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爱玛科技:2023Environmental Social and Governance(ESG)Report 下载公告

Environmental, Social and

Governance (ESG) Report




ResponsibleGovernancePeople First

OverviewESG Governance


Theme 1

Future Prospects

Theme 2


Developingwith ResponsibilityExcellent Products41895710371

Corporate GovernanceProtecting Stakeholders' Rightsand InterestsRisk ManagementBusiness EthicsInformation Security and PrivacyProtectionGuidance through Party Building

Employee Compliance andEqualityEmployee Growth and NurturingEmployee Care and BenetsEmployee Health and Safety

About This ReportMessage from ChairmanWalking into Aima TechnologyKey Performances and Honors in2023Recognizations and RewardsResponse to SustainableDevelopment Goals

ESG Governance StructureCommunications withStakeholdersMateriality Issue Judgement

Key Performance TableESG IndexESG Policy Index TableReader Feedback Form

Leading in Fashion, Empoweringwith Technology

Future Prospects

Leveraging Digital Intelligence toEnhance Quality and E?ciency

Green ContributionGreen Operation

Sustainable Supply ChainDealer EmpowermentCustomer ServiceSocial Value

Innovative R&DProduct Quality


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

About This Report

Time of Report

Boundary of Report

Source of Information

References of Names

Report Preparation Standards

This report is the second Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report published by Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd. tostakeholders. The text information and performance mentioned in this Report are dated from January 1, 2023 to December 31,2023. Some of them may reect the performance of past years or the policies and practices of the year 2024.

This report discloses the performance in the economic, corporate governance, social and environmental responsibilities of AimaTechnology Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Aima Technology" or "the Company" or "the Group" or "we") and itssubsidiaries. All relevant typical cases come from the Company and its a?liated enterprises.

The information and data disclosed in this report are sourced from Aima Technology's internal formal documents, statisticalreports, and annual reports. The Board of Directors and all directors of the Company guarantee that there are no false records,misleading statements, or major omissions in this Report, and they hold individual and collective liabilities for the authenticity,correctness, and completeness of this Report. The nancial data in this Report are presented in RMB. In case of inconsistencieswith the nancial report, the nancial report shall prevail.

Guangdong Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangdong Vehicle")Jiangsu Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Jiangsu Vehicle")Tianjin Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Tianjin Vehicle")Henan Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Henan Vehicle")Guangxi Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangxi Vehicle")Chongqing Aima Vehicle Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Chongqing Vehicle")

Guidance on Social Responsibility Reporting (GB/T36001-2015)Guidelines on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting for Chinese Enterprises (CASS-ESG5.0) of Chinese Academy of SocialSciencesUnited Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)Guiding Opinions on Better Fulllment of Social Responsibilities by State-owned Enterprises, State- owned Assets Supervisionand Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC)ISO 26000: Guidance on Social Responsibility (2010), International Organization for StandardizationGRI Standards, Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB)Shanghai Stock Exchange, Self-Regulatory Guidelines for Listed Companies of the Shanghai Stock Exchange No. 1 -Standardized Operation (Revised in December 2023)


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Message from Chairman2023 proved to be a pivotal year, teeming with both challenges andopportunities. On the one hand, geopolitical tensions heightened,the global economy grappled with recovery, and the externallandscape remained turbulent; on the other hand, the booming AItechnology spearheaded a digital economy revolution. Humanityfound itself amidst unprecedented transformations, while the short-trip sector we operate in witnessed structural shifts. In the midstof these changes, we embraced them with an open mind, withESG emerging as our proactive avenue for navigating the future.It guided us in tackling future operational risks and challengesthrough the lens of sustainable development, while facilitating theharmonization of business value, environmental concerns, andsocietal impacts. 2023 marked the inaugural year of our full-scaleimplementation of the ESG strategy, and we are delighted to reporttangible progress in our ESG endeavors, notwithstanding theformidable external environment.We are vigorously fostering a new driving force to enhance productivity and promote high-quality development. Greendevelopment is the foundation of high-quality development, and the new driving force itself is green productivity. We haveformulated and implemented a climate change response framework, promoted product carbon footprint management, drivengreen R&D, green manufacturing, green supply chain, and green operations with technological innovation, resource investment,and digital and intellectual transformation. These e?orts have enabled us to establish a clean, low-carbon, high-e?ciency, andrecycling-oriented green operational framework, alongside constructing an energy-efficient and intelligent logistics system.This not only fosters new avenues of productivity but also infuses vigor into high-quality development. At the same time, wehave achieved a win-win result in terms of environmental and economic development, thereby addressing major ecological andenvironmental challenges and safeguarding the planet upon which we rely.We shoulder our responsibilities and mission, guiding our partners to collaboratively forge a new industry ecosystem.As the electric two-wheeler sector's role in the global transportation and dual carbon industry chain gains prominence,opportunities for capacity expansion abound. Yet, it is imperative to remain attuned to challenges stemming from evolvingdemands and regulations. For instance, the contradiction between consumer demands for increased speed limits on electricbicycles and the current regulations cannot be overlooked. Securing legitimate road rights for innovative product categories andensuring global market promotion while upholding standards compatibility is imperative. As a leading company in the industry,we courageously undertake responsibilities, spearheading and actively participating in setting industry benchmarks, organizingseminars on industry social responsibility, and propelling resolutions to industry issues. We collaborate closely with stakeholderssuch as suppliers, distributors, and employees to cultivate a harmonious industry ecosystem, facilitating the sound developmentof the industry.

We promote organizational change to effectively improve corporate governance. In 2023, the Company implemented

a far-reaching organizational transformation, which encompassed several key initiatives. These included the establishmentof a three-tier ESG governance framework, restructuring the product development process and business structure based onadvanced IPD concepts, and digitally reengineering to construct a comprehensive risk prevention mechanism, among others.The revamped governance framework has greatly beneted the Company's operations, making it more agile, responsive, andadaptable in decision-making, thereby enhancing its ability to seize future opportunities.We prioritize people with an agenda geared towards driving greater value for shareholders, employees, and thecommunity alike. We always regard the Company as a vehicle for all stakeholders to realize their values and expectations. Thisincludes providing shareholders with generous returns, o?ering employees competitive salaries and benets, and recognizingcommunity service as the cornerstone of our existence. We remain steadfast in our commitment to building Aima Technologyinto a respected entity that garners favor from investors, earns trust from employees, and receives acclaim from the public.We nd ourselves amidst a period of signicant uncertainty, standing at a pivotal juncture for sustainable development. Whilethe future presents formidable challenges, it also brims with promise. Aima Technology will persist in its dedication to ESGsustainability, collaborating with society at large to forge a better and more sustainable future!


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Walking into AimaTechnology

In 2023, under the context of the domestic push for green and low-carbonpolicies across industries, Aima Technology embraced the principle of"economic growth within environmental limits" and adjusted its strategyaccordingly to aim to capitalize on the opportunities within the electric two-wheeler sector and align with the transition and advancement of the greeneconomy. The Company implemented green management, promoted ESGmanagement of the industry, intensified efforts in green innovation andtransformation, actively engaged in the establishment of green industryalliances, and fully embraced green manufacturing practices to solidify itsreputation as a responsible enterprise.

Aima Technology (603529.SH) was founded in 1999and was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange'smain board in June 2021. Its main business isR&D, production and sale of electric two-wheelersand three-wheelers. It was one of the earliestmanufacturers of electric two-wheelers in China andalso one of the leading enterprises in the industry.The Company continuously expands the green shortand medium-distance travelling ecosystem basedon the production and R&D of electric two-wheelersand three-wheelers, promoting the boomingdevelopment of the industry of green and smartelectric two-wheeler and three-wheeler. In order tomeet the needs of global customers and users, theCompany has set up three business segments ofthe Domestic Business Segment, the InternationalBusiness Segment, and the Venture CapitalBusiness Segment below, and also has establishedthe business layout of multiple product brands andservice including Aima Technology, Spozhman, andAima Vehicle Service, covering various aspects ofgreen, intelligent, and comfortable travel.Headquartered in Tianjin, Aima Technology haseight production bases in Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang,Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, Chongqing andShandong. New bases located in Chongqing,Taizhou, Lishui and Guigang are in construction andthe base in Southeast Asia is going to be built. At thesame time, its retail stores have exceeded 30,000.


The Layout of Production Bases

Shandong (Linyi)Chongqing (Tongliang)Guangxi (Guigang)Zhejiang (Taizhou)Henan (Shangqiu)Guangdong (Dongguan)Jiangsu (Wuxi)Tianjin (Jinghai)Operating production bases

Company Prole

Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Overview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development


Got established


Entered into theelectric vehiclemarket formally

2008Expanded themarket quicklyand promotedfranchises andspecialist shops

2009Carried out theshareholdingsystem reformand createdthe 4S TerminalMode; Started theproduction base inShangqiu, Henan

2010Started theproductionbase in JinghaiDistrict, Tianjin,and establishedthe advantageof clusteringmanufacturingof electric two-wheelers andthree- wheelers


Strategic Layoutin Pearl RiverDelta; Started theproduction basein Dongguan,Guangdong,promoted thelocalizationstrategy

2012Strategic Layoutin Yangtze RiverDelta; Started theproduction base inWuxi, Jiangsu andTaizhou, Zhejiang

2013Shouldered socialresponsibilities,supporting Ya'anearthquake relief,caring for left-behind children,and aidingdisadvantagedfamilies

2014Received a Five-star certicationof EvaluationSystem for After-sales of ServiceCommodity

2015Exported products tointernational marketsand obtained EUcertication; Openeda agship store inSwitzerland, markinga step towardsglobalization;Became the rst inthe industry to obtainproduction accessqualications forelectric motorcycles

2016Topped the brandpower of the electricbicycle industryunder China BrandPower Index(C-BPI) releasedby Chnbrand for 5consecutive years;became the onlystrategic cooperativeenterprise in theindustry for theCCTV NationalBrand Plan

2017Topped theChina CustomerSatisfaction Index(C-CSI) in theelectric bicycleindustry by the ChinaNational Instituteof Standardization;Prepared for listing,and initiated adiversied andinternationalindustrial layout

2018Topped the listof C-BPI for 7consecutive yearsin electric vehicleindustry; got includedin the CCTV NationalBrand Program for 2consecutive years asan industry leader; wonthe National ModelEnterprise with GoodProduct Quality andHigh Integrity; becameone of the First ElectricBicycle ManufacturersMeeting the SafetyTechnical Specicationfor Electric Bicycle

2019Held Aima 20thanniversary;contracted withBOSCH to becomeglobal strategicpartners witheach other; Soldaccumulatively over41 million vehiclesaround the world;initiated digitaltransformation

2020Topped theChinaNetPromoter Score(C-NPS) rankingsreleased byChnbrand for 5consecutive years

2021Got listed on theMain-Board Marketfor A shares in June2021; establishedan organizationspecializing incore and cutting-edge technologyresearch in theindustry; startedthe productionbase in Tongliang,Chongqing

2022Annual productionexceeded 10million units; retailstores exceeded30,000

2023Achievedlarge-scaleproduction andapplication onself-developedmotorsbreakthroughin millions ofquantities;bought andintegratedShandong base


Development History

Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Strategic Axis

Users FirstExcellent ProductsDeveloping products based oncustomer needsProviding excellent services based

on customer experiencesConducting operations basedon customer thinking

Increasing input in R&D technologyEstablishing a product forwarddevelopment systemImproving product quality

In-depth Market Development

Conducting excellent operations

across the entire value chainImplementing all-round delicacy


Improving overall operating


Rened OperationsDeveloping o?ine channels to improve

single-store outputIntroducing customers from onlineplatforms precisely to build a middle

retail centerExpanding overseas markets

to promote global


Aima Technology highly integrates its ESG strategy with the overall corporate strategy, establishing a robust managementsystem of "One Foundation and One System, Four Pillars and Eight Columns." This framework ensures a clearly defineddevelopment strategy, a highly e?cient organizational structure, a people-centric culture, and outstanding performance acrossall facets of the Company.

MaximizingShareholders’ BenetsClear Strategy


Culture Nurturingpeople

Foundation: Researches on the Trend and Stakeholders' NeedsSystem: Compliance and Risk Management System

ExcellentPerformanceHuman ResourceFinancial ManagementInformation andIntelligenceR&D ResearchProduction andManufacturingSupplier ManagementDistributor CooperationCustomer Service

One Foundation and One System, Four Pillars and Eight Columns

Since its establishment in 1999, Aima Technology has consistently prioritized user needs, delivering exceptional products andservices, and earning numerous accolades for quality and service excellence. Guided by the strategic focus of "Users First,Excellent Products, In-depth Market Development, Rened Operations," the Company remains committed to ensuring productquality and service excellence. It continually renes and optimizes its marketing strategies to facilitate rapid expansion andoperational scalability.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Product IntroductionCorporate Culture

Based on its capabilities of precision product design and strong product R&D, Aima Technology accurately identies the needsof various segmented consumer groups to establish a scientic product portfolio, providing consumers with a rich selectionof vehicle models. At the same time, with its high-quality, long-range, intelligent, trend-setting products, the Company bringsdi?erent user groups a new riding experience of technology, fashion, personal expression, comfortable riding, and safe traveling.Currently, the Company's main products include the Q Series, A Series, F Series, X Series, electric three-wheelers series, aswell as bicycles, E-bikes, low-speed electric four-wheelers and other green short and medium-distance transportation tools. Wecontinue to launch new products, constantly improving the ecosystem of green short and medium-distance transportation tools.

Aima Technology incorporates corporate culture into its daily business management. Starting from the vision of being a "world-leading fashionable technology company for green travel," the Company has established a mission of "lling the ride with love."Guided by the values of "Users First, Striving Based, High Integrity, Technology Driven, Open and Innovative, Strong Senseof Responsibility," the Company establishes a "Five Love" system of "loving society, loving users, loving employees, lovingpartners, and loving shareholders," fully demonstrating its sense of responsibility.






AIMA LuLu 2024AIMA Commander A700AIMA Warrior F626AIMA Dream Maker X14AIMA Happy Q70

AIMA DanDan 2023AIMA Commander PRO

Filling the ridewith love

Users First, StrivingBased, High Integrity,Technology Driven, Openand Innovative, StrongSense of Responsibility

World-leading fashionabletechnology company for green travel



"Five Love"System of Aima

Loving society

Loving users

Loving shareholdersLoving partners

Loving employees


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Key Performances and Honors in 2023Recognizations and Rewards

2023 Business PerformancesRevenue

ten thousand yuan2,103,612.1Accumulated sales of electrictwo-wheelers


Accumulated sales of electric three-wheelers426,727

Net prot

ten thousand yuan189,634.7

Proposed cash dividend(including purchase)

ten thousand yuan115,295.3

2023 Governance Performances

Sessions of compliance training


Input related to information security

ten thousand yuan


Number of information security breachestime

Coverage of business ethics and anti-corruption sta? training100%

Total hours of business ethics andanti-corruption sta? training


2023 Social Performances

Number of R&D personnel


Number of employeesNumber of suppliersNumber of local suppliers


Social public welfare expenses

hoursten thousand yuan


Total hours of sta? development training


R&D expenses

ten thousand yuan58,946.7

Cumulative number of patents granted



Aima Joy Q70 won MUSE Design

Gold Award in USA

Aima Technology X14 wonSuccessful Design AwardAima A130 won MUSE DesignSilver Award in USA

Aima Joy W293 won MUSEDesign Gold Award in USA

Aima Dandan2023 won MUSEDesign Silver Award in USA

Aima Hyhawk won MUSE DesignGold Award in USA

Aima Commander A700 won IAI Design BronzeAward(Intelligent Manufacturing Award)

American Alliance of Museums (AAM)American International AwardsAssociation (IAA)

Successful Design AwardsOrganizing CommitteeAmerican Alliance of Museums (AAM)American International AwardsAssociation (IAA)

American Alliance of Museums (AAM)American International AwardsAssociation (IAA)

American Alliance of Museums (AAM)American International AwardsAssociation (IAA)

American Alliance of Museums (AAM)American International Awards Association (IAA)

Asia Pacic Designers Federation


Joy Q70Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd.Transportation Design - Bicycles / Motorcycles

A130AIMA TECHNOLOGY GROUP Co.,LTD.Product Design - Other Product Design

W293AIMA TECHNOLOGY GROUP Co.,LTD.Product Design - Other Product Design



您提交的参赛作品《指挥官A700》荣获IAI全球设计奖(智造奖)- IAI铜奖!



Shouzhi Wang (USA) ,

Soon-In Lee (South Korea) ,

Fernando Brandao (Brazil),

Kees Spanjers(Netherlands),

Zhu Xiaodi (China) ,

Victoria Lu (USA),

Abel (Chile),

Wang Zhong (China),

DaliaGallico (Italy) ,

Ming Zhang (USA),

Adam Chen (Taiwan,China),

Yi Wu (China),

Florin Baeriswyl(Switzerland),

Laurent Troost (Belgium),

Oskar Ho (China)
















































Dandan2023AIMA TECHNOLOGY GROUP Co.,LTD.Transportation Design - Bicycles / Motorcycles

AIMA HyhawkAima Manufacturing & TechnologyTransportation Design - Electric Vehicle

2023 Environmental PerformancesEnvironmental protection input

ten thousand yuan1,819.96Wastewater, waste gas, noiseemission compliance rate100%

Disposal rate of hazardous waste100%pcsMajor environmental violations

Decreased rate of total solid wastegeneration


Acreage obtained green factorycertication

square meters521,349.0

Numbers of ISO 14001 environmentalmanagement system certications


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Value Transmission

Brand Image2023 Outstanding Public Company

of the Year


2023 ESG Excellent Practice Casesfor Listed Companies

China Association for Public



Committee of the SustainableInvestment and Financing (ESG) and the

Construction of Free Trade Port Forum




鉴于贵公司在ESG环境领域的突出贡献,兹收录“行业ESG发展理念倡议 共建绿色产业生态”案例纳入《中国上市公司ESG领先100案例》中。 特发此证。爱玛科技集团股份有限公司:

Topped the brand power of theelectric bicycle industry under ChinaBrand Power Index (C-BPI) in 2023


2022 Golden Bull Most ValuableInvestment Award

China Securities Journal

2022 China's Top 100

Listed Companies

Health Index

Yinsnance.comResearch society for nance and


Listed Companies with the Most Growth

Potential in Consumer Industry

National Business Daily

Platinum Employer

Institute of Public Accountants (IPA)

Top 200 Enterprises in China Light Industry

(Ranking 56th)

China National Light Industry


The First Tianjin Charity Award

Tianjin Municipal Civil A?airs Bureau

Top 500 Private Enterprises in China'sManufacturing Industry (Ranking 387th)

All-China Federation of Industry and


ESG New Benchmarking Enterprise



Pegasus Award for Investor Relations

of Listed Companies in China

Securities Times

2023 ESG InnovationPioneering Enterprise

Operator Finance Net

Top 16 Healthy Growth Projects for


Tianjin Industry and Commerce


The Company won the certicate of"Five- star Certication of National

Commodity After-sales Service"

National Commodity After-salesService Conformity Certication

Evaluation Committee

CTEAS Certicate of After-sales Service System - 7 Stars


National Commodity After-salesService Conformity Certication

Evaluation Committee

The case of "Industry ESG Development Philosophy

Initiative and Construction of Green IndustrialEcology" was included in the "100 Leading ESG

Cases of Listed Companies in China".


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Brand Image

Digitalization and Intellectualization

Reading China - Best Integrated

Marketing Cases of 2023


[More than New] AimaEngine 5 IntegratedMarketing Programs

[Smart Debut] Aima X HuaweiX World Intelligence Congress,Creating New Cases of

Intelligent Crossover

2023 Individual of the

Year for Excellence

Aima Reading Through China(Innovation Scene)

China International AdvertisingFestival—Advertiser AwardChina Advertising Association

First Prize of Digital TransformationInnovation Achievements of China

Light Industry

China Light Industry Information

2023 Advanced DemonstrationCases of Digital Transformation inthe Consumer Goods Industry

China Light Industry Information

2023 Fashion Brand Innovation


Committee of STIF

2023 Fashion Leadership


Group Standard "General Rules for Evaluation

of Brand Competitiveness of Light Industry

Enterprises" Brand Participating Units

Committee of STIF

China Light Industry Information

2023 Top 100 ChineseService Brands

Customer ObservationCommittee of China Digital Service IndustryDevelopment Annual Conference

China Brand Festival - 2023Excellent Brand in Electric VehicleIndustry with User Growth Power

Committee of China Brand


Corporate brand strength of 877and brand value of 4.3 billion yuan

China Council for BrandDevelopment

Topped the list of 2023 RayFashionable Electric Bicycle

Rayli MagazineChina Bicycle Magazine

Brand Star of the Year of "Light of


Tianjin High-tech Enterprise


2023 Wuxi Brand Inuential


Wuxi Radio & TV StationBusiness College of Jiangnan University


Top 100 Enterprises of Science andTechnology in China Light Industry

(Ranking 40th)

China National Light Industry



Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

In 2023, Aima Technology continued its e?orts in ESG, and the Company's ESG performance was highly recognizedby a number of rating agencies, achieving an industry-leading position in ESG ratings.



Rating agency2023

Aima Technology ESG rating status


13 (low risk)

The Sustainalytics ESG rating system takes a risk perspective, assessing risk based on corporate performance and assigning a risk rating based on a riskscore, with lower scores resulting in a lower level of ESG risk.

