SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Responsible Supply ChainProduct ResponsibilityClient RelationshipManagement
Achieving Excellence inQuality for Value Co-created
Corporate GovernanceBusiness BehaviorSocial Contribution
Making a Joint Effort toDrive Business for Good
51 | 61 |
Diversity ad InclusionAttracting andRetaining TalentsEmployee Training andDevelopmentOccupational Healthand Safety
otivatedMMotivatedPeople-Oriented Philosophyfor a Shared Future
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
Climate ActionEnergy ManagementWater ManagementEcological Protection
12 | 34 |
ustainableSSustainableNet Zero Commitment forBetter Environment
Management’s StatementBoard StatementAbout TZESustainability Achievementsand HonorsSustainable DevelopmentStrategySustainability Governance
Technological InnovationsDigital-IntelligentCooperation for Win-WinResults
Digital Intelligence andInnovation
About the ReportGRI Content IndexIndependent VerificationReportGreenhouse Gas Validationand Verification Statement
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Management’s Statement
Stepping firmly towards globalization and high-quality development, becoming a respected global renewable energy technology enterprise
2023 has been a year when the global energy industry continues to be transformed intodiversified, cleaner and low carbon. Under the global changes and industry trends, TZEalways adheres to the business philosophy of "technological innovation, differentiation, andlong-distance running" competition, ploughs into the high-tech, asset-heavy, and long-cyclenational strategic technology industries, forges long-term competitiveness with a globalvision, strives to cross the industry life cycle, and promotes the industry chain's sustainableand high-quality development.We adhere to the concept of sustainable development, formulate the "SMART" sustainabledevelopment strategy to the vision of "becoming a respected global renewable energytechnology enterprise", fully integrate ESG concepts into the Company's strategic planning,decision-making and implementation process, promote the construction of global ESGleading benchmarks, and build sustainable competitiveness in line with the globalizedbusiness model.The Company firmly implements the differentiated development strategy and adheres tothe concept of intensive, integrated, collaborative and coordinated innovation. We acceleratethe transformation of Industry 4.0 manufacturing mode and comprehensively improve theflexible manufacturing management capability and operational productivity with the helpof the digital twin’s big data intelligent analysis system. We give full play to the advantagesof technological innovation in integrating G12 and shingled modules, and form new qualityproductivity by virtue of the industrialization and application of advanced technology andadvanced manufacturing mode, releasing new kinetic energy for development and boostingthe high-quality development of the industry.
We pledge to always be environmentally friendly. In the face of the major challenges ofglobal climate change, as a changemaker and leader in the photovoltaic (PV) industry, weadhere to the dual-track drive of "green manufacturing" and "manufacturing green", chasethe "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" strategic goal, continue to create whole-life-cycle green and low-carbon PV products, and actively build a stronger and greener supplychain to help the value chain ecosystem to be carbon-neutral.
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd
General Manager
We adhere to the cultural core of "people-oriented", actively create an atmosphere of"engineer culture", and build an international organization of teamwork. While pursuingtechnological excellence and commercial success, we are committed to bringing peopleback to human values, fully protecting the rights and interests of employees, ensuring thatevery employee is fully respected and has the opportunity for development, and enhancingthe sense of acquisition, happiness and fulfillment of employees.Looking into the future, TZE will promote the sustainable development strategy withstronger determination, shoulder the responsibility given by the clean energy era, andcontinuously transform to More Efficiency (higher conversion efficiency), More Effiency(higher manufacturing efficiency), More Smart (Industry 4.0 customized production lineand flexible manufacturing), promote the high-quality, sustainable and revolutionarydevelopment of the global green energy industry, and contribute power of PV to the globalclean energy transformation.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Board Statement
The Board of Directors of the Company is committed tocontinuously improving the environmental, social andgovernance ("ESG") management system, promotingthe balanced development of economy, society andenvironment, and creating a sustainable and bright future.The Board of Directors is the highest leading, responsibleand decision-making body for the Company's ESG andsustainable development affairs, and is fully responsiblefor the Company's sustainable development strategy andESG-related disclosures. It has established the Strategyand Sustainable Development Committee, which is mainlyresponsible for studying and making recommendationson the Company's long-term development strategy,major investment decisions, sustainable developmentpractices and ESG-related matters. Under the Strategyand Sustainable Development Committee, the SustainableDevelopment Steering Committee has been establishedas a standing body responsible for the implementation ofESG-related resolutions and ESG risk identification of theCompany, the formulation of ESG strategies, objectives andplans, and the supervision of their implementation.
During the Reporting Period, the Board of Directorsparticipated in, evaluated and determined the materialityand priority of ESG issues. Through participation ininterviews and questionnaires, meetings, etc., the Board ofDirectors put forward keys and recommendations on ESGissues that may affect the Company's financial and businessdevelopment, as well as environmental and social benefits.For details, please refer to the section "SustainabilityGovernance - Stakeholder Communication" in this report.The Company has incorporated key ESG risks intoenterprise risk management system, and has formulatedrisk response strategies by identifying and judging thelikelihood of occurrence, the degree of impact and thefuture development trend of key ESG risks. The AuditCommittee under the Board of Directors is responsible foroverseeing the Company's compliance review, reviewingthe Company's risk assessment reports and ensuring thatrisk management measures are effectively implemented.
During the Reporting Period, the Board of Directorsconsidered and adopted clear and quantifiable ESGstrategic objectives, paying close attention to a number ofsustainable development topics such as climate change,resource efficiency, employee well-being, sustainablesupply chain and corporate governance. The Board ofDirectors held regular meetings to comprehensively reviewand assess the progress of the Company's achievementof ESG targets, and thoroughly analyze the room forimprovement and potential risks of each indicator, so as toensure that the Company continuously optimizes its ESGperformance while pursuing economic benefits.We advocate transparent and open ESG disclosure anddisclose to the public the Company's environmental,social and governance policies, actions, performance andimpacts in a timely, accurate and complete manner instrict accordance with relevant domestic and internationalregulations and international disclosure frameworks. Thisreport was approved by the Board of Directors on April 25,2024.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
About TZECompany ProfileFounded in 1958, TZE is one of the world's leadingmanufacturers of PV wafers and a technology leader inthe global PV materials industry. The Company adheresto the green ecological concept of dedicating to a worldwhere everyone lives under blue skies and white clouds,and always been adhering to the vision of " Environmentalfriendliness, Employee support, Social respect andCustomer trust". Also, we are committed to promotinginnovation-led development and the in-depth integrationof Industry 4.0 and intelligent manufacturing. Throughindustrialization of the advanced technologies andmanufacturing methods, we aim to propel the technologicalupgrades of the PV industry and contribute to high quality,sustainable and revolutionary development.
Main BusinessThe Company's main business centers around silicon materials, focusing on the R&D and production of monocrystallinesilicon. Starting from monocrystalline silicon, the Company ploughs into the high-tech, asset-heavy, long-cycle nationalstrategic science and technology industry, and develops in the direction of deepening and extending.Our main products include new energy photovoltaic wafers, photovoltaic cells and modules, other silicon materials andhigh-efficiency photovoltaic power plant project development and operation. The application areas of the productsinclude integrated circuits, consumer electronics, grid transmission, wind power generation, rail transportation, new energyautomobiles, 5G, artificial intelligence, photovoltaic power generation, industrial control and other industries.TZE is actively promoting the globalization of its various industrial segments, and has set up investment platforms, marketingcenters, and production bases at home and abroad, gradually expanding its presence in the United States, Singapore,Malaysia, the Philippines and Mexico.
Contributing to the Global Net-Zero TransitionAs a global leading photovoltaic material and technology solution provider, we produce high-performance silicon wafers,cells and modules, which effectively improve photovoltaic conversion efficiency, reduce the cost of electricity and helppopularize the application of clean energy around the world through continuous innovation and technology iteration.Corporate Vision
In 2023, shipments of PV materials was approximately
GW, up tp
year-on-yearOverall market share of silicon wafers was
, among which N-type was
,remaining the No. 1 in the industry globallyTotal renewable electricity generation from self-sustained distributed and centralized power plants
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Sustainability Achievements and Honors
Economic PerformanceEnvironmental Performance
·Annual electricity intensity of renewableenergy PV products: 32.43 MWh/MW
·Annual fresh water withdrawal intensity of renewableenergy PV products: 57.69 m
·The number of energy and water conservation projects: 57
·Percentage of water use from alternative water sources: 54.51%
·Water recycling rate: 43.68%
·Zero Waste factories: 7
·Solid waste utilization rate: 97.14%
·Environmental protection investment: 333.84 million CNY
·No major environmental violationsSocial Performance
·Percentage of female director: 56%
·Total staff training hours: 725,066.14 hours
·Employee Engagement Score: 78
·Employee Satisfaction Score: 79
·Percentage of new suppliers completing environmental and socialaudits: 100%
·Rate of desktop and on-site audits for key high-risk suppliers: 100%
Net profit attributable to equityshareholders of the company:
Earnings per share:
Total assets:
R&D/Sales Ratio:
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Company ESG Ratings
CompanyESG Awards
Forbes ChinaSolarbe AwardsT?V S?D
CCTVFinanceForbes ChinaChina Association forPublic Companies
New Fortune
·2023 China’s Best Employer in Innovative Practices
·Best Carbon Neutral Practitioner Within Solar &Energy Storage Industry
·2023 ESG Inspiration Caseof the Year
·2023 Best ESG Practice Case forPublic Companies
·Leading ESG Enterprises in the PV Industry
·Top 100 Pioneers among China's ESG ListedCompanies
·Top 30 Scientific and Technological InnovationPioneers among China’s ESG-Listed Companies
·Best ESG InformationDisclosure Award
Wind's ESG rating of
Selected by Shenzhen Stock Exchange as
"Shenzhen GreenLow Carbon Index"S&P Global CSA rating of
, leading the global PV industryMSCI ESG rating of
, in the upper middle of the global PV industry"B-"
in CDP Climate Change (the Company’s first self-response to the CDPquestionnaire)
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Sustainable DevelopmentStrategySustainable development plays a core role in TZE’s businessoperation and corporate culture development. We outlinea strategic vision of sustainability with renewable energytechnology products as our core business.We have developed the SMART Sustainable DevelopmentStrategy with the vision of “becoming a globally respectedcompany specializing in renewable energy technologies”.Based on the five strategic pillars of “Sustainable,Motivated, Accountable, Reliable and Transformational”,we review and mitigate our economic, environmental andsocial impacts, optimize our sustainability governance, andseek to integrate sustainability into our business operations.
Material Issues
Response toUN SDGs
ustainableSotivatedMccountableAeliableRransformationalTClimate Action
Climate risks and
opportunitiesCarbon emissionmanagement
Human CapitalDevelopmentDiversity, equity andinclusionTalent attraction and
retentionEmployee well-beingTraining anddevelopment
CorporateGovernanceGovernanceresponsibilityRisk management
ResponsibleSupply ChainSupplier chainlabor rightsSupply chainenvironmentalmanagement
TechnologicalInnovationClean technologyIntellectual propertyrightsDigital-IntelligentTransformationIndustry 4.0Digital ESGmanagementProductResponsibilityProduct qualityCustomization andFlexible ManufacturingCustomerRelationshipCustomer services
Vision: Becoming a globally respected company
specializing in renewable energy technologies
Water ManagementWater riskassessmentWater utilizationEcologicalProtection
Circular economyPollution preventionand control
Health and SafetyOccupational health
and safety
Business ConductBusiness ethicsCompliancemanagementInformation securitySocial ContributionResponse to nationalstrategiesCommunitydevelopment andpublic welfare
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Sustainable Development Medium- and Long-term GoalsIn 2023, TZE developed scientific sustainable development goals by 2025 and 2030 by taking into account the stakeholder research results and the Company’s medium-and long-term plansin corporate operation and development. In addition to economic performance, these targets place a greater emphasis on developing in an environmental-friendly and socially accountablemanner. We will adopt diversified strategies and effective measures to fulfil these targets, so as to achieve the overall sustainable development of the Company.
Vision: Becoming a globally respected company specializing in renewable energy technologies
·Annual electricity intensity of new energy photovoltaic productsdecreased by 8% compared to 2023 Annual fresh water withdrawalintensity of new energy photovoltaic products decreased by 10%compared with 2023
·No less than 28% women inmanagement positions
·Injury rate per millionworking hours reduced by5% from 2023
·Maintained 100% coverageof employee businessethics training
·All company entities haveobtained ISO 27001 informationsecurity management systemcertification
·60% on-site audit coverageand 40% desktop auditcoverage for key high-risksuppliers
·Domestic customersatisfaction maintained atover 95%
·Intellectual property patent cumulative growth of 40% from2023
·Annual electricity intensity of new energy photovoltaic productsdecreased by 15% compared to 2023 Annual fresh water intakeintensity of new energy photovoltaic products decreased by 20%compared to 2023
·No less than 30% women inmanagement positions
·Injury rate per millionworking hours reduced by8% from 2023
·Ensure that all entities'compliance managementsystem certifications are withinthe validity period
·Maintain 100% coverage ofemployee business ethicstraining
·The system fully complieswith ISO 20400 sustainableprocurement standard
·Global customersatisfaction rate maintainedat over 95%
·Built a Group-wide ESG Digital Intelligence ManagementPlatform
2025 Goals2030 Goals
The following corporatepolicies provide theframework for TZE'ssustainability strategy andobjectives:
TZE Sustainability PolicyTZE Environmental ManagementPolicyTZE Biodiversity ConservationPolicyTZE Human Rights PolicyTZE Occupational Health andSafety PolicyTZE ESG Code of Conduct forPartnersTZE Conflict Minerals PolicyTZE Code of Business EthicsTZE Articles of AssociationGet the Policy
Strategic Pillars
2025 Goals2030 Goals
2025 Goals2030 Goals
2025 Goals2030 Goals
2025 Goals2030 Goals
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
The Company understands the significance of sustainabilitygovernance. Therefore, we integrate ESG factors,specify indicators in each aspect, optimize the principlefor information disclosure, and carry out ESG-relatedquantitative management. In doing so, we can ensure thetransparent fulfilment of responsibilities and drive the long-term sustainable development.Sustainability GovernanceStructureThe Company has established a four-tier sustainabilitygovernance structure of "Decision-making - Supervision -Management - Execution", which integrates the operatingmanagement, business segments, and functionaldepartments into the sustainability management system,gives full play to the advantages of each level and function,and creates the effect of governance combining thetop-down and bottom-up approaches for the effectiveimplementation of the sustainability strategy.The Company has built an ESG indicator systemcovering three major areas, namely environment,society and governance, to improve ESG managementand performance, and incorporated ESG performanceinto the performance appraisal system for executives,which is closely related to key indicators such as watermanagement, work safety, technological innovation,human capital development, corporate and supplychain business ethics , etc., so as to work togetherto fulfill the social responsibility as a business, themanagement and the employees.
Board of Directors
Audit CommitteeNominationCommittee
Remuneration andAppraisal CommitteeStrategy and SustainableDevelopment Committee
Sustainable Development
Steering Committee
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development
Working Group
External Experts onSustainable Development
TZE’s Sustainability Governance Structure and Responsibilities of Each Level
The establishment of specialized committees under the Board of Directors will become effective upon the approval of the Company’s " Rules of Procedure of the Board ofDirectors(Revised in April 2024)" by the shareholder meeting.
Sustainable Development Office
·Formulate ESG strategy implementation plan, collect informationregularly, and organize Sustainable Development Working Groups topromote the implementation of the strategy.
·Formulate annual sustainability report and other ESG relatedinformation disclosure.
·Regularly report the work progress to the Sustainable DevelopmentSteering Committee.
Board of Directors - Former Strategy and InvestmentCommittee, renamed Strategy and SustainableDevelopment Committee
·Conduct research and making recommendations on matters relatedto the company's sustainable development and environmental, socialand corporate governance (ESG).Sustainable Development Steering Committee
·Responsible for ESG strategy and target setting, and supervising itsimplementation.
·Responsible for the guidance and supervision of annual plans andmaterial ESG projects.
·ESG risk identification and coordination of cross-functional ESGcooperation.
·Reporte to the Board of Directors on significant situationsExternal Experts on Sustainable Development
·Introduce domestic and international ESG development trends.
·Advise on ESG strategies, targets, issue policies and risk management.
·Assist in the formulation of ESG strategies and targets
Sustainable Development Working Group
·Segment specialized working groups by material ESG issues.
·Represent the department and industry at ESG meetings to learnabout departmental and industry goals and develop work plans.
·Coordinate departmental and industry resources to implementrelevant ESG work.
·Regularly report work progress to the Sustainable DevelopmentOffice.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Stakeholder CommunicationStakeholder communication plays a crucial part in the sustainable development of TZE. Owning to the effective communication with multiple stakeholders of investors, customers, employees,suppliers, communities, non-governmental organizations, the media, financial institutions and governments, we are able to gain a deeper understanding of their aspirations and expectationsand consider the interests of all parties in decision-making.
Key Stakeholders, Issues of Concern and Communication ChannelsKey StakeholdersEmployeesCustomers
Stakeholders from Industrial
SuppliersInstitutional Investors
Governments andRegulatory Agencies
Issues of concern
Occupational health and safetyInformation security and privacyprotectionProduct quality managementEmployees’ rights and benefitsand their satisfaction
Intellectual property protectionTechnological and productinnovationProduct quality managementResponsible supply chain
Occupational health and safetyEmployees’ rights and benefitsand their satisfactionInformation security andprivacy protectionIntellectual property protection
Intellectual propertyprotectionResponsible supply chainAnti-corruption andoperational complianceBusiness ethics
Industry 4.0Technological and productinnovationResponse to nationalstrategies and support for localcommunitiesIntellectual property protection
Energy efficiencyand carbon emissionmanagementRisk managementCorporate governanceIntellectual propertyprotection
Labor union and employees’representative congressEmployee symposiumsMailbox of the factory managerEmployee satisfaction andengagement survey
Customers satisfaction surveyRegular seminarsCustomer service hotline
Regular communicationmechanism with stakeholdersfrom industrial parksStakeholder trainingOn-site work and research ofstakeholders
Regular communicationmechanism with suppliersSupplier trainingOn-site research and visits ofsuppliers
Shareholders’ meetingRegular reporting andperformance briefingDaily investor communicationsessions
Formulation of standardsParticipation in policybriefingRegular reporting andauditingGovernment affairplatform
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Materiality Assessment
TZE attaches great importance to the impact of material issues on sustainable development.In 2023, we invited a team of external sustainability experts and consultants to participate inthe identification and assessment of ESG material issues to ensure the comprehensivenessand effectiveness of the whole process; and used the results of the stakeholder research andassessment as the scientific basis for the Company to set up its short, medium, and longterm targets on sustainable development, so as to effectively strengthen the sustainabledevelopment management.
2023 Materiality Matrix of TZE
Process of Identifying and Determining Material Issues
·Based on international/domestic macro policies, industry development trends, ESGdisclosure framework and rating standards, combined with the company's sustainabledevelopment strategic planning, 25 ESG material issues were identified.
·Carried out face-to-face communication on ESG issues with the management of businesssegments, functional departments and production bases.
·Conducted stakeholder surveys in two dimensions: "Impact on the Company's Finance andBusiness" and "Impact on the Environment and Society".The questionnaire was distributed to internal and external stakeholders through multiplechannels, and a total of 9,639 valid responses were collected.
·Based on the results of the stakeholder survey, combined with the Company'smanagement's comments on the review from the perspective of business developmentand sustainability strategy, the Company's ESG material issues during the Reporting Periodwere confirmed to be ranked in order of importance.
·A matrix of material issues was formed after the Board of Directors and senior managementof the Company deliberated on the results of the material issues.In 2023, there was a total of 15 substantive issues of high importance.
