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深南电B:2024年第一季度报告英文版 下载公告

Ticker: 000037, 200037 Stock name: Shenzhen Nanshan Power A, Shenzhen Nanshan Power B Announcement No.: 2024-030

Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

2024 First Quarter ReportThe Company and all members of the Board of Directors guarantee that the information disclosed is true, accurate andcomplete, and contains no false records, misleading statements or major omissions.


1. The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, the directors, supervisors and senior officers shall ensure that the quarterlyreport is true, accurate and complete, and contains no false records, misleading statements or major omissions, and shall bearindividual and joint legal liability.

2. The Company's Principal, Chief Accountant, Chief Financial Officer and Head of the Finance Department (Finance Head)hereby declare and guarantee that the financial information in the quarterly report is true, accurate and complete.

3. Whether the First Quarter Report has been audited

□Yes? No

I. Key financial data(I) Key accounting data and financial indicatorsWhether the Company needs to retroactively adjust or restate the accounting data of previous years

□Yes? No

The reporting periodSame period last yearIncrease or decrease in the reporting period compared with the same period last year (%)
Operating revenue (RMB)80,580,975.91111,067,616.64-27.45%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies (RMB)-29,071,219.61-31,147,959.306.67%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring profit or loss (RMB)-32,868,603.74-41,178,992.2420.18%
Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB)-71,854,442.05-36,865,225.55-94.91%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)-0.0482-0.05176.77%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/share)-0.0482-0.05176.77%
Weighted average rate of return on net assets-2.01%-2.16%Increased by 0.15 percentage points
At the end of the reporting periodAt the end of the previous yearIncrease or decrease at the end of the reporting period compared with the end of the previous year (%)
Total assets (RMB)2,055,455,896.842,049,365,388.690.30%
Owners' equity attributable to shareholders of listed companies (RMB)1,431,132,704.931,459,288,691.94-1.93%

(II) Non-recurring profit or loss items and amounts

?Applicable □Not applicable

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount in the reporting periodRemark
Profit or loss on disposal of non-current assets (including write-off of provision for asset impairment)-107,421.00Mainly due to the impact of profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets
Government subsidies included in the current profit or loss (except for those that are closely related to the Company's normal business operations, comply with national policies and regulations, are enjoyed according to determined standards, and have a sustained impact on the Company's profit or loss)2,026,590.29Mainly government subsidies related to income and apportionment of government subsidies related to assets, etc.
Profit or loss from changes in fair value1,847,905.67Mainly investment income obtained from financial assets held for trading
of financial assets and liabilities held by non-financial enterprises and profit or loss from the disposal of financial assets and financial liabilities, except for effective hedging operations related to the Company's normal business operations
Other non-operating revenue and expenses other than the above37,730.70
Less: effect of minority interests (after tax)7,421.53

Details of other profit or loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit or loss

□Applicable? Not applicable

The Company had no specific profit or loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit or loss.Notes on the definition of the non-recurring profit or loss items listed in the Interpretive Announcement No. 1 on InformationDisclosure of Companies Issuing Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profit or Loss as recurring profit or loss items

□Applicable? Not applicable

The Company had no circumstances of definition of the non-recurring profit or loss items listed in the Interpretive AnnouncementNo. 1 on Information Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities to the Public - Non-recurring Profit or Loss as recurring profit orloss items.

(III) Changes in key accounting data and financial indicators and their causes?Applicable □Not applicable