Digitalization and Intellectualization

2023 National Bicycle and ElectricBicycle Standardization Work-

Advanced Unit

Guide to Upgraded and InnovativeConsumer Goods upgradedconsumer goods

National Technical Committee for Bicycle

StandardizationSub-Technical Committee on Electric Bicycles

China National Light Industry


2023 Ludashi "Horn Award""Most Comfortable E-bike" of the Year

(Aima Commander 2023)


Jazzyear—Jazz 20-2023 China's3C and Intelligent Hardware - Most

Business Potential List

Committee of Jazzyear

2023VCON Award - Word of Mouth

Brand of the Year

Committee of VCON Awards

2023 Outstanding Licensee Award -

Digital Software Industry

LEC in Shanghai, LicensingInternational

Organizing Committee of the Conference on Economic Innovation and Brand

Development and the Promotion and Release of Innovative Achievements

2023 Brand PowerfulCountry-Standardized Norms

Construction Unit

2023 Brand Powerful Country-

Comprehensive IntelligentProduct Enterprise

2023 Strong Brand-IndustryFashion Pioneer Enterprise


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development


Response to Sustainable Development Goals

Rural revitalizationCommunity engagement

Rural revitalizationCommunity engagementEmployee rights and interestsEmployee safety and healthCostumer service

Employee care and benetsEmployee health and safetyCostumer serviceEmployee training anddevelopmentDownstream distributormanagementEmployee employment

Resource managementEnergy management

Clean technologyopportunitiesEmployee training anddevelopmentDownstream distributormanagement

Product R&D and innovation

Social value

Social value

Employee training anddevelopmentDistributor empowerment

Employee complianceand equality

Green contributionGreen operations

Green operationsEmployee training anddevelopmentDistributor empowerment

Innovative R&D

Employee employmentIndustry cooperation anddevelopment

Employee complianceand equalityInnovative R&D

Product R&D and innovationProduct qualitySupply chain management

Innovative R&DProduct qualitySustainable supply chain

Environmental managementResource management

Green contributionGreen operations

Climate change responseGreen contribution

Environmental managementGreen contribution

Environmental managementGreen contribution

Corporate governanceRisk managementResponsible marketing

Corporate governanceRisk managementBusiness ethics

Supply chain managementDownstream distributormanagement

Sustainable supply chainDistributor empowerment

Corresponding Material IssuesCorresponding ChaptersCorresponding Material IssuesCorresponding Chapters


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Leading inFashion,Empoweringwith Technology

Leading in Fashion

Aima Technology adheres to the strategicdirection of "fashion as the guideline,technology as the foundation," with akeen focus on brand development andthe cultivation of fashion-forward brands.Harnessing its industry-leading R&Dexpertise preferences, the Companycontinues to pioneer breakthroughs intechnological innovation and productenhancements within the electric two-wheeler industry. Aima Technology iscommitted to becoming a world-leadingfashionable technology company forgreen travel.

Aima Technology's brand concept of "Ride with Aima, Ride with Fashionand Ease" aims to provide users with a stylish travel experience whilecultivating an international image imbued with a sense of fashion. Throughrelentless e?orts in brand promotion and development, the Company hasgarnered numerous honors, including recognition for brand influence,fashion branding, and innovative marketing initiatives. These achievementsunderscore Aima Technology's prominent standing and remarkableachievements in brand development.

The Company successfully refreshed its brand by upgrading its logo to a high-end design, revamping its retail stores with afashionable aesthetic, and enhancing the color scheme of its products.Collaborating with Rob Jano?, the renowned designer behind the iconic Apple logo, the Company implanted the "fashion genes"into its brand, bringing a sense of technology and international air. The new logo, based on the original design, was rened toenhance its simplicity, introducing greater geometric balance and visual impact to achieve a harmonious coexistence of fashionand elegance.

Theme 1

Brand Power Awards

Fashion Brand Awards

Innovation and Marketing Awards

Famous Trademark of China

Top in Electric Bicycle Category,China Brand Power Index (C-BPI)

Leading Fashion Enterprise Award

2023 Ray TOP List of Fashion Electric Bicycles

Advertising Main Event Award, 2023China International Advertising Festival

Activity Marketing Grand Prize, AnnualCase, 2023 Advertising Main Event, ChinaInternational Advertising Festival

Rob Jano?, designer of both Apple and Aima Technology logos

Trademark Review Committee

China Advertising Association

China Advertising Association


The Organizing Committee of InternationalSci-Tech Innovation Festival

Rayli Magazine, China Bicycle Magazine

Aima Technology's awards in brand categoryBrand Renewal


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

The Company adeptly responds to consumer demands by revamping traditional store images and upgrading o?ine storesboth externally and internally. This initiative infuses stores with a sense of design, progress, and style, thereby greatlyenhancing the consumer's shopping experience. The Company has opened themed stores such as the "Aima Miss"store and the "Aima Young" store (under preparation), aiming to elevate users' purchasing experience and become aninnovation benchmark in the industry's terminal stores.

Through a series of creative marketing and promotional strategies, such as sponsoring variety shows, securing cross-industry endorsements, engaging in private domain communication, campus advertising, and hosting themed events,Aima Technology has surprised and delighted its users and the industry as a whole. These initiatives have not onlyempowered its retail outlets but also signicantly bolstered the brand's inuence.

Aima Technology places "technology as the foundation" at the core of its strategic framework, persistently investingin both fundamental and cutting-edge technologies. This includes deepening insights into user needs, researchingconsumer behavior, rening human-machine interaction design, and innovating across product categories. Through theestablishment of an intelligent ecosystem, the Company strives to attain technological leadership within the industry.

The "Chasing Stars - Aima Miss Ladies Arrive" Carnival,organized by Aima Technology, showcased the brand'sfashion and technological attributes through immersiveexperiences and diverse interactive activities. The launchof new products like Mico further strengthened thebrand’s image. During the event, the Company preparedvarious interactive activities, photo spots, and gamebenets, o?ering participants a diverse range of ways toexperience fashion and joy.

The Company collaborated withthe internationally renowned colorinstitute, Pantone, to introducethe exclusive brand color "AimaSunny Day · Vibrant Magenta."This pioneering move signies theindustry's first use of a tailoredPantone color card named aftera brand. Through an in-depthunderstanding of color trends andinterpretation of the color storiesbehind products, the cooperationdrives Aima's research anddevelopment in color, leading to anew fashion trend in the industry.

Aima Miss Ladies Store

Aima's Vibrant magenta

Brand Promotion

The "Chasing Stars - Aima Miss Ladies Arrive" Carnival

Case"Chasing Stars - Aima Miss Ladies Arrive" Carnival

Empowering with Technology


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

The Company has introduced three new engine programs catering to diverse user needs across various scenarios. Theseinclude the plain version (high-e?ciency ultra-quiet engine), the mountain version (ivy engine), and the long-enduranceversion (high-efficiency salient pole engine). Additionally, the Company has realized seven key capabilities, includingwaterproof performance, quality assurance, extended lifespan, rapid acceleration, extended range, quiet operation, andhigh torque, ensuring worry-free travel for users.

The Company is committed to building an intelligent ecosystem that encompasses various components, including softwareapplications at the application level, cloud platforms, intelligent central control, intelligent helmets, and technology platformsranging from light to full intelligence. Through this integrated ecosystem, Aima Technology has realized interaction betweenthe vehicle and smartphones, users, Aima Technology cloud platforms, and backend data, thereby meeting users' demandsfor intelligent vehicles. At the 7th World Intelligence Congress 2023, as the only electric two-wheeled vehicle brandparticipating in the event, Aima Technology demonstrated the Aima S1 Smart Helmet and the Aima Sunny Mico, whichsupport the Harmony OS Intelligent Link, e?ectively demonstrating technological advancements to global practitioners inthe eld of intelligent science and technology. In addition, the products incorporate automotive-grade algorithms on top oftraditional models. This enables them to adapt to diverse weather and road conditions, offering users a range of drivingmodes tailored to deliver the optimal experience.

Aima Technology intelligent ecosystem

The Company's self-developed Azure controller incorporates the world's leading development technology. It leveragesAutoSAR software architecture to enhance control stability across both software and hardware platforms, utilizes Matlabmodeling to enhance braking accuracy, and employs FOC high-e?ciency engine drive for optimal performance across alloperating conditions. These advancements signicantly enhance the product's operational experience and riding range.

Self-developed Azure controller

Intelligent ApplicationsUtilizing the latest Engine 5 technologies, the Company has undertaken a comprehensive upgrade of the "three cores"(electric control, motor and battery) and the friction reduction technology. With robust research and development support,we have substantially minimized energy loss during riding, ensuring a range of several hundred kilometers under diverseroad conditions.

Range-enhancing through technology empowerment (left) Aima Technology's new-generation Engine 5 (right)

Engine Upgrade

4G modulePlug and work,exible and convenient

More stable architecture | More advanced strategies | More precise control | Longer range | Better compatibility

Intelligent integrated dashboard + Central controlAuto button + Brake conrmation button + Multifunctional button

ATC 3D Bluetooth technologySynchronized turn/brake light3D surround sound e?ectIntelligent voice interactionIntelligent voice broadcastIntelligent voice interaction

Seat cushionsensorBuilt-in handlebarlock control ringin the seat

Built-in handlebarlock control ringin the seatElectric seat lock

Electric seat lockElectrichandlebar lock

Electrichandlebar lock4G cloud box

4G cloud boxIntelligent light-sensitive headlight

Low energy consumption lighting | Low rolling resistance tires | Low wind resistance design | Low electrical resistance wiring

Intelligent applicationsVehicle intelligent brain

Aima APPCreating a rider



Overview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green DevelopmentExcellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects Appendix

LeveragingDigitalIntelligence toEnhance Qualityand E?ciency

Aligned with the strategic axis of "UsersFirst, Excellent Products, In-depthDevelopment in the Market, RefinedOperation", Aima Technology has beenactively pursuing digital transformation.Through the implementation of the "361Digital Intelligence Project," the Companyhas established a digital intelligencemanagement system tailored to itsorganizational structure and businessprocesses. This initiative has resulted inenhanced operational efficiency acrossvarious functions including R&D andinnovation, manufacturing, user services,marketing activities, and supply chainmanagement.In 2023, the Company's digitalintelligence work was based on thetheme of "Downward Rooting, UpwardGrowing", with a focus on business needsas the primary driver and processes anddata as guiding principles. Concurrently,Aima Technology proactively introducedadvanced technologies such as AI,bolstering a unified platform for R&D,supply chain operations, and marketingmanagement. These efforts supportedthe implementation of crucial measuresincluding digitizing product R&D,optimizing the IPD process, fosteringsynergy between production and sales,and facilitating value integration amongsuppliers and manufacturers.

Theme 2

BOM stands for Bill of Materials, which refers to the process of establishing, circulating, changing, andsettling the BOM.

MES stands for Manufacturing Execution System, which is a management system aimed at workshopproduction. It is a real-time, accurate information system that guides, initiates, responds, and reportsproduction activities.

QMS stands for Quality Management System, which is a system used within an organization to manageand control quality-related activities. It aims to ensure that products or services meet quality standardsand customer requirements.

VOC stands for Voice of the Customer.

ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP system is a system that effectively shares andutilizes enterprise resources. Through information systems, information is adequately organized ande?ciently transmitted, enabling enterprises to rationalize the allocation and utilization of resources invarious aspects such as procurement, storage, production, sales, personnel, nance, and materials.

OTD stands for Order to Delivery.

The digital intelligence system

Research and Development



In the field of R&D, Aima Technology capitalizes on its integration advantages through the Digital Intelligence System. Weharness a digital-intelligent R&D system to oversee the entire process from requirements to design, encompassing costmanagement, project management, BOM management, and design changes, among others, thereby ensuring the e?ciency andprecision of the R&D process. The Company facilitates real-time monitoring of project progress through online co-design mode,enabling project teams to accurately track work progress and adjust strategies promptly, thus ensuring timely project delivery.Additionally, we employ big data analysis technology to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the entire R&D process. Uponidentifying bottlenecks and issues within the R&D process, corresponding optimization suggestions are provided to the R&Dteam.In the manufacturing eld, Aima Technology adopts MES and QMS systems to achieve end-to-end visualization spanning pre-production planning, in-production monitoring, and post-production summarization, leveraging the capabilities of a big dataplatform. The Company gains real-time insights into current production e?ciency through the MES system, swiftly identifyingproblem areas. This enables enhanced efficiency in issue resolution and management, facilitating targeted improvementinitiatives. Utilizing the QMS system, Aima Technology meticulously records key component information, product inspection, andrepair details, ensuring each vehicle possesses comprehensive "identity information" from production to delivery. This enhancesthe traceability of our products.

In terms of user services, Aima Technology fosters strong connections with users via digital intelligence systems, with a focuson delivering personalized and rened services. The Company ensures timely resolution of user issues through the online VOCwork order system while also broadening the scope of user feedback collection. Leveraging big data analysis and research onuser behavior, Aima Technology gains deeper insights into user needs and preferences. This not only enhances user satisfactionbut also provides invaluable data support for business decision-making.





●Automatic collection covers workers, machines, materials, methodsand information during production.

●Adopt MES

and QMS

systems to visualize the manufacturingprocess of pre-production planning, in-production monitoring andpost-production summarizing.

Provide users with convenient and attentive after-sales service byintegrating and streaming VOC

work orders through the DigitalIntelligence System.

●Collect user data for user research, product design and promotion,etc.

●Build an e-commerce platform and set up a professional e-commerceteam to expand online sales channels.

●Build a one-stop dealer service platform to realize online andautomated processing of business processes.

●Conduct intelligent mining of the data value of Internet business andpublic opinion through a data analysis system.

●Build intelligent manufacturing, ERP

, intelligent quality management,quality information platform and other digital intelligent operationsystems, realize the whole process of quality data collection,intelligent analysis, intelligent warning, intelligent control, intelligentprediction, and intelligent decision-making.

●Adopt a new method of integrating the whole process of OTD

orderswith suppliers to ensure a stable supply of raw materials and realizeproduction and sales synergy with suppliers.

●Use digital technology, intelligent equipment, warehouse control, andtrunk line planning to realize staggered and balanced delivery.

●Utilize the intelligent logistics platform to provide tailored transportationservices.

●Construct an operation analysis system that penetrates the wholevalue chain of the enterprise.

●Built Aima Technology's private cloud technology platform to realizerapid delivery of basic resources.

●Construct a local active-active data center and a cloud disasterrecovery data center, forming a private cloud disaster recovery systemof "local active-active + same-city disaster recovery".

●Construct a Forward Product Development Process R&D process,establish a project management system based on user requirements,and coordinate product data management, BOM

management, anddesign change management.

The digital intelligence production system


Overview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green DevelopmentExcellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects Appendix

MarketingSupply Chain Management

Intelligent Logistics






In terms of marketing, Aima Technology employs digital strategies to digitize marketing resources, ensuring comprehensivedigital coverage across the entire spectrum from headquarters to dealers, stores, sales personnel, and consumers. Thisfosters seamless integration of online and o?ine operations.

In supply chain management, Aima Technology adopts a new approach integrating the entire process of OTD orders withsuppliers, enhancing the e?ciency and exibility of the overall supply chain.

In terms of intelligent logistics, Aima Technology achieves logistics integration for the transportation of components andfinished products through the extensive utilization of the WMS

system. By driving business transformation throughstandardized processes, it ensures consistency between logistics and capital ow.

In terms of internal management, Aima Technology has established a comprehensive operational analysis system that spansthe entire value chain of the Company. This system, aimed at achieving performance and e?ciency improvements, providesrobust support for the realization of our strategic objectives.In quality management, Aima Technology leverages intelligent manufacturing,ERP, intelligent quality management, quality information integration, and otherdigital intelligent operation systems to enhance the product qualification ratethrough process monitoring and management. We assign an independent qualityfile to each product to enhance product reliability. Additionally, the Companyhas established a unified quality management system and overarching qualitystandards, creating a meticulously executed, comprehensive data operationsystem for quality management to ensure products adhere to the highest qualitystandards.

Aima Technology's membership

mini program

The OTD order system facilitates full-cycle collaboration and visualization from demand forecasting, order placement,supplier material inspection and warehousing, and product shipment, to customer receipt. This ensures the e?ciency oforders in production and sales coordination, thereby reducing the frequency of order uctuations.

Leveraging digital technology and intelligent equipment, we can precisely control warehouses, optimizetrunk lines, achieve balanced shipments during peak times, and effectively reduce instances ofwarehouse overstock through a warning system.

Achieve full implementation of digital intelligence systems in the financial field, utilizing data as afoundation to drive proactive implementation of improvement measures across business departments.Introduce a new integrated o?ce experience through the Aixin platform, enhancing instant messaging, to-do lists, scheduling meetings, audio and video calls, and online documents to facilitate communicationand collaboration.Deploy overseas multilingual adaptation capabilities to support the Company's global expansion e?orts.Establish the private cloud technology platform to enable rapid delivery of basic resources.Develop local active-active data centers and cloud disaster recovery data centers, establishing a privatecloud disaster recovery system featuring "local active-active + same-city disaster recovery" to enhancedata security.

Establish an integrated platform with suppliers to share more information, including raw materials, semi-finishedproducts, and inventory situations, to achieve coordination with suppliers in inventory, quality, and logistics. This ensuresa stable supply of raw materials and enables faster identication of supply issues and implementation of measures, thusreducing supply chain risks.

Aima Technology's Intelligent Logistics Platform offers customized transportation services, providingintelligent scheduling, route planning, and capacity management for storage, trunk lines, distribution, andother transportation processes. It also o?ers value-added services such as insurance and rapid payment.Through centralized allocation of goods and unied coordination of transportation capacity, it maximizesthe benets of the logistics system.

WMS stands for Warehouse Management System.

Aima Technology's digital measures in distribution

Aima Technology's outstanding digital intelligence system has received authoritative recognitions both domesticallyand internationally. In 2023, the Company obtained the robust level (level 3) certication according to the nationalstandard Data management capability maturity assessment model (GB/T36073-2018), the DT Insight's Annual BestData Innovation Benchmark Case (Supply Chain Management Application), the Excellent Eco-Partner of the TianjinIndustrial Internet Alliance, and the Innovation Achievement Award of the China National Light Industry EnterprisesManagement Association.

Online Channels

O?ine Channels

Private DomainTra?c

●Establish a new retail platform and form a dedicated e-commerce team. Join mainstreame-commerce platforms such as JD, Tmall, Suning, Pinduoduo, etc. Also, explore live-streaming sales models on social platforms such as TikTok and Kuaishou.

●Utilize big data analysis tools to delve into data from online shopping platforms, providingrobust support for product optimization and adjustments in marketing strategies.

●Implement meticulous management and operations for dealers and stores, establishinga one-stop dealer service platform. Achieve online and automated processing ofbusiness processes, streamlining dealer operations and enhancing channel operatione?ciency.

●Leverage the Lingshoutong system (an online service platform) to collect sales data,and conduct in-depth analysis through big data to understand product sales patterns,consumer preferences, and market trends in various regions. Provide robust supportfor decision-making and help formulate more precise marketing strategies and productstructure adjustment plans tailored to di?erent regional markets.

●Utilize the WeCom platform and internal digital tools such as "Aima Home Delivery" and"New Retail Middle Platform" to facilitate direct interaction with users, achieving renedmembership operations and enhancing user-brand stickiness.

●Leverage external live-streaming platforms, apps, and social communities to attract newusers and members, enhancing market competitiveness and brand inuence.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

ESG GovernanceAima Technology attaches great importance to the environmental and social implications of corporate development. We haveestablished and continuously improved our ESG management system, maintaining proactive engagement with all stakeholders.This collaborative e?ort aims to advance the Company's governance process based on scientic principles, ensuring that ourbusiness decisions and operational activities are in harmony with the objectives of sustainable development.Aima Technology integrates ESG concepts into its corporate governance and development strategy through the formulationof the Working Rules of the Strategy and ESG Committee of the Board of Directors of Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd. Weestablish a three-tier ESG governance structure comprising the Board of Directors, the Strategy and ESG Committee, and theESG Task Force. This structure e?ectively delineates the allocation of powers and responsibilities among the di?erent ESG tiers,facilitating a more comprehensive and thorough approach to sustainable development.

As a leading enterprise in the electric two-wheeler industry, Aima Technology leverages its extensive experience and ESGgovernance strengths to pioneer the ESG development initiative within the sector. We aim to propel ESG managementpractices across the industry, encouraging fellow industry players, as well as upstream and downstream affiliates toembrace the ethos of sustainable development through tangible actions, Together, we can forge a greener future throughcollective e?orts.

During the reporting period, Aima Technology won a number of ESG awards such as "Jinlan Cup - Excellent Case ofSustainable Branding", "2023 ESG Innovation Pioneer Enterprise", "Qingxin 2023 Leadership Practice Pioneer Project" andmany other ESG awards.

ESG governance structure

ESG management system

Board ofDirectorsThe Strategy andESG Committee

ESG Task




Strategic Level

Operational Level

Case"Sustainable Practices for a New Journey" ESG Development Philosophy Initiative

Promoting ESG Managementin the Industry and Being aPractitioner of Sustainable


Driving Green Innovationand Transformation towards

Sustainable Development

Fostering Green IndustryAlliances and Harnessing

Collective Power forSynergistic DevelopmentImplementing Green Smart

Manufacturing to PropelSustainable Development

ESG Initiative 1ESG Initiative 2ESG Initiative 4ESG Initiative 3

On-site of the ESG Development Concept Initiative

Conference for the Electric Two-wheeler Industry

Cover of Aima Technology's ESG Initiative Letter

2023 ESG Innovation Pioneer EnterpriseQingxin 2023 Leadership Practice

Pioneer ProjectJinlan Cup - Excellent Case ofSustainable Branding

ESG Governance Structure

The " One Foundation and One System, Four Visions and Eight Units " model is described on page 12 of this report.

●The top organization assuming decision-making and responsibility forESG matters, setting ESG governance strategy and objectives.

●Assess ESG-related risks and opportunities that have a material impacton the Company's business.

●Coordinate ESG management issues and formulate medium and longterm ESG development strategies and action paths.

●Ensure the operation of the ESG system and related work, and follow upon ESG performance and progress towards targets.

●Comprised of ESG leaders from all business and functional units, underthe guidance of the Strategy and ESG Committee, to collaborate on thepromotion and implementation of various ESG initiatives.

●Integrate the ESG strategy with the Company's strategy and builds a management systemof "One Foundation and One System, Four Pillars and Eight Columns"


●The foundation is compliance and risk management system; the system is researcheson trend and stakeholders' needs; four pillars are a clearly dened development strategy,a highly efficient organizational structure, a people-centric culture, and outstandingperformance; eight columns are human resource, financial management, informationand intelligence, R&D research, production and manufacturing, supplier management,distributor cooperation and customer service.

●Integrate ESG objectives into production and operation processes, into managementsystems and processes, and into information systems.

●Break down the strategic objectives based on ESG requirements and clearly incorporatethem into job requirements and performance appraisal schemes, so that ESG initiativescan become management actions that the Company consciously practices.