Material IssueIdentification
Material IssuePrioritization
MaterialIssue Review
Impact on the Company’s Finance and Business
Impact on the Environment and Society
Circular economyDiversity, euqity and
inclusionRisk management
Information security
Corporate governance
Intellectual property
BusinessethicsCompliant operationEmployee well-being
Training and developmentCustomer relationshipmanagementIndustry 4.0Social contributions
Responsiblesupply chainHealth and safety
Clean technology innovation
Product green lifecyclemanagement
Industrial cooperation andcommunication
Climate risk and opportunityPollutionpreservation andcontrol
Carbon emission managementWater managementEnergy management
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Material Issues of High Importance
AreasIssuesStakeholders Influenced by Management Measures on the Supply ChainGRI Topics
Achievements in 2023 (detailed in following chapters)TZESuppliersInvestorsClientsCommunitiesEnvironmental
Carbon emission management
●●●●GRI 305
1.1 Climate Action
1.2 Energy Management
Water management
GRI 303 1.3 Water Management
Clean technology innovation
●●●TZE self-defined topic
5.1 Technological Innovation
5.3 Cooperation for Win-Win Results
Employee well-being
GRI 401/402/405/406/407/408/
2.1 Diversity and Inclusion
2.2 Attracting and Retaining Talents
2.3 Employee Training and Development
Product responsibility
●●TZE self-defined topic
4.2 Product Responsibility
4.3 Customer Relationship Management
Training and development
●●GRI 4042.3 Employee Training and DevelopmentResponsible supply chain
GRI 204/308/4144.1 Responsible Supply ChainSocial contributions
●●●GRI 4133.3 Social ContributionHealth and safety
GRI 4032.4 Occupational Health and SafetyCustomer relationship management
●●TZE self-defined topic4.3 Customer Relationship ManagementIndustry 4.0
●●●TZE self-defined topic5.2 Digital Intelligence Transformation
Compliant operation
●●●●GRI 2053.2 Business BehaviorBusiness ethics
●●●●TZE self-defined topic3.2 Business BehaviorIntellectual property
●●●●TZE self-defined topic5.1 Technological InnovationsCorporate governance
●●●●TZE self-defined topic3.1 Corporate Governance
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
SustainableNet Zero Commitment for Better Environment
Environmental friendliness is a bottom line of our operations and a key mission in ourdevelopment. Adhering to the green concept of “dedicating to a world where everyonelives under blue skies and white clouds”, TZE strives to mitigate the negative impact of ourbusiness and operation on the ecological environment. By virtue of industry-leading climatestrategies, we keep improving our environmental management system, set up environmentaltargets for carbon emissions, water management and waste treatment, and optimizeresource efficienc. We are also committed to green operations by preserving the biologicaldiversity and coexisting with nature.
UN SDGs addressed in this chapter:
Key Target and ProgressCarbon Neutrality Commitment of TZE
Progress in 2023Achieve carbon peaking no later than
and carbon neutrality no later than
within operational boundaries.The Company's Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions is 4,589,337.54 tCO2e (location-based), and4,532,685.65 tCO2e (market-based), respectively.
IssueIndicatorProgress in 20232024 Target2025 Target2030 TargetEnergymanagement
Annual electricityintensity per unit ofrenewable energy PVproducts
32.43 MWh/MW
Decrease by 3%over 2023
Decrease by 8%over 2023
Decrease by 15%over 2023Annual electricityintensity per unit ofother silicon materials
435.70 MWh/MSI
Decrease by 2%over 2023
Decrease by 5%over 2023
Decrease by 10%over 2023Watermanagemen
Annual freshwaterwithdrawal intensityper unit of renewableenergy PV products
57.69 m/MW
Decrease by 5%over 2023
Decrease by 10%over 2023
Decrease by 20%over 2023Annual freshwaterwithdrawal intensityper unit of othersilicon materials
8,028.29 m/MSI
Decrease by 3%over 2023
Decrease by 5%over 2023
Decrease by 15%over 2023
SustainableNet Zero
AccountableMaking a Joint
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Climate Action
Our Management ApproachesAs an important driver to the world’s green energytransformation, TZE is actively engaged in climate actionaround the four pillars of governance, strategy, riskmanagement, and metrics and targets, and continues tostrengthen the Company’s climate change resilience andadaptability.
The Strategy and
SustainableDevelopmentCommittee under theBoard of Directors
As the highest climate change governance body,the Strategy and Sustainable DevelopmentCommittee under the Board of Directorsreviews climate strategy, objectives, policies, riskmanagement, implementation performance andinformation disclosure.The Committee is responsible for assistings inclimate strategy and target setting, climate riskidentification and coordination of cross-sectoralwork, and reports to the Board of Directors whennecessary.The Office formulates the implementation planfor the climate strategy, collects informationon a regular basis, and coordinates with theClimate Action Working Group to promote theimplementation of the climate strategy.
TZE Renewable energy leads each department andindustry to coordinate resources and implementrelevant climate management work.
SustainabilitySteering Committee
SustainableDevelopment Office
Climate ActionWorking Group
Climate Change GovernanceTZE has set up a four-tier climate governance structureof "decision-making – supervision – management -execution", with the Board of Directors and the Strategyand Sustainable Development Committee under the Boardof Directors, as the highest governance body, and clarifyingthe responsibilities of each tier, so as to effectivelyintegrate climate change issues into the company'scorporate governance system and day-to-day productionand operation, and to help realize the carbon neutralitycommitment.We have included quantitative indicators and goalsrelated to climate action, such as energy saving andemission reduction, efficiency enhancement and renewableenergy use, in the annual performance evaluation of ourmanagement and subsidiaries, in order to incentivize andrecognize their contributions to climate action.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Climate Action Strategy
Under the opportunities and challenges of the "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" goals, TZE, as a global leader in the renewable energy industry, formulates practical and effectivestrategic paths and implementation plans in a scientific and systematic approach. While injecting strong green power into the society, we pay great attention to carbon reduction in ourproduction, and promote the low-carbonization attributes of the value chain, helping to build a renewable energy-based power supply system and dedicating blue sky and white clouds tomankind.
By adopting approaches of energy-saving transformation, green transportation, rooftopPV, source-grid-load-storage, self-owned power plant, green power purchase and carboncredit offset, we reduce the use of fossil fuel and increase the proportion of green power,so as to realize operational carbon neutrality.
Through green supply chain upgrading, strengthening the research and development oflow-carbon silicon material technology such as granular silicon technology, the use oflarge-size and thin silicon wafer, and the analysis and management of carbon emission inproduct life cycle, the Company takes actions in product manufacturing, transportation,sales, use, recycling and other stages, to actively create zero-carbon products and drivea zero-carbon society.
We adhere to the innovation-driven development, expand investment in the PV industry,upgrade the production capacity of PV products, improve the efficiency of our products,lowering the LCOE (Levelized Cost of Energy) of PV products, and improve the life-cyclepower generation capacity, so as to push forward the green transformation of the globalenergy industry.
Accelerate to achieve operational carbon neutrality
Create zero-carbon PV products to drive carbon neutrality in value chain
Facilitate the construction of a power system with renewable energy as the main supplyand contribute to the green society
TZE’s strategies of climate and carbon neutrality revolve aroundthe following three aspects:
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Risk Management
We incorporate climate-related risk identification, assessment and management into the overall corporate risk management process, integrating climate-related physical and transition riskassessment and management into project investment, design, development, product and material procurement, and operation. In 2023, we identified and updated the list of potential climatechange risks and opportunities that might affect the Company’s business and operations. Furthermore, we systematically analyzed and prioritized the risks and opportunities and formulateddetailed measures by leveraging experts’ opinions, policy research and peer benchmarking.
Main Opportunities of Climate Change Identified by TZEMeasures
Products and services
The “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” goals give birth tobrand-new and low-carbon business models. The Company’slow-carbon products and innovative solutions meet theemerging market demand, thus boosting our business growth.
We increase investment in low-carbon product R&D, promotetechnological innovation and upgrading, so as to provide customers withdiversified, reliable, and efficient low-carbon products and solutions.
The Company continuously implements technological innovationand upgrading and builds a green and low-carbon ecosystemwith suppliers and customers to better adapt to climate changes.
We enhance the efficiency of resource utilization, reduce the operationaldependence on the environment, and expand the Company’s revenuesources.
Resource efficiency
The Company improves the resource efficiency and reduces theoperating cost through intelligent manufacturing.
We carry out energy-saving renovation projects in production andoperation, promote the construction of intelligent and sustainablefactories to further improve the resource efficiency.
Energy sources
The Company reduces the use of traditional fossil energy,increases the proportion of clean energy use, and reduces thecompany's traditional energy costs.
We set targets for renewable electricity utilization, actively promote theconstruction of green industrial park and roof-top phohovoltaic projects,and purchase more green electricity, so as to increase the proportion ofrenewable energy used in manufacturing and operation.
Matrix of Climate Change Opportunities
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Main Risks of Climate Change Identified by TZEMeasures
Physical risks
Acute physical
Production and operation suspension orproduction accidents caused by extreme weatherevents (typhoons, rainstorms, snowstorms, etc.)or natural disasters.
·We formulate emergency plans for environmental incidents and work safety accidents basedon the risk analysis of natural disasters in the location of factories, and regularly conductemergency drills to improve emergency response capabilities.
·We prudently select the location of factories based on the resource dependence of eachindustry to reduce the potential impact of the natural environment on production andoperation.
·We develop the upstream and downstream transportation routes based on the distributionof each industry and improve the mode of product transportation to mitigate the impact ofextreme weather on transportation.
·We manage water resources based on the results of water risk assessment, and reduce thefreshwater consumption by water withdrawal diversification, process innovation, wastewaterrecycling and other means.Chronicphysical risks
Water shortage and cost increase caused byclimate changes (global warming, rising sea level,etc.).
Transition risks
Policy and legalrisks
Increased compliance cost to meet regulatoryrequirements, or lawsuits and penalties if theCompany fails to meet regulatory requirements
·Strictly abide by national and local laws, regulations and standards, establish a sound systemand management mechanism, reduce and control the discharge of pollutants throughoutthe whole process, and ensure up-to-standard discharge to lower the impact on theenvironment.
·Employ third-party agencies to carry out annual GHG emission accounting to strengthen thecontrol over GHG emissions. Evaluate the carbon footprint of various products to meet themarket expectation for low-carbon products.
·Conduct statistics of energy consumption and water consumption of the Company annually,and set annual targets for energy conservation.
·Promote the development of Industry 4.0 system by supporting the construction of high-standard green factories, increasing production efficiency, taking energy-saving and cost-reducing measures, and reducing energy consumption per unit of products.
·Stick to technological innovation and optimization by continuously developing low-carbonand high-efficiency PV products.
·Actively respond to stakeholders’ expectations for the low-carbon development of theCompany, and disclose our climate actions through the sustainability report, articles fromofficial accounts and other channels.
Direct impact of the appearance of new cleanenergy-related technologies on the Company’sbusiness and products.Market risks
Since overseas markets have higher requirementson the Company’s sustainable developmentmanagement and GHG emissions management,customers’ judgement and decision-making maybe affected due to our delayed adjustment of theoverseas operational strategiesReputation
Reduced financing channels due to our lateresponse to the expectation of our stakeholders
Matrix of Climate Change Risks
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Metrics and TargetsTo effectively support the Company’s climate strategy, we have set up a range of performance indicators to track and evaluate the progress of our actions towards climate.With a focus on GHG emissions and water utilization, we collect, count and calculate the relevant data on a regular basis each year. Meanwhile, we analyze the data by considering the identifiedclimate change risks and opportunities, and then set targets for climate and low-carbon development based on the analysis result.
Note: Taking 2021 as the base year, the company proposes carbon emission projections for the "business as usual scenario" and the "carbon neutrality scenario", consideringmarket demand, production capacity planning, industrial distributions, corporate responsibility requirements, supply chain and national policies.In terms of water-related risks, the Company has set targets for freshwater withdrawal intensity and water recycling rateduring the Reporting Period (Refer to section “1.3. Water Management - Our Management Approaches” for details).
TZE carbon emissions scenario projections
Within the Company’s operational boundaries:
Achieving carbon peaking no later than
.Achieving carbon neutrality no later than2050.
Carbon Neutrality Commitment of TZE
of the electricity used indomestic factories generated from renewablesources by
Target for Renewable Energy Utilization ofTZE
Carbon peaking
business as usual scenario
Carbon neutrality scenario
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
RenewableEnergy PVProducts
Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions ofrenewable energy PV products (location-based)
e/MW18.38Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions ofrenewable energy PV products (market-based)
Other SiliconMaterials
Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions of othersilicon materials (location-based)
e/ MSI293.35Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions of othersilicon materials (market-based)
e/ MSI293.35
Greenhouse Gas Management
TZE has been inventorying company-level carbonemissions since 2020 and engages trusted third parties forgreenhouse gas verification and disclosure annually.In 2023, TZE engaged a third-party agency to verify carbonemission disclosures of the Company based on the ISO14064-1: 2018 Greenhouse gases — Part 1: Specificationwith guidance at the organization level for quantificationand reporting of greenhouse gas emission and removal,the GHG Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and ReportingStandard, the ISO 14064-3: 2019 Greenhouse gases —Part 3: Specification with guidance for the verificationand validation of greenhouse gas statements, and otherstandards. Please refer to Appendix for the GreenhouseGas Validation Verification Statement.The Company's Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions is25,734,598.73 tCO
e (location-based), and 25,675,376.53tCO
e (market-based), respectively.
Scope 2 GHG emissions (location-based)
Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions (location-based)
The Company discloses the Scope 3 GHG emissions data from the 2023 Sustainability Report onwards. We have accounted and verified 15 categories in 2023Scope 3 emissions, with the top 4 categories together accounting for 99.4% (location-based), and 99.5% (market-based) of Scope 3 emissions. Other categoriesaccounted for only 0.6% (location-based), and 0.5% (market-based) of Scope 3 emissions.
Scope 1 GHG emissions
2021-2023 Scope 1 & 2 GHG Emissions in Production (tCO
2023 GHG Emissions Intensity Performance
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
2023 GHG Emissions Performance (tCO
The Company discloses the Scope 3 GHG emissions data from the 2023 Sustainability Report onwards. We have accounted andverified 15 categories in 2023 Scope 3 emissions, with the top 4 categories together accounting for 99.4% (location-based), and
99.5% (market-based) of Scope 3 emissions. Other categories accounted for only 0.6% (location-based), and 0.5% (market-based)
of Scope 3 emissions.
TZE's headquarter building is certified as a "Carbon NeutralBuilding"
In order to actively respond to global climate change and help realize the national carbon peakand carbon neutral strategy, we are fully committed to promoting the practice of carbon emissionreduction in the whole life cycle of the building, and realizing the balance of building qualityimprovement, resource saving and environmental protection with high quality.At the early stage of the design of the headquarter office building, we selected low-carbonbuilding materials, carried out material reduction design and optimized low-carbon structuraldesign in accordance with the requirements of the relevant standards for green and low-carbonbuildings. Natural lighting is realized on all sides of the building to build a green light environment.We have also implemented intelligent control of the HVAC system, lighting system, elevators, etc.,to improve the efficiency of comprehensive energy utilization. The Company actively explores thedevelopment of solar energy and other renewable energy applications, and roofing photovoltaicfacilities to provide green energy for the daily operation of the headquarter office building.In 2024, in accordance with PAS 2060 Specification for the Demonstration of Carbon Neutrality,ISO 14064-1:2018 Specification with Guidance at the Organization Level for Quantification andReporting of Greenhouse Gas Emission and Removal and other relevant standards, the Companyhas verified the GHG emissions generated by the operations of TZE headquarter in 2023, andpurchased green certificates and China Certified Emission Reduction (CCER) to offset the GHGgenerated during the operation, resulting in a total of 1,466.76 tCO
e of emissions reduced andrealizing carbon neutrality.
Carbon Neutral Certificate Award Ceremony for TZE
Headquarter BuildingCarbon Neutral Certificate for TZEHeadquarter Building
Category 14: FranchisesCategory 10: Processing ofsold productsCategory 3: Fuel-and-energy-relatedactivities (not includedin Scope 1 or 2)
2023 Share of Each Category in TZE Scope 3 GHG Emissions(Market-based)
Category 1: Purchased goods and services
Scope 1 GHG emissions
Scope 2 GHG emissions (market-based)Scope 2 GHG emissions (location-based)
Scope 3 GHG emissions (market-based)Scope 3 GHG emissions (location-based)
Other categories
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Energy Management
Our Management Approaches
Electricity Consumption Reduction Targets
TZE strictly complies with the Energy Conservation Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Regulations on IndustrialEnergy Conservation and other laws and regulations, and practices the requirements in the Energy Management chapterof the TZE Environmental Management Policy. Moreover, the Company regards above regulations as a guidance to energyconservation and emission reduction in all factories. Meanwhile, the energy management department in each factory isresponsible for energy system security, energy consumption data statistics and analysis, energy saving and consumptionreduction project implementation, etc., to promote energy management goals comprehensively and efficiently. AmongTZE’s factories, 100% (11 factories) eligible for certification have obtained the ISO 14001 Environmental Management SystemCertification, and 8 factories have obtained the ISO 50001 Energy Management System Certification.
Renewable Energy PV Products Electricity Consumption Intensity(MWh/MW)
Other Silicon Materials Electricity Consumption Intensity(MWh/MSI)
2023 Progress2024 Target2025 Target 2030 Target 2023 Progress2024 Target2025 Target 2030 Target
3% reduction
from 2023
2% reduction
from 20238% reduction
from 2023
5% reduction
from 202315% reduction
from 2023
10% reduction
from 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Utilizing Renewable Energy
Expanding the use of renewable energy is a key for TZEto optimizing the energy structure and reducing carbonemissions. In an effort to sustain the development,the Company commits to the “100% use of renewableelectricity” and sets this commitment as a long-termgoal to regulate power use in production and operation.The Company plans to build PV power stations with anestimated capacity of 4GW+ by 2027 for the productionbases in Inner Mongolia and Ningxia, and strives to achieve45% of the electricity used in domestic factories generatedfrom renewable sources by 2030.We are committed to building green electricity parks. In2023, the Company has 100% implemented the rooftopPV distributed power generation system in all productionbases, with a total annual power generation of 103,354MWh. At the same time, the Company actively exploresrenewable power trading channels, with renewable powerpurchase and consumption amounting to 99,337 MWh. Theannual renewable electricity consumption amounted to202,691 MWh, accounting for 2.54% of the total electricityconsumption. The amount of renewable electricity from ourown PV power plants participating in environmental rightstrading amounted to 41,751.4 MWh.
2021-2023 TZE Energy Consumption Performance
Total energy consumptionMWh-
-8,188,115.71Natural gasm?2,880,687.823,867,760.005,512,615.72Steamtons--169,015.10PetrolLiter--21,215.95DieselLiter--73,486.29Total electricity consumptionMWh4,414,449.085,268,918.427,990,386.01Purchased renewable electricityMWh-99,336.98Purchased non-renewableelectricity
Electricity generated by rooftop PVsystem
2023 TZE energy consumption data covers all production plants.
The Company discloses indicators such as total energy consumption, total gasoline consumption, and total purchased renewable electricity from the 2023Sustainability Report onwards.
The increase in the total amount of purchased non-renewable electricity in 2023 is mainly due to the increase in demand for electricity as Ningxia Zhonghuanstarts full production in 2023.
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
IndustryMeasure Achievement
·Dry pump frequency conversion retrofit
·Circulating water system functionalityimprovement
Electricity saving of 30,489.5 thousandkWhWafer
·HVAC intelligent retrofit
·Air compressor graded air supply renovation
·Ice machine heat recovery
Electricity saving of 30,588.8 thousandkWhCell and Module
·Dryer blast heat process modification
·Cooling tower free cooling
Electricity saving of 3,357.0 thousandkWh
Other Silicon Materials
·Cold source system intelligent retrofit
·Cold source system energy-saving renovation
·Air compressor waste heat recovery
Electricity saving of 1,014.8 thousandkWhNatural gas savings of 65.9 thousand m?
Improving the Energy Consumption EfficiencyTZE is committed to improving the energy consumption efficiency and strengthening the energy management capabilityin factories. The Company has established complete and effective energy policies, energy performance targets and energymanagement systems in accordance with the requirements of ISO 50001 Energy Management System.Our factories take active efforts in transforming to more energy-efficient technologies based on the production process ofdifferent products. In 2023, the Company and its subsidiaries launched a total of 35 projects for energy conservation andefficiency improvement with an investment of CNY 152 million. These projects are estimated to save 65,450.1 thousand kWhof electricity and 65.9 thousand m
of natural gas.
Energy Management TrainingWe organise our subsidiaries to carry out energy useanalysis, sort out the structure and proportion of energy usein each operational part, and develop energy managementaction plans every year. In this way, we mobilize all staffto take actions to improve energy conservation, cultivatethe concept of thrift and frugality and the good habits ofemployees, improve energy effiency, so as to promote thesustainable development of the Company.
