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华峰测控:2023年度环境、社会及管治(ESG)报告(英文版) 下载公告

Environmental,Social andGovernance Report

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Corporate GovernanceEthics and Business ConductRisk ManagementIntellectual Property (IP) ManagementCybersecurity

EmploymentTalent DevelopmentOccupational Health and SafetyCustomer ServicesSupplier Management

Continuous Innovation in Pursuit of ExcellenceReliable Quality for Unrivalled Performance



Innovation and Quality

Green Operation


About the ReportChairman's StatementAbout Accotest


Climate ChangeEnvironmental Management SystemGreen Production



AppendixGRI Mapping TableESG Indicator TableSDGs Mapping Table

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About the ReportScope of the ReportEntities covered: The Report covers Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries (collectivelyreferred to as "Accotest", "the company" or "we"), and is intended to present the ESG and sustainability performanceduring the reporting period.Reporting period: The report covers the period from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. To enhance the integrity ofthis report, certain parts may relates to past years.Release cycle: The Report is our ?rst annual ESG report.Reference and Principles

The report is based on the Sustainable Development Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) released by the GlobalReporting Initiative and the ISO 26000 Guidelines for Social Responsibility (2010) issued by the International Organizationfor Standardization. It also meets the requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission's Guidelines forCorporate Governance of Listed Companies (2018), the Shanghai Stock Exchange's Guidelines for the Application of Selfregulatory Rules for Listed Companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board No. 2- Voluntary InformationDisclosure (2022), and the Shanghai Stock Exchange's Guidelines for the Disclosure of Voluntary Information.Explanation of the Data in the 2022 Report on the Application Guidelines for Self regulatory Rules of MunicipalCompanies No. 1- Standardized Operation.

Data ExplanationUnless otherwise speci?ed, the information and data presented in the Report are derived from the o?cial documents,statistical reports, ?nancial reports or public documents of the company.The ?nancial data in the Report are cited from the audited Annual Report 2023 of Accotest. Please be informed that theAnnual Report shall prevail for any discrepancy. Unless otherwise speci?ed, all amounts presented in the Report are inRMB, and certain amounts and percentage ?gures herein have been rounded.

Data AssuranceWe undertake that there is no false record, misleading statement or material omission in the Report, and the Board ofDirectors is liable for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the content herein. Disclaimer: The Report containssome forward-looking statements, including plans and objectives regarding the future development. Such informationre?ects management's expectations in the current stage, which may be subject to uncertainty and cause signi?cantdi?erences from actual outcomes. Our company does not assume any obligation to update any forward-lookingstatements in this report.


This report is available in both print and electronic format. The electronic version can be accessed on the company'swebsite at www.hftc.com.cn or on the website of Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) at www.sse.com.cn.The Report is prepared in simpli?ed Chinese and English. For any di?erences between the two versions, the simpli?edChinese version shall prevail.Contact UsBeijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.Address: Room 101, 102 & 103, Floor 1 to 5, Building 5, IC PARK, No. 9 Fenghao East Road, Haidian District, BeijingPostcode: 100094Tel: 010-63725600Fax: 010-63725652Website: www.hftc.com.cn

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Chairman's StatementDear Accotest colleagues and stakeholders,

2023 marked the 30th anniversary of Accotest, an important milestone on our development path. 30 years ago, a groupof young ambitious people with passion and vitality founded Accotest in a small bungalow in Beijing. After 30 years ofdevotion and perseverance, Accotest has grown into a national high-tech enterprise that provides thousands of high-endequipment domestically and internationally every year.

The company's focus on pragmatism has made the Accotest people unalterable with enduring temptation and lonelinessfor decades. Accotest believes that only with years of accumulation and accumulation of basic technology can it achieve"overtaking on curves", and is committed to becoming a leading domestic enterprise in the ?eld of integrated circuitautomation testing through long-term and arduous e?orts and hard work.

The innovative thinking of Accotest enabled our people to independently develop and master a number of coretechnologies in IC testing, and own a number of technological achievements with international and domestic leadinglevel. Accotest products have also become one of the most important global platforms in the ?eld of IC testing.

ESG's the concept of sustainability and green production have always been closely aligned Accotest's core values of"pursuit of excellence, creation of value". As a domestic leading supplier of automatic test equipment (ATE) for IC test,Accotest upholds the pursuing excellence and striving to develop into China's best and the world's ?rst-class brand oftesters. We seize the historical opportunity of China's industrial upgrading and domestic substitution, and specialize inautomatic IC test, in an e?ort to become a prominent enterprise in this sector. At the same time, the company alwayscares for and concerns about every employee, steps up e?orts to promote low-carbon and green operation, and workshand in hand with all stakeholder to create greater value for our customers, employees, shareholders and society.

December 2023



About Accotest

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Company pro?le: "Craftsmanship in Pursuit of Excellence"

Company history

Beijing Guanghua Radio Factoryestablished Huafeng Technology,one of the ?rst domestic companiesengaged in R&D, production and salesof semiconductor ATE systems

In September 1999, HuafengTechnology was restructured intoa limited liability company andrenamed as "Beijing Huafeng Test &Control Technology Limited"

Launch of the GAN FET test kitbased on ST8200Huafeng Limited was convertedinto a stock limited company

Based on a healthy ?nancial conditionand leading R&D innovation capabilities,after multiple audits, the company hassuccessfully been listed on the Scienceand Technology Innovation Board of theShanghai Stock Exchange

The company launched "ALL in ONE" STS8300 that can contain all test modules intest head. With parallel testing capabilitiesof more than 64 sites, the platform is thecompany's future focus to open up thehigh-end market

Founded in 1993 in Beijing, Accotest (also known as Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.) is a domestic leading supplier that specialises in independent R&D, production, and sales of semiconductor automatic test equipment (ATE). Accotest (stockcode: 688200) was successfully listed on SSE STAR Market in February 2020, and is now headquartered in Zhongguancun IC Design Industrial Park, Haidian District, Beijing. Over the past 30 years, Accotest has been dedicated to independent R&D and continuousinnovation in pursuit of excellence, to increase the application of our products in IC design companies, IDM/wafer manufacturers and packaging and testing companies globally. The company has achieved large installed scale in countries and regions with anadvanced semiconductor industry, such as the United States, Europe, Southeast Asia, Taiwan, Japan, and South Korea.

Accotest successfully developed a newgeneration of STS8200 test platform,and launched the main model STS8200common ground source test systemdiscrete devices and other test areasSTS8200 products"

The company's ?rst mass-produced 32-site full-?oating MOSFET wafer testerSTS8202 was launched, which furtherincreased the installed base

Launched the "CROSS" technology platform,which enables testing of analogue ICs, mixed-signal ICs, discrete devices, MOSFETs, etc., byreplacing di?erent test boards on the same testtechnology platform, thus further enhancingthe test scalability of products

Launch of the IPM test kit based onST8200

As market demand grew, thecompany's installed capacityexceeded 6,000 units worldwideThe installed capacity of the company hasincreased rapidly, and the global installedcapacity of equipment has exceeded5,000 units

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In 2017In November 2017

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2017-2018 China Semiconductor Market - AnnualBest Performance Award? CCID Consulting Company Limited

2019 IC Packaging and Testing Industry ChainTechnology Innovation Award? IC Packaging and Testing Industry Chain TechnologyInnovation Strategic Alliance

2020 Science and Innovation Golden Horse Award -R&D Investment Leadership? Securities Daily2020 The 3rd "IC Innovation Award" AchievementIndustrialisation Award? China Integrated Circuit Innovation Alliance

2011 Outstanding Achievement Award? Implementation Management O?ce of NationalMajor Science and Technology Projects for Large-scale Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Equipment andComplete Process

2017-2018 China Semiconductor Equipment Market -Companies with the Greatest Potential? CCID Consulting Company Limited

2009 Most Attractive Local Semiconductor Equipmentand Materials Company Award

?Semiconductor Equipment and MaterialsInternational (SEMI)

2010 The 5th China Semiconductor Innovative Productsand Technology Award

? China Semiconductor Industry Association (CSIA),China Electronic Materials Industry Association (CEMIA),China Electronic Production Equipment IndustryAssociation (CEPEA) and China Electronics News

? China Centre for Information Industry Development2021 The 16th "China Chip" Excellent SupportingService EnterprisesNational high Technology Enterprise2023 Top 100 Beijing Manufacturing Enterprises

? Beijing Enterprise Federation and BeijingEntrepreneurs Association

2023 Top 100 Beijing Enterprises with the Featuresof Specialisation, Re?nement, Uniqueness andInnovation? Beijing Enterprise Federation and BeijingEntrepreneurs Association

2023 Top 100 Beijing Advanced Technology Enterprises? Beijing Enterprise Federation and BeijingEntrepreneurs Association

2023 Annual Best Delivery Suppliers

? Jiangsu Changjiang Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.

2022 Top 100 Beijing Manufacturing Enterprises? Beijing Enterprise Federation and Beijing EntrepreneursAssociation

2022 Top 500 New Economy Enterprises in China? China Enterprise Evaluation Association

2022 The 16th China Listed Company Value Evaluation -Top 30 Listed Companies by Value on the SSE STAR Market? Beijing Enterprise Federation and BeijingEntrepreneurs Association

? China Enterprise Evaluation Association

2021 Top 500 New Economy Enterprises in China2021 Top 50 Listed Companies by market cap on the


? China Media Group Shanghai Central Bureau

2021 The 15th China Listed Company ValueEvaluation - Top 10 Listed Companies by value on theSSE STAR Market

? China Enterprise Evaluation Association

StakeholdersOver the past 30 years, Accotest has thrived despite many challenges with the support of communities. We aredeeply aware that our sustained growth cannot be achieved without contributions and trust from all stakeholders.Highly valuing expectations and feedback of stakeholders, Accotest identi?ed stakeholders as below based on theindustry landscape, business scope and operation characteristics. Timely and e?ective communication mechanismand diversi?ed two-way communication channels are in place for all stakeholders including suppliers, customers,employees, shareholders and investors, regulators, media, and industry association.StakeholdersIssuesCommunication channels


Product responsibilityCustomer servicesEHS management requirementsEmployee rights and bene?tsSupplier managementSustainability strategyBusiness ethics and compliance management

Customer trainingCustomer visitsCustomer satisfactionConferenceIndustry exhibitionsO?ine exchange meetingsSocial mediaOnline meetingsOnline surveys


Employee rights and bene?tsCustomer servicesBusiness ethics and compliance managementProduct responsibilityEHS management requirementsSustainability strategySupplier management

Supplier visitsOnline surveys


Employee rights and bene?tsProduct innovation, research and developmentProduct responsibilityEHS management requirementsCustomer servicesBusiness ethics and compliance management

TrainingEmployee satisfaction surveysWhistleblowing e-mailOnline surveys

StakeholdersIssuesCommunication channels

Shareholders and investors

Business ethics and compliance managementEmployee rights and bene?tsEHS management requirementsProduct responsibilityCustomer services

Shareholders' meetingAnnual report andannouncementInvestor relations section ono?cial websiteOnline surveys

Government and RegulatoryBodies

Carbon emission managementEnergy consumption managementProduct innovation, research and developmentPollutant and waste managementBiodiversity protectionEmployee rights and bene?tsEHS management requirementsProduct responsibilityCustomer servicesSupplier managementSustainability strategyBusiness ethics and compliance management

Regulatory assessmentPolicy consultationMeetingsOnline surveys


Carbon emission managementEnergy consumption managementProduct innovation, research and developmentPollutant and waste managementBiodiversity protectionEHS management requirementsProduct responsibilityCustomer servicesBusiness ethics and compliance management

Press release/announcementOnline surveys

Industry association

Employee rights and bene?tsProduct responsibilityCustomer servicesBusiness ethics and compliance management

Activities and events

12Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.13Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.

We analysed the internal and external conditions that a?ect our sustainability journey, based on ourcurrent operation and future development orientation as well as industry landscape.

1. Background analysis

2. Identi?cation of material issues

A total of 14 material ESG issues were identi?ed based on the background analysis, including 5 environmentalissues, 5 social issues and 4 governance issues.