●Promoting ESG informationdisclosure

●Strengthening theconstruction of the ESGmanagement system

●Advancing green materialsand applications to shape abrighter future

●Leading the industry'stransition towards greenand low-carbon solutions,guided by eco-friendlyintelligence

●Facilitating in-depthexchanges on sustainabledevelopment within theindustry

●Strengthening capacitybuilding for sustainabledevelopment within theindustry

●Creating a model for greendevelopment

●Adopting renewable energybased on local conditionsand undertaking cleanenergy substitutions andtransformations

●Pursuing developmentthrough multiple measuresand continuously improvingenergy e?ciency

●Fostering linkage andintegration to establish agreen logistics network

●Build a green industrial chainand actively respond toclimate change


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Aima Technology places great importance on fostering communication and collaboration with both internal and external stakeholders.We have established a communication mechanism communication mechanism that engages users, employees, customers,shareholders and investors, government and regulatory bodies, partners, and other stakeholders. This approach enables us topromptly gather and attentively listen to the feedback, suggestions, and expectations of stakeholders. We are committed to respondingproactively to these inputs through concrete actions, thereby promoting the Company to achieve long-term sustainable development.

Compliance governanceand risk managementStable increase ininvestment returnsPublic disclosure ofInformation

Implement standardizedcompliance managementConvene general meetingof shareholdersPublish reports /announcementsActively respond toshareholders' enquiriesSet up multiple investorcommunication channels

Shareholders andInvestors

Business ethics and anti-corruptionSustainable co-operationFair and openprocurementSupplier managementDealer empowermentand development

Promote transparentprocurement anddistributionEstablish long-termand stable co-operationrelationshipImprove suppliermanagement systemConduct supplierexchanges and trainingConduct dealerempowerment activities

Supplier and Business


Strategic industrycollaborationIndustry win-wincooperationScientic andtechnological innovationIntellectual propertymanagement

Participate in theformulation of industrystandardsCarry out cooperationbetween industry,academia and researchinstitutesParticipate in industryexhibitions

Industry Associationsand Research Institutions

Compliance operationsEnvironmental protectionProduct quality & safetyCommunity input anddevelopment

Promote the Company'scompliance managementand sound developmentSave energy and reduceconsumption in productionImplement ne qualitycontrolHold press conferencesConduct media interviewsCarry out social welfareactivities

Media and the


Carrying out publicservice projectsCommunity input anddevelopmentVolunteer activitiesEnvironmental protection

Carry out public welfareprojects/volunteeractivitiesAdvocate environmentalprotection


Product quality andsafetyUser service &satisfactionData security and privacyprotection

Carry out full-cycleproduct quality controlIncrease investment ininnovation and R&DOptimize customerservice managementsystemStrengthen informationsecurity and privacyprotection

Product Users

Employee rights andbenets protectionDiversity andinclusivenessTalent training anddevelopmentEmployee care andwelfareOccupational health andsafety

Provide competitivesalaries and benetsUpgrade employee careerdevelopment systemRegularly convene sta?congressesCarry out cultural andsports activities foremployeesConduct regular employeesatisfaction surveysEstablish occupationalhealth and safetymechanisms


Compliance with lawsand regulationsCompliance governanceand risk managementData security and privacyprotectionBusiness ethics and anti-corruptionClimate change andenergy conservationPromotion of economicdevelopmentRural revitalization andsocial responsibilityTake the initiative to paytaxes in accordance withthe lawImprove corporategovernance mechanismComprehensive riskmanagementPromote green operationPromote high-qualityemploymentDrive the development ofrelated industriesPractice socialresponsibility

Governments andSupervisory Agencies

Communications with Stakeholders

StakeholdersMajor ConcernsCommunication Methods and Performance


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Through extensive stakeholder engagement, analysis of industry trends, and market research, Aima Technology has identiedand evaluated 26 materiality issues. Subsequently, we have meticulously constructed the Company's materiality issues matrixfor 2023. This matrix is crafted based on stakeholders' interests in various ESG issues and aligns with our own developmentstrategy.

Most important


Very important issues

Important issues

Environmental issuesGovernance issuesSocial issues


Importance to Aima Technology

Most important issuesVery important issues

Important issues

Importance to stakeholders

Materiality Issue Judgement

2023 materiality issues matrix of Aima Technology

Corporate governance

Compliance managementAnti-corruption

Information security management

Risk management

Intellectual property management

Privacy security management

Environmental managementWasteResource management

Clean technology opportunitiesEnergy management

Address climate change

Customer serviceProduct qualityProduct R&D and innovationSupply chain management

Employee training and development

Rural revitalization

Employee safety and health

Downstream dealer management

Industry cooperation and developmentResponsible marketingEmployee rights

and interests


Giving back tocommunities

1 Environmental management2 Waste3 Resource management4 Clean technology opportunities5 Corporate governance6 Customer service7 Product quality8 Product R&D and innovation9 Employee training and development10 Supply chain management11 Employee safety and health12 Energy management13 Address climate change14 Intellectual property management15 Compliance management16 Risk management17 Anti-corruption18 Downstream dealer management19 Privacy security management20 Information security management21 Rural revitalization22 Giving back to communities23 Employee rights and interests24 Responsible marketing25 Employment26 Industry cooperation and development

Environmental issuesEnvironmental issuesEnvironmental issuesEnvironmental issuesGovernance issuesSocial issuesSocial issuesSocial issuesSocial issuesSocial issuesSocial issuesEnvironmental issuesEnvironmental issuesGovernance issuesGovernance issuesGovernance issuesGovernance issuesSocial issuesGovernance issuesGovernance issuesSocial issuesSocial issuesSocial issuesSocial issuesSocial issuesSocial issues


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Responsible Governance

RESPONSIBLE GOVERNANCEAs a leading company in the electric two-wheeler industry, Aima Technology continuesto strengthen its governance system and capacity. We embed ESG principles into ourcorporate strategy and compliance culture, thereby garnering broader support andfostering a more robust driving force. Concurrently, we champion ESG managementpractices among upstream and downstream enterprises within the industry. Our aimis to not only serve as practitioners but also as pioneers, advocates, and architects ofsustainable development.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

Aima Technology strictly abides by the provisions of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Rules Governingthe Listing of Stocks on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and other laws, regulations and normative documents. We haveimplemented a robust corporate governance mechanism with a clear division of powers and responsibilities. Through thismechanism, we have rened and standardized compliance controls, providing a strong assurance for the Company's compliantand sustainable development.

We have built a corporate governance structure based on the general meeting of shareholders, the Board of Directors and itssubordinate special committees, and the Board of Supervisors. In addition, we have formulated a governance system centeredon the Articles of Association of Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd. This initiative aims to enhance the standardization andtransparency of our operations and management, ensuring informed and rational decision-making processes.

On the basis of legal and valid general meetings, the Company always practices the principle of fairnessand impartiality and treats every shareholder equally. We pay special attention to the rights and interestsof minority shareholders to ensure that they enjoy equal rights at the Company's shareholders' meetings,and at the same time encourage all shareholders to fully express their opinions and views.The Board of Directors consists of 9 directors, including 3 independent directors, with experience andexpertise in a wide range of industries. In selecting candidates for the Board of Directors, we takeinto account a variety of factors such as gender, age, professional qualications, industry experience,cultural and educational background. We continue to promote the diversication of the Board in order tolay a solid foundation for the Company's long-term development.The number and composition of the Board of Supervisors is in compliance with the requirementsof relevant laws and regulations. We hold the Supervisory meetings in strict accordance with theregulations and ensure that the meeting is held at least once every six months.

General Meetingof Shareholders

Board ofDirectors

Board ofSupervisors

Articles of Association of the Company. pdf

The Company has formulated and implemented the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors and other internalmanagement mechanisms. These measures serve to clarify the duties and obligations of the General Meeting ofShareholders, the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, and the executive layer. Additionally, we have scienticallydened the boundaries of responsibilities and powers for each governance body, ensuring the e?ciency and transparencyof the Company's decision-making. Moreover, we actively safeguard the independence of the Company's strategic decision-making by establishing strict decision-making procedures and internal monitoring mechanisms. These e?orts minimize theinuence of external factors and potential conicts of interest on the decisions made by the Board members.Governance

GeneralMeeting ofShareholders

Board of






Board of SupervisorsSecretary of the Board

of Directors

Board O?ce

Audit Committee

Strategy and

ESG CommitteeRemuneration andAppraisal CommitteeNomination Committee

Audit Center

As the end of the reporting periodthe Board of Directors consisted of


independent directorsand

female directors

During the reporting periodthe Company held

general meetings of shareholders

board meetingsand

supervisory meetingsof which the attendance rate of theBoard members was100%

and the supervisors of the Companyparticipated in the general meetingsof shareholders and board meetingson time

During the reporting periodthe Audit Committee underthe Board of Directors of theCompany held

meetingsthe Strategy and ESGCommittee held

meetingsand the Remuneration andAppraisal Committee held

meetingsThe Board of Supervisors consists of

supervisorsof whom

is the Chairman of Board


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Compliant OperationThe Company continuously strengthens its compliance control system by leveraging internal regulations such as the InternalControl System of Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd. and the Internal Audit System of Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd. Theseframeworks precisely outline the internal control processes and responsibilities across all levels, integrating complianceprinciples into all operational facets. Concurrently, we conduct regular compliance audits and, utilizing digital intelligencetools tailored to the Company's needs, achieve closed-loop management of compliance monitoring, problem categorization,rectication, and tracking. This ensures the legality and compliance of our business activities while safeguarding the security ofthe Company's assets, as well as the accuracy and completeness of nancial reports and related information.

Aima Technology strictly follows the Rules for Listing Stocks onthe Shanghai Stock Exchange, the Articles of Association of AimaTechnology Group Co., Ltd.

and the Company’s InformationDisclosure Management Measures. We integrate statutoryinformation disclosure with voluntary information disclosureto ensure equitable access to the Company information for allshareholders and other stakeholders. To continually enhancethe quality and effectiveness of information disclosure, weoptimize information disclosure modes and processes, bolsterthe professional capabilities of relevant personnel, and strictlyimplement the Registration and Filing System for Informants ofInsider Information. This reinforces the condentiality of insiderinformation and upholds the principles of truthfulness, accuracy,completeness, timeliness, and fairness in information disclosure.These efforts aim to safeguard the legitimate rights andinterests of investors and ensure that all interested parties havecomprehensive and clear insights into the Company's situation.During the reporting period, Aima Technology disclosed 107 temporary announcementsand 4 periodic reports, and made printed periodic reports available for investors'inspection at the Company's securities a?airs management department. The Company’sinformation disclosure work was evaluated by the Shanghai Stock Exchange as"A".

In 2023, the Company adopted an online + offline training method to carry out advertising law training for functionaldepartments and business lines to ensure that employees understand the compliance issues involved in advertising andpromotion, so as to e?ectively avoid the risks and comprehensively safeguard the company's brand image.

Advertising overviewContent of the advertisingprohibition

The content of advertisementsshould be true and accurateFalse and misleading propagandaCode of conduct for advertising

In addition, we incorporate employee compliance performance into the employee performance appraisal process. We alsofoster the culture of compliance through our self-developed "Compliance Education Platform for Listed Companies of AimaTechnology". This platform encompasses modules on news, laws and regulations, case studies, training, exams, and more,o?ering employees comprehensive and diverse compliance learning resources. This initiative aids in cultivating a deep-rootedculture of compliance within the Company. In 2023, the Company conducted 9 compliance training sessions covering topicssuch as the project procurement process, nal accounts, and internal control.

Principle of comprehensiveness; Principle of importance; Principle of checks and balances;Principle of adaptability; Principle of cost-e?ectivenessIn accordance with thecompliance managementstrategy, establish correspondingcompany-level compliancecontrol measures and supervisecompliance control activities atthe business activity level.Regular and ongoing monitoringand inspection of internalcompliance implementation.

Regulate business processesand formulate compliancecontrol activities at the businessactivity level in accordancewith the compliance controlmeasures at the corporate level.

Carry out targeted supervision,inspection and evaluation inspecial areas.

Establish information systemcontrol mechanisms, includinginformation security and accesscontrol, program development,program change, andinformation system operationmanagement.Independent audit and reporton the e?ectiveness of theCompany's compliance control.

For the Company

Day-to-day monitoring





For the business activity

Specialized supervision

For the overall information system

Internal audit

Compliance management and control mechanism of Aima Technology

The content ofadvertising lawtraining

The "Three Levels" compliance appraisal system of Aima Technology

Main information disclosure channels of

Aima TechnologyApply to all employees, in accordance with the Agreement of PerformingDuties with Integrity and the Company's rules and regulations, the personviolating the law will be given a warning, a demerit, the termination of theemployment relationship and other administrative sanctions and nancialpenalties, such as the reduction of performance pay.Apply to management staff of M3/P3 level (or above) and sensitivepositions in all centers and divisions of the Company, conduct appraisals ona quarterly basis, and provide di?erent incentives and penalties accordingto the appraisal results and corresponding appraisal grades.Apply to all employees, through the "Honest Aima" public account to leavea reasonable proposal, when adopted by the Compliance Centre, theperson will be given the corresponding assessment points according to thecontent of the proposal, the size of the contribution, etc.

First level

Second level

Third level

Discipline fornon-compliance

Reasonable advice

Compliance trainingCompliance exam



M is for management position and P is for professional position.

CaseAdvertising law training

Protecting Stakeholders' Rights and Interests









Articles of Association of the Company. pdf












Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

The Company continuously enhances the communication mechanism and channels with investors to effectively protect thelegitimate rights and interests of investors, especially minority investors. Leveraging the Investor Relations Management Systemand other internal management systems, we promptly provide investors with the latest Company information through the SSEInfo Platform, investor hotline, mailboxes, website columns, on-site receptions, and other mediums. Furthermore, we regularlyconvene analysts' meetings, o?ine strategy meetings, results brieng sessions, and other events for investors. These initiativesfacilitate ongoing positive interactions with investors in diverse formats, thereby collaboratively advancing the sustainabledevelopment of the Company.

Regular channelsFeatured interactionExternal platforms

Investor relations activities of Aima Technology

The Company organized

online Q&A performancebrieng sessions

Since the inception of the Company's "Aima Technology Chief Capital O?cer" public Wechat account, a total of

articles have been published, which have successfully attracted the attention and recognition of a largenumber of fans by virtue of its unique perspective and high-quality content, achieving a signicant breakthrough inthe number of fans.

online exchanges withinstitutional investors


o?ine strategy meetings

covering more than



o?ine visits and researchactivities for investors

During the reporting period

In 2023, the "I am a shareholder" Investor Reception Day was held in Tianjin, which included showroom and factory tours,test-drives of new models and a shareholders' exchange session, prompting investors to further understand the operationof the Company and deepen their understanding of the electric two-wheeler industry and Aima Technology's marketcompetitiveness.Aima Technology actively organizes various forms of investor exchange activities to build communication bridges betweeninvestors and listed companies, deepen mutual trust, and build a benign ecosystem in which the quality of listed companiesis improved and investor returns grow in a mutually reinforcing manner.

In June 2023, Tianjin Securities Regulatory Commission, ChinaFinancial Futures Exchange and Hexi District Governmentjointly launched the "Full Registration System and JoiningTianjin for a Better Future" investor service offline activity atTianjin Cultural Centre. As a participant of the activity, AimaTechnology enhanced the interactivity through on-site knowledgeexplanation, investment education quiz and other forms to helpinvestors understand the policy of full registration system, activelyimplement the requirements of the reform of "full implementationof the registration system for the issuance of shares", betterprotecting investors.



SSE's "I am a shareholder" introduced to Aima Technology, talking with investorsabout development prospects

"Full Registration System and Joining Tianjin for a Better Future" investor activity

●Performance brieng


●Targeted research

●Media interviews

●O?ine strategy meeting

●Conference calls

●Analyst meetings

●One-on-one communication

●"Walking into AimaTechnology" site visit

●Online performance exchangewith investors based on"Comein Finance"

●Holding o?ine investor serviceactivities with regulatoryagencies in the jurisdiction

●Continuously update the "AimaTechnology Chief CapitalO?cer" public Wechat accountarticles

●Publish annual reports and ESGreports in English and Chinese

●Declare for a number of investorrelations management awards


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Risk ManagementTaking into account the current industry development trend and regulatory requirements, Aima Technology has established athree-tier risk control management system comprising "business departments, functional departments, and the audit center."This framework ensures the e?ectiveness and foresight of risk management, providing the Company with a robust foundationfor risk prevention and control. Additionally, we prioritize ESG governance risks and integrate ESG risks such as safety,environmental protection, product quality, and data security into the Company's risk management system. This approachpromotes the integration and optimization of ESG risk assessment and response strategies, comprehensively enhancing theCompany's ESG risk management capabilities.

We have diligently worked towards deepening the integration of internal auditing with risk prevention and control. We haveconstructed a risk management framework tailored to the Company's specic circumstances, enabling us to e?ectively identify,assess, prevent, and control both internal and external risks. Furthermore, we have issued risk audit reports based on the rootcauses of identied issues and the results of risk assessments, along with targeted rectication proposals to ensure a closed-loop risk control process. Throughout the reporting period, the Company conducted 255 special risk audit projects focusing onkey business areas such as nancial income and expenditure, asset acquisition, etc. The rectication rate for issues identied inthese risk audits was 100%.

Consist of business unitssuch as R&D, purchasing,manufacturing, channelmanagement, services, etc.,it identies, evaluates andmanages risks in its ownbusiness processes.

Composed of internal control,legal, quality management,regulatory management, safetyand environmental o?ce andother functional departments, toassist and provide the rst-levelrisk-related matters professionalsupport, e?ective monitoring allaspects of compliance.

Construct a sound riskmanagement system, monitorall risk matters related to theachievement of corporateobjectives, accurately identifypotential risk loopholes, andpromote the implementation ofcorrective measures by relevantdepartments.

The rst line of defenseThe second line of defenseThe third line of defense

Business departmentsFunctional departmentsAudit center

The three defense lines of prevention and control mechanism of Aima Technology

Risk management framework of Aima TechnologyImplement risk control and audit plans according to the division of responsibilities, andcomprehensively identify and combine the Company's risks in various areas such asorganizational structure, operating methods, asset management, business processes, R&D,technological inputs, information technology application, and nancial status.Riskidentication

Combine qualitative and quantitative analysis methods and analyze the likelihood of theoccurrence of risks and the degree of impact, to further dene the categories and levels of risk,and accordingly assess the risks that require high attention and prior control.Riskevaluation

Based on the root causes of the problems and the results of risk assessment, formulatecorresponding solutions, prepare audit reports and put forward audit opinions and conclusionsto provide strong guidance for risk rectification and business process optimization, so as toachieve e?ective risk control.Riskaddressing

In June 2023, the list of winners of the "Panorama Investor Relations Gold Award", a nationwide award for the year 2022,jointly launched by ir.p5w.net and the China Institute of Corporate Governance of Nankai University, was o?cially unveiled.Aima Technology won the "Best Minority Investor Interaction Award" and the "Outstanding IR Team" for its outstandinginvestor relations management and excellent minority investor interaction practices.

CaseAima Technology won two Panorama Investor Relations Gold Awards

Business Ethics

Aima Technology strictly abides by the Oversight Law of the People's Republic of China, the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of thePeople's Republic of China and other laws and regulations. We have set up a Compliance Center directly under the Chairman'spurview, with authorities to conduct independent investigations and reviews. This center is responsible for deliberating on andoverseeing investigations into instances of fraud and irregularities, thereby ensuring the independence and efficacy of theCompany's compliance management e?orts.Aima Technology constantly optimizes internal management systems such as the Employee Integrity Management Provisionsand the Compliance Assessment Management Provisions, ensuring alignment of employees' conduct with the Company'scompliance standards. Additionally, we require all employees to sign the Agreement of Performing Duties with Integrity uponsigning or renewing labor contracts, thereby regulating and reinforcing employees' compliance behaviors. To establish arobust business ethics oversight and complaint mechanism, we regularly update the Whistleblower Protection and RewardManagement Provisions, and set up internal and external whistleblowing channels such as hotlines, reporting mailboxes, and the"Honest Aima" public WeChat account. We are committed to safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of whistleblowers,maintaining strict condentiality of their personal information and reports, and unequivocally opposing and prohibiting any formof retaliation. Violators will be held accountable in accordance with the aforementioned provisions. During the reporting period,the signing rate of the Agreement of Performing Duties with Integrity by employees was 100%.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

2023 business ethics compliance training system of Aima Technology

Through online and o?inetraining, the Company conductedthe "First Lesson on Integrity"for newly recruited employees topromote the Company's integritymanagement regulations andclearly dene the red line.As of the reporting period, 100%of the newly recruited employeesparticipated in this training.

According to the business characteristics of di?erent elds such as supply chain and international business,the Company promotes integrity requirements to ensure that employees in all fields are clear about theintegrity standards and strictly abide by them in their actual work.In 2023, the Company had 240 employees participating in integrity and compliance training for sensitivepositions.

The Company declare theprinciples of integrity management,and through case demonstration,alert managers may face the riskof corruption. at the same time,there are on-site examination andQ&A session, in order to test theactual e?ect of the training.During the reporting period, theCompany conducted three integrityand compliance training sessionsfor the management, with a totalof over 900 employees.

Newly recruited


Middle- and high-level executives

Employees inspecic positions

During the reporting period, when the Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival were approaching,Aima Technology carried out the activities of "Carrying forward clean and upright spirit, inheriting clean and honest familyethics", "Thinking about cleanliness during the Mid-Autumn Festival, and being cautious and honest in celebrating theNational Day" for all the employees, the prize competition activity themed "Building a Solid Integrity Shield", throughanswering integrity questions to warn employees at all levels to adhere to the principle of integrity and self-discipline.During the reporting period, 180 employees of the Company won prizes by answering the questions.

CaseThe "Clean and Honest" integrity activity with prizes

For suppliers, distributors and other partners, we have signed agreements suchas the Sunlight Purchase Agreement, the Sunlight Distribution Agreement, andthe Agreement of Cooperation with Integrity, among others. These agreementsoutline clear guidelines for business ethics and codes of conduct to be adheredto throughout the cooperation process. In the event of any breaches of thecontract identied during the cooperation period, the relevant parties will facecorresponding consequences in accordance with the terms outlined in theIntegrity Agreement.We conduct regular business ethics audits to uphold fairness and transparencyin handling violations. Inspectors from the Compliance Center conductinvestigations and implement necessary measures to address issues, whilecompliance officers oversee the entire investigation process to ensure thelegality and completeness of evidence collection. Upon completion of theinvestigation, the Compliance Center issues a detailed investigation report, andrelevant individuals and units are duly sanctioned. Drawing from past cases, wecontinually enhance our employees' compliance management to reinforce theirbusiness ethics and prevent the recurrence of similar incidents.Aima Technology relies on business ethics training and integrity promotion tofoster a culture of integrity across all aspects of the organization. We conductregular training sessions on business ethics and integrity for executivesand all employees. Additionally, we provide specialized thematic educationfor employees in specific positions to reinforce their awareness of integrityand behavioral norms. To enhance the effectiveness of warnings, we issuedisciplinary notices and circulate internal case studies. Furthermore, wedisseminate requirements on business ethics and legal literacy through the"Honest Aima" public account, guiding our employees to adhere strictly tointernal and external rules and regulations in their business activities. In 2023,Aima Technology achieved a 100% coverage rate for business ethics and anti-corruption training, totaling 2,220 hours of training.