2023 TZE Energy Conservation and Consumption Reduction Key Achievements
Zhonghuan PV Organized Energy Management Training
Covering 850 Employees to Strengthen Their Energy
Saving AwarenessTCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Water Management
Our Management ApproachesIn recent years, climate change has triggered drastic changesin the water environment, leading to an increasing frequency ofdisasters such as floods and droughts. Both internal and externalstakeholders are becoming increasingly concerned about watermanagement. At the same time, water is one of the indispensableresources in TZE production process. To proactively address thechallenges of water management, following the TZE EnvironmentalManagement Policy, TZE has conducted water risk assessments forall factories, taked actions to response to water risk and mitigatedthe impact of operational processes on water environment. In 2023,the Company's water withdrawals, consumption and dischargesfrom the production and operations had no significant impact onthe water resources of the region in which it is located.The Company continues to optimize the water managementgovernance structure and promote water management from thetop down. The CEO of the Company and the Sustainability SteeringCommittee under the Strategy and Sustainability Committee ofthe Board of Directors serve as the highest management level ofwater governance, and they are jointly responsible for promotingthe realization of water management strategies and performance.The Company has incorporated water management indicators intoour ESG governance structure at all levels. Besides, these indicatorsare included in the performance assessment of factory managersand department heads, linking the water resource managementto the remuneration system. This practice stimulates proactiveengagement in water management, thus driving the achievementof water management goals.
The Strategy and Sustainable DevelopmentCommittee under the Board of Directors
Heads of subsidiaries/factories(Implementing water management inititatives)
Sustainable Development Office(Carrying out water management implementation and goals achievement)
Sustainability Steering Committee(Developing water management plan and goals)
All employees(Participation)Water Management Structure
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Water Use Reduction Target and Progress
Indicator2023 Target2023 Progress2024 Target2025 Target2030 Target
Percentage of water usefrom alternative watersources
53%54.51%56%59%70%Water recycling rate
43%43.68%46%49%60%Total water withdrawal
million m
Total water consumption
million m
Fresh water withdrawal
million m
Fresh water consumption
million m
Additional water savings
million m
Water recycling
million m
2023 Water management key performance
Percentage of water use from alternative water sources = (purchased reclaimed water + rainwater + condensate + water reuse) / (total water withdrawal + water reuse); wheretotal water use = total water withdrawal + water reuse
Water recycling rate = water reuse / (total water withdrawal + water reuse); where total water use = total water withdrawal + water reuse
The annual intensity targets for each industry are based on the new percentage decline in 2023.
Renewable Energy PV Products Water Withdrawal IntensityTarget
(by segment)
Renewable Energy PV Products Water ConsumptionIntensity Target (by segment)
Renewable Energy PV Products Water Use ReductionTarget (m
Other Silicon Materials Water Use ReductionTarget (m
6,824.041,041.41Intensity of freshwater withdrawal
Intensity of freshwater consumption
Intensity of freshwater withdrawal
Intensity of freshwater consumption
2023 Progress2023 Progress2024 Target2024 Target2025 Target 2025 Target 2030 Target 2030 Target
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
TZE Water Risk Identification and Response
Water Risk Handling Measures
Extremely High RiskAreas
(5 Factories)
High RiskAreas (9Factories)
Evaluation andmonitoring
Regularly evaluate water resource risks, enhance water use analysis, identify majorwater use/water saving points, and develop annual water resource managementtargets and plans
Emergency andresponse
Develop and improve the emergency response mechanism for water environmentrisk incidents, and carry out emergency response in a scientific and reasonablemanner
★★★★Publicity andincentive
Arrange water conservation publicity as well as training and education, improvethe awareness of water saving across the Company, set up positive incentiveprograms for energy saving and consumption reduction, and guide all employeesto contribute to water conservation in each business process
Technical measures
Increasingalternative watersources
Implement diversified water withdrawal, thus reducing the usage of freshwater★★★★★Improving waterefficiency
Improve the water production rate of pure water preparation and lower the totalwater withdrawal
★★★★★★Optimize water saving in process and reduce waste in use★★★★Increase wastewater reuse and improve water use efficiency★★★★★★
Preventing andcontrolling waterpollution
Optimize the wastewater treatment process and strictly control the drainage index★★★★★
Improve sewage reuse rate and reduce sewage discharge★★★★★
TZE AssessmentWRI Overall Water
Risk Index
TZE Targeted Risk Response and Inputs
Physical Risks – Qualityand FrequencyWater ShortageWater depletionInterannual changeSeasonal change
Declininggroundwater levels
River flood riskCoastal flood risk
Regulatory andReputational Risk
Drinking waterconditionsSanitation conditionsESG reputational risk
Water Use risk
Physical Risk – WaterQuality
CoastaleutrophicationUntreated waters
Water Quality RiskSanitationfacilitiescondition
Water Risk Management
To further understand the water source pressure and water consumption risks of all factories, TZE identifies the water risk levels of all factories utilizing the water risk assessment tooldeveloped by the World Resources Institute (WRI)
. Tested by the WRI Aqueduct Tool, 5 factories, namely Zhonghuan Crystal, Zhonghuan PV and Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Advanced inInner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Ningxia Zhonghuan in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and Huansheng Tianjin in Tianjin operate in areas with extremely high water risk, while theremaining 9 factories are located in high-risk areas. The Company has taken into account the total amount of water used in the plant and the water consumption structure to formulate awater risk management strategy and implement specific measures for water extraction and consumption.
Rated by the input level of labor, material, financial and other resources required at extremely high risk and high risk areas, with★★★ as the highest level.
In 2023, the Company has adopted the WRI's Water Risk rating in place of the Water Stress rating compared to the previous reporting period. This is due to the fact that a water risk assessment provides a more holistic and forward-looking perspective on waterresources management and protection, while a water stress assessment is a foundational step and a prerequisite for conducting a water risk assessment.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Alternative Water SourcesThe Company is actively expanding water sources, replacing fresh water intake and reducing theenvironmental impact of water resources by collecting rainwater and condensate, increasing the volume ofoutsourced recycled water, and improving the rate of water reuse. In 2023, TZE's fresh water (tap water)withdrawals were 23.72 million m?, representing 54.51% of alternative water sources.
Rainwater and Condensate Water
Rainwater and condensate water are valuable natural water resources that are susceptible to climate andseasonal influences. TZE has organized affiliated factories to analyze the local climate characteristics, buildrainwater and condensate water collection and treatment systems, and develop diverse sources for waterwithdrawal in the process to reduce the consumption of freshwater. In 2023, the consumption of condensatewater and rainwater was 119.4 thousand m?.Reclaimed WaterThe three plants, Zhonghuan Crystal, Zhonghuan PV and Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Advanced, which arelocated in areas of high water risk, purchase reclaimed water as a substitute for fresh water and introduceit into their manufacturing operations. They consumed 5.53 million m? of reclaimed water, accounting for
57.91% of its total water withdrawal. In the future, TZE will coordinate with the government to build reclaimed
water systems. As we test and utilize them, we aim to increase reclaimed water usage, reduce our reliance onnatural water resources, and mitigate regional water supply impacts.Water Reusecombining the characteristics of the water process, each plant establish a water reuse treatment systemrespectively, from the pure water preparation process, production wastewater discharge, public and auxiliarywastewater discharge, etc., to increase the amount of internal water reuse, reduce the amount of fresh waterintake. In 2023, the amount of reused water was 22.77 million m
, with a water reuse rate of 43.68%.
Rainwater Harvesting System in factory in Inner Mongolia
Condensate wate and rainwater
thousand m
Reclaimed water
million m
Water reuse
million m
million m
2023 TZE Alternative Water Sources Performance
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Water efficiency measures implemented into our production processes
IndicatorIngot WaferCellModuleOther Silicon Material
Total water savings6,265.1 thousand m?860.6 thousand m?77.5 thousand m?28.8 thousand m?3,843.9 thousand m?
Preparation processof pure water andultrapure water
Reuse of concentrated water in thepreparation of pure water
Reuse of concentrated water in thepreparation of pure water
Reuse of concentrated water inthe preparation of ultrapure water
Not involved
Reuse of concentrated water in thepreparation of ultrapure water, sand-containing wastewaterWater consumption inproduction
Automatic optimization of the solenoidvalve of the flat polishing machine toachieve precise water control.
Sticky plate process from open tapwater cooling to closed loop watertransformation
Cleaning process end sinkdrainage water reuse to purewater resistivity low gradeprocess
The space humidification in thewelding machine area is changedto precise humidification insidethe equipment, reducing thehumidification area and savingthe humidification water
Cleaning process end sink drainagewater reuse to pure water resistivity oflow-grade processWater consumption ofpublic auxiliary system
Optimization of medium-temperaturecooling circulating water pipingconsolidation for intensive supply
Adoption of recycled water toreplace the cleaning water sourcefor filtering devices in the largecirculation system
Recycling of condensate from air-conditioning units
Optimized management ofcooling tower system dosing andwastewater replacement
Landscape pool circulating waterfrequency conversion and automaticcontrol modification to optimize thecirculating systemWastewater reuse
Establish a water island system in thepark to treat and reuse particulatewastewater and fluorine-containingwastewater discharged at theproduction end
Establish a "zero-discharge"wastewater treatment system toreach surface water indicators andreuse
Continuously carry out projectsfor reuse of phosphorus-containing wastewater
Not involved
Treatment and reuse of acid wastewater,rinsing water, and drainage water fromthe tail gas processor of the epitaxialprocess
Improving Water EfficiencyThe Company is committed to reducing the dependence of products on water resources year by year, and integrating the concept of water conservation into the whole process of productionand operation. Thus, efforts are intensified to analyze the proportion of water consumed in each production and operation process, undertake research on water-saving projects, and promotethe effective implementation of such projects. By improving the water production rate of pure water preparation, optimizing water conservation in the process, and increasing the amount ofwater resource reuse, water use efficiency is strengthened. In 2023, water-saving measures were applied to the whole process of production and operation, and 22 new water conservationprojects were added, with an investment of 16 million, contributing to a total of 11.08 million m? of water saved.TZE attaches great importance to the use of ultrapure water, which is only applied in the production of PV cells and other silicon materials. We aim to lower the consumption of freshwater byincreasing the investment in projects of wastewater reuse and improving the recycling rate of water resources in the ultrapure water preparation process. In 2023, the consumption of ultrapurewater was 4.87 million m
, and the water production rate of ultrapure water of other silicon materials plants reached 84-88%.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Various Factories in Inner Mongoliaand Tianjin Recognized as “Water-Saving Enterprises”
In recent years, TZE has been assessing internal watermanagement and actively promoting water conservation,resulting in several enterprises being recognized as “water-saving enterprises.” We have established a reclaimed waterisland in the Inner Mongolia Industrial Park, where some ofthe treated wastewater is reused for production, domestic,and firefighting purposes. Both the Zhonghuan PV factoryand the Zhonghuan Crystal factory in the Inner MongoliaIndustrial Park were awarded the title of “Water-SavingEnterprise of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region” in 2022.In December 2023, TZE Huanzhi Renewable energy Factoryin Tianjin was awarded the title of “Tianjin Water-savingEnterprise” by the Tianjin Water Authority and TianjinIndustrial and Information Technology Bureau for itsprojects including wastewater reuse systems and advancedwastewater treatment systems.Water Management Training
In order to comprehensively deal with water resources risks,the Company actively carries out water conservation publicityand training and education activities, mobilizes all employeesto actively participate in the Company's water conservationactions, strengthens the awareness of water conservationamong all employees, and puts an end to the phenomenon ofwasting water resources in the production and living processes.The Company has formulated a positive incentive programfor water conservation, encouraging all employees to activelyprovide feedback on water-saving rationalization suggestionsto comprehensively improve water efficiency.In 2023, the Company organized 32 water conservation trainingactivities, with more than 1,680 participants.
Water Conservation Training
Water reusesupplyOrganic wastewaterAlkaline wastewater
General washing
Coagulation andflocculation process
MRB treatment
Public auxiliary
systemCooling tower
ProductionProcessesInsertion processDegumming processSteaming and gluing
processMVR system
Ozone treatmentHydrolysis acidification
Resin softening
reverse osmosis
Huanzhi Renewable Energy Wastewater Reuse System Flow Chart
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Preventing and Controlling Water PollutionTZE has formulated and implemented the Environmental Protection Management Regulations and otherinstitutional documents, and made every effort to do a good job in the whole process of wastewater collection,treatment, reuse and discharge management to enhance the maximum efficiency of water resources. Eachfactory strictly follows the environmental impact assessment, standardized design, construction and operation ofwastewater treatment systems, and sets up wastewater on-line monitoring equipment to monitor the quality ofwater discharged in real time to ensure that wastewater discharges are in full compliance with the requirementsof the territorial environmental protection. All factories also regularly invite a third party to conduct wastewatertesting and long-term tracking of wastewater quality to ensure that wastewater discharge meets the standards.In 2023, the Company did not have any incidents of wastewater discharge exceeding the standards andenvironmental pollution.To reduce environmental impact, TZE continuously invests in research and development and uses wastewatertreatment and reuse technologies to reduce water load in recent years. By establishing a "zero-discharge"wastewater treatment system, Huanzhi Renewable energy, a subsidiary of the Company, treats the wastewaterin depth to meet the standard of direct discharge of surface water, so as to reduce the impact of the wastewateron the surrounding environment; at the same time, the factory completed the construction of a wastewater reusesystem and put it into operation at the end of July 2023, with a total investment of more than RMB 4.9 million.The wastewater will be collected and reused for the use of cooling water towers and cleaning of workshop insertsafter in-depth treatment, and it could be used to replace municipal water, and the cumulative total amount ofwastewater reuse amounted to 179,514 m
.2021-2023 Wastewater Management Key Performance
Disclosure ItemUoM202120222023
Wastewater Discharge10,000 m?1,122.621,433.522,013.44COD emissionskg-1,268,896.002,015,983.17Ammonia nitrogenkg-57,961.5461,338.16Suspended solids (SS) emissionskg-728,761.30442,282.75
Supply Chain Water ManagementIn setting water conservation targets for the Company and oursupply chain, we not only account for water intake, consumption anddischarge in all aspects of our own production and operations, butalso encourage our suppliers to improve their water managementcapabilities.We encourage our suppliers to improve their water managementthrough various means, including ISO 14001 environmentalmanagement system certification, setting water saving targets,carrying out water saving projects, and reducing wastewaterdischarges, etc. In the process of supplier entry, we investigateand assess their water management performance in production; inthe process of the annual suppliers’ performance, we incorporatetheir water management performance into the assessment, andcontinuously monitor the progress of relevant water saving projects.In order to promote the implementation of the supply chain waterconservation program, the Company has established an effectivecommunication and supply chain water data collection mechanism. TheCompany is actively promoting the formulation of supply chain waterconservation targets, developing a supply chain water conservationprogram, and focusing on suppliers whose operations are located inareas with extremely high water risk and whose fresh water withdrawlis high. The Company regularly exchanges and discusses with suppliersand jointly evaluates and analyzes the water conservation targets tobe set by suppliers to ensure the feasibility of the targets. During theReporting Period, we actively promoted the establishment of watersaving targets by our washing material suppliers and technologicallyempowered them to carry out a series of water saving measures. Fordetails, please refer to paragraph “4.1 Responsible Supply Chain -Green Supply Chain” of the Report.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Ecological ProtectionOur Management Approaches
At TZE, we adhere to the “3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)” principle, and actively integratethe concept of circular economy into how we operate. Particularly, TZE promotes the reuseof packaging materials and comprehensive utilization of solid waste, striving to achieve awin-win situation regarding the environmental protection and economic growth. We strictlymanage our environmental and ecological footprint, stringently complying with regulationspertaining to emissions of exhaust gas and noise. We also protect biodiversity and leverageour PV technology advantages to facilitate ecological restoration in multiple regions.As of December 31, 2023, our 8 subsidiaries have been recognized as “Green Factory”,including Zhonghuan PV and Tianjin Zhonghuan Advanced, both of which have beenawarded the national “Green Factory”. 7 subsidiaries have been certified as “Zero WasteFactory”. The Company plans to secure “Zero Waste Factory” certification for all factories by2030.
Waste ManagementTZE strictly complies with relevant laws and regulations such as the Law of the People’sRepublic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environment Pollution Caused by SolidWastes, earnestly implements the requirements of the TZE Environmental ManagementPolicy on waste management, adheres to the principles of industrial waste reduction,recyling and decontamination, and co-ordinates the management of the company'sindustrial waste throughout the entire process, so as to minimize the amount of wastegenerated, fully utilize the resources and standardize the disposal of wastes. We alsopromise to gradually reduce hazardous substances in our products to zero. At the sametime, we are committed to gradually reduce or stop using hazardous substances in ourproducts. The Company also continuously strengthens collaboration with suppliers, partnersand other stakeholders to jointly build a waste management model for the whole chain.
2021-2023 TZE Solid Waste Performance (tons)
2023 TZE Solid Waste Disposal (tons)
Waste category
Other disposal
1,887.67594.96974.49610.60General solidwaste
Including physical disposal and co-disposal in cement kilns.
Solid wastecomprehensiveutilization rateGeneral solidwasteHazardouswaste
Comprehensiveutilization of solidwastes
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
IndustryMeasure Achievement
Recycle quartz crucible packaging: Adoptcustomized recyclable packaging for thetransportation of quartz crucibles. Return therecyclable packaging boxes to suppliers for reuseafter unloading the crucibles in the workshop.
Annual savings of over 24,000corrugated boxes, upper covers, cruciblebottom brackets, and wooden palletsWafer
Reuse of sludge: Blend sludge into architecturalbricks for reuse in the construction field
Recycling of more than 1,945 tons ofsludge for a year
Improve battery packaging recycling: Cooperatewith downstream assembly partners to establishan account for packaging materials recyclingto monitor the account of packaging materials,designate a dedicated area for packaging materialplacement, and conduct packaging materialsrecycling in a reasonable manner.
The use of cartons decreased by 3.2pieces per 10,000 pieces and the linersdecreased by 4.15 pieces per 10,000pieces after the implementation of theimprovement measuresModule
Improve transfer pattern: Replace wooden palletswith metal pallets, and replace steel frames withaluminum frames
Replacement of wooden pallets withmetal pallets saves wood as they arerecyclable, saving more than 297,000wooden palletsOtherSiliconMaterials
The disposal of waste chemical packagingcontainers is changed from incineration treatmentto recycling by manufacturers
Disposing a total of 5,503 units ofcontainers in the whole year, realizingthe comprehensive utilization of about
71.54 tons of hazardous waste
2023 Waste and Packaging Material Recycling KeyAchievements
Raw material managementThe Company is committed to minimising the negative impacts of the raw materials it uses,actively collaborating with upstream suppliers and other stakeholders to promote the use ofrecycled, renewable and third-party verified raw materials, while avoiding the procurementof raw materials from biodiversity-important areas through traceability of origin.In 2023, the proportion of renewable materials used in the packaging of our main productswas 97.72%.As the first enterprises in Tianjin to establish a “Zero Waste Factory”, Huanzhi Renewableenergy has been steadfast in promoting the reduction and recycling of solid waste. Byselecting high-quality fine materials, improving processes, enhancing product quality, andprolonging product service life, Huanzhi Renewable energy strived to reduce the generationof solid waste at the source, resulting in a 13.2% decrease in solid waste production per pieceof silicon wafer. Moreover, we have jointly carried out a waste high-value reuse practiceproject with external disposal companies, recycling more than 1,945 tons of silicon mudand doping it to make craft bricks, which can be reused in building construction, effectivelyimproving the comprehensive utilization rate of solid waste to 99.7%.Huanzhi Renewable energy safeguards the operation of the “Zero Waste Factory” withthe support of intelligent and information technology. The entire process is equipped withintelligent equipments. We also use the environmental protection module system to recordtypes, quantities, flow, storage, utilization, disposal, and other information of industrial solidwaste, ensuring its traceability.
