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海尔生物:2023年可持续发展报告(英文版) 下载公告



Intelligence Enlightens Life for a Shared Future



About This ReportChairman's StatementAbout Haier BiomedicalCompany Pro?leMilestonesHonours and AwardsSustainability Governance

Innovations: Powering Healthwith Smart TechnologySpotlight on the Exploration of LifeFocus on Creating Excellent Products

Integrity: Co-creating a LifeFoundationSteady Governance with ResponsibilityCollaboration for Development and ValueGenerationService Upgrades, Customer First

Future: Co-creating Limitless OpportunitiesUnlocking the Integral Value Between Staffand Customers ("Rendanheyi")Universal Healthcare Promotion

Ecosystem: Building aGreen Planet

Building a Green EcosystemResource Optimisation and Emissions ReductionGreen Production and Compliance withEmissions StandardsBiodiversity Conservation


ESG Key Performance IndicatorsGRI StandardsUNGC Principles

Haier Biomedical02032023 Sustainability Report

About This Report

The year of 2023 marks a crucial time for Haier Biomedical to remain true to ouroriginal aspirations and march towards a bright future. In an environment withincreasing instability, uncertainty, and unpredictability, Haier Biomedical hasresolved to deepen strategic ties, continue upgrading models, and strengthenglobal coordination, while pursuing the development of new technologies,products, services, and business forms. As with our brand message of 'intelligentprotection of life science' and 'making life better', Haier Biomedical has takenconcrete actions to stay at the cutting edge of ecosystems, achieving theecological transition and updrade from the leading enterprize in low-temperaturestorage equipment for biomedical samples to the EPS digital intelligencescenarios in life sciences.

In 2023, we shouldered the responsibilities of serving as a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC),andmade continuous efforts to deliver innovative and high-quality products and solutions in line with our mission of making life better. Based on theLIFE sustainable development vision: "Intelligence enlightens life for a shared future", we have grown to embrace changes with an ever-changingenvironment, and forged ahead with solid steps in developing innovative and high-quality services.

In 2023, we focussed on user experience and concentrated our efforts on delivering high-tech, high-efficiency, and high-quality products and solution to serve and benefit society.We worked towards technological self-reliance and self-improvement, built a user-centric innovation R&D system, and achieved breakthroughs in coretechnologies for life sciences and medical innovation. We continued to tap into scenario-based ecosystems, strengthen digital intelligence innovation,and develop new life sciences business forms such as biopharmaceuticals, smart laboratories, digital hospitals, smart public health, and smart blooddistribution. Through "new manufacturing", we strove to launch "new services" with Haier Biomedical characteristics to the world, creating in?nitepossibilities with an unbounded ecosystem.In 2023, we worked together with various stakeholders to establish a mutually beneficial industry ecosystem; based on integrity,collaborating with honesty, transparency and ethical practices, whilst ensuring stable and consistent operations.In accordance with the highest standards of business ethics and corporate governance, we ensured compliance in business operations and improvedthe overall risk management system to consolidate the business. We work with integrity and honesty, and attached great importance to informationdisclosure, in order to maximize long-term value for shareholders. To enhance the resilience and security of the industrial chain and supply chain,we pushed forward with the development of the scienti?c research integrity system and created a whole-chain patent management and protectionmechanism. As always, we focussed on user requirements for innovation and iteration, aiming to o?er the best user experience through high-value-added exclusive services.In 2023, we created an inclusive and open ecosystem without limitations related to identities, specialized knowledge, orgeographical locations. By adopting value-oriented principles, we aimed to unlock opportunities and potential to enhancethe quality of life for all.During our organizational reform, we established learning-focused and open structures. To meet the demands for innovative and top-quality solutiondevelopment, we implemented strategies for talent management, facilitating deep integration across talent, industry, and innovation networks.Embracing the ethos of "maximizing the value of individuals", we harnessed the energy and capabilities of each employee through a reward systememphasizing high-value contributions. This encouraged proactive engagement in identifying, managing, and embracing change. Guided by the principleof prioritizing life, we concentrated on fostering a community with a shared future, culminating in the creation of an global public health ecosystemaimed at enhancing global well-being.

In 2023, upholding the concept of "green development", we joined hands with external partners to build a green value chain,so as to provide users with better services, living in symbiosis with the environment, and achieving common prosperity withthe society.We proactively promoted green production and led the green and low-carbon transformation in the industry to thoroughly implement China's nationalstrategy of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality". We stepped up efforts in eco-friendly technical innovation and established an environmentalcompliance system based on green development plans. In addition, we took the initiative in adopting a series of measures to address climate change,and served partners at home and abroad. Working towards green development, we proactively engaged in the biodiversity conservation and theconstruction of a community with a shared future for life on the earth. Leveraging eco-friendly technologies, we can build a "green" world together.

We will always remain true to our original aspirations and forge ahead with resolve and tenacity.Nowadays, we are facing bothopportunities and challenges as well as risks, in the context of the in-depth development of the technological revolution and industrial transformationand the accelerated evolution of great changes unseen in a century. Looking forward to the future, Haier Biomedical will continue to move towards"innovation", improve quality with "intelligence", and deepen the strategic deployment of life sciences, so as to inject new impetus into Chinesemodernization and the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Chairman's Statement

Chief Executive O?cer of Qingdao Haier Biomedical Co., Ltd.

Lixia TanIntroductionThis is the fourth sustainable development report (hereinafterreferred to as "the Report") issued by Qingdao Haier BiomedicalCo., Ltd. In the Report, Haier Biomedical discloses practicesand performance in ful?lling economic, environmental, social,and corporate governance responsibilities in 2023. This is toprovide further visibility to all our shareholders and presentour consolidated key performance indicators for the ?scal year2023.

Preparation ProceduresThis Report is prepared according to fixed procedures,including determining the report boundary, identifyingand categorizing important ESG issues, collecting relevantdata and information, preparing the report, and verifyinginformation.

Reliability Assurance

This Report amalgamates qualitative and quantitativeinformation based on the Company's public information,internal documents, and relevant statistical data. The Boardof Directors of the Company has made a commitment thatthere is no false records or misleading statements in theReport, and is responsible for the truthfulness, accuracy,and completeness of its content.

Reporting Scope

The reporting scope is consistent with the annual report ofHaier Biomedical in 2023. The information hereof coversHaier Biomedical and the subsidiaries within the scopeof consolidation. The reporting period is from 1 January2023 to 31 December 2023. Accordingly, the period may beextended to a time before the release of this Report in 2024.

Address: No.280 Fengyuan Road, High-tech Zone,Qingdao, ShandongTel: 0532-88935566

Postcode: 266000Email: haierbiomedical@haierbiomedical.com


For concise, coherent and easy reading, "Qingdao HaierBiomedical Co., Ltd." in the Report is also referred to as"Haier Biomedical", "the Company", or "we".

Access to the Report

The Report is available, to view and download, at the websiteof the Shanghai Stock Exchange (www.sse.com.cn) and HaierBiomedical's official website (https://www.haierbiomedical.com/).

Approval of the Report

After the review by the ESG working group, the Report wasapproved by the Board of Directors of the Company on 27March 2024.

Reporting Guidelines

This Report is prepared in accordance with the GuidelinesNo. 1 of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for Self-regulationof Listed Companies—Standardized Operations issued bythe Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to asthe "SSE"), while meeting the sustainable developmentreporting standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)and referring to the questionnaire of S&P Global CorporateSustainability Assessment (CSA). In addition, this Reportis prepared based on the current development level of theCompany and the actual ESG situation.

Chairman's Statement

Haier Biomedical04052023 Sustainability Report

About Haier BiomedicalCompany Pro?leHaier Biomedical was established in 2005 and listed on the Science and Technology InnovationBoard of the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 2019 (stock code: 688139). The Company aims tocreate the best user experience for a wide range of user groups such as hospitals, biotechnologyenterprises, universities & colleges, scienti?c research institutions, centres for disease control andprevention, plasma stations, and primary public health authorities. The Company mainly engagesin two major business fields: life sciences and medical innovation. It provides comprehensivedigital solutions with multiple types of products and services for scenarios including smartlaboratories, smart compliance pharmaceuticals, digital hospitals, smart public health, and smartblood distribution.Leveraging industry-leading technologies, the Company has promoted scienti?c and technologicalinnovation and led industrial reform. Through successive breakthroughs in low-temperaturebiomedical technology, our company has maintained its international leadership in relevantresearch and development as well as industrialization. With ongoing investments in researchand development, we have continuously achieved breakthroughs in core technologiesand expanded our business into areas such as biological culture, centrifugal preparation,laboratory consumables, and in-hospital pharmacy services. Building on this foundation,we have pioneered transformative methods in the biomedical industry. This includesintegrating emerging technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing, aswell as launching innovative comprehensive solutions for digital applications such as smartblood distribution and smart vaccination. These solutions have expanded into areas likesmart laboratories, automated in-hospital pharmacy services, and public health screenings,reshaping the landscape of the industry.As of the end of the reporting period, Haier Biomedical has established 6 technical platforms,owned a total of 1,321 authorized patents and 296 software copyrights, led or participated inthe release of 1 international standard, 18 national and industry standards, 2 local standards, 17group standards, and 2 CQC certi?cation technical speci?cations. In addition, 32 achievementshave reached the international leading level. Moreover, the Company has 28 items with morethan 800 models of Class II and Class III medical device registration certi?cates, among whichmore than 200 models obtained the EU CE certi?cation, more than 60 models obtained the USFDA certi?cation, and more than 130 models obtained the US UL certi?cation. Products certi?edunder 21 items with 36 models were selected as excellent domestic medical equipment.Haier Biomedical's products and solutions have been applied in more than 150 countriesand regions worldwide, with our reach expanding all the time. In the domestic market, theCompany has served tens of thousands of end users in the medical and health ?eld, includinghospitals, biotechnology enterprises, universities & colleges, scientific research institutions,centres for disease control and prevention, plasma stations, and testing institutions. Well-known customers in China include the Shanghai Ruijin Hospital, Wuxi Apptec, ShanghaiFudan University, China Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, Hualan Biological, HengruiPharmaceutical, and Fosun Pharmaceutical. The Company's international network is iscontinuously expanding; as of the end of the reporting period, over 800 resell partners havejoined the distribution network. To cultivate localized operations, the Company has establishedoverseas operation centres, including the user experience and training centres in Dubai, Nigeria,and the UK and warehousing and logistics centres the Netherlands and US. In addition, theCompany has maintained long-term cooperative relationships with more than 60 internationalorganizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children'sFund (UNICEF).

About Haier Biomedical

Haier Biomedical06072023 Sustainability Report











Haier Biomedical joinedthe UNGC global initiative.

Haier Biomedical joinedhands with Miracll to createthe Intelligent Automated CellIndustry Innovation Centre.Haier Biomedical was awardedthe National Green Factory.Haier Biomedical wasrecongnized as the NationalEnterprise Technology Centre.

Haier Biomedical signed astrategic partnership withShanghai LePure Biotech Co.,Ltd. to deploy new scenariosof biological product freezing/thawing.The international productinnovation seminar was roundedo?.Haier Biomedical won the ChinaIndustry Award.

Haier Biomedical acquiredHohwell Smart PharmacyTechnology to deploy smartpharmacies in a 10 billion-levelmarket segment.The ?rst national AI+ digitalintelligent vaccinationoutpatient clinic landed inShanghai.

We participated in the 18th IVFVietnam.We reached strategic cooperationwith Sichuan Airlines Logistics toaccelerate the development ofthe aviation temperature controlindustry.Our subsidiary HB TempConAviation obtained the ?rstCTSO-C90e certi?cate for activetemperature-controlled containerin China.

Haier Biomedical participatedin the 87th China InternationalMedical Equipment Fair (CMEF),and upgraded 5 scenario-basedsolutions in all directions.The international strategicpartner conference wassuccessfully concluded inQingdao.

Haier Biomedical increasedinvestment in Chaolian toempower independent andcontrollable Stirling refrigerationsupply chain.Haier Biomedical's Africa UnionCDC project was completed andaccepted.

Our subsidiary HB TempConAviation obtained the MaintenanceOrganization Certi?cate for CCARPart 145.

We reached a strategiccooperation with the Collegeof Biological Sciences, ChinaAgricultural University to launchthe Life Sciences Young TalentsProgram and jointly build smartlaboratories.

Haier Biomedical joined theSustainable Markets InitiativeChina Council Health WorkingGroup.Haier Biomedical attended the6th China International ImportExpo and MEDICA 2023.

We obtained 4 after-sales serviceawards.We obtained 4 awards,including "Enterprise StandardForerunner".




4 of our technical achievementswere recognized as world leading.The ?rst intelligent integratedPIVAS center in China wasestablished at the SecondA?liated Hospital of SoochowUniversity.

Haier Biomedical08092023 Sustainability ReportHonours and Awards

Economic HonoursAwardsCategoryNameAwarded By


China Grand Awards for Industry

China's State Council (approvedthe establishment of theawards), China Federation ofIndustrial EconomicsGlobal Leading Achievement"Environmental, Highly E?cient Hydrocarbon Refrigerator," "High-performance Constant Temperature Medical Refrigerator," "IoT-basedSmart Vaccine Management Platform," "Intensive Automated CellCulture Workstation"

China Machinery IndustryFederation2nd Prize for Scienti?c and Technological Advancement by The ChineseAssociation of Refrigeration"Research, development, and industrialization of biological samplestorage equipment"

The Chinese Association ofRefrigerationThe ?rst set of technological equipment in Shandong Province in 2023"Full-automatic cell culture workstation"

Department of Industry andInformation Technology ofShandong Province1st Prize for Technological Invention of Shandong Province"Key technology and application of smart multi-axis motion controlsystem"

Department of Science &Technology of ShandongProvince1st Prize for Technological Contribution by Shandong Institute ofElectronics"Development, manufacturing, and industrialization of highly reliablesmart supporting equipment for biosafety"

Shandong Institute ofElectronics1st Prize for Technological Innovation for Shandong Enterprises"Full-automatic cell culture workstation"

Shandong EnterpriseTechnological InnovationPromotion Association1st Prize for Scienti?c and Technological Advancement by ShandongAssociation for Medical Devices Industry"Research and industrialization of key technologies for stabilitycontrol of biological culture"

Shandong Association forMedical Devices Industry1st Prize for Scienti?c and Technological Advancement by ShandongAssociation for Medical Devices Industry"Research and industrial application of highly uniform ?ow ?eld andsmart energy-saving control technology for medical refrigerators"

Shandong Association forMedical Devices IndustryExemplary Project for Key Technology Research and Industrialization ofQingdao"Research on key technology of multi-dimensional assurance systemfor microbial culture and industrialization of related culture products"

Qingdao Municipal Bureau ofScience and TechnologyInnovative Product of Qingdao"Programmed thermometer", "Full-automatic cell cultureworkstation", "Smart vaccination automation workstation"

Qingdao Municipal Bureauof Industry and InformationTechnology3rd Prize in China Innovation & Entrepreneurship Competition (QingdaoDivision)"Active temperature controlled air container"

Qingdao Municipal Bureau ofScience and Technology1st Prize by Qingdao Smart Biosafety Equipment Expert Workstation

Qingdao Municipal Bureau ofScience and Technology

Economic HonoursAwardsCategoryNameAwarded By


Exemplary Case of IoT Empowering Industry Development"Construction of smart hospitals based on multi-scenario IoTequipment and digital platforms for smart pharmaceuticalmanagement"

Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology of thePeople's Republic of China"Empowered by data intelligence, Driven by Technological Innovation"2023 Independent Innovation Solution for Digital Transformation"Smart management solution for safe vaccination"

China Industrial ControlSystems Cyber EmergencyResponse TeamShandong Software Industry High-quality Development Project"Haier Biomedical Data Intelligence Platform"

Department of Industry andInformation Technology ofShandong Province


Bronze Award in the China Postdoctoral Innovation & EntrepreneurshipCompetition"Full-automatic microbial culture and smart screening technologyplatform and equipment"

Ministry of Human Resourcesand Social Security of thePeople's Republic of ChinaNational High-tech Enterprise

Ministry of Science andTechnology of the People'sRepublic of ChinaShandong Province Talent-driven Enterprise

Department of Industry andInformation Technology ofShandong ProvinceSilver Award in the China Postdoctoral Innovation & EntrepreneurshipCompetition (Shandong Division)"Full-automatic microbial culture and smart screening technologyplatform and equipment"

Human Resources and SocialSecurity Department ofShandong ProvinceInnovation Jobs for Postdoctoral Fellows of Shandong Province

Human Resources and SocialSecurity Department ofShandong ProvinceQingdao Talent-driven Enterprise

Qingdao Municipal Bureauof Industry and InformationTechnologyQingdao Expert Service Base

Qingdao Municipal Bureau ofHuman Resources and SocialSecurity2nd Prize for Postdoctoral Innovation Projects"Research on key technologies related to cell culture and storage inbiomedical ?eld"

Qingdao Municipal Bureau ofHuman Resources and SocialSecurity1st Prize by Qingdao Smart Biosafety Equipment Expert Workstation

Qingdao Municipal Bureau ofHuman Resources and SocialSecurity3rd Prize in CHINA Qingdao Overseas Innovation and EntrepreneurshipCompetition"Full-automatic microbial culture and smart screening technologyplatform and equipment"

Qingdao Municipal Bureau ofHuman Resources and SocialSecurity3rd Prize in Qingdao Quality Innovation Competition"Global long-distance aviation temperature control ecosystem serviceplatform"

Qingdao Administration forMarket Regulation

Honours and Awards

Haier Biomedical10112023 Sustainability Report

Rankings and ListsAward NameAwarded ByChina's Top 50 Medical Device Manufacturers 2022-2023

All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce Medical andPharmaceutical ChamberTop 30 Valuable Enterprises in the Science andTechnology Innovation Board

Securities TimesGold Walking Stick Awards 2023 Top 10 TechnologyEnterprises

China Times2023 ESG Best Practice Award for Listed Companies inChina by Wind

Wind Information Co., Ltd.100 ESG Leadership Cases of Listed Companies inChina

The 2nd Sustainable Investment and Financing (ESG) and the

Construction of Free Trade Port Forum in SanyaTop 50 ESG Technology Leaders in Golden Bull AwardsChina Securities Journal2023 Top 50 Non-?nancial Listed Companies in ESGPerformance in China

Economic ViewGovernance HonoursAward NameAwarded By

2022 Excellent Listed Company Practice for Annual Performance Brie?ngChina Association for Public Companies2023 Qingdao Exemplary Company for Investor ProtectionQingdao Association for Public CompaniesBest Listed Company to Invest in GoldenWis AwardsJRJ.com2023 Most Valuable STAR Market-listed companychinastarmarket.cnExcellent Listed Company of the Year in Golden Sail Awards21st Century Business HeraldAn Overview of China's Technological Innovation Industry: ChineseTechnological Innovation Force


Social HonoursCategoryAward NameAwarded By


Liu Zhanjie was recognized as the Role Model of Scienti?cand Technological Workers in Shandong

Publicity Department of the CPC ShandongProvincial Committee, Shandong Association forScience & Technology, Department of Science &Technology of Shandong ProvinceChen Haitao was recognized as the Industry-leadingTalent of Shandong

Leading Group for Talent-related Work of theCPC Shandong Provincial CommitteeWang Yi was recognized as the Foregoer of Innovation-driven Development in 2023 Technological InnovationAwards by Shandong Enterprise Technological InnovationPromotion Association

Shandong Enterprise Technological InnovationPromotion AssociationWang Guangsheng became an expert enjoying specialallowance from the municipal government

Qingdao Municipal People's GovernmentLi Junfeng was recognized as the Industry-leading Talentof Qingdao

Organization Department of the CPC Qingdao

Municipal Committee, Qingdao Municipal

Bureau of Science and Technology, Qingdao

Municipal Bureau of Finance

Social HonoursCategoryAward NameAwarded By

ESG Leadership

Case of Innovative Sustainable Development Practicesincluded in "Sustainable Development Report on China'sIndustrialization and Informatization 2022"

China Federation of Industrial EconomicsList of Enterprises with Outstanding Corporate SocialResponsibility Reports in China's Industry and InformationTechnology Industry

China Federation of Industrial EconomicsS&P Global's Sustainability Yearbook (China Edition)S&P GlobalOutstanding ESG Case in Credit 100 Golden Orchid CupXinhua News Agency21st Century Vitality · ESG Innovative Case21st Century Business Herald2023 Excellent ESG Case in Golden Cicada AwardsChina TimesAward for Emerging Exemplary ESG EnterprisesStock StarOutstanding Responsible Enterprise on the SocialResponsibility List for Pharmaceutical Enterprises

Southern WeeklyBrandRecognition

Exemplary Case of Brand Credit BuildingXinhua Finance21st Century Health Industry Innovation LeadershipInnovative Case

21st Century Business HeraldOutstanding Brand of the YearStock StarEnvironmental HonoursAward NameAwarded ByNational Green Factory

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of thePeople's Republic of ChinaGreen and Low-carbon Technology Achievements of ShandongProvince"Comprehensive energy saving technology for smart controlof hydrocarbon and intelligent fog removal for medicalrefrigerator"

Department of Science & Technology of Shandong Province,Department of Ecology and Environment of ShandongProvinceExemplary Low-carbon Enterprise of Qingdao

Development and Reform Commission of QingdaoMunicipality, Qingdao Administration for Market RegulationKey Energy-saving Technology, Product, and Equipment ofQingdao"Hengyun Medical Refrigerator"

Development and Reform Commission of QingdaoMunicipality2023 Exemplary Carbon Neutral Enterprisesyobserve.com, gongyidaily.comExemplary Carbon Neutral Enterprise2nd Green Zero-carbon Festival2023 Low-carbon Operations Pioneer AwardSocial Responsibility ConferenceGreen Sustainability Awards in Evergreen AwardsCaijing Magazine

Honours and Awards

Haier Biomedical12132023 Sustainability ReportSustainability Governance

Sustainability GovernanceAs a leading digital service provider in the life sciences and medical innovation sector, Haier Biomedical is deeply aware ofits corporate responsibility. We actively engage with global initiatives aimed at mitigating climate change and promotingenvironmental and social sustainability. We are committed to embedding sustainable development principles into our businessoperations, with the goal of maximizing value creation for the community and safeguarding human health.We place sustainability governance at the forefront of our corporate governance and strategic development. As we strivefor robust growth, we remain committed to fulfilling our social responsibility by leveraging the power of data intelligence.Our e?orts include establishing a sustainability governance framework led by our Board of Directors that clearly de?nes andmanages responsibilities across all levels within our organization.