Business ethics whistleblowingchannels of Aima TechnologyWhistleblowing tele:


hegui@aimatech.comWhistleblowing e-mail:

Social media:

"Honest Aima" publicWechat account

Information Security and Privacy Protection

Aima Technology strictly abides by the Data Security Law of the People's Republic of China and the Personal InformationProtection Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations, and has set up the Information SecurityCommittee, formulated and continuously improved the Regulations on Information Security Management and other relevantinternal management systems. By integrating information security into our operations, we have erected a robust defense line forsafeguarding information security.

As for technology, we have established Aima Technology's data platform to facilitate integrated management of datacollection, processing, operation, maintenance, and service. Additionally, we have established a local dual-active datacenter and a cloud disaster recovery data center, forming a private cloud system characterized by "local dual-activityand co-location disaster recovery." This setup ensures a dual-guarantee mechanism for data security. Furthermore, weimplement a unied data attribution management strategy and private deployment method for each business access,e?ectively mitigating the risk of data loss.To further strengthen the management of information security hardware, the Company implements measures such aso?-site data backup and unied procurement of electronic o?ce equipment. We prioritize data compliance and integritythrough encryption and data backup to mitigate information security risks. In addition, we have established a customizedinformation security prevention and control system, deploy professional rewall equipment to e?ectively thwart externalillegal attacks and supervise server access and manual internal internet access through bastion machines and internetbehavior management, to strengthen the supervision of information security. In 2023, the Company invested a total of 7.103million yuan in information security protection measures.

Data Security


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

To enhance information security awareness, the Company actively conducts digital security training for new employeesand implements the "Ten Red Lines of Forbidden" regulation on information security to delineate the code of conduct. Weregularly collaborate with the Network Security Department to conduct o?ensive and defensive drills and undertake specialoptimization e?orts to address any deciencies, ensuring robust and reliable information security defenses. In 2023, weorganized and conducted 10 training sessions for new employees, disseminating the training outcomes through the AimaInformation Research and Training Centre to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the Company's information securityrequirements among new hires. Additionally, we organized four information security system certication reviews and trainingsessions covering key areas such as marketing, procurement, nance, information, administration, and personnel. Theseinitiatives aim to enhance the promotion of the information security system and incident handling procedure.

For suppliers and third-party partners involved in data or system docking, we sign corresponding condentiality agreementsbefore in-depth cooperation in accordance with the Regulations on Account Authority Management and other relevantmanagement systems. These agreements clearly outline the responsibilities and obligations of partners regarding data securityand associated requirements. Simultaneously, we allocate appropriate permissions based on partners' job requirements, and thesystem automatically synchronizes and grants corresponding permissions for sensitive information following rigorous approvalby the Company's business leaders. As of the reporting period, Aima Technology has consistently executed confidentialityagreements before collaborating with third-party partners.

We have formulated the Privacy Policy Terms for Aima Smart Riding, which clearly delineates the scope and methods ofcollecting users' information, and safeguarding users' rights and interests, including the right to be informed, the right tocorrect, and the right to delete information. During the collection of user information, we strictly adhere to the principles of dataminimization and necessity, ensuring that personal information is gathered solely for our products and services. Users aretransparently informed of the personal information obtained and the intended purpose of its use, maximizing the protection oftheir privacy rights and interests.To comprehensively establish an information security management mechanism, Aima Technology implements various measuresto safeguard users' personal information. These include website security design, rewall systems, and password protection.Additionally, we assign processing privileges based on authority, data security level, and the principle of user-minimizedprivileges. We rigorously control access to, use of, preservation of, and disclosure of personal information. Regular inspectionsof the information system are conducted to promptly address any issues identied during the review process. In instances wheredisclosure of user information is necessary, we strictly adhere to relevant laws and regulations, obtaining users' authorizationbefore disclosing information in accordance with the law. Furthermore, the Company's Big Data Centre veries such disclosuresto ensure the security of users' personal information. As of the reporting period, there have been no major incidents related tothe leakage of users' private data.

In September 2023, Aima Technology carried out information security offense and defense drills, simulated networkattacks by means of penetration assessment, identied and dealt with the loopholes existing in the system, and formulatedtargeted rectification plans accordingly. In November, we specially dealt with the high-risk loopholes existing in thee-commerce warehouse management system to ensure the safe and stable operation of the system. The drill e?ectivelyenhanced the Company's security protection capability and laid a solid foundation for the continuous improvement of theinformation security management system.

CaseAima Technology carried out information security o?ense and defense drills

Privacy and Personal Information Protection

ISO 27001:2022 Information Security Management System Certication of Aima Technology

As of the reporting period, with an e?cient information security management system, the Company obtained the second-levelcerticate of "Information System Security Level Protection Record" and the robust level (level 3) certication according to thenational standard of "Data Management Capability Maturity Assessment Model", and passed the certication of ISO 27001:2022Information Security Management System.

Taking Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as guide, Aima Technology hascarried out the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress in depth, tightly focused on the general requirements of "learningideas, strengthening Party spirit, emphasizing practice, and constructing new achievements", and solidly pushed forwardthe integration and promotion of Party building and governing work, so as to transform the high-quality Party buildingwork into a powerful driving force for the sustainable development of the Company.The Company regularly holds "Three Meetings and One Lesson" to study and understand the Party rules and regulations,and implement the Party's guidelines and policies. Under the guidance of the Guiding Handbook for Standardized andNormative Construction of Party Branches, we comprehensively strengthen the cultivation and management of Partybranch members, promote the standardized and normative development of Party branch construction, and provide solidpolitical guarantee and organizational support for the Company's high-quality development. In addition, we constantlyexplore and innovate the forms of Party building activities, promote the Party building culture and knowledge to thefront line by setting up diversied platforms such as revolution workshops, reading corners, cultural positions, etc., andorganize thematic activities such as revolution culture learning, revolution film watching and lecturer training, whichpromote Party members' in-depth understanding of the Party's history and enhance the Party's cultivation.

Guidance through Party Building


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

In February 2023, the Party branch of Jiangsu Vehicle carriedout a branch knowledge competition with the theme of "Studythe 20th National Congress, Take up New Mission" within theCompany, and prepared prizes such as suitcases and businesstravelling sets. By organizing this knowledge competition, weenhanced the interaction and contact between the Party branchand frontline sta? and further strengthened the foundation of themasses while deeply promoting the spirit of the 20th NationalCongress.

In order to inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture, carry out the spirit of the 20th NationalCongress in depth, and at the same time show the spirit and vitality of the Party members, in October 2023, the Partybranch of Jiangsu Vehicle and the labor union jointly held the Party Day Activity themed " Climbing Mountains to Celebratethe Double Ninth Festival, Exercising and Bringing the Party and Workers Closer ". It not only enriched the spiritual andcultural life of Party members but also improved the cultural literacy and physical tness of Party members through outdoorclimbing activities held at the Cuiping Mountain Tourism Resort.



"Spirit of the 20th National Congress" knowledge contest

Climbing to celebrate the Double Ninth Festival, exercising and bringing theParty and workers closer

Party conference

Party building activities

Lecture on the Party

Party building work of Aima Technology

●The core agenda covers the study of Party committeedocuments, the resolution on the transfer of reserve members,the rules of branch points, and centralized study and discussionand exchange

●Suzhou Museum revolution learning journey

●Parent-child activity: "Deepening Production Reform andPracticing Inspiration, Parents and Children Walking Togetherwith Love"

●Party Day Activity of "Climbing to Celebrate the Double NinthFestival, Exercising and Bringing the Party and Workers Closer"

●New employee care

●Knowledge contest "Study the 20th National Congress, Take upthe New Mission"

●"Campaign of Xiangjiang River" lm watching activity

Thirty lectures on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era as guide

●Perceptions on the Implementation and Study of the Party'sInnovative Theories

●Lecture on the theme of "Using the Nine Whats, Speaking theSpirit of the 20th National Congress"

●Extracts from Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with ChineseCharacteristics for a New Era as guide

●Discussion on the theme of "Remembering the Mandate,Reecting on the Progress, and Walking in the Forefront"


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Green Development

GREEN DEVELOPMENTAs one of the outstanding enterprises in the electric two-wheeler manufacturing industry,Aima Technology implements the national low-carbon and environmental protectionpolicies, spearheading green innovation within the sector. Guided by the value of "takingresponsibility," the Company proactively addresses government mandates for pollutionprevention and control. Additionally, we develop strategies to combat climate change andadvocate for the adoption of sustainable development principles.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Green Contribution

Aima Technology strictly adheres to laws and regulations such as the EnvironmentalProtection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Atmospheric PollutionPrevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Law of thePeople's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environment PollutionCaused by Solid Wastes. The Company has formulated and implemented theRegulations on Environmental Protection Management. Aima Technology activelypromotes environmental protection management and strengthens its environmentalprotection management capabilities. The Company continuously improves itsenvironmental management system, adhering to the principle of "prevention first,prevention and control combined, comprehensive utilization," and continuallyoptimizing environmental protection management at each production base.

Centered on green development, Aima Technology persists in innovating andenhancing environmental protection management mechanisms. The Companyactively promotes energy conservation, emission reduction, and customizedtechnological upgrades tailored to our unique circumstances. Through these e?orts,we aim to realize an e?cient and low-emission green operating model.

The Company actively conducts the identification and assessment of environmental impacts, evaluating them for newconstruction projects and other expansion and renovation endeavors. We adhere strictly to laws, regulations, and environmentalassessment approvals for construction, ensuring the implementation of environmental protection measures before, during, andafter construction.The Company actively organizes training to enhance employees' awareness of environmental protection. In 2023, the Companyorganized a total of 17 environmental protection training drills, including "Emergency Drill for Hazardous Waste Leakage,""Emergency Drill for Fire During Hazardous Waste Transportation," and "Standardized Management Training for EnvironmentalRisk Disposal," covering 532 employees. In the "Emergency Drill for Fire During Hazardous Waste Transportation," we simulatedemergencies that may occur during the transportation of hazardous waste, conducting specialized emergency drills to helpemployees become procient in responding to hazardous waste leakage and sudden pollution incidents.

Aima Technology EnvironmentalManagement System Certication




Main Achievements in Environmental Management of Aima Technology in 2023

Management Hierarchy

Organize the development of regulations and rules related to environmentalprotection management and oversee their implementation. Conduct inspectionsand ensure the implementation of measures and the operation of pollutionprevention facilities to comply with national environmental protection policies,guidelines, and laws.Collect, analyze, and evaluate environmental monitoring data within the group in atimely manner. Propose suggestions for improving environmental protection work.Organize environmental protection inspections and evaluations across all units,and promote environmental protection education and publicity within the group.Manage the operation, maintenance, supervision, and management ofenvironmental protection facilities in the unit. Conduct daily environmentalmonitoring and statistics, and actively provide employee environmental protectiontraining and publicity.

Management ResponsibilitiesAima Technology environmental management organizational architecture



Safety andEnvironmentalProtection

O?ceHeadsof EachProduction


Formulate environmental management objectives to ensure the Company'senvironmental performance aligns with sustainable development requirements.Supervise environmental performance, conduct regular assessments, and reportenvironmental performance data.Strategyand ESGCommittee

Environment Management

Environmental awareness enhancement training for employees

The compliancerate of wastewater,waste gas, andnoise emissions is100%Major production bases haveobtained ISO 14001 environmentalmanagement system certication

Environmental protection fundinghas reached


million yuan

The area with green factorycertication has reached521,349.0

square meters

The compliancerate of hazardouswaste disposal is100%

The total amountof solid wastegenerated hasdecreased by


General or majorenvironmentalaccident or pollutionevent


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Waste Management

Water Management

Aima Technology strictly adheres to laws and regulations such as the Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law of thePeople's Republic of China and the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China. Accordingto the Company's Environmental Protection Management Regulations, we carry out specialized treatment of waste gas,wastewater, and solid waste generated during production and operations using environmental protection equipment to mitigateadverse environmental impacts. We conduct online real-time monitoring of waste gas and wastewater at each production baseand establish connections with local ecological and environmental protection departments to e?ectively monitor and controlemission indicators. This proactive approach helps prevent damage to the surrounding ecological environment.The Company's waste gas emissions mainly consist of painting dust, organic waste gas, and exhaust gas. The emissions fromall production bases comply with local standards. Specically, the Tianjin base adopts an advanced treatment process called"zeolite concentration + RTO combustion," and the treated emissions comply with Tianjin's local emission standards (DB12/524-2020), with volatile organic compound (VOCs) emissions below the limit of 50 milligrams per cubic meter. In response to thetightening of national atmospheric emission policies and restrictions on production during polluted weather, the Company hasformulated the Emergency Response Plan for Heavy Pollution Weather and established a special leadership group. Uponreceiving alerts issued by government departments, we promptly implement tailored measures for each factory, rearrangeproduction tasks reasonably, implement emergency emission reduction targets, and ensure that operational emissions complywith government requirements.

The Company recognizes the significance of water resources and is dedicated to water conservation across all productionbases and o?ce areas. We persistently enhance water resource management by establishing targets for recycled water usageand elevating the proportion of alternative water sources utilized.

The Company's wastewater emissions primarily comprise production wastewater and domestic wastewater from the factoryarea. Regarding production wastewater, we employ phased treatment methods tailored to varying concentrations, therebyreducing the use of treatment agents and ensuring scientific management. As for domestic wastewater, we utilize a three-stage filtration and sedimentation process to ensure compliance with standards for discharge. Furthermore, sedimentationtanks undergo quarterly cleaning to prevent secondary pollution. In 2023, neither the Company nor any of its production basesexperienced any emission violations.

The solid waste discharged by the Company mainly includes hazardous waste such as painting residues and non-hazardouswaste such as household garbage. The Company has formulated the Solid Waste Control Management System. We adhereto the principle of "recycling rst, harmless treatment, and classied storage" to reduce the impact of waste discharge on theenvironment. For hazardous waste, we strictly follow the systems and regulations for safe storage and documented transfer, andentrust qualied units for disposal. For non-hazardous solid waste such as cardboard and foam, we collect them and entrustthird parties for disposal, with a recycling rate of approximately 70%. In 2023, the total amount of solid waste generated by theCompany decreased by 34.9% compared to the previous year.Waste Gas TypesUnit2022 Data

2023 Data

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)Tonnes66.130.9

Sulfur OxidesTonnes3.73.2Nitrogen OxidesTonnes8.510.0Particulate MatterTonnes39.014.9

Solid Waste TypesUnit2022 Date

2023 Date

Non-hazardous Waste Tonnes5,188.62,703.9Hazardous WasteTonnes1,392.91,581.0Total GenerationTonnes6,581.54,284.9

Wastewater TypeUnit2022 Data

2023 Data

Industrial WastewaterCubic meters/601,875.0Domestic WastewaterCubic meters/222,815.0Total Wastewater DischargeCubic meters511,932.3824,690.0

Aima Technology's waste gas emissions

Aima Technology's total wastewater discharge

Aima Technology's solid waste generation

CaseWastewater Treatment System at Tianjin production base

The waste gas emissions of Aima Technology in 2022 include data from seven major production bases in Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi,Henan, and Chongqing; the calculation method for waste gas is the approved emission volume by the Environmental Protection Bureau multiplied by theemission coe?cient.

The waste gas emissions of Aima Technology in 2023 include data from eight major production bases in Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi,Henan, Chongqing, and Shandong (newly added); the data is sourced from the o?cial website of the Environmental Protection Bureau.

The total amount of wastewater discharged by Aima Technology in 2022 includes the data from 7 major production bases in Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang,Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, and Chongqing.

The total amount of wastewater discharged by Aima Technology in 2023 includes the data from 8 major production bases in Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang,Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, Chongqing, and Shandong (newly added).

The amount of solid waste generated by Aima Technology in 2022 includes the data from 7 major production bases in Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang,Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, and Chongqing.

The amount of solid waste generated by Aima Technology in 2023 includes the data from 8 major production bases in Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang,Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, Chongqing, and Shandong (newly added).

In 2023, the reclaimed water reuse project at the Tianjin base realized a reused water volume of 24,880 tonnes,constituting approximately 25% of the total wastewater volume at the Tianjin base. This marks a 5.1% increase inrecycled water usage compared to the previous year.

Aima Technology's wastewater

treatment system

Within the Tianjin production base, a 500m?/d wastewater treatmentplant is specifically designed to treat painting wastewater and otherproduction wastewater. The treatment process involves flocculationand sedimentation, micro electrolysis, Fenton reaction, and biologicalcontact oxidation. The treated e?uent meets the Class III standard of theComprehensive Wastewater Discharge Standard (DB12/356-2018) and isdischarged into the sewage treatment plant for further treatment throughthe industrial sewage network within the park. At the same time, thefactory area implements rainwater and sewage diversion. Flow directionsigns are placed on the sewage and rainwater pipelines to separate thedischarge of production wastewater, domestic sewage, and rainwater.


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Aima Technology follows the ISSB S2 Climate Change Risk Management Recommendations, thoroughly assessing theCompany's susceptibility to climate change impacts. We proactively identify and analyze various transitional and physical risksassociated with climate change, swiftly formulating e?ective climate risk management plans and response measures.Climate Response

Water TypesUnit2022 Data

2023 Data

Total Water ConsumptionTonnes629,683.1885,858.0Total Water Consumption Density

Tonnes per ten thousand yuan

of revenues

0.30.4Recycled Water UsageTonnes23,664.024,880.0

Aima Technology's water resource usage

Risk TypesRisk Descriptions

Conduct equipment upgrades, such as the introductionof high-e?ciency air conditioning, smart lighting andother initiatives, to reduce greenhouse gas emissionsand thus mitigate the impact of temperature change.

Continuously increase investment in R&D and innovation toenhance the Company's comprehensive R&D strength andtechnology level.Formulate policies such as bonuses and equity incentivesto encourage patent declaration and transformation ofachievements.Strengthen cooperation with research institutes, universitiesand other organizations, and hire outstanding industryexperts.

Establish a strict supplier management system andregularly assess and evaluate supplier performance.

Expand the ratio of in-house production of corecomponents.Promote supplier localization.

Response Initiatives

Physical Risks

Transitional RisksChronic



Impact of climate change

due to rising average




Market share lossdue to falling behind

in technologicaltransformation

Pay close attention to market dynamics and trends.Expand channels for purchasing raw material.Maintain the principle of cost reduction and e?ciencyenhancement.Cost increases due to hike

in raw material prices

Use energy-saving equipment, such as new water-saving equipment and energy-saving productionequipment to reduce energy use

Establish a sound resource management system topromote rational allocation of resourcesBusiness crises causedby future natural resource


Supply chain disruption

due to inadequateresilience

Closely monitor the Company's carbon emissions, follow upon policy and regulatory requirements in a timely manner,and formulate and adjust the Company's climate strategyand emissions reduction planningImpact on production andoperation due to tighteningcarbon emission disclosurerequirements and compliance

emission standards

Prepare emergency facilities and take emergencymeasures, such as preparing sandbags, desiltingunderground sewage networks to prevent heavy rainfalland waterlog from a?ecting production bases, andpreparing thermal insulation cotton in case of facilityfailures due to cold weather.Develop an emergency response plan for extremeweather.Purchase property and employee insurance.


Impact on operational andpersonal safety at productionsites due to extreme weatherevents such as oods,heatwaves, and cold snaps

Aima Technology's identication of climate change risks



Business damage dueto inappropriate brand

image and strengthmaintenance.

Expand customer feedback channels to maintain highcustomer satisfaction.Develop quality management system to ensure productquality and safety.

Policyand Legal


Increase in operationalcompliance costs due to

tightening policies

Pay close attention to the relevant policy changes andadjust the operation plan.Invest in research and development of clean productiontechnologies.Establish a sound environmental management system toavoid environmental pollution penalties.

Strictly comply with laws and regulations related toenvironmental protection and corporate governance.

In 2022, Aima Technology's total water usage included 7 major production bases in Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, and Chongqing.

In 2023, Aima Technology's total water usage included 8 major production bases in Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, Chongqing,and Shandong (newly added).

Pay close attention to advanced technologies in the industry


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Aima Technology consistently prioritizes low carbon emissions and energy management as core objectives in its productionand operations. We actively implement energy-saving initiatives to enhance the e?ciency of energy utilization. Furthermore, theCompany endeavors to advance product carbon footprint management, aspiring to serve as a leading example of greenhousegas management within the industry.Energy Management

Aima Technology remains steadfast in its commitment to achieving energy savings and consumption reduction while integratingthe concept of sustainable development into its production and operations. We employ a unied standard to manage energyconsumption, continually enhancing energy utilization e?ciency and fostering sustainable practices. The Company conductsregular investigations and improvements on high energy-consuming equipment, prioritizing the procurement of new energy-saving equipment. Furthermore, we intensify the analysis of energy consumption and strive to enhance the energy utilizationrate.

Aima Technology has implemented a data collection table for the full lifecycle of its products, facilitating the tracing of the entireprocess from raw material transportation to product use, including energy consumption during production and waste disposal.Additionally, the Company has engaged the China Quality Certication Center as a third-party organization to conduct carbonfootprint verication for its electric two-wheeler products.

The Company actively conducts greenhouse gas emission measurements to establish a robust database, facilitatingfuture systematic energy-saving and emission-reduction e?orts. Concurrently, we undertake product carbon footprintcertification and establish a carbon verification management team to oversee and manage carbon emissions. Thisinitiative serves as a model for carbon inventory and carbon intensity measurement within the electric two-wheelermanufacturing industry.

The air compressors in the factories in Tianjin, Jiangsu,and Guangxi have been converted from single-stagecompression to dual-stage compression, resulting in adecrease in energy consumption of the air compressors by13,140

kWh compared to previous years.