Huanzhi Renewable energy - the First “Zero WasteFactory” in Tianjin
Our “Zero Waste Factory” - Huanzhi Renewable Energy
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
2021-2023 Exhaust Gas Emission Key Performance
Exhaust gas pollutantstons-
-52.26Nitrogen oxide (NOx)tons95.8730.917.50
Sulphur dioxide (SO2)tons02.110.15Particulate matter (PM)tons--19.17Volatile organic compounds (VOC)tons--16.41Other exhaust gas pollutant
Exhaust Gas ManagementTZE strictly complies with the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention andControl of Atmospheric Pollution. The Company pledges in the Environmental ManagementPolicy to achieve up-to-standard discharge and compliance disposal of exhaust gases.According to the Integrated Emission Standard of Air Pollutants, the Emission Standardof Pollutants for the Battery Industry and other laws and regulations, manufacturingprocesses that generate acidic exhaust gas, alkaline exhaust gas, organic exhaust gas anddust are all equipped with purification equipment. Then, the purified gases are monitoredfor concentration to ensure that all types of air pollutants meet the requirements of thecompliance before discharge.
The Company discloses indicators such as total emissions of exhaust gas pollutants, and particulate matter from the 2023Sustainable Development Report onwards.
Due to third-party handling of material suction in 2023, nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide emissions decreased compared to2022.
Including ammonia, hydrogen chloride and fluoride.
Noise Prevention and Control
TZE rigorously manages noise generated within the Company’s industrial park in accordancewith regulations such as the Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprises Noise at Boundary,to ensure noise meets emission requirements. The Company actively promotes noise controlmeasures, such as giving priority to low-noise equipment and facilities in the procurementprocess, replacing equipment with those generating less noise, strengthening the pointinspection and maintenance of noise protection facilities, and commissioning a qualifiedthird party to carry out noise testing at the plant boundary on a regular basis to ensure thatthe noise meets the emission standards. During the Reporting Period, the Company did notreceive any noise-related complaints.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Ecological ConservationBiodiversityThe potential negative environmental impacts of production and operational activities areof great concern to the Company. Throughout the entire process of project development,construction, and daily operation, we strictly adhere to environmental and biodiversityprotection laws and regulations such as the Environmental Impact Assessment Law of thePeople’s Republic of China. The Company considers ecological and environmental resourcesas a crucial boundary for project investment. To this end, the Company has formulated theBiodiversity Conservation Policy, which states:
TZE is committed to realizing Net Positive Impact (NPI) and supporting the visionproposed in the Kunming Declaration to achieve “harmonious coexistence of humans andnature” by 2050.TZE integrates sustainable development concepts into supply chain management, workswith business partners to promote biodiversity conservation and build green supply chains.
Supporting Ecological Restoration with PV Power
We actively leverage our expertise in solar technology to assist in ecological restoration inmultiple regions, proposing the innovative model of “Solar Power + Ecological Restoration”and implementing applications such as fishery-light complementarity, and solar power fordesert control.
Taking advantage of local resources, the first “PV +” base project in the southwesternShandong coal mining subsidence area - the Huadian Jining Yutai Water-Surface PV PowerGeneration Project integrates PV power generation, aquaculture, and ecological restoration,exploring a new path for green transition in mining areas.The G12 efficient imbricated modules covering the water surface do more than providerenewable energy for the local area. They also effectively reduce water evaporation andwater temperature, thereby inhibiting algae proliferation and facilitating water purification.This, in turn, promotes the development of local aquaculture and fisheries, and ensuresharmonious coexistence of nature and technology.
G12 Imbricated Modules Help Turn Coal Mining Subsidence Areasinto “Gold Mines”
The Water-Surface PV Power Station - Bringing Solar Power to Local CommunitiesThe TZE Garden Factory, Where Technology and Nature Live Inharmony
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UN SDGs addressed in this chapter:
People-Oriented Philosophy for a Shared Future
TZE firmly believes in a “people-oriented” approach that emphasizes unlocking thefull potential of employees. We are committed to creating a diverse, inclusive, and safeworkplace and operating environment for employees. We strive to provide each employeewith competitive compensation and benefits, equal talent training opportunities, andpromotion channels. By doing so, we aim to fully tap into employees' potential and values,and foster mutual growth with them.Key Target and ProgressIssue Indicator Progress in 2023 2024 Target 2025 Target 2030 TargetDiversity,equality andinclusiveness
Talent trainingsystem
Established trainingprograms foremployees at differentlevels, businesses anddepartments
Optimize the talent trainingand development system(including leadership training,training programs designed foremployees at all levels, etc.)
Build a talenttraining anddevelopmentsystem foroverseas bases
Implement aglobal talenttraining anddevelopmentsystemAverage annualtraining hoursper employee
37.2 hours
Increase by 5% compared to2023
Increase by 10%compared to 2023
Increase by35% comparedto 2023Employeetraining anddevelopment
Percentageof females inmanagementpositions
24.6%Not less than 26% Not less than 28%
Not less than30%Occupationalhealth andsafety
Lost time injury rate(per 1,000,000 hoursworked) is 0.23
Reduce the lost time injury rate(per 1,000,000 hours worked)by 3% compared to 2023
Reduce the losttime injury rate(per 1,000,000hours worked) by5% compared to2023
Reduce thelost time injuryrate (per1,000,000hours worked)by 8%compared to2023
TZE Has Won Several “Best Employer” Awards in the Past Three YearsForbes China 2023 China's Best Employer inInnovative Practices for 2023
China Business Report 2023 Excellent Employer BrandHRoot 2023 Excellent ESG Employer HRise2023 China's Forward-Looking EmployerKnx X Awards 2023 - Best Employer Brand Beisen 2023 China Talent Management Reform Pioneer36 Kr 2023 Workplace Bonus EmployerLiepin 2023 Extraordinary Employer51Job 2023 Top Graduate Employers 51Job 2022 Top Graduate Employers 14Forbes China 2021 Most Sustainable Employer
SustainableNet Zero
AccountableMaking a Joint
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Diversity and InclusionOur Management Approaches
As an international Company, the Company’s business spans multiple countries and regions,thereby nurturing a culturally diverse workforce. Building on this, we aspire to foster adiverse and equal corporate atmosphere. We strive to establish an inclusive culture in ourworkplaces while enhancing team unity. With the development of international business, wewill continue to practice initiatives related to diversity, equality and inclusion.In accordance with the Employee Handbook, the Code of Business Ethics, the ESG Code ofConduct for Partners, the Company mandates that internal employees and external partnersuphold equal rights in recruitment, employment, compensation and welfare, training,promotion, and departure. Any form of targeted discriminatory behavior is completelyeliminated. Employees are treated with equality regardless of their races, nationalities,genders, religions, and sexual orientations at TZE, all employees employed sign employmentcontracts with the Company in accordance with the law. There are no such forms ofemployment as part-time, temporary, outsourced employees.We are particularly concerned about the rights and interests of female employees. We haveformulated and implemented the Regulations on the Special Protection and Management ofFemale Employees with reference to the Special Labor Protection of Female Employees. Inaddition, we have also set goals to increase the proportion of female employees in the totalworkforce, management, and scientific talents. We focus on value creation, determine postsand compensation based on individual ability, and make equal compensation between maleand female employees a diversity goal.Embracing DiversityThe Company provides female employees with equal career opportunities and a broadplatform for career development. We also demonstrate the “power of female” by appointingfemale employees as management. In 2023, the proportion of female employees in seniormanagement of the Company was 26.4%. Inner Mongolia and Ningxia are our key businesslocations and the Company attaches great importance to the local employment. Wetreat candidates from different ethnic groups equally during recruiting and fully respectmulticultural integration to create an inclusive working environment. As of the end of theReporting Period, TZE employed 1,992 minority employees.
2021-2023 TZE Diversity Performance
Disclosure Item202120222023
Total number of employees13,37117,39019,489By gender
Male 10,86714,16016,039Female 2,5043,2303,450By age group
30 and below 6,3869,49910,34731-50 6,8517,7588,99050 and above 134133152
The Company discloses general employee and management diversity metrics by gender starting with the 2023 SustainabilityReport.
UoM: person
MaleSenior management
Junior management
Middle managementStaff
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
International Empowerment
We are committed to becoming the leading renewable energy technology company in theworld. As we keep facilitating international business, we are striving for an internationalworkforce through a wide range of measures to attract international talents, enhanceemployees' cross-cultural awareness, and promote the internationalization of our workforce.By the end of the Reporting Period, we had employed 10 foreign employees from 4countries.The Company organizes internationalization training for employees, which covers equity,opportunity and competition, social identity and sense of equity and other topics. Throughthe training, we facilitate a profound understanding of multiculture among core groups toempower the Company's international development.
Based on the talent needs of the Company’s globalization strategy, the Companycontinuously deepens the international school-enterprise cooperation. We align talentsupply with the demand in overseas regions, and make efforts in building up a nationaltalent co-education platform.In November 2023, TZE and the School of International Education of Nankai Universityjointly organized an employment exchange meeting for foreign students. During themeeting, all-round and in-depth exchanges were carried out on topics such as therecruitment of foreign students, internship, enhancement of employees’ ability, and theconstruction of collaborative education mechanism. In doing so, we endeavor to nurturetalents in accurate response to the demand of the industrial chain.
TZE and the School of International Education of Nankai UniversityJointly Organized an Exchange Meeting for Foreign Students
Multicultural Lectures
International Students Visit TZETianjin Industrial Park
Measures to Improve DiversityTo strengthen employees’ understandings of diversity, in 2023, the Company organized 9multicultural lectures covering topics such as cross-culture, international business etiquette,and overseas employment requirements. At the cross-cultural lecture, we emphasized suchtopics as the high and low context cultures, power distance, uncertainty avoidance. At thelecture on overseas employment, we emphasized equity, respect, and cultural tolerance tocontinuously improve the level of employee diversity and further practice the philosophy ofdiversity in daily work.
Huanzhi Renewable energy devotes resources to the development of female engineers.Through a comprehensive engineer development system, female employees are empoweredin terms of basic theory, applied technology, and engineering practice. By doing so, HuanzhiRenewable energy gives full play to the strengths of female scientific and technologicaltalents in innovation.In 2022, Xiaomeng Liu joined Huanzhi Renewable energy as a fresh graduate. After that, shewas provided with ample learning opportunities and practices. In specific, she participatedin projects such as the optimization of eight yield modules of the quality intelligenceanalysis system and the design of the one-click agile reporting. In 2022, Xiaomeng Liu wonthe “Greatest Growth Award” for her outstanding performance, and was appointed as themanager of the AI Big Data Center in 2023.
Huanzhi Renewable energy Takes Various Measures to SupportFemale Scientific and Technological Talents
Huanzhi Renewable Energy "the Most GrowingPower Award" Winner Liu XiaomengWomen in Technical Positions
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Attracting andRetaining Talents
Employees are the cornerstone for the Company’ssustainable development. A high-level talent team is boththe pillar for the Company’s business development andan important concern of stakeholders. We adhere to thepeople-oriented employment concept, strictly protectthe rights and interests of employees, and introduceoutstanding talents from home and abroad. TZE providescompetitive compensation and benefits for our employees,promotes sustainable operation together with them, andprovides talent guarantee for the globalization of the PVindustry.Attracting TalentsThe Company dynamicly adjusts recruitment plan andintroduces talents tailored to business development andstrategic needs, to expand the talent pool. In addition,based on future business development, we carry out in-depth university-enterprise cooperation projects, to fostertalents needed in advance, which effectively supports ourlong-term development strategy.Adhering to the employment philosophy of “Everybody hasto start somewhere”, we continuously carry out “Go GlobalProgram”, “Starlight Program” and “Sparkling Program”.These programs are designed to attract fresh graduates athome and abroad and foreign graduate students in China,helping to reserve talents for our globalization strategy.During the Reporting Period, TZE recruited 7,022 newemployees.
The Company discloses the number of new hires by age from the 2023 Sustainability Report.
To reserve talents for the globalization strategy, the GoGlobal Program has been set up to absorb overseas students back to China, foreignstudents in China, etc., to build a global and sustainable talent supply chain. During the Reporting Period, the Company attracted more than50 international students.Go Global Program
Adhering to the long-term and forward-looking principle, the Company continuously works on the recruitment, training and reserve of freshgraduates. At present, the Company has established in-depth university-enterprise cooperation with a number of domestic universities,forming a stable and sustainable talent supply chain system. In the spring and autumn campus recruitment of 2023, 600 fresh graduates intotal joined the Company.Starlight Program
The university-enterprise cooperation project, which deeply combines intern employment of domestic and overseas students with campusrecruitment of the Company, helps to achieve stable reserve of talents. We have cooperated with 62 universities across 17 provinces andcentrally-administered municipalities. During the Reporting Period, the Company entered into cooperation with over 10 new colleges anduniversities, and recruited more than 500 interns. All interns had chances to become regular staff of the Company.
Sparkling Program
The number of global
new hires
The number of globalnew hires
By genderBy age
2023 New Hires Key Performance
50 and above1,347
Specialized Programs and Measures
30 and belowTotal cost of staff recruitment:
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Protecting Employee Rights
The Company strictly abides by the International LaborOrganization Conventions, the Labor Law of the People'sRepublic of China and other domestic and internationalconventions, laws and regulations regarding labor andemployee rights and interests. We have formulated theHuman Rights Policy to ensure that the fundamental humanrights of all employees, suppliers and other stakeholdersare not violated in our business, production and operationactivities. The Company signs labor contracts withemployees in accordance with the law, clearly stipulatingthe rights and obligations of both parties. All employeesare required to sign an Employee Commitment Letter,making commitments regarding compliance with lawsand regulations, honesty and trustworthiness, observanceof confidentiality obligations, integrity, human rights andother aspects.We respect employees' rights to freedom of associationand collective bargaining, establish employee union andsign the Collective Agreement on Remuneration withemployee representatives after discussion to effectivelysafeguard the rights and interests of employees. In 2023,the Collective Agreement signing rate and employeeunionization rate was both 100%.In 2023, TZE passed the Harmonious Enterprise Reviewof Tianjin Hi-tech District upon the third-party review onlabor relations, labor disputes and humanistic care. Overthe past three years, the Company had no incidents ofdiscrimination, child labor or forced labor.
The Company adopts a “zero tolerance” policy towards forced labor, ensuring that every employee can enjoy statutory holidays inaccordance with national laws and regulations and company policies.We always adhere to the “people-oriented”, adopt the “four crews and two shifts”production mode, to ensure that the Company's operationcompliies with the bottom line and red line.
Prohibition of forced labor
The Company has formulated and implemented the Regulations on the Special Protection and Management of Minors with reference to therequirements of the Law on Protection of Minors. The regulation has explicitly prohibited the employment of minors.The Company have explicitly prohibited the hiring of minors under the age of 18 in the Recruitment Management Procedures. To this end,we check and confirm the valid identity of candidates in various ways in the process of employee recruitment, employment approval,registration, etc.
Prohibition of child labor
The Company regularly conducts the risk assessment and comprehensive review regarding human rights and labor rights. The assessmentand review focus on violations of human rights/labor rights such as child labor and forced labor, covering working environment, workinghours, health and safety, compensation and benefits, employee training and development, etc. We ensure that human rights safeguardscover all employees.In 2023, after a comprehensive human rights assessment, we found that the overall performance in the protection of employee rights andinterests was good, but there was still a need to optimize the areas of occupational health and safety, and employee feedback mechanisms,all of which have been formulated with improvement measures.The Company regularly organizes training on human rights to enhance employees' knowledge in this regard as well as their awareness ofrights protection.
Respect and guarantee of human rights
To protect their rights, employees can report violations through internal audit and grievance reporting channels.The Company will record and respond to complaints within 24 hours upon receipt. Advice on how to cope with the reported problems willbe proposed, with relevant parties to be handled based on the severity of the case.
Complaints and Reports Handling
TZE Human Rights Protection
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Employee Benefits and Care
The Company pays close attention to the needs ofemployees. We provide them with basic pension insurance,basic medical insurance, unemployment insurance, workinjury insurance, maternity insurance and housing providentfund in accordance with the law. We also protect their non-pay benefits of annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave,nursing leave, marriage leave, bereavement leave, parentalleave and other leaves.To make employees feel the Company's care andcompanionship in all aspects, the Company keepsimproving various non-monetary benefits. For example, theCompany provides all employees with staff canteen thatoffers three meals a day, reasonable paid holidays, benefitsfor the Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-AutumnFestival and other festivals, and allowances for businesstrips, overtime work, high temperature, cold temperatureand other scenarios. With these efforts, we strive to makeTZE a warm homeland.In addition to the benefits above, we offer our care tofemale employees every year on the Women’s Day. We haveset up baby care rooms and provided wellness insurancefor female employees, thus protecting them against majorillnesses. For employees who are pregnant for 5 months ormore, the Company conventionally requests them to takematernity leave until childbirth and provides parental leavefor parents of infants and young children.A healthy and energetic working atmosphere is essentialto improve employee’s productivity and passion. We payspecial attention to employees' work stress and mentalhealth, and provide basic emotional counseling servicesthrough employee unions, mental health seminars, andregular employee communications, etc. In 2023, the laborunion in different regions organized a wide range of high-frequency cultural and sports activities for all employees,attracting more than 19,000 employees.
Disclosure Item202120222023
Social insurance coverage rate100%100%100%
2021-2023 TZE’s Social Insurance Coverage Performance
2023 TZE’s Parental Leave Performance (person)
Total number of employees that were entitled toparental leave
Total number of employees that returned to work in theReporting Period after parental leave ended
MaleFemaleMale on
Male returnto work
Femaleon leave
Female returnto work
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Remuneration and IincentiveFocusing on value creation, the Company continuously improves the remuneration andincentive policies, and provides all employees with internally fair and externally competitiveremuneration through job value assessment, individual ability value evaluation, variableremuneration mechanisms based on performance appraisal and various incentive measures.We develope and continue to improve a variable performance-based pay mechanism thatcovers all employees, including non-officer and non-sales staff. In addition to the fixedcompensation, employees are also paid with variable pay including monthly performance-based pay, as well as process and annual bonuses. Employee’s monthly compensationfluctuates based on performance assessment. Bonuses vary according to the Company’sbusiness performance, the performance of the department to which employee belongs, theindividual performance and other factors.We gradually improve the performance management system for senior managementthrough the assessment for the Company’s CPI (Common Performance Indicator) andkey task evaluation. CPIs for senior management include the Company’s sustainabledevelopment, innovation, talent attraction and retention, and business ethics. Key tasksinclude water management, work safety, scientific and technological innovation, key tasksof Industry 4.0, fulfilment in olive-shaped talent construction, corporate and supply chainanti-corruption and business ethics governance. The practice that ESG-related performanceindicators are linked with the remuneration for senior management can enhance theirattention to corporate ESG governance.
Performance Appraisals and RemunerationIncentiveWe constantly improve a series of supporting processes and mechanisms for talent retentionsuch as performance appraisal mechanism, to scientifically and comprehensively learn aboutemployee performance. We also provide remuneration with internal fairness and externalcompetitiveness for all employees, to share the fruits of development with employees.Performance Appraisals and AssessmentThe Company conducts performance assessment every year, regardless of gender andrank, which is a scientific basis for employees’ promotion, training and development, andcompensation and ensures the provision of feedbacks for them. By doing so, TZE aimsto achieve operation plans, help departments and employees achieve their objectives,and determine the employees’ performance through dynamic assessment. In 2023, theperformance appraisals and feedback covered 100% of our employees.Taking the comprehensive consideration of job requirements, indicators of annualemployees, evaluation criteria, etc., the Company sets different evaluation dimensions,periods and approaches for employees at different levels and positions.
Assessment indicator: Cultural values, core competencies, completion of keytasks, etc.Assessment period: Semi-annual & annualAssessment approach: All-round evaluation; the evaluation and inspections byrelevant responsible parties
Positive and negative incentives
Employee stock ownership plan is linked to the Company's performanceand individual performance. As of the end of 2023, the Company hasimplemented Employee Equity Programs - 2021 Options & 2021, 2022,2023 employee stock ownership plan. The incentives cover a wide rangeof employees, including core management backbone, core technologybackbone, marketing business backbone, "craftsman-type" talents andother key talents, etc. Long-term incentives cover thousands person times.
