Based on the financial statements of the Company as the parent and its subsidiaries and other related materials, the consolidatedfinancial statements were prepared by the Group as the parent according to Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 33 –Consolidated Financial Statements.

8. Classification of Joint arrangements and Accounting Treatment of Joint Operations

1. Identification and classification of joint arrangements

A joint arrangement is an arrangement over which two or more parties have joint control. A joint arrangement has the followingcharacteristics: (1) Each participant is bound by the arrangement; (2) two or more parties of the joint arrangement exercise jointcontrol over the arrangement. No one party can control the arrangement alone, and any party with joint control over the arrangementcan prevent the other party or combination of parties from controlling the arrangement alone.Joint control refers to the common control over a particular arrangement according to relevant agreement, and that the decisions onrelevant activities under such arrangement are subject to unanimous consent from the parties sharing the joint control.Joint arrangements are divided into joint operations and joint ventures. A joint operation is a joint arrangement whereby the party tojoint arrangement has rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities related to the arrangement. A joint venture is a jointarrangement whereby the party to joint arrangement has rights to the net assets of the arrangement.

2. Accounting treatment of joint arrangements

A party to a joint operation shall recognize the following items related to its share of interest in the joint operation and conductaccounting treatment for them in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises: (1)Recognition of assets held separately and of assets held jointly in proportion to its share; (2) recognition of liabilities incurredseparately and of liabilities incurred jointly in proportion to its share; (3) recognition of revenue from the sale of its share of theoutput of the joint operation; (4) recognition of revenue from the sale of output of the joint operation in proportion to its share; (5)recognition of expenses incurred separately and of expenses incurred in the joint operation in proportion to its share.The party to a joint venture should conduct accounting treatment in accordance with relevant provisions of the Accounting Standardsfor Business Enterprises No. 2 - Long-term Equity Investment.

9. Recognition Standard for Cash and Cash Equivalents

In the Company’s understanding, cash and cash equivalents include cash on hand, any deposit that can be used for cover, and short-term (usually due within 3 months since the day of purchase) and high circulating investments, which are easily convertible intoknown amount of cash and whose risks in change of value are minimal.

10. Foreign Currency Businesses and Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements

(1) Accounting treatments for translation of foreign currency business

As for a foreign currency transaction in its initial recognition, the amount in the foreign currency shall be translated into the amountin the Renminbi at the spot exchange rate of the transaction date. On balance sheet date, the foreign currency monetary items shall betranslated as the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date, the balance occurred thereof shall be recorded into the profits andlosses at the current period except that the balance of exchange arising from the principal and interests of foreign currencyborrowings for the purchase and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization. The foreign currency non-monetaryitems measured at the historical cost shall still be translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date, of which the amount offunctional currency shall not be changed. The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the fair value shall be translated atthe spot exchange rate on the confirming date of fair value, of which the balance of exchange shall be included into the profit andloss of the current period or other comprehensive income.

(2) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

The asset and liability items in the balance sheets shall be translated at a spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Among theowner’s equity items, except for the items as “retained earnings”, other items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the timewhen they are incurred. The income and expense items in the income statements shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at thetime when they are incurred. The difference from translation of foreign currency financial statements thereof shall be recognized ascomprehensive income.

11. Financial Instruments

1. Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments

When the Group becomes a party to a financial instrument contract, it recognizes relevant financial assets or financial liabilities.All regular acquisition or sales of financial assets are recognized and derecognized on a trading day basis. Regular acquisition orsales of financial assets means delivering financial assets within the time limit of laws, regulations and usual market practices and inline with contract terms. The trading day refers to the date when the Group promises to acquire or sell financial assets.Financial assets (or part of financial assets, or part of a set of similar financial assets) are derecognized, i.e., written off from itsaccount and balance sheet, if the following conditions are met:

(1) The right to receive cash flows from financial assets has expired;

(2) The right to receive cash flows from the financial assets is transferred, or the obligation to pay the full amount of cash flowsreceived to a third party in a timely manner is assumed under a "pass-through agreement"; and (a) substantially almost all the risksand rewards of its ownership of the financial assets are transferred, or (b) control over the financial asset is relinquished, althoughsubstantially all the risks and rewards of its ownership of the financial assets are neither transferred nor retained.

2. Classification and measurement of financial assets

At initial recognition, according to the business model of managing financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics offinancial assets, financial assets of the Group are classified into the following categories: Financial assets measured at the amortizedcost, financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income of the current period, and financial assets measuredat fair value through profit and loss for the current period. The subsequent measurement of financial assets depended on theircategories.The Group's classification of financial assets is based on the Group's business model for managing financial assets and the cash flowcharacteristics of the financial assets.

(1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost

Financial assets that meet both of the following conditions shall be classified as financial assets measured at amortized cost: TheGroup's business model of managing the financial assets aims at obtaining contractual cash flows; and, as stipulated by contractclauses of the financial assets, the cash flows generated on a specific date are merely for the payment of principal or interest from theunpaid principal. Such financial assets are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gain or lossarising from derecognition or amortization using the effective interest method is included in profit and loss for the current period.

(2) Debt instrument investment measured at fair value through other comprehensive income

Financial assets that meet all the following conditions shall be classified as financial assets measured at fair value through othercomprehensive income: The Group's business model of managing the financial assets aims at obtaining contractual cash flows as wellas selling financial assets; and, as stipulated by contract clauses of the financial assets, the cash flows generated on a specific date aremerely for the payment of principal or interest from the unpaid principal. Such financial assets shall be subsequently measured at fairvalue. The discount or premium is amortized using the effective interest method and recognized as interest income or expense.Except for impairment losses or gains and exchange differences that are recognized as profit and loss for the current period, changesin the fair value of such financial assets shall be recognized as other comprehensive income, until the financial assets arederecognized when accumulative gains or losses shall be transferred to profit and loss for the current period. Interest income relatedto such financial assets is included in profit or loss for the current period.

(3) Equity instrument investment measured at fair value through other comprehensive incomeFor financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income that are irrevocably chosen and designated by theGroup from some non-trading equity instruments, the relevant dividend income shall be included in profit and loss for the currentperiod and changes in the fair value shall be recognized as other comprehensive income, until the financial assets are derecognizedwhen accumulative gains or losses shall be transferred to retained earnings.

(4) Financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss for the current period

The aforementioned financial assets measured at amortized cost and financial assets other than those measured at fair value throughother comprehensive income are classified as financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss for the current period. Atinitial recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatch, financial assets can be designated as financialassets measured at fair value through profit or loss for the current period. Such financial assets shall be measured at fair value, and allchanges in fair value are included in the profit and loss for the current period.When and only when the Group changes its business model of managing financial assets, all relevant financial assets affected will bere-classified.For financial assets measured at fair value through profit and loss for the current period, transaction costs are directly included inprofit and loss for the current period. For other types of financial assets, related transaction costs are included in their initialrecognized amounts.

3. Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

At initial recognition, the financial liabilities of the Group are classified into the following categories: Financial liabilities measuredat the amortized cost, and financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit and loss for the current period.Financial liabilities can be designated as financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss for the current period atinitial measurement if one of the following conditions is met: (1) The designation can eliminate or significantly reduce accountingmismatch; (2) the management and performance evaluation of a portfolio of financial liabilities or a portfolio of financial assets andfinancial liabilities are based on fair value in accordance with the Group's risk management or investment strategy as set out in aformal written document, and are reported to key management personnel on this basis within the Group; (3) The financial liabilities

contain embedded derivatives require splitting.The Group determines the classification of financial liabilities at initial recognition. For financial liabilities measured at fair valuethrough profit and loss for the current period, transaction costs are directly included in profit and loss for the current period. For othertypes of financial liabilities, related transaction costs are included in their initial recognized amounts.The subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depended on their categories:

(1) Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost

Such financial liabilities shall be subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

(2) Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit and loss for the current period

Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss for the current period include trading financial liabilities (includingderivatives that are financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss at initial recognition.

4. Financial instrument offset

The net amount after financial assets and financial liabilities offset each other is reported in the balance sheet if both of the followingconditions are met: The Group had a currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognized amounts; the Group planned to settlethem on a net basis or to realize the financial assets and pay off the financial liabilities simultaneously.

5. Impairment of financial instrument

(1) Impairment measurement and accounting handling of financial instrument

Based on expected credit loss, the Company conducts impairment handling and confirms loss reserve for financial assets which ismeasured by amortized cost, debt instrument investment which is measured by fair value and whose change is calculated into othercomprehensive profits, accounts receivable of rental, loan commitment which is beyond financial debt classified as the one which ismeasured by fair value and whose change is calculated into current profits and losses, financial debt which does not belong to the onewhich is measured by fair value and whose change is calculated into current profits or losses, or financial guarantee contract offinancial debt which is formed when it does not belong to financial asset transfer and doesn’t conform to confirmation condition oftermination or keeps on being involved in transferred financial asset.Expected credit loss refers to weighted average of credit loss of financial instrument which takes the risk of contract breachoccurrence as the weight. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contract cash flow which is converted into cash according toactual interest rate and receivable according to contract and all cash flow which to be charged as expected, i.e. current value of allcash shortage. Among it, as for financial asset purchased or original which has had credit impairment, it should be converted intocash according actual interest rate of this financial asset after credit adjustment.As for financial asset purchased or original which has had credit impairment, the Company only confirms cumulative change ofexpected credit loss within the whole duration after initial confirmation on the balance sheet date as loss reserve.As for accounts receivable which don’t include major financing contents or the Company does not consider financing contents incontract which is less than one year, the Company applies simplified measurement method, and measures loss reserve according toamount of expected credit loss within the whole duration.As for account receivable of rental and accounts receivable including major financing contents, the Company applies simplifiedmeasurement method, and measure loss reserve according to amount of expected credit loss within the whole duration.As for financial asset beyond above mentioned measurement methods, the Company evaluates whether its credit risk has increasedobviously since the initial confirmation on each balance sheet date. In case credit risk has increased obviously, the Companymeasures the loss reserve according to amount of expected credit loss within the whole duration; in case the credit risk does notincrease obviously, the Company measures loss reserve according to the amount of expected credit loss in next 12 months.By utilizing obtainable rational and well grounded information, including forward-looking information, comparing the risk ofcontract breach on balance sheet date and risk of contract breach on initial confirmation date, the Company confirms whether the

credit risk of financial instrument has increased obviously from initial confirmation.On balance sheet date, in case the Company judges that the financial instrument just has relatively low credit risk, then it will beassumed that credit risk of the financial instrument has not increased obviously.Based on single financial instrument or financial portfolio, the Company evaluates expected credit risk and measures expected creditloss. When based on financial instrument portfolio, the Company takes common risk characteristics as the basis, and divides financialinstruments into different portfolios.The Company measures expected credit loss again on each balance sheet date, the increase of loss reserve or amount which istransfer back generated by it is calculated into current profits and losses as impairment profits or losses. As for financial asset whichis measured by amortized cost, loss reserve offsets the carrying value of the financial asset listed in the balance sheet; as for debtinvestment which is measured by fair value and whose change is calculated into other comprehensive profits, the Company confirmsits loss reserve in other comprehensive profits and does not offset the carrying value of the financial asset.

(2) Financial instruments assessing expected credit risk by groups and measuring expected credit losses

ItemRecognition basisMethod of measuring expected credit losses
Other receivables-intercourse funds among related party group within the consolidation scopeAccounts natureConsulting historical experience in credit losses, combining actual situation and prediction for future economic situation, the group’s expected credit loss rate shall be accounted through exposure at default and the expected credit loss rate within the next 12 months or the entire life
Other receivables-interest receivable group
Other receivables-other intercourse funds among other related party group
Other receivables-credit risk characteristics groupAging groupConsulting historical experience in credit losses, combining actual situation and prediction for future economic situation, the group’s expected credit loss rate shall be accounted through exposure at default and the expected credit loss rate within the next 12 months or the entire life

(3) Accounts receivable with expected credit losses measured by groups

① Specific groups and method of measuring expected credit loss

ItemRecognition basisMethod of measuring expected credit losses
Bank’s acceptance bills receivableBill typeConsulting historical experience in credit losses, combining actual situation and prediction for future economic situation, the group’s expected credit loss rate shall be accounted through exposure at default and the expected credit loss rate within the entire life
Trade acceptance bills receivable

Accounts receivable-Government portfolios

Accounts receivable-Government portfoliosAccount nature

No provision for bad debts is made during the creditperiod unless there is conclusive evidence ofimpairment and the risk of default is low.

Accounts receivable-other intercourse funds among other related party groupAccount natureConsulting historical experience in credit losses, combining actual situation and prediction for future economic situation, the group’s expected credit loss rate shall be accounted through exposure at default and the expected credit loss rate within the entire life
Accounts receivable-credit risk characteristics groupAging groupPrepare the comparative list between aging of accounts receivable and expected credit loss rate over the entire life by consulting historical experience in credit losses, combining actual situation and prediction for future economic situation

② Accounts receivable-the comparative list between aging of common customer group and expected credit loss rate over the entirelife

AgingExpected credit loss rate of accounts receivable (%)
Within 1 year (inclusive, the same below)3.00
1 to 2 years10.00
2 to 3 years30.00
3 to 4 years50.00
4 to 5 years80.00
Over 5 years100.00

6. Financial asset transfer

Financial assets are derecognized if the Group has transferred almost all the risks and rewards of its ownership transferred to thetransferor; financial assets are not derecognized if the Group has retained almost all the risks and rewards of its ownership.If the Group has neither transferred nor retained almost all the risks and rewards of its ownership of the transferred financial assets, itwill be treated respectively according to the following circumstances: If the control over the financial assets is waived, relevantfinancial assets shall be derecognized, and the assets and liabilities arising from them shall be recognized; if the control over thefinancial assets is not waived, relevant financial assets shall be recognized based on the extent of continuing involvement withtransferred financial assets, and related liabilities shall be recognized accordingly.If continuing involvement is provided by way of financial guarantee for the transferred financial assets, the assets resulting from thecontinuing involvement are recognized at the lower of the carrying value of the financial assets and the financial guarantee amount.The financial guarantee amount refers to the maximum amount of the consideration received that will be required to be repaid.

12. Notes Receivable

Refer to Note V 11 Financial Instruments of the financial statements for details.

13. Accounts Receivable

Refer to Note V 11 Financial Instruments of the financial statements for details.

14. Accounts Receivable Financing

Refer to Note V 11 Financial Instruments of the financial statements for details.

15. Other Receivables

Recognition method and accounting treatment for expected credit losses of other receivablesRefer to Note V 11 Financial Instruments of the financial statements for details.

16. Contract Assets

1. Methods and criteria for recognizing contract assets

The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities on the balance sheet according to the relationship between the fulfillmentof its contract performance obligations and its customers’ payment. Considerations that the Company has the right to collect forcommodities transferred or services provided to customers (except for accounts receivable) are presented as contract assets.

2. Method of determining and accounting for expected credit losses on contract assets

The Company applies a simplified model for expected credit losses to contract assets as prescribed by Accounting Standard forBusiness Enterprises No. 14 – Revenues, excluding significant financing components (including cases where financing componentswithin contracts not exceeding one year are disregarded under the standard), measuring the loss provision according to the amount ofexpected credit loss of the entire duration. The increased loss provision or reversed amount thereof shall be recorded into the currentprofit or loss as impairment losses or gains.For contract assets that contain significant financing components, the Company has made the accounting policy choice and selectedthe simplified model of expected credit loss, measuring the loss provision according to the amount of expected credit loss of theentire duration.

17. Inventory

(1) Inventories Classification

Inventories include development land held for sale or consumption in the process of development and operation, developmentproducts, temporarily leased development products which intended for sale, relocation housing, stock materials, inventory equipment,and low-value consumables, etc., as well as development costs in the process of development.

(2) Cost Flow Assumption

1) Send-out materials shall adopt the moving weighted average method.

2) During the development of the project, the development land shall be included in the development cost of the project by the floorarea apportion of the developed products.

3) Send-out developed products shall be accounted by specific identification method.

4) The temporarily leased development products which intended for sale and relocation housing shall be amortized averagely bystages according to the expected useful life of the same kind of fixed assets of the Company.

5) If the public supporting facilities are completed earlier than the relevant development products, after the final account of the publicsupporting facilities, it shall be account into the development cost of the relevant development projects according to the buildingarea; If the public supporting facilities are completed later than the relevant development products, the relevant development productsshall withhold the public supporting facilities fees, and adjust the relevant development product costs according to the differencebetween the actual occurrence and the withhold amount after the completed public supporting facilities' final accounts.

(3) Recognition basis of Net Realizable Value of Inventory

On the balance sheet date, inventory shall be measured at the lower of cost or net realizable value, and provision shall be made forfalling price of inventories on the ground of the difference between the cost of each item of inventories and the net realizable value.Inventories directly for sale, under normal producing process, to the amount after deducting the estimated sale expense and relevanttaxes from the estimated sell price of the inventory, the net realizable value has been recognized; inventories which need to beprocessed, under normal producing process, to the amount after deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expenseand relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of produced finished goods, the net realizable value has been recognized; on thebalance sheet date, in the same item of inventories, if some have contractual price agreement while others do not, the net realizablevalue shall be recognized respectively and compared with their cost, and the amount of provision withdrawal or reversal for fallingprice of inventories shall be recognized respectively.

(4) Inventory System for Inventories

Inventory system: Perpetual inventory system

(5) Amortization Method of the Low-value Consumption Goods and Packing Articles

1) Low-value Consumption Goods

One-off amortization method

2) Packing Articles

One-off amortization method

18. Assets Held for Sale

The Company divides its components (or non-current assets) meeting the following conditions into available for sale assets: (1)Assets can be sold immediately under the current conditions according to the practice of selling such assets or disposal groups insimilar transactions; (2) The sale is likely to occur, and a resolution has been made on a sale plan and a firm purchase commitment isobtained (a firm purchase commitment refers to a legally binding purchase agreement signed between an enterprise and other parties,which contains important terms such as transaction price, time and severe penalty for breach of contract to minimize the possibilityof major adjustment or cancellation of the agreement. The sale is expected to be completed within a year. It has been approved byrelevant authorities or regulatory authorities according to relevant regulations.The Company adjusts the estimated net residual value of available for sale assets to the net amount of its fair value minus the sellingexpenses (which shall not exceed the original book value of the assets available for sale). The difference between the original bookvalue and the adjusted estimated net residual value shall be included in the current profit and loss as the loss of asset impairment, and

provisions for impairment of assets available for sale shall be made. For the amount of impairment loss of disposal group availablefor sale recognized, the book value of goodwill of the disposal group shall be offset first, and then the book value of disposal groupshall be offset in proportion according to the share of the book value of non-current assets in the disposal group measured accordingto relevant standards.When the net amount of fair value of non-current assets available for sale minus the selling expenses increases on the subsequentbalance sheet date, the amount previously written down shall be restored and reversed within the amount of asset impairment lossrecognized after being classified as available for sale assets, and the reversed amount shall be included in the current profits andlosses. The impairment loss of assets recognized before being classified as available for sale assets shall not be reversed. When thenet amount of fair value of disposal group available for sale minus the selling expenses increases on the subsequent balance sheetdate, the amount previously written down shall be restored and reversed within the amount of asset impairment loss recognized asnon-current assets in the disposal group measured according to this Standard after being classified into the categories available forsale assets, and the reversed amount shall be included in the current profits and losses. The book value of goodwill that has beenoffset and the impairment loss of non-current assets measured according to relevant standards shall not be reversed before they areclassified as available for sale assets. The subsequent reversal amount of asset impairment loss recognized as disposal groupavailable for sale shall be increased in proportion to the share of the book value of non-current assets in the disposal group, exceptgoodwill, which are measured according to relevant standards.In case that an enterprise loses its control over a subsidiary due to sale of its investment in the subsidiary, the investment in thesubsidiary to be sold shall be divided into the available for sale category in individual financial statement of the parent companywhen the proposed investment in the subsidiary meets the conditions for classification of available for sale category, and all assetsand liabilities of the subsidiary shall be classified into available for sale category in the consolidated financial statements, no matterwhether the enterprise retains part of equity investment after the sale.

19. Investments in Debt Obligations

Not applicable.

20. Investments in other Debt Obligations

Not applicable.

21. Long-term Receivable

Refer to Note V-11. Financial Instrument for details.

22. Long-term Equity Investments

(1) Judgment of Joint Control and Significant Influences

The term "joint control" refers to the joint control over an arrangement in accordance with the related agreements, which does notexist unless the participants sharing the control power agree with each other about the related arranged activity. The term "significantinfluences" refers to the power to participate in making decisions on the financial and operating policies of an enterprise, but not tocontrol or do joint control together with other parties over the formulation of these policies.

(2) Recognition of Investment Cost

1) If the business combination is under the common control and the acquirer obtains long-term equity investment in the considerationof cash, non-monetary asset exchange, bearing acquiree’s liabilities, or the issuance of equity securities, the initial cost is the carryingamount of the proportion of the acquiree’s owner’s equity at the acquisition date. The difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investment and the carrying amount of the paid combination or the total amount of the issued shares should be adjustedto capital surplus. If the capital surplus is not sufficient for adjustment, retained earnings are adjusted respectively.In cases of step-by-step implementation of business combinations under common control, the initial investment cost of the

investment shall be the share of the acquired entity's equity attributable to the acquiring entity on the acquisition date, calculatedbased on the ownership percentage. The difference between the initial investment cost and the sum of the carrying value of theoriginal long-term Equity Investments and the carrying value of any additional consideration paid for further shares acquired on theacquisition date is adjusted to share premium (capital surplus or share premium). If the share premium is insufficient, it is offsetagainst retained earnings.

2) For business combinations not under the same control, the fair value of the combination consideration paid by it on the acquisitiondate shall be its initial investment cost.

3) Except for business combination: If it is acquired by paying cash, the actual acquisition price shall be taken as its initial investmentcost; if it is acquired by issuing equity securities, the fair value of the issued equity securities shall be taken as its initial investmentcost; if it is acquired by the investment of the investors, the value agreed in the investment contract or agreement shall be taken as itsinitial investment cost (except when the agreed value is considered unfair).

(3) Method of subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

For long-term equity investments in investees over which the Company has control, the cost method is used in the Company'sindividual financial statements; for long-term equity investments with joint control or significant influence, the equity method isapplied.Under the cost method, long-term equity investments are valued at the initial investment cost. Except for the price actually paid at theacquisition of investment or the declared but undistributed cash dividends or profits included in the consideration, the Companyrecognized the return on investment of the current period in accordance with the cash dividends or profits declared and distributed bythe investee, with consideration given to the impairment of long-term investments based on applicable impairment policies.For long-term equity investment accounted for using the equity method, if the initial cost of long-term equity investment is greaterthan the fair value of identifiable net assets of the invested company gained from the investment, the excess shall be included in theinitial investment cost of the long-term equity investment. If the initial investment cost is smaller than the fair value of identifiablenet assets of the invested company gained from the investment, the difference shall be included in the profit and loss for the currentperiod, and the cost of long-term equity investments shall be adjusted.Under the equity method, after acquiring long-term equity investments, the investment gains or losses are realized based on the shareof net profit or loss that the investee entity shall be entitled to or share. The long-term equity investment's carrying value is adjustedaccordingly. When the share of the net profits and losses of the investee is recognized, the fair value of the investee's identifiableassets at the time of obtaining the investment shall be used as the basis. This is done in accordance with the Company's accountingpolicies and accounting period, and internal transaction gains and losses with joint ventures and associates are offset based on theownership proportion attributable to the investing company (except when internal transaction losses are related to asset impairmentlosses, in which case they shall be fully recognized). Subsequent to adjusting the net profits of the invested institution afterrecognition. The investor reduces the carrying value of long-term equity investments correspondingly when calculating the portion tobe received based on the cash dividends or profits declared to be distributed by the invested company. The Company shall recognizethe net losses of the invested company until the carrying value of the long-term equity investment and other long-term rights andinterests which substantially form the net investment made to the invested company are reduced to zero, unless the Company has theobligation to undertake extra losses. As for other changes in owners' equity except for the net profit and loss of the invested company,the Company shall adjust the carrying value of the long-term equity investment and include it in the owners' equity.

(4) Determining the basis of common control and significant influence on the investee

The investor controls the investee, means that the investor has power over the investee, enjoys variable returns by participating in therelevant activities of the investee, and has the ability to use the power over the investee to affect the amount of returns. Significantinfluence means that the investor has the rights to participate in the decision-making of the financial and operating policies of the

investee, but cannot control or jointly control the formulation of these policies with other parties.

(5) Disposal of long-term equity investments

1) Partial disposal of long-term equity investments in a subsidiary without losing control

In the case of a partial disposal of long-term equity investments in a subsidiary without losing control, the variance between thedisposal proceeds and the corresponding carrying value of the disposed investment is recognized as current investment income.

2) Partial disposal of equity investments or other reasons for losing control of a subsidiary

In cases where control over a subsidiary is lost due to the disposal of equity investments or other reasons, the carrying value of long-term equity investments corresponding to the disposed equity shall be transferred. The difference between the proceeds from the saleand the carrying value of the disposed long-term equity investment shall be recognized as investment income (loss). At the same time,the remaining equity shall be recognized at its carrying value as long-term equity investments or other related financial assets. If theremaining equity after the disposal can exercise joint control or significant influence over the subsidiary, accounting treatment shallbe conducted in accordance with relevant regulations on the conversion from the cost method to the equity method.

(6) Impairment test method and impairment provision method

When there is objective evidence indicating impairment of the investment in subsidiaries, joint ventures and cooperativeenterprises on the balance sheet date, corresponding provision for impairment shall be made according to the difference betweenthe book value and recoverable amount.

23. Investment Property

Measurement mode of investment real estatesMeasurement of cost methodDepreciation or amortization method

1. The term "investment real estate" includes the right to use any land which has already been rented, the right to use any land whichis held and prepared for transfer after appreciation, and the right to use any building which has already been rented.

2. The Company initially measures the investment property according to the costs, and adopts the cost method in the subsequentmeasurement of investment property, and adopts the same methods with fixed assets and intangible assets to withdraw depreciationor amortization. When there is any indication of impairment of investment property on the balance sheet date, correspondingprovision for impairment shall be made according to the difference between the book value and recoverable amount.

24. Fixed Assets

(1) Recognized Standard of Fixed Assets

The term "fixed assets" refers to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the features as follows: they are held for the sakeof producing commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management; and their useful life is in excess of one fiscalyear. Fixed assets are recorded at actual cost at the time of acquisition and depreciated using the straight-line method from thesecond month after they reach their intended serviceable condition.