We value the thoughts and opinions of our stakeholders. We have set up diverse communication channels and a regularmechanism for effective responses to address their concerns. In 2023, our communications with stakeholders covered thefollowing issues.

Sustainability Governance Framework

Participation by Stakeholders

Board ofDirectors

Strategy and ESG


ESG Working Group

The Board of Directors is the highest decision-making body on and ultimatelyresponsible for our ESG matters. Its responsibilities include reviewing and overseeingthe company's ESG-related management policies, strategies, and related risks, keepingthem in the right direction.

The Strategy and ESG Committee is led by the chairperson and composed of Boardmembers. Its responsibilities include formulating ESG management policies andstrategies, de?ning ESG development objectives, coordinating arrangements for ESGwork, reporting important matters to the Board, and overseeing the planning andimplementation of ESG initiatives.

The ESG working group comprises heads of ESG-related functional departments. Itsresponsibilities include formulating the annual work plan based on the company'sESG policies and strategies, executing speci?c tasks, and ensuring the achievement ofobjectives.


Governmentsand regulators

Compliant operationInformation securityResponsible marketingGreen manufacturing


Consultation withgovernmentInformation disclosureTopic reporting

Working conferencesInquiries and answers

Shareholders and


Corporate governanceCompliant operationProtection ofintellectual properties

Anti-corruptionInvestor relations

Information disclosureShareholders' meetingsPerformance brie?ng

Online platformsRoadshowsInstitutions' researchmeetings


Customers' rights andinterestsProduct innovationCooperation andcommunicationProduct quality andsafety

Superior serviceResponsiblemarketingInformation security

Product launchSatisfaction survey

Customers'communication andcomplaint channelsO?cial WeChat account

Suppliers and


Protection of humanrightsResponsiblepurchasing

Supply chainmanagementAnti-corruption

Enablement andtrainingWorking conferences

Industry activitiesOnline or o?ine regularcommunication


Employees' rights andinterestsOccupational healthand safetyDevelopment andtraining

Balance betweenwork and lifeTalent attraction andretentionDiversity & equalopportunitiesProtection of humanrights

Employee symposiumsMeetings of employeerepresentativesLabor union

Employee trainingEmployees' complaintand reportingmechanismCulture discussionplatform

Environment and


CommunityinvestmentLow-carbontechnologiesWaste managementWater managementEmission management

Energy and resourceconservationResponsiblepurchasingGreen o?ceClimate changeAccess to Health Care

Charity projects andfundraising platformsInformation disclosureMedia-relatedconferences

Regular communicationwith mediaJoining socialorganizations

Haier Biomedical14152023 Sustainability Report

Haier Biomedical is committed to establishing a robust governance framework for sustainable development. To achieve this,we actively identify material ESG issues and gauge the level of interest stakeholders have in these matters. Considering ourprogress, stakeholders' concerns, and industry trends, we've organized and created a comprehensive sustainability issuelibrary. During the reporting period, we engaged with our stakeholders through surveys to gather their insights. The feedbackreceived has been instrumental in re?ning our materiality matrix.

Material Issues

Re?ecting on the insights from our materiality matrix and sustainability assessments, we have crafted and are continuouslyenhancing our LIFE model which drives us towards e?cient and e?ective sustainability governance. LIFE encapsulates the fourfundamental pillars of our approach: Leadership, Integrity, Future, and Ecosystem.

We have developed a sustainability model named "LIFE" based on our strategic vision and characteristics. Drawing on insightsfrom our evaluations of material issues within the reporting period, we've been continuously re?ning this model to guide oursustainable development initiatives. Concurrently, we are dedicated to advancing the United Nations Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs), engaging with the United Nations Global Compact, and adhering to its ten principles. Through these measures,we are committed to demonstrating our dedication to sustainability to all our stakeholders.

Guided by the vision that "Intelligence enlightens life for a shared future," we are committed to respecting life with sincerity,safeguarding life through technology, and collaborating to forge a sustainable future. With a steadfast focus on protectingpublic health, we make every e?ort to advance our journey toward sustainability.Sustainability Model

Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability Concept

Our LIFE Sustainability ModelSigni?cance to Haier BiomedicalLow



Signi?cance to stakeholders

Product quality and safety

Product innovationLow-carbon technologies

Compliant operationCorporate governanceProtection of intellectual properties

Information securityInvestorrelationsSupply chain management



Employees' rightsand interestsOccupationalhealth and safetyResponsible marketingDevelopmentand trainingProtection of human rights

Biodiversity protectionGreen o?ceCommunity investmentIssues of Minor Signi?cance

Issues of Medium Signi?canceIssues of High Signi?cance

Climate change

Balance betweenwork and life

Energy and resourceconservationEmission management

Water managementAccess to Health Care

Cooperation and communication

Waste managementSuperior service

Customers' rights and interests

Talent attraction and retention

Anti-corruptionDiversity & equal opportunities

Governance IssuesSocial IssuesEnvironmental Issues







IntegrityIntelligenceEnlightens Life for a

Shared Future

Sustainability Governance

Haier Biomedical16172023 Sustainability Report

Haier Biomedical and UNSDGsLIFE PillarUNSDGStrategic Focus of Haier Biomedical Progress of Haier Biomedical in 2023


●Foster innovation as the drivingforce behind our growth,aiming to become pioneersin life sciences and medicaltechnology●

Leverage our innovativebreakthroughs to bolsterglobal public health and servenational strategies●Propel the industry forwardand collaborate to achievemutual success and sharedbene?ts

Pursued innovative developmentapproaches that resonate withcontemporary trends, consistentlyadvancing the evolution of our research anddevelopment strategiesIntensi?ed our focus on fosteringinnovation, ensuring that our creative e?ortsare transformed into protected intellectualpropertyPromoted the application of innovations,harnessing our technological prowessand resources to strengthen public healthinitiativesImproved our product and service qualitythrough digital and smart technologies, withthe steadfast aim of achieving zero defects


Ensure compliant operationsand achieve stable, high-quality corporate governance

Enhanced our corporate governance,internal control, and risk managementframeworks to guarantee compliantoperationsBolstered our business ethics managementand heightened compliance awarenessacross all sta?Re?ned our customer services, leading to asteady rise in customer satisfactionImproved our supplier management byintegrating ESG factors throughout theprocess, jointly fostering a sustainable,mutually bene?cial ecosystem

Haier Biomedical and UNSDGsLIFE PillarUNSDGStrategic Focus of Haier Biomedical Progress of Haier Biomedical in 2023


●Boldly undertake our corporateresponsibilities and share thebene?ts of our growth with theindustry and society●Persistently generate socialvalue, address the evolvingneeds of society, fosterequality, inclusivity, anddiversity on a global scale,and contribute to commonprosperity

Safeguarded the rights and interests ofour employees and fostered a diverse,equitable, and inclusive work environmentEnhanced our talent development systemsand platforms, bolstering our ability toattract and retain talentsAdvanced the development of ouroccupational health and safetymanagement systems, ensuring the well-being of our workforceShared our innovations with the industryand society, providing smart medicalsolutions and promoting medical inclusivityto accelerate national digital transformation.Generated social value and gave backto society by engaging in social welfareactivities and ful?lling our corporate socialresponsibilitiesMaintained our commitment to globalpublic health and wellness, o?ering supportto less developed areas and aiding in theestablishment of a global public healthinfrastructure


Protect natural environmentand mitigate climate changefor the welfare of futuregenerations●Promote the fusion of low-carbon principles with ourbusiness operations, aimingto build a sustainable, eco-friendly, and resource-e?cientorganization.●Collaborate across varioussectors and leverage ourstrengths to promote the greentransformation of the entirevalue chain and support theprotection of biodiversity

Embraced low-carbon technologieswithin our product development processto promote eco-friendly product designsand comprehensive green managementthroughout the product life cycleEnhanced our energy conservationand emissions reduction e?orts duringoperational activities in line with greenmanagement and sustainability principlesby placing a stronger emphasis on theseaspects in the early stages of productdevelopment and setting environmentalstandards for our partners to jointly cultivatea responsible and sustainable supply chainSupported our partners in buildingenvironmental systems for public welfare bymerging cutting-edge digital technologieslike IoT, big data, AI, and 5G into our researchapplications, and devised solutions for theprotection of biodiversity.

Sustainability Governance

Haier Biomedical18192023 Sustainability Report

Highlights of ESG Performance


newly recruited employees in 2023

positionsfor fresh graduates90,479.2 hours

of employee training delivered

34.32 hours

of training delivered per employee


Coverage of employee training


Coverage of social insurance and physical examinations

for employees

Emergency drills and training sessions conductedRMB 8.2828 million

Worth of donations in total

IntegrityRMB 2.281 billion

Annual revenueRMB 167 million

Total global tax payments


of directors identify as women


of senior managers identify as women

Anti-corruption education sessions for middle and

senior managers conducted

Integrity education sessions for all sta?


Integrity education sessions for sta?


Coverage of integrity notices to suppliers


of customer complaints successfully resolved


Customer satisfaction rate


RMB 321 million

Investment in R&D

R&D Personnels1,321

Patents owned in total

Software copyrights owned in total

National, industrial, or group standards and technicalspeci?cations published under our leadership or with

our participation

World-leading technological achievements


The number of e?ective patents perRMB 1 million of revenue


The number of software copyright certi?cates per RMB

1 million of revenue

Quality training sessions conducted


Decrease in ?eld failure rate

Product recall rate


2,860 hours

Spent on environmental governance12,915.81 MWh

of electricity consumed11,368.16 MWh

of electricity consumed came from non-renewable

energy resources1,547.65 MWh

of electricity consumed came fromrenewable energy resources


of electricity consumed came fromrenewable energy resources

252.07 tonnes of CO


Direct greenhouse emissions (Scope 1)6,559.99 tonnes of CO


Indirect greenhouse emissions (Scope 2)

824.46 tonnes

Waste processed

6.98 tonnes

Hazardous waste processed1 time/year

Wastewater and exhaust gas monitoring1 time/quarter

Voice monitoring

Sustainability Governance

Integrity Co-creating a Life FoundationHaier Biomedical20212023 Sustainability Report

Innovations: Powering Healthwith Smart Technology

Haier Biomedical always believes that innovation drives development for the company.We insist on powering innovative advancements using science and technology, and arecommitted to achieving R&D and management innovations through IoT, digital, smartand IT solutions. By creating a high-tech R&D system and technology platform, as wellas updating and upgrading our high-e?ciency digital production and operation models,we established industry-leading quality control standards that allow us to provide high-quality products and services. We seize the opportunities offered by the latest trendsand continue to make our ecosystem more intelligent, digital and innovative. Through"new manufacturing" capabilities, we deliver "new services" and "new business models"with signature Haier Biomedical characteristics to the industry and our users to createunlimited possibilities with a borderless ecosystem.






Key Indicators

Investment in R&DR&D Personnels

Patents owned in total

National, industrial, or groupstandards and technicalspeci?cations published under ourleadership or with our participation

The number of e?ective patents perRMB 1 million of revenue

The number of softwarecopyright certi?cates perRMB 1 million of revenue

Quality training sessionsconductedProduct recall rate

World-leading technologicalachievements

Software copyrights owned in total


NewmanufacturingNew services



Highe?ciencyHigh quality

A user-centric innovation R&D systemDigital operations

Technology Innovation

Building internationalinspection capabilities

Quality controlGreen value chain

Biomedical cryogenic storage leader

IoT biosecurity technology


Digital and smart life science EPS

scenario ecosystem

Independent R&D

Digital and smartintegration

Scenario ecosystemInternationalisation

EPS: Integrated "automated + digitalized + ecosystem" solution










Digital public



Six majortechnology


Global R&D


R&D investments

Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology23Haier Biomedical222023 Sustainability Report

Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology2425Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Spotlight on the Exploration of LifeHaier Biomedical has always been deeply entrenched in innovative technologyplatforms across di?erent dimensions, including cryogenic and automation. Witha focus on technological innovation and innovative development in productsand medical service scenarios, we are committed to achieving innovativebreakthroughs that will safeguard life.

Haier Biomedical always ensures innovation takes the lead.Powered by our global R&D and technology resources, wecontinue to improve our technology-driven systems, expandthe reach and depth of our products and services, andestablish comprehensive, professional and leading scienceand technology innovation and development systems. Wehave accumulated a wide range of core technologies aroundthe main fields of life sciences and medical innovation.These include cryogenic processing, automation, cell

culture, high-speed centrifugation, and digital intelligentsystems applied to diverse user scenarios. On top of that,we continue to accelerate our innovative footprint throughdigitalisation and automation. In 2023, we deepened thefull-scenario solutions under our EPS di?erentiation modelto resolve the issue of standalone hardware, software andservices. This allowed us to meet user needs and addresstheir pain points, while continuously promoting theintelligentisation of the industry.

New EPS Model Upgrade

Haier Biomedical Innovative Development Path

Haier Biomedical EPS Model






Low-temperature industrialautomation + life science EPSmodel innovationFocus on professionalapplication scenarios tocreate a comprehensive,integrated "automated +digitalized + ecosystem"solution

IoT transformationand upgrade

Integrating IoT technologyto create multiple world?rst smart public healthcarescenarios

Independent cryogenicequipment innovationsIndependent low-temperature refrigerationtechnology R&D that givesusers local options

Haier Biomedical always takes the needs of our users as the starting point for product design and R&D. We are committedto satisfying these needs and accurately resolving related pain points our users face. In 2023, we reconstructed our R&Dtechnology system from the perspective of our users and established a user-centric innovation R&D system which includes userparticipation across the entire process, from design, validation to application. This allows us to work with our users towardsmutual goals and bene?ts. Our R&D co-creation system also laid a solid foundation for achieving our strategic quality target ofcreating the best user experience.

A User-centric Innovation R&D System

Haier Biomadical's"User Participation" Co-creation System

User needs are studied andscenarios are created fromtheir perspectives

User participationin design

The reporting standards for userexperience before product launchare upgraded to accurately resolvepain points faced by our users

User participationin validation

Zoom in on different usergroups and create modelsthat will become standardprocess systems

User participationin application

In 2023, Haier Biomedical worked with the HaematologyHospital of the Institute of Haematology of Chinese Academyof Medical Sciences to create a smart liquid nitrogenstem cell storage solution. During the cooperation, wesuccessfully explored and achieved user participation acrossthe entire process. Their needs were deeply integratedinto the design, validation and application process toachieve co-creation. The solution is the ?rst in the world tocombine programmed cooling equipment with automatedstorage equipment to automate the cryopreservationprocess. The system has passed seven tests by the Instituteof Haematology and will make great contribution to thedevelopment of the cell therapy industry.

Haier Biomedical works with the Institute of Haematology tocreate smart liquid nitrogen stem cell storage solution

Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology2627Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

In recent years, Haier Biomedical has continued to expand our R&D footprint in the world to ful?l our commitment to enhancingour global innovation and R&D capabilities. We steadily promote the integration of our global R&D resources and globalapplication scenarios to ensure technology sharing and interoperability in the world market. As of the end of the reportingperiod, Haier Biomedical has a total of 809 R&D personnel around the world, accounting for 30.69% of all employees.

Global resource consolidation

Haier Biomedical has created a comprehensive productand technology R&D platform with the aim of efficientlyand scientifically managing R&D resources and facilitatingbreakthroughs in R&D innovations. We have establishedsix main platforms, including automation, refrigeration,intelligentisation, precision manufacturing and materials,digitalisation, and biomedicine. Each platform has a

technical committee comprising internal technical teams,external think tank teams and personnel from differentresource providers, providing access to a rich array ofresources and technical support for product R&D.As of the end of the reporting period, Haier Biomedical hasbeen awarded a high-tech enterprise certi?cation.

Haier Biomedical Technical Committees

Refrigeration Technical CommitteePrecision Manufacturing and MaterialsTechnical CommitteeIntelligentisation Technical CommitteeDigitalization Technical CommitteeAutomation Technical CommitteeBiomedical Committee



Industry partners

R&D teams




Haier BiomedicalSafety Science andTechnology InnovationIndustrial ParkQingdao

YangtzeRiver DeltaHaier BiomedicalAdvancedTechnologyResearch Institute

ChongqingHaier BiomedicalChongqing Science andTechnology InnovationIndustrial ParkChengduHaier BiomedicalChengdu Science andTechnology InnovationIndustrial ParkNigeriaGlobal User Experience CentreIndiaGlobal Marketing Centre

UAEGlobal User Experience Centre

UKGlobal MarketingCentre

NetherlandsGlobal Marketing CentreGlobal Logistics Centre

ShenzhenHaier BiomedicalShenzhen SoftwareResearch Institute

SuzhouHaier BiomedicalSuzhou Science andTechnology InnovationIndustrial Park

USGlobal Logistics Centre

In order to ensure smooth R&D and innovation processes, we continue to increase our R&D investment to build a solidfoundation for innovation and development. In 2023, we made a total R&D investment of CNY 321 million, a year-on-yearincrease of 9.63%.

R&D Investment (CNY100 million)






Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology2829Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

To further improve product and R&D standards, HaierBiomedical continues to promote the construction oflaboratories across multiple disciplines, strengthen theintegration of international testing and certi?cation standardswith product R&D processes, and build comprehensive andprofessional international inspection capabilities aroundsoftware, hardware, scenarios and applications.

As of the end of the reporting period, Haier Biomedical wasawarded for major international certifications, includingthe only UL CTDP laboratory qualification in China, TUVRheinland's witness testing laboratory quali?cation, TUV SUD'switness testing laboratory quali?cation, and CNAS laboratoryaccreditation certi?cate. We were also named a key laboratoryand standards collaborator in Qingdao in the same year.

Building international test capabilities

Certificate of Participation
The laboratory above has been assessed and found to comply with the applicable

requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 In accordance with UL’s Data Acceptance Program (DAP)and has been qualified as a DAP participant. The laboratory is hereby authorized to submittesting data to UL for product certification purposes as allowed by the schemes and for theproduct types and standards identified in the DAP Scope.



Kevin Mehaffey

Program Owner

Qingdao Haier Biomedical Co LtdNo.280 Fengyuan Road, High-tech Zone Qingdao, China

Client Test Data Program (CTDP)

DA32168/29/2022 9/29/2023

UL CTDP Laboratory Accreditation Certi?cateTUV Rheinland

Accreditation Certi?cate

TUV SUD Certi?cate

CNAS LaboratoryAccreditation Certi?cate

Haier Biomedical's testing centre has over 30 laboratories thatcover areas such as overall machine performance, reliability,high and low-temperature performance, electrical safety,EMC, mechanical environment, high-precision laboratory,physical and chemical laboratory, user experience, and IoTcommunications. The centre is CNAS laboratory certifiedfor more than 200 tests under 48 international and Chinesestandards.

At the same time, Haier Biomedical has further set up userexperience research laboratories for the life science EPSindustry. These laboratories revolutionalised our processby shifting the focus from life science instrument productperformance validation to user experience validation. Ourprofessional team also continues to create the best usagevalidation solutions for our users by simulating actual userexperience based on their operation processes.Refrigeration Laboratory

Low temperatureperformanceHigh and lowtemperaturelaboratoryEMC laboratory

Solar poweredequipment testinglaboratoryExtreme loadlaboratory……

General EquipmentPerformance LaboratoryDynamic balancetestingBlast hutvalidationThree-coordinatemeasuring

IoT laboratoryComputer boardMFOP……

User ValidationExperiment Centre

Cell culturePlant cultureLyophilisationvalidation


Qingdao Key LabsLetter of Appointment to

Collaborating Laboratories

In 2023, Haier Biomedical's automated microbial workstation won the Silver award at the 2nd National Postdoctoral Innovationand Entrepreneurship Competition sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the ShandongPeople's Government. Haier Biomedical brings together emerging technologies such as automation, IoT and AI into clinicalmicrobiology rapid testing scenarios. Our innovative R&D of fully automated microbial culture and smart screening platformsand equipment enable full automation of microbial inspection and smart biosafety management. In the process, manualoperations are reduced and experimental e?ciency is signi?cantly improved.

Haier Biomedical's automated microbial workstation wins the Silver award at the2023 Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Shandong, China

Haier Biomedical continues to promote the construction of a comprehensive talent management and succession planningsystem. We have established a national postdoctoral scienti?c research workstation, a postdoctoral innovation practice basein Shandong, and other facilities to attract top local and foreign talents to join our ranks. We are committed to promoting thedevelopment of life sciences and medical innovations, and accelerating the e?orts to achieve independent and self-reliant high-tech R&D. In 2023, we are named a talent-leading enterprise in Shandong and Qingdao, among other awards.

Haier Biomedical proactively engages in R&D cooperation with external colleges and scientific research institutions tocontinuously promote the integration of academic, scienti?c research and industry to achieve integrated development of all therelated sectors. In 2023, we worked with more than 10 colleges and scienti?c research institutions to carry out eight researchprojects that delivered many results.

Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology3031Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

From 11-13 January 2024, Haier Biomedical was invited toparticipate in the 15th Arab Transfusion Medicine Forum. Atthe forum, we comprehensively demonstrated our innovativefull-process digital blood safety, smart cold chain storage,laboratory equipment and management solutions, as wellas advanced instruments such as smart plasma separators.Our solutions were highly recognized by the experts in theblood transfusion industry in the Arab countries, furtherdemonstrating the international in?uence of Haier Biomedicalproducts, technologies and services.