Management andCore Members
Assessment indicator: Work execution, learning and growth, teamwork,planning and thinking, etc.Assessment period: QuarterlyAssessment approach: All-round evaluationStaff
Daily prompt incentives
Excellent performance/position promotionDifferential pay adjustment
On an annual basisYear-end bonus
Annual excellent organization/staff selectionOther honorsLong-term incentives
Various Incentives
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Democratic Communication
Effective communication is key to efficient operation. We actively listen to the voices ofemployees by building a communication bridge with employees. Through a wide rangeof transparent channels such as employee talks, employee satisfaction surveys, publicmailboxes, and suggestion boxes, we learn about their difficulties in work and life. In doingso, we also encourage them to take active part in the Company's business decisions andcultural construction.The Company’s SSC (Shared Service Center) are equipped with employee service hotlineand mailbox, as well as full-time labor relation coordinators. Employees can share theirneeds or ideas with SSC via the hotline or email, or through on-site communication. We alsoset up rationalization channels in every production base to collect employees’ suggestionsin respect of working process and operation management. The Company will develop animprovement plan for the feedbacks and keep following up on them.
Employee Engagement and SatisfactionThe Company attaches great importance to the key drivers of employee engagement andsatisfaction, and conducts regular employee engagement and satisfaction surveys everyyear. In November 2023, TZE entrusted third parties to conduct a survey on employeeengagement and satisfaction, covering 15 dimensions including engagement, satisfactionand happiness index. We sent questionnaires to 20,656 employees via SMS, QR code,and email. We received 19,863 replies, and the overall response rate was 96%. We haveformulated improvement plans in response to the findings of the study, and continuouslytrack the progress of the implementation to enhance employee engagement andsatisfaction.Upholding the principle of “people-oriented” development, we are committed to areassuch as building the talent pipeline, establishing an olive-shaped organization, improvingremuneration and benefit mechanism and employee training system, optimizing employeedevelopment channels, and strengthening the employee care. In doing so, we improve thesense of gain and happiness of employees in a comprehensive way, and further reduce theturnover rate.
The number of employees is the number of people surveyed as of November 31, 2023.
The overall engagement survey scored
pointsThe overall satisfaction survey scored
pointsThe voluntary turnover rate in 2023 was
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Employee Training and Development
Our Management Approaches
The Company highlights the construction of talent pipeline, by providing various career development channels, and carrying out career development planning covering all employees. In doingso, the Company is committed to creating high-quality international “intelligent manufacturing” talent pipeline with solid theoretical knowledge, strong practical ability and broad internationalvision, so as to continuously enhance our innovation ability and industry competitiveness.
International Center forCapacity DevelopmentSkills Training CenterSchool-EnterpriseCooperation Center
Four colleges: undertake theplatform of teacher and courseconstruction, and classify thecurriculum systemThree centers: integratedsolution design andundertaking, based on theorganization's key tasks andlong-term talent trainingunder the overall programconstruction
Task-oriented talentdevelopment goals
Six platforms: systemconstruction, operation,resource intensive,standardized managementBenchmark project: Linkagecenter, platform resourceslanding operation andmanagement
Crystal Management College
Corporate Culture: Inherit andpromote corporate cultureCadre/backbone abilityimprovement: cadre teamand reserve talent abilityimprovement
Crystal Intelligence College
Industry 4.0 Intelligentmanufacturing: cutting-edgelectures, thinking, knowledgereserve, dissemination ofmanufacturing cultureLean, quality system: projectsystem to support front-line site management andimprovement
Crystal Materials College
Semiconductor, PV basicdisciplines: semiconductormaterials, materials physics andother specialized knowledge,reserve engineers, solidify theindustrial foundation.
Crystal Energy Institute
First-line training capacitybuilding: first-line supervisorand team leader self-management, site management,team management capacityenhancementSSC-New Employee TrainingCapacity Building: RapidIntegration of New Employees
Online Learning
Teacher-Course Co-Construction Platform
StandardizedSystem Platform
Talent AssessmentPlatform
Case ExtractionPlatform
External Resourcesplatform
Objective of the Organization: To support the achievement of strategic objectives
through mission-oriented talent development.
Zhuanjian ProgramKuojian Program
Go Global ProgramStar Employee Program
Sparkling ProgramStarlight Program
Panshi Program – Supervisorand team leaderSSC-New Employee Training
TCL Zhonghuan Training Center2.0
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Training Principle
All training should align with the strategic development and businessneeds. As a result, activities such as the development of any trainingprogram, case selection, and training implementation should be basedon and applicable to the front-line practices.
The knowledge or enhanced skills acquired by employees throughtraining can be utilized in practice to improve work efficiency.
Targeted training with different focuses, contents and approaches isdeveloped for different positions.
Evaluation of training effectiveness (application of Koch'sfour-level evaluation model)
Evaluate employee preference for training by examining employeeparticipation, relevance of training content to the business, andemployee satisfaction.
By designing a post-training follow-up program, we can observethe behavior of participants and evaluate their performanceimprovement within a certain period of time after the training.
Examine employees' knowledge and skill acquisition andpractical application of training through in-class tests, activities,demonstrations and discussions.
Evaluate the overall performance of the company to see if thetraining and subsequent enhancements are delivering the desiredbusiness results.
Level 1
Level 3
Level 2
Level 4
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
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Supporting Employees’ DevelopmentThe Company attaches importance to the systematic construction and development of talent echelon. To help employees realize their career development goals, we provide a variety of careerdevelopment channels, including professional, technical and management sequence. Relying on the regular annual inventory of talent needs in business and functional departments, we clarifythe succession plan for key positions and future talent gaps, identify high-potential talents, and design personalized training paths.In addition, TZE continues to provide incentives for internal hiring and smooth and diversified internal transfer channels to provide career development opportunities for current employees.
Sparkling Program Star Craftsman Promotion Path
One starartisan
One starteam leader
Two starartisan
Two starteam leader
Three starartisan
Three starteam leader
Four starartisan
Five starartisanStarred Development Channel
Starred Development Channel
PhD or higher
Senior Production Manager
Shift ManagerTeam leaderSocial Recruitment
Apprentices(six months)Sparkling Program
Apprentices(six to twelve months)NewEmployee
Professional sequence(internal trainer etc.)
Technical sequence
(engineer etc.)
Professional Development Channel
Production Management Channel
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Tapping into Employees’PotentialTo construct an olive-shaped talent structure and a learningorganization, we have developed and implemented theTraining Management Regulations. With the ZhonghuanTraing Center as a carrier, we have built a scientific andefficient staff learning and training system to provide everyemployee with fair and diversified training courses coveringknowledge, skills, management ability and leadership, so asto ensure the development of talent ladder. We are activelyexpanding internal talent pool by implementing the jobrotation system, the mentoring programs and multi-leveltraining programs. These efforts are aimed at exploring thepotential of employees at all levels and accelerating theirprofessional growth.We offer over 3,000+ courses, 1,500+ learning programsand 10,000+ training tests in a wide range of areasincluding Lean, Quality, Leadership Development,Internationalization and more.
Average training hours peremployee in 2023
Average training hours perfunction in 2023
Home Page of Zhonghuan Training Center
In 2023, training coverage rate is
100%Total training hours of employees reach
hoursAverage training hours per employee is
In response to the needs of the industry and the Company’s development, in 2023, TZE launched Zhonghuan Training CenterV2.0, an upgraded online employee learning platform. By upgrading the contents, layout and user interface, we enhanceemployee engagement on the platform.
Zhonghuan Training Center V2.0
Total cost of staff training is RMB
Knowledge courses
1,100+Technical courses
Management and Leadership Courses
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Internal and External Trainer CultivationThe Company strives to integrate and apply resources to cultivate better internal trainers.We introduce learning resources through increasing cooperation with external institutions,to provide a fair and all-round learning environment for all employees, and implement thetalent training strategy. Regarding internal trainers as a major force for talent cultivation,we have formulated the Regulations on the Management of Internal Trainers, whichdefines evaluation and progression conditions of junior, middle, senior and internationalinternal trainers. Furthermore, we regularly organize special training for internal trainers toimprove their ability, and give priority to providing internal trainers with external trainingopportunities organized by Zhonghuan Training Center.To further stimulate the enthusiasm and creativity of internal trainers, we pay them classsalary according to their level, teaching effect and teaching hours. They are also givensubsidies for course development, teaching, and teaching guiding activities. Consideringinternational business development, the Company encourages foreign employees to jointhe internal trainer program, and provides subsidies for those who participate in teachingactivities.New Employee CultivationIn terms of new employee training, the Company conducts one-year ability enhancementtraining for graduates who join the Company every year. Such training includes centralizedorientation training, online learning, mentoring, rotation in first-line positions, job practice,experience enrichment and training on vision expansion. Mid-term review as well as finalreview are conducted during the training to review the growth of talents.We always pay attention to the school-enterprise innovative talent nurturing, that is,students are instructed by mentors to experience the front-line “engineer-respected culture”of TZE. We carry out school-enterprise cooperation to develop students’ expertise andprofessionalism so that they can learn and master job skills within a short time and qualifyfor high-level skill requirements. The first “TZE Mentoring Class” was launched in 2022, andthe qualified rate was 84% in 2023.
In May 2023, the opening ceremony of the second “TZE Mentoring Class” was held at theDepartment of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering of Tianjin Electronic InformationCollege. Adhering to the “people-oriented” and “virtue-based” concept, we contributeour efforts to an in-depth integration of production and education. With the successfulexperience of the first “TZE Mentoring Class”, we incorporated the “craftsmanship” and“engineer-respected culture” into the teaching process of the second “TZE Mentoring Class”.In addition, we innovated the school-enterprise nurturing mechanism to enhance students’comprehensive quality and capability to provide enterprises and the society with moreoutstanding technical and skilled talents and national craftsmen.
The Second “TZE Mentoring Class”: New Highlights of School-Enterprise Cooperation
The Opening Ceremony of the Second “TZE Mentoring Class”
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Management and Leadership Development TrainingThe Company offers managerial and leadership development courses for all employees,such as key conversations and focused conversations. Meanwhile, special leadershipempowerment programs are conducted for professional talents and leaders, such asthe Cadre Team “Kuojian Program” and the New Manager’s change in roles training,called “Zhuanjian Program”. To cope with international business, we carry out a series ofinternational talent training such as the Pilot Program to improve the leadership of Chineseand foreign cadres working overseas.
Supporting Further Improvement in AcademicEducation and Qualification
According to the Training Management Regulations, the Employee Incentive ManagementSystem, and the Regulations on Employee In-Service Education Management, TZEencourages employees to improve their academic qualifications. In doing so, theirunderstandings of theoretical and technical knowledge, as well as their skills and jobcompetence will be enhanced, contributing to the common development. Through the first-line star craftsman program, the “Sparkling Program” in cooperation with colleges, and thesubsidy program for in-service education and academic qualification promotion, the abilityof first-line staff is promoted and transformed to cultivate Industry 4.0 skilled talents. Allemployees of TZE are entitled to external training as well as incentives and reimbursementfor in-service education. The in-service education support covers academic education,professional qualifications and professional skills. In 2023, over 300 employees receivedallowances for acquiring certificates and higher academic qualifications.Degree Enhancement Project of Wafer BusinessUnit (BU)We share opportunities of growth with our employees. To build a learning organization,and create a self-improving atmosphere, the Company’s wafer BU carries out variousforms of school-enterprise cooperation with many colleges and universities, which is alsostrongly desired by employees for enhancing degree and professional ability. A scientificand systematic training system has been established to carry out the degree enhancementproject, thus achieving sustainable talent training. By the end of the report period, theproject had gained fruitful results, with more than 30 employees having their degreeadvanced. In 2023, there were over 200 new applicants for higher academic qualification,more than 180 of whom passed the entrance exam, with an admission rate of 86%.
“Zhuanjian Program”: Specialized Leadership Trainingfor Middle Management
As a leadership training program for middle management, “Zhuanjian Program” aimsto enable the managers to deeply understand and internalize the corporate culture andmaster scientific approaches to strategic planning and execution. Through the program,the managers’ capabilities are fully enhanced in terms of team building, decision-makingoptimization, leadership in reform, etc. In 2023, we organized a total of 4 training sessionsunder the program with over 150 participants.
“Zhuanjian Program” Leadership Training SiteEmployee In-depth Communication to Improve Professional Skills
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Occupational Health andSafety
Our Management ApproachesA safe working environment is not only a major concern for employeeswhen they choose a career, but also an important dimension for domesticand overseas partners in evaluating the Company’s social responsibility.Adhering to the safety management policy of abiding by laws andregulations, people-oriented, work safety and reducing occupational risks,the Company makes every effort to create a healthy and safe workingenvironment. For this purpose, we have set short-term, medium-term andlong-term management objectives regarding work safety. We also includethe achievement of such objectives into the performance assessment forthe relevant senior management of the Company.We strictly follow the Work Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China,the Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases of thePeople’s Republic of China and a series of laws and regulations. Wehave formulated and implemented Health and Safety Policy, establishedand improved the occupational health and safety management systemcovering the whole process of the Company's business and all theemployees. The Company carries out the full implementation of worksafety informationization, digitization and standardization through theestablishment of TZE’s work safety information platform, and efficientlyimplements the work of all the occupational health and safety.The Company effectively protects the safety of its employees bystrengthening the mechanisms of work safety responsibility, safety riskprevention and control, safety training and education, occupational healthprotection, and emergency management protection. Up to the end of2023, 100% of 11 factories eligible for certification have obtained ISO45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certification,8 factories obtained Level 2 Safety Standardization Certification, and 2factories obtained Level 3 Safety Standardization Certification.
2023 Occupational Health and Safety Performance
The number of work-related injuries
In 2023, TZE had 9 work-related injuries with total working hours of 19,489*2,000.ours worked is 0.30 (0.23=9/(19,489*2,000)*1,000,000
millionCost of investment inwork safet
Lost time injury rate (per1,000,000 hours worked)
The number of workingdays lost due to work-related injuriesThe number of fatalitiesas a result of work-relatedinjury
The number of majorsafety accidents amongthem
The number of particularlyserious safety accidentsamong them
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Work Safety Responsibility Mechanism
TZE has established a sound work safety management system, with the Work Safety Committee as the highest leadingbody in the management of work safety. The Committee, composed of the general manager of the Company and worksafety directors of each department and subsidiary, is responsible for organizing and analyzing the domestic, industry andcompany's work safety situation, studying and dealing with major safety issues, and coordinating and solving outstandingwork safety problems.The Company has formulated the work safety responsibility policy, and established the responsibility system of full coverage.At the beginning of a year, the work safety responsibility letter is signed by all employees at all levels and departments.At the end of the year, assessment is conducted to review the results of work safety target and responsibility system ofemployees from each subsidiary, each department and each post, and the assessment results are included in performance.Safety Risk Control MechanismTZE has formulated and implemented internal rules and regulations such as the Regulations on Hierarchical Control ofSafety Risks and the Regulations on the Investigation and Management of Hidden Hazards. We implement a dual preventionmechanism to guide subsidiaries in optimizing the identification and control of safety risks, so as to better prevent andcontrol safety risks as a whole.Every year, the Company formulated and implemented the Annual Hidden Danger Investigation Work Plan. Each subsidiarycompany issued and executed special hidden danger investigation tasks through TZE’s work safety information platform,found hidden danger information upload system, and tracked the closed-loop rectification and implementation. In 2023, wemobilize the enthusiasm of all employees to participate in hidden danger screening activities, reported 1,825 safety hazarditems throughout the year, with 1,635 effective safety hazard items. All of them are arranged special personnel to track theretification, and have been rectified.
Occupational Health Protection Mechanism
TZE is committed to providing employees with a healthy and safe work environment. To achieve the goal of zero newoccupational diseases, the Company has formulated and implemented a series of internal rules and regulations such as theRegulations on Occupational Health and Safety Management and the Regulations on the Management of Labor ProtectionEquipment. The Company conducts annual inspections on the factories involved in occupational disease factors and takesimmediate preventive and corrective actions according to the inspection results. Furthermore, we organize annual healthexaminations for employees exposed to occupational risk factors, to regularly monitor and prevent occupational diseases andstrengthen occupational health management. Once an employee is found to have potential occupational disease, he or sheshall be transferred to another position immediately to avoid occupational diseases.
Signing rate of work safety responsibility letteris100%
Work safety responsibility system assessmentcoverage rate is
Organized more than
inspections forpotential safety hazardsA total of
safety hazard items havebeen inspected
of safety hazard items have been rectifiedThe percentage of employees having a healthexamination is
The percentage of occupational disease accidents is
2023 Occupational Health Protection Performance
Coverage is for active employees as of the end of 2023.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Safety Training Mechanism
The Company develops and implements the Annual SafetyTraining Schedule every year. Targeted safety trainingis provided according to levels and positions, coveringsenior executives, heads of departments, grass-rootsmanagers, full-time and part-time safety managers, front-line employees, etc., to ensure that all employees learn andmaster safety knowledge and skills in need.In 2023, the Company completed the annual safety trainingplan with both online and offline training, and conducted1,872 safety training activities with a total of 194,110participants, achieving a 100% coverage rate.
Emergency ManagementSystemStrictly based on the work safety accident risk assessmentand emergency resource investigation, the Company hasdeveloped a three-level emergency plan system consistsof comprehensive, special and on-site disposal plans.We formulates and implements the Annual EmergencyDrill Plan, actively organize full participation, improve theresponse speed of our employees to safety accidents, andcontinuously cultivate and strengthen their emergencyresponse capabilities.In 2023, the Company and our production bases carriedout a total of 962 emergency drills.
The Scene of "Factory Manager Talks about Safety"
Safety Production Training
The Site of Fire Emergency DrillThe Site of Emergency Operation Demonstration
The Scene of Work Safety Month Knowledge Contest
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
UN SDGs addressed in this chapter:
Making a Joint Effort to Drive Business for Good
At TZE, being socially responsible means being accountable. We adhere to business conductand ethical standards, and continually improve our corporate governance. TZE upholdsintegrity as a core value. Adhering to the rule of law and business ethics, TZE continuouslyenhances risk management mechanisms and strengthens compliance management, as partof the ongoing efforts to improve corporate governance. We have continued our long-termsupport for national development strategies, continually increased our social contributions,and collaborated with ecological partners to jointly build a better society.
Key Target and ProgressIssue Indicator Progress in 20232024 Target2025 Target2030 TargetBusinessEthics
The percentage ofemployees receivingbusiness ethicstraining
ISO 27001Information SecurityManagementSystem Certification
2 subsidiaries
have obtained
the ISO 27001
4 new entitieswith ISO 27001certification
All companyfactories with ISO27001 certified
2023 Honors and Awards
TZE won the highest rating of Grade A for annual information disclosure by Shenzhen Stock Exchange for twoconsecutive yearsMr. Shen Haoping, General Manager of TZE, was once again included in Forbes China's Best CEOs list.
SustainableNet Zero
AccountableMaking a Joint
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Corporate Governance
TZE continues to optimize the governance structure and management system, strengthenthe normative governance capabilities, and create long-term sustainable value forstakeholders.Corporate Governance ResponsibilityWe firmly believe that a good governance structure is an important guarantee for thesustainable development of the company. The Company has established and continues tooptimize the governance framework, which consists primarily of the Shareholders’ meeting,the Board of Supervisors, and the Board of Directors and its Committees, and clarifiesgovernance responsibilities at various levels.As the highest decision-making body of the Company, shareholders’ meeting decides onmajor matters of operation and management, and protects the rights of shareholders. TheBoard of Directors and the Borad of Supervisors are under shareholders’ meeting, withthe Board of Directors being responsible for making decision on the daily business of theenterprise and the Borad of Supervisors acting as a supervisory body to oversee changes inthe Board of Directors and the Management. Shareholders’ Meeting, the Borad of Directors,the Borad of Supervisors and the Management team operate independently and coordinatewith each other in accordance with the division of responsibilities and fully perform theirduties.The Board of Directors has set up four specialized committees, including the Strategy andSustainable Development Committee, the Audit Committee, the Nomination Committeeand the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee. Each committee has formulated rules ofprocedure, with clear powers and responsibilities, and operates independently and effectively.
Shareholders’ MeetingThe Company values investors’ suggestions and voices concerning the Company, and strictlyadheres to regulations such as the Rules for the Shareholders’ Meeting of Listed Companiesand the Rules of Procedure for the Shareholders’ Meeting to organize the meetings ofshareholders. This practice ensures that all shareholders, especially minority shareholders,have equal duties and fully exercise their rights. During the Reporting Period, the Companyheld 4 shareholders’ meetings and 3 extraordinary shareholders’ meetings, deliberating andpassing 31 proposals, among which 23 proposals were voted on individually by minorityshareholders.