(2) Depreciation Method

CategoryDepreciation methodUseful life (year)Expected net salvage valueAnnual deprecation
Houses and buildingsStraight-line depreciation20-255-103.6-4.75
TransportationStraight-line depreciation5519
Other equipmentStraight-line depreciation5519
Machinery equipmentStraight-line depreciation5519
Decoration of fixed assetsStraight-line depreciation5-20

25. Construction in Progress

26. Borrowing Costs

1. Recognition Principle of Capitalization of Borrowing Costs

Where the borrowing costs incurred to the Company can be directly attributable to the acquisition and construction or production ofassets eligible for capitalization, it shall be capitalized and recorded into the costs of relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall berecognized as expenses when it occurred, and shall be recorded into the current profits and losses.

2. Capitalization Period of Borrowings Costs

(1) The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following requirements: 1) The assetdisbursements have already incurred; 2) The borrowing costs have already incurred; 3) The acquisition and construction orproduction activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already started.

(2) Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption periodlasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during suchperiod shall be recognized as expenses, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period, till the acquisition andconstruction or production of the asset restarts.

(3) When the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset eligible for capitalization are available for its intendeduse or sale, the capitalization of borrowing costs shall be stopped.

3. Capitalized rate and amount of borrowing costs

To the extent that funds are borrowed specifically for the purpose of acquiring or constructing a qualifying asset, the amount ofborrowing costs eligible for capitalization on that asset is determined as the actual interest costs (including amortization of discountand premium confirmed according to effective interest method) incurred on that borrowing during the period less any investmentincome on the temporary investment of the borrowing. To the extent that funds are borrowed generally and used for the purpose ofacquiring or constructing a qualifying asset, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalization shall be determined by applyinga capitalization rate to the weighted average of excess of accumulated expenditures on qualifying asset over that on specific purposeborrowing. The capitalization rate is determined by calculating the weighted average interest rate on general borrowings.

27. Intangible Assets

(1) Useful life and the basis for its determination, estimation, amortization methodology or review procedures

1. Intangible assets include right to use land sites, use right of software etc. and conduct the initial measurement according to thecosts.

2. With regard to intangible assets with limited service life, it shall be amortized systematically and reasonably within their servicelife according to the expected implementation of economic interests related to the intangible assets. If it can’t recognize the expectedimplementation reliably, it shall be amortized by straight-line method. The specific useful lives are as follows:

ItemsUseful life for amortization (years)
ItemsUseful life for amortization (years)

Use right of lands

Use right of landsStatutory life of land use right

Use right of software

Use right of software5

The intangible assets with uncertain service life shall not be amortized, and the Company rechecks the service life of the intangibleassets in every accounting period. For intangible assets with uncertain service, the recognition basis is without certain service life andexpected benefit life.

3. For intangible assets with definite service life, when there is any indication of impairment on the balance sheet date, correspondingprovision for impairment shall be made according to the difference between the book value and recoverable amount; for intangibleassets with uncertain service life and those not ready for service, impairment test shall be conducted every year no matter whetherthere is any indication of impairment.

(2) The scope of R&D expenditure collection and the related accounting treatment

1. The scope of R&D expenditure

The Company classifies all expenses linked to R&D activities as R&D expenditures, covering R&D employee remuneration,material input costs, depreciation charges, and amortization expenses.

2. The related accounting treatment of R&D expenditure

The expenditures in the research stage are included in the current profits and losses when incurred. An intangible asset arising fromthe development phase of an internal project is recognized if the Company can demonstrate all of the following: (1) the technicalfeasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale; (2) its intention to complete the intangibleasset and use or sell it; (3) how the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits, among other things, theCompany can demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if it is to beused internally, the usefulness of the intangible asset; (4) the availability of adequate technical, financial and other resources tocomplete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset; and (5) its ability to measure the expenditure attributable to theintangible asset reliably during its development.

28. Impairment of Long-term Assets

For long-term assets such as long-term equity investments, investment property at cost model, fixed assets, construction in progress,and intangible assets with finite useful lives, the assessment of potential indications of asset impairment is conducted on the balancesheet date. For goodwill recognized in a business combination and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives, no matter whetherthere is an indication of impairment, an impairment test is performed annually. An impairment test on goodwill is performed on arelated asset group or asset group portfolio.The existence of the following signs indicates that the assets may be impaired:

(1) The market price of the assets has significantly dropped in the current period, with a decline much higher than expected due to thepassage of time or normal usage; (2) The economic, technological, or legal environment in which the business operates, as well as themarket in which the assets are located, is undergoing or expected to undergo significant changes in the current period or in the nearfuture, adversely affecting the business; (3) Market interest rates or other market investment returns have increased in the currentperiod, impacting the discount rate used by the business to calculate the present value of expected future cash flows from the assets,resulting in a significant decrease in the recoverable amount of the assets; (4) There is evidence indicating that the assets are obsoleteor their physical condition has deteriorated; (5) The assets have been or will be idle, discontinued, or planned for early disposal; (6)Internal reports within the business show that the economic performance of the assets is or will be lower than expected, such as thenet cash flows generated by the assets or the operating profit (or loss) achieved being significantly lower than (or higher than) theestimated amount; (7) Other indicators suggesting that the assets may have been impaired.If there is any sign of impairment of the assets, their recoverable amount shall be estimated. The measurement result of the

recoverable amount shows that if the recoverable amount of the assets is lower than their book value, the book value of the assetsshall be written down to the recoverable amount, and the written-down amount shall be recognized as asset impairment losses, whichshall be included in the profit and loss for the current period, and the corresponding asset impairment provision shall be accrued atthe same time.

29. Long-term Prepaid Expenses

Long-term prepaid expense refers to various expenses that the company has incurred but shall be borne by the current andsubsequent periods for a period of more than one year (excluding one year). Long-term prepaid expense shall be recorded into theaccount according to the actual accrual. Long-term prepaid expense shall be amortized averagely within benefit period or specifiedperiod. In case of no benefit in the future accounting period, the amortized value of such project that fails to be amortized shall betransferred into the profits and losses of the current period.

30. Contract Liabilities

The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities on the balance sheet according to the relationship between the fulfillmentof its contract performance obligations and its customers’ payment. Obligations to be fulfilled by the Company of transferringcommodities or providing services to customers, as the Company has received or should receive customers’ considerations, arepresented as contract liabilities.

31. Payroll

(1) Accounting Treatment of Short-term Compensation

During the accounting period when the employees providing the service for the Company, the actual short-term compensation shallbe recognized as liabilities, and be recorded into the current profits and losses or related assets costs.

(2) Accounting Treatment of the Welfare after Demission

The Company's welfare after demission plans is divided into defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans (1) During theaccounting period when the employee providing service for the Company, the amount paid in line with the setting drawing plan willbe recognized as liabilities and recorded into current profits or losses or cost of relevant assets.

(2) The accounting treatment of defined benefit plans usually consists of the following steps:

1) According to the expected cumulative welfare unit method, adopt unbiased and mutually consistent actuarial assumptions toevaluate related demographic variables and financial variables, measure the obligations generated from defined benefit plans andrecognize the period in respect of related obligations. Meanwhile, discount the obligations generated from defined benefit plans torecognize their present value and the current service costs;

2) If there are any assets in a defined benefit plan, the deficit or surplus formed from the present value of the defined benefit planobligations less the fair value of the defined benefit plan assets shall be recognized as net liabilities or net assets of a defined benefitplan. If there is any surplus in a defined benefit plan, the net assets of the plan shall be measured at the lower of the surplus or theupper asset limit;

3) At the end of the period, the staff remuneration costs generated from a defined benefit plan shall be recognized as services costs,net interests of the net liabilities or net assets of the plan and changes from the re-measurement of the net liabilities or net assets ofthe plan. Service costs and net interests of the net liabilities or net assets of the plan shall be recorded into the current profits or lossesor related asset costs, while changes from the re-measurement of the net liabilities or net assets of the plan shall be recorded intoother comprehensive income and shall not be transferred back to profits or losses in subsequent accounting periods. But the amountsrecognized in other comprehensive income may be transferred within the equity scope.

(3) Accounting Treatment of Demission Welfare

When the Company is unable to unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or the layoff proposal, orwhen recognizing the costs or expenses (the earlier one between the two) related to the reorganization of paying the demission

welfare, should recognize the payroll liabilities from the demission welfare and include in the current gains and losses.

(4) Accounting Treatment of Other Welfare of the Long-term Employees

The Company provides the other long-term employee benefits for the employees, and for those met with the defined contributionplans, accounting treatment should be conducted according to the related regulations of the defined contribution plans; the for theothers long-term employee benefits except for the former, accounting treatment should be conducted according to the relatedregulations of the defined benefit plans. In order to simplify the related accounting treatment, the payrolls shall be recognized asservice costs, the net amount of interest of net liabilities and net assets of other welfare of the long-term employees. The total netamounts made up from the changes of measuring the net liabilities and net assets of other welfare of the long-term employees againshall be recorded into the current profits and losses or related assets costs.

32. Provisions

1. The obligation such as external guaranty, litigation or arbitration, product quality assurance, loss contract, pertinent to acontingencies shall be recognized as the provisions when the following conditions are satisfied simultaneously: ① That obligation isa current obligation of the enterprise; ② It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result ofperformance of the obligation; and ③ The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.

2. The Company shall conduct the initial measurement to provisions according to the best estimate number needed for performing therelated current obligation and recheck the carrying value of accrued liabilities on balance sheet date.

33. Share-based Payment

Not applicable.

34. Other Financial Instruments such as Preference Shares and Perpetual Bonds

Not applicable.

35. Revenue

The Accounting Policy Adopted for Recognition and Measurement of Revenue Disclosed by Type of Business

1. Recognition of revenue

The Company gains revenue mainly from property sales, property management, sales of software and property leasing (refer to 39.Leasing for more detail).The Company recognizes revenue when it has fulfilled the obligation of contract performance, namely, when it has acquired thecontrol of the related commodity. The acquisition of control over a commodity refers to the capacity to control the use of thecommodity and to gain almost all economic interests thereof.

2. The Company judges whether a contract performance obligation is “a contract performance obligation fulfilled in a timeperiod” or “a contract performance obligation fulfilled at a time point” according to the terms in revenue standards, andrecognizes revenue according to the following principles.

(1) When the Company meets one of the following conditions, the obligation should be classified as a contract performanceobligation fulfilled in a specific time period:

1) The customer gains and consumes the economic interests brought by the Company’s contract performance when the Companyperforms the contract.

2) The customer is able to control the assets in progress during the Company’s contract performance.

3) The assets produced during the Company’s contract performance have irreplaceable use, and the Company has the right to collectpayment in respect of its completed contract performance accumulated as of now throughout the entire contract period.For a contract performance obligation fulfilled in a time period, the Company recognizes revenue according to the progress towardscontract completion in that period, but excluding the case when such progress cannot be reasonably determined. The Company usesthe output or input method to determine the right progress towards contract completion by considering the nature of the commodity.

4) For one that is classified as a contract performance obligation fulfilled at a time point instead of in a time period, the Company

recognizes revenue when the customer acquires the control over the related commodity.In judging whether the customer has acquired the control over a commodity, the Company considers the following signs:

1) The Company is entitled to the current right of payment collection in respect of the commodity. In other words, the customer hasthe current obligation to pay for the commodity.

2) The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the commodity to the customer. In other words, the customer has owned thelegal ownership of the commodity.

3) The Company has transferred the physical commodity to the customer. In other words, the customer has taken physical possessionof the commodity.

4) The Company has transferred the major risks and remunerations in respect of the ownership of the commodity. In other words, thecustomer has acquired the major risks and remunerations in respect of the ownership of the commodity.

5) The customer has accepted the commodity.

6) Other signs indicating that the customer has acquired control over the commodity.

3. Specific policies of the Company for recognizing revenue:

1) Real Estate Sales Contracts

The realization of sales revenue shall be recognized under the following conditions: the developed products have been completed andaccepted, the sales contract has been signed and the obligations stipulated in the contract have been fulfilled, the main risks andrewards of ownership of the developed products have been transferred to the buyer at the same time, the Company shall no longerretain the continuous management rights normally associated with ownership and effectively control the sold developed products, therevenue amount can be measured reliably, the related economic benefits are likely to flow in, and the related costs that have occurredor will occur can be measured reliably. For the sale of self-occupied housing, the realization of sales income shall be recognizedunder the following conditions: the main risks and rewards of ownership of self-occupied houses are transferred to the buyer, theCompany will no longer retain the continuous management rights normally associated with ownership and effectively control thesold development products, the amount of income can be measured reliably, relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in, therelevant costs that have occurred or will occur can be measured reliably. Only recognizing the sales income realization under thefollowing conditions: acquired the real estate completed and accepted as qualified (the completion and acceptance reports), signed anirreversible sales contract, obtained the buyer's payment certificate (for those who chose bank mortgage, the first installment and thefull amount of bank mortgage must be required; If a bank mortgage is not selected for self-payment, the full amount of the propertyis received), and the revenue is recognized as the earliest of the point in time when the notice of repossession is issued (which isdeemed to be the same as repossession if the owner fails to complete the formalities within the stipulated period due to the owner'sfailure to do so in a timely manner) and the point in time when the owner actually repossesses the property.

2) Providing Labor Services

If the provision of labor services can be reliably estimated (all the following conditions are met: ① The amount of income can bemeasured reliably; ②The relevant economic benefits are likely to inflow to the Company; ③ The progress of the transaction can bereliably determined; ④ The cost incurred and to be incurred in the transaction can be measured reliably), it shall recognize therevenue from providing services employing the percentage-of-completion method, and confirm the completion of labor serviceaccording to the costs incurred as a percentage of the total estimated costs. If the Company can’t, on the date of the balance sheet,reliably estimate the outcome of a transaction concerning the labor services it provides, it shall be handled under the followingconditions: If the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the revenue from the providing of labor services shallbe recognized in accordance with the amount of the cost of labor services incurred, and the cost of labor services shall be carriedforward at the same amount; If the cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate, the cost incurred should be includedin the current profits and losses, and no revenue from the providing of labor services may be recognized.Property management revenue shall be recognized when property management services have been provided, economic benefitsrelated to property management services can flow into the enterprise, and costs related to property management can be reliablymeasured.

3) Transferring the Right to Use Assets

The revenue of transferring the right to use assets may not be recognized unless the following conditions are both met: the relevanteconomic benefits are likely to inflow to the Company; and the revenue can be reliably measured. The interest income shall berecognized according to the time and actual interest rate in which other people use the Company’s monetary funds. Royalty revenueshall be recognized according to the chargeable time and method stipulated in related contracts and agreements.According to the lease date and lease amount agreed in the lease contract and agreement, the realization of rental property incomeshall be recognized when relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in.

4) Software sales revenue

① Revenue recognition and measurement methods for sales of custom software and independent software productsCustom software refers to the special software designed and developed after the full on-site investigation of the user's businessaccording to the software development contract signed with the customer based on the actual needs of the user, and the resultingdeveloped software is not universal. Revenue is recognized over time based on the progress of completed performance obligationsover the contract period only if the goods produced by the Company in the course of performance have an irreplaceable use and theCompany is entitled to receive payment for the cumulative portion of performance completed to date throughout the contract period,with the progress of completed performance obligations determined by the proportion of the contract costs actually incurred tocomplete the performance obligations to the total estimated contract costs. Otherwise, the revenue is recognized at a certain point intime.For sales contracts of independent software products signed with the customer, the customer directly purchases the standard versionof the software, i.e., the real estate and facilities management platform, and the corresponding modules are deployed byimplementation personnel according to the customer's requirements. In this case, the performance obligations are to be performed ata certain point in time. The revenue is recognized after the Company delivers the product to the customer and the customer acceptsthe product.

② Revenue recognition and measurement methods for systems integration contracts

System integration includes the sale and installation of purchased merchandise and software products. The revenue is recognizedwhen the Company has transferred the primary risks and rewards of the ownership of the purchased merchandise to the purchaser;the Company neither retained the continued management rights usually associated with the ownership, nor effectively controlled thesold goods; the installation and commissioning of the system have been completed and the system has been put into trial operation,or the initial inspection report of the purchaser is obtained; the economic benefits relevant to the transaction are likely to flow into theCompany, the relevant costs can be reliably measured.

③ Revenue recognition and measurement methods for technical service revenue

Technical service revenue mainly refers to the business of providing consulting, implementation and after-sales services of productsto customers as required by contracts. If a service period is agreed upon in a contract, it is considered as a performance obligation tobe performed within a certain period of time, and revenue is recognized for services settled with the customer in accordance with thecontracted service period during the service provision period.

5) Other Business Income

(5) Other operating income is recognized when the customer obtains control of the relevant goods as stipulated in the relevantcontracts or agreements, upon the fulfillment of contractual obligations.

4. Measurement of Revenue

The Company should measure revenue according to the transaction prices apportioned to each of the individual contract performanceobligations. In determining a transaction price, the Company considers the impact of a number of factors, including variableconsideration, significant financing components in contracts, non-cash consideration, and consideration payable to customers.

(1) Variable consideration

The Company determines the best estimate of variable consideration according to the expected value or the amount most likely tooccur. But a transaction price containing variable consideration should not exceed the amount from the accumulated recognized

revenue that will probably not have any significant reversal when related uncertainties are eliminated. When assessing whether thesignificant reversal of accumulated recognized revenue is almost impossible or not, a company should concurrently consider thepossibility and weight of the revenue reversal.

(2) Significant financing component

When a contract contains any financing component, the Company should determine the transaction price according to the amountpayable that is assumed to be paid in cash by the customer when it acquires control over the commodity. The difference between thetransaction price and the contract consideration should be amortized in the effective interest method during the contract period.

(3) Non-cash consideration

When a customer pays non-cash consideration, the Company should determine the transaction price according to the fair value of thenon-cash consideration. When such fair value cannot be reasonably estimated, the Company will indirectly determine the transactionprice by reference to the individual price committed by the Company for transferring the commodity to the customer.

(4) Consideration payable to a customer

For consideration payable to a customer, the Company should deduct the transaction price from the consideration payable, anddeduct the revenue for the current period at either the recognition of related revenue or the payment (or committed payment) of theconsideration to the customer, whichever is earlier, but excluding the case in which the consideration payable to the customer is forthe purpose of acquiring from the customer other commodities that can be obviously distinguished.If the Company’s consideration payable to a customer is for the purpose of acquiring from the customer other commodities that canbe obviously distinguished, the Company should confirm the commodity purchased in the same way as in its other purchases. Whenthe Company’s consideration payable to a customer exceeds the fair value of the commodity that can be obviously distinguished, theexceeded amount should be used to deduct the transaction price. If the fair value of the commodity acquired from the customer thatcan be obviously distinguished cannot be reasonably estimated, the Company should deduct the transaction price from theconsideration payable to the customer.

Differences in methods for the recognition and measurement of revenue caused by different business models for the same type ofbusinessNot applicable.

36. Contract Costs

Contract costs comprise contract performance cost and contract acquisition cost.The cost incurred by the Company from performing a contract is recognized into an asset as contract performance cost when it meetsthe following conditions:

(1) This cost directly relates to an existing contract or a contract expected to be acquired. It consists of direct labor, direct materials,manufacture costs (or similar costs), costs specified to be borne by the customer and other costs incurred from this contract solely.

(2) This cost has increased the Company’s sources that are used to fulfill its contract performance obligations in the future.

(3) This cost is expected to be recovered.

An incremental cost that is incurred by the Company for acquiring a contract and expected to be recovered is recognized into an assetas contract acquisition cost. However, for such asset with an amortization period of less than one year, the Company recognizes theminto current profit/loss at their occurrence.Assets related to contract costs are amortized on the same basis for recognizing the revenue from commodities or services related tosuch assets.When the carrying value of an asset related to contract costs is higher than the difference between the following two items, theCompany will withdraw impairment provision for the exceeded part and recognize it as asset impairment loss:

(1) Residual consideration expected to be gained from transferring commodities and services related to this asset;

(2) Costs expected to be incurred from transferring such commodities or services.

When the aforementioned asset impairment provision is reversed later, the carrying value of the asset after the reversal should not

exceed its carrying value on the reversal date under the assumption of no withdrawal of impairment provision.

37. Government Grants

1. If the government subsidies meet with the following conditions at the same, it should be recognized: (1) The entity willcomply with the condition attaching to them; (2) The grants will be received from government. If a government subsidy is amonetary asset, it shall be measured according to the amount received or receivable. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset,it shall be measured at its fair value, and shall be measured at a nominal amount when the fair value cannot be obtained reliably.

2. Judgment basis and accounting methods of government subsidies related to assets

The government subsidies that are acquired for construction or form long-term assets in other ways according to governmentdocuments shall be defined as asset-related government subsidies. For those not specified in government documents, the judgmentshall be made based on the compulsory fundamental conditions for acquiring the subsidies. If the subsidies are acquired withconstruction or the formation of long-term assets in other ways as fundamental conditions, they shall be recognized as asset-relatedgovernment subsidies. For asset-related government subsidies, the carrying value of related assets shall be written down orrecognized as deferred income. If asset-related government subsidies are recognized as deferred income, it shall be recorded intoprofits or losses by period in a reasonable and systemic manner within the life of related assets. Government subsidies measured atthe nominal amount shall be directly recorded into current profits or losses. If related assets are sold, transferred, disposed of ordestroyed before the end of their life, the undistributed balance of related deferred income shall be transferred into the profits orlosses for the period of the asset disposal.

3. Judgment basis and accounting treatment of profits-related government subsidies

Government subsidies other than asset-related government subsidies shall be defined as profits-related government subsidies. Forgovernment subsidies consisting of both asset-related parts and profits-related parts, which are difficult to judge whether they arerelated to assets or profits, the entirety shall be classified as profits-related government subsidies. Profits-related governmentsubsidies that are used to compensate the related future expenses or losses shall be recognized as deferred income and shall beincluded into the current profit/losses or offset relevant costs during the period when the relevant expenses or losses are recognized;those subsidies used to compensate the related expenses or losses incurred shall be directly included into the current profits/losses oroffset relevant costs.

4. Government subsidies related to the Company’s routine operating activities shall be included into other income or write downrelated costs according to the economic business nature. Government subsidies not related to the Company’s routine activities shallbe included into non-operating income and expenditure.

38. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

1. In accordance with the balance (the item not recognized as assets and liabilities can confirm their tax bases according to the tax law,the balance between the tax bases and its carrying amount) between the carrying amount of assets or liabilities and their tax bases,deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities should be recognized at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when theasset is realized or the liability is settled.

2. A deferred tax asset shall be recognized within the limit of taxable income that is likely to be obtained to offset the deductibletemporary differences. At the balance sheet date, where there is strong evidence showing that sufficient taxable profit will beavailable against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the deferred tax asset unrecognized in prior period shallbe recognized.

3. The Company assesses the carrying amount of deferred tax asset at the balance sheet date. If it’s probable that sufficient taxableprofit will not be available against which the deductible temporary difference can be utilized, the Company shall write down thecarrying amount of deferred tax asset, or reverse the amount written down later when it’s probable that sufficient taxable profit willbe available.

4. The current income tax and deferred income tax of the Company are recorded into the current gains and losses as income taxexpenses or revenue, except in the following circumstances: (1) Business combination; (2) The transaction or event directly included

in owner’ equity.

39. Lease

(1) Accounting treatment for leases as the lessee

On the beginning date of the lease term, the Company will recognize the lease with a lease term not exceeding 12 months andexclude the purchase option as a short-term lease. Leases with lower value when a single leased asset is a brand-new asset areidentified as low-value asset leases. If the Company sublets or expects to sublet the leased assets, the original lease shall not bedeemed as a low-value asset lease.The Company records the payments of short-term and low-value asset leases incurred during each period of the lease term in therelevant asset costs or the profit or loss for the current period by the units-of-consumption method.The Company will recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities on the inception date of the lease term, excluding the aboveshort-term and low-value asset leases.

1) Right-of-use assets

The right-of-use asset is measured at cost and the cost shall comprise: 1) the amount of the initial measurement of the lease liabilities;

2) any lease payments made at or before the commencement date, less any lease incentives received; 3) any initial direct costsincurred by the lessee; and 4) an estimate of costs to be incurred by the lessee in dismantling and removing the underlying asset,restoring the site on which it is located or restoring the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of thelease.The Company depreciates the right-of-use asset using the straight-line method. If it is reasonably certain that ownership of the leasedasset(s) will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the Company depreciates the leased asset(s) over its/their remaining service life.If it is not reasonably certain that the ownership of the leasehold property will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the Companywill depreciate the leased asset(s) over the lease term or the remaining service life, whichever is shorter.

2) Lease liabilities

At the commencement date, the Company measures the lease liabilities at the present value of the lease payments that are not paid atthat date, The Company uses the interest rate implicit in lease as the rate of discount when calculating the present value of the leasepayments. The incremental interest rate on borrowing of the lessee will be used as the rate of discount, if the interest rate implicit inlease cannot be determined. The difference between the lease payment and its present value is regarded as an unrecognized financingexpense. Interest expense is recognized at the discount rate of the present value of the recognized lease payment during each periodof the lease term and is recorded in the profit and loss for the current period. Variable lease payments that are not covered in themeasurement of the lease liabilities are included in current profit or loss when actually incurred.After the commencement date, if there is a change in the following items: (a) actual fixed payments; (b) amounts expected to bepayable under residual value guarantees; (c) an index or a rate used to determine lease payments; (d) assessment result or exercise ofpurchase option, extension option or termination option., the Company remeasures the lease liabilities based on the present value oflease payments after changes, and adjusts the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset accordingly. If the carrying amount of theright-of-use asset is reduced to zero but there shall be a further reduction in the lease liabilities, the remaining amount shall berecognized into profit or loss.

(2) Accounting treatment of leases as the lessor

On the start date of the lease term, the Company divides the lease that substantially transfers almost all risks and rewards related tothe ownership of the leased assets into finance leases, except for operating leases.

1) Operating lease

The Company recognizes the lease payments receivable as rental earnings in each period within the lease term on a straight-line basis.The initial direct costs related to the operating lease are capitalized, amortized within the lease term on the same basis as therecognition of rental earnings, and included in the profit or loss for the current period. Variable lease payments obtained by theCompany in relation to operating leases that are not included in the lease receivable are included in the profit or loss for the current

period when they are actually incurred.

2) Financial lease

At the commencement date, the Company recognizes the finance lease payment receivable based on the net investment in the lease(sum of the present value of unguaranteed residual value and lease receipts that are not received at the commencement date,discounted by the interest rate implicit in the lease), and derecognizes assets held under the finance lease. The Company calculatesand recognizes interest income using the interest rate implicit in the lease over the lease term.Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of the net investment in the lease are charged as profit or loss in the periodsin which they are incurred.

3) Underlease

The Company, as the underlease lessor, applied accounting treatment to the head lease agreement and the sublease agreement inaccordance with the accounting requirements of both the lessee and lessor. If a head lease is a short-term lease and simplifiedaccounting treatment was applied, then it classifies the sub-lease as an operating lease.