Haier Biomedical's full-process digital blood safety solutions recognizedby industry experts in Arab countries

Haier Biomedical firmly believes that the development of the industry relies on everyone's joint efforts. We are activeparticipants in driving the industry forward. Making full use of our technology and resource advantages, we join hands with ourpeers to promote industry innovation and advancement. As of the end of the reporting period, we are a member of 22 industryassociations, having joined two new ones this year. At the same time, we took part in many industry activities to exchangeinsights with our outstanding peers and industry experts on the industry's future, and provide suggestions on critical andforward-looking issues that the industry is facing.

Driving the industry together

Haier Biomedical optimised freeze-drying procedures and improvesuser experience by simulating usage environment during R&D

In 2023, in order to improve user experience and optimise productperformance, Haier Biomedical's user experience researchlaboratory simulated the actual user environment while developinga pilot freeze dryer. The types of freeze-dried samples that usersmainly handled were identified to determine the cryoprotectantformula for the samples. The formula and procedure were thenfurther optimised based on the test results. As a result of thesimulation, three freeze-drying issues were discovered andoptimised, which greatly enhanced the user experience.

On 20 January 2024, the third annual general meeting of the 1stImmunisation Program Informatisation Professional Committee,organized by the China Vaccine Industry Association, washeld in Suzhou. The meeting saw the release of the History ofInformatisation of China's Immunisation Program, the ?rst book tocomprehensively describe the history of informatisation of China'simmunisation program. The practical results of Haier Biomedicaland our subsidiary Jinwei Information Technology were includedin the book for providing new ideas, new technologies and newmodels for establishing safe, high-quality, standardised, efficientand accessible vaccination services, and contributing to thedevelopment of the country's medical sector.

Haier Biomedical's innovations included in the History ofInformatisation of China's Immunisation Program

Haier Biomedical jointly organized a hospital pharmacy forumto promote precision drug treatment with industry peers

From 2-4 June 2023, Haier Biomedical contributed to theorganization of a hospital pharmacy forum with the theme of"Discussing Controls and Reforms for the Benefits of Patients"that is sponsored by the National Health Commission's HospitalManagement Research Institute and hosted by the Second A?liatedHospital of Suzhou University. Medical experts from all over Chinacame together to engage in in-depth exchanges on precision drugtreatment, rational drug use control, intravenous drug dispensingtechnology and management under new medical reforms, andpromote the development of precision drug treatment in China.

While striving for breakthroughs and progress, HaierBiomedical also closely watches the developments andinnovations of the industry's key sectors. We maximise ouradvantages, share our resources and experience with theindustry and do our best to contribute to the standardiseddevelopment of the key sectors. As of the end of the reporting

period, Haier Biomedical has taken the lead in participatingand drafting 40 national, industry, and group standards andtechnical speci?cations, including one international standard,18 national industry standards, two local standards, 17 groupstandards and two CQC technical standards. We participated inthe drafting of eight relevant standards in this year alone.TypeNameNumberNational standardPharmaceutical logistics service speci?cationsGB/T 30335-2023Local standard

Calibration speci?cations for temperature parameters ofcryogenic storage boxes

JJF(豫)386-2023Local standardCalibration speci?cations for cryogenic storage boxesJJF(渝)086-2023Group standardAutomated vaccine management workstationT/QDAS 118-2023Group standard

Vaccine cold chain: technical requirements and testing methodsfor solar or DC vaccine refrigerators

T/CITS 0038-2023Group standard

Vaccine cold chain: technical requirements and testing methodsfor standing passive vaccine boxes

T/CITS 0039-2023Group standard

Technical requirements and testing methods for high-performance medical refrigerators

T/CITS 0004-2023Group standard

Vaccine cold chain: technical requirements and testing methodsfor non-standing passive vaccine boxes

T/CITS 0040-2023Standards and Speci?cations Drafted with participation by Haier Biomedical in 2023

On 30 November 2023, the founding ceremony of the Secretariatof the International Electrotechnical Commission's MedicalCryogenic Storage Equipment Project Committee (hereinafterreferred to as IEC/PC 130) cum ?rst plenary meeting of IEC/PC 130was held in Guangzhou. Haier Biomedical attended the meetingas the only Chinese manufacturer in the IEC/PC130ahG1 strategicplanning working group. The meeting saw the approval of twonew international standards proposals, Medical Low-temperatureStorage Equipment - Terms and Terminology and MedicalLow-temperature Refrigeration and Freezers - PerformanceRequirements and Test Methods. Haier Biomedical will be deeplyinvolved and will contribute our knowledge in the drafting ofthese two new standards in the future.

Haier Biomedical attended the ?rst IEC/PC130 plenary meeting

Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology3233Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

In 2023, Haier Biomedical launched a new series of ARK automation products at the 15th China Integrated BiosamplingConference. With the ability to support the integration of multiple production lines, the connection of multiple scenarios andsafeguarding multiple systems, the ARK series of products not only realises full-process automated management and makesthe samples safer, but also allows for custom combinations and ?exible extension, providing more possibilities for the in-depthexploration of life sciences. In 2024, two products from this series, the automated single liquid nitrogen workstation and ARK?exible, extendable automated workstation were selected by Germany's iF Design Award.

Haier Biomedical's automated liquid nitrogen workstation and ARK ?exible,extendable automated workstation won Germany's iF Design Awards

Haier Biomedical achieved significant R&D results andprogress during the reporting period through our tirelesse?orts in the ?elds of life sciences and medical innovation.In the process, we contribute to promoting industrydevelopment and helping the country achieve its strategictargets.Haier Biomedical has always been deeply engaged inproduct and scenario R&D. We persist in our efforts to

expand the industry and motivate ourselves by constantlysetting higher standards and goals. This is part of ourcommitment to achieving continuous product andtechnology breakthroughs. We continue to promote theintegration of innovative R&D results and medical servicescenarios with the aim of bringing more innovative productsand smart services to more user groups so as to realise thefull value of our products.

Developing new business models and scenarios

From 5-10 November 2023, Haier Biomedical was at the 6th China International Import Expo, where we debuted our overalloverall biopharmaceutical scenario solution that provides users with support through a validation service platform. Thesolution covers nine main scenarios across three core areas of biopharmaceutical production, QC and pilot testing. HaierBiomedical integrated digital and smart innovations as the pathway to achieve full-cycle, full-factor intelligent and information-based management of personnel, environment, equipment, processes and product quality in complex biopharmaceuticalprocesses. This provides users with high-quality, one-stop pharmaceutical services that facilitate the commercialising ofresearch results.

Haier Biomedical released overall biopharmaceutical scenario solutionto empower users with e?cient and high-quality products

On 7 November 2023, Haier Biomedical released a full-scenariodigital intelligence solution for smart medication in hospitalswith the theme of "Smart Healthcare Experience, UpgradedPharmaceutical Services" at the 6th China InternationalImport Expo. At the event, we also debuted three major newproducts, including a fully automatic dispenser robot, an all-in-one packing and verification machine, and a medicationrefill robot. These solutions enable digital and smart close-looped management of the entire process from storage,transfer, dispensing to use of in-hospital medication. Amongthem, Haier Biomedical's fully automatic liquid dispenserrobot can achieve zero error, zero residue and zero exposurewhile dispensing medicine, ensuring safety and precisions.The scenario solution not only improves the efficiency ofdrug dispensing, promotes rational drug use and ensures safemedication, but also drives the transformation and upgrade ofpharmaceutical services.

Haier Biomedical ushers in a new era of digital intelligence for medicationsafety with the release of a full-scenario smart medication solution for hospitals

Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology3435Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

In 2023, Haier Biomedical's Hengyun medical refrigeratorpassed leading international standards. The product pioneeredthe integration of hydrocarbon (HC) energy-saving refrigerationsystem, variable frequency compressor intelligent controland uniform temperature refrigeration technology, three-dimensional return air cooling technology, intelligent glassdoor condensation removal technology, condensation wasteheat utilisation technology and IoT technology. This ensuresthat the product is signi?cantly optimised in terms of energysaving and quietness and allows the machine to achieve atemperature uniformity ≤ ±1°C. With this product, HaierBiomedical delivers a green storage solution with both highreliability and high stability for medicines, reagents, biologicalproducts, vaccines, etc.

Haier Biomedical's Hengyun medical refrigeratorpassed leading international standards

From 5-10 November 2023, Haier Biomedical was at the 6th China International Import Expo where we released a wide range ofculture media products that can be used for microbial monitoring in medicine, food, water quality, household chemicals, publichealthcare and other industries.. These products comply with a number of international standards and allow for professionalquality control validation services. They also reduce usage cost through technological innovation by increasing recovery rate by20% and reducing product costs by 10%.

Haier Biomedical released microbial culture medium for QC

Haier Biomedical's innovations and R&D achievements have been widely recognized by society. During the reporting period,four of Haier Biomedical's major scientific and technological achievements were certified to be of international-leadingstandards. These include our IoT-based Smart Vaccine Management Platform, Intensive Automated Cell Culture Workstation,Environmentally-friendly and E?cient Hydrocarbon Deep Cryogenic Storage Box, and Constant Temperature High-performanceMedical Refrigerator.

Global Leading AchievementsProjectCerti?cation OrganizationHydrocarbon Environmental Deep Low-Temperature Refrigerator

China Machinery IndustryFederationConstant Temperature High-performance Medical RefrigeratorIoT-based Smart Vaccine Management PlatformIntensive Automated Cell Culture Workstation

Haier Biomedical attaches great importance to the protectionand management of intellectual properties. We strictly followthe relevant requirements of the laws and regulations such asthePatent Law of the People's Republic of China,and prohibitany form of right infringement. During the reporting period, werevised theIntellectual Property Regulations and ManagementStandards,and optimised the sharing, transfer and licencingof patents from our technical cooperation and co-creationwith external parties. By empowering our business unitswith intellectual property compliance, we strengthened ourcooperation with our external partners.In 2023, we included patent management training in our jobrotation for newly hired fresh graduates. We also conductedcomprehensive and systematic basic patent training andintellectual property standards straining for our R&D personnelsto enhance their intellectual property protection awareness andknowledge about patents.

Intellectual PropertyProtection

Patent Training for R&D Personnel

In addition, Haier Biomedical has set up a diverse rangeof scientific research incentives to encourage techniciansand other employees to take part in R&D innovation andpromote the conversion of innovative research resultsinto intellectual properties. These measures attract andretain outstanding talents to bring life to our innovativeendeavours.As of the end of the reporting period, Haier Biomedicalhas been granted a total of 1,321 patents, while 146 newinvention patent applications were submitted in 2023.

Haier Biomedical's Patents

Invention patents

Utility model patents

Design patents

Software copyrights

As of the end of the reporting period

Haier Biomedical has been granted a total of


new invention patent applications were submitted in 2023

Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology3637Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Haier Biomedical pays close attention to the needs of public healthcare and social medicine. We are committed to promotingthe continuous development of life sciences and medical innovation through comprehensive, professional product capabilitiesand leading scenario service standards. During the reporting period, we delved deep into segments such as low-temperatureindustrial automation, cell therapy, aviation temperature control and digitilisation. By keeping up with the latest developments,we stayed at the forefront of the industry and society and continue to contribute to the ?elds of biomedicine, agriculture, publichealthcare and modern pharmacy.

Empowering Health Through Digital and Smart Technology

Haier Biomedical is committed to using our innovative research and development results to benefit different cutting-edgescienti?c areas. The aim is to drive progress and development in various important sectors, through innovation and strategicinitiatives. The emphasis is on creating mutual benefits for all stakeholders involved, focusing on collaboration and sharedsuccess among di?erent parties such as employees, partners, customers, and the community at large.

Supporting cutting-edge science with deeper technological exploration

Haier Biomedical provide a fully-automated germplasmresource bank construction plan that covers a full rangeof scenarios and temperature range. The plan ensures theactivity and safety of germplasm samples throughout theentire process, from reception, processing, quality controlto storage. Haier Biomedical also created diverse storagesolutions for seeds with di?erent storage period, includingshort-term, medium-term and long-term storage. The

solution automates the seed storage and extraction processthrough digitilization, automation, smart management andother functions. This reduces the workload on scientificresearchers and promote an update and upgrade of China'sseed preservation technology to drive development in theagricultural sector, ensure food security and safeguard thehealth of the people.

Haier Biomedical released germplasm conservationsolution for the agricultural industry

On 18 February 2023, the unveiling ceremony of the IntelligentAutomated Cell Industry Innovation Centre, co-created byHaier Biomedical and Miracll, was successfully held at theMiracll Super Organ R&D Center. More than just a successfultransformation of the cell industry through intelligentisationand digitalisation, the center also demonstrates the bene?tsof collaboration between the industry and academicinstitutions, and is a big leap forward for China's innovativecell industry.

Haier Biomedical joined hands with Miracll to create the Intelligent AutomatedCell Industry Innovation Centre that drives transformation of the cell industry

Building healthy cities together through digital intelligenceHaier Biomedical proactively explores the possibilities of digital technology to promote digital transformation and independentinnovations. By fully integrating automation and smart technologies and methods into medical scenarios and services, moree?cient, scienti?c and precise medical solutions will be possible. These will help resolve key challenges in di?erent medicalservice scenarios and enhances the healthcare of cities.

In 2023, Haier Biomedical successfully created a smart, digitalpublic healthcare ecosystem service platform for healthy cities.The integration of IoT, 5G and other technologies into publichealthcare services makes the cities' healthcare data more?uid and enables services to be provided to speci?c individualsthrough a unique identi?er, managed on the same device, andlinked on the same network. The platform makes healthcareservices "smarter" and more accessible to the people.

Haier Biomedical created a smart, digital public healthcare ecosystemservice platform to build healthy cities

In order to improve maternal care service standards,women's disease screening and children healthcare servicequality, Haier Biomedical successfully implemented smartmaternal and child healthcare scenario by creating a full-process healthcare service management and diseaseprevention network for Shenzhen. With a focus on scenariossuch as obstetrics, childcare and women's healthcare, thedigital solution connects the terminals of more than 80maternal institutions, more than 600 community healthcentres and more than 1,900 early childhood educationinstitutions. The system has served more than four millionpregnant women and more than five million children,achieving a high degree of integration of the full cycle ofpregnancy and immunisation planning, and fully protectingthe health of mothers and children.

Haier Biomedical created a maternal and child health managementplatform to improve healthcare standards

Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology3839Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

In 2023, Haier Biomedical worked with the Second A?liated Hospital of Suzhou to create China's ?rst smart static dispensingcenter. The solution seamlessly connects the PIVAS intelligent system with the hospital information system (HIS) and allsegments of intravenous infusion preparation. This makes all processes and scenarios smarter and automated, includinginfusion storage, labeling, basket delivery, injection dispensing, solution dispensing and infusion sorting, and enables for thevisual management and tracing of patient medication information throughout, which signi?cantly enhances medication safety.

Promoting smart management to ensure medical safetyIn order to further ensure the safety of rational medication and improve the e?ciency and accuracy of dispensing scenarios,Haier Biomedical adopts modern science and technology to create full-scenario digital solution in the area of smart medicationin hospitals. Besides signi?cantly improving medication safety for patients and e?ectively reducing the occupational exposurerisks of medical sta?, this also drives a modern upgrade of China's pharmaceutical service systems.

Smart Pharmacy Intravenous Admixture Services Solution

Smart Outpatient Pharmacy Solution

Haier Biomedical jointly creates an intelligent integrated pharmacy intravenous admixturecentre with the Second A?liated Hospital of Suzhou to safeguard medication safety for patients

In response to the challenges of an aging popular, Haier Biomedical looked at the diverse needs of elderly care. In 2023, HaierBiomedical and the Xincheng district of Hohhot jointly created a smart medical and healthcare management platform that connectedpreviously isolated systems of government agencies, medical institutions, elderly care centrers and third-party service providers.The interconnection between these agencies enable the sharing and co-governance of di?erent types of medical and nursing careinformation and resources. As a result, full-scenario digital management of residential elderly care services, covering areas such ashousekeeping, home care and meal assistance, is possible. This improved the accessibility of healthcare services for the elderly andenhanced the sense of gain, happiness and security. The system set a new benchmark for healthy aging initiatives and the adoptionof high-quality medical resources.

In order to improve the accessibility and quality of physical examinations for the elderly, Haier Biomedical worked with theZhangjiawan Community Health Service Center in Tongzhou District, Beijing to implement a digital public health examinationprogram. Through the application of 5G, big data, IoT and other related technologies, Haier Biomedical created an "in and out"hospital physical examination IoT system to provide the elderly with e?cient, accurate and accessible digital public healthcaremanagement solutions that enhance the user experience of primary medical services.

Consolidating smart medical care to service the senior citizensIn order to address the concerns of an aging population, Haier Biomedical zoomed in on the health issues faced by the elderlyand consolidated existing technologies to continuously explore healthcare and medical solutions that are suitable for the seniorcitizens. This is part of our commitment to improving the quality of life for the people.

Haier Biomedical promoted healthy aging by exploring new integratedmedical and nursing care model powered by smart technology

Haier Biomedical launched a digital public health examination program at theZhangjiawan Community Health Service Center in Tongzhou, Beijing to improveprimary medical service experience for the elderly

Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology4041Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Focus on Creating Excellent ProductsHaier Biomedical fully understands the importance of excellent product qualityin safeguarding life and health. We strive to provide our users with the bestexperience and to create better products for the industry. With our commitmentto the quality concept of "reverence for life", we constantly improve and optimiseour existing quality management systems, and use smart production modelsand digital quality assurance platforms to provide a solid guarantee for productquality control and scenario service capabilities. We always ensure that ourproducts meet high product quality standards.

Haier Biomedical proactively promotes the setting of strategic quality targets to provide effective guidance for qualitymanagement and execution in every aspect of our production operations. Focusing on key product issues and user painpoints, and by fully integrating digital solutions, we haveset three-year quality targets ranging from breakthroughs inpersistent issues to digital constructions that create an excellent user experience.

100% satisfaction withscenario experience0 user complaint

Excellent user experienceDigital restructuring



Breakthroughs inpersistent issues

0 product defectFully digital, reduces costof quality by 20%Resolve persistent issues, ensuring10 years product service life

Putting users at the center

Quality Management ImprovementsStrategic quality targets

In order to comprehensively improve product quality and user experience, Haier Biomedical continues to monitor the qualitystandard of products across di?erent segments, such as R&D, planning, procurement, production and market services, to furtherimprove our quality assurance capabilities.While using innovations to drive and promote an integrated development model featuring automation, digitalization andecosystem life sciences, Haier Biomedical continues to pursue high product quality control standards. We have constantlyexpanded the breadth and depth of the quality management systems within our business and explore new models that can meetuser needs, cater to our strategic development objectives and create value for everyone. Whether it is a standalone product or acomprehensive digital scenario solution, we are committed to ensuring zero product defect and zero complaint from our users.

During the planning stage, we focus on the user experienceand fully integrate our technology, market and productionresources to create products that meet the actual needs ofour uses and identify user requirements and pain pointsDuring the R&D stage, we use a "traditional performancelaboratory + internal user simulation experience room + actualexperience of leading users" model to validate user needsWe continue to track the improvement of product performanceand quality during the R&D stage

Procurement: We strictly review the qualifications of oursuppliers to build a zero-defect supply chain cooperationsystem; we screen our suppliers on a level playing fieldbased on the strengths and weaknessesProduction: With the help of smart manufacturing platformsand technologies, we can achieve zero-defect production;we motivate our employees to be "eagle-eyed" andencourage them to go further through project releases

We have established a golden triangle of solutions, servicesand sales and continue to engage with our users to resolveany issues in a timely manner through the smart userexperience cloud platform, creating a quick closed-loopuser feedback system that delivers the best user experience

Market services

Product delivery

Product planning and R&D

Quality control system

Haier Biomedical Full-process Quality Control System

Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology4243Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

At Haier Biomedical, user experience takes center stage. We've meticulously crafted a user-centric approach through six coreprocesses: minimizing quality loss, stringent parts quality control, robust quality system development, fostering expertise,nurturing a quality-focused culture, and enhancing user ratings. This dedication culminates in our commitment to deliver a userexperience de?ned by trust and reliability, encapsulated in what we term the "three 0s." This ethos underpins our entire qualitymanagement framework.

Quality assurance system

Three 0s User Experience

0 product defect0 scenario complaint0 system deviation

Quality lossreductionUserreputationimprovement

Quality culturebuilding


Quality systemconstruction

Parts qualitycontrolQuality assurance


Quality Assurance System

Haier Biomedical's Quality Assurance System for Large-scale Scenario ProjectsEvery newly launched product of Haier Biomedical has undergone strict quality certi?cation. While meeting the relevant laws andregulations and product performance, safety, environmental protection and other certi?cation requirements, we have also imposedmore stringent internal quality certi?cation. On top of that, we continue to strengthen our certi?cation and inspection processes andimprove our quality testing requirements with a focus on user experience and product reliability.As of the end of the report, Haier Biomedical has been awarded multiple quality system certi?cations such as ISO 9001, ISO 13485,and US FDA QSR 820. At the same time, with our ?rst-class quality management capabilities and product quality standards, we havewon a number of quality awards during the reporting period, including the National Leading Quality Brand in the Medical DeviceIndustry and the National Leading Quality Enterprise in the Medical Equipment Industry.

Strengthening Quality Control CapabilitiesHaier Biomedical insists on exploring different ways to improve product and service quality. Through advanced intelligentmanufacturing models, e?cient quality digital platforms, and accurate quality traceability mechanisms, we continue to ensureand improve our product quality control and service quality. At the same time, we have adopted a series of e?ective qualitycontrol measures to resolve quality issues in a timely manner and prevent quality-related risks.