Board ofDirectors
Board ofSupervisors
Audit CommitteeRemuneration andAppraisal CommitteeNomination CommitteeStrategy and SustainableDevelopment Committee
Shareholders' Meeting
Corporate Governance Structure
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
The Board of Supervisors
The Board of Supervisors of the Company strictly abides by the relevant laws andregulations such as the Company Law and the Articles of Association, as well as the Rulesof Procedure of the Board of Directors. It independently fulfills the duties to protect therights and interests of shareholders, and conducts effective supervision over and issuesindependent opinions on the material matters, connected transactions, financial status,performance of directors and senior management.By the end of the reporting period, the Supervisory Committee of the Company consisted ofthree supervisors, including one employee supervisor.
Board of DirectosThe Company has established the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors, the Rules ofProcedure of Specialized Committees of the Board of Directors, and the Rules for IndependentDirectors Work System of Independent Directors. All directors of the Company adhere to theserules, faithfully fulfil their duties, and actively attend the meetings of the Board and carefullydeliberate on various proposals. They also provide professional opinions on matters concerningthe Company. Adherence to the relevant rules in the performance of its duties can ensure thatthe Board operates efficiently and compliantly to make legal and science-based decisions.During the Reporting Period, average tenure of directors is 5.7 years, and the Company held atotal of 15 board meetings with 100% attendance of directors and 60 motions were passed.
DiversityThe Company continues to increase and maintain board diversity in terms of gender, culturalbackground, industry qualifications, and various other aspects. To facilitate the decision-making of senior management with diverse perspectives and insights, the appointment of allboard members takes into consideration their individual capabilities and experience, includingdiverse board management skills and professional fields, diversified regional and industryexperience, as well as professional skills in financial and risk management. By the end of 2023,the Company had a total of 5 female board members, accounting for 55.6% of the board.
The Board of Directors includes 3 independent directors, with professional skills on accounting,finance and industry. Independent directors provide professional advice for the decision-making and effectively promote the standardized operation of the Borad of Directors. Theindependent directors carry out their work in accordance with the Working system forindependent directors, attend the shareholders' meetings, meetings of the Board of Directorsand specialized committees in accordance with the law, and express objective and impartialindependent opinions.The board members possessed diverse and balanced knowledge and experience, includingbut not limited to the PV industry, financial management, risk management, and corporategovernance. Board members continue to enhance their professional capabilities to facilitateeffective decision-making.
Female board members accounts for
of the boardA total of
board meetings were heldAttendance rate of directors is
motions were passed by the boardThe number of meetings by the Board of Supervisors is
proposals were approved by the Board of Supervisors
Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors (As of the Reporting Period)
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Risk ManagementAs a global company, TZE is committed to refining the risk management system and integrating it across all business sectors.We aim to better address and mitigate both internal and external risks that could impact our operations, and enhanceorganizational resilience, thus contributing to the Company’s stable development. The Audit Committee supervises theCompany’s compliance review, reviews the Company’s risk assessment report, and ensures that risk management measuresare effectively implemented.The Company pays attention to empowering directors' risk management ability and enhancing scientific and efficientdecision-making. During the reporting period, the directors actively participated in the "Financial Management SpecialTraining Series: Financial Fraud Risk Approach and Response" organized by China Listed Companies, the internal controlspecial training for directors of listed companies in Tianjin Jurisdiction, as well as the compliance management special seriesof trainings conducted by the Company, to enhance the performance of their duties and optimize the level of corporategovernance.Risk Management SystemWe have established a comprehensive risk management system to timely identify, assess, and address potential risks. Thisenables us to effectively manage risks, hazards, and unexpected events for stable operations.We are establishing three lines of defence for systematic risk management that support collaborative management andsource management to ensure the effective operation of the risk management mechanism.
First Line of Defence
·Members: Functionaldepartments andsubsidiaries of TZE
·Identify the risks withintheir business domainsand develop riskprevention and controlmeasures and systems.
Second Line of Defence
·Members: RiskManagement Office
·Enhance the riskmanagement systemat the Company leveland conduct internalcontrols.
Third Line of Defence
·Members: AuditCommittee
·Conduct internal auditof the effectiveness ofrisk management.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Investor Relationship
TZE has always been committed to safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of shareholders, creditors, and other stakeholders. TheCompany has formulated and implemented the Investor Relationship Management System, the Information Disclosure Management Measures, theInternal Reporting System for Material Information, etc., to guarantee the exercise of the rights of all shareholders in a fair and equal manner andsafeguard the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium-sized investors through continuous improvement of the governance system.
Information Disclosure
The Company regards information disclosure as an important element in maintaining good corporate governance and adheres to the principles oftruthfulness, accuracy, completeness, timeliness and fairness to continuously improve the quality of information disclosure. During the ReportingPeriod, the Company issued a total of 224 announcements to all investors, covering significant matters related to the Company’s performance,investment and financing, decisions of the board and senior management, and equity incentive plans; completed the preparation and disclosure of4 regular reports with high quality, and analyzed the company's performance with illustrations through press releases and short videos to enhancemarket recognition.Investor Communication
The Company is dedicated to actively building a transparent and comprehensive communication platform, proactively understanding marketdemands, continuously promoting investor relationship management, actively conveying and sharing TZE's business philosophy, achievementsand future strategic direction with investors, enhancing investors' understanding and recognition of the Company, and safeguarding investors'rights and interests. The Company practices investor relations maintenance from multiple angles and dimensions and cultivates a good foundationfor investor relations by carrying out performance briefing sessions, actively focusing on regular interaction with industry analysts, proactivelycommunicating with important shareholders and potential investors, and enhancing daily exchanges with small and medium-sized investors.
Social Media Platform OptimizationThe Company continued to strengthen the construction of the Company's publicity platform, further enhancing the readability and dissemination ofpublicity reports through in-depth excavation of business highlights and video-based publicity; strengthening the up and down linkage mechanismof external publicity work, helping to enhance the influence of the brand; and carrying out the maintenance of the Company's official website inreal time to ensure that it meets the requirements of compliance and optimizes the presentation of the content.
Tax Transparency
TZE pays all taxes in accordancewith the tax laws and regulations ofthe jurisdictions where it operates,including corporate income tax andother indirect taxes. Tax complianceentails timely and complete taxpayments, as well as the disclosureof all relevant facts to tax authoritieswhen necessary. The Company neithertolerates nor encourages any taxevasion or avoidance.The tax responsibilities are explicitlyoutlined in the TZE’s Code of BusinessEthics, and the tax team managesour tax costs and risks under thesupervision of the finance departmentand the Audit Committee.We regularly report our taxresponsibilities in financial documentssubmitted to the Shenzhen StockExchange and other regulatoryauthorities. In 2023, TZE contributedvarious taxes totaling 2,303 million.
timesOnline and Offline RoadshowDuring the Reporting Period
5,000More thanMore thanCumulative investors received
100%NearlyResponse rate to minority investorsvia phone and online
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Business BehaviorOur Management ApproachesTZE regards anti-corruption and business ethics as top priorities for corporate compliancemanagement. We strictly abide by national laws and regulations such as the Criminal Lawof the People’s Republic of China and the Anti-unfair Competition Law of the People’sRepublic of China. To build stronger internal control mechanisms for anti-corruption andanti-bribery, we strive to improve management structures, implement systems, and conducttraining, communication, and regular monitoring. This enables us to operate our businesswith compliance and integrity. We have formulated the TZE’s Code of Business Ethics,outlining the anti-corruption and business ethics standards that all employees of TZE andour subsidiaries must follow. The company issued the "TZE Anti-fraud Six Red Lines" toclearly inform all employees and executives of the specific requirements and boundaries ofintegrity and require all employees to "not touch the company's red line".In 2023, we took the ISO 37301 certification as a handhold, benchmarked againstinternational standards, comprehensively sorted out and assessed the Company'scompliance management system, further improved the compliance management systemand processes, deepened the awareness of compliance throughout the Company, andenhanced the capacity of compliance governance and management, and in March 2024, weobtained the ISO 37301 certification.
Anti-corruptionTZE has adopted a “zero tolerance” approach towards corruption. The Company hasformulated and publicized internal regulations including the Management Regulation onCombating Commercial Bribes and the TZE’s Procurement Code of Conduct. These internalsystems standardize the business conduct of all employees of TZE and our subsidiaries inall business activities, including procurement, sales, business negotiations, and engineeringproject bidding. In 2023, there were no lawsuits related to embezzlement, bribery or moneylaundering.To enhance their integrity and self-discipline awareness, we require all employees to signthe Employee Integrity and Self-discipline Commitment, and strictly prohibit them fromusing their authority for personal gain, accepting bribes, engaging in unethical transactions,misappropriating public funds, or disclosing confidential information. In 2023, 100% ofemployees of TZE and our subsidiaries signed the Employee Integrity and Self-disciplineCommitment.Business Ethics Audit
TZE has established an audit, monitoring and control system of "prevention beforeincidents, management and control during incidents, and supervision after incidents", andin accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, it conducts rollingbusiness ethics audits on all of the company's businesses to ensure that all operationalaspects of the joint stock company and its subsidiaries are covered every two to three years.Taking into account regulatory requirements and actual business needs, the Companyconducts annual internal business ethics audits on key areas such as sales, procurement,inventory, capital, assets, taxes and remuneration, and prompts each department to rectifythe problems found and continuously supervise the rectification situation in the future. In2023, TZE completed 12 special audits, of which 42 non-conformities were found, 42 non-conformities were improved, and no major violations of business ethics were found. Theimprovement rate of problem points reached 100%.TZE ISO 37301 CertificationTZE Receives ISO 37301 Certification
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Performance of Anti-corruption andBusiness Ethics Training at TZE in 2023
Participants Participants
Board of Directors 9Senior management 53Middle management 279Junior management 159Staff 18,998Total 19,489
On-site Case Study Training Session for Procurement
Processes at TZE
Whistleblowing Mechanism
We have established the Management Regulation onSupervision to standardize the management of all types ofcomplaints and reports. We encourage internal and externalparties to report promptly on unethical practices such asbribery, extortion, fraud, and money laundering related tothe Company or individuals via a unified reporting email,phone number, and mailing address.We set up a monitoring and auditing organizationdedicated to the management of the reporting phone ande-mail, to ensure that the reporting information is strictlyconfidential. The Management Regulation on Supervisionincludes provisions for the protection of whistleblowers,and prohibits any form of suppression, obstruction,retaliation, or victimization of the whistleblower by anycompany or personnel. Any such actions discovered willresult in dismissal, termination of labor contracts, or referralto judicial authorities. In 2023, the Company did not receiveany whistleblowing reports.Whistle-blowing channels in TZE:
Business Ethics TrainingThe Company has a provision on integrity education and training management in the Management Regulation on Supervisionfor all directors and employees to carry out targeted integrity publicity and training activities on a regular or irregular basisthroughout the Company to create an atmosphere of a clean corporate culture.We utilize the company's information platform to promote integrity through various forms of training, covering all membersfrom the board of directors to ordinary employees. In 2023, anti-corruption and business ethics training reached 100%employee coverage, totaling 65,751 hours; 9 directors participated in anti-corruption and business ethics training, with 100%director coverage.Focusing on key business segments, we conducted training on typical cases and real-life drills for employees in specificfunctions to strengthen employees' awareness of anti-corruption and business ethics risk prevention. In 2023, the Companyconducted anti-bribery and anti-fraud case training for employees in key positions, with a total of 2 trainings, covering morethan 50 people.We launched the ESG Code of Conduct for Partners for suppliers, covering business ethics and compliance, and in 2023, 251suppliers participated online and offline training.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Information Security ManagementIn accordance with the Cybersecurity Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Personal Information Protection Law ofthe People’s Republic of China and other national laws and regulations, the Company has developed and implemented theInternet Privacy Protection Policy and the TZE Information Technology Resources, Data Security and Communication SystemPolicy. Also, we have prepared a series of procedural documents, operational guidelines, and record forms to establishcomprehensive information security management and customer privacy protection systems. In this way, our data can bemanaged throughout its life-cycle involving data collection, transmission, use and destruction.
Information Security Management StructureThe Company has established a Digital Transformation Committee (“Digital Committee”), which is responsible for formulatingoverall digital strategy and guiding principles. Under the Digital Committee, the Information Security Technical Group isresponsible for implementing the Company’s policies and systems on information security, and monitoring informationsecurity and privacy management, to ensure compliance in data processing, information sharing, and privacy protection.Information Security Management InitiativesSystematic prevention:
The Company conducts monthly internal security checks on information security managementsystem, quarterly system vulnerability scanning and industrial control traffic analysis, half-yearly cybersecurity attack anddefense drills, and an annual external audit of the system, to ensure the effectiveness of the system. There were no significantinformation security incidents throughout 2023.
Training of all staffs: In 2023, we cooperated with a professional third-party organization in the field of information securityto jointly provide an online information security training for employees on the platform of Zhonghuan Training Center. Thetraining was attended by all employees of the Company to enhance the awareness of information security.Privacy protection: The Company’s Network Privacy Protection Policy stipulates all principles and code of conduct that need
to be followed for information collection, use, sharing, and transfer. The Policy also clarifies the rights enjoyed by customers,suppliers, employees, and other relevant parties regarding their information, and explains how TZE protects these rights.During the Reporting Period, the Company did not experience any information or privacy leakage.The Company actively promotes the certification of information security management system and comprehensively improvesthe systematic and standardized management of information security. As of the end of March 2024, a total of 6 units of TZEand its subsidiaries have obtained ISO 27001 information security management system certification.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Social ContributionOur Management ApproachesIn response to the United Nations Sustainable DevelopmentGoals and national strategies, TZE focuses on significantsocial and livelihood issues. We continue to deepen ourengagement in key areas such as the Belt and RoadInitiative, rural revitalization, and charitable philanthropy,effectively fulfilling our social responsibility, and achievingsymbiosis between corporate and social values.TZE encourages all employees to engage in public benefitactivities. We have formulated and implemented internalpolicies, such as the Regulations on the Managementof Social Welfare Donations, which clarifies the majororientations, principles, methods, management andapproval procedures of donations. We aim to continuouslyimprove mechanisms related to public welfare operationsand explore sustainable creation of social value.In 2023, we donated CNY
through the TCL Public Welfare Foundation, whichwas mainly used for poverty alleviation, disasterrelief, care and support for disadvantaged groups,care and concern for teachers and students indifficulty and left-behind youth groups through theschool aid program, and other key areas of publicwelfare and charitable undertakings.
PV Solar School
Rural education has always been a concern for TZE. Topromote rural education, we establish the “TCL PV SolarSchool” program. We donate PV rooftop solar powergeneration systems to schools to provide green and cleanelectricity to the campus and generate income for theschool through power generation. Our aim is to create asustainable educational assistance model and leveragegreen technology to support the sustainable developmentof rural education.By the end of 2023, we had donated and constructed 20PV campuses nationwide, with a total installed capacity of1,218.15 kW. The expected power generation income over25 years is approximately CNY 13.90 million.PVs + Rural RevitalizationTZE actively implements the national policies related torural revitalization, effectively connects the PV industrywith rural revitalization, and actively carries out PV+ruralrevitalization projects in Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Yunnan,Sichuan and other regions, realizing the combination ofrural revitalization and new energy utilization, energy-saving and emission reduction, and making every effortto boost the green sustainable development of thecountryside.By the end of 2023, the Company had helped 9 PV povertyalleviation projects, covering 8,013 poor householdswithout labor capacity.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Volunteering Activities
TZE is dedicated to becoming a technology company with "warmth", and actively carries out activities such as "Color Run" and "Public Welfare Campus Lecture", encouraging every employeeto participate in public welfare activities and green practices. We encourage every employee to participate in public welfare activities and green practices, hoping to gather every tiny powerto help the needy and add green to the society.
In 2023, TZE organized a charity color run for sustainability. This green, healthy, and joyfulevent showed how public welfare activities can help achieve sustainable development goals.By organizing such an activity, we aimed to encourage more individuals to contribute tosustainable development goals. This event attracted a total of 105 participants.
In January 2024, TZE carried out the "A Little Starlight Lights Up the Distance" publicwelfare action at the Tianjin School for the Deaf. At the activity site, volunteers of thecompany went into the classroom and gave the children a lively and interesting scienceclass on "Photovoltaic Knowledge", and donated photovoltaic cars to the children throughthe Tianjin Welfare Foundation for the Disabled, encouraging employees to participate in awide range of public welfare activities and caring for the needy groups.
Site Photo of the TZE Color Run EventCharity Activity for the Disabled
TZE Color Run – Running for Sustainability"A Little Starlight Lights Up the Distance" - Charity
Activity for the Disabled
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
UN SDGs addressed in this chapter:
Achieving Excellence in Quality with Flexible Manufacturing
TZE is committed to collaborating with partners to drive long-term value and continuouslyenhance the environmental and social benefits of our products. We actively build aresponsible supply chain that values ecological protection, labor rights, and healthand safety, and are dedicated to encouraging all suppliers to operate in a socially andenvironmentally responsible manner. We prioritize customer demands and utilize flexiblemanufacturing strategies to provide renewable energy products and solutions that alignwith global market trends and needs, aiming to enhance the environmental and socialbenefits of our products.
2023 Honors and Awards
TZE was awarded "National Service-oriented Manufacturing Demonstration Enterprise" by the Ministry ofIndustry an Information Techonology of the People's Republic of China.TZE was honored as "Manufacturing Individual Champion" by the Ministry of Industry and InformationTechonology of the People's Republic of China.Huansheng PV won the T?V Rheinland IEC certification for its N-stacked shingled modules.Huansheng Jiangsu and Zhonghuan Crystal obtained the "Leader" certificate of enterprise standard issued byChina Electronics Standardization Institute.
Key Target and Progress
IssueIndicatorProgress in 2023 2024 Target 2025 Target 2030 TargetResponsibleSupplyChain
Supplier ESGManagement
Establishmentof supplier ESGrisk assessmentand managementmechanism
50% on-site auditcoverage and50% desktopaudit coverageof key high-risksuppliers
60% coverageof on-siteaudits and 40%coverage ofdesktop auditsfor key high-risksuppliers
The system isfully compliantwith ISO 20400sustainableprocurementstandardsCustomerrelationship
Customersatisfaction rate
The domesticcustomersatisfaction rateremains 95%
The domesticcustomersatisfaction rateremains over 95%
The globalcustomersatisfaction rateremains over 95%
SustainableNet Zero
AccountableMaking a Joint
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Responsible Supply Chain
Our Management ApproachesAs an innovator and navigator in the global clean energy industry, the Company continues to strengthen the ESG management system of supply chain. We endeavor to build green supplychains, and improve labor protection in the supply chain, in order to minimize environmental and social impacts of the supply chain, and build a sustainable supply chain for the PV industry injoint efforts.
Supply Chain ESG Management System
MeasuresMutual development
In conjunction with the results of risk assessment,we strictly comply with the provisions of theSupplier Management System and the SupplierAudit Management System in the admission, audit,incentive and elimination processes, focusing ondesktop and on-site audits and improvement plansin the dimensions of the environment, human rightsand labor, and business ethics, to achieve an effectiveimprovement in the level of ESG of our suppliers.
We actively build green supply chain, with the meansto guide suppliers to set carbon reduction andwater saving targets, keeping on empowering greenpractice of suppliers.Awareness-raising activities about sustainable supplychain are organized through multiple channels tocontinuously improve suppliers' social performance.
Commitment toCode of Conduct
Risk assessment
Under the guidance of the TZE ESG Code of Coductfor Partners, suppliers are regulated in multipledimensions such as environmental protection,labourrights and interests,and business ethics.
We determine critical and non-critical suppliersbased on business elements such as the grade of rawand auxiliary materials and procurement amount,re-evaluate suppliers based on the ESG InformationSelf-Assessment Form submitted by the existingsuppliers, and rank the ESG risk level of the suppliers,thus shapping a risk matrix, and correspondinglydevelopinng management measures.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Key Focus of the ESG Code of Conduct for Partners
Conflict areas are conflict-affected areas as designated by United Nations Security Council resolutions, conflict-affected and high-risk areas as definedby the European Union, and conflict minerals source areas as defined by the U.S. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank). This definition applies to the full report.