(3) Sale and leaseback

1. The Company as the lessee

The Company assesses whether the asset transfer in a sale and leaseback transaction is a sale in accordance with relevant provisionsof the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Income.If the asset transfer in a sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company measures the right-of-use assets formed by the sale andleaseback based on the portion of the original asset's carrying value that is related to the use right acquired by the leaseback, andrecognizes related gains or losses only for the right transferred to the lessor.If the asset transfer in a sale and leaseback transaction is not a sale, the Company continues to recognize the transferred asset and atthe same time recognizes a financial liability equivalent to the transfer income, and conducts corresponding accounting treatment forthe financial liability in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurementof Financial Instruments.

2. The Company as lessor

The Company assesses whether the asset transfer in a sale and leaseback transaction is a sale in accordance with relevant provisionsof the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Income.If the asset transfer in a sale and leaseback transaction is a sale, the Company applies other accounting standards for businessenterprises to the accounting treatment for asset purchase, and conducts corresponding accounting treatment for asset lease inaccordance with the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 21 - Leases.If the asset transfer in a sale and leaseback transaction is not a sale, the Company does not recognize the transferred asset, butrecognizes a financial asset equivalent to the transfer income, and conducts corresponding accounting treatment for the financial assetin accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of FinancialInstruments.

40. Other Important Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimations

Confirmation standard and accounting handling method for operation terminationComponents which meet one of the following conditions, have been disposed or divided as held for sale category and can bedistinguished separately are confirmed as operation termination.

1) The component represents one important independent main business or one single main operation area.

2) The component is one part of a related plan which plans to dispose one independent main business or one single main operationarea.

41. Changes in Main Accounting Policies and Estimates

(1) Change of Accounting Policies

□Applicable ? Not applicable

(2) Changes in Accounting Estimates

□Applicable ? Not applicable

(3) Adjustments to Financial Statement Items at the Beginning of the Year of the First Implementation of the NewAccounting Standards Implemented since 2024

□Applicable ? Not applicable

42. Other

In the Note of the financial statements, the data of the period-beginning refers to the financial statement data on 1 January 2024;the data of the period-end refers to the financial statement data on 30 June 2024; the Reporting Period refers to the H1 2024; thesame period of last year refers to the H1 2023. The same to the Company as the parent.VI Taxes

1. Main Taxes and Tax Rates

Category of taxesTax basisTax rate
VATSales of goods or provision of taxable servicesNote 1
Urban maintenance and construction taxTurnover tax payableApplied to 7%, 5%, 1% separately according to the regional level
Enterprise income taxTaxable income25%、20%、15%、16.5%
VAT of landAdded value generated from paid transfer of the use right of state-owned lands and property right of above-ground buildings and other attachments30%-60%
Real estate taxLevied according to price: paid according to 1.2% of the residual value of the real estate’s original value after deducted 30% at once; levied according to lease: paid according to 12% of the rental income1.2%、12%
Education surchargeTurnover tax payable3%
Local education surchargeTurnover tax payable2%

Notes of the disclosure situation of the taxpaying bodies with different enterprises income tax rate

NameIncome tax rate
Chongqing Shenzhen International Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd.15%
Shenzhen International Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd. Chongqing Branch15%
Shenzhen Facility Management Community Co., Ltd15%
Shenzhen Property Engineering and Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Guomao Chuntian Commercial Management Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Jinhailian Property Management Co.,Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Zhongtongda House Xiushan Service Co.,Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Kangping Industry Co.,Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Teacher Family Training Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Education Industry Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Yufa Industry Co., Ltd.20%
Chongqing Aobo Elevator Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen SZPRD Fuyuantai Development Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Fuyuanmin Property Management Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Meilong Industrial Development Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Sports Service Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Penghongyuan Industrial Development Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Guoguan Electromechanical Device Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone Guomao Property Development Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Helinhua Construction Management Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Guomao Tongle Property Management Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Foreign Trade Property Management Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Fubao Urban Resources Management Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Shenwu Elevator Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Shenfang Property Cleaning Co., Ltd.20%
Shandong International Trade Center Hotel Management Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Shenfubao Hydropower Municipal Service Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Jiayuan Property Management Co., Ltd.20%
Shenzhen Guomao Shenlv Gardening Co., Ltd.20%
Beijing Facility Home Technology Co., Ltd.20%
Subsidiaries registered in Hong Kong area16.50%
Subsidiaries registered in Vietnam area20%
Other taxpaying bodies within the consolidated scope25%

2. Tax Preference

1. According to the regulations of No. 2, Property Service of No. 37, Commercial Service among the encouraging category of theGuidance Catalogue of Industry Structure Adjustment (Y2011), the western industry met with the conditions should be collectedthe corporate income tax according to 15% of the tax rate. The subsidiaries of the Group Chongqing Shenzhen International TradeCenter Property Management Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen International Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd. ChongqingBranch applied to above policy.

2. On 19 December 2022, Shenzhen Facility Management Community Technology Co., Ltd. successfully passed the re-evaluationfor its High-tech Enterprise Certificate. The company has been assigned certificate number GR202244204675, and the certificateis valid for three years. As per the tax laws and regulations, the company will be eligible for a preferential enterprise income taxrate of 15% for the year 2024.

3. According to the Announcement of the State Taxation Administration and the Ministry of Finance on the Implementation ofPreferential Income Tax Policies for Small and Micro Enterprises and Individual Industrial and Commercial Entities(Announcement No. 6 of 2023 of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation Administration) and the Announcement of theState Taxation Administration and the Ministry of Finance on Further Supporting Small and Micro Enterprises and IndividualIndustrial and Commercial Businesses through Relevant Tax and Fee Policies (Announcement No. 12 of 2023 of the Ministry of

Finance and the State Taxation Administration), for small and micro enterprises, the taxable income shall be calculated at a rate of25% and the enterprise income tax shall be paid at a rate of 20%; Tax on natural resources (excluding tax on water resources),urban maintenance and construction tax, real estate tax, urban land use tax, stamp tax (excluding stamp tax on securitiestransactions), agriculture land tax, educational surcharge and local education surcharge on small-scale VAT taxpayers, small-sizedlow-profit enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households are deducted by half from 1 January 2023 to 31December 2027. This policy applies to 27 subsidiaries, including Shenzhen Property Engineering and Construction SupervisionCo., Ltd. and Shenzhen Guomao Chuntian Commercial Management Co., Ltd.

3. Other

[Note 1]: Taxable items and tax rate of the VAT of the Company and its subsidiaries are as follows:

Type of the revenueGeneral ratePercentage charges of
Sales of house property9%5%
Rent of real estate9%5%
Property service6%3%
Catering service6%3%

VII. Notes to Main Items of Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Monetary Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Cash on hand55,534.2575,265.01
Bank deposits1,879,237,005.062,742,094,318.81
Other monetary funds6,553,992.386,628,892.90
Of which: total amount deposited overseas63,351,184.0762,161,463.84

Other notes:

At the end of the period, the amount of restriction in use by guaranteed, pledged or frozen is RMB18,366,170.50, mainly includingthe margin and interest of RMB3,337,257.40; the funds with limited use rights in bank deposits mainly include the bank frozen fundsof RMB3,147,574.47 and the interest on time deposits of RMB11,881,338.63. The above amount is not regarded as cash and cashequivalents due to restrictions on use.The funds deposited overseas are mainly the balance of monetary assets of the overseas subsidiaries Shum Yip PropertiesDevelopment Limited and Vietnam Shenguomao Property Management Co., Ltd.

2. Trading Financial Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Of which:
Of which:

Other notes

3. Derivative Financial Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Other notes:

4. Notes Receivable

(1) Notes Receivable Listed by Category

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportionAmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportion
Of which:
Of which:

If adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of notes receivable:

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current PeriodWithdrawal of bad debt provision:

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the current periodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversed or recoveredVerificationOthers

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(4) Notes Receivable Pledged by the Company at the Period-end

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding pledged amount

(5) Notes Receivable Which Had Endorsed by the Company or had Discounted and had not Due on theBalance Sheet Date at the Period-end

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount of recognition termination at the period-endAmount of not terminated recognition at the period-end

(6) Notes Receivable Written-off in Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which, verification of significant notes receivable:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes of the verification of notes receivable

5. Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by Aging

Unit: RMB

AgingEnding carrying amountBeginning carrying amount
Within one year (including 1 year)362,644,889.80425,235,829.74
One to two years177,295,682.8883,584,196.31
Two to three years14,631,387.3419,037,312.67
More than three years133,139,168.37127,356,876.62
Three to four years10,907,385.7910,334,088.28
Four to five years8,002,297.724,135,080.24
Over 5 years114,229,484.86112,887,708.10

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportionAmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportion
Accounts receivable withdrawal of Bad debt provision separately accrued116,440,359.7616.93%112,831,779.7496.90%3,608,580.02115,895,721.4617.69%113,235,195.1897.70%2,660,526.28
Of which:
Accounts receivable withdrawal of bad debt provision of by group571,270,768.6383.07%49,530,105.128.67%521,740,663.51539,318,493.8882.31%39,172,566.287.26%500,145,927.60
Of which:

The category name of bad debt provision separately accrued: Accounts receivable with bad debt provision separately accrued

Unit: RMB

NameBeginning balanceEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportionReason for withdraw
Shenzhen Jiyong Properties & Resources Development Company93,811,328.0593,811,328.0593,811,328.0593,811,328.05100.00%Involved in lawsuit and unrecoverable
Shenzhen Tewei Industry Co., Ltd.2,836,561.002,836,561.002,836,561.002,836,561.00100.00%Expected to be unrecoverable
Lunan Industry Corporation2,818,284.842,818,284.842,818,284.842,818,284.84100.00%Expected to be unrecoverable
Shenzhen Hampoo Science & Technology Co., Ltd.1,436,020.291,433,070.291,436,020.291,433,070.2999.79%Expected to be unrecoverable
Those with insignificant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued14,993,527.2812,335,951.0015,538,165.5811,932,535.5676.80%Uncollectible for a long period

Category name of withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: Accounts receivable with bad debt provision withdrawn by theportfolio of credit risk features

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion
Portfolio of credit risk features390,268,293.7141,251,764.8910.57%
Portfolio of transactions with other related parties159,623,594.648,278,340.235.19%
Government portfolio21,378,880.280.00%

Notes to the determination basis for the group:

If adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable:

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Withdrawal of bad debt provision in the Current Period:

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the current periodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversed or recoveredVerificationOthers
Bad debt provision separately accrued113,235,195.1813,627.18417,042.62112,831,779.74
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group39,172,566.2810,357,538.8449,530,105.12

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or recoveredReason for reversalWay of recoveryBasis and rationality of determining the original withdrawal proportion of

bad debt provision

(4) Accounts Receivable Written-off in Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant accounts receivable:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes to verification of accounts receivable:

(5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable and the Contract Assets Collected according toArrears Party

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityEnding balance of accounts receivableEnding balance of contract assetsEnding balance of accounts receivable and contract assetsProportion to total ending balance of accounts receivable and contract assetsEnding balance of bad debt provision of accounts receivable and impairment provision for contract assets
Shenzhen Futian Talent Anju Co., Ltd.109,392,112.37109,392,112.3715.89%10,939,211.24
Shenzhen Jiyong Properties & Resources Development Company93,811,328.0593,811,328.0513.63%93,811,328.05
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.77,173,432.4377,173,432.4311.21%7,568,725.60
Hebei Shenbao Investment Development Co., Ltd.26,922,560.60396,484.7527,319,045.353.97%807,676.81
Shenzhen Futian District Government Property Management Centre21,378,880.2821,378,880.283.11%

6. Contract Assets

(1) List of Contract Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
Municipal engineering retention money724,882.35724,882.35844,485.57844,485.57

(2) Significant changes in the amount of carrying value and the reason in the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB

ItemChange in amountReason(s)

(3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportionAmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportion
Of which:
Of which:

Withdrawal of bad debt provision by adopting the general mode of expected credit loss

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWithdrawal of the current periodReversal or recovery in the Reporting PeriodWrite-off/verified for the current periodReason

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or recoveredReason for reversalWay of recoveryBasis and rationality of determining the original withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

Other notes:

(5) Contract Assets Written-off in Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant contract assets

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes to verification of contract assets:

Other notes:

7. Accounts Receivable Financing

(1) Accounts Receivable Financing Listed by Category

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportionAmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportion
Of which:
Of which:

Withdrawal of bad debt provision by adopting the general mode of expected credit loss

Unit: RMB

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss in the next 12 monthsExpected loss in the duration (credit impairment not occurred)Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January 2024 in the current period

The basis for the division of each stage and the withdrawal proportion of bad debt provisionNotes to significant changes in the carrying amount of accounts receivable financing with amount changed of loss provision in thecurrent period:

(3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the current periodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversed or recoveredCharged-off/Written-offOther changes

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or recoveredReason for reversalWay of recoveryBasis and rationality of determining the original withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

Other notes:

(4) Accounts Receivable Financing Pledged by the Company at the Period-end

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding pledged amount

(5) Accounts Receivable Financing Which Had Endorsed by the Company or had Discounted and had notDue on the Balance Sheet Date at the Period-end

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount of recognition termination at the period-endAmount of not terminated recognition at the period-end

(6) Accounts Receivable Financing with Actual Verification for the Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant accounts receivable financing

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes to verification:

(7) The changes of accounts receivable financing in the Current Period and the changes in fair value

(8) Other Notes

8. Other Receivables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Interest receivable0.000.00
Dividend receivable0.000.00
Other receivables606,627,612.52624,394,372.82

(1) Interest Receivable

1) Category of Interest Receivable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

2) Significant Overdue Interest

Unit: RMB

EntityEnding balanceOverdue timeOverdue reasonWhether occurred impairment and its judgment basis

Other notes:

3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

□Applicable ?Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the current periodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversed or recoveredCharged-off/Written-offOther changes

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or recoveredReason for reversalWay of recoveryBasis and rationality of determining the original withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

Other notes:

5) Interest Receivable Written-off in Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant interest receivable:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes to verification:

Other notes:

(2) Dividend Receivable

1) Category of Dividend Receivable

Unit: RMB

Project (or investee)Ending balanceBeginning balance

2) Significant Dividends Receivable Aging over 1 Year

Unit: RMB

Project (or investee)Ending balanceAgingReasonWhether occurred impairment and its judgment basis

3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

□Applicable ?Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the current periodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversed or recoveredCharged-off/Written-offOther changes

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or recoveredReason for reversalWay of recoveryBasis and rationality of determining the original withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

Other notes:

5) Dividends Receivable Written-off in Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant dividends receivable:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes to verification:

Other notes:

(3) Other Receivables

1) Category of Other Receivables by Account Nature

Unit: RMB

NatureEnding carrying amountBeginning carrying amount
Security deposit4,721,408.629,813,980.43
Reserve fund577,754.3663,090.95
Payment on behalf3,188,563.342,826,478.51
Intercourse funds600,560,898.20597,882,606.95

2) Disclosure by Aging

Unit: RMB

AgingEnding carrying amountBeginning carrying amount
Within one year (including 1 year)7,607,457.1739,565,801.00
One to two years26,259,438.4411,760,542.45
Two to three years47,399,167.36571,247,946.92
More than three years628,434,708.4596,450,446.01
Three to four years534,058,256.5631,254,533.77
Four to five years31,301,783.201,068,702.68
Over 5 years63,074,668.6964,127,209.56

3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

?Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportionAmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportion
Bad debt provision separately accrued627,911,249.0688.48%47,446,603.247.56%580,464,645.82627,054,431.4287.21%47,169,474.267.52%579,884,957.16
Of which:
of bad debt provision by group
Of which:

Category name of bad debt provision separately accrued: Other receivables of bad debt provision separately accrued

Unit: RMB

NameBeginning balanceEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportionReason for withdraw
Shenzhen Xinhai Holding Co., Ltd. and the related party Shenzhen Xinhai Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Qianhai Advanced Information Service Co., Ltd.587,289,550.0017,618,686.51587,289,550.0017,618,686.513.00%Prudent judgment of recovery risk
Shenzhen Tianjun Industrial Co., Ltd.10,000,000.0010,000,000.00
Shanghai Yutong Real Estate Co., Ltd.5,676,000.005,676,000.005,676,000.005,676,000.000.00%Uncollectible for a long period
Hong Kong Yue Heng Development Co., Ltd.3,271,837.783,271,837.783,271,837.783,271,837.78100.00%Uncollectible for a long period
Dameisha Tourism Centre2,576,445.692,576,445.692,576,445.692,576,445.69100.00%Uncollectible for a long period
Elevated train project2,542,332.432,542,332.432,542,332.432,542,332.43100.00%Uncollectible for a long period
Those with insignificant single amount for which bad debt provision separately accrued15,698,265.5215,484,171.8516,555,083.1615,761,300.8395.21%Uncollectible for a long period

Category name of withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: Other receivables with withdrawal of bad debt provision by theportfolio of credit risk features

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion
Within one year12,623,222.01378,696.663.00%
1-2 years3,930,313.63393,031.3610.00%
2-3 years4,423,707.411,327,112.2230.00%
3-4 years2,078,438.671,039,219.3450.00%
4-5 years31,226,722.7924,981,378.2380.00%
Over 5 years27,507,117.8527,507,117.85100.00%

Notes to the determination basis for the group:

Withdrawal of bad debt provision by adopting the general mode of expected credit loss:

Unit: RMB

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss in the next 12 monthsExpected loss in the duration (credit impairment not occurred)Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January 202447,460,889.3017,297,069.2429,872,405.0294,630,363.56
Balance of 1 January 2024 in the current period
Withdrawal of the current period8,169,009.71277,128.988,446,138.69
Amount transferred-back for the current period3,343.353,343.35
Balance of 30 June 202455,626,555.6617,297,069.2430,149,534.00103,073,158.90

The basis for the division of each stage and the withdrawal proportion of bad debt provisionChanges of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period

□Applicable ?Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Current PeriodWithdrawal of bad debt provision:

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the current periodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversed or recoveredCharged-off/Written-offOthers
Bad debt provision separately accrued47,169,474.26277,128.9847,446,603.24
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group47,460,889.308,169,009.713,343.3555,626,555.66

Of which the bad debt provision recovered or transferred-back with significant amount during the current period:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or recoveredReason for reversalWay of recoveryBasis and rationality of determining the original withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

5) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Other Receivables during the Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant other receivables:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes to the verification of other receivables:

6) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureEnding balanceAgingProportion to total ending balance of other receivables %Ending balance of bad debt provision
Shenzhen Xinhai Holding Co., Ltd. and the related party Shenzhen Xinhai Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Intercourse funds576,568,974.73Between two year and five years81.24%17,297,069.25
Shenzhen Bangling Stock Cooperative CompanyIntercourse funds30,000,000.00Between four year and five years4.23%24,000,000.00
Shenzhen Qianhai Advanced Information Service Co., Ltd.Intercourse funds10,720,575.27Between two year and three years1.51%321,617.26
Chongqing Yudi Asset Management Co., Ltd.Deposits2,173,485.00Between two year and three years0.31%217,348.50

7) Presentation in Other Receivables due to the Centralized Management of Funds

Unit: RMBOther notes:

9. Prepayment

(1) Prepayment Listed by Aging Analysis

Unit: RMB

AgingEnding balanceBeginning balance
Within 1 year12,178,056.9596.25%11,077,693.8792.44%
One to two years48,650.940.38%388,465.123.24%
Two to three years32,305.740.26%304,932.402.54%
More than three years393,770.373.11%211,994.961.77%

Notes of the reasons of the prepayment aging over 1 year with significant amount but failed settled in time:

(2) Top 5 Prepayment in Ending Balance Collected according to the Prepayment Target

Name of the entityCarrying balanceProportion to total ending balance of prepayments (%)
Yangzhou Broadcasting Television Network Co., Ltd.2,324,249.5018.37%
Name of the entityCarrying balanceProportion to total ending balance of prepayments (%)
Chongqing Yudi Assets Management Co., Ltd.1,897,674.4915.00%
China Construction No.3 Bureau No.2 Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.1,240,151.469.80%
Baoding Boyuan Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd.1,228,578.219.71%
Beijing Jingdong Century Information Technology Co., Ltd.582,931.404.61%

-Other notes:

10. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements for the real estate industryYes

(1) Category of Inventory

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements for the “real estate industry” in the Self-regulatory Guidelines No. 3 forCompanies Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Industry Information Disclosure.Classification by nature:

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountDepreciation reserves of inventories or impairment provision for contract performance costsCarrying valueCarrying amountDepreciation reserves of inventories or impairment provision for contract performance costsCarrying value
R&D expenses11,661,449,735.78218,824,035.9711,442,625,699.8111,174,583,667.43218,824,035.9710,955,759,631.46
Developing properties140,690,499.71140,690,499.71141,176,477.91141,176,477.91
Raw materials1,462,839.25921,081.69541,757.561,533,601.80915,223.04618,378.76
Inventory goods2,558,198.252,094,300.39463,897.862,564,024.462,094,300.39469,724.07
Low-value consumables381,343.82381,343.82184,883.54184,883.54

Disclose main items of “R&D expenses” and interest capitalization in the following format:

Unit: RMB

Project nameTime for commencementEstimated date of completionEstimated total investmentBeginning balanceTransferred to developing properties for the current periodOther decreased amount for the current periodIncrease (R&D expenses) for the current periodEnding balanceAccumulated amount of interest capitalizationOf which: amount of capitalized interests for the current periodCapital resources
Lanhu Shidai project15 October 202030 November 20268,400,000,000.005,222,124,208.85352,077,026.965,574,201,235.81416,738,599.2359,248,896.84Bank loans
Humen Sea22 March 2022313,217,590,000.002,559,648,387.5118,426,349.422,578,074,736.9316,916,872.657,315,887.35Bank
Bay projectDecember 2025loans
Guangming Yutang Shangfu project7 March 202221 October 20242,658,680,000.001,995,222,707.5657,972,664.552,053,195,372.117,621,637.673,811,491.26Bank loans
Land of Hongqi Town, Haikou6,648,404.136,648,404.13Others
Shenhui Garden37,287,764.548,837.1237,296,601.66Others
Fuyuantai project16,102,390.141,651,028.5717,753,418.71Others
Shenyang Digital Town project6 March 202330 April 20272,529,110,000.001,295,653,963.0054,787,780.331,350,441,743.333,964,642.783,503,687.78Bank loans

Disclose main items of “Developing properties” in the following format:

Unit: RMB

Project nameTime of completionBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balanceAccumulated amount of interest capitalizationOf which: amount of capitalized interests for the current period
SZPRD-Langqiao International1 December 20123,447,316.753,447,316.7583,077,702.96
SZPRD-Hupan Yujing Phase I1 June 201530,141,708.9291,874.9430,049,833.98
SZPRD-Banshan Yujing Phase II12 January 20223,536,989.4157,501.953,479,487.4610,446,911.43
SZPRD-Songhu Langyuan1 July 201723,046,940.03305,308.4422,741,631.5927,205,315.95
SZPRD-Hupan Yujing Phase II1 November 201730,279,330.7831,292.8730,248,037.9130,539,392.65
SZPRD-Golden Collar’s Resort1 December 201936,946,480.8336,946,480.83
SZPRD-Fuchang Garden Phase II (Fuhui Huayuan)15 May 20234,951,526.834,951,526.83
International Trade Center Plaza1 December 19954,839,083.104,839,083.1026,385,636.29
Huangyuyuan A Area1 June 2001790,140.58790,140.58
Podium Building of Fuchang Building1 November 1999645,532.65645,532.65
Other items2,551,428.032,551,428.03

Classification of “Developing properties with the collection of payments in installments”, “Renting developing properties” and“Temporary Housing”:

Unit: RMB

Project nameBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance

(2) Data Resources Recognized as Inventory

Unit: RMB

ItemPurchased data resourcesSelf-processed data resourcesData resources acquired by other meansTotal

(3) Falling Price Reserves of Inventory and Impairment Reserves for Contract Performance Costs

Disclosure of falling provision withdrawal of inventory in the following format:

Classification by nature:

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreased amount of the current periodDecreased amount for the current periodEnding balanceNotes
WithdrawalOthersTransferred-back or charged-offOthers
R&D expenses218,824,035.97218,824,035.97
Raw materials915,223.045,858.65921,081.69
Inventory goods2,094,300.392,094,300.39

Classification by nature:

Unit: RMB

Project nameBeginning balanceIncreased amount of the current periodDecreased amount for the current periodEnding balanceNotes
WithdrawalOthersTransferred-back or charged-offOthers
Land of Hongqi Town, Haikou6,648,404.136,648,404.13
Humen Sea Bay project187,141,155.12187,141,155.12
Shenyang Digital Town project25,034,476.7225,034,476.72

(4) Notes to the Ending Balance of Inventories Including Capitalized Borrowing Expense

Project namePeriod-beginCurrent periodCarry-over in current periodPeriod-end
SZPRD-Golden Collar’s Resort264,266.89264,266.89
Lanhu Shidai project357,489,702.3959,248,896.84416,738,599.23
SZPRD-Langqiao International2,971,986.542,971,986.54
SZPRD-Hupan Yujing Phase I1,249,515.4210,968.291,238,547.13
Humen Sea Bay project9,600,985.307,315,887.3516,916,872.65
Guangming Yutang Shangfu project3,810,146.413,811,491.267,621,637.67
Shenyang Digital Town project460,955.003,503,687.783,964,642.78

(5) Inventory Restrictions

Disclosing restricted inventory by project:

Unit: RMB

Project nameBeginning balanceEnding balanceReason for restriction

11. Held-for-sale Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding carrying amountImpairment provisionEnding carrying amountFair valueEstimated disposal expenseEstimated disposal time

Other notes:

12. Current Portion of Non-current Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(1) Investments in Debt Obligations Due within One Year

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(2) Other Investments in Debt Obligations Due within One Year

□Applicable ?Not applicable

13. Other Current Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Prepaid VAT28,437,951.5922,096,062.08
Deducted input tax129,794,168.6097,304,885.00
Prepaid income tax9,151,196.724,608,593.92
Prepaid land VAT1,267,494.29862,126.84
Prepaid urban construction tax2,251,854.271,692,524.35
Prepaid education surcharge1,253,660.841,208,945.98
Immediate rebate of receivable software sales VAT1,687.341,687.34

Other notes:

14. Investments in Debt Obligations

(1) List of Investments in Debt Obligations

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountImpairment provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountImpairment provisionCarrying value

Changes in the impairment provision for investments in debt obligations during the current period

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance

(2) Significant Investments in Debt Obligations at the Period-end

Significant Investments in Debt Obligations

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Par valueCoupon rateActual interest rateMaturity dateOverdue principalPar valueCoupon rateActual interest rateMaturity dateOverdue principal

(3) Status of Accrued Depreciation Reserves

Unit: RMB

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss in the next 12 monthsExpected loss in the duration (credit impairment not occurred)Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January 2024 in the current period

The basis for the division of each stage and the withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

(4) Status of Investments in Debt Obligations Written-off in Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant investments in debt obligations

Notes to verification of investments in debt obligations:

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period

□Applicable ?Not applicable

Other notes:

15. Other Investments in Debt Obligations

(1) List of Other Investments in Debt Obligations

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceAccrued interestInterest adjustmentChange in fair value in the reporting periodEnding balanceCostAccumulated changes in fair valueAccumulated impairment provision recognized in other comprehensive incomeNotes

Changes in the impairment provision for other investments in debt obligations during the current period

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance

(2) Significant Other Investments in Debt Obligations at the Period-end

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Par valueCoupon rateActual interest rateMaturity dateOverdue principalPar valueCoupon rateActual interest rateMaturity dateOverdue principal

(3) Status of Accrued Depreciation Reserves

Unit: RMB

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss in the next 12 monthsExpected loss in the duration (credit impairment not occurred)Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January 2024 in the current period

The basis for the division of each stage and the withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

(4) Status of Other Investments in Debt Obligations Written-off in Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant other investments in debt obligations

Notes to verification of other investments in debt obligations:

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period

□Applicable ?Not applicable

Other notes:

16. Other Equity Instrument Investment

Unit: RMB

Project nameBeginning balanceGains recorded in other comprehensiveLosses recorded in other comprehensiveAccumulative gains recorded in other comprehensiveAccumulative losses recorded in otherDividend income recognized in currentEnding balanceReason for assigning to measure in fair value of which
income in the current periodincome in the current periodincome in the current periodcomprehensive income in the current periodyearchanges included other comprehensive income
Gintian Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.636,926.20203,351.553,039,220.03437,618.97

There is derecognition in the current period

Unit: RMB

Project nameAccumulative gains transferred in retained earningsAccumulative losses transferred in retained earningsReason for derecognition

Non-trading equity instrument investment in the Current Period disclosed by items

Unit: RMB

Project nameDividend income recognizedAccumulative gainsAccumulative lossesAmount of other comprehensive income transferred to retained earningsReason for assigning to measure in fair value of which changes included other comprehensive incomeReason for other comprehensive income transferred to retained earnings
Gintian Industry (Group) Co., Ltd.3,152,737.34

Other notes:

17. Long-term Receivables

(1) List of Long-term Receivables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balanceInterval of discount rate
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportionAmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportion
Of which:
Of which:

Withdrawal of bad debt provision by adopting the general mode of expected credit loss

Unit: RMB

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss in the next 12 monthsExpected loss in the duration (credit impairment not occurred)Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January 2024 in the current period

The basis for the division of each stage and the withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

(3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the current periodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversed or recoveredCharged-off/Written-offOthers

Of which the bad debt provision recovered or transferred-back with significant amount during the current period:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or recoveredReason for reversalWay of recoveryBasis and rationality of determining the original withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

Other notes:

(4) Status of Long-term Receivables Written-off in Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant long-term receivables:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes to the verification of long-term receivables:

18. Long-term Equity Investment

Unit: RMB

InvesteeBeginning balance (carrying value)Beginning balance of depreciation reserveIncrease/decrease for the current periodEnding balance (Carrying value)Ending balance of depreciation reserve
Additional investmentReduced investmentGains and losses recognized under the equity methodAdjustment of other comprehensive incomeChanges of other equityCash bonus or profits announced to issueWithdrawal of impairment provisionOthers
I. Joint ventures
Shenzhen Real Estate Jifa Warehousing Co., Ltd.48,065,818.50933,160.1548,998,978.65
Tian’an International Building Property Management Company of Shenzhen7,050,937.34-606,242.796,444,694.55
II. Associated enterprises
Shenzhen Wufang Ceramics Industrial Co., Ltd.18,983,614.1418,983,614.1418,983,614.14
Shenzhen Kangfu Health Products Co., Ltd.165,000.00165,000.00165,000.00
Shenzhen Xinghao Imitation Porcelain Co., Ltd.756,670.68756,670.68756,670.68
Shenzhen Social Welfare Company Fuda Electronics Factory326,693.24326,693.24326,693.24
Shenzhen Fulong Industry Development Co., Ltd.1,684,350.001,684,350.001,684,350.00
Haonianhua Hotel2,733,570.052,733,570.052,733,570.05
Shenzhen Education Fund Longhua Investment500,000.00500,000.00500,000.00
Shenzhen Kangle Sports Club Huangfa Branch540,060.00540,060.00540,060.00
Dankeng Village Plants of Fumin in Guanlan Town, Shenzhen City1,168,973.201,168,973.201,168,973.20
Shenzhen Bull Entertainment Co., Ltd.500,000.00500,000.00500,000.00
Shenzhen Lianhua Caitian Property Management Co., Ltd.1,475,465.911,475,465.911,475,465.91
Shenzhen Yangyuan Industrial Co., Ltd.1,030,000.001,030,000.001,030,000.00
Jiakaifeng Co., Ltd. Bao’an Company600,000.00600,000.00600,000.00
Guiyuan Garage350,000.00350,000.00350,000.00
Shenzhen Wuweiben Roof Greening Co., Ltd.500,000.00500,000.00500,000.00
ShenzhenYuanping Plastic Steel Doors Co., Ltd.240,000.00240,000.00240,000.00
ShenzhenYoufang Printing Co., Ltd.100,000.00100,000.00100,000.00
Shenzhen Lusheng Industrial Development Co., Ltd.100,000.00100,000.00100,000.00
CSCEC Intelligent Parking Technology Co., Ltd.28,940,994.7185,825.1729,026,819.88

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs

□Applicable ?Not applicable

The recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow.

□Applicable ?Not applicable

The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment tests in prior years orexternal informationThe reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company's impairment tests in prior years and the actualsituation of those yearsOther notes:

19. Other Non-current Financial Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Other notes:

20. Investment Property

(1) Investment Property Adopting the Cost Measurement Mode

?Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemHouses and buildingsLand use rightConstruction in progressTotal
I. Original carrying value
1. Beginning balance882,419,576.8714,495,902.2037,192,716.83934,108,195.90
2. Increased amount for the current period5,245,987.275,245,987.27
(1) Outsourcing
(2) Transfer from inventory/fixed assets/construction in progress5,245,987.275,245,987.27
(3) Business combination increase
3. Decreased amount for the current period-127,364.77-127,364.77
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer
(3) Exchange adjustment-127,364.77-127,364.77
4. Ending balance887,792,928.9114,495,902.2037,192,716.83939,481,547.94
II. Accumulative depreciation and accumulative amortization
1. Beginning balance503,887,262.4013,360,585.8930,049,547.14547,297,395.43
2. Increased amount for the current period19,829,178.062,761,171.1022,590,349.16
(1) Withdrawal or amortization14,845,490.202,761,171.1017,606,661.30
(2) Others4,983,687.864,983,687.86
3. Decreased amount for the current period-120,996.53-120,996.53
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer
(3) Exchange adjustment-120,996.53-120,996.53
4. Ending balance523,837,436.9913,360,585.8932,810,718.24570,008,741.12
III. Depreciation reserves
1. Beginning balance
2. Increased amount for
the current period
(1) Withdrawal
3. Decreased amount for the current period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer
4. Ending balance
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending carrying value363,955,491.921,135,316.314,381,998.59369,472,806.82
2. Beginning carrying value378,532,314.471,135,316.317,143,169.69386,810,800.47

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs

□Applicable ?Not applicable

The recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow.

□Applicable ?Not applicable

The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment tests in prior years orexternal information

The reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company's impairment tests in prior years and the actualsituation of those years

Other notes:

(2) Investment Property Adopting the Fair Value Measurement Mode

□Applicable ?Not applicable

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements for the “real estate industry” in the Self-regulatory Guidelines No. 3for Companies Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Industry Information DisclosureInvestment properties measured in fair value by project disclosure:

Unit: RMB

ItemLocationTime of completionConstruction area (㎡)Lease income during this Reporting PeriodBeginning fair valueEnding fair valueRange of fair value changesReason for fair value changes and report index

Whether the Company has new investment properties in construction period measured in fair value

□Yes ?No

Whether the Company has new investment properties measured in fair value

□Yes ?No

(3) Projects Converted to Investment Properties and Measured at Fair Value

Unit: RMB

ItemAccounting item before conversionAmountReason for conversionApproval proceduresImpact on gain and lossImpact on other comprehensive income

(4) Investment Property Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying valueReason
507 Unit, Block No. 6, Maguling22,024.31The house is used for property management, once occupied by the third party, a property management company, now has been recovered, but hasn’t handled the warrant yet.
Meilin land [Note 1]Obtained after the success in the last instance in 2017, relevant certifications of property are in the procedure

Other notes:

[Note 1]: As at 30 June 2024, the original carrying value of Meilin land was RMB3,885,469.40, the accumulatedaccrued depreciation was RMB3,885,469.40, and the carrying value was RMB0.

21. Fixed Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Fixed assets58,895,644.8466,436,408.90

(1) List of Fixed Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemHouses and buildingsMachinery equipmentTransportation equipmentDecoration of the fixed assetsOther equipmentTotal
I. Original carrying value:
1. Beginning balance124,427,233.566,309,068.9219,351,344.1437,737,995.8858,465,847.17246,291,489.67
2. Increased amount for the current period192,521.86371,478.521,328,605.311,892,605.69
(1) Purchase192,521.86371,478.521,328,605.311,892,605.69
(2) Transfer from construction in progress
(3) Business combination increase
3. Decreased amount for the current period5,242,087.27892,338.431,062,773.297,197,198.99
(1) Disposal or scrap892,338.431,062,773.291,955,111.72
(2) Exchange adjustment-3,900.00-3,900.00
4. Ending balance119,185,146.296,501,590.7818,830,484.2337,737,995.8858,731,679.19240,986,896.37
II. Accumulative depreciation
1. Beginning balance95,205,368.962,973,487.6014,751,415.5226,131,133.3840,717,958.15179,779,363.61
2. Increased amount for the current period1,014,787.25350,993.62756,945.443,743,298.063,197,543.779,063,568.14
(1) Withdrawal1,014,787.25350,993.62756,945.443,743,298.063,197,543.779,063,568.14
3. Decreased amount for the current period4,981,094.36850,842.65995,460.376,827,397.38
(1) Disposal or scrap850,842.65995,460.371,846,303.02
(2) Exchange adjustment-2,593.50-2,593.50
4. Ending balance91,239,061.853,324,481.2214,657,518.3129,874,431.4442,920,041.55182,015,534.37
III. Depreciation reserves
1. Beginning balance75,717.1675,717.16
2. Increased amount for the current period
(1) Withdrawal
3. Decreased amount for the current period
(1) Disposal or scrap
4. Ending balance75,717.1675,717.16
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending carrying value27,946,084.443,177,109.564,172,965.927,863,564.4415,735,920.4858,895,644.84
2. Beginning carrying value29,221,864.603,335,581.324,599,928.6211,606,862.5017,672,171.8666,436,408.90

(2) List of Temporarily Idle Fixed Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemOriginal carrying valueAccumulated depreciationImpairment provisionCarrying valueNotes

(3) Fixed Assets Leased out by Operation Lease

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding carrying amount

(4) Fixed Assets Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying valueReason
Room 401, 402, Sanxiang Business Building Office Building537,118.28The office building will be removed due to the project adjustment and a high-rise office building will be established nearby the present address. The existing property shall be replaced after the completion of the new office building. Thus, the certification of the property is failed to transact.

Other notes:

(5) Impairment Test of Fixed Assets

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(6) Proceeds from Disposal of Fixed Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Other notes:

22. Construction in Progress

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(1) List of Construction in Progress

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountImpairment provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountImpairment provisionCarrying value

(2) Changes in Significant Construction in Progress during the Current Period

Unit: RMB

Project nameBudgetBeginning balanceIncreased amount of the current periodTransferred in fixed assetsOther decreased amount for the current periodEnding balanceProportion of accumulated investment in constructions to budgetJob scheduleAccumulated amount of interest capitalizationOf which: amount of capitalized interests for the current periodCapitalization rate of interests for the current periodCapital resources

(3) List of the Withdrawal of the Depreciation Reserves for Construction in Progress

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balanceReason for withdrawal

Other notes:

(4) Impairment Test of Construction in Progress

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(5) Engineering Materials

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountImpairment provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountImpairment provisionCarrying value

Other notes:

23. Right-of-use Assets

(1) List of Right-of-use Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemHouses and buildingsTotal
I. Original carrying value
1. Beginning balance56,060,905.8656,060,905.86
2. Increased amount for the current period2,421,042.422,421,042.42
(1) New Leases2,421,042.422,421,042.42
3. Decreased amount for the current period759,438.42759,438.42
(1) Terminated Leases759,438.42759,438.42
4. Ending balance57,722,509.8657,722,509.86
II. Accumulative depreciation
1. Beginning balance32,544,109.6432,544,109.64
2. Increased amount for the current period5,989,672.695,989,672.68
(1) Withdrawal5,989,672.695,989,672.68
3. Decreased amount for the current period1,443,739.381,443,739.38
(1) Disposal
(2) Terminated Leases1,443,739.381,443,739.38
4. Ending balance37,090,042.9537,090,042.94
III. Depreciation reserves
1. Beginning balance
2. Increased amount for the current period
(1) Withdrawal
3. Decreased amount for the current period
(1) Disposal
4. Ending balance
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending carrying value20,632,466.9120,632,466.91
2. Beginning carrying value23,516,796.2223,516,796.22

(2) Impairment Test of Right-of-use Assets

?Applicable ?Not applicable

Other notes:

24. Intangible Assets

(1) List of Intangible Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemLand use rightPatent rightNon-patent technologiesSoftware use rightsTotal
I. Original carrying value
1. Beginning balance3,060,312.133,060,312.13
2. Increased amount for the current period
(1) Purchase
(2) Internal R&D
(3) Business combination increase
3. Decreased amount for the current period
(1) Disposal
4. Ending balance3,060,312.133,060,312.13
II. Accumulated amortization
1. Beginning balance2,170,510.992,170,510.99
2. Increased amount for the current period143,544.55143,544.55
(1) Withdrawal143,544.55143,544.55
3. Decreased amount for the current period
(1) Disposal
4. Ending balance2,314,055.542,314,055.54
III. Depreciation reserves
1. Beginning balance
2. Increased amount for the current period
(1) Withdrawal
3. Decreased amount for the current period
(1) Disposal
4. Ending balance
IV. Carrying value
1. Ending carrying value746,256.59746,256.59
2. Beginning carrying value889,801.14889,801.14

The proportion of intangible assets formed from the internal R&D of the Company at the Period-end to the ending balance ofintangible assets

(2) Data Resources Recognized as Intangible Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemPurchased data resourcesSelf-processed data resourcesData resources acquired by other meansTotal

(3) Land Use Right Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying valueReason

Other notes:

(4) Impairment Test of Intangible Assets

□Applicable ?Not applicable

25. Goodwill

(1) Original Carrying Value of Goodwill

Unit: RMB

Name of the invested units or events generating goodwillBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance
Formed by business combinationDisposal
Shenzhen Facility Management Community Technology Co., Ltd.9,446,847.389,446,847.38

(2) Depreciation Reserves of Goodwill

Unit: RMB

Name of the invested units or events generating goodwillBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance

(3) Information on the Assets Groups or Combination of Assets Groups which Goodwill Belongs to

NameComposition and basis of the asset group or combination of asset groups to which it belongsOperating segment to which it belongs and basisWhether it is consistent with that of the prior years
Shenzhen Facility Management Community Technology Co., Ltd.Groups or combinations of groups of assets that are capable of generating cash flows independently, taking into account the ability to benefit from the synergies of the business combination and the way in which management manages or monitors the production and operating activities.Property management, supporting servicesYes

Changes in the assets group or combination of assets groups

NameComposition before the changeComposition after the changeObjective facts leading to the change and their basis

Other notes:

(4) Specific Method of Determining the Recoverable Amount

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs

□Applicable ?Not applicable

The recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow.?Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying valueRecoverable amountImpairment amountNumber of years of the forecast periodKey parameters of the forecast periodKey parameters of the stable periodBasis of determining the key parameters of the stable period
Shenzhen Facility Management Community Technology Co., Ltd.61,791,091.5762,840,960.595Revenue growth rate of 1%-8%, discount rate of 12.53%No growthDetermined based on prudence

The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment tests in prior years orexternal informationThe reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company's impairment tests in prior years and the actualsituation of those years

(5) Completion of Commitments to Results and Corresponding Goodwill ImpairmentWhen goodwill is formed, there is a commitment to the results and the reporting period or the period preceding the reporting periodis within the commitment period?Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemCompletion of the commitment to resultsAmount of goodwill impairment
Current periodPrevious periodCurrent periodPrevious period
Committed resultsActual resultsCompletion rateCommitted resultsActual resultsCompletion rate

Other notes:

In May 2021, Shenzhen Wuhe Industry Investment Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Wuhe Company”), asubsidiary of the Company, acquired 35% of the equity of Shenzhen Facility Management Community Technology Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as “FMC”) through acquisition of equity and directional capital increase. Pursuant to the equity acquisitioncooperation framework agreement entered into between Wuhe Company and the original shareholders, FMC and its originalshareholders undertook that the FMC's operating revenue growth ratio or net profit for the years from 2021 to 2023 would reachthe target value agreed upon in the agreement, and that Wuhe Company would conduct an assessment of its operating performancefor a period of three years. As at the Reporting Date, the performance assessment has not yet been completed, and therefore it isnot possible to assess its fulfillment for the time being.

26. Long-term Prepaid Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreased amount of the current periodAmortization amount of the current periodOther decreased amountEnding balance
Decoration fee21,510,397.885,192,601.063,877,212.2022,825,786.74

Other notes:

27. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred Income Tax Assets Had Not Been Off-set

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible temporary differencesDeferred income tax assetsDeductible temporary differencesDeferred income tax assets
Provision for impairment of assets112,902,599.6125,176,999.1595,315,243.8621,090,356.76
Internal unrealized profit437,189,845.32109,297,461.33437,266,319.66109,316,579.92
Deductible losses687,671,283.11171,384,897.38607,016,948.61151,737,271.44
Accrued land VAT3,910,861,453.17977,715,363.303,911,198,870.69977,799,717.67
Estimated profit calculated at pre-sale revenue of property enterprises30,828,336.537,707,084.1332,620,985.748,155,246.44
Other accrued expenses7,740,277.841,935,069.467,694,020.201,923,505.05
Lease Liabilities23,554,354.225,672,178.9426,502,156.296,417,709.55

(2) Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Had Not Been Off-set

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Taxable temporary differenceDeferred income tax liabilitiesTaxable temporary differenceDeferred income tax liabilities
The carrying value of fixed assets was larger than the tax basis572,662.68143,165.67704,413.18176,103.29
Right-of-use Assets20,632,466.914,472,117.8223,516,796.225,686,176.41

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Had Been Off-set Listed in Net Amount

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding off-set amount of deferred income tax assets and liabilitiesEnding balance of deferred income tax assets and liabilitiesBeginning off-set amount of deferred income tax assets and liabilitiesBeginning balance of deferred income tax assets and liabilities
Deferred income tax assets1,298,889,053.691,276,440,386.83
Deferred income tax liabilities4,615,283.495,862,279.70

(4) List of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Deductible temporary differences262,075,625.99261,260,204.35
Deductible losses134,570,273.53254,378,951.24

(5) Deductible Losses of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets will Due in the Following Years

Unit: RMB

YearEnding amountBeginning amountNotes
2024124,895,242.05The deductible losses of 2019
202522,711,013.8522,711,013.85The deductible losses of 2020
202614,238,807.0014,238,807.00The deductible losses of 2021
202781,285,680.1281,285,680.12The deductible losses of 2022
202811,248,208.2211,248,208.22The deductible losses of 2023
20295,086,564.34The deductible losses of 2024

Other notes:

28. Other Non-current Assets

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountImpairment provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountImpairment provisionCarrying value
Prepayment for purchase of fixed assets, investment properties and intangible assets2,147,938.262,147,938.26870,062.16870,062.16
Others [note 1]2,635,093.772,635,093.772,635,093.772,635,093.77

Other notes:

[Note 1]: The amount is mainly the registered asset of investment property, as the assets relate to the subsequentpending transfer of relocated properties for the shanty town renovation of Chuanbujie, and the term exceeds oneyear.

29. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right of Use

Unit: RMB

Carrying amountCarrying valueType of restrictionStatus of restrictionCarrying amountCarrying valueType of restrictionStatus of restriction
Monetary capital18,366,170.5018,366,170.50FrozenNote 1 - Note 815,659,341.6015,659,341.60FrozenMargin, security deposit, interest on time deposit, and judicially frozen funds
Land use right of phase II plot for Lanhu Shidai project245,938,885.00245,938,885.00MortgagedNote 9381,246,103.00381,246,103.00MortgagedNote 9
Land use right of D plot for Shenyang Digital Town project in Yangzhou258,390,000.00258,390,000.00MortgagedNote 10

Other notes:

[Note 1]: In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was RMB2,200,000.00 as the banker's letterof margin for Shenzhen Shenfubao Property Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company.[Note 2]: In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was RMB3,000,000.00 in the subsidiarycompany Shenzhen Facility Management Community Technology Co., Ltd. blocked by the court due to pre-litigation preservationfor contract disputes.[Note 3]: In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was a loan deposit of RMB1,134,757.40provided as mortgage loan guarantees for commercial housing purchasers and paid by the Company as a real estate developeraccording to real estate business practices.[Note 4]: In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was RMB11,881,338.63 of interest on timedeposit accrued at the period-end.[Note 5]: In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was RMB129,003.62 in the account of thesubsidiary company Shenzhen Property Engineering and Construction Supervision Co., Ltd. The account was in a receiving-onlystatus because the legal person change formalities had not been completed by the period-end.[Note 6]: In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was a deposit for POS of RMB1,500.00 inthe Shandong Shenguomao Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.[Note 7]: In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was a deposit for POS of RMB1,000.00 inthe Shenzhen Shenfubao Property Development Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of the Company[Note 8]: In terms of monetary assets with restricted right to use at the period-end, there was RMB18,570.85 of blocked fund in alabour disputes arbitration case for Shenzhen Free Trade Zone Security Service Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company.[Note 9]: With the needs of routine business operations, the Company applied for a loan from Shenzhen Branch of Industrial Bank,using the land use right of the Phase II plot for Lanhu Shidai project as a pledge. The loan term is from 17 March 2023 to 17 March2026, with a floating interest rate.[Note 10]: With the needs of routine business operations, the Company applied for a loan from Yangzhou Branch of AgriculturalBank of China, using the land use right of D plot for D plot for Shenyang Digital Town project in Yangzhou as a pledge. The loanterm is from 19 January 2024 to 18 January 2029, with a floating interest rate.

30. Short-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Short-term Borrowings

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Credit loan50,036,250.00230,915,000.00

Notes of the category for short-term loans:

The credit borrowings at the period-end were used for the daily operation of Shenzhen ITC Technology Park Service Co., Ltd., asubsidiary of the Company, with the duration from 1 December 2023 to 29 November 2024.

(2) List of the Short-term Borrowings Overdue but not Returned

The amount of the overdue unpaid short-term borrowings at the period-end was RMB0.00, of which the significant overdue unpaidshort-term borrowings are as follows:

Unit: RMB

EntityEnding balanceInterest rateOverdue timeOverdue charge rate

Other notes:

31. Trading Financial Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Of which:
Of which:

Other notes:

32. Derivative Financial Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Other notes:

33. Notes Payable

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance

The total amount of notes payable that are due but unpaid amounted to RMBXXX at the end of the current period. And the reasonswhy they are due but not paid are XXX

34. Accounts Payable

(1) List of Accounts Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Engineering construction expense payable369,851,850.02540,851,975.20
Estimated payables45,475,294.0440,980,345.76

(2) Significant Accounts Payable Aging over One Year or Overdue

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceUnpaid/Un-carry-over reason
Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Planning and Land25,000,000.00Historical problems
China Construction No.3 Bureau No.219,160,962.25Failure to reach the payment deadline for
Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.project funds
China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd.12,017,672.93Unsettled
Shenzhen Qianhai Advanced Information Service Co., Ltd.7,126,060.00Unsettled

Other notes:

35. Other Payables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Interest payable0.000.00
Dividends payable12,202,676.0412,202,676.04
Other payables1,144,188,819.281,205,100,618.21

(1) Interest Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

List of the significant overdue unpaid interest:

Unit: RMB

EntityOverdue amountOverdue reason

Other notes:

(2) Dividends Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Ordinary stock dividends12,202,676.0412,202,676.04

Other notes: including significant dividends payable unpaid for over one year, the unpaid reason shall be disclosed:

ItemAmount unpaidReason

Shenzhen Greening Department

Shenzhen Greening Department10,869,036.68Company restructured without clearing payment object

Labor Union of Shenzhen Greening Department

Labor Union of Shenzhen Greening Department1,300,000.00Company restructured without clearing payment object


Others33,639.36Without access to its account and the final payment is unpaid



(3) Other Payables

1) Other Payables Listed by Nature of Account

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Security deposit315,989,217.03290,979,176.07
Collection on behalf3,736,374.714,832,329.12
Intercourse funds479,488,991.56611,443,690.41
Accrued expenses180,970,246.34200,129,074.12
Payment on behalf16,559,540.8717,030,579.72

2) Significant Other Accounts Payable Aging over One Year or Overdue

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceUnpaid/Un-carry-over reason
Yangzhou Lvfa Real Estate Co., Ltd.345,072,717.79Intercourse funds with related parties outside the combination
Shenzhen Real Estate Jifa Warehousing Co., Ltd.42,296,665.14Intercourse fund without specific payment term
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.33,244,913.78Unsettled
Shenzhen Toutiao Technology Co., Ltd.12,340,689.03Lease term not expired
Shenzhen Qianhai Micro Public Bank Co., Ltd.6,692,021.24Lease term not expired

Other notes:

36. Advances from Customers

(1) List of Advances from Customers

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(2) Significant Advances from Customers Aging over One Year or Overdue

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceUnpaid/Un-carry-over reason

Unit: RMB

ItemChange in amountReason(s)

Other notes:

37. Contract Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
House payment in advance787,875,832.38747,372,309.30
Property fee in advance19,104,390.9930,554,843.87
Other payments in advance39,719,430.3142,497,800.25

Significant contract liabilities aging over one year

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceUnpaid/Un-carry-over reason

Significant changes in the amount of carrying value and the reason in the Reporting Period

Unit: RMB

ItemChange in amountReason(s)

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements for the "real estate industry" in the Self-regulatory Guidelines No. 3for Companies Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Industry Information Disclosure.The proceeds information of top five advance sale amount:

Unit: RMB

No.ItemBeginning balanceEnding balanceEstimated date of completionAdvance sale proportion
1Guangming Yutang Shangfu project736,148,224.77776,497,316.5121 October 202439.01%
2SZPRD-Golden Collar’s Resort10,551,555.5110,790,525.0425 December 201997.41%
3SZPRD-Hupan Yujing Phase II560,458.72514,587.16November 30, 201796.00%
4SZPRD-Banshan Yujing Phase II75,373.0555,055.0512 January 2022100.00%
5SZPRD-Hupan Yujing Phase I36,697.2518,348.621 June 201592.47%