240 street lamps in the Tianjin factory have beenconverted from municipal power supply to solarpower, saving a total of71,175

kWh of energy throughout the year.The Company has reserved space forphotovoltaic loads in the roof of its new basefactories, planning to gradually implementdistributed photovoltaic installations in the future.



Utilization ofRenewable


Aima Technology's major energy-saving measures in 2023

Aima Technology's energy usage in 2023Energy TypesUnit2022 Data

2023 Data


DieselLiters21,704.032,065.0Natural GasCubic meters3,898,248.54,567,522.0Purchased ElectricitykWh44,148,137.762,031,308.0Total Comprehensive EnergyConsumption

Tonnes of standard coal10,184.813,210.4Total Comprehensive EnergyConsumption Density

Tonnes of standard coal per

million yuan of revenues


Greenhouse Gas Emission TypesUnit2022 Data2023 Data

Greenhouse Gas Emission: Scope 1

Tonnes of CO

8,502.09,984.7Greenhouse Gas Emission: Scope 2

Tonnes of CO

25,177.735,376.5Greenhouse Gas Emission: Scope 1 +

Scope 2

Tonnes of CO

33,679.745,361.2Greenhouse Gas Emission Intensity:

Scope 1 + Scope 2

Tonnes of carbon dioxide permillion yuan of revenues


Aima Technology's greenhouse gas emissions in 2023

Product Green Footprint Certication

The greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1) come from the consumption of xed source fuels (liqueed natural gas, diesel) and from the fuel (gasoline)consumption of transportation vehicles. The emission factor for liqueed natural gas is referenced from the General Guideline of the Greenhouse GasEmissions Accounting and Reporting for Industrial Enterprises published by the National Development and Reform Commission on July 6, 2015. Theemission factor for diesel and transportation vehicles is referenced from the Appendix 2: Environmental Key Performance Indicators Reporting Guidelines ofthe How to Prepare an Environmental, Social, and Governance Report published by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in March 2020.

The greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 2) come from the consumption of purchased electricity. The emission factor for purchased electricity is referencedfrom the Notice on the Management of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting for Power Generation Enterprises from 2023 to 2025 issued by the Ministryof Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China on February 7, 2023.

In 2022, Aima Technology's energy usage included 7 major production bases in Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, and Chongqing.

In 2023, Aima Technology's energy usage included 8 major production bases in Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Henan, Chongqing, andShandong (newly added).


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Green Operation

The Company places signicant emphasis on green products, integrating green concepts from the research and developmentstage onwards. We are dedicated to creating low-carbon and environmentally friendly products. Aima Technology actively adoptsnew materials and processes, coupling them with enhancements in body design to achieve energy savings and emissionsreduction in our products.

Aima integrates the concept of green development across its research and development, production, logistics, and otherprocesses. We actively promote green o?ce practices and e?ectively implement low-carbon environmental protection initiatives.Green Research and Development

Aima Technology's green research and development


Control,Electric Engineand ElectricBattery




in BodyStructure

DesignGreen ProductionAima Technology actively responds to national policies by increasing investment in environmental protection and continuallyupgrading production equipment and processes. We are gradually incorporating automated machines into production to achievemore e?cient and environmentally friendly manufacturing practices.

Green LogisticsAima Technology is continuously strengthening its core digital capabilities in intelligent logistics to cater to the diverse needs ofusers across the electric vehicle supply chain. We o?er green logistics services spanning the entire value chain, from componentprocurement to customer delivery.

Tianjin Vehicle has introduced a new type of vacuum paint sludge drying machine toachieve ultra-low exhaust emissions. The machine has a daily processing capacity of4,000 kilograms. With the new equipment, the moisture content of the paint sludge isreduced by 75%. Meanwhile, the drying and transportation of waste air are conductedin a fully enclosed vacuum state, signicantly improving the success rate of waste airtreatment.

The drying loss ofmoisture content is over75%

IMD, short for InMold Decoration, refers to the technique of in-mold transfer printing. Decorative patterns are printed on a foil lm, which is then transferredto the mold cavity and injected with plastic using a lm feeder. After injection molding, the ink layer with the pattern separates from the foil carrier, leavingthe ink layer on the surface of the plastic part, thus obtaining a plastic part with a decorated pattern on the surface.

OMD, short for OutMold Decoration, is an extension of IMD, which stands for InMold Decoration. It is a type of exterior decoration process. It combinesprinting, texture structure, and metalization characteristics to achieve 3D surface decoration. The appearance can replicate effects such as metallicbrushing, wood grain, leather, spraying, and stone patterns. It can achieve three-dimensional, large-scale 3D curved product forms.

Aima Technology's green research and development

CaseTianjin Vehicle applied new process equipment

The Company has adopted automatic laser cutting andtire picking machines in place of manual labor, enhancingprocessing accuracy and reducing waste materials. Thismove effectively improves the efficiency of resourceutilization.

The Company proactively utilizes recycled plastics for vehicle interior decoration, enabling physical recycling into raw materialsand facilitating renewable resource recycling. Moreover, the Company continues to expand its investment in the research anddevelopment of environmentally friendly water-based paint to reduce volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emissions duringproduction.

The automatic laser cutting machine

Use more energy-efficient batteries, higher-efficiency motors, andcontrollers to comprehensively upgrade the power system architecture,improve driving range, and achieve a green "three-electric" solution.

●Use high-strength aluminum and magnesium alloys to ensure productperformance and safety while reducing product weight.

●Use paint-free materials to eliminate the need for painting processes,thus achieving environmental protection.

Adopt high-strength engineering plastics to replace steel, aluminum, andother metal materials in large quantities, ensuring performance whilereducing vehicle weight.

Substitute traditional painting processes with techniques like IMD


to enhance aesthetic design while reducing emissions.

●Use low-energy lighting, low rolling resistance tires, low-resistancewiring, and streamlined body designs to achieve energy-saving andconsumption reduction in products.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Centralized Logistics for ComponentsLogistics for complete Two-Wheelers

●Promote the "circular pick-up" model andimplement the intensication of pick-up anddelivery. At the same time, the full load rateof transportation vehicles is increased toimprove e?ciency and reduce costs andrealize green transportation.

●Increase the proportion of recyclablepackaging used by componentsmanufacturers and improve the return rateand transportation turnover rate of boxes andbaskets in order to reduce the consumptionof turnover containers.

●Optimize transportation routes through IoT,cloud computing, AI and other technologiesto reduce the distance and frequency ofdelivery and achieve energy saving andemission reduction.

●E?ciently integrate delivery routes andresources and accurately match vehiclesand goods through the establishment ofan intelligent scheduling system, so as toenhance transportation e?ciency and reducecarbon emissions in the transportationprocess of product-warehouse-store.

●Reduce the waste of loading rate ofthe complete vehicle package throughoptimization of product structure design, andimprove the logistics loading capacity.

●Gradually adopt new energy vehicles fortransportation.

Green O?ce

Aima Technology promotes a green office environment andencourages all employees to embrace environmental protectionand low-carbon concepts throughout the workspace. We advocatefor energy and paper conservation, fostering a culture of low-carbonwork and lifestyle practices, thereby contributing to the creation of asustainable and green o?ce environment.

Aima Technology's Green Logistics Measures

Aima Technology's green o?ce measures

Electricity conservation promotionPaper conservation promotion

Green O?ce Measures

Adjust the room temperature reasonably

Optimize lighting facilities by adding sensor lights and time-controlled switches

Encourage low-oor employees not to use elevators

Procure energy-saving and environmentally friendly o?ce products

Promote the use of electronic signatures, electronic contracts, electronic les, etc.Conduct route planning to reduce the frequency of use of official vehicles;gradually replace traditional gasoline o?cial vehicles with new energy vehicles;at present, the total number of public vehicles is 53, of which 8 are new energyvehicles and 5 was added in 2023


Aima Technology's green o?ce measures







Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Excellent Products

HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTSAt Aima Technology, we focus on product R&D and quality management, aiming toenhance the core competitiveness of our products. We embrace a "technology-oriented"approach, directing our efforts towards innovative R&D to create a series of productsdistinguished by both high performance and intelligence. Central to our philosophy is theprinciple of "Costumers First, Excellent Products," which underpins our commitment toestablishing a comprehensive quality management system. Additionally, we continuallyrene our quality control management processes, striving to enhance product safety whileensuring consistently high product standards.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Innovative R&DAima Technology firmly believes that innovative R&D is the foundation of our market positioning. As such, we consistentlybolster our R&D capabilities to sustain leadership in key technologies. We actively engage in industry collaborations, prioritizingincreased investment in technology R&D, fortied intellectual property protection, and continual empowerment of innovativeR&D initiatives.

Aima Technology employs advanced and mature IPD

methods of R&D, with the goal of assembling a user-centric, cross-departmental development team capable of agile responses to market demands. Additionally, we have introduced the AimaSmart Travel system to establish a holistic intelligent ecosystem.

Aima Technology has established a clear R&D structure, delineating the responsibilities of each department within the R&Dframework. The Product Planning Center and the Technological R&D Headquarters work in tandem, fostering seamlesscollaboration, and e?ective communication, and driving product innovation and R&D initiatives.

Aima Technology has upgraded its development process for key products from APDS

to IPD, emphasizing a user-centeredapproach and shifting from a function-centered to a product-centered approach. We begin by addressing the four dimensionsof collection, analysis, distribution, and verication to elucidate the interplay between demand management and product R&Dmanagement systems. This ensures precise control over product demands, facilitating the development of popular products.

Planning, research, and marketing professionals comprise a User Needs Research Team,adopting scientic methods to guide extensive market visits and regional observations, ensuringa comprehensive understanding and precise grasp of user needs;By producing planning reports that highlight the commercial value and competitiveness ofproducts, the team aims to clarify user needs and product positioning, enhancing the precisionand success rate of product planning.

Responsible for graspingconsumer demands, conductingmarket research, and outputtingproduct concepts.

Responsible for transforming concepts into strategiesand managing the entire product lifecycle to achieveproduct competitiveness and business objectives.

Provides technological support for product development,ensuring the commercial success of products and theCompany's technological capability building.

Responsible for overallmanagement of productdevelopment andtechnological R&D.

Product R&D System

Product R&D System

Planning StageProductPlanning


Product Management CenterEngineering Technology Development Center

Conducts researchon product stylingtrends and isresponsible for stylingdesign. Throughcomplete vehicle andcomponent stylingdesign, clay modelingdesign, etc., the centercreates productswith competitiveappearances.

Serves as acore departmentresponsible fordeveloping thepower and control ofproducts. By buildingelectrical platformsand independentlydeveloping coreelectrical components,it facilitates thelanding of intelligenttechnologies, assistsin product technologyupgrades, andenhances productcore competitiveness.

Through componentand vehicleperformanceverication andtesting, it promotesperformanceimprovement andenhances productcompetitiveness.

Responsible forforward-lookingplatform planningand design, vehiclestructure andcomponent designand verication,establishment andimprovement ofstandard systems,and development andapplication of newtechnologies, newmaterials, and newprocesses.

Conducts appearancedesign and graphicdesign of vehiclesand componentsaccording to industrytrends, continuouslyinnovating to enhancethe aesthetics ofproducts.

Industrial DesignCenter

ElectricalDevelopment Center

Test DevelopmentCenter

Complete VehicleDevelopment Center

CMF Center

The product R&D system of Aima Technology

Aima Technology's IPD Development Process

IPD, Integrated Product Development, is a management system for planning and developing products driven by market and user needs. Its core is a cross-departmental team composed of personnel from marketing, research and development, manufacturing, service, procurement, and other areas, jointlymanaging the entire planning and development process.

APDS, Aima Positive Development System, is a product development process at Aima that adheres to the principle of customer-oriented, ensuring that theentire process of product development continuously meets and exceeds user needs.

IPMT, Integrated Portfolio Management Team, is the product investment decision-making and review organization in the IPD system, and is responsible forformulating the overall mission vision and strategic direction of the Company.

PDT, Product Development Team, is an important cross-functional team composed of personnel from di?erent functional departments, such as marketing,development, manufacturing, purchasing, nance, customer service and quality.




, a cross-departmental team consisting of leaders in di?erent areas, evaluates theBusiness Plan for Project Approval Investment by investment value, making investment anddevelopment decisions;It controls resource allocation reasonably and ensures the continuous delivery of strategicallyimportant products that meet market demands.

Decision Stage

Business personnel from various functional departments form the PDT

for each product project,responsible for the product development process, fostering deep collaboration to enhance thefeasibility of product design across all functional areas;During the early stages of product design, all departments simultaneously conduct subsequentwork such as component matching, development validation, trial production, and marketingpreparation, facilitating rapid product development and timely response to market demands whilecontrolling development costs.Development



Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Aima Smart Travel

R&D Team

The Company has established a comprehensive intelligent ecosystem of "Human-Vehicle-Device-Helmet-App-Cloud". Thisintegrated ecosystem covers software application layer apps, cloud platforms, intelligent control systems, and smart helmets.We deploy light, medium, or full smart technology platforms to achieve varying degrees of interaction between vehicles, mobilephones, users, Aima cloud, and backend data. The intelligent functions embedded in the Company's products are responsiveand precise, signicantly enhancing user experience, and have been recognized by both business and end customers.

The Company actively builds a creative R&Dteam. In 2023, we employed a total of 1,089 R&Dprofessionals, comprising 21 individuals withmaster's degrees and 3 with doctoral degrees.Throughout the year, we recruited over 10 expertsspecializing in complete vehicles and components,bringing the total number of senior experts to 24.This expert team contributes to innovation promotion,project management, training support, technicalissue resolution, and other areas, resulting in anotable enhancement of our R&D capabilities andsubsequently improving the overall performance anduser experience of our products.

Aima Technology is steadfast in its commitment to enhancing R&D and innovation capabilities while bolstering talent acquisitione?orts to cultivate an exceptional R&D team. We actively engage in R&D incentive activities to foster an environment conduciveto innovation. At the same time, the Company reinforces its R&D and testing capabilities through the establishment of adedicated testing department. In 2023, our R&D expenses reached RMB 589.47 million, reecting a 16.3% increase comparedto 2022.

Through the Aima Smart Helmet and otherperipherals, vehicles, smartphones, and usersare interconnected. By wearing the Aima SmartHelmet, users can achieve voice-controlledfunctions such as making and receivingcalls, playing music, map navigation,and one-touch SOS, facilitatinghuman-machine interaction.

Advanced electronic and electricalarchitecture is applied. With anintegrated instrument panel asthe intelligent control center, weenable performance optimizationunder various road conditions andenhance riding safety and comfort.

Vehicle access and control ofintelligent functions are realized.

The Aima OS (Operating System)middle and back platforms provideusers with real-time digital services.

The comprehensiveintelligent ecosystemof Aima Smart Travel






R&D Capacity Building

R&D Incentives and Investment

R&D Testing

The Company leverages testing models used in the automotive industry forproduct development, tailoring a testing process that closely aligns with boththe product development workflow and our production system. We conductcomprehensive testing on components, systems, and complete vehicles to ensureconsistent product quality. We have established well-equipped testing departmentsin all production bases, with more than 400 types of testing equipment and over40 technical personnel who have obtained qualications through ISO/IEC training.Our 9 specialized laboratories o?er testing capabilities for electric two-wheelers,electric three-wheelers, and select low-speed electric four-wheelers. Notably, ourJiangsu production base has been certied as a scientic R&D institution, and itstesting technology center holds accreditation from the China National AccreditationService for Conformity Assessment (CNAS).

From October to November 2023, Aima Technology held the third "R&D Technology Month". After active submissionsfrom frontline R&D personnel and strict evaluation by the expert group, a total of 20 awards were given out this month,involving Scientic and Technological Progress Award, Engineering Innovation Award, and Patent Contribution Award,etc. The total prize money exceeded 290,000 RMB, which e?ectively motivated the enthusiasm of R&D personnel.

In October 2023, Aima Technology launched the "ManufacturingTechnology Month" initiative. Upholding the principle of "seekingexcellence, putting quality rst," after many rounds of screening andevaluation, 34 outstanding projects were ultimately selected, coveringareas such as ABS renement, automation, quality improvement, andcost reduction. This event sparked enthusiasm of innovation amongemployees in the eld of manufacturing technology and promoted theoverall improvement of the Company's manufacturing capabilities.

The Company has formulated the Internal Market Mechanism Incentive Plan to provide generous incentives to individualsdemonstrating exceptional R&D performance, aiming to continually motivate them to enhance their capabilities and dedication.Meanwhile, we conduct annual "R&D Technology Month" activities, involving collaboration among the leadership, coordination,and support teams. Through this initiative, we acknowledge outstanding achievements in technological breakthroughs andeconomic value creation. Furthermore, we provide bonus incentives and award honorary certificates to encourage theenthusiasm and ongoing creativity of our R&D team.



Successful organization of the R&D Technology Month

Successful launch of "Manufacturing Technology Month" review

Group photo at the "Manufacturing Technology

Month" Commendation Ceremony

Certicate of Accreditation for Testing

Technology Laboratory at Jiangsu

production base


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Intellectual Property ProtectionAima Technology has established management documents such as the Intellectual Property Management System, theRegulations on Patent Management, and the Regulations on Copyright Management, and has built a digital intellectual propertymanagement system. This system e?ectively oversees all types of intellectual property owned by the Company, ensuring theirsecurity and facilitating standardized, procedural, and scientically driven intellectual property protection e?orts. As part of theannual work plan, the Company conducts various levels of training on intellectual property matters to educate all employeesabout the signicance of patent application and protection.In addition, we have introduced the H0232100 Management System for R&D Project Entities and Patent Incentives, which o?ersincentives for technological innovation. These incentives include short, medium and long-term rewards such as patent awards,performance bonuses, and equity incentives, motivating employees to actively pursue patent applications.

The Company actively utilizes a digital management system, which not only digitizes intellectual property management butalso o?ers robust support for R&D personnel innovation, notably enhancing intellectual property search e?ciency. Through thisdigitization system, the Company integrates the intellectual property management process, simplifying the storage, tracking, andmanagement of patent assets to expedite the acquisition and sharing of patent information. Additionally, it aids R&D personnelin identifying technical directions and resolving technical issues, facilitating centralized management of technological innovationand intellectual property protection.


per patent


per patent



per patent

Award for AppearanceDesign Patents

Award for Utility ModelPatents

Award for InventionPatents

Aima Technology's patents in 2023

Aima Technology's trademarks in 2023

Aima Technology's copyrights in 2023Digital Management of Intellectual Property

Cumulative Number ofDomestic Patents Granted1,895

Number of NewInvention Patents

Cumulative Number ofOverseas Patents Granted

Number of New AppearanceDesign Patents

Number of New UtilityModel Patents

Cumulative Number of ValidDomestic TrademarksAs of the End of the Reporting Period

As of the End of the Reporting Period

As of the End of the Reporting Period

Cumulative Number ofDomestic Copyrights


Number of Domestic Copyrights Granted in 2023

Cumulative Number of ValidOverseas Trademarks

Cumulative Number of ValidTrademarks2,100Number of DomesticTrademarks Granted in 2023

Number of OverseasTrademarks Granted in 2023

The Company found a Taobao store selling counterfeit Aimaelectric vehicle chargers and other equipment, and reported to theBaoying County Public Security Bureau of Jiangsu Province to lea case for investigation. After the court's judgment, the infringerwas sentenced to criminal penalties and nes totaling more thanRMB 690,000, and the first and second instance civil lawsuitsawarded compensation to the Company totaling more thanRMB 310,000. This case deeply demonstrates the Company'sdetermination of zero tolerance to trademark infringement.

CaseAima Technology resolutely defends trademark use right

In 2023, the Companydistributed a total of RMB


in patent awards.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Products and Layout

Industry Cooperation

Aima Technology has developed a number of self-developed key components with its excellent R&D capability. With a keen eyeon the international market, the Company aims to broaden the reach and impact of its products globally.

Aima Technology has made signicant strides in the research and development of key components like controllers and engines.By employing self-developed controllers and engines, the Company achieves tailored power solutions for various scenarios androad conditions, ensuring that our products can e?ectively meet the diverse power requirements of users.

Aima Technology leverages its research and technological strengths to actively contribute to the establishment of industrystandards, engage in industry-university-research collaboration, and assume a leadership role within the industry.

Aima Technology actively participates in the development of various industry and group standards, with the goal of enhancingtechnical standardization across the industry and fostering market growth.

Aima Technology continues to increase its e?orts to penetrate overseas markets,bolstering our global presence and impact. Our distribution network now spansacross more than 20 international markets, encompassing Southeast Asia, NorthAmerica, Europe, and South America. To effectively cater to the diverse needsand regulatory standards of di?erent countries, we have implemented customizedadaptations to our products sold overseas.

Self-developed Azure controller: adopts open software architecture, torque control strategyarchitecture and three-in-one domain control integration system, and sets up a variety ofdriving modes, which can meet the needs of users for di?erent use scenarios.

High-efficiency and ultra-quiet bread-shaped hub motor: adopts innovative technologiesand processes such as patented bread-shaped magnetic steel, unequal air gap and uniqueglue formula to realize high e?ciency, high quality and low noise.High-efficiency convex-pole motor: adopts a lower pole-pair number to reduce the ironloss of the engine, and enhancement of the ability of high-speed weak magnetic speedexpansion and reduction of the weak magnetic current effectively reduce the copperconsumption of the engine.

Key Components R&D

Formulation of industry standardsIndustrial Layout



Distinguish between user demands and

set standards for high-grade baking paints

Adopt suppliers of di?erent grades to

ensure provision of user-satised products

Increase rust prevention measures forpackaging iron frames according tolocal product compliance requirements

Use environmentally friendlymaterials in packaging materialsand carry out RoHS

certicationto ensure that packaging materialscomply with EU regulations

Users inSoutheast


Due to the high penetration rate of fuel motorcycles, Southeast Asian countries are facing problems such as highenvironmental pollution, high noise and frequent maintenance. Taking into account the characteristics of the market,the Company mainly promotes high-performance new products with the advantages of environmental protection,quietness, convenience, and low maintenance costs in Southeast Asia. Focusing precisely on the Southeast Asianfuel-to-electricity market, the company plans to realize localized production of electric two-wheelers in Southeast Asiaby 2024.

CasePrecise expansion of Southeast Asian fuel-to-electricity market

In 2023 alone, the Company was involved in the development of

RoHS, which stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances, is a mandatory standard formulated by the European Union.