Commitment to Code ofConductThe Company has formulated and issued the ESG Codeof Conduct for Partners, which requires all suppliers toabide by international and domestic applicable laws andregulations. Besides, suppliers should commit to notemployinng child labor, slaves, prisoners or any other formof forced labor. In this way, we effectively manage supplychain operations and ESG risks, and help suppliers withsustainable operation.Since 2022, while signing the business contract, newsuppliers have been required to sign the ESG Code ofConduct for Partners. Violation of the ESG Code of Conductfor Partners may result in the termination of its businessrelationship with TZE. By the end of 2023, the signing rateof existing suppliers had reached 90%. No suppliers werefound to have business ceased due to violation of the ESGCode of Conduct for Partners.In 2023, we reviewed and revised the Supplier ManagementRegulations, the Procurement Management Regulationsand the Supplier Audit Management Regulations, addingmanagement and audit clauses related to green supplychain management, supplier environmental protection andlabor human rights.
·Comply with local environmental protection requirements, including energy conservation, water utilizationand strengthened pollution prevention, and waste management; emphasize on biodiversity conservation,and actively respond to the national “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” strategy by managing carbonemissions effectively.
Prohibition of childlabor
·Comply with the human rights requirements of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and strictlyprohibit suppliers from employing or using child labor.Prohibition of forcedor compulsory labor
·Comply with the human rights requirements of the ILO and strictly prohibit suppliers from employing orsupporting the use of forced and compulsory labor.Freedom ofassociation andcollective bargaining
·Respect the right of employees to form, join, and organize trade unions and engage in collective bargainingAnti-discriminationand harassment
·Do not tolerate or support discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, age, etc.
Employee health andsafety
·Ensure compliance with local occupational health and safety regulatory requirements, provide employeeswith a safe and healthy work environment, conduct occupational disease prevention, and regularly assessand update emergency response plans.Compliance andbusiness ethics
·Ensure compliance with laws and regulations, strictly prohibit any form of corruption, extortion,embezzlement, and other prohibited conduct, refrain from providing or accepting bribes, includinginappropriate benefits or any commercially valuable rewards, and oppose any unfair competition and takemeasures to protect customer information.Privacy andinformation security
·Commit to treating all information obtained during business with TZE as confidential, sensitive, andproprietary. Without specific authorization from TZE or as required by relevant laws and regulations,information must not be disclosed or conveyed to unauthorized third parties, the public, or the media.Conflict minerals
·Do not accept or use “conflict minerals” from conflict areas
.Community inclusion
·Keep good communication and partnership with the communities where suppliers operate, respect localculture, traditions, and beliefs, and respect the right to informed consent of communities and residents.
Employee Wage andWorking Hours
·Ensure that the salary paid to employees can meet the legal minimum wage standard of the country wherethe operation is located and cannot be lower than the minimum wage standard of the territory where theoperation is located.Ensure that the weekly working hours of the employees meet the requirements of therelevant regulations of the country and territory of operation.Ensure employees' rest time, and shall notforce employees to work overtime; if overtime work is required due to special circumstances, it shall benegotiated with the employees and overtime expenses shall be paid in accordance with the law.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Risk Assessment Process
We determine critical and non-critical suppliers based on business elements such as thegrade of raw and auxiliary materials and procurement amount, re-evaluate suppliers basedon the ESG Information Self-Assessment Form (covering environmental standards, socialstandards, and standards of governance and business ethics, etc.) submitted by the existingsuppliers, and rank the ESG risk level of the suppliers, thus shapping a risk matrix, andcorrespondingly developing management measures by grade.In 2023, we identified a total of 31 key high-risk suppliers.Risk Management by GradeBased on the results of risk assessment and grading, the Company formulates correspondingmanagement strategies and measures, including requiring suppliers to sign Code ofConduct for Parnters, conducting regular audits and tracking the progress of improvement,and carrying out empowerment training, etc., so as to effectively grasp the potential risks ofsuppliers and ensure the stability and reliability of the supply chain.
Risk AssessmentWe carry out multi-dimensional risk assessment of suppliers, scientifically formulatesupplier risk assessment standards, and rank the ESG risk level of suppliers. In this way, wecould realize effective supplier risk management by grade, and continue to promote thesustainable development of the supply chain.
Management measures
High-risk critical
High-risk non-critical suppliers
Low-risk criticalsuppliers
Low-risknon-ciriticalsuppliersAsk the suppliers to sign the ESGCode of Conduct for Partners
√√√√Ask existing suppliers to fill upand submit the ESG InformationSelf-Assessment Form
√√√√Participating in the awareness-raising training on the ESG Codeof Conduct for Partners
√√√√Desktop audit
√√√On-site audit
Number of suppliers by grade of raw and auxiliary materials
A: Raw and auxiliary materials thatmake up the product structure andhave a decisive impact on productquality
B: Materials that have an impact onthe nature of the product
C: Auxiliary materials that havea general impact on the product,outside of A/B gradeDomestic
Domestic suppliers:
Overseas suppliers:
Total number of suppliers:
2023 Suppliers Key Performance
Measures to respond to risks
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Desktop Audit:
On-site Audit:
high-risk suppliers
2023 Suppliers Audit Results
Measures to respond to risks
TZE has incorporated ESG into the entire process of supplier admission, audit supervisionand exit. We track and rigorously audit our performance on environment, human rights andlabor, business ethics and other aspect at all levels of the supply chain. We also conductdocumentation and on-site audits and make improvement plans based on the risk analysismatrix to ensure that our partners comply with high quality standards of supply chain. Indoing so, joint efforts are made to improve resilience and efficiency throughout the supplychain .EntryThe Company has formulated the Sourcing, New product/New Supplier ManagementRegulations. Credit review and environmental protection investigation and assessmentare applied in the bidding process, to conduct strict qualification examination for all newsuppliers. When signing the business contract, suppliers are required to sign the ESG Codeof Conduct for Partners. They should also sign the Letter of Commitment for Non-Use ofConflict Minerals if involved in risks of conflict minerals.New suppliers are screened in terms of environmental and social criteria. We conduct specialadmission assessment, with focus on key issues such as environmental management, laborand human rights, and business ethics. In 2023, 112 new suppliers were screened againstenvironmental and social criteria, with a 100% coverage rate of new suppliers.
Audit and ImprovementWe apply relevant standards and requirements of the ESG Code of Conduct for Partners inESG evaluation and audit. ESG evaluation results and quality assessment are included intothe annual supplier evaluation results.Based on the results of risk assessment, we develop supplier audit plans that cover productquality, environment, labor and human rights, business ethics and other dimensions. Besides,we organize the Procurement Department, Quality Department, Safety and EnvironmentalProtection Department as well as all business units to jointly carry out special audits. 2suppliers were found to have ESG management problems in documentation audit and73 suppliers in on-site audit respectively. In this regard, we timely made plans with theabove suppliers to assist them to improve ESG management capabilities, and trackedimplementation of improvement plans, with a 100% rate of problem rectification.
·Child Labor
·Forced or compulsory labor
·Minimum wage
·Disciplinary behaviors
·Intellectual property rights
·Employee privacy right
·Legitimate requests of differentraces, beliefs, customs, etc.
·Occupational health and safety
·System certifications (ISO 9001 for qualitymanagement system, ISO 14001 for environmentalmanagement system, ISO 45001 for occupationalhealth and safety management system)
·Environmental data and responsibility disclosure
·GHG emissions accounting
·Energy transition agenda
·Circular economy
·Emissions and waste management compliance
·Renewable energy use
·Conflict minerals
·Hazardous substances use
Social standardsinclude:
Environmentalstandards include:
Audit Method
High-risk non-critical suppliers
Low-risk criticalsuppliers
Low-risk non-ciritical suppliersDesktop audit52%70%41%16%On-site audit 48%30%20%/
2023 Supplier Audit Coverage
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Incentive and Phase-outAs we strive for a resilient, efficient and sustainable supply chain, we consider suppliers’ESG performance in procurement decisions, and incorporate ESG audit results into theannual tender and supplier year-end performance evaluations. For suppliers with betterESG performance, we further increase the procurement share to encourage more suppliersto practice sustainable development. For suppliers with poor ESG performance, we assistthem to improve and rectify. If they fail to meet the requirements by the end of rectificationperiod, we will implement the knockout process.The Company will issue the Purchase Suspension Notice to suppliers that are suspendedfor procurement over one year, or have quality problems, or fail to meet standards inenvironmental, labor and other rectification items. If the suppliers are suspended over twoyears for the above reasons, the Company will issue the Notice of Disqualification of Supplyto them, and disqualify them as suppliers.
WhistleblowingIf stakeholders find any supplier that violates the ESG Code of Conduct for Partners, theycan provide feedback via the following whistleblowing channels. In 2023, the Companyreceived no reports of violations of the ESG Code of Conduct for Partners.
Conflict Minerals Management
Along with the TZE Conflict Minerals Policy, we are committed to not purchasing 100%minerals from conflict areas and to only using non-conflict minerals from reliable or certifiedsources.The necessary minerals in the manufacturing process of PV industry products includetungsten, tin, etc. These materials are commonly used in armed conflicts and human rightsviolations, which are called conflict minerals. TZE minimizes the use of tungsten, tin, the manufacturing process of products, and actively carries out conflict minerals duediligence in the supply chain. As of the end of the Reporting Period, a total of 36 suppliersare involved in the risk of conflict minerals, and 100% of them have signed the ESG Codeof Conduct for Partners and the Commitment on Non-Use of Conflict Minerals; amongthem, one tin supplier has completed the third-party controversial material traceabilitycertification.In 2023, 100% of TZE's products did not use any minerals from conflict areas.
Tel: 022-23789766-8022E-mail: jubao@tzeco.comMailing address: No.10 Hai Tai South Road, Huayuan Industrial Zone (OuterRing), Tianjin New Technology Industrial Park, Tianjin, China
Measures for conflict minerals management
·Establish internal tracking and supplier tracking mechanisms of theCompany (including subsidiaries)
·Establish annual audit and control procedures for suppliers with the risk ofconflict minerals
·Collate and save the audit information of suppliers with the risk of conflictminerals
·Save the audit information as a proof of law compliance and as evidence ofdue diligence
·Require suppliers to provide transparent and verifiableinformation as one of the conditions for conducting businesswith us
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
·The pure and concentrated water fromthe washing supplier is discharged tothe TZE ingot's self-built water island,which is used for cooling tower make-up water after treatment, saving about150,000 tons of water per year andsaving 270,000 RMB per year.
Supplier TrainingTo ensure that suppliers fully understand and abide bythe ESG Code of Conduct for Partners and the Codeof Business Ethics, the Company organizes training forsuppliers to enhance the awareness of the Code. Thetraining covered topics such as protection of labor andhuman rights, improvement of working conditions andbusiness ethics, with the aim of raising suppliers' awarenessof their social responsibility and ensuring their compliancewith our sustainability requirements and international laborstandards and other ethical norms. During the ReportingPeriod, 251 suppliers participated in the training both onlineand offline.
Supplier Capacity BuildingGreen Supply Chain
TZE adheres to the concept of building a green supply chain, and promotes the construction of localized and regionalizedsupply chain through the five directions of green management, green production, green packaging, green logistics and greenrecycling, to help the economic development of the territory and the low-carbon transformation of the industrial chain, andat the same time, to reduce the time and cost of logistics, and to enhance the control over each stage of the supply chain. In2023, we were awarded the Green Supply Chain Management System Certification The certificate proves that TZE's greensupply chain meets the five-star requirements of GB/T 33835-2017 Green Manufacturing - Green Supply Chain ManagementGuidelines for Manufacturing Enterprises. Furthermore, with the leading level of intelligent manufacturing and superior greensupply chain management system, Huanzhi Renewable energy, a subsidiary of TZE, has been selected as one of the "GreenSupply Chain Management Enterprises" in 2023.
Supplier ESG Training
In May 2023, at the 16th International PV Power Generation and Smart Energy Conference & Exhibition(SNEC), TZE launched the Green Supply Chain Initiative, inviting upstream and downstream partners inthe supply chain to jointly promote the concept of green and sustainable development with top-leveldesign, energy-saving and carbon reduction, and in line with international trends, and to promote thegreen development of the industry.
TZE Launched a Green Supply Chain Initiative
Empowering Suppliers in Green Practice
Water management Packaging Management
·Ningxia Zhonghuan discusses and promoteswith package material suppliers the useof recycled boxes and corrugated paperpackaging to create a recycled box system; bythe end of the reporting period, a total of morethan 24,000 corrugated boxes, upper lids,crucible bottom trays, and wooden pallets hadbeen saved.
Logistics transportation
·Ningxia Zhonghuan utilizes an OverheadMaterial Transportation (OHT) system totransport crucible supplier's products tothe production plant without the need foradditional packaging.
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Product Responsibility
Our Management Approaches
TZE and its subsidiaries attach great importance to product responsibility, firmly implementthe strategy of global leadership in PV materials, and continuously improve product quality andflexible manufacturing capabilities. We have implemented the world's leading quality managementphilosophy, establishing a quality management system throughout the product life cycle of “rawmaterial procurement - process quality - finished product acceptance quality - product recall”in all production bases. Moreover, we have obtained ISO 9001 quality management systemcertification. In this way, we integrate the quality culture into the product life cycle. Meanwhile, weactively promote flexible manufacturing, striving to meet customers’ requirements for differenttechnologies and application scenarios by customization.With the unique customized service model and product life-cycle management model, theCompany was honored as the “National Service-Oriented Manufacturing DemonstrationEnterprise” issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China in November2023.Flexible ManufacturingAdhering to the customer-centric concept, we implement customized flexible manufacturing. Basedon our Industry 4.0 system, we have developed “Deep Blue” + AI stereotype model, which makesuse of digitalization, information and intelligent manufacturing advantages, to strengthen flexiblemanufacturing capabilities, and achieve free switching between multi-category process formula.Besides, to ensure consistency and yield of product quality, we have established the Quality 4.0based whole process management system, so as to provide customers with high quality, low cost,and customized products. By the end of 2023, the Company had produced more than 1,000 kinds offull-specification silicon wafer products, leading the development of N-type battery industry.The Company continues to work on intelligent manufacturing upgrading for production lines,improvement of business collaboration ability, data sharing and expansion, customer finemanagement, customer stickiness optimization and so on. These initiatives aim to accelerateintelligent manufacturing transformation and technological innovation transformation, shortenproduct R&D cycle, meet the flexible and customized needs, achieve horizontal and verticaldevelopment of the industrial chain, thus ushering in the PV 700W+ era.
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
企企业业标标准准““领领跑跑者者””证证书书 |
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依据《质量分级及“领跑者”评价要求 光伏硅棒》(T/CPIA 0062-2023、T/CSTE 0534-2023
) |
Quality Management
Quality 4.0 is a comprehensive quality management model driven by big data. The modelfacilitates lean and intelligent decision-making capabilities based on informationization,intelligence and digital twin technology. Oriented toward customer value, our Quality 4.0system strives for the best balance between quality and cost. By fully meeting the growingdemand of customers for high quality, customization and flexibility, we can continuouslyenhance our core competitiveness, and realize clients value.Quality Management ProcessTZE's product standard management process includes three parts: customization, R&Dand design, and delivery control, with technology-driven and strict benchmarking to helpmanufacture high-quality products.
Quality Management TrainingThe Company conducts training on Six Sigma, QCC, MSA, and 8D for Quality Departmentemployees. We also require all new employees to participate in pre-service qualityawareness training and provides 16 quality courses on the online learning platform“Zhonghuan Training Center” for them to learn at any time. In 2023, about 2,536 employeesparticipated in quality management training.Quality Management PerformanceRelying on mature technology and advanced manufacturing system, our excellent qualitymanagement and high-quality products have been widely recognized at home and abroad.In 2023, we won honors such as “Manufacturing Individual Champion” by the Ministry ofIndustry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, T?V Rheinland IECcertification and "Leader" certificate of enterprise standard issued by China ElectronicsStandardization Institute.
·During the design and maintenance of product standards, we shareinformation through our customer information platform and externalinformation sharing platforms.
·Factory participation in programme standardisation assessment for loopholeidentification and improvement and optimisation.
Product standard management and productdevelopment control procedures
·The customer quality centre carries out the approval and filing managementof the standards, and each BU is responsible for the implementation ofthese standards to eventually formulate the product delivery standards andproduct internal control standards.
Product delivery standards andinternal control standards
·We focus on accurately identifying potential customer demand for products,while maintaining a good balance between the company's business metricsand product performance.
·Based on customer quality feedback and peer benchmarking, we introducenew technologies, products and equipment and update our internalstandards in accordance with the latest changes in policies and regulations.
Identification of Customer needs and the latest policies andregulations and introduction of new technologies
Huansheng JiangsuWon The "Leader"Certificate OfEnterprise Standard
Zhonghuan CrystalWon The "Leader"Certificate OfEnterprise Standard
T?VRheinland IECCertification
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Customer Relationship ManagementOur Management ApproachesThrough technological innovation and Industry 4.0 transformation, TZE continuously improves its customized service capabilityto help customers maximize their value, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and continuously maintaining goodrelationships with customers.Customer Service and SatisfactionTZE carries out intensive quality management throughout the product life cycle, aiming to respond to customer demand fasterand improve customer service quality, and ultimately improving customer experience.To handle customer feedback on product and service quality in a timely and standardized manner, the Company has formulatedand strictly implemented the Regulations on Complaints Management. The customer service team and the quality managementteam prioritize and classify quality feedbacks, develop a summary, and deliver it to the plants for reference, so as to keepimproving quality.We recognize the importance of customer satisfaction management, formulate and follow the Regulations on SatisfactionManagement, which clarifies the execution standards of customer satisfaction information collection, satisfaction assessmentand satisfaction improvement actions for all departments. During the Reporting Period, the Company’s customer satisfactionrate reached 93%, remaining at a relatively high level.Responsible MarketingTZE strictly complies with all marketing related laws and regulations such as the Advertising Law of the People’s Republic ofChina and applicable codes of practice, requiring employees to sign the Employee Integrity and Self-discipline Commitment toconvey the value of responsible marketing and restrain misconduct.All of the company's marketing activities are reviewed internally to ensure the legal compliance of marketing practices relatedto products and services. The company requires upstream and downstream partners to follow the principles of legal compliance,science, rigor and realistic communication, and shall not carry out any false or misleading publicity.
TZE Customer Service Performance
Number of customer complaints
Number of complaint responses
Complaint response rate
Customer satisfaction rate
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
UN SDGs addressed in this chapter:
TransformationalDigital-Intelligent andInnovation
TZE upholds the “engineer-respected” culture and keeps driving the sustainable and high-quality development of the industry. We insist on innovation-driven development, andcontinuously increase investment in clean technology R&D to drive global decarbonizationwith technological innovation. With these efforts, we aim to lead the industrial application ofadvanced technology and production mode.
2023 Honors and Awards
TZE was awarded "High Efficiency PV Technology R&D and Industrialization Innovation Consortium" by TianjinScience and Technology Administration.Ningxia Zhonghuan was awarded "National Intelligent Manufacturing Demonstration Factory" by the Ministryof Industry and Information Techonology of the People's Republic of China.
Key Target and ProgressIssue Indicator Progress in 2023 2024 Target 2025 Target 2030 TargetCleantechnologyinnovation
Total numberof intellectualpropertiespatents
A total of 1,739intellectualproperties havebeen owned
Increase by 20%over 2023
Increase by 40%over 2023
Industry-leadingDigital ESGmanagement
Digital system
The energymanagementsystem has beenpreliminarilyapplied inadvanced factories
Pilot operation ofESG managementsystem inadvancedfactories
The coverageof ESGmanagementsystem is 50%
Establish acentralizedESG digitalintelligencemanagementplatform
SustainableNet Zero
AccountableMaking a Joint
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Technological Innovations
Our Management Approaches
In order to continuously strengthen the Company's market competitiveness and help the worldrealize the green energy transformation, TZE has always regarded scientific and technologicalleadership as an important strategic pillar of the company's development, adhering to theconcept of "intensive innovation, integrated innovation, joint innovation and collaborativeinnovation", and cooperating with upstream and downstream of the industrial chain to providemore environmentally and economically beneficial products and solutions for its customersthrough continuous technological innovation and product research and development. TZE has11 high-tech enterprises, 8 provincial and ministerial-level R&D centers, 1 national technologycenter, 1 national technology innovation demonstration enterprise and 2 provincial andministerial-level key laboratories.In 2023, the Company invested 2.848 billion in R&D, with R&D investment accounting for 4.82%of the sales revenue.