Quality management powered by digital intelligence

Haier Biomedical responded to the national strategicrequirements of "informatization and industrializationintegration" and "digital transformation" by continuouslypromoting informatization and intelligentization of ourproduction processes to provide technical support thatensures and improves product quality.

Haier Biomedical promoted the closed-loop managementof quality issues using four areas as the starting point:

quality planning, inspection task management, inspectiontask execution and processing monitoring. We fully applybig data analysis methods to build an information platformfor collection, feedback, and processing of quality issues toachieve product quality that is "foreseeable, controllable,manageable and plannable". We provided a collaborativeplatform for decision-making, technical applications, fieldoperations and other personnel of quality management tocomprehensively improve the product quality capabilities.

IoT factory

Digitalized quality assurance platforms

Haier Biomedical's smart IoT factory uses automation, smart,information and other technologies to promote deviceinterconnection, data integration and smart management andcontrol. The intelligentized and informationized productionmanagement has become a new production model for lifecycle management.

Haier Biomedical IoT Factory

Haier Biomedical highly valuesquality information and quality issues through the product life cycle. We have established a full-process, multi-dimensional quality traceability mechanism with the quality system QMS as the core. With this quality system,our products are interconnected from the placement of orders, production, logistics to transportation, promoting multi-party consolidation of quality information from our users, equipment, production, logistics and other terminals. This ensuresaccurate product life cycle information from both the forward and backward direction and allows us to resolve quality issues atevery link in a timely manner.

Precise quality traceability

Supplierfactory test





MarketservicediagnosisFull Life Cycle Quality Information Traceability System



Product R&D





Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology4445Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Real-time collaborative quality improvement

Haier Biomedical has always regarded quality enhancement and improvement as the main focus of product qualitymanagement work. We conduct monthly quality analysis meetings to address problems that arise during production, marketservices, and on-site operations. We proactively and promptly identify existing and potential quality problems to continue toimprove product quality and improve user experience.In addition, we organize quality improvement training and assistance activities for related parties, including our suppliers andemployees, and invite external partners and experts to conduct training and improvement activities with the aim of workingwith multiple parties to create high-quality cooperation. During the reporting period, we have conducted a total of 16 qualitytraining sessions with around 960 participants.

Quality regulations


Quality system

Quality toolsFour Main Quality Training Themes

Quality incident response system



Haier Biomedical is committed to its corporate responsibilities. We have established a global early major incident warningsystem and drafted theAdverse Event Reporting, Recall, and Information Noti?cation Control Procedures.We conduct regularproduct safety risk assessments and re-assessments and when necessary, recall medical devices with potential safety risks toprevent the recurrence and spread of serious adverse events and safeguard the safety of our users.Issueinformationcollection

Recall planpreparation


Recall reportsubmission


Recallrecords ?ling

Haier Biomedical's Product Recall ProcessDuring the reporting period, Haier Biomedical had no major quality and safety incident or product recall.

During the reporting period, we implemented multiple measures to continuously strengthen our quality managementcapabilities. We strived to drive quality improvement and upgrades in our products and modules, and achieved qualityinnovation and enhancement results.

Production innovationsR&D quality inspection innovations

Quality innovations and improvement measures in 20232023 Quality Innovation Performance

Haier Biomedical organized quality training with industry suppliers

Haier Biomedical has established a technology sharingplatform with high-quality industry suppliers, institutions andscientific research laboratories to jointly resolve persistentproduct issues and improve the system's quality assurancecapabilities. On 13 April 2023, Haier Biomedical invitedtechnicians from industry suppliers to conduct compressoranalysis training for employees. Both parties exchanged andlearned about the working principles and application methodsof the compressor, and addressed questions and challengesarising from the use of the equipment to help improve productquality during production and delivery.

Promoting a Culture of Quality

Haier Biomedical proactively advocates the quality concept of "reverence for life and quality". We continuously implementour quality awareness that is shared and co-created by all our employees in every aspect of our business. We have promoteda diverse range of quality culture case studies, created unique quality culture benchmarks, and built a leading quality integritysystem. These allow us to build an in?uential culture of quality with a wide reach.

Innovations: Powering Health with Smart Technology4647Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Quality culture promotion

Haier Biomedical proactively explores ways to promote a culture of quality. We o?er guidance to our employees and relevantparties to enhance their quality awareness, and continue to encourage our employees to cultivate the quality culture.Settingbenchmarks

We regularly organize "ZBB Talent Chain Celebrity List", "Haier Group Monthly Awards", "WanlianMonthly Customer Stars", "Monthly Quality Stars" and other assessment competitions andannounce the results via emails, ihaier and other channels to all employees to commend thosewho have made outstanding contributions.

O?cialaccount posts

Our o?cial WeChat accounts, such as Walian Maker Home and Haier Biomedical, regularly shareour latest products, trends and quality management concepts to relevant parties such as ourcustomers.



Quality slogans, red lines, warnings and other content are placed at prominent locationsin production workshops and office buildings to continuously enhance employees' qualityawareness.



Themed activities on quality culture building and quality management are held regularly toenrich our employees' lives.Haier Biomedical adheres to the principle of "quality ?rst, do not accept, product or deliver defective products". Every year,we organize a series of quality culture activities such as "Quality Month", for all our employees. Through a variety of activitiessuch as assembly skills competitions, "Military Order" competition, and quality skills training, we comprehensively cultivatedthe culture of quality and improve our quality management standards. In September 2023, Haier Biomedical organized aseries of "Quality Month" activities under the theme of "creating quality to improve user experience and promote high-qualitydevelopment" to encourage employees to participate in quality improvement practices and improve their quality-relatedcapabilities.

Hair Biomedical Quality Month Activities

Quality integrity system constructionAt Haier Biomedical, we embrace values of righteousness, integrity, and collaborative value creation. We've established a robustquality integrity system with legal compliance as its foundation, encouraging the active involvement of all relevant departmentsthroughout the entire production and usage processes.In order to strengthen our commitment to and guarantee for quality and integrity, and effectively protect the our qualitythreshold, we published theHaier Biomedical Quality Red Lineto establish a clearer code of integrity. The guideline speci?esthe penalties of any violation that will increase for repeated o?enders.In recent years, through the construction of a comprehensive quality integrity system, Haier Biomedical has won awards suchas National Product and Service Quality Integrity Brand and the National Product and Service Quality Integrity DemonstrationEnterprise.

National Product and Service Quality Integrity Model Enterprise by CAQINational Product and Service Quality Integrity Brand by CAQI

Integrity: Co-creating a Life Foundation4849Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Integrity: Co-creatinga Life FoundationHaier Biomedical prioritizes compliant and sound corporate operations. We alwaysaim to establish an honest industry ecosystem across all stakeholders. Internally,we have implemented a robust corporate governance structure and are activelycultivating an honest and transparent corporate culture to prevent operational risks.Externally, we collaborate with suppliers to develop a responsible and sustainablesupply chain. Additionally, we integrate user-centricity principles and co-progres-sion with users into our whole process of business practices to foster a sustainablefuture with our partners.

%of directors identify as women

general meeting of shareholders held

meetings of directors held

performance brie?ngs held

Anti-corruption educationsessions for middle and seniormanagements conducted

%Coverage of integrity noticesto suppliersCustomer satisfaction rate reached



%of customer complaintssuccessfully resolved

Integrity education sessions for


of sta?

Key Indicators

Integrity: Co-creating a Life Foundation5051Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Steady Governance withResponsibilityHaier Biomedical is committed to maintaining advanced corporate governance,adhering to business ethics, and ensuring transparent development. We continue toimprove our internal governance and risk control systems, guaranteeing compliantoperations. We also constantly strengthen our business ethics and risk preventionpractices to ensure lawful and compliant operations, laying a solid foundation forsound and sustainable development.

Operations of the Board of Directors

Haier Biomedical strictly abides by theCompany Law of thePeople's Republic of China, theSecurities Law of the People'sRepublic of China, theCode of Corporate Governance forListed Companies, the Rules Governing the Listing of Stockson the STAR Market of the Shanghai Stock Exchangeandany other relevant laws and regulations. We continuouslyimprove our corporate governance structure and managementsystems, enhance corporate governance, and standardize ouroperations while actively protecting the legitimate rights andinterests of our investors.Haier Biomedical has established a governance structureconsisting of the General Meeting of Shareholders, the Boardof Directors, and its special sub-committees and management.The General Meeting of Shareholders elects all members ofthe Board of Directors. The Board of Directors oversees theCompany's a?airs and makes operational decisions on behalfof the Company. It has the right to appoint and remove the

Company's senior management and to control major decisionsin the Company's daily operations. In addition, the Companyhas established the Board of Supervisors and the SecuritiesDepartment. The members of the Board of Supervisors aredemocratically elected by the General Meeting of Shareholdersand employees, and they perform supervisory duties on behalfof the shareholders.The Company actively implements the diversity policy of theBoard of Directors, with a focus on achieving diversity in termsof industry experience, work background, and professionalskills of the Board members. When electing members to theBoard of Directors, we consider appointing individuals basedon diverse criteria and strive to enhance diversity in variousaspects, including, but not limited to, gender, age, cultural andeducational background, professional quali?cations, industryexpertise, and work experience. As of the end of the reportingperiod, 40% of the Board members were women.

Corporate Governance

ChairmanTan LixiaFemale

Doctor of Professional AdvancedStudies (DrAPS) in Applied FinanceDirectorZhou YunjieMalePh.D. in Business AdministrationDirectorLiu ZhanjieMale

PhD in Refrigeration and CryogenicEngineeringMaster of Business AdministrationDirectorGong WenwenFemale

Bachelor of Management andEconomicsDirectorWang WenfuMaleBachelor of EngineeringDirectorHu XiongMale

Master of Business AdministrationBachelor of Economics andInformation ManagementIndependentDirector

Chen JieFemale

Master of Business AdministrationBachelor of Applied Chemistry inCeramicsIndependentDirector

Luo JinFemale

PhD in Biochemistry and MolecularBiologyIndependentDirector

Zou DianxinMaleMaster of MedicineIndependentDirector

Huang WeideMale

Bachelor of Economics andBusiness


Investor communicationBased on the principles of true, accurate, and comprehensiveinformation disclosure, Haier Biomedical strictly adheresto theRules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the STARMarket of the Shanghai Stock Exchange,theMeasures for theAdministration of Information Disclosure by Listed Companies,

and other relevant regulations. We have developed aWorkingMemorandum on Information Disclosure.Internally, HaierBiomedical implements prior notification for importantmatters and conducts corporate governance training. Ithas established a comprehensive information disclosuremanagement system to ensure compliance in related work.We prioritize the opinions of our investors and actively

engage with stakeholders through performance brie?ngs, SSEe-interaction, calls with investors, and an Investor RelationsColumn. These initiatives allow us to better understand theirexpectations and requirements regarding ESG informationdisclosure and management. In 2023, the Company held threeperformance brie?ngs, sent 59 responses to SSE e-interactions,published 31 Investor Relations Record Sheets, and updated itsInvestor Relations Column nine times.In addition, we strongly emphasize the protection of investors'rights and interests. Throughout the reporting period, wealso actively facilitated share repurchases and rewarded ourinvestors through cash dividends.

Over the past year, the Company held one General Meeting of Shareholders, five Meetings of Directors, five Meetings ofSupervisors, ?ve Audit Committee meetings, and one Strategy and ESG Committee meeting. The discussions in these meetingsencompassed various topics, including periodic reports, quarterly reports, profit distribution, connected transactions, andrevisions to the foreign investment system. The Company also conducts regular General Meetings of Shareholders and ensuresopen lines of communication with its shareholders.

The proportion of female executives:

Total ExecutivesFemaleProportion

Board of Directors10440%Board of Supervisors33100%Senior Management8337.5%

Investor Communications Site

Integrity: Co-creating a Life Foundation5253Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Business Ethics

Haier Biomedical strongly emphasizes operational complianceby adhering to business ethics and eradicating corruption,unfair competition, and other illegal activities. We arededicated to minimizing conflicts of interest and engagingwith our industry partners in an open and transparent manner.

In the context of digitalisation, we also prioritize informationsecurity and privacy protection, effectively safeguard thelegitimate rights and interests of our partners, users, andpatients, and strive to build a transparent ecosystem.

When it comes to sound business operations, the signi?canceof anti-corruption efforts should not be underestimated.Haier Biomedical strictly complies with theCompany Lawof the People's Republic of China,theInterim Provisions onBanning Commercial Bribery,and other relevant laws andregulations. We have formulated and regularly update internalmanagement systems, such as theHaier Group Business Codeof Conduct,theCode of Conduct for Employees,and theHaierBiomedical Code of Conduct,to promote a culture of integrityand tightly control corruption risks.We have established a comprehensive internal control andaudit platform. An independent auditing department plans,coordinates, and implements the company's internal auditwork. We have also established internal control and audit

counterparts in each division and subsidiary. They collaboratewith the internal control and audit platform, facilitating riskassessment and corrective measures.In 2023, we shifted our approach from anti-fraud to fraudprevention, launching the initial version of our fraudprevention map. We have also established three pillars ofanti-corruption: deterrence, blocking, and supervision. Byincreasing penalties for non-compliance, blocking processloopholes, strengthening awareness, building a culture oftransparency, and other measures, we have gradually formeda culture of integrity within the Company so that employeesdare not, cannot, and do not want to engage in corruptionpractices.

Over the past year, we organized two anti-corruption education sessions for middle and senior managements and 24 awarenesstrainings for all company employees. We require all employees to sign a Letter of the Commitment to Integrity and Self-discipline every year to cultivate, consolidate, and enhance the importance of anti-corruption as well as their awareness ofcompliance and discipline.

In February 2023, the Company conducted an awarenesstraining on the biomedical platform for all employees.The training investigated and analysed corruption cases,and introduced the reporting mechanism for suspectedcorruption cases. All staff in Qingdao participated on-site,while sta? working outside of Qingdao joined online throughihaier. On-site sta? completed a sign-in sheet and theLetterof Commitment to Integrity and Self-discipline.Awarenesstraining helps strengthen the staff's understanding andcommitment to a transparent work culture throughoutthe Company, which facilitates healthy and sustainabledevelopment.


Employee anti-corruption awareness

Sta? in Qingdao participate in awareness training

Haier Biomedical Awareness Training

In 2023, we issued theHaier Biomedical Bidding Management Measuresto address the loopholes found during system andprocess diagnosis. We optimized the bidding process and formed a monitoring mechanism for early intervention in the projectbidding process. These measures aim to e?ectively mitigate fraud risks.In addition, we have implemented rules and regulations to govern the acceptance of gifts in business cooperation. For example,business representatives must promptly consult the compliance o?cer and report the situation. If the fraudulent behaviourwas detected in the process, we would handle the situation following the provisions set out in theHaier Group Code of BusinessConduct.Furthermore, we have arranged for internal auditors to visit key suppliers and distributors to promote complianceactivities and issue integrity reminder letters to 100% of suppliers.

To guarantee smooth reporting and protect whistle-blowers, the Company's compliance hotline is a reporting websiteindependently operated by a third-party service provider. The reporting phone number and email address are alsomanaged by specialized personnel. We do our utmost to protect the rights and interests of whistleblowers, stipulatingthat their personal information must be kept strictly confidential. In the case of retaliation, we provide a channel forwhistleblowers to raise their concerns; in response, we swiftly investigate any incidents and handle them seriously. Inaddition, we have established a dedicated fund to incentivize the reporting of misconduct in accordance withHaierGroup's Whistleblowing Reward System.

Anti-corruption with partners

Reporting mechanism

Haier Biomedical provides accessible whistleblowing channels for all employees within the companyand external partners such as suppliers.

Haier Biomedical strictly adheres to theCybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China,thePersonal InformationProtection Law of the People's Republic of China,and other relevant laws and regulations. We have formulated and regularlyupdates a series of internal information security systems, such as theCode of Conduct for Biomedical Information Security,

which aims to safeguard the information security and privacy of our stakeholders.A comprehensive information security management system enables us to provide robust support for information security.

Information security

Report Phone Number: 137- 3095- 3132Compliance Hotline: haierchina.ethicspoint.com

Internal platform: iHaier Reporting channel for Fraud reporting

Optimize network construction Optimize network security devices Minimize network threats

Implement networksecurity management

Establish a robust userinformation protectionmechanism

Safeguard userinformation

Improve information securitymanagement Enhance risk mitigation

Ensure informationsecurity

Report E-mail: haierbiomedical@haierbiomedical.com jkjubao@haier.com jubao@haier.com

Integrity: Co-creating a Life Foundation5455Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

We advocate for the establishment of a fair global marketplace and theprevention of unfair competition. We strictly abide by theAnti-UnfairCompetition Law of the People's Republic of Chinaand have formulatedtheCode of Conduct for Employees.It stipulates that all employees, whenparticipating in market competition, must be honest and fair in the faceof competitors, customers, and suppliers, truthfully represent productinformation, and avoid behaviours that harm the spirit of fair competitionand the interests of consumers.

Haier Biomedical is ?rmly committed to preventing any form of con?ict of interest and maintaining a fair, just, and transparentoperating environment. At the end of each year, we request that all employees declare their con?icts of interest and ?ll outthe Con?ict of Interest Declaration Form. This prevents situations that may lead to con?icts of interest and ensures that theCompany is not involved in events related to con?icts of interest, safeguarding its development and success.

We have developed theHaier Biomedical Data Security Classification Standardsto better manage information securityclassi?cation; we have also determined security levels for all data categories. At the same time, all company members mustsign theNon-Disclosure Agreementand theCon?dentiality Commitment,ensuring the implementation of information securitymeasures by every employee and guaranteeing compliance in collecting and handling information. In 2023, we conductedat least one monthly drill on information security and phishing e-mails. These initiatives help us enhance risk preventionawareness among employees and ensure information security compliance across the Company.We have universally implemented HUES, a terminal security software, and independently manage terminal security policies toensure the systematic maintenance of the Company's information security.

In 2023, our SAP system obtained the Level 3 certi?cation from the Classi?ed Protection of Information System Security and haspassed the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System Certi?cation. There were no signi?cant information securityincidents in the Company during the year.Measures against unfair competition

Mitigating con?icts of interest

In 2023

Unfair competition litigation cases




Virusidenti?cationand protection

Riskmonitoring andreinforcement





Risk management and control are crucial for HaierBiomedical. To this end, Haier Biomedical has formulatedinternal risk management systems, including theComprehensive Risk Management System OperationStandardsand theReporting and Disposal Standards forSignificant Operational Risk Events.We regularly optimizethe internal risk management and control system andactively identify and assess risks to ensure effective riskmanagement.Haier Biomedical consistently strengthens its risk managementprocesses. The Company has established a sound riskmanagement mechanism to identify and alert potentialrisks in the course of operations, taking into account the

company's business profile and operational models. Byestablishing a well-defined risk management framework,Haier Biomedical has clari?ed the roles and responsibilities ofthe Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, managementpersonnel, the internal control team, and the externalauditor in the risk prevention and control system, enablinge?ective risk control measures.To e?ectively allocate risk management responsibilities, wehave established three lines of defence for risk management.These apply to internal Company processes and are basedon best practices from our industry peers.

Risk management and control


Brand Department, LegalDepartment, and others

Audit Committee, internalauditors, external auditors

Implement the Company'srisk management policy andprocessesClarify risk management issuesConduct regular riskmanagement self-inspection

Provide risk managementtoolsSupervize and evaluate riskmanagement processesPublish the supervisionand evaluation audit report

Promote the establishment ofa risk management systemClarify the bottom-linemechanismProvide risk control andmitigation resourcesPromote comprehensive riskmanagement

We implement risk control at three levels: pre-event, duringthe event, and post-event. Baseline rules and regulationsshould be stipulated before the event. During the event,comprehensive risk management must be implemented.Post-event, it is crucial to roll out audit restoration proceduresto achieve a comprehensive risk control mechanism. A soundcontrol system ensures that the Company can effectivelyidentify, assess, monitor, and respond to various risks,thereby safeguarding its sound operations and sustainabledevelopment.In addition, we conducted specialized risk audits tospecifically target variations in the implementation ofbusiness processes. Furthermore, we have used ICTsICTs (information and communications technologies)to implement an early warning mechanism that can

detect similar problems arising in the future, facilitatingcomprehensive risk mitigation. In 2023, Haier Biomedicalconducted two comprehensive risk assessment exercizes.Following the Risk Universe Model, we hierarchicallyclassi?ed multiple identi?ed risks and completed the follow-up and resolution stages to address these risks.

Integrity: Co-creating a Life Foundation5657Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Collaboration for Developmentand Value GenerationHaier Biomedical adheres to an open and honest procurement model. Weadvocate for mutually bene?cial and evolutionary partnerships, striving to builda highly synergistic and flexible supply chain. We operate full-cycle suppliermanagement and information management systems and collaborate with oursuppliers to promote mutual value generation. We also focus on building asustainable supply chain, generating added value for the business world.

