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亿晶光电:2023年环境、社会与公司治理(ESG)报告(英文版) 下载公告

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PVMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PVMessage fromthe Chairman

About the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

About the Report 01Message from the Chairman 02About EGING PV 04

Innovation-drivenDevelopmentR&D & Innovation 21Green Products and Solutions 26Intellectual Property Protection 31Industrial Cooperation andDevelopment 33

Sustainable DevelopmentManagementSustainable Development Strategy 14ESG Governance 15ESG Action Response 16Communication with Stakeholders 17Materiality Issues Evaluation 18Appendix 76

Creating Long-termValueProduct Quality and Safety 36Global Customer Service 38Supply Chain Management 39Digital Construction 39

Corporate ComplianceOperationsCorporate Governance System 44Internal Control Construction 46Internal Audit 47Business Ethics 48Information Security 48

Protecting Green EcologyEnvironmental Management 51Responding to Climate Change 52Energy Management 55Water Resources Management 56Waste Discharge Management 58

Stick to the BottomLine of SafetySafety Production Management 60Double Prevention Mechanism 63Occupational Health Protection 64Emergency Response 65

Adherence to People-oriented

Protection of Employee Rights andInterests 68Human Resource Management 70Employee Training and CareerDevelopment 72Employee Care 73Public Charity 74

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PVMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

About the Report

Report OverviewThe Report is the second Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG)report released by Eging Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred toas "EGING PV", "the Company" or "we"), which aims to disclose to stakeholders theCompany's management and actions, and performance on various ESG issues.

Organizational Scope of the ReportThe headquarters, branches and subsidiaries of Eging Photovoltaic Technology Co., Ltd.

Time Range of the Report

The Report mainly covers the period from January 1 to December 31, 2023, and maytraces back to previous years in virtue of comparability and continuity.

Report Release CycleThis Report is published once a year, at the same time as the Company's annualreport, with the detailed date of release subject to that of the year.

Preparation References


This Report has been prepared by referring to relevant guidance documents suchas the Global Reporting Initiative's "Sustainable Development Reporting Guidelines(GRI Standards 2021)" and the "United Nations Sustainable Development Goals" (UNSDGs 2030), drawing on ESG issues that are given high weights by internationallyauthoritative ESG rating agencies such as MSCI, Sustainalytics, and S&P, and incombination with the current actual situation of EGING PV.

The Report contains forward-looking statements. Except historical facts, all the eventsand statements that may or will occur in the future (including but not limited topremises, objectives, evaluations or business plans) should be viewed as forward-looking statements, which may deviate from future results or trends as affected bypotential changes.

About Information SourcesThe information in the Report is gathered from relevant statements, ?les, stakeholderinvestigations or interviews of the Company.

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PV

Message fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

Message from the Chairman

Against the backdrop of global warming and the increasing depletion of fossilenergy, the development and utilization of renewable energy has receivedincreasing attention from the international community, and vigorouslydeveloping renewable energy has become an international consensus. The past2023 was a year full of challenges and changes for the photovoltaic industry. Thisyear, photovoltaics surpassed hydropower to become the second largest powersource in China. New photovoltaic installed capacity hit a historical high, newtechnologies ?ourished, N-type production capacity was substantially released,marking the accelerated coming of N-type photovoltaics era. It was also in thisyear that prices across the entire photovoltaic industry chain continued todecline, breaking through the cost line.As a long-established photovoltaic company, EGING PV has always adhered tosteady operations and established trusting partnerships with all parties. In orderto adapt to the Company's strategic development needs and further improvethe corporate governance structure, the Company has established the Boardof Directors'Strategic Development and ESG Committee to deepen the board'sparticipation in the deployment of ESG matters. By focusing on new technologiesand new business models, we strive to build an innovative enterprise, commitourselves to providing global users with e?cient, high-performance, and cost-effective photovoltaic products and services. Meanwhile, we systematicallyimplement excellent performance management, and strive to promote thecoordinated, healthy, and low-carbon development of economy, society, andenvironment.

Low carbon development is conducive to achieving the dual carbon goals.Thanks to the support of national policies, EGING PV has taken providing themost reliable clean energy as its mission and providing the world's leadingphotovoltaic intelligent manufacturing and smart energy solutions as its vision.We have established a comprehensive environmental management system.Through a variety of measures, we have reduced our own and upstream anddownstream companies'greenhouse gas emissions, evaluated the impact ofeach production link on the environment, and integrated the concept of greenand sustainable development into the entire life cycle management of productsto create a green supply ecosystem. In 2023, the Company successfully obtainedthe CQC"Zero Carbon Factory"certification. Meanwhile, the Company is alsoone of the ?rst national"Green Factory"enterprises, and has obtained a seriesof certificates issued by CQC, including"Three-Star Green Producty","GreenBuilding Materialsy","Product Carbon Footprint", etc. EGING PV has alwaysbeen a green energy technology company worthy of the trust of all parties.EGING PV is an innovation-driven company and intelligent technologies promoteindustrial upgrading. We accelerate the deep integration of industrial enterpriseswith the new generation of information technology, build intelligent factories,realize industrial AGV application coverage, and promote MES\ERP\TMS projects.We have achieved the integration of the talent chain and the industrial chaincloser through the introduction of industrial technical talents and the cultivationof fertile soil for the development of talents. In addition, through the cooperationbetween industry, academia and research, we have carried out special research

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PVMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

on the industry's bottleneck problems. We have participated in the draftingand formulation of industry standards and group standards, and built asecond national laboratory. In 2023, the Company's high-efficiency solarmodule 5G workshop was awarded the 5G factory approved by the Ministryof Industry and Information Technology in 2023, and was awarded thehonorary titles of National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise,Top 100 Chinese Electronic Information Enterprises, and Leading DigitalEnterprise.With assured quality, EGING PV focuses on building product strength.Based on the Company's strategic layout, in 2023, Chuzhou base N-typeTOPCon battery capacity gradually released, and the efficiency yieldreached the industry average or above. In terms of internal management,we have implemented the safety production responsibility system,focused on system improvement, and strengthened quality controlover the entire life cycle of products. We continue to improve productreliability and safety, adhere to high-quality development of power stationprojects, ensure safe and e?cient operation, and improve operation andmaintenance and service levels. In 2023, the Company won honors such

Chairman Liu Qiang

Cultivating new quality productivity is an inherent requirement for high-quality development, and green development is the foundation of high-quality development. As a strategic emerging industry with internationalcompetitive advantages, the development of the photovoltaic industryis of great signi?cance to achieving the goals of carbon peak and carbonneutrality. EGING PV will continue to operate steadily and actively embracethe opportunities and challenges of the photovoltaic industry. We arewilling to work with all parties to accelerate the transformation of theenergy structure, create new low-carbon and green business models, andmake greater contributions to building a clean and beautiful world!

April 2024

as CCTV Quality China Photovoltaic Industry Partner, Global PhotovoltaicExcellent Brand of the Year, and Excellent Supplier of State PowerInvestment Group Hubei Company.EGING PV attaches importance to employees and fulfilling socialresponsibilities. We take "caring for employees' labor" as one of the threemajor principles of the enterprise, and create a community of interests,a community of cause, and a community of destiny with its employees.During our development process, we are building EGING PV's "familyculture" to enhance employees' sense of happiness and gain. Meanwhile,the Company has been actively engaged in public welfare undertakingsfor many years and has given back to the society with practical actions.By carrying out paired assistance, working together to help the disabled,supporting the construction of new countryside, etc., we have shareddevelopment results with all parties and given full play to corporate value.

Innovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagement

About EGING PVMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

AppendixAdherence toPeople-orientedStick to the BottomLine of Safety

About EGING PVCompany Pro?le

EGING PV Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "EGING PV"), stock code (SH600537), is a photovoltaic enterprise listedon the A-share market in China. It specializes in the production of solar cell modules and conducts all production and businessactivities through its holding subsidiary Changzhou EGING PV Technology Co., Ltd.EGING PV was established in May 2003 with a registered capital of RMB 1,195.29 million. The Company has two production basesin Changzhou, Jiangsu and Chuzhou, Anhui and covered a land area of over 2,500 mu. EGING PV specializes in the productionand sales of high-e?ciency crystalline silicon solar cells and modules, with a planned annual production capacity of 25GW solarcells and module products. Meanwhile, the Company extends the industrial chain into PV power generation, having successfulexperience in constructing and operating PV power stations. In terms of domestic sales, thanks to its future-oriented marketingnetworks, reliable product quality, good reputation and strong marketing capability, EGING PV has established long-standingpartnerships with power groups and large state-owned enterprises in China. Overseas, while further tapping the traditionalEuropean market, the Company also increases presence in emerging markets including Japan, Southeast Asia and Latin America.The Company takes "Integrity, Win-Win, Truth-Seeking and Innovation" as its corporate values and has been rated as a "NationalContract-Abiding and Credit-Worthy Enterprise" for many consecutive years. Adhering to the people-oriented, integrity-basedbusiness principles, the Company has gathered industry elites, introduced advanced technology at home and abroad, andserved the world based on superb technology and high-quality services.

Year of establishment:

2003Land area:

Stock code:

Global shipments:

Ranking among privateenterprises in China:


+ mu



Top 500

Corporate Culture

Delivering the most reliableclean energy

Protect owners' equity,Safeguard operators'interests, Care for employees

Build a community ofinterests, a community ofcause, and a community ofdestiny with our partners,employees, and society.

Corporate visionThree principlesCorporate mission

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PV

Message fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

Development Path














EGING PV was registered andestablished, starting the greenenergy journey from crystalpulling.

Won the world's ?rstdouble-sided leadercerti?cation from CQC

2GW high-e?ciency crystallinesilicon module production line putinto operation2GW high-e?ciency crystallinesilicon cell production line putinto operation

3GW high-e?ciency crystallinesilicon cell production line putinto operation and won the ?rsthighest registration certi?cate forgreen product certi?cation of PVmodules in China

Chuzhou base10GW high-e?cientN-type TOPConbattery project putinto production

10GW high-e?cient N-type TOPConCells project was signed and settledin Chuzhou5GW high-e?cient crystalline siliconmodule 5G smart manufacturingproduction line put into operation

EGING PV solarcell line startedproductionproduction lineput into production.

Unveiled PV modules, andwas awarded by the Ministryof Science and Technologythe certi?cate of "Key High-Tech Enterprise".

Ranked among the Top 500private enterprises in China

Successfully listed on ChineseA-share market through Shanghaistock exchange (code: SH 600537)

Included in the "World's Tier 1PV manufacturers" list by BNEFIncluded in the Top 10 ChinesePV brandsCerti?ed as a "Top Runner" byCQC

EGING PV silicon waferproduction line put intoproduction

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PV

Message fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

Global Presence



JapanSouth KoreaChina





* As of the end of December 2023, the global cumulative shipments has been35GW

Germany Italy


Middle EastAfrica

Asia-Pacific Region

South America

North America

Adherence toPeople-oriented

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementMessage fromthe Chairman

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of SafetyAbout the ReportAbout EGING PV

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagement


Message fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

Business Presence


High-end production and test equipmentMass production of high-e?ciency and low-attenuation PERC cellsSelective emitter equipment and technology

Complete product management and global certi?cation systems15 years of experience in project systemsCustomized and reasonable design to maximize returns

The most advanced fully automated module packaging line in ChinaThe high-e?ciency monocrystalline and polycrystalline PERC cell module mass production technologycerti?ed for the "Top Runner" ProgramThe CNAS recognized and TUV and VDE certi?ed module laboratory ensures module reliability

Globally leading intelligent operation systemE?cient and professional operation & maintenance team and technical teamRegular inspections to improve user satisfaction

Cell preparationModule enveloping

Power station systemMaintenance and operation

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagement

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of SafetyAbout EGING PVMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Third Prize of Jiangsu Photovoltaic Science and

Technology Award

Jiangsu Province Quality Credit AAGrade Enterprise

The most in?uential PV module enterprise in the"LightEnergy Cup"Changzhou"Five-Star Enterprise"

Four-Star Cloud Enterprise in Jiangsu Province

Top 100 Electronic InformationEnterprises in ChinaChangzhou's third batch of digital transformationpromotion centersJiangsu Province

"Guang Mang Cup" PV quality supplier

5G factory in 2023The ?fth batch of pilot enterprises for the integrationof industry and education in Jiangsu Province

A key internationally renowned brand fostered in Jiangsu


"Global Top Performer" component manufacturer

Green building materials to the countryside activity promotion


National High-TechEnterprise

AEO Advanced Certi?cationEnterprise

Jiangsu Photovoltaic IndustryAssociation

Market Regulatory Administration of Jiangsu Province,Jiangsu Province Development and Reform Commission

Sobi Photovoltaic NetworkChangzhou Municipal People's Government

Department of Industry and Information Technology

of Jiangsu Province

An intelligent manufacturing demonstration workshop in

Jiangsu provinceDepartment of Industry and Information Technology of

Jiangsu Province

China Electronics Information Industry FederationBureau of Industry and Information Technology ofChangzhou

Water-saving enterprise in Jiangsu ProvinceJiangsu Provincial Water Resources Department

SMM International PhotovoltaicIndustry Summit

Ministry of Industry and Information TechnologyJiangsu Province Development and Reform


Department of Commerce of Jiangsu province

Third-party photovoltaic testingagency PVEL

National Intellectual Property Advantage Enterprise

State Intellectual Property O?ceA demonstration enterprise with intelligent photovoltaic

manufacturing in Jiangsu province

Jiangsu Photovoltaic Industry Association

Nine departments including Jiangsu Provincial Departmentof Industry and Information Technology, Development andReform Commission, and Finance Department

"Top Brand PV MENA 2023"European Photovoltaic Association

Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry ofFinance, State Administration of TaxationGeneral Administration of Customs of thePeople's Republic of China

Changzhou City"Major Contribution Award"and"Sales Scale Award"Changzhou Municipal People's Government2023 Honors and AwardsIn 2023, EGING PV won thefollowing honors/awards:

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagement


Message fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

ESG KPIs in 2023

Corporate Governance PerformanceEconomic performanceOperating performanceCorporate Governance Performance

Operating income

Number of shareholders'meetings

Number of proposalsreviewed at board meetingsTax paid

Total assets

Number of proposals reviewedat the shareholders' meeting

Number of meetings of theBoard of SupervisorsEmployee renumeration

Net pro?ts attributed to shareholders ofthe listed companyNumber of board meetings

Number of proposals reviewed at theBoard of Supervisors meetings

Loan interests paid to banks and othercreditors

Other social costs caused by environmentalpollution or others

RMB 8.102 billion

56RMB 54.7851 million

RMB 11.51 billion

RMB 367 million

RMB 68 million

RMB 15.8179 million


Adherence toPeople-oriented

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementMessage fromthe Chairman

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of SafetyAbout the ReportAbout EGING PV

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagement


Message fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

Business ethics performanceR&D innovation performance

Intellectual Property Performance

Information security performance










Number of invention patentsgrantedNumber of utility modelpatents grantedNumber of design patentsgranted

Proportion of key personnel at orabove the middle level who signedthe integrity commitment letter

Con?rmed incidents of corruption

Number of patent applicationsduring the Reporting Period

Growth rate of patent applicationsduring the Reporting Period

Patent authorization growth rateduring the Reporting Period

Number of patents granted duringthe Reporting Period

Unfair competition and antitrustviolations

Number of anti-corruptiontraining sessions

R&D input

Complaints about infringement ofcustomer privacy

Con?rmed incidents of leakage, theft orloss of customer information

R&D as % of revenueNumber of R&D personnelR&D personnel as % of totalworkforceNumber of employeesparticipating in anti-corruptiontraining

Adherence toPeople-oriented

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementMessage fromthe Chairman

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of SafetyAbout the ReportAbout EGING PV



AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagement

About EGING PVMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

Carbon emission performance

Environmental management performance

Environmental management performance

Waste management


Water resources management


Environmental Performance

Total natural gas consumption



Hazardous waste disposal rate


Waste discharge meets standards


Total steam consumption



cubic meters


million tons

0 cubic meters



2,922.41 tons of CO2 equivalent

Purchased electricity

Total water consumption throughoutthe year

Total gasoline consumption

Rooftop photovoltaic self-generated electricityBy emission scopeScope 1 emissionsScope 2 emissions266,521.12 tons of CO2 equivalent



Total investment in environmentalprotection

Number of major hazards such as ?res and accidentswith serious impact on the environmentRMB



Adherence toPeople-oriented

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementMessage fromthe Chairman

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of SafetyAbout the ReportAbout EGING PV

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagement


Message fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

Total number of employees inthe parent company

Employee employment performanceSocial Performance

Total number of employeesin the parent company


Total number of employees2,643

Number of retired employees forwhom the parent company andmajor subsidiaries need to bearexpenses

405 people40 people

1,854 people2,141 people

47 people462 people306 people31 people


Production sta?Below Bachelor

degreeR&D personnelpeople

BachelordegreeFinancial o?cer

Master degree oraboveSalesperson

Administration sta?