Accotest analysed material issues through surveys and interviews, and presented survey results in the formof materiality matrix by ranking ESG issues by "materiality to stakeholders" and "materiality to Accotest" .

3. Materiality analysis

The Board of Directors and the management team reviewed and approved the materiality assessment results.

4. Review and approval

The materiality to the company

The materiality to stakeholders

Materiality matrix

GovernanceEnvironmentalSocialMateriality assessment

The voice of stakeholders matters to Accotest. To fully understand stakeholders' views and expectations on our ESGmanagement and address their concerns, we identi?ed, evaluated, and ranked ESG issues through the followingfour steps.

Energy consumption management

Product innovation, research and development

Pollutant and waste managementBiodiversity protection

Employee rights and benefitsEHS management requirements

Product responsibility

Customer services

Supplier managementSustainability strategyESG riskmanagement

Business ethics and compliance managementESG information disclosure




Corporate Governance

Organisational structure

In strict compliance with the Company Law of the People's Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People's Republicof China, the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of ShanghaiStock Exchange and relevant laws and regulations, rules and normative documents, Accotest pursues high-quality andsustainable development by deepening and optimising corporate governance, as well as establishing and improving theinternal management system.

The management handles the overall ESG management, controlsthe Company's ESG framework and system planning, coordinatesESG Cross-functional Team, and reviews ESG reports.ESG management level

Each department assigns dedicated personnel to form the ESGCross-functional Team to carry out ESG-related tasks, and deploysresources to assist with ESG daily management and ESG disclosureand ensuring that the objectives of the ESG work are effectivelyachieved.

ESG executive level


Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.

Board o?ce

Remuneration andassessment committeeNomination CommitteeStrategy committeeAudit committee

Board ofdirectors

SalesDepartmentApplication& ServiceDepartmentMarketingDepartmentResearch andDevelopmentDepartmentQualityDepartmentPurchasingDepartmentProductionDepartmentFinanceDepartmentOverseasSubsidiary

Chairman of the board

Supervisory boardGeneral meeting of shareholders

General manager

HR &AdministrationDepartmentGeneralManager's O?ce

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Shareholders' Meeting

The power organ of the company to exercise the supreme decision-making power for the internal a?airsaccording to law, and make decisions on major internal and external matters through the shareholders'meeting, such as the decisions on the company's operation strategy and investment plans, the election orreplacement of directors and supervisors and modi?cations to the articles of association.

Board of SupervisorsThe standing internal supervisory body to supervise and inspect conducts of directors, General Manager,other senior executives and ?nance sta?, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the companyand shareholders. It shall be responsible to and report to the shareholders' meeting, and discharge its dutiesaccording to law.

Board of DirectorsThe body of authority to convene the shareholders' meeting, decide on the structure of internal governanceframework, lead the core development strategy, develop plans for important economic activities, and makedecisions on major matters based on the authority given by the shareholders' meeting. The board o?ce isestablished under the Board of Directors to handle the daily a?airs of the board.

Investor relation management

As a listed company on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, Accotest attaches great importance to the transparency ofcommunication with investors and information disclosure. Pursuant to the Company Law of the People's Republic ofChina, the Securities Law of the People's Republic of China, the Guidelines on Investor Relations Management of ListedCompanies, the Rules Governing the Listing of Stocks on the Science and Technology Innovation Board of ShanghaiStock Exchange and relevant laws and regulations, normative documents and the company's Articles of Association,the company has developed the fact-based Investor Relation Management Policy. In addition, we provide multiplecommunication channels and timely and transparent information disclosure to meet investors' communication needs.These channels include statutory information disclosure platform as well as shareholders' meeting, performancepresentations, analyst meetings, columns on the o?cial website, media platforms and investor education bases.In doing so, we keep in close contact with investors, listen to their opinions and suggestions and respond to theirrequests in a timely manner. Regarding how information is disclosed, we have prepared the Administrative Measures forInformation Disclosure, which serves as a clear and detailed management guide.During the Reporting Period, Accotest issued 132 corporate announcements on designated websites, and respondedto 18 questions from investors online. We also held 2 roadshows, 2 exchanges with institutions and 3 performancebrie?ngs, with 561 participants, and released our 2022 annual performance report in WeChat o?cial account.

Ethics and Business Conduct

Sound internal control and compliance

It is important to Accotest that we protect the legitimate rights and interests of the company and shareholders.Observing the laws and regulations while pursuing entrepreneurship and the culture of internal control, we makeconstant e?orts to enhance the prevention and control systems against compliance risks, improve the managementof internal control and compliance, and specify the control procedures at all levels to ensure that instructions fromthe Board of Directors and senior executives are strictly implemented and internal risks are minimised. Following theprinciple of fairness, impartiality and openness, we maintain e?ective communication with leaders and employees atall levels regarding daily internal control management, and turn our values into action in every detail of compliancemanagement.


Accotest puts great emphasis on Anti-fraud and Anti-corruption, and adheres to honesty, transparency and integrity inpractice. To improve internal control, reduce operating risks, achieve business targets and sustainable growth, we havedeveloped and implemented the fact-based Anti-fraud and Policy internally based on the Securities Law of the People'sRepublic of China, the Basic Standard for Enterprise Internal Control, the Company Law of the People's Republic ofChina, the Audit Law of the People's Republic of China and other laws and regulations. Every employee is required tocomply with our internal control policy and report any sign of fraud in time.The Anti-fraud and Policy aims to regulate employees' conducts. We require all employees to stringently observerelevant laws and regulations, internal rules and policies and professional ethics, in a bid to build a positive atmospherefeaturing honesty, diligence and dedication, and create a more equitable, healthy and transparent working environment.

Division of Anti-fraud responsibilities:

Responsible for supervising management level to build up a company-wide Anti-fraud culture, and establish and improve the internalcontrol system including fraud prevention, acceptance of reports andinvestigation

Board of directors

Responsible for the formulation and modi?cation of the company'sAnti-fraud system, and assisting the management level to establish andimprove the anti-fraud mechanismAudit committee -Audit department

Responsible for establishing and improving internal controlmechanisms, including fraud preventionManagement level

Other related functional departments:

The Company's Legal A?airs, Finance and HumanResources and Administration Departments arerespectively responsible for the litigation, recovery of?nancial compensation and disciplinary actions againstrelevant personnel of fraud cases.In order to enforce working discipline and eliminateviolations of laws and disciplines, Accotest has establisheda series of speci?c fraud management measures andprotects the complainants and whistleblowers in assistingin the investigation work to ensure that all employees areclean, honest and disciplined in operation and production,and jointly create a positive, fair and clean corporateculture.

Steal, attempt to steal secrets, or knowinglydisclose business informationUse o?cial duties to falsify and seek personalgainsAccept bribes and other bene?ts such as loansand stocksSign false contracts or unfair contracts inexchange for counterparty rebates

Fraud ?rmly prohibited:

Examples of core risk management initiatives:

Segregation of incompatible

dutycontrolPreventive + detective controlManual control andautomatic control

Property protection controlAccounting system controlAuthorisation andapproval control

Performance evaluation controlOperational analysis controlBudget controlEmergency responseMajor risk warning system

Risk Management

Accotest attachs great importance to risk management. In the long-term risk management work,we constantlyconsolidate every risk exposure, monitor risk elements at all levels, and set clear requirements in the Accotest InternalControl System Compilation V2.0. Our management takes the initiative to improve standardised management in dailywork, with particular attention paid to the prediction, identi?cation and control of potential risks. Please refer to theannual report of Accotest for each type of risks and corresponding measures. At the same time, the company makes useof internal reports to accurately identi?es and systematically analyses internal and external risks in the production andoperation activities, and determines risk response strategies through risk assessment to achieve e?ective risk control.

Risk assessmentIn daily risk management, Accotest collects relevant information according to its control objectives, and carries outrisk assessment considering the current situation. Our established procedures require that the Audit Committee shallregularly submit major risk assessment reports to the Board of Directors for approval. The risk assessment is done toprecisely identify and systematically analyse risks in business activities, formulate applicable risk response strategies,and control risks within the tolerance through reasonable and e?ective measures based on the assessment results.

EHS risk managementTo better address environmental risks and ensure safe and healthy production, Accotest has formulated and issuedthe Environmental Protection Management Policy to preliminarily build an environmental protection policy system.The General Manager of the company is primarily responsible for the environmental protection practice, supportedby designated personnel for environmental protection management. In our environmental protection work, weadhere to the principles of putting prevention ?rst, combining prevention and control, and delivering comprehensivemanagement. We insist on implementing clean production, carrying out pollution control, control of pollutantdischarge up to the standard, and total pollutant amount control throughout the whole production process. We includeenvironmental protection performance as a key KPI in internal selection of outstanding employees, which alone candeprive the candidate of the eligibility in case of poor performance.On this basis, the company carries out environmental monitoring according to the Environmental Monitoring Plan. Forany violation of emission limits noted, the relevant departments must be noti?ed in time according to the establishedprocedures, and any tricks like reducing the monitoring frequency or stopping monitoring are prohibited. The domesticsewage discharge must comply with the related property management and other agreements and regulations. AnEnvironmental Maintenance Report will be issued every year according to the Environmental Monitoring Plan.Meanwhile, to enhance hazardous waste management and protect public safety and health, we have formulatedand strictly implemented the Hazardous Waste Special Regulations considering the actual situation of the company,according to laws and regulations such as the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control ofEnvironment Pollution Caused by Solid Wastes. In this way, we manage to strictly control the possible safety and health-related risks through intensi?ed management of environmental pollution risks.

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Intellectual Property (IP) ManagementPatents obtained

Patents obtained

Design patents

Invention patents

Patents applied for

Utility model patents

Patents obtained

Patent type distribution

Accotest is committed to creating a development environment that values innovation, and adheres to independentR&D, continuous innovation and IP protection. Since its establishment, the company has been focusing on theR&D, production and sales of automatic test systems for semiconductor with all its core technologies coming fromindependent R&D. At present, the company has made many technological breakthroughs in the ?eld of testing ofICs such as analog and digital-analog ICs as well as discrete devices and power modules. The company has patentsin various core technology ?elds, and has e?ectively protected the relevant achievements in IP rights and patents byadopting a systematic approach. This approach is based on measures such as IP and patent systems construction,patent creativity incentive mechanism, patent navigation reports, professional search Database, internal meeting forpatent review, patent insurance, patent pre-review ?ling and patent training.

IP systems

Accotest has established a comprehensive IP rights management system and procedures, including the PatentManagement Measures, Accotest Internal Process and Precautions of Patent Application and Review, EnterpriseIntangible Assets Management System, Measures for Copyright Protection and Precautions, and integrated IP rightsmanagement into the R&D process, continuously promoting innovations in R&D.

IP structure

The company has established a cross-departmental IP Rights Team comprising technical experts and patent engineers,headed by a chief technical expert.The IP Rights Team reviews the internal proposals of the company, conductscomprehensive evaluation from the technical and patent perspectives, and scores the patent application proposalsin multiple dimensions such as technology, economy, and legal compliance, thereby promoting the exploration andexpansion of patent selection and patent rating, and improving the quality of in-house patent proposals. Meanwhile, theCompany has also set up an internal pool to protect internal patents in the form of trade secrets, which can be used forfuture patent application.

The company has established a large-scale patent protection system, incorporating various key work such as patentprotection, international patent application and serial patent application, to protect the independent R&D achievementsfor e?ective bene?ts, enhancing the competitiveness of our products and the company. The company continuouslystrengthens patent application in the ?eld of ATE systems for semiconductor based on the products' lifecycle through acomprehensive IP protection strategy, forming a network of IP protection. In addition to domestic patent applications,the company has also applied for international patents under PCT, and obtained patent approval from the US, Japanand Europe.

Patent protection system

IP Team

Patent ReviewReview, evaluation,scoring

Internal Protection"Archive" management ofinternal patentsQuality ControlTopic exploring and applying forinvention patents and overseas patents


Protection? Patent insurance: After expert review, 16 out of 20 patents submitted by the company have passed thereview, including 14 invention patents and 2 utility models; the insurance period is: 15 September 2022 –14 September 2025. Any infringement of the 16 patents during the insurance period may be reported to95518 for claim and apply for the relevant compensation.