Users inMexico

Usersin EUcountries


Published standards

National recommended standard

Industry standards

Group standards


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Aima Technology's formulation of standards

The National Standard Seminar

StandardCategoryNationalRecommendedStandardIndustry Standard

Group Standard

Implementation TimeRequirements and Test Methods for Bicycle Luggage RacksGeneral Technical Specications for Electronic Control Units of Electric

BicyclesGuidelines for Intellectual Property Management in Light Industry

EnterprisesSodium-ion Battery for Electric BicyclesEnd Delivery Facilities for Express Delivery - Part 1: SafetyRequirements for Two-Wheelers Dedicated to Express DeliveryEnd Delivery Facilities for Express Delivery - Part 2: Safety

Requirements for Battery Systems and ChargersEnd Delivery Facilities for Express Delivery - Part 3: Centralized

Charging SpecicationsEnd Delivery Facilities for Express Delivery - Part 4: Management

SpecicationsGeneral Specications for Communication Protocols of Electric

BicyclesTechnical Requirements for Onboard Chargers for Electric Bicycles

Technical Specications for Lithium-ion Power Battery Packs for

Electric VehiclesGeneral Technical Conditions for Battery Swapping of Electric Light

Two-wheelersProduct Carbon Footprint - Product Category Rules - Electric BicyclesOperation and Management Service Specication for Centralized

Charging Facilities for Electric BicyclesTechnical Specications for Smart Electric Bicycles

Industry-University-Research Cooperation

The Company actively fosters industry-university-research collaboration to facilitate technical exchanges within the sector.Aima Technology, in partnership with the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,has established the "Joint Laboratory for Advanced Small Power Batteries" alongside the Institute of Technology for CarbonNeutrality. This initiative aims to advance the technical design of products such as dual-ion batteries and low-temperaturemanganese lithium batteries. Furthermore, collaboration extends to frontier technology research, new product development,and the establishment of technical platforms. In 2023, the Company, in conjunction with the Tianjin Product Quality InspectionTechnology Research Institute and Hebei University of Technology, jointly applied to establish the Electric Bicycle SafetyTechnology Innovation Center under the State Administration for Market Regulation.

In September 2023, the Company cooperated with Wuxi Research Institute of Inspection, Testing and Certication(hereinafter referred to as "Wuxi Standards Institute") and successfully held a seminar on the national standardTesting Methods for Energy Consumption Rate and Mileage Range of Electric Bicycles at the China NationalConvention Center in Beijing. Through in-depth exchanges and discussions on the standard, the testing methods forthe range and power consumption of electric bicycles were improved.The Company and Wuxi Standards Institute carried out the standardization work of the Testing Methods for EnergyConsumption Rate and Mileage Range of Electric Bicycles, and the cooperation included:

Realizing the ability to analyze urban road riding data in batch by establishing mathematical modelsand developing big data analysis software;Collecting domestic urban road riding data and extracting key characteristic parameters to formworking condition curves based on the chassis method;Studying vehicle road glide resistance and obtaining chassis-based roll resistance and wind resistancecoe?cients.

CaseThe Company cooperated in organizing the national standard seminar

December 2023November 2023November 2023

October 2023September 2023September 2023September 2023September 2023July 2023July 2023June 2023May 2023March 2023March 2023March 2023


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Product QualityAima Technology upholds the core principle of "Users First, Excellent Products" in its strategic product quality managementapproach. We have established a robust quality management system and are continuously enhancing the digital intelligence ofour quality management processes. By fostering a culture of quality awareness, we mitigate production quality risks and strivefor continuous improvement in product quality.

In 2023, Aima Technology and all of its production bases were certied tothe GB/T19001-2016/ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System.

Aima Technology prioritizes quality assurance as the cornerstone of its operations and has developed a comprehensivequality management system that spans the entire lifecycle and process of our products. Through the implementation of renedmanagement strategies and stringent quality control measures, we ensure product quality and maintain stable output.Quality Management

Aima Technology strictly abides by the Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China, and has formulated andimplemented the Quality Management System Requirements and the Group Quality Manual. We conduct regular specializedquality research to identify quality risks in production and operations. Subsequently, we develop quality assurance initiatives foreach key stage in the entire product lifecycle to guarantee product quality and safety.Aima Technology has established a quality management system covering six modules: planning, R&D, purchasing,manufacturing, sales and service. We have reorganized the former quality department into four distinct departments: qualitymanagement, system standards, promotion, and supervision. Additionally, we have introduced new functionalities such asmarket information management, new product mass production evaluation, quality issue pre-processing, and supplier assistanceto reinforce our quality control and management e?orts.

Aima Technology has established a "Problem-Oriented, Two-Wheel Drive" quality management system. We conduct qualitymanagement focusing on both standard-setting and process control. Our approach emphasizes not only the e?ective allocationof internal resources and achieving high product standards but also closely monitoring changes in external laws and regulations,as well as feedback from users, suppliers, and scientic research institutes. This approach enables us to achieve our qualitymanagement goal of "Users First, Excellent Products."

Quality Management System

Quality Management Process

Aima Technology Quality Management Structure

Quality Management System Certicate

Aima Technology's Quality Management System

Chief Quality O?cerQuality Management Center

Quality Management


Quality SystemStandard Department

Quality Promotion


Quality Supervision


R&D QualityManufacturing

QualityService QualityLogistics Quality

Quality Planning

Quality System Management Engineer

Quality Standard Management EngineerQuality Support

Quality Information

Quality Supervisor (R&D)Quality Supervisor (Manufacturing)

Quality Standard SupervisorMarket Quality Support

Safety- related Quality Issue Processing

Quality Improvement EngineerSQE Engineer (Structure)

SQE Engineer (Electrical Appliances)

Users First, Excellent Products

Market Quality


SQE Group





















































































































Togetherfor MutualBene?ts




















































onfactoriesandfacing the





































Problem oriented, two-wheel drive




al i














Bene?tsfrom One
















Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Aima Technology shows foresight and effectiveness in the field of quality management, consistently considering marketdemands and continuously refining our whole-process quality control system. In 2023, the Company enhanced its qualitymanagement initiatives, shifting the focus towards meeting user demands and ensuring alignment between product designand market needs. In R&D, we optimized the APDS forward development process and implemented the IPD process for keyproducts. In manufacturing, we adopted intelligent manufacturing and a digital intelligent operation system to facilitate intelligentcollection of quality data, benchmarking analysis, and early warnings. Additionally, we formulated standard procedures andstandardized operational processes to ensure consistency in operations.

To bolster the digital intelligence of our quality management efforts, Aima Technology has established a quality informationplatform. This platform, leveraging information technology, aims to enhance product quality, reduce costs, and bolsterthe Company's competitiveness. The quality information platform integrates functions such as process management, riskmanagement, and departmental collaboration management. It serves as a centralized hub for collecting and inputting marketquality information, as well as for dispatching it to relevant responsible departments. These departments analyze root causes,address issues, and enhance outcomes, enabling real-time tracking of quality concerns and departmental sharing to facilitatecollaborative e?orts across various departments. In 2023, Aima Technology achieved a 99% completion rate for improvementsfacilitated through the quality information platform.

Optimizing the APDS forward de-velopment process: open up theinterface between planning andR&D, and strictly implement thekey requirements for planning andproject approval, quality control,etc. to ensure product quality.Improving quality control at thesource of new product develop-ment: 1) Develop a three-leveltechnical review process, andoptimize project quality planningand quality valve

deliverablesmanagement. 2) Set up a team oftechnical experts to be responsiblefor design quality, and implementspecial reviews for key compo-nents.

Using big data technolo-gy to deeply explore thevalue of quality data andprovide accurate sup-port for decision-making.

Helping enterprises opti-mize the quality manage-ment system and realizethe standardization andnormalization of qualityprocesses.

Identifying potential qual-ity risks and taking meas-ures in advance to reducethe probability of qualityaccidents.

Supporting enterprises totrack and improve qualityissues, and realizing mul-ti-departmental and mul-ti-regional collaborativework to improve qualitymanagement e?ciency.

Realizing the procedural and digi-tal manufacturing process.Real-time benchmarking of digitalintelligence system: In the face ofquality problems in the manufac-turing process, conduct real-timebenchmarking to nd gaps, formimprovement plans and closed-loop management, and improvestandardized improvement meas-ures to prevent problems fromoccurring.

Implementing two-handed stand-ard management: establish SABCgrading system to promote theunication of technical and qualitystandards.Establishing industry-leading qual-ity standards: build a major qualitymanagement system

coveringthe entire process to ensure thatevery link from planning to servicemeets high standards.Integrate and improve the inspec-tion standards for parts, processesand complete vehicles, and forman effective guideline for on-siteinspection operations.

R&DManufacturingStandard Setting

Aima Technology Quality Management Initiatives in 2023

Main functions of quality information platform

Quality valves are mandatory reviews of specic elements at specic stages to ensure that quality issues are identied and resolved as early as possible inthe product project stage.

Great quality refers to quality in a broad sense, including design quality, conformity quality, e?ectiveness and service.

Data Analysis




Aima Technology adheres to the safety bottom line, and strictly abides byrelevant laws and regulations such as the Law of the People's Republic of Chinaon Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests and the Interim Provisionson the Management of Consumer Goods Recall. We have formulated internalmanagement systems such as the Product Recall Management Procedureand the Control Procedure for Defective Products. In 2023, we updated ourproduct recall policy, clarifying the responsible body and information transferprocess. In the event of any identified risks, departments promptly notify theQuality Management Center, which mobilizes a specialized team to secure thewarehouse and initiates the recall process within 24 hours.

Aima Technology strengthens the quality control of suppliers, optimizes the access audit, daily management and assessment,and comprehensively improves the quality and safety management of suppliers. The Company has formulated the ManagementRegulations on Supplier System Entry and introduced advanced tools such as Product Quality Advance Planning to implementcomprehensive control over suppliers and ensure high-quality delivery of products.In 2023, Aima Technology completed a comprehensive quality control mapping of suppliers to ensure that quality testing wasconducted at least once a year. 364 suppliers strictly followed the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, accounting for 63.3%of all suppliers. In 2023, the Company's repair, replacement and refund rate decreased by 2.4% year-on-year.Meanwhile, the Company is committed to improving the quality assurance of supply through quality training and specialassistance. Focusing on Aima Technology's supply chain strategic theme of "Improve Quality - Gather Quantity - Reduce Cost",the Company regularly analyzes suppliers in terms of incoming materials, production process, reliability test, market and otheraspects, screens out defective manufacturers, and convenes quality conferences to provide special assistance to unqualiedsuppliers. For suppliers with poor improvement e?ects after three times of assistance, optimization and elimination mechanismwill be implemented. In 2023, the Company held 4 supplier conferences, covering bases in Jiangsu, Guangdong and Tianjin,with 83 participating suppliers. By the end of the reporting period, the Company had optimized and eliminated 9 suppliers,decreased the share of 15 suppliers, and upgraded the priority of 13 suppliers.

Supplier Quality Control

Product Recall Mechanism

In 2023, the Company set up a project team in cooperation with an expert group from the supplier to carry out acomprehensive overhaul of the braking system, including wheel hubs, shock absorbers, bushings, axles, brake discs,calipers, engines and other components. The project team used advanced analysis tools such as Fault Tree Analysis(FTA) to ensure an accurate and rigorous verification process. It successfully solved the industry's brake rattlingproblem and formed a standard document through the improvement of the machining process.

In 2023, Aima Technology carried out three empowerment training sessions for Chongqing suppliers, mainly checkingthe consistency of their operation requirements on the production site and control plans, and guiding them to makeimprovements according to the results of the checking. Trainers conducted on-site inspections to standardize therequirements for adhesive curing operations, improving the control plan, which includes aging test conditions,sampling ratios, and other key elements. Based on feedback regarding market and process issues, trainerscollaborated with suppliers on-site to troubleshoot problems. and optimized the product structure twice.



Actively cooperating with suppliers to solve industry pain points

Developing supplier empowerment training


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Quality CultureAima Technology actively fosters a culture of quality within the organization, promoting full engagement in quality management.We encourage employees to contribute ideas and suggestions for improvement, continuously refining both our productionprocesses and product quality. Additionally, we maintain open communication with users, allowing them to witness the quality ofour products rsthand.

Aima Technology prioritizes the enhancement of professional abilities among personnel within the quality system. We havedeveloped comprehensive plans for skill improvement tailored to individuals in each position, and we conduct training sessionscovering quality control, product safety, and process technology. Throughout the reporting period, we organized a total of 22quality training activities, with 1,329 participants accumulating a combined total of 3,661 training hours.

Aima Technology adheres to the principle of "Users First", valuing user feedback as a crucial foundation for enhancing productsand services. We strive to offer users a safer, more comfortable, and convenient electric two-wheeler travel experiencethrough ongoing technological innovation and quality enhancement. Through initiatives like the "Quality Open Day" and otherengagement activities, we foster closer relationships with users, enabling them to experience firsthand Aima Technology'sunwavering commitment to quality and continuous improvement e?orts.

Employee Quality Activities

Customer Quality Activity

In October 2023, Guangxi Vehicle held a quality and safety training conference for all employees to ensure highquality and safe production for the Company. The conference was organized by quality engineers of each module topromote the three guidelines and eight prohibitions, on-site 6S

management, process errors and omissions, andquality standard requirements.


Guangxi Vehicle conducted training of "Together for a high-quality and safefuture, we are on the move"

The quality training at Guangxi Vehicle

The launch ceremony for the all-sta? quality campaign at Chongqing factory

Live dismantling scene on the Quality Open Day

In April 2023, Chongqing Vehicle organized an "Integrated Operations, Quality Wins" all-sta? quality campaign withthe theme "Assisting at the Source, Striking with Force, Seizing the Process, Ensuring Rigidity, and Achieving StrongImplementation". All the sta? of Chongqing Vehicle and supplier representatives made an oath to each other. Theypromised to conduct strict quality control and implementation of quality standards, and comply with the operatingprocedures to achieve Chongqing Vehicle 2023 sales target, ensuring both "quality and efficiency". ChongqingVehicle promised not to receive defective products, not to manufacture defective products, and not to output defectiveproducts.

In August 2023, Aima invited a famous car reviewerto dismantle an Aima product on site, showing itsappearance design, product details and technicalfeatures. It was the rst time that a brand livestreamedthe dismantling of its product in public within theindustry, allowing more users to have a deeperunderstanding of the quality of electric bicycles, andfurther enhancing the market inuence and user trustof the Aima.



Chongqing Vehicle held a launch ceremony for the all-sta? quality campaign

Live Vehicle Teardown on the Aima Quality Open Day



Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

People First

PUT PEOPLE FIRSTAima Technology embraces the talent management philosophy of "showing respect forour sta?, improving their competence, and making them happy" through tangible actions.We are dedicated to safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of our employees,establishing a comprehensive salary incentive and welfare system, and consistentlyrening our talent development mechanisms. Our aim is to cultivate a diverse, equitable,healthy, and safe work environment for all.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Employee Compliance and Equality

Recruitment Management

Compliant Recruitment

Aima Technology attaches great importance to the protection of employees' rights and interests, resolutely follows theLabor Law of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of thePeople's Republic of China on the Protection of Women's Rights and Interests, and other relevant laws and regulations.We recruit employees in accordance with the principles of complying with the employment rules, upholding equality anddiversity and fully respecting and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of the employees.

Adhering to the recruitment principle of "transparent recruitment, job matching, selection based on merit, and internal beforeexternal," Aima Technology has further revised the Regulations on Recruitment and Employment Managemen and introducedthe Regulations on Labor Supplier Management, in addition to the existing Recruitment Management Regulations andthe Regulations on Labor Contract Management. These measures ensure that the recruitment process for employees isstandardized and fair.During recruitment, we strictly prohibit any form of discrimination based on gender, age, ethnicity, geography, religion, physicalcondition, or any other factors. We also conduct thorough verication of the authenticity of the identity information providedby potential candidates. If any misrepresentation or falsification is detected, the Company will disqualify the individual fromconsideration.In addition, we establish multi-dimensional recruitment channels, such as media recruitment, campus recruitment, internalreferrals, and third-party agencies, to expand our talent pool. Additionally, we conduct annual assessments of organizationalcapacity and talent inventory to attract more skilled individuals.In 2023, the Company formulated and implemented a comprehensive talent recruitment plan aligned with its businessdevelopment strategy and current organizational capabilities. This plan aimed to attract strategic talents to address capacitygaps in key areas, thereby driving long-term development. To meet the needs of our international ventures, we assembled anoverseas team with extensive experience and professional expertise through a combination of internal transfers and externaltalent recruitment, laying a strong foundation for our expansion into overseas markets.

We always adhere to the principle of lawful and compliant talent recruitment, strictly prohibiting the use of child labor and forcedlabor. We vehemently oppose any form of harassment or misconduct and have clearly outlined penalties for rumormongering,defamation, discrimination, or sexual harassment in the Employee Behavior Handbook and other internal systems. Ourcommitment is to cultivate a harmonious and welcoming workplace environment. In 2023, the Company had no incidents offorced or child labor, nor any complaints related to human rights violations.We enter into labor contracts with our employees in accordance with the law, strictly adhering to regulations on working hours.We advocate for scientific and reasonable work arrangements, discouraging unnecessary overtime. In instances whereovertime is necessary, we have established a comprehensive mechanism for employees to take rest, implementing a humanemanagement approach. In 2023, Aima Technology successfully signed labor contracts with all employees, providing legalprotection for their rights.

Aima Technology's employees’ composition

During the reporting period, Aima Technology attracted 118 outstanding graduates through the"Eaglet Plan" campus recruitment program, providing them with job opportunities and injecting newinnovative energy into the Company.

During the reporting period, the number of employees at Aima Technology was 9,479.

Number of employees by gender

Male employees:


PersonFemale employees:



Master degree and above:

PersonVocational school:




PersonHigh school and below:



Number of employees by education level

Number of employees by age

Below 30:



Above 50:

Person30 to 50:



Number of employees by region

Within China:

(including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan)





Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Aima Technology's talents growth channels

Remuneration Management

Aima Technology continuously optimizes internal systems such as the Remuneration Management Mechanism and ManagementMeasures, constructing a remuneration structure comprising xed salary, variable salary, and additional special compensation.We have established a remuneration system that is both internally equitable and externally competitive. To implement aperformance-driven incentive mechanism, we comprehensively evaluate employee performance across various dimensions,considering di?erences in job nature and business capabilities. Through a dynamic and periodic performance evaluation system,we align employee remuneration with work performance, thereby fostering employee motivation.We have established a results-oriented assessment mechanism, implementing regular annual salary adjustments through formssuch as honors, wages, bonuses, medical insurance, equity, dividends, and other benets to fully address employee needs. Weintroduce equity incentive plans for middle and senior management, as well as core business and technical talent, allowing themto share in the Company's development fruits over the medium and long term.

During the reporting period, Aima Technology's equity incentive scheme has been extended tosome middle and senior management personnel, as well as core business and technical talent.

Employee Growth and Nurturing

Career Development

Skill series(O)

Skill management series(OM)

Aima Technology has constructed a comprehensive and extensive talent training program and career development path.We have established a multi-faceted talent training system, incorporating an open and transparent career advancementmechanism. This approach provides employees with ample opportunities for growth and fosters mutual developmentbetween employees and the Company.

To facilitate the scientic and rational growth of employees, Aima Technology has further updated its talent development system,delineating clear development channels and competency requirements for both managerial and non-managerial roles. Wecontinuously evaluate and rene our organizational structure and have devised internal management mechanisms such as theGrade Channel Promotion Plan, which establishes three primary development channels: Management (M), Professional (P),and Skills (O). Aligned with the needs of business development and employee skillsets, we conduct annual employee promotionnomination and appointment activities. In 2023, Aima Technology introduced a new development channel specically tailoredfor skilled talents, encompassing the Skills (O) and Skills Management (OM) channels. This enhancement further enriches ourdevelopment system for skilled talents and provides a clearer path for their career growth within the Company.

The O-Series consists of four development categories: General Worker, Multi-Purpose Worker, KeyWorker A and Key Worker B.Conduct annual promotion reviews based on the criteria for assessing skilled personnel.

The OM sequence consists of 3 development categories: Team Leader, Production Line Leader andSection Leader.Annual promotions by selection and appraisal based on business development needs.


Upgrade & Publishqualication standards

Announce & Compliant


Public announcement

Qualication evaluation notice

Declaration & Appraisal

Draft qualication standard documents in conjunctionwith business and qualication standards in 2023.

Employees are required to complete the online filingwithin the required timeframe.HRBP (Human Resource Business Partner) audits thedeclared qualifications of employees, which mainlyinclude the compliance and authenticity of the qualitystandards, qualifications, performance, educationlevel, and professional working years, to determinewhether they meet the conditions for declaration ofqualications, and conducts on-site evaluation meetingsfor qualied personnel.

The evaluation results will be announced by the TalentOperation Centre and HRBP of each business for 7working days.If the applicant has any objection to the evaluationresult, he/she may submit a written appeal to theorganizing unit during the public announcement period,and the relevant unit will reply to the applicant within 5working days upon receipt.

Release the results of the 2023 qualication review

Issue employee qualication evaluation notices througho?ce software.

Aima Technology qualication evaluation process in 2023


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Aima Technology's talents nurturing system

Talent Nurturing

Drawing on internal training systems such as the Training Control Procedure and the Management Measures for InternalLecturers, Aima Technology has developed a comprehensive training program focusing on three dimensions: leadership,professionalism, and versatility. Aligning with the Company's development strategy and sta? development needs, we employa training approach that combines "online and o?ine" as well as "theory and practice" methods. Leveraging the support of theGroup, divisions, and departments (factories), we aim to cultivate talents who embody the Company's business philosophy andmeet professional and technical standards.

Experts are invited to give lectures and adoptclosed training to ensure the e?ectiveness of thetraining through a comprehensive evaluation andfeedback mechanism.

Through a series of generic skills programs, weenhance employees’ generic workplace qualitiesin the dimensions of thinking, communication ande?ciency, so that they can quickly adapt to andbe competent in their jobs.

Professional skills training is organized andconducted through the establishment ofmultidimensional professional study workshops.

Training programs of sailing, voyage andleading

Training programs on interculturalcommunication, cross-departmentalcommunication, time management, useof work software, systems thinking, etc.

Innovation Club: training programs forR&D Technology Month, new materialresearch, project management, etc.Lean Study Club: ManufacturingTechnology Month, skills competition,manufacturing quality improvement andother training programsNew Retail Workshop: processmanagement, promotion plan, retailshop management and other trainingprograms.Functional professional training: costmanagement, business analysis andother training programs.