Employee rightsperformance

Employee trainingperformance

Employee training performance

Labor contract signing rate100%

Total hours of trainingreceived by employees2,745

Average number of hours oftraining for new employees


Social insurance coverage


Average number of traininghours per employee


Coverage rate of new employeetraining


Total number of employeesreceiving training


Hours of security-themedtraining per employee

Percentage of employeesreceiving regular performanceand career developmentappraisals



Adherence toPeople-oriented

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementMessage fromthe Chairman

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of SafetyAbout the ReportAbout EGING PV

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagement


Message fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

(Paternity) Maternity leave performance

Supplier management performance

Number of suppliers

Number of supplier audits duringthe Reporting Period

Number of overseas suppliers

Number of domestic suppliers

Proportion of overseas suppliers0%

Proportion of domestic suppliers


Number of new suppliers addedduring the Reporting Period

Number of suppliers eliminatedduring the Reporting Period

Total number of employeestaking (paternity) maternityleave during the ReportingPeriod

Total number of employeesreturning to work after holidaysduring the Reporting Period

Total number of returningemployees still employed at theend of the Reporting PeriodReturn rateMale employeesFemale employees

Male employeesFemale employees

Male employeesFemale employees

Male employeesFemale employees15 people15 people15 people100%12 people12 people8 people100%

Number of work-relatedcasualties of the Company's ownemployees

In-job occupational healthexamination100%

Occupational health and safety performance

Number of work-relatedinjuries among theCompany's own employees

Post-job occupational healthexamination100%

Incidence of occupationaldisease0%

Number of major safetyaccidents and environmentalpollution incidents

Pre-job occupational healthexamination100%

Number of safety drills

people people

Adherence toPeople-oriented

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementMessage fromthe Chairman

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of SafetyAbout the ReportAbout EGING PV































Sustainable Development ManagementSustainable Development Strategy

Joining the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC):

In December 2023, EGING PV organized the application to join the United Nations Global Compact(UNGC), and o?cially signed as a member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) in January2024.Joining the United Nations Global Compact is another important action taken by EGING PV to activelyrespond to the global sustainable development agenda. As an important member of the UNGCorganization, EGING PV will work with industry partners to advance the realization of the globalsustainable development process and jointly create responsible and sustainable corporate governanceand business practices.

UNGC is the world's largest international organization promoting sustainable corporate development,with more than 24,000 companies and other stakeholders from nearly 170 countries. These participantscommit to implementing the Global Compact's 10 principles, which are based on UN conventions andcover human rights, labor standards, the environment and anti-corruption, and to report on progressannually. UNGC continues to help companies integrate the ten principles of the Global Compact intotheir strategies and operations, and to jointly advance broader UN goals (such as the United NationsSustainable Development Goals (SDGs)) through collaboration and partnership.

Interpretation: What is the United Nations Global Compact(UNGC)?

Sustainable DevelopmentStrategy


















































Sustainable DevelopmentManagement

Adherence toPeople-oriented

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentMessage fromthe Chairman

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of SafetyAbout the ReportAbout EGING PV

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PVMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

ESG Governance ChartIn order to meet the needs of the Company's strategicdevelopment, optimize and improve the ESG governance structureand enhance the Company's strategy and ESG management level,EGING PV has gradually established and improved its ESG worksystem. In 2023, a three-tier ESG governance structure coveringthe "decision-making level, management level, and executionlevel" is planned to be established. We have comprehensivelyreviewed and updated our ESG governance system.On October 16, 2023, the 30th meeting of the 7th Board ofDirectors of the Company reviewed and approved the Proposalto Change the Name of the Strategic Development Committee ofthe Board of Directors of the Company and to Revise the Rulesof Work of the Strategic Development Committee of the Boardof Directors and the Proposal to Revise Certain GovernanceSystems of the Company. The Board Strategic DevelopmentCommittee was renamed the Board Strategic Development andESG Committee. The Board Strategic Development and ESGCommittee conducts research and guidance on issues related tosustainable development.In addition, in order to better implement the Company'ssustainable development strategy and goals, we furtherestablished ESG work leadership group, with an ESG workoffice responsible for ESG-related work coordination andmanagement. At the executive level, an "ESG ImplementationTeam" was set up across all centers and functional departments,as well as subsidiaries and business divisions, to coordinate theimplementation and execution of ESG work within the Company.

ESG Governance

Strategic Development and ESG Committee

ESG Leadership Team

ESG Work Executing Group

ESG O?ce (Securities Department)

Centers and functional departments

Operation Management Center, Quality ManagementCenter, Human Resources Administration Center,Supply Chain Center, Manufacturing Center,Marketing Center, Legal Center, EngineeringEquipment Center, Logistics Center, etc.

Factories and Business Departments

Changzhou Factory, Chuzhou Factory, Battery Division,Module Division, Battery R&D Department, ModuleR&D Department, Power Station Division, PhotovoltaicResearch Institute, etc.

Board of Directors


Sustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PVMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

? R&D innovation? Green product innovation? Circular economy? Intellectual property

? Greenhouse gas emissionsand management? Energy management? Waste discharge andmanagement? Water consumption and

? Product quality and safety? Supplier management? Customer service

? Employee occupational health and safety? Clean manufacturing

? Corporate governancesystem? Risk management andinternal control

? Labor management? Employee Care? Staff training and careerdevelopment? Charity and volunteer service

Innovation drives development

Protecting ecology

Creating long-term value

Stick to the bottom line of safety

Corporate compliance management

Adhere to people-oriented

protection? Industrial cooperationand development


? Digital construction? Anti-corruption

? Privacy and data security

The core of the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs) is highlyconsistent with the concept of ESG.In order to advance the realization ofthe United Nations' 17 SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs), theCompany actively responded to theUN SDGs 2030 through its own ESGpractical actions:

ESG Action Response


Sustainable DevelopmentManagement

About EGING PVMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

EGING PV attaches great importance to the concerns and demands of stakeholders. Byestablishing effective communication channels and mechanisms for stakeholders, it timelytransmits and discloses information of concern to stakeholders and listens to their feedback andsuggestions.After comprehensive analysis and research, the stakeholders of EGING PV mainly includeshareholders and investors, regulators, exchanges and rating agencies, customers, suppliers,contractors and other partners, communities, public society and media, employees, non-governmental organizations, industry associations, etc.

Communication with Stakeholders

Main stakeholders

Shareholders and


Regulators, exchangesand rating agencies


Suppliers, contractorsand other partners

Community, civilsociety and the media



Industry Association

Expectations anddemands

Economic performanceRisk managementManagement structureBusiness complianceR&D innovation

CompliancemanagementLegal employmentBusiness ethics

Customer privacy andinformation securityCustomer serviceProduct qualitySafety productperformance

SustainableprocurementBusiness ethicsResponsible production

Charity and publicwelfare Employee rightsprotectionConservation ofecosystemResource recycling andwaste disposal

Employee health andsafetyEmployee welfare rightsprotectionSta? training anddevelopment

Water managementEnergy ManagementResponse to climatechangeWaste managementLegal employment

Technologicalinnovation and IPR

protectionProduct management


Shareholders' meetingsPeriodic reportdisclosureDaily communication(phone calls, emails andmeetings)

Disclosure ofinformationCompliance trainingQuestionnaire survey

Global service platformCustomer visitQuarterly operationcommunication meetingCustomer satisfactionsurvey

Regular evaluation and

reviewSupplier conferenceDaily communication(phone calls, emails and


Community project

cooperationCharity activitiesDaily communication(phone calls, emails andmeetings)

Employeecommunication groupCompany opinion emailCompany feedbackservice numberEmployee satisfactionsurvey questionnaire

Disclosure ofinformationDaily communication(phone calls, emails andmeetings)

ExhibitionInternational standard

settingAcademic exchange

activitiesIndustry associationmeetings


Sustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PVMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

In order to deeply explore the core expectations and demands of stakeholders and improve the pertinence and materiality ofESG report of EGING PV, the Company systematically carried out the three-stage work of "Identi?cation of Issues - Research onIssues - Screening of Issues":

Based on the analysis of industrial policies, research of international initiativeorganizations, analysis of leading industrial practice and research on the Company'sstrategies, the Company de?ned the ESG issue list related to its operations.

By collecting opinions among employees and suggestions from external stakeholders,the Company evaluated the impact of different issues respectively on its operationsand on its stakeholders, built a materiality matrix, and ?nally identi?ed 22 ESG issues ofdi?erent priority levels.

We created and distributed the 2023 ESG Materiality Issues Questionnaire to eightdimensions of stakeholders: governments and regulators, shareholders and investors,customers, employees, suppliers and partners, communities, media and others, andreceived 92 valid questionnaires. At the same time, we conducted communicationand interviews with 23 important functional departments, molecular companiesand factories, such as Securities Department, Marketing Department, InformationManagement Department, Procurement Department, Administration Department,System Certi?cation Department, Operation Management Department, Quality ControlDepartment, Safety and Environment Department, Hydroelectricity ManagementDepartment, Internal Audit Department, Human Resource Department, After-salesService Department, Battery Department, Battery Research and DevelopmentDepartment, Component Department, Component Research and DevelopmentDepartment, Customer Service Department, Power factory Department, FinanceDepartment, Labor Union, Changzhou factory, Chuzhou factory and other importantdepartments, molecular companies and factories, to carry out a comprehensiveanalysis of the internal and external research.

Materiality Issues Evaluation

Materiality issues evaluation process:

Analysis of industrialpolicies

Research of internationalinitiative organizations

Analysis of leadingindustrial practice

Research on theCompany's strategies

Questionnaire surveys among external


Interviews withinternal stakeholders

ESG materiality issues of EGING PV in 2023






Sustainable DevelopmentManagement

Innovation-drivenDevelopmentMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the ReportAbout EGING PV

AppendixInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PVMessage fromthe ChairmanAbout the Report

Creating Long-term Value

Corporate ComplianceOperations

Protecting GreenEcology

Stick to the BottomLine of Safety

Materiality Issues Evaluation Matrix

Evaluation resultsDisclosure levelAmountIssues

The importance of economic, environmental and social impacts

The importance of ?nancial impacts

on the organization

Environmental dimensions

Social dimension

Corporate governance dimension


Employee training and careerdevelopmentCharity and voluntary service

Greenhouse gas emissions andmanagement

Waste discharge andmanagementCircular economy

Supplier management Product quality and safetyEmployee care

Corporate governance systemRisk management and internal

controlDigital construction

Customer serviceIndustry cooperation and

developmentEmployee occupational health andsafety

Privacy and data security IPR protection

R&D Innovation

Water consumption andmanagement

Energy management

Green product innovation Clean production

Substantive issues

Important disclosureProduct quality and safety, industrial cooperation and development, R&D innovation, customer service, energy management, green product innovation, waste discharge and management, supplier managementRelatively importantdisclosure

Employee occupational health and safety, greenhouse gas emissions and management, intellectual property protection, risk management and internal control, corporate governance system, clean production, privacy and datasecurity, anti-corruption, employee training and career development, water consumption and management, employee careGeneral disclosure ornon-disclosure

Digital construction, circular economy, charity and volunteer service


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R&D & InnovationLeader in PV technology

Currently, EGING PV has a R&D team of more than 400 members, comprising about15% of its workforce, and has applied for more than 600 patents and invested RMB

3.67 million in R&D over the past 5 years.

Over the years, EGING PV has been on the list of "World's Tier 1 PV manufacturers"by Bloomberg New Energy Finance, a global authoritative rating agency, and is alsoone of the TOP10 PV brands in China and one of the "Top Runner" photovoltaicbase suppliers in China. EGING PV has the "International science and TechnologyCooperation Base" authorized by the International Science and TechnologyCooperation Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, postdoctoralresearch workstation, Jiangsu Photovoltaic Engineering Research Institute andother scientific research and development platforms.The Company is home tosome research and development platforms, such as the international technologicalcooperation base authorized by the Department of International Cooperation of theMinistry of Science and Technology, the post-doctoral research station, and JiangsuPhotovoltaic Engineering Research Institute.

R&D team Total R&D input over the past ?ve years

exceedingCumulative patent applications Proportion in the total workforce





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R&D Platform Construction

Jiangsu (Eging) PV Engineering Institute was established in July2011, with a total investment of RMB300 million. The Institutehas integrated scienti?c and technological innovation resources,introduced 120 advanced instruments, including solar energysimulators and local discharge testers, and completed theconstruction of 7 R&D platforms, namely special materialR & D center, special equipment R & D center, new productdevelopment center, system engineering research center, testcenter, industrialization center, and reliability test and analysiscenter. It has focused on monocrystalline silicon cell e?ciencyimprovement and material research, HJT and TOPCon cellresearch, module reliability test and application scenario test,photovoltaic system and ground power station, roof powerstation development technology and other key technologiesand industrialization technology research. It strives to becomea base for the design, development, manufacturing and testof new products in the Jiangsu provincial or even national PVindustry.

Platform 2: Jiangsu (Eging) PV Engineering Institute

Jiangsu Solar Energy Materials Engineering and TechnologyResearch Center was established in May 2009, with an additionalinvestment of RMB20 million, RMB8 million of which was used topurchase advanced R&D instruments and equipment. It commitsto the research on large-area and high-efficiency crystallinesilicon PV cells, localization of advanced MW crystalline siliconPV cells, application of solar energy systems, and new-typethin-?lm cells. It will introduce the talent mobility mechanism,maintaining a certain number of engineering research,development and management sta?, while leveraging favorablepolicies to attract relevant talents from both home and abroadand encourage them to commercialize research outcomes andconduct industrialization-oriented development and tests.