? Patent pre-review ?ling: Accotest has ?led at Beijing and Tianjin Intellectual Property Protection Centre,and patents requiring earlier examination can be facilitated through pre-review by the Protection Centre.

Accotest continuously optimizes and improves e?ciency in IP rights management, and has made a number of e?ectiveimprovements in various aspects such as patent exploration, application, retrieval, and protection.

Accotest has set up corresponding incentive mechanisms for various types of patents to encourage patent innovationand enhance R&D vitality. Accotest has extended the application of this mechanism to all its employees, in an e?ort tocreate an atmosphere of innovation for all.

Patent incentive mechanism

Invention patentRMB 3,000

Utility model patentRMB 2,000

Design patentRMB 1,000

Patent Incentive Mechanism

Accotest maintains a high-level IP awareness. With persistent e?orts, Accotest has now formed a well-developedpatent mining, search and transformation mode. The relevant patent-granted inventions and designs lead the ?eld ofsemiconductor ATE systems in China and gradually beyond, covering Japan, Europe and the United States. promoting awider application of Accotest's R&D innovations in the global market of semiconductor ATE systems.As a leading high-end equipment manufacturer in China, Accotest boasts a sound IP system, which is essential to thecontinuous innovation-oriented development of our product lines and fundamental to our progressive growth. Since itsinception, Accotest has been committed to the construction of IP system and its management process. Now we have awell-established system to manage our IPs and patents, including but not limited to patent review process, protectionmeasures and incentive mechanism.

IP achievements

? Patent navigation report: Accotest is working with universities and colleges to obtain patent retrievalreports on 5 major topics;? Facilitating management with PatSnap search database: Accotest has purchased a PatSnap businessaccount to facilitate intelligence searches by R&D and patent engineers;? Raising sta? awareness through thematic training: Accotest has conducted many internal and externaltraining sessions on patent search, application and exploring.

Information management

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Information security system

Accotest attaches great importance to its information and data security. Since its establishment, Accotest has notreported any signi?cant information security incidents. For cybersecurity management, the company has taken variousmeasures to secure its network and information, including, establishing an information security system, improvingthe information security technology, and carrying out security training to reinforce the sta?'s information securityawareness.

Organisational structureThe General Manager's O?ce is the top decision-making body for information systems management, responsible forthe implementation of policies and regulations, deployment of high-level tasks and ?nal decisions on implementationplans.As the centralised information management department, the Human Resources and Administration Department isresponsible for tracking the development trend, preparing and implementing information plans, mapping out projectplans and budgets, and managing the process approval, supervision and technical operation & maintenance of thecompany's information projects.

Accotest places emphasis on the management of business information security risks. The company has not onlyestablished a solid internal monitoring and access control system, but also strengthened the information securitymanagement from the source with a multi-level management system to prevent information leakage or modi?cationby unauthorised users during the information transmission, and to ensure that the data can be accessed by authorisedusers in a timely and reliable manner. Each link works closely to secure information and ensure its con?dentiality,integrity and availability.

Business security risk management

To constantly improve enterprise information security management, Accotest has developed and implemented suchinternal policies as Information Security Management System, Redundant Backup Speci?cation, SVN Data BackupSpeci?cation, and Document Classi?cation Management System. In the day-to-day work, the company's informationsecurity is managed in strict accordance with the criteria of relevant systems.

Management systems

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1. Document classiGcation managementDocument classi?cation is the foundation of Accotest's information security management and an important part ofthe information security system. For document classi?cation management, Accotest lays equal stress on security ande?ciency. The company classi?es internal documents and controls access permission on a daily basis. Moreover, thecompany follows the principle of minimum authorisation and controlled approval for access to information assets,and gives priority to preventing unauthorised access to its documents, thus reducing the information security risk andprotecting its interests.To regulate document classi?cation management, the company has formulated such system documents as DocumentClassi?cation Table, Standard List of R&D Project Output Documents, Core Technical Documentation De?nition,Common Document Templates, and Document Delivery and Approval Process, which serve as the basis for documentencryption identi?cation and dissemination process, and a supporting framework for secure and e?cient documentmanagement. Finally, a virtuous cycle is created along with business upgrading and optimisation. The trial operationof document classi?cation management has been completed in the ?rst phase, and now it's in the second phase.Implementing supervision and inspection in the management process helps to develop the sta?'s awareness ofdocument classi?cation management and related working habits.

2. R&D computer terminal managementAs a technology-intensive company, Accotest has a vital security control area, namely its network environment whereR&D is conducted. In terms of network access, Accotest isolates the internal R&D network from the o?ce network,and sets up an external network whitelist; in terms of terminal management, the company prohibits unauthorised ?lecopying and terminal access through real-time monitoring, anti-virus measures and software encryption. Under thesafeguard of restrictive controls, the information security risk and software infringement risk are progressively reduced.Currently, the terminal management solution has been implemented throughout the R&D department.3. Backup managementAccotest has to handle a large amount of data during operation and maintenance, so the backup management ofimportant ?les and data is indispensable. In this regard, Accotest has formulated the Data Backup Speci?cation, whichhighlights the importance of information and data backup, and requires rigorous implementation in daily IT operationand maintenance. The speci?cation is also subject to optimisation in line with the business upgrade. This year, thecompany completed the setup of backup servers at the Beijing headquarters. Relevant backup speci?cations have beenapplied to the network, system con?guration and data of the Beijing headquarters and the SAP workshop managementdata of Tianjin factory. In particular, the o?ine "weekly backup" has been updated to a more frequent "daily backup" forcore R&D data.

Information security is an invisibleprotective shield on Accotest'sbusiness. Therefore, it is crucialto strengthen the securitymanagement as the companygrows stronger. For the futureplanning, we are consideringde?ning the existing dataencryption, i.e., adding encryptionslots for R&D data protection, andfurther strengthening networkapplication controls basedon the R&D network isolationmanagement.

Future planning

Drill and training

In May and August 2023, we conducted two sessions of documentclassi?cation management training for all employees in the form of onlinevideo conference + o?ine on-site drill, covering rules and speci?cationsfor document identi?cation, encryption and delivery management,as well as external case studies and internal rules for preventingunauthorized access to documents, with the in-depth participation of atotal of 137 Accotestl employees. Upon training completion, we beganto o?cially implement the document classi?cation management andachieved good results. This training has been included as one of themandatory orientation training courses for new employees.


SocialAccotest has been striving to achieve mutual bene?t and win-win progress with our employees,customers and suppliers. The company has made constant e?orts to optimise the managementsystems regarding employment, talent development and occupational health and safety, so as toprotect the rights and interests of employees. We have also established a robust customer servicesystem for more transparent customer communication and feedback and timely handling of customerissues and needs, winning their trust and recognition. In 2023, the company upgraded the existingsupplier lean management system by strengthening strategic classi?cation for more scienti?c andelaborate supplier management. In the future, we will continue to uphold the business philosophy of"Excellence, Openness and Sharing" and pursue innovation and development to create more value for

employees, customers and suppliers.


Employee distribution

Accotest is committed to establishing an equal, inclusive and harmonious employment relationship. We strictly abide bythe requirements of the Labour Law of the People's Republic of China, the Labour Contract Law of the People's Republicof China, the Provisions on Prohibition of Child Labour as well as other relevant laws and regulations of the placewhere we operate. With reference to the Forced Labour Convention and other conventions of the International LabourOrganisation, and based on the management policy of care for people, strictness and e?ectiveness, the company hasformulated the Basic Personnel Policy, the Employee Salary and Performance Management Policy and other internalmanagement documents to protect employees' legitimate rights and interests.

Number of employees by gender





Number of employees by age












Aged 30 and belowAged 31 to 50Aged over 50

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The company adheres to the concept of ensuring transparency in recruitment, selecting people according to postrequirements, employing people based on merits, making the best use of talents and providing talents with appropriatedevelopment space. A comprehensive evaluation of their professional skills, working experience, teamwork capabilityand communication skills will be conducted during the recruitment process, to ensure that each candidate is placed inthe most suitable position and development path.

The precise selection of talents has breathed new life into the company,facilitating talent management and e?ectively reducing sta? turnover.The company will contact employees within three to six months after theirdimission, and o?er them the opportunity to come-back, help them re-integrate into the company and make use of their strength.

In 2023, the turnover rate ofAccotest was only10%

Accotest Graduate Talents Incubation Plan - Recruitment oftalents from universities and colleges

As a campus recruitment plan, the Accotest Graduate Talents Incubation Plan, including job rotation,executive coaching, project practice, thematic training, and other customised training approaches, is designedto enable these workplace newbies to grow rapidly, improve business and leadership skills, and becomeleaders or business experts in a particular ?eld or business sector of the company. As part of the plan, Accotesthas opened 12 positions covering technology, information, functional business, equipment and electricalinstruments, and has drawn up speci?c recruitment goals.

Employee communication channel

Accotest has opened transparent, multi-scenario communication channels for all employees to ensure their voices areheard and to create an inclusive and open working atmosphere.

Monthly training and communicationThe Chairman and General Manager personally give lessons to new hires at the enterprise training conferenceto guide them to take the ?rst step in their careers. They are also proactive in understanding employees'performance and answering their questions at the monthly face-to-face meeting.Direct dialogue with senior managementFor better communication with employees, the executive o?ce adopts an open design that is accessible to anyemployee in need, and helps them solve problems in time.Employee survey

Accotest pays attention to the real needs of each employee. At the end of each year, the Human ResourcesDepartment will collect and summarise opinions and suggestions of all sta?. The most concerned issues willbe discussed in top meetings to identify optimisation measures, and the implementation will be followed upto ensure that employees' needs are responded to in a timely and e?ective manner.

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Employee care and bene?ts

Employee activitiesBirthday parties and o?-line sports are organised every month for employees to encourage them to join in healthy andentertaining activities after work. In 2023, the company arranged a number of activities, such as table tennis matches,the year-end party, and team tours. In this way, the employees' spare time life was enriched and the cohesion of theteam was enhanced.

The company provides billiards, table tennis, treadmills, spinning bikes and other sports facilities in o?ces andfactories. The Tianjin O?ce also provides employees with badminton and basketball courts in the o?ce area.

Sports activities of Accotest in 2023

Men's badminton doubles in Tianjin,totalling 80 hours, with 16 participants

Mixed badminton doubles in Tianjin,totalling 80 hours, with 16 participantsWomen's badminton singles in Tianjin,totalling 80 hours, with 24 participants

Men's badminton singles in Tianjin,totalling 216 hours, with 24 participants

Funny table tennis games, totalling 96hours, with 24 participants.

Funny table tennis games (140matches) in Beijing, totalling 1,320hours, with 44 participants

Table tennis doubles in Tianjin, totalling132 hours, with 12 participantsBasketball games in Beijing, totalling1,104 hours, with 69 participants

Professional table tennis doubles games (170matches) in Beijing, totalling 252 hours, with 18

participantsTable tennis singles in Tianjin, totalling 96hours, with 10 participants

Professional table tennis games (224matches) in Beijing, totalling 285 hours,

with 15 participants

Badminton games in Beijing, totalling35,055 hours, with 246 participants

Badminton competition held by AccoTEST in 2023Football match held by AccoTEST in 2023

Activity of 4Exercise for Fun4 on the wayAt present, a company-wide "Exercise for Fun" activity is on the way. According to the plan, employeesparticipating in this online exercise check-in activity will have their daily exercise records including walking,running, climbing, cycling, swimming be uniformly converted into running kilometres. The mileage of allparticipants will be counted and ranked at the end of the month to encourage those who have not yetcompleted their exercise challenge to do so next month, constantly motivating employees' exercisingenthusiasm. We believe that employees' participation in the company-wide open exercise check-in activity isconducive to developing healthy living habits and working conditions.

Internal relief fundOver the past 30 years, Accotest has always been there for our employees. While employees contribute to ourdevelopment, we have also set up an internal relief fund (Dongguang Fund) to provide solid and reliable support foremployees.