Innovative Technology Talent System
TZE attaches great importance to the construction of an innovative technology talentsystem. Specifically, TZE continuously integrates the Company’s R&D resources, and usesTZE Research Institute as the Company’s R&D innovation center. TZE Research Institute isresponsible for overall management of R&D in various business segments, and coordinatesindustry chain stakeholders and coordinate external industry-academia-research projects. TZEResearch Institute consists of PV Materials Sub-Institute and Cells & Modules Sub-Institute,which are responsible for R&D of advanced technology in corresponding fields.
IndicatorUoM 202120222023
Revenue derived from cleantech activities
--5,356,314.14Revenue derived from cleantech activities to revenue
%--90.56R&D expenses
185,880.73292,282.38212,500.36R&D expenses to revenue% investment
257,653.92377,052.09284,811.81R&D/Sales ratio%6.275.634.82
TZE’s Performance in Clean TechnologyDevelopment for 2021-2023
Total number of R&D employees
Proportion of R&D employees in totalemployees
Number of experts obtained master’sdegree or above
Number of experts obtaineddoctoral degree
TZE R&D Team
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Intellectual Property Management andInnovation IncentiveIn view of product characteristics, the Company has formulated and implemented theIntellectual Property Management System and Patent Management Regulations based onrelevant laws and regulations such as the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China andthe Specifications for the Administration of Intellectual Property Rights of Enterprises. Duringthe Reporting Period, the Company conducted patent risk assessment through intellectualproperty research, carried out patent mining and patent portfolio planning, and engaged inpatent rights protection to strengthen the Company’s innovative achievements.To enhance the Company’s R&D strength and inspire the research vitality of technicalpersonnel, the Company continuously optimizes the funding and incentive mechanisms forR&D. The Company has established and implemented a series of standardized and soundrules and regulations, including the Technology Project Management System, Regulations onPhysical and Chemical Center Test Management, and the Regulations on the Management ofR&D Expenditure, to safeguard the Company’s technological innovation.The Company actively conducts various intellectual property-related training, includingtraining on technical disclosure form writing, patent mining and patent portfolio planning, riskprevention and control, and international patent application processes. The training aims tosystematically enhance the intellectual property awareness and management capabilities oftechnical personnel and patent engineers, while also improving the Company’s ability to applyfor international patents and supporting the establishment of a global intellectual propertymanagement system.2021-2023 TZE Intellectual Property Performance
The Company continues to optimize data tracking and transparent disclosure of ESG metrics, we discloses the number of patentsgranted during the reporting period from the 2023 Sustainability Report onwards. The number of patents granted in 2023 is 350.
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Sustainability Report 2023
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Joint Innovation with SupplierTZE actively collaborates with suppliers to carry out joint innovation projects, and continuallyimproves the compatibility between suppliers and the Company. In this way, TZE endeavors tostrengthen the partnership with suppliers in the industrial chain and work with them to iterateand upgrade products and technologies.
Industry-University-Research CooperationTZE highly values industry-university-research cooperation and collaborates with universitiesand research institutions such as Tianjin University, Hohai University, Shandong Universityand South China University of Technology to undertake joint R&D projects, exploring theapplication of cutting-edge technologies.
In 2023, TZE conducted a joint innovation project with quartz crucible suppliers and wasawarded the first prize of TCL Technology 2022-2023 technological innovation selection.Quartz crucibles are essential auxiliary materials for pulling monocrystalline silicon rods.Through the joint innovation with suppliers, TZE identified the production characteristicsrequired for quartz crucibles, improved the product quality, extended their service life,significantly increased production efficiency, and reduced the cost of monocrystalline siliconrods pulling.
In March 2023, TZE, in collaboration with more than ten universities and enterprises suchas Hohai University and Tianjin University, developed the R&D Demonstration Project forOffshore Floating PV Imbricated Module. The project aimed to break through the integrationtechnology of offshore floating PV system design and the technology of core electrical andmechanical components suitable for the marine climate, provide an innovative technologicalpath for the development and utilization of offshore PV in the coastal economic belt, andfinally complete the joint construction of imbricated modules along with devices of otherdetection systems and structural systems.
The Company and Suppliers Conduct Joint InnovationProgram to Improve Quartz Crucibles
Industry-University-Research Focus: “R&D Demonstration Project forOffshore Floating PV Imbricated Module
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Digital IntelligenceTransformationIndustry 4.0
The Company adheres to the concept of Industry 4.0 and continues to promote manufacturingtransformation. With extensive technology and know-how accumulation, TZE establishes aunique “Deep Blue” + AI model that can be applied to various production processes, makesfull use of automatic, digital, and intelligent manufacturing mode to create the smart factorythat can collaborate independently and operate efficiently.The smart factory built based on "Industry 4.0" establishes the intelligent center ofautonomous control equipment, information and automation system, liberates workers fromrepetitive work and enables them to engage in more valuable and creative data iterationwork, returning people's value. At the same time, TZE relies on intelligent manufacturingtransformation practice to drive the transformation of organizational talent structure, assistsemployees to master the skills to adapt to future needs to promote the further upgrade ofmanufacturing capacity through the improvement of organizational capacity and achieve apositive cycle of continuous iteration.In 2023, Ningxia Zhonghuan’s PV solar monocrystalline silicon materials intelligentmanufacturing demonstration factory was included in the list of “2023 IntelligentManufacturing Demonstration Factory” jointly announced by the Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry ofFinance, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the StateCouncil, and the State Administration for Market Regulation, marking a milestone for TZE in itsIndustry 4.0 transformation.
Digital TransformationIn 2023, the Company formulated and implemented a new round of digital strategies,focusing on advancing “Industry 4.0 + Quality 4.0 + Operation 4.0” around digital operationand intelligent manufacturing. TZE has built an efficient operation management platformintegrating multiple digital systems for different operational management fields, connectingeach part of supply, production, sales, human resources, finance, and logistics to promote theestablishment of digital supply chain and the integration business and finance. In addition, TZEhas used business intelligence management decision support platform to integrate data, buildmodels, and generate visual dashboards to support management decision-making.In terms of ESG digital management, the Company has been running a ESG managementsystem integrating the management of carbon, energy, water, and production safety in severalfactories. In the future, the Company will gradually promote the digital integration of variousmaterial ESG issues and management functions. This is to build a centralized ESG digitalmanagement platform to empower the Company’s sustainable development.In 2023, Zhonghuan Advanced practiced the Company’s strategies and culture, combinedwith the “Industry 4.0” intelligent manufacturing model, and promoted the construction of theintelligent park, integrating intelligent fire protection, energy management, ESG management,intelligent logistics, etc., to form a digital, informatised and visualised management platform,and realised the all-in-one linkage function for the integration and interaction of the fullamount of data.
The Dark Rate in Ningxia Zhonghuan Factory has Reached 80%Zhonghuan Advanced Intelligent Park Platform-ESG Management Module
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Cooperation for Win-Win ResultsOffering Suggestions for the High-QualityIndustry DevelopmentThe Company takes an active part in seminars organized by governments at various levels,industry alliances and associations, and peer enterprises, carries out joint innovation projectswith partners to drive technological breakthroughs and contribute to the high-qualitydevelopment of the PV industry.
Working Together to Improve IndustryStandards
On December 15, 2023, at the 2023 Annual PV Industry Conference, TZE, together with 5other PV companies as initiators, jointly launched the 700W+ PV Open Innovative EcologicalAlliance and discussed and agreed upon the standard design and application of 700W+ PVmodules. The 700W+ PV Open Innovative Ecological Alliance will continue to adhere to the“open and win-win” collaboration model, leverage the advantages of the industry chain, andconnect core processes such as R&D, manufacturing, and application to build a new system formodern PV industry.TZE is a member of several trade associations and industrial alliances, such as China PVIndustry Association and China Federation of Electronics and Information Industry. We activelyfulfill our responsibilities as a leader in the PV industry, including leading or participating in theformulation of 5 national standards, 2 group standards, and multiple industry reports duringthe Reporting Period. These include:
In July 2023, the 2023 Western Golden Triangle Energy and Ningxia Clean Energy IndustryDevelopment Forum was held in Yinchuan, Ningxia. TZE was invited to attend the forum,engaging in in-depth discussions with other participants on new models for clean energydevelopment. The Company presented a theme report titled “Intelligent Manufacturing inthe PV Industry Supports Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Goals”. In the report, TZEshared the Company’s experiences in advancing intelligent manufacturing transformation,promoting Industry 4.0, and contributing to the achievement of Carbon Peaking and CarbonNeutrality Goals.
TZE was Invited to Attend the Ningxia Clean Energy IndustryDevelopment Forum
TZE Attended the Ningxia Clean Energy Industry Development Forum and
Delivered a Keynote Speech
·Collaborating with the Subcommittee on Materials of the NationalStandardization Technical Committee for Semiconductor Equipment andMaterials, TZE took the lead in drafting national standards such as the TestMethod for Excess-Charge-Carrier Recombination Lifetime in Silicon Ingots,Silicon Bricks and Silicon Wafers - Noncontact Eddy-Current Sensor.
·Collaborating with the Tongbiao Zhongyan Standardization TechnologyResearch Institute (Beijing) Co., Ltd., TZE participated in the formulationof group standards such as the General Guidelines for Green Low-CarbonProduct Evaluation and General Guidelines for Industrial Zero CarbonFactory Evaluation.
·Engaging in the preparation of the 2022-2023 China PV Industry AnnualReport and the 2022-2023 China PV Industry Development Roadmap as anindustry expert.
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About the Report
Introduction of the Report
As a global leading manufacturer of PV materials, supplierof PV cells and modules and provider of intelligent PVsolutions, TCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy TechnologyCo., Ltd (referred to as “TCL Zhonghuan”, “TZE”, “theCompany” or “We”) has always adhered to the sustainabledevelopment vision of "becoming a respected globalrenewable energy technology company", and focuses onthe Company's sustainability process.The Report is the eighth sustainability report (i.e.,environmental, social and governance report or socialresponsibility report) released to the public by TZE,providing transparent corporate sustainable development-related information to our stakeholders, includingshareholders and investors, customers, government andregulatory agencies, employees, suppliers and partners,communities, non-governmental organizations, media andothers. The last report was released in March 2023.
Reporting PeriodThis Report is issued on a one-year cycle, consistent withthe financial year. The Reporting Period is from January 1,2023 to December 31, 2023 (referred to as the "ReportingPeriod"). The Report details TZE's practices and performancein the economic, environmental, social and governanceduring the Reporting Period. For consistency, comparabilityand completeness, the Report refers back to previous yearsor covers the year 2024 as appropriate.
Scope of ReportThe policies and data mentioned in this report cover the Company and our subsidiaries (see the table below for details),and the scope of the report is consistent with that of our annual report. In 2023, the Company newly acquired ZhonghuanAdvanced (Xuzhou) Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd., and refers to the 2023 Annual Report, the relevant data of XuzhouAdvanced from March 1 to December 31, 2023 after acquisition is included in this Report. When the scope of specific data isnot consistent with the scope of the Report, it will be noted in the text.
Full Name of SubsidiariesAbbreviation
Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Crystal Material Co., Ltd.Ningxia Zhonghuan Solar Materials Co., Ltd.Tianjin Huanou Semiconductor Material Technology Co., LtdTianjin Huanzhi Renewable energy Technology Co., LtdTianjin Huanou Renewable energy Technology Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan PV Materials Co., Ltd.Wuxi Zhonghuan Applied Materials Co., Ltd.Huansheng PV (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.Huansheng Renewable energy (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd.Huansheng Renewable energy (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.Tianjin Zhonghuan Advanced Material Technology Co., LtdZhonghuan Advanced Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd.Inner Mongolia Zhonghuan Advanced Semiconductor Material Co., Ltd.Zhonghuan Advanced (Xuzhou) Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd.Tianjin Zhonghuan Renewable energy Co., Ltd.Tianjin Huanou International Silicon Material Co., LTDTianjin Huanrui Electronic Technology Co., LTD
Zhonghuan CrystalNingxia ZhonghuanTianjin HuanouHuanzhi Renewable energyHuanou Renewable energyZhonghuan PVZhonghuan Applied MaterialsHuansheng PVHuansheng JiangsuHuansheng TianjinTianjin Zhonghuan AdvancedZhonghuan AdvancedInner Mongolia Zhonghuan AdvancedXuzhou AdvancedZhonghuan Renewable energyHuanou InternationalTianjin Huanrui
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Reporting Standards andGuidelinesThe Report complies with the requirements of the Guidelineson Social Responsibility of Listed Companies and MainBoard Information Disclosure Business Memorandum-No. 1Document: Matters Related to Disclosure in Periodic Reportsissued by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. In addition, theReport has been formulated with reference to the GlobalReporting Initiative (referred to as "GRI") Standards and theReporting Framework of the Task Force on Climate-RelatedFinancial Disclosure (referred to as "TCFD").Data Source
The sources of data and cases in the Report include TZE'sinternal relevant statistics, public reports, as well as publicdata from third-party research, verification or interview,governmental department, professional organizations andother public data.Unless otherwise specified, the currency used in this Reportis Chinese Yuan (CNY).The Board of Directors of the Company guarantees thatthere are no misrepresentation and misleading statements inthis Report.Confirmation & ApprovalAfter confirmed by the management, the Report wasapproved by the Board of Directors on April 25, 2024.
Access & Response to Report
The Report is published electronically and the Chinese andEnglish versions of the Report can be downloaded from theofficial website of TZE at valuable comments or suggestions are important tous. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding theCompany's sustainability disclosures and performance,please feel free to contact the Company by the followingmeans:
TCL Zhonghuan Renewable EnergyTechnology Co.,
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Disclosure itemChapter Index
2-1Organizational detailsAbout the Report2-2Entities included in the organization's sustainability reportingAbout the Report2-3Reporting period, frequency and contact pointAbout the Report2-4Restatements of informationAbout the Report2-5External assuranceIndependent
VerficationStatementActivities and workers2-6Activities, value chain and other business relationshipsAbout TZE2-7EmployeesDiversity and
Inclusion2-8Workers who are not employeesDiversity and
InclusionGovernance2-9Governance structure and compositionCorporate
Governance2-10Nomination and selection of the highest governance bodyCorporate
Governance2-11Chair of the highest governance bodyCorporate
Governance2-12Role of the highest governance body in overseeing the
management of impacts
Governance2-13Delegation of responsibility for managing impactsSustainability
Governance2-14Role of the highest governance body in sustainability reportingSustainability
Governance2-15Conflicts of interestCorporate
Governance2-16Communication of critical concernsSustainability
Governance2-17Collective knowledge of the highest governance bodySustainability
Governance2-18Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance bodyAttracting and
Retaining Talents
Disclosure itemChapter Index
2-19Remuneration policiesAttracting and
Retaining Talents2-20Process to determine remunerationAttracting and
Retaining TalentsStrategy, policies and practices2-22Statement on sustainable development strategySustainable
Strategy2-23Policy commitmentsSustainable
Strategy2-24Embedding policy commitmentsSustainable
Strategy2-25Processes to remediate negative impactsBusiness Behavior2-26Mechanisms for seeking advice and raising concernsAbout the Report2-27Compliance with laws and regulationsBusiness Behavior2-28Membership associationsCooperation for
Win-Win ResultsStakeholder engagement2-29Approach to stakeholder engagementSustainability
Governance2-30Collective bargaining agreementsAttracting and
Retaining Talents3-1Process to determine material topicsSustainability
Governance3-2List of material topicsSustainability
GovernanceGRI 204 Procurement Practices3-3Management of material topicsResponsible Supply
ChainGRI 205 Anti-corruption3-3Management of material topicsBusiness Behavior
GRI Content Index
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Disclosure itemChapter Index
205-1Operations assessed for risks related to corruptionBusiness Behavior205-2Communication and training about anti-corruption policies and
Business Behavior205-3Confirmed incidents of corruption and actions takenBusiness Behavior
GRI 302Energy
3-3Management of material topicsEnergy
Management302-1Energy consumption within the organizationEnergy
Management302-2Energy consumption outside of zationEnergy
Management302-3Energy intensityEnergy
Management302-4Reduction of energy consumptionEnergy
Management302-5Reductions in energy requirements of products and servicesEnergy
GRI 303 Water and Effluents3-3Management of material topicsWater Management303-1Interactions with water as a shared resourceWater Management303-2Management of water discharge-related impactsWater Management303-3Water withdrawalWater Management303-4Water dischargeWater Management303-5Water consumptionWater Management
GRI 305Emissions3-3Management of material topicsClimate Action305-1Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissionsClimate Action305-2Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissionsClimate Action305-3Other indirect (Scope 3) GHG emissionsClimate Action305-4GHG emissions intensityClimate Action305-5Reduction of GHG emissionsClimate Action305-7Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant
air emissions
Disclosure itemChapter IndexGRI 30Waste3-3Management of material topicsEcological
Protection306-1Waste generation and significant waste-related impactsEcological
Protection306-2Management of significant waste-related impactsEcological
Protection306-3Waste generatedEcological
Protection306-4Waste diverted from disposalEcological
Protection306-5Waste directed to disposalEcological
ProtectionGRI 308 Supplier Environmental Assessment3-3Management of material topicsResponsible Supply
Chain308-1New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteriaResponsible Supply
Chain308-2Negative environmental impacts in the supply chain and actions
Responsible Supply
ChainGRI 401Employment3-3Management of material topicsAttracting and
Retaining Talents401-1New employee hires and employee turnoverEmployee Training
and Development401-2Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not provided to
temporary or part-time employees
Attracting and
Retaining Talents401-3Parental leaveAttracting and
Retaining TalentsGRI 402Labor anagement Relations3-3Management of material topicsAttracting and
Retaining Talents402-1Minimum notive periods regarding operational changesAttracting and
Retaining Talents
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Disclosure itemChapter Index405-1Diversity of governance bodies and employeesDiversity and
GRI 406 Non-discrimination3-3Management of material topicsAttracting and
Retaining Talents406-1Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions takenAttracting and
Retaining TalentsGRI 407Freedom of Association and ollective Bargaining
3-3Management of material topicsDiversity and
Inclusion407-1Operations and suppliers in which the ight to freedom of
association and collective bargaining may be at risk
NoneGRI 408 Child Labor3-3Management of material topicsAttracting and
Retaining Talents408-1Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of child
NoneGRI 409 Forced or Compulsory Labor3-3Management of material topicsAttracting and
Retaining Talents409-1Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of forced
or compulsory labor
NoneGRI 413Local Communities3-3Management of material topicsSocial Contribution413-1Operations with local community engagement, impact
assessments, and development
None413-2Operations with significant actual and potential negative impacts
on local communities
GRI 414 Supplier Social Assessment3-3Management of material topicsResponsible Supply
Chain414-1New suppliers that were screened using social criteriaResponsible Supply
Chain414-2Negative social impacts in the supply chain and actions takenResponsible Supply
Disclosure itemChapter IndexGRI 403Occupational Health and Safety3-3Management of material topicsOccupational
Health and Safety403-1Occupational health and safety management systemOccupational
Health and Safety403-2Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigationOccupational
Health and Safety403-3Occupational health servicesOccupational
Health and Safety403-4Worker participation, consultation,and communication on
occupational health and safety
Health and Safety403-5Worker training on occupational health and safetyOccupational
Health and Safety403-6Promotion of worker healthOccupational
Health and Safety403-7Prevention and mitigation of occupational health and safety
impacts directly linked by business relationships
Health and Safety403-8Workers covered by an occupational health and safety
management system
Health and Safety403-9Work-related injuriesOccupational
Health and Safety403-10Work-related ill healthOccupational
Health and SafetyGRI 404Training and Education3-3Management of material topicsEmployee Training
and Development404-1Average hours of training per year per employeeEmployee Training
and Development404-2Programs for upgrading employee skills and transition assistanceEmployee Training
and Development404-3Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career
development reviews
Employee Training
and DevelopmentGRI 405 Diversity and Equal Opportunity3-3Management of material topicsDiversity and
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Independent Verification Report
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
Greenhouse Gas Validation Verification Statement
SustainableMotivated Accountable ReliableTranformational
TCL 中环新能源科技股份有限公司电话: +86-022-23789766邮件: tjsc@tzeco.com传真: +86-022-23789786
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TCL 中环新能源科技股份有限公司电话: +86-022-23789766邮件: tjsc@tzeco.com传真: +86-022-23789786
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Telephone: +86-022-23789766-8026Email:
tze@tzeco.comTCL Zhonghuan Renewable Energy Technology Co., Ltd.