38. Payroll Payable

(1) List of Payroll Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance
I. Short-term salary217,869,071.67419,362,370.20464,096,024.36173,135,417.51
II. Post-employment benefit-defined contribution plans738,881.0840,678,690.5340,503,045.65914,525.96
III. Termination benefits178,159.031,450,306.041,584,694.0443,771.03

(2) List of Short-term Salary

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance
1. Salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy203,201,469.12371,375,580.14412,134,743.00162,442,306.26
2. Employee welfare1,049,437.80990,576.111,186,953.36853,060.55
3. Social insurance16,164.8213,736,141.8013,717,238.7535,067.87
Of which: Medical insurance premiums13,883.7711,798,779.7511,783,442.6929,220.83
Work-related injury insurance premiums15.96710,822.72710,210.27628.41
Maternity insurance2,265.091,112,466.341,109,512.805,218.63
Other commercial insurances114,072.99114,072.99
4. Housing fund1,165,851.8814,158,924.8714,245,696.141,079,080.61
5. Labor union budget and employee education budget8,492,080.906,097,893.346,054,276.578,535,697.67
8. Non-monetary benefits3,944,067.1513,003,253.9416,757,116.54190,204.55

(3) List of Defined Contribution Plans

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance
1. Basic pension insurance21,042.0633,893,015.3833,743,608.30170,449.14
2. Unemployment insurance premiums2,716.401,860,916.141,858,184.865,447.68
3. Supplementary pension payment715,122.624,924,759.014,901,252.49738,629.14

Other notes:

39. Taxes Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Enterprise income tax15,919,074.1991,035,828.65
Personal income tax2,555,202.733,681,965.62
Urban maintenance and construction tax677,172.31981,394.80
Land appreciation tax3,910,861,453.173,911,198,870.69
Land use tax913,024.20180,900.74
Property tax5,638,687.72539,730.69
Educational surcharge622,439.54644,625.80
Local educational fee127,882.10322,573.66

Other notes:

40. Held-for-sale Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

Other notes:

41. Current Portion of Non-current Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Current portion of long-term borrowings3,446,343,806.003,075,993,789.05
Current portion of long-term payables400,000.00400,000.00
Current portion of lease liabilities10,919,323.1915,931,064.02

Other notes:

42. Other Current Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Tax to be charged off71,429,755.0968,373,661.13

Increase/decrease of the short-term bonds payable:

Unit: RMB

NamePar valueCoupon rateIssue dateBond durationIssue amountBeginning balanceIssued in the current periodInterest accrued at par valueAmortization of premium and depreciationRepaid in the current periodEnding balanceDefault or not

Other notes:

43. Long-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Long-term Borrowings

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Pledged loans153,332,358.00373,646,731.07
Mortgage loans1,233,788,225.02625,842,543.40
Credit loan400,400,000.00

Note to the category of long-term borrowings:

The pledge borrowings at the period-end were used to acquire 100% of five property management enterprises. They are ShenzhenProperty Management Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Foreign Trade Property Management Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Shenfubao PropertyDevelopment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Shenfubao Hydropower Municipal Service Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Free Trade Zone Security

Service Co., Ltd. by the Company's subsidiary Shenzhen International Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd. with theduration from 18 May 2022 to 26 April 2027. And the 100% equity of these five enterprises held by Shenzhen International TradeCenter Property Management Co., Ltd.The mortgage loans (1) at the period-end were used to develop the Guangming Yutang Shangfu project of Shenzhen GuangmingWuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangming Wuhe"), a subsidiary of the Company, with the duration from 27July 2023 to 24 May 2028. The land use right of Guangming Yutang Shangfu project held by Guangming Wuhe was pledged.The mortgage loans (2) at the period-end were used to develop the Humen Sea Bay Garden project of Dongguan Wuhe Real EstateCo., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Dongguan Wuhe"), a subsidiary of the Company, with the duration from 5 August 2022 to 5August 2027. The land use right of Humen Sea Bay Garden project held by Dongguan Wuhe was pledged.The mortgage loans (3) at the period-end were used to develop the Lanhu Shidai project of Shenzhen Rongyao Real EstateDevelopment Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Rongyao Real Estate") with the duration from 30March 2023 to 30 March 2026.The land use right of Lanhushidai project held by Rongyao Real Estate was pledged and the Companyprovided joint and several liability guarantee.The mortgage loans (4) at the period-end were used to develop the Shenyang Digital Town project of Yangzhou Wuhe Real EstateCo., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Yangzhou Wuhe"), a subsidiary of the Company, with the duration from 19 January 2024 to 19January 2029. The land use right of D plot for Shenyang Digital Town project held by Yangzhou Wuhe was pledged.Other notes, including interest rate range:

44. Bonds Payable

(1) Bonds Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(2) Changes of Bonds Payable (Excluding Other Financial Instruments Divided as Financial Liabilities suchas Preferred Shares and Perpetual Bonds)

Unit: RMB

NamePar valueCoupon rateIssue dateBond durationIssue amountBeginning balanceIssued in the current periodInterest accrued at par valueAmortization of premium and depreciationRepaid in the current periodEnding balanceDefault or not

(3) Notes to Convertible Corporate Bonds

(4) Notes to Other Financial Instruments Classified as Financial Liabilities

Basic information about other outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds at the period-endChanges of outstanding financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds at the period-end

Unit: RMB

Outstanding financial instrumentsPeriod-beginningIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodPeriod-end
NumberCarrying valueNumberCarrying valueNumberCarrying valueNumberCarrying value

Notes to basis for the classification of other financial instruments as financial liabilities

Other notes:

45. Lease Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Lease payments30,653,828.6634,767,450.58
Less: Unrecognized financing expense-7,099,474.44-8,265,294.29
Less: Lease obligation matured within 1 Year-10,919,323.19-15,931,064.02

Other notes:

46. Long-term Payables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Long-term accounts payable399,899,850.00400,105,655.56

(1) Long-term Payables Listed by Nature

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Sale and leaseback financing399,899,850.00400,105,655.56

Other notes:

The long-term payables at the period-end were the sale and leaseback financing between the Company and Maxwealth FinancialLeasing Co., Ltd. with the lease term from 22 December 2023 to 22 December 2027.

(2) Specific Payables

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balanceReason for formation

Other notes:

47. Long-term Employee Benefits Payable

(1) List of Long-term Payroll Payable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

(2) Changes in Defined Benefit Plans

Obligation present value of defined benefit plans:

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period

Plan assets:

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period

Net liabilities (net assets) of defined benefit plans:

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period

Notes of influence of content of defined benefit plans and its relevant risks to the future cash flow, time and uncertainty of theCompany:

Notes to the results of significant actuarial assumptions and sensitivity analysis of defined benefit plans:

Other notes:

48. Projected Liabilities


Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balanceReason for formation
Pending litigation650,000.00650,000.00Lawsuit between FMC and Basepoint

Other notes, including notes to related significant assumptions and evaluation of significant provisions:

Refer to Note XVI-2 for details.

49. Deferred Income

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balanceReason for formation

Other notes:

50. Other Non-current Liabilities

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Utility specific fund1,457,233.41549,961.59
Housing principle fund16,426,195.2515,997,716.45
House warming deposit6,732,958.436,335,914.04
Electric Equipment Maintenance fund4,019,415.444,019,415.44
Deputed maintenance fund54,301,138.8352,002,751.04
Follow-up investment of employees for Lanhu Shidai project40,000,000.0040,000,000.00

Other notes:

51. Share Capital

Unit: RMB

Beginning balanceIncrease/decrease (+/-)Ending balance
New shares issuedBonus sharesBonus issue from profitOthersSubtotal
Total shares595,979,092.00595,979,092.00

Other notes:

52. Other Equity Instruments

(1) Basic Information about Other Outstanding Financial Instruments such as Preferred Shares and Perpetual Bonds at thePeriod-end

(2) Changes of Outstanding Financial Instruments such as Preferred Shares and Perpetual Bonds at the Period-end

Unit: RMB

Outstanding financial instrumentsPeriod-beginningIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodPeriod-end
NumberCarrying valueNumberCarrying valueNumberCarrying valueNumberCarrying value

Changes of other equity instruments in the Current Period, reasons thereof and basis of related accounting treatment:

Other notes:

53. Capital Reserve

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance
Other capital reserves80,488,045.3880,488,045.38

Other notes, including a description of the increase or decrease for the current period and the reasons for the change:

54. Treasury Shares

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance

Other notes, including a description of the increase or decrease for the current period and the reasons for the change:

55. Other Comprehensive Income

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceAmount for the current periodEnding balance
Amount beforeLess: recorded in otherLess: recorded in otherLess: Income taxAttributable to theAttributable minority
deducting income tax for the current periodcomprehensive income in prior period and transferred in profit or loss in the current periodcomprehensive income in prior period and transferred in retained earnings in the current periodexpenseCompany as the parent after taxshareholders after tax
I. Other comprehensive income that may not be reclassified to profit or loss-3,004,584.80-203,351.55-203,351.55-3,207,936.35
Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investment\-3,004,584.80-203,351.55-203,351.55-3,207,936.35
II. Other comprehensive income that may subsequently be reclassified to profit or loss-347,753.08393,038.16393,038.1645,285.08
Differences arising from translation of foreign currency-denominated financial statements-347,753.08393,038.16393,038.1645,285.08
Total of other comprehensive income-3,352,337.88189,686.61189,686.61-3,162,651.27

Other notes, including the adjustment of the effective gain/loss on cash flow hedges to the initial recognized amount:

56. Specific Reserve

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance

Other notes, including a description of the increase or decrease for the current period and the reasons for the change:

57. Surplus Reserves

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balance
Statutory surplus reserves115,743,323.95115,743,323.95
Discretional surplus reserves365,403.13365,403.13

Notes, including changes and reason of change:

58. Undistributed profits

Unit: RMB

ItemCurrent periodPrevious period
Beginning balance of retained profits before adjustments3,872,586,802.173,691,056,182.73
Beginning balance of retained profits after adjustments3,872,586,802.173,691,056,182.73
Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company as the parent9,212,457.81220,903,444.63
Dividends of common shares payable185,945,476.70215,148,452.21
Ending retained profits3,695,853,783.283,695,166,352.46

List of adjustment of beginning retained profits:

1) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting Standardsfor Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.

2) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in accounting policies.

3) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.

4) RMB beginning retained profits was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.

5) RMBXXX beginning retained earnings was affected totally by other adjustments.

59. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Principal business847,182,289.87669,091,472.181,896,876,132.491,372,159,884.25

Unit: RMBBreakdown information of operating income and operating cost:

Unit: RMB

Category of contractsSegment 1Segment 2Total
Operating RevenueOperating costOperating RevenueOperating costOperating RevenueOperating costOperating RevenueOperating cost
Business Type856,028,445.25669,091,472.18856,028,445.25669,091,472.18
Of which:
Real estate business13,841,686.404,621,045.9713,841,686.404,621,045.97
Property management771,525,962.31621,695,503.76771,525,962.31621,695,503.76
Leasing business70,660,796.5442,774,922.4570,660,796.5442,774,922.45
Classification by operating region856,028,445.25669,091,472.18856,028,445.25669,091,472.18
Of which:
Other regions182,633,418.07167,916,393.55182,633,418.07167,916,393.55
Market or customer type
Of which:
Contract type
Of which:
Classification by time of commodity transfer
Of which:
Classification by contract term
Of which:
Classification by sales channel
Of which:

Information about performance obligations:

ItemTiming of fulfilment of performance obligationsImportant payment termsNature of goods that the Company is committed to transferWhether or not the person primarily responsibleFunds undertaken by the Company expected to be returned to customersType of quality assurance provided by the Company and related obligations

Other notes:

Information in relation to the transaction price apportioned to the residual contract performance obligation:

The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not fully performed yetwas RMB846,699,653.68 at the period-end, among which RMB842,180,769.63 was expected to be recognized in 2024,RMB3,227,444.50 was expected to be recognized in 2025, and RMB1,291,439.55 was expected to be recognized in 2026 andsubsequent years.Information related to variable consideration in contracts:

Significant contract changes or significant transaction price adjustments

ItemAccounting treatment methodsAmount of impact on revenue

Other notes:

The Company shall comply with the disclosure requirements for the “real estate industry” in the Self-regulatory Guidelines No. 3 forCompanies Listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange - Industry Information DisclosureThe top 5 accounts received with confirmed amount in the Reporting Period:

Unit: RMB

No.Name of projectAmount of revenue
1SZPRD-Songhu Langyuan872,027.60
2SZPRD-Hupan Yujing Phase I114,678.90
3SZPRD-Banshan Yujing Phase II93,032.11
4SZPRD-Hupan Yujing Phase II63,192.66

60. Taxes and Surtaxes

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Urban maintenance and construction tax1,651,950.785,234,580.49
Educational surcharge713,648.692,245,496.54
Property tax5,322,524.165,879,679.55
Land use tax1,090,405.701,017,014.81
Vehicle and vessel use tax2,895.0018,361.26
Stamp duty780,146.57531,098.01
Land appreciation tax56,622.5528,694,726.98
Local education surcharge472,553.301,500,541.14
Other taxes356,593.6469,287.25

Other notes:

61. Administrative Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Employee remuneration99,092,492.51109,945,612.07
Administrative office cost9,498,006.5714,020,387.30
Assets amortization and depreciation expense14,031,069.2913,134,121.00
Litigation costs409,965.825,611,455.50

Other notes:

62. Selling Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Agency fee316,112.2826,078.00
Consultancy and sales service charges1,707,775.052,385,496.26
Advertising expenses1,236,734.703,855,726.14
Employee remuneration4,409,450.294,649,571.85

Other notes:

63. Development Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Employee remuneration1,979,647.191,466,686.36
Depreciation and amortization expense15,029.1350,096.06

Other notes:

64. Finance Costs

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Finance costs34,706,249.6631,827,441.32
Less: Interest income-21,522,831.25-7,930,755.87
Foreign exchange gains or losses1,172,780.02-523,791.38

Other notes:

65. Other Income

Unit: RMB

SourcesAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Government grants related to income448,581.63950,093.18
Return of auxiliary expense for individual income tax withheld292,836.52390,379.71
Additional deduction of VAT-853,475.032,741,411.22
Rebate of VAT2,288,567.68738,782.96

66. Gain on Changes in Fair Value

Unit: RMB

SourcesAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period

Other notes:

67. Investment Income

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method412,742.531,857,388.32

Other notes:

68. Credit Impairment Loss

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Bad debt loss of accounts receivable-9,954,123.40-7,643,172.27
Bad debt loss of other receivables-8,442,795.34-5,967,607.31

Other notes:

69. Asset Impairment Loss

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
I. Inventory falling price loss and impairment provision for contract performance costs-5,858.652,045.93

Other notes:

70. Asset Disposal Income

Unit: RMB

SourcesAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Gains on disposal of fixed assets-5,004.74115,810.85
Gain on disposal of right-of-use assets31,060.71
Gain on disposal of other assets58,568.84

71. Non-operating Income

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous periodAmount recorded in the current non-recurring profit or loss
Gains on damage and scrap of non-current assets2,763.355,568.232,763.35
Confiscated income236,526.20652,311.27236,526.20
Payments unable to clear56,282.77

Other notes:

72. Non-operating Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous periodAmount recorded in the current non-recurring profit or loss
Losses from damage and scrap of non-current assets66,426.6517,136.1566,426.65
Penalty and fine for delaying payment8,569.5178,886.538,569.51

Other notes:

73. Income Tax Expense

(1) List of Income Tax Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Current income tax expense28,351,519.7748,971,626.96
Deferred income tax expense-23,491,356.8029,847,648.80

(2) Adjustment Process of Accounting Profit and Income Tax Expense

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current period
Total profit6,181,802.43
Current income tax expense accounted at statutory/applicable tax rate1,545,450.61
Influence of applying different tax rates by subsidiaries-2,123,154.60
Influence of income tax before adjustment5,510,313.46
Influence of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses2,894,662.25
Effects of the utilization of deductible losses on which deferred income tax assets were unrecognized in the prior period-4,442,605.24
Effect of deductible temporary differences or deductible losses on deferred income tax assets not recognized in the current period1,475,496.49
Income tax expense4,860,162.97

Other notes:

74. Other Comprehensive Income

Refer to Note VII-55 for details.

75. Cash Flow Statement

(1) Cash Related to Operating Activities

Cash Generated from Other Operating Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Large intercourse funds received40,771,856.6649,072,300.25
Interest income15,961,648.517,930,755.87
Net margins, security deposit and various special funds received40,622,124.0945,287,205.39
Government grants received204,133.63
Other small receivables41,894,355.9024,479,612.17
Decreased limited amount for the current period531,478.29


Cash Used in Other Operating Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Paying administrative expense in cash17,943,244.7430,693,136.34
Paying selling expense in cash6,849,111.588,054,091.33
Large intercourse funds paid31,911,322.77
Utility expense and various collecting payments on behalf of others46,949,786.8749,083,846.80
Other small payments38,960,461.2534,041,223.54
Amount of newly limited funds5,455,416.01


(2) Cash Related to Investing Activities

Cash Generated from Other Investing Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period

Significant cash received related to investing activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period


Cash Used in Other Investing Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period

Significant cash paid related to investing activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period


(3) Cash Related to Financing Activities

Cash Generated from Other Financing Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period


Cash Used in Other Financing Activities

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Payment for lease liabilities8,054,827.7215,224,062.82
Payment related to sale and leaseback9,348,850.00
Other small payments1,042,062.82


Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(4) Description of Cash Flows Presented on a Net Basis

ItemRelevant factual informationBasis for using net presentationFinancial impact

(5) Significant Activities and Financial Impact that Do Not Involve Current Cash Receipts andDisbursements but Affect the Company's Financial Position or May Affect the Company's Cash Flows inthe Future

76. Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB

Supplemental informationAmount during the current periodPrevious period
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash
flows generated from operating activities:
Net profit1,321,639.46214,646,256.05
Add: Provision for impairment of assets18,374,204.3313,608,733.65
Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas assets, and productive biological assets26,670,229.4430,375,573.61
Depreciation of right-of-use assets5,989,672.6910,342,761.89
Amortization of intangible assets143,544.55323,300.59
Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses3,877,212.204,357,979.80
Losses from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-lived assets (gains represented by “-")-26,055.97-174,379.69
Losses from scrap of fixed assets (gains represented by “-")66,426.6517,136.15
Losses from changes in fair value (gains represented by “-")
Finance costs (gains represented by “-")35,137,104.5524,192,404.94
Investment loss (gains represented by “-")-412,742.53-5,385,588.91
Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains represented by “-")-22,448,666.8629,858,199.73
Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (decrease represented by “-")-1,246,996.21-67,809.67
Decrease in inventory (gains represented by “-")-412,619,998.44127,259,375.62
Decrease in accounts receivable generated from operating activities (gains represented by “-")-72,062,362.60-13,839,646.61
Increase in accounts payable used in operating activities (decrease represented by “-")-319,590,312.70-1,015,535,955.30
Net cash flows from operating activities-736,827,101.44-580,021,658.15
2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of cash receipts and payments:
Conversion of debt to capital
Convertible corporate bonds matured within one year
Fixed asset under finance lease
3. Net increase/decrease of cash and cash equivalent:
Closing balance of cash1,867,480,361.191,376,665,482.70
Less: Opening balance of cash2,733,139,135.121,509,693,857.48
Add: Closing balance of cash equivalents
Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-865,658,773.93-133,028,374.78

(2) Net Cash Paid for Acquisition of Subsidiaries

Unit: RMB

Of which:
Of which:
Of which:

Other notes:

(3) Net Cash Received from Disposal of the Subsidiaries

Unit: RMB

Of which:
Of which:
Of which:

Other notes:

(4) Cash and Cash Equivalents

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
I. Cash1,867,480,361.192,733,139,135.12
Of which: Cash on hand55,534.2575,265.01
Bank deposits on demand1,864,334,595.582,729,897,603.00
Other monetary assets on demand3,090,231.363,166,267.11
III. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents1,867,480,361.192,733,139,135.12

(5) Presentation of Cash and Cash Equivalents that Are Subject to Certain Restrictions on Their Usage

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount during the current periodPrevious periodReason for classifying the item as cash and cash equivalents
Pre-sale funds for Guangming Yutang Shangfu Project517,510,022.98640,559,629.03These are funds within the presale supervision quota of the project, which we can apply for in accordance with the relevant regulations on the supervision of presale funds to pay for the construction expenditures of the project and the relevant statutory taxes and fees.

(6) Monetary Assets Not Classified as Cash and Cash Equivalents

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount during the current periodPrevious periodReason for not classifying the item as cash and cash equivalents

Other notes:

(7) Notes on Other Significant Activities

77. Notes to Items of the Statements of Changes in Owners' Equity

Notes to the name of “Other” of closing balance at the end of the previous year adjusted and the amount adjusted:

78. Foreign Currency Monetary Items

(1) Foreign Currency Monetary Items

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing foreign currency balanceExchange rateEnding balance converted to RMB
Monetary capital64,642,781.10
Of which: USD120,000.007.1268855,216.00
Accounts receivable5,800,051.80
Of which: USD
Long-term borrowings
Of which: USD
Accounts prepaid53,293.47
Of which: HKD
Other receivables278,490.88
Of which: HKD66,215.940.912760,435.29
Accounts payable699,152.47
Of which: HKD56,000.000.912751,111.20
Other payables2,043,064.96
Of which: HKD400,603.250.9127365,630.59

Other notes:

(2) Notes to Overseas Entities Including: for Significant Oversea Entities, Main Operating Place, RecordingCurrency and Selection Basis Shall Be Disclosed; if there Are Changes in Recording Currency, RelevantReasons Shall Be Disclosed.?Applicable □Not applicable

ItemMain operating placeStandard currency for accountingBasis for choosing

Shum Yip Properties Development Limitedand its subsidiaries

Shum Yip Properties Development Limited and its subsidiariesHong KongHKDLocated in HK, settled by HKD
ItemMain operating placeStandard currency for accountingBasis for choosing

Vietnam Shenguomao PropertyManagement Co., Ltd.

Vietnam Shenguomao Property Management Co., Ltd.VietnamVNDLocated in Vietnam, settled by VND

79. Lease

(1) The Company Was Lessee:

?Applicable □Not applicableVariable lease payments that are not covered in the measurement of the lease liabilities

□Applicable ?Not applicable

Simplified short-term lease or lease expense for low-value assets?Applicable □Not applicableAmount recognized in profit or loss

Currency: RMB
CategoryAmount for the year
Depreciation expense on right-of-use assets (Note 1)5,989,672.68
Interest expense on lease liabilities (Note 2)709,478.21
Expense relating to short-term leases3,455,815.90
Lease expense for low-value assets
Variable lease payments that are not covered in the measurement of the lease liabilities (Note 3)
Income from underlease of right-of-use assets
Total cash outflows related to leases13,748,209.40

Note 1: There was no depreciation expense on capitalized right-of-use assets in the first half of 2024.Note 2: There was no interest expense on capitalized lease liabilities in the first half of 2024.Note 3: There were no variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities in the first half of 2024.

Circumstances involving sale and leaseback transactionsIn December 2023, the Company entered into a sale and leaseback contract with MAXWEALTH Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. for thetransfer of certain office equipment with a leaseback period of 48 months. Since the fixed assets were not transferred to the purchaserfrom the beginning to the end, it was judged not to be a sale, and the amount received was accounted for as a liability.