Following the principles of gender equality, appropriate personnel for appropriate positions and equal pay for equalwork, Accotest aims to create an equal, diverse and inclusive workplace, and to protect the legitimate rights andinterests of all employees.

Employee rights and interests and diversity

The proportion of female employees inAccotest is about


The proportion of women in seniormanagement is about


Equal employment

To create an equal and safe working environment:

? The principle of open recruitment and equal competition is observed in recruitment and employment, anddiscrimination or disparate treatment against employees due to gender, age or physical characteristics is prohibited.? Parental leave, maternity leave and lactation leave are o?ered to lactating female employees to safeguard their rightsand interests.? Sexual harassment in the workplace is ?rmly opposed. Our o?ces adopt an open layout to ensure an open andtransparent workplace environment.? Accotest Tianjin O?ce takes active measures to meet employees' demands. It has set up gender-speci?c yoga classesin its ?tness centre, which provide personalised courses to target groups with speci?c needs, demonstrating care forour employees in every detail.

The company is dedicated to cultivating employees with innovation, loyalty and a positive attitude. In order to lead thedevelopment of talents capabilities and e?ectively attract and retain talents, Accotest has formulated the Measures forAccotest Professional Quali?cation Evaluation and Application Management (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"),established a standardised and normalised career development mechanism, and stipulated that the company shallassess employees' core skills and patent research when assessing the grade of the employee.

Career development

Talent Development

Grade management system (employees are promotedfrom low to high level according to the assessment)

Able to participate in corporate strategic planning.

Able to lead a larger team.

Able to lead a small team.

Able to work independently and guide and motivatesubordinates.Able to operate under the guidance of seniors.

SeniormanagementTeam manager

Team leader


 Junior

Due to the characteristics of our industry and the speci?city of equipment products, most of our positions do not havesuch majors in universities, and most of the socially recruited employees are involved in a di?erent discipline. In thisregard, Accotest prepares systematic and comprehensive training courses to help employees quickly grow into multi-faceted talents that are able to work independently.


Average training hours per employee



Total training hours for middle and seniormanagement



Average training hours per middle and seniormanagement



Total training hours for employees below middleand senior management



Average training hours per employee below middleand senior management



Total training hours for sta? of R&D technologydepartment



Average training hours per sta? of R&D technologydepartment



Average training hoursper male employee



Average training hours per femaleemployee


HoursTotal hours6279.12


On-boarding training for new hires

For the training of new employees, Accotest implements a "mentorship" buddy model, where each newcomer isassigned an experienced senior for one-on-one mentoring to help them quickly learn the business and integrate into thecompany. The company also provides three types of training courses to help new employees obtain a comprehensiveunderstanding of the industry, the company, technologies and their positions.

On-line knowledge and skills sharingConsidering the technical con?dentiality and the need for immediate sharing of R&D work, the R&D Department hasbuilt a Knowledge Management Platform for internal on-line training, which is available for the sharing of patentmanagement information, development guidelines and speci?cations, competitive products and related technicalresearch reports. The software version of the platform also provides release function and can be used for releasingworking records and meeting minutes, and employees can share the R&D knowledge collected from the work on theplatform, realising e?cient sharing, collaboration and communication.

R&D technology trainingFor new employees in the R&D Department, speci?c courses on R&D are provided, including theoreticalcontent and practical operation, to help new employees familiarise themselves with the work ?ow.

Training for speci?c positionAll departments are required to provide new employees with on-the-job training that re?ects the actual jobduties according to the department conditions and special post requirements, to help them gain a deeperinsight into the work contents and self-image.

Induction training conferenceIn the ?rst month of new employee induction, training is provided on industry information, corporate culture,company regulatory framework, safety management and other courses. During this period, the GeneralManager and Chairman will personally give instructions, and the direct engagement of senior management isconducive to enhancing our bond with employees.

Technical sharing/training sessions for R&D teams on the platform

At the beginning of the year, each R&D project and resource group will formulate internal and external R&Dtraining schedules according to the needs. Each group will output training plans according to the group's CBBtechnology and experience and put forward external training needs according to the team's cultivation needs.Through internal training and exchange meetings, we promote knowledge sharing and exchange among teammembers to avoid the emergence of knowledge islands. We promote the concept of learning organization,encourage and help team members to continuously learn and improve their skills.

Diversi?ed training courses

* In order to continuously improve the sta? training management system, the company is promoting the hierarchical management of training. The

prototype of the relevant framework has been established, and once completed, is planned to be used throughout the company.

i3 learning and exchange meeting

To facilitate experience sharing and the acquisition of cutting-edge knowledge by employees, the companyholds i3 exchange meetings and various open classes from time to time for in-depth discussions on productdevelopment, team collaboration, technological innovation and other topics to help employees continuouslystrengthen their integrative competence.

Annual trainingTo improve employees' business practices and catch up with industry developments, the company has set up anannual training for all employees to achieve full participation and improvement.

Internal on-line sharingTo optimise the convenience and practicability of sta? training, the company makes screen recordings of “keysteps” and uploads them to the internal server for sta? to learn and quickly master practical skills.

 i3 learning and exchange meeting in multiple themesi3 Learning Exchange meeting is an exchange meeting for all employees set up by Accotest from three aspects:

Idea, Innovation and Invention.During the Reporting Period, Accotest hosted a total of 5 i3 learning and exchange meetings in themes coveringtest technology, business knowledge, industrial thinking and planning. In terms of ESG publicity, in August,with the assistance of third-party consulting agencies, we arranged ESG training for all employees on ESG-related knowledge and major industrial issues, which e?ectively deepened our perception and understandingof ESG, and enhanced our awareness of sustainable development.

i3 learning and exchange meeting in multiple themes










IGBT Devices,Application and Test

Cutting-edge IC Test Technology

i3 Meeting - Key Points in SiC MOSFETSwitch Characteristics Test Technology

Continue the Pursuit of Excellence

to Usher in a New Ear of ESG

DFM Thinking and Planningof Electronics Industry

MarchApril MayAugustNovember

Number of participants

Believing that talent is a key pillar supporting the long-term sustainable and high-quality development of the company,Accotest continuously explores various ways to motivate and reward the whole workforce, with a focus on the fairnessand e?ectiveness of these incentives.

Talent incentives

As a leading company in the ?eld of semiconductor testing in China, Accotest actively cooperates with universities inresearch on cutting-edge technologies in the industry, and makes all e?orts to promote the employment of graduates,playing an exemplary role in social responsibility with practical actions. In 2023, the company established a jointlaboratory in cooperation with universities, which o?ered students opportunities to study and research cutting-edgetopics in the industry. Besides, the company provided internship/training bases for undergraduates and postgraduates.

University Cooperation

Implementing equity incentive schemes is one of the e?ective measures to guarantee the loyalty and motivation of employees. TheAccotest Equity Incentive Scheme was launched after the listing in 2020. As at the end of the Reporting Period, Phase I of the Schemehad been completed, while another phase was still in the vesting period. The ful?lment of certain performance commitments isone of the necessary conditions for the exercise of options over equity incentives. At present, equity incentives are open to all keyemployees and business leaders. The company has set clear standards for the issuance and management of equity incentives. Everyyear, the board of directors of the company will decide how much equity to give to key employees as incentives based on the ?nancialperformance of the company and the personal performance assessment of the employees concerned.

Equity incentives

Being committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for employees, Accotest continuously improvesthe occupational health and safety (OHS) management and takes all necessary measures to prevent mechanical injury,personal injury, and safety liability accidents. As part of the OHS management, Accotest continuously enhances securitymanagement and raises the safety awareness of employees to ensure the safe operation of the company. During theReporting Period, Accotest had no major casualties or safety liability incidents.

To e?ectively guarantee OHS among employees, Accotest has established related policies like the Employee SafetyManual, which clari?es all risk points and assigns corresponding responsible person for safety with a clear segregation ofduties for supervision and warning on equipment safety management. With unremitting e?orts in safety management,Beijing o?ce and Tianjin factory of Accotest have obtained ISO45001 certi?cation for its Occupational Health and Safetysystem in June 2020 .

OHS management

Occupational Health and Safety

Trainings and drillsAccotest attaches great importance to the occupational health of employees.To ensure safety at work, employees are trained on speci?c work processesand standards before they get onboard, and provided with necessaryprotective equipment. For risk points that may cause injury/death or harm,contingency plans are developed, and environmental safety ?re drills andsafety training on ?rst-aid knowledge and other themes are conducted withthe performance followed up properly by stages. In 2023, the total hours oftraining on environmental safety at Accotest reached 709.

In 2023, the total hours of trainingon environmental safety at Accotestreached

To foster continuous innovation among employees, thecompany has also set up various technical awards in internalappraisals, such as the Innovation Award, the TechnologyExcellence Award, among others, aiming to encourageemployees to explore and make breakthroughs in the ?eld oftechnology. These awards also form a platform for employeesto demonstrate their technical and innovative capabilities,helping build up enthusiasm and creativity amongemployees.

Award incentives

The company conducted a Gre drill in Beijing, Tianjin, SuzhouIndustrial Park and many other oIcesThrough the drill, Accotest sta? learned the correct use of dry powder and foam ?re extinguishers and ?rehydrants under the direction of ?re?ghters, and gained a basic understanding of ?re escapes. The purposeof the drill is to enable the sta? to understand the basic knowledge of ?re ?ghting, enhance their awarenessof safety and risk prevention, build up their capabilities of self-protection, and ensure they have the skills torespond to and escape from a sudden ?re, so as to protect their life and property safety. The drill was a greatsuccess with all employees actively participating.

Taking production safety seriously, Accotest regularly inspects and optimisesthe production environment. According to the ?fth article of the nationalNoise Health Standards for Industrial Enterprises, the working noise ofenterprises should not exceed 85 dB. The company's production workshopuses fans to dissipate heat during the production process, and the fans canproduce noise approaching 70 decibels under extreme working conditions.To safeguard the occupational health of employees, the company has takenmeasures to control the noise level at workshops before, during and afterproduction. Besides, a third-party testing company has been engaged toinspect the working environment, including measuring the environmentalnoise.

Noise control at workshops

Under strict noise reduction management, the noise around the plant has been e?ectively controlled. Accotest noisedetection examples:

Noise source control: Upgraderelated components withoutcomes from corporate-university cooperation, andreplace outdated powersupply modules, so as toreduce fan noise level whileimproving e?ciency;

Personal protection: Provideemployees with noise-cancelling headphonesand earplugs to reducethe acoustic stimulation tothem;

Medical examination:

Schedule annual medicalexaminations for employees,and closely track the hearinghealth of employees workingin noisy environment.

2023 second quarter test data

Test pointsTest dateTest periodResult dB(A)Main sound source1 metre at the factory boundary 1#2023.05.0515:22-15:2355Industry1 metre at the factory boundary 2#2023.05.0515:28-15:2954Industry1 metre at the factory boundary 3#2023.05.0515:34-15:3556Industry1 metre at the factory boundary 4#2023.05.0515:40-15:4157Industry2023 third quarter test data

Test pointsTest dateTest periodResult dB(A)Main sound source1 metre at the factory boundary 1#2023.08.0914:27-14:2858Industry1 metre at the factory boundary 2#2023.08.0914:32-14:3359Industry1 metre at the factory boundary 3#2023.08.0914:38-14:3957Industry1 metre at the factory boundary 4#2023.08.0914:45-14:4656Industry2023 fourth quarter test dat

Test pointsTest dateTest periodResult dB(A)Main sound source1 metre at the factory boundary 1#2023.11.2011:23-11:2458Industry1 metre at the factory boundary 2#2023.11.2011:26-11:2758Industry1 metre at the factory boundary 3#2023.11.2011:30-11:3157Industry1 metre at the factory boundary 4#2023.11.2011:33-11:3459Industry

BeforeIn progressAfter




The company is mainly engaged in the R&D, production and sales of semiconductor ATE systems. The products aremainly used in the testing of integrated circuits (ICs) such as analogue ICs, mixed signal ICs, discrete devices and powermodules, and sold to countries with an advanced semiconductor industry, such as China (including Taiwan), UnitedStates, Europe, Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia.The company has long been devoted in the ?eld of semiconductor ATE systems since inception, and has realised thereplacement of imported models with self-developed products in ATE systems for analogue and mixed signal ICs.Meanwhile, the company has been continuously expanding the coverage of semiconductor testing in ?elds like galliumnitride (GaN), silicon carbide (SiC), IGBT and other discrete devices and power modules.Now, the company has grown into a leading domestic supplier of semiconductor ATE systems. We are also one ofthe few Chinese companies that supply semiconductor ATE to renowned domestic and international chip designcompanies, wafer manufacturers, IDM and seal testers.