Supplier ManagementFull-cycle Management

The Company prioritizes a secure and stable supply chain.To this end, we have developed and adhered to ourSupplierEvaluation Strategy,which is regularly updated and adjusted inaccordance with the Company's development.During the reporting period, we optimized the full-cycleassessment criteria for suppliers. We strictly control thesupplier management system from start to finish andstrengthen suppliers auditing to mitigate all possible supplychain risks.When onboarding suppliers, the Company conducts atripartite evaluation involving procurement, quality, and R&Dto ensure that new suppliers fully comply with the Company'srequirements. During our collaboration, we require allsuppliers to sign and strictly comply with theSupplier Codeof Conduct,which encourages suppliers to control the quality

of their deliveries, reduce the environmental impact of theiroperations, and protect the legal rights of laborers. In termsof supplier assessment and evaluation, Haier Biomedicalcontinues to enhance the funnel and competition mechanismto select suppliers and partners that are best suited to theCompany's needs. Our ultimate goal is to build a base ofsuppliers whose delivery is timely, high-quality, and consistent.Furthermore, we use our IT system to assess our suppliersregarding on-site inspections, quality performance, and systemcapabilities. The evaluation results serve as the basis forclassi?cation and control measures. When underperformanceis detected, we alert partners of their performance issues,conduct high-level interviews, and require them to optimizetheir processes. During the reporting period, we assessed503 suppliers, communicated with suppliers as necessary,and promote quality improvement through hierarchical andtargeted measures.Supplier sourcingIntegrate into newindustries in advanceUnderstand market


Supplier accessImprove the suppliermanagement system

Supplier pricingEstablish a pricingmodelPromote pricingstandardisation

Identifying newsupplier productsImprove theidenti?cation systemfor new parts

Order delivery

by suppliersGradually buildtrust with suppliersSupplier audit andevaluation

Implement dynamicpartitioning by following thesupplier evaluation strategy

Supplier managementand improvement

Quantify supplierperformance by using the

supplier management


Procurement platform development

Procurement Platform Model

Over the past year, we have continued to build and optimize our procurement platform to form a ?tting supply chain managementsystem for Haier Biomedical. We ensure comprehensive and professional management in supplier onboarding, full-cyclemanagement, procurement program development and execution, as well as procurement models and processes. This approachstrengthens our supply chain management capabilities and helps us improve supplier quality and cooperation e?ciency.We have also been working on digitizing our procurement platform. The procurement system is updated iteratively. Along the way,we have standardized the procurement process and strengthened supplier relationship management by optimizing visualisation andmaking the sample pricing process available online. We have set up a speci?c module between Haier Group and Haier Biomedical tocompare material prices, helping reduce procurement costs. In addition, we label suppliers, allowing the Company to tap into high-quality suppliers in di?erent regions, thereby ensuring the stability of material quality.

In 2023, the Company introduced 103 suppliers and let go of 19 suppliers.

Specialized industry suppliers

Vendor access authorization

Di?erentiated and tailoredprocurement solutions

New industry procurementmodel and process



A professional,lean, distinctiveand innovativeprocurementplatform





Integrity: Co-creating a Life Foundation5859Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Responsible Supply Chain

The Company prioritizes working with suppliers who deliver consistent quality and actively pursue social and environmentalresponsibility. We seamlessly incorporate these dimensions into the supply chain management process to assist suppliers inestablishing a transparent industrial chain ecosystem.We enhance the quality of our supply chain through stringent qualityrequirements and close supplier communication. Additionally, we promote transparent procurement by signingIntegrityAgreementswith suppliers; we ensure green procurement by integrating environmental requirements into the supplierselection and assessment process.

To implement efficient quality control measures, HaierBiomedical audits raw materials, production equipment,and supplier processes when introducing suppliers. Thishelps us ensure the authenticity of raw materials comingfrom each factory. Suppliers must also sign qualityagreements to guarantee the quality of their products.

In 2023, Haier Biomedical audited 37 suppliers, with aprimary focus on enhancing lead times and resolving qualityissues. After the audits, Haier Biomedical provided thenecessary enhancement coaching to suppliers and clari?edthe quality delivery requirements to ensure conformity andconsistency of the supplied products.

Haier Biomedical requires suppliers to uphold labor rightsand to employ workers legally. We have included clausesprohibiting child labor, forced labor, and discrimination inour procurement contracts. We also advocate that suppliersprovide their employees with reasonable working hours,wages, and benefits to ensure that their legitimate rightsand interests are safeguarded. During on-site audits, weassess whether suppliers have the provisions in placeto safeguard their employees' human and labor rights,encompassing employment systems, worker safety, andoccupational health. Such audits help ensure supplierresponsibilities toward their employees and reduce the risksof working with suppliers.At the same time, we emphasize the health and safety rightsof all supplier personnel who enter the Company's operations.Such personnel must have regular safety training andeducation, and they must pass a test before working onsite.By doing so, we protect the safety of our sta? and reduce thehealth and safety risks for our partners.

Supplier quality audit

Suppliers labor rights

Onsite Safety Education

Haier Biomedical actively builds a responsible supply chainand consistently enhances our con?ict minerals management.To this end, we have formulated a management systemand process whereby the Procurement Department, theProduct Research and Development Department, and otherdepartments work together to supervise and managematters related to conflict minerals. They continuouslysupervise and control the risk of conflict minerals in thesupply chain. At the same time, we collaborate with the

supply chain upstream and downstream to audit oursuppliers. We regularly investigate how our suppliersmanage conflict minerals to ensure that supplier factorieshave policies or written procedures to avoid using andprocuring disputed mining metal products. We continueto enhance supply chain transparency to ensure thatminerals sourced do not come from con?ict zones, creatinga responsible supply chain.

Con?ict minerals management

The Company adheres to the national laws and regulationsand the regulations of the place of operation. While focusingon our own compliance, we also collaborate with ourpartners to build an ecosystem of integrity. We require allsuppliers to sign a Supplier Integrity Agreement, whichstipulates that suppliers must abide by the code of businessethics and prohibit corruption, fraud, and other violations ofbusiness ethics.

Green procurement allows enterprises to reduce resourceconsumption and production costs while improving productquality and market competitiveness. As such, we requirethe procurement department to include environmentalqualifications in the supplier admission principles whenconducting supplier screening.During supplier onboarding, suppliers must providecertificates and qualification documents related to

environmental protection, such as ISO 14001, ROHScompliance, REACH certi?ed quali?cation documents, andso on. They must also sign an Environmental ProtectionCommitment Letter. For initial collaboration with suppliers,we inspect the sources of their materials to verify theenvironmental impact of their products. In 2023, weconducted environmental audits on 37 key suppliers, all ofwhom met the quali?cation criteria.

Honest procurement

Green procurement

As of the end of the reporting periodOur suppliers had signed integrity agreements


Haier Biomedical joins Sustainable Markets Initiative China CouncilHealth System Working GroupOn 6 November, during the 6th China International ImportExpo, Haier Biomedical was invited to join the SustainableMarkets Initiative China Council Health System WorkingGroup. The working group focuses on decarbonising thesupply chain; it also accelerates green transformation andsupply chain upgrades by promoting and applying greenand low-carbon solutions for the pharmaceutical industrythrough cooperation and joint actions. By joining this openand shared platform, Haier Biomedical will help acceleratethe net-zero transformation of China's healthcare systemwith its own environmentally friendly practices. We will alsobring China's expertise and solutions to promote globalgreen, healthy, and sustainable development.

Integrity: Co-creating a Life Foundation6061Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Service Upgrades, Customer First

Haier Biomedical emphasizes user experience, prioritizes customer centricityand strives to improve customer satisfaction. We are committed to creating anintegral, seamless user experience supported by big data. While focusing onproviding quality services to our customers, we also comply with marketingnorms to safeguard their rights and interests.

Optimizing User Experience

Upgraded ecological scenario service system

Haier Biomedical services focus on convenience, aiming to create the best user experience throughout the process. In 2023,guided by our service philosophy and objectives, we optimized and upgraded our customer service system. The new systemprovides full-scenario and full-process services, enabling ease of use and increasing customer satisfaction.

Hair Biomedical Service System

Ecological Scenario Service

Pharmaceutical GMP Validation

and Consultancy ServiceEquipment Requirements:

●Sample Storage


●Cell Preparation & Culture●Reagent Consumables●……

Develop pilot production scenarios

Partially manage

pharmaceutical equipment

Manage entirepharmaceutical processesMarketing


User tra?cattraction

Market CentreFunnel with nodrop-o?s

Solution Centre

Optimized value-added packages

Technology CentreProfessional resourceintegration

Delivery CentreMulti-partyecological co-creation

Premium service mechanism

Ongoing improvement across service capabilities

Haier Biomedical adheres to theLaw of the People's Republicof China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interestsand other relevant lawsand regulations in its operationalregions. Over the reporting period, we have formulated andupdated our internal service management systems, such astheAfter-sales Service Management System,theAfter-salesDefective Product Return Management System,theAfter-salesTraining Management Provisions,and theUser SatisfactionReturn Management Provisions.These systems allow us tocontinuously enhance our service processes.Our service processes cover the whole cycle of operationsand scenarios. We have established a comprehensive andsystematic service process for installation, inspection, defectiveproduct return and replacement, phone consultations, andother scenarios. We have planned a robust after-sales servicenetwork, tracked the progress of service information, andconducted business training for outlets. Thereby, we ensure

that our service personnel adhere to the highest servicestandards and improve work efficiency. Our ultimate aim isto achieve "0 complaints". During the reporting period, wehandled 40 customer complaints, all of which were handledwithin 24 hours, with a 100% completion rate and a domesticcustomer satisfaction rate of 99.94%.

Haier Biomedical Digital Service Transformation Path

Digital Service Operation and Maintenance PlatformWe have built and regularly optimized a digital platform to provide users with e?cient technical support, increasing productand service experience. Internally, focus on actively listening to customer feedback. We proactively drive comprehensiveupgrades across the entire process, ensuring that we consistently deliver on our promizes. Externally, we insist on speedyresponses and solving customer problems the ?rst time. We visualize the whole service process on the digital platform.Internal: comprehensive upgrades ofthe whole service process experience

External: rapid response and

resolution of user issues

Customer Feedback

Issues handled in one dayShift in mindset:

Design OptimisationTechnology enhancement:

Competitor ComparisonBetter on-timeperformance:

AccountabilityProcess simplification:

Decentralisation of AuthorityZero Complaints:

Comprehensive Implementation

Response inseconds

Just once

Visualisationof the entireprocessHighlyresponsiveHighlyintelligentHighly e?ective

Digital platformsSpecializedpersonnelStandardizedprocess

Popular productsValuable ProgramsSticky users

Domestic customer satisfaction rate



Scenario Platform:


HaiLab LaboratoryManagement System

Hazardous Chemicals SafetyManagement PlatformFull Process Animal FacilityManagement Solution……

Integrity: Co-creating a Life Foundation6263Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Service guards training

In 2023, Haier Biomedical conducted a series of trainings for customer service personnel to improve service standards andcustomer satisfaction. We set up clear, scenario-oriented training objectives for di?erent series of trainings. These emphasizepractice and feedback to strengthen the professional skills of Haier Biomedical Service Guards.

Service skills training

New product pre-launch trainingInteractive learning with other companies Periodic inspection

Free service assistance for users a?ected by natural disasters Domestic training

Building scenario service models

Premium service model

This year, we upgraded the entire service model, revolutionizing the conventional approach by proactively identifying customerneeds and providing users with a complete set of exclusive solutions. This has led to true co-creation with users. From citynetworks to social services, we accurately identify customer and market demands, rapidly develop tailored solutions, andachieve full process closure with our mission-driven service.

We o?er our clients a premium 1-on-1 butler service, i.e., a personalized customer service representative), and a full-processservice system encompassing programs, markets, and services with AI risk warning capabilities. Injecting AI has allowed us totransform from reactive to proactive customer service to create an integral, seamless user experience. Our customer servicebutlers provide support and respond within seconds, earning a positive reputation across multiple channels. The premiumservice model uses the data platform AI to facilitate the butler's work. It proactively o?ers users a complete set of solutions; italso continuously iterates and upgrades its services to better serve users.

User experience optimisation

On September 4, 2023, a user from Henan AgriculturalUniversity reported an ultra-low temperaturerefrigerator door failure. The temperature continuedto rise, and there were cells and other materialsthat needed to be dealt with urgently. The outletmanager quickly sent after-sales personnel to handlethe issue. It took just two hours to solve the problem,protecting hazardous materials on the user's sideand winning an excellent reputation for our sta?.

Premium service: Haier Biomedical after-sales sta? supportsuniversity users, receives positive feedback

Ensure normal equipment operations by assisting in production follow-up at the user's site.Ensure quick response, timely visits, improved service satisfaction, and proactive inspections to ensureuser stickiness.Provide on-site services with real-time response to user needs.Engage with users to improve, satisfy, and iterate customer services and keep the product ahead of thecurve.Premium Service Butler Service Model

Integrity: Co-creating a Life Foundation6465Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Overseas customer support

To promptly respond to the needs of overseas customers, we launched a digital service system on our overseas website.Previously, overseas customers could only e-mail us to provide feedback and receive support. Now, overseas customers candirectly contact our overseas after-sales service operation centre through the after-sales service system. This has resulted inmore convenient and faster user feedback and customer service.


Overseas after-sales service



Overseas after-

sales serviceoperation



Contact local


Contact theuser for issueresolution

Overseas After-sales Process

Users have changing needs and may face unexpected situations at any time of the day. In response, Haier Biomedical o?ers1-on-1 ?eld services, providing professional and personalized response in real time. The 1-on-1 ?eld service enhances HaierBiomedical's corporate image, strengthens user loyalty, improves user satisfaction and repurchase rate, and attracts morecustomers to use Haier Biomedical's products and services.

The Company has established training centres in the Middle East, Africa, and other regions with limited access tomedical services to provide support for distributors, technicians, and customer service personnel.

To ensure the adequate transportation, storage, and use of vaccines in some parts of Africa, we have launcheda complete cold chain solution from production and transportation to storage temperature monitoring andvaccination.For customers with limited access to electricity, we have developed special voltage regulators, ensuring productfunctioning and simplifying the process for customers.

In addition to the new system, we have addressed the practical difficulties in using our products in developing regions. Weassist our customers by solving after-sales problems through customized solutions and capacity building.Capacity building

Tailored solutions

When promoting our products and services, we pledge toalways follow the principles of fairness, transparency, andintegrity. While pursuing commercial interests, we adhereto our social responsibilities and practice compliant andresponsible marketing. We strictly comply with theLaw of thePeople's Republic of China on the Protection of ConsumerRights and Interests,theProvisions on the Administration ofInstructionsandLabels of Medical Devices (Decree No.6 ofChina Food and Drug Administration),and other laws andregulations that regulate product instructions and labelling.Prior to product launch, Haier Biomedical's planning, R&D,and other teams collaborate to enasure that the product'shighlights and marketing content are legally compliant. Wecontinue to standardize how we manage product labellingand provide clear boundaries in marketing, preventing non-compliance from the outset.We have also established a self-inspection system for random documentation of externalmarkings on equipment, ensuring that all new productsare marketed with external product markings and service

information that fully comply with regulatory requirements.After launching our products, our dedicated brand marketingteam also monitors customer comments and feedback onour o?cial website and other platforms, monitors marketingcompliance, and quickly addresses related risks.

Responsible marketing practices

In 2023, Haier Biomedical acquired several prestigious certifications, including the CTEAS After-sales Service System 7-starCertification, National Standard 5-star After-sales Service Enterprize, National Customer Satisfaction Assessment TOP 10,National Customer Satisfaction Assessment Industry TOP 10, and National After-sales Service TOP 10.

Haier Biomedical After-sales Authentication Certi?cates


Future: Co-creating Limitless Opportunities 6667Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Future: Co-creatingLimitless Opportunities

Haier Biomedical employees are the cornerstone of our steady development. Assuch, we prioritise our staff's health and well-being. We have designed a systemat-ic human resources development plan that responds to the unique needs of HaierBiomedical. The plan guides our employees' growth, allowing us to share ourachievements with them and collaborate to realise life's values. We spare no effortto deliver value and improve public health with our business endowments andstrengths.

Newly recruited employees

90,479.2hoursof employee training delivered


Coverage of employee training

%Coverage of social insuranceand physical examinationsfor employees



millionWorth of donations in total


countries and regions have beni?tedthrough our solutions and medicalequipments.

Key Indicators


hoursof training delivered peremployee

Future: Co-creating Limitless Opportunities 6869Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Haier Biomedical strictly abides by national laws andregulations such as theLabor Law of the People's Republic ofChinaand theLabor Contract Law of the People's Republic ofChina.We use a range of public recruitment channels to attracttalent in response to the Company's evolving human resourcesneeds. We have formulated theHaier Biomedical Recruitmentand Employment Policy,standardizing the procedures andsetting clear criterias for recruiting and hiring new employees,which ensures fair, just, and open recruitment.Haier Biomedical places great importance on compliance andlegality in the employee recruitment process. We strictly reviewand verify candidates' age and identity information duringrecruitment, and firmly prohibit child labor. Additionally, we

actively promote the localization of employment mechanismsfor domestic and international staff, responding to localtalent development strategies and helping to address localemployment challenges.We regularly enhance our approaches to attracting top talentand supporting sustainable business development by ?ndingthe right people. As part of this process, we create more high-quality job opportunities for the industry and society. We alsocreate business value by encouraging employees to pursueprofessional challenges and embrace change. In 2023, HaierBiomedical hired 573 new employees; at the same time, 38.3%of internal employees ?lled internal vacancies.

Employment ComplianceRecruitment

Haier Biomedical's Approach to Attracting Talent

Unlocking the Integral Value betweenSta? and Customers ("Rendanheyi")Haier Biomedical integrates the core concept of user-centricity into the Company'stalent management and development strategies. We encourage employees toachieve their self-value, create value for users, and systematically develop theirtalent. We start by finding the right people, helping them succeed, and finallysupporting them to achieve their full potential. We are committed to providingevery employee with an equal, inclusive, healthy, and happy workplace. We arecontinually improving our strategies to attract and retain talent and send warmthand care to employees through our actions.

Finding the right people

Identify the required pro?leOpen to create internal and

external candidates

Improve new employeeonboardingIdentify the skills and expertiserequired based on theposition's needs, values, andresponsibilities

Prioritise internal applicants,encouraging employees tochallenge themselves andcreate new value

Help every new employee feellike a valued part of the team andtackle mistakes, enabling smoothonboarding and swift valuecreation

Haier Biomedical upholds the values of non-discrimination,diversity, and equal opportunity. We understand and respectthe diverse backgrounds of our employees and candidates.We oppose mistreatment and discriminatory behaviours onthe grounds of gender, age, ethnicity, place of origin, maritalstatus, and religious beliefs, and prohibit any forms of forcedlabor. Our policies aim to ensure everyone receives equal payfor equal work and effectively guarantee equal workplacerights.

Furthermore, we have a zero-tolerance policy for anyaggression, harassment, or retaliation, and we promptlyprovide employees with appropriate legal support andassistance when necessary. For overseas employees, we strictlyfollow the local laws and regulations to ensure complianceand legal human resources management, protecting the rightsand interests of overseas workers. At the same time, we ensurethe rights and bene?ts of our employees to be entitled to sickleave, personal leave, marriage leave, parental leave (maternityand paternity leave), and other kinds of statutory holidays.

Labor rights

Non-discriminationagainst groups:

Race, skin colour,gender, religion, origin,and social classNon-discriminationagainstindividuals:

Age,immigration status,gender, sexualorientation, geneticpredisposition, andlifestyle


Individual diversity:

Gender, age, education background, marital status, religion,ethnicity, and nationalityProfessional diversity:

Competency, work experience, potential, and business value


Equal rights andinterests:

Genderequality in fundamentalrights and interests,health, and laborprotectionEqual promotion:

Di?erent promotionchannels for di?erentprofessionals to ensureequitable careerdevelopment

Equal Opportunities

Haier Biomedical HR Management Philosophy

Future: Co-creating Limitless Opportunities 7071Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Under the guidance of our human resource managementconcepts and relevant internal policies, we strictly implementhuman rights protection for employees and regularly monitorbehaviours that may harm their rights and interests. We havemultiple reporting channels for employees to receive reports ofhuman rights violations, including harassment, discrimination,forced overtime, etc. We will respond promptly, conductinvestigations, and spare no effort to solve these challenges,helping to create a harmonious, regulated, and fair workplaceenvironment.Haier Biomedical believes in "no overtime if not necessary",

encouraging employees to work more efficiently andreasonably allocate time to enjoy job satisfaction andhappiness. We regularly count our employees' overtime perinternal regulations and, upon verification, provide themwith the corresponding overtime pay following local laws andregulations.As of the end of the reporting period, Haier Biomedical had2,636 employees. We believe a diverse talent team is essentialfor the company to achieve its strategic development goals.The employee composition of Haier Biomedical is as follows.



Number of Employees by Gender




Number of Employees by Age Group

Under 30 30-50Over 50




Number of Employees by Geographical Region

ChinaOther Countries and Regions

Number of Employees by Function




While pursuing our sound development, Haier Biomedical always encourages employee growth and value realisation. Wecomprehensively improve our talent training system and development programme and have clear professional growthpathways. These actions allow our employees to upskill and grow professionally, helping them achieve their career goals.

Talent development

Haier Biomedical has developed a multi-dimensional training system for employees of different functions and levels. Thesystem focuses on leadership, professional competence, and general skills. We regularly organise training sessions, whichinclude onboarding, pre-service, on-the-job, and rotation.Employee Training

Management (M)pathway

Professional (P)pathway

Form of empowermentReading and sharingProfessional lecturesIndustry communicationOpen courses on generalskillsCultural integration

System supportInternal lecturer systemInternal course systemMentor tutoring systemAssessment andevaluation systemLearning incentivesystemHaier Biomedical Talent Development Model



Support employees with knowledge and skills through online and offline courses, combiningknowledge with practice.O?er dual mentorship, deepen knowledge and practical skills, strengthen social learning, and helptalented professionals quickly become leaders in decision-making, operations, and management.Professionalcompetencetraining

Offer employees specialised training and advancement programmes in different fields, refine theirprofessional skills, and bring out their potential.

General skills


Establish a general skills training system to help all employees quickly adapt to the work environment,improve their e?ciency, and foster employee development.O?er well-rounded skills-building courses covering a range of subjects, including communication,logical thinking, problem solving, and work e?ciency.Three Central Competencies Training System

Developing peopleMentor-led growthOn-the-job trainingRotationBusiness scenariotrainingProfessional lecturesMentor-led projectexperience

Future: Co-creating Limitless Opportunities 7273Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

During the reporting period, we implemented several specialised training programmes for campus makers

, the managementteam, and other makers. These programmes help makers integrate into the work environment and improve their professionaland management skills.