Platform 3: Jiangsu Solar Energy Materials Engineering and

Technology Research Center

Since its establishment, Jiangsu Enterprise Technology Centerhas cultivated a highly experienced research team. It introduced6 doctors, 39 masters and 7 senior experts. At present,the research team is mainly composed of R&D personnel,senior technical workers, external experts and advisors, andundergraduates trained together with universities like ShanghaiJiao Tong University and Jiangsu University. It focuses on high-efficiency and energy-saving sintering technology and chain-type EVA curing technology, and has designed some testcontents not covered by IEC61215 and IEC61730 standards totighten control over product quality.

Platform 1: Jiangsu Enterprise Technology Center

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On June 19, 2008, the Company was approved by the Ministry of Human Resources andSocial Security to set up a state-level post-doctoral research station. Setup of the post-doctoral research station is aimed to attract, train and use outstanding innovation talents,introduce the mechanism that facilitates the ?ow of talents, and promote the collaborationamong enterprises, universities and research institutes. The Company has in place detailedrules and a complete system for the management of post-doctoral research, and makesadequate efforts to train and use post-doctoral researchers, with a particular focus onthe innovation abilities of post-doctoral researchers. The Company takes active partin the training activities organized for the post-doctoral management personnel of theorganizations where new research stations are set up, and works to build a post-doctoralmanagement team with a correct political stance, outstanding professional skills andstrong service awareness.

Platform 4: Post-doctoral research stationPlatform 5: International Technological Cooperation Base

From June 2008 to June 2010, EGING PV undertook a state-level international technologicalcooperation project, cooperating with Noritake on the development of "mesh belt-freehigh-temperature sintering furnaces" to improve the performance of existing sinteringfurnaces. On September 19, 2008, EGING PV was named by the Department of InternationalCooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology as an "International TechnologicalCooperation Base". The awarding ceremony was held at the Science & Education Town,where Meng Shuguang, deputy director-general of the Department of InternationalCooperation of the Ministry of Science and Technology, awarded the plaque to us.


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In recent years, EGING PV has continued to increase capital and expandproduction, of which the production line is highly compatible with the latesttechnology of M10/G12 and the 5G intelligent manufacturing project of e?cientmodules is put into operation and compatible with the latest technology ofTOPCon and HJT. Series module products have passed VDE, TUV, CE, MCS,CEC, UL, INMETRO, CQC and other international authoritative certi?cation. Withhigh-quality products and hassle-free after-sales services, EGING PV has wonwidespread recognition and praises from users around the world.The Company's cell production workshop adopts MES+AGV intelligentmanagement mode to achieve the digital and automated operation. Moreover,EGING PV has collaboratively developed the advanced process TOPCon and HJTtechnology. The module production workshop adopts intelligent productionline and automatic optical inspection and judgment equipment (based on AItechnology) to detect the defects of module products intelligently, signi?cantlyenhancing the test e?ciency and improving product yield. Intelligent productionline equipment takes precise positioning welding solutions to achieve millimeter-level precision positioning required for MBB module production.



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R&D & Innovation Case

In 2023, with several years of development, the mass production e?ciency of PERC cells increased to 23.6%, and will see limited room andgreat di?culty for further improvement given the theoretical e?ciency limit of 24.5%. By contrast, with a unique production process, TOPConcells enjoy a theoretical e?ciency limit of 28.7%, close to the theoretical e?ciency limit of crystalline silicon cells, and hence a huge potentialfor improvement.Since 2023, EGING PV has closely tracked market demands, and started the R&D and production of N-type solar crystalline silicon modules.As of the end of 2023, the mass production e?ciency of the high-e?ciency TOPCon cells newly developed by EGING PV was up to 26.3%. Themass production e?ciency of enveloped modules was up to 22.8%; the power of the same-type products increased by 25-30W, and the whole-cycle power generation improved by 3%. By far, EGING PV has mass produced and shipped N-TOPCon cell modules (Star Pro series), which arebased on N-type silicon wafers and integrate the SMBB technology, lossless cutting technology, double-sided and double glass technologyand large-size design. Characterized by big power, low cost and high reliability, the modules ?t in a diverse range of scenarios, such as surfacepower stations, industrial and commercial rooftops, complementation between farming and PV power generation, and complementationbetween ?sheries and PV power generation, and are widely received among customers both at home and abroad.

TOPCon series product project caseDirectional re?ective ?lm technology project caseWith the continuous advancement of photovoltaic technology, the efficiencyof PV modules is on the rise, and the development of photovoltaic industry inChina is becoming more mature. "Decreasing costs and increasing e?ciency" hasbecome the mainstream melody for the development of photovoltaic industry.Higher e?ciency, higher power and lower cost have become the common pursuitof the industry.With a view to fully enhancing the power generation of each battery in themodules and maximizing the utilization of PV energy, EGING PV started to developgap ?lm series products in 2023, requiring that the light transmittance and powerof the modules can be e?ectively enhance while maintaining the double-sidedrate and reliability of the modules.Gap directional and reflective film, referred to as gap film, is a type ofmicrostructure aluminum ?lm. The gap ?lm is located between the backglass cellplates or between the strings, and can re?ect the sunlight in the area to the non-light absorption area. In 2023, EGING PV started to work on the gap ?lm project,conducting enveloped research and sample proofing for the gap film. Afterreliability tests, the sample modules met the test requirements. For the same-type products, compared with the white glaze modules, the gap film modulescould enhance the power by 2-3W, and the trial mass production was up to thestandards. So far, the Company has completed the workshop transformation, andintroduced gap ?lm coating equipment to satisfy the gap ?lm needs of Star Proseries and Aurora Pro series products. After the gap ?lm technology is applied,according to the calculation of 1GW PERC module, the annual power generationcapacity can be increased by about 8,000,000kwh, compared with the white glazemodules, which can truly achieve the green and low-carbon development.

The mass productione?ciency of the TOPConcells

The mass productione?ciency of envelopedmodules

The power of the same-typeproducts increased by

The whole-cyclepower generationimproved by



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Green Products and Solutions

Green product certi?cationEGING PV has always vigorously upheld the concept ofgreen development, adhered to the working principles ofbreakthroughs in key areas, innovation-led, steady progressand market-oriented, and helped the country to achieve the"carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" goals, advancingChina's green development to a new level. In October 2023,EGING PV won the global green product certi?cation certi?cateof photovoltaic industry issued by China Quality CertificationCenter (CQC).

"Green products" refer to high-quality products thatmeet the environmental protection requirements inthe whole life cycle, do no harm or little harm to theecological environment and human health, and consumeless resources and energy. Its definition highlights twointernal implications: Firstly, in time of assessing greenproducts, we must adhere to the concept of life cycleand define the system boundary. We can not simplydeal with them in segments, and omit important dataand information related to the process. Secondly, theindex system of green products is a comprehensive indexsystem. In addition to the quality indicators concernedby consumers or buyers, its environmental protection,low-carbon, harmlessness, energy-saving and otherindicators can serve as a necessary supplement. Greenproduct certification is positioned for green and high-end products, and certification project indicators aregenerally higher than the existing relevant industrystandards.

Interpretation: What is a"greenproduct"?

Adherence toPeople-oriented

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Green Building Materials Certi?cationIn response to the national "carbon peaking and carbonneutrality" goals, EGING PV takes concrete actions, makinggreen building materials for green buildings, to support carbonpeaking and carbon neutrality. In December 2023, EGINGPV won the green building materials product certificationcerti?cate of PV modules issued by China Quality Certi?cationCenter (CQC).

Green building materials, also known as ecologicalbuilding materials and eco-friendly building materials,refer to non-toxic, non-hazardous, non-radioactive buildingmaterials conducive to environmental protection andhuman health. The production of green building materialsusing clean technology could reduce the consumptionof natural resources and energy and consume a lot ofindustrial or urban solid wastes. The green buildingmaterials certi?cation system is jointly established by theState Administration for Market Regulation, the Ministry ofHousing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Ministryof Industry and Information Technology pursuant to theOpinions of the General Office of the State Council onEstablishing a Uni?ed System of Standards, Certi?cationsand Labels for Green Products, and implementeduniformly across China.

Interpretation: What is "greenbuilding materials"?



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Green Recycling Materials

In the photovoltaic industry, frames are an integral part. Traditional frames are usually made of metal materials such as aluminum alloy or steel,but these materials have some weaknesses such as large weight, difficult installation, poor weather resistance and high recycling difficulty.Therefore, the emergence of polyurethane composite frames provides a new option for the photovoltaic industry.The polyurethane composite frames can realize the recycling of physical composite materials, the recycling of composite materials to compositematerials and the recycling of composite materials to raw materials. In other words, wasted or old GRPU composite pro?les are cut and crushedand then bonded and pressed or formed into required products by directional chemical decomposition method. In addition, the composite framescan also be recycled, which can be processed into primary raw materials of resin and glass ?bers for further use through directional chemicaldecomposition method, thus fully achieving green recycling.In 2023, EGING PV upheld the concept of green and low-carbon development and imported composite materials for module products, whichpassed load test, DH1000 test and other tests after the proo?ng test. According to the single test below 140 ° C, 1M pro?les can withstand the loadof 20Kg, and do not have signi?cant deformation for 8h, with the corner code drawing force of about 150N, and the bonding force of about 90N/cmbetween the frame and silicone, the surface ?lm hardness of 5HW, and the internal hardness of about 8HW. Compared with the steel frames, themodules with the composite frames are featured with lower fragment rate, less power attenuation, and higher recycling rate, which will be put intomass production in the future.

Case: Polyurethane composite frame

No signi?cantdeformation

Corner code drawingforce of about

Surface ?lm hardnessInternal hardnessBonding force between theframe and silicone8h150N5HW8HW90N/cm


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Green Product Design

In the window period of N-type photovoltaic reform, advanced technologies are emergingin an endless stream, and innovative projects are blooming in multiple aspects, amongwhich rectangular silicon wafer has become a new trend and a significant direction oftechnological innovation in the photovoltaic industry. From 2023, the concept of rectangularcell modules started to attract the attention of the photovoltaic industry, and there werevarious exhibits at the SNEC exhibition held in May. Compared with traditional square siliconwafers, rectangular silicon wafers can get rid of the correlation between wafer area and waferthickness, and can achieve super-sized and ultra-thin silicon wafers and design optimization,so as to lead to lower production costs and higher power, and to enhance customer value.EGING PV has carried out the rectangular cell module project simultaneously. The size ofeach rectangular cell has not been uni?ed, ranging from 210mm*182mm, 182mm*186.8mm,182mm*191mm, 182mm*183.75mm and 182mm*185.3mm to 182mm*199mm. Throughmultiple considerations and selections, EGING PV finally determined the three cell sizesselected for its products: 182.2mm*188mm, 182.2mm*191.6mm and 182.2mm*210mm,corresponding to the Star Pro+ series and Aurora Pro+ series products. So far, EGING PV hascompleted the enveloping process research, designed the layout diagram of outputtingrectangular cell modules, purchased the corresponding materials, adjusted the workshoptooling and process parameters, and ?nished the proo?ng test.On the one hand, rectangular cell modules can help achieve the cost optimization of PVmanufacturing integration. On the other hand, they can achieve the maximum utilizationof container space. Therefore, it's predicted that it will become the best choice to replace182mm*182mm cells. Perhaps in the near future, rectangular modules will occupy the 182-type product market and become the mainstream of the market.

Picture of EGING PV Rectangular Cells

Case: Rectangular cell module design


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Green Product Application

During the annual NPC and CPPCC sessions, General Secretary Xi pointed out that we should activelyadvance the green development and energy revolution. The development of photovoltaic energy hasentered the national action program and the application scenario has been further expanded, and nearlyzero energy buildings and zero energy buildings and even power-generating buildings have become thegeneral trend. In an era when industrial and commercial rooftops are to ?ourish, EGING PV independentlydeveloped the BIPV Star Rooftop Solution, to combine PV modules with buildings, achieve self-generationand supply of power by buildings, and help reduce carbon emissions related to buildings.In 2023, after the R&D completion of Star Rooftop products, EGING PV launched a BIPV demonstrationproject by installing the PV systems on about 100,000 m2 roofs of its own plants. With an installed capacityof 18.3MW, it's a super-large power station on industrial and commercial roofs. At the beginning of 2024,it will be connected to the grid, and it is expected that the annual power generation of 18.3MW BIPV roofproject will be 19.22 million KWH, with the total power generation of more than 400 million KWH. The newtechnology and new products will help to boost green development and low-carbon transformation.

In the BIPV Star Rooftop Solution, the color steel tiles are integrally molded; the galvanized aluminum andmagnesium material adopted features high strength and strong corrosion resistance, and is of the sameservice life as the modules, greatly reducing the cost of replacing metal rooftops. The 360° vertical lockrandfundamentally solves the problem of water leakage. The T-shaped convex features a bigger contact surfaceand safer installation, while sharing the pressure on the module surface and making the structure solider.The double-sided self-locking design provides super-strong load resistance. Moreover, the guiderail-freeand quick assembly design significantly lowers the labor intensity in construction, saves brackets andlabor cost, and improves construction e?ciency. The modules are laid more densely, with the installedcapacity on the same rooftop area increasing by 15%-30%, fully utilizing rooftop resources.After the completion of the project, it's expected that the project will have the average annual powergeneration of 21.067 million KWH, with the carbon dioxide emission reduction of 21,004 tons and sulfurdioxide emission reduction of 202 tons.

Picture of 18MW BIPV Project at EGING PV Chuzhou Base

Case: BIPV Star Rooftop system

Photovoltaicinstalled capacity

Annual average powergeneration of BIPV roof project

million kWh million kWh

Total powergeneration


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Some Patents of EGING PV

Some Certi?cation Certi?cates of EGING PV

Intellectual Property Protection

Since its establishment, EGING PV has attached great importance to intellectual property management, contributing to a high-qualitydevelopment pattern of intellectual property from the formulation of intellectual property strategy to the promotion and implementationof the strategy. At the same time, the intellectual property strategy works together with the Company's business strategy and R&D strategyto bene?t each other, and plays a big role in supporting the Company's business development.

In December 2023, China National intellectual Property Administration issued the 2023 Evaluation Results of National Intellectual

Property Advantage Enterprises and Demonstration Enterprises. The 5 enterprises in Changzhou were selected as national intellectualproperty demonstration enterprises, and the 17 enterprises as national intellectual property advantage enterprises. Among them,Changzhou EGING PV Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "EGING PV") was honored on the list and was rated as "a nationalintellectual property advantage Enterprise", and it's also the only newly-identi?ed national intellectual property advantage enterprise inJintan District this year.

Intellectual property milestones of EGING PV:

In 2013, EGING PV passed the implementing standards of the intellectual property management system;In 2014, EGING PV became an advanced demonstration unit of enterprise intellectual property management standardization in Jiangsu

Province, and o?cially established the intellectual property management standardization system;

In 2015, EGING PV undertook the Jiangsu Province enterprise intellectual property strategy promotion plan;In 2016, EGING PV jointed hands with Hohai University to establish the "High-e?ciency Crystalline Silicon Cell and System High-valuePatent Cultivation Demonstration Center";From 2014 to 2023, EGING PV was consecutively awarded "Jiangsu Province Key Cultivation and Development of International Famous



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National intellectual property advantage enterprises and demonstration enterprises arethe highest honors and ratings given by the state to enterprises for their good intellectualproperty management, which are mainly awarded to the enterprises which are engaged inindustrial ?elds of national key development, can undertake major national and key industrialdevelopment projects, have independent intellectual property capabilities, actively carry outintellectual property protection and application, establish a comprehensive intellectual propertymanagement system and mechanism, with comprehensive intellectual property strength.This selection is another major intellectual property honor for EGING PV after winning the "JiangsuProvince High-value Patent Cultivation Demonstration Center", which also indicates that EGING PV hasalways been an industry leader in terms of intellectual property creation, application, managementand protection. In the future, EGING PV will make more e?orts for intellectual property management,enhance the comprehensive competitive advantage of intellectual property, and will strive to becomean innovative enterprise characterized with strong intellectual property awareness, full innovativevitality and remarkable transformation e?ect, contributing to the high-quality development of China'sphotovoltaic industry!As of the end of the Reporting Period, EGING PV has had 370 valid patents, including 144 validinvention patents (2 PCT international patents) and 20 valid registered trademarks, including 1 EUtrademark. Over the years, the project products independently developed by EGING PV have wonsome honors such as the national-level key new products, the National Torch Plan industrializationdemonstration project, and the provincial-level major technological result commercialization project.