Targeted employees and contentTraining courses

Aima Technology's employees training situation


Types of employees






Number of trainedemployees

Average training hourper person

Average training hourper person

Average training hourper person

Average training hourper person

Average training hourper person









For managers at di?erent levels

For all sta?

Targeting employees in di?erent business units andcovering key professional and technical sta?.

employee of training163,891.9employee trained4,095

employee development trainings

Number of trainedemployees

Number of trainedemployees

Number of trainedemployees

Number of trainedemployees


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

In 2023, Aima Technology held a skills competition covering many dimensions, such as frame welding and logisticsforklifts, etc., to improve employees’ professional skills and vocational techniques, and at the same time to select talentsfor the Tianjin Jinghai District employee vocational skills competition. After the erce competition at the company-level,we selected the rst player of a single item to represent the Company to participate in the district-level vocational skillscompetition. With excellent professional skills and superb operation level, the Company's employees won good resultsin the welding and forklift projects, and won prizes and recognition for their excellent performance.

To fully utilize internal talent resources, we promote the training of internal lecturers and enhance the organizational mechanismof the Professional Seminar Club. We encourage senior employees to serve as lecturers, sharing their extensive managementand business experience to strengthen the construction of our internal trainer teams. In addition, Aima Technology collaboratesclosely with major universities and enterprises to optimize the allocation of human resources and jointly promote talent cultivationand industry innovation. By leveraging the resources, technological expertise, and talents of both parties, we facilitate thedeep integration of industry, academia, and research. We provide employees with external training opportunities to encouragecontinuous learning and growth.

According to the Company's latest strategic planning and talent echelon construction needs, we step up efforts tointroduce outstanding graduates in R&D majors, targeting 19 domestic double-rst-class colleges and universities andtheir 10 majors for recruitment, so as to provide high-quality "talent saplings" for the R&D community. In order to ensurethat trainees can get a full range of in-depth training, we adopt the "dual tutors" mechanism of departmental tutors andexpert tutors to jointly guide trainees in their daily work and cutting-edge research. The Company also regularly invitesindustry experts to carry out lectures and Q&A sessions to promote the rapid growth of trainees and build an e?cienttalent training mechanism.

From May to June 2023, Aima Technology held speechcontests on corporate culture at various bases, inwhich excellent contestants from different districtsshowed their personal charisma and style, andexpressed their understanding and love of corporateculture through vivid speeches.

In June 2023, Aima Technology held a cultural hikingactivity in Tuanbo Photosynthesis Valley of JinghaiDistrict, with nearly 500 participants completing the5km and 10km hiking challenges respectively. Theactivity was designed to promote the Company'scorporate culture. During this activity, participantsfelt the corporate culture by participating in the Q&Ainteractions at the checkpoints.

The photo of Aima Technology Skills CompetitionThe photo of Tianjin Jinghai District employee vocational

skills competition

R&D "Golden Seed" program

As of the reporting period, Aima Technology had attracted and trained 188 internal lecturers,providing robust support for the construction of our talent pipeline.

Employee Care and Benets

Employee Benet

Aima Technology integrates the "people-oriented" concept into all levels of the Company, fostering a culture thatprioritizes the well-being of our employees. We have established a multi-dimensional employee benefit system toprovide comprehensive protection for our sta?. Additionally, we have implemented an open communication mechanismto enhance employees' happiness and sense of belonging within the organization.

To cater to the diverse needs of our employees, Aima Technology o?ers a range of non-salary benets, including access tofacilities such as a gym, breastfeeding room, pantry, vending machine, canteen, and birthday gifts. We also recognize andreward employees who make outstanding contributions to the Company, fostering a culture that encourages initiative andcreativity among our workforce. In our e?orts to promote work-life balance, we organize various cultural and sports activitiessuch as hiking, corporate culture speech contests, and essay contests. These activities provide employees with opportunities toshowcase their talents while enhancing communication and camaraderie among colleagues.In addition, the Company places special emphasis on supporting employees facing di?culties. Upon application and validationby the labor union, we provide relief supplies to employees experiencing low income, serious illnesses, or sudden familyaccidents. Additionally, we visit these employees during the Spring Festival to convey care and support during challenging times.

On-site picture of Aima Technology's cultural hiking activity

Speech contest on corporate culture





Vocational skills competition themed "Promoting Craftsmanship, InheritingTechnical Skills"

Holding a cultural hiking activity

Speech contest on corporate culture

R&D "Golden Seed" program


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Employee Communication

Work Safety

Aima Technology has established and continuously enhances an employee communication mechanism to encourage employeesto express their ideas and opinions. We provide diversified communication channels such as the chairman's mailbox, thepresident's mailbox, and the compliance reporting mailbox, enabling timely identication and resolution of operational issueswithin the Company. To ensure prompt and e?ective handling of employee feedback, we assign dedicated personnel to addresseach comment regularly, fostering increased employee engagement and trust in the Company.We conduct regular employee satisfaction surveys and organize quarterly assessments for all sta? members. This approachallows us to promptly understand how employees perceive various management aspects of the Company. We use the surveyresults as a crucial reference for improvement and optimization, implementing practical and e?ective measures accordingly.

We strictly follow laws and regulations such as the Work Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and the Fire PreventionLaw of the People's Republic of China. Internally, we have developed work safety management systems such as the Safety andEnvironmental Protection Inspection Management Provisions and the Work Safety Accountability System. These measures aimto fully implement the work safety accountability system and e?ectively enhance our safety management practices. In addition,we have established a three-tier leadership team, with the president assuming primary responsibility. The Environmental Healthand Safety (EHS) department is tasked with promoting and supervising the e?ective implementation of related work, while eachdepartment conducts in-depth research and special actions for specic areas and issues. This organizational structure formsa multi-layered control system for occupational health and safety. The Company has set core objectives for 7 "0" safety andenvironmental protection management to further enhance our safety and environmental protection e?orts.

To further enhance our ability to prevent safety risks, we have established a dualprevention mechanism for identifying hidden safety risks and implementing a riskgrading and control system. Regular safety risk identification and inspections areconducted to thoroughly assess potential safety risks and scientically classify theminto di?erent grades. We then formulate targeted preventive and control measuresand solutions. At the same time, safety risk notification cards are prominentlydisplayed at each risk point to clearly indicate the existence and characteristics ofthe risk, helping to prevent safety incidents at their source. In 2023, Aima Technologyconducted a total of 498 safety production risk identication exercises. Recticationand improvement measures were promptly implemented for identied safety hazards,e?ectively reducing potential risks in our business operations. During the reportingperiod, the Company did not experience any major safety incidents.

In 2023, our questionnaire survey on employee satisfaction revealed a consistent satisfactionlevel maintained above 90%.

Employee Health and Safety

Aima Technology attaches great importance to employee safety and occupational health, adhering to the safetymanagement policy of "ensuring employee safety, eliminating safety accidents, complying with legal regulations, andcontinuously improving the system." We actively promote the development of a safety culture throughout the organizationand strive to minimize risks to employee health and safety.

Work safety

No serious injuries or deaths happenedin the Company

Special facilities

No major accidents involving specialequipment happened in the Company

Environmental protection

No serious environmental pollutionincidents happened in the CompanyCore objectives of EGS safety and environmental protection management



Employee Support Initiative

Holiday Care Program

Prior to the Spring Festival in 2023, the labor union of AimaTechnology launched a Spring Festival support initiative forits employees. Care packages, lled with the Company's bestwishes, were timely delivered to those facing hardships andto employees who remained on duty during the holiday. Thisgesture deeply conveyed the Company's care and warmth toits sta?.

Around the corner of double festivals in 2023, Aima Technologyprepared a Mid-Autumn Festival welfare gift box for itsemployees and decorated o?ces with chic festive decorations,creating a warm and joyful festive atmosphere for itsemployees.

Employee Support

Mid-Autumn Festival gifts

In 2023, the Companyinvested RMBin work safetymanagement



Occupational health

No occupational diseases happened inthe Company

Tra?c safety

No major tra?c accidents of which theCompany assuming primary responsibilityFire safetyNo re accidents happened in theCompany

Food safety

No food poisoning incidents happened inthe Company


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

To reinforce sta? awareness of work safety and improve their emergency response abilities, we annually develop emergencyresponse plans and on-site disposal programs, along with conducting safety drills. Tailored to the characteristics of each position,we regularly conduct targeted safety training and quarterly training and communication meetings. Through in-depth analysis ofaccident cases, we e?ectively enhance sta? safety precautionary and self-rescue capabilities. In addition, we have implementeda rigorous safety assessment mechanism to evaluate employees' understanding and application of safety knowledge, ensuringthe e?ectiveness of safety-related training initiatives.

During the reporting period, Aima Technology and its subsidiaries organized a total of 210occupational health and safety training sessions, beneting 7,418 employees.

In 2023, Tianjin Vehicle carried out re evacuation and re extinguishing drills to simulate the emergency scene of re inthe workshop, and all the employees cooperated with the working groups to evacuate in a fast and orderly manner, whiche?ectively improved the Company's emergency response ability.

In 2023, Aima Technology held emergency rescue training at the Group headquarters and Tianjin production baserespectively. With the theme of "Love Sta?, Link Hearts", the training at the Group's headquarter used a combinationof theory and drills to enable participants to understand the use of AED equipment and master the process of articialrespiration. The Tianjin production base cooperated with the Red Cross Society of China to carry out special trainingfor emergency ambulancemen. Through the on-site explanation and practical exercises by professional physicians,employees gained an in-depth understanding of rst aid for sudden cardiac death, articial respiration, Heimlich and otherrelated knowledge. After this activity, 103 employees obtained the certicate of emergency ambulancemen training.

Automated External Debrillator.

Work Safety Month Knowledge Contest

On-site image of Tianjin Vehicle re evacuation and re extinguishing drills

On-site image of rst aid training

Obtained ISO 45001 Occupational Health and

Safety Management System Certication

Health and Safety

Aima Technology strictly abides by the Law of the People's Republicof China on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases andother laws and regulations as well as relevant regulatory standards, andadopts a variety of measures to safeguard the occupational health andsafety of its employees. We make every e?ort to create a healthy andsafe working environment for our employees. As of the reporting period,the Company has obtained ISO 45001 Occupational Health and SafetyManagement System Certication.We organize medical check-ups for our employees in specialpositions every year to take care of their health conditions andfully protect their health rights and interests. In addition, wecooperate with professional organizations to jointly carry out rstaid AED

training activities to help employees master the correctuse of AED equipment and rst aid skills, and improve their abilityto save themselves and each other in emergencies. In 2023, theCompany's occupational disease medical examination coverageof employees in special positions reached 100%.




"Safety for All, Emergency Response for All" Work Safety Month Campaign

Aima Technology organized emergency care training

Aima Technology's re emergency drill

In 2023, we organized the "Work Safety Month" activitiesin all production bases, with the theme of "Safety forAll, Emergency Response for All ", and carried out fireand emergency skills competitions, emergency-themedexhibitions and other programs. Additionally, we promotedthe development of special projects in each site, andcarried out on-site supervision and cleaning for laboratoriesthat failed to rectify their problems, so as to effectivelyimplement the requirements of the safety investigation.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Developing withResponsibility

GO HAND IN HAND WITH RESPONSIBILITYAima Technology remains steadfast in fulfilling its responsibility towards building asustainable supply chain. We prioritize dealer management optimization, aiming toenhance the user service experience while fullling our commitments to our partners andusers through tangible actions.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Sustainable Supply Chain

Aima Technology is committed to continuously enhancing its supplier management system. We prioritize the management,evaluation, and risk identification of suppliers, while actively engaging in communication and training activities with them.Through these e?orts, we strengthen the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) management of our suppliers and raisetheir awareness of environmental and social responsibility.In 2023, the Company revised the Regulations for Supplier System Access Management to establish full life cycle management,covering the stages of supplier access, daily management, assessment and evaluation and supplier withdrawal to achievestandardized management of suppliers.

The QCDD score refers to evaluating and scoring suppliers in terms of quality, cost, delivery, and R&D aspects.

As of the reporting period, the total number of suppliers was 575,of which 573 were on the Chinese mainland, and the total numberof local suppliers was 173. The Company strives to localize itssuppliers. We cooperate with over 30 key component suppliers andset up component factories near our production bases to speed upsupply chain response and improve our risk-resistant capability.

Aima Technology strengthens supply chain management by effectively managing supplier dependence andsupervising its implementation. We adhere to the Management Provisions on Periodic Certication of QualiedSuppliers, conducting periodic certication of suppliers within the system. The examination results are integratedinto the semi-annual comprehensive evaluation of suppliers, thereby mitigating overall supply chain risks.

Supplier Management

The supplier access stage assessment is carried out in three areas: quality, productionand R&D.Set up preferential conditions for entry: giving priority to mass-production suppliers offront-end brands in the motorbike and electric two-wheeler industries; focusing on thefour new suppliers (new technologies/new processes/new materials/new factories); andkeeping in line with suppliers with the highest overall QCDD

scores.The Company has formulated the Regulations on Evaluation and Grading Managementof Qualified Supplier to clarify the categories and grades of suppliers. The Companydivides the grade according to the four areas of QCDD, which are A+/A, B, C and D.The results will be used as the basis for setting quotas for new product developmentand secondary development, so as to realize the link between supplier performance andsupply ratio.The frequency of audits is in accordance with the requirements of the Company's theRegulations on Regular Inspection of Qualied Suppliers, and the certication period isbased on the Management Table of Supplier Certication Classication and Periodicity.The supplier quality audit covers five categories: electrical, structural, hardware,auxiliary materials and packaging.Evaluation based on the results of the audit, and the establishment of the sameindustry comparison table, ranking of suppliers of similar materials; according to theresults of the audit to optimize the elimination process.In 2023, a total of 528 supplier quality audits were conducted, mainly focusing onquality assurance capacity improvement and other aspects, with an overall annualaudit score of 87 points, showing an overall good status of suppliers.The Company establishes supplier elimination standards in accordance with theManagement Provisions on Supplier Claims and Penalties and the ManagementProvisions on Supplier System Optimization, and terminates the cooperation withsuppliers that fail in evaluation and assessment, have insu?cient technical capabilities,or violate the Transparent Purchasing Agreement.

Aima Technology's full life cycle management of suppliers








Number of suppliers

Number of suppliers on the Chinese mainland

Number of local suppliers

Number of suppliers from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Supplier ratio setting based on comprehensive supplier evaluation results (QCDD).Setting material supply ratio based on supplier ratio setting.Adjustment based on suppliers' actual production capacity, cost, factory planneddemand, etc.

Environmental management: increasing environmental impact assessment of newsuppliers, requiring suppliers to provide their environmental management systemcertication and sign the Supplier Periodic Certication Format.99 suppliers passed the environmental management system certification (ISO14001) .

The Supply Chain Management Center conducts semi-annual comprehensiveevaluations of suppliers based on the results of QCDD. The evaluation criteria areGrade A (85 ≤ score ≤ 100), Grade B (70 ≤ score<

85), Grade C (60 ≤ score

<70),and Grade D (score<60).Supplier dependence (supply ratio) will be adjusted according to the grade.

Occupational disease prevention: requiring suppliers to provide occupational healthmanagement system certication.Healthy and safe working environments: increased safety and health evaluations ofnew suppliers.85 suppliers certied for OHS management systems (ISO 45001).364 suppliers certied to quality management systems (ISO 9001).43 suppliers with quality management systems certied for the automotive industry(IATF 16949).

The Purchasing Center of the Domestic Division maintains the approved supply ratioin the system.The Material Transfer Department of each factory submits a report request forsupplier dependency implementation based on abnormal situations during dailyimplementation.If the optimized suppliers are confirmed in the supplier dependency ratio, thePurchasing Center of the Business Unit will formulate a material transfer plan, whichwill be implemented and followed up by the Material Transfer Department of eachfactory.The Purchasing Centre assesses the order execution of each factory's supply ratioaccording to the plan.

Anti-corruption: Signing the Sunlight Purchase Agreement with suppliers.

Scoring indicatorsHonors/RewardsRating Criteria

Result indicatorsProcess Indicator


≥90 pointsS: ≥80 pointsA: ≥70 pointsB: ≥60 pointsC: <60 points

Cumulative task completion rate

Chairman/President-led tours

Price settlementStore e?ciencyStar product shareDigital system useInventory share

Store displaysService indicators

Supplier periodic examination process

Aima Technology's supplier ESG management and performance


Put intopractice


Aima Technology strengthens supplier ESG management through compliance and certication initiatives. We advocate for allpartners to adhere to environmental protection, health, and safety regulations, thereby e?ectively managing supply chain risks.

Responsible Procurement

Dealer Empowerment

Aima Technology prioritizes dealer management, aiming to cultivate long-term and stable cooperative relationships while fostering asustainable industrial chain. We have implemented systems such as the Dealer Classication and Grading and the Regulations onChannel Management to rigorously manage the selection and oversight of dealers. Utilizing an evaluation method encompassing threemajor outcome indexes and ve process indexes, we classify dealers into ve grades (S+SABC). This approach allows us to selecthigh-quality dealer partners with excellent service capabilities and strong business reputations.

Aima Technology consistently emphasizes the value integration of manufacturers and dealers, providing comprehensive supportand services to dealers through online and o?ine empowerment training and exchanges. This includes initiatives such as promotingchannel digital intelligence, assisting in e-commerce operations, establishing a dedicated dealer hotline, and implementing a shopretail system. Additionally, the Company held 11 marketing strategy empowerment meetings in 2023, involving 1,398 dealers andinternal business personnel, further enhancing consensus on the Company’s development strategy and business planning.




Interviews for national coverage

Expert trainingTrader training

Backbone sta? learning

Increased local advertising support

Partly interest-free creditExpansion of agent areaIncrease agent category


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Promote channel digital intelligence: build a one-stop dealer service platform to efficientlyundertake business processes such as dealer orders, inventory management and distribution.

Dealer line problem feedback channel: Through the introduction of a call system and customerservice order system to achieve rapid information docking and comprehensive monitoring, theCompany actively responds to dealers' feedback.

Assist dealers in e-commerce operations: provide hands-on training and technical supportfor operations from tra?c acquisition to sales conversion, guide more dealers to use variousnew tools such as self-media, short videos and grass-raising APPs as their regular marketingmeans, and promote the construction of dealers' live broadcasting matrices.

Aima Technology's measures for dealer empowerment in 2023


Adhere to the value integration of manufacturers and dealers: set up a special trainingsystem and business team to customize targeted empowerment programs and trainingcontent for dealers, shops and shoppers respectively.

Fine management of shops: Strengthen the implementation of the retail manager program,which focuses on serving individual shops and engaging with in-store shoppers. This approachaims to achieve grid-based management of the channel. Additionally, we will establish asmooth and efficient information-sharing and communication mechanism between theCompany and its channel partners. This initiative will facilitate the Company's comprehensiveand accurate understanding of the specics of each dealer and shop.

The Company conducts regular dealer empowerment activities through initiatives like the "Move Forward Together" program.Through this program, we provide training and collaborate closely with dealers to foster mutually benecial partnerships, therebyenhancing dealers' capabilities to better serve users.

The "Move Forward Together" program in Nanning

Customer Service

Aima Technology upholds the service concept of "Users First," prioritizing customers' needs and satisfaction above all else.We actively listen to, understand, and address customer concerns by continually rening our service processes and enhancingservice quality.Aima Technology strictly abides by the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights andInterests and other relevant laws and regulations. We have developed and implemented internal systems such as theManagement Regulations on User Interaction and the Management Regulations on Customer Complaint Handling. Moreover, wehave established a highly e?cient user service system centered on multi-channel user feedback, with the User Operation Centerserving as the hub and the nationwide sales network providing support. This approach ensures we meet user requirementse?ectively and safeguard the legitimate interests of consumers.The Company actively responds to evolving customer needs by integrating new forms of user communication and upgrading itsservice methods. We have established diverse channels to safeguard consumers' rights and ensure their voices are heard andaddressed promptly and e?ectively.

Serve with Heart

Transfer 400 customer service team to user operation department; add additional sta? tocover night service.

Optimize customer service system; introduce intelligent quality control and outbound call system.

Add a new service portal; set up a joint handling team; increase hotline service hours to 7*24h;promote dealers to add night service mode.

Use Internet technology and new media channels to build an online service network; provideusers with convenient consultation, purchase and after-sales service.

Deliver feedbackthrough official ser-vice channels (400hotline, online chat,etc.)

Call center first-line cus-tomer service in accord-ance with the Manage-ment Regulations on UserInteraction, use serviceterms and follow thestandard processing pro-cedures for the answer.

If the issue cannotbe resolved directly,then it needs to bedealt with by the sec-ond line of customerservice (complainthandling)

According to the user'sproblem and the C-endCustomer ComplaintProcessing Manage-ment Regulations, thesecond-line customerservice, should answerfeedback within 48 hours.

Aima Technology's customer service system improvement in 2023

Problem reportingPrimary processingIssue escalationComplaint processing









Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Aima Technology places signicant emphasis on customer service and complaint resolution. We've established a dedicatedcall center to meticulously categorize user issues, ensuring swift and precise resolution. User problems are segmented intove categories: products, services, sales, comments/suggestions, and others, allowing us to o?er tailored solutions to varyingconcerns.We further classify issues into inquiries and complaints based on the emotional cues of user feedback. Specically, feedbackindicating "dissatisfaction, complaints, clear complaints," and similar sentiments are promptly identied as complaints. We theninitiate a specialized handling process to ensure timely, equitable, and e?ective resolution of user complaints.

In addition, Aima Technology is committed to creating a vibrant and interactive platform for users. We continuously innovate theformat and enhance the content of activities to deliver a higher-quality and more engaging experience for our users.

Problem typeProcessing procedureProducts and sales

Customer service personnel provide users with the address or telephone number of the local Aimasales shop, allowing users to visit the shop for physical conguration and vehicle inspection.Service

Issues that require further attention are escalated to the second line of customer serviceprocessing, where our team collaborates with relevant departments and shops to prioritizeresolving users' actual problems. In cases involving service complaints, the issue is relayed to therespective service manager at the shop.Comments/suggestionsand others

All interactions are recorded by the call center and regularly summarized for subsequent productor service enhancements.