Face-to-face exchange with senior executives

Future Partner Orientation

Future Partner icebreaker team-building

Future Partner onboardingThe Haier Biomedical Future Partner Cultivation Programme is a specialised advancement programme for outstanding freshgraduates whom the Company has newly hired. In 2023, we hosted various activities, such as orientation and face-to-face withsenior executives, to help campus makers develop a profound understanding of our corporate culture. The aim is to explore andinspire their innovation and entrepreneurship potential, helping campus makers transition from students to employees andaccelerating their integration into Haier Biomedical's corporate culture.

Haier Biomedical encourages employee entrepreneurship and innovation, so employees can realise themselves professionally. We call these employees "Makers".

Project management training and support plan

In 2023, we strengthened the cultivation of project management talent and helped employees re?ne their project managementskills. We encourage and support our employees in obtaining project management certificates at the company level andreimburse them for the examination fees following relevant regulations. This fosters more data-driven and justified projectmanagement standards and processes. This year, over 60 Haier Biomedical employees participated in project managementtraining launched by the Company, and 65 received PMP certi?cates.

Future Partner Programme

Project management (PMP) training and support plan



Training andlearning




During the reporting period, Haier Biomedical employees spent 90,479.2 hours on training. The average employee learnt for

34.32 hours and 100% of our sta? participated in a training of some kind. The ?gure below breaks down these numbers further.

Promotion pathwaysHaier Biomedical cares about employee growth anddevelopment, which is why we provide fair promotionopportunities and clear professional growth paths,establishing a mature platform for career development.We have formulated internal policies, such as theHaierBiomedical Maker Development Policy,which promoteindividual value generation, improve makers' pathways,

empower makers' growth, and diversify their development.In 2023, we updated various certification standards andprocesses for makers, providing makers with a dual-pathway system. This allows them to develop vertically in asingle pathway or to switch horizontally between di?erentpathways.

Haier Biomedical Promotion Pathways


28%Percentage of Trained Employees by Gender


Average Training Hours by Gender




Management Professionals

Professional Sta?

Chief ExpertChief EngineerVeteran EngineerSenior EngineerIntermediate EngineerJunior EngineerAssistant EngineerProfessional (P) Pathway

Horizontal development

General ManagerDeputy General ManagerSenior ManagerDepartment HeadManagement (M) Pathway

Future: Co-creating Limitless Opportunities 7475Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Remuneration incentivesHaier Biomedical is committed to o?ering employees competitive remuneration and bene?ts within the industry. We regularlyoptimise our remuneration incentive mechanisms according to development and employee needs, improving their satisfaction.We o?er two incentive mechanisms: the company-wide maker training system and the stock options incentive plan. Throughthese, the Company incorporates the culture and concept of "Rendanheyi", which helps us evaluate and assess employeeperformance, achieving highly e?cient remuneration and performance management.

Under the "Rendanheyi" model, Haier Biomedical activelypromotes the "maker mechanism" for all employees. HaierBiomedical enables every employee to maximize theirpersonal value by creating user value following the idea ofhigh-value creation and high rewards. This allows employeesto gain what they have earned while mobilising the team'senthusiasm for entrepreneurship and innovation. The totalexpenses related to employees (including salaries andbene?ts) in 2023 were RMB 568.675 million.

Performance evaluation + holistic assessment

Evaluation of performance, capabilities, and values

Establish a system for outstanding

makers to emerge in each track,

setting up a model for makers

What makers gain depends on the value theycreate for users, following the principle thatthe higher the value, the higher the return

Following "Rendanheyi", we implement speci?c and customized performance evaluation and remuneration incentive methodsfor managers and frontline employees. This helps us build a sound emotional and material incentive system. We encourage thewhole team to realize their own career value through the positive cycle of value creation, evaluation, and distribution, achievingmutual bene?ts for the organisation and employees.

Value assessment based on talent classi?cation

Helping people succeed



Emotional incentives

Material incentives

Full implementation

of the "makermechanism"

To establish a sound long-term incentivemechanism and attract and retain outstandingtalent, Haier Biomedical has formulated a stockoptions incentive plan based on equal incomefor equal contribution. The plan adheres torelevant laws, regulations, and regulatorydocuments to fully protect shareholders'interests.

Stock optionsincentive plan

Value allocation based on value evaluation

Haier Biomedical sees employee satisfaction and happiness as critical considerations for employee management and strives tocreate a work environment ?lled with a sense of belonging, warmth, and comfort.Caring for Employees

We strictly abide by national laws and regulations on employeeremuneration and social welfare and pay the total amount ofpension, unemployment, work injury, medical and maternityinsurance and housing provident fund for all employeesfollowing the law. On top of this, we provide employees

with diversified benefits, including supplementary medicalinsurance, enterprise annuity, paid holidays, meal stipend,physical examination, and so on. In 2023, Haier Biomedicalprovided all employees with social insurance and physicalexamination coverage.

Employee bene?ts

We host activities that help improve employees' quality of life, putting our care and love into practice with actions. We do everythingwe can to assist our employees and promote the healthy development of our employees and the company.

Haier Biomedical helps employees in need through the "Hi Lekang" Charity Fund. The Company provides funding based on previousyears' revenues and voluntary donations from some employees.The "Hi Lekang" Charity Fund is available for Haier Biomedical employees and their unemployed immediate relatives, parents,spouses and children.

"Hi Lekang" Charity Assistance

Besides statutory holidays, the Companyprovides annual leave, leave for parent-teacher meetings, employee children'sentrance exams for senior high school anduniversity, parental leave, parent-care leave,etc. The Company also provides three daysof maker's leave and two days of springbreak for fresh graduates.

Paid leave

We o?er myriad bene?ts such as allowancesfor high temperatures in the summer, heatingin the winter, clothing, and childcare. We alsoprovide a business anniversary bonus andcorresponding holiday bene?ts.

Diverse bene?ts

In addition to five major social insuranceprogrammes (endowment, medical, unem-ployment, work injury, and maternity insur-ance) and the housing provident fund, theCompany o?ers enterprise annuity to boostemployees' income after retirement. TheCompany also provides employees withmore comprehensive medical and accidentprotection insurance schemes by purchas-ing supplementary commercial insurance.

Six insurances and two funds

We provide employees with nutritious andsafe meals and meal stipends. We also hostoccasional food festivals to enrich the sta?'s diet.Meal stipend

The Company provides free annual physicalexaminations.Physical examination

Future: Co-creating Limitless Opportunities 7677Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

On 8 June 2023, the Haier Biomedical Labor Union organized the"Sending Coolness on Summer Days" event. They gave cool drinksto factory workers to protect them from the summer heat andimprove their productivity and working conditions.

In 2023, Haier Biomedical upgraded its cafeteria and opened a window foremployees to select their meals in addition to the existing food and snackselection. There is also a new window for meals using non-iodised salt,making it convenient for employees with di?erent dietary requirements tochoose what food they want and o?ering employees more dining choices.

Employee jump rope competition

Non-iodized salt window in the cafeteria

Fruits fun relay contest

Open communicationWe actively expand communication channels for employees and carefully listen to their feedback and opinions. We use regularcommunication mechanisms combined with multiple channels, including email, anonymous letters, WeChat groups, andinformal talks. Using these, we strive to practice open management and build harmonious employment relationships.Haier Biomedical has open bi-annual discussions among divisions, promoting open management that seeks truth from facts.We promote exchange and communication among employees and between employees and the Company. In addition, wehave launched "cultural discussions" for all employees, creating an inclusive, open, and sincere communication space, whichenables employees to ask anything related to work and the work environment. The Company promptly provides feedback tothe most popular questions, aiming to create open engagement across the Company.We also conduct employee dedication and satisfaction surveys, which help us identify management issues and improveemployee engagement, satisfaction, and happiness. We use the survey results to spearhead improvement initiatives.

Sending Coolness on Summer Days

The cafeteria has opened a window for employees to select their own meals and anotherone for meals using non-iodised salt, o?ering employees more dining choices

Employee Satisfaction and Engagement Survey in 2023

Our safety philosophy is centred on people and safety ?rst. Haier Biomedical always places employee health at the core of ourproductions and operations. We have developed a sound safety management system, an e?cient and data-driven accidentprevention and drill mechanism, and strong safety management measures. Through these, we continue to improve theCompany's safety management and build strong safety protection systems.

Occupational Health and Safety

In addition to abiding by theWork Safety Law of the People'sRepublic of Chinaand other laws and regulations, HaierBiomedical has built the "139 safety management system",strictly regulating hazard identi?cation, safety inspection, andsafety control in the production process.We have diligently implemented safety management with zeroaccidents as our core objective, focusing on three key factors:

zero negligence, zero hazards, and zero violations. We employnine safeguarding measures, including "full participation,full coverage, and whole process", "prevention, in-processcontrol, and post-incident comprehensive management", and"prevention, timely identification, and swift, comprehensivemanagement". During the reporting period, Haier Biomedicalhad no major safety accidents and lost no working days due towork injuries.Our motto is: "Safety first, lives first". We regularly hostsafety-themed events, including the production and firesafety months. These events help raise safety awarenessamong our employees through activities like themedcompetitions and safety skills contests. We have alsoformulated contingency plans to respond to possibleemergencies, such as production processes vulnerable tosafety hazards or fire risks, hazardous chemical leakage,and extreme weather. These plans ensure e?ective responseto safety accidents, enhancing our employees' abilities todeal with unexpected situations and preventing injuries. In2023, Haier Biomedical conducted 52 emergency drills andtraining sessions with the participation of 1,560 employees.

Safety management system

Safety management in practice

Training sessions with theparticipation of1,560employees

(out of 5)




Dedication score

Safety ?rst?Lives ?rst























comprehensivemanagementZero negligence

























The Company has also formulated theRequirements forRegistration and Operation of On-site Receipt of ChemicalsandSafety Requirements for Chemical Storage ,whichhelp us standardize the use of chemicals and ensure safetyduring their use and disposal.

emergency drills

Haier Biomedical conducted








Future: Co-creating Limitless Opportunities 7879Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

In June 2023, Haier Biomedical launched several competitionsin response to the government's requirements on worksafety and to create a safe, healthy, and stable environmentfor the Company. These included the Safety Culture, SafetyWhistleblowers, and Safety Contest during National SafetyMonth. This campaign effectively raised the whole team'ssafety awareness, helping employees to know, understand,and practice safe behaviours.

On 1 November 2023, Haier Biomedical organized a FireSafety Month kick-o? meeting themed "Prevention First, LivesFirst". We trained staff on four key knowledge points andskills in firefighting, including the use of fire extinguishers,emergency ?rst aid training, and ?re warning education. Afterthe kick-off meeting, Haier Biomedical organised severalactivities to identify and remediate safety hazards. It ran drills,such as cleaning up safety blind spots, special skills training,fire safety evacuation drills, a firefighting skills contest, etc.These actions have comprehensively improved awarenessand skills among employees.

Haier Biomedical launched a Safe Production Monthcampaign themed "Safety for all, emergency response by all"

Haier Biomedical launched a Fire Safety Month campaign

While ensuring safe production, we actively promote theidenti?cation of occupational disease hazards, educate andmobilise all employees to participate in the prevention andtreatment of occupational diseases, and equip relevantemployees with labor protection equipment and emergencysupplies following regulations to reduce existing or potentialoccupational hazards. We test toxic and hazardous workenvironments at production sites annually to ensure legalcompliance with occupational risks. Every three years, weevaluate possible occupational disease hazards and identifyareas for improvement.Pre-employment, in-service, and end-of-employmentphysical examinations are conducted for employees inpositions with occupational hazards. Speci?cally, in-servicephysical examinations are performed twice. The Companycreates an individual occupational health record for eachemployee in a position with occupational hazards andmakes prevention and control plans according to the results.The company arranges for designated people to accompanyvisitors and explain the site's safety precautions in detail.We provide and request that they wear labor protectionequipment if necessary to prevent occupational injuries.We host regular occupational health and safety trainingfor relevant personnel to build awareness of occupationalhealth and safety management. All employees must obtaincertificates after receiving recurrent safety education andtraining every year, urging them to keep vigilant aboutoccupational health hazards and enhance health protection.

Occupational health

As of the end of the reporting period, Haier Biomedical hasobtained the ISO 45001 certification for the occupationalhealth and safety management system.

In April 2023, Haier Biomedical trained safety managers and employeesexposed to occupational hazards per regulatory requirements. The trainingtook place during the educational week for the National Law for the Preventionand Control of Occupational Diseases. The training covered key points suchas relevant laws and regulations about occupational health, safety, generalhealth, environmental protection, and fire facilities, the use of protectiveequipment and labor protection equipment, emergency response measures incase of accidents, as well as general knowledge in healthcare, self-help, mutualhelp, and the prevention of occupational diseases. The training helped raiseawareness and provide managers and relevant employees with practical skills.

Haier Biomedical organised a training session about the Law forthe Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases

Future: Co-creating Limitless Opportunities 8081Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Universal Healthcare PromotionHaier Biomedical collaborates with global partners, including governmentinstitutions, NGOs and universities, to fulfil its responsibilities as a corporatecitizen, promote universal healthcare, and actively build a healthy internationalcommunity. We work closely with public welfare organisations across thecountry globally and contribute to community building with cash and productdonations. In 2023, we donated RMB 8.2828 million of cash and items.

Rooted in the healthcare industry, Haier Biomedical draws on our advanced technologies and rich experience to developintelligent and digital scenario solutions. We cooperate with multiple organisations to promote universal healthcare,contributing to global health with Chinese solutions.Access to Health Care

Ful?l the responsibilities as

a corporate citizen basedon our core strengths

Respond to stakeholders'requirements to build a communityof common health for mankind

Haier Biomedical Universal Healthcare System

Our Principles of Public Welfare

Raising health literacy: Educate people on medicalexpertise and advocate health concepts for free toraise public medical awareness.Skills-building for healthcareprofessionals: O?er free trainingfor healthcare professionalsin countries with developingeconomies.

Infrastructure upgrades:

Leverage professionalstrengths and expand productcoverage, such as upgrades tolocal immunisation facilities.

Help people with special needs:

Care for vulnerable and speci?cgroups, build and supportcommunity healthcare systems.

Reducing healthcare accesscosts: Develop fair pricingstrategies in China and abroad sopeople can easily and equitablyaccess healthcare resources.Public health development: Promote products inemerging markets and countries with developingeconomies and support local public healthcaresituation.

Democratising Medical Knowledge and Enhancing Public HealthAwareness - Haier Biomedical Shares Knowledge About Blood Donation

Upgrading the Global Healthcare Cold Chain with UNICEF - Haier Biomedical Hosted a TechnicalTraining on the Vaccine Cold Chain and Temperature Monitoring System

Democratising medical knowledge

Haier Biomedical actively disseminates medical knowledge, using digital media such as our official WeChat account andwebsite to interpret healthcare policies and share medical knowledge, improving access to medical expertise for the public. Wealso host activities at our training centre in Africa, educating local people on health concepts and professional knowledge.

Haier Biomedical regularly interprets the latest healthcarepolicies and shares medical knowledge on its officialWeChat account and website. This year, on World BloodDonation Day, we posted a scientific article on blooddonation on WeChat, explaining the precautions to be takenbefore, during, and after blood donation. We aimed to raisethe general public's awareness about the safe supply andtransfusion of blood and blood products.

World Blood Donor Day Article

Upgrading Healthcare Management Capacity with African Partners -Haier Biomedical Established West Africa Experience and Training CentreHaier Biomedical worked with Inter-Trade Ltd, its strategicpartner in Nigeria, to build a 200 m

Haier cold chainequipment experience centre. The centre hosted severaltrainings where local customers learned about medical andcold chain processes. The aim was to help professionals inNigeria and West Africa use and manage the vaccine coldchain, reduce vaccine damage caused by accidents, andenhance local immunisation levels.

Haier Biomedical West Africa Experience and Training Centre

Invited by UNICEF Tunisia, Haier Biomedical facilitatedtechnical training on the vaccine cold chain and temperaturemonitoring equipment for the Ministry of Public Health ofTunisia. Haier Biomedical conducted systematic training fortechnicians and end users, providing detailed explanationsabout product installation, use, maintenance, and repairs,ensuring vaccine safety.

Haier Biomedical Training Session at UNICEF Tunisia

Future: Co-creating Limitless Opportunities 8283Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Improving Immunisation in Africa - Haier Biomedical Adapts Productswith Solar-powered Vaccine Refrigerators

Upgrading medical facilitiesHaier Biomedical's diversified product matrix and medical innovation programmes are helping global partners and localcommunities upgrade their medical facilities. We have provided hundreds of types of equipment, such as mobile vaccinationvehicles, medical freezers, and vehicles for Two-Cancer (cervical cancer and breast cancer) screening and medical services.

Haier Biomedical's full-cycle AI+ digital intelligence vaccinationclinic opened in the community health service centre onYingbin Street, Karamay. It operates autonomously to restockand check the inventory of vaccines. The District HealthCommission of Karamay worked with Haier Biomedicalto build a local big data cloud platform for digital vaccinemanagement. This broke the limitations of equipment,departments, and regions, bringing people a safer and moree?cient vaccination experience. The clinic provides a new wayto intelligently upgrade and develop regional immunisationplanning. It achieves safe vaccines with no hazards, datainterconnection with no breaks, user experience with no gaps,and government supervision with no blind spots.

To reduce the negative impact of the harsh climate on vaccinesin Burkina Faso, Africa, Haier Biomedical provided solar-powered vaccine refrigerators and freezers to ?ll the gaps in thelocal cold chain, ensuring that children in Burkina Faso haveaccess to high-quality vaccinations. This reduces the spreadof diseases, protects children, and improves immunisation inBurkina Faso.

Vaccination in Karamay

Solar-powered vaccine refrigerator installed in Burkina Faso

Community health services

Well-being of medical industry

Haier Biomedical cares about vulnerable groups, particularly the practical needs of older adults, women, and children. Weendeavour to provide di?erent groups with thoughtful and secure solutions for those health needs that are not yet coveredand deliver more comprehensive healthcare services. During the reporting period, our medical community service initiativesprimarily promoted two-cancer screening for women.

Haier Biomedical leverages its strengths to address industry gaps and continues to expand its product coverage to provideinnovative medical and health solutions. Our solutions and medical equipments have been promoted in over 150 countries andregions worldwide. Our products and solutions have helped several countries and regions with developing economies upgradetheir healthcare systems, reducing the di?culties and costs associated with public access to vaccines and healthcare.

In 2023, the Haier Biomedical intelligent two-cancer screeningvehicle arrived and parked at the BAK battery plant inLonggang District, Shenzhen. The project was carried out withsupport from the Shenzhen Dapeng Maternal and Child CareHospital, providing women with free, " one-stop", door-to-doortwo-cancer screening. The BAK battery plant is in a suburbanarea with over 6,000 employees. Many female employeescannot get their screenings done due to inconveniences interms of time and location. Our service helped raise awarenessamong these women and increased the district's two-cancerscreening rate; it also offered the women a convenient andcomfortable screening environment to support their health.

Upgrading Community Health Services - Haier Biomedical O?ered Two-Cancer Screening forWomen Working at the BAK Battery Plant in Longgang District, Shenzhen

Peoplein under-developed


Vectorpreventaionand controlDiseasescreeningVaccination



Maternaland child
















Female two-cancer screening service


Haier Biomedical's Full-cycle AI+ Digital Intelligence VaccinationClinic Opened in Karamay


Future: Co-creating Limitless Opportunities 8485Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

In May 2023, Haier Biomedical helped Gabon's vaccinationservice and medical system by providing medical equipments,such as cold storage rooms, solar power-generated vaccinefreezers, and transportation freezers. We also delivered RTMDequipment with cold storage temperature control, remote real-time temperature monitoring, automatic record detection, andtimely reporting. Our equipments and solutions allow sta? toremotely monitor vaccine storage in real-time, resolve vaccineissues promptly, and protect vaccines from damage due tohigh temperatures. These safe vaccines protect Gabonesechildren and improve immunisation services in Gabon.

Cold Chain Equipments for Vaccines in Gabon

Haier Biomedical empowers various medical aid and life science scenarios through professional solutions while contributingto healthy living worldwide. During the reporting period, we received a letter of appreciation from Gavi (Global Alliance forVaccines and Immunisation) for our work in protecting children's vaccines and a letter of appreciation from the UN (the UnitedNations) for our signi?cant contributions to epidemic prevention and disaster relief.

Gavi Letter of AppreciationUN Letter of Appreciation

Enhancing Global and Regional Medical Technology - Haier Biomedical HelpedUpgrade the Vaccination System in Gabon.

In 2023, Haier Biomedical donated its latest solar-poweredblood refrigerator to the National Blood Centre of Nigeria.The aim was to help the centre improve its cold chain servicesand mitigate blood safety challenges and shortages. With oursolar-powered blood refrigerators, the National Blood Centreof Nigeria no longer needs to rely on the power grid. It canremotely monitor and centrally manage blood resources. Thismakes blood storage safer and more convenient, providing asolid guarantee for the safety of local blood usage and buildinga local blood cold chain.

2023 Haier Biomedical donated a vaccination vehicle toShihezi City, Xinjiang, through the China Foundation for YouthEntrepreneurship and Employment and the INCAIER CharityFund. Shihezi City, the 8th Division of Xinjiang Productionand Construction Corps, is located at the northern foothillsof Tianshan Mountain and the southern rim of the JunggarBasin, with a total area of 6,007 km

. The region's vastness,the landform's complexity, and the dispersed and unevenlydistributed population make it di?cult to vaccinate residentsin remote villages. Haier Biomedical's disease preventionand vaccination vehicle is a smart and convenient mobilevaccination service model that can provide residents withdoor-to-door vaccination services and upgrade the localimmunisation system.