Balance sheet itemsMarch 31, 2024January 1, 2024Change ratioDescription of changes
Monetary funds102,511,047.91316,188,782.49-67.58%Mainly due to the Company's the current period investment in Shenzhen New Energy Storage Industry Equity Fund and the placement of self-owned funds in structured deposits, resulting in a decrease in monetary funds
Financial assets held for trading394,000,000.00226,000,000.0074.34%Mainly due to the increase in financial assets held for trading as a result of the placement of structured deposits with idle self-owned funds during the current period.
Right-of-use assets906,778.552,266,946.42-60.00%Mainly due to the depreciation of right-of-use assets according to their useful life
Notes payable40,000,000.000.00100.00%Mainly due to the Company's efforts to strengthen project development and take multiple measures to coordinate funds, resulting in an increase in notes payable
Accounts payable1,121,465.814,342,166.50-74.17%Mainly due to the decrease in natural gas payables
Employee compensation payable4,648,453.2446,238,982.57-89.95%Mainly due to the payment of employee compensation related to land acquisition and storage of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Zhongshan Company in the current period, resulting in a decrease in employee compensation payable
Taxes payable296,962.893,089,330.47-90.39%Mainly due to the decrease in value-added tax payable
Income statement itemsJanuary-March 2024January-March 2023Year-on-year increase or decreaseDescription of changes
Operating revenue80,580,975.91111,067,616.64-27.45%Mainly because Shenzhen Nanshan Power Zhongshan Company no longer engaged in power production and sales business due to shutdown units and land acquisition and storage in the current period, and the operating revenue decreased year-on-year
Operating costs87,874,016.00126,842,855.91-30.72%Mainly because Shenzhen Nanshan Power Zhongshan Company no longer engaged in power production and sales business due to shutdown units and land acquisition and storage in the current period, resulting in a decrease in the operating costs on a year-on-year basis
Selling and distribution expenses877,286.8762,973.971293.09%Mainly due to the Company's continued efforts to strengthen project development and vigorously expansion of its business in the field of integrated energy service, resulting in an increase in the selling and distribution expenses on a year-on-year basis
R&D expenses3,803,023.785,693,516.08-33.20%Mainly due to the decrease in R&D projects in the current period compared with the same period last year, resulting in a decrease in R&D expenses
Financial expenses3,174,568.275,148,233.99-38.34%Mainly due to the Company's optimization of the asset and liability structure and continued reduction of financing costs, resulting in a decrease in the financial expenses on a year-on-year basis
Investment income1,854,861.435,012,807.20-63.00%Mainly due to the decrease in the size of financial assets held for trading, resulting in a decrease in investment income on a year-on-year basis
Statement of cash flows itemsJanuary-March 2024January-March 2023Year-on-year increase or decreaseDescription of changes
Net cash flows from operating activities-71,854,442.05-36,865,225.55-94.91%Mainly due to the payment of employee compensation related to the land acquisition and storage of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Zhongshan Company in the current period, resulting in a decrease in the net cash flows from operating activities on a year-on-year basis
Net cash flows from investing activities-221,147,900.68-186,966,454.48-18.28%Mainly due to the new investment in Shenzhen New Energy Storage Industry Equity Fund in the current period, resulting in a decrease in the net cash flows from investing activities on a year-on-year basis
Net cash flows from financing activities79,321,416.35-127,709,340.67162.11%Mainly due to the Company's optimization of its asset and liability structure, the cash paid for debt repayment decreased year-on-year during the current period, resulting in an increase in the net cash flows from financing activities on a year-on-year basis
Net increase in cash equivalents-213,664,305.88-351,657,204.9339.24%Mainly due to the Company's optimization of its asset and liability structure, resulting in a decrease in the cash paid for debt repayment in the current period on a year-on-year basis, and an increase in the net increase in cash and cash equivalents on a year-on-year basis

II. Shareholder's information(I) Total number of ordinary shareholders, number of preferred shareholders whose voting rights havebeen restored, and shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders

Unit: Share

Total number of ordinary shareholders at the end of the reporting period54,471Total number of preferred shareholders whose voting rights have been restored at the end of the reporting period (if any)0
Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders (excluding shares lent through refinancing)
NameNature of shareholderShareholding ratio (%)Number of shares heldNumber of shares held with selling restrictionsPledge, marking or freezing
Share statusQuantity
HONG KONG NAM HOI (INTERNATIONAL) LTDOverseas legal person15.28%92,123,2480Not applicable
Shenzhen Guangju Industrial Co., Ltd.State-owned legal person12.22%73,666,8240Not applicable
Shenzhen Energy CorporationState-owned legal person10.80%65,106,1300Not applicable
Zeng YingDomestic natural person1.19%7,159,6000Not applicable
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITEDOverseas legal person0.92%5,552,2150Not applicable
China Merchants Securities (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.Overseas legal person0.90%5,402,1540Not applicable
Meiyi Investment Real Estate Co., Ltd.Domestic non-state-owned legal person0.87%5,223,2000Not applicable
LISHERYNZHANMINGOverseas natural person0.66%4,005,9590Not applicable
Haitong International Securities Company Limited-Account ClientOverseas legal person0.65%3,908,3570Not applicable
Huang YilongDomestic natural person0.64%3,866,5000Not applicable
Shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders without selling restrictions
NameNumber of shares held without selling restrictionsType of shares
Type of sharesQuantity
HONG KONG NAM HOI (INTERNATIONAL) LTD92,123,248Domestic listed foreign shares92,123,248
Shenzhen Guangju Industrial Co., Ltd.73,666,824Renminbi ordinary shares73,666,824
Shenzhen Energy Corporation65,106,130Renminbi ordinary shares65,106,130
Zeng Ying7,159,600Domestic listed foreign shares7,159,600
BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED5,552,215Domestic listed foreign shares5,552,215
China Merchants Securities (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.5,402,154Domestic listed foreign shares5,402,154
Meiyi Investment Real Estate Co., Ltd.5,223,200Renminbi ordinary shares5,223,200
LISHERYNZHANMING4,005,959Domestic listed foreign shares4,005,959
Haitong International Securities Company Limited-Account Client3,908,357Domestic listed foreign shares3,908,357
Huang Yilong3,866,500Renminbi ordinary shares3,866,500
Explanation of the above-mentioned shareholders' relationship or concerted actions1. Shenzhen Energy Corporation holds 100% equity in HONG KONG NAM HOI (INTERNATIONAL) LTD 2. The Company is unaware of whether the above-mentioned other public shareholders have any relationship or are persons acting in concert.
Description of the top 10 shareholders' participation in the margin trading and securities lending business (if any)None

Participation of shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares, the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders ofunrestricted tradable shares in refinancing business and lending shares

□Applicable? Not applicable

Changes of the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of unrestricted tradable shares compared with the previous perioddue to refinancing lending/repayment

□Applicable? Not applicable

(II) Total number of preferred shareholders in the Company and shareholdings of the top 10 preferredshareholders

□Applicable? Not applicable

III. Other important matters?Applicable □Not applicable

Disposal of assets related to the generator units of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Zhongshan Company: On February 6 andFebruary 26, 2024, the 23rd Extraordinary Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors, the 12th Extraordinary Meeting of the NinthBoard of Supervisors and the 2nd Extraordinary General Meeting in 2024 respectively reviewed and approved the Proposal onListing and Transfer of Assets Related to the Generator Units and Heavy Oil Processing Lines of the Company's Held Subsidiary -Shenzhen Nanshan Power (Zhongshan) Power Co., Ltd., and agreed to list and transfer two generator units and their auxiliary

equipment and other assets of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Zhongshan Company on the Shenzhen United Property and EquityExchange. Shenzhen Nanshan Power Zhongshan Company was officially listed twice on Shenzhen United Property and EquityExchange on March 7 and April 9.IV. Quarterly financial statements(I) Financial statements