Distribution of customer service teamsAccotest provides customer services by regions. The service resources are centrally allocated by the headquartersbased on the categories of customer needs. The Service Department assigns sta? to address the customer's concernsbased on the product type and customer needs, and carries out comprehensive analysis of customer needs to supportservice improvement upon communication with the R&D and production departments. Currently, the domesticcustomer service teams of Accotest are widely deployed in 9 cities: Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Hangzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou,Xi'an, Chengdu and Shenzhen, which are expected to address the needs from all over the country, while our wholly-owned subsidiaries in the United States and Malaysia will provide services to customers based in the United States andSoutheast Asia. We also have overseas customer service teams in Japan, South Korea, France, Italy and Morocco, whichserve the local customers on an agency basis.

Customer services

Customer services

      Global distribution of customers or installed base:

Mainland China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, USA, Europe, South EastAsia, South Africa & North Africa       Employees and agents are distributed globally:

Mainland China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, USA, Italy andSoutheast Asia

       Domestic Employee Distribution:

Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Suzhou,Xi'an, Chengdu, Wuxi

Incoming customerrequirements

Requirements and applications

submitted to Sales

Sales reports in the systemCustomer Service carries out return visit as requiredRequirements solved



Fast response to customer requests within 24 hoursAs the scope of services continues to expand, Accotest has established increasingly high requirements for our ownproducts and services. To promptly and e?ciently receive customer needs, Accotest provides a QR code on each devicethat the customer can scan to inform us about their concerns and needs. In addition, the company clearly requires thatthe service sta? should respond to customer requests within 24 hours.

Accotest continues to optimise the overall layout and sustainabilityof its o?ces in China, and actively responds to the ESG call anddevelopment policies of the regions in which it operates.


ItalyMainland China


JapanKoreaSoutheast AsiaSouth Africa

North AfricaEurope

Procedures for the four types of after-sales services

1. Request receiving

? Equipment installation: The Service Department contacts the customer and assigns installation personnel.? Programme development: The Service Department evaluates the customer request, the sales sta? creates

the project, and the project manager assigns tasks.? Client exception handling: Response is required within 24 hours after receiving the customer request.? Repair: After receiving the defective part for repair from the customer, the assistant at the Service

Department issues a Return/Exchange Form and a Maintenance Contract.

2. Assessment and response

? Equipment installation: Installation sta? complete the installation on site, including the test and calibration.

Then they hand over the equipment and parts to the customer and sign the installation report.? Programme development: Relevant sta? study the product materials and formulate a schedule, and then

carry out the design, commissioning, optimisation and delivery.? Client exception handling: O?er advice on troubleshooting, help solve the problem remotely, or arrange

for dedicated personnel to support on-site if necessary, and provide feedback to the customer after the

problem is solved.? Repair: The customer sends the defective part to the Quality Department for repair, and then the

department returns the repaired part to the customer.

3. Processing and delivery

4. Feedback and tracking: After the problem is solved, the results are communicated to the customer and

the issues that need further follow-up are tracked on an ongoing basis.

After-sales servicesThe company mainly provides four types of after-sales services: equipment installation, programme development,client exception handling, and repair. Standardised service processes are established for these services to ensure thatcustomers can receive timely and professional support from Accotest after-sales teams during the use of the products.

Customer satisfactionThe company has established internal evaluation standards for customer satisfaction survey based on the characteristicsof our businesses and industry benchmarks. Customers' comments on related areas including product testing, software,pre-sales and after-sales services are analysed to support the development of targeted improvement measures. Then,the evaluation and feedback procedures are followed to complete the special tracking, list management and end-to-endclosed loop management.Meanwhile, Accotest will carry out an internal satisfaction conference at the end of each year and release a satisfactionreport. At the conference, managers analyzed the results of ?eld visits and questionnaires to discuss the directionof quality and product optimization, in order to enhance the market competitiveness of products and customersatisfaction.

Through our relentless pursuit of customer service, we ended up with a total of 210 valid questionnaires in the FY2023Customer Satisfaction Survey, with a customer satisfaction rate of 90.7% for the year.

Customer training

Accotest pays close attention to the performance of products in use. Therefore, we have provided a variety of trainingfor customers regarding the equipment sold and relevant technologies. The company determines the type of trainingplatform and designs the course schedule taking into account the training time, location, content and the number ofparticipants. The annual public training plan will be released on the WeChat o?cial account in January every year, withthe detailed schedule and sign-up link provided 2 to 3 weeks in advance. After the training is completed, the companywill share the video materials of the training to customers upon request.

During the Reporting Period

Accotest provided board maintenance services for



Achieved a completion ratio of


in the development of applications

Customer satisfaction survey

Customers participating insatisfaction surveys


Customers who returnedsatisfaction surveys


Customer satisfaction


Training categoryAccotest provides various types of training for customers, including training on equipment operation and market/industry knowledge. To meet the diverse needs, the company currently provides four types of training for di?erentscenarios.

Customised training for customer

Accotest designs the courses upon customer request based on their needs and requirements, and delivers thetraining at the customer's premises to address customers' concerns in a targeted manner and thus guaranteethat the customer can use the equipment more e?ciently and reliably. During the Reporting Period, weprovided 72 sessions of customised training, involving 478 participants,with a total duration of 1390 hours.

Online public trainingAccotest publishes online public training content via WeChat o?cial account, which targets at all customergroups. During the Reporting Period, the training content that Accotest published got 8910 views.

On-site training regarding newly sold equipmentAccotest provides basic operator training to customers when the newly sold equipment arrives at thecustomer's premises to help them understand the operation methods in a direct and e?cient manner. Duringthe Reporting Period, we provided on-site training regarding newly sold equipment for 18 times, involving 47participants,totalling 104 hours.

Product trainingAccotest determines the content and frequency of the training and invites customers to participate eitheronline or on site. The training focuses on product operation and related industry knowledge. Such training isdesigned to help customers carry out tests with the equipment e?ciently and improve customer satisfaction.During the Reporting Period, product training was carried out 22 times, involving 792 participants with a totalduration of 1020 hours.

Accotest training was recognised by national and international customers  In March 2023, at an invitation of a customer, we sent our engineers to the customer's facility for a ?ve-dayadvanced training session for test engineers. During the training, the customer praised the performance of thetest machine's hardware and software, and actively participated in the hands-on practice. After the training,the customer expressed high recognition and appreciation for the training via email.

Accotest attaches importance to customers' privacy. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and mutual non-disclosureagreements are signed at the time of contracting with a partner customer and in accordance with the customer's needsand our internal processes. At the same time, we also conduct internal customer privacy training.

Customer privacy protection

Accotest has been working towards the aim of providing customers with high-quality and reliable testing equipmentsince inception. Keeping in mind of "providing customers with ?rst-class testing equipment", we have been makingvigorous e?orts over these years in R&D, implementing lean management, and improving employees' sense of belongingand satisfaction with Accotest. In the future, Accotest will work hand in hand with all employees to continue to providequality services to the global customers, with the view to developing into a global leading supplier of testing equipmentand creating more value!

Accotest commitment

Number of thank-youletters receivedIn April 2023, a Korean agent invited 5 important overseas customers to Beijing for atwo-week platform application training and a tour visit to our Beijing headquartersand Tianjin production base. At the Beijing headquarters, customers learned aboutour development history, patent portfolio planning and technological innovations.At the Tianjin production base, customers observed our robust productionmanagement system, covering quality inspection, assembly and commissioningprocesses. After the training, the customer gave us high praise: "Accotest istechnology driven company and has fully capable company", and later sent moreengineers to the Shanghai Branch for training.

Supplier Management

Supplier pro?le

As one of the leading enterprises in China's semiconductor testing equipment industry, Accotest is committed tomaintaining long-term and stable cooperation with suppliers for mutual bene?ts and win-win results. By the end of theReporting Period, there were a total of 304 suppliers cooperating with the company.

Domestic manufacturers


Domestic agencies and distributors

clientsForeign manufacturers


Foreign agencies and distributors


Supplier management system

Accotest is committed to building a solid and e?cient supply chain. To this end, the company has developed arigorous supplier management system that is continuously optimised to standardise the supply chain management.In cooperation with suppliers, the company will provide targeted training to improve the quality of their products andservices. Suppliers that do not meet the requirements will be decisively eliminated.Supplier accessAccotest is committed to building a sustainable supply chain system. Based on our product characteristics and actualprocurement needs, we have formulated management measures including the Quali?ed Supplier Selection andEvaluation Guidelines, and the Procurement Department Work?ow, which clarify the procurement process and set outthe requirements for supplier evaluation in terms of business legitimacy, quality certi?cation, customer satisfaction,ability to provide products and their service models.

The supplier access process starts with procurement requirements. After evaluation by the expert group, the supplier isrequired to conduct a self-inspection. Eligible suppliers are then added to the Quali?ed Supplier List and submitted tothe General Manager for approval. To ensure product quality, Accotest requires all selected suppliers to sign a QualityAssurance Agreement and a PCN agreement, under which, suppliers shall provide chemical composition analysis reportsand safe use instructions for materials that may have an adverse environmental impact.

Submission of supplier audit requirement

by ProcurementOn-site/Online audit

Provision of supporting documentsincluding supplier quali?cationEvaluation by expert group

Access process

Supplier classi?cationTo re?ne the selection and evaluation of various component suppliers, Accotest classi?es suppliers by componentcategory to facilitate more targeted management and e?ective risk avoidance.

Meanwhile, with the continuous optimisation and iteration of the company's product portfolio, Accotest will update thesupplier category breakdown every year based on the business needs and changes in cooperation, in order to ensure thedata validity and business adaptability of category management.Supplier assessment and audit

Accotest has set up a cross-functional team to assess and audit key suppliers according to quality standards and conductregular on-site inspections. Suppliers that fail the assessment will be suspended from working with the company andasked to make recti?cations. If they still fail to meet the standards by a certain deadline, the company may considerextending the recti?cation period or replacing them with other suppliers.In the audits for key factories in each category, Accotest focuses on their quality standards, lead times, technicalsupport, a?ordability compliance, logistics, and possession of certi?cates in terms of quality, occupational safety, andenvironmental safety systems. This assessment enables us to have a comprehensive view of the factory's operations andensures compliance with ESG-related environmental and social responsibility requirements.

Supplier classi?cation management tableStructural components


Printed circuit boards (PCB)



clientsElectronic devices





clients* Other Categories: Including PCBA, fans, cables, test pins, software, magnetic materials, labels and signs, production accessories, o?ce labour supplies,

etc., patents, packaging supplies, and more.

Accotest supplier assessment results in 2023Coverage of supplier assessment6%

Pass rate of supplier assessment100%

Number of suppliers assessed


suppliers have signi?cant actual and potentialnegative impact on the environment


suppliers covered in environmentalassessment

60Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.61Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.

Suppliers with an unqualified assessment result will be given the opportunity to improve and participate in trainingunder the company's supervision during the improvement period. If the product remains unquali?ed after improvement,the company will revoke the supplier's quali?cation.Supplier trainingBased on the concept of mutual bene?t and progress, Accotest actively organises training and exchange activitiesfor suppliers every year. During the reporting period, the Quality Department took the lead in organising 34 o?inecommunication and quality exchange meetings for 7 cooperative suppliers. The training sessions included in-depth analysis and communication with the suppliers on the details of on-site management, IT management andquality management, etc. At the same time, the quality of suppliers' products was sampled and analysed, and clearimprovement targets and ways of improvement were put forward. The activity disseminated industry experience andknowledge, and played a practical and e?ective role in monitoring suppliers' quality management.