Haier Biomedical lends a helping hand to neighbouring communities, gives back with love, and actively participates in varioussocial welfare activities. We promote charity and philanthropy within the company, donate items at home and abroad, and callon our employees to participate in charity work. We also invest in future healthcare talent, set up foundations and scholarships,and leverage our strengths to empower our partners. During the reporting period, we donated 14 vaccination vehicles to variousprovinces and municipalities, including Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Yunnan, and Guizhou.


Donating medical supplies

The Company actively assumes corporate responsibility, donating items to those in need at home and abroad. We introduceour products and solutions through donations at home and overseas to help upgrade local healthcare systems.

The National Blood Centre of Nigeria Receives a Solar-Powered Blood Refrigerator

The Shihezi Disease Prevention and Vaccination Vehicle unveiled

Improving Blood Safety Management in Africa - Haier Biomedical Donated aSolar-Powered Blood Refrigerator to Nigeria.

Channelling high-quality medical resources to the community - Haier Biomedicaldonated a disease prevention and vaccination vehicle to Shihezi City in Xinjiang

Future: Co-creating Limitless Opportunities 8687Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Encouraging charity work among employees

Funding future science talents

Haier Biomedical encourages employees to be kind and contribute to building a healthy China and a harmonious society throughgood deeds. In 2023, we actively responded to the government's call to encourage our employees to learn from Lei Feng.

Haier Biomedical has an eye on the future. It invests in thefuture, joining organisations including the China Foundationfor Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment and INCAIERto set up the "China Foundation for Youth Entrepreneurshipand Employment and INCAIER Charity Fund". The fundencourages entrepreneurship, innovation, and excellenceamong young people in medicine, life sciences, and publichealth. It cultivates young medical talent and channelsmedical resources to communities. The initiative promotescharity work related to public health and medical cooperation

and exchanges among countries and regions along the Beltand Road Initiative.We are committed to using the fund to build a robust innovationplatform, support research institutions, contribute to advancingglobal medicine, and make people healthier.

Employees passing on love and kindness - Haier Biomedical employeesparticipated in voluntary blood donation in the High-tech Zone in Qingdao

On 31 March 2023, Haier Biomedical invited employees toparticipate in the blood drive organised by Qingdao Hi-techZone. Several employees actively signed up and donatedblood. Employees contributed to society with their love andenthusiasm and pitched in to achieve health for all.

Employees participate in voluntary blood donation

The signing ceremony of the Young Talent in Life Sciences Programme

Cultivating Young Talent – Launch of the Young Talent in Life SciencesProgramme with China Agricultural University

Haier Biomedical used the "China Foundation for YouthEntrepreneurship and Employment and INCAIER CharityFund" to work with the China Agricultural University,launching the "Young Talent in Life Sciences Programme."The programme aims to progress in life sciences andbiotechnology through industry-university-researchcollaborative innovation and build a joint demonstrationproject for a world-class intelligent laboratory.

Empowering partners

Haier Biomedical closely cooperates with industry partners toempower industry advancements. During the reporting period,we offered over 40 hazardous chemical safety trainings andorganized over 30 emergency drills for universities, researchinstitutes, medical service organisations, and public healthorganisations. The participants included the Kunming Instituteof Botany of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, KunmingInstitute of Zoology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,

Shandong University, Ocean University of China, ChinaUniversity of Petroleum, Tongji University, Jinan University,Shihezi Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), theAffiliated Hospital of Qingdao University, and others. Theactivities helped these organisations improve their ability tomanage chemicals and respond to ?re threats, contributing tosustainable public health development.Transferring our experience - Haier Biomedical helps Shihezi CDC conduct emergencydrills for hazardous chemical leakage and ?re accidentsOn 27 September 2023, Haier Biomedical assisted Shihezi CDCin organising and conducting emergency drills for laboratoryhazardous chemical leakage and ?re accidents. The companyhas advanced experience in safely using and managinghazardous chemicals. As such, we helped the Shihezi CDC

by offering lab safety education and training, designing anemergency drill plan, and running drills with their employees.This allows the organisation to manage hazardous chemicalsand protect itself from ?res.

Hazardous chemicals training at the Shihezi CDC

Inspiring industry-university-research potential - the 1st "HaierBiomedical Kunpeng" Scholarship Award Ceremony

Haier Biomedical worked with the WuhanInstitute of Virology and the ChineseAcademy of Sciences to build an intelligentmicrobial preservation project that alignswith the needs of the national biosafetystrategies and contributes to building China'sbiosafety system. On 6 April 2023, we held the1st Haier Biomedical Kunpeng ScholarshipAward Ceremony at the Wuhan Instituteof Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences.Twenty-three outstanding postgraduatestudents received the scholarship.Group photo of the Haier Biomedical Kunpeng Scholarship Award Ceremony

Integrity Co-creating a Life FoundationHaier Biomedical88892023 Sustainability Report

Haier Biomedical is dedicated to refining its internal environmental managementstructure and collaborating with external partners to cultivate a sustainable value chain.At Haier Biomedical, we are committed to forging a path toward sustainable developmentby implementing a comprehensive green growth strategy. This strategy includesestablishing robust environmental compliance systems and driving innovation in greentechnologies and products. We strive to cultivate an ethos of environmental awarenesswithin our corporate culture, aiming to efficiently use energy and resources whilestringently managing emissions and waste.

Key Indicators

2,860hoursSpent on environmental governance


of electricity consumed


tonnes of CO


Direct greenhouse emissions (Scope 1)

6,559.99tonnes of CO

eIndirect greenhouse emissions (Scope 2)


tonnesWaste processed


tonnesHazardous waste processed

1,547.65MWhof electricity consumed came fromrenewable energy resources


of electricity consumed camefrom renewable energy resources

Ecosystem: Building aGreen Planet

Integrity Co-creating a Life FoundationHaier Biomedical90912023 Sustainability Report

Carbon peak by 2030 for Scope 1&2 GHG emissions Carbon neutrality before 2060 for Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions


Green ProductsReduce product energyconsumptionGreen productsEco-friendly materials

Green Logistics

New energy vehiclesOptimised drivingroutesHigher full-load rates

Green O?ce

Investment inphotovoltaic electricityEnvironmental awarenessEnergy-saving initiativesWater-saving facilitiesPublic resourceconservation


Green complianceauditsSMI Health SystemInitiative Group

Regulatory ComplianceCompliance at the Core

Environmental and Carbon

Neutrality Goals

Goal Attainment

Green PhilosophyGreen Design and Manufacturing

Philosophical GuidanceStructural SupportCarbon Peak and Neutrality

GroupEnvironmental Management


System AssuranceEnvironmental System ConstructionEnvironmental Certi?cationClimate Change Response System

Action Plan

Building a GreenValue Chain


Upgraded manufacturingprocessesRecycling and circulareconomyGreen and compliantemissions


Empowering partnerswith green practicesContributing toenvironmental causessuch as biodiversity

Ecosystem: Building a Green Planet9293Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Building a Green Ecosystem

Haier Biomedical fosters its growth on the principle of harmonious coexistencebetween people and nature. We are constantly iterating our green developmentstrategy, enhancing our compliance framework, promoting green designin our products, and taking comprehensive measures to combat climatechange. Through these initiatives, the company aims to spearhead the greentransformation of our industry and contribute to the vision of beautiful Chinawith green mountains, clear waters, and clean air prevail.

Green Development Strategy

Haier Biomedical has woven the philosophy of environmental protection into the fabric of its corporate operations. We employ astructured approach where we have set environmental governance and management objectives and actively advance initiativesto achieve carbon neutrality goals. This approach reinforces our commitment to saving energy and reducing emissions, forging asustainable path for Haier Biomedical.The Company profoundly values its journey towards green development, consistently enhancing its internal management systems.We have established an environmental management structure that ensures the thorough execution of our environmental initiatives.It comprises the Board of Directors, an Environmental Protection Leading Team, and various functional and business departments. Inthe reporting period, the Company dedicated 2,860 hours and allocated RMB 305,400 towards environmental governance e?orts. Wehave not faced any administrative sanctions from environmental authorities.

Haier Biomedical Environmental Management Structure

Board of DirectorsFormulate the Company's environmental management strategyand targets and review the annual action plan and environmentalmanagement policies.

Environmental Protection Leading Team

Oversee and coordinate the planning, promotion, andimplementation of the annual work plan and improve theoverall environmental management policies.Functional and Business DepartmentsPromote and implement speci?c actions.

To align with China's national carbon peak and carbon neutrality strategy and ensure its thorough implementation, theCompany has designated senior executives as the champions of this initiative. We have formed the Carbon Peak andNeutrality Committee, selectively pooling distinguished talent from design, R&D, manufacturing, marketing, and procurementdepartments. This committee devises actionable carbon reduction strategies customised to our unique business contexts andregional speci?cs, ensuring that these plans are both practical and grounded in reality.

Carbon Peak and Neutrality











InternationalMarketingDepartmentGovernance System of the Carbon Peak and Neutrality Committee

To e?ectively evaluate the implementation of our environmental protection measures, we have set environmental governancegoals encompassing operational compliance, energy and resource conservation, and emission reduction.Environmental TargetGoalProgress

Compliant Operations

100% compliance with laws andregulations and relevant requirements

Achieved0 potential chemical leakage incidentsAchieved0 potential ?resAchievedEnergy and Resource-savingEnhanced energy e?ciency

Our lifecycle energy saving and carbon reduction

actions have achieved an average consumption


of 56.63 kWh/RMB 10,000

Emissions Reduction

100% compliance in waste disposalAchieved100% compliance in exhaustemissions at factory boundaries

Achieved100% compliance in noise emissionsat factory boundaries


Energy consumption intensity statistics cover the operational factories and o?ce buildings at Haier Biomedical's Qingdao headquarters

Ecosystem: Building a Green Planet9495Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Green Compliance Framework

Haier Biomedical stringently follows theEnvironmentalProtection Law of the People's Republic of ChinaandtheWork Safety Law of the People's Republic of China,

among other pertinent statutes, regulations, and industrynorms. By applying classification principles, we havepinpointed 249 environmental compliance mandates,encompassing laws, administrative regulations, and locallegislation. Following these, we have established internalenvironmental management policies to consistently regulatepollutant management, averting potential risks due tomismanagement and reducing the environmental footprintof our manufacturing and operational processes. In 2023, weachieved certification under the ISO 14001 environmentalmanagement system.ISO 14001 Certi?cation

In alignment with national ecological and environmental protection standards, such as theTechnical Speci?cation for Two-dimensional Code Identi?cation of Pollutant Discharge Outlet of Pollutant Discharge Unit,the Company has developed a robustmanagement system for pollutant discharge. This initiative strengthens the digital supervision and management of emissions,setting standards and guidance for the Company to manage pollutant discharge points.Monitoring protocol

Emergency incident management

In our pursuit to meticulously monitor and govern the e?cacy of the environmental management infrastructure, the Companyhas instituted anEnvironmental Surveillance and Metrics Control Protocol.The protocol aims to address deficiencies withinour existing environmental and safety protocols and help us achieve our environmental ambitions. It specifies the roles andoperational philosophies of internal divisions, including but not limited to production and administrative sectors.The monitoring protocol rigorously tracks and measures emissions following the latest regulations pertaining to various emissiontypes, including solid waste, noise, exhaust gases, and wastewater. Using standardised detection methodologies ensures precisionand compliance. Additionally, we conduct routine assessments to ensure alignment with both national and local regulatoryrequirements.To proactively mitigate and respond to sudden environmentalcrises, Haier Biomedical's pertinent departments andentities have formulated theEmergency Response Planfor Sudden Environmental Incidents.The plan prioritisespersonnel safety and asset protection. It comprehensivelycategorises environmental incidents into four levels basedon severity and urgency. It mandates the prompt executionof tailored emergency response strategies for each incident,while emphasising seamless collaboration with externalstakeholders; this includes soliciting external assistance,fostering synergy with neighbouring entities, and promptlyreporting to higher authorities when necessary.

WorkshopEmergencyResponsePlanCompanyEmergencyResponsePlan forEnvironmentalIncidentsHigher-levelDepartments

ExternalRescueNeighbouringCompaniesEmergency Response Plan

Green Product Concept

Haier Biomedical continually refines its system for green and low-carbon innovation, prioritising both process innovationand the application of low-carbon technologies. We are committed to embedding the green product philosophy across theentire spectrum of research, development, and operations. We adhere strictly to principles of minimal energy and resourceconsumption, minimal ecological footprint, and maximal use of renewable resources. This entails adjusting product structuresand actively pursuing the development of environmentally friendly products with high value-add and low emissions.Embracing a Green and Low-carbon Strategy

Promoting Green Achievements

Advancing Green Technological Innovation

Guiding the Development of IndustryGreen Standards

We consistently uphold green development as astrategic direction, initiating energy-saving andlow-carbon design schemes from the inception ofproduct design. We prioritise both process innovationand the application of low-carbon technologies.

We aim to enhance our products' competitivenessand market influence internationally, offering aChinese solution for global green development.

We establish a philosophy of green managementthroughout the product lifecycle, constructing aholistic green design mechanism encompassing"research and development design - materialselection - production manufacturing - logisticstransportation - recycling and circulation."

We advocate for and spearhead the formulation ofenergy-saving standards and technical speci?cationsfor products, guiding the industry towards green,low-carbon, and high-quality development.Haier Biomedical Green Product Philosophy

We have attained a multitude of green innovationmilestones by cultivating a world-class talentpool, robust platform support, and cutting-edgetechnology. Our ultra-low temperature storagecabinets and medical refrigerators are industrypioneers in obtaining the first-ever energy-savingand environmental certifications. Over the pastthree years, 46 products have received certi?cationsfrom the U.S. Energy Star program. Also, 71 di?erentproduct models have achieved 107 energy-savingand environmental certificates. Additionally, ourgreen innovation breakthroughs have been deployedacross more than 80 countries and regions along theBelt and Road initiative, catalysing the establishmentof a sustainable Green Silk Road.

Hengyun Medical Refrigerator Energy-saving Certi?cate

Ecosystem: Building a Green Planet9697Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Climate ChangeClimate change is one of the most signi?cant challenges facing the world today. The prevalence of extreme weather events and therise in global temperatures have adversely impacted property security and health. Recognising our role as responsible corporatecitizens, Haier Biomedical understands the need to balance green development with business growth objectives. As such, we haveincorporated climate change risks into our Company's framework for green co-construction management. We are committedto embracing green, low-carbon practices and integrating strategies to address climate change into our company's sustainabledevelopment planning.The Company has begun to identify climate change risks and integrate climate-related risk factors into Haier Biomedical's riskassessment model. We have formulated corresponding response measures and established disaster prevention and emergencyresponse plans for typical acute physical risks such as typhoons, floods, and extreme temperatures. Furthermore, to addresstransition risks like national policy and regulatory requirements, Haier actively pursues research and development of green productsand technologies, explores renewable energy sources, and voluntarily discloses energy consumption and carbon emission data.Haier Biomedical has been driving our green and low-carbon transformation, propelling us towards a net-zero carbon economy.

Roadmap for Climate Change Adaptation

Energy E?cient ProductsLow Carbon Production andManufacturingSustainable ResourceManagementImplement photovoltaic powerelectricityInstall charging stations in a parkDesign green productsAdvance multiple energy conservationand emission reduction projects

Green energy-saving productLow carbon production andmanufacturing

Latest results anddevelopments

Course of action


At the same time, we work to elevate the market share of our green products. Haier Biomedical focuses on our excellence domains,life sciences and medical innovation, to deliver digital, eco-friendly products and holistic smart solutions to our users. Thisinitiative propels the industry towards a new pinnacle of high-quality development, contributing to Haier Biomedical's prowess toestablish a robust green, low-carbon, and circular economic framework in China. Moreover, we contribute to national carbon peakand neutrality objectives by harnessing the ingenuity and commitment of Chinese innovative enterprises.

Hydrocarbon Refrigeration Technology

Improves refrigeration efficiency by 30%, promoting 50%energy savings in the ultra-low temperature refrigeratorindustry

Solar Direct Drive Cold Storage Technology

Without the use of batteries, our technology requires only1/3 of the cold storage materials to achieve 1.6 times theinsulation e?ciency of leading international brands

Medical Refrigerator with HydrocarbonEnergy-saving Refrigeration Technology

Uses 60% less energy than traditional products

Stirling Refrigeration Technology

Uses helium as the refrigerant, using 50% less energy thancompressor-based refrigeration while achieving 100%reliability

Hengyun Medical Refrigerator

Selected for theQingdao City Key Energy-Saving Technology, Products, and EquipmentPromotion Catalogue (Sixth Batch)

Received the China QualityCerti?cation Center (CQC) EnergyConservation Certi?cation and theU.S. Energy Star Certi?cation (EPA)

Received the industry's ?rst ultra-

low temperature refrigeratorenergy conservation certi?cation

Stirling Refrigerator

Yunxin Variable FrequencyMedical Ultra-Low TemperaturePreservation Refrigerator Series

Hydrocarbon Environmental Deep

Low-Temperature Refrigerator

Energy Core Series Ultra-LowTemperature Refrigerator

Solar Direct Drive Refrigerator

Ecosystem: Building a Green Planet9899Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Resource Optimisation andEmissions ReductionWe are dedicated to increasing the efficiency of our resource and energyusage and establishing mechanisms for low-carbon and low-consumptionoperations. We have fostered a sustainable, low-carbon operational frameworkby meticulously managing energy emissions, efficiently using resourcing, andadvocating for green o?ce practices. Our e?orts promote a green developmentaltransition, contributing signi?cantly to constructing a low-carbon society.

Energy Consumption ManagementThe Company has de?ned theEnergy Management Policytoregulate and strengthen our energy management practices.This policy speci?es the roles and responsibilities associatedwith energy management, energy-saving targets and plans,energy consumption statistics, and energy-saving technologies.This approach methodically advances Haier's efficiency inbioenergy management.Our primary energy sources include electricity, natural gas, andheating, with a significant portion of our electricity sourcedfrom a photovoltaic project developed on our site. Duringthe reporting period, this project produced 1,547.65 MWh ofelectricity, representing 13.46% of our total electricity usage


Photovoltaic Panels at the Haier Biomedical Industrial Park

Haier Biomedical's energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for 2023

KPIValueUnitTotal indirect energy consumption12,915.81MWhTotal consumption of non-renewable energy11,368.16MWhTotal consumption of renewable energy1,547.65MWh

Renewable energy consumption11.98%Total energy usage for facilities making products for UNICEF535.8MWh

Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions 252.07tonnes of CO

eScope 2 greenhouse gas emissions 6,559.99tonnes of CO

eTotal greenhouse gas emissions6,812.06tonnes of CO

eGreenhouse gas emissions intensity29.87kg of CO

e /RMB 10,000

Electricity consumption and total electricity usage statistics cover the operational factories and office buildings at Haier Biomedical's Qingdao headquarters

Energy and carbon emission statistics cover the operational factories and o?ce buildings at Haier Biomedical's Qingdao headquarters

We are actively engaged in supporting China's carbon peak and neutrality goals. To this end, we have initiated a series of energyconservation and emissions reduction projects throughout various stages of business operations.

To advance our work in supporting carbon peak and neutrality objectives, Haier Biomedical sponsored three employees toparticipate in a foundational training program for greenhouse gas veri?ers organised by the China Quality Certi?cation Center.All three participants completed the program and obtained certification, enriching our reserve of qualified greenhouse gasveri?cation professionals.

Heat Recovery from Compressed Air Systems

Timed Switches on Door Systems

Thermal recovery units have been installed on ourcompressed air systems to recuperate heat generatedduring operation. The recovered heat is used to raise thetemperature within ducts to meet specific productioncriteria, facilitating the cyclical use of thermal energy andpreventing heat loss. This retrofit is projected to yieldannual electricity savings of 75,000 kWh.

We used to operate our heating systems overnight becausespeci?c production processes require the pre-activation ofheating systems to reach operational temperatures.We retrofitted workshop doors with timed switches toreduce electricity consumption during non-operationalperiods. These switches activate the heating systemsthree hours before daily operations, significantlyreducing energy waste. The modi?cation is expected tosave approximately 150,000 kWh of electricity annually.

Heat Recovery Retro?t for Air Compressors

Electrical Upgrades on Workshop Doors

Ecosystem: Building a Green Planet100101Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Production Resources

Water resources

The Company is dedicated to optimising resource use across production operations. We have established standardisedoperating procedures to manage resources, including regulating water and packaging materials. We advocate recycling toenhance resource e?ciency and actively pursue the development of innovative materials that reduce environmental impact.

Haier Biomedical has implemented aWater ResourceManagement Systemto standardize the use and enhance theefficiency of water resources. Our operational and domesticwater supply originates from municipal sources. During thereporting period, the total water drawn amounted to 76,265m

, with water consumption totalling 53,385.5 m

, and a wateruse intensity of 0.33 m

per ten thousand RMB of revenue

Water-Saving Initiatives

Reducing Water Use in Production

Collect rainwater and recycle water from production processes

Post signs to encourage employees to save water and turn off taps

Throughout our production and operational processes, wealso adhere to stringent water management protocols tometiculously control water usage at all stages of production,promote water recycling, and prevent wastage.

Water usage statistics cover the operational factories and o?ce buildings at Haier Biomedical's Qingdao headquarters

Packaging materialsHaier Biomedical is committedto adopting and developingeco-friendly packaging materialsand environmentally-consciouspackaging solutions while ensuringpackaging reliability during trans-portation and storage. During thereported period, Haier Biomedicalonly used packaging made fromeither biodegradable or recyclablematerials. None contained anyharmful substances such as Polyvi-nyl Chloride (PVC), Polystyrene (PS),or mercury.