(2) The Company Was Lessor:

Operating leases with the Company as lessor?Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemRental incomeOf which: income related to variable lease payments not included in lease receipts
Lease items70,660,796.54

Finance leases with the Company as lessor

□Applicable ?Not applicable

Undiscounted lease receipts for each of the next five years?Applicable □Not applicable

ItemUndiscounted lease receipts per year
Ending amountBeginning amount
The 1st year122,306,687.48124,863,019.23
The 2nd year72,100,063.4470,271,138.44
The 3rd year48,038,467.5142,292,889.70
The 4th year32,148,758.6432,718,754.54
The 5th year19,140,598.9724,297,422.32
Total undiscounted lease receipts after five years17,130,742.1614,891,056.43

Unit: RMBReconciliation of undiscounted lease receipts to net investment in leasesNot applicable

(3) Recognition of Gain or Loss on Sales under Finance Leases with the Company as a Manufacturer orDistributor

□Applicable ?Not applicable

80. Data Resources

81. Others

VIII. Research and Development Expenditure

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Staff costs1,979,647.191,466,686.36
Depreciation and amortization expense15,029.1350,096.06
Of which: Expensed research and development expenditure2,243,317.441,711,051.44

1. R&D Projects Eligible for Capitalization

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncreased amount of the current periodDecreased amount for the current periodEnding balance
Internal development costsOthersRecognized as intangible assetsTransferred into the current profit or loss

Significant capitalized R&D projects

ItemR&D progressEstimated completion dateExpected manner of generation of economic benefitsTime of commencement of capitalizationSpecific basis for commencement of capitalization

Provision for impairment of development expenditure

Unit: RMB

ItemBeginning balanceIncrease for the current periodDecrease for the current periodEnding balanceImpairment testing

2. Significant Outsourced Research and Development Projects in Progress

Project nameManner in which the economic benefits are expected to be generatedJudgment criteria and specific basis for capitalization or expensing

Other notes:

IX. Change of Consolidation Scope

1. Business Combination Not under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination Not under the Same Control during the Current Period

Unit: RMB

Name of acquireeTime and place of gaining equityCost of gaining the equityProportion of equityWay to gain equityPurchase dateRecognition basis of purchase dateIncome of acquiree from the purchase date to period-endNet profits of acquiree from the purchase date to period-endCash flows of the acquiree from the purchase date to the end of the period

Other notes:

(2) Combination Cost and Goodwill

Unit: RMB

Combination cost
-Fair value of non-cash assets
-Fair value of debt issued or assumed
-Fair value of equity securities issued
-Fair value of contingent consideration
-Fair value of equity interests held before the purchase date
Total combination costs
Less: share in the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired
The amount of goodwill/combination cost less than the share in the fair value of identifiable net assets acquired

Method of determining the fair value of the cost of consolidation:

Notes to contingent consideration and changes therein

The main formation reason for the large goodwill:

Other notes:

(3) The Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of Acquiree on Purchase Date

Unit: RMB

Fair value on purchase dateCarrying value on purchase date
Monetary capital
Accounts receivable
Fixed assets
Intangible assets
Accounts payable
Deferred income tax liabilities
Net assets
Less: non-controlling interests
Net assets acquired

The determination method of the fair value of identifiable assets and liabilities:

Contingent liability of acquiree undertaken in the business combination:

Other notes:

(4) Gains and Losses from Re-measurement of Equity Held before the Purchase Date at Fair ValueWhether there is a transaction that through multiple transaction step by step to realize business combination and gaining the controlduring the Reporting Period

□Yes ?No

(5) Notes to Reasonable Consideration or Fair Value of Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of the Acquiree that Cannot BeDetermined on the Acquisition Date or during the Period-end of the Merger

(6) Other Notes

2. Business Combination under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination under the Same Control during the Current Period

Unit: RMB

Combined partyProportion of the equityBasisCombination dateRecognition basis of combination dateIncome from the period-begin to the combination date of the acquireeNet profits from the period-begin to the combination date of the acquireeIncome of the acquiree during the period of comparisonNet profits of the acquiree during the period of comparison

Other notes:

(2) Combination Cost

Unit: RMB

Combination cost
--Carrying value of non-cash assets
--Carrying value of debt issued or assumed
--Denomination value of equity securities issued
--Contingent consideration

Contingent liabilities and changes thereof:

Other notes:

(3) The Carrying Value of Assets and Liabilities of the Combined Party on the Combination Date

Unit: RMB

Combination dateEnd of the previous period
Monetary capital
Accounts receivable
Fixed assets
Intangible assets
Accounts payable
Net assets
Less: non-controlling interests
Net assets acquired

Contingent liabilities of the combined party undertaken in the business combination:

Other notes:

3. Counter Purchase

Basic information of trading, the basis of transactions constitute counter purchase, the retain assets , liabilities of the listed companieswhether constituted a business and its basis, the determination of the combination costs, the amount and calculation of adjusted rightsand interests in accordance with the equity transaction process:

4. Disposal of Subsidiary

Whether there were any transactions or events during the period in which control of the subsidiary was lost?Yes ? No

Whether there was a step-by-step disposal of investment in a subsidiary through multiple transactions and loss of control during thecurrent period

□Yes ?No

5. Changes in Combination Scope for Other Reasons

Notes of other changes in the combination scope (e.g., new subsidiaries, liquidation of subsidiaries, etc.) and relevant situations:

6. Other

X. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiaries

(1) Compositions of the Group

Unit: RMB

Name of subsidiariesRegistered capitalMain operating placePlace of registrationBusiness natureShareholding percentage (%)Way of gaining
Shenzhen Huangcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd.30,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Wuhe Industry Investment Development Co., Ltd.100,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Facility Management Community Technology Co., Ltd.15,453,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenSoftware and information technology services35.00%Business combination not under the same control
Beijing Facility Home Technology Co., Ltd.5,000,000.00BeijingBeijingSoftware and information technology services17.85%Business combination not under the same control
SZPRD Xuzhou Dapeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.50,000,000.00XuzhouXuzhouReal estate100.00%Set-up
Dongguan ITC Changsheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.20,000,000.00DongguanDongguanReal estate100.00%Set-up
SZPRD Yangzhou Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.50,000,000.00YangzhouYangzhouReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen International20,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Set-up
Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Guomaomei Life Service Co., Ltd.5,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Set-up
Shandong Shenguomao Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.5,000,000.00JinanJinanService industry100.00%Set-up
Chongqing Shenguomao Real Estate Management Co., Ltd.5,000,000.00ChongqingChongqingService industry100.00%Set-up
Chongqing Aobo Elevator Co., Ltd.5,000,000.00ChongqingChongqingService industry100.00%Set-up
Chongqing Tianque Elevator Technology Co., Ltd.5,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Guoguan Electromechanical Device Co., Ltd.1,200,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Guomao Catering Co., Ltd.2,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenAccommodation and catering100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Property Engineering and Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.3,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Set-up
SZPRD Commercial Operation Co., Ltd.40,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Set-up
Shum Yip Properties Development Limited20,000,000.001Hong KongHong KongReal estate100.00%Set-up
Wayhang Development Co., Ltd.2.002Hong KongHong KongReal estate100.00%Set-up
Chief Link Properties Co., Ltd.100.003Hong KongHong KongReal estate70.00%Set-up
Syndis Investment Co., Ltd.4.004Hong KongHong KongReal estate70.00%Business combination not under the same control
Yangzhou Shouxihu Jingyue Property Development Co., Ltd.10,000,000.00YangzhouYangzhouService industry51.00%Set-up
Shandong International Trade Center Hotel Management Co., Ltd.3,000,000.00JinanJinanAccommodation and catering100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Shenshan Special5,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry65.00%Set-up
Cooperation Zone Guomao Property Development Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Guomao Tongle Property Management Co., Ltd.2,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry51.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.10,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate69.00%Business combination not under the same control
Shenzhen ITC Technology Park Service Co., Ltd.30,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Guomao Chuntian Commercial Management Co., Ltd.20,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Penghongyuan Industrial Development Co., Ltd.8,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Jinhailian Property Management Co., Ltd.3,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Social Welfare Co., Ltd.35,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Fuyuanmin Property Management Limited Liability Company10,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Meilong Industrial Development Co., Ltd.5,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Guomao Shenlv Garden Co., Ltd.10,600,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenPublic facilities management services90.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Jiayuan Property Management Co., Ltd.1,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry54.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Helinhua Construction Management Co., Ltd.3,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate90.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Zhongtongda House Xiushan Service Co., Ltd.2,500,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenConstruction industry90.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Kangping1,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry90.00%Business combination
Industrial Co., Ltd.under the same control
Shenzhen Sports Service Co., Ltd.3,300,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Teacher’s Home Training Co., Ltd.1,660,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Education Industrial Co., Ltd.4,985,610.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Yufa Industrial Co., Ltd.1,050,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry80.95%Business combination under the same control
SZPRD Fuyuantai Development Co., Ltd.10,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Xiamen Shenguomao Industrial City Smart Service Co., Ltd.5,000,000.00XiamenXiamenService industry51.00%Set-up
Vietnam Shenguomao Property Management Co., Ltd.200,000.005VietnamVietnamService industry100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen SZPRD Yanzihu Development Co., Ltd.10,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Guangming Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.50,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Dongguan Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.50,000,000.00DongguanDongguanReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Property Management Co., Ltd.7,250,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Shenwu Elevator Co., Ltd.3,500,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Shenfang Property Cleaning Co., Ltd.1,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Foreign Trade Property Management Co., Ltd.5,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Shenfubao Property Development Co., Ltd.15,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Fubao Urban Resources Management Co., Ltd.5,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry60.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Shenfubao Hydropower Municipal Service Co., Ltd.10,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Free Trade Zone Security Service Co., Ltd.2,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry100.00%Business combination under the same control
Shenzhen Wuhe Urban Renewal Co., Ltd.195,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Yangzhou Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.50,000,000.00YangzhouYangzhouReal estate67.00%Set-up
Shenzhen Tonglu Wuhe Investment Development Co., Ltd.10,000,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenReal estate100.00%Set-up
Shenzhen International Trade Industry Space Service Co., Ltd.2,800,000.00ShenzhenShenzhenService industry55.00%Set-up

Note: 1 HKD2 HKD3 HKD4 HKD5 USDNotes of shareholding percentage in subsidiaries different from voting percentage:

In May 2021, Shenzhen Wuhe Industry Investment Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wuhe Company"), asubsidiary of the Company, acquired 35% of the equity of Shenzhen Facility Management Community Technology Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "FMC") through acquisition of equity and directional capital increase. Meanwhile, according to theagreement of the cooperation framework on equity acquisition signed by Wuhe Company and the original shareholders, 16% of thevoting rights that the original shareholders hold or actually control in the equity of FMC shall be unconditionally granted to WuheCompany to exercise after the transaction date. There are no prerequisites for the granting of voting rights, and the term of the votingrights is not stipulated in the contract.Basis of holding half or less voting rights but still controlling the investee and holding more than half of the voting rights but notcontrolling the investee:

Not applicableBasis of controlling significant structural entities incorporated in the scope of combination:

Not applicableBasis of determining whether the Company is the agent or the mandatory:

Not applicableOther notes:

(2) Significant Non-wholly-owned Subsidiary

Unit: RMB

Name of subsidiariesShareholding proportion of non-controlling interestsThe profit or loss attributable to the non-controlling interests for the current periodDeclaring dividends distributed to non-controlling interests for the current periodBalance of non-controlling interests at the period-end
Shenzhen Rongyao Real31.00%-5,688,655.14-12,855,429.40
Estate Development Co., Ltd.
Yangzhou Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.33.00%-931,650.874,179,629.23

Holding proportion of non-controlling interests in subsidiary different from voting proportion:

Other notes:

(3) The Main Financial Information of Significant Not Wholly-owned Subsidiary

Unit: RMB

Name of subsidiariesEnding balanceBeginning balance
Current assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilitiesCurrent assetsNon-current assetsTotal assetsCurrent liabilitiesNon-current liabilitiesTotal liabilities
Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.6, 363,042,241.19167,370,479.656, 530,412,720.843, 258,387,824.383, 313,494,023.556, 571,881,847.936,104,831,530.55161,894,251.746,266,725,782.293,217,495,278.383,072,349,130.566,289,844,408.94
Yangzhou Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.1, 354,167,206.854,003,091.451, 358,170,298.301, 155,504,755.15190,000,000.001, 345,504,755.151, 291,359,823.313,086,583.611, 294,446,406.921,278,957,679.331,278,957,679.33

Unit: RMB

Name of subsidiariesAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Operating RevenueNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flows from operating activitiesOperating RevenueNet profitTotal comprehensive incomeCash flows from operating activities
Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.-18,350,500.44-18,350,500.44-199,490,054.24-21,394,349.33-21,394,349.33-132,065,318.90
Yangzhou Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.-2,823,184.44-2,823,184.44-190,340,468.10-1,995,249.76-1,995,249.76-48,773,537.38

Other notes:

(4) Significant restrictions on leveraging the assets and liquidating the liabilities of the business consortium

(5) Financial support or other support provided to structural entities incorporated into the scope of consolidated financialstatements

Other notes:

2. The Transaction of the Company with Its Owner's Equity Share Changing but the Company StillControls the Subsidiary

(1) Note to the Owner's Equity Share Changed in Subsidiary

(2) The Transaction’s Influence on the Equity of Non-controlling Interests and the Owner's Equity Attributable to theCompany as the Parent

Unit: RMB

Purchase cost/disposal consideration
-Fair value of non-cash assets
Total purchase cost/disposal consideration
Less: Share of net assets of subsidiaries based on percentage of equity acquired/disposed of
Of which: Adjusting capital reserve
Adjusting surplus reserve
Adjusting retained profits

Other notes:

3. Equity in Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

(1) Significant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

NameMain operating placePlace of registrationBusiness natureShareholding percentage (%)Accounting treatment of the investment to joint venture or associated enterprise
Shenzhen Real Estate Jifa Warehousing Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenWarehouse service25.00%25.00%Equity method
Tian’an International Building Property Management Company of ShenzhenShenzhenShenzhenProperty management50.00%Equity method
CSCEC Intelligent Parking Technology Co., Ltd.ShenzhenShenzhenCommercial services10.00%Equity method

Notes to holding proportion of joint venture or associated enterprise different from voting proportion:

Basis of holding less than 20% of the voting rights but has a significant impact or holding 20% or more voting rights but does nothave a significant impact:

(2) Main Financial Information of Significant Joint Ventures

Unit: RMB

Closing balance/amount of the current periodOpening balance/amount of the previous period
Shenzhen Jifa Warehouse Co., Ltd.Tian’an International Building Property Management Company of ShenzhenShenzhen Jifa Warehouse Co., Ltd.Tian’an International Building Property Management Company of Shenzhen
Current assets315,415,169.6358,245,686.1813,949,127.7859,553,501.09
Of which: Cash and cash equivalents313,087,656.6537,193,001.1511,574,044.5238,464,410.56
Non-current assets84,989,541.4641,783.0385,381,409.0842,101.51
Total assets400,404,711.0958,287,469.2199,330,536.8659,595,602.60
Current liabilities2,406,753.7928,759,114.403,198,899.8528,927,454.58
Non-current liabilities300,000,000.0016,638,965.7316,566,273.37
Total liabilities302,406,753.7945,398,080.133,198,899.8545,493,727.95
Equity of non-controlling interests
Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company as the parent97,997,957.3012,889,389.0896,131,637.0114,101,874.65
Net assets shares calculated at the shareholding proportion48,998,978.666,444,694.5448,065,818.517,050,937.33
Adjusted items
- Goodwill
--Unrealized profit of intra-company transaction
Carrying value of equity investment to joint ventures48,998,978.666,444,694.5448,065,818.517,050,937.33
Fair values of equity investments of joint ventures with quoted prices
Operating Revenue4,526,369.655,386,799.846,690,430.688,731,790.54
Financial expenses-10,820.992,636.50-7,666.5543,267.67
Income tax expense622,106.770.001,154,005.8655,263.55
Net profit1,866,320.29-1,212,485.573,445,747.96165,790.66
Net profit from discontinued operations
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income1,866,320.29-1,212,485.573,445,747.96165,790.66
Dividends received from the joint venture in the current period

Other notes:

(3) Main Financial Information of Significant Associated Enterprises

Unit: RMB

Closing balance/amount of the current periodOpening balance/amount of the previous period
Current assets273,413,892.78256,074,109.31
Non-current assets28,479,236.4611,617,792.09
Total assets301,893,129.24267,691,901.40
Current liabilities126,518,370.2195,957,288.78
Non-current liabilities3,268,460.57486,565.88
Total liabilities129,786,830.7896,443,854.66
Equity of non-controlling interests
Equity attributable to shareholders of the Company as the parent172,106,298.46171,248,046.74
Net assets shares calculated at the shareholding proportion17,210,629.8517,124,804.67
Adjusted items
- Goodwill
--Unrealized profit of intra-company transaction
Carrying value of investment to associated enterprises29,026,819.8828,940,994.71
Fair value of equity investments in associated enterprises with publicly quoted prices
Operating Revenue79,970,090.7648,983,120.89
Net profit858,251.72516,190.10
Net profit from discontinued operations
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income858,251.72516,190.10
Dividends received from the associates in the current period63,120.00

Other notes:

(4) Summary Financial Information of Insignificant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

Unit: RMB

Closing balance/amount of the current periodOpening balance/amount of the previous period
Joint venture:
Sum calculated by shareholding ratio of each item
Associated enterprises:
Sum calculated by shareholding ratio of each item

Other notes:

(5) Note to the Significant Restrictions on the Ability of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises toTransfer Funds to the Company

(6) The Excess Loss of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

Unit: RMB

NameThe cumulative recognized losses in previous accumulatively derecognizedThe derecognized losses (or the share of net profit) in current periodThe accumulative unrecognized losses in current period

Other notes:

(7) The Unrecognized Commitment Related to Investment to Joint Ventures

(8) Contingent Liabilities Related to Investment to Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

4. Significant Common Operation

NameMain operating placePlace of registrationBusiness natureProportion/Share portion

Notes to holding proportion or share portion in common operation different from voting proportion:

For common operation as a single entity, basis of classifying as common operation

Other notes:

5. Equity in the Structured Entity Excluded in the Scope of Consolidated Financial StatementsNotes to the structured entity excluded in the scope of consolidated financial statements:

6. Other

XI. Government Grants

1. Government Grants Recognized at the End of the Reporting Period at the Amount Receivable

□Applicable ?Not applicable

Reasons for failing to receive government grants in the estimated amount at the estimated point in time

□Applicable ?Not applicable

2. Liability Items Involving Government Grants

□Applicable ?Not applicable

3. Government Grants Recognized as Current Profit or Loss

?Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Accounting itemsAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Other income448,581.63950,093.18

Other notes:

XII. Risks Associated with Financial Instruments

1. Various Types of Risks Arising from Financial Instruments

The Company is engaged in risk management to achieve balance between risks and returns, minimizing the negative effects of riskson its operation performance and maximizing the interests of its shareholders and other equity investors. Based on that riskmanagement goal, the fundamental strategy of its risk management is to identify and analyze various risks facing the Company,establish an appropriate risk bottom line, carry out risk management and monitor various risks in a timely and reliable manner tocontrol them within a restricted scope.The Company faces various risks related to financial instruments in its routine activities, mainly including credit risk, liquidity riskmarket risk. The management has reviewed and approved the policies of managing those risks, which are summarized as follows:

i. Risks from Financial Instruments

1. Classification of Financial Instruments

(1) The Carrying Value of Financial Assets on the Balance Sheet Date

① 30 June 2024

ItemFinancial assets measured at amortized costFinancial assets at fair value through profit or lossFinancial assets at fair value and changes included in other comprehensive incomeTotal
Monetary capital1,885,846,531.691,885,846,531.69
Accounts receivable525,349,243.53525,349,243.53
Other receivables606,627,612.52606,627,612.52
Other equity instrument investments437,618.97437,618.97

② 31 December 2023

ItemFinancial assets measured at amortized costFinancial assets at fair value through profit or lossFinancial assets at fair value and changes included in other comprehensive incomeTotal
Monetary capital2,748,798,476.722,748,798,476.72
Accounts receivable502,806,453.88502,806,453.88
Other receivables624,394,372.82624,394,372.82
Other equity instrument investments636,926.20636,926.20

2. The Carrying Value of Financial Liabilities on the Balance Sheet Date

① 30 June 2024

ItemFinancial liabilities at fair value through profit or lossOther financial liabilitiesTotal
Short-term loan50,036,250.0050,036,250.00
Accounts payable497,647,577.28497,647,577.28
ItemFinancial liabilities at fair value through profit or lossOther financial liabilitiesTotal
Other payables1,156,391,495.321,156,391,495.32
Current portion of non-current liabilities3,457,663,129.193,457,663,129.19
Long-term borrowings1,387,120,583.021,387,120,583.02
Lease liabilities12,635,031.0312,635,031.03
Long-term accounts payable399,899,850.00399,899,850.00

② 31 December 2023

ItemFinancial liabilities at fair value through profit or lossOther financial liabilitiesTotal
Short-term loan230,915,000.00230,915,000.00
Accounts payable662,869,059.59662,869,059.59
Other payables1,217,303,294.251,217,303,294.25
Current portion of non-current liabilities3,092,324,853.073,092,324,853.07
Long-term borrowings1,399,889,274.471,399,889,274.47
Lease liabilities10,571,092.2710,571,092.27
Long-term payables400,105,655.56400,105,655.56

2. Credit Risk

Credit risk means the risk of financial losses incurred to the other party when one party of a financial instrument is unable to fulfill itsobligations.

1. Credit Risk Management Practice

(1) Credit Risk Evaluation Method

On each balance sheet date, the Company shall evaluate whether the credit risk of relevant financial instruments has increasedsignificantly since the initial recognition. After determining whether the credit risk has increased significantly since the initialrecognition, the Company shall consider obtaining reasonable and reliable information without paying unnecessary extra costs orefforts, including qualitative and quantitative analysis based on historical data, external credit risk rating and forward-lookinginformation. On the basis of the single financial instrument or combination of financial instruments with similar credit riskcharacteristics, the Company compares the risk of default of financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the risk of defaulton the initial recognition date to determine the change of default risk of financial instruments during their expected duration.When one or more of the following quantitative and qualitative criteria prevails, the Company shall believe the credit risk of financialinstruments has increased significantly:

1) For the quantitative standard, it can be mainly analyzed from the probability of default for the remaining duration on the balancesheet date rises by more than a certain proportion compared with the initial confirmation.

2) For the qualitative standard, it can be mainly analyzed from the major adverse changes in the debtor's operation or financialsituation, changes in existing or expected technology, market, economy or legal environment which shall have major adverse impactson the debtor’s repayment ability of the Company, etc.

3) The upper limit is that the debtor’s contract payment (including principal and interest) is overdue for more than 90 days.

(2) Definition of Default and Credit Impairment-Assets

When a financial instrument meets one or more of the following conditions, the Company shall define the financial asset as havingdefaulted, and its criteria are consistent with the definition of having incurred credit impairment:

1) Quantitative Standard

The debtor fails to make the payment after the contract payment date for more than 90 days;

2) Qualitative Criteria

a. The debtor has major financial difficulties;b. The debtor violates the binding provisions on the debtor in the contract;c. The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or carry out other financial restructurings;d. The creditor shall give the debtor concessions that will not be made in any other circumstances due to the economic or contractualconsiderations related to the debtor’s financial difficulties.

2. Measurement of Expected Credit Loss

The key parameters for measuring expected credit loss included default probability, loss given default and exposure at default. TheCompany considers the quantitative analysis and forward-looking information of historical statistical data (such as counterpartyrating, guarantee method, collateral type, repayment method, etc.) to establish exposure models of default probability, loss givendefault, and default risk.

3. Refer to Note VII-1, VII-5, VII-8 for Details of the Reconciliation Statements of Beginning Balance and Ending Balance ofFinancial Instrument Loss Provision.

4. Credit Risk Exposure and Credit Risk Concentration

The Company's credit risk mainly comes from monetary assets and accounts receivable. To control the aforementioned relevant risks,the Company has adopted the following measures.

(1) Monetary Assets

The Company places its monetary assets with financial institutions of high credit ratings. Thus, its credit risk is low.

(2)Accounts Receivable

The Company conducts credit assessments on the customers trading in the mode of credit on a regular basis. Based on the creditassessment result, the Company chooses to trade with recognized customers with good credit and monitor the balance of the accountsreceivable from them to ensure that the Company will not face any significant bad debt risk.Due to the Company merely trades with the authorized third party with good credit, the guarantee is not required. Credit riskconcentration is managed in accordance with the customers. As of 30 June 2024, there were certain credit concentration risks in theCompany, and 47.79% of the accounts receivable of the Company (59.45% on 31 December 2023) came from the top 5 customers bybalance. The Company hasn’t held any guarantee or other credit enhancement for balance of accounts receivable.The maximum credit risk exposure the Company undertook shall be the carrying value of each financial asset on balance sheet.

3. Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk refers to the risk of fund shortage occurring when the Company fulfills the settlement obligation in the mode of cashdelivery or other financial assets. Liquidity risk may originate from the failure to sell financial assets at fair value as soon as possible;or from the other party’s failure to pay off its contractual debts; or from the earlier maturity of debts; or from the failure to generatethe expected cash flow.To control the risk, the Company comprehensively adopts bank loans as financing approach, appropriately combines long-term andshort-term financing modes and optimizes the financing structure to maintain the balance between financing sustainability andflexibility. The Company has obtained the line of credit from a number of commercial banks to satisfy its operation fund needs andcapital expenditure.The analysis of the financial liabilities based on the maturity period of the undiscounted cash flow is as follows:

ItemEnding balance
Carrying valueUndiscounted contract amountWithin 1 year1-3 yearsMore than 3 years
Banking borrowings1,437,156,833.021,629,373,675.15177,297,011.16720,304,261.97731,772,402.03
Accounts payable497,647,577.28497,647,577.28497,647,577.28
Other payables1,156,391,495.321,156,391,495.321,144,188,819.2812,202,676.04
ItemEnding balance
Carrying valueUndiscounted contract amountWithin 1 year1-3 yearsMore than 3 years
Current portion of other non-current liabilities3,457,663,129.193,478,696,930.263,478,696,930.26
Lease liabilities12,635,031.0316,443,332.429,658,459.686,784,872.74
Long-term accounts payable399,899,850.00471,251,983.3318,234,037.5043,275,144.45409,742,801.38


ItemBeginning balance
Carrying valueUndiscounted contract amountWithin 1 year1-3 yearsMore than 3 years
Banking borrowings1,630,804,274.471,886,101,350.83379,121,985.22709,659,943.62797,319,421.99
Accounts payable662,869,059.59662,869,059.59662,869,059.59
Other payables1,217,303,294.251,217,303,294.251,205,100,618.2112,202,676.04
Current portion of other non-current liabilities3,092,324,853.073,111,187,663.283,111,187,663.28
Lease liabilities10,571,092.2715,904,640.377,730,396.158,174,244.22
Long-term accounts payable400,105,655.56480,600,833.3018,293,137.5041,277,444.45421,030,251.35

4. Market Risk

Market risk refers to the risk of fluctuations in the fair value or future cash flows of financial instruments arising from changes inmarket prices. Market risk mainly includes interest rate risk and foreign exchange risk.

(1) Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate risk refers to the risk of fluctuations in the fair value or future cash flows of financial instruments arising from changes inmarket interest rates. Interest-bearing financial instruments with fixed interest rates may bring the fair value interest rate risk to theCompany, while those with floating interest rate may bring the cash flow interest rate risk to the Company. The Company willdetermine the proportion between the financial instruments with fixed interest rate and those with floating interest rate incombination with market environment, and maintain an appropriate portfolio of financial instruments through regular review andmonitoring. The interest rate risk of cash flows facing the Company is mainly related to the bank loans calculated by floating interestrate of the Company.As of 30 June 2024, under the assumption of other fixed variables with 50 basis points changed in interest rate, the bank loan ofRMB4,878,133,890.22 (RMB4,470,302,598.47 on 31 December 2023) calculated at floating rate would not result in significantinfluence on total profit and shareholders’ equity of the Company.

2. Foreign Exchange Risk

Foreign exchange risk refers to the risk that may lead to the changes of fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows due tofluctuation in exchange rate. The risk of changes of exchange rate facing the Company is mainly related to foreign currencymonetary assets and liabilities of the Company. The Company operates in mainland China, and the main activities are recorded byRMB. Thus, the foreign exchange market risk undertaken is insignificant for the Company.For details of the Company's foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities at the end of the Current Period, please refer to NoteVII-78 in the Current Report.

2. Hedge

(1) The Company Carries out Hedging Business for Risk Management

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(2) The Company Conducts Eligible Hedging Operations and Applies Hedge Accounting

Unit: RMB

ItemCarrying value related to hedged items and hedging instrumentsCumulative fair value hedge adjustment of the hedged item included in the recognized carrying value of the hedged itemHedge effectiveness and hedge ineffectiveness partial sourcesImpact of hedge accounting on the Company's financial statements
Types of hedge risk
Types of hedge

Other notes:

(3) The Company Conducts Hedging Operations for Risk Management, Expects to Achieve Its Risk Management Objectives,but Does Not Apply Hedge Accounting

□Applicable ?Not applicable

3. Financial Assets

(1) Classification of Transfer Methods

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(2) Financial Assets Derecognized due to Transfer

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(3) Continued Involvement in the Transfer of Assets Financial Assets

□Applicable ?Not applicable

Other notes:

XIII. The Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

Unit: RMB

ItemClosing fair value
Fair value measurement items at level 1Fair value measurement items at level 2Fair value measurement items at level 3Total
I. Consistent Fair Value Measurement--------
(III) Other equity instrument investment437,618.97437,618.97
The total amount of assets consistently measured at fair value437,618.97437,618.97
II. Inconsistent Fair Value Measurement--------

2. Basis for Determining the Market Price of Continuous and Non-continuous Level 1 Fair ValueMeasurement Items

The other equity instrument held by the Company was domestic and foreign stocks obtained in Jintian’s debt restructuring, in whichthe market price was determined based on the stock price of the same asset in the active market as available at the balance sheet date.