Supplier Strategic Tiered Management

Adhering to the concept of win-win cooperation, AccoTEST continuously strengthens the cooperation with suppliers. In2023, based on the existing supplier category management, the company added a new supplier strategic classi?cationmanagement plan, which is based on the correct assessment of suppliers' resources and capabilities, and dividescooperative suppliers into ?ve strategic levels. This year, as the ?rst year of implementation of the plan, a total of 245suppliers participated in the classi?cation assessment, covering 80% of the total number of cooperating suppliers.

In addition, the company is formulating graded management process documentation for the purpose of providing aclear management standard and operation guideline for suppliers at all grades. This e?ort may help suppliers be betterprepared for the change in market and product requirements so as to improve the overall management of the supplychain.

Until now, Accotest has successfully completed strategic supplier classi?cation through professional and systematicinternal assessment.

Total number of preferred suppliers


Total number of optional suppliers

clientsTotal number of limited suppliers


Total number of optimizable supplier



Innovation and QualitySince inception in 1993, Accotest has been exploring technical innovation and green and low-carbondevelopment, and delved into the R&D, innovation and reliability improvement of semiconductor ATE.In the face of unstoppable innovation of new technologies in the semiconductor industry and increasingrequirements of customers for product quality, Accotest closely follows market requirements whilecontinuing to upgrade products, in an e?ort to provide customers with high-quality and high-performancelow-carbon products. Up to now, the installed base of the company's ATE systems has already exceeded6,000 sets globally. Accotest focuses on R&D and quality. By advancing R&D, we keep accumulatingexperiences, improving innovation capability and optimising product quality management. These e?ortsaim at contributing to the industrial development while providing customers with high-quality products.

Continuous Innovation in Pursuit of Excellence

Over three decades, Accotest has made in-depth e?orts in the ?eld of semiconductor, with a concentration on the R&D,production and sales of semiconductor ATE. With constant development and iteration, the company has grown into aleading domestic supplier of semiconductor ATE systems and established presence in the international market.

Product stories

Accotest developed the ?rst-generation product STS2000. The product series mainly features single-sitetesting capability, realising software functions of Chinese interface and graphic programming interface.

Technology start-up stage

Accotest developed the test system for analog ICs and power management ICs, making 4-site paralleltesting feasible, and the grounded-source testing system for key models. As a breakthrough to the full-?oating technology, Accotest launched a 32-site full-?oating ATE for metal-oxide-semiconductor ?eld-e?ect transistors (MOSFETs), which was recognised by the ?rst users in domestic and foreign markets forleading technologies and stable product quality, and thus started extensive application.

Technology Accumulation Stage

Accotest launched STS8200, a tester powered by ?oating V/I source and having been put into massproduction. Floating V/I source has the advantage of suppressing the disturbance of ground wire overgrounded V/I source, thus achieving more ?exible testing and small-signal voltage test at high level.

Rapid breakthrough stage

Accotest launched "All in ONE" STS8300 platform that is capable of parallel testing with more than 64sites. With the capability of testing power management ICs and mixed-signal ICs with more pins andmore sites, the platform will be the company's focus in future development.

Steady development stage







2018 to date

64Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.

History of product innovation and development









STS8200Ground Based VISTS8200 CrossFull ?oating VI

Installed ?rst test productSTS8107


STS8300Mixed-Signal Tester

Install Base : 3000+IPO:688200STS8200 PIMPower IntegratedModule Tester

Till May, installed over 6000 units

Product seriesPictureApplications

For the testing of variousanalog, hybrid and power ICs,such as power management,signal chain, intelligent powermodules, and GaN (third-generation semiconductormaterial).


For the testing of powermanagement ICs and mixed-signal ICs with more pins andsites and better performance.


For the provision of PIM testsolutions based on STS8200to customers, and the testingof high-power modules IGBT/SiC and KGD.

Power ModuleTest Product

Current core products of Accotest

66Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.

Road to innovation

Since the development of the ?rst-generation ATE system, Accotest has been sticking to independent R&D while closelyfollowing the development trends of the industry. We always remain open and inclusive, regarding technologicalinnovation as the drive and focusing on the needs of the market and customers. In addition to excellent services forexisting customers, Accotest acts actively to empower customers through technical trainings and elaborated proposals.To enhance our market competence and lay a solid foundation for sustainable development, Accotest also activelyparticipates in industry exhibitions and forums and conducts in-depth market research to understand the needs ofcustomers and latest trends of the industry.Accotest always regards innovation as the core driving force of enterprise development, and steadily invests in R & Dinnovation to maintain technological leadership.

Active participation in industry exhibitionsTo further advance along the road to international technological innovation of high quality, high standards and broadin?uence, Accotest closely observes global developments to support innovation. As early as 2021, Accotest establishedsubsidiaries in Malaysia. Now, Malaysia takes up 13% of the global market of packaging and testing. According to varioussemiconductor conferences and exhibitions in 2023, Malaysia was expected to undertake the "CHINA+" strategy anddrive the innovative development of the semiconductor industry, with international semiconductor companies surginginto the country. With acute insights into the industry and an edge of technological innovation built up over the years,Accotest has set an excellent example of global expansion for China's semiconductor industry with rising position in theindustry and expanding in?uence around the world.

May 2023 - Accotest attended 4SEMICON Southeast Asia 20234 in Penang, Malaysia.This is the ?rst time for AccoTEST's Malaysian subsidiary toparticipate in the exhibition, displaying key products such asSTS8200 CROSS and STS8300.Accotest paid full attention tothe current development of ATE systems and latest needs ofcustomers during exchanges at the exhibition and learnt aboutthe opinions of supply-chain partners to explore new approachesfor product promotion and innovation from multiple dimensions.

June 2023 - Accotest attended SEMICON China 2023 in Shanghai, China.During the exhibition, Accotest exhibited three major products: STS8200 PIM, STS8300 and STS8600. The newproduct STS8300 gained exposure for the outstanding features. Accotest received visitors from a total of 12countries, which further improved the international reputation of Accotest.

December 2023 - Accotest attended 4Semicon Japan 20234During the exhibition, Accotest increased theunderstanding of Japanese equipment in the ?eld ofpackaging and testing, and promoted the company'sSTS8200 CROSS, STS8300 and other products, whichnot only further expanded Accotest's internationalpresence, but also enriched Accotest's experience inoverseas expansion.

During the reporting period

R&D investment as a percentage of revenue


Road to innovation:

Based on insights into the development trends of and cutting-edge technologies in the semiconductor industry, Accotestcollects customer needs through discussion with customers and visits to new and existing customers. After analysingcustomer feedbacks on aspects such as product features and processes that are collected through e-mails and onlinemeetings, Accotest deeply digs into customer demands and forms a summary of common problems, which supports thebuilding of technological innovation capability and enables us to better meet customer needs.

The Marketing Department and the Sales Department collect and sort out customer needs

The Marketing Department discusses the feasibility with the Customer Service Department and the R&D Department

R&D project initiatiation

The Decision-making Committee reviews and approves

Integration intonew productdevelopment



Product launch

Improving existing products, such as addinghardware, etc., to meet customer needs

TestingReturning to client port

Schematic diagram of the R&D and innovation process based on customer feedback

In recent years, Accotest has been focusing on facilitating e?cient production and high-quality R&D through fostering ITconstruction and continuously improving management system for product R&D and production to promote an e?cientsustainable development of product R&D and production.

R&D management constructionTo improve the management processes for new product R&D, the R&D Department breaks down the objectives ofproduct R&D and ensures the R&D progress can be tracked in the system in real time. Departmental meetings areorganised on a regularly basis to address barriers in joint e?orts and ensure the steady advancement of new productR&D. In addition, IT-enabled management has been implemented for all R&D projects as well as the documentation andtracking of task data. All R&D-related work can be accurately tracked with the R&D management system that is open,synchronised and transparent.The system allows R&D Project Manager to access the work progress at any time to ensure correct implementation andenables employees to check others' work progress and enhance cooperation, which e?ectively contributes to integratedinnovation for product R&D.Construction of R&D management systemTo solve problems in new product R&D like the long development cycle, data scattered, di?culty in progress controland in?exibility in project-speci?c working hours allocation, Accotest initiated the construction of R&D managementsystem in 2023 to enhance IT-enabled project management. During the reporting period, through the e?orts of a workteam dedicated to the IT construction over the R&D management system, the system had been created with all functionmodules, and had been fully adopted by the R&D Department.

IT construction

For project management, project leaders use the R&D management system to set task objectives, break down tasksand implement plans on a quarterly basis. Breaking down tasks enables project members to track the project status,task assignments and progress, and engineers to focus on short-term objectives and tasks, thereby realising the moreaccurate monitoring of the new product R&D progress and improving the work e?ciency.

Project management

With a dedication to the test equipment industry for more than 30 years, Accotest has laid a solid foundation throughresearch and innovation. Accotest constantly explores new technologies, actively addresses customer needs, andendlessly iterates products. As a result, Accotest has become a reliable testing equipment supplier on a global scale.

For meeting management, the R&D Department organises a project reporting meeting every two weeks to discussproject problems and risks, making sure that risks are identi?ed and responses are provided in a timely manner.Those invited include the general manager and persons involved from the Marketing Department, the ApplicationDepartment, the Quality Department and other departments, ensuring that project objectives meet the expectation ofall stakeholders. Weekly reporting meeting on technical management is organised by the resource management team toensure well-advanced project progress and support long-term technology accumulation.

Meeting management

Innovation achievementsExploring new Gelds and applications such as AC sources of low distortion and higheIciency and energy storage units

The company has established a Joint Laboratory of Integrated Circuit Equipment to facilitate AC source projectsthrough corporate-university cooperation. The project will improve the energy e?ciency of ATE (Automatic TestEquipment) from the current 53% to nearly 85%, which will e?ectively reduce downstream factories' electricityexpenses in the mass production of ICs, contributing to the low-carbon objective. With a total of over RMB 2 millioninvested by Accotest so far, the innovative achievement is expected to be applied in products by 2025.

Using deionised water as heat dissipation medium to reduce environmental and safety risksAccotest responded positively to EU RoHS (Directive 2011/65/EU

on the restriction of the use of certain hazardoussubstances in electrical and electronic equipment) and proactively incorporated the mercury relays into the productimprovement project. Traditional liquid cooling technology of the mercury relays involves the use of ?uorine-containing chemicals, which may bring several environmental and safety risks due to leakage during ?lling,cooling medium supplementation and normal use. By the end of the Reporting Period, product modi?cation hadbeen completed. Traditional cooling liquid are replaced with environmentally friendly deionised water as a heatexchange medium in the next-generation tester. Adopting deionised water is a challenging design choice but it willnot cause pollution to environment when volatilising. Accotest has successfully completed the design for the newenvironmentally friendly cooling system, which will be used in future products on a mass scale.

1   RoHS is a compulsory standard enacted by the European Union, which stands for Restriction of Hazardous Substances. Coming into e’ect on 1 July 2006,RoHS primarily regulates the use of substances in electronic and electrical products and sets standards for their processes. Its main objective is to promotethe production of electronic equipment that is safer and more environmentally friendly.

Reliable Quality to Deliver UnrivalledPerformanceAccotest has established a quality management system covering the entireprocess from R&D to mass production by paying great attention to andcontinuously investing in quality management. Accotest has successfullyobtained a number of international certi?cations including ISO 9001 qualitymanagement system certi?cation, EU CE "Conformity" safety certi?cationand SEMI certi?cation from the International Semiconductor Equipmentand Materials Industry Association. These certi?cations serve as compellingevidence of Accotest's dedication to a scienti?c and stable quality managementsystem and a?rm the excellent quality of equipment.