Interpretation: What is "an advantage enterprise and ademonstration enterprise of national intellectual property"?

Adherence toPeople-oriented

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Industrial Cooperation and Development

Industrial cooperation alliance

On June 8, 2023, the first supplier meeting of SPIC Hubei Company for 2023 was officially held, whereEGING PV was invited to participate and won the Excellent Supplier Award.

In August 2023, the "2023 Global Business Innovation Conference" sponsored by Yonyou was held inShanghai, with the theme of "Data-driven and Intelligent Operation", which brought together manyindustry leaders and business elites from all walks of life, such as China Telecom, Tianyi Cloud, Ping AnBank, Amazon Cloud Technology and other ecological partners and pioneer enterprises, to make the in-depth discussion of multiple topics such as comprehensive data services that enterprises face in terms ofdigitalization and intelligence, and AI popularization and application.

The conference was held on theoccasion of Yonyou's 35th anniversary.The sponsor took this opportunityto select 35 digital and intelligentleaders. As a strategic partnerof Yonyou and a representativeenterprise in the PV industry, EGINGPV is also in an attempt to upgradethe business model and empowerthe enterprise development throughdigital tools. EGING PV successfullywon the honorary title of "a digital andintelligent leading enterprise".As a long-established photovoltaic enterprise with a history of 20 years, EGING PV has started cooperationand development with SPIC Hubei Company since 2014. During the cooperation period of nearly ten years,EGING PV has supplied more than 500MW. At this meeting, SPIC Hubei Company o?cially signed a strategiccooperation agreement with EGING PV, opening a new chapter of jointly seeking green development.

Case: Won the Excellent Supplier Award of SPIC Hubei CompanyCase: Won the title of the leading enterprise of digitalization and intelligence


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Industrial Technology Exchange

In order to empower the green and low-carbon sustainable development and market application of the photovoltaic industry, the seminar on advancedPV energy storage technology hosted by TUV Rheinland Greater China (hereinafter referred to as "TUV Rheinland") and collaboratively guided by theAdministration Committee of Changzhou Tianning Economic Development Zone was held in Changzhou on September 26-27, 2023. Mr. An Quanchang,technical director of EGING PV modules, was invited to attend the seminar, discussing the latest PV technology and its development trend with well-known PV institutions and enterprises as well as experts and scholars from academia from home and abroad.Mr. An Quanchang, Technical Director of EGING PV modules, was invited to give a keynote report titled the Research Status and Trends of ReliabilityEvaluation of Photovoltaic Modules by acting as the only representative of photovoltaic enterprises in Changzhou in the main venue of modules, whichfocused on the three aspects of "reliability is the guarantee of industrial development; the direction and progress of reliability evaluation, and the statusand prospect of PV module experimental methods.

Case: Invited to attend 2023 TUV Rheinland Greater China PV Energy Storage Advanced Technology Seminar

Directionand progressof reliabilityevaluation

Status andprospect ofPV moduleexperimental

methodsReliability isthe guaranteeof industrialdevelopment


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Product Quality and Safety

CNAS laboratory construction

Product safety and reliability managementProduct traceability management

Eging PV Photovoltaic Institute has a complete management systemand management documents for laboratory reliability tests, such as"Laboratory Test Process Management System" and "Public FinancialManagement and Maintenance System of Photovoltaic Institute". Interms of product reliability, the Institute conducts product tests in strictaccordance with the IEC61215 and IEC61730 requirements, so as toensure that the Eging PV products meet the reliability requirements of theInternational Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).In the process of R & D and mass production, DFMEA\PFMEA tool maybe used for experimental design and mass production risk prediction,which can effectively reduce and prevent risks. In addition, the R & Dproject process follows the IEC62941 process to achieve the better projectmanagement.

Digital traceability system is a product traceability management systembased on digital technology, also known as digital source tracing system,which is used to track and manage all aspects of the product productionprocess. Through the collection, recording and analysis of production-related data, the system can realize the overall monitoring of rawmaterials, production process, product after-sales and other links, as wellas product tracking and backtracking.It's to identify and record raw materials before they are put intoproduction. Bar codes, RFID and other technical means can be used torecord the batch information of raw materials, production time, suppliersand other key information.

Raw materials and OEM traceability

Established on May 1, 2007, EGING PV module testing laboratory is mainly to test the raw materials of modules and module products, providingreliable quality assurance for the Company's products. With more than 100 sets of testing equipment and instruments, the laboratory can conductprofessional tests of module raw materials and PV module products, embracing the testing capability of 20 large tests and 96 small tests. In October2011, the module testing laboratory was awarded the National Laboratory Accreditation Certi?cate by China National Accreditation Service forConformity Assessment (CNAS), marking that the laboratory is entirely in line with ISO/ IEC17025 and CNAS-CL01 standards and requirements. Inaddition, it's also the TDAP laboratory of the international photovoltaic certi?cation body VDE.


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Production plan

Digital traceabilityand monitoring

Production Traceability

Product after-sales traceabilityinspection

ERP establishes production plans and instructions, de?nes the productionprocess and flow of products. Through the digital system, it issuesproduction instructions to the MES system, ensuring the standardizationand normalization of the production process.

After receiving complaints or problems fromcustomers, record relevant information,including product model, purchase timeand problem descriptions. Based on theproducts' unique identi?cation code or batchinformation, trace the production data ofsuch products to determine possible linksrelated to problems. In view of the possibleproblems, make the in-depth analysis, sum upthe experience and lessons according to theevaluation results, and continuously improveproduct design, production process andafter-sales services, so as to enhance productquality.MES conducts the real-time monitoring of each stage of the production process. It collects data and uploads the data to the database, and records and tracks theinformation of each link of products, to achieve the whole-process monitoring and traceability of product quality. In addition, it also makes the digital processing of thedata to enhance management e?ciency and accuracy.

MES can record box code information, including outgoing product information,and outgoing product type and grade. It also record outgoing information foreach shift in real time. The data means a great deal for product traceability andcan help determine the source and ?ow direction of products.

Through the overall monitoring and data collection of the production process, ensure the integrity of the life cycle management information. The production traceabilityand abnormality investigation can help to quickly locate the reasons for the anomaly, thus enhancing the production e?ciency and product quality and reducingproduction costs.

Monitor the status andoperation situation, failureinformation and maintenance& repair records of productionequipment to detectequipment failures and repairthem in a timely manner,ensuring the normal operationof equipment.

Monitor product quality andall quality indicators in theproduction process, detectquality problems in timeand take measures to ensurethat product quality meetsthe standards.

Monitor energyconsumption in theproduction process, identifyenergy-saving potential intime and take measures tocut production costs.

Monitor the completionsituation of productionschedule and productionplan, adjust the productionplan in time, and ensurethat the production tasksare completed on time.

Monitor production processparameters and the changesin production environment,and adjust the processparameters and productionenvironment in time, toensure the stability andreliability of productionprocess.

Product packing andwarehousing

Equipment monitoringProduction data monitoring Quality monitoring Process monitoring

Energy consumption



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Global Customer ServiceAfter-sales service

After years of on-site efforts, EGING PV has established a sound after-sales service mechanism and process. Even in the highly competitivephotovoltaic market, EGING PV still stands at an advantage in after-sales services, which is especially demonstrated in the enthusiasm andtimeliness of handling problems. According to statistics, the total businesstrips of after-sales service personnel in 2023 is up to 7,000 working days,with the per capita business trips of more than 260 days and the numberof service sites exceeding 100.

24-hour response speed7*24*365 seamless after-sale servicesThe project commissioning technical support teamProvide on-site technical support for up to 265 daysper yearActive return visitsConduct regular quality visits to ensure safety and quality

Three main advantages of EGING PV after-sales services:


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Supply Chain ManagementSustainable procurement management

Supplier social responsibility assessment

Avoid con?ict minerals

EGING PV implements the whole process management of suppliers, andhas developed a set of scientific and effective management methodsfrom supplier access, supplier evaluation and supplier appraisal tosupplier withdrawal. In addition, EGING PV has required suppliers to signthe "Supplier Code of Business Conduct", "Commitment for Non-use ofCon?ict Minerals", "Integrity Agreement" and other normative documents,enabling the Company to tighten the supervision in raw materialsprocurement.

The Company conducts social responsibility training for newly-introducedsuppliers, requires suppliers to make social responsibility commitments,promotes suppliers to truthfully perform their responsibilities in terms ofenvironment, labor, human rights, and business ethics, and continuouslyimproves the duty performance e?ciency. EGING PV gives priority to thesuppliers with better social responsibility performance. In 2023, EGING PVconducted a social responsibility assessment for quali?ed suppliers andsigned a social responsibility commitment with them, and the proportionof the suppliers passing the performance assessment reached 100%during the Reporting Period.

The Company has required its suppliers to sign a Statement of Commitment for Non-use of Con?ict Minerals, which includes:

The metals used or contained inall products or modules deliveredby the Company are not "conflictminerals" from the DemocraticRepublic of the Congo (DRC) andits neighboring countries and anyareas controlled by armed forces insuch countries;

The Company shall intensify the managementof suppliers, formulate relevant managementsystems and regulations to e?ectively identifyand trace the source of raw materials, ensurethe legitimacy of raw material sources andprevent the use of conflict minerals, andshall agree to accept the audit of the sourceof raw metals by stakeholders;

The Company shall truthfully fill inand reply to the questionnaire andprovide other information about"conflict minerals" as required,make a promise on the authenticity,accuracy and completeness of thereplies and the data provided, andagree that stakeholders can send thequestionnaire or related informationto customers or other institutions.


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Digital ConstructionFor EGING PV, digital and intelligent transformation is the only path to development. As early as in 2016, EGING PV attempted to launch the ERP systems in some of its modules. After 2021, EGING PV's annual performance growth continuedto double, and the Company has entered a stage of rapid development. In 2022, with a view to meeting the needs of e?cient management and operation in the context of the rapid growth, the Company's Information Department formallyproposed the integrated management strategy of MES+ERP, and strived to build the isolated system into an integrated platform and to raise the overall information and intelligent level to a new height.After one-year efforts, EGING PV completed the acceptance of theintelligent manufacturing integrated system project, and realized thedocking of the three workshops and the three sets of MES systems.In addition, through innovation, EGING PV has achieved double costaccounting, including each piece (module) cost accounting and per watt(power) cost accounting, which supports order cost, quotation cost andother multi-dimensional and multi-level analysis, control and warning.EGING PV's information technology has updated from ERP1.0 to ERP2.0.The project team arranged and standardized more than 20 businessprocesses in the implementation course: such as R & D work order control,OEM business buyback, quality inspection, and work order non-cross-month accounting, and the methodology-based modularization of originalbusiness with no o?ine process or unclear responsibilities through the ITproject at the implementation system, so as to achieve the precision andtransparency of business data, help EGING PV's information technologyconstruction to step into a new level.With the help of digital and intelligent system tools, EGING PV has bettercarried out the innovative concept in the technical reform of the workshopand the operational management of the Company, and has put in placethe cost reduction and e?ciency improvement. In the future, the Companywill continue to deepen and re?ne the digital and intelligent reform, layinga solid foundation for greater and further development and becoming anew benchmarking enterprise of digitalization and intelligence.

Large Data Screen of EGING PV


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Case: Won the title of Jiangsu Province intelligent manufacturing demonstration workshopIn December 2023, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology released the proposed list of 2023 Jiangsu Provinceintelligent manufacturing demonstration workshops, and the "5GW high-efficiency crystalline silicon cell workshop" of Changzhou EGING PVTechnology Co., LTD. was on the list.

EGING PV Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Workshop

EGING PV's "5GW high-e?ciency crystalline silicon cell workshop"has a total investment of about RMB 1.8 billion and covers an areaof 60,000 square meters, with the designed annual capacity of5GW high-efficiency crystalline silicon cells. The project adoptsMES+AGV intelligent management mode, which is an intelligentmanufacturing workshop to achieve digitalization and automaticoperation model. The workshop mainly produces high-e?ciencycrystalline silicon cells. In order to improve the productione?ciency of cells and reduce the production costs, the workshoptakes the lean layout, with intelligent collaboration as a goal, toopen up information islands such as ERP, MES, WMS, automatedproduction equipment and testing equipment. By establishingan information platform featuring uni?ed data, uni?ed platformand unified operation, it realizes the data connection in thewhole value chain of the enterprise, empowering photovoltaicproduction.


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The workshop's intelligent equipment achieves the networking rate of more than 90%, and the MES system isapplied to fully monitor the equipment with data acquisition capability and achieve real-time monitoring andonline management of equipment, comprehensively enhancing the use e?ciency of equipment.

The MES system establishes a unified coding system to ensure the uniqueness of the identification of eachproduction link, and can accurately trace the source and destination of any link in the production process.

The WMS system can help to realize the visual management of warehousing. The workshop uses AGV and otherautomation equipment and information technology to achieve the intelligent distribution and delivery ofproduction materials. The AGV scheduling system can plan routes and distribute materials in time based on MESmaterial needs. The use of information technology and bar code technology can help make the entire logisticsprocess e?cient, controllable and traceable.

The energy consumption data collected by MES in real time is saved and summarized to generate a statementfor display, which is convenient for relevant management personnel to make the trend analysis and comparativeanalysis of energy consumption indicators.

The workshop is based on the large-size PERC crystal silicon cell process, and hasgradually developed the advanced TOPCon technology. In addition, EGING PVhas also won some honors such as the "5G Factory of the Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology" and "Changzhou Intelligent Workshop". In the future,EGING PV will continue to expand the technological boundary and enhance theintelligent level of production so as to present higher-quality and more e?cient PVproducts to the world!

The production plan is made through the ERP system, and the corresponding production orders and monthlyproduction plan are sent to the MES system. The MES system reasonably allocates the production ordersaccording to the number of work orders and in consideration of the personnel, equipment capacity, the quantityof materials in stock, and others.

The monitoring device is installed to collect temperature and humidity data and then upload the data to theenvironmental monitoring system.

Intelligent workshop function display (part):

Comprehensiveapplication ofintelligent equipment

Accurate deliveryof productionmaterials

Real-time control ofproduction processProductioninformationtracking and tracingIntelligentcontrol of energyconsumptionIntelligent control ofsafety and environmentalprotection

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Creating Long-term Value

Corporate Compliance Operations

Corporate Governance System

Governance Structure

EGING PV has continuously improved the corporate governance structure, strengthened and implemented theinternal control system, standardizes operations, and further regulated behavior in accordance with the CompanyLaw, the Guidelines on the Governance for Listed Companies, the Basic Norms for the Internal Control of Enterprisesand other laws and regulations, as well as the latest requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commissionand the Shanghai Stock Exchange on corporate governance. The Company has strengthened communication withinvestors, fully safeguard the interests of investors and stakeholders, and keep improving corporate governance.