3. Continuous and Non-continuous Level 2 Fair Value Measurement Items, Valuation Techniques Used,and The Qualitative and Quantitative Information of Important Parameters

4. Continuous and Non-continuous Level 3 Fair Value Measurement Items, Valuation Techniques Used, andThe Qualitative and Quantitative Information of Important Parameters

5. Continuous and Non-continuous Level 3 Fair Value Measurement Items, Information On TheAdjustment Between The Opening and Closing Carrying Value, and Sensitivity Analysis of UnobservableParameters

6. Explain the Reason for Conversion and the Governing Policy when the Conversion Happens ifConversion Happens among Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Different Levels

7. Changes in the Valuation Technique in the Current Period and the Reason for Such Changes

8. The Fair Value of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities not Measured at Fair Value

9. Others

XIV. Related Party and Related-party Transactions

1. Information Related to the Company as the Parent of the Company

Name of the Company as the parentPlace of registrationBusiness natureRegistered capitalProportion of share held by the Company as the parent against the Company (%)Proportion of voting rights owned by the Company as the parent against the Company (%)
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.ShenzhenLimited liability company (solely-owned by the state)32,686,000,000.0057.25%57.25%

Notes: Information on the Company as the parent

(1) The parent company of the Company is Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “SIHC”), a newly-established and organized state-owned capital investment company based on the original three state-owned assets managementcompanies in October 2004, and its main function is to manage the partial municipal state-owned companies according to theauthorization of Municipal SASAC. As a government department, Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and AdministrationBureau manages Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. on behalf of People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality.

(2) In 2021, SIHC, the controlling shareholder of the Company, transferred 38,037,890 ordinary shares of the Company in unlimitedcirculation (representing 6.382% of the total share capital of the Company) held by SIHC to Shenzhen State-owned EquityManagement Co., Ltd. for free to replenish the social security funds. Shenzhen State-owned Equity Management Co., Ltd. is a newlyestablished wholly-owned subsidiary of SIHC to manage the transferred state-owned equity in a special account. After theregistration of the free transfer, SIHC held 301,414,637 shares of the Company, accounting for 50.575% of the total share capital ofthe Company, and Shenzhen State-owned Equity Management Co., Ltd. held 38,037,890 shares of the Company, accounting for

6.382% of the total share capital of the Company.

(3) During the Reporting Period, the Company's shareholder, Shenzhen Duty-Free Commodity Enterprise Co., Ltd., transferred1,730,300 restricted shares it held in the Company (representing 0.29% of the Company's total share capital) to the controllingshareholder SIHC for free. After the completion of this transfer, the number of shares held by SIHC and its concerted partiesincreased from 339,452,527 shares (representing 56.957% of the Company's total share capital) to 341,182,827 shares (representing

57.247% of the Company's total share capital).

The final controller of the Company is Shenzhen State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Committee of ShenzhenGovernment.Other notes:

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Please refer to Note X-1 for details on the Company’s subsidiaries.

3. Information on the Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises of the CompanyPlease refer to Note X-3 for details on the Company’s joint ventures and associated enterprises.Information on other joint venture or associated enterprise of occurring related-party transactions with the Company in CurrentPeriod, or forming balance due to related-party transactions made in previous period:

NameRelationship with the Company

Other notes:

4. Information on Other Related Parties

Other notes:

Name of other related partyRelationship with the Company
Shenzhen Qianhai Advanced Information Service Co., Ltd.Related party of subsidiary Rongyao Real Estate by non-controlling interests
Shenzhen Xinhai Holding Co., Ltd.The Company as the parent of Xinhai Rongyao of subsidiary Rongyao Real Estate by non-controlling interests
Shenzhen Xinhai Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Subsidiary Rongyao Real Estate by non-controlling interests
Shenzhen Wufang Ceramics Industrial Co., Ltd.Associated enterprise of the Company
Tian’an International Building Property Management Company of ShenzhenJoint venture of the Company
Shenzhen Real Estate Jifa Warehousing Co., Ltd.Joint venture of the Company
Yangzhou Lvfa Real Estate Co., Ltd.Subsidiary Yangzhou Wuhe by non-controlling interests
Guoren P&CSubsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Guarantee Group Co., Ltd.Subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.Subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen People's Congress Cadre Training CenterWholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center Management Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Tsinghua University Research InstituteSubsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Development Co., Ltd.Subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone Investment Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Construction Development (Group) CompanySubsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Hi-tech Zone Investment Development Group Co., Ltd.Subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Environmental Protection Technology Group Co., Ltd.Subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of
the Company
Shenzhen Sports Industry Group Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Sports Center Operation Management Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Bay Area Urban Construction and Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Xiangmihu International Exchange Center Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Infinova LimitedSubsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
China Shenzhen Foreign Trade (Group) Corp. Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Shentou Property Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shen ZHEN Light Industrial Products IMP.& EXP. Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Foreign Service Group Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Properties Group (SPG) Longgang Development Co., Ltd.Sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Business Apartment of Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen SDG Service Co., Ltd.Sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Cultural Business Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Yitong Digital Technology Innovation Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Eternal Asia Deep Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Tianjun Industrial Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Chengdu Zunxi Real Estate Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Dongguan Shenzhen Investment Holdings Investment Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Guangdong Jianbang Group (Huiyang) Industrial Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
China Kunpeng Industry Source Innovation Center (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenyue United Investment Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Chuangke Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Hi-tech Zone Development Construction Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shantou Branch of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Talent Recruitment International Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Park Operation Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Chenglong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Large Industrial Zone (Shenzhen Export Processing Zone) Development Management Group Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Fubao Industrial Park Operation Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Shenfang Chuanqi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Tianjin Industrial Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Tianjin Investment Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Shenfubao Eastern Investment Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone Branch of Shenzhen Water Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Special Zone Literature Magazine Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Investment Building Hotel Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Bay Area International Hotel Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Wancheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Bay (Baoding) Innovation Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Infinova Smart Park Technology Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Binjiang Industrial Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary司Shenzhen Free Trade Zone Life Service Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Rule of Law Training CenterWholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen South Certification Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Infinova Renyong Information Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Hebei Shenbao Investment Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shantou Economic Special Zone Songshan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shantou Hualin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Bay Wanli Hotel Branch of Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel Management Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Bay Wanyi Hotel Branch of Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel Management Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company
Shenzhen Xingye Logistics Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Representative Office of Hong Kong Haipeng Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Tianjun Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shantou Huafeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Total Logistics Service Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Chengjian Mingyuan Industrial Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Shendan Zengxin Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.Parent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen City Construction Industrial Park Development Co., LtdParent company's sub-subsidiary
Shenzhen Transportation Station Development Co., Ltd.Wholly-owned sub-subsidiary of the Company as the parent of the Company

Other notes:

5. List of Related-party Transactions

(1) Information on Acquisition of Goods and Reception of Labor Service

Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service

Related partiesContent of the related-party transactionAmount for the current periodThe approval trade creditWhether exceed trade credit or notAmount for the previous period
Guoren P&CInsurance2,275,307.591,647,215.68
Shenzhen Guarantee Group Co., Ltd.Guarantee fee51,416.55
ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries, except where the context otherwise requiresManagement service fee1,196,570.001,262,625.00
Shen ZHEN Light Industrial Products IMP.& EXP. Co., Ltd.Food procurement12,484.07
Shenzhen People's Congress Cadre Training CenterTraining service fee1,780.00
Shenzhen Foreign Service Group Co., Ltd.Outsourcing service charges-521,707.00
Shenzhen Rule of Law Training CenterTraining service fee5,362.002,070.00
Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.Project architectural design service1,613,278.4010,712,800.00No2,809,568.52
Shenzhen South Certification Co., Ltd.Consultant service fees24,528.30
Shenzhen Properties Group (SPG) Longgang Development Co., Ltd.Management service fee1,082,900.001,088,750.00
Business Apartment of Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.Catering service150,971.0071,780.00
Shenzhen SDG Service Co., Ltd.Property service fee157,600.22107,804.26
Shenzhen Tianjun Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.Plant maintenance services36,394.12
Shenzhen Cultural Business Development Co., Ltd.Procurement of office supplies39,055.94
Shenzhen Yitong Digital Technology Innovation Development Co., Ltd.Food procurement10,598.23
Shenzhen Eternal Asia Deep Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd.Food procurement41,916.00
Shenzhen TianjunPlant maintenance38,784.00
Industrial Co., Ltd.services
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.Management service fee33,571,556.3172,761,800.00No37,673,707.61
Shenzhen Infinova Renyong Information Co., Ltd.Intelligent engineering expense358,900.00
Shenzhen Shendan Credit Enhancement Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.Guarantee fee268,000.00268,000.00

Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service

Unit: RMB

Related partiesContent of the related-party transactionAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Chengdu Zunxi Real Estate Co., Ltd.Property service fee2,223,338.17
Dongguan Shenzhen Investment Holdings Investment Development Co., Ltd.Property management fee534,653.46
Guangdong Jianbang Group (Huiyang) Industrial Co., Ltd.Property management fee102,532.66
GUOREN PROPERTY AND CASUALTY INSURANCE CO., LTD.Property management fee146,818.20170,719.10
Hebei Shenbao Investment Development Co., Ltd.Project payment16,525,863.7423,027,002.91
Hebei Shenbao Investment Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee5,417,208.867,099,846.48
China Kunpeng Industry Source Innovation Center (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.Property service fee1,714,806.48687,677.12
Shantou Economic Special Zone Songshan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee275.48
Shantou Huafeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee1,091,534.241,167,500.69
Shantou Hualin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee696.481,761.75
Shenyue United Investment Co., Ltd.Property service fee800,554.13406,380.98
Shenzhen Chuangke Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee3,092,240.94
Shenzhen Guarantee Group Co., Ltd.Property service fee2,103,449.602,084,729.13
Shenzhen Hi-tech Zone Development Construction Co., Ltd.Property service fee1,695,109.401,404,545.54
Shenzhen Petrel Hotel Co., Ltd.Property service fee226,415.10150,943.40
Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center Management Co., Ltd.Property service fee4,778,241.972,887,224.43
ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.Property service fee16,981.1516,981.15
Shantou Branch of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd.Property service fee36.65219.45
Shenzhen Talent Recruitment International Co., Ltd.Property service fee222,414.19186,707.86
Shenzhen Tsinghua University Research InstituteProperty service fee962,608.12497,261.99
Shenzhen Total Logistics Service Co., Ltd.Property service fee243,416.941,469,106.86
Shenzhen Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Park Operation Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee2,471,616.94
Shenzhen Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee1,065,752.34531,066.72
Shenzhen Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone Holdings Investment Development Co., LtdProperty service fee762,372.50
Shenzhen Chenglong Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee980,136.02
Shenzhen Construction Development (Group) CompanyProperty service fee171,179.2585,617.92
Shenzhen Large Industrial Zone (Shenzhen Export Processing Zone) Development Management Group Co., Ltd.Project payment-200,350.40232,110.15
Shenzhen Large Industrial Zone (Shenzhen Export Processing Zone) Development Management Group Co., Ltd.Property service fee37,938.18
Shenzhen Fubao Industrial Park Operation Co., Ltd.Project payment226,360.714,954.72
Shenzhen Fubao Industrial Park Operation Co., Ltd.Property service fee36,566.00
Shenzhen Hi-tech Zone Investment Development Group Co., Ltd.Property service fee42,831.14
Shenzhen Environmental Protection Technology Group Co., Ltd.Supervision service fee42,452.83
Shenzhen Environmental Protection Technology Group Co., Ltd.Project payment2,806,796.6290,016.79
Shenzhen Environmental Protection Technology Group Co., Ltd.Property service fee23,551.393,031,960.52
Shenzhen South Certification Co., Ltd.Property service fee37,106.6030,931.60
Shenzhen Shenfang Chuanqi Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee121,671.63
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Tianjin Industrial Development Co., Ltd.Project payment439,593.5646,550.75
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Tianjin Investment Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee3,570,373.42800,000.00
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.Project payment-34,053.532,538,287.16
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.Property service fee2,399,905.591,626,536.11
Shenzhen Shenfubao Eastern Investment Development Co., Ltd.Project payment-0.77
Shenzhen Shenfubao Eastern Investment Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee355,483.2978,872.95
Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone Branch of Shenzhen Water Planning and Design Institute Co., Ltd.Property service fee8,803.0211,025.00
Shenzhen Special Zone Literature Magazine Co., Ltd.Property service fee25,692.4825,692.48
Shenzhen Sports Industry Group Co., Ltd.Project payment3,696,271.96
Shenzhen Sports Center Operation Management Co., Ltd.Property service fee2,911,025.402,224,191.34
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee44,752.2656,628.61
Shenzhen Investment Building Hotel Co., Ltd.Property service fee35,377.36
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.Project payment2,610,770.25352,220.28
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.Property service fee3,297,675.849,312,740.96
Shenzhen Bay Area International Hotel Co., Ltd.Property service fee5,408,353.56
Shenzhen Wancheng Logistics Co., Ltd.Project payment93,868.93
Shenzhen Cultural Business Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee184,485.66187,580.44
Shenzhen Bay Wanli Hotel Branch of Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel Management Co., Ltd.司Property service fee141,509.43184,818.24
Shenzhen Bay Wanyi Hotel Branch of Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel Management Co., Ltd.Property service fee94,339.64117,789.97
Shenzhen Xingye Logistics Co., Ltd.Property service fee22,018.355,504.59
Shenzhen Bay (Baoding) Innovation Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee275,854.88284,223.66
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee38,213,750.1527,614,705.64
Shenzhen Bay Area Urban Construction and Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee1,012,766.591,113,311.43
Shenzhen Xiangmihu International Exchange Center Development Co., Ltd.Project payment699,857.70
Shenzhen Xiangmihu International Exchange Center Development Co., Ltd.Property service fee1,189,376.021,468,973.08
Shenzhen Infinova LimitedProperty service fee88,556.50207,342.68
Shenzhen Infinova Smart Park Technology Co., Ltd.Property service fee241,101.89143,838.00
China Shenzhen Foreign Trade (Group) Corp. Ltd.Property service fee1,793,710.721,337,989.45
China Shenzhen Foreign Trade (Group) Corp. Ltd.Property service fee332,075.47
Subordinate enterprises of SZITCCatering services32,515.83

Notes to acquisition of goods and reception of labor service

In the first half of 2024, the catering service business with SIHC and a number of its subsidiaries was presented on a consolidatedbasis under the caliber of " SIHC and its subsidiaries" due to the large number of parties involved and the small amount oftransactions with a single related party, which did not meet the criteria for separate disclosure.

(2) Information on Related-party Trusteeship/Contract

Lists of trusteeship/contract of the Company:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entruster/contracteeName of the entrustee/ contractorTypeStart dateDue datePricing basisIncome recognized in this Current Period
Shenzhen Shentou Property Development Co., Ltd.ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.Investment property6 November 20195 November 2025Market pricing32,454,947.96
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.Shenzhen Shenfubao Hydropower Municipal Service Co., Ltd.Property1 January 202431 December 2024Market pricing1,276,500.75


Lists of entrust/contractee

Unit: RMB

Name of the entruster/contracteeName of the entrustee/ contractorTypeStart dateDue datePricing basisCharge recognized in this current period


(3) Information on Related-party Lease

The Company was lessor:

Unit: RMB

Name of lesseeCategory of leased assetsThe lease income confirmed in the current periodThe lease income confirmed in the previous period
Shenzhen Bay Wanyi Hotel Branch of Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel Management Co., Ltd.Investment property656,167.79
Shenzhen Bay Wanli Hotel Branch of Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel Management Co., Ltd.Investment property906,136.48

The Company was lessee:

Unit: RMB

Name of lessorCategory of leased assetsRental expense of simplified short-term leases and low-value asset leases (if applicable)Variable lease payments that are not covered in the measurement of the lease liabilities (if applicable)Rent payableInterest expense on lease liabilities borneAdded right-of-use assets
Amount for the current periodAmount for the previous periodAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous periodAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous periodAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous periodAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Shenzhen Shentou Property Development Co., Ltd.Investment property422,452.50341,790.0517,628.9732,655.78
Shenzhen PetrelInvestment20,784.0024,048.77
Hotel Co., Ltd.property
Shenzhen Hi-tech Zone Development Construction Co., Ltd.Investment property49,392.00494.86
Shenzhen Large Industrial Zone (Shenzhen Export Processing Zone) Development Management Group Co., Ltd.Investment property7,381.56
ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries, except where the context otherwise requiresInvestment property111,000.00104,000.00330,000.00330,000.0029,737.2644,091.30
Shenzhen Representative Office of Hong Kong Haipeng Development Co., Ltd.Investment property48,130.74
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.Investment property231,660.0023,658.06
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.Investment property207,897.68366,420.741,494,226.981,992,302.6448,728.5785,771.97
Shenzhen Binjiang Industry Co., Ltd.Investment property140,092.20


(4) Information on Related-party Guarantee

The Company was guarantor:

Unit: RMB

Secured partyAmount of guaranteeStart dateEnd dateExecution accomplished or not

The Company was secured party

Unit: RMB

Guarantor:Amount of guaranteeStart dateEnd dateExecution accomplished or not
Shenzhen Shendan Zengxin Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.16,750,000.0029 March 202228 March 2025No
Shenzhen Shendan Zengxin Financing Guarantee Co., Ltd.36,850,000.0029 March 202228 March 2026No
Shenzhen Shendan Zengxin Financing13,400,000.0029 March 202229 March 2027No
Guarantee Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Guarantee Group Co., Ltd.1,684,498.4329 December 202329 December 2024No
Shenzhen Guarantee Group Co., Ltd.2,732,954.0915 January 202415 January 2025No
Shenzhen Guarantee Group Co., Ltd.1,478,768.6519 March 202419 March 2025No
Shenzhen Guarantee Group Co., Ltd.577,739.496 June 20246 December 2024No


(5) Information on Inter-bank Lending of Capital of Related Parties

Unit: RMB

Related partiesAmountStart dateMaturity dateNote

(6) Information on Assets Transfer and Debt Restructuring by Related Party

Unit: RMB

Related partiesContent of the related-party transactionAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period

(7) Information on Remuneration for Key Management Personnel

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Remuneration for key management personnel5,156,684.675,467,228.36

(8) Other Related-party Transactions

6. Accounts Receivable and Payable of Related Party

(1) Accounts Receivable

Unit: RMB

Project nameRelated partiesEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amountBad debt provision
Accounts receivableDongguan Shenzhen Investment Holdings Investment Development Co., Ltd.2,324,025.19115,674.561,784,025.1988,796.94
Hebei Shenbao Investment Development Co., Ltd.27,020,636.86810,619.0827,085,777.03812,573.31
China Kunpeng Industry Source Innovation Center (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.121,689.153,650.67
Shantou Huafeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.181,161.355,434.84
Shantou Hualin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.135,808.7213,580.80135,808.7213,580.80
Shenyue United Investment Co., Ltd.2,798,407.1883,952.224,407,622.21240,783.73
Shenzhen Chuangke Development Co., Ltd.2,957,960.5588,738.821,607,922.8848,237.69
Shenzhen Hi-tech Zone Development Construction Co., Ltd.3,786,443.33284,287.202,753,626.63253,302.70
Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center Management Co., Ltd.1,876,831.0070,175.931,918,835.4071,436.06
ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries, except where the context otherwise requires6,672,620.68947,190.1212,659,861.032,147,549.43
Shenzhen Talent Recruitment International Co., Ltd.126,622.673,798.68
Shenzhen Tsinghua University Research Institute136,129.804,083.8957,574.311,727.23
Shenzhen Total Logistics Service Co., Ltd.298,022.278,940.67371,864.4511,155.93
Shenzhen Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Park Operation Development Co., Ltd.5,281,880.07158,456.403,342,750.39100,282.51
Shenzhen Shenzhen Hong Kong Science and Technology Innovation Cooperation Zone Development Co., Ltd.489,253.0314,677.59372,253.0311,167.59
Shenzhen Shenzhen Shantou Special Cooperation Zone SIHC Investment Development Co., Ltd.508,084.6415,242.54
Shenzhen City Construction Industrial Park Development Co., Ltd.391,346.4211,740.39
Shenzhen Chenglong Real Estate Development Co, Ltd.147,980.387,369.42395,685.7511,870.57
Shenzhen Construction Development (Group) Company41,171.221,235.14
Shenzhen Large Industrial Zone (Shenzhen Export Processing Zone) Development Management Group Co., Ltd.349,746.2252,000.00480,229.6564,846.89
Shenzhen Fubao Industrial Park Operation Co., Ltd.42,352.901,270.595,365.01160.95
Shenzhen Environmental Protection Technology Group Co., Ltd.2,128,762.8964,980.121,653,450.9763,121.44
Shenzhen Transportation Station Development Co., Ltd.6,451.19193.545.510.17
Shenzhen South Certification Co., Ltd.15,808.72474.26
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Tianjin Industrial Development Co., Ltd.2,043,609.38134,122.581,604,015.8266,998.26
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Tianjin Investment Development Co., Ltd.4,134,849.16181,847.073,255,544.36155,467.93
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.2,215,650.1619,924.142,567,475.4877,024.27
Shenzhen Shentou Property Development Co., Ltd.6,129,911.77183,897.352,378,435.9871,353.08
Shenzhen Special Zone Literature Magazine Co., Ltd.22,695.00680.85
Shenzhen Sports Industry Group Co., Ltd.1,235,721.5037,071.64
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.6,979,106.37184,380.204,131,697.18144,179.32
Shenzhen Cultural Business Development Co., Ltd.158,059.974,741.80935.0828.05
Shenzhen Bay Wanyi Hotel Branch of Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel Management Co., Ltd.570,316.8817,109.51
Shenzhen Bay (Baoding) Innovation Development Co., Ltd.104,285.083,128.55156,427.624,692.83
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.77,173,432.434,714,641.89137,865,750.977,568,725.60
Shenzhen Bay Area Urban Construction and Development Co., Ltd.201,518.776,045.56
Shenzhen Xiangmihu International Exchange Center Development Co., Ltd.273,960.816,743.19992,580.2029,777.41
Shenzhen Infinova Limited4,030.40120.91
Shenzhen Infinova Smart Park Technology Co., Ltd.1,166,730.0035,001.901,493,000.0044,790.00
China Shenzhen Foreign Trade (Group) Corp. Ltd.269,951.598,098.5524,500.006,600.00
ContractHebei Shenbao Investment Development Co.,396,484.75361,513.73
Shenzhen Large Industrial Zone (Shenzhen Export Processing Zone) Development Management Group Co., Ltd.118,043.22231,455.46
Shenzhen Fubao Industrial Park Operation Co., Ltd.26,457.15
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.43,500.0043,500.00
Shenzhen Shenfubao Eastern Investment Development Co., Ltd.14,704.85
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.133,597.44133,597.44
Shenzhen Xiangmihu International Exchange Center Development Co., Ltd.14,806.9414,806.94
Shenzhen Urban Construction Mingyuan Industrial Co., Ltd.18,450.0018,450.00
Other receivablesShenzhen Hi-tech Zone Development Construction Co., Ltd.53,071.467,105.54167,086.4310,525.99
Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center Management Co., Ltd.1,000.001,000.00
ShenZhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate & Properties (Group) Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries, except where the context otherwise requires100,000.0030,000.00100,000.0030,000.00
Shenzhen Binjiang Industry Co., Ltd.49,397.40548.7910,000.00300.00
Shenzhen Large Industrial Zone (Shenzhen Export Processing Zone) Development Management Group Co., Ltd.102,583.5410,258.35102,583.543,258.35
Shenzhen Qianhai Advanced Information Service Co., Ltd.110,720,575.27321,617.2610,720,575.27321,617.26
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.81,264.602,437.9481,264.602,437.94
Shenzhen Shenfubao Eastern Investment Development Co., Ltd.350,000.0035,000.00350,000.0010,500.00
Shenzhen Shentou Property Development Co., Ltd.81,233.0081,233.0081,233.0081,233.00
Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.685,740.90278,254.03685,740.90157,127.32
Shenzhen Xinhai Holding Co., Ltd.201,499,990.186,044,999.71201,499,990.186,044,999.71
Shenzhen Xinhai Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.375,068,984.5511,252,069.54375,068,984.5511,252,069.54
Shenzhen Tianjun Industrial Co., Ltd.10,000,000.0010,000,000.00
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.1,765,397.2652,961.9210,065,313.75301,959.41
Shenzhen Wufang Ceramics Industrial Co., Ltd.1,747,264.251,747,264.251,747,264.251,747,264.25
Shenzhen Representative Office of Hong Kong Haipeng Development Co., Ltd.24,065.37264.72

(2) Accounts Payable

Unit: RMB

Project nameRelated partiesEnding carrying amountBeginning carrying amount
Accounts payableShenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd.1,545,793.002,102,761.00
Shenzhen Qianhai Advanced Information Service Co., Ltd.17,126,060.008,126,060.00
Shenzhen Shentou Property Development Co., Ltd.872,687.37889,007.87
Shenzhen SDG Service Co., Ltd.792,860.00564,288.00
Other payablesShenzhen Guarantee Group Co., Ltd.1,494,841.291,494,841.29
Shenzhen Talent Recruitment International Co., Ltd.147,132.37147,132.37
Shenzhen Free Trade Zone Life Service Co., Ltd.4,850.004,850.00
Shenzhen Construction Development (Group) Company152,227.00152,227.00
Shenzhen Large Industrial Zone (Shenzhen Export Processing Zone) Development Management Group Co., Ltd.63,177.8031,218.60
Shenzhen South Certification Co., Ltd.34,002.1534,002.15
Shenzhen Shenfubao (Group) Co., Ltd.3,367,322.902,863,523.56
Shenzhen Shenfubao Eastern Investment Development Co., Ltd.158,726.83117,693.11
Shenzhen Shentou Property Development Co., Ltd.8,831,047.618,621,679.48
Shenzhen Cultural Business Development Co., Ltd.773,680.00773,680.00
Tian’an International Building Property Management Company of Shenzhen5,214,345.905,214,345.90
Shenzhen Bay Technology Development Co., Ltd.85,222,136.56143,003,641.12
Shenzhen Bay Area Urban Construction and Development Co., Ltd.360,752.18360,752.18
Shenzhen Real Estate Jifa Warehousing Co., Ltd.42,296,665.1442,296,665.14
Shenzhen Infinova Limited144,219.02144,219.02
Yangzhou Lvfa Real Estate Co., Ltd.355,481,082.79369,623,672.79
China Shenzhen Foreign Trade (Group) Corp. Ltd.101,850.10

Note 1: The other receivables of the Company to Shenzhen Qianhai Advanced Information Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred toas “Qianhai Advanced”) are advance money paid in advance due to the demolition of Guanlan Bangling Project. According to thejoint and several guarantee commitment letter signed by Shenzhen Xinhai Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., XinhaiRongyao is jointly and severally liable for the tax and interest advanced by the Company. Out of prudence, the Company'stransactions to Qianhai Advanced are disclosed.