Accotest implements comprehensive quality management for the ?ve stages of project development. Quality standards are set atthe project planning stage, and multi-stage quality audits are carried out upon entry into the R&D stage to ensure that the projectprocess meets the set standards. In the quality veri?cation phase, the company conducts comprehensive performance tests and riskassessments to ensure that the product meets quality requirements, and in the production transfer phase, quality risks are strictlycontrolled through detailed production process planning and quality monitoring. Finally, at the project completion stage, the results ofthe preliminary work and the process is reviewed to improve the quality of future projects.

Quality management

Lean managementFocusing on improving the capability of production quality management, Accotest implements comprehensive lean managementthroughout the production lines. Lean management aims to continuously improve the detailed management of production linesthrough institutional management, personnel placement, equipment replacement and layout optimisation. This approach not onlyenhances the quality of test equipment products, but also supports the improvement of quality management capabilities.

Accotest Beijing ISO9001 Certi?cation

Accotest Tianjin ISO9001 Certi?cation

After the validation by the Quality Department, small-scale trail production is performed to ensure that qualityrequirements are met.

The R&D department will lead the quality and other relateddepartments to submit the pre-veri?cation materials, andafter the approval of the decision-making committee, it will beformally put into production.

Management process:

Project planning

Project researchand development



Project conclusion



Ref : WA SEMI S2 CertificateType of Equipment : Mixed Signal Test SystemModel Designation : See CertificateCertificate No. : WA 50563657 0001Report No. : CN2187S2 001Dear Ms. Feng Han,We herewith confirm that a sample of the above mentioned technicalequipment has been tested and was found to be in accordance with therelevant requirements.Enclosed please find your Certificate of Conformity.We appreciate your kind support and would like to offer ourassistance and continuous services in the future.With kind regards,Certification BodyXinling LiuEnclosureDate : 28.10.2022Our ref. : SFH 01Your ref.: F.H.Beijing Huafeng Test & ControlTechnology Co., Ltd.Ms. Feng HanBuilding 5, Yard 9,Fenghao East Road, HaidianDistrict,100094 BeijingP.R. China

Through lean management, AccoTEST has been able to e?ectively reduce the production cycle of its products, based onan overall improvement in product quality.

Lean Management of Accotest

Achievement: Comparison of production cycle before and after lean production managementCompared with 2022, through lean managementAccotest has increased the production e?ciency by


in 2023

Cut the production cycle by nearly

minutesper day on average

E?ciency improved through lean production projects


Improvement inproductivity

The reduction in production cycle through lean production projects


hour(s)/dayImprovement inproduction cycle

The reduction of energy consumption through lean production projects


Improvement in energyconsumption reduction

Institutional managementPolices concerning production processes have beenestablished at Accotest. As a result, ine?cient orvalueless processes are eliminated and the qualitycontrol measures of each production process arestrengthen

Equipment replacement

Production equipment is tested to update agingequipment and reduce the risk of product qualitydue to aging equipment.

Personnel placementWith e?cient talent-matching practices, Accotestensures that employees' expertise is aligned withthe requirements of the position, thus avoidingquality issues caused by personnel operationerrors in the process of production.

Layout optimisationAccotest optimises the layout of production lines,improves lines' distribution, and continuouslystrengthens uni?ed control over the productionprocesses of each production line.

Quality assurance measures

Product quality is the foundation of an enterprise's survival and development. Accotest leverages improved qualitymanagement capabilities to drive product updates and iterations. By adopting advanced quality management methods,Accotest identi?es the key areas for improvement and carries out a series of actions aiming at optimising productquality. Consequently, the scienti?c management practices have been continually improved.

Commitment to quality

Quality is Accotest's top priority. As a domestic leading and internationally renowned test equipment manufacturer,Accotest has always adhered to the pursuit of excellence in quality and constant improvement of quality managementsystem. Accotest has been improving quality management capabilities in the whole process of production, and has usedIT applications to manage the mass production of products. By adopting the lean management mode, Accotest is ableto closely monitor each stage of production processes, thus promoting the improvement in both product quality andmanagement ability.In the future, Accotest will adhere to the sustainable development. Accotest will remain customer-driven and constantlyinnovate and improve the existing products and services to meet the growing needs of customers. We promise that wewill continue to improve product quality, constantly explore new technologies and business models. We will providecustomers with the best test equipment systems and solutions, and do our best for the prosperous development of theindustry.

Unannounced inspection and regular checkThe Company's Quality Department conducts no less than two ?ight inspections and periodic veri?cations of suppliersper quarter, through which potential problems can be identi?ed in time. If any issues are found, Accotest will takecorrective actions quickly to ensure that products and services consistently meet the highest quality standards.Two-way quality problem listIn order to ensure the quality of products, Accotest implements two-way quality problem list during the production. Thesettlement rate has reached 80% and 81% so far.Zero-defect production initiativeIn order to ensure high ?rst-pass yield in production, Accotest carries out zero-defect production initiatives, and setsphased goals to achieve zero defects. By the end of 2023, the annual pass rate was 95.8%.


Green Operation andEnvironmental InclusionBy integrating green development into the growth strategy, Accotest is committed to building anresponsible operation system. Accotest has also been focusing on key environmental issues such aswaste management, energy consumption and water management with a view of minimising the impact

of the production on the environment. Through unremitting pursuit of green operation, one subsidiaryof Accotest who based in Tianjin successfully established in the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city.In thefuture, Accotest will continue to improve our environmental protection capabilities, and strives tobe a green pioneer by innovating green operation and management measures, thus doing our bit to

environmental protection.

Climate Change

Accotest actively responds to the national dual-carbon strategy.Company pays great attention to its own energy usewhile ensuring quality and promoting product innovation, comprehensively improves carbon management capabilities,focuses on strengthening energy management, and expects to contribute to global climate change actions by practicingsustainable development.In 2023, for the ?rst time, Accotest conducted a comprehensive inventory of the emissions of its own operations, andcalculated the emissions of Scope 1 and Scope 2 with reference to the "Guidelines for Corporate Greenhouse GasEmissions Accounting and Reporting". Through this carbon accounting, Accotest has a deeper understanding of its owncarbon emissions, and has also laid the foundation for further developing scienti?c and reasonable emission reductionstrategies in the future. In the future daily operations and production, the company will continue to monitor its owncarbon emissions, and actively take e?ective measures to promote carbon emission reduction based on the importanceand urgency of carbon management.

In the future, Accotest will also adhere to the concept of sustainable development, actively participate in internationalcooperation, work with all parties to address the challenge of climate change, and make positive contributions to globalsustainable development.

Emission data(Scope1,Scope2)


t CO2e

76Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.77Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.

Environmental Management System

Accotest Beijing ISO 14001Certi?cation

Accotest Tianjin ISO 14001


Whole processEnvironmental protectionis incorporated into everyaspect of daily production andbusiness activities, includingplanning, inspection, review, and


Full dayEnvironmental protectionremains a constant priorityregardless of time, weather,or other factors.

Full participationEnvironmental protectionawareness campaigns areimplemented to promoteenvironmental protectionknowledge among employeesand raise their awareness about

environmental protection.

Environmentalmanagement policy

Accotest fully ful?ls the main responsibility of environmentalprotection, and has established an internal environmentalmanagement system. In this system, the general manageris designated as the main responsible person. Theenvironmental management personnel are appointed tobe in charge of environmental protection in productionand operations. Additionally, safety o?cers oversee theprevention and control of environmental pollution ofhazardous wastes. Presently, the Beijing headquarters andTianjin factory of Accotest have been certi?ed to ISO14001 -Environmental Management System.Additionally, to strengthen environmental risk managementand continuously optimise environmental monitoringmethods, Accotest has formulated an EnvironmentalMonitoring Plan. Under this plan, environmental monitoringactivities are carried out, covering monitoring of air quality,wastewater, noise and solid waste, as well as risk assessment.Furthermore, an annual environmental maintenance reportis issued to achieve closed-loop management of monitoringactivities.

78Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.79Beijing Huafeng Test & Control Technology Co., Ltd.

Water resource management

Accotest considers improving water resource management as pivotal element in achieving green operations. Thecompany monitors water usage in real time to prevent water resource loss due to leaking pipes. Additionally, thecompany actively promotes the reuse of water and advances the recycling of water resources. To ensure compliancewith wastewater disposal regulations, the company strictly supervises wastewater disposal at all o?ce locations. Byadopting more e?cient wastewater treatment methods, the company strives to reduce water pollution and promotegreen operations and sustainable development.

Waste managementTo promote green, low-carbon and circular development and facilitate the utilisation of waste resources, Accotest hasestablished a comprehensive waste management process, which encourages the classi?cation, collection, and storageof solid waste. Furthermore, a waste recycling centre has been set up to enhance the recycling rate.Waste Management Process of Accotest





Waste classi?cationWaste is classi?ed into recyclables and hazardous waste.Household garbage is sorted and treated separately.

Waste transportationWaste is transported to designated treatment facilities or recycling centres toprevent secondary pollution during transit.

Hazardous waste supervisionA hazardous waste supervision mechanism has been set up, with the General Manager as themain person responsible for hazardous waste management. The company's safety o?ceroversees the environmental pollution prevention and control of hazardous waste, ensuring thatthe waste disposal process complies with relevant regulations and standards.

Waste collectionCentralised collection points are established to ensure prompt waste disposal.

Waste disposalThird-party organisations are involved in the disposal of waste using appropriate treatmentmethods based on the characteristics of the waste, such as incineration, land?ll, and composting.

Hazardous waste managementAccotest follows the principle of "uni?ed collection, classi?ed disposal, and elimination of hidden dangers"for hazardous waste management. Besides the company sets "reduction, recycling, and harmless disposal"as goals for hazardous waste management. In compliance with the Law of the People's Republic of Chinaon the Prevention and Control of Environment Pollution Caused by Solid Wastes and other relevant lawsand regulations, the company has formulated the Environmental Protection Management Policy to preventecological environmental pollution from hazardous waste, e?ectively protecting public health and safety.

? Reduction: Reducing the amount of waste produced to lower environmental impact.? Recycling : Transforming waste into useful resources for recycling.?  Harmless disposal: Adopting safe, environmentally friendly treatment methods to reduce the harm of waste to theenvironment and human health.

Goals of hazardous waste disposal

Total non-hazardous waste produced


TonAnnual Waste Data

Total hazardous waste produced


TonTotal recycled waste



Recycling rate for waste8%

Green ProductionGreen production linesAccotest adopts green and advanced production technologies. Supported by meticulous management, the company hasachieved e?cient and low-load mass production. The company has also created green production lines focused on rawmaterial assembly and debugging technologies, thus minimizing the environmental impact of equipment production.Accotest is well aware of that carbon reduction is a long-term and ongoing commitment. Accotest continuously monitorsits own carbon emissions in daily operations and production, and actively takes e?ective measures to reduce carbonemission intensity and promote carbon emission reduction work to continuously achieve new results.Energy conservation and consumption reduction

By continuously strengthening lean management and optimising production processes, Accotest has e?ectivelyshortened the production cycle and successfully reduced energy consumption by approximately 7.4% duringproduction. Additionally, the component damage rate only stands at 0.024%. In the future, we remain committed toimproving lean production to achieve more signi?cant energy-saving e?ects.

Total petrol consumption of private car in o?cial use14206.57


Total power consumption


MWhEnergy Consumption Data

Green operations at Tianjin FactoryAs a benchmark for green production in the semiconductor industry, Accotest continuously implementsinitiatives that promote ecological sustainability. In 2017, we established a wholly-owned subsidiary,Huafeng Test & Control Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd., serving as the company's global manufacturing basefor the development and green production of integrated circuit testing equipment. This company is the onlysemiconductor equipment manufacturer in the Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City. Currently, Accotest operatesthree green production lines at Tianjin factory: the STS8200 line, the STS8300 line, and a comprehensive line.

The Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city prioritises urban greening, vegetation protection, ecological restoration,and sustainable development, rejecting businesses with "high energy consumption, high emissions, and heavypollution". It imposes strict environmental standards on settled enterprises, with speci?c requirements for thedistribution of greenery and the selection of plant species in factory areas. There are 333 ornamental trees andmore than 10,000 bushes and ground covers, involving more than 50 species. Tianjin factory is actively workingtowards building a "green, ecological" factory by incorporating sustainable concepts into the design phasefrom the outset. Durable and antibacterial ecological paint is used on external walls to reduce air pollution.High-transmittance glass is selected for windows to increase indoor natural lighting, thereby minimising energyconsumption due to arti?cial lighting.