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

Unit: RMB

ItemEnding balanceBeginning balance
Current assets:
Monetary funds102,511,047.91316,188,782.49
Balances with clearing companies
Loans to banks and other financial institutions
Financial assets held for trading394,000,000.00226,000,000.00
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable
Accounts receivable104,041,878.72111,975,251.10
Receivables financing
Advances to suppliers29,475,887.3526,869,175.59
Premiums receivable
Reinsurance accounts receivable
Receivable reinsurance contract reserve
Other receivables26,917,754.4919,233,117.52
Including: interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Financial assets purchased under resale agreements
Including: data resources
Contract assets88,000.0088,000.00
Assets held for sale
Non-current assets due within one year
Other current assets232,138,911.80232,865,968.63
Total current assets972,344,426.431,019,378,546.49
Non-current assets:
Issuance of loans and advances
Debt investments
Other debt investments
Long-term receivables
Long-term equity investments90,008,131.8090,001,176.04
Other investments in equity instruments350,615,000.00300,615,000.00
Other non-current financial assets
Investment properties1,622,927.411,664,566.60
Fixed assets568,581,622.07571,482,734.35
Construction in progress4,316,226.273,448,855.10
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Right-of-use assets906,778.552,266,946.42
Intangible assets19,263,396.5419,285,629.03
Including: data resources
Development expenses
Including: data resources
Long-term deferred expenses3,588,058.603,891,832.93
Deferred tax assets1,172,366.491,172,366.49
Other non-current assets43,036,962.6836,157,735.24
Total non-current assets1,083,111,470.411,029,986,842.20
Total assets2,055,455,896.842,049,365,388.69
Current liabilities:
Short-term borrowings386,275,332.21341,237,886.72
Borrowing from the Central Bank
Borrowings from banks and other financial institutions
Financial liabilities held for trading
Derivative financial liabilities
Notes payable40,000,000.00
Accounts payable1,121,465.814,342,166.50
Advances from customers
Contract liabilities287,000.00
Financial assets sold under repurchase agreements
Customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions
Receivings from vicariously traded securities
Receivings from vicariously underwritten securities
Employee compensation payable4,648,453.2446,238,982.57
Taxes payable296,962.893,089,330.47
Other payables15,286,426.9613,973,447.42
Including: interest payable
Dividends payable
Handling charges and commissions
Reinsurance accounts payable
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one year1,016,730.203,926,326.45
Other current liabilities11,990.26
Total current liabilities448,944,361.57412,808,140.13
Non-current liabilities:
Reserves for insurance contract
Long-term borrowings59,884,372.4358,829,426.30
Bonds payable
Including: preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Lease liabilities15,000,000.0015,000,000.00
Long-term payables
Long-term employee compensations payable
Estimated liabilities
Deferred income66,282,624.3767,869,348.07
Deferred tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities104,045,112.54104,045,112.54
Total non-current liabilities245,212,109.34245,743,886.91
Total liabilities694,156,470.91658,552,027.04
Owners' equity:
Other equity instruments
Including: preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserve362,770,922.10362,770,922.10
Less: treasury shares
Other comprehensive income-2,500,000.00-2,500,000.00
Special reserve915,232.60
Surplus reserve332,908,397.60332,908,397.60
General risk reserve
Undistributed profits134,275,556.63163,346,776.24
Total equity attributable to the owners of the parent company1,431,132,704.931,459,288,691.94
Minority interests-69,833,279.00-68,475,330.29
Total owners' equity1,361,299,425.931,390,813,361.65
Total liabilities and owners' equity2,055,455,896.842,049,365,388.69

Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief Accountant: Chen Yuhui Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the FinanceDepartment: Lin Xiaojia

2. Consolidated income statement

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in previous period
I. Total operating revenue80,580,975.91111,067,616.64
Including: operating revenue80,580,975.91111,067,616.64
Interest income
Premiums earned
Handling charges and commission income
II. Total operating costs114,821,905.65155,909,683.28
Including: operating costs87,874,016.00126,842,855.91
Interest expenses
Handling charges and commission expenses
Surrender value
Net amount of compensation payout
Net amount of insurance liability reserve withdrawn
Policy dividends
Reinsurance costs
Taxes and surcharges221,276.34637,958.75
Selling and distribution expenses877,286.8762,973.97
G&A expenses18,871,734.3917,524,144.58
R&D expenses3,803,023.785,693,516.08
Financial expenses3,174,568.275,148,233.99
Including: interest expenses3,834,570.177,293,315.78
Interest income-667,274.30-2,373,844.43
Plus: other income2,026,590.292,002,061.76
Investment income (losses expressed with "-")1,854,861.435,012,807.20
Including: investment income from associates and joint ventures6,955.76141,762.68
Gains from derecognition of financial assets measured at amortized costs
Exchange gains (losses expressed with "-")
Net exposure hedging gains (losses expressed with "-")
Gains from fair value changes (losses expressed with "-")
Losses from credit impairment (losses expressed with "-")
Asset impairment loss (losses expressed with "-")
Gains from disposal of assets (losses expressed with "-")
III. Operating profit (losses expressed with "-")-30,359,478.02-37,827,197.68
Plus: non-operating revenue37,730.703,975,125.39
Less: non-operating expenses107,421.0010,458.26
IV. Total profit (total losses expressed with "-")-30,429,168.32-33,862,530.55
Less: income tax expenses9,136.05
V. Net profit (losses expressed with "-")-30,429,168.32-33,871,666.60
(I) Classification by business continuity
1. Net profit from continuing operations (net losses expressed with "-")-30,429,168.32-33,862,530.55
2. Net profit from discontinued operations (net losses expressed with "-")
(II) Classification by ownership
1. Net profit attributable to owners of the parent company-29,071,219.61-31,147,959.30
2. Minority interest income-1,357,948.71-2,723,707.30
VI. Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive income
Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent company
(I) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into profit or loss
1. Remeasurement of changes in defined benefit plans
2. Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profit or loss under the equity method
3. Fair value changes of investments in other equity instruments
4. Fair value changes of the enterprise's own credit risk
5. Others
(II) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss
1. Other comprehensive income that can be transferred to profit or loss under the equity method
2. Fair value changes of other debt investments
3. Amount of financial assets reclassified and included in other comprehensive income
4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments
5. Cash flow hedging reserve
6. Differences arising from foreign currency financial statements
7. Others
Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders
VII. Total comprehensive income-30,429,168.32-33,871,666.60
Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent company-29,071,219.61-31,147,959.30
Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders-1,357,948.71-2,723,707.30
VIII. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share-0.0482-0.0517
(II) Diluted earnings per share-0.0482-0.0517