The Company has strictly regulated the convening, holding, and voting procedures of the general meeting of shareholders in accordancewith the Articles of Association and the Rules of Procedure for the General Meeting of Shareholders. The equal status of and full exercise ofrights by all shareholders, especially the small and medium-sized shareholders, have been guaranteed in accordance with law, without anycircumstances which are detrimental to the interests of small and medium-sized shareholders. During the Reporting Period, the generalmeetings held by the Company were legal and e?ective.

The Company elected and appointed directors in strict accordance with the Company Law, the Articles of Association and other regulations, andthe selection and appointment procedures were open, fair, and just. The Company's Board of Directors consists of 9 directors, with a reasonableprofessional structure and rich experience in the industry. All the directors have maintained an attitude of objectivity and rigor, diligence,seriousness and responsibility, and continuous learning in performing their duties, and put forward their own suggestions in a prudent andreasonable manner to ensure the e?cient development of the Company. The Board of Directors has set up the Strategic Development and ESG,Audit, Nomination, Remuneration and Evaluation Committees, each of which has abode by the relevant rules of procedure and performed itsduties conscientiously, playing an important role in regulating and assisting the Board of Directors in the decision-making process.

The Company elected supervisors in strict accordance with the Company Law, the Articles of Association, and other relevant regulations. TheCompany's Board of Supervisors consists of three supervisors, and the number of members and composition of the Board of Supervisors followlaws and regulations. During the Reporting Period, the members of the Company's Board of Supervisors have diligently performed their duties,carried out compliance supervision over the Company's major issues, ?nancial position, and performance of duties by directors and seniormanagement, etc., and exercised other authorities stipulated in the Articles of Association and Rules of Procedure for the Board of Supervisorsof the Company, so as to e?ectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Company and shareholders and to enhance governanceand standardized operation.During the Reporting Period, the Company held a total of 6 general meetings of shareholders, reviewed and approved 17 resolutions; the mattersto be deliberated included providing guarantees for the controlling subsidiary companies, amending the Company's articles of association,etc. It held a total of 13 board meetings, reviewed and approved 56 resolutions, and the matters to be deliberated included issuing stocks,equity incentive plans, periodic reports, etc. to speci?c objects; in addition, it held 12 supervisory board meetings, reviewed and approved 30resolutions, and the matters to be deliberated included appointing senior managers, revising some of the Company's governance systems, andconducting foreign exchange derivatives transactions, etc.

General Meeting of Shareholders

Board of Directors

Strategy Development and ESG



Remuneration andEvaluation Committee


Board of Supervisors

General Meeting of Shareholders

Board of Directors

Board of Supervisors


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Creating Long-term Value

Construction of Board of Directors

Investor relations

Compliance information disclosure

Protection of shareholders' rights andinterestsThe Company gives full consideration to the age, gender, professional background,industry experience and other factors of board members to ensure the optimizationand diversity of the composition of the board of directors. As of December 31, 2023,the Company has a total of 9 directors, including 3 independent directors and 6 non-independent directors. Among the board members, there are 2 female directorsand 7 male directors. According to the age distribution, there are 2 directors aged30-50 years, 6 directors aged 50-60 years, 1 director aged above 60 years; accordingto the distribution of education background, there are 3 directors with bachelor'sdegrees, 5 directors with master's degrees, and 1 director with a doctoral degree.The incumbent board members have professional abilities in industry, ?nance, law,management, etc., and have rich industry experiences.

The Company has a total of

Independent directorsFemale directorsNon-independent directorMale directors


The Company has formulated the Regulations on Investor Relations Management tostandardize the relations management of investors (including potential investors),strengthen information communication between the Company and investors, ande?ectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of investors, especially publicinvestors.The Company has emphasized communication with investors and stakeholders,and fully protected the legitimate rights and interests of investors and stakeholders.During the Reporting Period, the Company has proactively interacted with investors,explained its own operation and future plans to investors, respected investors' ideasand suggestions, and maintained a good relationship with investors. The Companyhas attached great attention to the harmonious development with the investors, andhas e?ectively ful?lled its social responsibilities and obligations.

The Company has formulated internal system documents such as theInformation Disclosure Management Policy, Responsibility System forMajor Errors in Annual Report Information Disclosure, Regulations onAdministration of Information Disclosure Suspension and ExemptionBusiness, to define the responsibilities of information disclosureobligors and standardize information disclosure procedures andcontent. In accordance with the requirements of relevant laws andregulations, the Company ensures that the disclosed informationis true, accurate, complete, concise, clear, and easy to understand,without false records, misleading statements or major omissions.

In accordance with the Measures for the Administration of IndependentDirectors of Listed Companies, the Company has revised the Rules ofWork of Independent Directors and Annual Report Working Systemof Independent Directors, and on the basis of continuing to use thematters on which independent directors express independent opinions,standardized that independent directors "express independent opinionson issues that may damage the rights and interests of listed companiesor small and medium-sized shareholders, and supplemented a specialcommittee of the board of directors to issue verification opinions on"situations that may harm the interests of small and medium-sizedinvestors".

3 directors

6 directors

2 directors

7 directors9 directors9 directors

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Creating Long-term Value

Internal Control Construction

EGING PV has established a relatively sound internal control systemand internal control system in accordance with the requirements ofrelevant laws and regulations such as the Company Law, Securities Law,Guidelines for Internal Control of Listed Companies, and EnterpriseInternal Control Standards. In the process of establishing, improvingand implementing the internal control system, the Company mainlyconsiders the internal environment, risk assessment, control activities,information and communication and internal supervision.

It includes the overall plan for internalcontrol construction, the speci?c plan andimplementation status of establishing andimproving the internal control system, theestablishment and implementation of theinternal control, audit and supervisiondepartment, etc.

The Company has established acomprehensive risk managementleadership group and working group toidentify, analyze and evaluate the risks itfaces based on changes in the Company'sinternal and external environments, andevaluate the overall major risks.

Activity control includes include incompatiblejob separation control, authorization approvalcontrol, accounting system control, propertyprotection control, budget control, operationalanalysis control, performance evaluation control,major risk early warning and emergency responsemechanisms, etc.

It includes external information disclosureand internal information disclosure, etc.The Company has formulated the EGINGPV Information Disclosure ManagementSystem, and the information disclosurematters are under the unified leadershipand management of the board of directors.

The Company's management conductsregular evaluation on the effectivenessof internal controls; the Company's auditcommittee performs annual assessmentsof the audit effectiveness and results, anddiscusses them with the audit committeeand the audit department.

Environment controlRisk assessment

Activity controlInformation and communicationInternal supervision

Adherence toPeople-oriented


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Creating Long-term Value

Internal Audit

Internal control audit is another important business scope of internal audit, whichmainly includes the Company's risk assessment, process audit, compliance audit,etc. The main contents are as follows:

Organize the revision of the internal control manualaccording to the requirements of internal audit work.

Complete the improvement of relevant matters,recti?cation responses, and audit and inspection of annualmajor matters according to the requirements of internalcontrol inspection.

Organize to implement and complete special audit works including procurementbusiness management, annual operation management of Zhixi Power Station, ?xedassets management, logistics and warehousing management, financial revenueand expenditure management, infrastructure project management, asset disposalmanagement according to the annual internal audit work plan, communicate withthe relevant departments and personnel regarding the problems and hidden risksdiscovered during the audit in a timely manner, and supplement and improve therelevant business processes and information in accordance with internal controlrequirements.

Actively participate in the audit, supervision and management of the Company'sdaily business matters, and participate in the bid opening and price negotiationfor projects such as the renovation of sewage facilities in the factory area, variousenvironmental protection and greening in the factory area, disposal of wastematerials, and ?shing in the ?sh pond organized by the Safety and EnvironmentalProtection Department, Procurement and Supply Department, etc.

Conduct audits on some unexpected risk matters that arise in the Company's dailyproduction and operations. For example, in 2023, we participated in and completedinspections and investigations on the management of spare parts provided free ofcharge to the workshops.

It mainly includes internal control audit, special audit, daily audit supervision andother audits, etc.Internal control audit

Special audit

Daily audit supervision

Other audits

Organize, implement and complete the self-evaluationof annual internal control in accordance with thework requirements of the China Securities RegulatoryCommission and the Shanghai Stock Exchange for listedcompanies;

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Creating Long-term Value

Business EthicsCompetition and fair dealing

Con?ict of interests

Anti-corruption and upholding integrityAnti-fraud

Reporting channels and whistleblower protection

The Company is committed to competing fairly and honestly, advocating winningcompetitive advantages with excellent quality and services, and abandoningunethical and illegal business practices. No one may gain an unfair competitiveadvantage through manipulation, concealment, abuse of information, distortion offacts, or any other illegal business practices.The Company requires all employees to treat customers, suppliers, competitors andother employees with respect and fairness.

All employees must act in the best interest of the Company as a whole, andtheir behaviors must reflect the Company's commitment to integrity, ethics,and professionalism to its customers, suppliers, shareholders, and the public.Accordingly, all employees must ensure that any financial, commercial, or otherbehavior in which they are involved after work does not con?ict with the interests ofthe Company.All employees shall report any conduct that may cause a con?ict with the Company'sinterests.

The Company actively carries out anti-corruption work and has formulated relevantregulations such as Company Integrity Initiative, Employee Integrity Handbook, andEmployee Integrity Guarantee Commitment, to implement the responsible entities.All employees should abide by national laws and regulations and the Company'srules and regulations, work with integrity, keep honesty and trustworthiness, abideby professional ethics and work disciplines, serve the Company wholeheartedly, ande?ectively safeguard the Company's legitimate rights and interests.

The Company's Internal Audit Department is a standing organization for anti-fraudwork and is responsible for the Company's anti-fraud work, including assisting themanagement, departments and subsidiaries in self-assessment and independentassessment of anti-fraud work, reviewing and evaluating the establishment andimplementation of the anti-fraud control mechanisms of the Company and itssubsidiaries, accepting and registering fraud reports, organizing the investigation offraud cases, issuing handling opinions, and reporting to the management, board ofdirectors and board of supervisors, etc.

The Company has established an anti-fraud and reporting system and set up the reporting hotline, email and address to ensure that reporting and complaintsbecome an important approach for enterprises to e?ectively grasp information.


Internal Control and Audit Department, 8/F,Administration Building, No. 18, Jinwu Road,Yaotang Town, Jintan District, Changzhou

Reporting channelReporting hotline Reporting emailReporting address


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Information Security

Construction of information securityorganization system

Information security and dailymaintenance of network equipmentThe leadership responsibility system is implemented for the confidentiality management of information data security and media. The leaders in charge of information areresponsible for the con?dentiality management of their respective information data security and media, and designate their respective information management departmentsand personnel to undertake the work. The Company's information management department is responsible for information data security and media con?dentiality and providescorresponding technical supports. The information management departments of the headquarters and each subsidiary are responsible for their respective information datasecurity and media con?dentiality and provide corresponding technical supports. The information systems planned and constructed by the headquarters and each subsidiarymust simultaneously plan and implement corresponding con?dentiality measures and submit them to the headquarters' information management department for approval.

Network management staffs shall check the working status of network andinformation security equipment such as routers, main switches, and firewallsthrough the network management software to ensure that the network equipmentis operating normally and find problems in a timely manner to avoid abnormalinterruptions in network services. When network management staffs discoverabnormalities, they analyze the causes and handle them immediately. The handlingprocess is recorded in the Network Equipment Daily Checklist.

Information system securitymanagementThe Company's information system securitymanagement mainly includes:

Application securityOperating safety

The security management of each business department in the use of businesssystems mainly involves system authority management, data management,personnel management, etc. According to the principle of separation of business andtechnology, the application safety management systems are mainly formulated andimplemented based on the relevant business departments, and the administrativeand human resources departments provide assistance and guidance.

The operating safety mainly involves the computer hardware systems, operatingsystems, database systems, network systems, computer room environment, etc.

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Creating Long-term Value

Environmental protection action

Environmental testing andassessment

The Company highly recognizes that Chinese path to modernization is amodernization in which man and nature coexist harmoniously. Respecting nature,complying with nature, and protecting nature are the inherent requirements forbuilding a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and also the value pursuitof EGING PV to insist on providing customers with environmentally friendly productsand services. For many years, the Company has been practicing the concept of "lucidwaters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and has e?ectively protected theenvironment by signing Green Maintenance Contract with suppliers, greening thefactory area, posting environmental protection propaganda signs, and providingenergy-saving and emission-reduction training, to seek common development withpartners in terms of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

The Company has carried out environmental protection monitoring and assessmenton soil environment, water environment, three wastes (waste gas, waste water andwaste residues), raw material Reach, product packaging materials, product life cycle,etc. in the important links such as procurement and production, and signed a Letterof Guarantee for Non-use and Banning of Hazardous Substances with suppliers, tostrengthen the environmental protection in a chain manner from the upstream anddownstream.


Construction of environmentalmanagement systemIn accordance with the requirements of the EnvironmentalProtection Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law ofthe People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Controlof Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes, and other nationallaws, regulations and relevant documents, the Companyhas established an ISO14001 environmental managementsystem, adopted an environmental policy of "full participation,enhanced environmental awareness; compliance with the law,prevention of environmental pollution; safe production, energyconservation and waste reduction; continuous improvement,and strengthening of environmental management", set up theEnvironmental Prevention and Control Responsibility System andthe Environmental Prevention and Control Management System,and clearly de?ned the responsibilities of each department andpost for environmental protection and control; and built anenvironmental prevention and control leading group with theGeneral Manager as the leader, the head of the Department ofSafety and Environmental Protection as the deputy leader, andother department heads as members.

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Creating Long-term Value

Responding to Climate Change

Renewable energy utilization

EGING PV has always followed the concept of low carbon, environmental protectionand green ?rst. The Company's business activities should adhere to the criteria of"reducing the environmental load on the earth and improving the environmentalcarrying capacity of the earth", follow the national and international laws andregulations on environmental protection and green and low-carbon development,refuse to use products that do not meet global social responsibilities, and reduce theuse of products with high environmental loads.

In September 2023, EGING PV participated in the green electricity markettransactions, and signed a purchase contract on 1,200,000-kWh green electricityduring the Reporting Period, marking that EGING PV is joining the road todecarbonization by purchasing o?set credits, green electricity and other renewableenergy and making positive contributions to China's dual carbon goals.

Green Electricity Certificate (referred to as"Green Certi?cate") is an electronic certi?catewith a unique code identification issued toelectricity generation enterprises for eachmegawatt hour of non-water renewableenergy grid-connected electricity. As the solecerti?cate of green environmental rights andinterests, it records the onshore wind farmor photovoltaic centralized power stationfrom which the specific 1,000 kWh of grid-connected electricity is.

Interpretation: What's "greenelectricity" ?

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Creating Long-term Value

Green Park

Zero carbon factoryIn 2023, EGING PV Chuzhou production base was o?cially put into operation. The project covered a total land area of 1,000 mu and a total construction area of250,000 square meters. The related supporting facilities such as 10-GW battery workshop, raw material warehouse, spare parts warehouse, comprehensive powerstation were built.