Aima Technology's Call Center problem identication and processing

Aima Technology attaches importance to the management ofcustomer service personnel, ensuring that our team in the userinteraction center is composed of qualified professionals whoundergo rigorous training. We conduct regular training sessionsto keep them updated on business knowledge and enhance theiroverall quality and service standards. In 2023, our customercomplaint resolution rate reached 100%, with a user satisfactionrate of 96.5%, and an 89.9% resolution rate within 48 hours.

2023Customer complaint resolutionrate reachedwith a user satisfaction rate of

resolution rate within 48 hours




Customer service team training content and frequency




Carry out quality control training sessions to ensure that customer service personnel fullyunderstand and adhere to battery charging specications and related issues. Addressany encountered problems in business and service through collaborative efforts withcustomer service sta?, implementing improvement measures as needed.Rotate training topics including communication skills, crisis awareness, and serviceorientation to continuously deepen customer service sta?'s understanding of their rolesand enhance their professional competence, aiming to gain user recognition.Provide performance training that elaborates on performance components andmethodologies, aiming to improve performance scores. Offer positive guidance andtimely a?rmation to foster internal motivation among employees, establish benchmarking,and create a cycle of performance enhancement.

Aima Technology launched the online and o?ine "Aima 17 MembershipDay" IP campaign, which empowered shops and gave back to customersin the form of applet lucky draws. By linking up with cross-border brandresources, the activity added 29,000 new users and covered morethan 1,000 shops, continuously deepening the user memory of "Aimamembers love you more than you do".

Aima Technology provides a community platform for customers tocommunicate, share and interact. It provides many online activities,including incentives such as check-in and lucky draws, with morethan 40,000 participants per month. The Company conducts in-depthinteractions with customers through online communities, centeringaround costumers’ hot topics at important annual holiday nodes. Thetotal reading volume of a single UGC interactive activity exceeds 12,000times, and more than 100 pieces of high-quality UGC content have beensolicited. Customer activities and direct interaction methods effectivelyenhance communication and interaction, and greatly attract participation.



Aima 17 (Aima Riding) Membership Day IP Campaign

Aima Technology conducting community customer interaction activities

Aima Technology's user interactive

activity interface

Aima 17 Membership Day interfaceTrainingfor newemployees

Implement a six-module one-week training program covering corporate culture, rulesand regulations, and business knowledge. Followed by a two-week trial period in amentorship model to facilitate the rapid integration of new employees into their roles.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Social Value

As a leading enterprise in the electric two-wheeler industry, upholds the ethos of "Loving society." Beyond focusing solely on itsown advancement, the Company is dedicated to generating value for society at large. Through initiatives in rural revitalization,education support, community welfare, and more, Aima Technology endeavors to contribute to the creation of a moreharmonious and better society.Aima Technology leverages both internal and external resources to facilitate rural support initiatives. Through direct procurementof local agricultural products and distribution to employees as holiday gifts, the Company not only provides its sta? with accessto healthy and sustainable food but also addresses the challenge of market access for local farmers. This approach signicantlystimulates local agricultural development and contributes to the broader goal of rural revitalization.We engage in various philanthropic endeavors, including educational subsidies, community aid, and the preservation andtransmission of intangible cultural heritage. These initiatives allow us to actively fulll our social responsibility through practicalactions.

Rural Revitalization

Public Welfare

In August 2023, heavy rains suddenly struck Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei, which not only seriously affected thedaily life of local residents, but also put forward higherrequirements for flood control work. In the face of thisserious situation, Aima Technology responded quicklyand donated 40 electric two-wheelers to Jinghai Districtin Tianjin to provide convenient and efficient means oftransport for ood control personnel to support their oodcontrol inspections.

In 2023, Aima Technology donated 6 million yuan to Chongqing Tongliang District Charity Association to support thedevelopment of local social undertakings. 2 million yuan was used to promote the development of culture, tourismand sports in Tongliang District, and 4 million yuan was used as a special fund to assist the construction of TongliangDragons Football Club, and 50 Aima electric wheelers were presented to the club.

In August 2023, Guangxi Vehicle adheres to its deep responsibility for education and extends a helping hand tocollege students with family financial difficulties in Wule Township, Guigang City, Guangxi Province. We providedtuition fees and living subsidies to help the students successfully complete their studies, and provided a solid supportfor them to realize their dreams and change their destinies.




Helping Tianjin control ood

Helping Tongliang's social development in Chongqing

Helping students realize their dreams whole-heartly


Aima Technology abides by the Advertising Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations toensure the legal compliance of marketing activities. Before launching marketing campaigns, the Company's management o?cerigorously evaluates promotional materials according to established standards. This ensures that all content is accurate, truthful,and fair, while rmly eliminating false claims, exaggerated advertising, and unfair competition. Such measures aim to maintain ahealthy market environment and protect consumer rights.

Responsible Marketing

During the reporting period,Aima Technology made cumulativeexternal donations of

million yuan


electric wheelers

In 2023, Aima Technology attached great importance to responsiblemarketing training and actively organized assessment activities, witha total of 1,768 participants covering key positions. These effortse?ectively heightened employee awareness of responsible marketingpractices and enhanced the standardization and professionalism ofmarketing activities.

with a total of1,768

participantscovering key positions


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Future Prospects


As the year 2024 unfolds, Aima Technology stands at a pivotal juncture, poised to harnessits collective e?orts and forge ahead into new realms of progress. In the global context of the"dual-carbon" imperative and the national directives outlined in the "14th Five-Year Plan,"the Company remains steadfast in its commitment to environmental stewardship. We adhereto the principles of "Protecting the Environment, Conserving Energy, Conducting CleanProduction, and Delivering Sustainable Development," embedding the ethos of sustainabledevelopment throughout our product lifecycle. We are dedicated to fortifying our capabilitiesin green manufacturing management, and constructing a manufacturing ecosystem thatchampions environmental sustainability and cleanliness. Capitalizing on the momentum of"carbon neutrality," we drive forward with innovative green technologies, enhancing energyefficiency and spearheading advancements in eco-friendly development. In doing so, weaim to propel the industry towards a future dened by low-carbon practices and sustainablegrowth.In terms of strategic layout, we remain committed to executing the strategic axis of "UsersFirst, Excellent Products, In-depth Market Development, Rened Operations," fortifying ourfoothold amidst the intense competition of the market. We endeavor to cultivate a distinctIP world infused with the essence of our brand, pioneering various green and intelligentavenues while offering consumers a variety of technologically innovative transportationsolutions to cater to their evolving mobility needs. Guided by the ethos of "love," we embraceour corporate social responsibility and mission. Internally, we nurture our workforce byfostering a nurturing learning environment and fostering a culture of warmth and inclusivity.Externally, we actively engage in philanthropic endeavors, spearheading diverse initiativesaimed at supporting social progress and enhancing the quality of life for all.Going forward, we will steadfastly uphold the principles of green, low-carbon, and circulardevelopment, collaborating with all stakeholders to collectively advance the establishment ofa modernized industrial ecosystem and a new development paradigm. We eagerly anticipatecollaborating with all stakeholders to achieve mutual prosperity and usher in a new era forour Company.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Key IndicatorsUnit20222023

Year-on-yearGrowth Rate (%)

RevenueTen thousand yuan2,080,221.32,103,612.11.1Net prot attributable to shareholdersof the listed company

Ten thousand yuan187,343.3188,111.60.4

Total assetsTen thousand yuan1,847,135.51,989,281.47.7Net assets attributable to shareholdersof the listed company

Ten thousand yuan672,117.6771,203.814.7The amount of the proposed cashdividend (including buyback share)

Ten thousand yuan74,940.9115,295.353.8

Key IndicatorsUnit20222023


Total number of employeesPerson8,1269,479By gender


By education

Master's degree and abovePerson6984Bachelor's degreePerson1,1341,487Vocational degreePerson1,8751,789High school degree and belowPerson5,0486,119

By age

30 and belowPerson/2,74330-50Person/6,38350 years and abovePerson/353By region

China (including Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan)


Overseas Person/41

By professionalcomposition

Production sta?Person5,1555,537Sales sta?Person1,1831,352Technical Sta?Person9171,089Financial sta?Person154185Administrative sta?Person7171,316


Number of training sessions/594744Total number of traineesPerson3,2584,095Total training durationHours100,762.4163,891.9Average training durationHours12.417.3

Key Performance TableEconomic Indicators

Key IndicatorsUnit20222023

Signing rate of the Agreement of Performing Duties withIntegrity for employees

%100100Coverage rate of business ethics and anti-corruption training%100100Total duration of business ethics and anti-corruption trainingHours2,1102,220Total investment in information securityTen thousand yuan562.6710.3Number of information security violationsTimes00

Governance Indicators

Key IndicatorsUnit20222023

R&D expensesTen thousand yuan50,668.558,946.7Total number of R&D personnelPerson9171,089Cumulative amount of patent incentivesTen thousand yuan83.370.5Newly authorized patents/436428Total number of authorized patents/1,6101,915Signing ratio of the labor contract %100100

Social Indicators


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Key IndicatorsUnit20222023Environmental protection inputTen thousand yuan2,042.31,819.9Acreage obtained green factory certicationSquare meter178,448.6521,349.0Compliance rate of waste water, waste air and noise emissions %100100General and major environmental accidents/00Compliance rate of hazardous waste disposal%100100Number of ISO 14001 certications/66Environmental protection and safety training/1517

Waste air

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)Tonnes66.130.9Sulfur oxidesTonnes3.73.2Nitrogen oxidesTonnes8.510.0Particulate MatterTonnes39.0 14.9Wastewater

Total production wastewaterCubic meters/601,875.0Total domestic wastewaterCubic meters/222,815.0Total wastewater dischargeCubic meters511,932.3824,690.0

Key IndicatorsUnit20222023

Solid Waste

Total amount of non-hazardous waste

Tonnes5,188.62,703.9Total amount of hazardouswaste


Total amount of solid wasteTonnes6,581.54,284.9WaterResource

Total water consumptionTonnes629,683.1885,858.0

Total water consumption


Tonnes per ten thousandyuan of revenues


Total recycled waterTonnes23,664.024,880.0




Natural gasCubic meters3,898,248.54,567,522.0

Total purchased electricitykWh44,148,137.762,031,308.0

Total comprehensive energy


Tonnes of standard coal10,184.813,210.4

Comprehensive energy

consumption density

Tonnes of standardcoal per million yuan ofrevenues



Greenhouse gas emissions:

scope 1

Tonnes of carbon dioxide8,502.09,984.7

Greenhouse gas emissions:

scope 2

Tonnes of carbon dioxide25,177.735,376.5

Greenhouse gas emissions:

scope 1 and scope 2

Tonnes of carbon dioxide33,679.745,361.2

Greenhouse gas intensity:

scope 1 and scope 2

Tonnes of carbon dioxideper million yuan ofrevenues

1.62.2Plastic bag usageTonnes953.2829.0Trees planted/631475

Environmental Indicators

Key IndicatorsUnit20222023

Occupationalhealth andsafety

Number of employees at positions with occupationaldisease risks

Person2,9813,375Number of employees participating in occupationaldisease physical examinations

Person2,9813,375Number of employees with occupational disease onsetPerson00Safety production inputTen thousand yuan976.51,627.7Total number of suppliers/590575Number of new suppliers/3851Local suppliers/139173Number of suppliers with quality management system certication/226364Public Welfare ExpendituresTen thousand yuan2,751.1612.1


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Disclosure ItemDisclosure Title

Sections(To secondary headings)

PageGRI 2: General Disclosures 2021

Introduction to AimaTechnology

P05The organization and its reporting practices2-1Organization Details

Introduction to AimaTechnology


2-2Entities included in the organization's sustainability reporting

Introduction to AimaTechnology

P072-3Reporting period, frequency and contact pointAbout this reportP01-P022-4Restatements of informationAbout this reportP01-P022-5External assurance//Activities and employees2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsCorporate GovernanceP01-P022-7Employees

Employee Complianceand Equality


2-8Workers who are not employeesSustainable Supply ChainP105Governance2-9Governance structure and compositionCorporate GovernanceP432-10Nomination and selection of the highest governance bodyCorporate GovernanceP442-11Chair of the highest governance bodyCorporate GovernanceP432-12

Role of the highest governance body in overseeing themanagement of impacts

Risk ManagementP442-13Delegation of responsibility for managing impactsCorporate GovernanceP43-P442-14Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reportingCorporate GovernanceP43-P442-15Conicts of interestRisk ManagementP46-P472-16Communication of critical concernsCorporate GovernanceP37-P382-17Collective knowledge of the highest governance bodyCorporate GovernanceP442-18Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance bodyCorporate GovernanceP44

Disclosure ItemDisclosure Title

Sections(To secondary headings)

Page2-19Remuneration policiesEmployee Care and BenetsP932-20Process to determine remunerationEmployee Care and BenetsP932-21Annual total compensation ratio//Strategies, Policies and Practices2-22Statement on sustainable development strategyESG GovernanceP35-P362-23Policy commitmentsESG GovernanceP35-P362-24Embedding policy commitmentsESG GovernanceP35-P362-25Processes to remediate negative impactsESG GovernanceP452-26

Mechanisms for seeking advice and raisingconcerns

ESG GovernanceP452-27Compliance with laws and regulationsESG GovernanceP452-28Membership in associationsESG GovernanceP36Stakeholder Engagement2-29Approach to stakeholder engagement

Protection of Stakeholders'

Rights and Interests

P37-P382-30Collective bargaining agreements//GRI 3: Material Topics 20213-1Process to determine material topicsDetermination of MaterialityP39-P403-2List of material topicsDetermination of MaterialityP39-P403-3Management of material topicsDetermination of MaterialityP39-P40EconomyGRI 201: Economic Performance201-2

Financial implications and other risks andopportunities due to climate change

Greening TogetherP64201-3

Dened benet plan obligations and otherretirement plans

Employee Care and BenetsP98GRI 204: Procurement Practices204-1Proportion of spending on local suppliersSupply Chain Management P106GRI 205: Anti-Corruption205-1Operations assessed for risks related to corruptionBusiness EthicsP51205-2

Communication and training about anti-corruptionpolicies and procedures

Business EthicsP50-P51

ESG IndexInstructions

Aima Technology reported the information cited in this GRI Content Index from January 1, 2023 toDecember 31, 2023 by reference to the GRI standards.GRI 1 usedGRI 1: Foundation 2021


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Disclosure ItemDisclosure Title

Sections(To secondary headings)


205-3Conrmed incidents of corruption and actions takenBusiness EthicsP50-P51GRI 206: Anti-competitive Behavior206-1

Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, andmonopoly practices

Business EthicsP50-P51EnvironmentGRI 302: Energy302-1Energy consumption within the organizationGreen ContributionP65302-3Energy intensityGreen ContributionP65302-4Reduction of energy consumptionGreen ContributionP65302-5

Reductions in energy requirements of products andservices

Green OperationsP67GRI 303: Water Resources303-1Water withdrawal by sourceGreen ContributionP62303-2Water sources signicantly impacted by water withdrawal//303-3Water recycling and reuseGreen ContributionP62GRI 305: Emissions305-1Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsGreen ContributionP66305-2energy indirect/Scope 2 GHG emissionsGreen ContributionP66305-4GHG emissions intensityGreen ContributionP66305-5Reduction of GHG emissionsGreen ContributionP66305-7

Nitrogen oxides (NO

x), sulfur oxides (SO

x), and othersignicant air emissions

Green ContributionP61

GRI 306: Water and E?uents306-1Total discharge by water quality and discharge destinationGreen ContributionP62306-2Total waste by type and method of disposalGreen ContributionP62306-3Major spillsGreen ContributionP61306-4Hazardous waste transportationGreen ContributionP61306-5Water bodies a?ected by drainage and/or runo?Green ContributionP62

Disclosure ItemDisclosure Title

Sections(To secondary headings)

PageGRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment308-1

New suppliers that were screened using environmentalcriteria

Green ContributionP107308-2

Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain andactions taken

Green ContributionP107SocialGRI 401: Employment401-1New employee hires and employee turnover

Employee Compliance and



Benets provided to full-time employees that are notprovided to temporary or part-time employees

Employee Care and WelfareP98401-3Parental Leave//GRI 403: Occupational Health and Safety403-1Occupational health and safety management systemEmployee Health and SafetyP100-P102403-2

Hazard identication, risk assessment and incidentinvestigation

Employee Health and SafetyP100403-3Occupational health servicesEmployee Health and SafetyP100-P102403-4

Worker participation, consultation, and communicationon occupational health and safety

Employee Health and SafetyP102GRI 404: Training and Education404-1Average hours of training per year per employee

Employee Development and



Programs for upgrading employee skills and transitionassistance programs

Employee Development andCultivation


Percentage of employees receiving regular performanceand career development reviews

Employee Development andCultivation

P93-P94GRI 405: Diversity and Equal Opportunity405-1Diversity of governance bodies and employees

Employee Compliance andEquality

P91GRI 406: Non-discrimination406-1Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

Employee Compliance andEquality

P91GRI 408: Child Labor408-1

Operations and suppliers at signicant risk for incidentsof child labor



Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Disclosure ItemDisclosure Title

Sections(To secondary headings)


GRI 409: Forced or Compulsory Labor409-1

Operations and suppliers at signicant risk forincidents of forced or compulsory labor

//GRI 413: Local Communities413-1

Operations with local community engagement,impact assessments, and development programs

Social ValueP113

GRI 414: Supplier Social Assessment414-1

New suppliers that were screened using socialcriteria

Sustainable Supply ChainP105


Negative social impacts of supply chains andactions taken

//GRI 418: Customer Privacy418-1

Substantiated complaints concerning breaches ofcustomer privacy and losses of customer data

Information Security and

Privacy Protection


ESG Policy Index TablePrimary HeadingsSecondary HeadingsExternal PoliciesInternal Systems

ESG Governance

ESG GovernanceStructure


Working Rules of the Strategy and ESG Committee of theBoard of Directors of Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd.


1.1 Corporate


Company Lawof the People'sRepublic of ChinaRules Governingthe Listingof Stocks onShanghai StockExchange

Articles of Association of Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd.Rules of Procedure of the Board of DirectorsInternal Control System of Aima Technology Group Co.,Ltd.Internal Audit System of Aima TechnologyAgreement of Performing Duties with Integrity

1.2 Protection of

Rights and Interestsof Stakeholders

Rules Governingthe Listingof Stocks onShanghai StockExchange

Articles of Association of Aima Technology Group Co., Ltd.Information Disclosure Management MeasuresRegistration and Filing System for Informants of InsiderInformationInvestor Relations Management System

1.3 Risk





External PoliciesInternal Systems


1.4 Business


Oversight Law of the People'sRepublic of ChinaAnti-Unfair Competition Law of thePeople's Republic of China

Employee Integrity Management ProvisionsCompliance Assessment ManagementProvisionsWhistleblower Protection and RewardManagement ProvisionsAgreement of Performing Duties with IntegritySunlight Distribution AgreementAgreement of Cooperation with Integrity


InformationSecurityand PrivacyProtection

Data Security Law of the People'sRepublic of ChinaPersonal InformationProtection Law of the People'sRepublic of China

Regulations on Information SecurityManagementPrivacy Policy Terms for Aima Smart RidingRegulations on Account Authority Management

1.6 Party



Guiding Handbook for Standardized andNormative Construction of Party Branches


2.1 Green


Environmental Protection Law of thePeople's Republic of ChinaAtmospheric Pollution Prevention andControl Law of the People's Republicof ChinaLaw of the People's Republic ofChina on Prevention and Controlof Environmental Pollution by SolidWastesWater Pollution Prevention andControl Law of the People's Republicof China

Regulations on Environmental ProtectionManagementOperational Program for Heavy PollutionWeather Emergency ResponseSafety and Environmental ProtectionManagement Regulations for Related PartiesInspection Management Regulations on Safetyand Environmental ProtectionSolid Waste Control Management SystemAssessment Management Regulations on Safetyand Environmental Protection Work

2.2 Green


Integrated emission standard of airpollutantsEmission Standards for VolatileOrganic Compounds in IndustrialCoating Processes

Environmental Protection ManagementRegulationsSolid Waste Control Management System


3.1 Innovative



Intellectual Property Management SystemCopyright Management RegulationsPatent Right Management RegulationsH0232100 Management System for R&D ProjectEntities and Patent Incentives

3.2 Product


Product Quality Law of the People'sRepublic of ChinaLaw of the People's Republic of Chinaon the Protection of Consumer Rightsand InterestsInterim Provisions on the Managementof Consumer Goods Recalls

Quality Management System RequirementsGroup Quality ManualSupplier System Entry Management RegulationsProduct Quality Advance PlanningProduct Recall Management Procedures,Defective Product Control Procedures.


Excellent Products People First Developing with Responsibility Future Prospects AppendixOverview Theme 1 Theme 2 ESG Governance Responsible Governance Green Development

Primary HeadingsSecondary HeadingsExternal PoliciesInternal Systems


4.1 Employee

Compliance andEquality

Labor Law of the People'sRepublic of ChinaLabor Contract Law of thePeople's Republic of ChinaLaw of the People's Republicof China on the Protection ofWomen's Rights and Interests

Recruitment Management MeasuresLabor Contract Management MeasuresRecruitment and Hiring ManagementProvisionsLabor Supplier Management ProvisionsSalary Management Mechanism andManagement Measures

4.2 Employee

Development andCultivation


Grade Channel and Promotion ProgramTraining Control ProceduresInternal Lecturer ManagementMeasures

4.3 Employee Care

and Welfare


4.4 Employee Health

and Safety

Work Safety Law of the People'sRepublic of ChinaFire Protection Law of thePeople's Republic of ChinaLaw of the People's Republic ofChina on Prevention and Controlof Occupational Diseases.

Safety and Environmental ProtectionInspection Management RegulationsWork Safety Responsibility System

Responsible Peer

5.1 Sustainable

Supply Chain


Supplier System Access ManagementRegulationsQualied Supplier Evaluation andGrading Management RegulationsManagement Regulations on PeriodicCertication of Qualied SuppliersSupplier Claim Penalty ManagementRegulationsManagement Regulations on SupplierSystem OptimizationApplication Form for Supplier Cessationof CooperationSunlight Purchasing Agreement

5.2 Dealer



Dealer Classication and GradingRegulations on Channel Management

5.3 User Service

Law of the People's Republicof China on the Protection ofConsumer Rights and InterestsSpecications for After-SalesService Time-Constraint ofElectric Bicycle

Management Regulations on UserInteractionManagement Regulations on CustomerComplaint Handling

5.4 Social Value//

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