7. Commitments of Related Party

8. Other

XV. Share-based Payment

1. The Overall Situation of Share-based Payments

□Applicable ?Not applicable

2. Equity-settled Share-based Payments

□Applicable ?Not applicable

3. Cash-settled Share-based Payments

□Applicable ?Not applicable

4. Share-Based Payment Expenses for the Period

□Applicable ?Not applicable

5. Modification and Termination of Share-based Payment

6. Other

XVI. Commitments and Contingency

1. Significant Commitments

Significant commitments on balance sheet dateSigned large amount contract under performing or to be performed

ItemAmount of Current PeriodSame period of last year
Commitments signed but hasn’t been recognized in large amount3,047,663,480.312,132,088,014.66

2. Contingency

(1) Significant Contingency on Balance Sheet Date

(1) The action about transferring Jiabin Building contentious matter

In 1993, the Company signed Right of Development Transfer Contract of Jiabin Building with Shenzhen Jiyong PropertyDevelopment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Jiyong Company”). Since the contract was not effectively executed, the Companysubsequently filed a series of lawsuits against the parties involved in the project, but the outcome was not favorable to the Company.Therefore, the Company calculated and withdrew bad-debt provisions for accounts receivable from Jiyong Company in full in pastyears for the transfer of Jiabin Building. On October 31, 2018, Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court made a civil award and ruledthat the Company’s application for the bankruptcy of Jiyong Company would not be accepted. The Company appealed against theruling. On April 29, 2019, the Guangdong Provincial Higher People's Court ruled to reject the Company's appeal and maintain theoriginal ruling. As of the issuance date of the report, there is no new progress in the case.

(2) The arbitration case of property contract dispute of Software Park Phase I between the Fourth Owners' Committee of ShenzhenNanshan District Software Park (Applicant) and Shenzhen ITC Technology Park Service Co., Ltd. (Respondent 1, hereinafterreferred to as the "ITC Technology Park Company"), plus the High-tech Zone Branch of Shenzhen ITC Technology Park Service Co.,Ltd. (Respondent 2, hereinafter referred to as the "High-tech Zone Branch")In February and March 2021, the High-tech Zone Branch and the ITC Technology Park Company received arbitration noticesrespectively of the case [2021] Shenguozhongshou No. 541 and [2021] Shenguozhongshou No. 1063. The Fourth Owners'Committee of Shenzhen Nanshan District Software Park applied for the following award: Respondent 1 shall returnRMB9,893,677.82 and fund occupation fee of RMB3,272,665.99 (temporarily calculated from July 1, 2012 to January 31, 2021),totaling RMB13,166,343.81; respondent 1 shall bear the attorney's fee of RMB30,000.00; respondent 2 shall returnRMB31,077,017.59 and RMB635,929.44 of fund occupation fee (temporarily calculated from July 1, 2020 to January 31, 2021),totaling RMB31,712,947.03; respondent 2 shall bear the attorney's fee of RMB30,000.00. The total amount of the above isRMB45,209,290.84.On August 21, 2022, the Arbitration Tribunal held the second hearing to inquire about the audit report issued by the third-partyauditor and the details of the case, on September 5, 2022, Jun & Partners responded to the Special Audit Report of Case No. 541 andCase No. 1063. On 23 March and 24 March 2023, two arbitration awards were received respectively, and according to the conclusionof arbitration awards, the High-tech Zone Branch should return approximately RMB540,000 of public revenue to the Owners'Committee of Shenzhen Nanshan District Software Park (in spite of RMB32 million requested by the Owners' Committee); in regardto the arbitration case between the ITC Technology Park Company and the Owners' Committee of Shenzhen Nanshan DistrictSoftware Park, all requests of the latter have been rejected by the arbitration tribunal (in spite of RMB13 million requested by theOwners' Committee).

(3) Litigation case about Shenzhen Basepoint Intelligent Co., Ltd.

On 20 August 2017, Shenzhen Facility Management Community Technology Co., Ltd. signed a Software Service Contract withChina Merchants Property Intelligent Facility Management Platform. The company procured a RMB3 million facility managementsystem from Basepoint for the project (31 items). During delivery of the project, only 11 items of the system delivered by Basepointpassed the acceptance inspection, leaving the full delivery unfinished. Therefore, the Company failed to reach a consensus withBasepoint on payment, and the latter sued the Company in 2021, making RMB3 million of the Company's fund locked up. Accordingto the judgment of first instance on 10 August 2022, the Company should compensate RMB3 million to Basepoint. The Company

refused to accept the first instance judgment and instituted an appeal for second instance in 2022. The second instance was heard on11 August 2023, and is awaiting judgment. The Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court ruled on April 19, 2024 that the case should beremanded to the Futian District People's Court for retrial, and the retrial is now in progress.

(4) Arbitration case concerning civil loan dispute of Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Due to Xinhai Rongyao and Xinhai Holding's failure to repay principal and interest to Rongyao Real Estate on schedule, RongyaoReal Estate has applied to the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration for arbitration. The arbitral award orders Xinhai Rongyaoand Xinhai Holding to repay Rongyao Real Estate the full loan principal of RMB671,913,800 and corresponding interest (at anannual interest rate of 11%, calculated based on the principal amount of RMB671,913,800 yuan from 4 August 2022 until the fullrepayment of the loan; provisionally amounting to RMB49,068,400). The award further decides that Xinhai Investment, UrbanConstruction Property Service Company, Lianghong Industry, and Tiancheng Investment shall bear joint and several liability for theobligations and responsibilities of Xinhai Rongyao and Xinhai Holding under the first arbitration claim. It also decrees that allrespondents shall bear the attorney fees of RMB1.2 million paid by Rongyao Real Estate. Lastly, the award requires all respondentsto cover the full arbitration costs and property preservation expenses of this case. The provisional total amount owed currently standsat RMB722,182,200.The case has proceeded to the stage of appointment of arbitrators who will constitute the arbitration tribunal. Subsequently, therespondent initiated a proceeding at the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court seeking confirmation of the validity of the arbitrationagreement, resulting in the Arbitration Institute temporarily suspending its hearing of the case. On 27 December 2023, the ShenzhenIntermediate People's Court conducted a hearing on the case of confirming the validity of the arbitration agreement. On 26 February2024, the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court made a ruling, rejecting the application made by Xinhai Holding to confirm thevalidity of the arbitration agreement. On 29 July 2024, Rongyao Real Estate received the Shenzhen Court of InternationalArbitration's Notice of Resumption of Arbitration Procedure [(2023) Shenguozhongshou No. 2970-10], which showed that in view ofthe fact that the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court of Guangdong Province had made the Civil Ruling ([2023] Yue 03 Minte No.1308), rejecting the respondent's application to confirm the invalidity of the arbitration agreement, the court of arbitration believedthat the reason for suspending the arbitration procedure had disappeared and decided to resume the arbitration procedure in this case.

(5) Arbitration case concerning equity transfer dispute of ShenZhen Properties & Resources Development (Group) Ltd.Due to the failure of Xinhai Rongyao to pay compensation for investment losses to Shenzhen Property Group as agreed, ShenzhenProperty Group has applied to the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration for arbitration. It was ruled that Xinhai Rongyao mustpay RMB170,556,833.33 to Shenzhen Property Group as compensation for investment loss; that Sichuan Trust does not legallypossess the 1% equity interest registered in its name in Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. And that XinhaiRongyao is the actual owner of this 1% equity interest; that Xinhai Rongyao must pledge and register its actually-held 31% equityinterest in Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. to Shenzhen Property Group; that Sichuan Trust must cooperate infacilitating the registration procedures for the pledge of the aforementioned 1% equity interest in Shenzhen Rongyao Real EstateDevelopment Co., Ltd.; that both Xinhai Rongyao and Sichuan Trust must bear the legal fees of RMB780,000 incurred by ShenzhenProperty Group; that Xinhai Rongyao and Sichuan Trust must cover all arbitration costs and property preservation expenses in thiscase. The provisional total amount involved in these rulings amounts to RMB171,336,833.33.The case has proceeded to the stage of appointment of arbitrators who will constitute the arbitration tribunal. The respondent filed acase to confirm the validity of the arbitration agreement with the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court in August this year, causingthe court of arbitration to temporarily suspend the trial of the case. The Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court has rejected the otherparty's application, and the case was heard at the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration on 14 December 2023. On 12 April2024, we received the arbitration award, which ruled that Xinhai Rongyao should pay RMB50 million in investment losscompensation to SZPRD; Xinhai Rongyao must pledge and register its 30% equity interest in Rongyao Real Estate to SZPRD;Xinhai Rongyao compensates SZPRD for lawyer fees of RMB150,000, preservation fees of RMB3,000, preservation insurance feesof RMB41,120.84, and arbitration fee of RMB658,188.60. The respondent failed to fulfill the award agreement on time, and we haveapplied for enforcement and have pledged 30% of the equity interest held by Xinhai Rongyao to Shenzhen Property Group.

(6) As a real estate developer, the Company provides mortgage loan guarantees and pays loan deposits for commercial housingpurchasers according to the operation practice of the real estate industry. By 30 June 2024, the balance of the deposit not dischargedwith guarantee was RMB1,134,757.40, which would be discharged when the mortgage loans are paid off.As a real estate developer, the Company provides mortgage loan guarantees for commercial housing purchasers according to theoperation practice of the real estate industry. By 30 June 2024, the balance of the deposit not discharged with guarantee wasRMB335,272,511.16, which would be discharged when the mortgage loans are paid off.

(2) Explanation shall be given even if there is no significant contingency for the Company to discloseThere was no significant contingency in the Company to disclose.

3. Others

XVII. Events after Balance Sheet Date

1. Significant Non-adjustment Matters

Unit: RMB

ItemContentsInfluence number to the financial position and operating resultsReason of inability to estimate influence number

2. Distribution of Profit

3. Sales Return

4. Notes to Other Events after Balance Sheet Date

XVIII. Other Significant Matters

1. The Accounting Errors Correction in Previous Period

(1) Retrospective Restatement

Unit: RMB

ContentProcessing programName of the influenced report items during comparison periodAccumulative impact

(2) Prospective Application

ContentProcessing programReason for adopting prospective application

2. Debt Restructuring

3. Assets Replacement

(1) Non-monetary Assets Exchange

(2) Other Assets Replacement

4. Pension Plans

5. Discontinued Operations

Unit: RMB

ItemRevenueCostsTotal profitIncome tax expenseNet profitProfit from discontinued operations attributable to owners of the Company as the parent

Other notes:

6. Segment Information

(1) Determination Basis and Accounting Policies of Reportable Segment

In accordance with the internal organization structure, management requirements and internal report system, theCompany identifies the reportable segment based on the business segment, and assesses the operationalperformance of real estate sales, property management and lease service. The assets and liabilities sharing withother segments shall be proportionally distributed among segments by scales.

(2) The Financial Information of Reportable Segment

Unit: RMB

ItemReal estate businessProperty managementHouse leasing businessOffset among segmentTotal
Operating Revenue13,841,686.40771,525,962.3170,660,796.54856,028,445.25
Operating cost4,621,045.97621,695,503.7642,774,922.45669,091,472.18
Total assets14,246,551,569.131,823,014,009.48589,096,694.9416,658,662,273.55
Total liabilities10,661,488,230.891,361,475,949.99116,652,207.4912,139,616,388.37

(3) If there Was no Reportable Segment, or the Total Amount of Assets and Liabilities of Each ReportableSegment Could not Be Reported, Relevant Reasons Shall Be Clearly Stated

(4) Other notes

7. Other Significant Transactions and Events with Influence on Investors’ Decision-making

8. Other

XIX. Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent

1. Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by Aging

Unit: RMB

AgingEnding carrying amountBeginning carrying amount
Within one year (including 1 year)17,709,084.58123,156,033.99
One to two years109,428,686.371,024,931.55
Two to three years28,440.00716,023.90
More than three years96,923,486.3596,824,380.44
Three to four years9,756.009,756.09
Four to five years211,460.95112,354.95
Over 5 years96,702,269.4096,702,269.40

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarryingCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying
AmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportionvalueAmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportionvalue
Accounts receivable withdrawal of Bad debt provision separately accrued98,246,909.9443.84%98,246,909.94100.00%0.0098,246,909.9444.31%98,246,909.94100.00%0.00
Of which:
Accounts receivable withdrawal of bad debt provision of by group125,842,787.3656.16%11,246,607.418.94%114,596,179.95123,474,459.9455.69%3,445,301.162.79%120,029,158.78
Of which:

Category name of bad debt provision separately accrued: Accounts receivable withdrawal of bad debt provision separately accrued

Unit: RMB

NameBeginning balanceEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportionReason for withdraw
Shenzhen Jiyong Properties & Resources Development Company93,811,328.0593,811,328.0593,811,328.0593,811,328.05100.00%Involved in lawsuit and unrecoverable
Luohu District Economic Development Company54,380.3554,380.3554,380.3554,380.35100.00%Long aging and expected unrecoverable
Shenzhen Tewei Industry Co., Ltd. (Chenhui Building)2,836,561.002,836,561.002,836,561.002,836,561.00100.00%Long aging and expected unrecoverable
Individually immaterial but individually provided for bad debts1,544,640.541,544,640.541,544,640.541,544,640.54100.00%Involved in lawsuit and unrecoverable

Category name of withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: Accounts receivable withdrawal of bad debt provision by the portfolioof credit risk features

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion
Portfolio of credit risk features113,717,010.2311,246,607.419.89%
Government portfolio12,125,777.13

Notes to the determination basis for the group:

If adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable:

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current PeriodWithdrawal of bad debt provision:

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the current periodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversed or recoveredVerificationOthers
Bad debt provision accrued by item98,246,909.9498,246,909.94
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group3,445,301.167,801,306.2411,246,607.41

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or recoveredReason for reversalWay of recoveryBasis and rationality of determining the original withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

(4) Accounts Receivable Written-off in Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant accounts receivable:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes to verification of accounts receivable:

(5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable and the Contract Assets Collected according toArrears Party

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityEnding balance of accounts receivableEnding balance of contract assetsEnding balance of accounts receivable and contract assetsProportion to total ending balance of accounts receivable and contract assetsEnding balance of bad debt provision of accounts receivable and impairment provision for contract assets
Shenzhen Futian Talent Anju Co., Ltd.109,392,112.37109,392,112.3748.82%10,939,211.24
Shenzhen Jiyong Properties & Resources Development Company93,811,328.0593,811,328.0541.86%93,811,328.05
Shenzhen Futian District Government Property Management Centre12,125,777.1312,125,777.135.41%
Shenzhen Tewei Industry Co., Ltd.2,836,561.002,836,561.001.27%2,836,561.00
Shenzhen Feihuang769,919.05769,919.050.34%769,919.05
Industrial Co., Ltd.

2. Other Receivables

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Interest receivable0.000.00
Dividend receivable0.000.00
Other receivables4,564,271,534.774,489,713,785.01

(1) Interest Receivable

1) Category of Interest Receivable

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance

2) Significant Overdue Interest

Unit: RMB

EntityEnding balanceOverdue timeOverdue reasonWhether occurred impairment and its judgment basis

Other notes:

3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

□Applicable ?Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the current periodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversed or recoveredCharged-off/Written-offOther changes

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or recoveredReason for reversalWay of recoveryBasis and rationality of determining the original withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

Other notes:

5) Interest Receivable Written-off in Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant interest receivable:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification proceduresWhether occurred because of related-
performedparty transactions

Notes to verification:

Other notes:

(2) Dividend Receivable

1) Category of Dividend Receivable

Unit: RMB

Project (or investee)Ending balanceBeginning balance

2) Significant Dividends Receivable Aging over 1 Year

Unit: RMB

Project (or investee)Ending balanceAgingReasonWhether occurred impairment and its judgment basis

3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

□Applicable ?Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the current periodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversed or recoveredCharged-off/Written-offOther changes

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or recoveredReason for reversalWay of recoveryBasis and rationality of determining the original withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

Other notes:

5) Dividends Receivable Written-off in Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant dividends receivable:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes to verification:

Other notes:

(3) Other Receivables

1) Category of Other Receivables by Account Nature

Unit: RMB

NatureEnding carrying amountBeginning carrying amount
Guaranteed deposit2,235,527.002,555,194.00
Payment on behalf39,020.0039,020.00
External intercourse funds23,346,407.91134,608,516.50
Intercourse funds to subsidiary4,568,945,452.344,383,952,304.98

2) Disclosure by Aging

Unit: RMB

AgingEnding carrying amountBeginning carrying amount
Within one year (including 1 year)4,564,154,757.634,489,358,790.65
One to two years97,134.37336,882.00
Two to three years1,000.0035,449.05
More than three years30,313,515.2531,423,913.78
Three to four years35,449.0569,600.00
Four to five years69,600.00
Over 5 years30,208,466.2031,354,313.78

3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

Unit: RMB

CategoryEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying value
AmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportionAmountProportionAmountWithdrawal proportion
Bad debt provision separately accrued128,406,015.152.79%21,339,688.5016.62%107,066,326.65127,631,562.612.82%22,485,536.0817.62%105,146,026.53
Of which:
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group4,466,160,392.1097.21%8,955,183.980.20%4,457,205,208.124,393,523,472.8797.18%8,955,714.390.20%4,384,567,758.48
Of which:

Category name of bad debt provision separately accrued: Other receivables of bad debt provision separately accrued

Unit: RMB

NameBeginning balanceEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionCarrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportionReason for withdraw
Shum Yip Properties Development Limited111,203,099.256,057,072.72111,977,551.794,911,225.144.39%Long-term uncollectible
Dameisha Tourism Centre2,576,445.692,576,445.692,576,445.692,576,445.69100.00%Long-term uncollectible
Hong Kong Hang Yue Development Company Limited (Wuyao Company)3,271,837.783,271,837.783,271,837.783,271,837.78100.00%Long-term uncollectible
Elevated train project2,542,332.432,542,332.432,542,332.432,542,332.43100.00%Long-term uncollectible
Shanghai Yutong Real Estate Co., Ltd.5,676,000.005,676,000.005,676,000.005,676,000.00100.00%Long-term uncollectible
Individually immaterial but individually provided for bad debts2,361,847.462,361,847.462,361,847.462,361,847.46100.00%Long-term uncollectible

Category name of withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: Other receivables with withdrawal of bad debt provision by theportfolio of credit risk features

Unit: RMB

NameEnding balance
Carrying amountBad debt provisionWithdrawal proportion
Within one year99,610.432,988.323.00%
1-2 years97,134.379,713.4410.00%
2-3 years1,000.00300.0030.00%
3-4 years35,449.0517,724.5350.00%
4-5 years69,600.0055,680.0080.00%
Over 5 years8,868,777.708,868,777.70100.00%

Notes to the determination basis for the group:

Withdrawal of bad debt provision by adopting the general mode of expected credit loss:

Unit: RMB

Bad debt provisionFirst stageSecond stageThird stageTotal
Expected credit loss in the next 12 monthsExpected loss in the duration (credit impairment not occurred)Expected loss in the duration (credit impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January 20249,001,751.0822,439,499.3931,441,250.47
Balance of 1 January 2024 in the current period
Withdrawal of the current period-1,146,377.99-1,146,377.99
Balance of 30 June 20249,001,751.0821,293,121.4030,294,872.48

The basis for the division of each stage and the withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period

□Applicable ?Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Withdrawal of bad debt provision:

Unit: RMB

CategoryBeginning balanceChanges in the current periodEnding balance
WithdrawalReversed or recoveredCharged-off/Written-offOthers
Bad debt provision withdrawn separately31,441,250.47-1,146,377.9930,294,872.48

Of which the bad debt provision recovered or transferred-back with significant amount during the current period:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityAmount reversed or recoveredReason for reversalWay of recoveryBasis and rationality of determining the original withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

5) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Other Receivables during the Current Period

Unit: RMB

ItemWritten-off amount

Of which the verification of significant other receivables:

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureWritten-off amountReason for verificationVerification procedures performedWhether occurred because of related-party transactions

Notes to the verification of other receivables:

6) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party

Unit: RMB

Name of the entityNatureEnding balanceAgingProportion to total ending balance of other receivables %Ending balance of bad debt provision
Dongguan Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.Current account funds2,113,760,170.00Within 1 year46.01%
Shenzhen Guangming Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.Current account funds1,471,000,000.00Within 1 year32.02%
Yangzhou Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.Current account funds721,751,463.04Within 1 year15.71%
Shum Yip Properties Development Company Limited.Current account funds111,977,551.79Over 5 years2.44%4,911,225.14
SZPRD Xuzhou Dapeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Current account funds41,502,481.77Within 1 year0.90%

7) Presentation in Other Receivables due to the Centralized Management of Funds

Unit: RMBOther notes:

3. Long-term Equity Investment

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Carrying amountImpairment provisionCarrying valueCarrying amountImpairment provisionCarrying value
Investment to subsidiaries1,356,325,401.1065,834,000.001,290,491,401.101,356,325,401.1065,834,000.001,290,491,401.10
Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises103,454,107.2218,983,614.1484,470,493.08103,041,364.6918,983,614.1484,057,750.55

(1) Investment to Subsidiaries

Unit: RMB

InvesteeBeginning balance (carrying value)Beginning balance of depreciation reserveIncrease/decrease for the current periodEnding balance (Carrying value)Ending balance of depreciation reserve
Additional investmentReduced investmentWithdrawal of impairment provisionOthers
Shenzhen Huangcheng Real Estate Co., Ltd.35,552,671.9335,552,671.93
Shenzhen Wuhe Industry Investment Development Co., Ltd.44,950,000.0044,950,000.00
SZPRD Yangzhou Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.50,000,000.0050,000,000.00
Dongguan ITC Changsheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.20,000,000.0020,000,000.00
Shenzhen International Trade Center Property Management Co., Ltd.195,337,851.23195,337,851.23
Shenzhen Property Engineering and Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.3,000,000.003,000,000.00
SZPRD Commercial Operation Co., Ltd.63,509,120.3263,509,120.32
Zhanjiang Shenzhen Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.2,530,000.002,530,000.00
Shum Yip Properties Development Limited15,834,000.0015,834,000.00
SZPRD Xuzhou Dapeng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.50,000,000.0050,000,000.00
Shenzhen Rongyao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.508,000,000.00508,000,000.00
SZPRD Urban Renewal Co., Ltd.77,474,479.2977,474,479.29
Dongguan Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.50,000,000.0050,000,000.00
Shenzhen Guangming Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.50,000,000.0050,000,000.00
Shenzhen Wuhe Urban Renewal Co., Ltd.236,641,757.62236,641,757.62
Yangzhou Wuhe Real Estate Co., Ltd.33,500,000.0033,500,000.00

(2) Investment to Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises

Unit: RMB

InvesteeBeginning balance (carrying value)Beginning balance of depreciation reserveIncrease/decrease for the current periodEnding balance (Carrying value)Ending balance of depreciation reserve
Additional investmentReduced investmentGains and losses recognized under the equity methodAdjustment of other comprehensive incomeChanges of other equityCash bonus or profits announced to issueWithdrawal of impairment provisionOthers
I. Joint ventures
Shenzhen Real Estate Jifa Warehousing Co., Ltd.48,065,818.51933,160.1548,998,978.66
Tian’an International Building Property Management Company of Shenzhen7,050,937.33-606,242.796,444,694.54
II. Associated enterprises
Shenzhen Wufang Ceramics Industrial Co., Ltd.18,983,614.1418,983,614.14
CSCEC Intelligent Parking Technology Co., Ltd.28,940,994.7185,825.1729,026,819.88

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs

□Applicable ?

Not applicableThe recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow.

□Applicable ?Not applicable

The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment tests in prior years orexternal information

The reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company's impairment tests in prior years and the actualsituation of those years

(3) Other Notes

4. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Principal business23,191,058.1024,213,582.29995,033,423.48698,031,149.77

Breakdown information of operating income and operating cost:

Unit: RMB

Category of contractsSegment 1Segment 2Total
Operating RevenueOperating costOperating RevenueOperating costOperating RevenueOperating costOperating RevenueOperating cost
Business Type32,037,213.4824,213,582.2932,037,213.4824,213,582.29
Of which:
Real estate sales business8,846,155.388,846,155.38
House leasing business23,191,058.1024,213,582.2923,191,058.1024,213,582.29
Classification by operating region32,037,213.4824,213,582.2932,037,213.4824,213,582.29
Of which:
Market or customer type
Of which:
Contract type
Of which:
Classification by time of commodity transfer
Of which:
Classification by contract term
Of which:
Classification by sales channel
Of which:

Information about performance obligations:

ItemTiming of fulfilment of performance obligationsImportant payment termsNature of goods that the Company is committed to transferWhether or not the person primarily responsibleFunds undertaken by the Company expected to be returned to customersType of quality assurance provided by the Company and related obligations

Other notes:

The income of the parent company in current period was income from the sale of real estate and the rental business.Information in relation to the transaction price apportioned to the residual contract performance obligation:

The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not fully performed yetwas RMB0.00 at the period-end, among which RMB__ was expected to be recognized in __, RMB__ was expected to be recognizedin __, and RMB__ was expected to be recognized in __.Significant contract changes or significant transaction price adjustments

Unit: RMB

ItemAccounting treatmentAmount of impact on revenue

Other notes:

5. Investment Income

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount for the current periodAmount for the previous period
Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method412,742.531,857,388.32

6. Other

XX. Supplementary Materials

1. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss

?Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets26,055.97
Government grants recognized in profit or loss for the current period (except for government grants closely related to the Company's normal operating business, in compliance with national policies and in accordance with defined criteria, and having a continuous impact on the Company's profit or loss)244,448.00
Other non-operating income and expense other than the above42,678.11
Other items of profit or loss that meet the definition of non-recurring profit or loss-853,475.03Mainly to adjust prior year's VAT credits and deductions
Less: Income tax effects-164,486.90
Effects of the minority shareholders' equity (net of tax)150,764.11

Details of other profit and loss items in line with the definition of non-recurring gains and losses:

? Applicable □ Not applicableThis is mainly due to the fact that the VAT plus credit preferential policy is valid until 31 December 2023, and this gain does not havea sustained impact on the Company's profit or loss. Therefore, the adjustment for this item based on actual filings in 2024 is includedin non-recurring gains and losses.Note to defining the non-recurring profit and loss items listed in the Explanatory Notice of Information Disclosure by CompaniesOffering Securities to the Public No. 1 - Non-recurring Profit and Loss Items as recurring profit and loss items

□Applicable ?Not applicable

2. Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share

Profit as of reporting periodWeighted average ROE (%)EPS
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company0.20%0.01550.0155
Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company after deduction of non-recurring profit or loss0.21%0.01550.0155

3. Accounting Data Differences under PRC GAAP and Those under IFRSs

(1) Differences between Disclosed Net Profits and Net Assets in Financial Report in accordance withInternational Accounting Standards and Chinese Accounting Standards

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(2) Differences between Disclosed Net Profits and Net Assets in Financial Report in accordance withDomestic Accounting Standards and Chinese Accounting Standards

□Applicable ?Not applicable

(3) Explain Reasons for the Differences between Accounting Data Under Domestic and OverseasAccounting Standards; for Any Adjustment Made to the Difference Existing in the Data Audited by theForeign Auditing Agent, Such Foreign Auditing Agent's Name Shall Be Clearly Stated.

4. Others