In December 2023, Changzhou EGING PV

Technology Co., Ltd. was awarded the first

"Zero Carbon Factory" Certi?cate issued by the

China Quality Certification Center (hereinafter

referred to as "CQC"). In this appraisal, EGING

PV complied with the relevant requirements

of Specification for Evaluation of Zero Carbon

Factory (T/CECA-G 0171 -2022), achieved 80%

o?set of greenhouse gases, and it was appraised

as "Type I four-star zero carbon factory".

Awarded the ?rst "ZeroCarbon Factory" Certi?cate inthe photovoltaic industry

A distributed photovoltaic power generation project is implemented for the building roof, with an installed capacity of approximately 15 MW. After completion,the annual power output of the ?rst year is 19.125 million kWh, and the average power output in 25 years is 17.212 million kWh. In addition to reducing energyconsumption for self-use, the project can achieve saving of 6,883 tons of standard coals, reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by 17,160 tons and sulfur dioxideemissions by 165 tons every year. The project's energy conservation and emission reduction e?ects are remarkable, assisting the Company in further achieving itsgreen and low-carbon development goals.

Interpretation: What's a "zerocarbon factory"?The greenhouse gas emissions generated during production andservice within a certain period of time (usually on an annual basis)is calculated by the carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 e) within theboundaries of greenhouse gas emission accounting. On the basis ofvoluntary emission reduction as much as possible, the remainingemissions are removed by emission reduction projects outside theaccounting boundary, and/or offset by a corresponding number ofcarbon credits.

Total land area ofTotal construction

area of

Construction of related supporting facilities such as 10-GW battery workshop, rawmaterial warehouse, spare parts warehouse, comprehensive power stationmum


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Creating Long-term Value

At the 2023 Carbon Neutrality and Green Development Conference, EGING PVwas awarded the "Zero Carbon Factory" Certi?cate. In addition to "Zero CarbonFactory" certi?cate awarded this time, the Company is among the ?rst batch ofnational-level "green factory" enterprises, and has been awarded "GreenhouseGas Verification" Certificate, "Product Green Level Green Leading Three-Star"Certi?cate, "Green Building Material" Certi?cate and "Product Carbon Footprint"Certi?cate issued by CQC; in addition, it has established a complete and e?ectiveenergy management plan. In the future, EGING PV will continue to focus on newtechnology, new energy, and new ecology to create a new low-carbon and greenbusiness type of the PV industry, assist in actively promoting the carbon peakand carbon neutrality, accelerate the creation of a green and low-carbon supplychain, and realize the high-quality, green and low-carbon development of theindustry.

Case: 2023 Carbon Neutrality and Green Development ConferenceProduct carbon footprint

In July 2023, T?V Rheinland Greater China, an international independentthird-party testing, inspection and certification agency, issued productcarbon footprint certi?cates for six crystalline silicon photovoltaic moduleproducts of EGING PV. The T?V Rheinland project team is composed ofexperts in multiple ?elds such as energy management, life cycle analysis,material application, and supply chain management, and the team hasperformed carbon footprint inspection on the EGING PV's crystallinesilicon photovoltaic modules in combination with the domestic andinternational supply chain trends for various stages of the product lifecycle- "from cradle to gate".

"Product carbon footprint"inspection certi?cate

Product carbon footprint refers to the total carbon emissions ofa product or service throughout its life cycle. In each stage of theproduct life cycle, the use of a large amount of energy and thegeneration of pollutants and the emission of greenhouse gases areinvolved. Therefore, the Company should not only focus on the mostdirect and obvious energy consumption and emission links, butalso examine the impact on the environment at each stage from aperspective of product full life cycle, and seize the opportunities forlow-carbon emission reduction in product design, production andsupply, etc.

Product Impact and Life CycleScrapped PV panels generated at the end of the life of photovoltaic productscontain heavy metals such as lead and tin. If they are not disposed of properly,serious environmental pollution problems may be produced. Other materials suchas copper, silver, silicon can be reused in the production of photovoltaic products,thereby saving rare resources and promoting the economic value circulation. TheCompany has signed an agreement with the European PV Cycle Agency. Photovoltaicmodules at the end of the product life will be professionally handled by hundredsof branches in Europe to provide customers with comprehensive collection andrecycling services. The agreement covers countries including Italy, France, Germany,and the United Kingdom, Poland and Spain, etc. In the future, the Company willcontinue to expand the service scope to achieve resource recycling development.

Interpretation: What is "productcarbon footprint"?

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Creating Long-term Value

Energy ManagementEnergy management policyConstruction of energy management system

Energy management actions

Law-abiding and innovation, energy saving and consumptionreduction, clean production, continuous improvement

Consciously abide by energy-saving laws, regulations and standardrequirements, scienti?cally manage the work of various departmentsby implementing the energy management system within the Companyand strictly following the requirements of the energy managementsystem procedural documents; continuously adopt new processes,new technologies, and new equipment to improve or replace high-energy-consuming process equipment, continually improve energymanagement, achieve energy conservation and consumptionreduction, comprehensive utilization of resources, reduce costs,increase bene?ts, and jointly create green and low-carbon EGING PV.

In order to establish and continuously improve the Company's energy management system, reduce energy consumption, improve energy utilization e?ciency, and achieve high-e?ciency and low-consumption production, EGING PV has compiled the Energy Management Manual as a programmatic document for the Company's energy management inaccordance with ISO50001:2018 Energy Management System - Requirements and Usage Guideline and in combination with the Company's actual situations.The Manual describes the Company's requirements for the energy management system and is applicable to energy management activities involving production, products and unitmanagement-related processes. It sets forth the Company's energy policy and goals, and is a regulatory document for the Company to fully implement the energy managementsystem requirements, a code of conduct that must be followed for implementing the energy management, and an important document for the internal audit and third-party auditof the energy management system.

The Company has formulated complete energy management work procedures and carried out energy management system certi?cation, zero-carbon factory planning, energyreview, etc., and has taken the means such as rooftop photovoltaic projects and green electricity green certi?cate procurement, to actively promote the new technologies, newprocesses and new materials, constantly optimize the energy consumption structure, reduce energy consumption levels, and improve energy utilization e?ciency and economicbene?ts.


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Water Resources ManagementIn recent years, EGING PV has actively implemented various regulations on water resourcesmanagement issued by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Water Resources, and listed thewater conservation as a key issue with the vigorous promotion and guidance and supportat the provincial, municipal and district levels; in addition, it strengthens the management,takes water-saving measures and implements water-saving transformation to reduce theconsumption of water resources.

EGING PV invested RMB 2.8 million to expand the sewage station, and simultaneouslybuilt a reclaimed water system project. The treated reclaimed water was reused untilthere are calcium carbonate bubbles inside the sewage station, saving the usageamount of new water.

EGING PV built a recycling water tank to recycle the concentrated water generated in the pure water production process, which would be used forground washing and greening irrigation in the factory area, saving the water resources. At the same time, the Company invested RMB 60,000 to builda rainwater collection tank with a volume of 100 cubic meters, and the collected rainwater would be used for greening irrigation.

Concentrated water collection tankMobile water truck for greening and sprinkler irrigation

Case: Sewage station project

Case: Concentrated water recycling project

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Interpretation: What is a water-saving carrier?

In terms of daily management, EGING PV has formulated a number of managementrules and regulations on energy and water conservation, which clearly stipulate themanagement, maintenance and inspection of water supply facilities, equipment andinstruments. In addition, it has carried out the water-saving publicity and mobilizationand training meetings for many times to publicize water-saving knowledge andwater-saving tips to employees, conducted water-saving questionnaires to know theemployees' awareness of water-saving, and continuously improved the e?ectivenessof water-saving work.

In September 2023, the Jiangsu Provincial Department of Water Resources announced the list of provincial water-saving carriers for 2022. Amongthem, there are 15 award-winning enterprises in Changzhou, including Changzhou EGING PV Technology Co., Ltd. awarded with the title of"Water-saving Enterprise in Jiangsu Province".

Water-saving carriers are composed of water-saving enterprises, water-saving units and water-saving residential areas, etc.The creation of water-saving carriers is an important part of building a water-saving society. The government encourages enterprises, units,residential communities and individuals to actively participate in the creation of water-saving carriers by issuing policies such as measures onadministration of water conservation, water conservation incentive measures.The construction of water-saving carriers is carried out vigorously by taking government agencies, enterprises, communities, schools, etc. as basicunits, which is of great signi?cance for implementing the water-saving priority policy and promoting green development and is an important part forimplementing the national water-saving actions.

This award of "Water Saving Enterprise in Jiangsu Province" is a new starting point for EGING PV in energy and water conservation. EGING PV will take this opportunityto continue to uphold the concept of "saving water and scienti?c use of water" and continuously optimize the management of water conservation work; it will continueto search for the potential for water saving, formulate feasible water-saving measures and plans, ?rmly follow the path of green and low-carbon development, andachieve a win-win situation for corporate economic e?ciency and social bene?ts.

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Waste Discharge Management

The main pollutants in the waste gases emitted from the Company include low-concentration particulate matter, tin, non-methane total hydrocarbons, volatileorganic compounds, ammonia, hydrogen chloride, chlorine, ?uoride, and alkali mist.The main contaminants in the waste water include pH, chemical oxygen demand,suspended solids, ammonia nitrogen, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, ?uoride, andanionic surfactant. In May and November 2023, Zhongke ASM (Jiangsu) Inspectionand Testing Co., Ltd. was entrusted to detect the exhaust gas, waste water, and noise,and the test data were all in compliance with emission and discharge standards. Inaddition, VOCS online detection equipment is provided to detect the Company'swaste gas, and the east and west plant areas are equipped with the facilitiesfor online detection of flow, ammonia nitrogen and COD at the sewage outlet,all of which are connected to the monitoring platform of the Jiangsu ProvincialDepartment of Ecology and Environment. The total annual emissions in 2023 include

2.5 tons of VOCS, 13.5 tons of ammonia nitrogen, and 31.37 tons of COD.

All general industrial solid wastes have been comprehensively utilized, andhazardous wastes have been disposed by an entrusted quali?ed organization. Thetransfer and disposal of general industrial solid wastes (sludge) and hazardouswastes were operated under the "one ?le for one enterprise" management system forpollution sources in Jiangsu Province. Among them, general industrial solid wastes(sludge) were disposed by the entrusted companies including Changzhou RantonEnvironmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Yangzhou Chenxuan EnvironmentalProtection Co., Ltd., and Zhenjiang Yongsheng Environmental Protection TechnologyCo., Ltd.; the garbage removal contracting (construction wastes, scrap materials) wascompleted by the entrusted company- Changzhou Bisha Environmental ProtectionTechnology Co., Ltd., and the domestic waste was disposed by the entrustedcompany- Changzhou Jintan Jinxing Sanitation Service Co., Ltd. Hazardous wasteshave been entrusted to quali?ed organizations for disposal.

For waste acids and waste alkali, a hazardous waste transfer contract has beensigned with Xuyi Green Technology Co., Ltd.; for waste mineral oil, a hazardouswaste transfer contract has been signed with Changzhou Jintan JindongEnvironmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd. and Changzhou Finas EnergyTechnology Co., Ltd.; for waste drums, a hazardous waste transfer contracthas been signed with Jiangsu Kangspel Renewable Resources Co., Ltd. andChangzhou Puda Environmental Protection Cleaning Co., Ltd.; for the waste?ux, waste drums, waste tin foil, waste activated carbon ?ber ?lter cartridges,waste resin, waste rags, and operation waste liquid from online monitoringequipment, etc., a hazardous waste transfer contract has been signed withYangzhou Shoutuo Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. All of these companieshave the quali?cations for disposal of hazardous wastes.

tons tons tonsVOCSAmmonia nitrogenCOD


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Safety ProductionManagementConstruction of safety productionorganization system

Improved safety production system

Safety production responsibility systemIn order to improve the Company's production safety management level andenhance its ability to prevent and respond to accidents, EGING PV has set up aproduction safety committee as the Company's leading organization for productionsafety in accordance with the requirements of production safety regulations. TheSafety and Environmental Protection Department is the Company's production safetymanagement organization and is responsible for the Company's daily productionsafety management. The Human Resources Department is the Company'soccupational health management agency and is responsible for the managementof the Company's daily occupational health management. The general manager(president) is the ?rst responsible person of the Company's production safety andoccupational health work.

In accordance with the changes to the laws and regulations such as Work SafetyLaw of the People's Republic of China, Safety Regulations of Jiangsu Province,Administrative Measures for the Withdrawal and Use of Enterprise Safety ProductionExpenses (C. Z. No. 136 (2022)), and Standards for the Determination of MajorAccident Hazards for Industrial and Trade Enterprises (No. 10, Order of the Ministryof Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China), the Company revisedthe Compilation of Rules and Regulations on Safety Production, with a total of 45administrative regulations.

In 2023, the Company revised the safety production responsibility system for all

employees, involving 38 departments and 53 positions in various departments

and subordinate departments of the Company. The Company's president signed

the pledge for safety production responsibility with the heads of each center

and department, and required them to paste the handwritten pledge for safety

production responsibility in their workplaces to remind themselves of their safety

production responsibilities at all times.

Departments and subordinatedepartments of the Company



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Safety production training foremployees

Series of activities for safety productionmanagementAccording to the 2023 Safety Production Education and Training Plan,the Company organized 7 sessions of annual safety education andtraining for safety production management personnel, company-level emergency rescue team members, and all workshop staff, andcompleted the 2023 annual safety training and education assessmentfor all employees in December 2023. In 2023, the Company organized174 sessions of third-level safety education for newly recruitedemployees and 78 sessions of safety education and training for externalconstruction parties entering the factory.

November 9, 2023 is the 32nd National Fire Protection Day. EGING PV successfully held the launch meeting of the 2023 EGING PV "Fire Protection Awareness Month Activities" withthe theme of "Prevention First, Life First", to cultivate the ?re safety culture and create a ?re protection propaganda atmosphere.

In order to create a ?re safety cultural atmosphere, the Safety and Environmental Protection Department led to formulate various promotional posters, banners, display boards,etc. for the ?re safety month activities, posted the ?re safety posters and other publicity signs to jointly create a new atmosphere for EGING PV' ?re safety culture. At the same time,various activities have been held, such as ?re knowledge quizzes, ?re evacuation drills and operation demonstrations of ?re equipment, and ?re emergency competitions.

Sessions of third-levelsafety education for newlyrecruited employees

Sessions of safetyeducation and trainingfor external constructionparties entering thefactory17478

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Safety trainingFire?ghting skills competitionFor enterprises, rules and regulations for safety production are very importantand absolutely "red lines". Therefore, EGING PV specially invited Mr. Lu Yuhao,a safety production expert from Chuzhou City, to explain the Work Safety Lawpublicly.

In order to further improve the emergency response skills of all employees and implement the fire protection work policy of "prevention first, combining prevention and?re?ghting", EGING PV held the ?rst ?re protection skills competition in November 2023. During the competition, all participants competed in skills and physical ?tness, checkedtheir disadvantages and made up for their shortcomings, exhibiting a beautiful scene in the competition. The team of female employees sent by the Quality Department performedwell and received warm applause for their spirit of not being inferior to men. Through the competition activities, the Company further improved the ?re protection professionalskills and practical levels.

Through the ?re protection month activities, EGING PV continues to improvethe Company's ?re safety management system, improve the comprehensivequality of the emergency management and rescue team, strengthen the ?resafety awareness of all employees, and ensure that employees can use fireextinguishers and other facilities, master the fire extinguishing, self-rescue,mutual rescue, and escape skills, laying a solid foundation for the Company'ssafe production.