GRI Mapping Table

Statement: Accotest has reported information referenced in this GRI content index for the period from 1 January2023 to 31 December 2023 (some data exceeds this range due to initial disclosure) in accordance with GRIstandards.

GRI StandardsDisclosure ItemsGRI 2 General Disclosures (2021)The organisation and its reporting practices2-1 Organisational detailsAbout Accotest2-3 Reporting Period, frequency and contact pointAbout the ReportActivities and Workers2-7 Employees

Employment/Talent Development/Occupationalhealth and safety2-8 Workers who are not employeesConsumer and customer/Supplier managementGovernance2-9 Governance structure and compositionOrganisational Structure2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing themanagement of impacts

Corporate Governance2-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reporting

Corporate Governance/Business Ethics/Risk

ManagementStrategies, Policies and Practices2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategyAbout the Report2-27 Compliance with laws and regulationsCorporate Governance2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagementAbout the ReportGRI 3 Material Topics (2021)3-1 Process to determine material topicsStakeholders3-2 List of material topicsStakeholders3-3 Management of material topicsStakeholders

GRI StandardsDisclosure ItemsGRI 201 - 418 Topic disclosuresGovernance205 Anti-corruption205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies andprocedures

Anti-fraud205-3 Con?rmed incidents of corruption and actions taken0 case during the Reporting Period206 Anti-competitive behaviour206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour, anti-trust, andmonopoly practices

0 case during the Reporting Period302 Energy302-1 Energy consumption within the organisationAppendix302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organisation302-3 Energy intensityAppendix302-4 Reduction of energy consumption302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and servicesEnergy conservation and consumption reduction303 Water and E?uents303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resourceWater resource management303-2 Management of water discharge-related impactsWater resource management303-3 Water withdrawalWater resource management303-4 Water dischargeWater resource management303-5 Water consumptionWater resource management305 Emissions305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsAppendix305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissionsAppendix305-4 GHG emissions intensityAppendix305-5 Reduction of GHG emissionsAppendix306 Waste306-1 Waste generation and signi?cant waste-related impactsEnvironmental management system306-2 Management of signi?cant waste-related impactsEnvironmental management system306-3 Waste generatedEnvironmental management system306-4 Waste diverted from disposalEnvironmental management system306-5 Waste directed to disposalEnvironmental management system

GRI StandardsDisclosure ItemsSocial401 Employment401-1 New employee hires and employee turnoverEmployment401-2 Bene?ts provided to full-time employeesEmployment401-3 Parental leaveEmployment403 Occupational Health and Safety403-1 Occupational health and safety management systemOccupational health and safety403-2 Hazard identi?cation, risk assessment, and incident investigationRisk management403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safetyOccupational health and safety403-6 Promotion of worker healthOccupational health and safety403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directlylinked by business relationships

Occupational health and safety403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management systemOccupational health and safety403-9 Work-related injuries0 case during the Reporting Period403-10 Work-related ill health0 case during the Reporting Period404 Training and Education404-1 Average hours of training per year per employeeTalent development404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programsTalent development405 Diversity and Equal Opportunity405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesEmployment405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to menEmployment406 Non-discrimination406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken0 case during the Reporting Period414 Supplier Social Assessment414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteriaSupplier management system416 Customer Health and Safety416-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of productsand services

0 case during the Reporting Period417 Marketing and Labelling417-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information andlabelling

0 case during the Reporting Period417-3 Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications0 case during the Reporting Period418 Customer Privacy418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses ofcustomer data

0 case during the Reporting Period

SocialEmployeeUnit2023Workforce TotalPerson608Number and proportion of employees by genderMalePerson446FemalePerson162Male%73%Female%27%The proportion of women in seniormanagement

Person33%Number and proportion of employees by age groupAged below 30Person269Aged 30 to 50Person323Aged above 50Person16Aged below 30%44%

ESG Indicator Table

GovernanceCorporate GovernanceUnit2023

ConGrmed negative eventsSubstantiated cyber security accidentCase0Substantiated data leakage accidentCase0Unfair competition Case0Substantiated corruptionCase0

Intellectual PropertyUnit2023PatentsGranted patentsCase182Patents under examinationCase98

Social4Employee (covering formal employees and informally hired staF)Unit2023Number and proportion of employees by age groupAged 30 to 50%53%Aged above 50%3%Number of employees by educationBelow a bachelor's degreePerson98With a bachelor's degreePerson371With a master's degreePerson138With a doctoral degreePerson1Number of employees by type of employmentSenior management (B8-B9)Person7Middle management (B7)Person20Junior management (B6)Person45Sta?Person536Employee diversityEmployees of the minority nationalityPerson23Foreign employeePerson22R&D professionals TotalR&D ProfessionalsPerson271With a master's degreePerson110With a doctoral degreePerson1R&D female professionalsPerson52Employees in basic laboratoryPerson62Number and proportion of the turnoverTotal turnoverPerson63Turnover rate%10%Turnover of R&DPerson32Turnover rate of R&D%12%

Employee TrainingUnit2023

Total hoursTotal training hoursHour6279.12Total training hours for male employeesHour5011.68Total training hours for female employeesHour1267.44Total training hours for employees of middle and seniormanagement

Hour196.40Total training hours for employees below middle and seniormanagement

Hour6082.72Total training hours for sta? of R&D technology departmentHour4938.78Average hours per capitaAverage training hours per capita Hour10.33Average training hours per male employeeHour11.24Average training hours per female employeeHour7.82Average training hours per employee of middle and seniormanagement

Hour7.27Average training hours perx employee below middle and seniormanagement

Hour10.47Average training hours per R&D professionalHour18.22Orientation trainingParticipantsPerson140Total number of participants who passed the examPerson140Pass rate%100%

Occupational Health and Safety of EmployeesUnit2023

Occupational health and safety trainingTraining hours on environmental safety (?re drill)Hour644Training hours on personal safety (?rst aid)Hour65Investment in occupational health and safety trainingInvestment in environmental safety (?re drill) trainingRMB1,500Substantiated occupational safety incidentSubstantiated incidents of discriminationCase0Substantiated forced labourCase0Substantiated child labourCase0Number of work-related injuries (including overseas agents)Person0

EnvironmentDatamUnit2023GHG emissionsScope I& Scope IICarbon dioxide equivalent1240.32Source consumptionTotal power consumptionMWh2,110.12 (Excluding USA)Total water consumptionTon13,027.28 (Excluding USA)Total petrol consumption of private cars ino?cial use

Litre (L)14,206.57 (Excluding Malaysia and USA)Waste managementTotal hazardous waste producedTon0.52Total non-hazardous waste producedTon21.25Total recycled wasteTon1.77Recycling rate for waste%8%

Customer ServiceUnit2023Product trainingProduct training sessionsTime22ParticipantsPerson792Customised training sessionsTime72ParticipantsPerson478On-site training of new equipmentTime18

ImageSDGsSDGs ContentMappingChapter

SDG3Good healthand well-being

Ensure healthylifestyles and promotewell-being for peopleat all ages

(1) Accotest actively organizes activities

for employees, and encourages them toexercise for health and fun;

(2) Accotest is committed to

safeguarding occupational health ofemployees by providing holistic pre-employment training, contingencyplans and physical examinations;

(3) The factory at the Sino-Singapore

Tianjin Eco-city is equipped with gymsproviding yoga classes and personaltraining. Moreover, accommodationsprovided for employees meet thestandard of a four-star hotel.

SocialEmployee Care and bene?tsOHS management

SDG 4Qualityeducation

Ensure inclusiveand equitablequality educationand promotelifelong learningopportunities for all

(1) Accotest provides a fair, open

mechanism for promotion, systematicempowerment training and diversi?edincentives for learning and innovation;

(2) Accotest is highly engaged in

corporate-university cooperation,providing opportunities for frontierresearch and educational practices forcollege students.

SocialCareer developmentTrainingTalent incentivesCorporate-universitycooperation

SDG 5Genderequality

Achieve genderequality andempower women andgirls

(1) Accotest resolutely safeguards

gender equality and women rights. Itis ?rmly against sexual harassment,and provides parental leave, maternalleave and lactation leave for femaleemployees;

(2) Accotest allows no forced labour

and child labour. No such incident hashappened since the founding of thecompany;

SocialEmployees rights andinterests and diversity

SDGs Mapping Table

ImageSDGsSDGs ContentMappingChapter

SDG 6Clean waterand sanitation

Ensure availabilityand sustainablemanagement of waterand sanitation for all

(1) Accotest provides free water for


(2) Accotest emphasises and promotes

the recycling of water resources.

EnvironmentWater resourcemanagement

SDG 7A?ordable andclean energy

Ensure access toa?ordable, reliable,sustainable andmodern energy for all

(1) Solar panels are installed on the

roof of the Accotest's Eco-plant, thusproviding green electricity to reducereliance on traditional energy;

(2) The exterior wall applies durable

anti-bacterial eco-painting to reduce airpollution.

EnvironmentGreen production lines -Case: Green operations atTianjin Factory

SDG 8Decent workand economicgrowth

Promote sustained,inclusive andsustainableeconomic growth,full and productiveemployment anddecent work for all

(1) Accotest focuses on employees

ethnics, and attaches great importanceto anti-fraud and anti-corruption.Adopting transparency, honesty andintegrity as principles of management,the company ensures decent job andsustainable wage growth of employees.

GovernanceBusiness EthicsSound internal control andcomplianceAnti-fraud

SDG 9Industry,innovation andinfrastructure

Build resilientinfrastructure,promote inclusiveand sustainableindustrialisation andfoster innovation

(1) By conducting innovative research

and development, Accotest haseliminated the environmentally riskymercury relays from the coolingprocess. By the end of the ReportingPeriod, the company had successfullyupgraded the cooling system to anenvironmental-friendly one.

ProductsRoad to innovation:


ImageSDGsSDGs ContentMappingChapter

SDG 11Sustainablecities andcommunities

Make cities and humansettlements inclusive,safe, resilient andsustainable

(1) To maintain environmental

sustainability, Accotest implementsenvironment protection measures andintegrates environment protectioninto daily operation and production,as outlined in the environmentalmonitoring plan;

(2) Tianjin Factory has met the strict

admission standards, with zeroemissions achieved throughoutthe entire production line. Huafengapartment in the Sino-Singapore TianjinEco-City is designed in line with thefour-star hotel standard, with forestcoverage rate of 20%.

EnvironmentGreen production lines -Case: Green operationsat Tianjin Factory

SDG 12Responsibleconsumptionandproduction

Ensure sustainableconsumption andproduction patterns

(1) Accotest sticks to the whole-process

management of the supply chain.Through strategic categorization ofsuppliers, Accotest strengthens thesustainable cooperation with suppliers;

(2) Accotest streamlines the

management of production. Thecompany e?ciently shrinks the timeof production cycle and increasessustainability while ensuring quality.

SocialSupplier strategyproductsLean management

SDG 15Life on land

Protect, restore andpromote sustainableuse of terrestrialecosystems, sustainablymanage forests, combatdeserti?cation, andhalt and reverse landdegradation and haltbiodiversity loss

(1) To maintain the sustainability and

diversity of the terrestrial vegetation,Tianjin Factory put forward asustainable plantation plan;

EnvironmentGreen production lines -Case: Green operationsat Tianjin Factory

SDG 16Peace, justiceand stronginstitutions

Promote peaceful andinclusive societiesfor sustainabledevelopment, provideaccess to justice forall and build e?ective,accountable andinclusive institutionsat all levels

(1) A management framework that

clari?es power and responsibilityhas been established. Therefore,a peaceful and inclusive businessatmosphere is fostered;

(2) A solid mechanism for whistle-

blower protection and major riskwarning has been set up to underpinlegal rights and maintain peace andjustice.

GovernanceOrganisationalstructureAnti-fraudRisk management