Adopt more sustainable materials.Biodegradable honeycomb cardboard has replaced EPE or EPS foamas the cushioning material for new models. 90% of the cushioningcomponents use biodegradable materials.EPS bases have replaced wooden bases for vaccine cabinet products,using about 2,000 fewer wooden bases annually.Sustainable Solution DesignOur dustproof design for ultra-low temperature product palletseliminates the need for dust bags, reducing PE plastic use by 37,500 m

.The optimised structural design of foam boxes does not requireadhesive tape, reducing the daily consumption of EPE tape by 2,000 m


Reducing Packaging Waste

Green O?ce Initiatives at Haier Biomedical

O?ce Resources

Haier Biomedical is dedicated to cultivating a sense of responsibility and environmental awareness among its employees,aiming to make a green, low-carbon lifestyle a natural and spontaneous behaviour for everyone. Starting with the smalldetails of employees' daily lives, the company initiates green campaigns for paper usage, electricity consumption, dining, andtransportation. These initiatives support energy conservation and carbon reduction through a green, low-carbon o?ce model.

Turning the air conditioning o? when leavingthe o?ceSwitching o? any unnecessary lights andmaking the most of natural lightUpgrading lighting system and energy-e?cientlightbulbs

Double-sided printing and using blank spaceto take notesPaperless o?cePaperless communicationPaperless contracts

Ordering meals on demand to reduce wasteClean Plate campaign

Choosing eco-friendly modes of transportCharging stations for employees' electricvehicles

Saving PaperGreen Electricity

Green DiningGreen Transportation

Ecosystem: Building a Green Planet102103Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Green Production and Compliancewith Emissions

Haier Biomedical considers environmental protection its duty. The Companyadopts proactive measures to enhance environmental management and reducepollutant emissions. It employs third-party inspection firms to measure theemissions of waste, wastewater, exhaust gases, and noise. These e?orts help uscontinuously reduce the negative environmental impacts of our production andoperations.

Waste ManagementThe Company strictly adheres to legal and regulatory requirements such as theStandardized Management System forHazardous Wasteand theTechnical Guidelines for Solid Waste Treatment and Disposal.We continuously re?ne our internalmanagement processes and systems to standardise our waste management practices.Haier Biomedical has established a comprehensive waste management process that follows national and local regulations forwaste classi?cation. The method uses labelling and maintains complete records to ensure compliance throughout the entirewaste generation, storage, transportation, and disposal lifecycle.During this reporting period, the company generated a total of 930.45 tons of general waste and 8.6 tons of hazardous waste.We disposed of 824.46 tons of waste and 6.98 tons of hazardous waste. General waste primarily consisted of wastepaper, scrapiron, and waste wood, encompassing 29 categories. Hazardous waste included nine categories, such as waste circuit boards andspent activated carbon. We segregate waste to facilitate recycling or disposal. We legally entrust quali?ed third parties to handlethe disposal of waste that the Company cannot process internally.Haier Biomedical mandates that different departments are responsible for the waste generated during their respectiveproduction and operational processes. We ensure clear internal delineation of responsibilities for segregation, handling, anddisposal requirements.

Waste Management Process Across Departments

各部门废弃物处理流程ProductionDepartmentResponsible for thesegregated collectionand sealed packagingof waste producedduring manufacturingprocesses. After centralcollection, wasteis delivered to thescrap storage area forcategorised storage.

After-Sales RepairDepartmentHandles returned market productsand prototype machines fordevelopment testing. Wastematerials such as casings, doors,glass, and metal from disassembledunits must be managed throughrecycling vendors to ensure thatwaste is segregated and controlledwithout mixing.

Equipment DepartmentManages the disposal, repair,damage, obsolescence, and updatingof various types of idle equipment.Waste products such as used oil,oil drums, oil-soaked rags, andold ?uorescent tubes generatedduring these processes are stored inhazardous waste storage areas, strictlyprohibiting mixing with general waste.

Haier Biomedical 2023 Report on Emissions of Exhaust Gases, Wastewater, and Noise

Equipment for Catalytic Combustion in Emissions Control

We have built an enclosed structure to treat emissions,featuring three exhaust vents at the top of the enclosure.The design exhaust volume is 20,000 m?/h. The emissionsare treated using a dual-stage filtration system, activatedcarbon adsorption/desorption (concentration), and catalyticcombustion. This process achieves an emissions controle?ciency of over 95%, with an annual VOC (Volatile OrganicCompounds) emissions reduction of up to 26,300 tons.

Catalytic Combustion for Emissions Control

Emissions Management

The Company is acutely aware of the potential pollution caused by emissions and actively implements measures to control operationalemissions. The primary sources of emissions include gases and smoke produced from welding, foaming processes, and adsorption,as well as kitchen fume emissions. The Company employs different control methods for organised and unorganised emissions toe?ectively manage air quality.

Maintain good ventilation in workshopsControl the operation of roof exhaust fansand factory windows

Use photo-oxygen catalytic equipment andbaghouse ?ltersInstall collection hoods and exhaust ductsInstall combustible gas detection and alarm systemsRegularly inspect and maintain exhaust fans

Control Methods for Unorganised EmissionsControl Methods for Organised Emissions

Ecosystem: Building a Green Planet104105Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Biodiversity ConservationAt Haier Biomedical, we are committed to fostering biodiversity through cutting-edge technological innovation. Drawing on our inherent business strengths andadvanced digital capabilities, including the Internet of Things (IoT), big data,arti?cial intelligence (AI), and 5G, we seamlessly integrate these technologies intoconserving biological resources. We aim to preserve and enhance ecological,species, and genetic diversity, creating a robust technological shield forbiodiversity.

Natural Ecosystem Conservation

Fostering Diverse Species

Preserving Genetic Diversity

Haier Biomedical is conscientious about respecting local natural ecosystems. In undertaking new projects, we strive to minimisedisturbances to wildlife habitats, prevent soil erosion, and avoid deforestation. Our guidelines ensure that new projects do notencroach upon the core and bu?er zones of nature reserves, areas within the South-to-North Water Diversion Project basin,drinking water source protection areas, or primary ecological functions areas within natural attractions and historical sites.

Haier Biomedical practices a philosophy of respecting, adapting to, and preserving nature. We work with external partners toprotect biodiversity. We have initiated numerous conservation programs focusing on a variety of ?ora and fauna. These projectsdrive our e?orts to foster a symbiotic coexistence between humanity and nature, thus protecting our common biosphere.

Genetic diversity forms a vital underpinning ofbiodiversity. Haier Biomedical's cutting-edgedigital and smart technologies are deployedacross multiple germplasm repositories,including the Germplasm Bank of Wild Species,the Marine Biological Resources Bank, theNational Aquatic Biological Resource Center,and the CryoArks in the U.K. These contributionshave forti?ed the conservation e?orts for millionsof species' genetic materials, bolstering globalbiodiversity preservation endeavours.

Noise ManagementHaier Biomedical has adopted proactive strategies to manage the noise generated during our operations and mitigate its impacton our employees and surrounding communities. We select equipment with reduced noise levels while meticulously planning andimplementing infrastructure enhancements to isolate equipment emitting higher decibels. We collaborate with independent third-party auditors each year to monitor noise levels within our workshops and along the plant boundaries. Following these assessments,we analyse whether the acoustic environment complies with the established occupational noise standards. If deviations areidenti?ed, we diligently investigate the sources of excessive noise and initiate appropriate corrective measures to ensure complianceand maintain a conducive environment.

Noise Management Approaches

Repair and improve equipmentPerform routine maintenance and lubrication

Install mufflersBuild isolation rooms

Arrange equipment strategicallySchedule high-noise equipment operations reasonably

Wastewater ManagementWe prioritise wastewater management. We primarily generate domestic sewage from canteens, dormitories, and o?ces, whichis discharged through the municipal sewer system. Wastewater containing oil from the canteen is stored in grease traps beforebeing discharged, and it is regularly cleaned, recovered, and disposed of by quali?ed third parties. The company mandates thata dedicated department manage wastewater treatment in new construction or expansion projects, ensuring compliance withnational environmental management laws and regulations.

Ecosystem: Building a Green Planet106107Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

The National Traditional ChineseMedicine Germplasm Resource Bankpreserves over 30,000 samples oftraditional Chinese medicine germplasm.

Under its Animal Germplasm section, the Germplasm Bankof Wild Species stores over 11,000 species and more than200,000 samples of animal tissues, nucleic acids, and cells.

The CryoArks in the U.K. aids inpreserving endangered species samples,enhancing global conservation efforts.

The Chengdu Institute of Biology, Chinese Academyof Sciences, houses over 110,000 specimens ofamphibians and reptiles in its Herpetology Museum.

The Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, ChineseAcademy of Fishery Sciences, preserves over 100,000samples of various marine fishery biological resources.

The Dujiangyan Base of the ChinaConservation and Research Center for theGiant Panda has contributed to reclassifyingthe giant panda from Endangered toVulnerable, reflecting significant progressin species conservation.

Marine Biological Resources Bank (Zhuhai)maintains a collection exceeding over 2.2million marine biological samples.

Appendix108109Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Economic performanceIndicatorsUnit2023Operating incomeOne hundred million RMB22.81Net pro?tOne hundred million RMB4.06

Environmental performanceIndicatorsUnit20222023

Environmental protection inputInvestment in environmentalprotection

Ten thousand RMB105.0230.54Energy

Total energy consumptionMWh13,09512,915.81Direct energyMWh/1,869.86

Indirect energyMWh11,25411,045.95??Purchased electricityMWh9,9659,949.83??Purchased heatMWh1,2891,096.12Total consumption of renewableenergy

MWh1,4891,547.65Renewable energy consumption%1311.98Total energy use in facilities thatproduce products for UNICEF

MWh535535.8Energy intensitykWh/ten thousand RMB45.7256.63

Social performanceIndicatorsUnit20222023Product and serviceDomestic customer satisfaction%99.8399.94Customer complaint resolving rate%100100Total patentsitem7951,321New invention patents applicationitem131146Total software copyrightsitem114296Number of suppliersChina/437559Other countries and regions /69


ESG Key Performance Indicators

Environmental performanceIndicatorsUnit20222023

WaterTotal water consumptionm

46,00076,265Water intensitym

/ten thousand RMB0.160.33Greenhouse gas

Total GHG emissionTon CO

e6,798.626,812.06Scope 1Ton CO



Scope 2Ton CO

e6,734.9956,559.99GHG intensitykg CO

e/ten thousand RMB23.7429.87WasteGeneral wasteTon767.06930.45Hazardous wasteTon7.348.6

In 2023, we corrected the energy consumption statistics. We incorporated the Photovoltaic power generation into the direct energy statistics.

In 2022, we count CO

emissions from stationary combustion.

Appendix110111Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

Social performanceIndicatorsUnit20222023EmploymentNumber of employees/2,6902,636Male/1,9441,898Female/746738By regionChina/2,6612,607Other countries and regions/2929By age groupUnder 30/1,07481030-50/1,5131,700Over 50/103126By functionTechnical /897933Sales/569680Finance/3133Administration /23497Production /959893Number of new hires/778573Male/687418Female/91155Training for employeesAverage training hoursHour/person33.2434.32Training coverage%100100

Social performanceIndicatorsUnit20222023

Training coverage by genderMale%/72Female%/28Average training hours by genderMaleHour/person33.5434.61FemaleHour/person32.4933.59Anti-corruption training coverage%100100Fair competition training coverage%100100Occupational health and safetyCoverage of health and safety training%100100Number of work-related fatalities/00Number of working days lostdue to work-related injury

/00Lost time injury frequency rate LTIFR

%00The completion rate of risk recti?cation%100100Emergency response rate%100100

Employee lost time injury frequency LTIFR= Number of work-related injuries X1000000/ Total working hours X100%

Appendix112113Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

GRI Standards


Disclosure TitleSections

Universal StandardsGRI 1: Foundation 2021GRI 2: General Disclosures 2021The organization and its reporting practices2-1 Organizational details About Haier Biomedical - Company pro?le2-2

Entities included in the organization's sustainabilityreporting

About This Report2-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact pointAbout This Report2-4 Restatements of information

There were no restatements of information

during the reporting period2-5 External assurance

There were no external assurance obtained for

the reportActivities and workers2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsAbout Haier Biomedical - Company pro?le2-7Employees3.1.1 Employment compliance2-8Workers who are not employees3.1.1 Employment complianceGovernance2-9Governance structure and composition2.1.1 Corporate governance2-10

Nomination and selection of the highest governancebody

See our 2023 Annual Report2-11Chair of the highest governance bodyTan Lixia2-12

Role of the highest governance body in overseeing themanagement of impacts

2.1.1 Corporate governance

2-13Delegation of responsibility for managing impactsSustainability Governance2-14

Role of the highest governance body in sustainabilityreporting

Sustainability Governance2-15Con?icts of interestSee our 2023 Annual Report2-16Communication of critical concernsSustainability Governance2-17Collective knowledge of the highest governance bodySustainability Governance2-18

Evaluation of the performance of the highestgovernance body

See our 2023 Annual Report2-19Remuneration policiesSee our 2023 Annual Report


Disclosure TitleSections

2-20Process to determine remunerationSee our 2023 Annual Report2-21Annual total compensation ratioOmitted due to con?dentiality constraintsStrategy, policies and practices2-22Statement on sustainable development strategy Chairman's Statement2-23Policy commitments 2.1.2 Business ethics2-24Embedding policy commitments 2.1.2 Business ethics2-25Processes to remediate negative impacts 2.1.2 Business ethics2-26Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns2.1.2 Business ethics2-27Compliance with laws and regulationsSee sections of the Report for details2-28Membership associationsChairman's StatementStakeholder engagement2-29Approach to stakeholder engagementSustainability Governance2-30Collective bargaining agreementsUnion coverage 100%GRI 3: Material Topics 20213-1Process to determine material topicsSustainability Governance3-2List of material topicsSustainability Governance3-3Management of material topicsSee tables belowTopic StandardsGRI 201: Economic Performance 2016201-1Direct economic value generated and distributed

See 2023 Annual Report for ?nancial information.Some data are omitted due to con?dentialityconstraints201-2

Financial implications and other risks andopportunities due to climate change

4.1.4 Climate change


De?ned bene?t plan obligations and other retirementplans

3.1.3 Caring for employees

201-4Financial assistance received from governmentNot applicableGRI 202: Market Presence 2016202-1

Ratios of standard entry level wage by gendercompared to local minimum wage

Omitted due to con?dentiality constraints

Appendix114115Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report


Disclosure TitleSections


Proportion of senior management hired from the localcommunity

Omitted due to con?dentiality constraintsGRI 204: Procurement Practices 2016204-1Proportion of spending on local suppliers2.2.1 Supplier managementGRI 205: Anti-corruption 2016205-1Operations assessed for risks related to corruption2.1.2 Business ethics205-2

Communication and training about anti-corruptionpolicies and procedures

2.1.2 Business ethics

205-3Con?rmed incidents of corruption and actions taken2.1.2 Business ethicsGRI 206: Anti-competitive Behavior 2016206-1

Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust,and monopoly practices

2.1.2 Business ethics

GRI 301: Materials 2016301-1Materials used by weight or volume4.2.3 Production resources301-2Recycled input materials used4.2.3 Production resources301-3Reclaimed products and their packaging materials4.2.3 Production resourcesGRI 302: Energy 2016302-1Energy consumption within the organization4.2.1 Energy consumption management302-2Energy consumption outside of the organization4.2.1 Energy consumption management302-3Energy intensity4.2.1 Energy consumption management302-4Reduction of energy consumption4.2.1 Energy consumption management302-5

Reductions in energy requirements of products andservices

4.1.3 Green product concept

GRI 303: Water and E?uents 2018303-1Interactions with water as a shared Resource4.2.2 Production resources303-2Management of water discharge-related impacts4.2.2 Production resources303-3Water withdrawal4.2.2 Production resources303-4Water discharge4.2.2 Production resources303-5Water consumption4.2.2 Production resourcesGRI 304: Biodiversity2016304-1

Operational sites owned, leased,managed in, oradjacent to, protected areas and areas of highbiodiversity value outside protected areas

4.4 Biodiversity conservation


Disclosure TitleSections


Signi?cant impacts of activities, products and serviceson biodiversity

4.4 Biodiversity conservation

304-3Habitats protected or restored4.4 Biodiversity conservation304-4

IUCN Red List species and national conservation listspecies with habitats in areas a?ected by operations

4.4 Biodiversity conservation

GRI 305: Emissions 2016305-1Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions4.2.1 Energy consumption management305-2Energy indirect/Scope 2 GHG emissions4.2.1 Energy consumption management305-3Other indirect/Scope 3 GHG emissionsNot applicable305-4GHG emissions intensity4.2.1 Energy consumption management305-5Reduction of GHG emissions4.2.1 Energy consumption management305-6Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)Not applicable305-7

Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and othersigni?cant air emissions

Not applicableGRI 306: E?uents and Waste 2016306-1Waste generation and signi?cant waste-related impacts

4.3.1 Waste management

4.3.2 Wastewater management

4.3.3 Emissions management

4.3.4 Noise management

306-2Actions taken to prevent waste generation

4.3.1 Waste management

4.3.2 Wastewater management

4.3.3 Emissions management

4.3.4 Noise management

306-3Composition of waste generated4.3.1 Waste management306-4Recovery operations used to divert waste from disposal4.3.1 Waste management306-5Disposal operations4.3.1 Waste managementGRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016308-1

New suppliers that were screened using environmentalcriteria

2.2.2 Responsible supply chain


Negative environmental impacts in the supply chainand actions taken

2.2.2 Responsible supply chain

GRI 401: Employment 2016401-1New employee hires and employee Turnover3.1.1 Employment compliance401-2

Bene?ts provided to full-time employees that are notprovided to temporary or part-time employees

3.1.3 Caring for employees

401-3Parental leave3.1.1 Employment compliance

Appendix116117Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report


Disclosure TitleSectionsGRI 402: Labor/Management Relations 2016402-1Minimum notice periods regarding operational changesNot applicableGRI 403: Occupational Health and safety 2018403-1Occupational health and safety management system3.1.4 Occupational health and safety403-2

Hazard identi?cation, risk assessment, and incident


3.1.4 Occupational health and safety

403-3Guidance for Disclosure3.1.4 Occupational health and safety403-4

Worker participation, consultation, and communication

on occupational health and safety

3.1.4 Occupational health and safety

403-5Worker training on occupational health and safety3.1.4 Occupational health and safety403-6Promotion of worker health3.1.4 Occupational health and safety403-7

Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and

safety impacts directly linked by business relationships

3.1.4 Occupational health and safety


Workers covered by an occupational health and safety

management system

Applies to all employees403-9Work-related injuries3.1.4 Occupational health and safety403-10Work-related ill health3.1.4 Occupational health and safetyGRI 404: Training and Education 2016404-1Average hours of training per year per employee3.1.2 Talent development404-2

Programs for upgrading employee skills and transitionassistance programs

3.1.2 Talent development


Percentage of employees receiving regular performanceand career development reviews

100% Covered for all sta?GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity 2016405-1

Disclosure 405-1 Diversity of governance bodies andemployees

3.1.1 Employment compliance

405-2Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to menOmitted due to con?dentiality constraintsGRI 406: Non-discrimination 2016406-1Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

There were no relevant incidents during the

reporting periodGRI 407: Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2016407-1

Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedomof association and collective bargaining may be at risk

There were no relevant incidents during the

reporting periodGRI 408: Child Labor 2016408-1

Operations and suppliers at signi?cant risk for incidentsof child labor

There were no relevant incidents during the

reporting period


Disclosure TitleSections

GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor 2016409-1

Operations and suppliers at signi?cant risk for incidentsof forced or compulsory labor

There were no relevant incidents during thereporting periodGRI 410: Security Practices 2016410-1

Security personnel trained in human rights policies orprocedures

Not applicableGRI 411: Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2016411-1

Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenouspeoples

Not applicableGRI 413: Local Communities 2016413-1

Operations with local community engagement, impactassessments, and development programs

3.2.1 Universal healthcare


Operations with signi?cant actual and potentialnegative impacts on local communities

3.2.1 Universal healthcare

GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment 2016414-1New suppliers that were screened using social criteria2.2.2 Responsible supply chain414-2

Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actionstaken

2.2.2 Responsible supply chain

GRI 415: Public Policy 2016415-1

Assessment of the health and safety impacts of productand service categories

Not applicableGRI 416: Customer Health and Safety 2016416-1Political contributions2.3.1 Optimising user experience416-2

Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health andsafety impacts of products and services

2.3.1 Optimising user experience

GRI 417: Marketing and Labeling 2016417-1

Requirements for product and service information andlabeling

2.3.2 Responsible marketing practices


Incidents of non-compliance concerning product andservice information and labeling

2.3.2 Responsible marketing practices


Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketingcommunications

2.3.2 Responsible marketing practices

GRI 418: Customer Privacy 2016418-1

Substantiated complaints concerning breaches ofcustomer privacy and losses of customer data

2.1.2 Business ethics

Appendix118119Haier Biomedical2023 Sustainability Report

UNGC PrinciplesHuman rightsCorresponding chapter

Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection ofinternationally proclaimed human rights; and

3.1.1 Employment compliance

Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses3.1.1 Employment complianceLaborCorresponding chapter

Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and thee?ective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;

3.1.1 Employment compliance

Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labor;3.1.1 Employment compliancePrinciple 5: the e?ective abolition of child labor; and3.1.1 Employment compliancePrinciple 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment andoccupation

3.1.1 Employment compliance

EnvironmentCorresponding chapterPrinciple 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach toenvironmental challenges;

4.1.1 Green development strategy

4.1.2 Green compliance framework

Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmentalresponsibility; and

4.1.4 Climate change

4.2.1 Energy consumption management

4.2.2 Production resources

4.2.3 O?ce resources

4.3.1 Waste management

4.3.2 Wastewater management

4.3.3 Emissions management

4.3.4 Noise management

4.4 Biodiversity conservation

Principle 9: encourage the development and di?usion of environmentallyfriendly technologies

4.1.3 Green product concept

Anti-CorruptionCorresponding chapter

Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms,including extortion and bribery

2.1.2 Business ethics

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