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Double Prevention MechanismRisk classification control, investigation and managementof hidden dangersAccording to the Regulations on Safety Production Risk Reporting for IndustrialEnterprises in Jiangsu Province (Provincial Government Order No. 140), the Companyorganized safety risk identification and evaluation work in 2023, and establisheda risk management and control list (65 items), including 33 major safety risks, 27general safety risks and 5 minor safety risks. The management and control measuresare formulated from such aspects as engineering technology, on-site management,education and training, personal protection, emergency response, etc., and theresponsible departments and responsible persons have been clarified. A total of33 major safety risks have been reported through Government Affairs Platform ofJiangsu Province.The Company has completed a special assessment report on major hazard sourcesof hazardous chemicals (special gas room 1, solar cell workshop), and has completedthe filing work with Jintan District Emergency Management Bureau. The relevantdata for safety monitoring of major hazard sources (20 combustible gas detectors,and 25 video surveillance locations) have been connected to Safety Production RiskMonitoring Platform of Changzhou Industrial and Mining Enterprises.

Limited space management of the Company's sewage station. In 2023, the Companyimplemented the construction of a limited-space "locked cabinet" demonstrationsite, and was awarded the title of "Model Enterprise" from Changzhou Jintan DistrictEmergency Management Bureau.According to the 2023 Work Plan for Accident Hazard Investigation and Management,the Company organized the main persons in charge to participate in a comprehensiveinspection of production safety every quarter, to study, analyze and solve existingproblems in production safety; organized them to participate in a comprehensiveinspection of production safety every month, and actively proposed suggestions toimprove the safety production management. In accordance with the Standards forDetermining Major Accident Hazards in Industrial and Trade Enterprises (Order ofthe Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China (No. 10))and referring to Articles 3, 7, 13, and 14, the inspection was conducted to determineno major accident hazards. The Department of Safety and Environmental Protectionsupervised the implementation of safety production recti?cation measures in variousdepartments, and as of December, a total of 214 potential accident hazards havebeen investigated and handled.

Risk management andcontrol list

Major safety risksGeneral safety


Minor safetyrisks

Major safety risks reportedthrough Government A?airsPlatform of Jiangsu Provinceitemsitemsitemsitemsitems653327533

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Occupational HealthProtectionConstruction of occupationalhealth management system

Management of occupational hazard factorsLabor protection management

The Company has passed the ISO 45001 occupational health andsafety management system certification in 2010, established an"occupational health leadership group" led by the president. Ithas clarified that the Company's Human Resources Departmentand Safety and Environmental Protection Department are theCompany's occupational health management agencies, andtheir job responsibilities are defined. An occupational healthmanagement system and operating procedures have beenestablished, and relevant occupational health managementmeasures have been implemented through annual occupationaldisease prevention and control plans and implementation plan.Meanwhile, the Company's occupational health ?les and workers'health monitoring ?les are established and improved gradually.

Every year, the Company entrusts qualified occupational health technical serviceagencies to conduct regular testing of occupational disease hazard factors in theworkplace, and the test data are all qualified; alarm devices were provided in thetoxic and harmful workplaces where acute occupational injuries may occur, andon-site ?rst aid supplies, ?ushing equipment, emergency evacuation channels andnecessary hazard relief areas were equipped and established. In December 2023,regular testing of occupational disease hazard factors in occupational disease hazardpositions was organized and completed. This round of testing included 13 dustpositions, 78 chemical factor positions, 1 noise position, and 2 power frequencyelectric ?eld positions. The test results were all in compliance with the Occupationalexposure limits for hazardous agents in the workplace. For Component 2.5 GW and 2GW projects, the risk classi?cation level of the occupational disease hazard is serious.According to the Regulations on Administration of Occupational Health in Workplace,an evaluation of the current status of occupational disease hazards was carried outin December 2023. In December, on-the-job physical examinations for employeesexposed to occupational hazards were carried out by collaborating with the HumanResources Department. During the Reporting Period, no occupational diseaseincidents occurred within the Company.

The Company has built corresponding occupational disease protection facilitiesin workplaces where dust, noise, and chemical factors are present, to ensure thee?ectiveness of the facilities. The production workshops are equipped with a freshair system and air conditioning for temperature control to ensure that employees arein a safe and healthy working environment.Each production department is equipped with the personal protective equipmentaccording to the characteristics of the positions in the workshops, implementsthe planned procurements and distributes them to the employees according tothe requirements. Employees were supervised and guided to wear and use laborprotective equipment correctly. The items such as protective clothing, protectivegloves, and gas masks installed at designated locations should be checked on amonthly basis to ensure that they are in a normal state.In summer, outdoor patrol personnel who may be exposed to high temperatureswould be paid RMB 300 per month according to the relevant regulations, andsummer cooling products such as Huoxiang Zhengqi water, cooling oil, Rendan mini-pills, and mosquito repellent would be distributed.

Occupational health surveillanceThe Company organizes employees who are exposed to occupational diseasehazardous agents to conduct occupational health examinations before, during andafter work. The results of the examination are noti?ed to the employees and signedby the employees for con?rmation. Re-examination will be arranged for workers whoneed re-examination; workers with occupational contraindications will be transferredfrom their original jobs. In December 2023, the Company carried out the 2023 annualon-the-job physical examinations for employees exposed to hazardous agents ofoccupational disease.Dust positionsChemical factor


Noise position13781

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Emergency ResponseEmergency management

Emergency drills

In order to strengthen the Company's management of major risks and emergencies,minimize costs, reduce losses, and maintain the Company's normal businessorder, EGING PV has established a sound early warning and emergency responsemechanism in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations and normativedocuments such as Company Law of the People's Republic of China, Securities Lawof the People's Republic of China, Basic Norms for the Internal Control of Enterprises,and Articles of Association of EGING PV Technology Co., Ltd.The Company handles the major risks and emergencies based on the principle of"prevention first, combining prevention with emergency response", implementsunified leadership, unified organization, classified management, hierarchicalresponsibility, rapid response, and coordinated response to achieve feasible andproactive response.

The Company organizes to set up an emergency rescue organization and establisha company-level emergency rescue team. Each business department establishesa departmental emergency rescue team; emergency equipment is equipped andemergency supplies are reserved. According to the drill plan, special emergencyrescue drills for fire and explosion accidents, special emergency rescue drills formajor sources of hazardous chemicals, special emergency rescue drills for limitedspaces, special emergency rescue drills for special equipment, and comprehensiveemergency drills were carried out in 2023.

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In order to further improve and strengthen the emergency rescue capabilities and level of comprehensive response tohazardous chemical leakage accidents, and e?ectively protect the life and property safety of the Company's employees, theCompany organized a chemical leakage emergency drill in September 2023.

Case: Emergency drill for hazardous chemicals leak

Each emergency drill team arrived at the designatedlocation to gather, and the Company's leaders publicizedand implemented the matters needing attention toimprove the safety and emergency awareness of theparticipants.

The sources of chemical leaks on the site were sealed anddealt with by well-dressed rescue team members.For the purposes of drills, when the hydrochloric acidstorage tank in the chemical supply room 106 was filledwith the tank truck on the site, the interface leaked andthere was a risk of spread. Based on the dangeroussituations, it was determined to be a chemical leakageaccident and a three-level emergency plan was initiated.The emergency evacuation team immediately organizedthe evacuation of personnel.

The emergency rescue team implemented emergencymeasures for employees who accidentally came intocontact with chemicals at the ?lling site. They ?ushed thecontact parts with clean water for 15 minutes (it has beenshortened appropriately during the drill). After flushingwith clean water, they simulated to use DIPHOTERINE forsecondary treatment.


Practical drills

Emergency response

After the rescue vehicle arrived at the scene, the injuredpersons were carried to the vehicle on stretchers by therescue team.

Rescue the wounded

On-site emergency treatment

According to the drill plan, the evacuated personnelgathered in the small plaza on the east side of the smallmonomer.

Evacuation assembly

This drill fully demonstrated that the Company'semergency supplies were sufficient, its emergencycapabilities were up to the standard, and emergencyprocedures were complete. In the later stage, the Companyshould focus on enhancing the risk prevention awarenessand self-rescue and mutual rescue capabilities of allemployees to ensure long-term safety in the production.

On-site drill summary

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Protection of Employee Rightsand InterestsLabor managementSafety, health and labor protectionThe Company prohibits the use of child labors and protects underage workers. Nodiscriminatory behavior is allowed against any employee and the legitimate rightsand interests of employees are protected. The Company controls the overtime work,reasonably arrange the work and rest time. It has developed an incentive salaryand remuneration system to ensure that employees receive reasonable wagesand benefits. From the time when an employee is recruited to the time when he/she leaves the Company, no one in any department may engage in any form ofdiscrimination against any employee. During the Reporting Period, the Companyhas updated and released the Measures on Attendance Management to strengthenthe management of working hours and ensure that working hours comply with legalrequirements.The Company expressly prohibits the use of prison labors and any other form offorced labors and will carry out business with any factory or supplier that usesforced labors (including prison labor, indentured labor, bonded labor or other formsof forced labor) or that violates child labor laws. The Company has signed laborcontracts with employees in accordance with labor laws and regulations, whichclearly clari?es the employment conditions, without any restrictive or unreasonableconditions when recruiting workers. During the Reporting Period, all regularemployees of the Company signed labor contracts, and the social insurance paymentrate for employees under labor contracts was 100% (except for re-employed retiredemployees who were not required to pay social insurance).

Environmental protection, health and safety are the Company's consistentdevelopment concepts. The Company continues to optimize and improve to minimizeenvironmental, health and safety risks in production and operations. The Company iscommitted to minimizing and, where feasible, eliminating the use of any substances ormaterials that may cause environmental damage, reducing the generation of wastesthrough some technical means, and adopting safe technical operating procedures tominimize the impact on the environment. All company's employees strive to conserveresources and reduce waste generation and emissions through recycling and otherenergy-saving measures. The All Company's employees have a major responsibility toprotect the environment, and employees are responsible for promptly reporting anyknown or suspected violations of environmental laws or any incidents that may resultin the release of harmful substances.The Company has comprehensively promoted the construction of safety managementsystem, actively carried out the safety production training and publicity work,created a good safety culture atmosphere, enhanced employees' safety productionawareness and capabilities, and comprehensively improved the Company's safetyculture construction. The Company is committed to providing a safe and healthyworking environment for every employee, trying to achieve zero work-related injuryaccidents, and achieving the goal of being the safest factory in the new energy industry.The Company requires employees to proactively raise existing safety issues and takerelevant measures to resolve potential safety hazards. Employees are required towork safely and prohibit the use of illegal drugs or other controlled substances inthe workplace. In addition, employees should proactively report unsafe equipmentand other hidden dangers to their supervisors and other superiors to create a safeproduction environment.

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Creating Long-term Value

Employee RemunerationPackageEGING PV has been dedicated to provide a suitable and safe workingenvironment and competitive welfare benefits for all employeesto make them feel safe and have reasonable remuneration, equalopportunities, and necessary support.The Company has designed a remuneration distribution frameworkbased on employee positions, abilities and performance, andmarket levels to offer employees competitive remunerations. Acomprehensive remuneration distribution system that includes asystem in which an employee's salary is primarily decided by hisposition, performance and grade, and a variety of remunerationdistribution system is implemented for all employees.

EGING PV has prepared its remuneration budget based on the Company'sdevelopment and industrial average salary, and allocated salary based on theCompany's budget, employees' contributions, abilities, attitudes and responsibilities.The Company has implemented a comprehensive remuneration system whichincludes a system in which an employee's salary is primarily decided by his position,performance and grade, and a variety of remuneration distribution system. Theemployees' monthly, quarterly and annual performance wages are determined bytheir job evaluation and performance appraisal results. At the same time, it sets uppositions according to the Company's needs and employs people in accordancewith the positions based on the job description and implements a salary systemconsisting of position salary and additional performance bonuses and allowances.

The Company has formulated a Performance Management Plan to clarify the details and requirements for employee performance management. The Company's employeeperformance management includes the determination and decomposition of performance indicators, planning of employee performance and its implementation, evaluation andaudit of employee performance, and the application of performance results, etc.The Company assigns its business objectives to every departments and employees. In order to re?ect the employees' performance and achievements at work, EGING PV hasestablished di?erent performance appraisal plans according to employees' ranks and categories. The appraisal is performance-oriented and will a?ect the employees' monthlyand annual performance salary and bonus.The Company pays attention to economic incentives as well as non-economic incentives. The Company not only offers its employees statutory benefits in accordance withnational and local governmental regulations, but also o?ers diversi?ed corporate bene?ts that are adaptable to the Company's development.

The Company has designed various moderately di?erentiated remuneration systembased on the di?erence in job responsibilities, technologies, skills, and contributions:

Annual salary system for the Company'smanagement;Position salary system dependent onindividual performanceCommission salary system for marketing personneldependent on their individual sales performance.

Remuneration System

Performance Incentives

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Creating Long-term Value

Human Resource Management

Recruitment and employmentEmployee equality and protection of female employeesEGING PV adheres to the principle of "being fair, just and open". The Company treatseach job seeker equally and selects the best quali?ed.The Company adopts different recruitment channels to build the Company'stalent pool. The active school-enterprise cooperation and campus recruitmentwith universities and vocational schools has enabled the Company to accumulateabundant talent resources in terms of talent quantity, knowledge level andprofessions type and has provides a solid foundation for the Company's healthydevelopment in the long term. The Company values its existing talents as well whileintroducing external talents into the Company. In case of any position vacancies, itis preferred to have internal personnel competes for the position ?rst. The Companythinks highly of the development of its employees.

EGING PV will not discriminate or treat its employees unfairly due to their age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, nationality, political a?liation, race, religion, sexualorientation, or whether they belong to any Labor Union, etc. The Company maintains that remuneration shall be equal between men and women, that there shall be equal payfor equal work, and that all employees of the same rank shall be treated equally in terms of bene?ts, food and accommodation, etc. At the same time, female job-seekers are notrequired to take a pregnancy test during their pre-employment physical examination (except when it is required by applicable laws and regulations or it is in prudent considerationof workplace safety). Job seekers will not be discriminated because of their results of the physical examination. Interviewers who are relatives to the job-seeker should notparticipate in the interview with the job-seeker according to the principle of avoidance. During the reported period, the Company has not had any discrimination incidents thatwere contrary to the above statements.The Company prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace or o?ce, including but not limited to any words, gestures or physical contact that relates to sexual coercion, threats,insults or exploitation. The Company has set up an opinion mailbox and will have the administrative department investigate into the complaint if there is any. If a complaint isveri?ed, the Company will make di?erent punishment depending on the scale of the problem. In minor cases, the discriminator or the harasser will be educated by the Company;while in serious cases, the discriminator or the harasser will be claimed for criminal liability in accordance with the law.




Male workersMale workers

Doctor DegreeManagementFinance1 people306 people995 people

39 people47 people909 people462 people405 people582 people650 people1,854 people157 people1,491 people31 people

Master DegreeSalesFinanceBachelor DegreeTechnologyEmployees aged

41- 50 yearsJunior collegeManufactureEmployees aged 51

years and aboveBelow junior collegeFinance

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Creating Long-term Value

Communication with Employees

All employees are eligible to join the Labor Union, and their willingness to join or not is fully respected by the Company. Employees can putforward issues that are closely related to their vital interests through the Labor Union.