For business combination under the common control that occurred in the current period, the net profit realized by the combinedparty before the combination was: RMB , and the net profit realized by the combined party in the previous period was: RMB .Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief Accountant: Chen Yuhui Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the FinanceDepartment: Lin Xiaojia

3. Consolidated statement of cash flows

Unit: RMB

ItemAmount incurred in the current periodAmount incurred in previous period
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash received from sales of goods and rendering of services98,704,722.15118,687,636.19
Net increase in customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions
Net increase in borrowings from the Central Bank
Net increase in borrowings from banks and other financial institutions
Cash received from premiums from the original insurance contract
Net cash received from reinsurance business
Net increase in policyholder deposits and investments
Cash received from interest, handling charges and commissions
Net increase in borrowings from banks and other financial institutions
Net increase in funds from repurchase business
Net cash received from vicariously traded securities
Tax refunds received
Other cash received related to operating activities9,930,608.147,112,925.06
Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities108,635,330.29125,800,561.25
Cash paid for purchase of goods and acceptance of services93,167,965.39114,751,562.51
Net increase in loans and advances to customers
Net increase in deposits with the Central Bank and interbank funds
Cash paid for compensation for the original insurance contract
Net increase in loans to banks and other financial institutions
Cash paid for interest, handling charges and commissions
Cash paid for policy dividends
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees65,632,162.9730,874,421.30
Taxes and fees paid11,055,674.248,332,669.15
Payments of other cash related to operating activities10,633,969.748,707,133.84
Sub-total of cash outflows from180,489,772.34162,665,786.80
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating activities-71,854,442.05-36,865,225.55
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
Recovery of cash received from investment
Cash received from investment income152,905.734,871,044.52
Net cash recovered from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets553,380.00
Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash received relating to investing activities13,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities13,152,905.735,424,424.52
Cash paid for the acquisition and construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets3,300,806.412,390,879.00
Cash paid for investments50,000,000.00110,000,000.00
Net increase in pledge loans
Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units
Payments of other cash related to investing activities181,000,000.0080,000,000.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities234,300,806.41192,390,879.00
Net cash flows from investing activities-221,147,900.68-186,966,454.48
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
Cash received from absorption of investments
Including: cash received by subsidiaries from absorption of minority shareholders' investments
Cash received from acquisition of borrowings98,558,036.2251,185,377.44
Other cash received related to financing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities98,558,036.2251,185,377.44
Cash paid for debt repayment13,901,933.75175,373,796.22
Cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or interest payments3,724,022.123,520,921.89
Including: dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders
Payments of other cash related to financing activities1,610,664.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities19,236,619.87178,894,718.11
Net cash flows from financing activities79,321,416.35-127,709,340.67
IV. Impact of fluctuation in exchange rate on cash and cash equivalents16,620.50-116,184.23
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents-213,664,305.88-351,657,204.93
Plus: beginning balance of cash and cash equivalents310,734,919.56648,021,672.06
VI. Ending balance of cash and cash equivalents97,070,613.68296,364,467.13

Legal representative: Kong Guoliang Chief Accountant: Chen Yuhui Chief Financial Officer: Zhang Xiaoyin Head of the FinanceDepartment: Lin Xiaojia(II) Items related to the financial statements for 2024 in which the adjustments of newaccounting standards are implemented

□Applicable? Not applicable

(III) Audit report

Whether the First Quarter Report has been audited

□Yes? No

The First Quarter Report of the Company has not been audited.

The Board of Directors of Shenzhen Nanshan Power Co., Ltd.

April 26, 2024