The Company carries out special employee satisfaction surveys from the following eight aspects: job satisfaction, life satisfaction, teamwork,performance management, department management, corporate management, remuneration, and employee development. The Companyconducts statistical analysis of the results of the surveys, organizes special discussions, develops projects and measures for improvement, andrequires responsible units to implement the improvements.

In 2023, the Company held a total of

employee symposiums, with



Diversified platform for communication with employees: the Company has established smooth channels of communication with employees basedon the principle of "full participation" to listen to employees and adopt their opinions through Labor Unions, regular communication and interviews withemployees and employee satisfaction surveys, etc.

Labor Union

The Company conducts symposiums with employees periodically to collect their questions and feedback so as to meet their reasonable needs.

Communicationand Interviews with


Adherence toPeople-oriented

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Creating Long-term Value

BusinessTrainingComprehensiveQuality TrainingManagement SkillsTrainingCorporate CultureTraining

Employee Training and Career DevelopmentEmployee trainingThe Company advocates the culture of "everyone learning together". It endeavors to strengthen employees' professional and technical capabilities through training and learningto improve the Company's overall performance. It has established a Management Policy of Employee Training, according to which the Human Resources Department shall beresponsible for the organization of employees' training. The training courses are divided into general courses and professional courses according to their contents. The generalcourses aim at improving employees' comprehensive abilities and qualities while the professional courses lays emphasis on improving employees' special or professionalabilities. The courses range from middle and senior management, grassroots management, and front-line employees. Di?erent training courses and contents are applied fordi?erent groups of people to ensure that what the employees learned from the courses is appropriate, useful and practically applicable, to achieve the overall improvement ofteam e?ectiveness.In 2023, a total of 45 company training sessions were held with 1,131 participants. Each training session was photographed and uploaded on the Company's OA, together withthe descriptions of the training. Among the 1,131 participants, 982 people participated in the training satisfaction survey, according to which more than 98% are satis?ed with thetraining.

New Employees In-service Employees


Management Trainee from

Fresh Graduates

Employee advancement

Human ResourceDevelopment

EGING PV has been acting on the idea that the rank shall be determined bythe position, the salary shall be determined by the rank and the people shallbe competent at the position and has established a scientific, reasonable, anddynamically implemented remuneration management system. The Companyis equipped with a complete campus and social recruitment system, employeeappraisal and advancement mechanisms. Meanwhile, a salary strategy orientedtoward positions, personal abilities, and performance evaluations is made to ensurethat employees receive timely and effective feedback and incentives. During thereported period, 52 employees got career promotions.The Company has been open, fail and just in the management of employeeadvancement, and has established a scienti?c advancement management process toensure that outstanding talents will achieve growth in the Company.

In terms of human resource development, EGING PV considers talents as the drivingforce of the Company's development. The Company attaches great importance tothe introduction of talents and therefore has established good industry-university-research cooperation relationships with Shanghai Jiao Tong University, JiangsuUniversity, Changzhou University, and Hohai University. The advantages of theuniversity encourage the Company's innovation. Meanwhile, the Company paysattention to the development of its talents and has developed a fairly comprehensivetraining plan for new employees.


Training program

Training for new sta?s on boarding

Training in basic ability to perform job duties

Training in improvement of management capabilities ofthe current management

Training plan for management traineePre-job training for new sta?s

Training in enhancement of job skills

Training in advancement of reserve cadre

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Creating Long-term Value

Employee CareEGING PV makes every effort to make its employees feel happier from different perspective,including wearing, eating, housing, and transportation:

There are employee canteens in both east and west factories of EGING PV, covering a total area of more than 5,000 square meters, which can cater for more than 2,000people at the same time. The Company's canteens provide breakfast, lunch, dinner, midnight snacks and even food service during public holiday for sta?s.

The Company provides a total of more than 200 dormitories, each with its own private bathroom for its sta?s, which can provide accommodation for more than 1,000employees. There are laundry rooms and pantries in the dormitory's public areas, and the dormitories are surrounded by convenience supermarkets and snackbars. There are also cleaning sta?s who will clean the dormitory rooms and public areas regularly.

The Company is equipped with various models of vehicles such as commercial vehicles and Coasters to meet the needs of employees for their daily business tripsand business receptions. There are shared mopeds, tram charging piles, and su?cient parking area for cars and battery vehicles.

The Company provides spring and autumn suits, summer POLO shirts, and winter business jackets for its administrative sta?, and provides workwear to wearin summer, winter and spring as well as electrostatic dust-proof clothing for its production front-liner.The Company's administrative building has a gym and a party building activity room. There are pantries equipped with water purifiers, microwave and otherelectrical appliances as needed to make it most convenient for the employees' life.In addition, there are also bu?et areas, dining rooms, guest rooms, gyms andvarious complete facilities.

Sta? canteen

Sta? accommodation

Sta? suits

Other bene?ts

Sta? transportation

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Creating Long-term Value

Caring-for-the-employee ProgramEmployees are the driving source of corporate development, so caring for the employees is essential to the building of a harmonious enterprise. The caring-for-the-employees program is launched for the joint creation of a harmonious enterprise, to let the employees sharethe fruits of corporate development, express the Company's care for its employees, enhance the Company's cohesiveness, arouse the employees' passion for work, improve their happiness. The program mainly consists of ?ve aspects:

The Company providesemployee health checkupson a regular basis, and keepsemployee health archives. It hasa system for visiting hospitalizedemployees, and an annualleave system; it purchaseslife accident insurance foremployees exposed to personalaccidents; and it continues toimprove the working and livingconditions for the employees.

The Company ensures smoothemployee communicationchannels and holds birthdayparties for the employees.When an employee or his/her immediate dependentsget married or pass away,the department head will gothere to send congratulations/condolence. The Companyalso visits front-line employeessticking to their positions duringmajor holidays, or in scorchingsummers and freezing winters.

The Company has recreationand sports groups coveringbasketball, ping-pong,badminton, song and dance, andspeech, which systematicallycarry out various activitiesevery year. It organizes monthlyrecreation and sports activities,and all-employees competitionstwice every year, with theparticipation of front-lineemployees whenever possible. Itholds corporate culture-themedspeech contests or paper/casesolicitations once every year. Itcontinues to increase investmentin recreation and sports facilitiesto enrich the employees'spare time and facilitate theconstruction of harmoniousworkers' families. It organizesparent-child activities regularlyand invites employees' childrento visit the Company.

Political care; job training; theCompany intensi?es employeetraining and encouragesthe employees to improvethemselves; it carries outsocial activities with all sectorsof the society to broaden theemployees' social circle andvision.

The Company increasesemployee benefits; providesaid to employees in need; ando?ers lump-sum student grantsto employees' children who areadmitted to Project 211 and 985universities.

Caring for the employees'physical and mentalheath

Caring for the employees'spiritual demands

Caring for the employees'recreation and sports

Caring for the employees'


Caring for the employees'


AppendixStick to the BottomLine of SafetyProtecting GreenEcologyCorporate ComplianceOperationsInnovation-drivenDevelopmentSustainable DevelopmentManagementAbout EGING PVAbout the ReportMessage fromthe Chairman

Creating Long-term Value

In order to effectively safeguard the safety and health rights of workers under high temperatures and promote theconstruction of EGING culture, EGING PV Labor Union together with the Administrative O?ce and Department of Safetyand Environmental Protection visited the representatives of workers working in high temperatures in August 2023.Chen Jiangming, the Labor Union Chairman and Lin Wenjun, manager of the Department of Safety and EnvironmentalProtection attended the activities.

On behalf of the Company and the Labor Union, Chairman Chen extended sincere greetings to the sta? who endured the"baking test" on the front lines of the high temperature, and presented them with summer supplies such as HuoxiangZhengqi water, toilet water, and wind medicated oil. At the same time, Manager Lin of the Department of Safety andEnvironmental Protection emphasized the precautions for high-temperature operations and the importance of safeproduction and standardized operations in daily work. The warm from the Company and the Labor Union extended toeveryone, creating a more comfortable and safer working environment, truly sending warmth and care to the hearts offront-line workers, and continuously enhancing the sense of gain, happiness and belonging of EGING employees.

Case: 2023 Summer Condolence Activities for "Love Employees· Sending Coolness"

On the occasion of the May 1st International Labor Day, Chen Jiangming, chairman of EGING PV Labor Union, togetherwith the Dongcheng Subdistrict O?ce, went to Dongcheng Subdistrict Mingxing Village to carry out condolence activities.

Mingxing Village is located on the east side of Dongcheng Street. The village has weak collective economic foundation andit is a link location for the district party secretary Lu Qiuming. In the past three years, the village has taken party buildingas a guide to improve the village economy and build service guarantee projects. After learning that a group of volunteersto participate in the poverty alleviation work in Mingxing Village, Chen Jiangming, chairman of the Company's LaborUnion, immediately organized relevant personnel to purchase a batch of daily necessities, express condolences to thevolunteers who worked hard on the front line of poverty alleviation, and express his sincere gratitude for their sel?essdedication. They are the most beautiful workers in this spring and the most beautiful scenery in the Dongcheng Street.The Company made every e?ort to improve the working and living conditions of volunteers, assist in the construction ofbeautiful villages, and actively practice the social responsibility of EGING PV.

Case: 2023 May Day Condolence Activities

Public Charity


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Creating Long-term Value

AppendixReport Index

GRI Index


General Disclosures 2021

2-1 Organizational detailsP042-2 Entities included in the organization's sustainability reportingP012-3 Reporting period, frequency and contact pointP012-4 Restatements of information/2-5 External assurance/2-6 Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsP042-7 EmployeesP122-8 Workers who are not employees/2-9 Governance structure and compositionP442-10 Nomination and selection of the highest governance bodyP452-11 Chair of the highest governance bodyAnnual Report2-12 Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the management of impactsP442-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impactsP152-14 Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reportingP152-15 Con?icts of interestP482-16 Communication of critical concerns/2-17 Collective knowledge of the highest governance body/

Statement of use

Eging PV has reported the information cited in this GRI content index for the period from January 1, 2023to December 31, 2023 with reference to the GRI Standards.GRI 1 usedGRI 1: Foundation 2021


General Disclosures 2021

2-18 Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body/2-19 Remuneration policiesAnnual Report2-20 Process to determine remunerationAnnual Report2-21 Annual total compensation ratioAnnual Report2-22 Statement on sustainable development strategyP142-23 Policy commitments/2-24 Embedding policy commitments/2-25 Processes to remediate negative impacts/2-26 Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concerns/2-27 Compliance with laws and regulationsESG Report2-28 Membership associations/2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagementP172-30 Collective bargaining agreements/Material Topics 2021

3-1 Process to determine material topicsP183-2 List of material topicsP193-3 Management of material topicsESG ReportEconomic Performance 2016

201-1 Direct economic value generated and distributedP09201-2 Financial implications and other risks and opportunities due to climate change/201-3 De?ned bene?t plan obligations and other retirement plansAnnual Report201-4 Financial assistance received from governmentAnnual ReportMarket Presence 2016202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to local minimum wage/


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Creating Long-term Value


Market Presence 2016202-2 Proportion of senior management hired from the local community/Indirect Economic Impacts 2016

203-1 Infrastructure investments and services supported/203-2 Signi?cant indirect economic impacts/Procurement Practices 2016204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliersAnnual ReportAnti-corruption 2016

205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption/205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and proceduresP48205-3 Con?rmed incidents of corruption and actions takenP10Anti-competitive Behavior 2016206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practicesP48Tax 2019

207-1 Approach to taxAnnual Report207-2 Tax governance, control, and risk managementAnnual Report207-3 Stakeholder engagement and management of concerns related to taxAnnual Report207-4 Country-by-country reportingAnnual ReportMaterials 2016

301-1 Materials used by weight or volume/301-2 Recycled input materials used/301-3 Reclaimed products and their packaging materialsP28Energy 2016

302-1 Energy consumption within the organizationP11302-2 Energy consumption outside of the organization/302-3 Energy intensity/302-4 Reduction of energy consumptionP55302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and servicesP55Water and E?uents 2018

303-1 Interactions with water as a shared resourceP56-57303-2 Management of water discharge-related impactsP56-57303-3 Water withdrawal/


Water and E?uents 2018

303-4 Water discharge/303-5 Water consumptionP11Biodiversity 2016

304-1 Operational sites owned, leased, managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of highbiodiversity value outside protected areas

Not Applicable304-2 Signi?cant impacts of activities, products and services on biodiversityNot Applicable304-3 Habitats protected or restoredNot Applicable304-4 IUCN Red List species and national conservation list species with habitats in areas a?ected by operationsNot Applicable

Emissions 2016

305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsP11305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissionsP11305-3 Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissions/305-4 GHG emissions intensity/305-5 Reduction of GHG emissionsP53305-6 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)/305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other signi?cant air emissions/Waste 2020

306-1 Waste generation and signi?cant waste-related impactsP58306-2 Management of signi?cant waste-related impactsP58306-3 Waste generatedP11306-4 Waste diverted from disposalP58306-5 Waste directed to disposalP58Supplier EnvironmentalAssessment 2016

308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteriaP39308-2 Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions takenP39Employment 2016

401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover/401-2 Bene?ts provided to full-time employees that are not provided to temporary or part-time employeesP73-74401-3 Parental leaveP13


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Labor/Management Relations 2016402-1 Minimum notice periods regarding operational changes/

Occupational Health and Safety2018

403-1 Occupational health and safety management systemP64403-2 Hazard identi?cation, risk assessment, and incident investigationP63-64403-3 Occupational health servicesP64403-4 Worker participation, consultation, and communication on occupational health and safety/403-5 Worker training on occupational health and safetyP62403-6 Promotion of worker healthP64403-7 Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety impacts directly linked by businessrelationships

P63-64403-8 Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management systemP64403-9 Work-related injuriesP13403-10 Work-related ill healthP64Training and Education 2016

404-1 Average hours of training per year per employeeP12404-2 Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistance programsP72404-3 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviewsP12Diversity and Equal Opportunity2016

405-1 Diversity of governance bodies and employeesP45405-2 Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of women to men/Non-discrimination 2016406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken

No accidents in the reporting

periodFreedom of Association andCollective Bargaining 2016

407-1 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining may be atrisk

No accidents in the reporting

periodChild Labor 2016408-1 Operations and suppliers at signi?cant risk for incidents of child labor

No accidents in the reporting

periodForced or Compulsory Labor 2016409-1 Operations and suppliers at signi?cant risk for incidents of forced or compulsory laborP68Security Practices 2016410-1 Security personnel trained in human rights policies or procedures/


Rights of Indigenous Peoples 2016411-1 Incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous peoples

No accidents in the reportingperiodLocal Communities 2016

413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs/413-2 Operations with signi?cant actual and potential negative impacts on local communities

No accidents in the reportingperiodSupplier Social Assessment 2016

414-1 New suppliers that were screened using social criteriaP39414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions takenP39Public Policy 2016415-1 Political contributions/Customer Health and Safety 2016

416-1 Assessment of the health and safety impacts of product and service categoriesP36416-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning the health and safety impacts of products and services

No accidents in the reportingperiodMarketing and Labeling 2016

417-1 Requirements for product and service information and labeling/417-2 Incidents of non-compliance concerning product and service information and labeling

No accidents in the reportingperiod417-3 Incidents of non-compliance concerning marketing communications

No accidents in the reportingperiodCustomer Privacy 2016418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data

No accidents in the reportingperiod


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Creating Long-term Value

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